1 .i,ba"L*n.sR*s*are*. Studtw $btd!**:, 3$58*6f; . i95&62. l:im!ji** !eue,* lntq: aa two ion entered e**am* into $* Axp;r** t+* -lt)*u'bh* Fi*r: {e.m1se*<rx O the ti::*gocr Oron F1& uguzt 4 i+erx off *ff ye*r do.e;ry3*rat*:qp to do. Izrri!a fteherrien exioratoiy work f,$.si'larnento yeer esrewni ag eennt. xi.*!: 4tL t"*:v* *s3i:"*n:i-s t?x* -irsgs;s t1 the 0ro'or s4)c"s€i cca.jser' :"qcj si:*r.o::e {$$;kg*g c nto *'*nira** t,1* ? 3i-,rh *csmrt"s*1.** C:. on xe::*'rpridll:i*: the hi one *fof 4h**a thee th *rte fers t**a y*-are sj.ih reilt *$ofu'qplo:tai*r'p' e1oor t* r*:n!s* r'e*ul'te l* to Ysle savp*** ,:f tkis rs$$re. iS this report fJ-*h*r"ns::. tic b* dat :c:: ii:l*e e*::::*e w**tl to daf'e a*ri cii:ili.i{*r otiee $f of *,*t*x: WCVk i-tr *r:ry{:'** in eirs 3?**J 3:: sugr:xi in Auio 1960 *s&g*ffig}" 'sa'cn the **:ltr**h f,31'#oontract tc} b* 'r,aken when o b S,:.:gxxi1*!*g. j:;gqgg f 3$, Inl,?55s 15,ff**eal*g Cf r*d ec atsSred A/ l.*p*x*ed bhe ccc cc*',r:rlsn*:* rthd the Lea 2i n"rsi ;Eaalrl,*S# th of; the .a?:elon,* tu.1 e;: n ec nion of wr'*esr*t*rs -tl}':{s report ce;t*l'bl.*tr&e'3 Th± r*pm:*" abalone J**l in ti?e the tsx'.**k"i-eg*.$rl*&a Brockine area re$Se of ncrbhora rane sf th± thie lme;retnorthern knCn t3r+nat 1957, SleS:asd Richard Lyons, 5r: 1?$?.* nd::l e& at blaai tht bi.prtl* in &ri**kr} fi..bar3.est'*nuOregon, r+r* Sr8gffi:' re >. Sas"$ne 'Le St"*}.*gy, Cbar1eston xt*drent dent s* at ths thz &re,grn Crecn Xmml*"iuie el$ n*ar i-lbaa"i+*t+:t3J"' abalone 5V sa5 flC.L' lir*:rt; eeg absS*l:e ai a: ported finding f*"xding a r .p*rrte* etits'Ri*i fn;t toe hnCno'n kw n n*:Lha:ryrr 'em re.RS? s: hp H**a.,"3-eS' by cCicy and eaiS F{*rr.{;a.g*. aC:J"ti':r:.e:" i,}i $r eiif *ligf*-Siean*e the reluct tl:* r*i;uetan** 4) repOrted L 3 COurSr er ti':,3t tat reorted d.-'-i;S **r the ths krk.a i** in 1.f5..1 I%3 (raported al*.s !n*tr, &l-t;h**.gh k1t. Ll was {r'eFo"ri*<i in ?t**'w:*rrpr* in i* 1955) l*$S1 the.E {,}t.emed red;;baic'l^a 11s.:ire tL the aL1z ;,;i-:r6uls+ This again t'ltLs e{aln | <&!e!kf^e *i&# ihss fact, fsi:f;* ae gi.v*;r tc) o th Thi* Th..e *i:fifrre4 in in 3.1&tLe .tirn f'r*ge'nu Cegcn, little ,$er.l'Liror:: by bre:ght abcut aa partiall7 about by r,rae 5*::tle3-3"'t brought u-n Hhsre ** ravoal rs:s'q*atin!ornation ia-'i'erna*icn on where rssid.ente to Lhe Broodnge 8r*chS:rge ree!dente *f of th '*e find thex* t;rrtiS 195S 1958" tlee cituatlor. Thus renamed until Thu* the sLii:-atLon sgme:"nad e;:* h*lE Znc. bow to f3n€ the.o *.niqrp3"s* nina1e iatenia1z 3zd iIethode lhJ:esels-esdrkji$ods. sanimet lsrt* aa contract enbered into the Sr*gr:r Oregon 5lslr 1!sh iasnlssi*,,r Cciesioi entered On Augps* L?56, t&,* On Auguet 4, &, 195 ter ?iaimn to FI"Neirn, H,eiri.*aand and AA*W. Lth fuse two **i"lf*rmi*. Cel&forniaftph*nx*::,s fishernen Tn T S' t Revica -rgre*.s*n,i *yi"bh f*r red *;ari* for eba}*n*, do tl* exuicratory ee* abalone. *-"';p3-er*t*ry work *bs undev the b* done do??*under Th± york was to be fxis'"*orts ?ra,s'*o the Lc the anC bl*r*glsts direct .*.lper*-irlsn supervioion cS of F-3"e*, Fish ff**eeis*i-i:n Condss1on bIologists and r,esirryierati*'i r uneratioo to r13*:ee* ------ (L):4l3 CInc.} *{ii}:i-*:J" rriSge "3.!;i5s fte,s. 5vj-*;** {Flrh *,r:rri, Ore.) &l*rri.ugeu ..-*:* T1l1 li:",,r:-iii-ug',i': -:,ii?--{ii* Ri.chsx"€3"s 3S5?j, F,yo::Eo / I.-t, Richard B, i957 *nd / ClC7 and i.i*,3a::3sy "!J ft" :,'*,e}:e in disceter dineter fisi:*ege*n ves to 4nche *n *.b.*1,*ri* S-lnehes be by by al"J-e9,'i:'ig ailowiugtl,en thzn kep± ts to kee.r and and oover for crcia1 ale far cots,trci-al s&Le* g.eaiLenen T: brought t**a gntien 1'h.e*e to brcugbta up from free diving boat bnetand eqalp*ni up ssdequipment e dlvS.ng an atte3npt ett€ryt L$ ea Brcodnga area *al*fe:rilta aree in a::detaed i.n the Calicia and activsly diving ih* S:r**ic5,nga star|edactively di"""1ng"in Nn locate }*eate cciercial qunntitlee to of c*ss?seclsL quar1titie3 sf abalone abalan** -Theae people w*re sero S\.e3t:lehed furnished tbsse psopS.s "rlockea off filL fcms to to fill and report rep+rb forna eha?t, t;t had sharba ti:sii h&t been arsss ano been blocked divleg areae aff into ictc dIving out div oat on each dive. Xn addItion to thto th*y they wer* iere ** to Supply Us **'iths W1th $ipp39 us t* tk** En addi.ttcn (I) {1} peraes round; of-.. ***:#rt of r*:*d3 (3) size of of e*ch. each ab*ia$e abalone tek€nt taken (2) weigt in x:l pounds alee {3} weight {f} wei"gbt pr**eared Beet! processed meat; e,*e and (4) aex {&} e*x" b3"*1og3.s&s *wl"aels$ bIologists these SsspS€e peopla cmiission In ed€l$lcn addition to the Hos,k work desle by theee &* th,e In botu*ssn &rc*kinga idal eryl*e*S*"s* e1oretion between roo1dngs learned SCJBA ffi"fulg diving *r*, end **er*eC started ls:tar&3,*r,3 mt 3.*ars.S SffinS .*:rhabitat h*etocy. slx$ Lig &been'st$sg?s rations on 3.3fe history. and Seoe Co fupr ffi1s*"a6 habl&*,t and e:t* life ilon'*:.ract ftgoiorati.cn Cant1loraticn @ bS.a3-cg3eta" hy the &hebiologists. Contract orylor*;?*e,ni3 exploration l:'s* he been less then than ceslssd, dezed by bee:lniaee Gs:rtract explored froi frncm Uo IsBs ws mplored Cepe Fom3.3c esd Cape ba;ro$*r and The area bettse€& between *h,e the frall.So*sl"a Ce1Ifoda border fae ares 040 test. 0-$0 feet, been sade nwle lrar* bem spot dis*s dives have rch ep** Frcn Ferdlle *mrth north ** Hack Areia Ftrs* Ceoe #ape F*r,s13* proaa*elng areas in proeising in area*, fsr abalone abal'me bcll:,t'csllocking laoktng for cst the The total t*se epar *lre bottom Thp toisL tine cpse& on during this psr*ed period aae was 33-1 121 &ffE:?€ th9s 8bo penp3.c in addItion to this the people r:mder under tp thLs [:: adet*&tm boats frafleisb€d boats ccntracb een&racb hnva i$as'e aided *ire biologists b3"e,3.*g$"stson s:1 intertidal eids* the lsst"erti$e} eqlcration, ry3*ra&ia:nn tu.rnisbed and and eqrd"pmts p*se3.bie* way possIble. and €rl*p€eiittrl in ffid o:re:3'eray 1* every nuoer of of reasois. reago.na. fra*n a mr:rbor etene fr bom dofle ds*e s|ffis i!:s be The fhe reason seee$n so sa lIttl litt.re work Hsrkiiae eerly an early slf 19S sro1necessitated aessssita?eEl an 195Sand Wter storms started ?f3.4*,*r *aerlgin fal-} of t!:e fall start* early l"nthe stcc51e 'i,a1959w bsr*8?:*s-i.n-3sx 1r. R"*vi*aee }evieas hrother'-inlaw KarSy in 3?5Su *ir" teinatiora activities. &r1y cf, diving t*r&*aletie"rl cf d,iui:16 e*fiisiti"es* f,rom t ,a.a,S end 3{v" ir. &evi"as ievIea s*.4k€res itidrei from i:aaklng and wthdrew fin del oacang *xd equip *q::S-;mer,t h*s fi,na::cta-L withdr*w nis rospea*$}33Lty hs contract c*sltv&ct, responsibility the entire sp#3ls&Eeelo opsztion )r Fats,e. aii tl.-rc]::F.8&rir.F{bhe f,ha mtgee S-F* go ahead as preE*red to firde* ou1d u,*.*h th 1inIted and *nd prepared ].Lxj.tted funds. &* go se best be*t bhe ,*eleld During the Lhs *urlng ities *f of earth were shoved into the the sbos*d Lrrts ee,r&& ssrts spring en* erA $wssr euzser ef of L95$ 1959 fireat gret q:a:ri,f.'b3,es eprS,ng Gr*o:tlnga" .b*tarse* Seld asld Brookings. S*esh and ocean Gold Beach eene*y:ieeti-enbetween hj"gb'sy construction s€?ea:lduring ds*gw highway ?'h3's This 3" 3, *ha re of the re* beeause of r"-aaipoesib1e Lrapoasibi,abecause silted tha the oceen ocean ea cc h*$*rtLy heavily'ti:at thatdivJ-ng dvin was siSt+d rriei.b*ii;y" duced ir1sibilIty dueed abalo?lo, aba1cne bed of work destrayed destroyed ci:e one }*:swa knawn Lnterlida} intsrida1 bed of Atrso, this Also th{e w*rk thaa favo favorere lese less than **nd9&l"ons.*iar* &:ri.r:g the suiier Durins the water conditions s&@er of *f 1960 196S v.a&er r*ag ebLe tE meka a feer di:nes as x*ath*s' ab}"o, laa'*re'rarnI4r, $airn all$ ts":na beeauae ho*evcr, because boat, however, n boat, petm*tted' Early Early' in SgeL!:rrp:.rc!*aed purchasedh3s he rq*n 3rl 1961 t961 Hr" Nairri pxdtted. work *a exp1oItc17 exp3*setary icork t1ffi€ to devote *i*J;' cly limited *f i.ir,1*ad. fr;c3dE h 3.lntgsd time he could csuld d.er.$be of limited funds ,dwd"ng :"961" dw'ing l961 of &he the crrl*raci contract **trk work appec::s appears 3.n in ?eble Table 3" 1 A x'*rrux5r ef Oregon FISh C ;LIon-Ss*eff* Reerck .#xesss-gkh. $ffiAs.dffi g,'**ccrmel has beon hae been by Fish Research and and e;ryiorai**n ecplction by ccieeion pereomiel Reee*,qre3? S$-sh Ca*missltm dlracted pr*.w.r'J.}y dfrectsdprinarily &*rsrd: toward (I) b1clo {f} U**.off dletrtbub*"o:t3 of the t&* epeclee; *pec{elqi (2) of {?} distribution; cf ae*cals.*ed g:refe:,*eee; and S.e,m*j.f,1c4t3.+eof ara*1(4) *a*S.*s a:a$ (3) and habitat associated hebgtae preference; {&) identification {3J habIts pien'** aai.@,ls* p]2nt s a::d, and axiinals exp}.erjng eetively exploring This work Srss hs be*a been aerompltoh'*d accopiIhd byWactively T?r*a w,or{e 'hh* l*ug$sd obeer'etgetsls *nd Coos the intertidal Brockinge and Bay a'rd and 11i1téd observations }:eti'r*sga Sai*cle$-iags S**s Bay Snter&Sda3. areas ares"s between enea" *f aubtida3. of areas si"thSn within *i$-r thie area sr:.bti.*tal ar"ea,s gpaeds and e*nanri storeh stose*h con= Exairatcns Exenlr:at$cne ofof gonads 't,,?yli,sie',,$re plen8* and *tt aaeo*i-*&ed da in associated plants end ei:ser"ir.*t1*rrs on t* observatIons e3.e* eede is: addition *ddi.'blcs: to tents were also +fiiealg, Orecn of the Hed $thaLc'n+in of che *.fl (i:e*on B io10 S$"olos g4@ Sssts6'}Fde, Class Gastropoda, FhySult ?1oflueca S*33"rr,eea*$.3,e,es i:,* the tfu* Phylun The -red &oalone be3.*::ge belonds to €3ae r*4 *baJ.aac,B $ali.**Sd*,eo end F,effil.3yllaliotide a":A FSmily to *ow Coos B*y, Ey Oregori to Snr*gori* The :e abalone ft'cm lePau LaPas, Lower SaStrforn:la CslIfonia f,*und fras is found a'he3,e;eeis o 3,€'rr€tr "fhe :-'e,,* ir.t*rtlda3tire intertIdal frea the these tbui:c, froi amiup*le are ere found eel*** aninels In Gr,*g,*:,: C Eii j-n rocky abindsnce of of brs:m bron algae a3gae sones dentha ef of 30 areas tihars where *,3i an ah't:ndam*e -***kgr {:Er€es &* deptb* f*et' in s€g!€s to 3* feet f,eard. is le fonnd -The ?be bstrever, 1:rchr;rsshowever, LB-}/€ inches, cLn observed sine Oregon me wa 121/2 3;r $s'egc,n masis*:a sise In. *be*s.,?,"*d ?Bre sexes effi*e 3#i15'8** The rel-iabl€ source. uring 33*5*/S ]331t oe wee riaa r-siorted ir*portedbybya arelIable $:l*taee a a sb'aJ.2. elno33 nanrr:r'$*g parate Asrd. end Sgey-':a--d.i?g.. spawing frori and gmad gonad emnln8+'ion, a -ination, takes takes ,gre e;j3;*$Aie clb#e:*r'Ati+'::- and fye'n observation are Lni* en<iepanri epsm s;"e Hgga and place late fcne June *ed and eerSy early **b*ber* October. Eggs are r&le*e*d r1eased into p}a*e between be&rme*. Laia free* 79 day *ay free l&f&*r sa ?-? the h€'?er water sbare where chance ei:*,Bce &nl.era union ef of 4i:E the ga^meie* gazates €E*'ttrse occurs. After t,he -*# the young abalc&s abalone settle to thc the bo*tom botton an* and tle&e take up up settle &o ZU* ysung swiaIrig *x*mfag period F'*rlCId il L- {\2&5?} s5c*5? 56.57 z*?"(2657) i*r*e 102 &" 4 ga;mroary Casm,*refa3 &aary of Woik S*a* Dcieby by Cccia1 of i{eeft Table Table 3" l Se,n*raet* E*vers Divere {3c}d*E Under Contracts - ' - = . - . - = : - _ * . ' . - - - - g * , Sete of - ,Abaione of FbaLsnE Dl"aee *lHarveeted Divee @#i..t@@@ $ep*wber Septaber 395S 1958 18 tS 6 6 *rynosetory ?he-q* a.e*e Theee were exp1orato 3 3 feet of, Leet of walstr* ater ln O-94 dve dlr'e* in O9O Se9sb*e October A95S i95 6 6 u?t:as 1959 1959 A 2 risibii-i"'iy from mudeig',misr frca rniddy Rducad visibllfty iater F,*due+d .&u#ue{: Auet 3*99 1939 l" 1 i-q c?59 in 1959stsp::ed, etopedaptratic*e oeticne ' .&:s1* 39d# i960 5 5 hu6 46 sr ecnenued eongeffii*€ Ahalme wer*e Acalone were giv"eir givenesey ay or J-*3s Jtly ?.$ffi 1960 E 8 32 3p" e& h*e** at hoe &*gxa$ Augiet 39Se 1960 3$ 10 S*pbwber epther 19S$ 1960 8 &;ne 19$3. 1961. s@ $ s&3r Jaly 3.?6e 1961 S 8 Arrgrs'r" August 1961 J+ 4 6ire;-"d ?a:Sa3 cmta1 p.!4 24 s 99 U U tion aed'aa'plom&$"*ra and exploration w:ly only &bsexrsst$"m Ohs !9t?w U U __ U U gf ill 7631 u1 ve $$* a$,d sia1low *}x.X3rry sub*cs intertidal soe-t eit?h with bi-*1"*g*.at* biologiste on 3.ll*as'ti.*Bl .nd n wnber sf oZ !lmlr;* mp*at &rt ffi*mher ?/ $e.& *s!& bi.def, search h*s"** tda1 not ewd s€cg*h eedhere the bcttc bpt&es* g/ *n the raste 121 hoore tts.e on reprueed*.* J.?3 hs,*rsof $f tine Yhis re 2/ Thie 5" 50 yesgdsneeE$dsrtrscghroeks and bouS.dere"tr{hentire yeua.gabalono att'ain a ej.zs of sbs&t t+ lschee bbwgeove ort frw und,er lbe recks ad establLgh a wh@a spoA?qts a erer*.ss oF ccr a rcEk Ledge or f8cEn T?rogrotrstr rete of theee miaals at ths prsrent tLw le lrtritrloi$or Gace the hcoa aPot ls ihece Elt{u.ls aFp€sr to l{.po theeo fsr a nrdar estsblLebd houe epot wiilt be cleen of, tE Losaid of yeara" 'Th" baxmaeLesor otbsr f,sretgn nattar qtd ffi i.gl a ctrElrlse the animaSs'trll rrees a hole tn lte Ehe]-l Ssbg.lg eod grtr*oaa;rd Ahe 6,tr@3agresatrne tbe eane elsen ftre erat sf tk srevl.ee aa it an:&vtlse tice anjsaL is a'omyfeos lts hee spot ie ai nt$?t whes:lt noves su€ to fosegp cn tbe brcym elgses, :a sl&l grlrk E's aeceoloana3.$robs8rna 6hese ard-asla *sv5.ng aborsbo ffi tope of rueke 5n *be *.rlt,erbr.dsXeree rshere tbey are aeir€F ss€rr dr:r5.ng datrLighe h€ftrrer $tYcet c*retents ef, antmls ttut bsrE resmglry fd *ffrergebS$ emtaLn about 95S bncs"nefuee costFassdof ba].l kelp (Sgsffg$p lr:elEeffi,Je kexpa{ree#te pal"mkeip ts&E#gg wl-'sgib@.fi) asas ro @&g'}- e asd bllactder gis t€13{n.iag 5S ls *gpieaX.SgqEwpssgg!of r*d aml grem a3ffie ead pnobeblg leeidemlalXg-lsgeatcd 'ArgrOeoa$8" k greot mJor5.*y of, red ebsLos* *bserryed {s Sreggri wcsoded E iscbae tn dieffiger {Xegsl sgas} " }ur*s6' t&e per€ad ef thi.s se*d wss€sqabtr*ta88ssBre?3?1egpL-si'aeshs:.emete'kwbglled[versunder eon3racts aprte dSvorso sad, blc.l.s$stes s@)3.ss. Ssese e$Jsels reEgi€d frca I to 13.5 lech,eeevith s lBesnof 6,9 !.:aeheso Dtlrl3lg thie e$ae periori $€ ser€ ablle to ob,tefu oaly 6 st$iep3" abal"e:rersn8leg fttn trBcg ofo or tnabtLtty co6€€Frlo !{mwer, 2 t'o ?.5 i.nehes" Tbla te fXul" Juven5.3een*ua3'e bas bee"n& sourcs of s@s le trso &rees near Froo3cl*gs *:e f,ousada fai-r g:opuSetlen ef adult abalcme each erpring. 3tr tbeae eametso s!'aas eaeh fetl in'bertidalLy, cr intertidally, abalone be feusld found either eqb*i.delty or eltlser eubt.idafly to b,e sbaLone'to tbe3e Her€ nlo ge the parecent'time, t*mae At tbq present se do ao& Isroarthe estrrce of thie repleeenent populettrsa sf a$r*t anisale. 6 6* ,$duL$ heve been tneenfound SoSd Eeaeh AthIt anisaix aniais hava Beach i:a in vatping vaiying to Cold fqpr:::rifroa fr*n Brookings Bssok3::ga to nlu$b*:'s" Siedlstdt:el, *d+]"'bc 3aa.rebeeic eol"3**ted ov cbse:*d"sda'b .fur& *e'fc$r. Sape xragos and $uneet Say by biologrsta. Srasb*e* }:.3..0}n fenal"es F$,* s€r{ ra'{:Lo of, aeLgsLs e,oa*3-aed{a*trlL} to vaaleep cv visdcr:eil.y Lll" The rc$:nd :*ej.gh& cf t!:e e*fmls 3-9 porildg w3.*3!a n€an of &"?5 Fi&td$* A2*269 i.e mske&ab3.e seaB {ghe trfui esas$eeri was 0f the teta.3 rm5.gi:t cf a$ abal*ae, i-s aJ.es edi.bL* 5.rt ehssders, 3e&ssev*rs pickled, however, it used e.*r,€ept except bf by b1o3.eg*stc). biologists). J.t is ls eeidoui seid*m used ;alckied, mok*d,, or er:s figures, Fron figuree, Frpm our ag 30% it thatthe thercrxa* roundwej.gb* weight efof *aeh each absl*ne abalone 3.e is eexpoaed composed of ehe3i. 5,S is ie ostiirtated eatLftatd *he* 30fi thefl ecd rcg geo& end yi8eeFs* $rrsgry ai:d. Re*owendatlong Since Airg:aar* Augist 4, both contract fIshermen aed and Oxegwr Oregon S3.sh Fish Goe* Co $1nca e*ntrae* f,9*heas*zr 1958$ bot"h &, 195S, e*sat Sr,egon coast *ba Oregon ission biologizt8 have conducted work alcig mleeisn b3.strogi-*tw'h,,eae a3.ceg the eoaiuet,ed exploratory e:*ploret*rp u'erk the certh"acted e'en'br€,c&sd iretweea Brook*nge Sltba'rnglt &he between Bockings eM abalone, Althou e,a.*Coos Soos Pay Eay for f,*r red r*rl eba3.cc,e. problemcend acecmpll*ir nd accomplish firmen have been hest by hy eiany financial probies bae$.bese* *rd did di.dnot hase fisfuE$i€,n mang f*.mal:'e3,*3 53 a expected, they ha-ge as mu.ch maeb aa errBee**dn they ha'se i"n ob ebaterial1y esdd aided ths the Feeh Fish S*wliealcn Cosiseion in xa'brarneJ'Xy tirla species speci.€s b5.e3eryofof this taming inZoztion on *n the&he distribution val"uet:3.e la:isa"p:'b5.er: a;xtbIology tal.lr:s.g valusUe d{s"bi:ibutl*n and in at a m,{.sxiffisa mini Cost 5.n Oregon *he state Oreggn a"L e*st to ts the s'k,te, ' glce staff The ciimeiy1atIone&c'e are as as fo3*3"*usr follow etaff reqeecm#af,1*rge grr,ssen* personal (1) the present t:.) t?a'g trFrgozrs,l* rad on red 'dee regulattonsbsbere&aSsedg retained; oorcial fishery be aSSirwsd sUowed on fiehesSr be uce regraleB1e'n* e*ffisvcLa1 Er>no {3}(2) greeter concentratIons s*bst€sitLel abalone more aibstantial a;efffi&s or Gr:a*it6 tm*fl" greater *!:*se animals abaSsne until eomemtsm*L*gs of cf theos terminated *csrtra*& s;ffe€.ft*rli the contract juvenile pop1ations are agreement ltse terrci&sted &rs found; feum:*6and ala* (3) {5} the $aren53e ppuS*tI-*r*ff on August Augu.sB4, 396P* 4, l962 *nd Mr. SaJ.rtt Neirn bea ba r'Iewed and esas:ars concurs iein"ehe the::aecreenda* recuenda *:pri FIe" r*vf"axed this *h$"s roport tions. t3.cers. affas te expend exp*ni3, mra He to e*ryra*oe$ regret ***r:ld not nst afford rege"e'Lthat ha could E{e expressed thag he effort effEst ps€€l"aaa on the tl:e pro.gren. ort C. Bale Snelw $" S*3.eSnot4 Research S{vi-alon . &eaearefo Division 1?' 1?63 May 17, 1962 &ftay