W6re quite Nt100nt abOtt", divulging Bf'OOkinga aNI! who kn$w about thG ubalom ~rr.l 1n,f'ormatlon am T:.l'0 It.IGN inelL,ed. to b611eve that this limits of this aDi.'llalfJa Mnge. WI:) the llorthal"'U Thesa fact-ot'S" e:cmbimd 1td.th tha pl'"ees of otMr york. diVel"tad our attention to othar apt/eies am we ,flIOl"'S or ignored l&Sfi the posclbl11ty or a fiahsr.y for this snim&!o WI til .ths adwnt of two California on this r"!SOUl"QG end hw:lt abalooc:», the it 'WOuld resultantpnblloits~ DSetll atrl.mal ~i!I pl"Oteotlon, tmt11 'w do 'haft the YElSl"9 N~1atOrystep"o we ectningto Oregon to do reeoareh attraating !)Sopla to the area to afirtsable to p~lgat9 regulations fol" this \is can learn nozoe about it's lif9 h1atol? in Oregon Although our Imovledge water8 0 lM)!1 ot ths Ted cbalone in, Oregon Is quite limited, of research in Calif'orr.is to guid. us in the pralitl.l.iOB.l"y For the othar species of abalone that occur in Oregen~ do not 'haw this guide. 'TbeNf'ore, no re:conm-..enCiatlon is Dade at this time for hs.i"'i16~iog s.r:f3 's pgeiaa othltr than Hr.. ,mfU,£IUo It is falt that at 'pI"aClEInt time, ragulations ehouldbe kept quite strlngento \10 now knell that the red abalonG ocaurs as fa'r north e.s Ooos Bay" We also faol quit.c the northern limit of 'this sp.aoies probably ooc-urs in Oragono Sp80iSB declines in abundance as tm.lmo'im.. i~ t~ S".!I'€l that Bow rapidly thilS approaehes this northern limitation 10 As wa prograss in our a1:lalooo res~aroh and ine:rsa.se our knovl<VC1ge of this animal in Oregon b-e.tars, w:e can't}len Githar libamlize bag limits 01:' I'eduea them., At the Pl"Gssnt tL-ns it is felt. t:bat ttlS proposed l'S,g'"l1latiorw adeqllataly protect this raBource in obtained" O:r0g~n Some of the objeotlfts des1~ \d~l untii f'tt.rthGl' ·1r.to1"mB.tion ca.n be fI>Oi:l1 the propoSEtd reg"'11at1~ns8.N& proteotion f'roa depletion; e.ssarance of a oc'nt1nuing inooming year' class;. restriCtion ot the ha1"VEHrt until such t1r!lo t..'iat li!9 can justify a. fiehGri from the biolofIiC81 standpoint; and proteetion or s~ll abalone from injul'1' oxo It has been '.1011 eEl'tabliehed tr.at abalon9 ara easily injurod hal"'Y'esting., and subj~et to tlUch predation, if improperly replscOO on tl'te bottom~ The 11f's,histor.r of is as follow o The I36'XIIO th~ red abalone, as are separate and the water 'i4lare f'crtillzdilon takas ~lluak l'la09~ in California. "rd sperm. ars released into Deval~pment follo'.J!! the typical eleavago stagsG EJld aontinues to the troebopho!"e larvae atags c this t:f.me the trochophorea break out of th9 larvae o Iig3S known't~m }~ . e~ msmbrane as f'Ne-avimmi-ng In 2 days the shell s.ppa!U"8 am a.t the end of 7 days oomplete ta~n plaee o clear cut as it cO"J.ld 'be o abalonemll 1» aot~vitY'o l~13 ­ . . meta:ctorphes1c has Prom this stage on, thegrotith _rate is not as California workers believo that an S-inoh rs:d years of ~rra and haw baa 6-7 ~ars of reproduet1~ Calif'o+"llis t..'Ork 1ndiaates that they raschaemsl maturity a.t 6 - - , years (ehell diSliXltl!)r' ot 4 inchss)· orag", and a. _large f'at:lale abalone . p~oe !t rz.cm 1.-2 million e~8.. li..ill . COl"'respond.ence tdtb CalifO'1"11ia biologists indicates that their belief tmt spawning ocetlL"l."ad batwan inid-JanuaI7 and mid-<1aroh may be 1Il"ODeo Red Gl.bslone uatally. are found from tho intertidal zone to the loo-toot depth.Co Tbdr principal- foOds are spgeiaB ot rook keirAl£) atd i:Uatoms.. 09Q lattuoe, eel grass, various They are aaldo!:1 round beyorrl the zone of plant growtb o , C&litornia tagging in:Uca.te3 that tm~ move about vary llttle, f'ora.ging at night am returnine to their Rhome spot" by daylighto iIXlividualshave stayed at a D1:g~e hC'tl'S spot as long a.a 2 yaarlSo Sene' Celiro1'!lia statistics and llrdted inf'ormtion -trom Dragon in510ate that an· S-incb. abalora t-1111 yield a 12-16 ounce trimmed toot.. A 9...inch abalone will double this moot yie14.. '1'h8. tollotdng psrsonal....u," regulations aM at the prescnt tim in offect in Csl1torni&o The following are quotmd from the California Fish and Gama G~ss1oncs Order3, Rulss end Regulations; TItle 14, 1957. 1- Abalone lI'IS3' be takGn only froD lte.reh 16 to Januar::r 140 tlot rrore than five abalonQ, in the aggregate of aU spac1as, my bo taken or possessed. by t!J.T',f 1» rson dtlf'ing e:rq ana day. EW17 peNon while tak1ng abalone shall cSr'l"Y 8. dn"1ce which 18 capable of masuring accurato17 the s i . ot the abalone taken, Wich size ahall con1'orm to the £ollO'.dng mirrlmrmu red a.balone, eawn incms; greem· abalone, six and one-quar'ter inchas, pink abalone, six·' inehes; black abaloM, five incbesJ all otmr specie., six lmhes. A11y abalone ttDier the miZ'linlwn size whioh ere detached mat. be l'6plaoed t."i thout delay on the etll'tace frm whit:th taken, vith the smllcm.tv.-aJId. I.egal-e1fSd' abalone mst be brought ashore high wter _1"k attache(! to th9 shell ani aliva. Aba101'l9 nOt in the shall me.:r not be tre.nsport~ or possessed, e~ wan being P1"8PB1'Gd tor 1rnmad1ate consumption. . . . 2- S'PQdes, ehO'!1els, hoes•. rakes or other appliances operated b7 hand, except spears cl' gatf hooks, mel" be u~ad to take mollusks, 8am arabs and e~"Il'p, except that no dovi09 more ~an :;6 ..ino~es in length may be used to tek~ abalol1e. 3- In all ocean d1stricts south or Ys.nkeG POint, Montera;y Cotlnty. monusks and crnstsoeans tne.Y be taken b1 the use of the hands or b:r davices less. than th1rty-:six (36) incheB long, known coomonly as abalone irons, in the . manne]." COtmionly kmwn 8S sIdn diving' or by the usa or cii Ving apr.aratu8 c~nly known as selt...contained underwatel" b?eatb1ng apparatus' (S.C.l1.B.A.). No type ot uDie1"W&tcl" artificial brea.th1ng device may b3 used in taking :oollua,la, or crustaceans in ~ othe~ districts. For the purpose ot this regulation bre~th:1ng tubes are not eons1de!'&d to bo underwater artificial breathing deviC99 0 ,.. Abalon!) ma:r be taken only by usa of abalone irans, less than thirty-six (36) inches long~ . . Tha follo1r.'inf! regulations pert."ining t.o abalone eM quoMd from the S tate ~r California Fish and Game Code 1957, fortieth editioDo 1... Pink abalone (rlL1iRti~ .;~)" rad a.ba1one (iJ.U~1t.;. m,teAc!!QI), black abalone !!!ll$l~ m~1..oq1E!), and green abalone lHaJjA1;~tl tylgeDl) my be taken only between He-reh 16 an:! ·eTSllt13r7 140 c.:. Aba1o!lE'i sha.ll be broueht ashore above higb-watGr mark attacb3d· to sb9l1 am a1in_ E:x:cept as otheridse provided ll abalone not in the sball mq not ba transport4d nor possessed, axeept when being prepa!'ltlld fat> ~ediat$ 3- Abelone OOOlStmlptioDo IDay be taken only' for food pUpPOsas, except &a specifically authorized to be taken tor bait purpo.sas, am may not be dried. ~han div::l.ng Gquipm!mt, mor-e than 36 inohes in length 'to take abalone.. Spears or gaff hooka f!I8:3 not 'l:ia used for tm purpose or taking abalone. , 4- It is tmla'Wful to use I!.!1Y daviea or appa e.tus" otbor 5- (This is a corrmsroial regUlation) "It 1s' unlawful to take 8lV'l1b::tlone, the shell ot whioh, l'lJ9e.surad in greatest dl&1tl$wr, 1s 1e.s t.han the follow.lng 8l»oi.f'ieations: red. abalone, eight inches} gram abalone, seveD andom-qaartor inches; 'pink &balone, aix inches; black abalone, • five iDChs. o A.f'ter care:f'ully looking at the existing p8rsonalwuGe regulations in California, I wuld llke to wbm1~ tarconsidsration the tollo'lling pe~nal-use rogull!t.ions tor Oregon. 1- No a"blilone shall b9 ,taken for p!nonal-uBs thst msa.stzrCsless than S incilal at the greatest dia.'l8tero 2- Lim.1t ot .3 red abalone par day or in an;y 7 conseeut1'P8 d&1fl par persOD. fro iD:!iridual shall gather' abalone tor anyOM except bimself while aport fishing.. . . ,... Abalom tisherman will can')" a suitable measuring derics at all time. ~~ile fishing tor abalono o 4- lio abaloZD meaSUring lees tJlan 8 il:'ches in greatest diameter shall' mo1e~ted in aD1' way. be re1i1Oved t1"Om the rocks or , 5- 'l'!» first :3 abolona l"'Gmoved from the rooks measuring S inohes or greate~ shall oonst-1tute the daiJ;y bag limit. ' &. Arr.r ~shortn or subalegal abalone aocid.ntal~ remoftd from the cub-Streta shall be replaOGrl, toot down end in as nGE.r~ the sam tlpot QIl removed from 118 possible. 7.. Go.f'f' hooks and spears s...""O absolutelJr prohibited in i'ish'.ne:-!!or a.baloneo S- No abalorS iron ahall be ustld that eXC!l)eds 36 irobes in length. shall hI) tlat and 'Without hookfJ or sharr> cuttin.:~ edges. Irons 9- ill abalone takan shall ba brought ashore abo'tre the high-tide line, in the round, with the foot still attached to t.ho shell. I 10- Abalom shall be taken tor toeil purposes onl.:I. In brief S'tImrna1'7 the above re~laticns are submitted with the fo1lO'.dng thougbta in, r.unds 1- Protection fror.l depletion and assurance of' a continuing incan1ng year' ' class 'b1 a II'.in~ size rsgul8,tion._ 2- Restriction of harvest by a daily' e.nd po8ssssio~ bag limit, until more is known about this e~ima1 ,1nOJ.oGgon water.!o 3- Protection of sub-l~gal individuall from. harvesting or injtti-y 'b7 gear ( 0 0 Dale Snow Aquatic Biologist StleUf'1sh Investigations September 36, 1958 ReorganIzed. 11-25-58 Janunr,y I3p 1959