-~- 32 / Technical Report Series Number 77-1 '-. L ~ r \ ....,.?-"*'- 32 '\ I l ) I . ..... .... - SEDIMENTARY FRAMEWORK OF A CHANNEL MARGIN SHOAL OF AN EBB DELTA, WASSAW SOUND, GEORGIA Wassaw Island Erosion Study Part I by George F. Oertel 31 31 Georgia Marine Science Center University System of Georgia Skidaway Island, Georgia 81 SEDIMENTARY FRAM~AORK OF A CHANNEL MARGIN SHOAL OF AN EBB DELTA, WASSAW SOUND, GEORGIA WASSAW ISLAND EROSION STUDY PART I BY George F. Oertel Skidaway Institute of Oceanography P.O. Box 13687 Savannah, Georgia 31406 JANUARY 1976 The Technical Report Series of the Georgia Marine Science Center is issued by the Georgia Sea Grant Program and the Marine Extension Service of the University of Georgia on Skidaway Island (P.O. Box 13687, Savannah, Georgia 31406). It was established to provide dissemination of technical information and progress reports resulting from marine studies and investigations mainly by staff and faculty of the University System of Georgia. In addition, it is intended for the presentation of techniques and methods reduced data and general information of interest to industry, local, regional, and state governments and the public. Information contained in these reports is in the public domain. If this prepublication copy is cited, it should be cited as an unpublished manuscript. INTRODUCTION The Wassaw Sound is located on the northern margin of Wassaw Island, 10 miles south of the Savannah River entrance. Although used by the majority of the Savannah shrimping fleet, it does not require maintenance dredging. (Hoyt, Weimer and Henry, 1964). Wassaw Island i s a Holocene barrier Historically the northern end of this island has illustrated alternating periods of erosion and accretion (Oertel and Chamberlain, 1975). These patterns of shore development are natural since there is no private or commercial development on Wassaw Island which is a Federal Wildlife Refuge. Patterns of fore- shore sedimentation are believed to be controlled by the changes in shape of a large sand shoal adjacent to the north end of the Island (Oertel, in Press). This report is a detailed description of the sediment carpet on the shoal based on the analysis of 36 box cores taken from 2 x 4 mile grid (Fig. 1). The coring device took relatively undisturbed samples that could be analyzed for primary and biogenic sedimentary structures, grain size and textures. The cores sampled a surface 10 x 17 centimeters and penetrated the sea bed to a depth of 22 centimeters. Sediment samples were extruded from the core cans and trimmed to wafers 2.5 centimeters thick which were x-ray radiographed. Surface and bottom plugs were taken from each core for grain size analysis. The constituent portions of very coarse, coarse, medium, fine and very fine sand and mud (silt and clay } were determined by sieving. The relative stability of sediment on the shoal surface was also estimated by comparing the areal-distribution percentages of primary sedimentary structures and bioturbated sedimentary structures. 3 SEDIMENT DISTRIBUTION Sediments of the shoal were composed of varying grain-size concentrations, which were plotted on maps in order to illustrate their spatial distribution. Very coarse and coarse sand Cores with high percentages of very coarse (Fig. 2) and coarse sand (Fig. 3) generally also contained large amounts of shells and shell fragments (Fig. 4). Shells and shell fragments of Mulinia lateralis and Donax variabilis were quite common; however, numerous fragments of gastropods and other bivalves were also present. The distribution pattern of coarse and very coarse sand had a shore normal orientation which corresponded to the channel bottom entering Wassaw Sound. The highest concentrations of coarse material occurred in the deepest part of the scour channel. Cores from the marginal shoal gen- erally contained less than 5% very coarse sand and less than 10% coarse sand. The coarse and very coarse sand on the shoal was found only on the channelward side. Moderate concentrations of coarse grained shell fragments were also occasionally found on the distal and leeward side of the shoal. The coarse material in the bottom of the scour channel was apparently a lag deposit. Foresets of coarse material were generally indicative of megaripple type deposition. Bedload transport of this material was apparently only possible during maximum tidal current velocities. The percentage of coarse sand and shell fragments also increased approximate ly 8 mil~s offshore in a shore parallel orientation. This Figure 2. / ' .,,; •' ' ' ' 1 Map illustrating the percentage distribution of the very coarse sand ( > lrr~l, 0.0~) fraction in box core samples from the shoal and shoreface at the north end of Wassaw Island 1 ' ( 0.0¢) Percentage Very Coarse Sand .p. / \ \ \ \ \ ' Figure 3. I I ..... 10 20 , ~~ --~ \ I \ I 1 Map illustrating the percentage d·i stribution of the coarse sand (.5-l.Omnt, 1.0- 0.0~) fraction in box core samples from the shoal and shoreface at the north end of Wassaw Island. .... 1 1oJ \ \ ( 1.0 ¢ ) I \ I \ Percentage Coarse Sand U1 Fig. 4. ' 5 )5 25 10 5 10 ~ Map illustrating the percentage distribution of shell fragments in box core samples fr~n the shoal and shoreface at the north end of Wassaw Island. ~ 10 Percentage Shell en 7 may in fact be the landward limit of the relict surface described by Gorsline (1963) and Pilkey and Frankenberg (1964). Medium sand High percentages of medium sand occurred in cores from several different areas of the sample grid (Fig . 5) . Occurrences in the scour channel and the offshore zone were sim ilar to the distributions found for the coarse and very coarse deposits. Several other isolated occurrences were on the leeward side of the shoal. These areas apparent- ly corresponded to large complex sand waves that were produced by reversing tidal currents (Oertel, 1974). Cores from the shoal surface generally contained less than 20% and often less than 10% medium sand. High concentrati ons of medium sand were associated with shells and shell fragments and were deposited in foresets of megaripples. Fine or very fine sand Cores from the shoal area conta ined between 40 and 80% fine and very fine sand (Fi g. 6). On the channelward side of the shoal, the concentration of fine and very fine sand decreased to less than 20%. On the leeward side of the shoal, the concentration of fine and very fine sand increased to greater than 80%. The percentage of fine and very fine sand al so decreased in the offshore area. Heavy minera l s in the fine size fractions were generally more abundant on the leeward than the channelward sides of the shoal. trated wavey surfaces of ripples. Heavy mineral laminations illusThe cores containing large quantities of fine and very fine sand were generally thinly laminated and physical sedi mentary structures were often interrupted by dwelling tubes of polychaetes. 10 Mud For the purposes of this project grain diameters less than 4phi (silt and clay) were designated as mud. Samples from the study area contained from 0.2 to 4.5% mud. Concentrations of less than one percent were confined to the sediment of the shoal. Apparently high wave ,activity on the shoal surface would not permit the deposition of silt and clay material. On the leeward side of the shoal, a relatively broad apron of the shoreface contained less than two percent mud (Fig. 7). Core samples from the channel margin that contained high concentrations of coarse material (see above), also contained relatively high percentages of mud. The inner shoreface contained less than 3% mud; however, offshore the percent of mud increased to 4.5%. The increase approximately corresponds to the increase in the percentage of coarse material noted above and previously described as relict (Pilkey and Frankenberg, 1964). The mud in the offshore area was often intensely mixed in a highly bioturbated matrix. BIOTURBATION In many cores the primary sedimentary structures and textures were secondarily disturbed by the benthic infauna. Genera l ly the upper 8 centimeters were less intensely bioturbated than the lower 8 centimeters (Figs. 8 and 9). The upper 8 centimeters of the sediment prism generally illustrated foresets of ri pples and megaripp l es. Secondary mixing by benthic infauna was particularly limited directly over and south of the shallowest portion of the channel-margin shoal. Bioturbation 13 gradually increased away from the shoal. The most intense secondary mixing occurred in channels adjacent to the shoal and in the offshore area. These areas also contained a relatively high weight percentage (3%) of mud. In the main channel, a portion of the secondary mixing may be more apparent than real, because it is difficult to observe primary structures in sediments having large concentrations of shells and shell fragments. served in these cores. However, some bioturbation was definitely obIn the offshore area the minor occurrences of shells and fragments did not affect analysis procedures and bioturbation was observed . Bioturbation was generally more intense in the lower parts (-8 to -25 em) of cores (Fig. 9). The distal and seaward end of the shoal illustrated less than 10% bioturbation as did the upper most shoreface adjacent to the shore. The intensely bioturbated areas had the same areal distributions as the distributions for the upper parts of the ·core; howeveGthe area of the zone with less than 10% bioturbation decreased considerably in size. A zone of intense bioturbation which was not present in the upper layers was observed parallel to the beach in a quarter mile wide zone approximate ly 0.5 miles from mean low water. This area is shielded by the shoal from intense wave activity, and had a higher mud content than the surrounding areas. Degrees of bioturbation may be used as a tool for approximating the relative stability of the bottom (Oertel, 1973). Cores with secondary mixing illustrate the ex i stence of a substrate that was sufficiently stable for organisms to occupy and mix the primary sedi mentary structures. Intense bioturbation indicates rapid mixing by organisms or sufficient periods of stability to permit coverage of an area by s low 15 benthic reworking. Sharp contacts between layers of bioturbated sedi- ment and layers having primary sedimentary structures may indicate the periodic interruption of previously stable substrates by storms. Bioturbation was minimal in the marginal shoal area. and structures indicative of current and wave deposition were predominant. Thus the sediments at the shoals were being reworked by physical processes at a rate sufficient to erase any biologic mixing. In the offshore area, which experiences minor current flow and only periodic wave surge, the sediments were intensely bioturbated and relatively stable. In the nearshore zone, wave and current energy is generally more intense than in the offshore areas. Thus, bioturbated areas of the nearshore zone must undergo intense biologic mixing in order to stay ahead of reworking by physical processes. On the floor of the channel to Wassaw Sound, the shells in sandy layers illustrated primary sedimentary structures; however, primary sedimentary structures were often camoflaged in concentrated deposits of shelly material. The illusion of secondary mixing in the channel deposits may partially be an artifact of core processing and observation technique. CONCLUSIO NS The fine and very-fine grained sands on the marginal shoa l have low threshold velocities. These well sorted, fine sediments are very susceptible to rapid transit with increases in physical energy. The general lack of secondary mixing in shoal sed iments suggests that these sediments undergo continuous reworking and apparently t he shoal is in dynamic equilibrium with physical forces. The coarse sed iment on the channel margin is a "lag" deposit and is also in dynamic equilibrium with reversing inlet t i dal currents. 16 The offshore area and the area 11 Shielded 11 by the shoal have rela- tively stable sediment carpets and were less susceptible to ambient energy conditions. These relatively stable substrates were periodically reworked by large storm waves. 17 LIST OF REFERENCES Gorsline, D.S. 1963. Bottom sediments of the Atlantic shelf and I slope off the southern United States. Jour. Geol. 71:422-440. Hoyt, J.H., R.J. Weimer, and V.J. Henry. 1964. Late Pleistocene and Recent sedimentation, central Georgia coast, U.S.A. p. 170-176, In: Straaten, Van Deposits. L.t~ .• J.V . (ed), De1taic and Shallow Marine Elsevier, Ams terdarn. Oertel, G.F. 1973. Sedimentary framework of the eroding beach-shoreface system adjacent to Tybee Island, Georgia, Georgia Marine Science Center Tech. Report Series 73-5, 27 p. Oertel, G.F. 1974. Residual currents and sediment exchange between estuary margins and the inner shelf, southeast coast of the United States. p. 135-143, In: Memoires de l'Institut de Geologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine No . 7. Oertel, G.F. and C.F. Chamberlain. 1975. Differential rates of shore- line advance and retreat at coastal barriers of Chatham and Liberty Counties, Georgia. Tran. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. XXV:383-390. Oertel, G. F., Geomorphic cycles in ebb deltas and related patterns of shore erosion and accretion. Jour. Ind. Petrology. Pilkey, O.H. and D. Frankenberg. 1964. The relict-recent sediment boundary on theGeorgia continental shelf. Bull. 22:37-40. Georgia Acad. Sci. 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was sponsored (in part) by the Georgia Sea Grant Program, supported by N. O.A.A., Office of Sea Grant, Department of Commerce, under grant no. 10-32-RR-273 -077. The U.S. Government is aut horized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes not withstanding any copyright notation that may appear hereon.