~-Of.'Ah!opl>prons~ For Rationing Prepare for Northwest's Gas Two:Day Quiz WASIIl;'a1Tll~, ,('Pi _·.'H".. "rflee.:lf v~iC'," ",,1tt\1I,"41"'..I._ thm 1;"5 ",.II<,d\,·,! pJ",,,~ !,,( r",. li"''I<njt l('3IWlirtl' by nnh in 11>7- State Boord Plans Exa:mination of Fut.r. Druggists ~i&l..en!d phllrml>eI~t. Oregon AN! (tfiliuativD fmm McNulty Will Head Student Committee Far BuUon Sales student.. tOlby, A table will be "f!t >lp in tbe C().~" 1II1(lk$~o"" r"r lh, ,*n"Eni~nf"C of lhl>5e who ,...., 1l<Y.- p.wncnnlly ~onlnet.....! b)' II member of th~ JXllilmitwiif. ).ft"mLn,.hip in n,,, h:OG .as. prurrlp.li(N! W9l'it. TI«: tllqUrrlmenu to quo.ltfy JlR II 'Green Oregon' Movement Sfarfs Today in ill'l ~ocil:ltion ~11.ed !QIlr.~Y~lIr N.lnirulUf/1, il'liiter 11.'lcC& nOt' fJi(p\!'(~d Ul re-c. l"!f'CtnmendaUort from the tl"lln omrn;;ind to the wrs thllt curtuil­ . 1..,,1 the .\'1!·~r. IIJId II weighted" mul of glI..Iloline dcHv.,ti .... '··w 1t:-:~~lI't ~~.?6"per; cenl Itl 1111 'Sub. W,_hir.gU.n Il.lId Or+gQn tle.. lel'E. · jl!!::bi/'-He ill'disq'JalWed if h, c.. c<mtinued III au.,.t.'>1rd btlo>w ros!... ZII Iltl/i'$ 1hl:' It ~l~~,J:j::L': !'U£:~~e:~ n(}m;al. plieant mUllt hit"",, eo';rpl..t1Kl one of, prac:tic.al dr>.>g.slol:'e ex­ library Adds )'~lIr perl":n,;:.e un.:k'1" the auvervMIJl'I o( ue- __ "1."regiltf'1'!!iI, pharma.cial.. rn JlT$P-­ .ratlon for nlminauIJn throllith. out their hlilor y..ar, phllrm¥<:y .nd '''' Magazines - _~tudpntfl Dr" 1i'1vII!n m~UlY trllll iifX~ IImillation! to. f¥mili¥r!k them wjth 'prtoCMlln' Ila 1'1'..11 IIl1 (0 d.. t lne the, allbjeda in which Ole,: mud ~~ Jlddilionlll pr~p" , ~ed a:mhon~ The IILrary '-will tl'<!cive some oNglin :::~~c:~ ~:~:~:Jd :~~~:~l\~:; :he, :he hll ," the r,uding puhlic In(otTl\aUo" ubo9.L thu VI,Ir tlIort and al<iut \l>j! 1l",(n!''- Ill·tbe .... r. U'p4¥W :~:t ~~rn;fa,~a:-te, Mltlllber:!l­ T<lS"gt'.I-. Jaek H"ltu, Die],: JUl. New Leaflets Give' War Information enn '"­ th­ C.m~h:n Siudeot.:! who IIU -wolkin;i: \'1 thi" tampuign in<lude &b Lind_ Htnk ~~IIt.ll.on, Hold-en Ye_ 111.),. ::~' J.ioJ~~nry"'::s~~:n:a!IlL:;~ ae;~~r;: :~fl~X:~hu~ tow ~l:~ ::~~ta~!rl~~1 c~= :::KdC:~IIS~:..~:~~t:ti~~ .,.."1(:., [vr ;'he Nmalnd(r ot the CDUage Htw EaHDe XOO Hamng- the m""'f 'u· .. vital _bt•. put ,,0" LUILtolAl dd_ .&rl. gO~:n:.,:~t<~'::~6'iJ;s:r:!ff~':! !:~r.::.;::!e a~d f::~rn!d= :::~,~!~nn;'A ':~:~m:~ionw~~':~ ~;:ti.:n"!-:;;'or::~~f ~~ whi~b ure wrilt#r. IIb-oul what the 'Cilited St.u.WH i~ doIng In the .,;"u. ; Bnth of the mjml'(i\i::nlphOO kaI. N(lTm& S!venol\ i~r.jor io ~ee. 1~\.I\ ar~ h..,..,d <In Q/iidal ~ouI'f:"" ,..,uri!ll &ttellU'. III'U pl"ell~nledJJl and gJve a pidurt <If ~he )'Oar;)~ a p;"no. ndul by Lillian 1efl'_. .iLWars- jr. Amerkll lind over. reys .P.. tri, F*!cjlK>r 01 piano Mill!. "A We,k OI.WIlT" curur!l n.n~ th~ary" Sunday ut :1:30 <J'~ od d~k rllmfll In tha l[enloriul Union . She wu; $1I~is~ by V.. rjunior in ('nltineering, grollP!i 01 j1(In".~ by Prof, P"IlJ F~'ri., dil~tar (;1 mt.;~k, FIl'Werl'! that hod h'<,n K~nt to · Mbi> SIVerllOn Were pre~O!nted to Ii ""e"k.. The ''t)IJt(!tl'' mete "tUtn. The flghtln;! WUI" I>nd wllr of pn><iudl(!n r ..pcr(ed.~ i" lilly phllllt: oI p«<l' pie'" Ih'\!:l -wbkh is af!..cu,d by thf' Wllr. They "h'IUM he at, in. Jo dlil~", ~jj\d her lIy N'.;;na Zimmermar." jur.l.:.r in "!'(lteurial ,r-ienCE. during lila program. I<",d .i.....rul,~i~s:tm~~~:~ ha,,~" final hav~,teSti; enms: this wet!k. don't. SOme' 'iI'tudent!l othm' d~p·t. The_daiay stm~won't teH, It was·al! "eonfusin'" and nat fro ~'amu!lin':" Some stu~ ha,d closed weekend. others di.dn't, SOme went dating, didn~t. As has often been. said hefore. there is Just nO anawer to the muddled.up situation. • Some lOise' 5choian did map.age to squ.::cu; in .a blL £If study. And still again. other!! managed more picnic;'!, dalt)! lind lbo"W~ t.i.a.n they did lin Any Miu Sl"H'l(in filay.d ~LB.ch Three-part Invention, HF"ont.u.~ia in C Mojof" by Ha)ITn, "P.hapMldy in F Shlirp MIMI''' by :F.mllt VOA Dohnar,),?, "Tamburine Cbl· Il\lb" hl' Frite KnlAler and "Con~ cerVi No, 2 In E Flat M_joc" by Fl""tnJ Lint. 'Jn hcr last ,,;;mber Mr~, PetTi play~ the onheJlvt\1 IIccolnpaniment. Sattt't:.!!-ang "In Qlle:i~r. TombG O~~Urtil" bl' Beethoven, "'r..(! "!Ifh'­ oir" by GU.it.ve Ferrari, "Qui E<ifirnO notl l!/Ilctend~" by MOJllrt. "Sell ~VH" by John TN:Olld, "The [,,"1M\. Song" by JQme~ H, R<:>gers lind "Wben'r think aj">(>n th" l\-[aiden""~~;",:Mlrh.li.el He.id. n~. plJ"ticqll1ti(ln rll the Krcp Ore_ Gnzen mO\'emen"L" "N"",n betor" was t4tal vigll_ IIf th, public .i0 urgellt.," ht' d~!.&red.. '"1 uk tbat 011 "tud,,,tI;l avan themselve!\I In IhiH llha."<e <.>1 thf em"'"i~f'ey whir:b .. all~ fot" blackout ot far. <'lit, turm olld lield fir~s." . f\. A. Gilfllllllf', a~Linll" pl"l:9.id"llt. If1)rt line, on th, pllrl hj~ tun ~ndOr1emfilt, :>1>)'. lhut studtnl.::; ~bl>u1d re~nd ~L",urir.g rn~mhenhlps-"arly~o thlit th~ c,,:h:'!ic.. mipt be :ree· Ojc\'OiltC li..~. ... !e.. d~T in tht prl'"­ "tr.tiol"l tfl'h·t', WIl4n \t'lld of the urgnniu.U"n pun. EllrJ G. )h,~oll. lI~ting delln Q/ fort~ll"Y. T('mllrkl"d lh.~ l!net .ali Iunrl~ TIlLsEd in thr dtiv~ liN elIrTnurked tOT erlueati<;nsi 'l!e. he l<lok~ lor Il ger,eroe~ Jh Ui!~K1 tbat nduction ftom l:in oI 1'700 1.-0 Guerrill~"Hghters TIIfn Gunfire on River Seals o!h~r ~p.kend'thill'y..ar. "'-fl~ ~.h }lay :ro t.I June 2. Ap_ Stole Sets Ceilings i~ ~Of:~l<~~:t:: :iswn:~?o~;~ On Amusement Cost~, :~:~~u;:: ;::;~,Wu,@)'arJl lI.Te Stat<:' hed tlOSM "..~kend Jut "WIi!kil"$ ~t:"",th ~e ltl!;!'\I" ha" ""rn ct-.ruI<m '" tht ~I;em 01 11:~ ntr~at. 'IHlOIm~cl fktty Z.S•• ler',iunmil'l'bOltl4 re.. ~.'md ~r.a,"",I1.~ flI tAe -,<mIhi9 "',r'T}~tJ. .nd Sunday ill, ,ttl! cr,e of mare moo~", IHI' ii<Jge'; ,.:;yskrr~~, It ""1111 probably ~illt:.JInot.her·prll'dl.ltt 01 the un_ ~uUJnll' <ltwa.mmf\o<lI tile trnuW<lr-d pnuJe.fik.. w~rW' im" all .. "The C.OWW:lX: tri9 ..,. "t1gl~t. : :::':~!j.e:',.:::t:; ~ ~:;: F'riday, IT( rJ:>W. F-:loi; In. fi).Ht lor !te tint titnt, and ru..~ bun e,.:n;.ce1 to Include the en_ Poultry Honor Grad StAT'll.E, :.fay 25 (UP;~:-:fhe Is Added to SI,,!! atliUt ?rioritin .:.If;,,>: hiif~ learr.td that all coo,nr.u:t'l>n ro,Hnlr more thin t5(.t1')6 1In<!'inwr.d'ld,J'0r th~ IIHHw·mtr.t"t the puhUn j, ttl h~ !v:;ppetl before June G. Th@ ~x.. eplion, .:lre <hil<!r,"'.x pJa.YIn'Ptlnd~ Jim I1arpt!.t, l!HQ hOtlor Ir.ldu­ ate ill pcul:ry bWobandr>', t:~"" b~NI ..drled to tha «-na;t~ IItnrt I f illftrndllr iI", po(;jtryhu;;b.and­ IIbd" projC-ff.!' oI .' t.empvrll7 r.!!turt', . Phi Seta Ka.ppa worts .. Thi «Uk" 111", aayll re.tridiong Pledllings Announced 1>i IlllnOUnl:l!. tho! pledg­ ~~::~:~ ~~~h~~~ While Motors. Tested ;:gt~~~~:!t~:~~,!1 ~~d ~:;{~; ingSI,ma d Jim £YJ!.n~, :inphomOh !n :: .. v,'tJ]ey hill and uk" tliat.It 'Ph" • f~ intfordkd in l'ling)itT. up IU 'ClN'CINKATi (U.P.I-S·Unley 5e,,",llo d«:!dl!d W rlrn.in on hi. equipment i~ 11"0'1\.1111,,1 .. h:l.ye b('~J> rewtd: iltbn inti Phj lk!'.i ltliPa, H~ '!rill ~ ir";du~ Ir.Ul th¥ !eorlery J.twr, at h!.a I>W~ e(tnvmlt~ce,. plffigint of El!ia L~Vlihm. II.M ~lIi-tr Ilfatl-rlO-pl'">vi.wi the I:-e~hrnan in IlUrtl.anal ~itr,~e hnllwi:oldu r"o IH'<f¥e sur; e'iuip. from 'n<!ep¢lldl:~, "nd Fund.. IDtl:t Ie tbH,lutrly l".rte"~lIry til · Hutl~y Gr;tbm-M, l<jpfi01t1(1l''' Ie. .enginteril:¥ frem £ulene. hla Wt!l·~r.r-. l~~~~r:e!=:npwoJth. .1rxUl* :~;.~:r~::~~;;a;:;'n~~: mt.ll ill ~N1.&rlal ld~:-tee, h In t"haTfi' 0/ fOo1d. Clarlr tnHutn, u:\!or ir. engiricimne:. i1'd:airmlln ~r !in.am:-tt. \<) ~~~ ;:~I;::t~:;i~j~ ::~: I<ll""i!.ih-y, (t\lr:' ~ .. vrnWOr!h, Wfl. Thet.u Xi tr-alernity onflOl.lllCll!!! tJ-.~ ry np!!!eb.. Wllb"r T. CIIOr.ey, who m.~ be~n earl"CI Inlo th" anny n~ a lIeuUnnr:t, lTnrp~r haK jll$t Ne,h'«1 hi~ mi!~ttF8- d~.rne Irom Pell!"\&}'I­ "ani" ShUe ealJeil"~, whent he wall IIwllTd~d b ;octw~nhlp Iat!owinll: ~~J t\:~~:~; ""\r' :.ric~::;': honQI: ,,~ud¢llt.t t.fld in :lila. jIInJ()r yell!" he wu,n the 1, A. Hanlan t.l:holul'hfp QI' ,'I'll .Bvarded h,. lhi~ Cor;.oallia YOl.lltry bTlM'dd' .w the lllQat 'ouutar.d.lllJ" jlUltol" du~ dotn~ maJol1ng· in ~ltry ~aeh ;;-;..";;nr,~.,:r;;;;;;;"N';;;;;-:; 81 High school nnd. college sen. iors alldthose student,~ .... entering /!b~ ser\>iceClf,Uncle SlItll. this '. illimmer were honore<tbl:_ Whley foundation· Sunilay night at' a buft;ct suPpci-J.i1 Wesley hall. J;an Richey lind Jean Guyer, juniors ~n, homc:-: econonlics J wer~ co·hostesses' for the supper. Miss Richey acted us toastmistres.... The clipper quartet, a .W".l(,,'Z institution, was revived for tllt' "The girl of my 9reams," and "My' secret > anyway a f~simile of them-ean be purchased to< bargain price of 10 cents in cash. . Yes if's true that anyone can have a cherish. of 'his o~ of her loved one or ones fresh from U workroom by merely going to the east end of the Union ballroom today between 3 and '6 o'clock,'IIT them from the. salesmen who will be more than serve them. No one need be hesitant or bashful about bl lur~s. bfeause Bob Johns,m, cdi· Neuner Open For RiJmmag• .,. :<lIIen,·'too,'·should· not·wait ,too Clothing ~ontribut long to get a picture of a ~er· tain 'campus'beauty 'or the girl both men's and worn they never did get to take .. out; organization will b€ Nearly every Oregon State man Friday 'and Saturda wants to' tuck some comely coed Home Economics c!ub .in ·his bureau ifiiiTor.·U seerns.to mage sale this summ sooth him to see n benutiful girl ing to Betty 'Neuner .of the club, last lligl smile at him from the mirror he' struggles with his. fie. "This drive"wil!'giV Picture'; IIvllilable will include nn opportunity to get 1 sports, ..clubs, 'honor societies, unwante'd clothes befo senior sectioil~.~ ....persona!jties, home: and will also h. ~;~p'u~""be~-;'ties, campus~f' no· II foreign student's st bility, prof~;lsors, cnndid' shots, this campus," Net "ctivities and' portraits. NO' pic· mented. lounds raised b . '.':;>. ture will cost more than 26 cents, mage sale will help be .soldifll" .. "'" . 10 cents.' . by the ..Home ECQnorili Plans fot·'the: Oregon .. St~tc a' foreign student, , Pl:eview,wllichwil! be pUblished 1'"'\7 Hisiu:Hui Hoailiu,. fr '-:;---'~""""'ate~jn Augtfstheforc tlje.6r~:' . U.t.;-:' w'us the foreig.n stud, Civilian.. Exclusion Order N 0.­ . gon State picnic at Jantzen-Beach ,. Oregon State campus. 91 aifeds.Japnnese living in all are underway, said Howard Kriz, Representatives l1:9lr oLthe coun,ties of Lil']colnr Poll<, junior in pharmacy and ·editor of Economic's club have Marion, Benton and Linn, and all Cthe Preview', The .graduating se~ior ~s .of pointed to p~c~ up co tnatportioll of S6.page. will In.· the Delta 'Zeta, sorority will. be,::-frD,rn hvmg gfl Jefferson and Deschutes lying . clure s~ctf?ns on. women. e,.n~bQnQl"!'.<l by the;': sororitY 'with a clothes, ~11l be store.d 0 west U; S. highW'lY' J::<o.. 97. men's. fashIons,' freshman . ... .. Two:'civil cotitrolstiti!»ls ,have 1'\)(l.kLll.1Ld':~k~'W C6Uni;eIQj·S;·~llt. 'a balfqllet on 'Friday night.! : summ,erses!mm when t set Up fOl' this area, one onllandTh~pes~l'Ports, ':US!t.ln,gr- -Selli,or Cosf".which~is the tradi- used 10 the rummage ..lQ()ated·~at;·- <so,· Jefferson street, seo"ol 'exp(!lIses,' II, c~lendar .. t>f ti~lUIf firesid~r.~n~.~~::.llftel: . T~o§e, }!1.. ~~rg~ ?! and the ptlle'.jl.t~he school : events, a .g.OSSllh<;lllumn·closlnihours'tltlMdliy,rugbt, . are Dorn;Tnrner, Alplu ."""","'",,,. Legio'nliall;North' Cot:' and'.1l milita"ry,se~tion. The Pre· The senior;' l~t'.wil.lllnd testa: ga; J~yne" Lauffer, A: tage ·a/ld.chemeketn· streets, Sa· viecw. '. will . i.nCItUle. COlor. Plate .. s, m,mi will be relid.·and .Uleseni.~. Pi; Genevieve Murr. lelll;.-:A ::es~~nsible m~m~e: of intreguing layou:s and ll)any PIC- .pr9phe~y wilt ~e nlade iii the Gamma Delta; Mary) eaeh:famllY'a~ en~h. 10dlvldual tures,stated' Knz. . fireside. , .. ister, Alpha Xt'pel living 'illone WIll report atl~.c Jim8aum, sophomore in lower... TheseJiior banquet Wil1be held. Wright, Chi. Omega; • .nearest·civil·contro] .station be;-"divisi<m""'w,ill, be, co· editor of the:,Lat'6:15 o'cl~k"Frid:ay night... terbos, 'Delta ,Delta I tween··JIie hours of 8 a. m. and o. Preview; BettySaum,. fresb.n1an~...Parents"'of-the-..seniorS~will-~be'''''eanor(!"Haw6rth, Delta p. mo'. ,Wednesday. May 27.. in home econoll1ics, will lie ell:ecu. 'guests c , . .. .. Beniteau, .Gamma Phi I Evacuation will begin Monday. ,tive? secretaTY; a~d L~n Moyer, fiuests::will.;I'ls~ .. ineludJ';;Mr§'_~Menig"KappaAlpha~ June 1, ;md must ,be comjl]eted senior in secretarIal sClene.c, bus· BUena M.:Mans, d~an of women,Hatc • Kappa Delta h lly:noon, Wednesday, illess manager. . lind Mrs. Kate 'Jaines'on;'fiir;"'~Fo~liter,L8:appa Kapp. Other ~ernbers of the staff iD' mer dean of women.: . ,;·.. .::.roanMarllle, Pi Beta elude Ann .nailey;·Ji:mier in honieGifts to the s~,J'fior,s, froTn the Ann French, Sigma Ka economics; Charles Crookham, chapter house' wiIl be presented lah Peterson, .Edith _..D'c:~hrnJll1 . in 10",~!"...divisi()J1; Dic,L at this time 11l~ng with the sen· Thelma .Terry, Fairv;1 Jenning. sophomore in low(>r d,· 'ior g;ft t~' the"house. . ' Bartett, . Hazel Rae; R .vision;Russ Sackett.sophomo~e .._ . '::'Jajm!son-House ;~t<:fisSix stlldents were initiatediniO'·"in' 'iourn8li"lD}""B?b-:~or"",,'soPhh'- Tcfiriliilo"Kt Katherine vehakl1h;'JW1~t v ., ornore in lower dl lsl.on; Dor.ot.y ler.· Linden· " ; U IS Si!(ma Delta Pi. spanishathQ~~; Gerling, m lower dl'" .ets~w.o.oo~ll; ....Jea( us WABOUT A DATE.-The pubIi­ bureau ·of the ~atlons to!ti~Ul ~wo .co-ed-II]-ana and aIrsnadei-and ey '" ewbrunettes ~d,~'£hey ,SiycA collection ofbxonzed e naval.IDr stations has been a boo~~_, MOST TRAGIC;....:..1..thoughtful stu. lent named Harry from the south. new raincoat a chair in one of the 1e·came back 15 minl.lJes later, the Ithough the student made no special Ids have requested that the persons at return it because, you .on F THE FIRING LINE.'-An un­ mown lad paid for the' following ad~ eared. in a Daily Texan. of thepetJ:oleu:m engineering hose with mouthpiece. Slight· s.,E. Grant, 1845 Os?ge. ' ad~well it seems that Grant having a great'deal of suction with T: Grant is looking for theunkno:vn e ad. Confidentially; there was flre ­ ;ted:. All.Night Mov;e Starts Trend :on ST. LOUIS (1::.P.)gThe "swing 9;nift' , has come into~- its own in S~'L~f:,i.:~O;;ce a weeka mId: seni6-r' by in­ uf the UJWJl theater ?itages a five "th~ur "p' . ..' " rt.Ofi- relleW~.c'2.gQtl"raiLpictureswilJ scholar8hlp..·sponsO'r~· H' PI ouse '. ans Senior, 'Cosy' JhecOuntie~of 'Th~ of Pl'e~icw ,al~ w~' fi"e.~ida-.9U...xl\llfs4aY":lligliWnd -JlUsunHLs.~date.' w.. G.... fe",or of . . ~council of the . The legislative.. Snelk,.. haU;Jean Rich hall':Qprothy English. ' •... ~", ,.