1 N AN EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF A BRACED EXCAVATION -H. BY WALTER EDWARD JAWORSKI, JR. ....... B.Sc., Northeastern University (1962) .... ... 5 M.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1964) ......... IW ..... Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE ..... at the ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (4une, 1973) ........ Signature redacted Signature of Author: Department of Civil Engineering (ba1/c Signature redacted ...... I 1973) ......... Certified by: ia (Thesis Supervisor 1 ~...... Accepted by: Signature red acted (Chairman, Departmentak/Committ'ee on Graduate Studies) Archives JON 29 1973 '"BA R ff MITLibraries 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 http://libraries.mit.edu/ask DISCLAIMER NOTICE Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. ABSTRACT AN EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF A BRACED EXCAVATION by Walter E. Jaworski, Jr. Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering in June, 1972, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science To date, many field measurement programs have been undertaken to monitor the performance of braced excavations constructed with steel sheet piling or soldier beams and lagging. These programs gave insight into the behavior of braced cuts and resulted in the development of empirical design rules. In recent years the use of cast-in-place concrete walls for sheeting has gained acceptance in situations where it is necessary to minimize movements adjacent to a braced cut. Presently, there are only a few documented field measurement programs for excavations with concrete walls to aid in the design of this type of bracing system. The primary objectives of this thesis are to document and evaluate the measured performance of a braced excavation employing a cast-inplace concrete wall, and to contribute to the development of analytical techniques to predict the performance of these bracing systems. The field measurements for this investigation were conducted on the braced cut for the subway extension at South Cove in Boston. The excavation varies in depth from 45 ft to 50 ft, and in width from 58 ft to 80 ft. Where the subway runs close to an existing seven-story building, the excavation was supported by a concrete wall installed by the slurrytrench process. Elsewhere the excavation was supported by steel sheet pile walls. The subsoil consists of 5 ft to 8 ft of fill underlain by very stiff to stiff clays. Field measurements consisted of sheeting and subsoil movements, pore water pressures, and strut loads. The measurements were made during the installation of the wall and excavation for the subway. During installation of the concrete wall in panels 10 ft to 20 ft in length, lateral subsoil movements as much as 0.75 in.occurred immediately adjacent the wall. The vertical ground movements were in the range of 0.1 in. to 0.3 in. The concrete wall movements while excavating for the subway were less than 1 in. The maximum gross movement behind the wall was 1.25 in. In contrast, the adjacent steel sheet pile wall moved up to - i- Settlements behind the concrete wall were uniform and 6.5 in. laterally. less than 1 in. Due to seepage through and around the concrete wall, pore water pressures dropped 8 ft to 20 ft. The measured loads in the struts supporting the concrete wall showed a scatter of up to 50 percent from the average strut load for a typical level. Predictions were made of the same aspects of performance monitored during installation of the wall and excavation for the subway. During this phase of the investigation the capabilities of the finite element program BRACE (Wong, 1971) were extended. The trends of the ground movements during the installation of the wall predicted by stress paths and finite element analysis agreed well with the measured behavior. A study of the stability of slurry trenches of limited length indicates the primary stabilizing forces for the trench walls are arching and the fluid pressure of the slurry. Strut loads predicted by BRACE and Peck's design rules gave, in general, loads which were greater than the measured values. Due to the scatter in the measured loads the amount by which the methods over predicted the strut Concrete wall movements predicted by the modified loads varied greatly. version of BRACE agreed well with the measured values. However, the steel sheet pile movements predicted by BRACE grossly underestimated the measured movements. The primary reason for underestimating the steel piling movements was the large movements which took place at a strut Predictions of the settlement level after the strut was installed. behind the concrete wall due to both sheeting movements and drops in ground water level over-estimated the measured settlements. The effect of sheeting rigidity, sheeting penetration and strut spacing The results show that on sheeting movements was studied using BRACE. sheeting rigidity and penetration have a marked influence on reducing movements below excavation level and they increase the stability of the excavation bottom. Reducing the strut spacing also reduces sheeting movements, but the effect is not as pronounced. Limited field The effect of bracing details was also investigated. measurements show that poor shimming techniques not only permit large sheeting movements above the excavation level, but they also increase the movements below the excavation level. Thesis Supervisor: Title: T. William Lambe Edmund K. Turner Professor of Civil Engineering - ii- To: ELAINE, C. KIM, PAMELA, JENNIFER, and DAWN for their patience and encouragement during the course of this investigation -iii- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is thankful to many members of the faculty of the Soil Mechanics Division for their guidance and assistance in the preparation of this thesis. Professor T. William Lambe was my faculty advisor and thesis supervisor. His patience, advice and encouragement throughout this work is gratefully acknowledged. Professor L.G. Brownwell.provided helpful suggestions and constructive criticism on various aspects of this work. Professor J.T. Christian spent many hours advising and helping with all the theoretical aspects of this thesis. Dr. D.J. D'Appolonia spent several hours discussing the field measurements and results of the theoretical work. These discussions were most helpful. Dr. K.M. Leet reviewed and provided helpful suggestions on the text of this thesis. The MIT - ICEP field instrumentation staff's excellence in installing the field instruments and retrieving data contributed greatly to the success of this thesis. Dr. L.A. Wolfskill headed the staff of Messrs. W.R. Beckett, J.E. Bromwell, Mark Haley, and H.A. Russell. Mrs. Claire Champ and Ms. Marilyn Krivitsky typed the final draft of the text; Mrs. Louise Passos drafted the figures. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority sponsored the research effort presented in this thesis. -iv- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF TABLES iX LIST OF FIGURES x CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.2 THESIS OBJECTIVES 1 1.3 THESIS SCOPE 3 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE SURVEY 5 2.1 INTRODUCTION 5 2.2 CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE WALLS 5 2.3 PROPERTIES OF BENTONITE SLURRY 7 2.4 STABILITY OF SLURRY TRENCHES 8 2.5 FAILURES OF SLURRY TRENCHES 12 2.6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 13 16 CHAPTER THREE 3.1 BACKGROUND 16 3.2 MEASUREMENTS DURING INSTALLATION OF THE CONCRETE WALL 17 3.2.1 Pore Pressures 17 3.2.2 Ground Movements 18 3.2.3 Ground Movements versus Fore Pressures 19 -V- Page 3. 3 3.4 MEASUREMENTS DURING EXCAVATION 19 3.3.1 Performance versus Construction Progress 19 3.3.2 Sheeting Displacements 21 3.3.3 Ground Movements 22 3.3.4 Pore Pressures 24 3.3.5 Strut Loads and Horizontal Stresses 26 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS CHAPTER FOUR SECTION I 27 PREDICTED PERFORMANCE 29 PREDICTED PERFORMANCE DURING WALL INSTALLATION 29 4.1 STRESS PATHS 29 4.2 PANEL STABILITY 31 4.3 PREDICTED GROUND MOVEMENTS 33 4.4 COMPARISON OF PREDICTED AND MEASURED PERFORMANCE DURING WALL INSTALLATION 33 SECTION II PREDICTED PERFORMANCE DURING EXCAVATION 34 4. 5 BACKGROUND 34 4.6 PORE PRESSURES 36 4.7 HORIZONTAL STRESSES AND STRUT LOADS 38 4.7.1 Design Methods 39 4.7.2 Analysis Methods 40 4.8 SHEETING MOVEMENTS 44 4.9 VERTICAL MOVEMENTS 45 4.9.1 Initial Movements 45 4.9.2 Consolidation Settlements 46 -vi- Page 4.10 COMPARISON OF PREDICTED AND MEASURED PERFORMANCE DURING EXCAVATION 47 4.10.1 Pore Pressures 47 4.10.2 Strut Loads 48 4.10. 3 Sheeting Movements 49 4.10.4 Ground Movements 50 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 51 4.11 CHAPTER FIVE PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF A BRACED EXCAVATION 53 5.1 BACKGROUND 53 5.2 STRESS PATH ANALYSIS 54 5.3 BRACE II ANALYSIS 57 5.3.1 Sheeting Stiffness 57 5.3.2 Vertical Strut Spacing 58 5.3.4 Comparison with Field Observations 61 5.4 SHEETING MOVEMENTS 62 5.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 65 CHAPTER SIX SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 6.2 MEASURED PERFORMANCE 66 66 6.3 PREDICTED PERFORMANCE 67 6.4 PARAMETERS EFFECTING THE BEHAVIOR OF BRACED EXCAVATIONS 69 GENERAL -vii- BIBLIOGRAPHY 70 NOTATION 76 APPENDIX A A SUMMARY OF FIELD MEASUREMENTS AT THE SOUTH COVE TUNNEL EXTENSION 136 APPENDIX B ACCURACY OF FIELD MEASUREMENTS 238 APPENDIX C FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF EXCAVATIONS 276 APPENDIX D BRACE II FINITE ELEMENT PROGRAM 291 APPENDIX E SOIL PROPERTIES FOR ANALYSIS AND PREDICTIONS 309 APPENDIX F BRACE II USER'S MANUAL 313 BIOGRAPHY 330 -viii- LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page Title 1.3.1 ANALYSIS OF BRACED EXCAVATIONS 81 4.7.1 PREDICTED MAXIMUM STRUT LOADS 82 4.7.2 SOIL PROPERTIES-SOUTH COVE PROFILE 83 5.1.1 SUMMARY OF MOVEMENTS ADJACENT BRACED CUTS WITH CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WALLS 84 -ix- LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 2.2.1 Title Page CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE WALLS BY THE SLURRY TRENCH PROCESS 85 STABILITY OF SLURRY TRENCHES IN COHESIONLESS SOILS FOR PLANE STRAIN CONDITIONS 86 STABILITY OF SLURRY TRENCHES IN NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY 87 3.1.1 SOUTH COVE PROJECT 88 3.1.2 SECTION AT STATION 113 + 40 89 3.1.3 SOIL PROFILE 90 3.1.4 LOCATIONS OF FIELD INSTRUMENTS 91 3.2.1 TOTAL HEAD AND SOIL MOVEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION 92 TOTAL HEAD AND SOIL MOVEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION 93 CHANGES IN TOTAL HEAD AND GROUND SURFACE DURING WALL INSTALLATION 94 2.2.2 2.2.3 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 MEASURED GROUND MOVEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE WALL 95 3.3.1 SHEETING MOVEMENTS DURING EXCAVATION 96 3.3.2 SHEETING MOVEMENTS AT SOUTH BULKHEAD (Sta. 107+50) 97 3.3.3 GROUND MOVEMENTS ADJACENT CONCRETE WALL 98 3.3.4 SETTLEMENT CONTOURS OF DON BOSCO SCHOOL 99 3.3.5 MOVEMENTS ADJACENT THE SLURRY WALL 100 3.3.6 TOTAL HEAD AND BOTTOM HEAVE MEASUREMENTS 101 3.3.7 PORE PRESSURES VERSUS DEPTH 102 3.3.8 TOTAL HEAD AND SETTLEMENT AT FULL EXCAVATION 103 -x- Figure No. Title Page 3.3.9 STRUT LOAD VARIATION DURING CONSTRUCTION 104 3.3.10 APPARENT LATERAL STRESS 105 4.1.1 INITIAL STRESS CONDITIONS AT SOUTH COVE 106 4.1.2 STRESS PATHS 107 4.2.1 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF SOUTH COVE SLURRY TRENCH 108 PREDICTED MOVEMENTS DURING CONCRETE WALL INSTALLATION 109 4.6.1 FEDAR FINITE ELEMENT GRID 110 4.6.2 PREDICTED WATER PRESSURE VERSUS DEPTH 111 4.7.1 PREDICTED HORIZONTAL STRESSES 112 4.7.2 DESIGN LOAD DIAGRAMS FOR CONCRETE WALL 113 4.7.3 PREDICTED HORIZONTAL STRESSES FOR ELASTIC BEAM ANALYSIS 114 4.7.4 STRUT LOADS PREDICTED BY ELASTIC ANALYSIS 115 4.7.5 FINITE ELEMENT GRID FOR BRACE II ANALYSIS 116 4.7.6 STRUT LOADS DURING EXCAVATION 117 4.7.7 YIELD ZONES FROM BRACE ANALYSIS 118 4.7.8 TOTAL HORIZONTAL STRESSES ON SOUTH COVE SHEETING FROM BRACE ANALYSIS 119 4.8.1 PREDICTED SLURRY WALL MOVEMENTS 120 4.9.1 COMPARISON OF MEASURED AND PREDICTED SUBSOIL MOVEMENTS DURING EXCAVATION 121 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM STRUT LOADS DURING EXCAVATION 122 COMPARISON OF PREDICTED AND MEASURED STRUT LOADS 123 MAXIMUM SHEETING MOVEMENTS 124 4.3.1 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 -xi- Figure No. 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 Title STRESS CONDITIONS FOR VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION STAGES OF CONCRETE PANELS BY THE SLURRY TRENCH PROCESS Page 125 TYPICAL STRESS PATH FOR POINT "A" DURING INSTALLATION OF CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WALL IN CLAY. OCR = 1 126 EFFECT OF STRUT SPACING AND WALL STIFFNESS ON SHEETING MOVEMENTS FROM BRACE ANALYSIS 127 YIELD ZONES VERSUS EXCAVATION DEPTH AND SHEETING STIFFNESS 128 FACTOR OF SAFETY REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOCAL YIELD BELOW BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION IN CLAY 129 5.3.4 BEARING CAPACITY FACTORS FOR BOTTOM STABILITY 130 ANALYSIS 5.3.5 PREDICTED BOTTOM HEAVE BY BRACE FOR STIFF AND FLEXIBLE SHEETING 5.3.6 131 RATIO OF Nc/NcbAT WHICH FIRST YIELD OCCURS WITHIN AN EXCAVATION IN NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY 132 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS OF SHEETING DURING EXCAVATION 133 5.4.1 SHEETING MOVEMENTS BELOW EXCAVATION LEVEL 134 5.4.2 SHEETING MOVEMENTS BELOW EXCAVATION LEVEL AT NORTH STATION IN BOSTON 135 5.3.7 -xii- CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Deep excavations within our urban areas are becoming more common with the increasing construction of multistory buildings and subway systems. The excavations often are located in already congested areas and pose an added task for the foundation engineer who now must concern himself with the excavation's effect on the adjacent structures. Pres- ently there are two ways of protecting an adjacent structure, either the building is underpinned or special construction techniques are employed to minimize sheeting movements. One technique gaining wide acceptance is the use of cast in place concrete walls for the sheeting. Support systems are highly indeterminate and impossible to design without grossly simplifying assumptions or reliance on empirical rules. Insufficient case records of braced excavations with concrete walls are available to allow the derivation of empirical design rules, as has been done for flexible walls (Terzaghi and Peck, 1967), or to conclude whether the design rules used for the more flexible walls are applicable to the more rigid concrete walls. Presently the design of the rigid walls is accomplished according to ones engineering preference. Some engineers use modified versions of the empirical relationships for flexible walls (Stacko, 1968); while others rely on their engineering judgment (Thon and Harlan, 1971). Lambe (1970) suggests two approaches to improving the state-of-the art in the design and understanding of the behavior of Braced Excavations. -1- They are (1) cases. parametric studies; (2) the evaluation of instrumented field With the advent of finite element programs (Wong, 1971; Palmer and Kenney, 1971) the parametric studies are well under way. However, field records, especially those of braced cuts with rigid walls, are sorely lacking. This thesis is directed at the second of the above stated approaches to increase the profession's knowledge of braced cut behavior. The field case evaluated is the South Cove Tunnel Project in Boston, Mass. The tunnel excavation was primarily in very stiff to stiff clays. Where the excavation was close to a seven-story building, a cast in place concrete wall was employed for sheeting. Elsewhere the excavation was supported by steel sheet piling. 1.2 THESIS OBJECTIVES The general objective of this thesis research is to evaluate and contribute to the development of techniques to predict the performance of a supported excavation. This general objective is approached by the following specific tasks: 1. Document the performance of an instrumented braced excavation. 2. Identify the modes of behavior which have a bearing on projects of this type. 3. Improve prediction techniques employing the finite element method. 4. Compare observed behavior with that predicted by present techniques. Evaluate discrepancies between the observed and predicted performances. 5. Define and analyze the important parameters affecting braced excavation performance. -2- 1.3 THESIS SCOPE This thesis documents the performance of a braced cut employing both a reinforced concrete wall and a similar cut supported by a steel sheet wall. The field measurements are summarized and evaluated. Interpretive plots of the data are separated into two groups; those associated with the installation of the concrete wall and those related to the excavation of soil between the walls. For each group the data are reviewed for significant behavioral trends. Emphasis is placed on the measured data adjacent to the concrete wall and on the relative movements between the wall and those of the steel sheet piling. The literature on slurry trench construction has been reviewed relative to observed ground movements and slurry trench stability during the installation of the concrete wall. The stability of the slurry panel is analyzed using techniques outlined in the literature. Predictions of ground movements and a study of panel stability are conducted using the finite element program FEAST 3 (D'Appolonia, 1968). Stress paths (Lambe, 1964) are used in an attempt to describe the important aspects of observed behavior associated with the panel instal- lation. The finite element program BRACE (Wong, 1971) was modified. and updated. The new version handles bilinearly anisotropic materials and accounts for local overstressing of the sheeting. In addition, some studies were conducted to evaluate the limitations of the program's predictions. For the excavation construction phase, predictions of the (1) sheeting movements, (2) strut loads, (3) initial ground movements and consolidation -3- settlements, and (4) pore pressures are compared to the measured values. The predictions are made using the methods summarized in Table 1.3.1. Those factors which the field data indicate have a significant bearing on observed behavior are analyzed using the new BRACE version. The factors are: (1) occurence of first yield in the soil, (2) sheeting stiffness, and (3) vertical strut spacing. -4- CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 INTRODUCTION Slurry trenches are used for one of two purposes: (1) to construct impervious cut-off walls for dams, dikes, etc. or (2) to construct cast in place concrete walls in braced excavations. A survey on the uses of both in the United States is given by Sherard (1969) and Kapp (1969). This chapter summarizes the literature on use of slurry trenches to install concrete walls. 2.2 CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE WALLS Figure 2.2.1 shows a typical construction procedure for slurry- trench reinforced concrete walls. The walls are built in panels which commonly vary from 6 to 30 feet in length. As the soil is removed, a bentonite slurry is placed in the excavation to prevent collapse of the panel walls. Steel reinforcement, if required, is placed in the exca- vated panel and then concrete is placed by the tremie method. Generally, the reinforcement is either a steel cage or wide flange beams. The initial phase of wall construction is the installation of guide walls of lean concrete 3 to 10 feet deep on both sides of the trench. The purpose of the wall is twofold; (1) to prevent the soil at the top from ravelling into the panels, and (2) to contain the bentonite slurry. Installation of panels is accomplished by a variety of equipment and techniques. Mayer (1967) and Saldier and Dominioni (1963) give detailed descriptions of the more common types of excavation equipment used. The equipment varies from drilling rigs (used in hard soils) to -5- hydraulically or mechanically operated clam buckets. The minimum size of panel installed is primarily dependent on the size of these units. The plumbness of the concrete walls is important especially when they are to be incorporated into the outer walls of a structure. Their vertical alignment may be maintained by using "Kelly" bars or H-piles to guide the excavation device. Another technique described by Kuesel (1969) consists of installing steel soldier piles in preaugered, slurryfilled holes, which are then backfilled with gravel or lean concrete. The slurry trenches are excavated using the piles as guides. LaRusso Dominioni (1963), ,Mayer (1967), Meigh (1963), and Sadlier and (1963) recommend as standard construction procedure that the level of the bentonite slurry be kept above ground water level. Experience dictates that the minimum positive head of the slurry must be 3 to 6 feet. The implication is that if this head is not maintained the panels walls fail. In cases where the ground water table is at the ground surface, levees are constructed along the longitudinal axis of the wall and the guide walls are installed within them (Morgenstern, 1964). Some authors [LaRusso (1963), Meigh (1963), Mayer (1967)] describe as standard practice the use of slurry densities varying between 65 pcf to 75 pcf (1.04 and 1.20 gms/cm ). construction experience. The maximum density is based on Densities beyond this value result in diffi- culties in lowering excavation buckets, displacement of the slurry during construction and pumping and recirculating the slurry. The tremie concrete is placed at a 5 to 9 inch slump ISadlier and Dominioni (1963), Stacko (1968)] and often has a retarder added. -6- The in place concrete has 28 day strengths of 3000-4500 psi. reports data which suggest Veder (1969) that the strength of tremie concrete is unaltered when placed in bentonite slurry. The concrete while displacing the bentonite slurry leaves a minor film around the reinforcing steel. Cole (1963) quotes tests that indicate this film results in some loss of bond strength between the concrete and steel. Based on his experiments, Cole recommends using bond lengths of 1.25 to 1.50 those used in normal reinforced concrete. Sadlier and Dominioni (1963) report tests on the bond strength which show no appreciable reduction in bond strength. They conclude this is a result of cement particles replacing the bentonite clay on the reinforcing during the normal hydration process. 2.3 PROPERTIES OF BENTONITE SLURRY Experimental data reported by Jones (1963) on Fulbent 570 Bentonite by Marsland and Loudan (1963) on Wyoming Bentonite, and by Piaskowski and Kowalewski (1961) show that bentonite slurrys behave as a Bingham material requiring a yield shear stress (T ) be exceeded before they flow in capillary tubes. Piaskowski and Kowalewski (1961) is a function of the bentonite concentration. show that Jones (1963) reports T Tf values of .01 and .2 gm/cm2 for concentrations of 2 and 10 percent, respectively, .7 gm/cm 2 Jones while Marsland and Loudan (1963) report values of .01 and for the same respective concentrations. (1963) suggests the penetration of bentonite slurry in a porous media may be expressed by the equation: -7- APR 2.3.1 L= Where: f L = length of penetration R m equivalent capillary radius for the media AP m differential pressure T f = Bingham yield shear stress Marsland and Loudan (1963) investigated the factors affecting the flow of bentonite slurrys in coarse to medium sands. Their data show that for uniform sands, with a coefficient of permeability for water of .2 to .3 cm/sec, the average coefficient for slurrys are a factor of 8 greater for a 4 percent concentration and a factor of 56 greater for an 8 percent concentration. The slurrys also exhibited threshold gradients of 0.5 and 6 for the same concentrations, respectively. Mitchell (1960) showed that bentonite slurrys exhibit thixotropic phenomena (strength gain with time). 2 of 0.4 gm/cm 2 and 2.2 gm/cm Jones (1963) gives shear strengths for bentonite concentrations of 2 percent and 7 percent, respectively, after 10 hours setting time. al. Piaskowski, et (1961) show shear strenghts of 0.8 gm/cm2 and 2.5 gm/cm2 for set times of 0.1 and 5 minutes, respectively, for an 8 percent bentonite concentration. 2.4 STABILITY OF SLURRY TRENCRES In the literature there is no unanimity as to why slurry trenches remain stable during excavation. If one analyzes the stability of long trenches as a Coulomb wedge, for slurry densities commonly employed in construction, the factor of safety is often less than 1. -8- There have been many opinions set forth as to the factors responsible for the trench stability: 1. Fluid pressure on the slurry against a membrane of bentonite clay on the trench wall. 2. Arching around short excavations. 3. Increase of slurry density during excavation. 4. Electro-osmotic flow of bentonite particles against the trench wall. 5. Strength gain of slurry due to thixotropic phenomena. 6. Penetration of slurry into cohesionless soils. It is generally accepted that the fluid pressure of the slurry acts against a "cake" of bentonite clay which forms on the walls of the trench. Veder (1961) suggests this membrane of clay forms primarily because of an electrical potential between the soil and slurry. Such a "cake" has been observed on the excavation walls both in the field (Nash and Jones, 1963) and in laboratory experiments (Veder, 1963). Morgenstern and Amir-Tahmassib (1965), for the assumption of a Coulomb wedge, derived the following equation to analyze the stability of slurry trenches in cohesionless soils: Y (cota (sin N2 Y cosa tano) + W = w where - Y cosa + sina tano i = Y = unit weight of the slurry the friction angle of the soil Yt = total unit weight of soil = unit weight of water -9- M coseca tano) 2.4.1 t = the angle between the horizontal plane and the failure plane N =.(height of slurry in the trench)/(trench depth) M = 1 - [(depth to the ground water table)/(trench depth)] Figure 2.2.2 shows a plot of factor of safety versus the ratio of yt derived from this equation. Nash and Jones (1963), for the assumption of a Coulomb wedge, give the following equation for the factor of safety for trenches in cohesive soil: 4S 2.4.2 U H(y -Y t f ) FS where S u = H, yt the average undrained strength of the soil Y = as above The results of this equation are presented in Figure 2.2.3. Both Figure 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 show the importance of the ground water table and slurry unit weight in stabilizing long trenches. Nash and Jones (1963), Schneebli (1964), and Tschebotarioff suggest that for concrete panel installations, the above two-dimensional analysis does not apply and that a three-dimensional to account for arching effects. (1967) analysis is in order Model studies by Courteille (1969) tend to substantiate a three-dimensional behavior. Terzaghi (1943) has shown that, for circular shafts in cohesionless material, the horizontal stress required to stabilize the shaft walls decreases with depth and is less than the initial horizontal stress because of "ring action". Schneebli (1964) suggests that the arching effect for a rectangular cut can be accounted for by analyzing the problem as one similar to that of arching -10- Schneebli's analysis considers only the arching in a ver- in a silo. tical plane of the vertical stresses to the ends of the panel. His equation implies that for panel lengths equal to the trench depth, the problem essentially reduces to one of plane strain (Rankine active statel. The implications of Schneebli's work are that the tops of the panels are in plane strain and that below a depth equal to the excavation width arching plays an important part in stabilizing the panels. DeNo (1969) suggests that the factor of safety (FS) of a circular excavation in a perfectly elasto-plastic material is described by the equation [4 + ( FS where = 2 2 3 r+1 S u H y = the total unit weight of the soil H = t the excavation depth Su = the undrained shear strength r = the ratio of the excavation radius devided by H This equation can be used to determine a factor of safety for small panel lengths if the term (yt - Y f) is substituted for yt' Morgenstern and Amir-Tahmassib (1965) state that one of the primary stabilizing forces on slurry trenches in cohesionless soils is the increasing slurry density due to suspended sand particles. They demon- strate that because of the Bingham behavior of bentonite slurrys, a 1 mm sand particle can be suspended in a clay slurry which has an initial 2 density of 1.08 gm/cm2. Since this is the average initial density employed in construction, it is probable that this could result in a significant stabilizing force in sandy soils. -11- Veder (1961, 1963, 1969) indicates that the flow of bentonite particles to the trench wall due to the electrical potential between the soil and slurry environment could be a stabilizing factor. However, there has been no data to present to substantiate this hypothesis. Morgenstern (1963) and Elson (1968) suggest that a stabilizing force to be considered in a stability analysis is the passive resistance from the slurry. They recommend an extension of Prandtl's analysis of a plastic material between two rigid plates. For the condition of excavation, the slurry strength may be taken equal to its Bingham yield strength. However, for such strengths this analysis yields insignificant stabilizing forces compared to the fluid pressure of the slurry. Elson (1968) proposes that the infiltration of slurry into the soil improves the soil's strength characteristics. The slurry pene- tration can be described by the previously noted equation from Jones (1963). This equation yields a penetration 3 to 4 feet in medium to coarse sands. length of approximately According to Elson the thixo- tropic strength gain and the development of.negative pore pressures in this slurry filled zone can contribute up to an additional 10 percent of stabilizing force in coarse sands and gravels. 2.5 FAILURES OF SLURRY TRENCHES There are few failures of slurry trenches documented in the liter- ature. Schneebli (1964) refers to the shallow sloughing of a 5-mile long trench in granular soil when the water table rose to within 1.5 meters of the ground surface. Morgenstern and Amir-Tahmassib -12- (1965) described failures of slurry-filled trenches 8 to 28 meters long in an alluvium fill when the area became flooded. The slurry in these trenches had been undisturbed for a period of hours prior to the failure. Both of these cases support the recommended standard practice of a 1 to 2 meter positive head of slurry to stabilize the trench walls during excavation. Mayer (1967) reports the failure of a trench in fine sand due to a flocculation of bentonite slurry because of a high. lime concentration in the soil which prevented the formation of a bentonite cake on the trench walls. In all reported cases the failures were only 3 to 5 meters in depth. 2.6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The literature on slurry trench construction indicates the more important mechanisms responsible for the stability of the slurry trenches are: 1. The bentonite slurry fluid pressure 2. Increase in slurry unit weight 3. Arching effects 4. Slurry penetration into the excavation walls. In most cases two or more of these factors contribute to the stability of the trench. Slurry trenches which have a length equal to or greater than the depth approximate plane strain conditions and may be classified as long trenches. The few documented trench failures indicate that, in granular soils, the primary stabilizing forces for long trenches, 50 to 100 ft deep, are: (1) the fluid pressure against the trench walls; (2) a positive -13- head of bentonite above the ground water table; (3) an increase in slurry density from suspended particles of sand. It is felt that the stability of these trenches should be analyzed using the coulomb wedge method. In the analysis a reasonable upper limit for increased slurry density from suspended soil is 72 to 75 pcf. Above these values difficulties are encountered with excavation equipment and placing of the tremie concrete. Because of these problems, the slurry is recycled during trench excavation to maintain the slurry density below 72 to 75 pcf. Slurry penetration as a stabilizing mechanism is limited to gravels and coarse sands. Even in these soils the penetration according to Equation 2.3.1 would be small (1 to 3 ft). only a minor stabilizing force. Therefore, it would offer For long trenches in clays it a coulomb wedge analysis is also appropriate. appears However, it is unlikely that during excavation the slurry densities will increase in cohesive soils. Therefore, a slurry unit weight equal to the initial prescribed value should be used when analyzing trenches in clay. Where a concrete wall is installed in short panels (the length being less than the depth) it is recommended that the stability analysis be divided into two parts. The first part concerns itself with the top portion of the panel to a depth equal to the trench width. portion of the panel should be analyzed as a long trench. to the stabilizing forces for long trenches, This In addition the guide wall offers a stabilizing force to the tops of short panels. At a depth below the trench width, an additional stabilizing force is derived from the arching of soil stresses around the trench. in part, by using Schneebli's This effect can be accounted for, (1964) approach of equating the arching -14- action to that which occurs in silos. ing of vertical stresses This approach accounts for arch- (and thus horizontal stresses) to the panel ends. -15- CHAPTER THREE NEASURED PERFORMANCE 3.1 BACKGROUND This section. summarizes and evaluates the field measurements for the South Cove Project. Figure 3.1.1 gives an overall view of Where the excavation was in close proximity to the Don the project. Bosco School a concrete wall was employed to help minimize ground movements. In this section, the excavation varied in width from 58.5 to 79.5 ft and in depth from 47 to 50 ft. At the south bulkhead the excavation was 40 ft wide and 45 ft deep. Figure 3.1.2 shows a section of the excavation for station 113+40. The soil profile is essentially the same along the excavaFigure 3.1.3 shows the soil properties determined from labor- tion. atory and field tests. At all sections the bracing consisted of three levels of cross lot struts. During excavation for each strut level a berm (8 to 12 ft wide at the top) was left against the sheeting until the strut was installed. The field measurements were concentrated primarily in the concrete wall section. Figure 3.1.4 shows the layout of the field instrumenta- tion in the concrete wall section. In addition to the instrumentation shown, a series of settlement pins were installed on the Don Bosco School. At the south bulkhead slope indicators were installed on the steel sheeting. The field measurements are presented in two parts: -16- (1) measurements made during installation of the concrete wall; during excavation for the tunnel. tive plots are presented for: For the tunnel excavation interpreta- (1) sheeting displacements; and vertical movements of adjacent ground; pressure; and (4) strut loads.. (3) (2) horizontal changes in pore water The data from which the interpretative plots are derived are presented in Appendix A. construction, (2) measurements made The details of the soil profile and instrumentation are also given in Appendix A. 3.2 3.2.1 MEASUREMENTS DURING INSTALLATION OF THE CONCRETE WALL Pore Pressures Figure 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 show the variation of total head during the wall installation from December, 1968, through March, 1969. During this period a uniform increase of 1 to 2 ft was measured by the piezometers distant from the wall (PH-7 and PH-8). Piezometer P-5 near the wall showed erratic increases of total head, with maximum values reaching 4 to 7 ft; whereas PH-4 showed a more stable behavior with its maximum increase in total head reaching 4 ft. This erratic fluctuation of P-5 and the 4 ft rise in head in PH-4 is at least partially attributable to the panel construction. A comparison between panel installation and peak values of total head did not show any definite correlation. On the other hand, the steady increase of the pore pressure in the distant piezometers is probably more indicative of seasonal fluctuations in the water table. The com- plex nature of the soil and local influences, such as abandoned utilities, -17- coupled with construction events, make it impossible to separate out how much each of the above items contributed to the variation in total head. Figure. 3.2.3 compares the measured total heads before and after the wall is installed with. the measured settlements. The majority of the piezometers behind the wall showed an increase in total head of 1 to 4 ft of water. 3.2.2 Ground Movements Figure 3.2.4 shows the measured ground movements during install- ation of the wall. Horizontal movements were monitored by two slope indicators, SI-1 and SI-3. Vertical movements were determined by settlement screws on the Don Bosco School. The concrete panel lengths in the vicinity of SI-1 were 10 ft in length, whereas those in front of SI-3 were 20 ft long. The maximum horizontal movements recorded were 0.7 in.at SI-1 and 0.4 in. at SI-3. The measurements show the maximum net horizontal movements at the completion of the wall are less than the maximum recorded, being 0.4 in.and 0.2 in.at SI-1 and SI-3, respectively. The vertical movements adjacent the wall were small. Figure 3.2.4 shows the range of values recorded during the period of construction from all the settlement screws. The measurements show a net settlement of 0.1 to 0.2 in.adjacent the excavation, whereas 40 ft from the wall a net heave of about 0.2 in.was recorded. -18- 3.2.3 Ground Movements versus Pore Pressures Figure 3.2.3 shows that at iQO ft or more from the wall the measured heave is coincident with a pore pressure increase. a similar trend as a function of time. Figure 3.2.2 shows At this distance the panel installation will have little effect on the pore pressures; therefore, the majority of this heave can be attributed to an increase in ground water level. A one-dimensional analysis predicts heaves of 0.1 to 0.2 in. for a total head increase of 2 to 4 ft. This is in good agreement with the measured values. Adjacent to the wall a net settlement is recorded at its completion, although the measured pore pressures increased. In this area, the com- plexity of loading makes it nearly impossible to separate out elastic movements associated with panel installation from consolidation movements due to variations in total head. An upper limit for the vertical move- ment due to panel installation may be taken as the difference between the movements adjacent to the excavation and those 100 ft or more away. This gives a maximum vertical movement of 0.2 to 0.4 in. 3.3 3.3.1 MEASUREMENTS DURING EXCAVATION Performance versus Construction Progress Figures 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 show, for the south and north ends of the School, respectively, the settlement, total heads, and sheeting movements during construction. In general, all the above behavioral changes closely parallel the excavation progress. After the excavation was complete and the tunnel invert had been placed the measurements showed -19- little further change except for the total heads measured in piezometer PH-4. The sheeting movements shown are those for the bottom of the excavation. There is a marked difference, a factor of 8 to 10, between the concrete wall deflections and those of the steel sheeting. The apparent scatter in data of SI-4 is related to the accuracy, of the slope indicator measurements. The average of the points is probably a good indication of the actual movements. The building movements are small, being less than 6 in.near the excavation and on the order of 0.1 in.at the building line farthest from the excavation. The source of the settlements are the decrease in total head and the inward displacement of the sheeting. For the distant points (Pt C and Pt 1) the movements are probably due entirely to the total head changes since their distance from the excavation is two to three times the depth. On the other hand, the near points (7 and G) are within the influence range of the sheeting movements, since they are within 50 feet of the excavation. Therefore, it is most likely the settlements and total head changes in the near points are influenced by sheeting movements as well as drops in ground water table due to dewatering the excavation. The total head in PH-4 (Figure 3.2.2) of PH-7 during the measurement period. tively constant over the same period. eventually increased to that In contrast P-5 remained relaIt is felt this is related to the construction progress from south to north. The south end of the excavation becoming closed up first and allowed the ground water table to rise in this area. -20- 3.3.2 Sheeting Displacements The movements of the concrete wall and steel sheet piling are shown on Figure 3.3.1. There are two outstanding differences between the behavior of the two bracing systems. First the concrete wall movements are only 10 to 15 percent those of the steel sheeting. Second, the concrete wall exhibits a more uniform lateral movement than does the sheeting. For the most part, these differences can be attributed to the construction technique used at each section and the relative rigidities of the two walls. wall vs. 3.75 x 10 (EI = 113.0 x 104 k-ft 2 for the concrete k-ft2 for the steel sheeting.) in construction procedure were: (1) The major differences the struts were preloaded in the concrete wall section and not in the sheet piling area; and (2) dement grout was used to shim the void between the concrete wall and wale, whereas wood wedges were used in the steel sheeting section. Figure 3.3.1 also shows the effect of strut removal to permit unobstructed construction of the tunnel walls. Both SI-4 and SI-li (on the sheeting) exhibit significant increases over that measured prior to the removal of strut levels C and D. The effect of the concrete wall having a stiffness (EI) 30 times that of the steel sheeting is illustrated, in part, by the magnitude of additional movement of S-11 of 2.0 to 2.25 in. versus .25 in for SI-4. Also contributing to the higher movement of the steel sheeting are the movements at strut B and the concrete invert, which was constructed against the sheeting. movement after removal of strut C and D. SI-12 shows little additional One possible explanation for this is loose shimming, since struts in the steel sheeting area were not preloaded. Under such circumstances it -21- is possible for the sheeting to deflect as if the struts were not installed until the flexibility of the bracing system was taken up by the inward sheeting deflection. Figure 3.3.2 shows the deflected shape of the steel sheeting wall at the south bulkhead area. are shown on sketch. The locations of the slope indicators Comparing these movements with those on Figure 3.3.1, they are substantially smaller than those recorded by SI-l and SI-12, but significantly greater than those measured by SI-4 and SI-6. Possible explanations for this decrease in steel sheeting movements are: (1) corner bracing is used in this area and it stiffer than cross lot bracing; the bulkhead; and (3) tighter. However, is inherently (2) arching of soil pressure around the shimming between the wale and sheeting was the behavior at SI-9 and SI-10 is similar to that of SI-1 in that additional movements of 1 to 1.5 in.were recorded after strut loads C and D were removed. 3.3.3 Ground Movements Figure 3.3.3 shows the range of concrete wall and adjacent ground movements after the excavation was complete. To illustrate movements which occurred just during excavation, the position of the subsoil is shown at the completion of the wall installation. of the wall and Both the movements SI-1 show essentially constant horizontal displacements over the depth of the excavation. The total horizontal movement of 1.0 to 1.2 in.behind the excavation is greater than the maximum wall movements of approximately .6 to .8 in. SI-3 shows maximum movements on the order of 1 in., but these movements are undoubtedly influenced by the relatively large displacements of the steel sheeting adjacent to this location. -22- The uniform displacement of the concrete wall is reflected in the ground surface movements. The data show the Don Bosco School exper- ience an angular distortion (Lambe and Whitman, 1969) of less than 1/1000, which is less than the proposed acceptable limit (Bjerrum, 1964) of 1/500 for this type of structure. Comparison of the volumes of displacement between the end of wall construction position and the maximum movements indicate that a majority of the ground surface movements are initial settlements. The volumetric displacement of SI-1 is approximately 4.5 ft3 versus 5.0 to 5.5 ft3 for the ground surface. The excess surface displacement can be attributed to consolidation settlements. Figure 3.3.4 shows the settlement contours of the Don Bosco School. The contours are essentially parallel to the excavation wall. They also indicate a relatively uniform settlement. Figure 3.3.5 is a dimensionless plot of the vertical ground movements adjacent to the concrete wall. This plot shows the maximum settlements were, on the average, less than 0.1 percent of the excavation depth. The sketch on the figure compares the data with the empirical plot reported by Peck (1969) for excavations using soldier piles and lagging or steel sheet piling. The data falls at the lower end of his suggested Zone 1 for good workmanship in soft to hard clays. This clearly shows the concrete wall's ability to minimize initial settlements adjacent to deep excavations. Figure 3.3.6 shows changes in total head and bottom heave versus excavation depth. Unfortunately, the heave rods were destroyed before reaching the final excavation depth; therefore, a continuous plot of -23- bottom movements was not acquired. tunnel invert after its bottom movements. initial Heave pins were installed in the construction to monitor the trends of the These readings are shown relative to their own reading and do not show the total bottom heave. The data show that when the excavation depth reached 40 ft the bottom had experienced a heave of .02 ft. After constructing the invert, the bottom continued to heave at a steady rate. Figure 3.4.4 also shows that the final 24 ft of excavation depth 2 2.88 kip/ft ) resulted in 34 ft of total head drop. (Au = 2.1 v 2 kips/ft ). If one accepts that this excavation phase closely approximates (Act = an infinite unloading, then the data suggests pore pressure dissipation is occurring during excavation and that the measured heave is the result of both initial 3.3.4 heave and swelling. Pore Pressures Figure 3.3.7 shows pore pressures versus depth adjacent to the sheeting. The pressure heads shown are the initial values, those at maximum excavation depth, and the latest measurement recorded. The initial readings show the ground water was static prior to any construction events. At maximum excavation depth the measured pore pressures were below the static condition. this latter Except for PH-1 the pore pressures for case compare favorably with the predicted pore pressures for steady state seepage (as shown in Chapter 4) into the excavation with the assumption that the wall permeability (i.e., permeability in the horizontal plane (i.e., kh). kwall) equals the soil In the field, seepage was observed coming through the concrete wall panel joints directly in -24- front of piezometers PH-3 and P-4 to P-6. through the steel sheeting joints. Seepage was also observed It is felt that this observed in conjunction with the sand lenses in the upper portion of seepage, the stiff clay, is one of the main causes for the observed decrease in pore pressure. Some of the drop in pore pressure can be attributed to the stress release from the excavation. meter P-1-H on the center line. Exemplifying this is piezo- It shows zero pressure at full exca- vation with dewatering only to the excavation bottom. seepage it should show a minimum static piezometric head of 15 ft. the section of concrete panels in front of PH-1, little the joints was observed. for its For steady-state In seepage through This is probably the main factor responsible relatively small pore pressure drop. Figure 3.3.8 shows profiles of ground water levels and vertical movements for full excavation at two sections. At both sections the phreatic surface indicates a flow of ground water towards the excavation. SI-1 (Figure 3.3.1) recorded horizontal ground displacements over its entire 100 ft depth. ments, it If one assumes constant volume elastic displace- is possible these movements could have contributed to vertical displacements up to 100 feet back from the excavation. Therefore, the source of the vertical settlements is most probably a combination of these constant volume displacemnts pressure. However, and a drop in the soil pore water since the drop in pore pressure is also the result of stress release resulting from sheeting displacements, the amount of vertical displacement from each source is indeterminable. The effect of lowering the water table in this soil profile was probably small compared -25- At distances of 100 to 150 ft from to constant volume displacements. the excavation, where the effect of stress release is small, a total head decrease of 8 to 10 ft over the 9 to 12 month excavation period resulted in settlements of only 0.1 to 0.2 3.3.5 in. Strut Loads and Horizontal Stresses The variation of strut loads versus construction progress is shown on Figure 3.3.9. Strut loads were monitored in the concrete wall section only, using vibrating wire strain gauges. The values of strut load shown in Figure 3.3.9 are the statistical averages and standard deviations of the load per foot of excavation length. Measured values were corrected for temperature effects and strain gauge drift as described in Appendix B. The data show that the average B level and C level strut loads increased 23 and 9 percent, respectively, with increasing excavation depth. This is contrary to what is usually found for braced excavations using steel sheeting or soldier piles and lagging (Peck, 1969; Lambe, et al., 1970). The fourth construction stage, when the two lower strut levels were removed, resulted in an average increase of 30 percent in the B level strut load. The scatter in the measured strut loads shown on Figure 3.3.9 is quite large despite a rigid retaining wall, relatively uniform soil conditions, and controlled construction procedures. were all less than the design values. The measured loads The largest difference occurred in the D level struts where the maximum measured value, was about 0.5 the design load. The major reason for this is the design loads assume the full initial static water pressure which acts on the concrete wall. -26- The Apparent Earth Pressure diagram (Terzaghi and Peck, 1967) for the maximum average loads is given in Figure 3.3.10. The diagram is based on the assumption the struts carry a uniform earth pressure over a distance half-way between strut levels. The computed pressure diagram falls within the range of apparent pressures (.2y tH to .4ytH) suggested by Peck (1969) 3.4 for stiff clays. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The field observations show: (1) Significant horizontal ground movements can occur during the installation of concrete panels using bentonite slurry. For panels 10 to 20 ft in length in stiff clay, measured movements were as much as 0.75 in. On the other hand, vertical movements for the same conditions are small, their order of magnitude being 0.1 to 0.3 in.immediately adjacent the excavation. (2) one in. The concrete wall movements during excavation were less than This was approximately the magnitude of movement which occurred during the wall installation. (3) The maximum lateral inward ground movement behind the concrete wall was 1.25 in. (4) in. Steel sheeting experienced lateral movements of up to 6 1/2 This was 6 to 10 times the concrete wall movements. (5) Settlements behind the concrete wall were generally less than one inch. (6) This corresponds to 0.1 percent of the excavation depth. Settlements of the Don Bosco School were uniform. distortion of the school was less than 1/1000. -27- The angular (7) Drops of 8 ft to 20 ft of water pressure head were measured behind the concrete wall due to seepage through and around the wall and total stress release during excavation. (8) In spite of essentially uniform soil conditions and construc- tion procedure, measured strut loads showed a scatter of up to 50 percent from the average. (9) The maximum measured strut loads were as little as 0.5 the design loads. (10) The measured strut loads give apparent earth pressures which are within the 0.2 to 0.4 yt range recommended by Peck (1969) for design. -28- CHAPTER FOUR PREDICTED PERFORMANCE This chapter presents predictions of the behavior of the concrete wall section of the South Cove braced excavation. Available methods of analysis and design were employed for the predictions. In some cases where the methods did not model the problem well, they were appropriately modified. The predictions are divided into two sections: 1) Predictions for the behavior during the installation of the wall; 2) Predictions for the behavior during excavation within the braced cut. Predictions for the wall installation include adjacent ground movements and stability of the panels. Predictions for the excavation phase include pore pressures, sheeting movements, soil movements and strut loads. Predictions of the measured field performance are an important phase in the evaluation of braced excavations. Only by comparisons of predicted and measured performances for a number of excavations will it be possible to establish the most appropriate analysis and design methods to use in the design of braced excavations. As the information of this type is accumulated and evaluated, the design of bracing systems will become more economical. SECTION I PREDICTED PERFORMANCE DURING WALL INSTALLATION 4.1 STRESS PATHS The complexity of the stress changes and related movements during -29- the installation of the concrete panels by the slurry trench process is best demonstrated with the aid of Stress Paths (Lambe, 1967). A stress path describes for a soil element the continuous stress changes associated with a particular construction activity. peaks of the Mohr's Circles [q = It is generated by plotting the (cT-a' ) 2 ) versus p = (- + 2 3] for the imposed stresses on the element. Figure 4.1.1 shows the variation in horizontal stresses along the sides of trench for each construction stage of the concrete wall at the South Cove project. The initial horizontal stresses (aho' aho) based on a correlation of overconsolidation and Lambe, 1970). ratio (OCR) and K are (D'Appolonia The variation of OCR was determined from the oedometer test results in Figure A.3.1, Appendix A. While excavating a panel, the soil experiences a decrease in horizontal stress to the fluid pressure of the slurry (a ). The stresses f illustrated neglect any arching effects. the placement of the tremie concrete. The next construction phase is It is assumed the full fluid pressure of the concrete acts on the trench wall. considered appropriate since the concrete: This assumption is (1) has a high slump (5 to 9 in.); (2) contains a retarder to prevent setting; and (3) is placed at a rate of 12 to 20 ft of concrete depth per hour. Using the fluid pressure of the concrete the horizontal stresses after placement exceed both the initial total horizontal and total vertical stresses. The stress path for a soil element at a 40 ft depth at South Cove is shown in Figure 4.1.2. movements. Also shown are the trends of the related Based on the oedometer test, results in Figure A.3.1, the -30- OCR of the element is approximately 3. The pore pressure variation and stress-strain relationships used to develop the stress path are derived from synthesized data reported by Ladd et al (1971) for plane strain tests on Boston Blue Clay (See Appendix E). For the excavation stage a horizontal stress release occurs (A-B) and results in the element undergoing an initial the concrete settlement. Placing (B-C) causes a. large increase in horizontal stress and results in a heave of the ground surface. Both phases are completed within 1 to 3 days and, therefore, undrained conditions are assumed. The remainder of the stress path is highly indeterminate. The excess pore pressures created by placing the concrete will dissipate with time and result in settlement of the ground surface. The magnitude of the settlement and total horizontal stress on the wall at the time of excavation will be directly related to the elapsed time since the wall installation. The implications of this latter behavior are dis- cussed in Chapter 5. 4.2 PANEL STABILITY A panel excavation of limited length compared to the depth is a three-dimensional problem. Theoretically correct analytical methods for determining the factor of safety against the failure of the panel walls in slurry trenches are not yet available. The major problem with present methods is they neglect the effects of arching in both the vertical and horizontal planes. One approach to analyzing the problem is to determine the factor of safety for limiting conditions. For panels of limited length the -31- bounds are the plane strain and axysymmetric state for minimum and maximum factors of safety, respectively. A coulomb wedge analysis was used to establish a lower bound of the factor of safety for the panels at the South Cove Project. 4.2.1 shows the assumed conditions used in the analysis. Figure The factor of safety was determined using both average field vane strengths and strengths determined from Su vo values (Ladd, et al., 1971). The factor of safety is taken as the ratio of the total existing slurry pressure to the slurry pressure required for stability. The computed values were 0.83 using the vane shear results and 1.03 using the ratio. strengths derived from the S /a u vo DeNo's (1969) Equation 204.3. bound for the factor of safety. can be used to determine an upper Using average values for the South Cove profile, a factor of safety of 2.8 is obtained. The actual factor of safety probably lies closer to 2.8 because of the limited panel length versus panel depth. Finite element analyses were made in an attempt to determine at approximately what length to depth ratio excavations behaved as a plane strain problem and to verify the DeNo equation. analysis are given in Appendix C. The details of this Axysymmetric and plane strain states were selected as the bounding conditions of the problem. The results indicate that when the depth to width ratio approached 1, a circular excavation began exhibiting behavior similar to one in plane strain. This agrees favorably with Schneebli's (1964) recommendation that plane strain conditions prevail when this ratio approaches 1. Comparing the factors of safety from the axysymmetric case to that from the equation -32- as suggested by DeNo, the values are close. The results show that an ) 80 ft diameter, 80 ft deep excavation fails at a slurry density (y f between 72 and 75 pcf. Using the average. normalized strength properties over the depth of the excavation and a yf of 72 pcf, a factor of safety of 1.03 is predicted by DeNo's equation. Finite element analyses were made of a rectangular excavation (Appendix C) in an infinite medium to examine the effect of horizontal The initial stress conditions and soil strengths corresponded arching. to those on a horizontal plane through the panel excavation. The analyses indicate the stresses in this plane will arch around panels up to 80 ft in length. The only yielding of the soil occurred at the corners. 4.3 PREDICTED GROUND MOVEMENTS Figure 4.3.1 shows the predicted ground movements adjacent to the panels at South Cove. The predictions were made using the finite element program Feast-3 (D'Appolonia, 1969) and the soil properties in Table 4.7.2. The movements shown are for the bounding conditions of a circular excavation, 20 ft in diameter, and an infinitely long excavation, 5 ft in width. The results are for the excavation stage, the effect of the tremie concrete being ignored; therefore, they are compared to the maximum measured movements. 4.4 COMPARISON OF PREDICTED AND MEASURED PERFORMANCE DURING WALL INSTALLATION The stress path analysis predicts that the horizontal movements after wall installation should be away from the excavation face and -33- that pore pressures should increase. However, the measured movements show a net displacement towards the panel excavation. (1) the actual concrete pressure is below its for this are pressure; Possible reasons (2) fluid the modulus upon reloading is greater than that for the unloading during excavation. Nonetheless, the trends of the movements measured in the field correspond to those predicted by the stress path analysis. The pore pressures followed the predicted trends, showing an increase during the wall construction. No major trench instability was observed in the field. The only instability observed was the sloughing of some clay chunks from the panel face in the upper 30 ft where the soil was highly fissured. This sloughing was probably the result of the fissures opening in the very stiff clay. This implies that the overall factor of safety of the panels was greater than 1. SECTION II PREDICTED PERFORMANCE DURING EXCAVATION 4.5 BACKGROUND Many methods have been proposed to predict or analyze the perfor- mance of a braced excavation. Lambe (1970) summarizes some of the analysis methods and denotes what aspects of the excavation's behavior each predicts. This summary showed that a variety of methods are required to cover the spectrum of braced excavation behavior. In the past the prediction of braced excavation behavior was primarily by empirical methods or techniques with grossly simplifying assumptions. Peck (1943, 1967, 1969) and Tschebotarioff (1951) -34- developed empirical design pressure envelopes for strut loads from field measurements. Caspe (1966) and Armento (1970) describe methods for predicting ground movements for known sheeting displacements. Unfortunately their methods require simplifying assumptions as to the pattern of ground movements. tion. Prediction of sheeting movements have received little atten- Golder, et al. (1970) describe methods which employed elastic analysis or engineering judgment based on field experience. Recent developments in numerical methods and computer technology have resulted in more rational approaches to the predictions of behavior. Haliburton (1968), Boudier, et al. (1969), and Terahi and Balla (1968) present numerical techniques to predict sheeting displacements and forces as well as strut loads. However, these solutions do not model the soil behavior or soil-structure interaction particularly well. The latest developments in analysis of the behavior of excavations and retaining structures have employed finite element techniques. Morgenstern and Eisenstien (1970) use finite elements to analyze earth pressures against retaining structures. Clough and Duncan (1971) inves- tigated retaining wall behavior with a finite element analysis. These solutions are adequate to model the retaining wall problem but do not represent the complex behavior of braced excavations. Palmer and Kenney (1971) model braced excavation behavior by combining two separate solutions. The soil is modelled by finite elements, while the sheeting is represented as a continuous member. The solution is obtained by forcing compatibility between soil and sheeting behavior using an iterative technique. A better representation of the bracing system was achieved -35- by Wong (1971) by representing the sheeting with one dimensional bar elements in combination with finite elements for the soil, the solution being one step. The approaches by Palmer and Kenney and by Wong, using various assumptions, account for the effects of soil-structure interaction and construction technique on the excavation behavior. Both of these approaches predict sheeting and subsoil movements as well as sheeting and strut forces. 4.6 PORE PRESSURES A knowledge of the pore water pressures in the vicinity of an excavation is important for two reasons: (1) they can constitute a major part of the stress applied to the sheeting; (2) a decrease in the ground water table will result in consolidation settlements of the adjacent soil. Both factors are of primary concern in the design of a bracing system and require at least a prediction of the possible limiting values. The prediction of pore pressures outside an excavation is a complex problem. In cohesionless soils of high permeability the pore pressures can range between static water pressure to pressures commensurate with steady-state seepage. The magnitude of the pore pressures are dependent on the soil profile and the tightness of the sheeting. In cohesive soils the range of possible pore pressures is further complicated by excess pore pressures from total stress changes. In bracing systems employing a cast-in-place concrete wall, the total lateral stresses undergo a series of stress reversals during wall installation and excavation (see Figure 4.1.2). Superimposed on the excess pore pressures is the tendency -36- for a drawdown of the groundwater table due to seepage into the excavation. Therefore, in these soils, the pore pressures are most probably in a transient condition and are a function of the rate of construction and the rate of pore pressure dissipation. To predict the build up of excess pore pressures from total stress changes, the following factors must be considered: 1. The reversals in total stresses from the wall installation, excavation and preloading; and the corresponding changes and accumulation of induced pore pressures; 2. Transient condition of loadings; 3. Two-dimensional nature and rate of excess pore pressure dissipation; 4. Choice of pore pressure parameters to describe pore pressure changes in unyielded and yielded soil zones. Since all these factors are highly indeterminate, it was felt that an attempt to predict the excess pore pressures was not justified. One condition of pore pressure change which was predicted was that of steady-state seepage. The predictions were made with the finite element computer program FEDAR (Taylor and Brown, 1967). This method is selected because it readily handles multilayered anisotropic soils and can account for seepage through the sheeting joints. Other analytical methods either lack the ability to model the complex boundary conditions or are too cumbersome to use. Figure 4.6.1 shows the finite element grid used in the FEDAR analysis. The sheeting was modeled by a five-foot wide vertical strip of soil. In the analysis no absolute permeability values were assigned the soil layers. Rather, relative horizontal and vertical permeabilities were assumed for -37- the various layers. The ratio of the permeabilities selected was based on the limited laboratory test data given in Figure A.3.1. Figure 4.6.2 shows the relative permeabilities used in the analysis. It is assumed that in the stiff clay with sand lenses, the horizontal permeability was 10 times the vertical permeability. clay isotropic conditions were assumed. In the underlying The relative sheeting perme- ability is a function of the sheeting type (concrete wall versus steel sheeting), soil type, possible silting of sheeting joints, etc. Deter- ministic values of sheeting permeability are difficult to predict. Therefore, permeabilities ranging from .01 vertical permeability were investigated. to 10 times that of the soil For all cases it was assumed the ground water remained static 300 ft from the sheeting. In addition, the possibility of three-dimensional flow through the sand lenses was neglected in the analysis. Figure 4.6.2 shows the predicted pore water pressures versus depth immediately adjacent the sheeting for the various sheeting permeabilities. of the sheeting. The Unet is the net pore pressures on the back The figure shows that the sheeting permeability has a marked affect on pore pressure distribution even when its permeability is one tenth that of the soil. 4.7 HORIZONTAL STRESSES AND STRUT LOADS Available techniques for predicting strut loads are divided into two types: (1) empirical design methods derived from field measurements; and (2) analytical methods based on elastic theories. The design methods are founded on highly simplifying assumptions for the lateral pressure on the sheeting. -38- These methods account for a variation in soil type but do not separate out the effects of sheeting rigidity, bracing type or method of construction. They are intended to give conservative values of strut loads. The analysis methods, although they have a theoretical basis, often require assumptions regarding soil and water pressures acting on the sheeting and the deformation of the sheeting during excavation. Both of these factors are highly dependent on construction procedure and, therefore, extremely difficult to foresee during the design stage. 4.7.1 Design Methods For stiff clays two design methods are available: (1) Peck's Method (Terzaghi-Peck, 1967, Peck, 1969) (2) Tschebotarioff's Method(Tschebotarioff, 1962) Both methods use apparent lateral pressure diagrams determined from maximum measured strut loads on braced cuts using steel sheet piling or soldier beams and lagging. sis. The diagrams are based on total stress analy- The methods give the maximum strut load to be expected during any stage of excavation. Their applicability to the-more rigid concrete walls has not as yet been verified. Figure 4.7.1 shows the apparent pressure diagrams for the South Cove soil profile. The Peck diagram was modified for the bottom 12 ft from the recommended diagram to account for the decreasing shear strength of the clay. This bottom section was assigned the maximum pressure instead of the suggested linear decrease of pressure to zero at the bottom of the cut. No surcharge was added to the diagrams for the adjacent building since it is essentially a fully floating foundation. -39- The lateral stresses are for average soil properties of the fill and clay. The design strut loads are obtained by summing the stresses acting half-way between adjacent strut levels. Table 4.7.1 summarizes the results of the analysis. Figure 4.7.2 shows the pressure diagram used to design the reinforced concrete wall and to calculate the strut loads. The diagram assumes effective stress conditions and that stresses vary linearly with depth. as 0.6. The ratio of horizontal to vertical effective stress was taken Static water pressure and a surcharge load for the Don Bosco School were added to the effective soil pressures. The strut loads for this diagram are given in Table 4. 7.1. Analysis Methods 4.7.2 Three analysis methods were used to predict strut loads. 1. Elastic beam analysis 2. Elastic beam on springs 3. Finite Element program BRACE II They were For the first two methods it was necessary to predict the lateral pressure on the sheeting. The pressures can range between the initial lateral stresses and the active and passive states of stress depending on the deflected shape of the sheeting. Further, depending on the rate of construction, the stiff clays could be in either an undrained or drained state, or a transient condtion. Flaate (1966) shows data which suggests that soft to medium clays remain essentially undrained during construction; unfortunately, there is little data on stiff clays. For South Cove soil profile, the sand lenses in upper stiff clays would most probably permit a rapid dissipation of excess pore pressures from the -40- imposed total stress changes. In addition, the lenses would probably enhance the seepage into the excavation. Therefore, effective stresses and water pressures corresponding to the steady state seepage analysis were used to predict the lateral pressures on the sheeting. The lateral soil pressure (oh) was taken as: h h where v = the effective vertical stress a v K = the ratio of the effective stresses The appropriate value of K is purely a judgment value. For cast in place concrete walls, the K value is dependent on the residual lateral stress after the wall is installed (see Section 4.1) as well as the assumed displacements and direction of sheeting movements. Figure 4.7.3 shows the lateral stresses used in the two elastic beam analyses for the condition of full excavation. Because of the concrete wall rigidity, relatively small inward displacements were expected. Therefore, the K values were chosen more in light of the soil stiffnesses than the sheeting displacements. In addition, it was assumed the lateral stresses after wall installation (see Section 4.1) were equal to their original "in situ" values. this section.. loose state. it The reasons for this are discussed later in A K value of 0.5 was chosen for the fill because of its For the upper very stiff to stiff clays (K of 1.0 to 0.7), 0 was assumed that small displacements would result in large decreases in ah; thus K was set equal to 0.5. For the stiff to medium clays, it was assumed little stress release would occur because of the small strains, -41- therefore, a K value of .4 was selected for these soils. To the effective soil stresses were added the pore pressures for a sheeting permeability of 0.1 kv shown in Figure 4.6.2. Figure 4.7.4 shows the strut loads obtained for the two elastic methods. level. Table 4.7.1 summarizes the maximum loads for a given strut In the analysis the sheeting was considered a continuous member and given the properties of the concrete wall in Table 4.7.3. The loads were computed for each stage of excavation by the Computer Program STRUDL (M.I.T., 1969). In the elastic beam analysis it was necessary to assume support conditions below the excavation level. A fixed support, 10 ft below the excavation bottom was used in stage 1. An inflection point represented by a hinge support, was assumed in the remaining stages at 10 to 15 ft below the excavation bottom. The stresses from Figure 4.7.3 were applied to the sheeting up to 3 ft below the excavation level. Thereafter, movements were considered to be sufficiently small that the soil stresses on each side of the sheeting were equal; hence, only the net, water pressure was applied below this depth. In the elastic analysis with springs the sheeting below the excavation level was supported by linearly-elastic springs. The springs were assigned a spring constant commensurate with the soil modulus. set equal to AE/L: The constant was where A is the vertical distance halfway to the adja- cent springs; L is the half width of the excavation; and E is an average soil modulus from Table 4.7.2 which was taken as 300 a . The lateral yo stresses were applied in the same way as for the elastic beam analysis. The last analysis method used to predict the strut loads was a finite -42- element computer program BRACE II. This is an extended version of the program BRACE described by Wong (1971). The original program simulates the construction process for a braced excavation in an isotropic, bilinearly-elastic material. program performs a total stress analysis. The It models sequentially the events of excavation and installation of struts. It can also consider such effects as prestressing of struts or additional movements at the strut levels after installation. Modifications to the program include the facilities for handling anisotropic, bilinearly elastic materials and the overstressing of the sheeting piling. A detailed description of the program modifications, as well as some investigations as to the program's ability to model the problem,are given in Appendix D. Predictions for strut loads were made for the same four stages of excavation used in the elastic beam analysis. finite element mesh for the analysis. Figure 4.7.5 shows the The material properties used for the prediction are given in Table 4.7.2 and 4.7.3. Since small sheeting movements were expected the concrete walls' uncracked moment of inertia was used in the analysis. One particularly important aspect of the input data is defining the value of K0 adjacent to the wall prior to excavation. suggests K has a significant effect on the first 0 D'Appolonia (1971) yielding of the soil within the excavation. This first yielding could greatly effect the predicted strut loads. Figure 4.1.1 shows that the installation of a concrete wall causes the soil to undergo complex changes in stress. There- fore, it is near impossible to determine what initial stresses exist after -43- the wall is installed. If one accepts that during pore pressure dissipa- tion the horizontal stress will decrease from those imposed by the concrete, then the stresses will tend to reduce to the initial values. Since the clays in this analysis are overconsolidated with Ko values of about .7 to 1, it is assumed the lateral stresses on the wall after its installation decreased to the initial "in situ" lateral stresses. Figure 4.7.6 shows the, results of the BRACE U, Analysis and compares them to the elastic methods. The predicted strut loads by all methods are within 30 percent of each other for all excavation stages, the only exception being the D level strut load from the leastic spring analysis. This agreement is considered good. Probable reasons for the agreement are: 1. The soil remained essentially elastic in the BRACE II analysis, as shown in Figure 4.7.7. 2. The assumed stress distribution for the elastic analysis approximates that predicted by BRACE II, as shown in Figure 4.7.8. The agreement between the stress distributions is somewhat fortuitous, the assumed distribution having no formal basis. Figure 4.7.8 shows that this assumed distribution would be a poor approximation for the more flexible steel sheeting. 4.8 SHEETING MOVEMENTS Sheeting movements were predicted using the same analysis methods and soil properties as were employed in the strut load predictions. all the predictions it For was assumed that after a strut was installed, the sheeting was fixed at the strut level against further horizontal movements. In addition, the effect of preloading was neglected. Justification for these restricted movements of the concrete wall -44- stems from the fact that the struts were preloaded and the space between the wales and the wall were filled with cement grout. Elastic deformation of the strut for the maximum design load would be, on the average, less than .2 in. Figure 4.8.1 shows the predicted movements. All the methods gave essentially the same maximum sheeting movement of about 1 in. the deflected shapes are quite different. However, This is largely the result of the assumptions imposed in the elastic analysis methods. 4.9 VERTICAL MOVEMENTS Vertical settlement adjacent to an excavation results from: 1. Inward displacements of the soil adjacent to the excavation; 2. Changes in pore pressures. Movements from the first cause are termed loss-of-ground or initial movements; those from the second are consolidation movements. 4.9.1 Initial Movements The complex nature of sheeting and ground displacements prevent the use of elastic analyses to predict initial movements. As pointed out in the literature review, methods have been proposed which associate measured or predicted sheeting movements and vertical ground displacements. However, these techniques require grossly simplifying assumptions regarding the distribution of movements. Presently, the only techniques which can be adapted to analyzing initial movements are finite element compute programs. However, even these sophisticated analytical tools require several assumptions regarding -45- the bracing systems' behavior. The finite element program BRACE II was used to predict the initial ground movements. For reasons explained in Section 4.8, after a strut was installed that point of the sheeting was fixed against further lateral movement. The adhesion between the soil and concrete wall was considered equal to zero. This appears justified since the weak bentonite clay "cake" which forms during excavation for the concrete panels is most likely present between the wall and the soil. BRACE II was modified to account for this slippage by eliminating the axial stiffness of the sheeting (see Appendix D). The soil properties and element grid were the same as for the strut predictions. Figure 4.9.1 shows the predicted initial the wall. subsoil movements behind In addition, the BRACE II analysis gave a bottom heave of 1.4 in.at the excavation centerline for a 40 ft depth of excavation. 4.9.2 Consolidation Settlements Two factors causing consolidation settlements are: 1. Dissipation of excess pore pressures from total stress changes; 2. Lowering of the ground water table. As explained in section 4.6, it is virtually impossible to predict excess pore pressures. However, considering the general pattern of sheeting movements, it appears reasonable to assume the total lateral stresses decreased. Data from plane strain tests on Boston blue clay (Ladd, et al., 1971; Appendix E) suggest that negative pore pressures will -46- develop with decreases in stress. The data further implies that the excess pore pressures should become more negative with increasing overconsolidation ratio. As shown in Figure 4.1.2, dissipation of these negative pore pressures will result in a heave of the ground surface. Based on pore pressure decreases from section 4.6 for steady seepage into the excavation, predictions were made for one-dimensional settlements. The compressibility characteristics used in the analysis are summarized in Figure 3.1.3. These consolidation settlements are added to the initial settlements from the BRACE II analysis and are shown in Figure 4.9.1. The total settlement shown neglects any heave which may have occurred from the excess negative pore pressures. COMPARISON OF PREDICTED AND MEASURED PERFORMANCE DURING EXCAVATION 4.10 4.10.1 Pore Pressures Figures 3.3.7 and 3,3.8 show that the pore pressures behind the sheeting dropped below the static values. Also, in Figure 3.3.7 are the predicted pore pressures for steady state seepage, which are in good agreement with the measured values at full excavation. As explained in section 4.6, it is difficult to assess the exact nature of pore pressure drops. Therefore, it is not possible to state with any degree of certainty whether or not the steady state seepage analysis is appropriate. However, the phreatic surface in Figure 3.3.8 strongly suggests a flow of ground water towards the excavation. In spite of all the above uncertainties, it appears reasonable to conclude that, in general, pore water pressures in stiff clays adjacent to an excavation will be below static. -47- 4.10.2 Strut Loads Figure 4.10.1 and Table 4.7.1 compare the measured and maximum predicted strut loads. The maximum loads are used for the comparison since these are the loads that the design methods are supposed to predict. The figure shows that the range of predicted loads is as great as the scatter in measured values. In addition, many of the methods predicted loads less than the maximum measured values, but greater than the average value at a given strut level. However, none of the predicted values, except the conultant's design, contain a factor of safety. It is interesting to note that the consultant's design greatly overpredicted the loads for the D level struts. This is primarily due to the assumption of static water conditions. Figure 4.10.2 compares the measured and predicted strut loads regardless of strut level. In general, all the methods predict strut loads greater than the measured value. Tschebotarioff's method. The only exception is However, the amount by which each method over- predicts the strut load varies greatly and, therefore, the factor of safety against overstress would vary accordingly. The scatter in the data suggests that no one method is more applicable than the other. Figure 4.7.3 compares predicted strut loads for each excavation stage with the average measured loads. The agreement is quite good considering the many assumptions employed. Probably the main reason for the agreement is that the limited movement of the concrete wall and the high soil strength combined to keep the soil in the elastic range. It is questionable whether the two elastic analysis methods would give similar agreement in weaker soils. -48- Peck (1969) suggests that strut loads are directly related to the stability number N for a vertical cut: N t H S u Yt = total unit weight of the soil where = depth of the cut H Su = undrained strength of the clay from unconfined compression tests Using average values for the soil parameters, N z 1.5 for the South Cove excavation. Peck suggests that soils with N values less than 4 remain essentially elastic during excavation whereas above 6 substantial yielding occurs. The agreement between the measured strut loads and those predicted from the elastic analysis tend to substantiate Peck's recommendation. Also in support of this factor are the limited yield zones shown in Figure 4.7.7 4.10.3 Sheeting Movements Figure 4.8.1 compares the maximum concrete wall movements with the predicted values. The trends and magnitudes of the movements are in good agreement, particularly with the elastic spring analysis. Again, this agreement is most probably a result of the limited wall movements keeping the soil in the elastic range. Figure 4.10.3 shows the measured and predicted maximum sheeting movements of both the concrete wall and steel sheeting piling. The assumptions for the steel sheeting analysis were the same as for the concrete wall. The trends of the sheeting movements are in good agreement. -49- the predicted magnitudes for the steel sheet piling grossly However, underestimate the measured displacements. This discrepancy is the result of the large movements which took place at the strut levels after a strut was installed. Also, these added movements could have caused some partial yielding of the soil within the excavation which permitted significant movements below the excavation bottom leading to larger sheeting deflections. According to the stability number N of 1.5 for the cut (section 4.10.2) the excavation wall should have been able to stand without any sheeting. Yet, the soil behind the steel sheeting experienced inward movements of up to 7 in. One probable cause of these large movements was a decrease in the strength of the over-consolidated clay from the undrained strength to the drained value. Therefore, in stiff clays with either fissures or sand lenses, the use of the undrained strength for the stability analysis is questionable. Also suspect is Peck's general recommendation that clays with N values less than 4 remain in the elastic state during excavation. Whether or not these soils remain unyielded appears to be a function of: 1. The rate at which the pore pressures dissipate; 2. The ability of the bracing system to prevent lateral movements and therefore keep strains below the yield value. 4.10.4 Ground Movements Figure 4.9.1 compares the predicted and measured ground movements adjacent the concrete wall. Note that the measured vertical movements are much less than the predicted total settlement. This difference is due, in part, to neglecting the potential ground heave from the dissipation of negative excess pore pressures. The predicted and measured settlements do not agree immediately adjacent to the wall. This discrepancy is most probably the result of the difference in predicted and measured movements for the top portions of the wall. 4.11 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The measured ground movements, associated with the installation of the concrete wall, were within the predicted limits of the ground movements by plane strain and axysymmetric finite element analyses. However, the predicted movements are largely dependent on the selected soil parameters. A significant aspect of the results is that the trends of the predicted movements compare favorably with the measured movements. Comparisons between the predicted and measured behavior of a braced cut with a reinforced concrete wall in an overconsolidated clay indicate: (1) Peck's (1969) recommended design pressure envelope of .4Y H t for stiff clays with N values less than 4 predicts strut loads on the safe side, whereas Tschebotarioff's (1962) envelope underpredicts the strut loads. (2) For rigidly constructed bracing systems one can make reason- ably good predictions of strut loads using elastic beam theories or finite element analyses. technique overestimates However, for a given strut level, each the maximum measured strut load by varying amounts. -51- (3) Elastic beam theories and finite element analyses can give reasonable predictions of sheeting deflections providing the bracing system is constructed such that only minor movements occur at a strut level after installation of the strut. Where no special precautions are taken to restrict sheeting movements above the excavation bottom and sheeting deflections of an unpredictable magnitude can occur, the elastic theories and finite element analysis can grossly underpredict the sheeting movements. (4) Neglecting the effect of the negative pore pressures from total stress release results in overestimating the settlement of the ground surface behind the excavation wall. -52- CHAPTER FIVE PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF A BRACED EXCAVATION 5.1 BACKGROUND The primary reason for employing a cast-in-place reinforced concrete wall in a braced excavation is to minimize subsoil movements adjacent to the excavation. Table 5.1.1 summarizes the limited number of documented cases for excavation with reinforced concrete walls. They all suggest the walls are capable of keeping lateral ground movements to less than 1.5 in.regardless of soil type or depth of excavation. However, in exca- vations employing concrete walls, consideration must be given to ground movements during the installation of the wall as well as during excavation. As explained in Chapter 2, probably the main variable affecting movements during wall installation is the length of panel excavation. It appears the main factors which control movements during excavation are: 1. Rigidity of the sheeting 2. Vertical spacing of struts 3. Stability of the excavation bottoms 4. Details of prestressing and wedging of bracing Other items which must be considered are the soil type, time lag before struts are installed, and removal of struts after full excavation. Two approaches may be taken to assess the degree to which each of the above-mentioned variables affects ground movements. The first is to employ laboratory models or analytical techniques to simulate the behavior. The second entails collating available records -f fiild measuremeftts arid -53- developing interpretive plots. Because of the sparseness of available field data the first approach was adopted by the writer to evaluate the implications of the performance of the South Cove excavation. Stress paths were used to define the fundamental behavior of an excavation. The finite element program BRACE II was used to investigate those factors that affect movements. In addition, based on limited field measurements, an evaluation was made of the effectiveness of bracing details on reducing the sheeting movements. 5.2 STRESS PATH ANALYSIS Stress paths are an ideal vehicle by which one can gain a funda- mental understanding of a complex problem, such as a braced excavation. Admittedly in many cases it is not possible to obtain the exact stress changes in the ground associated with a particular loading. 1tf is also realized that one cannot always model the known stress changes in the laboratory to obtain necessary soil parameters in order to predict subsoil displacements. Nonetheless, the stress path is an effective tool for predicting trends of movements. Figure 5.2.1 shows the stress changes associated with the installation of a wall in a soft, normally consolidated clay. for the simple case of a long trench. The stresses are This simplified condition of the actual case was selected so as to eliminate the complex effects of arching which exist around the more commonly used short panels. Figure 5.2.2 shows the stress path for an Element A a few feet from the panel face. The effective stress changes and vertical strains of the element for the trench excavation (A - B) are derived from the -54- plane strain data from Ladd et al. (1971) (See Appendix E). There- after the stress paths are the writer's judgment as to what the tendency will be for the stress paths. It is emphasized that the intent of using the stress path is only to shead some light on the qualitative behavior of excavations with concrete walls and not to give quantitative results. The stress paths suggest some interesting behavioral trends. During wall installation in a soft clay, the stress release (A - B) may be sufficient to induce yielding in the element. The horizontal stress increase from the tremie concrete (B - C) may well bring the element close to an extension failure. The strains associated with these stress paths suggest first an initial settlement and then heave. The initial horizontal and vertical subsoil movements during excavation could be quite large. The data from South Cove shows hori- zontal displacements of about .75 in. in overconsolidated soils. In soft, normally consolidated clays or loose sands, it seems reasonable that movements would be larger than those at South Cove. Such movements could reach magnitudes sufficient to be detrimental to the safety of utilities and structures in close proximity to the concrete wall. After concrete placement the excess pore pressures will dissipate resulting in a consolidation settlement of the subsoil. The concrete will most likely harden before complete dissipation of the pore pressures. Since the rigid wall will not strain laterally, further pore pressure dissipation will result in a reduction of the lateral stress on the wall. Even at full dissipation it seems unlikely that the horizontal stresses will reduce to their initial values. -55- The net increase in horizontal stress from placement of the concrete is beneficial in the subsequent excavation (D - E). stresses in the soil prior to excavation. It lowers the shear Thus the soil can experience a larger stress decrease or corresponding lateral strain before yielding occurs. On the other hand, the soil within the excavation also is at a lower shear stress prior to excavation. experiences an extension loading. During excavation this soil Therefore, it is closer to yielding and thus can resist less vertical stress release (or horizontal stress increase) before becoming overstressed. If one accepts the aforementioned effects of wall installation on horizontal stresses, then some behavioral trends may be deduced from the stress path (D - E). If a rigid bracing system is constructed which limits the soil to elastic movements, then small horizontal and vertical displacements will most probably result. This is born out somewhat by Figure 4.10.3. A comparison between the predicted sheeting displacement for an overconsolidated clay of both the steel sheeting and the concrete wall gave essentially the same movements for the condition of no movement at the strut levels. As shown in Figure 4.7.7 the soil remained essentially elastic for both sheetings. In contrast, the measured movements showed large displacements, especially at SI-ll (Figure 4.10.3). These movements may be attributed to a loss of strength resulting from negative pore pressure dissipation. But more important, large lateral movements occurred at the strut levels after strut installation. This large lateral strain could have caused a yielding of the soil above excavation level. -56- At SI-10 where less movement occurred at the strut levels, the sheeting displacements are significantly reduced. 5.3 BRACE II ANALYSIS Three BRACE II computer runs were conducted to gain further insight into the parameters that control sheeting movements. mesh shown in Figure 4.7.5 was used for each run. The finite element The soil was assigned the anisotropic properties for the normally consolidated clay from Appendix E. levels. 5.3.1 In each run the sheeting was assumed fixed at the strut The ground water level was at a 5 ft depth. Sheeting Stiffness Figure 5.3.1 shows predicted movements for sheeting with an order of magnitude difference in stiffness. (The stiffness was defined as the product of the Young's modulus, E, and the Moment of Inertia, I.) 5 The El of 4 x 10 the EI of 4 x 10 2 p-ft 4 corresponds to that for a concrete wall, while 2 p-ft is representative of steel sheet piling. Com- paring the sheeting movements for the case of strut levels at 9 ft intervals the figure shows the stiffer wall reduces the movements by a factor 3 to 4. Figure 5.3.2 shows the development of the yield zones during excavation. Despite the difference in sheeting stiffness the yield zones for both EI values merge below the sheeting at the same excavation level. The results shown in Figure 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 suggests there is some correlations between sheeting stiffness and yield zones. 4 x 10 4 p-ft 2 , For an EI = a large increase in movement occurred at the excavation base going from excavation stages 4 to 5. -57- At stage 5 the yield zones extend almost to the bottom of the sheeting, little resistance to sheeting movements. Hence, the soil offers The main resistance is from the stiffness of the sheeting which now acts essentially as a cantilever. For earlier excavation stages the bottom of the sheeting was This embedded in unyielded soil which restrains sheeting movements. behavior contradicts somewhat the recommendations of Peck (1969). He suggests that at a stability number, N m 6, the soil becomes plastic adjacent to the sheeting and large movements will be experienced. normally consolidated soils with a constant strength ratio of S U / For yO = .34, the stability number remains essentially constant and equal to 9. Therefore, large movements should be experienced at the excavation base for each stage of excavation. However, during excavation no prominent bulging was predicted until the fifth excavation stage. This suggests that sheeting stiffness and embedment depth may have an important influence in reducing movements. Further examination of the yield zones in Figure 5.3.2 show they intersect below the sheeting and eventually the base of the soil layer. Comparing the movements shows that the stiffer sheeting did not exhibit a significant increase in displacement at the fifth, or in fact, at latter stages of excavation, as did the sheeting. This is attributed to the walls' higher stiffness and, thus, ability to resist lateral displacements. 5.3.2 Vertical Strut Spacing Deflections of structural members with uniformly varying loads are inversely proportional to the stiffness ratio: -58- 4 L where L = the support spacing E = Young's modulus I = Moment of Inertia Figure 5.3.1 shows the deflections for a sheeting EI of 4 x 10 p-ft2 for 9 and 15 ft strut spacings. The increased strut spacing results in approximately doubling the sheeting displacements while the stiffness decreases by a factor of 8. A comparison of the yield zones (Figure 5.3.2) shows, as one would expect, that the extent of the yield zones was slightly greater for the larger strut spacing for the same excavation depths. This increase in yield zone area results in longer spans between the firm supports of the struts and unyielded soil and, therefore, contributes to the larger sheeting displacements. 5.3.3 Bottom Instability Two stages of bottom instability are important in braced cuts. The first stage corresponds to first local yield adjacent to the sheeting permitting increased sheeting movements. The second is the gross failure of the excavation bottom. According to theoretical studies (Terzaghi, 1942) for infinitely long excavations in an isotropic media, first yield occurs at the corners of the excavation at a atability number N c of 3.14. D'Appolonia (1970) presents data on the factor of safety (Nb/Nc) required to prevent first yield as a function of the shear stress ratio: -59- f - K0 S u 2 -- vo is the extension strength ratio. where S /6 U These results are repro- VO.- duced in Figures 5.3.3 and 5.3.4,along with the values of Ncb recommended by Bjerrum and Eide (1956). The applicability of these results is sub- ject to question since neither the theory nor D'Appolonia's data consider the effect of sheeting stiffness. Figure 5.3.5 shows the excavation bottom movements at various depths for the two sheeting stiffnesses previously discussed. Up to the fourth excavation stage the movements were approximately uniform and of the same magnitude. However, at the fifth excavation stage, the bottom bulged adjacent to the less stiff sheeting. This heave corres- ponds to the increase in sheeting movements (Figure 5.3.1) and approximates joining of yield zones (Figure 5.3.2). The stiffer sheeting, which was capable of resisting lateral displacements, did not exhibit the same local heaving. When the excavation reached the seventh stage and the yield zones extended a considerable distance below the bottom of the sheeting, significant heave occurred even with the stiffer sheeting. These results suggest that very stiff sheeting can retard local bottom heave when the yield zones do not extend a large distance below the sheeting bottom. However, in the case of deep excavations, where the sheeting penetration is shallow and therefore large yield zones can develop, sheeting stiffness will have little effect on bottom stability. This observation is in agreement with model studies described by Peck (1969). Unfortunately, there are no field observations available to -60- correlate with these implications from the BRACE II predictions. Figure 5.3.6 shows for a normally consolidated clay, the factor of safety required to prevent local bottom heave, or significant first yield, as a function of sheeting stiffness and strut spacing. value of N c The is computed by setting the maximum shear stress imposed on the soil, as computed by BRACE II, equal to Su. (The first corner element is neglected because of the high stress concentrations.) Where a factor of safety of one is given, this implies that the sheeting is stiff enough and extends deep enough to resist any instability bf the excavation bottom. The results suggest that strut spacing and, more significant, sheeting stiffness are important parameters when consider- ing first yield of an excavation bottom for H/B values less than 0.7 0.8. For larger H/B values the sheeting stiffness is less important and the factor of safety of 1.4 against first local yield corresponds quite closely to that suggested by D'Appolonia's data. 5.3.4 Comparison with Field Observations. The South Cove data gives some insight on the effectiveness of sheeting stiffness and excavation geometry to reduce moments. Figure 5.3.7 shows significant increase in movements occurred at SI-10 and SI-li when the excavation depth reached 40 ft, whereas no large movements were experienced at SI-9 and SI-6. versus those of SI-10 and SI-l The difference between SI-9 movements can be related to the excavation geometry. The soil at the 40 ft depth has an OCR of about 3 to 4. From Figure 5.3.3 the factor of safety required to prevent local yield for B/L = 0 is about 2.6. Using average values for the soil properties the computed -61- factor of safety is 2.7. However, for SI-9, which is close to the South Bulkhead an L/B ratio of 1 is more appropriate. factor of safety is 3.2. For this case the This suggests no local yielding should have occurred and, therefore, the movements below excavation are reduced. SI-6 shows no marked increase in movement indicating that the concrete walls stiffness was sufficient to prevent lateral displacements. The importance of wall stiffness is further exemplified by the data (Table 5.1.1) from Kuesel (1969). The 70 ft deep excavation in soft Bay Mud has a factor of safety of 0.8 to 1.0 against local yield yet sheeting movements were less than 1.5 in. Figure 5.3.6 suggests sheeting stiffness lowers the factor of safety for first local yield yet good agreement was obtained between field observations and D'Appolonia's results. One possible reason for this apparent agreement is that large sheeting movements took place after a strut was installed (Figure 5.4.1). This results in a tendency for the sheeting to deflect as if the strut did not exist. This negates any effect of the sheeting stiffness because of an increased unsupported span which transfers higher loads to the excavation bottom and could induce premature yielding. Nonetheless, this limited data suggests that correlating sheeting stiffness and predicted first local yield with sheeting movements will lead to a better understanding of how to control sheeting movements. 5.4 SHEETING MOVEMENTS Sheeting displacements during excavation can be categorized as follows: -62- 1) Movements below excavation level from elastic and plastic deformations. 2) Movements above excavation level which are a function of the bracing details. For a given construction procedure and soil profile, movements below excavation are unavoidable. However, movements above excava- tion level could be reduced by better construction practices which increase the rigidity of the bracing system at a strut level. Improve- ment in the rigidity will no doubt reduce the sheeting movements above the excavation depth. However, it is probable that this could reduce movements below the excavation level by limiting the deflection of the sheeting and thus reducing the induced strain in the soil preventing local yielding. D'Appolonia (1970) suggests separating the movements above and below the excavation level by constructing diagrams as shown in Figure 5.4.1. These diagrams, which are for the South Cove excavation, are the total measured movements. By plotting the sheeting displacements for each stage of excavation, the movements above and below excavation level are readily determined. movements below excavation level. The shaded area represents total The area between the maximum sheeting movement and the line defining movements below excavation reflects the total movement above the excavation level. In Figure 5.4.1 SI-11 and SI-12 show a major portion of the sheeting deflection took place above excavation level. They also show substantial movements of up to 4 in. below the excavation bottom. SI-10, which exhibits maximum sheeting deflections approximately one -63- half those of SI-11 and SI-12, shows a majority of its below the excavation level. movement occurred This latter case most probably represents the minimum movement one could expect in this profile with steel sheet piling and the construction techniques used. SI-6 shows the concrete wall experienced movements below excavation level. The percent of the total volumetric displacement below excavation level is approximately the same as for SI-10. However, the magnitude of the displacements are much less and more uniform. and its In light of SI-10's nonuniform movements maximum deflection of 2 in, it appears that even in stiff soils concrete walls may be necessary to limit ground movements to tolerable limits. As previously stated, it is most likely that bracing details can influence movements below excavation level. Figure 5.4.2 shows sheeting displacements for two test sections, A and B, at a-braced cut in Boston reported by Lambe, et al. (1970). the same for each section. The soil profiles are essentially However, because of excessive movements at Section B the bracing details were improved at Section A. Most notable of these changes were the changing of wood shims from soft pine to oak, better control of prestressing, and minimal excavation depths before the next lower strut level was installed. Because of the improved con- struction, Section A experienced a lower maximum movement (4 inversus 6 in). 25 In addition, in Section A movements below excavation level were percent lower and those above excavation level are 30 percent lower than at Section B. These limited data suggests that movements above excavation level -64- can significantly affect movements below the excavation. However, more field observations of this type are needed to verify this observation. 5.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Stress paths for cast-in-place concrete walls suggest: (1) Significant movements may occur during wall installation in soft soils. (2) Installation of the wall causes changes in the "in situ" soil stresses which could result in a reduction in subsoil movements. Analysis using the finite element program BRACE II indicate: (1) Sheeting stiffness is an important factor in reducing subsoil movements and bottom heave. (2) The depth of penetration of sheeting below an excavation can influence sheeting displacements, bottom heave, and subsoil movements behind the sheeting. (3) Decreasing of strut spacing can result in reduced sheeting deformations. A review of limited field data suggests: (1) One important variable influencing subsoil deformations is sheeting stiffness. (2) Movements at strut levels after strut installation can affect the uncontrollable movements which occur below excavation level. -65- CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSIONS 6.1 GENERAL Field measurements at South Cove have given a considerable amount of valuable data and insight on the performance of bracing systems with castin-place reinforced concrete walls in stiff clays. Where possible , the correlatioh of these field measurements with values predicted by available analytical methods allows an assessment of the applicability of these methods for predicting the performance of braced cuts employing concrete walls. Since the data in this study is from one site, the conclusions set forth in this chapter require further verification by additional instrumentation programs and theoretical studies. 6.2 MEASURED PERFORMANCE The field measurements program for the deep excavation in stiff clay at South Cove show: (1) The installation of a cast-in-place concrete wall by the slurry trench process, in panels 10 ft to 20 ft long and 80 ft deep, can cause significant lateral ground movements but results in inconsequential vertical ground movements. (2) Reinforced concrete walls can limit the horizontal and vertical ground movements adjacent to a braced excavation to values less than 1 in. if good construction methods are exercised and if the wall penetration is deep. (3) Steel sheet piles can experience lateral movements of up to twice those measured for a concrete wall for the same bracing -66- geometry and good construction techniques. Where poor con- struction methods are employed the steel sheet piles can undergo movements 6 to 7 times those of the concrete wall. (4) The loads in a given level of bracing supporting a concrete wall can vary as much as 50 percent above and below the average measured value even with good construction practice and uniform soil profile. (5) The pore water pressures behind a concrete wall will drop below the initial values during excavation. The pattern of the decrease in pore pressure indicates the reductions are due, in part, to seepage through the concrete panel joints. 6. 3 PREDICITION OF MEASURED PERFORMANCE (1) The installation of a cast-in-place walls causes complex stress changes in the adjacent ground which hamper making accurate predictions of the performance of braced excavations supported by concrete walls. (2) The stability of slurry trenches is not fully understood. Presently, it appears that the method of analyzing the stability of slurry trenches should be related to the length to depth ratio of the trench. (3) The agreement between the measured sheeting and ground movements and those predicted by BRACE II is highly dependent on the ability to estimate the sheeting deflections which will occur at a strut level after a strut is installed. -67- Since this variable is a function of construction technique and the quality of workmanship, these predictions cannot be made with any degree of confidence. (4) Predictions of ground settlements are hindered by the inability to predict: a) the magnitude of pore pressure change relate to the lateral stress releases; b) the rate at which the pore pressures dissipate. (5) The large scatter in measured strut loads suggest Peck's approach of using lateral pressure envelopes for determining design loads is appropriate for bracing systems with concrete walls. (6) The measured strut loads gave an apparent lateral pressure envelope in good agreement with the envelope recommended by Peck for stiff clays. However, it would be presumptuous to conclude that the design envelopes recommended for the design of bracing systems with flexible sheeting in other soil types apply to braced excavations with concrete walls. (7) Predictions of pore water pressures are restricted to the limiting condition of steady state seepage into the cofferdam. The accuracy of these predictions are influenced by the ability to assess the relative permeability of the sheeting and the soil. (8) The indeterminate nature of the parameters governing the behavior of braced excavations precludes obtaining accurate predictions of any aspect of a braced excavations behavior -68- by analytical methods unless special construction measures are taken to control the paramenters governing that particular aspect of behavior. 6.4 PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF A BRACED EXCAVATION (1) Placement of tremie concrete for cast-in-place concrete walls increases the horizontal effective stresses in the soil; therefore, the soil can experience higher lateral strains before yielding than it could initially. This will result in reduced ground movements but higher strut loads in comparison to bracing systems with steel sheet piles. (2) The bending stiffness of the sheeting in conjunction with the sheeting penetration below excavation level are important parameters in reducing the ground movements within and outside the excavation. (3) Decreasing vertical strut spacing results in reduced ground movements above and below excavation level. However, a re- duction in strut spacing is not as effective in reducing movements as is an increase in bending stiffness of the sheeting. (4) For a depth-width ratio of 1 and a sheeting penetration of .5H, BRACE II analysis show, for excavations in soft clay, a stiff concrete wall is no more efficient in preventing instability of the excavation bottom than the more flexible steel sheet-piling walls. (5) Parameter studies show BRACE II is an excellent method for aiding the design engineer in making rational judgements relative to the expected behavior of a bracing system. -69- BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations: ASCE America Society of Civil Engineers ICSMFE International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering JSMFD Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division SGDMEP Symposium on Grouts and Drilling Muds in Engineering Practice Armento, W.J. 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Zienkiewicz, O.C., and Cheung, Y.K., (1967), "The Finite Element Method in Structural and Continuum Methods", McGrawHill Publishing Co., Ltd., London. -75- NOTATION A Area halfway to each adjacent spring in the vertical direction in STRUDL analysis Ap Surface area of a hydraulic piezometer As Cross sectional area of a strut B Width of excavation B Half width of excavation E Cohesion entercept based on effective stresses Cc Compression index cps Cycles per second Cs Swell index cv Coefficient of consolidation e Error in a given measurement eo Initial void ration E Young's Modulus EU0Yielded Young's Modulus EH Young's Modulus from plane strain active test EV Young's Modulus from plane strain passive test f Shear stress ratio FS Factor of safety ft Feet Gs Specific gravity of solids H Depth of excavation I Moment of inertia -76- in. Inches K Permeability K Lateral stress ratio K Sheeting stiffness ratio Ka Active stress ratio Kd Correction for guage drift Kf Principle stress ratio at failure Kh Permeability in the horizontal direction Kn Calibration constant for slope indicator torpedo Ka Lateral stress ratio at rest K Passive stress ratio Kv Permeability in the vertical direction Kwall Permeability of retaining wall Kt Temperature correction L Length of excavation Ln Length over which slope indicator torpedo measures tilt Lv Vertical spacing of bracing Ls Penetration of Bentonite Slurry M 1 - N Ratio of height of Bentonite Slurry in a trench trench depth N Standard penetration resistance N ONVibrating + [depth to ground water table I Slurry trench depth] wire frequency N, Nc Terzaghi - Peck dimensionless stability coefficient Ncb Bearing Capacity coefficient -77- OCR Overconsolidation ratio pp 9l + g3 2 73 , 2 p Pounds Pf Force of bentonite slurry PI Plasticity Index PSA Plane strain active psf Pounds per square foot PSP Plane strain passive PW Force from water pressure r Ratio of excavation radius R Equivalent capillary radius for a porous media S Shear force Su Undrained shear strength St Sensitivity To Initial temperature of vibrating wire guage Ti Temperature of vibrating wire guage at time of measurement u,U Pore pressure Unet Net pore pressure us Static pore pressure us Static pore pressure Uss Pore pressure under steady state seepage conditions V Displaced volume of water in tube to cause a pressure change of lpsf wl Liquid limit wp Plastic limit -78- * H X Calibration constant for vibrating wire guage XpPComposite calibration constant Z Depth below ground surface [K] Soil element stiffness matrix [Q] Nodal force vector [S] Bar element stiffness matrix [U] Nodal displacement vector du Rate of change of pore pressures dt E/ vo Ratio of Young's Modulus to initial stress Su/covo Ratio of undrained shear strength to initial effective stress vertical effective vertical Angle between the horizontal plane and the failure plane in a wedge analysis Yf Bentonite slurry unit weight yyt Total unit weight yw Unit weight of water Yb Bouyant unit weight A Symbol indicating finite increment AP Differential pressure between bentonite slurry and ground water 0 Angle of rotation Poisson's Ratio Tf Bingham yield shear stress a Normal stress a Effective normal stress -79- C conc Consolidation stress Fluid pressure of concrete oyf Bentonite slurry fluid pressure aha Active effective horizontal stress hs h) x' x Horizontal normal stress Initial total horizontal stress 0 ho avp avg azz' z vm Initial effective horizontal stress Vertical normal stress Maximum past vertical consolidation stress a Initial total vertical stress a Initial effective vertical stress vo vo a 1 , 2' 3 Principal stresses Friction angle Friction angle based on effective stress -80- TABLE 1. 3. 1 Type of Analysis SemiEmpirical Method of Analysis ANALYSIS OF BRACED EXCAVATIONS RESULTS GIVEN BY VARIOUS METHODS OF ANALYSIS Fore Soil Strut Sheeting Sheeting Pressure Stresses Load Movement Stresses TerzaghiPeck x x x x SETTLEMENT Initial Cons. Tscheboco tarioff Analytical Finite Element 1-D Consolid. 2 x x Beam on El. Foundation x x x Continuous Beam x x x x x x FEDAR x 3 x BRACE II 1 Apparent horizontal total stress. Variation during consolidation. 3 Steady state flow. 2 100 ON , 1--1- -1----- .---. - I - 1. 1 x PREDICTED MAXIMUM STRUT LOADS TABLE 4.7.1 M a x i mu m S t r u t L o a d s K i p s / f t Elastic Beams Strut Level Modified Peck (.4yH) TscheboTarioff with Hinge B 34.1 15.6 31.6 23.4 C 32.8 20.3 34.1 D 23.3 9.4 B 47.4 67.7 Design Maximum Measured 25.7 41.5 34.7 29.4 34.2 29.8 27.5 42.0 28.8 43.9 60.9 28.1 29.5 -- -- -- -- 46.2 60.4 107 with Springs Brace Ix 1C and D level removed. 81.60 103.8 132.2 90.3 . a SOIL PROPERTIES - SOUTH COVE PROFILE TABLE 4.7.2 Soil Type I Depth (ft.) OCR o Unit Weight PCF K E E v h S uv S uv vo v vo uh Fill Hard Clay Very Stiff. Clay Stiff Clay Medium Stiff Clay Medium Clay 0-5 5-15 5.0 .5 1.0 110 125 2504 1000 250 500 1.0 1.0 ,3 ,4 15-35 35-60 3.0 2.0 .87 .75 122 122 1400 340 220 200 0.77 0.57 0.69 0.65 .49 .49 60-80 80-120 1.5 1.0 .65 .52 120 120 300 250 180 150 0.46 0.34 0.63 0.60 .49 1Assumed values for hard clay Soil properties based on data from Ladd, et al. TABLE 4.7.3 Sheeting Type Concrete Wall Arbed-Columeta B2-350 Young's Modulus PSF 432,000 4,320,000 (1970) SHEETING PROPERTIES Moment of Inertia ft 4 /ft 2.25 - uncracked 0.98 - cracked 0.009 Area ft 2 /ft 3.0 :.054 .49 30* TABLE 5.1.1 Reference Soil Type SUMMARY OF MOVEMENTS ADJACENT BRACED CUTS WITH CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WALLS Wall Thickness (in) Excavation Depth (ft) Maximum Sheeting Movements (in) Maximum Ground Settlements (in) Soft Bay Mud Su = 300 1000 psf 58 65 1.5 1.2 Gould (1970) Sands and Clayey Silts ( z 330) 30 70 0.4 1.2 Thor & Harlan (1971) Sand (4 z 370) and Clayey Silts (0 z 350) 36 70 1.25 0.75 Huder (1969) lacustrine deposits (varied silts, Su 350 pgf) 31.5 55 1.4 - Kuesel (1970) -I (. I -DI GGING CRANE 5- TREMIE-PIPES 2 -KE LLY - BAR 6-BENTONITE SWRRY 3 -CL MSHELL BUCKET 7- GUIDE TRENCH 4 -COI NCRETING CRANE 8- CONCRETE 7 - 4 00 A 4 A. 4 A 44 ~ 3. 8 b 44 . 6 4 fr FIGURE 2.2.1 CAST-IN- PLACE CONCRETE TRENCH PROCESS WALLS 4. 4 b 4.. A. .. BY THE A SLURRY 3.0 FRICTION ANGLE SYMBOL 300 O o NH 35* 400 -. Li - A ____ A u- \R MH H R a N N. N N w N La- NA 0 El 'N cl) u- AK 0 N N. N Nm N. ~"0 N. N N. N. 'N 0 - 2.0 N - o 0 M =.50 u- M =.75- 1.0 M= 1.0 I R ~ADI CAcSE N=-I From Morgenstern and Amir-Tahmossib (1965) '-' I I 1.20 1.40 1.80 L60 1 2.00 I 2.20 2.40 UNIT WEIGHT OF SOIL UNIT WEIGHT OF SLURRY FIGURE 2.2.2: STABILITY OF SLURRY TRENCHES IN COHESIONLESS SOILS FOR PLANE STRAIN CONDITIONS -86- UNIT WEIGHT OF SOIL 110 PCF SYMBOL W -- 95 120 PCF 130 PCF GROUND WATER DEPTH(D) D H 90 N o A 0 o 10g 5 -- =u-=O.321 Rvo - 85 80 =~-~-7:jj.__ 75 j ---4 -- 60 0 0- L 25 / / 21" i =0.57, OCR=2 / 65 / / / ) 70 '-EFrom Nash and Jones( 1963) 75 50 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION 100 125 (H) FIGURE 2.2.3: STABILITY OF SLURRY TRENCHES IN NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY -87- 06 $ .-4 WAL N %09 DON BOSCOE 04 STEEL WALL SCALE 0Of co FIGURE 3.1.1: SOUTH (30.4 COVE PROJECT 8m) 1 t & to V A 7 / -, DON / 1L7 -F 5z 7'20- 7) -5 V //1 N r10 C H ARD Y E LLOW CLAY Very Stiff to H +- to Medium H -+ H -+ H STRUTS : 12' C /C (3.6 M) 50 FT Bottom of Excavation 60 Stiff I -i id Blue Clay with Sand Lenses H5 60. 127 Concrete Wall 80 FT Boston STRUT Blu e B 14WF127 36WF170 C 14 WF 103 36WF 150 D 14WF 176 36WF CLAY 100430 WALF 104 TKLL ROCK / 0 Ft LL Stiff Boston 40- I I / 0 3' 70' 3' / LLI / 0-0 BOSCO SCHOOL I I FIGURE 3.1.2: SECTION AT STATION ----------- 113+40 U. 0 .0 2 20 SZ -10 4. in 40 % F w 2 60 0 I +e. FILL ytal'op' t HARD (L6Vcn CLAY IM C 39S3 STIFF 0 CLAY 0 30 10 x t:4 0 c6000 -20 MEDIUM 8Oa CLAY 0 (L l20tm L93*m) oo{30 44A+ u'j+ LY S 1~ I from Lodd,71j (De x FIGURE 3.1.3: SOIL 4 10 50 10 00 H 8 rIv- 00 W.9thm) C. 6 4 2 c 0 rtzI22psf 1 STRESS L77 rlp .3 .2 .1 0 * as Fi*Id Van* Lob. PROFIL E Vans 12 60 t/nf PH-70 LEGEND OPH-8 * PH HYDRAULIC * P VIB. +SI PIEZOMETER WIRE 6 V SLOPE HEAVE INDICATOR ROD o LEVEL POINTS LP ay DON 11 BOSCO SCHOOL ( 7 story -brick) 0 P..7 PH-60 L Pa PH-Se PH-2 OLP OPH-4 OPH-3 I6S OPH-1 - S I -I~IS 4 WALL CONCRETE STEE LSH EET V-3 V-2 8 8+ + V-0 P1 4 SI-7 0 02 SCALE 0 5 0 40 50 10 15 (F EET) (METERS) FIGU RE 3.1.4 :LOCATIONS OF FIELD INSTRU MENT S P-2 P-3 4 I 0. 0 SI- 6 (CONCRETE WALL) 120- TUNNEL 100I- WALL INSTALLED WALL ROFF -35 *30 INVERT SI-1l (SHEETING) -20 +0.5- PT I AT FAR BUILDING CORNER -0 00 E -0.5PT 1I- 7 L AT NEAR BUILDING CORNER -2 -1.0-13 -1.5--34 110- -32 105- z 2 -25 D 80- PH-7 100- 30 95- -28 2 90JI -26 PH 85- -24 80PT.I SI-6 AT BOTTOM PH-7* OF EXCAVATION -EL -2 73 -0 0- PT. 2- 7 --2 BOSCO SCHOOL DON --4 L SI-Il AT BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION-EL. 73 --6E PH-4 3- -- 8 Lo 4- -0 5- 0 'N' D J 'F 1968 FIGURE 3.2.1:TOTAL HEAD M A ' M ' J ' A' S 0 N D J AND SOIL F J MJ 1970 1969 MOVEMENTS -92- DURING CONSTRUCTION A I SECTION - I 10- - l1 LL 0 - 7,^N\77 -\Y17;N\ROOF PORED WALLS -SIDE INSTALLED w MUD-SLAB 80- N -__8O +0.5- +0. 5 0 w -0 W -0.5- Bldg. > 0 80.- pt. L, NW BId . Wt G S 1.5- . CORNER -- _ 100 - -90 8 5 ---- 80- 0.5 -1.5 9H-D----- 85- .- CORNER NE t 100-6 -PH-8 Frozen S 20 WALL - - ePH-8 - 0 P- 5 ,NWY ,NE CORNER--8 CORNER PH-7) uDON P - PH-4- -. + . + .. -- 0.5 - -0.5- - P-5- 0 4-15- ~--- A 0 1N 1D J 1968 FIGURE 2.2:TOTAL F O N J 1A J 1969 SOIL MOVEMENTS HEAD AND M A IM -93- a Si -4 D J El ev. +t-73ft! F DURING M I A '1 1970 CONSTRUCTION _ " i HORIZONTAL -50 0 I DISTANCE 100 50 Iq 150 - -1 GROUND 120 WATER TABLE -1- I0. - .......... 0 o oo -- CONCRETE WALL 90 SY M. o,A,E *,A,m o -Is DESCRIPTION -800 0 F- HEAD ALL PANELS INSTALLED TOTAL INITIAL TOTAL HEAD NORTH PIEZOMETER LINE (STA. 113+20 to 113 +40) CENTRAL PIEZOMETER GROUP (STA.112 +20 to 112-+80) SOUTH PIEZOMETER GROUP (STA. 111-+-52 to 111-+-90) NORTH 0J SIDE ~ OF 0 -70 z -.2 Z CHOOL .cx~. -E r z w LUJ 0 -. 2 I.(n- H cr FIGURE 3.2.3: CHANGES IN TOTAL HEAD AND GROUND WALL INSTALLATION SURFACE DURING DISTANCE FROM PANEL FACE i ~ -. -.-. w i SI-3 I I 'I 101 RANGE OF MOVEMENTS 2 HARD CLAY I I 201- f- I * -INITIAL I I POSITION 2 ' 60- I \ -MAXIMUM DURING EXCAVATION PANEL 701 HOR. .0J.5 .MVE to STIFF I I I I I .. 50- 80- .5 V. STIFF 40- a > 0 w- 30- 1-n I 0I FILL - SI- i 0 30 20 10 0 z (FT) NET MOVEMENT AFTER PLACE TREMIE CONCRETE CLAY STIFF to MEDIUM CLAY 90100- 1.0 CONCRETE 0 HORZ. MOVEMENT (IN) SI-3 ENT(IN) SI- I FIGURE 3.2.4: MEASURED 0.5 GROUND WALL MOVEMENT DURING ROCK CONSTRUCTION OF '1 SHEETING 2 -N 6 8 0 2 4 SI-6 6 8 SI-4 I 9- 0 (7/1/69) -- (7/ 10- / 0 4 ( IN.) MOVEMENTS SI-12 SI - 11 69) (9/5/69) (8/I /69) -C 20-- -N (7/22 /69) - 8/6N 30- I I-D --- -\ I (7/17/69) /(8/18/69) (9/3/69) - N /1/69) (7/1/69)-- 17/23/69) (9/5/69) I -(9/16/69) O/69) (8/11/69) L I 40 / (7/25/69) +-- (9/22/69) (0/29V 9) - 0. (8/I8/ 69) 8/18/69) w 50-a 10/30/69) 1(9/12/69) 60 I--MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MOVEMENT (11 / 6 /69) MOVEMENT 70- 11/26/69) CaD 80-- STRUTS C REMOVED STEEL SHEET FIGURE 8 D STRUTS REMOVED PILING 3.31 : SHEETING CONCRETE MOVEMENTS -4-MXIMUM IMOVEMENi r C 8 D STR JTS REMOVED MAXIMUM MOVEMENT C 8 D STRUTS REMOVED DURING WALL EXCAVATION MOVEMENT HOR IZONTAL SI-9 120- 1 0 -0 2 FILL.. SI-10 I 0 *--B (-B (4/26,B 100- -20 z C -- C 4/17) p 0 (4/26/69) (5/99) (5/9/69) VERY STIFF I.-40 (5/9) TO -j w 60 60- (5/30) (--D (5/30/69) w" STIFF CLAY -4 (5/12) (5/2/69) . 80- with fine U(6/7) MA MAXIMUM / MOVEMENT SAND LENSES I 40" -80 SI -10 HEET PILING 1 FIGU RE 3.3.2 : MAXIMUM MOVEMENT SHEETING 40 , SI-9 MOVEMENTS AT SOUTH BULK HEAD (Sta. 107+50) BOSCO DON SCHOOL DISTANCE 0 .0 WALL MOVEMENT 20 60 40 SI-I FROM WALL 80 100 (FT) 120 140 160 SI-3 0 II ',t F: I a: w I -20 .40 ~0co I I AT COMPLETION I w I 0m .60 N --- MAXIMUM OF SLURRY WALL MOVEMENT I -80 1.0 0 -100 1.0 0 hI 1.0 0 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS(IN) FIGURE 3.3.3. GROUND MOVEMENTS ADJACENT CONCRETE WALL SCALE, FEET o .01 10 20 30 Settlement :in feet 02 .03 DON BOSCO SCHOOL 03 FIGURE 3.3.4: SET TLEMENT CONTOURS OF DON BOSCO SCHOOL HORIZONTAL DISTANCE EXCAVATION DEPTH 1.0 2.0 3.0 o 00 0 WALL 0A COMPLETE (O) __ 0 0 0 EXCAVATION _ COMPLETE (6) SI Il I A -NAA~ U A --. a MAXIMUM SETTLEMENT (U) 0 z w 4 U 4 w U w 0 0 w t am 0 ) 1 - O1X0 0 .02 - 0 DISTANCE FR )M EXCAVATION DEPTH OF EXCAVATION 40 30 Q0-2 Dot 0 1.0. . I ZONE I ( Soft to Hard Clay Average V) Workmanship) 2.0. 0 FIGURE 3.3.5: MOVEMENTS .10 ADJACENT From THE Peck SLURRY ( 1969) WALL . 120X MUD 100- w ROOF SIDE WALLS SLAB N INVERT -J80- I I NEW ZERO .02 PO 0 w 0 -.02t--o A Fj V-2-HEAVE 6 H P -HEAVE T_ LO ST ROD-EL.58.4FT i PIN-INVERT Fj- 2 DON I LA N2 BOSCO SCHOOL .PH-4 0, V -2 0 100 P-I-H INITIIAL C 90 w 80 I -J 70+ I.0 I- READING _-_III '-1 ~1 N I- LOST -~- 60 O P T I - H - M I A I M I J NSOR E EV.=56.8 I J ' A I S '0 N J 'F M' A 1969 FIGURE 3.3.6: TOTAL HEAD M 1 J' J A 1970 AND BOTTOM HEAVE MEASUREMENTS z 0 a w a 0o 120A 10 PRESSURE 0 20 HEAD 60 40 I ioo-L 2 0 80-4 -50 Stiff Boston ___ +-- P H-3 Blue CLAY PH -4\ -70 Medium 40- -80 Boston Blue -90 100 80 FILL Hd. Yel. -s-CLAY -30 (FT) Is INITIAL READINGS (3/69) A EXCAVATION 0 FINAL -1 0 +- P 5 \ 01 x \ COMPLETE (11/69) READING (4/70) 4 47 0 0 P--H -(ON . OF EXCAVATION) \ CLAY STATIC Uss K woll =Khsoil TILL Don Bosco High School DDUo S 4HH PH n- n 'Z 01 0 - o nu - 20j-h 00 rr. P-I-H FIGURE 3.3.7. PORE PRESSURES VERSUS DEPTH -102- DON BOSCO SCHOOL .120 35 1968 (INITIAL 0NOV. READINGS) 30- w -100X 0 OCT. ~ 20 0C -C 40 1969 (FULL 25- -80 LT. DISTANCE 8.0 60 EXCAVATION) 100 I?o 30 1 0 Feet 140 50 Meters 40 10 -9- - z .2 w w .6w 2 .8 DON SECTION - (I) BOSCO SCHOOL A-A AI 1/1. BOSCO DON SCHOOL .120 - 35 1968 ( INITIAL READINGS) NOV. 0 4 0 30 100 w 2: -J 1969 (FULL u0 CO z w w w 20 40 I I DISTANCE 80 60 I 10o 120 Feet Meters 30 20 0 25- -80 4 I0 I- EXCAVATION) , AiNr- I.i...-" .2.4- .6- C,, .8- -2 SECTION c FIGURE 3.3.8:TOTAL HEAD AND I-1 SETTLEMENT -103- AT FULL EXCAVATION B STRUT LEVEL B B AVE. STRUT STANDARD LOAD (K/FT ) DEVIATION 20.4 C STRUT AVE. STRUT LEVEL LOAD (K/FT) B C 2.6 STAGE I 2.9 3.9 STRUT AVE. STRUT STANDARD LEVEL LOAD (K/FT) DEVIATION B STRUT AVE. STRUT STANDARD LEVEL LOAD (K/FT) DEVIATION D Q - - C 23.2 15.2 STAGE 2 - B STANDARD DEVIATION B C D 25.2 16.6 21.1 4.2 3.6 4.7 Invert B 6.0 32.4 STAGE 4 ; C STRUT LEVELS STAGE 3 INVERT IN STRUT AVE. DESIGN LEVEL LOAD (KIPS) B C D 41.5 29.8 60.9 FIGURE 3.3.9: STRUT LOAD VARIATION DURING CONSTRUCTION AND D REMOVED; PLACE , APPARENT LATERAL STRESS 2 3 0 2 k / ft *i $ t /m 2 RANGE L= 20.5 B v (19.3-34.7) I II I I C 16.6 Kip D11.4 -24 D 21.1 10L Kips (12.6-28.1) * I //A'\7~ .2 - 0 L=13.5 - I-ft ( STRUT LOAD LV - -- i .4(H FIGURE 3.3.10: APPARENT LATERAL STRESS STRESSES, INITIAL 0- 0 FIL .5 I 0 L5 EXCAVATE STRESSES 2 (TSF) 0 4 SLURRY TRENCH 4 2 PLACE 0 CONCRETE 2 4 6 c Hd Yellow I .CLAY P Very 0 0*' 40. w 0 Th \ K\\ -\ Ii p to Sti ff Boston Blue Clay 60 y= n- -- vo J BOSTON BLUE LURRY TRENCH S- --- 68pcf -- 7h 0 1'V\ 5o \I -- -v Y= 120pcf 100(1) INFERRED FIGURE 4.1.1: FROM OCR INITIAL STRESS CONDITIONS ON --- \ CLAY TILL CONC 'I 122 pcf MEDIUM 80- j V Stiff / Ia. =125 pcf 20- AT SOUTH COVE 1E K * 2~ Total Stresses Minus Static Pore Pressures Effect ve Stresses B Ttal Stresses 2 20 CC kips/ft 2 OA Down< 0I -I-+ 1_aL_\__1 - -_ P, P-Us , P Element E PROCESS A Initial B Slurry Wall D Up (%) CONDITION C - VERTICAL STRAIN Concrete Wall Full Excavation FIGURE 4.1.2: STRESS PATH S au Place Slurry Consolidate negative dissipates Place Concrete Consolidate positive dissipates Excavation negative dissipates Consolidate V + q A0 t GUIDE WALL\ Or Su(TSF) 1.0 2.0 FILL y=OOpd i- 204- ASSUMED TENSION CRANK Iw z W Hard Yellow CLAY Y=125 pcf -LPW z 7 F W Very Stiff 40-- 0Iz 60-- to Stiff Boston Blue CLAY Y=122 pcf Yf 675 pcf Ave. S Tests Pf onge - Field Vane Results Ij rom Plane Strain Active ( PSA) Tests -PSA Medium I ( LADD Boston 80- / Field Vane 1971 ) LL Vane BLUE CLAY S Y = 120 pcf Wp 100FOR VANE - FS FOR PSA - FS FIGURE 4.2.1: STABILITY ANALYSIS Pf = PPf OF 216 =.83 2 0 216 10 2103 SOUTH COVE SLURRY TRENCH z 0 I 60 80 I I I 100 I 120 160 140 II I 9 I * 51 3 SI I - I: I I \1 -/ - SYMBOL -- " 20- FACE (FT.) - ------ DESCRIPTION AXI-SYMMETRIC ANALYSIS PLANE STRAIN ANALYSIS MAXIMUM MEASURED MOVEMENT ' 40-+ I. 05 - PANEL PANEL 40 I FCL0 60+ I 80+M Ioo-1 L.OQ5 i----i 0 ID 0.5 0 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS FIGURE43.1: PREDICTED -) - FAC E OF 20 & FROM DISTANCE 0 (IN) MOVEMENTS DURING CONCRETE WALL INSTALLATION -Q5~ L&J51 DISTANCE 300 200 250 L.A 2 (FT) 150 100 5,0 NITIAL GROUND WATER TAL It St iff CLAY with 0 Sand Lenses Medium CLAY FIGURE 4.6.1: FEDAR FINITE ELEMENT GRID HEAD PRESSURE 0 0- 0717 20- LL N. 22- Liss (K al= 0.01 Kv) 0W60- 80 100 FILL Hd. Yel. _V CLAY KH=Kv=1O Stiff B.B.C. with Sand lenses Kgf 10 4D- 60 40 20 (FT) ss =. (K y STATIC - UNET 60- Med. Boston Blue 80- Clay KH=KV= I 100- sUNET= LIS(KWalf 10 KV) 104- TILL KH= K;I FIGURE 4.6.2: PREDICTED DEPTH -111- WATER PRESSURE VERSUS STRESS 0- 01 10 , kips/ft 20 310 ,MODIFIiD 40 m PECK (.4YH) . 10- 0 30- 40- STrSCHEBOTARI0FF 50- FIGURE 4.7.1: PREDICTED HORIZONTAL STRESSES -112- IeSCHOOL EARTH PRESSURE SURCHARGE LOADS L' 17 15' 211 - -h H 33 __ 80 hl ASSUME HINGE 44h 2 62.4 h2 SURCHARGE 2/3 H LOAD SCHEDULE q(PSF) I 600 500 X 1 300 TYPE NOTE: REINFORCING FOR WALL DESIGNED AS CONTINOUS STRUCTURE FIGURE 4.7.2: DESIGN LOAD DIAGRAMS FOR CONCRETE STATION 111 +75 toI112 +85 112+85 to 113 15 113+ 15 to 113+65 WALL STRESS , kips/ft 2 9 0- I.0o 2,0 1 3p0 a., 410 1 1 Ko=.5 K =.5 PERCHED WATER 2 TABLE 10- ..- .STAT K 0 =41-I.3 K =.5 IC (U,) 20Z 0. w 0 30- c -+ ____ STEADY STATE SEEPAGE (Us) I ___ FOR ANALYSIS Ko =1.1-0.6 K =.4 40- D - p \. 0 Is 50% K. FIGURE 4.7.3: PREDICTED NII \V N Inferred from OCR HORIZONTAL STRESSES FOR ELASTIC BEAM ANALYSIS ELASTIC BEAM WITH [ ANALYSIS ELASTIC HINGES BEAM WITH ANALYSIS SPRINGS 0 .3 K/FT 18 K/FT .4 K/FT .6 K/FT 0.0 K/FT 21.7 K/FT 6 K/FT .2 K/FT 20 U, aw .9 -40 27.2 K/FT K/FT 16.8 K/FT 26,7 K/FT a N-EXCAVATION LEVEL -60 -80 1"-ASSUMED FIGUR E 4.7.4: STRUT LOADS HINGE PREDICTED BY ELASTIC ANALYSIS C0 z L&J DISTANCE 0 I:r - iJJ- 5,0 10 (FT.) 150 200 250 020. ir_ - 40 I ON I 4. I60- a 80+ jc loo 120 1 FIGURE 4.7.5 : FINITE ELEMENT GRID FOR BRACE I ANALYSIS STRUT LOAD (KIPS / FT) STRUT LEVEL ELASTIC ELASTIC BRACE AVG. HINGES SPRING MEAS B 29.3 21.7 25.8 20.4 (KIPS/FT) STRUT LOAD STRUT LEVEL ELASTIC ELASTIC BRACE AVG. MEAS SPRING HINGES B 18.8 16.6 20.6 234 C 31.6 27.2 34.2 15.2 STRUT STRUT LEVELELASTIC HINGES LOAD ELASTIC SPRING AVG. MEAS 25.2 16.8 14.4 16.6 26.7 43.9 21.1 20.4 17.2 C 10.0 D 38.9 -117- BRACE 22.7 B FIGURE 4.7.6: STRUT (KIPS /FT) LOADS DURING EXCAVATION CONCRETE WALL STEEL STAGE ///s\Y//X\Y/// SHEETING I \Y/A\Y//\I\\ STAGE 2 N ~ ~AN Y/~ANQ'~~ANNY7~ AN\ 77 ~NNY77ANNY~t..(\\NY77/\N NY 77 STAGE 3 ,77777k 7 77A 7\7 7 7"\ 20feet SCALE - p FIGURE 4.7.7: YIELD ZONES -118- FROM BRACE ANALYSIS TOTAL 2 0 HORIZONTAL STRESSES 4 2 0 4 (KIPS/FT2) 6 0-r- FILL ~L. 4., X - 40. 0w EXCAVATION SYMBOL DEPTH ---- _ 0 ---- 33' 50' K -f+3 do'4 H d. CLAY VERY STIFF CLAY STIFF CLAY 0 S 60+ E MATMED E TIMAjTED h-ho C-- FOR ELASTIC ANAI LYSIS FOR ELASTiC ANALYS, MED. N STIFF CLAY 80-L SLURRY WALL FIGURE 4.7.8 : TOTAL FROM HORIZONTAL STRESSES BRACE ANALYSIS STEE L -SHEETING r) ON SOUTH COVE SHEETING EXCAVATION SHEETING MOVEMENT (IN) II ELASTIC ANALYSIS TILELASTIC SPRING I BRACE-Il 0 - 20 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 STAGES D r +- C 7 4 wov 0- -D 60-OR SORING t---+ ANALYSIS Ml 80 ASSUMED END CONDITION FOR ANALYSIS 11 LEGEND STAGE STAGE STAGE STAGE -- I 2 3 4 MAX. MEASURED FIGURE 4.8.1: PREDICTED . ....... .......... SWRRY WALL MOVEMENTS DISTANCE 0 20 40 60 FROM WALL 80 z (FT) 100 120 140 160 [ MEASURED 0 . - .- INITIAL SETTLEMENT A I CONSOLIDATION + INITIAL SETTLEMENT (- I 0. 4C w +--INITIAL a 60 19 I -) POSITION - M EASUR ED - PREDICT ED MOVEMENTS(----) BY BRACE (- ) 20 80 20 I 0 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT (IN) FIGURE 4.9.1 COMPARISON MOVEMENTS OF MEASURED AND PREDICTED DURING EXCAVATION SUBSOIL w AV G. MEASURED C> .6 (~3A~66 'A B t-, 0 I- EMPIRICAL e DESIGN 1 METHODS A .- V ANALYSIS METHODS I L > DESIGN MEASURED RANGE PECK O.3YH PECK O.4YH TSCHEBOTARIOFF ELASTIC BEAM-SP RINGS ELASTIC BEAM-HI NGES BRACE C Il 0 10 20 STRUT FIGURE 4.10.1: COMPARISON EXCAVATION 30 LOAD 40 50 60 70 (KIPS/ FT) OF MAXIMUM STRUT LOADS DURING 40-- 40 40 T DESIGN ENVELOPE - PEC K EENVELOPE 0 Hi 30- - 3H 30- 0 -J 0 H .H 4. Y 30--H - S 20- HE 82H IF~ ARIOF*F . - ENVELO PE 44 E 62.4H 4 I 20- *' H 20 00 20 30 40 1.4H 10b 0 'o 30 20 PREDICTED -o LOADS 1o 00 0 0 50 40 KIPS/FT METHODS DESIGN (.43 10- - - 1- 4 LL 40- BRACE 30* - 30A 00 I. * 20 * 204 *0 10- 20 FIGURE 4.10.2: 30 40 0(D- 0 MAX IMUM COMPARISON OF 10 30 20 PREDICTED 0 0 1o 4b 20,o LOAD KIPS/FT ANALYSIS METHODS PREDICTED AND MEASURED STRUT LOADS 60 HORIZONTAL 0 0 1 2 a 3 i 4 i 5 A 6 a 3VEMENTS 0 7 (IN) 2 1 3 20 20 20--- p H 40- 40 I H A SLURRY C SI II 0 SI 10 0 SLURRY 60 80 80 * - 60 - N) LEGEND I LA- PREDICTED BRACE MEASURED FIGURE410.3: MAXIMUM SHEETING BY MOVEMENTS WALL WALL STEEL SHEETING (KSF) 0 0 0. 2 4 6 a (KSF) 8 0'(KSF) 6 4 o7 0 8 10. - *.-I-20- 2 0 - 4 0 2 8 -i- --- 4 '6 S oft X -4CONC. CLAY a 40" 50+1 '--- S=120 -V K =.5 0--- -- - ~c1v - a,- U, 6 -t -- A4 __'- 60- INITIAL STRESSES EXCAVATE SLURRYPf4 WITH 68pcf) PLACE TREMIE CONCRETE (6.7150 pcf) FIGURE 5.2.1 : STRESS CONDITIONS FOR VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION STAGES OF CONCRETE PANELS BY TH E SLURRY TRENCH PROCESS 50 FT "A EFFECTIVE STRESS TOTAL STRESS A-B U-U A-B B-C C- D D- E D-E Excavate trench with slurry Place concrete Consolidation due to excess pore pressures from concrete placement Excavate within cofferdam K Li K0=0.5 4 % SE :TTLE 001 EE E .. Uo = initial pore pre ssure HEAVE E \,A SD U0 IIII ',1 I, Kf h+V 2 2h+ C FIGURE 5.2.2: TYPICAL STRESS PATH FOR POINT "A" DURING - INSTALLATION OF CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WALL IN CLAY. OCR = I HORIZONTAL .15 .0 .05 0 0-r (2) SHEN .15 MOVEMENTS .10 .05 (FT) 0 .15 3 .05 .10 0 3 LL 404 N4 5 - S -. 4 60+ t I 80. NON YIELDING SHEETING SHEETING EI=4x10 5 SHEETING EI=4x0 l ELEMENTS (EI IN P-FT 2 ) SHEETING EI=4xO 4 FIGURE 5.3.1: EFFECT OF STRUT SPACING AND WALL STIFFNESS SHEETING MOVEMENTS FROM BRACE ANALYSIS ON SEI EL=4xlo SHEETING SCALE 0 - 20 4 N SHEETING 40 60 80 IFT) 1 EI=4 X10 El IN 5 SHEETING P-FT EI=4xlO 4 2 FIGURE 5.3.2: YIELD ZONES VERSUS EXCAVATION DEPTH AND SHEETING STIFFNESS -12 8- 5 Curves Prepared From Results of Finite Element Compute Program- BRACE - 0 4 [--- (FROM 0 DAPPOLONIA,1971) 0 .0 3 ,H / 8 = 1.0- H /B=0.25 z LU H/B =0.1 00 -1.0 - 0.5 0 + 0.5 +t- 1.0 SHEAR STRESS RATIO, f = 2 2 OVO 0 8 From Plane Strain Tests on Boston Blue Clay LADD et al 1971) :3 I 4 0 EXTENSION 2 w COMPRESSION 0- -0.5 +0.5 0 SHEAR +1.0 +1.5 STRESS RATIO, f FIGURE 5.3.3 : FACTOR OF SAFETY REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOCAL YIELD BELOW BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION IN CLAY -12 9- H B Hmax= SNcb max. y I 9 -S 4 (B/L =I) /B/L = 0. 5 Z 8 Ncb ur __ ) St r ip ( B/L=O 5 0 (FROM I INERU 8 EIDE, 1956 )~ 3 2 4 5 H /B FIGURE 5.3.4: BEARING CAPACITY BOTTOM STABILITY -130- FACTORS ANALYSIS FOR EXCAVATION El = 4 x 104 EXCAVATION P-FT 2 El = 4 x 105 P-FT 2 EXCAVATION STAGE .4 4 H =36FR .2 '2 0 10 20 10 20 Li- 5 ._ .2 _2 H=45FT z w .2 0 10 20 0 10 20 2 l10 7 1 20 0 i4 .4 0 H=65FT1 .A I 10 20 - ) .6 8 .4t .4 -.2 .2 0 --.1 0 H =72.5FT. I' 0 10 20 0 DISTANCE (FT) (SEE FIGURE 5.3.2 FOR 20 --.1 DISTANCE (FT) EXCAVATION STAGE GEOMETRY) FIGURE 5.3.5: PREDICTED BOTTOM HEAVE BY BRACE FOR STIFF AND FLE x IBLE SHEETING -1l31-- SYMBOL] L(FT) f El x10 K-FT Q 15 & 1.27 4 4 40 9 9 0.16 0.016 H 0.016 40 2.0 K B=50FT z K =L E u L =STRUT SPAING -1 BEARING CAPACITY NUMBER N a 1.0 0 U N= c L-L 02 04 0.6 1.0 1.2 Su f = 0.75= I-K2 2 S YVO ) H / B 0.8 YH ( z FIGURE 5.3.6: RATIO OF Nc / Ncb AT WHICH FIRST YIELD OCCURS WITHIN EXCAVATION IN NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY AN 0 HORIZONTAL SI-1' 0 -r tO2030- 0 2 MOVEMENT (IN) 3 4 0 1 SI-6 SI-9 S 1-10 2 0 I 2 0 FILL 4- Hd.YeI. CLAY I STIFF BOSTON BLUE / a 40 50.. -h U CLAY 60 70-80- CLAY - MEDIUM BOSTON BLUE - 25 S - 10 SOUTH 4 -S BULKHEAD I- 6 WALL kSI-9 FIG U RE 5.3.7: HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS OF SHEETING DURING EXCAVATION MOVEMENTS S I-12 20I- Fl LL Hd. Yel. sz CLAY 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 SI-6 E6 0 8 1 2 4- 7N 4-- STIFF 40+ -Is N SI-Il % 0-r ( IN ) SHEETING BOSTON BLUE w CLAY 604. 80- MEDIUM BOSTON BLUE CLAY II U I. Bo tom of Exc va tiorr I' vi-- FIGUR E 5.4.1 : S HE E TIN G [AovmenTS 0 10W xcaytioiriLey01 M OVE ME NT S BELOW EXCAVATION LEVEL PROFIL E SECTION B 0- WE T WALL EAST WALL MAX. MISC. a MOVEMENT S-I FILL 10+ PROFILE EAST WALL SECTION A WEST WALL S-I MOVEMENT BELO EXCAVATION LEVE .FILL -435.* 102IO I- 204 S-2 w S-2 z GANK 30+ RGANIC SLT a S-3 S-3 404 re 5 TSF =I04pcf 50- 60. BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION 384 L 134p / Ln /o0 BEDROCK TEST SECTION B 0 / p 0 2 4 6 HORIZONTAL TEST 6 4 2 0 MOVEMENT (IN) SECTION B FIGURE 5.4.2: SHEETING MOVEMENTS IN BOSTON BELOW 0 0 4 4 2 2 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT(IN) EXCAVATION TEST LEVEL SECTION A AT NORTH STATION APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF FIELD MEASUREMENTS AT THE SOUTH COVE TUNNEL EXTENSION A. 1 INTRODUCTION Under the sponsorship of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the Department of Civil Engineering, Soils Division, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology instrumented two sections of the South Cove Tunnel Extension. project was Dr. T. W. Lambe. The principil researcher for the The instrumentation was monitored from September, 1968, through June, 1971, the construction time for the test section, by the ICEP staff of the soils division under the direction of Dr. L. A. Wolfskill. Principal contractor for the project was Peter Kiewit and Sons', Co. This appendix summarizes the results of the field measurements: the author's evaluation of the data and its accuracy is presented elsewhere in this text. A. 2 BACKGROUND The location of the tunnel extension is shown in Figure 3.1.1. It is approximately 1500 ft in length and was constructed by the braced cut and cover method. The soil profile at the site consists of 7 ft granular fill underlain by 100 ft of clay which varies in consistency from hard at the top to medium at the bottom of the cut. Two sections of the tunnel extension were instrumented as shown on Figure 3.1.1. The South Cove Station Area in front of the Don Bosco School contained the major portion of the instrumentation. -136- In this section U a reinforced concrete wall, installed by the slurry trench method, was used to minimize the building movements. referred to as the slurry wall section. This test section will be The second section was the south bulkhead area where only minimal instrumentation was installed. The principle reason for the instrumentation in the slurry wall section was to monitor the behavior of the Don Bosco School and obtain data on the walls as a retaining structure in a bracing system. The purpose of the south bulkhead instrumentation was to give insight to engineering problems which might occur when the tunnel is extended. The information retrieved at the test sections were ground movements, both horizontal and vertical within and outside the cofferdam, pore water pressures, and strut loads. The instrumentation consisted of settlement pins and screws, slope indicators, heave rods, hydraulic and electric piezometers, and vibrating wire strain gauges. A. 3 SOIL PROFILE Borings for the tunnel and a proposed addition to the Don Bosco School show the soil profile is very uniform along the instrumented areas and is characteristic for this area. It consists of a composite miscel- laneous fill underlain by a hard yellow clay, then Boston blue clay and glacial till overlying bedrock. The only variations in the profile are minor differences in strata thickness. The fill consists of cinder ash, street sweepings and various types of rubble fill. It is essentially a granular soil. from 2 to 8 ft, averaging 7 ft. Elev. +114 ft. Its thickness varies It contains a perched water table to No laboratory tests were performed on this material. -137- Based on visual observation of the material the assumed properties of the fill are Y = 110 pcf ~ 30". The yellow clay was of hard consistency, highly fissured and brittle. The surfaces of the fissures were covered by a thin layer of iron deposits. Torvane tests on a block sample from Elev.+104 ft gave average strengths of 2 t/ft2 The consistency of the blue clay strata varies with depth as illustrated by the vane shear test results in Figure A.3.1. The top of the deposit is very stiff (Su = 1-1.3 t/ft 2 ) and fissured. Its strength decreases with depth to 0.5-0.9 t/ft 2 at Elevation +38 ft and slightly increases to 0.7-1.2 t/ft 2 at the top of the till. The till deposit overlying the bedrock consists of very dense fine to coarse sand and gravel with a little clay. No tests were performed on this material. Figure A.3.1 summarizes the results of a series of laboratory tests carried out on both 3-in, shelby tube samples and block samples. Triaxial, consolidation, permeability and atterberg limits tests were performed on the block samples in the laboratories of the Soils Division at M.I.T. Unconfined compression and unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests, consolidation tests and atterberg limits were run on the 3-in, shelby tube samples by J. P. Collins and Assoc. of Cambridge, Mass. The results summarized in Figure A.3.1 are those reported in their soil test report to the M.B.T.A. -138- CONSTRUCTION A. 4 A. 4.1 General The close proximity of the South Cove Extension to the Don Bosco School required special construction measures in that area. To prevent excessive settlement of the school, a reinforced concrete wall installed by the slurry trench method was employed. elsewhere for the excavation. with three levels of struts. Steel sheet piling was used The entire excavation was cross-lot braced At the south bulkhead area a deck was con- structed to keep Shawmut Avenue in operation during construction. Tunnel construction consisted of placing a mud slab; constructing the tunnel inverts; removing C and D level struts; building the walls and roof and then backfilling to finished grade. This section summarizes the details of the various construction operations and progress up to the construction of the tunnel walls. Table A.4.1 gives a. general summary of the construction history. A. 4.2 Installation of Slurry Trench Wall The slurry wall was installed by the Stang-Confor Company. The following procedure was used to install the concrete panels which make up the wall. 1) Construct 5 ft deep guide walls on both sides of the slurry wall. 2) Excavate a 12 ft trench in between the guide walls. 3) Prepare a batch of bentonite slurry. The Specific Gravity of the slurry ranged from 1.04 to 1.12 with an average value of 1.07. 4) Excavate the panel. The excavation procedure consisted of first excavating 1 bucket width (6 ft) in the middle of the panel down to the -139- proposed tip elevation, lowering a steel H section in the center of the panel to guide the bucket as it excavates the side portions. Then excavate the side portions. 5) Use the H section to trim the ends of the panel straight. 6) Circular steel bulkheads are installed at the ends of the panel. These serve as the end forms for the concrete. For panels with installed panels on both sides, no bulkheads are used. 7) Set a preassembled steel reinforcing cage in panel. 8) Place tremie concrete. The concrete has a 5 - 9 in.slump and a retarder to prevent setting of the concrete during placement. 9) Remove the steel bulkheads following concrete placement by jacking them up at about 1 in.per hour for 24 hours, then pulling them out. 10) At points where concrete wall joins the steel sheet piling, a section of the piling is cast in the wall. Figure A.4.1 shows the panel locations. on the construction progress. Table A.4.2 gives details Table A.4.3 gives the as-built dimensions of the panel top and compares the quantity of concrete the panel should contain (based on panel dimensions: at the ground surface) with the quantity actually placed. (In the early stage of construction panel 14, a deep sea diver was employed by the contractor to obtain measurements of the as-built panel. panel.) They agreed well with the surface dimensions of that Table A.4.4 summarizes the measured specific gravities of the bentonite slurry. Figure A.4.2 shows the reinforcing details for the wall. Some problems encountered in the installation of the panels were: -140- 1. Panels requiring excess amounts of concrete (see Table A.4.3, panels 4, 5, 7, etc.) because of soil masses spalling from the panel sides; 2. Removal of steel bulkheads in the early stages of construction due to the adhesion of concrete and soil; 3. Obstructions in the fill strata hampering excavation. One problem which may have effected the measurements occurred in panel 15. The tremie concrete pour was stopped 15 ft below ground surface. To complete the concreting, a cofferdam had to be installed around the panel and dewatered so the concrete surface could be cleaned to create a good bond between the old and new concrete. A. 4.3 Installation of Steel Sheet Piling Arbed Columeta BZ-350 Belgium steel sheet piling was used at south cove in the section south of the slurry wall. tion is given in Table A.4.5. The schedule of installa- The properties of the piling are summarized in Table A.4.7. Installation of the sheeting was as follows: 1) Excavate a 10-12 ft deep trench along the sheeting line. This allowed vertical aligning of the sheeting and driving relatively free of obstructions. 2) Set 10 to 20 sheets and drive them to a 40 ft depth. 3) Start an adjacent group of piles. 4) Sequentially drive the sheeting groups to the desired tip elevation. A. 4.4 Excavation Details The excavation technique used is schematically shown in Figure A.4.3. -141- The numbers represent the order in which the different operations were performed. The excavation procedure was as follows: 1) Excavate a 5 to 10 ft wide area adjacent the wall and install the B level wale. 2) Excavate a section to the bottom elevation of strut level B. 3) Excavate an access trench in the center of the excavation leaving 8 4) ft wide berms against both bracing walls. Install the B level strut and their vertical support piles as needed. 5) Excavate the berms and install the C level wale. 6) Repeat items 3 and 4 for sturt level C. 7) Excavate the entire section to a maximum of 5 ft below the D level strut while excavating the center to the bottom of invert elevation. 8) Install the D level wale and strut. A summary of the excavation elevations and dates of strut installations are given in Table A.4.9 for areas immediately adjacent concentrations of instrumentation. The purpose for the above excavation scheme was to permit excavation by front end loaders and gradalls. Access ramps were constructed at various areas within the cofferdam to facilitate equipment traffic. Figure A.4.4 shows typical contours of the excavation illustrating the ramp areas and berms. These particular contours represent the excavation just prior to installation of struts B-42 and D-42. -142- A number of defects in the concrete retaining wall were observed during excavation. Some of the more significant ones are: Large concrete protrusions were found on the face of the retain- 1) They resulted from over excavation or spalling of the panel ing wall. walls during the wall installation and account for a large part of the excess concrete required in the panels. 2) Exposed reinforcement bars were found in the wall. 3) Some of the vertical panel joints were observed seeping water. At the wall face the space between these panesl was up 1 in. 4) The steel sheeting had ripped open during driving leaving gaps in the sheeting of as much as 3 to 4 ft in width. Two of these openings were found in the vicinity of SI-11 and SI-12. A. 4.5 Wale Installation Figure A.4.5 gives an overall view of the excavation and shows the bracing details. The wales were attached to the retaining walls by a hangar assembly, which was also its lateral buckling support, and steel plate clips. In the slurry wall area the hangar and clips were attached to the concrete wall by Williams No. US-8 rock bolts. Voids between the retaining wall and the wale were shimned to reduce movements. In the sections with steel sheet piling, wood wedges were In the slurry wall area, gaps were filled with cement grout. used. A. 4.6 Strut Installation The bracing scheme used in the two instrumented sections are shown in Figures A.4.6 and A.4.7. The strut support on the wale consisted of -143- a section of 18[58 welded to the wale with its longitudinal axis vertical. To the bottom of the channel a 7 in.by 19 in.x 3/4 in. steel plate was welded to support the strut. with steel shims. The struts were wedged against the wale No additional effort was made to secure the strut to the wale. To help minimize the retaining wall movements, the struts were preloaded when installed. The preload was applied by two hydraulic jacks, each with a 402 kip capacity. The jacks were centered on the strut, one each side of the web, and were located between the wale and a section of 36WF150 welded to the strut web. jacked into the strut. Eighty percent of the design load was During the jacking operation, the strain gauges were monitored in an attempt to calibrate the gauge and strut assembly as a load cell. Upon attaining 80 percent of the design load, steel shims were wedged between the strut and the wale. The jacks were then relaxed and the strain gauges read to determine the residual load in the strut. The desired residual load was 50 percent of the design load. To prevent buckling of the struts because of the long space across the tunnel vertical strut supports (8BP36) were installed along the centerline of the tunnel. A. 4.7 Tunnel Construction When the excavation bottom reached the invert base depth, a concrete mud slab was poured to minimize soil disturbance. Soon thereafter, the tunnel invert, which was 4 ft thick, was constructed between the excavation walls. Figure A.4.4 illustrates their relative progress during con- struction. -144- After the invert concrete cured, so it could react as the lower strut against the sheeting, the C and D level struts were removed. The tunnel walls were then constructed using the slurry wall as outside forms in its area and corrugated sheeting against the steel piling in its section. When the roof was complete the ground surface was brought to the initial ground level. (Details of the tunnel design are given by Stacko, 1968.) A. INSTRUMENTATION 5 A. 5.1 General The instrumentation at the South Cove extension was concentrated in two areas, the slurry wall area (Station 111+00 to 113+80) and the south bulkhead (Station 107+50). The instrumentation was aimed at measuring: a) ground movements both vertical and horizontal within and outside the excavation; b) strut loads; c) changes in soil and water pressure. In the text, references to particular instrumentation and excavation areas will be made using either the instrumentation numbers, the tunnel centerline stationing, or both. The strain gauges on the struts are identified according to the struts number. Three levels of struts were installed in vertical sections which are sequentially numbered starting from the south bulkhead. The strut levels are designated as B, C, and D, The designated number for the bottom starting with the topmost level. level strut in section 32 is D-32. A summary of the instrumentation installed is given in Table A.5.1. -145- Their locations are shown on Figures A.4.6, A.4.7 and A.5.1. A profile of the instrumentation is given in Figure A.5.2. A. 5.2 Strut Loads Loads were measured on the struts designated by the circled section number on Figure A.4.6. Telemac type F-2 vibrating wire strain gauges were mounted on all struts. A.5.3. Details of the gauges are shown in Figure These gauges measure strain by electrically recording the change in the wires vibration frequency which is a function of the strain in the wire, which in trun is related to the struts deformation. The theory of the gauge operation is discussed in more detail in Bjerrum et al (1965). On all struts, two gauges were mounted on the centerline of the web. In addition, on struts B-44 to B-47, two additional sets of gauges were mounted, one 4 in.above the web centerline, the other 4 in.below. The purpose of these gauges was to study the adequacy of two centerline gauges in recording'the actual strut load. All centerline gauges were mounted 8 ft from the west excavation wall. During the early stages of the work the gauges were found to be temperature sensitive. When the sun's rays were directly on the gauges a temperature differential existed between the internal part of the gauge and the strut. To minimize this effect the gauges were shaded by insulat- ing paper wrapped around the strut. The initial gauges on struts B-31 through B-40 were incorrectly installed. Telemac type SB-90 strain gauges were installed on these struts when the error was discovered. The initial SB-90 reading was equated to that recorded by the F-2 gauges, which, in turn, were determined -146- Im from a calibration curve derived from the preloading data. In the remaining struts the initial "no load" frequencies were taken just before the strut was preloaded. The data pertinent to the strut installation is summarized in Table A.5.2. A. 5.3 Pore Water Pressures Pore water pressures were monitored by both Casagrande type hydraulic piezometers (PH) and vibrating wire piezometers (P). sensor elevations are given in table A.5.3 and A.5.4. piezometers used were the Geonor Model M-206. The piezometer The vibrating wire Their principles of opera- tion are the same as those of the strain gauges, the wire in this case being strained by a diaphram deflected by the water pressure. ing frequency value is calibrated against water pressure. The result- The hydraulic piezometer sensor was an 18 in.long by 1.35 in.diameter porous plastic tube filled with pea gravel. of entrapped air bubbles. tubing. The sensor had two leads to permit flushing The leads were 3/8 in.and 1/4 in.Polyethelene The water level was determined by lowering an electric probe down the 3/8 in.tube. The installation technique for the piezometers is shown in Figure A.5.4. Shallow piezometers (W) were installed in the fill and just below the hard yellow clay to determine if the hard clay. a perched water table existed above The two piezometers in the fill were 36 in.long by 1 1/4 in.diameter steel well points, two being double lead hydraulic piezometers. Details of the installation are given in Figure A.5.5 A. 5.4 Ground Movements Three types of ground movements were monitored at the slurry wall -147- section. They were horizontal movements behind the excavation, vertical movements both within and adjacent the excavation. A. 5.4.1 Ground Settlements The vertical movements outside the excavation were measured by settlement screws on the Don Bosco School and the front of the slurry wall and by level pins (LP) adjacent the slurry wall. Figure A.5.6 shows details of the settlement screws and their method of installation. A summary of the level pins is given in Table A.5.6. Readings on the settlement devices were taken with a Zeiss level. The recorded movements are based on a permanent bench mark installed at the site(see Figure A.5.7). The movements below the base of the excavation were monitored during excavation and after placing of the tunnel invert. While exca- vating, the bottom movements were measured by three Borros anchor points. Details of their installation are shown in Figure A.5.8. Unfortunately, these instruments were lost in the early stages of construction. When the tunnel invert was completed, heave pins, such as those on the Don Bosco School, were installed along its centerline to observe invert movements for the remainder of the construction period. A. 5.4.2 Horizontal Movements Horizontal movements were recorded both in the soil behind the excavation wall and of the slurry wall itself. made using a Wilson Slope Indicator. The measurements were A summary of the indicators installed is, given in Table A.5.5. Details of the casing installation in the ground, in slurry wall, and -148- on the sheet piling, are given in Figures A.5.9 and A.5.10. The data was recorded periodically and at times of significant construction operations in the vicinity of the slope indicator. The slope indicator measures relative movement from its initial starting point. Past experience has indicated that the entire length of casing can move laterally. To establish a base point from which to reference movements, an optical survey was Conducted to establish the position of the top of the casing relative to a base line which was parallel to the tunnel centerline. Movements relative to the top of the casing were determined by measuring the angle of tilt of the slope indicator casing with a Wilson "torpedo". The torpedo tilt angle is calibrated against readings from a resistance pendulum housed within it. The lateral movement at any elevation in the casing is equal to the sum of the tilt angles (0) multiplied by the summation of a set of equallyspaced readings. To ascertain results were reasonably correct,the inclonometer was twice traversed down the casing at 180 degree intervals. The sum of the angular distortions from the two runs should equal a constant. Readings were taken in this manner both parallel and perpendicular to the excavation centerline. A. 5.5 Soil Pressures Two sets of total stress cells were installed to measure horizontal ground pressures. They were positioned at Station 113+40, with one set at the tunnel centerline, the other 5 elevations are given in Table A.5.8. -149- ft behind the slurry wall. Their The centerline stress cell was lost during early stages of excavation in that area. Details of the cell assembly and installation are given in Figure A.5.1l. The assembly has two Geanor vibrating wire total stress cells facing in opposite directions. in Bjerrum et al. (1965). Their method of operation are described The Geonor cells are housed in a steel drive shoe, the dimensions of which are 2 in.by 5 in.by 28 in. When installing the cell, the base of the 6 in.steel outer casing is stopped 5 ft above The cell is hydraulically pushed this re- the desired sensor location. maining 5 ft to the required elevation. RESULTS OF.NEASUREMENTS A. 6 A. 6.1 General The results of the field measurements are presented in Figures A.6.1 to A.6.26 inclusive. In cases where the instrumentation gave essentially the same values for a section only a representative data set is given. The data shown is as recorded, uncorrected for environmental effects, etc. Supplemental information which may have a significant bearing on the evaluation and interpretation of the data is given in Appendix B. To permit correlating the influence of construction events on the particular data presented, the figures contain a brief summary or plot of construction progress in the vicinity of the instrument group. A. 6.2 Strut Loads The variation of strut loads versus time is given in Figures A.6.1 to A.6.8. The figures presented are representative of vertical sections of struts which have the same design load and construction history. -150- For ----v example, Figure A.6.1 is representative of measurements made on struts B-32 to B-36; these struts have the same design load and also had the F-2 gauges incorrectly mounted. Table A.6.1 summarizes the measured strut loads for each excavation and bracing stage. The plots give the values recorded from both centerline gauges as well as their average value. The load as measured by the gauges on a strut can differ significantly. For example, the SB-90 gauges on beam B-38 and the F-2 gauges on C-38 show a load difference of 125 kips and 200 kips, respectively. Observation of these struts indicate this difference is often associated with large curvature or distortion of the beam in the horizontal plane. The gauges mount approximately 1 1/4 in from the surface of the strut web and therefore are quite sensitive to this curvature. their recorded strains However, it is felt that the lines for the average load give representation values of strut load. Data describing the effect of temperature, the reliability of using only two gauges, and the accuracy of the instrument itself are given and discussed in Appendix B. A. 6.3 Pore Water Pressure Figures A.6.9 to A.6.14 give the variation of pore water pressure during construction for all the piezometers. Each figure presents a plot of construction progress and settlement for settlement instruments in the vicinity of a piezometer group. Piezometer P-1 was lost before excavation in that area got underway. Two piezometers, one hydraulic and one vibrating wire, were installed to replace P-l. Their data give an indication of the variation in readings -151- G one can expect from the two types of piezometers. Piezometers P-2 and P-3 were lost when the excavation elevation reached El. 85 ft. The shallow well observations are shown on Figures A.6.13 to A.6.14. In addi- They show a perched water table did exist above the hard clay. tion, these figures present observations of water level in the slope indicator casings, except SI-4 to SI-7, and the open well, OW-10. The near constant value of water pressure in the piezometers, regardless of sensor elevation, indicate the initial ground water is essentially static (see Figure A.6.9a, P-4 to P-6). In general, the hydraulic piezometers show a higher water table than the vibrating wire piezometers, in particular, PH-1. Of significance is that those piezometers with sensors at the same elevation record the same trends in pore pressure fluctuation. A. 6.4 Earth Pressure Cells The total horizontal earth pressures measured by the total stress cells are shown in Figures A.6.15a to A.6.15d. In addition, the plots contain the pore water pressures measured by piezometers P-1 and P-5, which are at the same elevation as the cells. The data from stress cell SC-2U is not plotted since it oscillated over a large range. during insta-lation. This oscillation was probably the result of damage The values of stress from SC-lU and SC-lL were significantly different immediately after installation (3.75 versus 8 k/ft 2 ). There is no obvious explanation for this deviation other than the possibility SC-lL is in a hard zone such as a sand seam. However, the stress changes during construction are the same for both stress cells. -152- Horizontal Ground Movements A. 6.5 Horizontal ground movements were measured behind the slurry wall, on the wall itself, and at selected stations on the sheet piling. The results of these measurements are shown in Figures A.6.16 to A.6.22 for selected construction times. The data given is the East-West data which corresponds to movements perpendicular to the tunnel centerline. Observations were made on the movements of the top of each casing relative to a survey base line paralleled to the tunnel centerline. The recorded horizontal displacements with depth are based on the position of casing top as established from the base line. Thus, any movements of the casing bottom during construction do not effect the reported results. Both the "North-South" and East-West" movements are given for They are given because the grooves of the casing are parallel SI-3. and perpendicular to the Don Bosco School, not the tunnel centerline. To establish the movement perpendicular to the centerline the components of the above movements must be utilized. When the movements between construction stages were small (less than 1/2 in), the measured data often varied within a 1/4 to 1/2 in. band due to the accuracy of the instrumentation. An example of this is SI-3 on dates 1/28/69 to 3/11/69. A. 6.6 Vertical Ground Movements Settlement measurements taken on the Don Bosco School, the adjacent ground, and the slurry wall are summarized on Figures A.6.23 to A.6.31. All the lines of settlement devices A to I on the School gave essentially -153- the same results. are reported. Therefore, only the data for lines A, C, E, and I The slight variations in settlement for a given settle- ment screw are a result of the survey accuracy. The results from the heave pins on the tunnel invert are given in Figure A.6.32. -154- TABLE A.4.1:SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION EVENTS RELATED TO FIELD MEASUREMENT PROGRAM Inclusive Dates Construction Event 68 Field instrumentation installed 68 Guide walls installed for slurry trench 30 Oct 8 Oct 68 - 12 Nov 16 Nov 68 - 23 Jan 69 - 7 June 69 19 Mar 69 - 7 June 69 9 Sept 68 - construction 24 Mar 69(l) Concrete panels installed by slurry trench technique 6 June 69 - 15 Aug 30 May 16 May I-A I-, 19 May 69 - 69 - 69 - 12 Sept 2 Oct 30 Oct 69(l) 69(2) 69(2) 69(2) -6 Sept 69 2 Oct 69 Steel sheet piling installed between south bulkhead and slurry wall test section South Bulkhead test section excavated and braced 30 Oct 70 2 Nov 70 Removed C and D level struts Station 111+80 to 112+20 5 Nov 69 Placed invert of tunnel Station 112+40 to 112+60 (SI-5 and SI-7) 21 Nov 69 28 Nov 69 - 1 ,3 27 Dec Dec Placed walls of tunnel at Station 111+00 69 69 26-29 Jan 70 3 Dec 69 1 Sept 70 26-29 Sept 70 Excavated and braced in front of SI-5 and 69 69 70 70 69 19 Nov 8 Aug 8 Oct 25 Oct 69 24 July 70 25-30 Sept 70 SI-7 (Station 112+40 to 112+60) Excavated and braced in front of SI-4 and SI-1 (Station 113+40 to 113+60) Placed invert of tunnel at Station 111+00 to 111+50 (SI-U and SI-12) Placed invert of tunnel at Station 111+80 to 112+00 (SI-3 and SI-6) Removed D level struts 111+00 to 111+60 to 111+50 Removed C and D level struts Station 112+40 to 112+60 Placed invert of tunnel at Station 113+40 to 113+60 (51-1 and SI-4) Placed walls of tunnel at Station 111+80 to 112+00 Removed C and D level struts Station 113+40 to 113+60 Placed wall of tunnel at Station 112+50 Placed walls of 113+60 tunnel of Station 113+40 to RELATED (Continued) Inclusive Dates Excavated and braced in front of SI-lland SI-12 (Station 111+00 to 111+50) Excavated and braced in front of SI-3 and SI-6 (Station 111+80 to 112+00) 3-4 Nov 6 Nov TABLEA.4.1:SUMMARY TO CONSTRUCTION EVENTS TO FIELD MEASUREMENT PROGRAM Construction Event Placed roof of tunnel at Station 111+00 to 111+50 Placed roof of tunnel at Station 111+80 to 112+00 Placed roof of tunnel at Station 112+50 Placed roof of tunnel at Station 113+40 to 113+60 Removed B level struts Station 110+50 to 112+20 Removed B level struts Station 113+50 to 114+00 Removed B level struts Station 112+25 to 112+60 Removed B level struts Station 112+60 to 113+50 (1) Table (2) Table sequences. gives detailed information on panel installation gives detailed information on excavation and struting TABLE A.4.2: CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS OV CONCRETE SLURRY TRENCH PANELS Concrete Placed Time to Place Concrete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12/18/68 1/ 4/69 1/ 9/69 1/ 9/69 1/30/69 2/13/69 2/21/69 2/19/69 1/21/69 3/ 4/69 3/ 1/69 2/ 5/69 1/18/69 11/30/68 1/ 3/69 1/ 8/69 1/14/69 1/20/69 2/ 3/69 2/20/69 2/27/69 2/22/69 1/23/69 3/ 8/69 3/ 6/69 2/13/69 1/21/69 12/18/69 3.5 hrs. 4.5 hrs. 5.25 hrs. 15 16 11/26/68 2/26/69 1/ 3/69 12/31/68 1/ 8/69 1/11/69 1/18/69 2/ 1/69 2/19/69 2/26/69 2/22/69 1/23/69 3/ 6/69 3/ 5/69 2/12/69 1/20/69 12/ 3/68 12/ 6/68 11/30/68 2/27/69 1/ 4/69 2/ 3/69 3/ 8/69 2/15/69 3/17/69 3/14/69 1/28/69 1/29/69 3/24/69 3/ 1/69 3/11/69 2/18/69 3/17/69 3/14/69 1/29/69 1/30/69 3/24/69 3/ 4/69 1803) - 17 1/20/69 - Excavation Complete - Panel Excavation Started Panel No. 11/30/68 2/28/69 1/ 4/69 2/ 4/69 4.5 hrs. 5.75 hrs. 4.25 hrs. 6 hrs. 4.85 hrs. 4.25 hrs. 6 hrs. 4 hrs. 3.5 4.5 hrs. hrs. 2/ 1/69 19 20(1, 2) 21(1) 22 23(1) 24(1) 25 26 2/ 4/69 3/10/69 3/12/69 1/23/69 1/27/69 3/15/69 2/26/69 5.25 hrs. 5 3.3 hrs. hrs. (1 )Encountered obstructions during excavation. (2)Problems with bulkhead removal. (3 )Started excavating north end 1/20/69 to free steel bulkhead on panel 15: 2/1/69 began excavation of south end. (4 )Delay of pour. Used deep sea diver to make measurements to check dimensions of panel excavation. -156- TABLE A.4.3: AS BUILT DETAILS OF CONCRETE PANELS Tm 7 Panel Dimensions at F Ground Surface (ft.) I Volume of Concrete 41 Computed L yd 11.9 14.9 84 126 11.85 11.15 11.6 22.25 18.9 14.85 14.15 14.6 83 85 82 83 80 212 202 123 117 117 12.05 13.5 82.5 118 11.43 4.1 14.4 7.1 21.0 19.5 13.0 19.1 82 84 86 82 84 84 84 84 83.5 84 82 119 48. 214 211 142 213 20.4 16.0 22.1 13.15 16.2 12.8 14.32 15.8 11.32 . I TABLIA.4.4: SI'ECIFI& yd OF BENTONITE SLURRY Speci fic Gravity 3 (g/cm 20 40 60 73 1.04 1.09 1.108 1.108 18 20 1.097 14 25 30 1.05 1.10 3 20 32 1.07 1.087 6 20 1.125 5 10 1.08 18 20 1.097 1 s -157- c 11.5 3.3 4.5 35.8 15.4 4.1 11.9 23.6 20.0 0 22.8 14.8 14.6 11.7 -12.7 42.5 40.0 I ______ Ii GRAV.TY M 125 142 113 218 219 211 167 135 122 234 234 192 132 71.5 180 147 60 214 259 163 244 259 172 130 212 164 154 149 149 117 Depth (ft) Panel No. c I Percent di". 4 44 4 -1 T I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Volume 3 (V") Volume 3 (V Depth ) Panel No. Measured _ __ TABLE A.4.5:SCHEDULE OF STEEL SHEET PILING INSTALLATION t-n 00 I Station 14-18 Jan. 69 19-22 Jan. 28 Jan. 69 29 Jan. -21 Feb. 21 Feb. 69 21 Feb. 69 4 Mar. 69 4-14 Mar. 69 20 Mar 69 107+94 - 108+34 108+34 - 108+99 107+68 - 107+84 108+20 - 108+75 107+50 - 107+68 South Bulkhead Wall South Bulkhead Comp 107+50 - 108+20 5-12 May 69 14-16 May 69 16-21 May 69 21 May 69 3-30 June 69 7 June 69 100+00 109+00 110+00 109+30 111+00 111+30 - 111+00 - 110+00 - 111+00 Excavation Wall Driven West East Remarks x x x x x SI-9 installed SI-8 installed . Date x SI-10 installed Deck for Shawmut Ave. was complete X x x x - 111+30 - 111+50 Install SI-12 Install SI-ll; sheeting installation complete - - - II TABLE A.4.6: SUMMARY OF BRACING DETAILS FOR SOUTH BULKHEAD Strut Level Strut Size Corner Strut Wall Size Size B C D 12WF45 14WF103 14WFI19 8WF35 12WF58 12WF72 36WF150 36WF 300 36WF 300 These are corner strut and first struts at station 107+62. TABLE cross lot A.4.7: PROPERTIES OF STEEL SHEET PILING Manufacturer Arbed-Columeta Size BZ 350 Moment of inertia 180 in /ft Section modulus 31.1 in 3/ft Area 7.86 in 2 /ft Width (L) 19.68 in Height (h) 11.62 in (Belgium Steel) Thickness .375 in (t) 43.88 lbs/ft 2 , Weight I h L TABLE A.4.8: WALE SIZES FOR SLURRY WALL AREA Wale Size Strut Level Centerline Station T B 111+00 111+80 - - 111+80 113+85 24WF176 36WF170 -159- C 36WF150 36WF150 D 36WF170 36WF300 TABLE A.49 : - Station 11112 Slo-pe Indicators S111 111+50 - and 5112 StntiOn 112+40 - SUI*IARY OF EXCAVATION ELEVAT10NS AND STRUT INSTAI.JAPTT0N Slope 112+69 SI5 Indicators 6 June 69 16-24 June 69* 25 June 69 1--15 July 69 10 July 69 19-24 July 69 22 July 69 25 July-12 Aug. 14 Aug. 69 15 Aug. 69 I- b * a (ft) Elev. Berm El. Ext. El. 112 112 110 97 112 112 107 97 95 81 Installed C 80 80 71 71 D - 1ll+SO 16 P;ay 69 31 June 69 14 Aug. 69 20 Aug. 69 25 Aug. 69 2 Sept. 69 3 Sept. 69 23 Sept. 69 1 Oct. 69 1 Oct. 69 2 Oct. 69 5 69 El. Excavation Berm 30 May 69 July 69 IS July 59 1 Aug. 69 1 10 Aug. 69 21 Aug. 69 25 Aug. 69 3 Sept. 69 5 Sept. 69 12 Sept. 69 22 Sept. 69 Elev. (ft) Strut Level Installed 95 92 92 19 March 69 1 April 69 9 April 69 17 April 69 26 April 69 29 April 69 9 May 69 30 May 69 7 June 69 95 85 80 C 82 80 78 73 D 73 73 6 - .1 JI Slope Indicators SIl and 113+60 Excavation Elev. Berm El. S4 11.6 11 106 8 95 110 95 88 88 88 91 85 C 82 73 El. Installed (ft) Exc. El. Exc. El. ill 73 73 D 19 May 69 1 Aug. 69 5 Sept. 69 5 Sept. 69 23 Sept. 69 2 Oct. 69 10 Oct. 69 16 Oct. 69 29 Oct. 69 29 Oct. 69 30 Oct. 69 Slope Tndicatorj SIR, S19, SIll Exr vatio El.. El EV. StruL Level Installcd (ft) Exc. 113 113 106 106 106 96 95 95 80 72 95 85 80 72 B 1 Date Date 111 95 Strut Level Date ion 207,50 (Scth Suliheid) -Berm Slope Indicators S13 and S16 112+00 1S Exc. El. 111 106 16 Station 113+40 - Excavation Elev. (ft) Berm in front of 5I-11 Leading to top of Excavation (EL 113) Station Date I Strut Level Installed Strut Level Excavation Datc unl S17 108 108 108 112 108 95 92 92 95 80 92 80 76 72 72 72 B C D EF. Start to install steel deck for Shamut Ave. Deck cozplete. C D ___________ TABLE Type Instrument I0a A.5.1: SUMMARY OF INSTRUMENTATION AT SOUTH COVE Number in Slurry Wall Area Number in South Bulkhead 11 12 8 9 3 3 P 8 8 W 4 4 SYM Slope Indicators Hyd. Piezometers Vibrating Wire Piezometers Shallow Observation Wells Vib. Wire Total Stress Cells Settlement Screws Surface Level Points Vertical Movement SI PH Total Num. Installed SC 4 52 LP 9 Rod V 3 3 Heave Pins Permenant Bench Mark HP 6 6 BM 1 4 (45 on Don Bosco School, 7 on Slurry Wall) Strut No. Strut Size (2) B-31(2) B-32(2) B-34 (2) B-36( ) B-38 ( 2 2 ) B-40 B-41 B-42 B-43 ) ) B-44( 3 B-45( B-46 33) B-4 7 B-48 B-49 C-31 C-32 C-34 C- 36 C-38 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 D-31 D-32 D-34 D-36 D-38 D-40 D-41 D-42 D-43 D-44 D-45 D-46 D-47 D-48 D-49 14WF184 14WF184 14WF184 14WF184 14WF184 14WF184 14WF11l 14WFll 14WFll 14WFll 14WF127 14WF136 14WF136 14WF103 14WF1O 3 14WF78 14WF78 14WF78 14WF 78 14WF78 14WF84 14WF87 14WF87 14WF87 14WF103 14WF103 14WF 111 14WF95 14WF87 14WF87 14WF142 14WF142 14WFI42 14WF142 14WF142 14WF150 14WF158 14WF158 14WF167 14WF176 14WF176 14WF176 14WF158 14WF142 14WF142 Strut Area 2 (in ) 54.07 54.07 54.07 54.07 54.07 54.07 32.65 32.65 32.65 32.65 37.33 Design Load (kips) Jacked Preload (kips) 370 482 482 482 402 414 497 497 497 536 536 39 98 39.98 30.26 30.26 22.94 22.94 22.94 22.4 22.94 24.71 25.56 25.56 25.56 30.26 30.26 32.65 27.94 25.56 25.56 41.85 41.85 41.85 41.85 41.85 44 .08 46.47 46.47 49.09 51.73 51.73 51.73 46.47 41.85 41.85 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF INSTRUMENTED STRUTS 458 379 278 249 323 323 323 269 303 363 363 363 426 426 426 363 302 218 543 707 707 707 589 633 760 760 760 769 769 769 657 1 Residual Load (kips) 420 320 410 490 495 400 470 465 260 160 261 330 300 345 351 195 450 450 380 320 370 290 175 270 204 204 253 249 158 182 64 125 230 200 340 280 310 330 330 270 225 160 590 550 88 138 232 119 136 138 169 132 133 92 324 293 287 209 205 354 294 297 360 325 232 365 254 136 122 540 430 440 530 660 550 535 570 615 510 380 235 (1) Date Installed 7/31/69 7/31/69 8/ 1/69 8/14/69 8/14/69 8/14/69 8/14/69 8/14/69 9/ 4/69 9/ 4/69 9/ 5/69 9/11/69 1/11/69 9/11/69 9/11/69 9/ 2/69 9/ 3/69 9/ 3/69 9/ 3/69 9/ 9/69 9/23/69 9/23/69 9/23/69 10/10/69 10/10/69 10/10/69 10/15/69 10/15/69 10/15/69 10/15/69 9/22/69 9/22/69 9/22/69 10/ 1/69 10/ 1/69 10/24/69 10/25/69 10/27/69 10/28/69 10/29/69 10/29/69 10/30/69 10/30/69 10/30/69 10/31/69 (1) Residual strut load after shimming the strut and removing the preload jacks (2) The F-2 strain gauges were improperly installed on these struts. gauges were installed from 17 Oct 69 to 27 Oct 69. (3) Six F-2 gauges were installed on these struts; the others had two. -162- Date Removed 9/29/70 9/29/70 9/30/70 10/30/70 10/30/70 11/ 2/70 11/ 2/70 11/ 2/70 11/ 2/70 11/ 2/70 10/20/70 10/ 8/70 10/ 8/70 10/ 8/70 10/ 8/70 11/ 3/69 11/ 4/69 11/ 6/69 12/ 2/69 12/ 2/69 12/10/69 12/12/59 12/15/69 12/15/69 12/16/69 12/16/69 1/ 2/70 1/ 2/70 1/ 2/70 1/ 2/70 11/ 4/69 11/ 4/69 11/ 6/69 11/19/69 11/19/69 12/11/69 12/11/69 12/14/69 12/16/69 12/16/69 12/16/69 1/ 2/70 1/ 2/70 1/ 2/70 1/ 2/70 Two additional Tel , SB-90 Strain Gauge Type SB -90 SB-90 & F-' SB-90 SB-90 & F-2 SB-90 & F-2 SB-90 & F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 & SB-90 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 & TABLE A.5.2: strain TABLE Instrument No. No. Date Installed Installed 1 PH-1 PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 PH-5 PH-6 P1-7 PH-8 PH-9 PH-10 Elev. of TABLE 4 Sensor +75.17 +74.93 +74.94 +74.96 +75.20 +75.04 +75.01 +75.0 +75.0 +72.45 +75.0 1 South Bulkhead South Bulkhead South Bulkhead A.5.4: LIST OF VIBRATING WIRE FIEZOMETERS Date Installed Elev. of Sensor P-1 9/25/68 +62.70 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 9/19/68 9/17/68 9/25/68 9/17/68 9/17/68 9/26/68 9/26/68 +39.0 +13.32 +93.0 +65.5 +40.5 +93.0 +92.1 5/ 3/69 5/ 3/69 +58.2 +56.8 P-1 Replacement P-lH Remarks Sensor 11/ 6/68 10/30/68 11/ 5/68 11/ 7/68 11/ 1/68 11/ 1/68 11/15/68 11/ 4/68 11/21/68 11/22/68 11/15/68 PH-11 Instrument No. A.5.3: LIST OF HYDRAULIC PIE ZOMETERS -163- Remarks Lost P-1 (shorted out 4 April 1969) Both installed in old P-1 Hole. TABLE Instrument No. A.5.5: SUMMARY OF SLOPE INDICATORS Date Installed Station Location SI 1 113+42 20 Sept. 68 In soil 5 ft. back of the slurry wall SI 3 111+83.5 25 Sept. 68 In soil 29 ft. back of the slurry wall SI 4 113+42 28 Feb. 69 In slurry wall SI 5 112+44 5 Feb. 69 In slurry wall SI 6 111+83.5 28 Feb. 69 In slurry wall SI 7 112+44 18 March 69 In slurry wall SI 8 Center of south bulkhead wall 28 Jan. 69 On steel sheet piling SI 9 107+38 21 Feb. 69 On steel sheet piling SI 10 107+25 4 March 69 On steel sheet piling SI 11 111+39 3 June 69 On steel sheet piling SI 12 111+14 7 June 69 On steel sheet piling -164- TABLE A.5.6: LIST OF VERTICAL MOVEMENT RODS, LEVEL POINTS AND BENCH MARK Instrument No. Elev. of Sensor Date Installed V-1 V-2 V-3 9/24/68 9/20/68 9/23/68 +71.3 +58.4 +39.2 LP-1 +118.6 +118.2 +118.4 +118.0 +118.8 +118.1 +116.9 +114. 3 +114.9 LP-2 LP-3 LP-4 LP-5 LP-6 LP-7 LP-8 LP-9 BM 10/8/68 Date Installed Elev. of Sensor W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4 7/14/69 7/14/69 7/12/69 7/12/69 +92.6 +115.6 +96.3 +114.4 SC-1, SC-1, SC-2, SC-2, Cell Cell Cell Cell #51-67 #46-67 #31-67 #33-67 month LIST OF SHALLOW WELLS Instrument No. Instrument No. Contractor installed the level points over a period of one +7. 8 T i'p Elev. TABLEA.5.7: TABLE A. '.8: Remarks Remarks Pourous plastic piezometer 36" Long Wellpoint Geomeasurements, Hyd, Piezometer 36" Long Wellpoint LIST OF VIBRATING WIRE STRESS CELLS Date Installed 9/24/68 9/24/68 10/ 1/68 10/ 1/68 -165- Elev. of Sensor Remarks +65.5 +64.7 +64.1 +63.3 Not operating TABLE A.6.1: STRUT LOADS VERSUS CONSTRUCTION STAGE Preload "B" Level Excavate for "C" Level Preload "C" Level Excavate for "D" Level Preload "D" Level Load Temp Load Load Load kips Cc kips 260 160 261 330 300 345 351 195 27 17 31 22 22 23 21 22 22.4 21.9 20.3 18 18 18 18 352 283 340 390 338 384 250 185 221 214 254 294 208 194 185 Excavate Final Stage remove "C" and "D" Level Strut No. B-31 C kips Temp C Temp C Load Temp Load kips kips 'C kips Temp 0 Load Tenp C kips Cc 490 380 470 430 480 480 360 330 320 350 430 390 410 390 300 13 8 8 23 23 14 12 19 27 27 27 29 21 27 0 349 250 330 408 370 366 269 220 235 211 276 268 203 179 187 22 23 17 22 17 15 15 17 17 22 22 20 20 21 21 371 302 370 467 380 349 292 223 245 227 285 267 215 196 199 32 15 15 17 23 19 14 14 19 17 16 11 13 14 15 394 285 362 475 383 328 290 232 237 214 247 283 215 187 193 15 16 16 22 19 19 19 15 17 12 10 23 11 16 15 380 316 362 475 383 382 295 237 237 213 261 268 194 192 221 15 31 16 22 19 9 11 9 9 10 9 11 3 4 2 64 125 21 21 180 182 184 232 31 31 15 22 88 138 232 119 136 138 169 132 133 92 16 16 16 15 15 15 12 12 12 12 104 166 269 144 247 230 152 138 155 106 23 14 14 16 17 15 14 15 14 14 122 122 179 216 192 103 176 265 105 231 205 161 158 143 202 15 15 15 24 22 18 18 15 14 14 19 11 15 14 9 182 182 179 216 182 117 162 272 126 203 209 155 147 109 149 31 31 15 24 16 9 11 6 11 10 D-31 324 17 D-32 293 17 D-34 287 17 D-36 D-38 D-40 209 205 354 18 18 0 270 170 290 19 15 11 D-41 D-42 D-43 D-44 D-45 D-46 D-47 D-48 D-49 294 297 300 325 232 365 254 136 122 10 16 8 11 10 9 9 9 9 241 209 210 297 178 322 281 190 122 12 12 12 4 10 8 5 2 0 B-32 B-34 B-36 B-38 B-40 B-41 B-42 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 '-C Temp C-31 C-32 C-34 C-36 C-38 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 204 204 253 249 158 182 , 28 19 21 20 18 15 15 17 27 19 18 23 19 22 22 9 8 2 1 3 x I> C PERCHED 0 20 I 40 600 3 . 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 50 6.0 TEST SAMPLE STRESS HISTORYI TYPE No. E, E t.c TEST loom) I 40 4 w-6 - -60 . BOSTON 7-122 -- -N(OIUM V-.- BLUE 60 CLAY '00 i cANGLE 3ITWIST \ TILL W~p 114 OF AT FALURE 0% SHEAR TESTS BY MIT SHEAR TESTS 0 TORVANE * FIELD VANE SHEAR TESTS FROM J.R COLLINS SOILS TEST REPORT - TEST RESULTS FROM BLOCK SAMPLES TEST RESULTS FROM 3"SELBY TUBE SAMLES PERMEABUTY TESTS ST SAMPLE No Elex.(ft) :PE lAAT) m C-I 84 4.0 0.8 C-2 - 74 7.0 2.5 1 04 4.0 2 84 6 0 60.0 3 84 5.0 3.0 C-3 74 6.5 1.0 4 84 420.0 60 C -4 74 20.0 0.8 2.0 6.0 C-5 104 70.0 20.0 5 74 TEST x (/) x max REMARKS Py 14 2043640580521000 - 1.4 2.04364 34' HLO YELLOW CLAY 380 LOE 130 52 30 UU 241.14 3 94.0 1.30 52 3.2 UU 2.6 4 84.0 1.61 4.7 1.18 3S8798 CJU 5 64.0 1.61 4.7 .78 6.0 10.0 T U 16 2.0 56570 .43 300271 5.1 2.55565 268 6 84.0 1.61 4.7 78 6.0 10.0' CIU &8 1.883441.18 .31 940O3.11.5 1.85 345 34 1.05 4.0 1.23 2.8 L28 2,86098 32 430 26 104 120 343 205 8.0, C I U 46 1.26 251 1.15 315 340 302 13 1.15 2.05 342 7 74.0 1.92 4.3 90-92 1.40 5.2 U 7.0 122 3z (9-2)-2 70-72 2.0 42 U 32 .55 41.RO 19-31-3 51-53 3.60 33 U 75 .2 0 33 27 62-63 2.25 3.8 U 184 .82 85-87 1.55 4.9 UU 7.3 L03 (8-2)-1 70-72 2.0 4.2 UU 8.1 .99 28 10-2)-I 98-100 1.35 5.6 UU i8 .55 20 (10-31- 8-I -I I ALL 3q RESULT STRESSES IN SITU 2.IN . CLY 680 19-11-I RESULTS FROM TESTS ON BLOCK SAMPLES FIGURE A.3.1: LABORATORY 1.42 4.0 80 C I U - 94.0 FELD VANE COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIAfON TESTSAMPLREc MPRESSION VMIN xxr3 3910-3 N. Elv.(d / A 0 .88 5.7 AT ( 2 I \ )'" lpcf -20 104.0 RESULTS TEST TRIAXIAL FILL HD YEL T G CLAY108 V STIFF TU STIFF 0a STRESS (T/FT2) W(. WATER 2 STRESSES 3" SHELBY TUBE SAMPLE RESULTS 47 REPORTEG IN J P SO 2 TONS/FT 5. E-SECANT MODULLS a 6. Ou z SIN-' -2 P f DON BOSCO I SCHOOL uSI -6 11 - +SI-3 T-7' i 0 0 0 0 00 I 12 1 I') -4---- -- i---- -H- I 9 1 -4 ............. I I 8 i-4 o I 7- -_-_ 19 214 FIGURE A.4.1:CONCRETE WALL PANEL LOCATIONS Concrete Strength B Vertical Reinforcement (All bars # 11) IL SYM C L(ft) Bars/f t Spacing 10' 7' 0.27 1.34 1.07 44 1/2 in. 9 I1 1/4 D 1I' 1.25 9 5/8 E F G H I J K L M 18' 20' 12' 8' 22' 9' 10' 6' 5' 2.88 0.90 0.27 1.97 2.88 1.25 1.02 0.71 0.27 4 1/4 13 3/8 44 1/2 6 4 1/4 9 5/8 12 17 4 4 -1/ 2 A B C D L ottom of Excavation E = 3000 psi Yield Strength of Steel 11 Bars - 60 OOOpsi Others - 36,060 psi HorizontalI bars H-or*z7nCa) 1'- b6 /c# /c H1-6 X Vertical Bracing - # I T 5 Bar K Reinforcement stirrups - ; 5 Bars L 1<--3 ft -+ FIGURE A.4.2:TYPICAL CAGE REINFORCEMENT FOR STEEL IN CONCRETE PANELS -169- +120 I FILL Hard 4 Yellow Clay L 7{= 125 pcf Very Stiff +100 (SZDesign) -E to Stiff 9 // +80 D9 ( Boston Blue CLAY Max. t =122pcf +60Med. Bostcn Blue CLAY +401-- - Concrete Slurry t = 120 pcf Wall TILL 0 10 0 30 Scale: Icm=lOft 0 SLURRY FIGURE A.4.3: EXCAVATrON PROCEDURE WALL SECTIONSTATION 113+40 -170- \ N Bosco High School -m..Colled Nort h / ( +95 = ELEVATION OF EXCAVATION BOTTOM (B.C.B. -4- 100.0) Don MUD S L A B r +9 +7 +79 -4-97 RM R +08 B- LEVEL INSTALLED 9 +i-9* +:71 -4 0 8 +79 ++1 0 8 4. LO 4 N N I I 0 I I NVERT MUD SLAB POURED +76 +7 +83 o 1o 20 30 40 50 D-LEVEL INSTALLED Scale: 1cm = 10 ft FIGURE A.4.4:CONTOURS OF EXCAVATION BOTTOM WHEN INSTALLING STRUTS 41-+42 I ~ -* C ~t1~ ~~Ac 41 I ~\ FIGURE A.4.5: VIEW OF THE SITE -172- SP-7 7W-6 LEGEND 7 DON Bosco 80C SCcOOL. la" 22 LP - Level Pin P - Vibrating Wire Piezometer PH - Hydraulic Piezometer SC - Total Stress Cell SI - Slope indicator W- Shallow Well Struts with Srain Guages "'"-C *Lp.8'A k -n\CALL E 46 NORT + LP-r *3r-3 L10fr 0 + I-+ - sr - u R 4 a 33 su s-1u 23 2 23 26 rvE- cs 2 27 i~ f 120 -71AWSu~~~~cN~~~~mnemr zA mw oopf - ryi 00 t 7 412 * 90 + SUE ii~i..IIIz Song L enses +60 Rled. 1,7 -i -7 J Blu ~ s~-~' glue 50 b'- - / -Sbf 4 lA.6 'e . Eor SCALE - ,V 0 c0 IC.,- FIGURE A.4.6: SOUTH -- 0 -- .. 40 50 CLvuR 40 -- WAu 0 SSECT/ON1\ g _ __. 10 Oct COVE SLURRY WALL TEST SECTION INSTRUMENTATION ,,, AND BRACING SCHEME . 22 2 s ( % 09 7 - -- / -- ---s- owwwom- - 0 0 00. 0 N / -9. z 0 IU, PH-l1 7o 36WF FOR DECK MSI-1O , Z9t- 14WF103 Corner Bracin -if( SI-80- Deck IArea I0 ON 14 WF 10 0 TOP OF SHEETING PLAN PH-lO +9 SL-9 VIEW Ground Surface 120- 0 0 STRUTS FILL 0 co L) 100- Hd. Yel. CLAY z Stiff 0 - / 1 12WF65 1 1B 24WFIIO STRUTS-14WIlI z IC 36 WF300 STRUTS- 14 WF127 Blue ~80- w -J w II 1 II 1I CLAY 60-I YZX\\'>WA\ with fine Sand Lenses Bottom of Excavation SHEET C ROSS 0 10 Z) 30 40 PILING TIPS ( EL 40 SECTION 50 Scale (ft.) BL ULKHEAD SOUTH COVE FIGURE A4.7: SOUTH INSTRUMENTATION AND BRACING SCHEME -174- I 11 15 23 L P-9 3 3 3 3 0 0 20 Scale -cm =10 f t 41 5 DON BOSCO HIGH SCHOOL LP-2 10 X 19Q ELP-3 w ,9 7 7L LP-8 ," vp37 L 22 L 3 X 30L LP-7 46 38X 38 L F L- 5 L- LP-6 si-6 si-5 S -6 s-5 FIGURE A.5.1: LOCATION POINTS OF LP4 LUWRRY WALLs-4 SETTLEMENT E G SCREWS AND LEVEL I Don Bosco School .~p -4 of o-i-P - Fill - +/0 70. 5 58.5 to 79.5) SI - (Varies Hc1rd ye//ow Clay +/00 1ery S/iff to S/if Lhue ..lo y With - .*-.51- Sand / +80 H -a Lenses 8C-9 ON sc-I II 0*~~ II I, I' II II .f. -f II Med Blue Clay 4*0 Cu 3 0. -0 - I 7Wl * 8 enchmrr erA 0 77r7r , , ,,,,7 0 /0 cO Sca/e: /cm FIGURE A.5.2. PROFILE OF INSTRUMENTATION AT STATION 113 + 40 30 = /D ft I WATERPROOF CABLE ELEC TRICAL ELECTRICAL CAB LE DIAM.= 6.5 M m PLUG FLANGE GROUNDING RING SETTING 0" SCRE W RING CONE MUSIC WIRE BRASS CASING RODS 0 LI MAGNETS I ~ HOLES I/4" DIA FIGURE A.5.3: SCHEMATIC VIBRATING -177- OF TELEMAC TYPE F-2 WIRE STRAIN GUAGE I PIPE CAP TANDARD Existing Ground 10' *i +-5 FT tLength 5" or 6" , Capped Protective Pipe Bockfill w/ * I Blasting Sand to within 10ft.t! of Ground Surface ( UNCOMPACTED) 2 1/2" Standard Pipe ( Bottom length>--10 ft. ) with no Coupling at Bottom 5 Nol Blasting Sand Backfilled Lifts Compact in IFT. 5* -. SENSOR 5FT. Compacted Bentonite or Chemical Grout Seal #-IFT. - 4 1/2' I 1/2' ;2 FIGURE A.5.4:HYDRAULIC -178-- B o PIEZOMETER 1 Blast ing Sand INSTALLATION VENTED CAP .1-Li . GROUND SURFACE I I In' fill - 3 LENGTH OF 2/2 " PIPE Li 1 . b~. - I" RISER PIPE -1 I:. SAND FILTER 4"IWELLPOINT - 00 I. ~ I II I.v, FIGURE A.5.5:SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF TYPICAL OBSERVATION WELL -179- I I "Co/ /o07_7 ' A2D 5n/s s sAee/ /-n'c hoo-- screw, /he ornchor Sef to />ro/ect «|. I, r<'>O - anchor ,Vo .922O or egwivo/ent 0 N e- 9 1J/. I p ______________________ ~i\ I I I I I I~ii-~j r<& I K.T / 67> / 4/4" ,n$o fate : dr-,ed the coArrnn W/hen the aere /%e -- 0447,2' /XeOd to r-eCe r on, edge of heod 37/,/" screw a J+'''~scre' 2ree/ pa 0 /c/e ~0. /s reo/oced elnelt observorlor, /,n..//,- t/)epoe ,4/G61,Ezc //A 20 /7C,/es- /10g ; ~, F-A 03 0 1 /4 2''l A._ 571:: t SEZJZ A/EA~ 7~ SC 1 ~ fk/ SCPEN sicri / C/4 'rw/ c-ew4 Scre4', /BRASS I I, I I '''II, /r f If rr /I / / fI f f COVER PLATE If Ill S.S 2'"DIAM. BALL WELDED TO PIPE ASBESTOS 5" CAST IRON SCREWED PIPE FLANG ES 2"EXTRA HEAVY PIPE ASTM DESIGNATION A120-63aT GASKETS BRASS S S 2"EX TRA 2 0-RING- HEAVY PIPE WATER STOP 7 3 2"EXTRA HEAVY PIPE 3 2"EXTRA HEAVY A.ST M DESIGNATION PIPE A120-63oT 2"EXTRA HEAVY PIPE 2 I CONCRETE SLAB 3'-0" GLACIAL TILL OR BEDROCK WASHED - 2'- 0". TOP ASSEMBLY DETAILS HOLE STEEL POINT WELDED TO PIPE 1* FIGURE A.5.7: DETAIL OF DEEP BENCHMARK INSTALLATION -181- STANDARD PIPE CAP 2 2 DIAMETER PIPE CONCRETE I"DIAMETER PIPE 1 4" ROD TO DRIVE TIP BORRO SETTLEMENT POINT EXTENDING ANCHOR PRONGS 6 FIGURE A.5.8:DETAIL OF BORROS HEAVE ROD -182- STANDARD PIPE CAP 1/2 3' of 8" dia.-- P"-TOP 3'x3' concrete slab-5"thick Y//A\\\ GROUND LEVEL //A\\v//\ STEEL JERSEY "Steel bore S lope CAP Li-NEW 1 1/2' -6" OF WALL hole -Slope indicator - 6" #s_2 blasting sand compacted 6" [1 Blasting Sand No 1/2 Pipe Indicator Casing 3# 7 Reinforced Bars At Equally Spaced Continuous Weld Each Coupling ack Weld All Around Couplings Make Up Couplings Tight m/ Pipe Dope (Joint to be Water Tight) co) < 6 bore hole 4 Slope indicator casing ( NOT GROUND INSTALLATION FIGURE A.5.9: SLOPE TO SCA LE) INDICATOR -L1 WELD ALL AROUND SLURRY WALL I NSTALLATION Dia AOut side face SLOPE INDICATOR DETAIL PIPE TIE WELL INSTALLATION IN SOIL AND SLURRY WALL P/. A 'e -r I- o p~p / from /op of $h? et p/e. we/& ,o o- --. bo/ fop s'?s ~ o.o..'. Welda/f / I,' %Iee/ p/./Le 0// p//rOJ/ Sleel shew' p/0 OPONW 70d A - . 'V/G -VO-- -S We/ r/ic-l->enf --doome o p-re a' i'o&A*. a// OO . w/ee/ p/o. Mi Mct LAo1d7 'I. 4/ ob. .stew/ 0 0* I 00 71 1 Pine co.p4ng, /IDl c .oee/d' / tn i 6./-.. ,rO' fop f e/d 'n0e to/fom coup/eng on c0o/.tn9 -o rMe sheefp,/e .n .dd-/OP o //:e /' of we/d',,g above a 6e/o. . - ooove i / . evTe - O' for psjoe Waid Moe, /' 0.o'e. of both .Ae we.'o' J" 0 /ahn 6O0r-'aYes /o /en0/A of fo -CReOS9 o joa Sihee/ 4 Po poe ^oe p./e o// e-ao.-" a' 4'9 e p'/e for a- -a/&' " O&OVC so.O. Wo/ef /'o'Q. ra~nfofCir' oae, hen ben o1l bemcna, .w.4e to o'r-ve Onan e/d rodt /~e roa'o pb "R -oa od/e SdCT/OM P/G'U/-9 A.ftOI T4/. Op SL0PE /VD/CA4T0A' /MSTALL A/N 77WN4 STEC4 S/lEEr sP//NG6 I '1 - - 2' Heavy duty Pipe 6" Casing I LEADS -ELECTRICAL 3/8"' TUBING *1 28" r D N.G.I. Total Stress Cells ..-- ill 2" EXTRA HEAVY PIPE 5 ga PUSHEI U-1 ABOUT 6'[i 2"1 STRESS DETAILS OF STEEL DRIVE SHOE INSTALLATION OF CELL FIGURE A.5.11: VIBRATING WIRE TOTAL ST RE SS UNIT S CELL ASSEMLY 0 qak~ ~Jcr~ 120 /00- ao ~r-rn~ . . **. .300 . -t . . - 300, ~77T7T~~ _- MBTA - MIT /NSTRUMENTAT/ON SOUTH- COVE AX/AL STRIT LOAD BEAM 32 14 /00. -0- -x-o ---- /00 t C5004 - -- -s 200 /00 -0- 00 /00- -o- A S 11,1 -- " -i 4' C- 4.A6 ALJ(, IJ Zf-D I A 1969 ~'~D 40* I ~elv r "Y I AJPII At^ l I F)~#' P1- I AdA' 1,AA1 I .~T.CM I~5C I l A-fAD AD I E ADP AD F/GUPt ASI: STRUET Z O40 MEAS/ENfETS I AfAY MAY I oVA fuNk I JuLY 1970C I IL K (-'(I) 1201 2: /00 2 80i -I M9TA-M/T INSTRUMENTATIO SOUTH COVE AXIAL STRUT LO4D 'b _____ 2 . . . a *o es - - BEAM 38 * * IA -*:- .300 300, 200 200 -o 17 -- 4 ./00 -0.400 U3 0 0 .300 .-00 \q 200 144 K I, o /00 ./00 -0- -0- '-a 6m' - C-- ORO .- , - /00- -- L-AA AUG '969 I SEP I T A A IAV I DC ./AN . . I MAR | AP I MY FR/G E - f2: STPUT LOA0 NEASUAENEN'/9TS I JUNE -?~' -~ ~ -4,4" BQ 7~77L _____ -----.- ~"4 00 ' 0 H ~ .~c','-. ______ 4,4 4w I --- s-;--g----, ~ A - - fe - b A *.: . -'0 ~ 'A * -~77<--- 5 - 5 * , L 3.9 J, 00 , 7 IQ4 ~ ' /I00 MBTA -MIT /NISTRLMEA'TA TION SOUTH COVEC AX/AL STRUT LOAD 8EAN 40 Jj lk 12 IK k (I) 1.4 '.4 t2 ZA-S-11 -_ a "/P: /00 00 00 I0 C acr~q^- t 200 /00- 411 AUG I EP I CT- WvI Dr C -969 F/GaP ~ P A ~ MP4 APR O L~3 STP(/ LOA /EASLIEMENTS AYI JUV 1UL 197C t10 5. // /00. -2 - . 120, ff'ofe 4,,) '7 t.1.t 80 - p4, // BEAM 42 - -o r--7a~ ej w1B -AlT /NST9UMENTATION SOUTH COVE AX/AL STPUT LOAD I - 0 "b w I 300 _____ r300 -~4~~-* ____ 200 -0- /00, -0.~4.Z .5~5 00 -4 o~ (*-e - a6o rs) * -VI '0 ~200 /00, -- '- - - B' ~ rq' SI 'fl t -0- 47.-5 ./969 ., ^ ~ ^ IT -1 - - .l t .0 A. " ^ ~I .. Z P/C4PF 4.6.4: $T PUT LO4D 4 " A \ ApD AS/PEMENTS i MAV I IAIF I v /1970 WMBTA - 120 /00. '10 '44 . -*- 80. -_ ._ MIT /NSTPUMENTAT/O SOUTH COVE AX/AL STArT LOAD .. BEAM 4,3 -. .4 W 400L .300 300. 200. -/00 -4-o- -o Cl) -+*- oza G ZA0 -3 4' A,AS N. /00. 0 k V) q q (Ofizidk 409 P 'po V/Gz) 500 "6 -- 0 -08-4-S N 16At S3* AUG /969 I SEP - 0 :- e~ j + C) ~ -__.---- -- I Wr I A V JAN I A7 I I A-Z4P AIAR I I APP APP P/hGPf 4.6: 3TSUT ZOA4D IEASUEME/VT I I M4W AMY II iL/lIE -1uWZ II JULYY jul- I I /970 M8 TA - MIT INS TRUMEN4TAT/ON SOUTH COVE AX/AL 3TRUT L04D BEAM 45 K GI aJ IL 1~~ -7 80. -4 -~ ~.t A5C '1- _______________________ '~'~ .400 300. . -/Oo -0 I- IA 'P 4300 . A 200 1% - d /00 ~O 7~5 '4A -0- 4' -N AUG /969 SEP /.~4 OC T /3 I 1,VtV DE C | ,AN | EB I A,9 | AP MA1y JUNE I JULY 19 * ko -0- /CGufE A 6.6: STA'UT LOAD IEASUEMENTS - -o- . -. hi.... /00. N .500 -200 200 AR . . ~-- + .. . MB TA - MIT INSTPIUMENTAT/OV sOUTH COVE TA atL - - ~ - /20. CG) /00. AXIAL STRUT LOAD BEAM 46 r- 80. '4J - ----- - 400 400. 300 300. -.200 . 3': 200 ./0 '4/00 a 1 .~i 300 -0-- \~ IL~ p7? iace ". /00 I :., - , -,i, -0+ Il 749 -,,-s OEsx,~- f.A I S00 SOD, A && sOO 600 -~ A P-z 4L-5 C 4. '. 20 I /00. -- 0- I AUG 19469 I SEP I OCV | LtC I .AIN I FEB I MAR E/Ga'E 4.47: 5r4e/T LOAD aEASL'EME&TS APR MA4Y JUNE JULY /970 0 MBTA - MI T /NS TRUMENTA TON SOUTH COVE AX/AL STUT L4D BEAM 48 ~2- _Ti - /00 80 (~) . 1400 * .300 300 -200 200 ./00 /00 F-~. -0- -0 41 200 V /00, 4 '~"'~ I. /00 0~9 4 E K. FP3 AUG 1969 SEP OCT NOV | P/GUP6'E DEC | N | FEB | MAR I APR I 4.86T41 Z24O AfEAS&'2EAIEVNTS IAY I -JUNE | .Y LV 1970 LIZ -,7/It ki A, I.. -4 '4' -I MBT Iso.O 82 as vNTuN IN.R AR k '4 P)o IEQTR HEV OP6 oA&4 1 /GL1f'E AAVZA484W ORCCA481A A 6. A: :POPE PA'EgSt/A' .amvLJRy CEAA umm~ y ANDt HEA VE RPOD fT(EA.UP,5olIENrS RO /for 1V of--c a, A'j - '~// 4 x 0421 1~ v.,- 1 1-t/ IL ~ I - N d 004 a,' JO, 'ID 4S07 00 I (a 'I 2 a Id 2A'J~VJA~W 7~M~.YA 8 IN A - - I -195- -. T 1- 7! - z'~. 0 - 11 VI I / -. I 0 -7-I-f- - - Ii C, rqM~ 04 Nd ~'""dId - .Ly 'G'6'Jh' 7d/.IQ '0 U) k -4 (I) (I) "4 4 4Nkk b~, lbO a IA '0 ________I I tA TOTAL A~s4D, AT - 961- U if NqI 4 '00 vzeWTAZc41 ,'oVSemeNT , r - t K (C' C 4-4- C I___ a coM57r6zevg CP V.' N 3b '6 1% N b (A "b '0 '4 0 bt 4 O0 Olt0~ A'i -r 4A~~e wxwEo, AV l-oAA ro-rA# oz10 zS -L 6T- ......L VErPTr*A ~ + k t0VCAW7Vr #7 I n cavsr dAEK, Orr 2 R N 0 *0 t5) t3I 40 1> !T fl C)i 0 4_____________________ 4 ;2 I.-~ 47 a'I' / '1 ___________ ~ J- If I'> 7 \ (1 VI K ji - I HEAR. rT r' t~ Q TOT AL VIR TI/CRL r~ ~ ~' ~* 1040 G~ 0 h5 Sb S 'S 'Sr- 'S I"- - -86T- 0 1 1- C i MOVEMENT, /7 1 (raka? 9 ."x '-a '/ ea ne/ 23 7 O,, . c~ .- i/ 'ir c ' r..e< Li. h' Pn- 6L' -6 Sno o' Snot. Prcoir ACnel 20 ('omkte Pc;,a 63 '."'n 20'catv 1 Fool of SnoL. ContIrnue baA hcoxi /7 /V' Pu/W bulk heaa 1?N a..2(k2 bcA/k:'O/?/4)rth momp/etY P/Pan.)excav Por PAn.e/ /R ; Skrt Pan / _ P3 ercav 10. - L/ tan/ /7 eC5C Out rein Pour Ponel A-, 4;fne, '7 ph /A'.' balk h'eod '> at aAdM VC// comp/zrec r4ca 5Ec akv - l23' .5 pADae [AiNcav'y 'PC Rsi; -/elny trt aV a.VRQnEf .ittrVa zxcaqvaqr/olvlv 1e r b.S ;177 ~'q~j~ cyo?5 -Ld AA - P lu "~'~X, p. IL -lU I[ D i I Cq j~ .ZY 'JN.W40V 76'Y-MJ I __ ___ Ab'.)I.7 -199- V I V h-V / 0 (2 'i~,I *0. K ~j4 (~) 46 0 413 040 Lo k ~ +1 Ii if I I, { I ~iv t U? ~ / t r 4 ILl "L~ 176YA 76'.LOL '0 t)i 44. bh q N ISz N IS -0 040 ~I I N I ~ lot ,~ T~ I TOTAL A40. oTr 4J I I ~ .1 - ___ 4 __ _ 1 1' '1 ,'fOV& MWT. FT IV ft 00. 0 1>0 V(RTAZ4L 0 COVSi. opn t / r8 /4 0 LFW FT %0 '4 ~0~ N N N 'I, b 0 6 t'~1 '4 0 IC 'b V I .~ 41 0 r I hO (OR 00 r07-44 HiA4, 0 4 I. -TO Z- V~W.'-f IL ~) . MV4 1~ I 0040j" . It i . OT V I a . CC) sr . . -- ZoI, . I - /20 /20 M8TA so COVE - i/o //O WEST /NSTr#lMENT GAO(/P 04 TA FROf P1/, OME T'9 /00 /00 PO/INTS SQRFACE Ifqt AND 94/LDING PINS 9o 90 90 80 04 .02 01? 0 .041 S'.L~ . . LP-4' 2 I~ -. 0Q 0 /2.03 * /2606 - S -06 06 A-- -Oa -.oe //0 K //0 /06 /06 /02 /02 38 NJ .- . ,* 90 -91' K go .90 /nP/r At, 15,, Se" A-A. p - 4 86 5 82 0 9 0 A 55 V P-7 -H p-Nq-g 78 0 0 86 82 930 [78 920 750 74 70 /970 OCT08er /G&PE I A'vem8ER i I '.97 .- ,4,eYARf VEBW A'Y A.6 .'POA'E PPESSUAE AND VEPT/CAL 1OVElENT /IEASLAuREMENTS ft0 AVV a- -,/08 0411 /00 9' z,,,j -. , ~ 8A, fith~ W,. MBTAq i - 0 COVE DA TA FROM HiYDRqUL.IC P/ElOME TER P/CL/A'E 446.ll4 :pROA24 P0A'(6'SL/Al IVES/969N7 ________ _______ 4 I ~ .IJ 37 yWAJ AVtI.&. 9bYJ6 i II-1. r I C r) N C.) .4 I -11 ~ N (~1 '0 0~ >1 76'1O.L / __________ .4 fY I A ~t1 <ii 45 .1-4 'C6'YH -204- at 4 I~I (n Ft 141 liqil ~ I&I ~ t~1IIL~ ~ 4 0. %0 K (I, Q. 10 Ci) V r1 8 '1 0 0 -i 0 DIO N t %VI ~ 1< *1 i~ N T / ) / / \0 F; K ~7~1 K i 'I I r~~ TOTAL HEAD. 'Hu 0k N N, ,b 4 (A -4h PPc3PE.5'S LEV IN FT CONSi 0 I> ClEl Cxi) rou4L o~ao, orr clOA'ST. ezlv, Fr k, b co- '0 I' A' 0 R'4 * o hl thb * X N r c~ 0 L ' 4% * r * ToTIQL lq, 2 'f/i ( Q Q 1~ f~1 I!1 K 2~ K ~ <) CP zxp" q// Iav. N LIP I1') N Nm c~ -~ 11 ~ -b b~ ~ ~zbb b b -,Ir N@001t0 '0 %0 I., (I V. V / " r-1 I71 22K 1' ~ a K 90 T0OTAL /1EPqD, FT- ILI zz ~1L 01 dqvtr'pRE ' Ah., r A I- .' .,.,. F I -4 'F' V J-. r ~1 A; 4~6i~~; A>' ElC9VATOIN 'ELEV, FT sTrqT'ai C4) '0 IIE\ Zn ~3o c~or~I ~ 4 Y / '0 4V~n ~tJ ~/ '0 0 ~() E / (t] I (. \ '~k '0 O N - 'a v 0 t ( >1 I < 41 r / '1 ~0 ~- rOTAl- HCAD,-r 0 a IU C b j~ ELEv INV FT 0 1>0 r~Q1 COT dA do VU 91 t-A 12 /06 t~3 H H /00 Ir4 96 lo, 9 an ~E~y~flS~ma MTR LIIi Oc 1968 ToZar, - DATA MYDRRUL/C JSRAJZVA't-IAfA'UAA) E/GU'lar't A. ./-,f4- *PoRe PPE ssQPA 4x ~u orSAt"Way e4-6AUA'(AFN/TS so.5 PROM0 PIEZOMETERS ^IAV.qc 1-0 /969 COVE A-V; A-77YvV~jbAbvx- NO.&S.7&,-AblJ101H7'I. ___i Ylv II h I0;30 1 ~~>2c5 I2o2o 'N C4j cts VT) CS, %0 0k '0 0 - o 0' I> - oi , - 9 roTAL (9 A' (I / 1' il t 9 '-' ~ p -~ -I c -- 8 I *y<~ I mew(o, ATr 48- ST m coWs QN r)NI A 1 Lcev, rr 0-1 N I4 LO '1 I' b ~0 0 C, I9 " K ~ ~F* ~ I~r ror4l- ,wAo., ,o'r bC0 CWNS7 to SK, /20 Jfe. 54r. / '/86 E ADO .y.ri. 0 W- 69.-8 A, #id3A.~ W-2 W-3 W-4 /16. D (+ 9!-iC 4,c116 If i P,4, CoAy 6ce!&tu zz.e i L . "Ze~ v'.- 'C. < MIf si' L /4 F's'. ) Ines'P A& /1 / 1/2 &AT-r 41'$Cs /06 /06 4 1I I kIBT 1 r - I L I IBT9 41 SO. COVE I __ - 6OUTH COVE K /00. 98. C)I t\) IHI ~\ \ 90. \ .\ as. as, N N" K 84. j),- kifsrA si-- sz - a 9 SZ - /0 si - i/ Sr - /a 78, ow- +720 Cr. N N 0 a V 9 /019 N" "q28 N, "A +40./ * o.I 38. A. -0* - A9 /S969 R11 A.4Q V - JU. E/41G4e A4/44 WELL y I_ _ _ 0GUST _ VEASUPelE/VTS _ 1 SAP7EMABER '9 _____ -~ I 4. It 4 (~ / /1 4) / ;U~ U. 0 1 _ 4.k ~ 4----. Id'cV./17b'20. -2 16- -- 4- V / / '4' e F' .00 4' 'I' U '4' (.4 '4' 2 8 '.4 (6 'b1 CO) b .4 '0 I -J *2 'J ~ '4 S *4 lb 0 ~ I a' o;/ t~44 (j.) qg~,,7.tOALTZ-~, K TOA* / to 4000 * lb .SJ% 1% ro r4 I- //? A___ It, ~ ' I., '.3 io~ 3. '.4 a a 6 00 P-- f 6 . .5 4 '3' "'4 4. "'a 5.. V.' 3 leo. -5 . ic 0 -/Id iC - ad 0 p.,- ai .5 .5 1 '65.5 P . I i Aj MBR - .5O 0 63.3 *,9TR OCTrOBER / Obs /1V MBeMlr DICIASE F/IGaefd,.sWe/O2NAL4 I RIUARY E*MY TOTAL ST7AtZs,1A~EFT COVW FROM ST7RESS CELS /IRORCH4 1969 co- cZ N' U, N U' U' N U' b N -5:: N (d) N IAI IIZ 4.- IA S IA S beI LA' I ~) : c~ ~1 31 4. * I I C.. ,~ ~Ji ~M [,;J I Ti --- d *' ~' Iv, p U' O~ . 0 11 1'~ 'J~ STA'f55. kipsiff' N 4 q 4 4 1' (b -I, 'I, I T 0 I Ay-w Sf" I~2.~' tl.. Y S.C. a 6r AvEr~qyTI E ) AT/ N C6) N Cf) N N N 4.' N C) '4 '4 0 C) a' oD * __ \\ *j I ~ ___ 1%) ~1. 4 * 4,* 7" / j KI -~ - 64646464 I'4 ~~xZoeo ~bb 0 - ~ ') f~J { 1*i ' Cl I I [1') Lb 4 I LjJ 7' / [V S TWRE5- ~ 44 /1 , ~ r. 4 a' t- ) ( V I / N 14 II 4)4 I-- 4 (P N' (4, N' CO) 4 Co -'I C) N Plo ,4..d .oiA, ift Inve t Floockla -M, ( j4' Af8rTA - SOUTH COVE DA TA POM OTRPESS CEI.LS F- 1 .9.4c a8 a 7 7 6 6 'C 4. 4 "I 0~ - C 3 C a 2 . p 0 p .~ ~- ---:1 --------- / / k.*0 A. Sc-/u SC -. f 0 SC-14. aft 3- /9370 14P9/L 14IAb I ,u~vr P/G6/,96.41,W~oPZM7AL i /LY y - 4/7ts TOTA STA'eESS 1V6ASL/A'&4ENtrS Soe. Sy.ff 0 a 00.0 6s7 0 C#. SO/6 0 SI-I West East "W- I MOVEMENT 126 120- 2 I 3 I I IN 'I' Vr) INCHES 0 2 3 I I -20 100w w LL z - 40 80- -z .w 60- w z 0 I- -80 40- x -100 SYM. DATE x 12/20/V 0 v 2/21/69 A 3/11/69 PANEL CONSTRUCTION PANEL DATE LOC.FROM SI-I NO. 14 17 20 1/28/69 12/20/S9 1/28/69 2/21/69 North South Front FIGURE A.6.16: HORIZONTAL GROUND MOVEMENTS DURING INSTALLATION OF THE SLURRY WALL -222- SI-I (-) 3 2 East -H-- _+) MOVEMENT IN INCHES I I 0 2 x +* \ x 106- Berm elev. t, elev. I- / / x +- - 40 0/2/69 z z 10/29/69 0 -J 8A4169 w z 86 w w I 20 w uw 3 2 + . 125 I West 66 60 a- 10/30/69 46 -80 26 - 100 SYM. + x DATE 8/13/69 10/2 /69 10/27/69 10/31/69 2/4/69 10/10/701 Base line )=&east, in. 0.38 0.16 0.25 0.16 0.35 FIGURE A.6.17: HORIZONTAL GROUND MOVEMENTS DURING EXCAVATION -223- SI- 3 ) (- ) North IN INCHES MOVEMENT 122.5 3 2 I West ' 0 1I 2 2 -I East MOVEMENT IN INCHES I 0 1 [I 102.5 - LL I- z LU w 3 5 6 60 z I- 0 SYM 42.5--80 0 --- 22.5 Berm elev (I e ley. PANEL CONSTRUCTION PANEL DATE LOC. FROM NO DAT 51-3 w 82.5 -40 -I 3 I 20 I- z 62.5 0 2 /'X / South I(4- -100 .0 Y x 2.5 L 120 0 1/14/69 2/3/69 2/2/69 DATE North North East W Base line [)M=Aeasi,in. 1/28/69 3/11/69 5/14/69 7/31/69 8/26/69 10/2/69 2/4/70 10/10/70 (~ 0,8 0,4 07 FIGURE A.6.18: HORIZONTAL GROUND MOVEMENTS DURING EXCAVATION I I / 7/18/69 r 8/25/,69- 9/12r'69 -4 SI-4 East West IN INCHES I 0 MOVEMENT 124- 2 3 1 I 2 4/2/6 I 4/29/69 - I 114 3 -10 5/16/169 104- -20 8/13/69 4. 94- -30 w uw w 4 L. z z 84- 40 0 LU 1 I 7? w z aw D 1* 0 74 10/2/69 50 Berm ele V. 10/29/69 elev. 10/30/69 S 64 --- 60 A 4. J ):easi,in.(=decr,In. 5/23/69 8/13/69 0.0 0.2 -0.1 10/2/69 0.3 Q4 - 0.3 - 0.2 - 0.4 v 10/27/69 A0 10/30/69 2/4/70 + + 54- -70 I I AT Base line &(S14 S 1) DATE 10/10/70 0.3 0.1 0.5 44- -80 FIGURE A.6.19:HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS SLURRY WALL -225- OF THE SI-7 SI-5 West 2 35 3 2 West East East MOVEMENT MOVEMENT IN INCHES 1 0 I 2 2 I I IN 0 ,I 113.5 -- 10 5/r649 103.5 - 20 7/31A9 I- w 93.5--30 LL Berm elev w. w z z 83.5- -40 z 0 a-. t'.3 w - 73.5 --50 0 1o 69 63.5 -j- 60 SYM. A Base lne SI-5-SI-71 DATE (4i.Aeastin. -1decr,in -__ _ -5 -SI 5/23r9 0.0 0.0 -0.4 7/31/69 0.1 -0.5 8/2069 04 04 -03 10/2/69 01 -0.3 - 03 2/4/70 0 -03 02 10/0/701 0.1 -031 - 00 - -LJ 535-70 - a.' I 8/25/69 0 43.5--80 FIGURE A.6.20:HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS OF THE SLURRY WALL INCHES I I 2 I 3 A SI-10 East West 118 I 3 2 I MOVEMENT IN INCHES I 0 1 I i 2 3 I I Berm elev 108- -10 4/17/69 t elev 98 + 20 C I- w 1- z 88 + 30 z - 0 5/9/69 z 78- -40 a 5/30/69 Id 6/7/69 68 t 50 58- -60 481 -70 SYM. DA TE o 5/1 2/69 A5/3 0/69 6/1 2/69 8/1 3/69 * 0 a Base line (+)=& east,in. 0.0 -0.7 - Q6 -0.6 FIGURE A.6.21: HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS OF SHEET PILE WALL AT THE SOUTH BULKHEAD -227- I SI- II East West 6 114.8 6 4 MOVEMENT IN INCHES 22 0 2 4 4 6 I x 104.8 + 10 I 94.8+20 Iw- H z 84.8- -30 LL. w I 7/10/69 x w z m Fa5: -40 w 74.8 w a IJ w 7/24A9 8 elev. erm el. 8/25/69 64.8 -50 SYM. 54.8 -- 60 x 448- 70 + v 0 DAT E 7/9/69 S 7/24/69 S8/20/69 8/26/69 11/26/69 2/4/70 10/10/70 Base line east,in. 0.1 -0.6 -0.6 0.3 1.2 0.8 FIGURE A.6.22:HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS OF SHEET PILE WALL ADJACENT SLURRY WALL -228- I. N U) (i) N N to 1. b 0 DI I- '\ \ 1 Vi .j Iii COI IN /MCWES X 0 I et51" r EZ(ML~AWT 1 I k NU) U) N '0 N Ii *11 I.. 0 0 1., I 1.2 t\ ~ j' '1 r'Q ~j I' l~ 1 ~ I) (I 1-.~ ti I.~) - -0 -~ -- S4 all ~ & t ii s~7-~A4-L,/7AV I.V L~) 0 tb ICO Nt C- (4 4.' 0 0 0u~ -4 K IA NN r 4 . ~ I K 0 S 4 SETTLFM~~WT N C' I., 4,~ I I / /4' /AtY963 II~ ba~e4 A 0 C. Nb S4 \ if- t, CO ,-I K 0 -- SETTLA~eAT p I /4 /VC,1EN U 0 B p A . ' L46) N4 ~'-1 10 CU t ZQ 10 a !1~ \ 1 r S 'A' 9rLM~ A INUIW U) N N1 N1 U) N N U) ~4) c:z C,- 9.~ s' e r 4.1 7. -A wovrI ~ e 7/ 0 2 I N,- Ph 0 La lob 134 To I C. N4 '3' 4. 34 '3- (I) 4.. tha N '0 I It N N * N N I-, ( V arc- .1~ I' 1~ ) 12: I.. .5ETTL~i'%ovA' IN' /~AWfS 0C) 0 o3 %0 4 Ri b 43.. I CO b %A b-4 X8 '.4 "'4' N lb .~/ '7 '.3 - ~1 3-. sxrrz-,r~4vr IN 'p. / lm~c I? o tA ru p rPiJ. /ANrnA O5- 0 .0. .9-4 x -6 0. -0 a8 CD 4 z c 0 N J.o a.f Bosco sm - .p "z 40 V9V", C7 9 SEcraEmENr CHAA*r V6V9 54CT/M 3~3 ABA - ..SOtrT Ct7VE jv V TZINNEZ 2 LA2 L20 20- O A ' N' J I A 1 -9 ' 0 Ar I I f I A I A I I .J J I I A 9691/999; /Poe V3air alN T OF SleARPy WI&4 //G(/E A. .11#SE T L EMENWT #fEASUIEENT 04se A STATrW% AeO //3.40 Moo. /00 WAS S8 /00- so '0.5 0. -son Ow t /// / * /4- SMC + Daft cf #MW 0 M0 IO /e6 SDOC o i0-4 // * 00 69P0 -0.3 5ODc 69 A MR-5 .01 '+ TOM /3100/07 //4*00 //+.50 SFb10 0 5 oe 1 -05- o P-6 0- MBAU 75 INVfPT 0 1 I'V'' 1.1b J - //1P9 w of# 0d oaEY ald/-r ' 0/1 - M OVEMENT 90 80 so sourH cove TUNNEL AND PCE P'E36A9(es 1'F'M' A '4'''IA FIGLEA.6.321EAVE PIN MEASUREMIENTS - -233- *40.2' offs'e - Slm W9 ,tAS SfCWbfl -S-. 0/ #5&8' 0 P-1-H //3.49 .65.2' //3.33 Sp-.1 90. - "a DOaie of .wYu' o i/P-S a H.-6 -A F-I APPENDIX B ACCURACY OF INSTRUMENTATION B.1 INTRODUCTION Proper evaluation of a field measurements program requires an assessment of the accuracy of the instrumentation readings. To assess this accuracy, factors such as the effects of instrument environment, sensitivity, repeatability, and stability require study. Both field and laboratory investigations were conducted to establish the degree of accuracy of the South Cove instrumentation. The investigations consisted of: instruments; 2) 3) 1) field calibrations of the field and laboratory studies of temperature effects; monitoring of pertinent field data which would assist in estab- lishing the measurements accuracy. This appendix summarizes the results of these studies and describes the accuracy limits of the instrumentation. Where applicable, correction constants are estab- lished for the various field measurements presented in Appendix A. B.2 STRAIN GAUGES B.2.1 General Telemac F-2 and SB-90 vibrating wire strain gauges were used to monitor the strut loads. The basic operational principles of the gauges consists of relating axial strains to the changes in frequency of a vibrating wire which is a function of the wire tension. Strut loads are computed by the equation: Ps = ASEX(No 2 - N1 2 ) -234- B.2.1 where: = As = strut load (kips; positive value is compression) cross sectional area of the strut (in 2 ) P E = Young's Modulus of the strut (ksi) X = calibration constant for the gauge No= the no-load vibrating frequency of the wire Ni the vibrating frequency of the wire at the = measured load For the F-2 gauge the theoretical constant, X, is 3.125 x 10~. 9 The accuracy of the measured strut loads as determined from the above equation are dependent on the following factors: B.2.2 1. Temperature inertia of the gauge, 2. Accuracy of the calibration factor, 3. Drift of the no-load frequency. Temperature Effects There are two ways by which temperature can cause errors in measured strut loads. The first is by environmental conditions causing the gauge and strut to be at different temperatures. The second is caused by the gauge having a different thermal inertia than the strut. Both of these conditions can cause a shift in the no-load frequency of the gauge and result in a substantial error in the computed strut load. One cause of temperature gradients between a gauge and strut is direct sun rays. housing, These cause the temperature within the protective guage (see Figure A.5.3) to increase above that of the strut. -235- Figure B.2.1 shows the fluctuation of frequency readings on unloaded struts for gAuges which are both exposed and shaded from the sunlight. Over a 24 hour period the exposed gauges showed a frequency variation of about 35 cps whereas the shaded gauges showed a variation of approximately 10 cps. Figures B.2.2 and B.2.3 show additional data on the thermal inertia of both shaded and unshaded gauges. This data indicates that shading the strain gauges reduces greatly the effect of the sun rays. However, it does not completely eliminate the effects of temperature on the no-load gauge frequency. Evidence of differences in thermal inertia between the strut and strain gauges is given by the 10 cps frequency change over a temperature change of 10*C for the shaded gauges in Figure B.2.1. The effect of this frequency change is shown by Figure B.2.5 which compares strain gauge sensitivity verses gauge frequency. The data on Figure B.2.2 indicates a 10*C temperature change results in a 10 cps change in gauge output frequency. For gauges set at approximately 600 cps at zero load this would result in approximately a 55 kip error in a measured strut load for a strut which has cross-sectional area of . 50 in 2 Figure B.2.4 shows the temperature variation for the construction period at South Cove was on the order of 50*C. The temperature fluc- tuation shown was recorded by the United States Weather Bureau in Boston which is approximately 2 miles from the South Cove project. For com- parison, the figure shows periodic air temperatures at the project site as well as temperatures recorded by sensing devices within the strain -236- -1 gauges. The data shows the air temperatures at the site and at the Weather Bureau are in close agreement, hence it is assumed the recorded temperatures by the Weather Bureau are representative of the average temperature variation experienced by the shaded gauges during construction. Table B.2.1 also shows the temperature of struts in the instrumented section of the excavation varied both longitudinally along the axis of the excavation and vertically at a strut section by as much as 6C during the time it took to record the strain gauge readings. Based on the measured no-load frequency changes for the shaded gauges in Figure B.2.1, it is obvious the aforementioned temperature changes could induce substantial error in the measured strut load if the loads are not corrected for the differential temperature inertia between the gauge and the strut. B.2.3 Temperature Corrections The differential temperature inertia between the gauge and the strut is primarily the result of some gauge components being made of materials possessing thermal coefficients unlike that of the steel strut. A composite correction constant for the thermal inertia can be obtained for the gauge by attaching the gauge to a steel member and under zero load conditions vary the temperature of both the gauge and steel member in a constant temperature environment. Both the gauge and the strut plate must be allowed to come into equilibrium at a given constant temperature. If changes in the no-load frequency are measured they can be used to develop a composite correction factor for the gauges to be applied to the field data. -237- Figures B.2.6 and B.2.7 show the results of tests of the aforementioned type, which were made on Telemac F-2 and Telemac SB-90 gauges. The gauges were attached to a 1/4 inch steel plate and the temperature of the composite unit varied over the range of temperatures experienced in the field. Two sets of tests were undertaken, International Inc., the other by the author. show a wide scatter, however, one set by Telemac Both sets of test results the data shows definite trends. The F-2 gauge frequency decreased with increasing temperature, whereas the SB-90 gauge frequency increased with increasing temperature. A temperature correction factor is obtained from this data by recognizing that, under no-load conditions, a 1*C change in the tempera- ture of the gauge and steel plate will result in a given difference in the term (No - N1 ) as defined in Equation B.2.1. in the (No -N1 ) term will be constant, This difference irregardless of the No value since this difference is dependent only on the tension in the wire which will vary linearly with the temperature change. The equation for strut loads corrected for temperature effects can be expressed as: Ps = As [EX (No2 - N1 2 Kt (TO-Tl)] B.2.2 where T0 = Gauge temperature at time of reading N0 Ti = Gauge temperature at time of reading N1 Kt = (N02 - N 1 2 ) / (T0 - T1 ) at no-load condition from thermal inertia tests. Table B.2.2 gives values of Kt for the F-2 and SB-90 gauges which "-238- were determined from Figures B.2.6 and B.2.7 and theoretical computations. The theoretical values are those reported by Telemac International Inc. The strut loads reported in this text were corrected using a Kt = 87.5 psi/*C for the F-2 gauges, and Kt = +46.0 psi/*C for the SB-90 gauges. B.2.4 Gauge Calibration The strain gauges and struts were calibrated as a load cell during the initial preloading of the struts. The purpose was to define a composite factor so that strut loads could be evaluated from the equation: Ps = Xp (N2 - N) where: Xp = AEX as defined in Eq. B.2.1 The term XP would have accounted for the effect of manufacturing tolerances resulting in some variation in the actual strut area and Young's Modulus from those values published by the manufacturers. (For example, according to the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. [AISC] specification the cross sectional area of a strut is rolled to within 2.5% of the published area for a given strut size). Figure B.2.2 and Table B.2.3 compare the strut loads computed from the strain gauge measurements versus the strut load determined from the calibrated jack pressure gauges for various steps during the preload operation. The scatter is quite large and the data shows a definite tendency for the jack loads to be higher than the theoretical loads. -239- Figure B.2.9 shows the percent difference between straingauge-strut load and the measured jack loads at the maximum preloads placed on the struts. than 10%. The percent differences are, in general, greater This is much higher than the expected composite error of 3% as determined from manufacturer tolerances for struts published by AISC, and the accuracy of the strain gauge calibration (X) (which is published as .l%) reported by Telemac International Inc. This large difference between the computed strut loads and the loads determined from the jack is attributed to friction in the jacks. A review of Figure B.2.8 supports this hypothesis since the error tends to increase with jack load. If the error was the result of variations in strut size and gauge calibration it would be essentially constant with strut load. Figure B,1.10 compares the computed strut load from both SB-90 and F-2 strain gauges which were mounted on the same strut and were simultaneously monitored during preloading. This data is actually a representation of the accuracy of the gauge constant (X) since the strut area and Young's Molulus are common factors. agreement suggests the manufacturers value for X is within This 0.1%. The strut loads reported for South Cove were computed using the manufacturers recommended gauge constant (X), the published strut areas, and a Young's Modulus of 29,000 ksi. This approach was chosen because of the excellent agreement between the two strain gauges as shown on Figure B.2.10 and the uncertainty in using the preloading data to determine a composite calibration constant for the struts. -240- B.2.5 Gauge Drift The primary causes of drift in the no-load frequency (NO) in vibrating strain gauges are: 1) loosening of the lock nuts connecting the gauge to the support posts; 2) bending of the gauge support posts; 3) shock of the gauges by impact loads resulting in a relaxation of the tension in the vibrating wire; 4) Creep in the tensioned vibrating wire with time and fluctuation in temperature. a decrease in No. Each of these tend to cause In the event No does decrease during the measurement period, theoretical loads figured on the basis of the initial (NO) value will be too high. Figure B.2.11 and Tables B.2.4 to B.2.6 show the apparent residual loads (or drift) as recorded by the strain gauges after the struts were removed from the bracing system. The results given in Figure B.2.11 are the average loads obtained from readings of the gauges on a strut and are corrected for temperature effects. Wire creep appears not be be a cause of the residual strut loads for the following reasons: 1. Figures A.6.1 through A.6.8 show no definite trend in variation of the B level strut loads with time at full excavation depth; (some struts loads decrease with time others increased). 2. steel. The vibrating wire in the Telemac gauges in of tempered Tests by Browne and McCurrich, 1967, have shown creep in this type of tensioned wire is negligible for the temperature range experienced during the measurements period. -241- Io regards to other factors affecting drift, Figures A.6.1 through A.6.8 show no definite large change in strut load during construction which could be attributed to gauge shock or damage to the gauge supports. Further, upon completion of the strut load measurements the stain gauges were checked and found to be functioning properly. Therefore, the possible reasons for the residual loads appear limited to loosening of the support nuts, bending of the gauge supports, and gauge shock or racking of the strut when removed from the bracing system. Some struts were observed to be distorted after removal from the excavation prior to the recording of the final no-load readings. However, there was no correlation between this factor and the amount of gauge drift. If is not possible to determine which of the above (or combinations thereof) resulted in a shift in No or when or how an estimate of a correction for drift should be applied. Because of the uncertainty asto the cause and time of the shift in No, the reported strut loads in this text were not corrected for drift. The error associated with this procedure is discussed in Section B.2.7. B.2.6 Accuracy Limits of Strut Loads The overall accuracy of the measured strut loads can be evaluated by performing a theoretical error analysis (Rabinowicz, 1970). One can express the total error in the strut load by the following general equation: -242- 2 (an) 2 B. 2. 4 n where: F = equation describing a corrected strut load n = a term in the equation (F) en = the error in the term n e = total error in the strut load The general equation for the corrected strut load is: Ps = AE X [(No2 - N 1 2 )- Kt (To - Tl)] - Kd B.2.5 where Kd is the correction for gauge drift. Undoubtly drift has caused some error in the measured strut loads since essentially all the struts showed the expected trend of a residual compressive load when removed at the completion of the measurements program. However, as explained in Section B.2.6, it is not possible to assign an exact value of Kd to each strut's monitored load. The limiting error in each strut load is its measured residual strut load. reasonable However, some struts indicate this is not a correction. For example strut D-48 had a residual load of 122 kips and a maximum measured strut load during construction of 190 kips. In addition, there is no definite trend between measured strut load and the amount of residual load in the strut. For pur- poses of assigning some error to the strut loads, Kd is assumed equal to 20 20 kips. These values correspond to one-half the average of the residual strut loads, and one-half their standard deviations. -243- It -I is emphasized that this is an intuitive assumption based on a review of the data and has no formal origin. e2 =2 A E2X2 (N 2 - N 2)2 + e 2 A 2 (N 2- N 2)2 0 1 Ex s 0 1 + The equation describing the error in a strut load for factors other than drift is: 2 2 2 2 2 e fA 2As2E2X2 2 EX + ett As s (T 0o1-T 1 )2 + ettKT A SB26 B.2.6 where eA = error in the cross sectional area of the strut eEX= error in the product EX ef = error in the monitor value of No and Ni et = error in temperature correction ett= error in recorded temperature the following values may be assigned to the error terms: eA = .025 As eEX= .01 EX e = 1 cps et = .02 ksi/oc ett= 20 C The range of error in the strut loads can be estimated using the following range of measured values and correction factors for the measured strut loads which ranged from 110 kips to 430 kips. (N0 2 - N 2) N = 45.8 x 10+3 to 122.5 x 103 = 490 cps to 560 cps 2 in 2 As = 25.56 in to 51.73 -244- (T - T0 ) = 0 - 12*C KT= .088 ksi/oc EX = 94.2 x 10- 6 ksi The estimated error by equation B.2.6 was kips for the small struts and 20 to 8 25 kips for the large struts. This results in an error approximately strut 5 to 8 percent in measured loads. The overall accuracy of the measured strut loads can be estimated by the following equation: Ps m where + 0 ) ( .08) P m is the measured strut load corrected for tempera- ture inertia effects. B.2.7 Method of Gauge Installation On struts B-44 to B-47 (see Figure A.4.6) six gauges on the neutral axis of a strut gave reliable results for strut loads. The gauges, in pairs, were mounted at the neutral axis and 4 inches above and below it. Figures B.2.12. A typical set of the measurements is given in The comparison of loads are shown at the bottom of the plot for several arbitrary dates. The gauges, if everything is properly mounted and correctly functioning, should show a straight line variation of load from the top to bottom gauge. The error inherent in using just two gauges on a strut can be estimated by comparing the average strut load from the two neutral axis gauges with the average of the six gauges. -245- Another check would be to compare results of the neutral axis gauges with the results of these comparisons which show that the use of two gauges at the strut web centerline leads to only a minor error in the measured strut loads. This error is, in general, less than 10 percent, which is within the measurement accuracy that can be expected from the F-2 gauges used at South Cove. B.3 SETTLEMENT AND HEAVE MEASUREMENTS The individual readings were obtained by a skilled survey crew using a Ziess level and a Philadelphia Rod. The vertical movements recorded were referenced to a permanent bench mark on the site. in .003 ft. Closures of a survey level loop were kept with- In addition to the closure error, the accuracy of individual reading have inherent error resulting from estimating a 0.001' on the level rod. However, if one accepts the estimate is accurate to .002', then the accuracy of an individual reading is better than .005 with the probable average being .003' be- cause of compensating errors within the level loop. B.4 PIEZOMETERS B.4.1 Hydraulic Piezometer Accuracy The maximum permissable rate of change in measured pore pressures can be estimated by the following equation (Penman, 1961; Kallestenios, T. and Wallgren, A., 1956): du = Aut dt 2k B.4.1 -246- -.4 where: the maximum permissable rate of change dt of measured pore pressure (psf) Au = the permissable error for the calculated ) piezometer level (ft 2 k A = permeability of the soil (ft/day) = the surface area of the piezometers (ft 2 = the volume of water required to move in F V or out of the piezometer top in order to cause a change in water pressure equal to 1 psf (ft 5/lb) The detailed dimensions for the hydraulic piezometers are given Section A.5.3. From these dimensions the following variables are appropriate: A = 0.53 ft 2 V = 1.65 x 10 p -5 ft 3 The range of k values were assumed equal to 2 x 10-8 cm/sec to 6 x 10-8 cm/sec.; the permissable error (Aut) was taken as 0.5 ft. Based on the above, the allowable rate of change of pressure head ranged from 0.03 ft/day to 0.1 ft/day. B.4.2 Electrical Piezometers The pore pressure from the Geonor vibrating wire piezometers (Model M-206) are determined from the following equation: U = M (No -_NJ 2) 7-247- A Where: u = pore pressure M = calibration constant. N = zero pore pressure frequency (cps). N = frequency at the measured pore pressure (psf). (cps). The piezometers were calibrated in a pressure chamber to evaluate the constant, M, which varied considerably between individual piezometers. The individual constants for each piezo- meter checked within 0.5% of that specified by the manufacturer. Values of M from the pressure chamber tests ranged from 0.00489 to 0.00614. The piezometers were also calibrated in the field by lowering them in a 4 inch casing which was driven in the ground to a depth of 100 ft. This field calibration showed the piezo- meters to, be. temperature sensitive. the N A change of up to 40 cps in value occurred when the piezometer was first lowered into a 4 inch casing. To account for this temperature effect, the tem- perature of the piezometers was allowed to equalize with the water temperature within the casing, at increments of 10 feet of depth for the 100 ft. of casing to obtain a correlation between frequency and pressure head of waters. This date was extrapolated to zero pressure head to obtain a new N for each piezometers. The field data indicate that this extrapolation could result in an error of 2 ft. to 7 ft. in the determination of initial pressure head at the -248- -. 4 piezometer tip elevation. With regards to the changes in pore pressure occurring during the construction periodthe temperature sensitivity of the gauges has no effect on the results because of the essentially constant temperature of the groundwater. B.5 SLOPE INDICATOR ACCURACY Horizontal ground movements were monitored with a Wilson "Torpedo" which measures the tilt of the Slope Indicator Casing (see Figure A.5.9) by an encased accelerometer. The relative horizontal movement (A) between two points along the casing is determined by: n 2 2 E K (N 2- N 2) L 1 n n n=1 n1 o A= Where: Ln = incremental length over which the torpedo measures tilt. K = calibration constant for the accelerometer N = initial frequency of the accelerometer at given point when the casing was installed N = measured frequency at the same point as N0 The factors affecting a given set of readings along a casing are: 1. Physical characteristics of the device. 2. Environmental influence on the casing grooves which guide the torpedo (roughness of grooves). -249- 3. Installation of the casing (denting of casing during installation). 4. Observer error in positioning the device. 5. Data reduction procedures. A comprehensive discussion of these effects on measured deformations is given by Gould and Dunnicliff (1971). They.! summerize the accuracies of Slope Indicator measurements reported in several references. The reported accuracies ranged from 0.001 to 0.003 radians per 100 ft. of casing length. Bromwell et al (1971) reports an accuracy of 0.1% in measured deformations in controlled laboratory conditions. A review of the first three items effecting accuracy suggests the most desirable approach to determining the overall accuracy of Slope Indicator measurements is to perform in place field tests. for SI-1 Prior to any construction, Slope Indicator casing (See Figure A.4.6) was installed and repeated measure- ments of the casing slope were made. The measured maximum difference in movements between any two sets of readings is considered the composite error in the measurements. Figure B.6.1 shows the re- sults of these measurements in addition to some measured movements of the Slope Indicator casings which were installed in the concrete wall. These of this wall. measurements are the net movements parallel to length It is assumed the wall did not move in this direction and that these results are also an indication of the overall accuracy -250- I4 of the Slope Indicator measurements. The data in Figure B.6.1 suggests that the accuracy of the Slope Indicator measurements are better than .05% of the length of casing over which the measurements were taken. The accuracy of the total movement measured by the Slope Indicators is dependent on knowing the exact location of some point on the casing since the Torpedo gives only relative movements between two points of the casing. was the top of the casing. The point on the casing chosen A survey line was set up which was essentially parallel to the wall and swing offsets were measured to the casing top for each set of readings taken. that these readings were accurate to within -251- .02'. It is estimated TABLE B.2.1: VARIATION IN STRUT TEMPERATURE ALONG INSTRUMENTED SECTION AS MEASURED BY STRAIN GAUGE THERMOCOUPLE Time of Day Readings Recorded Average Temperature *C of Strut Section Date Weather Start End Fair 20 21 - 0830 - Sections 48 & 49 9-15-69 10-10-69 Cloudy Fair 30 19 31 21 31 25 1300 1140 10-29-69 11- 6-69 1400 1505 Fair Rain 17 19 9 11-24-69 12-10-69 12-30-69 14 9 1000 0715 1400 0900 Fair Cloudy Fair 15 7.5 6 13 9 5 1100 1400 1500 1225 1600 1- 8-69 Fair -2 -1 2- 2-69 2-20-69 3- 5-69 -2 Rain Fair Rain 1200 1300 .6 8 1 6 12 2 6 12 2 100 1300 0820 1115 - 6 7 4 3-20-69 4-10-69 Fair Fair 17 17 20 14 20 16 1100 1100 1200 1200 4-24-69 Rain 9 10 10 0945 1050 5- 8-69 6-30-69 Cloudy Rain 13 22 13 23 15 23 0815 1100 0910 1220 1020 7-24-69 Fair 36 37 40 1130 1230 8-17-69 Cloudy 28 9-14-69 29 30 Rain 1105 - tx,) I, Sections 40 & 41 - 8-27-69 Sections 38 & 39 15 18 17 1000 1100 10- 2-69 Fair 19 19 20 Notes: 1) Maximum temperature variation across a vertical section is being 1"C. 5*C, the average 2) Maximum temperature variation between north and south side of strut average being <1*C. 30 C, the -1 TABLE B.2.2: TEMPERATURE INERTIA OF STRAIN GAUGES Telemac F-2 2 Af /oc Mi Max 690 1165 K T Avg Avg 935 -87.5 1100 -103.5 (Psi) 0c Remarks Range 22.5 From laboratory tests Theoretical value recommended by Telemac Ltd. Telemac SB-90 740 1714 735 46.0 18 Based on laboratory tests Value selected represents author's interpretation of data. Algerbraic sign corresponds to increasing temperature. Load corr = LoadI meas [K AAT] T -253- I TABLE B.2.3.: COMPARISON OF MEASURED STRUT LOAD FROM JACK PRELOAD AND STRAIN GAUGES C) -) -- - I, U, -Is -. C-3 -3 - 4 4 B-41 B-42 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 470 485 B-47 B-48 B-49 320 370 290 - - C-31 C-0 C-32 - 0-4 175 230 150 - 4d H9I D-31 D-32 D-34 D-36 D-38 D-40 590 551 503 D-41 D-42 D-43 D-44 D-45 D-46 530 660 550 535 570 615 386 457 617 360 447 441 541 D-47 D-48 D-49 510 380 235 481 188 135 D-2 505 -4 -oC-8 - B-31 B-40 B-32 B-34 B-36 B-38 B-40 540 -D- 4 4 4 2 3 -S D-3 43398 C-36 C -38 C-40 - 3 44 38 - 2 - - 0-44 c-45 C-46 230 200 340 280 310 330 3.30 186 275 370 248 270 310 267 (F-2) c-47 C-48 C-49 330 270 225 160 276 (SB-90) 250 178 102 494 448 C-41. C-42 - - C-43 450 380 380 372 321 290 278 329 267 Avg. Diff. = 11% 6% 138 186p-4p0 139 Avg. Diff. =13% 5% Overall Avg. 19% 6% 550 540 430 440 - -n- B-3 -3 -d cd- - 41 .4 C-32 4LZ co0 B-32o"- Z- (1z1o) 39c B-3 0 0 0.4 Br- 41A - a) 409 398 Avg. Diff. =27% 5% I TABLE B.2.4: B-LEVEL INITIAL AND FINAL ZERO LOAD STRAIN GAUGE FREQUENCIES Average Strut No. B-31 Strut Size 14WF184 Strain Gauge No. B-31-Nl B-31-SI B-32-NI B-32-S1 B-32 14WF184 B-34 14WF184 B-34-NI B-34-SI B-36 14WF184 B-36-NI B-36-Sl B-36-N 2 B-38 B-36-S2 B-38-NI B-38-SI B-40 B-38-S2 B-40-NI B-41 14WF111 B-40-N 2 B-40-S B-41-N B-42 14WFll B-43 14WF111 B-38-N2 B-40-SI2 B-41-S B-44 14WF111 B-42-N B-42-S B-43-N B-43-S B-44-NT B-44-N B-44-NB B-44-ST 8-44-S B-45 14WF127 B-44-SB B-45-NT B-45-N B-46 14WF136 B-45-NB B-45-ST B-45-S B-45-SB B-46-NT B-46-N B-46-NB B-46-ST B-46-S B-46-SB B-47 14WF136 B-47-NT B-47-N B-47-NB B-47-ST B-47-S B-47-SB B-48 14WF103 B-48-N B-48-S B-49 14WF103 B-49-N B-49-S Initial Freq. f (cps) " Final Freq. Te, C f ( 882 707 838 775 850 848 754 835 805 808 882 781 823 834 842 858 816 835 587 558 612 609 594 544 574 626 590 603 596 585 614 610 595 596 595 592 609 602 591 625 618 599 606 615 588 620 628 619 594 589 592 599 Gauge Air 17.0 16.9 16.8 17.0 18.5 17.7 17.8 17.5 16.0 17.8 20.0 19.0 20.0 19.0 20.0 20.0 41.1 41.1 22.1 19.9 39.1 39.0 21.9 22.8 23.2 22.9 21.0 21.8 21.6 21.1 20.2 22.9 20.0 19.6 19.6 20.0 f (cps) Freq. 3C 3 768 884 816 15.3 15.0 15.9 15.0 16.0 8.3 27.7 27.7 874 811 8.3 15.0 15.0 226 329 234 285 15.0 879 827 745 798 791 927 875 812 825 807 8.3 5 Residual Load Initial SB-90 Load GaugeAr ____ 16.0 Tem at A (kips) (kips) PeiCq) Residual4 Load 18.5 24.2 17.5 23.5 20.0 17.5 15.2 18.0 13.5 13.4 15.0 15.2 9.9 9.9 10.5 299 -196 741 120 200 235 135 136 113 519 -640 310 262 381 401 537 360 377 404 413 461 160 187 397 531 123 402 549 54 10.5 548 14.0 27.7 27.7 20.0 20.0 22.1 18 18 18 34 10.5 10.5 588 632 595 613 601 574 618 593 583 622 616 595 624 616 591 602 591 578 19.5 18.0 14.0 11.1 13.1 15.1 17.0 14.3 31.3 24.0 30.1 29.5 36.1 26.9 609 611 583 625 630 617 587 601 28.5 27.0 27.3 28.4 27.5 27.6 28.0 29.0 18 19.2 19.2 17.5 10.5 10.5 19.9 19.9 19.9 -48 -22 -19 -35 -17 39 -15 71 49 -101 -81 -10 -67 -60 0 105 123 92 -13 19 22 -21 -11 10 23 -38 +27 +7 -5 -36 -34 19.9 1Telemac type SB-90 strain gauges installed after strut in place to replace incorrectly installed Type F-2 strain gauges. 2 Incorrectly installed Type F-2 strain gauges. 3 Temperature from U. S. Weather Bureau climatology data. . 4Residual load in strut determined from f 5 Average residual strut load corrected for temperature effects. 6Temperature corrected load as recorded by F-2 gauges when SB-90 gauges installed. -255- 6 A TABLE B. . : C-LEVEL INITIAL AND FINAL ZERO LOAD STRAIN GAUGE FREQUENCIES 4 InitialTemp. Strut No. .n' Strut Size C-31 14WF78 C-32 14WF78 C-34 14WF78 C-36 14WF78 C-38 14WF78 C-40 14WF84 C-41 14WF87 C-42 14WF87 C-43 14WF87 C-44 14WF103 C-45 14WF103 C-46 14WFll C-47 14WF95 C-48 14WF87 C-49 14WF87 lAll 2 Strain Guage No. Freq. f (cps) C-31-N C-31-S C-32-N C-32-S C-34-N C-34-S C-36-N C-36-S C-38-N C-38-S C-40-N C-40-S C-41-N C-41-S C-42-N C-42-S C-43-N C-43-S C-44-N C-44-S C-45-N C-45-S C-46-NI C-46-Sl C-46-N C-46-S C-47-N C-47-S C-48-N C-48-S C-49-N 611 675 567 592 550 587 598 624 582 608 548 619 587 582 576 586 544 627 712 671 654 653 662 629 727 742 C-49-S 670 f pC 0 Gauge Air2 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 23.9 23.9 23.0 20.5 Freq. ff (cps) 24.2 19.8 19.8 19.8 15 16 16 16 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 17 12 650 684 630 673 12 12 ___ Residual Load _00(kips) Gauge Air 612 575 572 592 547 588 538 650 609 549 545 620 587 582 575 582 545 627 701 636 641 639 660 617 742 15.1 15.4 14.3 14.4 11.3 10.3 0 -0.9 0 0 6.5 6.4 7.1 5.6 3.2 3.9 2.4 2.3 0 0 0 0 -5.4 -5.0 -6.0 13.3 647 670 692 637 626 -7.0 -6.3 -5.0 -5.3 -5.0 -6.1 648 -4.9 13.3 9.4 -2 -2 7.2 7.8 0.5 0.5 -1.6 -1.6 -6.1 -6.1 -6.1 5 0 -13 0 6 -2 147 -65 -67 147 8 -3 0 0 0 8 10 0 43 131 49 50 9 47 -111 -65 -24 -19 147 3 Average Residual Load (kips) 14 6 24 87 72 22 20 26 27 115 82 73 19 128 67 strain gauges are Telemac type F-2 except C-46-N (SB) and C-46-N (SB), which are Telemac Type SB-90. Temperatures are from U. S. Weather Bureau climatology data. 3 Residual Load in strut determined from ff. 4 at f mC) Average residual strut load corrected for temperature effects. A I -TABLE Strut No. Strut Size B.2.6: Strain Gauge No. D-LEVEL INITIAL AND FINAL ZERO LOAD STRAIN GAUGE FREQUENCIES Initial Freq. f0 (cps) Temp. at f (0C . I..., U, 14WF142 D-32 14WF142 D-34 14WF142 D-36 14WF142 D-38 14WF142 D-40 14WF150 D-41 14WF158 D-42 14WF158 D-43 14WF167 D-44 14WF176 D-45 14WF176 D-46 14WF176 D-31-N D-31-S D-32-N D-32-S D-34-N D-34-S D-36-N D-36-S D-38-N D-38-S D-40-N D-40-S D-41-N D-41-S D-42-N D-42-S D-43-N D-43-S D-44-N D-44-S D-45-N D-45-S D-46-N D-46-S D-47 14WF158 D-48 14WF142 D-49 14WF142 D-47-N D-47-S D-48-N D-48-S D-49-N D-49-S 580 602 617 589 606 613 571 606 620 602 771 795 746 811 784 775 565 667 615 628 677 657 659 612 618 649 642 650 b41 605 Air2 16.5 16.5 16.5 18.0 18.0 0 0 10.0 15.6 8.4 11.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5 1 Freq. (cps) Gauge D-31 Final 1 577 602 621 587 603 592 584 594 632 616 754 789 740 800 787 768 566 656 611 620 676 658 651 610 624 651 626 648 628 615 1 All strain gauges Telemac type F-2. 2 Temperature from U. S. Weather Bureau climatology data. 3 4 Residual load in struts determined from ff. Average residual strut load corrected for temperature effects. f Temp. T (R f at Gauge Air 17.2 16.5 16.1 11.1 11.0 11.0 1.5 4.1 1.1 1.6 12.8 12.8 9.4 -2.2 -2.2 7.7 7.7 2.7 -0.7 -0.6 0 0.9 0 0 -6.8 -6.9 -5.1 -6.0 -5.0 -4.9 -9.0 -9.1 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -6.1 -6.1 -6.1 -6.1 _ Residua13 Load (kips) 14 0 -20 9 14 99 -37 +58 -59 -68 107 38 37 75 -18 48 -6 68 24 49 6 -6 51 13 -32 -9 79 88 65 -44 Average 4 Residual Load (kips) 5 7 68 64 8 35 35 72 65 80 45 99 42 122 75 _ _ _ -1-1 - -. , - I "I j TABLE B. 2.7: STRUT DATE Preload 2 Oct 69 1 Nov 69 1 Dec 69 5 Jan 70 2 Feb 70 2 Mar 70 AVERAGE STRUT LOADS 44 1/2 EP 1/6 EP 190 199 215 187 250 320 250 45 + P B T T 192 199 213 196 263 270 260 % Diff. 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.6 4.9 18.5 3.8 1/2 EP 1/6 EP 220 255 260 245 340 295 290 + P+ B P T 217 235 237 238 318 297 273 % Diff. _ _ 1.4 8.5 9.7 2.9 6.9 0.7 6.2 tU, DATE 48 46 STRUT 1/2 EP 1/6 EP + PB + T % Diff 1/2 EP 1/6 EP + PB + PT % Diff. Preload 253 261 3.1 250 227 10.1 2 1 1 5 69 69 69 69 220 282 217 279 1.4 1.0 315 305 3.3 176 212 193 252 160 207 183 241 10.0 2.4 5.4 4.5 2 Feb 70 360 350 2.8 290 290 0.0 2 Mar 70 3 April 70 320 355 312 345 2.6 2.9 252 288 246 281 2.4 2.5 Oct Nov Dec Jan 50 I 1-I 7 Time of I Air Temp. 0 C 18/23 1 8/27 day SYM. 08:40 5 Ad 5 2 3 40 4 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 II -3 6 2 cr 30 (LJ 6 10: 30 12:00 13: 45 15:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 23-00 03:00 07:00 24.4 20.0 26.0 18.8 25.5 17.2 17.2 17.2 18.9 16.1 18.2 .2 - 5 w I o GAUGES UNCOVERED - Il4~ Icr%.II ao wo 2__ . 8 20 o (8/23/69) 0~ I I0 A 0 GAUGES SHADED FROM SUN(8/27/69) __8 - 1- STRUT UNLOADED AND IN BRACING POSITION 620 630 590 600 FREQUENCY FIGURE B.2.1: FREQUENCY B-44-N a I 585 64C VARIATION 610 (CPS) VERSUS TEMPERATURE 615 6B-44-S m SYM. A U 0 -, SCALE I I 2 2 2 GAUGE B-41-N B-41-S B- 42-N B-44-N B-44 - S SYM. + SCALE. 2 2 GAUGE B-45-N B-45-S READINGS FOR A 24 HOUR PERIOD 8:00,8/27/69 to8:00 8/28/69 ~40 I STRUTS INSTALLED BUT UNLOADED wL 2 "r~ Lu I(10:00 hrs.) z 20. . 'II zi U, oi0 560 I I I N I 600 620 500 520 540 I4u a I 580 ' 0 6 40 I 560 FREQUENCY (CPS) FIGURE B.2.2: STRAIN GAUGE FREQUENCY SHADED STRAIN GAUGES VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR I I 40 w w l'- 30 20 I I SY m. GAUGE 0 K> B -31-N B -31- S B-32-N A A I B- 32-S B- 34-N B- 34- S B-36- N 2 t 4- 0 B-36-N B-36-S B- 36- S 0 4 'o 000-- S+ A A 1- 0 ov-- A 0 cy% 0 G MEASUREMENTS ON STRUTS IN BRACING GAUGES 101 8 00 I. UNLOADED POSITION NOT COVERED I ____________________________ 820 810 FREQUENCY FIGURE B.2.3: RANDOM A READINGS OF 830 840 (CPS) GAUGE FREQUENCY AND TEMPERATURE R C F - 0C ATHER F CC F C RAIN CLOUDY FAIR ,SUNNY C F F FF F RR F FF C F C F R F F F FRR F FFF R F F F F F R F C F F F C C F F C F C F F F F R C F F R F 3530. 25w 20. 0 404 15. 0oI r-j (ON 5. I- 10 0 -5. 20- -10 - 0EMERA I5 0 Scale lDops -20 AUGUST SEPTEMBER FIGURE 16FEAUS OCTOBER NOVEMBER B.24:TEMPERATURE 2E0N 3D TEMPERATURE AT SITE AILYAIR DECEMBER RECORDED JANUARY BY U.S. WEATHER EBRUARY WEATHER MAR04 APRIL BUREAU, LOGAN MAY BUREAI JUNE INTERNATIONAL TEMPEMATURE JULY AIRPORT, AT TIME 9F AUGUST BOSTON THERMOCOJPE SEPTER MASS. READING OCTOBER k 8001 a- z w 7001 D 7,O w 1 i: Ooo r LL w 6001 z 5001 W: 4001 .0 r .08 .09 .10 .11 SENSITIVITY FIGURE B.2.5: TYPE F-2 STRAIN GAUGE .12 (KIP/ .13 IN 2 .14 .15 /CYCLE ) I' SENSITIVITY (KIPS/IN 2/CYCL.E) 'I I - 60l o M.I.T. DATA II A TELEMAC I ' Ia- // -A- 40 -t I / / 50 DATA I 4. - 4- 'I -AGAUGES I OVEN (fo = 6 22 @ 22.80 C) 30 a a .. 20 101x 07 CAUJES IN REFRIGERATOR Oa (f o =659 @ o't -I0 0 GAUGES IN - FREEZER 20 30 610 ___1~~ 620 630 640 650 FREQUENCY FIGURE B.2.6: TEMPERATURE F-2 STRAIN 660 (CPS) INERTIA GAUGES -264- 670 680 OF TELEMAC -_ 70 ---- OM.I.T. 60 OF L!TELEMAC DATA RANGE PROBABLE /I DATA READINGS / AF I (fo=722@22.8*) 40 GAGES 3EN I ii / LL IN Ii I20 RANGE OF READINGS 10 - GAUGES IN REFRIGERATOR 0. 0 G ( fo =832 @ 265 *C ) 0 -7 GAUGES IN F R E E ZER 7) 7.O / 6 (fo 'd -20 NOTE: - 30L 700 -- INITIAL FREQUENCY AT ROOM TEMPERATURE WAS CHANGED FOR BOTH ___________ _ I III /0 M.I.T. TESTS L h 720 740 760 780 FREQUENCY FI GURE 8.2.7: TEMPERATURE TYPE SB-90 800 CPS 820 INERTIA OF TELEMAC STRAIN GAUGES -265- 840 J r r ________________ I I S )a t JI - I. 500 - CL) y~ 4 I. * 0 0 0 I 0 S 0 0 400 ________ 4. 4 4 I V. I 300 I ________I __________ *S. 0 w ..4 0 0 0. t 0 0 I .* I III. 200 0 10DID w e - loo I I. + I Ip 001 C . 0 100 _ 200 3200 THEORETICAL 400 JACK 50 9-0 LOAD (KIPS) 7 00 z FIGURE B.2.8: COMPARISON OF JACK LOAD AND STRAIN GAUGE LOADS 0 A (1 +80 ,6(102 +-70 0 D +6C I *~ 0 -J Ns w w 2 ) 0 0 b D I - +50 z + 3 o0~-0-- -12' I" N -'4'0 0 %mo I 00 GOa -.01 0 0 0 11 0 -14 z w u w 0. _______0 0 -2 -30D' 0 0 I 100 & I 200 STRAIN 300 GAUGE 400 K J 500 A 600 700 LOAD (KIPS) FIGURE B.2.9: PERCENT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AND STRAIN GAUGE LOAD JACK PRELOAD -1 I 300 0 020C a) -0 ID C') w 00i 0 (U) w 0 -J 0 100 LOAD MEASURED FIGURE B.2.1O:COMPARISON TYPE 200 300 BY F-2 GAUGE (Kips) 0 F STRUT LOADS MEASURED BY SB-90 AND F-2 STRAIN GAUGES i OVER ALL AVG.= lO KIPS B40) AVG= 244 FOR SB-90(B31-B40) o 285 o->~262 AVG = I12 FOR F-2 GAUGES I1 AVG=-8 FOR F-2 (B41- B49) R LEVEL (B31 - z 0 AVG=55 KIPS C LEVEL AVG= 54 KIPS cr. ILOAD D LEVEL I -100 -50 0 RESIDUAL 50 LOAD IN ARE CORRECTED FOR TEMPERATURE EFFECTS SB-90 GAJGES STRUTS 83-840 0 F- 2 GAUGES STRUTS 831-840 LLECORRECTLY F-2 I I 100 150 STRUT FIGURE B.2.11: RESIDUAL LOADS IN STRUTS STRAIN GAUGE READINGS E - w -j w 200 (KIPS) AFTER REMOVAL BASED ON I5TRUT B Top + 3wo LEVEL " 0 100 Q .L. 44 S A -t 0 + i 3 0 AIi/.iI~T I ~ qrDTPt.1nv~ ~ ~ ... .... or aF . LOAD 0 /00 9 I rr M~V~P4t~4fR Ara Af .-...- j...* . t2Fe~t~1RFR ilr JANLIAR Y' ma- - ZARLiARf h - KIPS 3. '0 500 STRUT six ll~ DISTRIBUTION TOP GAUG E D vsiQ-N W.~~~~ F'- 11 LOAD .# , AL +So.+ lW ) 44 -o OK ....-. .- ..- --..... - + ---. -. 1 0 -GAUCFE ;AUrb F 4' Fill FIGURE: 8.2.32 TYPICAL MULTIPLE GUAGE STRUT LOAD MEASUREMENTS C 4a randi'ng 9E4, radin MARCi. .. A PA SLOPE SLOPE INDICATOR MOVEMENT x 100 LENGTH INDICATOR (+ NORTH) (- SOUTH) .2 .1 .I 0 .2 - 0-I- * II 0 SI / z i *I' * II a- ~ -. NORTH :11 z .5-4w a- ''I I 1.0 .L SYM. REMARKS Slope Indicator ST- I DIFFERENCE OF TWO SETS READING AT SAME TIME Sr - RANGE TO THE 4 Sr-5 SL-7 FIGURE B.6.1: ACCURACY OF MOVEMENTS SLURRY WALL a OF SLOPE MEASUREMENTS -2 71- OF PARRALEL " 0 INDICATOR -*1 APPENDIX C ANALYSIS OF SLURRY FILLED EXCAVATIONS C.1 INTRODUCTION The behavior of vertical excavations which are supported by a bentonite slurry is, at present, a poorly understood subject. This Appendix presents the results of some analytical studies which were conducted to gain insight into the behavior of slurry filled excavations of limited length in cohesive soil. Basically, the studies were aimed at obtaining some understanding of the phenomena of stresses arching around the excavations and the stability of the trench. C.2 METHOD OF ANALYSIS Currently there are no theoretically exact methods available to analyze the behavior of a rectangular trench of limited depth in bilinearly elastic-plastic material. Meyerhof (1972) proposed analyzing this case using existing theories for linearly elastic materials to determine deformations and modified stability analysis techniques for cylindrical cuts to determine the factor of safety against a trench failure. Analytical studies, along the line suggested by Meyerhof, were made using a finite element program Feast-3 (D'Appolonia, 1968). Briefly, the program analyses plane strain or axisymmetric problems and considers materials with bilinearly elastic stress-strain relationships and anisotropic strength properties. geometry is applied in increments. The loading on any problem Within each increment, the stress- strain relation is linearly elastic, but o'ver the whole range of loading -272- it C.3 is not. ANALYTICAL STUDIES C.3.1 General One The analytical studies were divided into two parts. set of analyses examined the movements and stability of a rectangular slot in a bilinearly elastic material. Plane strain conditions were assumed parallel to the axis of the slot. The intent of these studies was to gain insight into the soil behavior adjacent to a rectangular slurry trench at a given depth in the soil. The second set of analyses studied the stability of circular and infinitely long slurry filled excavations in bilinearly elastic material. The pur- pose of these studies was to shed some light on when the length to depth ratio of a rectangular trench was sufficiently large so that the trench may be analyzed as a plane strain problem. It is recognized that neither of the aforemention analyses exactly simulates the field conditions. For example, the first set of analyses assumes the intermediate principle stress is parallel to the axis of the excavation and is constant. In the field condition, this stress, which is the vertical stress, varies in magnitude and direction with depth. Nonetheless, it is felt that these studies will give some insight into the behavior of slurry filled excavations. C.3.2 Analysis of a Rectangular Slot Figure C.3.1 shows the finite element grid used to analyze the case of the rectangular slot. Only one quarter of the overall geometry was analyzed since the problem is symetrical around the Y axis. X and The width of the slot was varied to model excavations of varying -273- -1, lengths (Y) to width (X) ratios. The sides A-B and D-E are re- flective boundries and were restrained from moving in the Y and X The sides B-C and C-D were unrestrained directions respectively. against movements in either the X and Y direction. The stress re- lief (AaL) at face of the slot was taken as the net difference between the total horizontal pressure in the ground before excavation of a slurry trench and the fluid pressure of the slurry at a given depth. The net stresses in the surrounding soil were set equal to zero. Only the case of trenches in normally consolidated clays were analyzed. The soil parameters employed in the analyses were taken from the plane-strain-passive triaxial test results on resedimented Boston Blue Clay reported by Ladd et al, (1971). The parameters chosen were as follows: E = 150 ovo Suh = 0.19 jvo After yield EH = 0.15 vo Figure C.3.2 shows the results of the finite element analyses. Three cases were analyzed, each with the same soil conditions and slurry unit weight but with varying dimensions of L. The cases represent pro- bably the worst conditions for a slurry trench excavation in clay. Slurry unit weights will be in general higher than 62 pcf (68-72 pcf) and the shear strength of the clay used in analyses was minimal. The results show that as the length of the excavation in-274- creased the movements were a smaller percentage of the slot length. The dimensionless area of the yielded zone also decreased with increasing slot length. None of the cases show any evidence of a gross inward failure of the slot walls. The limited size of the yield zones also suggests substantial arching of the stresses around the slot. C.3.3 Analysis of Slurry Filled Excavations Figure C.3.3 shows the finite element grid use for the analysis of circular and long slurry filled excavations. The dimen- sion of the trench was varied to study the effect of the depth to The stress relief diameter ratio on the stability of the trench. along the face of the excavation was set equal to the net difference between the total horizontal pressure in the ground before excavation of the trench and the fluid pressure of the slurry at a given depth. Excavations in both normally consolidated (OCR = 1) and overconsolidated clays (OCR = 2) were analyzed. Anisotropic strength parameters for the clay were taken from Ladd et al, (1971). Figure C.3.4 shows the predicted movements adjacent to slurry filled circular excavations in normally consolidated clay for several different diameters. The slurry unit weight for the analysis was 72 pcf which corresponds to the unit weight for a factor of safety of 0.9 for an infinitely long excavation in normally consolidated clay. The excavations 10 ft. and 20 ft. in diameter exhibited small movements, whereas the 80 ft. diameter excavation had proportionately larger movements below a 35 ft. depth. -275- Figure C.3.5 compares predicted movements adjacent to an 80 ft. diameter and a long excavation in normally consolidated clay for a slurry unit weight of 72 pcf. Adjacent to the long trench, the soil yielded within a zone delineated by a 1 on 1 slope from the bottom of the excavation to the ground surface indicated by the magnitude of the movements. This is as expected since a wedge analysis of this condition yields a factor of safety of 0.9 against failure. For the 80 ft. diameter excavation, only small movements occur 30 ft. back from the excavation face. This suggests arching of stresses around the excavation and the yielding of the soil is confined to a small area adjacent the excavation. Figure C.3.6 presents the movements adjacent to slurry excavations of various dimensions versus the unit weight of the slurry. The figure shows that a circular excavation with a di- ameter equal to the excavations depth and an infinitely long excavation, experienced failure at the face of the excavation at approximately the same slurry unit weight. Figures C.3.7 and C.3.8 give the results of predictions for excavations in clays with an OCR = 2. The data shows essentially linear elastic behavior for both circular and infinitely long excavations. Therefore, stability of slurry excavations in this clay appears not to be a problem. C.4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Because of the limitation of this study it is not possible -276- to determine at exactly what length to depth ratio a slurry filled trench should be considered a plane strain problem. However, re- cognizing that the behavior of a rectangular excavation will be between that of the circular and infinitely long excavations, the data suggests excavations with a length to depth ratio of 1 or greater should be analyzed for stability as a plane strain problem. -277- DIMENSIONLESS ) VARIED B /2 DISTANCE ( A 3.0 2.0 0 REFLECTIVE BOUNDRY i B 4---- w 0 z N -J A 6 L~ S 6 L c=( U) U) w 0- 6 -6f) 1 I Ef #+4 -i z 0 00 H cn z w L0 x 0 -1 REFLECTIVEBOUNDRY U C N FIGURE C.3.1: FINITE ELEMENT GRID FOR SLOT ANALYSIS -A 0 .5 0 .5 1.0 .0 LENGTH .2 0 .5 ID HORZ. MOVEMENT x 10 4 i I '-EXCAVATION L/2 FACE Y L .5- .7, X L =20' IELD ZONE B = 4L/2 AOL= 1.05KIP/FT2 L2 1.01 HORZ. MOVEMENT KOID LENGTH .4 .2 0 .5 0 L -- AECTION A -A X /L E XCAVATION 1.9 FACE 50' Y L .5 S=62PCF YIELD ZONE oV L = 40' B =4' ]* AOL= 1.25 KIP/ FT 2 A A 1.0- 0- HORZ. MOVEMENT LENGTH 4 .2 0 /L 1.0 .5 AL Iq =r - Yf Z EH = 525 KSF L12. 5L EXCAVATION 0l-= FACE 0.62 KSF i YIELD ZONE L= 80' B= 41 Acj= 1.25KIP/FT 2 1.0- FIGURE C.3.2 : MOVEMENTS AND YIELD ZONES FOR A RECTANGULAR MEDIUM ELASTIC OPENING IN A BILINEAR -279- I a Iii HORIZONTAL +80- ~>29 I 50 100 DISTANCE 150 ( FT) 200 250 F +60+40I- z 0 i I~ w F--. 0 -201-40 -60-80-100' - 0 +20- D C FIGURE C.3.3: FINITE ELEMENT GRID FOR STABILITY ANALYSIS ' DISTANCE WX) HOR IZONTAL f' 20 . 40 60 EXCAVATION FROM 80 100 120 FACE ( FT) 160 110 180 - t-.005 z 0WO X .01B EXCAVATI (FT) 20 10 C 30 40 ON SYMBOLDIAMETER (D) I 0 - 20 20 ILi~ 1 NJ 00 F-A I Soil yields 4 below 35'depth I.- 0 I '40 L a- L&J 0 0 Local yield -6 - 0 .20 .10 60 10000)~72PC -8 0 .30 & 0 IOFT. 2OFT. 8OFT. 0 HORIZONTAL .06 .04 .02 - -80 0 MOVEMENT (FT.) FIGURE C.3.4: PREDICTED MOVEMENTS OF A CIRCULAR BENTONITE SLURRY EXCAVATION IN A NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY A HORIZONTAL 0 20 FROM DISTANCE 60 40 80 EXCAVATION FACE 120 100 (FT) 140 180 160 . U- 0.2. A . ~ - A 0.1 -0 X (FT) -0 0.34 20 10 30 Ua g0.40 -20 I NJ 00 r-j I SYMBOL --20 IIL. EXCAVATiON TYPE Circular (Dio.8Oft 0 -40 .40 Infinite w .60 60 80ft f =72 PCF looft I OI~ 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 0 HORIZONTAL .6 .4 .2 -80 0 MOVEMENTS (FT) FIGURE C.3.5: MOVEMENTS OF INFINITELY LONG AND CIRCULAR BENTONITE SLURRY EXCAVATION IN A NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY 0 I- 1.2 l.l 2 85 I 0.9 0 1.0 i 80 75 0.8 70 F. S. 65 .10 x PC F lz L =20 L ' - Y . o 30. .0.O A L= 80' PLANE STRAIN 45 H w Yf- .60z '1 35 C. 7.5 1 PCF >- W LL -101 L 82 0 Iod 0 LJ Z "L .30-4 "A =O'-)fZ S N-#'/' VYWNA A N .50- L PLANE,-I STRAIN L= 80' F.= - 4Su H(s- f) ( Io 5 L20. - B .50- FIGURE FOR CIRCULAR BENTONITE SLURRY EXCAVATION IN NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY .3.6: MOVEMENTS L HORIZONTAL S0 4.0 I DISTANCE (X) FROM 190 80 60 I FACE (FT) EXCAVATION li0 120 160 180 - 6.005 .oo5; (D% - ;.o '005 w in0 0 SYMBOL EXCAVATION DIAMETER (D) 20 FT. x (i-f) 40 23n 0 0 -20 -20 8OFT. LA. La.. 00s .. 40 z 40 I- 0. 0. LU D w a 80. 60 -60 =72PCF OOF .08 .04 - 80 0 80 .08 .04 0 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT (FT.) FIGURE C.3.7: PREDICTED MOVEMENTS OF A CIRCULAR BENTONITE SLURRY E XC AVATION IN AN OVERCONSOLIDATED CL AY (OCR =2) 190 I 85 0 L80 I 80 1.70 [.o I 75 1.50 70 I 1.30F 2. F. S. 1. 65 Y? PCF 0.. idL =20 FT .02. 2 L=80 FT .04- z-.064. -j 4 0. C.) Lii 35' cloy Surry B H 45 .08 PLANE STRAIN .lo 9 1 I5 c, 80 75 70 I 65 PCF I I=2n1 'L = 0H -f Z FT z L=80 FT . 0 N 0 PLANE 4 FS= Su STRAIN .20- FIGURE C.3.8: PREDICTED MOVEMENTS FOR CIRCULAR BENTONITE SLURRY EXCAVATION IN AN OVERCONSOLIDATED CLAY;OCR=2 0* 5 HORIZONTAL 40 DISTANCE (X) 60 80 FROM EXCAVATION 100 120 FACE (FT) 160 140 *0 - LL 20 Z .02W.04 0 a:8 0 0C' 20 A 30 0 08 SYMBOL (FT.) X .06. EXCAVATION TYPE Circular Di.=80FT. Infinite 0 20 20 40 -.. 40 w 60 a. w a -60 80. Y= 72 PCF looFT .15 .10 .05 ,80 0 HORIZON TAL -80 .15 .10 .05 MOVEMENT (FT) 0 FIGURE C.3.9: MOVEMENTS OF INFINITELY LONG AND CIRCULAR EXCAVATION IN AN OVERCONSOLIDATED CL AY (OCR=2) IQ0 APPENDIX D BRACE II FINITE ELEMENT PROGRAM D.1 BACKGROUND The use of the finite element technique in analyzing complex engineering problems is well described in the literature (Zienkiwiez, 1967). Briefly, this technique models a problem by an assemblage of discrete triangular or quadralateral elements. The forces (Q) at the nodes of these elements is related to the node displacements (U) and the global stiffness (K) of the element assemblage. A system of linear equations results which can be described by the equation: [4] lo (D.1) = [Z) This system of equations is solved to obtain nodal displacements. These displacements are then used to determine element strains and stresses. A recent application of this technique was in the development of of a computer program BRACE (Wong, 1971) for analyzing the behavior of braced excavations. The program models soil by discrete elements with bilinearly-elastic stress strain properties. The retaining membrane for the excavation is simulated by one-dimensional linearly elastic bar elements. The program simulates a specified excavation and bracing-construction sequence. The loads from a particular construction operation are applied incrementally. For each load increment a speci- fied modulus is used until the yield strength of the soil is attained. Thereafter, a reduced modulus is used for each additional load in-287- crement. This appendix describes modifications made to BRACE resulting in a new version BRACE II. In addition, results are presented of studies to evaluate the programs capabilities to model the soilretaining wall interaction. D.2 PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS Modifications to BRACE II consisted of improving the programs ability to model the behavior of the retaining wall represented by bar elements and to simulate the anisotropic stress-strain properties of soil. In the presentation of these modifications an under- standing of the finite element technique is assumed. D.2.1 Retaining Wall Two capabilities introduced in BRACE II were the ability of the retaining wall to develop a plastic hinge when a specified yield moment was exceeded and the ability of the soil behind the wall to slip unrestrained relative to the sheeting. important in the analysis of braced excavations. Both capabilities are In braced excavations in soft clay with large strut spacings, the sheeting may become overstressed and large movements will result. In cases where a concrete slurry wall is installed, a bentonite clay cake remains between the concrete and the soil. strength, restraint Since this clay has essentially no shear of slippage between the soil and concrete wall may be considered non-existant. The element stiffness matrix [S] for an arbitrarily oriented one-dimensional bar element is as follows: -288- r u V 1 u 1 121 2( 121+~ A)X L2 L2 (1 12+y2 V 2 2 p 2+AA 2 ) 2 (L_A)y L2 L X - -A)Ay .. (_12Ix2+A12 L2 L (12 1 '2+A A2 L 61 61 L 61 -LI = cos 0, -L 61 L L 41 where y 61 61 - 2 ) 02 E L Symmetrical I 61 L 21J X = sin 0, 0 is measured from the vertical axis A = area of cross section of element E = Young's Modulus of element L = Axial length of element I = Moment of Inertia of element u and v are the translations in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively, and 6 is the rotation of the bar element at the nodes. Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the two end nodes. If, during the application of incremental loads, the yield moment of the sheeting is exceeded at a bar element node, that node is made a plastic hinge for all additional incremental loads. This is accomplish- ed by statically condensing out the rotational resistance of the -289- -1 yielded element node. This approach was suggested by Prof. J.T. Christian (1971). The equilibrium equations for a bar element can be written as follows: Sli S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S22 923 824 325 026 V S3 3 534 535 S 36 u2 S4 4 S45 S46 V2 2 555 S56 1 M S66 02 M2 Symmetrical 1 V1 1 = 2 D.2 where: V ,V2 denotes the shear at nodes 1 and 2 P1 9 P2 denotes the axial load at nodes 1 and 2 M ,M2 denotes the moment at nodes 1 and 2 Equation D.2 can be written in following partitioned matrix: Si S2 U P S2 S 0 M k D.3 Since no external moments are applied to the elements M can be set equal to zero to obtain the following equations: [S ] (U) + [S 2 (0) = P D.4 [S2] (U) + [S 3 ] (6) = 0 D.5 Solving for 0 and substituting in D.4 yields -290- [S (U) + [S21 3 [S2 ]T (U) = P D.6 Therefore the effect of the initial rotational stiffness at a yielded element node has a direct influence on the unyielded, adjacent element nodes. Yielding at one end of a bar element is accounted for by setting the resisting internal moment, M2 , at that and equal to zero in equation D.2. 02 ~ ~ Solving for 02: K61+ K62 + K 6 3 + K 6 4 + K 6 5 2V K66 v1 D u D.7 v2f u2 M This equation for 62 is substituted through the rest of the elements stiffness matrix to condense, out the effect of the yielded node. Unrestraint slippage between the soil and sheeting at the interface was simulated by assigning zero axial stiffness to the sheeting. This is accomplished by setting the v1 and v2 terms in the element stiffness matrix (Equation D.2) to zero. Figure D.2.1, through D.2.3 compare sheeting movements and adjacent ground movements predicted using non-yielding and yielding bar elements. The importance of considering yielding of the bar elements is evident from these figures when making predictions of the behavior of a braced excavation. -291- -4 D.2.2 Anisotropic Stress-Strain Relationships Ladd et al (1971) shows that in plane strain tests both the undrained modulus and the undrained shear strength of clay are dependent on the orientation of the principle stresses applied to the soil. In the construction of a braced excavation the adjacent soil experiences a reorientation of principal stresses (Wong 1971). Therefore, the accuracy of an excavations predicted behavior will be dependent on how well the soils anisotropic properties are modelled. The anisotropic variation of modulus was simulated based on proposed methods by Christian (1971). He recommends the following approximate relation to account for the effect of stress reorientation on the undrained modulus: EH - E= (EH-EV) Cos 4 where EH and EV are the undrained modulus for tests with the major principle stress applied to the soil in the vertical and horizontal directions respectively, 0 is the orientation of the major principle stress from the vertical plane and E0 is the modulus used to compute the deformations of the soil. To account for anisotropic shear strength properties the following yield criterion recommended by Davis and Christian (1971) was used: (xay 2 - Suv~ Suh 2 2 + -x 2 x -292- a2 = a 2 -*1 where: b a a ,a S45 --S S uv uh ,T = conventional total stress components in the x,y plane = shear strength of a soil sample Su45 oriented at 45 degrees from the vertical. S UV' uh = shear strength for compression in the vertical and horizontal directions. D.3 ACCURACY OF BRACE II RESULTS There is inherent incompatibility in the BRACE program between the deformations of the bar elements and the soil elements. The formulation of the soil element stiffness matrix assumes each soil element has a constant strain in any direction and, therefore displacements along the side of the soil elements vary linearly. On the otherhand, the bar elements are not restricted in the elastic line they can assume. For the general loadings from the soil the bar element line will be at least a 4th order curve. Hence, horizontal Novements between the soil elements and the bar elements will be compatible only at the connected nodes. This incompatibility could result in gross errors in the predictions of sheeting forces if sufficient bar elements are not used to model the sheeting between two support points so the soil deformation and sheeting deformations at the nodes can lie essentially on the correct elastic line for the imposed loads. A series of computor analysis were made to determine the number -293- of bar elements necessary to model a cantilever sheeting. This problem will give, theoretically, a 5th order elastic line for sheeting deflection and represents the highest degree of incompatibility expected in a braced excavation analysis. Figures D.3.1 through D.3.4 show the results of these analyses for sheeting elements of varying length and varying stiffness. Normalized soil properties for normally consolidated clay listed in Appendix E were used for the analyses except for test runs 7 and 8. Except for test 10 the vertical stiffness of the sheeting was neglected to simulate slippage between the soil and sheeting. Table D.3.1 compares moments and shear forces predicted by BRACE II with those obtained by static analysis using the horizontal stresses (ax) on the sheeting predicted by BRACE II. The stresses for the static analysis were extrapolated to the face of the sheeting using the stresses at the center of the first three elements adjacent the sheeting. (The variation of these stresses are shown on the figures.) The results of this study show that the number of bar elements required to get reasonably accurate answers for sheeting moments and shear forces is primarily dependent on the stiffness of the bar elements and the homogenuity of the soil profile. It appears that for most problems the use of 5 bar elements in between bracing supports 6 is sufficient to give accurate results with stiff sheeting (EI = 10 kif) 4 and 4 bar elements is sufficient for the flexible sheeting (EI = 10 ksf). -294- The incremental load technique in BRACE II poses the problem of determining the number of load increments required to simulate load applications. If, for example, the load relief due to an excavation stage is applied in one increment, those soil elements in elastic range before the excavation stage behaves elastically for this construction stage. This can result in under-predicting the deformations of the retaining wall below excavations level if the elements would have yielded under one-half the load release if two load increments were used. Figure D.3.5 shows the effect of using 1 versus 2 load increments per construction stage. For the case of 2 load in- crements, the sheeting movements were approximately twice that for a single level increment at the lower depths. Clearly this is a significant factor in the predictions of the behavior of braced excavations. It is not possible to assess how many increments should be applied for each load application since this will be a function of the problem geometry, soil parameters, and sheeting stiffness. Hence, it is recommended that test runs be made to determine the optimum number of load increments to be applied to each problem. -295- Table D.3.1 Effect of Bar Element Size on Predictions of Shear and Moment Values Moments Sheeting Properties Test No. Shear (K-Ft) (Yips) Excavating EI 10 (K-Ft2) Bar El. Length (Ft) Depth (Ft) Brace 1 Computed Brace Computed 1 18.5 5 15' +5.8 +10.8 -1.2 +3.9 2 18.5 2.5 15' 21.2 20.8 4.4 4.0 3 0.58 2.5 15' 18.9 20.4 3.5 5.0 4 0.41 3.0 9' 6.5 7.8 1.4 2.3 5 4.05 3.0 9' 3.2 4.4 .8 1.5 6 0.41 3.0 15' 15.6 22.0 3.2 4.5 3.0 12' 3.8 10.0 1.1 3.6 7 18.5 8 0.058 3.0 12' 5.6 10.6 1.7 3.8 9 4.0 3.0 12' 19.5 20.6 3.5 5.15 10 4.0 3.0 121 17.4 16.8 1.4 4.2 1. Moments computed using stresses on sheeting predicted by brace. HORIZONTAL j syE04Exvation .2 .1 0 DISPLACEMENT (FT) .5 .4 0 I .3 .2 - r/77777 9u 9 18 2 0,~. -20 I-- 3 27 4 36 0 a. 4 w 45 0 6 .40 a 55 & I4 0 SHEETING I:t 4x (k -f?- N ORMALLY CONS CLAY I 8 0 NON YIELDING BAR ELEMENTS FIGURE D.2.1 . COMPARISON OF SHEETING MOVEMENTS NON YIELDING SHEETING ELEMENTS 80 YIELDING BAR ELEMENTS FOR YIELDING AND (FT-KIPS) MOMENTS 2 0 +20 -20 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 60 40 20 0 -20 YIELD MOMENT 8 ) 20- - 0- EXCAVATON STAGE 3 4 0. 40+ wJ a I 27 U 36 5 45 6- 55 k w 4 60+ I I 00 I - :3 I 8 4th STAGE SHEETING E= 4x 104K-FT 2 SOIL- CLAY 6th STAGE 5th STAGE E OCR =L - NOTE : SHEETING A TICt I YELD MOMENT=25 FT kips MOMENTS IN ELASTIC RANGE THROUGH 4th EXCAVATION FIGURE D.2.2: COMPARISON OF SHEETING MOMENTS YIELDING SHEETING ELEMENTS FOR YIELDING AND STAGE NON- -40 EXCAVATION 0 20 HORIZONTAL 40 60 DISTANCE 100 80 (FT) 120 140 z 160 - 01 0 w .2 20- I40- w a z w. 2 -.I.. T10 -. .82 FT. +TO 0.83 FT. - - - -- 60-1. YIELDING ELEMENTS NON YIELDING ELEMENTS EXCAVATION DEPTH = 55 FT. 80.L FIGURE D.2.3 : COMPARISON OF GROUND SURFACE MOVEMENTS AND NON - YIELDING SHEETING ELEMENTS FOR YIELDING PREDICTED MOMENTS (K-FT) O 2.0 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE ) 6 x kksf) 0.5 71- 0 I FROM SHEETING I.0 7.5 2.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 I I 0 0.5 C) 10 15 74 1.0 I1 TEST 5 H H SHEET PROPERTIES 6 x(ksf) 67x(ksf) E = T EXCA. EPTH 20 W I 4 8 2 00 0 k/ft = 2.25 ft# No. of el. i I = 3 TEST 2 5 E = 482000 k/ft2 I = 2.25 f t4 No. of el. = 6 10 15 a. 20 O I ~~1~ I -I TEST 3 5 E = 4320000 k/fta I=.0135 f t 4 10 - 0 --- No. of el. = 6 15 20 FIGURE D.3.1: HORIZONTAL STRESS VARIATION BEHIND SHEETING WALL FROM BRACE HORIZONTAL 2.5 FT. MOMENT K -FT. 00 DIS TANCE FROM SHEETING 7.5FT. O-x o-x (KSF) 10 0 .2 A .6 .8 0 .2 (KSF) .4 .6 .8 TEST 4 4 E =4.3 x 10 k sf 1 =.0093t H No of EL=3 121 H = 9 ft 0 0 10 0 .4 .6 .? .8 .6 4 TEST 5 4 E=4.3x10 8.. I - 2 . ksf w a .2 . 161 - .093 No of EIr-3 12-- H = 9 ft 0 K) 0 r---- C .2 .4 .6 .8 ( 16JL ) .4 .g .8 TEST 6 E= 4.3xlcf ksf I =.0093 4. No of EI=5 H = 15ft 121 16 .2 77M FIGURE D.3.2- HORIZONTAL STRESSES AND SHEETING MOMENTS FOR CANTILEVER SHEET PILING FROM BRACE -301- MOMENT K - ft 5 1 0 .2 K0 .6 0. DISTANCE .8 1.0 FROM 0 .2 SHEETING 75 FT .4 6 .8 1.0 TEST 7 - 0 0 . HORIZONTAL 2.5 FT -=250 4 E=4.8x io IH 4E 8 ksf 1000 - 12- 1=2.25 ft4 No d E=4 H= 12ft :. a 0 ) 5 10 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.o 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 01 E=250 44 8. =-000 TEST 8 E= 4.3 x10 6 ksf I=0. 087 Nod EI=4 H =12 ft 16- FIGURE D.3.3 : HORIZONTAL CANTILEVER STRESSES AND SHEETING MOMENTS SHEET PILING FROM BRACE FOR I- HORIZONTAL 0 MOMENT 2.5 FT. K-FT. 10 20 O'x (KSF) 0 30 I i p 0 .2 .4 .6 DISTANCE 7.5 FT. ox (KSF) .8 1.0 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 TEST 9 4 E =4.3x 105 7 i I I = .093FT No of EI=4 12 -3 -~ 0 0. 10 - 2) 30 No VERTICA STIFFNESS 0 .? .4 .6 .8 1P0 S.4 .6 .8 1.0 TEST 10 I 4. E = 4.3 x105 81 I =.093FT4 12 With VERTICAL STIFFNESS 16 FIGURE D.3.4 : HORIZONTAL STRESSES CANTILEVER SHEETING AND SHEETING MOMENTS FOR S HEETING .10 .05 0 MOVEMENTS (FT) .15 .10 .05 0 0 I -*Am 204 I I.- a. w 2 2-+ 3 40. 3 -- m 3- C 4 U.) 604 80 1 I LOAD INCREMENT PER STAGE 2 LOAD INCREMENTS PER STAGE SHEETING EI=4 x10 4 P-FT 2 SOIL- NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY FIGURE D.3.5 : EFFECT OF NUMBER OF LOAD INCREMENTS EXCAVATION STAGE ON SHEETING MOVEMENTS PER APPENDIX E SOIL PARAMETERS FOR ANALYSIS AND PREDICTIONS E.1 PARAMETRIC STUDIES Soil parameters for analytical studies were based on synthesized stress-strain data as reported by Ladd et al (1971) for plane strain triaxial tests on resedimented Boston Blue clay specimens. The selected values were as follows: 1 2 4 0.5 0.72 0.95 E /oYO 250 340 450 EH /avo 150 200 230 S /a uv vo 0.34 0.57 0.95 Suhlavo 0.19 0.37 0.67 0.49 0.49 0.49 OCR K Modulus values correspond to the secant modulus determined at a principal stress difference equal to one-half the soils shear strength. After yielding the modulus was set equal to 0.1% of the unyielded mod- ulus and Poissons ratio was set equal to 0.4000. The total unit weight of the soil was taken as 120 pcf. E.2 SOIL PARAMETERS FOR SOUTH COVE PREDICTIONS This section outlines the origin of the selected soil parameters shown in Table 4.7.2 which were used to predict the behavior of the -305- South Cove braced excavation. For the topmost fill layer the strength parameters were estimated from correlations of the blow count from standard penetration tests and frictionlangle (Terzaghi and Peck 1967). the blow counts and a visual examination of the material a Ko = 4 of 30' The Ko value was determined from the was selected for the soil. empirical formula Based on 1-Sin *. Values surmized for the soils unit weight, elastic modulus and Poissons ratio were 100 pcf, 250 Jvo, and 0.3 respectively. The parameters for the hard clay were determined from test results on block samples. Strength tests consisted of one con- solidated isotropic under-drained triaxial test (CIU) and Tor-vane shear tests. One consolidation test was performed on the block sample. The results of these tests are given in Figure A.3.1. results, it was estimated the soil had an OCR of 5. Based on these The value of Ko= 1.0 was extrapolated from the data given in Section E.l. shear strength value of 1.0 aoy The was based on the torvane strength tests. The value of Ev = 10000vo was estimated from the CIU test on the block sample. A value of EH = 500 was judged reasonable. 0vo, which is one-half the vertical modulus, Poissons ratio was set equal to 0.4 because of the fissured nature of the hard clay. A substantial number of 3 inch shelby tube samples were obtained from the medium-stiff and medium clay strata. In addition, field Vane tests were made through the entire depth of these soil strata. Block samples also were obtained from the strata during the construction phase. -306- Consolidation and strength tests were performed on many of the samples, the results of which are summarized in Figure A.3.1. These results were synthesized to obtain a plot of OCR versus depth as shown in Figure E.2.1. Ko, Suv9 Based on the OCR at a given depth, values of Suh, Ev and EH were determined from the test data on re- sedimented Boston Blue clay summarized in Section.E.l. Figure E.2.1 shows the variation of K0 , Suv and Suh with depth. The presents of the till was ignored in those analyses predicting the stability and deformations adjacent the excavation. It was assumed that this strata was dense and stiff enough, when compared to the medium clay, to be considered essentially a material equivalent to the underlying bedrock. In all finite element analysis, after yield of a soil element its modulus was set equal to 0.1% of the unyielded elastic modulus and Poissons ratio was increased to 0.4999. -307- a LL LL -j OCR LU 0 1 122 4 2 P-7 0 6 N FILL 115- 100- -100 Hard Yel. CLAY Very Stiff to Bot. OCR PLAN E I Boston 72E Blue CLAY 62, Medium oI Bt. of SlurryW 80tm -40 DATA F RO M ( K. Boston DAPPOLONIA et c 1 1970) (PLANE STRAIN ACTIVE) Blue (STRENGTH CLAY 100- S PA,SSIVE Stiff of 40- -80 60L60 I.10 L ADD 20 et ol 1971 18 BED ROCK O FIGURE E.2.1: SOIL MMM .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 Ko CHAAACTERISTICS USED FOR FROM RATIO PREDICTIONS ) w Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics Division AITENDIX F USER'S MANUAL PROGRAM BRACE II Date: December 1970 Modified: February 1972 Language: FORTRAN IV (G Level) Programmer: J. T. Christian and I. H. Wong Modified by: W. E. Jaworski and J. T. Christian I. DESCRIPI'ION BRACE II is a finite element program for analyzing braced excavations. which include It models excavation and bracing construction stages prestressing of struts and sheeting displacements due to the deformation of shims. Problems are restricted to plane strain conditions. Con- stant strain triangles or quadrilaterals represent the soil mass. The sheeting is represented by one-dimensional bar elements. It is assumed that struts are installed horizontally and their deformations are neglected. Excavation stages are simulated by specifying soil elements and associated nodes to be removed. Material properties for the soil may be considered as linearly or bilinearly elastic and isotropic or anisotropic. be specified for the sheeting. Yield moments can The program performs a linear elastic incremental load analysis for each construction stage. -309- Total stress analysis is used and pore pressures are evaluated on this basis. compressible materials cannot be specified. In- The program computes for each construction stage the strut loads, sheeting forces and soil stresses and deformations. II. PROGRAM CAPABILITIES The following restrictions are placed on the size of problem which can be input. Nodal Points - 290 Elements - 260 Soil Types - 20 Strut Sizes - 2 Sheeting Elements - 25 Soils must be input as layered systems. Initial stresses can be input for each element or generated by the program. Plotted output can be obtained from a modified version of CNTRPLOT available at the Soil Mechanics Division, M. I. T. Computer running time depends on the band width of the global stiffness matrix. For typical problems the running time varys between 1.0 and 1.75 minutes per load increment at each excavation stage and .25 to 1.0 minutes per bracing stage, the greater time resulting from specifying a prestress. III. INPUT DATA FORMAT A. Title Card - Format (18A4) Any title or comment in card columns I through 72 will be reprinted at the top of the output. be provided. -310- This card must W." B. Control Card - Format (2015). This card contains control information for the program as follows: Card Column Information 1 - 5 Number of Nodal Points in original configuration of problem before excavation (NUMNP) Maximum = 290 6 - 10 Number of Elements in original configuration (NUMEL) Maximum = 260 11 - 15 Number of soil materials (NUMMAT) Maximum = 20 16 - 20 Number of strutting materials (NMSMAT) Maximum = 2 21 - 25 Number of sheeting element (NSHEET) Maximum = 25 If NSHEET = 0 Omit Piling Material Card 26 - 30 Gravity Stress Indicator (IGRAV) If IGRAV = 0 initial stresses are set equal to 0. If IGRAV = 1 initial stresses are calculated from Y and K from Card D-1 0 31 - 35 Excess Pore Pressure Indicator (NPOREC) Put NPOREC = 1 if excess pore pressures due to total stress changes are to be computed for any one or all layers 36 - 40 Initial Pore Pressure Indicator (NPORE) -1 hydrostatic initial pore pressure 0 no initial pore pressure 1 nonstatic initial pore pressure -311- 41 - 45 Plotting Indicator (IP LOT) IPLOT should be * 0 even if no plot is to be generated before excavation is initiated (see Instruction Card). 46 - 50 Surface loading card (ILOAD) ILOAD = 1 surface load present before excavation and before sheeting is driven. Deformations due to these surface loads will not be superposed to deformations after sheeting is driven. ILOAD = 2 surface load present before excavation and after sheeting is driven. 51 - 55 Settlement Indicator (ISETLE) If ISETLE * 0 Parameters needed to compute I D settlement or heave due to dissipation of excess pore pressure will be read in. 56 - 60 Anisotropic Strength Indicator Set NDELSU = I for card E I to be read in. 61 - 65 Soil sheeting Interface Card. If NADD > 0 slipping between soil and sheeting is allowed. 66 - 70 Number of load increments (NLDINC) NLDINC should be - 1. At each increment the load applied will be total load/NLDINC. 71 - 75 Capillarity Indicator (ICAPIL) If ICAPIL * 0, capillary pore pressures will be considered in calculating effective vertical stresses. 75 - 80 Nodal Point Update Indicator (IUPDAT) If IUPDAT > 0, nodal coordinates are updated. -312- C. Piling Material Card - Format (3Fl0.0) Omit if NSHEET = 0 Information Card Column 1 - 10 Young's Modulus, E 11 - 20 Moment of Inertia 21 - 30 Cross Section Area 31 - 35 (IVSC) Axial Stiffness = 0 if IVSC = 1 36 - 45 Sheeting Yield Moment (YMOM) If YMOM = 0 the sheeting has no rotational stiffness. D. Soil Material Cards - Format (15, F5. 0, 3F10. 0, 2F5. 0, 2F10.0, 2F5.0) One card per soil type from number (one) to a maximum number of 20. Cards to be input sequentially. Information Card Column Soil Number 1 -5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 K 0 Unit Weight,T Young's modulus in the Vertical Direction, E V 31 - 40 Young's modulus in the Horizontal Direction, Eh 41 - 45 Poisson's ratio from Vertical to Horizontal, v VH 46 - 50 Poisson's Ratio from Horizontal to Horizontal, v HH -313- 51 - 60 Blank 61 - 70 Cohesion, C or undrained shear strength ) when the major principal stress is vertical (S uv 71 - 75 Friction angle, 76 - 80 Yield Factor Notes: If EH is input as zero, an isotrc pic material is assumed with E=EV, andv =v H. For anisotropic soils the modulus for an element is a fun ction of the angle (6) between the major principle str ess and the vertical plane and is taken as - Material Properties - Second Set os 0. Card (15,5X5F10.0, 512) If (NPOREC * 0) this set of cards w ill be read in. One card per soil type from number 1 to a m Lximum number of 20. Input cards sequentially. Card Column Information Information 1 -5 - 10 Blank 11 - 20 Shear strength when major principal stress is rotated 900 (S 30 Shear strength when major principal stress is rotated 450 (S u45). If left blank: ) 5 - E. = EH-(EH - E ) E 21 Su45 = 2 ( 5 uv uh The shear strength Suo of an element is dependent on the angle 0 between the major principle stress and the vertical plane. An elliptical strength variation is used (Davis and Christian, 1970) in the program. The equation describing the yield criterion is: (a .2 - a X -S uv -314- 2 2 Suh) + o 2 a xy 7= b 2 a .4. uv uh where b/a = a= S uv +5 uh 2 31 - 40 Henkel pore pressure parameter a. a is a constant AU = A oct + a'roct 41 - 50 Blank 51 - 60 Yielded Poisson's ratio 61 - 62 Modulus Indicator 1 Modulus normalized with respect to av 0 Constant modulus with depth 1 Modulus normalized with respect to Oct 63 - 64 Strength indicator 1 Strength normalized with respect to av 0 Constant with depth -1 Strength normalized with respect to at 65 - 66 Pore Pressure Curve Indicator 1 Henkel parameter a will be a continuous function with maximum shear strains 67 - 68 Yield Poisson's Ratio Indicator 1 Bulk modulus computed using yielded Poisson's ratio 0 Bulk modulus constant during shear 69 - 70 Anisotropic Strength Indicator If zero, isotropic shear strength is used for that material -315- E. 1 Nonuniform Henkel Parameter Card - (215, 2FlO. 0) If column 65 - 66 in Card E is nonzero, the following set of cards will immediately follow that card for that material. Information Card Column F. 1.- 5 Number of data points of maximum shear strains to be read in. 6 - 10 Number of data points of Henkel's pore pressure coefficients a to be read in. 11 - 20 Constant Henkel's pore pressure coefficient a. 21 - 30 Maximum shear strain beyond which Henkel's coefficient a is constant. One-Dimensional Settlement Card (15, 5X, 5F10.0) If Column 51 - 55 (ISETLE) # 0, the following cards must be supplied, one for each material. Card Column G. Information 1 - 5 Soil Number 6 - 10 Blank 11 - 20 Void Ratio at L of Layer 21 - 30 Virgin Compression Index 31 - 40 Compression Index in 0 - C range 41 - 60 Effective stress at (L of Layer Strutting Material Card - Format (15, 2F10. 0) If no strutting material is desired, NMSMAT should be set to zero and this card may be omitted. No more than two types of strutting can be used. Card Column 1 -5 6 16 - 15 25 Information Material Number Young's modulus Cross-sectional area -316- HI. Nodal Point Cards - Format (15, F5.0, 4F10.O, 15) Cards should be input in increasing order of number of nodal points. If cards are omitted, the nodal points will be generated along a straight line between the two points before and after the omitted ones. All such generated points will be unrestrained and will have no load on them except as caused by gravity stress and excavation or bracing. Information Card Column Nodal Point Number (N) 1 -5 6 - 10 Loading Code: Code UX(N) is a force UZ(N) is a force UX(N) is a displacement 1 UZ(N) is a force UX(N) is a force 2 U(uN) is a displacement 3 tUX(N) is a displacement UZ(N) is a displacement X coordinate (X (N) 21 - 30 Z coordinate (X (N)) 31 - 40 UX(N) if necessary 41 - 50 UX(N) if necessary 51 - 55 KOD If # 0, all generated succeeding ) 11 - 20 points will have the same code. I. Soil Element Cards - Format (615) Cards should be input in order of increasing element number. If cards are omitted elements will be generated by adding one to each of the nodes of the preceeding element. -317- Material numbers are kept constant in the generation. element must be input. Card Column The last Information 1 - 5 Element Number (M) 6 - 10 Node Number I 11 - 15 Node Number J 16 - 20 Node Number K 21 - 25 Node Number L 26 - 30 Material Number Note: -Nodes must be numbered in a rotational order from the positive X to positive Z (axes), i.e., counter clockwise for the usual convention of Z positive upwards and N positive to the right. Triangular elements are described by making K = L. The maximum difference between nodes for any element must not exceed 26. J. Sheeting Element Cards - (615) If NSHEET = 0, omit this card. Card Column Information 1 - 5 Element Number 6 - 10 Nodal Number I 11 - 15 Nodal Number J Intermediate Element Cards will be generated. Only end Cards need be input. Maximum allowable difference between first and last sheeting node number is 26. K. Plot Control Card - Format (12, F9. 4, F5.1, 6F8. 3) This card is used only if plots are requested. Card Column 1 - 2 Information Integers '01' -318- -'I' 3 - 11 Blank 12 - 16 Distortion Factor for displaced mesh, DMESH. Displacements are multiplied by this factor to obtain an exaggerated plot. Vector scale factor for principal stress plots, SPLOT. Value is length of largest vector in grid units. 17 - 22 23 - 28 Delta Sigma X contour plot code 29 - 34 Delta Sigma Z contour plot code 35 - 40 Tau XZ contour code 41 - 46 Tau maximum contour code 47 - 52 Maximum shear strain contour code 53 - 58 Excess Pore Pressure contour code The contour codes are interpreted thus: 59 - 64 Total Sigma X contour plot code 65 - 70 Total Sigma Z contour plot code 0. or blank - no contour plot desired Positive - value is the interval between contours value is the number of desired contours The plotting program will find a suitable, even interval. After these cards are read the computer sets up the problem and solves for any initial loads, displacements or stresses. The following input can follow: Negative L. - Grid Reduction Card - (2F10.0) To restrict the contours to region of interest. plot is wanted. Card Column 1 - 10 11 - 20 Omit if no Information Extreme Left X-coordinate of grid to be shown Extreme Right X-coordinate of grid to be shown. -319- M. Pore Fluid Card (2F10.0) If NPORE (Column 36 - 40, Card B) is -1, be supplied. Information Card Column 1 - 10 11 - 20 this card must Depth to water table below ground surface as a positive number Unit weight of water Or if NPORE is 1, the following card must be supplied. Card M-1 (15, IPE12.4) Card Column Information 1 - 5 Element number 6 - 17 Pore Pressures Card M-1 must be repeated for every element for which there is non-zero pore pressures. N. Layer Thickness Cards - Format (8F10. 0) These cards are used only if IGRAV is not zero, that is, if initial stresses are to be calculated. Each card contains up to eight numbers, each of which describes the thickness of one layer of soil. The layer numbers correspond to the soil material numbers on cards D-1 and E-1 and must increase with decreasing depth. Thus, soil 1 is the top layer, soil 2 the next and so on. A maximum of three cards may be needed to describe all twenty permitted layers. The first would read: Card Column Information 1 - 10 Thickness of soil 1 11 - 20 Thickness of soil 2 21 - 30 Thickness of soil 3 and so on. -320- 0. Instruction Card - Format (18A4) This card must have one of the following five sets of characters in card columns 1 through 4: a. This signals end of problem, if the next four ** columns also contain '****' execution ends. Otherwise a new problem is read starting with card A. b. 'EXCA' This means excavation will occur as described under cards P through T below. c. 'BRAC' This means bracing will occur as described under cards U and V below. d. 'LOAD' This means new surface loads are input. e. 'STLE' This means l-D settlement or heave will be calculated due to dissipation of excess pore pressure. P. Excavation Control Card (815, 2F10. 0, 15) Card Column Information 1 - 5 Number of elements to be removed 6 - 10 Number of nodes to be removed 11 - 15 Number of new surfaces exposed by excavation (one surface per element exposed) 16 - 20 Plotting indicator for new configuration, IPLOT 21 - 25 Highest degree of polynomial used for extrapolating stresses at sheeting surfaces. The maximum permissible value is the number of elements in a horizontal row to be removed minus 2 (set = 1 for first 'EXCA') 26 - 30 Number of Load Increments (2: 1) 31 - 35 Element number for the corner element between old surface and sheeting -321- 36 - 40 Highest degree of polynomial used for corner element. (Cannot exceed the value in cc 21-25 above). 41 - 50 Z-coordinate above which slipping between sheeting and soil occurs. If NADD = 0 leave blank Q. 51 - 60 Normalizing factor for plots. 61 - 65 1 results for Output control. If each load increment output. If blank only results from final load increment output. Elements Removed - Format (815) Numbers of the elements to be removed are listed, up to 8 per card. As many cards as are necessary are used. R. Nodal Points Removed - Format (815) Numbers of the nodal points to be removed are listed, up to 8 per card. As many cards are used as are necessary. If no nodal points are removed the card should be omitted. S. New Surfaces Exposed - Format (215) Card Column Information 1 - 5 First node 5 - 10 Second node Repeat S for each new surface. T. Boundary Cards - Format (1615) These are needed only if plots are requested. The number of nodes at the end of straight lines on the boundaries are listed, 16 per card, on as many cards as needed, up to IPLAT nodes. -322- _11 Cards P through T should follow the 'EXCA' card. The program will solve for the effects of excavation, print output, and read the next card 0. U. BracingCard - Format (215, F10.0, 15, Fl0, 25) Information Card Column 1 - 5 Node at which strut is installed 6 - 10 Strutting material number 11 - 20 Prestress in bracing program com- putes preload for strut. Input stress in positive direction as negative value +z Input stresses as a Input stresses as - a + x 21 - 25 Plotting indicator, as in 16 - 20 for card P 26 - 35 Crushing of timber wedges at % of movement already occurred at strut level 36 - 40 Load Increment (2 1) 41 - 45 Output control. If set 21 results for each load increment output. If blank only results for final load increment output. V. Boundary Card - Format (1615) These are needed only if plots are requested and are identical to card T. Cards U and V should follow the 'BRAC' card. This program will solve for the effects of the bracing, print output and read the next card Q If "load" in card 0, cards W and X will be read in. W. Loading Control Card - (15) Card Column 1 - 5 Information Total number of nodes subject to external loads -323- 6 - 10 11 - 15 Plotting Indicator as in CC-16-20 for card P Number of Load Increments (NLDINC) If NLDINC = 0, only the nodal codes are changed. X. Loading Cards Information Card Column 1 - 5 Node number 6 - 10 Nodal Code 31 - 40 UX(N) 41 - 50 UX(N) See Card H As many cards are needed as number of loading points. If 'STLE' in card 0, the following cards will be read in. Cards Y-2 - (1615) Element numbers in a string which contribute to heave of settlement. As many cards as needed. Cards Y-3 - (15) Card Column 1 Total number of nodes in a string 5 - Information which heave or settle. Cards Y-4 - (1615) Node numbers in a string which heave or settle. cards as needed. As many Hardware Requirements The program required that scratch discs or tapes be set up on logical units 8, 11, 12 and 13. If plots are desired the required data can be written on data set reference number 7, as described by Job Control Language (JCL) cards or the -324- required cards punched. bytes of computer core. The program requires 450K Recommended JCL cards for the 370-MI55 IBM computer at the MIT Information Processing Center are as follows: // 'Name', CLASS=B, REGION=450K /*MITID USER =((MMMMM, NNNN) / *SRI TIME=TT, LINES= LL, CARDS=CC /*MAIN DD //C.SYSIN SOURCE DECK /* //G. FT08F001 DD UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE=(816, (1200, 200)), // DCB=BLKSIZE=816 //G. FT11F001 DD UNIT =SYSDA, SPACE=(1280, (600, 100)), // DCB=BLKSIZE=1280 /1G. FT12F001 // DD UNIT =SYSDA, SPACE=(0312, (034, 010)), DCB=BLKSIZE=0312 //G. FT13F001 DD UNIT =SYSDA, SPACE=(0560, (110, 030)), // DCB=BLKSIZE=0560 DATA Where MMMMM = Problem Number, NNNN = Programmer Number T T= Maximum time to run problem LL = Maximum lines of output, thousands CC = Maximum cards output, hundreds. -325- BIOGRAPHY Walter E. Jaworski was born May 31, 1939 in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. He matriculated from St. Mary's High School, Milford, Massachusetts in 1956. In June, 1958, he received an Associate of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Junior High School, Worcester, Massachusetts. In June, 1962, he graduated from Northeastern University with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering. In September, 1962, he entered Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts. While at Worcester, he worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering. In June, 1964, he graduated with a M.Sc. in Civil Engineering. He joined the faculty at Northeastern University in September, 1964, where he has been a full-time member to present. this time he also engaged in During consulting work in the field of Soils and Foundational Engineering. He entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in September,1965~, as a special student. In 1968, he was awarded a N.S.F. Faculty Fellowship and assumed full-time study at M.I.T. for that academic year. He is an associate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is also a member of Xigma Xi and Chi Epsilon, the Civil Engineering National Honorary Fraternity. -326-