邹际平 副教授, 借阅部主任 欧文图书馆 阿肯色大学费耶特威尔校区 Tim J. Zou Associate Professor Head of Access Services University of Arkansas at Fayetteville 1 内容提要 高校图书馆的定义和服务宗旨 高校的管理体制和资金来源 图书馆的定位及组织结构 馆藏资料的收藏和管理 从文本资料到数字资料 从藏书楼到研习中心 面临信息技术时代的冲击和挑战 2 传统定义 高校图书馆收藏包括文献,文物,出版物,学术知 识等类型的信息资料;高校图书馆提供关于信息资 料的资源和服务;高校图书馆是提供信上述息服务 的建筑设施。高校图书馆是由高等教育机构筹建管 理的。 An academic library is a collection(s) of sources (documentation, artifacts, publication, knowledge, and information), resources and services, and a physical structure in which information and services are housed. It is organized for use and maintained by a higher education institution. 3 演变的定义和服务 原始的定义 –藏书楼+阅览室 演发的定义—藏书楼+阅览室+检索咨询服务 演发的定义—藏书+阅览室+ +咨询服务+自动化的 检索借阅系统+馆际互借 演发的定义—馆藏,阅览,借阅,全文电子数据库, 网络期刊,馆际互借,联网微机厅,综合咨询服务 台,音响媒体中心,小组学习室,讲演室,无线上 网,咖啡厅。 。 。开馆24/5 4 服务宗旨 Mission and Purpose 高校图书馆的服务宗旨是为本校的学习,教学,研 究提供支持和服务 Serves the learning, teaching, and research activities of its institution 服务的宗旨决定它在采编,服务,和组织方面的侧 重和不同 Differing from other types of libraries in its collections, services and organization 5 美国高校分级分类 Types and Classification Associates Colleges 1814 Baccalaureate Collges 767 Master's Colleges/universities 664 Doctorate-granting Universities 482 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 6 私立和公立院校的不同 Public and Private Colleges/Universities 公立院校 私立院校 Public Private 理事会监管多所院校 Governing boards usually have authority over more than one institution 理事会的人选受政治选举的影响 Appointment of the board members is part of a political process. 理事会呈交叉组合结构并因并存的大学系统 而变得复杂化 In many states, the structure of governance is complicated by the existence of multiple systems as well as by the hierarchical governing boards 两年制的社区学院多由市郡的政府监管 Two-year institutions may be controlled by municipal or country governments 理事会的监管协调作用之一是避免重复浪费 资源The coordinating board is charged with ensuring that there is no unnecessary duplication of effort. 依靠非政府组织的赞助和支持 Dependent or connected to a private, non-government agency 多数从属一宗教教派 Many affiliated with religious denominations 建校方向多与赞助机构的宗旨信念一致 Goals and missions more in line with those of their funding agency 理事会成员可以独立于赞助机构的信仰思想 框架之外,主要责任是监管学院的财政计划 和预算 Governing boards may be independent from the agency, but primary concern is the institution’s finances. 7 高校的领导和管理结构 Governing Structure Dean of Libraries 8 经费来源 Sources of financing 无论公立或私立大学,谁也没法靠单一的经费来源来完成所有预期的目标 Weather private or public, no single source of support is sufficient to enable the college or university to accomplish all of its goals. 经费来源 Sources 公立大学 Public Institution 私立大学 Private Institution 1996-97 2000-01 1996-97 2000-01 Tuition 19.0% 18.1% 27.8% 38.1% Federal Govt. 11.0% 11.2% 11.7% 16.3% State Govt. 35.6% 35.6% 1.0% 1.4% 4.3% 5.1% 12.3% 19.3% Private gifts & Grants Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2003 9 图书馆的组织结构 Organization 组织结构根据学校类别级别由小到大,由简 到繁 受分管学部的教务长或副校长直接领导 在2-4年的社区院校馆长相当于系主任级,在综 合大学里馆长相当于院长级。图书馆的地位取决 于馆长和各个院长之间的行政关系 基本业务分工划分--按业务特性形成的两分支, 三分支结构 客服部,技术支持部,特藏资料馆(校史资料 馆) 单层或多层次,多条块的金字塔式的领导结构 10 小型四年制本科大学图书馆 Baccalaureate College Library 11 授予本科/硕士学位院校的图书馆 Master's College/university library 12 大型综合大学图书馆组织条块 Doctorate-granting University Library 13 多条块多层次的组织结构 14 图书馆经费预算? Library Expenditures/E&G Expenditures= ?? 无论公立或私立大学,给图书馆的经费预算拨款总体呈缩减的趋势。Support for the library has declined at all types of institutions. Percentage of Educational and General Expenditures over Time on Academic Libraries, by Type of Institution 高校类型 Institution Type 图书馆经费拨款与教育行政开支总经费比 E&G Expenditures 1990-91 2000-01 公立综合大学 Public Universities 3.0% 3.0% 公立四年制学院 Public 4-Year Colleges 3.1% 2.8% 私立学院/大学 Private Institutions 2.4% 2.3% Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2003 15 钱怎么用的? Where does the money go? “ARL libraries are a relatively small subset of libraries in North America, but they do account for a large portion of academic library resources in terms of assets, budgets, and the number of users they serve. The total library expenditures of all 123 member libraries in 2007–2008 was more than $4 billion; from that, roughly $3 billion was spent by the 113 university libraries and more than $1 billion by the non-university libraries.” Source: ARL Statistics 2007–2008, Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC 16 16 16年前经费短缺引发的思考 Concern Regarding Funding for Libraries “如何应对眼下的经费短缺我们谁也没有明确的解决办法。图书馆员们首先 必须要能最充分有效地利用现有的资源经费。短期内不太会有显著经费增长 的可能,学校还会进一步要求各部门不断加强成本效益,少花钱多办事。但 是图书馆员们必须学会如何能更主动更有说服力地向大家证明,适当地增加 图书馆的经费预算最终会提升学校的教研质量和水平。” “There are no easy answers to the current fiscal crunch. Librarians must first seek to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of current resource usage. It is unlikely that vast new sums of money will be forthcoming, and each unit of the university will be increasingly held accountable for the cost effectiveness of its operation. Nevertheless, librarians must become assertive and more savvy in presenting the library’s case – in demonstrating how a proper funding level for the library will, in the long run, promote the quality of the institution.” Goudy, Frank W. “Academic Libraries and the Six Percent Solution: A Twenty-year Financial Overview.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 19 (Sept. 1993): 212-15 17 资源和馆藏—迈还是借 Collections and Resources—to Buy or Borrow? 馆藏发展 资源共享 Collection development Resource sharing 美国有最大的大学馆藏 U.S. academic libraries have some largest collections in the world 从文本到数字本的出版和储藏管理彻 底改变了馆藏发展的理念 The convergence from print to digital publication and information storage technology have irrevocably changed the playground 期刊出版Journal publications 对电子书的需求Demand for e-books 持续呈衰势的文本书籍流通Declined book circulation 美国大学图书馆有最有效的馆际互借 系统和机制 U.S. academic libraries have the most effective and welldeveloped interlibrary and document delivery system 美国大学图书馆有各种形式的资源共 享联盟 U.S. academic libraries have formed various consortia to share resources 馆际互借的流量逐年增长 Demand for Interlibrary loan service continue to increase. 馆际互借是有去无还的一次性消费, 谁来买单?Borrowing is one-time consumption and dos not build the library equity. Who pays the bills? 18 馆藏资源 Collections 媒介的转换 使用权还是储藏权? Form Convergence Access or Ownership “信息的产出和消费已从以文本为媒介 转换成以多媒体的数字化为媒介。这 种转换已经把信息查询的中心从高校 学术图书馆移到了网络空间。这一转 换的过程如此短促,恍如弹指一挥间 。” “The shift from producing and consuming information in hard copy to multimedia digital form has moved the center of information gravity from research libraries to the Internet, and done so in a dramatically brief period.” Abby Smith, Director, Scholarly Communication Institute, University of Virginia Library 处在一个信息,软件,和系统开放的 时代,我们能控制的越来越少。独立 开发和管理数据,提供硬件软件支持 的昂贵费用让我们难以承担。我们能 不能用多校注资资的方法来共建跨校 际的数据库系统,并以此分担高昂的 费用?。。。 “In an era of information, software, and systems openness, we control less and less. The cost of owning and managing data, hardware, and software is very high. How do we offset and share multiinstitutional infrastructure investments? Rick Luce, Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at Emory University. 19 谷歌的电子图书馆还是谷歌化的图书馆 Google e-book Library or Googlized Libraries? 谷歌作为搜索引擎 Google as a search engine 谷歌作为查找学术资料的导航工具 Google as scholarly information discovery tool 谷歌与高校图书馆的合作 Google’s partnership with academic libraries 谷歌触发关于版权的争议 Google’s trouble with copyright law 20 图书馆作为学习交流场所-为谁开放? The library as space—Who are using it? 图书馆是藏书楼?The academic library as collections? 图书馆计是算机信息中心?The academic library as a computing and information center? 图书馆是学生交自习交流的大课堂?A learning and study space for students? 网络空间里的图书馆—一个网络平台或一组数据库?The academic library in cyberspace -- as a portal or a set of databases? 什么因素在改变高校便图书馆的未来?Who are changing the academic library? 21 高校图书馆的人力资源 Human Resources of the Academic Library 按职位责任技能分级的非专业员工 Classified staff 学历门槛要求Required level of education 职位责任技能的评定标准 Classification based on level of responsibility 晋升和职业发展 Promotion and career advancement 最被看中的工作经验和技能Preferred experiences and skills 职业图书馆员 Professional staff 要求修完MLS 硕士学位 MLS degree requirement 学科领域的专业知识Subject/discipline education background 图书馆员的晋级和学术研究要求 Rank and title as a librarian or as a faculty 行政管理能力和学术研究能力Administrative or academic? 职业发展前景Career advancement 最被看中的经验和技能 Preferred experiences and skills 22 高校图书馆员的职称和级别 “To tenure or not to tenure” 图书馆员晋升和职称评定方法和程序 Promotional policy and procedures 年终业绩评估 Annual performance review 三年或五年总评估 3-year and 5-year review 专业能力和表现 Performance 参与学校及行业的管理和服务Service 学术研究和出版 Research and scholarship 校外同行的评估External reviews 终身教授系统的利弊 Pros and cons of tenured positions 23 走出藏书楼的图书馆员 Librarians no longer defined by collections 图书馆员在服务台上 Librarians at the service desk in the building 图书馆员在网络空间 Librarians on cyberspace 图书馆员作为采购员 Librarians as a selector 图书馆员作为服务项目的创始人和推销员Librarians as an entrepreneur 图书馆员作为公共利益的倡导者Librarians as an advocator 图书馆员按读者用户的需要不断自我设计Librarians to be defined by users and themselves 图书馆员不再被服务台限定, 打开了服务的空间Librarians have not fixed place and wear various hats 24 总结和问答 美国大专院校在美国社会中的作用既独特又难以界定,游离于竞争 盈利的企业机构和从属于政府的事业机构之间。大专院校之间的关 系是互相依赖又各自独立;即受市场竞争的影响,又不趋附流行文 化和思潮的大流。。。这些机构虽不向国家纳税,却是推动经济发 展的杠杆。形成了国内龙头行业,却又是能不用企业管理的办法来 出色管理的机构之一。 “American colleges and universities occupy a special, hazardous zone in society, between the competitive profit-making business sector and the government owned and run state agencies. They are dependant yet free; market-oriented yet outside cultural and intellectual fashions . . . The institutions pay no taxes but are crucial to economic development . . . They constitute one of the largest industries in the nation but are among the least businesslike and well-managed of all organizations” (George Keller, 1983, 5) George Keller, Academic Strategy: The Management Revolution in American Higher Education. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983. 25 谢谢! 26