CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION IN MACROECONOMICS DANIEL F. WAGGONER AND TAO ZHA We onfront model misspeiation in maroeonomis by proposing an analyti framework for merging multiple models. This framework allows us to 1) address unertainty about models and parameters simultaneously and 2) trae out the historial periods in whih one model dominates other models. We apply the framework to a rihly parameterized DSGE model and a orresponding BVAR model. The merged model, tting the data better than both individual models, substantially alters eonomi inferenes about the DSGE parameters and about the implied impulse responses. Abstrat. I. Introdution A stohasti dynami equilibrium, indexed by a funtion. parameterized model, is a likelihood Given the likelihood and the prior density of model parameters, one an simulate the posterior distribution and ompute the marginal data density (MDD). The MDD is then used to measure how well the model is t to the data. Consider the situation in whih there are multiple models on the table. The onventional proedure for model seletion is to ompare MDDs amongst individual models. 1 Sine it is not unommon that the MDD implied by one of the models is overwhelmingly higher than the MDDs implied by others, this proedure often ends up with the seletion of one model at the exlusion of others. One primary example is that a linearized dynami stohasti general equilibrium (DSGE) model suh as Smets and Wouters (2007) an easily trump a standard Bayesian vetor autoregression (BVAR) : November 29, 2010. Merged model, misspeiation, state-dependent weights, model unertainty, parameter unertainty, impulse responses, poliy analysis. JEL lassiation: C52, E2, E4. We thank Frank Diebold, John Geweke, Frank Shorfheide, and Chris Sims for helpful disussions. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not neessarily reet the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta or the Federal Reserve System. 1We impliitly assume that the prior weight is the same for all models. If the prior weight varies aross models, we simply adjust the Bayes fators and alulate the posterior odds ratios. Date Key words and phrases. 1 CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 2 2 model. The impliation is that the BVAR an be simply replaed by the DSGE model for poliy analysis. Despite suh overwhelming evidene presented by the posterior odds ratios in favor of one model, eonomists nonetheless ontinue to use both the DSGE and BVAR models in maroeonomi analysis. The tension between what the onventional proedure onludes and what atually transpires is a mere manifestation of inreasing onerns about model misspeiation by hoosing a partiular model (a partiular likelihood) and ategorially rejeting other models. Poliymakers, as well as aademi researhers, reognize that models are only approximations (Hansen and Sargent, 2001; Brok, Durlauf, and West, 2003; Sims, 2003). Indeed, they seldom rely on one single model even though this model ts better than other models aording to the posterior odds riterion, beause they know that We onfront model misspeiation by proposing a Bayesian approah to merging multiple models. The merged model assigns state-dependent weights to preditive densities (onditional likelihoods) implied by dierent models so that the relative importane of eah model hanges aross time. This new methodology, built on Geweke and Amisano (forthoming), is motived by pratial poliy analysis dealing with situations where there are multiple ompeting models and eah model explains (predits) an observed outome better than other models but only for ertain episodes. An informal way for poliy analysis is to employ a dierent model at a dierent time. Unlike the onventional model-averaging method, our Markov-swithing approah not only assigns a weight of relative importane to eah model but, more importantly, allows researhers to trae out the periods in whih the data give the most weight to a partiular model. We apply our analyti framework to two widely used models: a rihly parameterized DSGE model and a orresponding BVAR model. The MDD for the DSGE model is muh higher than the BVAR model. The onventional Bayesian model-averaging method would imply that the BVAR model should reeive nearly zero weight, a pathology disussed in Sims (2003). Our Bayesian approah overomes this pathology. The merged model does not degenerate into the DSGE model or the BVAR model. To the ontrary, our estimation indiates that the BVAR model dominates the DSGE model 2For sensitivity analysis, we also onsider a ase in Setion VI.4, where the BVAR model trumps the DSGE model. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 3 throughout two thirds of the history. The merged model, assigning nontrivial statedependent weights to both models, ts the data onsiderably better than either the DSGE model or the BVAR model. The rest of the literature has often treated the BVAR model as a benhmark to gauge how misspeied the DSGE model is. Our estimated results hallenge this thinking beause both the BVAR model and the DSGE model may be potentially misspeied. Rather than divoring the data analysis from a partiular model whose t may not be as good, the estimation of our merged model indiates that both DSGE and BVAR models are operative but at dierent times. Our methodology makes it eonometrially implementable to establish the twoway ommuniation between the theoretial DSGE model and the atheoretial BVAR model. We nd that the posterior distributions of a number of key DSGE parameters hange substantially when we inorporate the BVAR model in the merged model spae. The error bands around impulse responses are predominately wider as the data imply more unertainty about the DSGE model when the merged model is estimated. The relative importane of a strutural shok in the DSGE model in explaining maroeonomi utuations is inuened heavily by the presene of the BVAR model. Thus, our approah integrates the two types of unertainty, model unertainty and parameter unertainty, in one oherent framework. II. Literature review Our key assumption in this paper is that the true data generating proess may not be among the models whose foreasts are ombined. This insight appears in Diebold (1991), who argues that the standard Bayesian posterior-odds foreast averaging should be re-thought. Geweke and Amisano (forthoming) propose a method of pooling the models by ombining the preditive densities, whih are onsistent with out-of-sample foreasts. Although Geweke and Amisano (forthoming) do not take a stand on the true data generating proess, the log preditive sore of pooled models tends to dominate the sore of eah individual model in the pool as the sample beomes large. This result is onsistent with the extension of Geweke and Amisano (forthoming)'s idea by Fisher and Waggoner (2010), who assume expliitly that the data generating proess is a mixture of multiple models. Our eonometri methodology builds on these previous works. We show that statedependent weights not only inlude Fisher and Waggoner (2010) as a speial ase but also gives a dierent interpretation about the relative importane of eah model by CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 3 estimating the probability that eah model is hosen at time t. 4 Using the log preditive sore, Geweke and Amisano (forthoming) estimate the weights of models while taking the parameters in eah model as given. Unlike Geweke and Amisano (forthoming), we estimate the weights and the parameters of all the models jointly. One of our key ndings is that the estimated parameters for the merged model are dierent from those when the models are estimated separately. Del Negro and Shorfheide (2004) address potential BVAR misspeiation by introduing the prior implied by a DSGE model into a BVAR model. We extend their idea by allowing for the two-way ommuniation between the two models. Both the DSGE prior and the BVAR prior play an integral part of model estimation. Moreover, the two likelihoods interat with eah other in forming the merged likelihood. Cogley and Sargent (2005) study an eonomy in whih agents, faing model unertainty, ompute the posterior odds ratios over three models and make deisions by Bayesian model averaging. As pointed out by Sims (2003) and Geweke and Amisano (forthoming), one an enounter the pathology that the odds ratios lead to seleting only one model and rejeting all other models. By estimating the state-dependent weights and the parameters of the models jointly, we provide an empirially operational way to implement Sims (2003)'s idea of lling in the gap between DSGE and BVAR 4 models by overoming the diulties inherent in Bayesian model averaging. III. Markov-swithing framework To integrate model unertainty and parameter unertainty in one merged framework, we propose a Bayesian approah to modeling state-dependent weights for a linear ombination of preditive densities produed by dierent models. Our key assumption is that the observed data at time t, p yt | yto, o Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w is generated from the following preditive density = n X i=1 ∗ o wi,t p yt | Yt−1 , Θi , Mi , where ∗ wi,t = h X st =1 o , Θ, Q, w , wi,st p st | Yt−1 3West and Harrison (1997) present a similar idea of allowing the weights of eah model time-varying in dynami foreasting exerises. 4Hansen and Sargent (2001) and Sims (2003) advoate a large model spae. In our framework, this advie orresponds to inreasing the number of individual models in the merged model spae. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION o p yt | Yt−1 , Θi , Mi model i is the preditive density of and the observed data up to time i, parameters for model state, st , and ours at time t wi,st and Pn i=1 follows a Markov proess with the transition matrix qk,j 5 for k, j = 1, . . . , h. onditional on the parameters of o 1, Yt−1 o = y1o, · · · , yt−1 , Θi is the probability weight given to model wi,st ≥ 0 with t− yt 5 wi,st = 1. i is a set of when the The state variable, st , Q, where Prob [st = k | st−1 = j] = Note that Θ = {Θ1 , · · · , Θn }, w = {wi,k } We use the notation Mi in for o p yt | Yt−1 , Θi , Mi data density of model i, denoted by o omplete model, denoted by p (YT p (YTo | Mi ), k = 1, . . . , h, i = 1, . . . , n. beause we will ompare the marginal with the marginal data density of the | M). The log likelihood funtion is thus given by log p (YTo |Θ, Q, w) = T X t=1 T X log t=1 where the parameters Whether model random variable i o log p yt | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w = " n h X X st =1 i=1 Θ, Q, o , Θ, Q, w wi,st p st | Yt−1 and w are to be ! o p yto | Yt−1 , Θi , Mi estimated jointly. will be preferred by the data depends on the state ξt ∈ {1, . . . , n} to index the model hosen at time t. st . # , We use the This random variable obeys the onditional probability: where p (ξt | st ) = wst ,ξt , Pn Pn ξt =1 p (ξt | st ) = 1 beause ξt =1 wst ,ξt = 1. proess itself, the joint proess Proposition 1. (st , ξt ) The joint proess Although ξt is not a Markov- is. (st , ξt ) is a Markov proess with the expanded transi- tion matrix Prob [(st , ξt ) for j, k = 1, . . . , h Proof. and = (k, i) | (st−1 , ξt−1 ) = (j, g)] = qk,j wi,k , g, i = 1, . . . , n. The proof follows from the basi onditional probability theory by noting that p (st , ξt | st−1 , ξt−1 ) = p (st | st−1 , ξt−1 ) p (ξt | st , st−1 , ξt−1 ) = p (st | st−1 ) p (ξt | st ) . 5As shown in Sims, Waggoner, and Zha (2008), qkj an also depend on the observed data Yt−1 o . CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 6 Proposition 1 formulates the way we implement our estimation strategy. Sine the restritions imposed on the expanded transition matrix in Proposition 1 satisfy the onditions speied in Sims, Waggoner, and Zha (2008), one an apply their estimation method diretly to our framework of merging individual models. IV. Identifiation and reinterpretation In this setion we disuss the identiation of state-dependent weights and reinterpret what onstant weights used in the literature mean from the ex ante point of view. IV.1. General identiation issue. identied separately. In general, wi,k and o p st | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w an be h = 2 To see this point, onsider the following ase with and n = 2: For any given ∗ # w1,t w1,1 w1,2 " o ∗ p st = 1 | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w = w2,t . w2,1 w2,2 o p st = 2 | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w ∗ w3,t w3,1 w3,2 ∗ o wi,t and p st | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w , there are three equations wi,k strited weights and it appears that we always have more than one solution. This onlusion is not true, however. Sine both time but wi,k ∗ wi,t and t or o p st | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w an in general identify IV.2. ∗ wi,t and o p st | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w hange over are onstant, we do not have more than one solution and may indeed have no solution at all for some hange but four unre- wi,st . st . This results means that we annot arbitrarily while keeping Strengthening identiation. wi,k the same aross time. Thus, we As the number of models or the number of states inreases, the number of free parameters in the expanded transition matrix inreases at an even faster speed, making it neessary to impose further restritions to avoid overtting and at the same time strengthen the identiation of this goal, we let the state st h = n, wi,st = 1 when st = i, and wj,st = 0 when wi,st . st 6= j To ahieve . Thus, when is realized, only one of the models is operative. Sine one an never be sure of whih state is realized, one an never be sure of whih model is operative, even after observing all the data. One an, however, ompute the smoothed probability of the state, p st | YTo , Θ̂, Q̂, ŵ , where the supersript ˆ denotes the posterior estimate. The probability enables one to gauge how likely a partiular model is seleted. In our appliation, we will report this posterior probability throughout the history. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION IV.3. Reinterpretation. rent state 7 Although we know whih model is operative given the ur- st , there is unertainty about models ex ante (i.e., at time t−1) and foreasts of eonomi variables will in general depend on multiple models through the transition matrix. Thus, for the purpose of poliy foreasts, it is ex ante unertainty that matters. Moreover, this unertainty presents a dierent interpretation of onstant weights used in the literature, as shown in the following proposition. Proposition 2. Proof. If Beause qi,j = qi,k = qi qi,j = qi,k , for i, j, k = 1, . . . , n, it must be true that ∗ wi,t = qi . the probability of swithing to the urrent state same no matter what the state at time t−1 st is the is. This result means that all the past data are irrelevant in inferring about the probability of the urrent state. It follows that From the denition of ∗ wi,t = h X st =1 ∗ wi,t , o p st = i | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w = qi . we have o o wi,st p st | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w = wi,i p st = i | Yt−1 , Θ, Q, w = qi . It is, perhaps, not surprising that onstant weights are a speial ase of our Markovswithing framework. What is new from Proposition 2 is that a onstant weight is about the relative importane of the model only at time will hange one we have the data beyond time t − 1. t−1 and the model's weight Given all the data, moreover, our Markov-swithing framework enables us to reinterpret this history by traing out the periods in whih a partiular model is more relevant than others, even when all the weights are onstant. V. Appliation We apply the framework presented in Setion III to two widely used models: a medium-sale DSGE model and a BVAR model. The DSGE model is based on Liu, Waggoner, and Zha (2010). The large part of the model is the same as Altig, Christiano, Eihenbaum, and Linde (2004) and Smets and Wouters (2007) with the notable exeptions that (1) some real rigidity is introdued, as in Chari, Kehoe, and MGrattan (2000), by assuming the existene of rm-spei fators (suh as land) suh that the sum of ost shares of apital and labor inputs is less or equal to one and (2) a CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 8 shok to the depreiation in physial apital is introdued as a stand-in for eonomi obsolesene of apital (see Appendix B for some details of the model). The DSGE model is t to eight quarterly variables: quarterly growth of real per Data ), quarterly growth of real per apita onsumption (∆ log C Data ), t Data quarterly growth of real per apita investment in apital goods unit (∆ log It ), quarData ), the quarterly GDP-deator ination rate terly growth of the real wage (∆ log wt Data ), quarterly growth of per apita hours (∆ log LData ), the federal funds rate (πt t Data ), and quarterly growth of investment-spei tehnology (∆ log QData ) as (FFR apita GDP (∆ log Yt t t measured by the inverse of the relative prie of investment. A detailed desription of the data is given in Appendix A. The data in the initial four quarters from 1960:I to 1960:IV are used to obtain the initial ondition at 1961:I for the Kalman lter. Thus, the eetive sample used for model evaluation is from 1961:I to 2010:II. The BVAR model has the same eight variables as the DSGE model; and it has four lags from 1960:I to 1960:IV so that the eetive sample is also from 1961:I to 2010:II. To make our BVAR model omparable with the DSGE literature, we follow Smets and Wouters (2007) and use the standard Minnesota-like prior with the hyperparameter values µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = 1.5, the random walk prior, the lagged oeients, onstant term, and µ2 µ3 and µ4 = 1.3 where µ1 ontrols overall tightness of ontrols relative tightness of the random walk prior on ontrols relative tightness of the random walk prior on the µ4 ontrols tightness of the prior that dampens the errati sampling eets on lag oeients (lag deay). 6 The prior for the DSGE model is reported in Tables 1 and 2. Instead of speifying the mean and the standard deviation, we use the 90% probability interval to bak out the hyperparameter values of the prior distribution. The intervals are generally set wide enough to allow for the possibility that the posterior mode is lose to or on the boundary of the parameter spae. It also allows for multiple loal posterior peaks (Del Negro and Shorfheide, 2008). Our approah is neessary to deal with skewed distributions and allows for reasonable hyperparameter values in ertain distributions, suh as the Inverse-Gamma, where the rst two moments may not exist. For many parameters with the Beta prior distribution, suh as the habit parameter and the persistene parameters in shok proesses, we insist on a positive probability density at the value 0 to allow for the possibility of no habit and no persistene at all; we also insist on zero probability density at the value 1 to maintain the assumption that 6In Setion VI.4, we study another standard prior proposed by Sims and Zha (1998). CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 9 the eonomy is on the balaned growth path. Consequently, the two hyperparameter 1.0 values for the Beta prior are set at and 2.0. The prior for the labor share and apital share is the Beta distribution with the α1 + α2 ≤ 1 restrition suh that the prodution tehnology requires rm-spei fators (Chari, Kehoe, and MGrattan, 2000). The bounds for the 90% probability interval are restrition α1 + α2 ≤ 1 , 0.3 and 0.4 and those for however, the joint 90% α2 are 0.5 α1 and values in the 0.7. With the probability region would be somewhat dierent. The prior for the inverse Frish elastiity hoose the 2 η follows the Gamma distribution. We hyper-parameters of the Gamma distribution suh that the lower bound (0.2) and the upper bound (10.0) of prior range for η η orrespond to the 90% probability interval. implies that the Frish elastiity lies between 0.1 and This 5. The lower and upper bounds of prior distributions are speied in Table 1 for the parameters λq , λ∗ , β , σu , S ′′ , δ , ξp , γp , ξw , γw , φπ , φy , and π ∗ . Using these wide bounds, we bak out the two hyperparameter values for the orresponding prior distributions. The Gamma prior for the average net prie markup prior for the average net wage markup this prior to be 1.0, µw − 1. µp −1 is the same as the Gamma By setting the rst hyperparameter of we allow for a positive probability that the net markups may be zero. This generality (a less stringent prior) turns out to be ritial as our posterior estimates of µp − 1 the Gamma prior at (from 0.0094 to µw − 1 and are nearly zero. We set the seond hyperparameter of 5.5 suh that the implied 90% probability bounds are wide enough 0.5446). The prior for the parameter ρgz , apturing the impat of tehnologial improvement on government spending, is the Gamma distribution with the given by 90% probability bounds [0.2, 3.0]. The standard deviation of eah of the tribution with the 90% 8 shoks has the Inverse Gamma prior dis- probability bounds given by [0.0005, 1.0]. These wide bounds are neessary to take aount of the possibility that some shoks may have very small varianes while others may have very large varianes. With these bounds, there exist no moments for the Inverse Gamma prior. One an still, however, bak out the two hyperparameter values as reported in Table 2. The transition from one model to the other has the following matrix form: Q= " # q11 q12 q21 q22 , CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION where P2 i=1 qij = 1 for j = 1, 2. 10 Following Sims, Waggoner, and Zha (2008), we express a prior belief that the average duration for a model to remain dominant is between six and seven quarters. The belief implies that the hyperparameter in the exponent of in the Dirihlet prior density is 5.6667 and the other hyperparameter is 1.0. qii This prior setting allows for the possibility that model i dominates other models all the time (i.e., qii = 1). 90% Table 2 reports the orresponding probability interval. VI. Measuring misspeifiation In this setion we quantify the degree of DSGE model misspeiation by 1) omputing the MDDs for the DSGE and BVAR models against the MDD for the merged model and 2) traing out the posterior probabilities of eah model aross time. We then disuss a variety of eonomi impliations of this misspeiation. Although both BVAR and DSGE models are misspeied, we fous on the DSGE model by omparing the estimated results of the merged model to those of the DSGE model alone. VI.1. Model t. We ompute the MDDs for the merged model, the DSGE model alone, and the BVAR model alone. Table 5 reports log values of these MDDs. For the BVAR model, there is an analytial solution for alulating the MDD so that the reported log value of MDD has negligible numerial errors. For the DSGE model and the merged model, however, numerial errors are nontrivial. We use two dierent Monte Carlo methods to ompute MDDs. One method is the trunated modied harmoni mean (MHM) method proposed by Sims, Waggoner, and Zha (2008); the other method, alled the Müeller method, is developed by Ulrih Müeller at Prineton University. 7 The two methods an give dierent results due to numerial errors and we report the 8 range of estimates of the MDDs in Table 5. The log value of the MDD for the DSGE model is about 50 above log MDD for the BVAR. The onventional Bayesian averaging proedure would give the BVAR essentially zero weight. The merged model, unlike the onventional Bayesian averaging proedure, not just ombines the two distint models but also expands the parameter spae by estimating the parameters of both models and the weights jointly. Conse- quently, both models are operative as disussed in Setion VI.2. The resulting MDD 7See Liu, Waggoner, and Zha (2010) for a detailed desription of the Müeller method. 8To ensure the auray, 20 million posterior draws and 2 million proposal draws are simulated. For the merged model, the simulation takes about 30 days or two full days by availing itself to omputational parallelism on a luster of 15 modern omputers. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION for the merged model is about 100 11 in log value above the MDD for the DSGE model. This magnitude gives a sense of how misspeied both models are. VI.2. Posterior estimates. The prior speied for the DSGE model is looser and more agnosti than most priors in the DSGE literature. The agnosti prior omes also with the prie: sine the likelihood funtion for the merged model is ompliated and full of multiple loal peaks, the resulting posterior density funtion is ompliated as well. The non-Gaussian nature of the posterior density implies that the posterior mean may have a very low (joint) probability and thus annot represent the most likely outome for the model. The posterior mode is, by denition, the most probable point in the parameter spae, regardless of how non-Gaussian and ompliated the shape of the posterior probability density is. Moreover, using a point in the neighborhood of the posterior mode as a starting point for the MCMC algorithm avoids the situation where a long sequene of posterior draws gets stuk in the low probability region due to a poor starting point. To nd the posterior mode, we ombine the hill-limbing quasi-Newton (BroydenFlether-Goldfarb-Shanno BFGS) algorithm with oasional downhill movements generated by MCMC draws. Tables 3 and 4 report the posterior-mode estimates of the DSGE model parameters along with the 90% marginal probability intervals. In these tables we ontrast the estimated results for the merged model to those for the DSGE model alone. There are a few instanes in whih the estimated results from the merged model are similar to those from the DSGE model when estimated alone. The probability interval of β is atually smaller in the merged model than in the DSGE model alone. The estimate of the average prie markup is lose to zero, similar to the estimate in the DSGE model when treated alone. This result implies that the demand urve for dierentiated goods is very at. Thus, a small inrease in the relative prie an lead to large delines in relative output demand. Even if rms an re-optimize their priing deisions frequently, they hoose not to adjust their relative pries too muh. In other words, the small average markup and thus the large demand elastiity beome a soure of strategi omplementarity in rms' priing deisions. The general pattern, as indiated by the 90% probability intervals, is that the merged model exposes more unertainty about the estimated DSGE parameters than what is implied when the DSGE model is treated as the truth and estimated alone. In many ases, suh as the inverse Frish elastiity of labor supply (η ) and the urvature of the apital utilization ost funtion evaluated at the steady state (σu ), the probability distributions have hanged so muh that the posterior estimates are very dierent. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 12 ∗ The ination target (π ) is another example in point. Our prior on this parameter is very loose, overing the range from marginal posterior distribution for 1% π∗ to 8% for the annualized rates (Table 1). The is very wide for both the DSGE model and for the merged model, but the distribution for the merged shifts to the left and gives a substantial probability (more than apital share α1 so that the sum 45%) to the target below 4%.9 The estimate of the has inreased and the estimate of the labor share α1 + α2 α2 has dereased in the merged model is onsiderably smaller than that in the DSGE model, implying that this soure of real rigidity is strong. Perhaps most notable hanges pertain to some persistene parameters. As shown in Table 4, the 90% probability intervals for the parameters ρp , φp , and ρa are muh wider in the merged model than in the DSGE model alone. The posterior distributions for persistene parameters tend to have a long fat tail toward zero, indiating muh more unertainty about the highly persistent shok proesses than the DSGE model would reommend. Remember that a ombined number of parameters from the two models is very large and the shape of the posterior probability density over this high-dimensional parameter spae is extremely non-Gaussiann full of skewness and fat-tails. When we ompute the marginal 90% probability interval of one parameter by the parameters, the η 90% and integrating out all the rest of it is not unommon that some posterior mode estimates fall outside probability intervals as indiated in Tables 3 and 4. Take the two parameters φw as an example. The posterior-mode estimates of these two parameters are outside the orresponding marginal 90% probability intervals. dimensional joint probability density funtion of η and φw . Figure 1 plots the two- It an be seen from the gure that the shape of this distribution has a mass probability density around the boundary dened by η =0 and φw = 0 oupled with fat long tails. Sine this two- dimensional probability density has already been marginalized by integrating out the other hundreds of parameters in the merged model, it gives us only a glimpse of the omplexity of the shape of the high-dimensional joint probability density, whih is beyond visualization. The resultant disagreement between the joint distribution and a marginal distribution also shows up in the estimate and inferene of q11 , whih measures the duration in whih the DSGE model dominates the BVAR model. The posterior-mode estimate of q1,1 is outside the 90% probability interval and the marginal distribution of q11 is learly 9Our sample overs the several high ination periods. The estimated target is muh lower if we use only the sample after 1987. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION skewed to the right. The estimate of q1,1 is 0.309, implying that the duration in whih the DSGE model dominates the BVAR model is about 90% 13 1.5 quarters. As judged by the probability interval, the duration is unlikely to last for more than the other hand, the estimate of q2,2 is 0.72 quarters. On and thus the most likely duration in whih the BVAR model dominates the DSGE model is about last as long as 3 3.5 quarters. The duration an 7 quarters, as determined by the upper bound of the 90% interval (Table 4). VI.3. qi,i , A historial perspetive of the role of a model. The transition probability, measures the average (unonditional) importane of model ested in knowing how important model i i. Often one is inter- is at a partiular time of the history. Figure 2 displays the posterior probabilities of the DSGE model. Clearly, the DSGE model is operative throughout the history, but for the most part, the probability of the DSGE model being near one lasts no more than one quarter at a time, onsistent with the estimate reported in Table 4. Moreover, the estimated DSGE model performs poorly during the reessions, as indiated by the shaded bars in Figure 2. In ontrast, the probability of the BVAR model near one (i.e., the probability of the DSGE model near zero in Figure 2) tends to last for a few quarters at a time. The result that the DSGE model is operative sporadially throughout the history an be partially explained by Figure 3, whih displays the log values of preditive densities of the merged model, the DSGE model, and the BVAR model. Clearly the merged model has higher preditive densities than both the DSGE and BVAR models throughout the entire history. The times when the preditive density of the DSGE model is higher than the BVAR model are irregular and sattered without muh duration. Although the MDD for the DSGE model is muh higher than the MDD for the BVAR model, the data prefers the DSGE model only intermittently throughout the sample. VI.4. Prior sensitivity. speiations. The MDD of a partiular model is very sensitive to prior In partiular, the BVAR model has hundreds of parameters and the MDD varies wildly with dierent priors. The Minnesota-like prior used in Smets and Wouters (2007) ignores ross eets among variables and the orrelation between the onstant term and other oeients. Sims and Zha (1998) introdues additional dummy-observation omponents of the prior that inorporate orrelations in prior beliefs about all oeients (inluding the onstant term) in every equation. Thus, the model is pulled toward a form in whih either all variables are stationary with means CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 14 equal to the sample averages of the initial onditions or there are ointegration relationships. The Sims and Zha (1998) prior has been found to improve out-of-sample foreasts in a variety of ontexts with eonomi time series. Indeed, when we use the exat prior reommended by Sims and Zha (1998), the log MDD of the BVAR is inreased to 5894.6, as ompared to 5685.7 in Table 5. This MDD is about 150 in log value higher than the DSGE ounterpart (Table 5). Given this stark fat, one might onlude that the DSGE model must play no or little role in the merged model spae. This onlusion would be inorret. The resultant merged model has the log value of MDD being in the range from 6039.0 to 6044.4. The MDD of the merged model is muh higher than the MDD of the BVAR, beause the DSGE model ontinues to form an integral part of the model spae in tting the data. The posterior estimate of while the posterior estimate of q2,2 rises to 0.833. q1,1 rises to 0.473, Moreover, the posterior probabilities of the DSGE model throughout the history have a pattern similar to Figure 2. In general, when the prior speiation for an individual model hanges, the MDD an hange drastially. But our extensive experiments indiate that the merged model pooling together the two models is insensitive to hanges in prior speiations, in the sense that it dominates individual models by allowing both models to form an integral part of the data generating proess. VII. Eonomi impliations We are now in a position to disuss eonomi impliations when one takes expliit aount of both model unertainty and parameter unertainty in our merged framework. VII.1. Output utuations. A shok to apital or investment, suh as a apital depreiation shok, plays an important role in output utuations. Table 6 shows that ontributions from the apital depreiation shok aount for lose to utuations in output in the short run (within two years) and about utuations in the longer run (for three to ve years). 40% 50% of of output The DSGE model, if it is treated in isolation, would underestimate the magnitude of the ontributions from the apital depreiation shok in output utuations. The underestimation is at least by 10 perentage points for most foreast horizons, as reported in Table 6. VII.2. Posterior distributions. Figure 4 displays the marginal posterior distribu- tions of four key strutural parameters from the merged model (left hand olumn) CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION and the DSGE model alone (right hand olumn). 15 The posterior distributions from the merged model unover onsiderably more unertainty about the parameters than what is implied by the DSGE model alone. Moreover, the posterior distributions shift, giving more probability to the untrodden regions. • For the ination oeient in the Taylor rule (φπ ), the merged model puts almost zero probability on the value below 1.5 isolation would put mass probability around 90% • , while the DSGE model in 1.5 with a onsiderably tighter probability interval. For the Calvo prie parameter (ξp ), the posterior distribution from the merged model shifts to the right, giving substantial probability to the values between 0.6 and 0.8 as well as between 0.1 and 0.4. • For the Calvo wage parameter (ξw ), the posterior distribution from the merged model shifts to the left, giving onsiderable probability to the values between between 0.1 and 0.6, whereas the posterior distribution from the DSGE model estimated in isolation onentrates around 0.4 with a muh tighter 90% prob- ability interval. • ′′ For the parameter (S ) measuring investment adjustment osts, the posterior distribution from the merged model spreads out to the values beyond 2, indiating that the higher investment adjustment osts (between 2 and 4) is probable. Our estimates show that the estimation of the DSGE model utilizes roughly one third of the data points in the sample. It is unsurprising that the error bands of DSGE parameters are wider for the merged model. What is new in our ndings, however, is that the error bands in the merged model are muh more than 1.73 (a square root of three) times those when the DSGE model is estimated alone with all the data points. Figure 2 provides an insight of our ndings. Sine the DSGE model dominates the BVAR model only for the periods in whih the data have more similarity than the data in other periods, the data that experiene large utuations (as in the reession periods) are exluded in the estimation of DSGE parameters. This exlusion results in onsiderably more unertainty about the estimates than what the number of data points would suggest. VII.3. Dynami responses. Figure 5 shows the impulse responses of output, on- sumption, real wage, and ination to a one-standard-deviation shok to apital depreiation. The left hand olumn shows the responses generated from the estimated merged model and the right hand olumn shows the responses from the DSGE model CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 16 when it is estimated in isolation. Comparing the two olumns side by side, one an see the notable dierenes between the merged model and the DSGE model. • Output responses in the merged model are very persistent, while the orresponding responses in the DSGE model alone return to the steady state after two and a half years. • The magnitude of onsumption and real wage responses in the merged model is onsiderably larger than that in the DSGE model when it is estimated separately. • A shok to apital depreiation is a negative shok to the apital stok and thus the agent's wealth. As a result, onsumption falls due to the wealth eet, but the marginal ost of apital rises due to the deline in the apital stok. When the DSGE model is estimated in isolation, the rise in the marginal ost of apital slightly dominates the fall in the real wage. Thus, the inrease in ination responses is signiant statistially but the magnitude is insigniant eonomially. In the merged model, however, the fall in the real wage over- weighs the rise in the marginal ost of apital so that ination fall. In ontrast to the results generated from the DSGE model alone, ination responses are predominantly negative in the short run (within the two years) before they rise in the longer run (after the third year). Similar to the ndings disussed in previous setions, the error bands of impulse responses in the merged model (left hand olumn in Figure 5) are onsiderably wider than those generated by giving the DSGE model all the weight. These results emphasize the underlying unertainty ignored by disarding the BVAR model in the model spae. VIII. Conlusion When a partiular model is usable for poliy presriptions, eonomists understand that the model is an approximation at best and should be used only with a grain of salt. A positive question is how to quantify the degree to whih the model is misspeied. Using a strutural DSGE model and a redued-form BVAR model as an eonomi laboratory, we demonstrate that a merger of the two models exposes how misspeied both models are. In partiular, we show that even though the MDD for the DSGE model is muh higher than the MDD for the BVAR model, the DSGE model dominates the BVAR model sporadially for only one third of the history. The estimated results CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 17 from the merged model signiantly alter the eonomi impliations derived from the DSGE parameters and their impulse responses. The framework studied in this paper is general enough to be appliable to a variety of eonomi questions beyond the partiular appliation used in this paper. One an, for example, study a strutural BVAR model by identifying eonomi shoks suh as a monetary poliy shok, a redit shok, an oil prie shok, and a tehnology shok. One an then merge this strutural BVAR model with the DSGE model that has the same set of eonomi shoks. The formal ommuniation between these two strutural models, failitated by our framework, allows the researher to reonile the dierenes between impulse responses implied by two isolated models when they are estimated separately. Moreover, the approah explored in this paper allows for more than two models, and the models inluded in the merged framework need not be nested. Appendix A. Detailed data desription All data are onstruted from the original data in the Haver Analytis Database. The onstruted data, the original data identiers, and the data soures are desribed below. GDPH . • YtData = LN16NUSECON (CNUSECON + CSUSECON - CSRUUSECON)∗100/JCXFEUSNA Data • Ct = . LN16NUSECON )∗100/JCXFEUSNA • ItData = (CDUSECON + FNEUSECON . LN16NUSECON /100 • wtData = LXNFCUSECON JCXFEUSNA . JCXFEUSNAt . • πtData = JCXFEUSNA t−1 LXNFHUSECON . = • LData t LN16NUSECON Data = FFEDUSECON . 400 JCXFEUSNA . = • QData t GordonPrieCDplusES • FFRt LN16NUSECON: Civilian noninstitutional population: 16 years and over. Breaks in population are eliminated from 10-year ensuses and post 2000 Amerian Community Surveys using error of losure method. This fairly simple method was used by the Census Bureau to get a smooth population monthly population series. This smooth series redues the unusual inuene of drasti demographi hanges. Soure: BLS. GDPH: Real gross domesti produt (2005 dollars). Soure: BEA. CNUSECON: Nominal personal onsumption expenditures: nondurable goods. Soure: BEA. CSUSECON: Nominal onsumption expenditures: servies. Soure: BEA. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION CSRUUSECON: 18 Nominal personal onsumption expenditures: housing and utilities. Soure: BEA. CDUSECON: Nominal personal onsumption expenditures: durable goods. Soure: BEA. FNEUSECON: Nominal private nonresidential investment: equipment & soft- ware. Soure: BEA. JCXFEUSNA: PCE exluding Food and Energy: Chain Prie Index (2005=100). Soure: BEA. LXNFCUSECON: Nonfarm business setor: ompensation per hour (1992=100). Soure: BLS. LXNFHUSECON: Nonfarm business setor: hours of all persons (1992=100). Soure: BLS. FFEDUSECON: Nnnualized federal funds eetive rate. Soure: FRB. GordonPrieCDplusES: Investment deator. The Tornquist proedure is used to onstrut this deator as a weighted aggregate index from the four qualityadjusted prie indexes: private nonresidential strutures investment, private residential investment, private nonresidential equipment & software investment, and personal onsumption expenditures on durable goods. Eah prie index is a weighted one from a number of individual prie series within this ategories. For eah individual prie series from 1947 to 1983, we use Gordon (1990)'s qualityadjusted prie index. Following Cummins and Violante (2002), we estimate an eonometri model of Gordon's prie series as a funtion of a time trend and a few NIPA indiators (inluding the urrent and lagged values of the orresponding NIPA prie series); the estimated oeients are then used to extrapolate the quality-adjusted prie index for eah individual prie series for the sample from 1984 to 2007. These onstruted prie series are annual. Denton (1971)'s method is used to interpolate these annual series on a quarterly frequeny. The Tornquist proedure is then used to onstrut eah quality-adjusted prie index from the appropriate interpolated quarterly prie series. Appendix B. DSGE equilibrium dynamis We introdue the notation ∆xt = xt − xt−1 . the log deviation of the stationary variable log(Xt /X)). Xt We use the hat variable, x̂t , to denote from its steady state value (i.e., x̂t = The log-linearized equilibrium onditions for our DSGE mode, below, summarize the equilibrium dynamis. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION π̂t − γp π̂t−1 = ŵt − ŵt−1 + q̂kt q̂kt r̂kt = = = 0 = k̂t = ŷt = ŷt = ŵt = R̂t = 19 κp (µ̂pt + m̂ct ) + βEt [π̂t+1 − γp π̂t ], (prie-Phillips urve) 1 + ᾱθp κw π̂t − γw π̂t−1 = (µ̂wt + mrs ˆ t − ŵt ) + 1 + ηθw βEt [ŵt+1 − ŵt + π̂t+1 − γw π̂t ], (wage-Phillips urve) 1 ′′ 2 (∆q̂t + α2 ∆ẑt ) S λI ∆ît + 1 − α1 1 −βEt ∆ît+1 + (∆q̂t+1 + α2 ∆ẑt+1 ) , (investment deision) 1 − α1 1 [α2 ∆ẑt+1 + ∆q̂t+1 ] Et ∆ât+1 + ∆Ûc,t+1 − 1 − α1 i β h (1 − δ)q̂k,t+1 − δ δ̂t+1 + r̃k r̂k,t+1 , (apital deision) + λI σu ût , (apaity utilization) h Et ∆ât+1 + ∆Ûc,t+1 1 [α2 ∆ẑt+1 + α1 ∆q̂t+1 ] + R̂t − π̂t+1 , (bond deision) − 1 − α1 1 1−δ (α2 ∆ẑt + ∆q̂t ) k̂t−1 − λI 1 − α1 δ 1−δ − δ̂t + 1 − ît , (apital law of motion) λI λI (A1) (A2) (A3) (A4) (A5) (A6) (A7) cy ĉt + iy ît + uy ût + gy ĝt , (resoure onstraint) (A8) 1 α1 k̂t−1 + ût − (α2 ∆ẑt + ∆q̂t ) + α2 l̂t , (prodution funtion) (A9) 1 − α1 1 r̂kt + k̂t−1 + ût − (α2 ∆ẑt + ∆q̂t ) − l̂t , (labor & apital demand)(A10) 1 − α1 ρr R̂t−1 + (1 − ρr ) [φπ π̂t + φy ŷt ] + σr εrt , (interest rate rule) (A11) where m̂ct mrs ˆ t Ûct Note that π̂t = 1 [α1 r̂kt + α2 ŵt ] + ᾱŷt , α1 + α2 (A12) (A13) = η l̂t − Ûct , = βb(1 − ρa ) λ∗ ât − [λ∗ ĉt − b(ĉt−1 − ∆λ̂∗t )] λ∗ − βb (λ∗ − b)(λ∗ − βb) βb [λ∗ Et (ĉt+1 + ∆λ̂∗t+1 ) − bĉt ], + (λ∗ − b)(λ∗ − βb) is ination, ŵt (Tobin's q), ît is investment, tehnology shok proess, is real wage, q̂t ât the utilization rate of apital, q̂kt (A14) is the shadow prie of existing apital is the biased tehnology shok proess, ẑt is the neutral is the risk premium (preferene) shok proess, r̂kt is the real rental prie of apital, δ̂t ût is is the apital CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION depreiation shok proess, ŷt is output, ĉt R̂t is onsumption, 20 k̂t lt and ˆ is the nominal rate of interest, is the apital stok, ĝt is hours worked. is government spending, The steady-state variables are given by r̃k = λI − (1 − δ), β (A15) uy ≡ α1 r̃k K̃ = , µp Ỹ λI (A16) iy = [λI − (1 − δ)] cy = 1 − iy − gy . α1 , µp r̃k (A17) (A18) The new parameters introdued in the above equilibrium onditions are 1 2 1−α1 λI = (λq λα , z ) 1 2 α1 1−α1 , λ∗ = (λα z λq ) ∆λ̂∗t = 1 (α1 ∆q̂t + α2 ∆ẑt ), 1 − α1 µp θp = , µp − 1 (1 − βξp )(1 − ξp ) , ξp 1 − α1 − α2 ᾱ = , α1 + α2 µw θw ≡ , µw − 1 κp = κw = Note that gy is the average ratio of government spending to output, ratio of onsumption to output, the average prie markup, µwt investment-spei tehnology, ost share of apital input, depreiation rate, σu (1 − βξw )(1 − ξw ) . ξw b α2 iy is the average µpt is the average ratio of investment to output, is the average wage markup, λz cy λq is the growth rate of is the growth rate of neutral tehnology, is the ost share of labor input, is internal habit, S ′′ δ α1 is the is the average apital represents the investment adjustment osts, represents the urvature of the ost funtion of variable apital utilization, the probability that a rm annot adjust its prie, indexation, and γw ξw is γp ξp is measures the degree of prie is a fration of households who annot reoptimize their wage deisions, measures the degree of wage indexation. In addition to all the equilibrium onditions, we have 7 shok proesses: log µwt = (1 − ρw ) log µw + ρw log µw,t−1 + σw εwt − φw σw εw,t−1 , (prie markup) log µpt = (1 − ρp ) log µp + ρp log µp,t−1 + σp εpt − φp σp εp,t−1 , (wage markup) log zt = (1 − ρz ) log z + ρz log zt−1 + σz εzt , (neutral tehnology) CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 21 log qt = (1 − ρq ) log q + ρq log qt−1 + σq εqt , (embodied tehnology) log At = (1 − ρa ) log A + ρa log At−1 + σa εat , (risk premium) log δt = (1 − ρd ) log δ + ρd log δt−1 + σd εdt , (apital depreiation) log G̃t = (1 − ρg ) log G̃ + ρg log G̃t−1 + σg εgt + ρgz σz εzt , (spending) where ε represents an i.i.d. normal shok and σ represents the orresponding standard deviation. To ompute the equilibrium, we eliminate both leaving 9 9 equations and variables, we have 7 9 variables ût and r̂kt by using (A5) and (A8), π̂t , ŵt , ît , q̂kt , ĉt , k̂t , ŷt , ˆlt , and orresponding observable variables (exept R̂t . q̂kt Out of these and k̂t ) for our estimation. Finally, we have one additional observable variable, the biased tehnology shok q̂t , used in our estimation. In addition to the proesses for the 7 7 9 equilibrium onditions, we have strutural shoks, equations onerning the DSGE equations in total. 7 4 7 equations desribing the AR equations desribing the 2 MA proesses, and expetational terms in the system. Thus, there are 27 CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 22 Table 1. Prior distributions of strutural parameters Prior Parameters Desription Distributions General parameters αprior βprior 5% 95% b Habit Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 α1 Capital share Beta 85.5869 159.4377 0.3 0.4 α2 Labor share Beta 38.4721 25.4535 0.5 0.7 η 1/(Frish Gamma 1.0576 0.3106 0.2 10 100(λq − 1) Biased teh growth Gamma 1.8611 3.0112 0.1 1.5 100(λ∗ − 1) Output growth Gamma 1.8611 3.0112 0.1 1.5 100 (β Disount fator Gamma 1.5832 1.0126 0.2 4.0 −1 − 1) elastiity) Firm parameters σu Utilization ost Gamma 3.7790 2.4791 0.5 3.0 S Adjustment ost Gamma 1.0576 0.6213 0.5 5.0 µp − 1 Prie markup Gamma 1.0 5.5 0.0094 0.5446 µw − 1 Wage markup Gamma 1.0 5.5 0.0094 0.5446 4δ Depreiation Beta 5.4257 41.4890 0.05 0.2 ξp Calvo priing Beta 2.0384 3.0426 0.1 0.75 γp Prie indexation Beta 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.95 ξw Calvo wage Beta 2.0384 3.0426 0.1 0.75 γw Wage indexation Beta 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.95 ρr Interest persistene Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 φπ Ination oef Gamma 2.4373 1.0876 0.5 5.0 Output oef Gamma 1.0 1.0 0.05 3.0 Ination target Gamma 2.9043 0.7690 1.0 8.0 ′′ Poliy parameters φy 400 log π ∗ Note: 5% interval. and 95% demarate the low and high bounds of the 90% probability CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 23 Table 2. Prior distributions of shok parameters Prior Parameters Desription Distributions Persistene parameters αprior βprior 5% 95% ρp Prie markup AR Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 φp Prie markup MA Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 ρw Wage markup AR Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 φw Wage markup MA Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 ρgz Spending on teh Gamma 1.8611 1.5056 0.2 3.0 ρa Preferene Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 ρq Biased teh Beta 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.95 ρz Neutral teh Beta 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.95 ρd Depreiation Beta 1.0 2.0 0.025 0.776 σr Monetary poliy Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σp Prie markup Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σw Wage markup Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σg Gov spending Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σz Neutral teh Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σa Preferene Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σq Biased teh Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 σd Depreiation Inverse Gamma 0.4436 0.0009 0.0005 1.0 q11 DSGE model Dirihlet 5.6667 1.0 0.5905 0.9911 q22 BVAR model Dirihlet 5.6667 1.0 0.5905 0.9911 Standard deviations Transition matrix parameters Note: 5% interval. and 95% demarate the low and high bounds of the 90% probability CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 24 Table 3. Posterior distributions of strutural parameters DSGE model alone Parameters Desription Merged model Mode 5% 95% Mode 5% 95% General parameters b Habit 0.544 0.493 0.624 0.528 0.597 0.954 α1 Capital share 0.177 0.151 0.203 0.250 0.212 0.290 α2 Labor share 0.804 0.747 0.818 0.679 0.614 0.740 η 1/(Frish 0.005 0.003 0.167 0.399 0.578 6.801 100(λq − 1) Biased teh growth 1.507 1.215 1.911 1.438 1.145 1.700 100(λ∗ − 1) Output growth 0.483 0.400 0.569 0.519 0.221 0.576 100 (β Disount fator 0.228 0.081 0.909 0.222 0.113 0.781 −1 − 1) elastiity) Firm parameters σu Utilization ost 2.018 1.404 3.787 0.654 0.672 3.947 S Adjustment ost 0.800 0.608 1.278 0.710 0.495 3.032 µp − 1 Prie markup 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.017 µw − 1 Wage markup 0.003 0.015 0.176 0.109 0.043 0.965 4δ Depreiation 0.145 0.064 0.204 0.111 0.013 0.170 ξp Calvo priing 0.372 0.308 0.760 0.540 0.211 0.839 γp Prie indexation 0.121 0.028 0.408 0.394 0.024 0.721 ξw Calvo wage 0.303 0.269 0.606 0.069 0.096 0.604 γw Wage indexation 0.790 0.088 0.954 0.040 0.081 0.957 ρr Interest persistene 0.618 0.572 0.687 0.477 0.490 0.744 φπ Ination oef 1.480 1.392 1.693 2.008 1.820 3.230 Output oef 0.066 0.052 0.101 0.141 0.099 0.228 Ination target 5.576 3.863 10.109 5.764 1.693 8.583 ′′ Poliy parameters φy 400 log π Note: 5% interval. ∗ and 95% demarate the low and high bounds of the 90% probability CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 25 Table 4. Posterior distributions of shok parameters DSGE model alone Parameters Desription Merged model Mode 5% 95% Mode 5% 95% Persistene parameters ρp Prie markup AR 0.786 0.587 0.878 0.188 0.037 0.972 φp Prie markup MA 0.627 0.276 0.820 0.168 0.060 0.802 ρw Wage markup AR 0.992 0.987 0.997 0.990 0.815 0.988 φw Wage markup MA 0.530 0.305 0.827 0.000 0.040 0.695 ρgz Spending on teh 0.947 0.490 1.348 1.690 0.490 2.138 ρa Preferene 0.988 0.973 0.995 0.988 0.242 0.953 ρq Biased teh 0.994 0.988 0.997 0.989 0.971 0.993 ρz Neutral teh 0.942 0.927 0.961 0.903 0.910 0.989 ρd Depreiation 0.915 0.854 0.975 0.888 0.869 0.990 σr Monetary poliy 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.003 σp Prie markup 1.012 0.593 2.109 1.348 0.014 1.095 σw Wage markup 0.023 0.017 0.065 0.009 0.016 0.404 σg Gov spending 0.029 0.026 0.031 0.023 0.022 0.033 σz Neutral teh 0.008 0.007 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.010 σa Preferene 0.061 0.035 0.137 0.030 0.013 0.075 σq Biased teh 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.007 σd Depreiation 0.096 0.065 0.261 0.098 0.069 1.008 q1,1 DSGE model 0.309 0.415 0.684 q2,2 BVAR model 0.720 0.689 0.861 Standard deviations Transition matrix parameters Note: 5% interval. and 95% demarate the low and high bounds of the 90% probability CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 26 Table 5. Marginal data densities Merged model DSGE BVAR 5848.90 - 5854.03 5735.49 - 5736.39 5685.74 Table 6. Output variane deompositions: ontributions from a apital depreiation shok (%) Quarters 4 8 12 16 20 Merged 48.60 47.89 43.77 40.54 38.58 DSGE alone 39.75 35.91 30.18 27.41 26.25 CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 27 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 15 1 10 0.8 0.6 5 0.4 0.2 η 0 0 φ w Figure 1. The joint posterior probability density of η and φw , after all the other parameters are integrated out through the posterior distribution. Note that and φw η represents the inverse Frish elastiity of labor supply is the moving-average (MA) oeient in the wage markup shok proess. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 28 1 0.9 Smoothed probabilities of the DSGE model 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Figure 2. The posterior probabilities that the DSGE model is seleted by the data. The shaded bars mark the NBER reession dates. 2010 29 Figure 3. Log values of preditive densities from the three models. 1965 −60 1960 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 Log predictive densities 40 DSGE BVAR Merged 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION Merged model DSGE model alone 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 2 3 Inflation coefficient in Taylor rule 4 0 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Price stickness parameter 1 0 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Wage stickness parameter 1 0 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 Investment adjustment costs 30 5 0 1 2 3 Inflation coefficient in Taylor rule 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Price stickness parameter 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Wage stickness parameter 1 0 1 2 3 4 Investment adjustment costs 5 Figure 4. Marginal posterior distributions of some key strutural pa- rameters for the merged model (left olumn) and for the DSGE model when it is estimated in isolation (right olumn). CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION −3 Merged model x 10 31 DSGE model alone Output 0 −5 −10 −3 x 10 Consumption 0 −5 −10 −3 Real wage x 10 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 −12 −14 −3 x 10 1 Inflation 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 4 8 12 Quarters 16 4 8 12 Quarters 16 Figure 5. Impulse responses to a apital depreiation shok for the merged model (left olumn) and for the DSGE model when estimated in isolation (right olumn). The shaded area represents 90% posterior probability bands and the thik line represents the median estimate. CONFRONTING MODEL MISSPECIFICATION 32 Referenes Altig, D., L. J. Christiano, M. Eihenbaum, and J. Linde (2004): Firm- Spei Capital, Nominal Rigidities and the Business Cyle, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper 04-16. Brok, W. A., S. N. Durlauf, and Unertain Eonomi Environment, K. D. West (2003): Poliy Evaluation in Brookings Papers on Eonomi Ativity, 1, 235 301. Chari, V., P. J. Kehoe, and E. R. 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