FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND PRODUCTIVITY: EVIDENCE FROM A MATCHED SAMPLE Mahmut Yasar and Catherine J. Morrison Paul* ABSTRACT This study examines the causal effects of alternative forms of foreign technology transfer on the productivity of Turkish manufacturing plants through exporting, foreign direct investment and importing. We use propensity score matching techniques that limit implicit assumptions about plant homogeneity imbedded in standard estimates of such effects, and that control for selection bias (i.e. the endogeneity of international involvement variables). We find positive impacts of technology transfer through exporting, foreign direct investment, and importing on both total factor and labor productivity of the plants. Foreign direct investment has the greatest productivity impact, followed by exporting and importing, respectively. Our results also support the hypothesis in the literature that internationally involved plants exhibit better performance than domestic plants before matching. Keywords: Foreign Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment; Exports; Imports; Plant Performance; Causality JEL Classifications: F10; F14; D21; L60 * Department of Economics, Emory University, and Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, and Giannini Foundation. Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Omer Gebizlioglu, Emine Kocberber, and Ilhami Mintemur at State Institute of Statistics in Turkey for allowing us access to the data for this study. I. Introduction Productivity deviations across plants, industries, and countries can stem from a variety of factors in addition to differing rates of technical change. In particular, international diffusion of technology, especially across countries at different stages of development, may affect productivity. Such effects are consistent with the premise of the endogenous growth literature that trade enhances growth because international transactions give firms access to new technology. This facilitates learning and contributes to firms’ productivity and thus competitiveness with other global players in world markets. Channels through which technology diffusion may occur include importing intermediate and capital goods that embody new technology, “learning by exporting” products that imitate other countries’ technology, and foreign direct investment (FDI) that increases knowledge flows from foreign R&D and training of domestic employees. Various studies have examined the hypothesis that firms, industries or countries that transfer technology through these mechanisms exhibit greater productivity. For example, Coe and Helpman (1995), Xu and Wang (1999), and Eaton and Kortum (2001) evaluate the impact of importing; Kraay (1997), Castellani (2001), Bigsten et. al. (2002), Wagner (2002), and Girma, Greenaway and Kneller (2003) consider the effect of exporting; and Blomström and Kokko (1998), Aitken and Harrison (1999), and Carr, Markusen, and Maskus (2001) address the influence of FDI or ownership. 1 Firm level studies in this literature typically have examined the productivity effects of either exporting or FDI, or both, and suggest that FDI is the most significant channel. Industry studies have evaluated all three channels, as well as the licensing of technology (Eaton and Kortum, 1996), and tend to find significant individual productivity effects of FDI, exporting, and importing, but not licensing. 1 Most of these studies use standard least squares techniques to estimate technology transfer effects by including a (typically dummy) variable reflecting the existence of foreign linkages (say, importing), in an equation representing the production technology and thus productivity (output production for a given amount of inputs). The (constant) coefficient on the technology transfer variable therefore represents the increase in output producible from a given amount of inputs due to the internalization of foreign technology. However, because the general question targeted in this literature is whether productivity differs for plants that do or do not transfer technology, issues arise about how productivity is measured, and how best to represent the counterfactual of a plant not transferring technology when it is observed to do so. Specifically, estimates of production function parameters capturing the implicit weights on inputs’ productivity contributions may suffer from simultaneity and selection biases. In addition, these methods at least implicitly assume homogeneity of the technology transfer effect across the distribution of explanatory variables, since they impose a linearity restriction on the outcome equation, and assume rather than establish causation. The estimates may therefore confound productivity differences from technology transfer with those arising from other plantspecific characteristics that may have caused it to choose to transfer technology. In this study we measure productivity using a semi-parametric model to generate unbiased estimates. We also directly compare the productivity of plants with similar characteristics that have chosen to transfer or not to transfer technology, using a non-parametric propensity score matching technique that does not impose a linearity restriction and thus allows us more explicitly to represent the counterfactual of a plant not transferring technology to determine causal inference. We apply these methods to examine the impacts of foreign technology transfer channels on Turkish manufacturing plant productivity. 2 Various productivity measures could be used to evaluate technology transfer impacts. One such measure is labor productivity, which can simply be computed as output per unit of labor input. However, a more representative measure of resource use is total factor productivity, which reflects output production per unit of aggregate inputs. Adding up the inputs used for production requires weighting the contributions of each input, typically using output share measures from estimation of a production function relationship. Such estimation may, however, be subject to simultaneity and selection bias due to unmeasured plant-level heterogeneity, the correlation of inputs with the realization of unobserved productivity shocks, and a relationship between profitability and capital stock that affects the choice of a plant to exit the market. We thus use the three-step semi-parametric method developed by Olley and Pakes (1996) to generate unbiased productivity estimates. In turn, propensity score matching methods collapse a vector of plant characteristics to a single “score” representing the plant’s propensity to transfer technology (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983), based on a probit regression relating plants’ decisions and characteristics. The method used ensures that plants matched to compare productivity effects have the same distribution of characteristics independently of their choice to transfer technology (they satisfy the “balancing hypothesis”), so the choice is statistically random and the estimates unbiased with respect to self selection. It also compares only observations with propensity scores within the intersection of scores achieved for both plants that transfer and do not transfer technology (they are restricted to the “common support”). Based on these scores, we alternatively match plants using “nearest neighbor” and “kernel” techniques that impose different weighting schemes. The nearest neighbor technique attaches a weight of one to the non-transferring plant with the closest propensity score to the 3 transferring plant (with replacement so the non-transferring plant can be used as a match more than once). This matches each plant that does transfer technology with the one plant with the closest propensity score, but may result in some poor matches. The kernel matching technique instead matches each transferring plant with a weighted average of all non-transferring plants, where close matches have a large and poor matches a small weight. Such matching techniques have been applied extensively in labor economics to examine “treatment effects” in the presence of selection bias, which occurs when the individual characteristics of program participants differ from non-participants (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983, Rosenbaum, 1984, Heckman, 1997, Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd, 1997, 1998, Heckman et al., 1998, Heckman, Lalonde and Smith, 2000, and Angrist, 2003). In the terminology of this literature, computation of the effect of “treatment” (in our case technology transfer) requires comparing the observed performance (productivity) of a “program participant” (plant that transferred foreign technology) with the performance that would have resulted had that participant not been treated (had the plant not transferred any technology). This study contributes to the foreign technology transfer literature by using these methods to provide empirical evidence of productivity effects caused by technology transfer for manufacturing plants in a low to middle-income economy (Turkey) that might be expected to benefit from the diffusion or transfer of technology. 2 More specifically, using this methodology we can ask the following questions more directly than is possible using more standard techniques: (i) does the higher productivity of plants that transfer foreign technology through these channels result from this activity or from certain plant characteristics regardless of technology transfer?; (ii) what performance might we expect from plants that do not transfer any foreign technology, based on their given characteristics, if they did transfer foreign technology 4 through these channels?; and, (iii) does transferring foreign technology improve the productivity of plants? We address these questions using two different productivity measures (labor and total factor productivity) and two matching methods (nearest neighbor and kernel), for the three primary foreign technology transfer channels raised in the literature – imports, exports, and FDI. We find that plants’ export market participation, foreign ownership, and imports of machines, equipment and materials, imply higher total factor and labor productivity. This confirms the positive relationships often found in the literature, while establishing causal inference by explicitly formulating the counterfactual as the productivity level the plant would have had without any foreign technology transfer through these channels. II. The Literature Coe and Helpman (1995) was an early study in the literature on the productivity impacts of foreign technology transfer, with a focus on trade spillovers through importing. Technology transfer through this channel would be expected to affect a country’s productivity if importing materials and capital from countries with high levels of accumulated technological knowledge transfers this technology through R&D embodied in the inputs, and learning associated with their use. In their analysis of OECD countries and Israel, Coe and Helpman (1995) find that both domestic and foreign (through imports) R&D stocks augment total factor productivity, with foreign technology dominating in the smaller, and domestic in the larger (G7), countries. Similarly, Xu and Wang (1999) find significant machinery stock import spillovers on productivity and growth for these countries, and Eaton and Kortum (1996) find that most of this growth stems from technology imported from the U.S., Germany, and Japan. In addition to these macro studies, Keller (2002a,b) finds significant imported technology productivity impacts among the G7 countries using industry level data. The few studies that use 5 firm level data to evaluate this relationship generate somewhat conflicting results. Kraay, Isoalaga, and Tybout (2001) find no evidence of productivity effects from importing, using firm level data from Colombia, Mexico and Morocco, and Keller and Yeaple (2003) find weak evidence of such effects for U.S. manufacturing firms. By contrast, a number of studies have examined the relationship between exports and productivity using firm- or plant-level data, including Bernard and Jensen (1995, 1999) for the United States; Aw, Chung, and Roberts (2000) for Taiwan and Korea; Clerides, Leach, and Tybout (1998) for Colombia, Mexico, and Morocco; Kraay (1999) for China; Bernard and Wagner (1997, 2001) and Wagner (2002) for Germany; and Girma, Greenaway and Kneller (2003, 2004) for the U.K. 3 The idea underlying this literature is that exporting enhances firm productivity via a “learning-by-exporting effect.” That is, such firms learn about and adopt international best practice production methods, receive feedback from international clients and competitors that may improve product offerings, and benefit from other knowledge spillovers. Although this argument is intuitively plausible, there is little empirical evidence supporting it; only Kraay (1999), Castellani (2001), Bigsten et al. (2002), and Van Biesebroeck (2003) find a significant export effect. Most empirical studies, such as Bernard and Jensen (1999), Clerides, Lach, and Tybout (1998), Aw, Chung, and Roberts (2000) and Delgado, Fariñas, and Ruano (2002), find that the dominant causation is in the opposite direction; more productive firms self-select into export markets. This self-selection theory suggests that exporting plants are more productive than non-exporting plants not because of technology transfer benefits from export activity, but because they are more productive from the outset. The bulk of the literature on the relationship between FDI and productivity is based on industry level data. For example, Caves (1974), Globerman (1979), and Blomström (1986) use 6 data on Canadian and Australian, Canadian, and Mexican manufacturing industries, respectively, to show that industries with higher foreign shares are more productive. Some studies have, however, used firm or plant level data to examine such relationships, such as Blomström and Wolff (1989) for Mexico, Haddad and Harrison (1994) for Morocco, Doms and Jensen (1998) and Helpman, Melitz and Yeaple (2004) for the U.S., and Aitken and Harrison (1999) for Venezuela and Indonesia. Productivity effects through this technology transfer channel are expected to stem from flows of knowledge associated with cumulative foreign R&D efforts, and of skilled employees and management techniques. Studies in this literature tend to find higher productivity levels but not growth rates for firms with more foreign ownership, suggesting productivity convergence between domestic and foreign-owned firms (Blomström and Wolff, 1989), especially for smaller firms (Aitken and Harrison, 1999). 4 A problem with this literature, however, as well as most studies on import and some on export technology transfer effects, is that existing studies typically examine the association between FDI and productivity rather than causation (Aitken and Harrison, 1999). This may overstate the estimated productivity effects, as is suggested by the literature on exporting. In this study, therefore, we wish not only to address the relationships between plant-level productivity and all three channels of foreign technology transfer, but also to establish the causality underlying this relationship, which we accomplish using propensity score methods. III. The Empirical Approach Treatment Effects Let IMPit ∈ {0,1} be an indicator variable of whether plant i imported any machines, equipment and material at time t, and let τ iI1 denote the value of the plant’s productivity (τ) for plants that purchased foreign technology (I1 denotes IMP=1) and τ iI0 the same plant’s productivity level 7 had it not imported any technology (I0 denotes IMP=0). The productivity effect of importing for plant i (the treatment effect) can then be defined as τ iI1 - τ iI0 . The fundamental problem of causal inference for this effect is that τ iI0 is unobservable, because one firm cannot be an importer and a non-importer at the same time (Holland, 1986). We then define the effect of importing – the average effect of treatment (imports) on the treated (importing plants), ATT – as in Holland (1986) and Heckman, Ichimura and Todd (1997): ATT = E [τ iI1 - τ iI0 | IMPi = 1] = E [τ iI1 | IMPi = 1] - E [τ iI0 | IMPi = 1] . (1) Causal inference relies on the representation of the counterfactual (the last term in equation 1), which is the productivity level the plant would have had if it did not import. This counterfactual is often estimated using the productivity level of plants that did not import, E [τ iI0 | IMPi = 0]. 5 However, this does not permit direct causal inferences because variations in firm characteristics likely affect observed differences in the productivity of importers and non-importers. That is, if there is a deviation in productivity between importers and non-importers we cannot infer that importing technology was its cause, because plants that imported could have already been more productive prior to importing due to other unmeasured factors. This implies selection bias; firms that transfer technology likely differ in some observable manner from those that do not. Therefore, to improve causal inferences, the goal is to obtain a good estimate for the unobserved component – the average outcome in the untreated state. This requires setting up an experiment that essentially “randomizes” the treatment (technology transfer) of plants, such that the “selection” of treated plants is uncorrelated with either observable or unobservable characteristics, and comparisons across the units are unbiased, as elaborated below. Similarly to the case of importing technology, the average productivity or treatment effects on plants of foreign direct investment or exporting can be defined as: 8 ATT = E [τ iF1 - τ iF0 | FDI i = 1] = E [τ iF1 | FDI i = 1]- E [τ iF0 | FDI i = 1] (2) ATT = E [τ iE1 - τ iE0 | EXPi = 1] = E [τ iE1 | EXPi = 1]- E [τ iE0 | EXPi = 1] (3) where FDI it ∈ {0,1} and EXPit ∈ {0,1} are indicator variables for foreign plants and exporters, respectively, τ iF1 and τ iE1 are the productivity levels of foreign and exporting plants, and τ iF0 and τ iE0 are the productivities of domestic and non-exporting plants. The estimated counterfactuals in this case would thus be E [τ iF0 | FDI i = 0] and E [τ iE0 | EXPi = 0] , and causation of productivity deviations through these technology transfer channels can be inferred by matching foreign or exporting plants with domestic or non-exporting plants. In addition to addressing questions about the average treatment effects on the treated, ATT, we can calculate the average treatment effects for the whole population of treated (say, importing) plants as ATE = E[τ iI1 - τ iI0 ] , and for the controls (non-treated plants) as ATU = E[τ iI1 - τ iI0 | IMPi = 0] . That is, ATE measures allow us to examine whether transferring foreign technology has a positive impact on the overall or average productivity of plants – the average outcome differences between the treated (importing) and control plants. ATU is by contrast the potential impact of transferring technology on the plants that did not transfer any technology but had the “propensity” to do so, or the average difference between the potential productivity of the plants who did not import any technology if they had imported technology ( τ iI1 ), and the actual productivity outcome that they attained ( τ iI0 ). In sum, our primary measures of interest are the average productivity or treatment effects of technology transfer – the mean effects of importing or exporting, or being a foreign firm, as compared to not importing or exporting, or being a domestic firm, for the plants that transferred 9 technology through these channels. The sample analogs of the ATT, ATE, and ATU measures representing these effects are computed as: 6 ATT = 1 1 1 N D1 D0 D1 D0 ( ); (τ i − τ i ); and ATU = τ − τ ATE = ∑ ∑ i i N i =1 N0 N1 i|Di =1 ∑(y i|Di = 0 1 i − y i0 ), where D stands for IMP, FDI or EXP, and N1 = ∑iD i and N 0 = ∑i(1 − D i ) are the numbers of treated (IMP=1, FDI=1, EXP=1) and control (IMP=0, FDI=0, EXP=0) units. Computing such effects requires matching “treated” plants – plants that transferred foreign technology through importing, exporting, or FDI – with untreated plants that have very similar characteristics. That is, constructing the counterfactual involves selecting the appropriate comparison group of non-participants, such that exposure to the treatment is random. Hence, if there is a difference in productivity it can be attributed to firms’ technology transfer rather than other characteristics, and if there is no difference it is reasonable to infer that plants that transferred foreign technology would have been more productive even if they did not do so. When experimental data is used this problem is handled by randomly assigning individuals into a treatment group that participates in the program and a control group that does not. This randomization ensures a complete balancing of all relevant observable and unobservable characteristics across the treatment and control group; potential outcomes are independent of treatment status (independence). If the treated and controls are identical except for participation in the program, the difference in the outcome variable can be considered solely attributable to the program (Lalonde, 1986). However, with non-experimental data for which there is no randomized control group, the goal is to find a control group that is as similar to the treated as possible, by using matching estimators to approximate the counterfactual outcome (Blundell and Costa Dias, 2000). The use 10 of matching to construct a valid control group is based on the identifying assumption that, conditional on all relevant observable covariates Z, the potential outcomes are independent of treatment (conditional independence) – so treatment status is random. 7 Propensity Scores and Matching Methods Since matching plants on the basis of n characteristics may be infeasible particularly if n is large, methods have been proposed to summarize such characteristics into a scalar variable or “propensity score.” 8 The propensity score is defined by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) as the conditional probability of receiving treatment (transferring technology) given pre-treatment (no technology transfer) characteristics: pi(Zi) ≡ Pr{Di = 1/Zi} = E(Di/Zi} , (4) where Di = {0,1} is the indicator of “exposure to treatment” (transfer of technology here), IMPi, FDIi, or EXPi, and Zi is the vector of the ith plant’s characteristics on which the match is made. For our purposes, the propensity score pi(Zi) is computed from a probit regression of a binary variable indicating whether or not a plant transferred technology in time t through a specific channel on relevant plant characteristics in time t-1. The plant characteristics we use as explanatory variables (Z) for the plant’s decision to transfer technology include lagged values of the logarithms of wages (ln W), logarithms of capital intensity (ln KI), logarithms of the number of workers (ln LP), the share of imported machines and equipment in total investment (IMPS), the share of foreign ownership (FDIS), labor shares of administrative (AWS) and technical (TWS) workers, the export share (production of total output that is directed to foreign markets, EXS), the subcontracted input share (input share of subcontracts to the supplier plants, SCI), and the subcontracted output share (share of output subcontracted by other plants, SCO). We also include year, and industry and regional dummy variables. 11 Linking (4) with (1), (2), or (3) (deriving ATT, ATE or ATU from pi(Zi)) requires that plants satisfy the balancing property formalized in Becker and Ichino (2002), where the matching of plants is “balanced” if observations with the same propensity score have the same distribution of observable (and unobservable) characteristics independently of treatment status. This implies that the decision to transfer is random; treated and “control” units are observationally identical on average. The choice of probability model to estimate the propensity score E(D/Zi) = F(h(Zi)), where F(·) is the cumulative distribution and h(Zi) a function of covariates with linear and higher order terms, is based on the need to satisfy this property. That is, the choice of linear and higher order terms for estimation must verify the balancing property that plants with the same propensity score have the same distribution of the observed covariates. 9 The quality of the matches used to estimate ATT, ATE, and ATU is also improved by restricting matching to plants that fall in the “common support,” defined as the observations whose “propensity score belongs to the intersection of the supports of the propensity score of treated and controls” (Becker and Ichino, 2002). For our application some plants that transfer technology have no comparable plants, so estimation of technology transfer effects in the absence of common support results in coefficients that reflect the effects of both treatment and pre-treatment variables. We eliminate this bias by dropping treated plant observations with propensity scores higher than the maximum or less than the minimum of the controls. Even after verifying the balancing property, however, and including only the treated plants that fall in the common support, it is unlikely to find plants that transfer and do not transfer technology with exactly the same propensity score. To overcome this difficulty, we alternatively use nearest neighbor and kernel matching techniques to match the plants. 12 With the nearest neighbor matching technique, for each importing (treated) plant one non-importing (non-treated) plant with the closest propensity score is selected. That is, this methods assigns a weight of one for the nearest comparison unit in terms of the propensity score, and zero to all other observations. We implement this technique with replacement since a treated plant can be a best match for more than one non-treated plant. The problem with this matching technique is that some matches may be poor; for some treated plants the nearest neighbor (matched control) may have a very different propensity score. However, this plant and its match will still contribute equally to the estimation of the treatment effect with other plants that have a much closer match, potentially biasing the overall results. 10 With kernel matching, by contrast, plants that transfer technology (say, importers) are matched with a weighted average of all non-importers with weights that are inversely proportional to the distance between the propensity scores of importers (treated) and nonimporters (controls). Formally, the weighting function is a (Gaussian) kernel density. A large weight is thus given to close matches and a small one to poor matches. The main advantage of using matching techniques rather than parametric estimation of productivity as a function of treatment (technology transfer) is that they do not rely on functional form or distributional assumptions in the estimation of the causal effects. 11 Furthermore, matching recognizes the problem of common support – that for some treated there are no comparable plants – and thus that the technology transfer effect estimated in the absence of common support results in coefficient estimates that include both the effect of treatment and the pre-treatment variables. Matching methods, that impose conditional independence through the balancing property and common support, reduces these potential biases. 13 Productivity Measures Estimating productivity differences between matched plants that do and do not transfer foreign technology also requires unbiased measures of productivity. Labor productivity (LP) is typically defined as output (Y) per unit of labor input (L), Y/L, or in log-form as ln LP = ln Y – ln L. This measure can be computed directly from data on Y and L. Total factor productivity (TFP) is similarly defined as output per unit of aggregate input (X), Y/X, or ln TFP = ln Y-ln X. However, production function estimates required to sum the inputs into an aggregate input X based on output elasticities or “shares” may suffer from simultaneity and self selection problems. That is, ln TFP is often computed by approximating ln X from estimation of a production function such as ln Y = Σj βj ln xj (for J inputs xj). Computing the productivity residual ln TFP thus involves weighting the inputs xj by the estimated output elasticities βj, which may be biased due to simultaneity and self selection. For our purposes, ln TFP was therefore estimated using a semiparametric approach that controls for such biases (Olley and Pakes, 1996). This approach assumes that plants decide at the beginning of each period whether to continue to participate in the market. If the plant exits, it receives a liquidation value of Φ. If it does not, it chooses variable inputs and realizes profits, conditional on the beginning of the period state variables – a productivity indicator or shock, Ωit , and the capital stock, K it . We further assume that expected productivity is a function of current productivity and capital, E[ Ωi,t +1 | Ωit , K it ] and that the firm’s profit is a function of Ωit and K it . Plant i’s decision to maximize the expected discounted value of net future profits can then be represented by the Bellman equation: Vit ( K it ,Ωit ) = Max{Φ, SupΠ it ( K it ,Ωit ) − C ( I it ) + ρ E[Vit +1 ( K it +1 ,Ωit +1 ) / J it ]} , 14 (5) where Πit (⋅) is the profit function (current profits as a function of the state variables), C (⋅) is the cost of current investment, ρ is the discount factor, and E[⋅ /J it ] is the plant’s expectations operator conditional on information ( J it ) at time t. A plant thus exits the market if its liquidation value (Φ ) exceeds its expected discounted returns. The solution to this equation generates a Markov Perfect Equilibrium strategy defining rules for exit and investment choices. Specifically, the plant will decide to stay in the market (χ t = 1) or exit the market ( χ t = 0) if its productivity is greater or less than some threshold, respectively, subject to its current capital stock K it . This exit rule is formalized as: ⎧⎪1 if Ωit ≥ Ω it ( K it ) − χt = ⎨ , ⎪⎩0 Otherwise (6) where the state variable Ωit is assumed to follow a first-order Markov process. The plant’s decision to invest in additional capital, I it , also depends on K it , and Ωit : I it = I ( Ωit , K it ). (7) This investment decision equation implies that future productivity is increasing in the current productivity shock, so plants that experience a large positive productivity shock in period t will invest more in period t+1. Based on these exit and investment decision rules, we can specify a production function to estimate total factor productivity in an unbiased manner. We assume that the production technology is represented by a production function that relates output to inputs and the productivity residual or shock: Yit = F( Lit , M it , E it , K it , Ω it ), (8) 15 which can be approximated for estimation by: y it = β 0 + β l l it + β 2 mit + β 3 eit + β 4 k it + u it u it = Ω it + ηit , (9) (10) where y is the log-output of plant i at time t; l, m, e and k are the log-values of labor, material, energy and capital inputs; Ωit is the productivity shock (that is observed by the plant but not the econometrician); and ηit is the measurement error (an unexpected productivity shock that is unobserved by both the decision-maker and the econometrician). Thus, ηit has no effect on the plant’s decisions, but Ωit is a state variable in the plant’s decision-making process. Given the assumptions of the model, standard econometric models provide biased and inconsistent estimates of equation (9) for three reasons: simultaneity between output and variable inputs; unobserved heterogeneity in productivity; and selection bias resulting from the exit of inefficient plants. In particular, the assumption that Ωit is seen by the plant but not the econometrician implies that inputs are correlated with the realization of the productivity shock (Marschak and Andrews, 1944). Plants’ higher input use resulting from a positive productivity shock Ωit is not accounted for in the model, so OLS estimates of equation (9) will be biased upward from this simultaneity. In addition, if profitability is positively related to K it , so a plant with a higher capital stock expects larger future profitability at current productivity levels, it will survive lower productivity realizations that cause small plants to exit the market. This selection effect will cause expected future productivity to be negatively related to K it , and thus the capital coefficient to be biased downward. Both of these impacts imply unobserved heterogeneity in plant-level productivity shocks. 16 Unlike standard estimation methods such as OLS, the Olley and Pakes (1996) semiparametric method accounts for these issues. Applying this method first involves using the investment decision function (7) to accommodate correlation between the error term and the inputs, or simultaneity. This is based on the assumption that future productivity is increasing with respect to Ωit , so plants that observe a positive productivity shock in period t will invest more in that period, for any K it . This implies the inverse function for the unobserved shock Ωit : Ωit = I it−1 ( I it , K it ) = g t ( I it , K it ), (11) which is strictly increasing in I it . This function can therefore be used to control for the simultaneity problem. Substituting equations (9) and (10) into (11) yields, y it = β l l it + β m mit + β e eit + φ(i it , k it ) + η it , (12) where φ(i it , k it ) = β 0 + β k k it + g t (i it , k it ) is a fourth order polynomial series estimator in investment and capital. The partially linear equation (12) can then be estimated by the OlleyPakes semi-parametric regression method, in which estimates of production function coefficients for variable inputs are consistent because φ controls for unobserved productivity, so the error term is not correlated with the inputs. Since productivity is also serially correlated, however, this does not help us to obtain a consistent coefficient for the capital input, and, thus, to distinguish between the effects of capital levels on investment and output decisions. Accomplishing his requires a second step to estimate survival probabilities, to control for selection bias from the exit rule effect. This involves applying the exit equation (6), which implies that a plant will choose to stay in the market if its 17 productivity is greater than some threshold, Ω, subject to K it . Assuming Ωit is a random walk, ξit = Ωit − Ωit-1 , and substituting into (12), we obtain: y it − β l l it − β m mit − β e eit = β k k it + φ t −1 - β k k it -1 + ξ it + η it , (13) where φˆ t −1 results from (9), and φˆ t −1 − β k k it −1 is an estimate of Ω it −1 . The probability of survival in period t thus depends on Ω it −1 and Ω it−1 , and thus in turn on capital and investment at time t − 1. The probability of staying in the market for each plant is thus calculated by a probit model, based on a polynomial series in lagged (by one period) investment and capital stock: y it − βˆ l l it − βˆ m m it − βˆ e e it = β k k it + g (φˆ t −1 − β k k it −1 , P̂it ) + ξ it + η it , (14) where P̂it is the survival probability, and the unknown function g(·) is approximated by a fourthorder polynomial in φˆ t −1 − β k k it −1 and P̂it . Finally, based on the estimated coefficients from (14), an unbiased estimate of total factor productivity for the ith plant at time t, required to estimate the productivity effects of technology transfer by comparing productivity growth for matched plants, is computed as: ln TFPit = yit - βˆ llit − βˆ m mit − βˆ e eit − βˆ k kit . (15) IV. The Data For estimation of this model, we use unbalanced panel data on plants with more than 25 employees for the Turkish apparel industry (ISIC 3222), textile industry (ISIC 3212) and Motor Vehicle and Parts industry (ISIC 3843) from 1990-1996. Our sample represents a large fraction of the relevant population. Textiles (manufacture of textile goods except wearing apparel, ISIC 3212) and apparel (manufacture of wearing apparel except fur and leather, ISIC 3222) are sub- 18 sectors of the textile, wearing apparel and leather industry (ISIC 32), which accounts for 35 and 20 percent of total Turkish manufacturing employment and output, respectively, nearly 23 percent of wages, and approximately 48 percent of manufactured exports. The motor vehicles and parts industry (ISIC 3843) accounts for 5 and 10 percent of total manufacturing employment and output, nearly 6.6 percent of wages, and approximately 5.2 percent of manufactured exports. The data were collected by the Turkish State Institute of Statistics, from the Annual Surveys of Manufacturing Industries, and is classified according to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Rev.2). These plant-level data include information on the levels of output (Y); capital (K), labor hours (L), energy (E), and material inputs (M), which are used for the computation of the productivity variable. They also document for each year whether the plant falls in the export status category (EXP) and the value of exports; whether the plant imported any machinery, equipment and materials (IMP) and the value of those assets; whether the plant has any foreign ownership (FDI); the foreign share of any imported machine and equipment in total investment (IMPS); the share of foreign ownership (FDIS); labor shares of administrative (AWS) and technical (TWS) workers; capital intensity (KI); export share (EXS); subcontracted input share (SCI); and subcontracted output share (SCO), which are used as variables in the probit regression defining the propensity score. Summary statistics of the data are reported in Table 1. V. The Results Our objective is to estimate the average treatment or productivity effects of foreign technology transfer, ATT, ATE, ATU, for our data on Turkish manufacturing plants. In particular, we wish to examine whether the performance of the treated plants is caused by foreign technology transfer through these channels, or by employment and technological characteristics of plants regardless of such transfers, to determine whether technology transfer is an effective way to improve plant 19 productivity. We estimate these measures alternatively for the three primary foreign technology transfer channels identified in the literature (IMP, EXP, FDI), two productivity definitions (τ=ln LP, and τ=ln TFP), and two matching methods (nearest neighbor, NN, and kernel). 12 Although it is difficult to directly test conditional independence, one way to assess whether the matching approach balances the observable covariates between the group of treated and non-treated plants is to evaluate the distribution of covariates after matching. Table 2 presents summary statistics for average levels of the (lagged) variables used in the probit regressions on which the matching is based, for the matched and unmatched samples of importers and non-importers, and the NN matching method. These results show that the matching procedure was effective because there are no significant differences found between the groups for the matched sample. For instance, the difference in the means between importers and non-importers in terms of the logarithm of capital intensity is 0.024 after matching (the mean logarithm of capital intensity is 2.054 and 2.030 for the importers and non-importer after matching, respectively). This difference is 0.975 (2.0531.078) for the unmatched sample. Also, the statistically significant difference in means between importers and non-importers before matching (t=20.574) becomes insignificant after matching (t=0.286). Tables 3 and 4 similarly report the summary statistics of the matched and unmatched plants comparing foreign and domestic plants, and exporting and non-exporting plants, which exhibit similarly tight matches. 13 Furthermore, the average propensity score difference between the treated and control groups, as illustrated in Tables 2-4, is very small (.001 for exporting and importing and .008 for FDI). It is evident from these statistics that the balancing property of the propensity scores is ensured by the common support restriction. 20 The average treatment effects are presented in Table 5, for both the NN and kernel matching methods. Recall that ATT is the average treatment effect on treated plants (the impact that foreign technology transfer through the various channels has on plants that carried out such transfers, compared to their performance in the absence of such transfers), ATE is the effect of transferring foreign technology on a random plant, and ATU is the average treatment effect on the non-treated plants (the performance impact that foreign technology transfer would have had on the plants that were not treated). The results from the third column of Table 5 show that the average total factor productivity (TFP) effect of importing machinery, equipment and material for plants that transferred technology through this channel, relative to their productivity had they not been importers (ATT), is positive and statistically significant; the estimated average effect for treated plants was about 7.2 and 5.5 percent, for NN and kernel matching, respectively. The effect for randomly chosen plants (ATE) is a TFP increase of 8.9 or 8.7 percent, for NN or kernel matching. Plants that did not transfer technology through importing (ATU) similarly might have experienced an estimated 9.4 or 9.8 percent increase in TFP had they done so. For labor productivity the estimated effect was much greater as well as statistically significant; the estimated average effect for treated plants was about 15 percent, for randomly chosen plants 25-29 percent, and for non-treated plants 29-33 percent, for NN and kernel matching, respectively, with all estimates statistically significant at the 1 percent significance level. Overall, the results indicate a positive average TFP and LP effect of transferring foreign technology through importing. Further, the fifth and sixth column of Table 5 shows that the productivity of foreign owned plants is statistically greater than the matched domestic firms. The estimated average 21 treatment effect of foreign ownership for treated plants (ATT) is an increase in TFP of about 2120 percent for the NN and kernel matching methods, respectively, which are statistically significant at the 1 percent level for both NN and kernel matching. The ATE and ATU estimates for randomly selected plants and those without FDI are similar in magnitude and significance, with slightly greater effect for the kernel estimates. For example, plants that had no foreign share would have obtained a 22 or 29 percent higher TFP had they had some foreign ownership, based on the NN or kernel estimates. The labor productivity estimates are again much larger in magnitude than those for TFP, with ATT estimates of 31 percent for the NN and 25 percent for the kernel methods, and even greater estimated effects for random and non-treated plants. The estimates overall are smaller in magnitude but similar in significance for the kernel estimations. The last two columns of Table 5 indicate that participating in the export market also has a significant effect on plant productivity, although the estimated impacts are smaller than for foreign ownership, and more comparable for the different matching methods. The average effect of exporting for plants that do export is an increase in TFP of about 12 percent, and for randomly chosen plants is 11-12 percent. The estimated potential increase in TFP for plants that did not export is similar in magnitude and significance, at 11-12 percent. All the measures are again much larger, and statistically significant at the 1 percent level, for labor productivity – suggesting increases of about 19-29 percent for exporters. These matching method estimates confirm the suggestion of the foreign technology transfer literature based on micro data that the primary channels through which technology transfer has an impact are the FDI and “learning by exporting” channels – and that the former is more significant. They also provide evidence that imports of machinery, equipment and material have a significant productivity impact, although it is smaller. The results are also broadly 22 consistent with the Yasar and Paul (2004) study of technology transfer effects, using more standard production function estimation, that found greater total factor productivity impacts from FDI and exporting than importing, but still a statistically positive import impact. 14 Note also that although our analysis considers each type of foreign technology transfer separately, there could be interactions among these effects; e.g., plants that export may also import. This would violate the conditional independence assumption if, conditional on the observables, other treatments predict a particular treatment. As can be seen from Tables 1 and 6, however, the association between exports, imports, and FDI are small. Also, including each treatment or its predicted probability as regression variables for calculating the propensity score for other treatments did not change our findings. By contrast, the foreign technology transfer or treatment variables are highly correlated with the licensing dummy variable, which is also significant in regressions of treatment variables on licensing and other observables, so licensing was not included as a treatment variable. 15 Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that when we include the lagged total factor productivity in the probit regression to match the firms the technology transfer effects are smaller than those presented above. Plants’ export participation as well as foreign ownership still imply higher total factor and labor productivity, but importing machines, equipment and materials causes higher productivity (both total factor and labor). For total factor productivity the ATE and ATU are both positive and significant, although, ATT insignificantly positive. VI. Concluding Remarks Recent studies based on firm- or plant-level data have found that internationally engaged firms are more productive than domestic ones in the same industry, even after controlling for firm or plant size and some other observed firm or plant characteristics. What is not yet established in 23 the literature, however, is whether there are benefits associated with international activities. More specifically, there is not enough evidence showing whether international involvement causes a higher technical or labor productivity of firms or plants. In this paper we attempted to shed some light on the causal effect of exporting, importing, and FDI on the productivity of plants in three Turkish manufacturing industries (textiles, apparel, and motor vehicles), using propensity score matching techniques, which allows us to control for heterogeneity and selection bias in examining the relationship between international involvement and productivity. Our results show that plants that export, import, or have a foreign share have noticeable higher productivity even after matching the plants based on some primary firm characteristics. This indicates that plants that are internationally involved are not only more productive than their domestically oriented counterparts, but also that engagement in international activities causes higher productivity. 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Descriptive statistics for relevant variables (Constant Value Quantities at 1987 Prices, in ‘000 Turkish Lira) Continuous Variables Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Output (Y) Capital (K) Labor (L) Energy (E) Material (M) 5,404.46 2,140.56 239.86 114.49 4022.93 34,398.31 18044.47 593.61 673.62 24,275.81 3.65 0.16 7.20 0.06 0.103 1,212,264.00 720,277.80 18141.64 22,178.53 793,684.50 Dummy Variables and Shares Mean (Percentage of plants for dummy variables) Log Capital Intensity (lnKI) Import Dummy (IMP) FDI Dummy (FDI) Export Dummy (EXP) IMP*FDI IMP*EXP FDI*EXP Import Share (IMPS) FDI Share (FDIS) Export Share (EXS) Licensing Dummy (LIC) Subcontracted Input (SCI) Subcontracted Output (SCO) Administrative Share (AWS) Technical Share (TWS) Advertisement Expenditure Share (ADV) Textile Industry Apparel Industry Motor Vehicles and Parts Industry Small Medium Large Agean Region Black Sea Region Central Anatolian Region Eastern and South-East Anatolian Region Marmara Region Mediterranean Region Observations 128 23.19 4.44 57.41 2.65 18.98 3.52 20.33 2.43 22.48 4.72 11.33 14.32 15.98 2.90 0.80 9.77 68.72 21.51 50.02 21.55 28.43 20.10 1.11 5.72 1.11 69.48 2.51 7025 29 Table 2. Comparison of Importers and Non-Importers: Matched vs. Unmatched Matched Sample (lagged values) Import Log Employment Log Real Wages Log Capital Intensity LIC SCI SCO AWS TWS ADV FDIS EXS 4.904 5.479 2.054 0.131 0.108 0.074 0.186 0.058 0.007 0.066 0.333 Average Propensity Score Difference between Treated and Control Observations Unmatched Sample T-test for the Mean Non-Imp. Differences 4.948 5.539 2.030 0.141 0.108 0.064 0.188 0.055 0.007 0.042 0.344 -0.664 -0.657 0.286 -0.589 0.002 0.650 -0.260 0.511 0.101 2.302 -0.398 Import T-test for the Mean Non-Imp. Differences 4.835 5.479 2.053 0.128 0.108 0.073 0.186 0.059 0.007 0.064 0.332 3.897 4.094 1.078 0.020 0.117 0.161 0.152 0.063 0.007 0.013 0.208 1341 4038 0.001 1310 763 30 35.575 33.565 20.574 16.688 -1.688 -9.039 8.555 -1.107 0.037 12.474 10.201 Table 3. Comparison of Foreigners and Domestic Plants: Matched vs. Unmatched Matched Sample (lagged values) Foreign Domestic Log Employment Log Real Wages Log Capital Intensity LIC SCI SCO AWS TWS ADV IMPS EXS 5.565 6.584 2.297 0.408 0.099 0.135 0.209 0.057 0.037 0.266 0.254 5.403 6.373 2.456 0.453 0.071 0.141 0.223 0.068 0.013 0.314 0.263 Average Propensity Score Difference between Treated and Control Observations Unmatched Sample T-test for the Mean Differences 0.934 0.822 -0.800 -0.647 1.213 -0.124 -0.654 -1.493 1.028 -0.978 -0.164 Foreign Domestic 5.461 6.584 2.297 0.408 0.099 0.135 0.209 0.062 0.037 0.266 0.254 4.059 4.333 1.274 0.029 0.115 0.139 0.158 0.057 0.006 0.063 0.238 245 5134 0.008 245 175 31 T-test for the Mean Differences 24.432 25.478 10.130 29.594 -1.549 -0.194 6.283 0.742 5.310 14.631 0.632 Table 4. Comparison of Exporters and Non-Exporters: Matched vs. Unmatched Matched Sample (lagged values) Log Employment Log Real Wages Log Capital Intensity LIC SCI SCO AWS TWS ADV IMPS FDIS Average Propensity Score Difference between Treated and Control Observations Unmatched Sample T-test for the Mean Exporters Non-Exp. Differences 4.487 4.827 1.526 0.069 0.125 0.073 0.174 0.055 0.008 0.093 0.036 4.448 4.765 1.556 0.042 0.124 0.066 0.186 0.055 0.010 0.079 0.024 0.819 0.911 -0.379 3.295 0.104 0.455 -1.737 0.033 -0.737 1.388 1.634 T-test for Exporters Non-Exp. the Mean Differences 4.426 4.828 1.530 0.068 0.125 0.073 0.174 0.070 0.008 0.091 0.033 3.705 3.868 1.011 0.015 0.099 0.236 0.140 0.056 0.007 0.044 0.013 3216 2161 0.001 3139 1028 32 31.160 25.431 12.104 9.089 5.397 -19.616 9.988 4.719 0.323 7.840 5.279 Table 5. Average Effect of Importing, Foreign Direct Investment and Exporting on the Productivity of Plants Average Effect of Average Effect of Average Effect of Importing Machines Being a Foreign Participating in the and Material Owned Plant Export Market ATT Nearest Neighbor ATE ATU ATT ATE Kernel ATU Ln TFP Ln LP Ln TFP Ln LP Ln TFP Ln LP 0.072 (0.027)* 0.089 (0.032)* 0.094 (0.038)* 0.150 (0.052)* 0.253 (0.052)* 0.287 (0.064)* 0.213 (0.059)* 0.215 (0.081)* 0.216 (0.078)* 0.314 (0.115)* 0.335 (0.118)* 0.336 (0.130)* 0.116 (0.025)* 0.112 (0.022)* 0.106 (0.033)* 0.188 (0.056)* 0.226 (0.045)* 0.283 (0.056)* 0.055 (0.017)* 0.087 (0.026)* 0.098 (0.031)* 0.154 (0.028)* 0.289 (0.039)* 0.334 (0.051)* 0.201 (0.040)* 0.287 (0.060)* 0.291 (0.063)* 0.249 (0.066)* 0.324 (0.076)* 0.329 (0.081)* 0.119 (0.020)* 0.119 (0.017)* 0.118 (0.022)* 0.285 (0.037)* 0.302 (0.034)* 0.328 (0.034)* Notes: (1) *Significant at the 1 percent level. **Significant at the 5 percent level. ***Significant at the 10 percent level. (2) The standard errors are bootstrapped using 500 replications. Table 6. Correlation Coefficients for Export, Import, Foreign Ownership and Licensing Import Export Foreign Ownership Licensing Import Export 1.000 0.272 0.188 0.241 1.000 0.098 0.123 33 Foreign Ownership 1.000 0.379 Licensing 1.000 Endnotes 1 See Keller (2000) and Saggi (2002) for more discussion of international technology diffusion. 2 Wagner (2002) and Girma, Greenaway, and Kneller (2003) similarly used a “nearest neighbor” technique to examine the relationship between export status and productivity. Wagner (2002) examined the direction of causation between productivity and exports by looking at the performance of firms entering the export market, and Girma, Greenaway, and Kneller (2003) determined causation through the performance of firms exiting the export market. 3 See Wagner (2005) for a survey of papers on exporting and productivity. 4 See Navaretti and Venables for the literature review of foreign direct investment. 5 See Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983). 6 See Abadie, Drukker, Herr and Imbens (2002). 7 Note that most papers in this literature use non-experimental data to examine the average treatment effect using propensity score matching, although no dataset will include information on all factors which might differ across observations (plants in our case). See Dehejia and Wahba (2002) and Smith and Todd (2003) on a discussion of whether propensity score matching generally replicates experimental results well or not. 8 See Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983; Meyer, 1995; Sianesi, 2001; Girma, Greenaway, and Kneller, 2003 9 We perform the matching using the psmatch2 STATA procedure developed by Leuven and Sianesi (2003). The STATA program used for estimation of the model tests the balancing hypothesis using an iterative process to ensure that the estimated model is consistent with this requirement. 10 See Becker and Ichino (2002). 11 See Sianesi (2002) 12 Since non-experimental estimators can be sensitive to the specification adopted (LaLonde, 1986, and Smith, 2000), we considered the robustness of our estimators by trying alternative arguments of the functions. For example, we ran alternative probit models to estimate propensity scores without including the lagged levels of total factor productivity. We also estimated our models with and without the foreign investment, export, and imported investment shares. We found that the significance of our treatment effects were not sensitive to these changes in the specification, which further supports our matching methods. 34 13 We also estimated the impacts of licensing technology, and found, as in most of the literature, that the total factor productivity effect of licensing is insignificant, although an impact on labor productivity was apparent. 14 Note also that Yasar and Paul (2004) found a significant impact of licensing on overall productivity, which was larger than that for imports but smaller than that for FDI and exports, whereas when the matching method was used to evaluate the impacts of licensing on TFP it was found to be insignificant. 15 To test the robustness of our results we also defined 7 groups: EXP, FDI, IMP, EXPFDI, EXPIMP, FDIIMP and NEITHER and carried out a multinomial probit to match the plants. These seven treatments are mutually exclusive, and thus the conditional independence assumption is not violated. We find even higher treatment effects with the multi-treatment analysis. However, we view the results presented in the paper as more reliable since the number of firms that are engaged in two international activities at the same time is very small. 35