Measuring Monetary Policy Efficiency in European Union Countries: The Pre-EMU Years Stefan Krause∗ October 2004 Abstract This paper proposes a method for measuring the contribution of improved monetary policy to the changes in macroeconomic performance identified with inflation and output stability. Our technique involves estimating actual and optimal policy rules as a function of the aggregate supply and demand shocks, with the purpose of examining how much of the change in performance can be accounted for by changes in the volatility of the aggregate shocks and how much can be ascribed to improvements in policy efficiency We study the change from the 1980s to the 1990s in macroeconomic performance for 14 European Union countries. Our findings suggest that improved monetary policy has played an important stabilization role in almost all European Union countries, while a diminished exposure to aggregate shocks has largely contributed towards improved performance in at least seven countries JEL classification: E52, E58 ∗ Department of Economics, Emory University. I would like to thank Fabio Canova, Stephen G. Cecchetti, Michael Ehrmann, Paul Evans, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Nelson Mark, James Peck and Frank Smets for their very useful suggestions, and the seminar participants at The Ohio State University, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Emory University and Virginia Tech for their comments. A substantial part of the research was undertaken while I was participating at the Graduate Research Programme at the European Central Bank. For comments please contact me at or 404-727-2944. 1 Introduction Over the past years, macroeconomic performance has improved markedly in industrialized and developing countries alike. Both the level and variability of inflation were lower in the latter half of the 1990s than they were in the preceding ten years. Looking at a broad crosssection of 63 countries, median inflation dropped from 7.04% in 1985:I-1994:IV to 2.97% in 1995:I-1999:IV. The decrease in average inflation has been even sharper, falling from 83.19% to 8.59%. Inflation rose in only 10 of the 63 countries examined, and in most of those the increase was small - only in Ghana, Indonesia and Turkey did average inflation rise by more than 2 percentage points. Still, better macroeconomic performance usually means more than just lower inflation: it also involves more stable inflation and real growth. Improved macroeconomic outcomes can arise as the result of several factors. One possibility is that the world has become a more stable place. If there are no shocks hitting an economy, it will surely be more stable. Alternatively, monetary policy makers may have become more skillful at implementing policies to meet their stabilization objectives. The objective of this paper is to develop a method for measuring the contribution of improved monetary policy to the observed changes in macroeconomic performance. Specifically, we look at the changes in the variability of inflation and output for the 14 countries of the European Union (excluding Luxemburg, which did not have an independent monetary policy during the analyzed period), and compare the 1980s and the 1990s.1 We estimate a simple macroeconomic model of inflation and output for each country specifying the dynamics of inflation and output as a function of the interest rate — our measure of central bank policy — as well as additional exogenous variables. Using the estimated model, we are able identify the monetary policy rules as a function of the aggregate shocks and the parameters of the economy, for two sample periods, 1983 to 1990 and 1991 to 1998. This enables us to compute the change in macroeconomic performance for each country using a weighted sum 1 See next section for details. 1 of inflation and output volatility, and examine how much of that change can be accounted for by changes in the volatility of the aggregate shocks and how much can be ascribed to improvements in policy efficiency. Throughout the paper we assume that monetary policy is the main tool used for stabilization purposes. Even though we only consider changes in the proficiency of monetary policy makers and the variability of aggregate shocks as sources of changes in macroeconomic performance, there are clearly other factors that may have an effect in macroeconomic stability. For instance, changes in central bank independence, transparency and credibility can affect the ability of policy makers to perform effectively.2 Furthermore, developments in the information about the current state of the economy and reduced uncertainty regarding the nature and effect of disturbances allow for improvements in the reaction of policy makers to the economic conditions.3 Finally, fiscal, trade and labor market policies may have an impact both on the structure of the economy and on monetary policy effectiveness.4 While our techniques are not refined enough to distinguish among all of these possible causes of the changes that we analyze, we consider them a necessary first step. The remainder of the paper is divided into the following sections. In Section 2 we take a preliminary look at the data on macroeconomic outcomes for the 14 countries of interest, which allows us to establish whether there is a common behavior or trend of inflation and output growth variability in European Union countries. Section 3 introduces the proposed 2 Empirical studies by Grilli, Masciandaro and Tabellini (1991), Cukierman, Webb and Neyapti (1992) and Alesina and Summers (1993) find evidence of a negative correlation of central bank independence with lower and more stable inflation, within industrialized countries. Chortareas, Stasavage and Sterne (2002) examine the association between the cross-country differences in macroeconomic outcomes and the degree of transparency exhibited by monetary policy. Their results suggest that a high degree of transparency in economic forecasts is associated with a lower inflation in all countries, except for those that directly target the exchange rate. Finally, using cross-sectional data on a broad range of countries, Cecchetti and Krause (2002) find supporting evidence to the theoretical argument proposed by Faust and Svensson (2001) and others that more credible central banks deliver superior macroeconomic performance. 3 See Rudebusch (2001) and the references therein. 4 For instance, a lower level of inventories held by firms may reduce the effects of supply disturbances to the economy (Kahn, McConnell and Pérez-Quirós, 2002). In this paper we are only interested in the effect that the actual shocks have in the economy and therefore such technology improvements would be shown as a reduction in the variability of aggregate supply shocks. 2 method to analyze the changes in macroeconomic performance and determine the role of monetary policy in the stabilization of inflation and output. The main tool used to compare policy efficiency between the two periods of interest is to contrast the actual policy followed by central banks with an optimal policy rule, which results from an optimization program. The novelty of this approach consists of deriving and estimating the rules as policy responses to aggregate shocks, instead of macroeconomic variables. Section 4 presents and discusses the main results. Our findings suggest that improved monetary policy has played an important stabilization role in almost all European Union countries. At the same time, most countries also experienced reduced demand and supply shock variability, making a substantial contribution towards improved performance in at least seven countries. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2 Empirical Facts Our first step is to take a first look at the data on macroeconomic performance over a period of 16 years for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. To this end, Figure 1 shows inflation and output variability for two periods, 1983 to 1990 and 1991 to 1998. Inflation variability is measured as the squared deviation from a target level of 2%, while output variability is the squared deviation from a log-linear trend. We perform a more detailed discussion of these target choices in Section 4. We choose 1983 as the starting year as a result of data availability for the interest rate, while the choice of 1998 as the final year of the sample is due to the fact that this is the last year before the European Monetary Union comes into effect, discontinuing independent interest rate policy in 11 countries. From the figure we can observe that, for the average country, the second period has been characterized by lower inflation variability and higher output variability, as compared to the previous one. Hence, we cannot conclude from casual observation that there has been an 3 unambiguous improvement in macroeconomic performance for most countries. Accounting for performance changes requires us then to look at each country individually and also examine how the preferences of the central bank towards inflation and output stabilization have changed between one period and the next. It is also worth noting that, while during the first period we observe a weak positive relationship between output and inflation variability, the second period is characterized by the presence of a trade-off between inflation and output variability. If in the 1990s monetary policies did indeed come closer to the optimal in general, as we argue in this paper, this latter result would be consistent with the notion, first discussed in Taylor (1979), that there is an efficiency frontier along which policy makers can operate. The information for each individual country is presented in Figure 2. We can see that, in Denmark, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK, both output and inflation variability fell, implying an unambiguous improvement in performance. For all countries except for Germany, inflation variability fell between the first and the second period; we further note that the eight countries that experienced higher output variability also exhibited a decrease in inflation variability. This aspect can be linked to the increasing importance now placed by central banks on explicit or implicit inflation targeting, as documented by Fry, Julius, Mahadeva, Roger and Sterne (2000), among others. As a result, we expect to observe changes in the relative preferences towards inflation and output stability between both periods of interest. In the next section we show how we obtain the measures of macroeconomic performance, using the information in Figure 2, and describe the method that enables us to account for the sources of performance changes. The procedure requires us first to identify the monetary authority’s reaction to economic conditions and its relative preferences towards inflation and output variability, and so we begin with this discussion below. 4 3 Method for Measuring Macro Performance and Policy Efficiency As described in the previous section, we are interested in deriving a method to determine the sources of the observed increase in macroeconomic performance and changes in policy efficiency. For this purpose we assume that the monetary authority follows a linear policy rule which can be expressed as a function of aggregate demand and aggregate supply shocks. First, we construct a theoretical framework to derive the optimal and actual policy rules as a function of the structural parameters of the economy and the aggregate disturbances; this information also allows us to identify the relative preferences towards minimizing inflation and output variability. We then introduce the measures of macroeconomic performance and monetary policy efficiency, and finally, we focus on the procedure for estimating the relevant parameters of the economy and the aggregate supply and demand shocks - for two different periods - in order estimate the suggested measures. 3.1 The Role of Policy in Stabilization We assume that the primary concern of monetary policy is to achieve stabilization of the economy through the reduction in the variability of inflation and output growth over the medium term. In doing this we abstract from other policy goals, such as stabilizing exchange rates and interest rates, for we consider that these serve rather as intermediate goals towards achieving domestic macroeconomic performance, measured by price and output stability. We summarize the central bank’s objective through a standard quadratic loss function used in most contemporary analyses of central bank policy: L = Et [λ(π t − π Tt )2 + (1 − λ)(yt − ytT )2 ] ; 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 , 5 (1) where Et is the expectation operator at time t; π is inflation; y is (log) aggregate output; π T and y T are the target levels of inflation and output; and λ is the relative weight given to squared deviations of inflation and output from their desired levels.5 Minimization of this loss requires knowledge of the determinants of deviations of inflation and output from their respective targets. We assume that two random shocks push y and π away from y T and π T . First, an aggregate demand shock (d) moves inflation and output in the same direction, while an aggregate supply shock (s) moves inflation and output in opposite directions. Since policy is only capable of moving inflation and output in the same direction its effect is analogous to that of an aggregate demand shock. We define aggregate demand (AD) as the negative relationship between (y − y T ) and (π − π T ) that is shifted by the demand shock and the deviations of the policy instrument from its equilibrium value (e r):6 y − y T = −ω(π − π T ) − φ(e r − d) ; ω > 0 , φ > 0 , (2) where ω is the inverse of the slope of the aggregate demand function and −φ is the real interest rate semi-elasticity.7 Analogously, aggregate supply (AS) is the positive relationship between inflation deviations and output deviations that is shifted by the supply shock: π − π T = γ(y − y T ) − s ; γ > 0 , (3) where γ is the slope of the aggregate supply function. The aggregate disturbances d and s have been normalized to yield the simple representation of the AD-AS model. Combining (2) and (3) we obtain expressions for (y − y T ) and (π − π T ) as a function of 5 λ can be also interpreted as the policy maker’s aversion to inflation variability (see Cecchetti and Ehrmann, 2001). 6 The equilibrium value of the interest rate is defined as the value needed such that output would equal its potential (or target) level. 7 Romer (2000) provides a good description on how to derive an analogous version of this model. See also Krause (2003) for a theoretical derivation using a rational expectations optimization process in the presence of imperfect information. 6 the structural parameters, the aggregate shocks and the policy instrument: y − yT = −φ(e r − d) + ωs , (1 + ωγ) (4) π − πT = −φγ(e r − d) − s . (1 + ωγ) (5) Minimizing the quadratic loss function, subject to the constraint imposed by the structure of the economy, yields a simple linear policy rule of the form: re = ad + bs , (6) where, the optimal values for the coefficients a and b (whose derivation is presented in Appendix 1) are given by: a∗ = 1 , b∗ = (7) −λγ + (1 − λ)ω . φ[λγ 2 + (1 − λ)] (8) Thus, an optimal policy rule has two parts: first the authorities completely neutralize the effect of demand shocks, and second they accommodate supply shocks depending on the structural parameters (ω, γ, φ) and their preferences (λ).8 The optimal policy rule gives us a benchmark criterion for evaluating policy efficiency; the closer the actual policy rule is to the optimal one in a given country, the higher the degree of policy efficiency. Hence, we are interested in deriving the coefficients a and b of the actual policy rule. While, the actual estimate of the parameter a will give us an idea of how efficient is policy in neutralizing the effect of demand shocks, the estimate for b provides us with useful information to derive estimates for the preference parameter λ, as we explain 8 This formulation of the policy rule as a function of the demand and supply shocks differs from the one proposed in the Taylor (1993)-type rules, where the policy instrument is a function of the observable variables in the economy. In the following Section 3.3 we will establish how to estimate the shocks, in order to make the rule operational. 7 below. The estimation procedure is as follows: Starting from the reduced form representation of the economy, given by equations (4) and (5), we substitute the linear policy rule of equation (6). By construction, we can define the aggregate supply and demand shocks in such a way that they will be uncorrelated (σ d,s = 0). Hence, the observed variances of output and inflation around their target levels can be given by the following expressions: V ar(y) ≡ E(yt − ytT )2 = (1 + ωγ)−2 [φ2 (a − 1)2 σ 2d + (ω − φb)2 σ 2s ] , V ar(π) ≡ E(π t − π Tt )2 = (1 + ωγ)−2 [γ 2 φ2 (a − 1)2 σ 2d + (1 + γφb)2 σ 2s ] . (9) (10) Combining equations (9) and (10) we can solve for the parameter b of the actual policy rule: b= (1 + ωγ)(σ 2π − γ 2 σ 2y ) − (1 − ωγ)σ 2s . 2γφσ 2s (11) Given the estimate for b and equation (9) we obtain the squared deviation of a from its optimal value, i.e.: (a − 1)2 = (1 + ωγ)2 σ 2y − (ω − φb)2 σ 2s φ2 σ 2d , (12) while the coefficient of aversion to inflation variability can be derived by combining equations (8) and (11): λ= (ω − φb) . (ω − φb) + γ(1 + γφb) (13) The policy maker’s preferences will depend on the reaction of policy to supply shocks; if the monetary authority only cares about reducing inflation variability (λ = 1), it will completely offset the effect of supply shocks on inflation (since it implies that 1 + γφb = 0), and conversely, for the case in which the only goal is output stability (λ = 0), the effects of supply shocks on output growth will be neutralized (ω − φb = 0). The exercise of obtaining the preferences through the use of the knowledge of the structure of the economy and the policy rule is consistent with the discussion provided by Favero and Rovelli (2000); namely 8 that, given a policy environment, it is possible to reverse engineer the preferences of the policy maker. We note that there are several studies that estimate central bank preferences; to name a few, Cecchetti and Ehrmann (2001) and Cecchetti, McConnell and Pérez-Quirós (2002) measure λ for countries in the European Union, while Dennis (2001), Rudebusch (2001), Favero and Rovelli (2003), and Castelnuovo and Surico (2004) do it for the case of the United States. The main advantage of our procedure, as we show above, is that we do not need to assume optimal policy behavior in order to estimate these preference parameters. The policy rule parameters and the coefficient of aversion to inflation variability can be used in the derivation of the measures of macroeconomic performance and policy efficiency. We turn to this issue next. 3.2 Proposed Measures for Performance and Efficiency Changes9 In this subsection we define the theoretical measures of changes in performance and changes in policy efficiency that we shall use in our empirical computations. To compute macroeconomic performance, we make use of the loss function in equation (1) in order to construct a single measure of increased stability. The performance measure will then be the weighted sum of the observed variances of inflation and output, given for each period i (= 1, 2) by: Pi = λi V ar(π i ) + (1 − λi )V ar(yi ) , (14) where the weights λ and 1−λ are derived using equation (13). The change in macroeconomic performance is just the change in the measure from one period to the next, ∆P = P1 − P2 . If ∆P is positive we interpret this as a performance gain.10 9 In this subsection we follow, to some extent, the discussion provided by Cecchetti, Flores-Lagunes and Krause (2004). 10 Note that in computing ∆P we allow for changes in the preferences as well as changes in the variances. In Section 4, however, we look at the estimates of the measures by considering both the changes in preferences and by assuming that these preferences remain unchanged from one period to the next. 9 We evaluate monetary policy efficiency by looking at how close the actual performance is to the performance achievable under optimal policy. Since optimal policy implies that the effect of demand shocks on the economy is completely neutralized we are interested in the following term µi = (ai − 1)2 σ 2d ; i = 1, 2 . (15) A smaller value for µi will be associated with a more successful monetary policy. Let us define V ar(yi |si = 0) and V ar(π i |si = 0) as the variability of output and inflation conditional on no supply shocks in period i. Using equations (9) and (10) and the definition of µi above we can define these variances as: V ar(yi |si = 0) = (1 + ωγ)−2 φ2 µi , (16) V ar(π i |si = 0) = (1 + ωγ)−2 γ 2 φ2 µi . (17) As a result, a measure for policy inefficiency that is comparable in units to the performance measure in equation (14) is: Ii = λi V ar(πi |si = 0) + (1 − λi )V ar(yi |si = 0) , Ii = (1 + ωγ)−2 (1 − λi + λi γ 2 )φ2 µi . (18) Since Ii will be smaller the closer actual outcomes are to the optimal, i.e., the closer the actual policy rule is to the optimal one, our measure of the change in policy efficiency follows immediately as the difference ∆I = I1 − I2 . We interpret positive values of ∆I as increases in the efficiency of monetary policy. When ∆I is negative, it suggests that policy making has deteriorated as the variances of inflation and output have moved further away from their optimal values. Finally, we calculate the proportion that can be accounted for by improved policy using 10 the following ratio: Q= ∆I . |∆P | (19) Given that the absolute value of the performance gain is in the denominator, a positive value of Q implies improved policy efficiency, whereas a negative Q implies that policy has become less efficient. If we observe a macro performance gain at the same time as policy has become more efficient and the variance of the aggregate shocks has become smaller, Q will be between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted as the relative contribution of a more efficient policy towards the achievement of a macro performance gain. Implementing the procedure we have just described requires us to follow several steps. First we must construct and estimate a dynamic model of inflation and output for both periods of interest. The dynamic model is used to identify the structural parameters, the aggregate supply and demand disturbances and their respective variances, which allow us to derive the monetary policy rule and the optimal variances. These, in turn, will enable us to compute ∆P , ∆I and Q. 3.3 Estimating the Structural Parameters and Aggregate Shocks There are several methods available to estimate aggregate supply and demand disturbances. One approach is to treat demand shocks as those that have transitory effects on output, and identify supply shocks as those having permanent effects on both output and prices (Blanchard and Quah, 1989). An alternative method consists in using orthogonal crosscorrelation functions of inflation and output (Uhlig, 1999, and Canova and DeNicoló, 2000). In this paper, we choose to identify the disturbances directly through their effect on output and inflation, with the use of the structural estimates. 11 Let us consider again the stylized model in equations (2) and (3): π t − φ(e rt − dt ) , yet = −ωe yt − st , π et = γe (2’) (3’) e = π − π T for notational simplicity. As such, where we have defined ye = y − y T and π estimating the system only allows us to identify the parameter γ. Hence, in order to achieve the identification of ω and φ we assume that the aggregate supply shock can be decomposed into a domestic and a foreign component, namely: st = ht − ψft , (20) where h represents the domestic (home) component of the shock, while f represents the foreign disturbance. The underlying assumption is that f affects domestic prices directly, while its impact on output arises indirectly through its effect on inflation. To be consistent with this description, we will use external price inflation as a proxy for f in the estimation, as we detail below. The stylized model in equations (2’)-(3’) can be reformulated to take into account the dynamic behavior of the economy, a feature present in the data. To accomplish this, we assume that the demand disturbance and the domestic component of the supply disturbance have persistent effects on the economy and model dt and ht as AR(2) processes; i.e.:11 dt = kd,t + ϕ1 dt−1 + ϕ2 dt−2 ; Et (kd,t ) = 0 , (21) ht = kh,t + χ1 ht−1 + χ2 ht−2 ; Et (kh,t ) = 0 . (22) 11 The assumption about the autoregressive structure of the shocks is only crucial in terms of determining the order of the Vector Autoregression in equations (29) and (30). Specifically, for the current specification of the AD-AS model, an AR(n) process for the disturbances will result in the estimation of a n-order VAR. 12 Using equations (2’), (3’) and (20) we can represent the aggregate shocks as: πt yet + ωe + ret , φ = st − ψfet = γe yt − π et − ψft . dt = (23) ht (24) Substituting (23) into the right-hand side of (21) and the solution into (2’) yields: π t − φ(e rt + ϕ1 ret−1 + ϕ2 ret−2 ) + ϕ1 yet−1 + ϕ2 yet−2 + ωϕ1 π et−1 + ωϕ2 π et−2 + φkd,t . (25) yet = −ωe Analogously, substituting (24) into the right-hand side of (22) and the solution into (3’) results in the following: yt + ψ(ft + χ1 ft−1 + χ2 ft−2 ) − γχ1 yet−1 − γχ2 yet−2 + χ1 π et−1 + χ2 π et−2 − kh,t . π et = γe (26) The system of equations (25) and (26) represents a dynamic aggregate demand-aggregate supply model. To make its estimation operational, we proxy the term ret + ϕ1 ret−1 + ϕ2 ret−2 with the lagged demeaned ex-post real interest rate (eιt−1 − π et−1 ), where i is the short-term nominal interest rate; while the proxy for the expression ft + χ1 ft−1 + χ2 ft−2 is one lag of ext−1 ), where e is exchange rate devaluation and π x demeaned external price inflation (e et−1 + π is foreign inflation. Taking this into account, we estimate the dynamic behavior of output and inflation through the following: π t − φ(eιt−1 − π et−1 ) + yet = −ωe yt + ψ(e et−1 + π et = γe π ext−1 ) + 2 X l=1 2 X l=1 α1l yet−l + α2l yet−l + 2 X l=1 2 X l=1 α1(l+2) π et−l + α15 Zt−1 + uyt , α2(l+2) π et−l + α25 Zt−1 + uπt , (27) (28) where Z represents exogenous variables used as controls (see Appendix 2 for a detailed description); and the other variables are defined as above. There are two crucial assumptions for the estimation of the system. In the aggregate demand equation, the (lagged) real interest 13 rate has only a direct effect on output, and its outcome on prices arises through the effect on output. Analogously, (lagged) external price inflation only affects domestic inflation contemporaneously. While the first identification assumption is often found in the literature (see, for example, Rudebusch and Svensson (1999) and the references in Taylor (2000)), the use of the second one can be justified if, as mentioned above, a change in external prices has its direct effect on domestic inflation immediately and only causes a change in domestic output after a period.12 It is important to note that we are neither claiming that external price inflation does not affect output, nor that a change in the real interest rate has no effect on inflation. Instead, our assumptions are the interest rate affects first production and then prices, and that external inflation affects domestic prices first and the adjustment in output takes place later, both of which are consistent with recent empirical findings. Since the real interest rate only enters the dynamic aggregate demand equation (27) and the external price inflation only enters the dynamic aggregate supply equation (28) we can identify the parameters ω, γ and φ through the estimation of the following vector autoregression:13 yet = β 1r (eιt−1 − π et−1 ) + β 1f (e et−1 + π ext−1 ) + +β 15 Zt−1 + yt , et−1 ) + β 2f (e et−1 + π ext−1 ) + π et = β 2r (eιt−1 − π +β 25 Zt−1 + πt . 2 X l=1 2 X l=1 β 1l yet−l + β 2l yet−l + 2 X l=1 2 X l=1 β 1(l+2) π et−l (29) β 2(l+2) π et−l (30) It is straightforward to show that the estimates for ω, γ and φ can be obtained from the 12 This would clearly be the case if the source of the external price change were an oil shock or a modification in the terms of trade that the economy faces. 13 The VAR specification is similar in spirit to the one proposed by Mojon and Peersman (2001) for measuring the effects of monetary policy in countries of the Euro Area. The most important differences are that we do not include US real GDP and nominal interest rate as controls and that we estimate the same model for Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands as for the other countries (excluding Germany). 14 VAR estimation as follows: ω b = − γ b = β 1f , β 2f β 2r , β 1r b = −β 1r (1 + ω φ bγ b) . (31) (32) (33) Finally, in order to compute the policy rule parameters in equations (11) and (12), we need to obtain estimates of the variances of the aggregate shocks. We estimate the shocks using equation (23) and combining equations (20) and (24) as follows: bπ et yet + ω + ret , dbt = b φ γ yet − π et , sbt = b (34) (35) where the variables have been normalized so that E(st , dt ) = 0. Given the estimates for the aggregate shocks and the structural parameters - in addition to the data on inflation and output variances - we can estimate the policy rule parameters in equations (11) and (12). In the next section we present these results and proceed with the discussion of the performance and policy efficiency measures. 4 Results This section is organized into three parts. First, we present our estimates of the variances of the aggregate shocks and the actual policy rule coefficients, and briefly discuss our findings. We then compare the behavior of the actual policy rule, given by the path of the nominal interest rate, with the optimal rule for the countries of interest. Finally, we report the results for the measures of macroeconomic performance and policy efficiency, and the estimates for the coefficient of aversion to inflation variability, and describe the role monetary policy and 15 aggregate shocks have played in accounting for the changes in macroeconomic performance. 4.1 Variability of the Aggregate Shocks and Policy Rule Parameters We begin by estimating the model (29)-(30) for the periods 1983:I-1990:IV and 1991:I1998:IV for the 14 countries of our sample in order to obtain the parameters ω, γ and φ for each period.14 For both the model specification and the derivation of the measures of performance and efficiency change we assume that policy makers are interested in achieving an inflation target of 2% and minimize the variability of output around its potential level, and we measure potential output by applying the Hodrick-Prescott filter to industrial production. We note that, while the 2% target level for inflation can be viewed as a sensible policy goal during the 1990s, it is less clear that this was the objective pursued by some countries of the EU area during the 1980s (Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, for example). However, we adopt the measure of inflation variability using this target level, since we believe a reduction in both average inflation and its variance, for a given variability of output, should be associated with an improved macroeconomic outcome. Finally, 2% inflation is the current upper bound in the European Monetary Union and it allows for a comparison across countries. Table 1 presents the estimates of the standard deviations of the aggregate shocks and the policy rule parameters. Looking at the first two columns, we observe evidence of large cross-country differences in the variability of demand and supply perturbations. Demand shocks in Greece are nearly 10 times as large as they are in the Netherlands for both periods, and are also sizable in Italy, Spain and Portugal, mainly during the 1980s. Similar differences are present in the variability of supply shocks. We can also observe a general tendency for supply and demand shocks to become less volatile during the 1990s; only Belgium, Finland 14 The estimates of the structural parameters and the description of the variables used and data sources are presented in Appendix 2. 16 and the Netherlands experienced an increase in the variability of demand shocks, while only Austria, Ireland and Sweden were exposed to a higher volatility of supply shocks. As described in Section 2, all countries (with the exception of Germany) experienced lower and more stable inflation in the 1990s, while output variability was higher in some and lower in others. A reduction in the variability of aggregate shocks, accompanied by a shift in preferences towards inflation stability, can give rise to this outcome. Still, we are interested in determining whether or not improved policy making played a role in the documented outcome, and so we proceed to this task in the next two subsections. 4.2 Comparing Actual and Optimal Policy Rules As we mentioned in Section 3, a more efficient policy will be characterized by a policy rule that closely resembles the optimal rule. Given our estimates for the actual and optimal rule parameters and the estimates of the aggregate demand and supply shocks, we can compare the behavior of the actual and optimal policy rule for the countries in our sample, which we present in Figure 3. The comparison between the actual and optimal policy rules gives rise to some important observations. First, for most countries the optimal rule suggests that the actual policy followed by the central banks was tighter than needed for the early and mid 1980s, while higher interest rates would have been advisable during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Second, the optimal rule predicts well the interest rate spikes during the crisis of the European Monetary System during late 1992 and early 1993 for Greece, Ireland and the UK, but fails to do so for Denmark, Portugal and Spain. Another key observation that arises from Figure 3 is that, in general, the actual policy rule has come closer to the optimal rule after 1993. This is particularly the case for Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK. Consistent with our discussion in Section 3, this fact yields evidence that monetary policy has indeed become more efficient during the 1990s. 17 Still, a more detailed examination is needed to establish the role of monetary policy in the observed performance changes, and we proceed with this analysis in the next subsection. 4.3 Accounting for Changes in Macroeconomic Performance We begin by examining the changes in performance, and then we move to report the proportion of the change that can be accounted for by improvements in policy making. As noted above, we estimate the dynamic AD-AS models and the measures of macroeconomic performance and policy efficiency for the periods 1983:I-1990:IV and 1991:I-1998:IV. Table 2 reports our estimates of the inflation variability aversion coefficients, the standard deviations of inflation and output and the value of the loss function, Pi , for the 14 countries in our sample. We also report the percentage change in P between the two periods for each of the countries; using the comprehensive measure of performance, only Germany and Sweden exhibited a decline in performance while the other 12 countries experienced improvements, which ranged from 39% for Austria to 96% for Denmark. As we noted in Section 3, the performance change measure involves both changes in the variances of inflation and output, and changes in the policy maker’s preferences. As we can observe in column 1, the coefficient of aversion to inflation variability has either increased or decreased only slightly (in the case of Germany). In particular, for Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden and Finland, this shift in preferences has been rather sharp, consistent with the general decrease in inflation variability observed in the 1990s. It is also useful to analyze how the measure of performance would be affected if the preferences remained unaltered in both periods. Assuming that for the entire period the weight given to inflation stability is the same as in the second period, the magnitudes of the performance change remain mostly unaltered; exceptions to this are Germany and Sweden, for which the performance loss becomes smaller; Austria, for which the performance gain becomes close to zero, and Spain and Portugal, who exhibit a performance gain nearly twice as large. However, if one assumes that the preferences for the first period are the ones that 18 prevail during the entire period, the results change dramatically: we would observe large estimated performance losses for Sweden and Finland and moderate ones for Austria, Spain and Ireland.15 Another robustness check is to fix the value of the preferences for inflation and output stability, and analyze how the performance change for each country varies over a range for values of λ. For all countries we consider a range for λ between 0.7 and 0.9, which is consistent with the results in this paper, as well as in the studies of Cecchetti and Ehrmann (2001) and Cecchetti, Flores-Lagunes and Krause (2004). The only exception is Greece, for which we consider a range between 0.1 and 0.3 for λ, given that this country is not analyzed in either of the two cited studies and that we find a value for λ to 0.1 for both periods in the present research. We report these results in Table 3. Contemplating these ranges for the central bank’s preferences, the results suggest that in almost all of the countries the performance change remains relatively unaffected. The only two exceptions are Austria and Finland, which exhibit a performance gain for certain values for λ over the range, while for others we find a performance loss. Table 4 reports the estimates of the performance change ∆P , improved policy efficiency, ∆I, and the proportion of performance change that is due to a change in the efficiency of policy, Q. We see that all countries - except for Germany - experienced improvements in the efficiency of monetary policy. These observed improvements for most countries are likely linked to the desire to meet the qualification requirements for the European Monetary Union, while the decline observed in Germany is almost surely the consequence of both unification and the necessary adjustment prior to its entry into the EMU. We note, however, that the deterioration in German performance and policy efficiency was fairly modest over this period. We can also observe that in the case of Austria, policy efficiency gain was higher than the macro performance improvement (which is due to the fact that monetary policy was also able to offset the effect of an increase in the variance of supply shocks), while in Sweden, more 15 The results of exercise are not reported in the present document, but are available upon request. 19 efficient policy was present despite the measured macro performance loss. Looking at the final column, for the remaining eleven countries more efficient policy accounted for between 41% (Greece) and 91% (Ireland and Spain) of the improvement in overall macroeconomic performance. Once again, we fix the value of the preferences for inflation and output stability for both sub-periods and study what happens to our measures of policy efficiency and performance change over a range for plausible values of λ. We can observe that, while the range of the measures of efficiency change are relatively narrow and centered at the value of their estimate, reported in Table 5, the range of values for the performance change measure is large in some of the countries, in particular Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Despite this fact, the ranges of the contribution of policy to the performance gain still point to an important role of monetary policy in contributing to a macroeconomic performance improvement in most of the European Union countries, as depicted in the last column. Summarizing, our main findings suggest that for Greece, Belgium, France, Italy, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands both a reduction in the variance of supply shocks and more efficient policy were roughly equally responsible for the macro performance improvement. For Portugal and the UK, the policy contribution accounted for approximately 3/4 of the performance improvement, and finally, for Austria, Ireland and Spain more efficient policy played a far more important role than the reduced variability of shocks in macroeconomic stabilization. Finally, we are also interested in verifying how robust are these results to specifying alternative targets for inflation and output.16 The rationale for this exercise is that the 2% inflation target is not considered a realistic goal for some countries during the 1980s. Therefore, we examine each country’s average inflation for the 1980s and for the 1990s as the policy target for inflation. Similarly, economic growth has been different in both decades, 16 We thank the referees and the editor for suggesting this analysis. 20 so we apply the Hodrick-Prescott filter separately for each subperiod, and use the trend as our measure for the target for output. We display the results of these alternative measures in Table 6. As expected, the standard deviations of both inflation and output are lower than the ones reported on Table 2. These lower variances naturally result in smaller estimates for the volatility of both supply and demand shocks. Looking at column 5, we also observe a decrease in the measure of performance gain for all countries (except Austria, whose performance gain is slightly higher than the estimate in Table 2). For half of the countries the change is modest; however, for Germany and Sweden, the estimates suggest an even worse performance loss, while for countries that had a relatively high average inflation rate during the 1980s (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the U.K.), the measured performance gain goes down more sharply, but still remains in a positive range between 26%-41%. Turning our attention to the policy contribution, the results are quite consistent with the ones obtained under the 2% inflation-target assumption. While for two countries, Denmark and the Netherlands, improved policy now contributes less than 50% of the performance gain, for France, Greece and Ireland policy efficiency now explains over 50% of the macroeconomic improvement. The effects for the remaining countries remains largely unaltered, except for Germany, for which the policy efficiency loss becomes more of a factor under the alternative factors. We believe these findings provide some further validity of our main conclusions. 5 Conclusions This paper proposes a general method for analyzing changes in macroeconomic performance and identifying the relative contributions of improvements in the efficiency of monetary policy and changes in the variability of aggregate shocks. We apply this technique to 14 European Union countries in order to compare their macroeconomic performance in the 1980s with that in the 1990s. 21 We find that, in general, the actual policy followed by the monetary authorities has come closer to the optimal rule during the 1990s. Our results suggest that in all countries but Germany monetary policy became more efficient in the last decade, as compared with the 1980s. The evidence regarding the importance of reduced variability in the aggregate shocks as a source of performance improvement is somewhat mixed: for seven countries (Greece, Belgium, France, Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands) it was nearly as important as more efficient policy in stabilization, while for the remaining countries the change in the volatility of the shocks either played a minor role (in the cases of Portugal, the UK, Spain, Ireland and Austria) or contributed towards a deterioration of macroeconomic performance (for Sweden and Germany). The paper leaves some open questions relating to the reasons behind this improved monetary policy performance and the cross-country differences in the efficiency of policy. We expect to address these issues in future research. 6 Appendix 1: Optimal Policy Rule Parameters In order to derive the parameters a∗ and b∗ of the optimal policy rule, let us substitute the expressions for the deviations of output and inflation from their respective target levels (equations (4) and (5)) into the loss function (equation (1)), i.e.: r − d) − s]2 + (1 − λ)[−φ(e r − d) + ωs]2 } . L = (1 + ωγ)−2 {λ[−φγ(e (A1) Minimizing (A1) with respect to the policy instrument, re, yields the following first-order condition: r − d) − s] + 2(1 − λ)φ[−φ(e r − d) + ωs]} = 0 . −(1 + ωγ)−2 {2λφγ[−φγ(e 22 (A2) Simplifying the expression and arranging terms: r = φ[λγ 2 + (1 − λ)]d + [−λγ + (1 − λ)ω]s . φ[λγ 2 + (1 − λ)]e (A3) Solving for the optimal policy rule re∗ in terms of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply shocks yields equation (6), with the parameters a∗ and b∗ given by: a∗ = 1 , b∗ = 7 (7) −λγ + (1 − λ)ω . φ[λγ 2 + (1 − λ)] (8) Appendix 2: Data sources and Model Specification Data for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom are from Datastream. For all countries, the quarterly data is from 1983:I-1998:IV. Output (y) is given by seasonally adjusted industrial production. Inflation (π) is given by the annualized CPI inflation rate. The nominal interest rate (i) is given by the 3-month money market rate except for Belgium, Ireland and Sweden (3-month treasury bill rate), France (3-month call rate), Greece (overnight-interbank rate) and Portugal (5-day money market rate). Devaluation (e) is given by the annualized percentage change of the exchange rate to the Deutsch-Mark, except for Germany (DM/US$ exchange rate). External inflation (π x ) is given by annualized German CPI inflation, except for Germany (annualized US CPI inflation). In all countries’ model specifications we also included the IMF commodity price index and in all except for Germany we included German output and interest rate. Estimating the model (29)-(30) for the periods 1983:I-1990:IV and 1991:I-1998:IV for the 14 countries of our sample yields the parameters ω, γ and φ for each period, which we present in Table A1. 23 References [1] Alesina, A. and L. H. 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Italy Ireland Greece Germany France Finland Denmark Belgium -0.001 Austria Change in Variability 0.003 Figure 3: Actual and Optimal Policy Rule (1983:I-1998:IV) Austria: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate Belgium: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 16 18 14 16 12 14 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 1983 0 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1983 1997 Optimal Interest Rate 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1991 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate Finland: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 1995 1997 1983 Optimal Interest Rate 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate France: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate Germany: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 14 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1997 1983 Optimal Interest Rate 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate Greece: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate Ireland: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 30 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1983 1989 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Nominal Interest Rate 1983 1987 Nominal Interest Rate Denmark: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1985 25 20 15 10 5 0 1985 1987 1989 Nominal Interest Rate 1991 1993 1995 1983 1997 Optimal Interest Rate 1985 1987 1989 Nominal Interest Rate 28 1991 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate Figure 3: Actual and Optimal Policy Rule (1983:I-1998:IV) Italy: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate Netherlands: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 30 12 25 10 20 8 15 6 10 4 5 2 0 1983 0 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1997 1983 Optimal Interest Rate Portugal: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 30 25 1991 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1997 1983 Optimal Interest Rate 1985 1987 1989 1991 Nominal Interest Rate Sweden: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate U.K.: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 18 30 16 25 14 12 20 10 15 8 6 10 4 5 2 0 1983 1989 Spain: Actual vs. Optimal Interest Rate 30 1983 1987 Nominal Interest Rate 35 25 1985 0 1985 1987 1989 Nominal Interest Rate 1991 1993 1995 1983 1997 Optimal Interest Rate 1985 1987 1989 Nominal Interest Rate 29 1991 1993 1995 1997 Optimal Interest Rate Table 1: Estimates of the Variability of Aggregate Shocks And Policy Rule Parameters Country / Period Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 σd σs (a-1)2 b 10,000*µ 3.77% 2.55% 1.59% 2.12% 0.4761 0.2327 -0.0439 -0.3090 6.767 1.513 5.50% 5.67% 3.05% 2.49% 0.4450 0.2287 -0.0222 -1.6027 13.461 7.352 5.39% 5.12% 3.27% 1.41% 0.6444 0.1198 -0.0358 -2.4762 18.721 3.140 6.26% 9.01% 4.75% 4.66% 4.31% 3.93% 4.01% 1.61% 0.5568 0.3239 0.3785 0.3669 -0.0127 -2.0314 -0.0223 -1.4161 21.820 26.294 8.540 7.967 4.47% 4.14% 22.69% 20.62% 8.31% 7.77% 15.11% 3.95% 2.40% 2.30% 16.56% 11.62% 3.49% 4.09% 7.28% 2.79% 0.4421 0.6180 0.4478 0.1884 0.5482 0.1354 0.0906 0.4946 -0.8116 -0.5149 0.2545 -0.0453 -0.3780 -1.7223 -0.0183 -0.0241 8.834 10.592 230.544 80.105 37.857 8.174 20.685 7.717 1.90% 2.43% 1.71% 0.85% 0.1704 0.0945 -0.0635 -0.0887 0.615 0.558 14.51% 9.50% 17.01% 6.84% 0.4204 0.7884 0.6383 0.0453 88.511 71.153 15.04% 7.36% 7.83% 4.08% 0.1142 0.1949 -0.0933 -0.3242 25.832 10.558 10.00% 8.89% 6.31% 9.96% 0.2939 0.3241 -0.0879 -0.8282 29.390 25.614 6.62% 4.08% 4.60% 2.29% 0.6133 0.2734 -0.1069 -0.1374 26.878 4.551 30 Table 2: Coefficient of Aversion to Inflation Variability, Value of Loss and Performance Change Country / Period Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 λ σπ σy Value of Loss (10,000*PI) Performance gain (in %) 0.609 0.921 1.62% 1.23% 2.81% 4.33% 4.673 2.873 38.53% 0.651 0.941 2.93% 0.76% 3.51% 3.69% 9.869 1.340 86.42% 0.675 0.980 3.11% 0.39% 4.40% 4.15% 12.831 0.484 96.23% 0.410 0.966 4.18% 1.22% 3.10% 9.05% 12.838 4.179 67.45% 0.382 0.944 0.916 0.862 0.094 0.098 0.680 0.982 3.78% 0.77% 1.31% 1.61% 16.77% 10.47% 4.31% 0.80% 2.75% 3.12% 4.15% 4.00% 3.70% 2.34% 5.07% 8.25% 10.126 1.104 3.014 4.453 38.731 15.710 20.840 1.863 0.274 0.678 0.662 0.867 6.87% 2.65% 1.49% 0.76% 3.70% 2.71% 2.19% 2.01% 22.895 7.116 3.084 1.036 0.093 0.679 16.36% 4.79% 5.22% 6.41% 49.463 28.758 41.86% 0.195 0.778 6.72% 2.67% 3.44% 4.66% 18.326 10.389 43.31% 0.312 0.811 5.46% 3.10% 3.35% 9.05% 17.043 23.322 -36.84% 0.382 0.632 4.26% 1.90% 3.74% 1.90% 15.578 3.603 76.87% 31 89.10% -47.77% 59.44% 91.06% 68.92% 66.41% Table 3: Performance Change over a range of values for inflation aversion λ Range of Performance gain (in %) [0.7, 0.9] [-59%, 42%] [0.7, 0.9] [54%, 91%] [0.7, 0.9] [0.7, 0.9] [58%, 97%] [-69%, 78%] [0.7, 0.9] [72%, 91%] [0.7, 0.9] [0.1, 0.3] [-4%, -48%] [59%, 61%] [0.7, 0.9] [61%, 93%] [0.7, 0.9] [67%, 84%] [0.7, 0.9] [56%, 71%] [0.7, 0.9] [46%, 87%] [0.7, 0.9] [38%, 79%] [0.7, 0.9] [-41%, -2%] [0.7, 0.9] [75%, 81%] Range for Country Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. Table 4: Estimates of the measures of performance and policy efficiency change Country Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. Change in policy efficiency (10,000*∆I) Change in macro performance (10,000*∆P) Contribution of policy to change in performance (Q=∆I/∆P) 2.238 1.801 124.31% 3.701 8.529 43.39% 6.178 12.347 50.04% 4.678 8.659 54.02% 4.012 9.022 44.46% -0.786 -1.439 -54.59% 9.387 23.021 40.78% 17.347 18.977 91.41% 7.453 15.779 47.23% 58.26% 1.193 2.048 15.463 20.705 74.68% 7.193 2.840 7.937 -6.279 90.62% 45.23% 8.564 11.975 71.52% 32 Table 5: Measures of Efficiency and Performance Change over a range of values for inflation aversion Country Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. Range for λ Change in policy inefficiency (10,000*∆I) Change in macro performance (10,000*∆P) Contribution of policy to change in performance (Q=∆I/∆P) [0.7, 0.9] [0.458, 3.412] [-2.489, 2.854] [18%, 134%] [0.7, 0.9] [2.990, 5.130] [5.208, 10.231] [14%, 66%] [0.7, 0.9] [2.370, 7.293] [7.312, 14.742] [27%, 76%] [0.7, 0.9] [0.216, 5.243] [-10.491, 10.902] [8%, 63%] [0.7, 0.9] [1.048, 9.197] [8.945, 12.129] [9%, 56%] [0.7, 0.9] [-0.993, -0.489] [-0.272, -1.512] [-54%, -4%] [0.1, 0.3] [8.679, 10.370] [14.523, 57.165] [15%, 58%] [0.7, 0.9] [16.586, 19.271] [11.890, 21.261] [82%, 139%] [0.7, 0.9] [0.7, 0.9] [3.170, 12.849] [0.586, 1.268] [12.679, 30.065] [1.548, 3.070] [12%, 49%] [41%, 67%] [0.7, 0.9] [12.590, 17.055] [18.773, 167.067] [7%, 98%] [0.7, 0.9] [0.7, 0.9] [10.486, 20.418] [0.878, 3.161] [5.666, 33.261] [-7.078, -1.103] [78%, 104%] [12%, 154%] [0.7, 0.9] [6.388, 13.498] [9.284, 14.109] [69%, 86%] 33 Table 6: Estimates of Measures under Alternative Targets for Inflation and Output Country / Period Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 σd σs σπ σy Performance gain (in %) Contribution of policy to change in performance 3.46% 2.25% 1.25% 1.54% 1.32% 1.08% 2.33% 2.97% 44.20% 139.28% 3.64% 4.57% 2.88% 1.82% 2.34% 0.74% 2.01% 2.49% 82.33% 37.18% 2.47% 3.80% 1.77% 0.54% 1.44% 0.38% 2.74% 2.68% 92.59% 35.49% 4.38% 5.11% 1.70% 2.04% 1.65% 1.18% 2.39% 3.46% 61.10% 89.39% 3.21% 4.30% 2.50% 1.23% 2.45% 0.75% 1.62% 2.08% 80.43% 51.24% 3.62% 2.60% 1.25% 2.08% 1.28% 1.51% 2.00% 2.61% -58.70% -87.70% 11.06% 9.15% 4.21% 5.51% 3.46% 4.96% 2.34% 1.41% 30.84% 75.07% 4.47% 4.06% 3.14% 4.09% 2.86% 0.74% 3.59% 2.89% 92.89% 56.03% 6.58% 2.92% 3.55% 1.52% 3.32% 1.48% 1.81% 2.31% 40.73% 28.62% 1.72% 1.79% 1.57% 0.63% 1.38% 0.58% 2.09% 1.80% 73.70% 56.49% 8.78% 7.93% 8.27% 3.79% 7.35% 2.12% 2.81% 4.12% 30.28% 76.90% 6.69% 4.42% 3.93% 2.11% 3.59% 1.55% 1.74% 2.92% 25.60% 75.32% 7.01% 5.62% 2.56% 4.89% 2.13% 2.96% 2.38% 3.57% -78.67% 42.71% 3.31% 2.65% 1.85% 1.67% 2.02% 1.38% 1.91% 1.70% 40.46% 77.46% 34 Table A.1: Estimates of the Structural Parameters Country / Period Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden U.K. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ω γ φ 0.4136 1.6890 0.3038 0.3374 1.1826 3.1149 0.3355 1.4112 0.1919 0.6055 0.9734 0.7524 0.4144 2.8813 0.1780 2.2173 0.2295 1.7005 0.2194 0.2744 0.2695 0.3526 0.4106 0.4583 1.0539 0.9199 0.6743 0.8535 0.9700 0.9358 1.4519 1.2447 0.0860 0.1066 0.6962 1.9798 0.1739 0.3576 0.5085 0.4449 0.9023 1.1104 0.9285 0.4655 0.5052 0.1818 0.7208 1.8384 0.2602 0.2479 1.1904 1.0593 0.8325 0.9655 0.6470 1.0902 0.4789 0.2205 3.1577 2.9558 0.6828 1.2708 0.8917 0.5430 0.8576 0.8268 0.2277 0.9233 1.3639 0.4569 0.7581 1.2014 0.2727 0.8785 0.7569 0.8696 0.6403 0.8103 0.3433 0.5349 0.7448 0.3953 0.8212 0.8228 35