Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 22 (1985J g-54 North-Holland MACROECONOMIC TIME-SERIES, BUSINESS CYCLES AND WXROECON@J~IC POLICIES Rene M. Stulz Ohio State University and Walter Wasserfallen* Universitk I. The decomposition and a seasonal cal, cyclical is part is believed respond the cyclical to order to is walk, for States. as the the for better approximated a large cycle the number growth annually component component special of real in real (1976). See, for instance, and Taylor (1979). 0 167-2231/85/$03.30 01985 Barre (1978), Elsavier Science Publishers and to not directly observable. In it has become common practice in growth Unfortunately, and seasonals seasonal (1982) (1983). show that model, the by out (1973), B.V. (North-Holland) growth com- a random in a random to a in the specifically time-series turns Lucas by including dummy variables approximated variables Lawrence it activity *The excellent research assistance of Peter F. Wyss is gratefully &lit.? and Manfred Neumann have kindly provided part of the data. We of the Macroeconomics Seminar of the Economics Department at the Ohio participants of the Carnegie-Rochester Conference on Public Policy, McCulloch, Charles Nelson, Manfred Neumann, Jiirg Niehans, Charles Plosser, Brunner for helpful comments. We thank the Center for Research in Business at the University of Rochester for partial financial support of I The because is measured is interest, measures. by a stochastic of a cycli- macroeconomics. policy cycle, long-run or growth, in fluctuations fiscal others, business correct a trend history be of and where appropriate, 1 Ne,lson/Plosser regressions. If business to short-run and into a long trend, respective ponent to variables has considered monetary approximate time real dominate to work linear of component component, empirical INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY generally directly Bern the United walk, be much the smaller acknowledged. Jacques also thank the members State University, the April 1984, Huston and especially Karl Government Policy and this research. Mishkin (1982), Sargent than if the This follows trend, growth component from the the fact residuals correlations, of which by sample size. sition time-series of rather than in the In first part in results and moving does not persist plaining the business cycle trend. of which is fact that of invest the paper output has work of has shows that, monetary our can policy and, model is, therefore, economic which changes in theories, cluding remarks. 2This research Black can only monthly and in general our the by a low- business cycle output trend be both In is shown the that in of the both are how by which focus King/Plosser 10 focuses when output changes in paper the (1982), ends real and business trend of of the on the they can technologies invest their lesson of hence, macro- real technologies, considered on in households and, its in output The model i.e., The part of output usually policy. the changes The major of theory, in while from a theory second a change output. trend output relevant, for 2 ex- theory, of changes trend. analysis. caused models growth be empirically distribution in (1981), of deviations an explanation by growth recent Long/Plosser Traditionally, domain a change monetary on the its the which i.e., builds in the explain It considered (1979). ro- We show that changes empirical changes variables cycle the approximated shows that distribution that usually (1982). the provides about the fluctuations, are instance, in that results, to from choose brings hence, perma- used We use We find explain must among many technologies. wealth of study to our been to which with households implies component. Their can be well decompo- in the some evidence fluctuations. tried output a model consistent all, macroeconomic fluctuations we offer by changes (1982). time-series. According of theory deviations the Nelson/Plosser at determined trend cycle, auto- one year. in trend macroeconomic paper, or role Our empirical output,and of on a time empirically, business trend. positive a stochastic dominated countries. exists process. part a crucial several walk and exclusively we provide paper, results it beyond The empirical play at if average using of Nelson/Plosser, only on U.S. the component, show that, i.e., this strong artifact are by a time a random exhibit (1982) transitory, of regresses variables variables look corroborate order real one statistical real the results and focused data cyclical a pure of nent quarterly if approximated regression Nelson/Plosser fluctuations bustness of annual data erroneously that the are that the is by with our variables and by business some con- cycle; Kydland/Prescott see, (1981). for EMPIRICAL FINDINGS II. In this important under a number part, insights into the frameworks and cal, techniques, seasonal unit to roots are are States, various the time-series analysis lationships cations of our section 1. Statistical It cycles in to correct the time-series components in components z is trend, the variable data, for growth population readily to isolate is of the Germany. The allow re- next. are empirical The impli- outlined work investigation in the the on business for cyclical part. T, C, and S are growth The and underlying form studies used of the which included 153) components seem in however to investigation. parts. (1). which are variables, pg. the the international presented and under seasonal equation of explicitly (1982, from namely and therefore the measurement theoretical under and of logarithms are come empiri- = Tt + Ct + St version observable order model cyclical, empirical cycle the and part. practice Two approaches in business are informal normal and West of cycli- more contain and quarterly the Frameworks zt the for this to countries, Estimates variables common unobserved cative activity magnitudes trend, analysis France, allow First, first-order empirical monthly is seasonal its real addition for industrialized movements. findings of the which the into two sections Britain, measured seasonal between final where are of of time-series tests The next Great out as follows: In formal applied. Switzerland, the discussed. developed carried organized decompose components are characteristics is The data underlying cal results. post-war period and include five United tests stochastic used some recently seasonal empirical The presentation investigation. statistical of note Empirically, may justify to business for cycle. are considered the respective that "using and direct secular With respectively prefer however, a multipli- we mainly an additive account seems unsatisfactory, suffice Some authors work with formulation. and seasonal the relevant first for approach, economic regressions. observable since neither of the growth, Nelson/Plosser variables measures movements to factor account inputs nor are not technology available." The second strategy relies on the 11 stochastic properties of the series itself. The about of the this emerging unobserved part, ture basic But processes to is we consider linear time the first which two trend following variable and t denotes dummies are quarterly and lar from the of the estimated seasonal operator order. is 3 This of This the litera- a deterministic plus for are a stationary It is given is by would be the as Lkzt white case noise if the important to an measure is trend term proxy to note that the nature, equation to allow for = zt-k' rather for secu- and only reason the to treat (3) (2) (1976). is the multipli- A normal non-stationarities, and leading a to (3) and seasonal Both random process with structure. procedure and the Box/Jenkins normal a term s-l 4 for as an adequate This by respectively is of way. alternative proposed term, that We know of no compelling r(LS) is taken zt. is constant an error a deterministic = fit n often It of e(L)r(LS)(l-L)(l-LS)Zt are to the set autocorrelation constant St. appropriate periodicity, series an asymmetric included an P symbolizes the z are developed process root seasonal P'S stochastic. in such L, defined 3 belongs. zero. form Oj’S in addition the because dummies recently unit and stochastic with effects an unspecified in (2) parts seasonal $(L) of is (2) the data. but component terms seasonal class contains of section + Ut the monthly equation A more cative model final component actually mean that, is zero component three s of seasonal cyclical first and Note 12 for cyclical and the seasonal y.D. J Jt mean The time-series Tt and'the s-l L j=l + included. unconditional obvious the cyclical In accordance an unconditional a time-trend, dummy variables. the In the identify testing. The some assumptions equation: seasonal of series. be that to deterministic with the requires investigated empirical Zt = “0 + a$ where is models. component of will task the to problem parts restriction the amenable stochastic extraction individual our stationary. question signal shock. contains 12 b(L) polynomials and r(LS) may be of The differenced moving average in variable terms. the lag infinite wt = (1-L)u-LS)zt = I (Zt-zt-l)-(zt-s-zt-s-l) and invertible what the ARMA-process. cyclical treat all parts This topic will In the information First, the (3) are roots part of z should with two sections, about the empirical autocorrelation the in this it It way, namely in the evidence as will be the implied respect. Second, more of of two zt representation be possible part. which yields competing models. by equations formal to processes. this presented of obvious stochastic section of a stationary immediately however structures autoregressive follow not will last relevance to is be. further next assumed case, a symmetric be dealt exploited in of z in 1 is In this (2) tests a time-series for are and unit carried out. 2. Autocorrelation As first, trends too, used. enced, are However the characterized 0.25. If, not correct zt is of produce white-noise function, starting from in the data and and all lags stochastic the lags illustrate the residual pt samples would have procedure seasonally differprocess except and s+l, trend model stationary the and the s-l z on a linear trend but a spurious residuals, of to from moving-average of a value large first and structures residuals used a and sto- and deseasonalizing at -0.5, hand, the is a non-invertible of deterministic be correct detrending autocorrelations other a regression to 1984), autocorrelation case (2) (1981, estimated inappropriately a value representation the counterpart follow zero take on the white-noise, estimated w's by they model the if resulting and s, where quate if the of A simple (2). Assume Its and Nelson/Kang between by comparing z's model and distinguish be obtained implications. property (1977) to differenced be white-noise. this of can test deterministic relevant is Chan/Hayya/Ord informal appropriately partly to by rather chastic of Structures shown for with (3) and lags 1 a value is an ade- differences w are and seasonal dummies would estimated autocorrelation almost one the residuals and dying off only very slowly. Issues or U'S, spectively case are where highly become the more stationary serially the autocorrelated (l-l$IL)(l-rILs)!Jt if differences correlated. residuals the multiplicative complicated in in Given the is deterministic especially equation the = e(L)A(Ls)e, 13 (3), equation the (2), w's, results presented trend and seasonal interesting. ARIMA-process in Suppose are below, model pt the rethe (2) follows with et white noise. wt would then be Wt = ( 1-L)(1-LS)f3(L)A(LS) (l-@lL) (l-r$) With $1 from and a pure low wt would pg. to stochastic properties point one, If process. little in wt e(L) be the States, work, Switzerland, economy, almost samples rate. In are series addition, are post World cept for real price impossible under these deterministic and of the autocorrelation the stationary differ- With War II to seasonally unadjusted. production, and the which and the real wage rate throughout and rates of either of and real quarterly are exchange for the are available United is monthly, ex- The are data GNP, industrial The data are States. from all period or real real rates, annually. respect used. the unemployment unemployment only United - are The observation available in that unemployment Germany production, is is - the state logarithms. Exceptions sources and West exception periodicity GNP, countries the like the natural and the real five representing industrial variables included. Swiss official of As Nelson/Plosser between for France, variables GNP, transformed data Britain, on quantity as also relevant Great lies such rates in addition, (3). empirical emphasis indistinguishable are, dependence. becomes finite would and A(L’) serial it out, distinguish in equation from to trend and seasonal effects on the basis of the residuals in equation (2) and of In The close show only 147-149) circumstances ences sufficiently moving-average order, (1982, rl (5) et the authors into two upon request. The results, Regressing the dummies cal - shown outcome: serial of under A very for and with the that the parently the level all decay random time seasonal elements. the the in 1, respective that trend "Deterministic Trends" statistic indicating dummies, residual for cases. about of residuals. generally most the half serial divided on a time with hypothesis is in the slowly are series estimated very walk Inspection Table heading the series only excellent in low Durbin-Watson correlation reveals 0.9 presented original and Judged according of the correlation 14 high first-order the is variables in the the at about consistent Note explanatory to analysis start which variables. positive one typi- complete autocorrelations lag, and seasonal - yields A more increasing the trend parts. further power ap- significance contain estimated seasonal residuals, of however, cies shows at seasonal are not able The Based get lags are be quite over because the nominal rates. The that examined the random these findings walk are 4The that 5 The most the autocorrelation real especially with results all (1982) from are for one in are however, as the case noted measured the averaging of of the first differenced residuals with the They which interval to be obser- very purpose. subperiods have been formed according to 15 the graphical picture of the cycliis annually. proved by trend, differences, shorter of above, the consistent to ob- generated that in first seems rates a deterministic due function as hypothesis data lag which interesting, series furthermore U.S. at exchange model the deviation correlation likely for as appear for dependence are Remember, consistent as serial period be that processes. Our serial to lag, coefficients results an appropriate Nelson/Plosser positive The provides also order the in autocorrelations seasonal The variables that Table differenced first Higher the of by Box/Jenkins significant the alone for part proposed patterns. reveal seems measured is, however, vations. criterion. second seasonally and/or rate average results of remaining lags dummies function the partly few time.5 autocorrelated. observe and flexible conclusion moving component, highly over in dependen- seasonal procedure furthermore recent general order autocorrelation the summarized The error that of be first first significant correctly. and show no consistent unstable served for the by a two-standard subperiods cal at indicates identification must exhibit effects are stationary. irregular low informal still finding themselves occur judged This series seasonal variables to generally all characteristics on the all order to capture time-series (1976), at almost lags. 4 to main various 1. that series. useful TABLE Statistical Variable Obs. Per. I Characteristics Deterministic N Trend Trends Seas. R2 Time-Series DW Dumm i es United stat. Sign. Analysis Autocorr. Diff. States Real GNP Industrial l/47-IV/81 Prod. I /47-2/82 ‘140 422 + + 0 0.99 0.12 1:0.35, 2:0:21 0 0.98 0.04 1:0.48, 2:0.29, 12: 14: Unemployment Rate i /48-2ja2 410 + 0 0.27 0.04 -0.22, -0.23, 13: 15: 3:0.18, -0.20, -0.16 1:0.16, 2:0.27. 3:0.19. 4:0.15, 5:0.17, lO:-0.14, 12:-0.22, 15:-0.12. 24:-0.13 2/40-l /63 180 + 0 0.16 0.07 2:0.32, lo:-0.20, 2/63-2/70 85 - 0 0.80 0.18 3:-0.24, 3/70-2/82 144 l 0 0.22 0.05 1:0.22, 3:0.21, 5:0.24, 12:-0.27 4:0.35 2:0.34, 3:0.17, 4:0.26 Real Wage I /64-2182 218 + 0 0.17 0.01 3:0.21, 12:-0.22, 9:0.14, 11:0.16, 24:-0.29 5/64-0/72 9/72-2/02 100 114 + - 0 0.96 0.18 0 0.56 0.03 l2:-0.31 2:0.24, 3:0.30, 1948-1981 34 + 0.95 0.18 l/61-1/83 09 + J 0.75 0.17 l/61-1/83 89 - J 0.21 0.21 I /70-l/83 I /70-6/83 53 162 + + 0 0.95 0.10 J 0.91 0.40 l/68-11/83 62 + 0 0.97 0.15 I /60-l /83 l/60-1/83 93 93 + + J 0.92 0.29 J 0.76 0.14 330 + 0 0.66 24:-0.24 Switzerland Real GNP industrial Prod. Employment 4:-0.42 France Real GNP Industrial Real Wage Great Real Prod. 12:0.27 4:-0.46, 3:0.25, 6:0.38., 4:-0.49 0.01 1:0.35. 2:0.15, 4:0.18, 1:0.34, l2:-0.32 12:-0.44 Britain GNP Industrial Unemployment Real 2:0.35 1:0.42. Wage Prod. Rate l/56-6/83 l/56-12/70 180 + / 0.31 0.09 l/76-12/79 48 0 0 0.30 0.12 l/63-5/83 245 + 0 0.92 0.15 I:-0.22, 12:-0.42 l/63-12/72 120 + 0 0.96 0.47 l:-0.49, 2:0.22, l/73-12/82 120 + 0 0.51 0.22 13:0.41, l2:-0.39 16 lo:-0.34 3:0.14, 13:-0.28 13:0.24 12:-0.49 Table 1 Continued Statistical Variable Obs. Per. N Characteristics Deterministic Trend Trends Seas. R* Time-Series DW Dummies West Stat. Sign. Analysis Autocorr. Diff. Germany Real GNP Industrial Prod. l/60-IV/82 l/63-12/82 92 240 + + J / 0.96 0.42 1.1 0.85 0.37 1.1 I:-0.60, 3:0.19, 7:-0.14, 11:0.20,12:-0.26 23:0.27, Unemployment Rate l/68-1/83 181 + J 0.77 0.03 l/68-8/74 80 + 4 0.36 0.09 l/75-8/81 80 - J 0.45 0.08 1.1 1.1 1.1 4:-0.21, 24:-0.21 1:0.35, 2:0.31, 3:0.35, 4:0.22, 7:0.16, 12:-0.20 1:0.35, 2:0.24, 3:0.37, 12:-0.28 Real Exchange Rates S.Fr./S I /73-2/82 110 - 0.25 0.12 S.Fr./E l/73-6/83 126 f 0.1 I 0.09 1.0 S.Fr./FF l/73-6/83 126 - 0.46 0.15 1.0 S.Fr./IJM l/73-2/83 121 - 0.71 0.16 1.0 Notes : Obs. Per.: N: 0: +, Observation Number Not -: Stat. significantly different Significantly Cliff.: Autocorr.: serial zero negative different from zero of freedom degrees statistic differences. by the Autocorrelations standard from positive, for Stationary followed Sign. observations R2, adjusted Durbin-Watson DW: 1:0.19 period of Significantly 4: rT*: 1.0 error correlation Given order of seasonal significantly criterion. is the different Given coefficient. 17 order of normal differencing, differencing. is from the lag, zero, followed judged by by the a two- estimated 3. Unit Root More this formal study, (1982a,b) test have equation the between which do not. that correlation The based (1976) vt t-value to of seasonality, characteristics are included lag in all presented unit comes insignificant usual t-statistic. mates is reported 6 In from addition in in aI regression elements to of the autodis- and results seasonal series presented dummies + "0 + 51t unit and auto- is taken (1976, except the that isolated 8.5.2). Therefore, for Note is (6) through by comparing Table examined. + Et root = 1 is tested Fuller are on estimating carrying 2. cannot the All p of p extends to seasonal lagged the usual series, possible number For almost the The Only this and West outcome. containing the the majority i2 Hasza/Fuller out all literature, (6) series, of the These the by ordinary the The trend the by Nelson/Plosser to equation be rejected. for time-series chosen helpful root from For according possible regression. based problems. siderably relevant ;, in Table order further a differ- first season- least squares cases. The results are is (3), assuming purely The following discussion + . . . + gpvtmp neglected, in the in and Hasza/Fuller lags respectively. no seasonal characteristics The hypothesis irrespective (1976) seasonal drawn investigated by The al. and significance + glvt-l = zt-zt-l. coefficient models procedures containing on the regression al (2) order. is and given these finite coefficients at seasonal model for time-series with Zt = alzt-l ences for time-series the by Fuller models of The distinction is, Fuller where two to developed point representations above, the been starting combining tinguishes relevant procedures, recently The .6 regressive from Tests as are a first judged statistic unemployment findings of a1 moreover variables Durbin-Watson German hypothesis parameter rate consistent beby the indicate no deviates with con- the esti- (1982). seasonal (1982b). private It elements, is given correspondence tests. 18 the most general model by with Professor Fuller was very zt = “1Zt-1 + a*(zt-s-zt+l) + kIwt-I + . . . + khwt-h o + Bit +f3 with ly s-l z + roots order are again to present. are zero, normal equal normal isolated root in the the if and following nary least (7) t to p+sP where seasonal as coefficients. a first-order Under normal these and seasonal differences are respective- part. CII and a2 are equal and a first-order The to (7) unit one and seasonal equation unit can be written (7) with as = 50 + 6It hypotheses p and P denote autoregressive circumstances, a(L)r(LS)(l-L)(l-LS)Zt The + E J Jt h is of a3 equal y.0. j=l wt=(l-L)(l-LS)zt. the + a3(zt-l-zt-s-l) tested by + s-l z j=l y.0. + Et J Jt estimating equation ordi- squares: Hl: CXI = 1, assuming test-statistic 1.0. is ;, from that the calculated Fuller seasonal model is as a conventional (1976, table 8.5.2) stationary. t-value is used to The relative to perform the test. H2: aI lated and Fuller H3: The HI, compared (1982, 'LI entry in Hasza/Fuller based cannot is the relevant F-statistic value 03 = 60 = aI In taken. (1982, on equation be A conventional is in of calcuHasza/- 5.1). = a2 = 1 and F-value = 1, to table usual findings a1 = CX~ = 1 and a3 = 0. rejected. (7) this table are The 19 = rj(al1 j) = 0. case, is Again, the the relevant 5.1). shown in seasonal Table model 3. The is hypothesis assumed to be TABLE Tests Estimated Variable United Real equation: Obs. Per. l/47-IV/81 Prod. Unemployment Rate t/47-2/82 l/48-2/82 2/48-l/63 2/63-2/70 3/70-2/82 Wage l/64-2/82 5/64-8/72 9/72-2/82 Great Real N zt-, P Unit + g,vt-, al Roots + ... + gpvt-p + 60 BO + f3,t 5, + E+ R2 DW 140 8 0.92 0.53 0.0007 0.99 2.02 12 (-2.33) 0.98 (2.38) 0.08 (2.21) 0.00007 0.99 1.98 (-2.11) (2.20) 0.10 (1.99) 0.0002 0.98 2.00 (2.05) 180 t-2.60) 0.94 0.20 (2.01) 0.0009 0.96 2.01 85 (-2.46) 0.98 (1.91) -0.10 (1.64) 0.0007 0.97 2.02 144 C-0.25) 0.95 C-0.12) 0.00 (0.31) 0.0009 0.97 I .98 218 12 C-2.30) 0.98 C-0.01) 0.02 (1.64) 0.000003 0.99 I .97 12 (-2.51) 0.75 (2.70) 0.16 (0.38) 0.0003 0.99 2.11 12 (-2.83) 0.92x (2.74) 0.10 (2.98) -0.00005 0.98 2.06 (-3.73) (3.56) 0.98 2.01 422 410 100 114 12 0.97 (-2.38) Britain GNP Industrial Unemployment l/60-1/83 Prod. Rate l/60-1/83 l/56-6/83 l/56-12/70 l/76-12/79 Real = a, First-Order States GNP Industrial Real zt for 2 Wage l/63-5/83 l/63-12/72 l/73-12/82 93 0.87 1.18 (-1.92) (1.32) 0.0005 93 0.89 (1.96) 0.49 0.0003 0.95 1.84 330 (-1.90) 0.98 (1.96) -0.02 (0.97) 0.0007 0.99 1.77 180 (-3.28) 0.88X C-0.93) 0.17 (3.35) 0.0006 0.92 1.87 0.86 I .90 0.99 2.03 48 (2.15) (-3.63) 0.80 (3.10) 2.54 C-2.50) C-0.99) -0.005 245 0.95 (1.54) 0.22 (1.76) 0.48 (1.47) 120 C-1.71) 0.89 0.0003 0.98 I .99 C-0.97) 0.84 (0.97) 0.73 (1.15) 0.0001 0.87 2.03 (-2.36) (2.36) (1.98) 120 20 0.00008 TABLE Tests Obs. Variable Per. for N 2 Continued First-Order P Unit Roots Ql 60 R2 01 DW Switzerland Real 1948-1981 GNP Industrial Prod. 34 l/61-1/83 89 5 0.95 8 (-0.30 0.91 (-I l/61-1/83 Employment 89 8 1 .59) 0.92 (-2.38) 0.56 0.0001 0.99 2.02 (0.36) 0.47 (0.02) 0.0002 0.93 1.86 (1.68) 0.38 (0.53) 0.96 1.95 -0.00009 (2.39) (-1.94) France Real GNP I /70-t /83 53 8 0.91 (-I Industrial Prod. l/70-6/83 162 I2 .07) 0.85 l-1.97) Real Wage West Germany Real GNP I /68-I I /83 I /60-I industrial Prod. Unemployment 62 V/82 92 /63-12/82 Rate /68-l 8 8 240 /83 12 181 /68-8/74 12 80 /75-8/8, 80 Real Exchange “t Obs. 126 ,/73-2/83 0.96 2.58 (2.05) (0.26) 0.99 2.04 0.99 2.00 0.95 2.21 0.94 0.27 (1.14) 0.96 0.21 C-0.58) 0.97 (0.64) 0.16 C-0.58) (0.69 2.01** 0.0003 (0.60) 0 .ooo I (0.25, -0.00004 1 C-0.33) 0.28 0.008 0.88 0.14 12 (0.87) 1.07 (2.86) 0.0008 0.87 0.82 (3.20) -1.82 (0.25) 12 (I .27) 3.93” 0.95 I .75 0.002 (2.88) C-6.00) I2 0.94 0.24 0.00005 0.91 I .99 I2 (-1.42) 0.94 (0.90) 0.22 (0.18) 0.0001 0.93 I .98 I2 C-2.30) 0.89 (I .96) 0.50 (I .49) -0.0002 0.92 2.00 12 (-2.57) 0.84 (2.52) 0.78 (-I .75) -0.0004 121 0.96 I .98 C-3.12) (3.1,) c-2.80) : = z - =t-1 P&.: Observation N: Number P: Number period of of estimated R2: DW: t-values are given relative * l * 2.01 (5.91) 1.17 126 I /73-6/83 S.Fr./DM Notes 110 I /73-6/83 S.Fr./FF 0.99 Rates I /73-2/82 S.Fr./f. 0.0004 (0.60) 0.00002 (-1.05) (18.38) S.Fr./% I.10 (1.09) 0.69 observations lagged differences regressions are R2, adjusted Ourbin-Watson shown in to 1.0. a, a, for parentheses is is significantly significantly degrees included. The degrees of freedom of the N-p-3. of freedom statistic below the different different estimated from from 21 coefficients. one one at at the the The 5%-level l&level t-value for cx, is GNP Real Industrial Germany West Industrial France Employment industrial Prod. Prod. V/82 l/63-12/82 I /60-I I /70-6/83 l/61-1/83 l/61-1/83 240 92 162 09 89 114 Q/72-2/02 Prod. 100 5/64-a/72 Switzerland 218 I /64-2/02 N United States Real Wage Per. Obs. Variable It = a,~~-, -0.18 24 8 24 0.59 0.32 (-0.96) 0.82 0.94 (-1 .oo) 0.95 (-3.05) 0.07 0.76 8 (-1.77) 0.55 0.93 C-1.15) 0.93 8 C-0.48) -0.77 (-3.11) 0.98 24 24 0.07 0.99 o2 FM(SD) + a3(~t-,-~t-5-,l Estimated First-Order’and (-0.1 I ) -0.28 o1 for 24 h + a2(zt-zte5-,) Tests 3 -0.02 1.45 -0.20 -0.29 0.36 -0.04 -0.22 (tul + k,wt-, -0.05 equation First-Order TABLE (-0.88) C-0.42) 0.96 0.98 (0.64) I .Ol C-1.54) 0.94 (-1.12) 0.93 (-0.31) (-2.28) 0.99 1 .QQ (0.09 1 0.62 o1 FM 0.93 0.91 1.03 0.90 0.95 0.81 0.70 0.81 o2 Unit + . . . + khw+h I model ): Seasonal + f3, Roots -0.33 -0.43 -0.37 -0.09 -0.33 -0.11 0.02 -0.12 a3 + B,t yjDjt 17.62** 5.48 15.49* 6.67 5.42 13.70’ 6.68 16.18* 3.58 3.47 3.60” 2.61 2.18 2.93 I .78 3.29 @(d+4) n-d-4 Tests + ~~ Roots ,#,(3) n-d-4 Unit + L 3.46* 1.43 4.04 2.25 2.49 2.56s” 1.41 2.63** FM (SD) Seasonal 0.30 2.53 0.64 0.10 0.25 0.29 0.39 0.24 RM Dummies Britain GNP 120 l/70-1 t-value of The tested The ** tested degrees The The * for the = o2 model hypothesis is rejected = = (a, is estimated CL, = a2 u, differences ) 0.94 0.44 0.56 -0.38 0.36 C-1 ) I .02 (1.67) 0.91 (-1.33) 0.95 o3 “3 a3 at the 1% level. given relative at the 5% level. = f3, = 0 = I, regressions 1 and I and = a2 = 0) to are least = yj with 1.0. at = 8, included ) -0.26 (-2.31 0.26 0.83 C-1 .Ol ) 0.78 t-1.52) 21 0.74 0.90 0.13 0.57 (-1.32) 0.92 (-1.08) 0.96 (-2.38) with seasonal dummies without seasonal dummies lagged observations aI, in parentheses, hypothesis is rejected of Test rp (d+4), n-d-4’ freedom Test ,#(3) n-d-4’ for Restricted FM: RN: of Number model model of Number $-It-l ) - (z+-s-Zt.+, Observation period 24 24 120 l/63-12/72 2/82 24 245 24 24 8 8 24 24 l/63-5/83 180 l/56-12/70 93 330 /83 I /60-l 93 80 181 I /56-6/83 /83 /83 I /60-l l/75-8/81 1/68-l Full Full of Rate Prod. Rate FM(SD): N: h: Obs. Per.: : Notes W+ = Wage Real Unemployment Industrial Real Great Unemployment j) N-h-s-4. (all seasonal dummies = 0 0.22 -0.08 -0.01 0.08 -0.12 -0.31 -0.67 0.12 0.10 0.96 .47) 0.92 I .02 .42) 0.98 (-I .64) C-0.21) 0.84 (-I C-1.59) 0.95 (-I C-1.34) (-0.62 0.92 0.96 C-0.86) 0.98 (-2.37) 1 0.62 0.79 0.68 0.72 0.84 0.91 0.93 I .@J 1.02 0.07 -0.45 -0.04 -0.02 -0.13 -0.40 -0.85 0.03 0.03 19.05** 6.50 13.41 25.36** 16.01 18.22+* 10.19’ 10.21 6.76 l 4.03” 2.02 2.84 5.02** 3.31 4.31+ 4.30’ 4.38’ 1.92 4.09** I .38 1.78 4.40*+ 2.10” 3.02 2.10 5.00” 1.60 0.36 0.70 0.37 0.17 0.34 1.16 0.90 I .44 0.71 stationary in strates, of hypothesis creases in to the that 11 if Out of their model mentioned above, a comparison this of siderably used first-order one. unit However, two whereas would the in the therefore rameter ever, is given be inversely the time the required economic grounds of of the unit speed The therefore In the to across in no case can component is to are get this the it is the highly present. First a stationary better of through 24 mean and of the pa- interval. period, HowaI should Second, is long implausibly .9. is the Third, also a first-order that are easily unit a stochastic of Seasonal a seasonal the and countries. sections differencing on in favor proposition markets that time-series. captured in the non-stationary, observations. preceding likely a below First, accepts and pro- characteristics around same in all hypothesis test long-run and time-series the con- model. different is adjustment one Second, between measurement mean As slightly Three actually unless is virtually that present, is well. The a constant between countries interpretation, series long-run IXI coefficient results completely the interval the the point. is one time a2 increases interpretation. of to discriminating the cyclical time return means required are if root dummies alone. coefficient to hypothesis. a seasonal from this in swings. unit a possible the value at return irrespective presented This walk to adjustment results summarized. they the root of rejected. random of to of power cyclical the one length related uniformity the to the are excluded present, would long-run favor close dummies in- time-trend quite seasonal that criti- restricted that are number seasonal seasonality interpretation it appears autocorrelation is this null It for the the aI and a2 are case below the both no root case, under or joint root on the 3). dummies an parameters describes unit that First, be mentioned economic a unit results QI zero virtually and exhibit empirical the must have other show and FM reveals root If not is to root inclusion on the seasonal be noted. one unit caveat the cases. on the if and FM demon- The evidence equal Table seasonal above depend (7). the in one if One possible not if must is FM(SD) towards cedures set column including does is, completely (last FM(SD) for that are significance zero columns examined, values characteristics and a3 to the and a first-order tested, dummies of in equation 17 series The H3 is seasonal series outcome a first-order 8 cases. Two additional lose the dummies is mixed. value A comparison that seasonal H2, present, and case. moreover, exclusion cal this root be trend or data is the patterns, ARIMA-model if than through seasonal volved, meaning pirical procedure. follows dummy variables. that The a pure these moving findings, considered an would q Q would 4. q would various The quarterly countries. lags are in shown s with and Based all on variables a- polynomials Q would possibly some series the generally intermediate (1-L') and are investigated (1979) of production work and First, in the the n(LS) the and distributed the ARIMA-residuals. series and seasonal influences from the than vice effects States occur by and seasonal, differences indices that follow over the endogenous stochastic and the non-seasonal processes period variables where polynomials. here. 25 empirical 1965-1981. of a dynamic the results ordinary A constant simultaneous the moving-average This issue is on the contempora- estimated first the most Third, example is bivariate versa. are that of not be differences The regressions can among United even The the relationships be stronger lag examined Second, feedback alternaestimation all normal periods. are includes parameter. The strongest time A representative 4. seasonal different cross-correlograms .positive short. observes two industrial differences seem to cases. magnitudes for conclusions. stationary, necessarily product GNP and unexpectedly, Table real and moving-average countries most Plosser the inem- generally order. of e- non-seasonal as bivariate indicate production not the The statistical by an ARIMA-process in in real stationary surprisingly industrial into for seasonal Not European do low seasonality, between purpose. the one West model For techniques some general cross-correlations 7 of than zero. as well described squares orders connections that for allow including is to series for regressions neously is Connections of ARIMA-models well series representation containing smaller econometric used results the be international with tively the relatively root an adequate be one. International The of of is of variables restricted both process unit data part statistical denote For and the = eq(L)AQ(LS)qt respectively.7 equal 1, parameters of stationary average adequate be a variant and a seasonal differencing remaining (I-L)(d)z, where Generally, seasonal portion pursued least of the term equation factors further TABLE International 4 Relationships - An Example Endogenous: Exogenous: Industrial Industrial Production Production Switzerland United States United Lag: Great West Britain Germany States 0 4 0.33 0.41 (1.89) (4.10) 0’.29 (1.52) Switzerland Lag: 0.19 0 (3.02) Great Lag: Britain 0.27 0 (2.80) 3 0.32 (2.16) West Germany Lag: 0 0.51 (5.41 ) 0.48 0.38 (2.69) (4.35) 0.41 4 (2.28) . R2 DW Notes The shown DW: 0.50 0.46 0.53 1.62 2.05 2.06 2.00 : logarithms R2: 0.55 in R2, regressions of the parentheses adjusted Durbin-Watson are estimated Four variables. below for degrees the estimated of in the lagged first dependent coefficients. freedom statistic 26 and seasonal variables differences are included. of the natural t-values are and four lagged that significantly time lag. These tries the stress such as the the the The model given the time-series tation of to the qualitative assumed correlation Business of the business allow the limited to cycle, maximum to ones import all countries the last Cycle the used consider and (9) and taking primary degree drift, part. (l-L)Tt = nit (l-LS)st = to shocks in to rest the a explanation the be influences, implied measure, in all (1981) non-seasonal model then and with respect component, mean of zero. seasonal followed trend In order are Based component is regularities Nelson/Plosser models. persistence context. the which The auto- the that persistence, whereas represen- cyclical describing importance of an adequate is now explored The procedures Beveridge/Nelson Q = 1, the real to worldwide an unconditional of exclusively found of with or presented Measurement (9), cyclical seasonal by however, walk dominant evidence transmitted no decade. investigation, possible seen or coun- the An alternative of the is goods. easily a small industrialized the are over with of a random attributed actions under structure to policy by equation be stationary of States, for is only concerning United characteristics to question be that increases for economies The from common reaction price with real no It included. answer the demand oil Implications 5. the receives example via observed the would for world would that however, country, also are integrated. One possibility large is well are effects suggest fairly forces, here. of variables positive findings are impulse dependent are equivalent (1982), to who, on equations (1) becomes + K (l-Al?) (10) nzt ct = f(L) q’3t and therefore (1-L)(l-Ls)zt = wt = (1-L') nit + (1-L) (l-LS)f Qlts n2t and n3t constant term, are which mutually vanishes uncorrelated in equation 27 + (1-L)(1-A1LS)n2t (11) (L)r13t white (11) noise sequences because seasonal and K is differ- a encing is real applied exchange clusively to it. rates, It since if the side, of associated lag trend given lag gation. hit, For the above. therefore obviously (=s+l) is and cyclical section, on it s the low must denote the is pure cyclical shocks create This does, course, not are created conclusions ‘For by a series remain an alternative of unchanged approach a moving therefore of ex- in take white if the if which shocks a business yields similar 28 at 2 is the variance zeros at analysis lags in that index in it see real at appears magnitudes. "business considered McCulloch this exists it same direction. is the 2 to s-2. Therefore, in the results, if If njt, presented component, 1, +Yo, to cycle lags -( l+$ equal possibility must no cyclical is no persistence independent investif(L) exists )"2 for findings that virtually the under respectively. momentum.8 the empirical and n2 cyclical 1 up correlation nI forecastable exclude the + 2(1+*i the lag F is an uninter- serial there intermediate s+l process imply values of s and where coefficients = 20; and s-l, average hand seasonal structures, the noise, with the variable to Even variances that the finite right from non-zero closely yO 1, s-F-2, autocorrelation results be concluded that F+2 to time-series and to s+l, empirical little that is the at lags data, order. the at would quite (11) on autocorrelations series , where very zero lags 1 (5) non-zero contains point be governed dependencies yields at observed = 0, are must component differences f(L) all, of part zeros the of w extends Based last be of if component correlogram from correspond and 0; wt. different order and -(o:+~AIcJ~)/Y~ "&Y. serial stationary Given that generates irregular features this by equation first (monthly) of at walks, w implied The quarterly likely for component, The component These random of intermediate most follow finite. n2t. presented the with with but rupted, coefficients of is through F+s+l order of f(L). the cyclical s-l f(L) obvious component. structure Autocorrelations only. are to order already they by a stochastic The autocorrelation becomes (1975). cycles" These which is defined as a weighted linear The characterization series presented business index 1, the industrial logarithm of to industrial The whereas series. In ponent is this the persistence in depending shows exclusively on chosen results As The variable lag is is not certainly regressions than the natural is this exhibit the large com- findings, high degree totally of spurious, (1985) furthermore may crucially depend surprising because "explained" more almost random trend on our the an com- of a highly is models Swiss Figure dummies Based Wasserfallen This of cycles, indicator cycle In in trend. size. point. residuals mentioned, cycle business the logarithm results already example, the on business procedures. distributed a deterministic natural obvious. sample from and seasonal the operation business dependent usual rather for measurement autocorrelated the in by a deterministic resulting autocorrelated a regression on a trend misleading. test clarify from literature the that residuals are proxied is to time- highly deviation useful differencing empirical usually approach is differences differences the the in macroeconomic the A representative production stationary index. as to 9 series. component effects. estimated individual contrast measured of of cyclical sharp production, the swings, the in seasonal time-series pared is indicators and fixed of the of above cycle time-trend combination on a highly easily purely by random series.I' MACROECONOMIC POLICIES III. Macroeconomists traditionally stochastic process, deviations from of the empirical ‘The I recessions, IO use of Nelson/Kang and (1984) detrended state to on ‘many ’ at the page output mean traditional this is OF THE OUTPUT RATE the the suggests least as plausible classical “Our economic activities deviations business cycle. of followed The a new view as the the presents of the traditional business business by a correlated the that definition definition follows and serially paper 6: rate approach, mean characterize in rate in this its conforms They expansions contractions, wrongly output approach (1946). among from that a constant With presented of the indicator assume exhibits mean. rate evidence BurnsAlitchel consensus which the output distribution AND THE DISTRIBUTION cycle cycles by as rsimilarly general’ associated with revival.” note a number of important variables. 29 additional pitfalls the a A Residuals time-trend Stationary (1 - L)(l of a regression and seasonal on dummies differences - L’) Mean I Figure 1 Quarterly index of industrial production Switzerland 196 l-l 983 30 This view. over new view time the and that output rate With the growth if the try on to one to In this reflects part the model of the of factors II the the with cycle variance This part an of informal Section 111.2. 111.3. nominal discusses rate of interest rate mean households choose their lifetime expected with depend the only in variance the output part the of the factors of which associated changes Section of some of the paper rate and in 111.1. of the the pro- results. households. are Section derives the real rate of solved is and their the for policies there mean allocate emphasizes investment Unless technology, because shocks rate. output utility. households rate stock. as follows. and to mean and the both money problem output real unanticipated model the the and has mean. model which derived in the of - one the case, output new view, rate, that changes the the its Model this of of from this from that problem. Section 111.4. Section 111.5. derives the the consumption one on how that rate with output shows of the optimization of developed in organized of the case, the while that output rate of the Discussion the rate is distribution The duced paper the solution of interest. Finally, An Informal and this growth the discussion and the The model in - of rate, rate, stochastically, - produce output distribution change to the a general equilibrium of the output rate theory theory presents of of output suggests deviations The model can used the follows empirical growth technologies business fluctuations the It the output of as its paper. the paper paper, we build The distribution this with mean and the vides of deviations in this mean. the in the of fluctuations about output associated affect the facts in Part variance the stochastically of of deviations mean as well new view. mimics presented in its mean fraction the changes distribution the presented from rate correlation the the a larger explain changes of explain deviations wants explain serial explaining evidence explain the mean output little view focuses mean than 1. is mean. The empirical rate the its traditional theory mean. that there from macroeconomists in is only the fact that households. which maximize one commodity variance resources of over the prooutput technologies and commodities. The model households perfect here, developed choose markets. and it can the Only in this part of of the distribution one be produced commodity is by a variety 31 the paper output produced of lets rate in constant infinitely-lived in the an economy economy stochastic with considered returns to scale technologies quantity of lessly at point the in and the Households time. of various choose of technologies, and to hedge unanticipated if households nologies used nologies change choose a different absence of the in In that the model government a target change for account the the the perfect, so that to price of plus price of rate the in the in rate in the wealth among portfolio they technologies. over money, a diversified tolerance, change of output their risk-averse, risk the time only mix tech- of because and nominal assets expands here, monetary control of money follows the itself the price of the stock of the of the variable. its to role assumed to try to rate of take assumed is rate to be imgrowth the growth deviations growth into rate time. the for actual The target the over stock growth Consequently, from is money target a random money process stock the to is The target unexpectedly money rate It money money. changes government's variable. rate. of households an important output a stochastic of growth plays the price policy control the policy of lead tech- money of households. can try case, in of money would In this choose monetary the aggregate can invest default-free a safe bonds. real in rate demand nominal rate change of is an increasing in the of of for nominal interest price of expected is bonds the rate of and There nominal is rate is As the nominal of change 32 in the are. price rate of of the assumed commodity, default-free no outside of to must zero. function opportunity In of the cost of rate of interest, of the price in bonds supply interest equal a decreasing money. of production bonds, return. the function the the nominal Consequently, of a decrease of absence uncorrelated. free the the would is Households offer both they a random of In invest invest relative for achieve how to in the change actual consume than money be serially balances, that to money growth of by households technologies its government's required the rate variance distribution uses fact However, the the cost- of set of used Households sufficiently introduction developed determination achieve of as the that The existence of opportunity rate. changes would time. mix money, the rate production assumed be changed balances. would were is can technologies choose constant over investment in the they exhibit of mean and the Households if It be risk-averse. investors assets. time. technology output real to the risky against the of assumed same way as risk-averse over in each The mix services are would randomly invested distribution commodity households change commodity each determines the which the which default- be such that equilibrium, expected real it of of real follows money rate balances (which that is equivalent to households' wealth an increase holdings is the sum of an consequently, households' the risk aversion real assets about real of the stock of real returns and makes cannot attractive to must interest interest also the interest This less crease economy. about and Tobin which households between to risk a fall in of the the nominal be in the real rate an increase real in rate explicitly and in the of interest real nominal interest is their of bonds the of result techrate in a fall this The by the invest nominal in the (1965), of stock given to While maximize willing the this risk supply the bear of bear the premium with risk a given In premium amount this rate implicitly for in derived here expected A fall of more risk 33 the to utility in the the in the that the households safe real of fact following however, rate of households distribution reflects Consequently, asset. and paid a given model, by investing safe output production. premium interest. they expected risk risk in to of the the associated change rate no outside the are in the the equilibrium. Therefore, an increase affect in production a decrease production. (1963) increases nominal in the investments households in distribution of production for interest production not joint re-establish However, brings corresponds rate. to risky on investments an increase that in in the all following of does a given the of rate returns not decreases portfolio nominal as- distribution wealth interest for necessary accompany in difference bearing are invest of that, households joint investments rate production is the nomithese consumption. The terest the constant With a given of real Mundell in lifetime decreases Furthermore, real production, attractive equilibrium in a model real balances. exhibit and the in in nominal the less of of real interest shares. households' be altered. it rate of the substitutes. invest on investments more models the households' households households' increase means it to that function to in in returns maintain of be gross the the This attractive interest decreases the and of rate distribution the Hence, nologies of of in invested real the in want investments interest. expected inflation) model, expenditure utility a given commodity. is of commodity assumed to an value for on made more rate is they total the commodity to it the nominal assumed The change of the households' wealth commodity production. rate in Consequently, decreases of a decrease real investments. of the rate In this and constant are the returns, amount stock paper, nal of the expected balances. wealth. relative sumptions the real increase real Throughout and in of asset, households infor rate the of output households change in the cannot de- as there must is change the distribution Whenever the ance of risk they output, nominal rate must rate an and an change of the The technologies by a decrease in the nominal of the output in the nominal the same rate. of in effect of can reduce the output rate. the the variance interest of interest obtain the growth through the variance as a decrease increase in the the in Conseboth the households As in of the money premium growth the output result. rate of if that a risk of amount rate. this vari- However, decreases to bear. the of output The assumption crucial they function expected of risk before in rate variance rate the in the is an increase price model which we want for effect, rate expected of the rate of of money. to investment by (b) at stock input is dKi a discrete-time in the of which Cox/Ingersoll/Ross built of given here (a) sector whose is the only from policies the commodity output of is the invested the ith in- the model hold real change sto- The ex- processes. commodity in rate the commodity. in n production commodity of households one because output dynamics differs because there model the production The itself. ith Ki. production process is a by: = 'Ki K.dt 1 Eaton for be invested produce quantity given which of to a finance distribution and (1978) instantaneous models (1980), model k, can to the variable “For an economy of capital, The the set is a government time. 11 required i=l ,...,n, process. choose The model We turn there through We look random set. the finance. Cox/Ingersoll/Ross and chastically only extends in opportunity opportunity balances here used show how households developed isting developed is widely a given vestment for of decrease the has households variance the interest, of The Economy (1978) Jones model, the amount an increasing of that stock is of increase out money 2. in this the mix variance increases turns wealth among many technologies model it decrease an efficient increase the can choose stock invested be accompanied quently, this of is to by decreasing chose the output as it bear households mean risk of + aKiKidzKi incorporate (1981). alternative real GertIer/Grinols Ui balances (1982), model. 34 (12) in the and Cox/lngersolI/Ross Stulz (1984). (1978) See also model Lucas , see (1984) where is d+. process. the output 12’ changes. vector s of from (12) the unit of that the implies world each that for a standard and the change as households Wiener variance the state is also assumed processes exhibit which government the by a lxs to follow an Ito follow of of is described variable variables production of rate can state endogenous time output process the variables; of expected a production The state so per economy, state process Equation increment this rate world Ito the In constant an process. returns to scale. We want the proceeds the money money the to from stock of households' lead whole nously the money stock transfers, we take of M=M($,t). tained by differentiating sis, we study only tries make by the growth of rate of effects time. of monetary readers who of as not in Ito’s the at of with the price would provide monetary instantaneous on the of derive references these is on techniques, introduction. 35 as In exogechanges by assumed that involving the To simplify that the the the relevant over the dynamics Fischer the analy- This governis the and (1975) of capthe considered here distribution of information money the be ob- The variance policy processes of can the P,. conditional Ito state supply a rate The all paper which We assume TI grow type stock commodity of an Ito process. the money as being money Lemma. policy. money the this operations II follows analysis familiar It loga- affect of transfers. the be a function using 71 captures (1978) are of the in bonds. change of that policy complete to of commodity, open-market of monetary 2 analysis' change A more assumed the net in from obtained for government the consumption of instantaneous price the of no government M(s,t) stock operations. because M is the of changes not in rebate proceeds least will analysis money a stock and are one type ‘2Cox/ln9ersoll/Ross the only rise. the actions owns at changes the the results policy that view open-market There assumption rate simplifies the of The ment the because not so that If the monetary in the production supply world, to hold, can changes government change money one of and money. The not extent because can commodity will does sector, households. households, To the because and to wealth. The government private in analysis, time tured paper effects given. over rebated the of changes to to the wealth function, real partially applying to real wholly this utility in creation the are remainder a model money affect creation rithmic the consider next for about the instant of M(_s,t) optimal which, control. provides For a useful given the dynamics the assumed not discussed for dynamics for here, To capture the the assumed 3. The Households' the as effect are quantity it price adds of of all demanded money. to in the the Optimization that of money nothing changes to be functions We assume of However, the of such main monetary vector by households, a derivation results policy of variables. same, are is this regime, state yield paper. !.I,, and IJ~ Problem households are the infinitely-lived and maximize: m Et I e-pT t where the C(T) is holdings tive risk tolerance households is asset risky is processes real terms of invest in one equal the given corresponds m(T) to r. instantaneous nominal risky of expected rate asset the + a,dz optimal to n risky assets assume that return of (12). equal have a real bond, which rate of invested in whose return real rate consist of all markets investments One risky rela- wealth asset inare in is of pro- a bond to R. of return equal to is: (13) 71 rate of II. consumption that assets instantaneous of return nominal growth we We real wealth different whose constant The households' n+l asset to implies shares. the in by equation = Rdt + Vndt household's per feet and function processes. first ’ 3Morespecifically, is fraction and of return U, is the commodity expenditure can and is the rate The there the production -d*l I1 where is instantaneous We take the ni Consequently, a safe the utility constant nonstochastic perfect.13 duction of balances. and real in with rate Households vestments IdT instantaneous w. i. in return consumption of real households' risky is the The l-a a [c(T)‘m(T) there and are competition. 36 no portfolio transaction policies costs, no taxes, must and be that such that the following n+l z ni 1=1 dw = where is dIi/Ii flow budget d1. ( $i the - rdt nominal bond and the and consequently, variance-covariance of holding this vestments to balances of - Rmdt - cdt of the plus knowing fraction have perfectly T (TR) the true this solve is the to 1 the first !,,L*+(, 1-l Asset In the price See of the is -cs wealth fact that real returns, one forms opportunity the the cost of output are the (1979) returns and of state in- varia- m(l-TR)l] w wO function c(w,l,t) (n+l)x(n+l) of of zeros. matrix respect c(w,_s,t) to in state opportunity w. with the of of (n+l)xs variables. cost The respect matrix U and Uas is changes of and cw variance-covariance the with of tolerance expenditures. c(w,l,t) with derivatives vector rate. risk by the be the Policy (relative) given to portfolio (15) consumption taken for portfolio of function returns and Monetary the optimal asset absolute partial inverse asset model, Fama/Farber level the of the a lx(s-1) Demands this when function are U is the variable Cj is of vector is matrix distribution 14 c=q+Rm lxs variables. of utility derivative state balances. In households' the Rm is the of -1 coefficient indirect returns, state asset. correlated W the is the covariance ith we get: (u-r.l)+y - expenditures gs asset 4. is partial vector the assets l4 for distribution portfolio, T households' Consumption the reflects as distinct returns. (14) of of This W the return m/w. asset households for n=(G)Y- where satisfied: balances. model, Solving bles. rate be treated matrix real In real cannot is ]w + rwdt instantaneous (la), nl corresponds in the nominal bond equation invested equation The holding real Uncertainty households With a discussion 37 to a non-stochastic of stochastic. choose holdings of real hold determines investment balances when the oppor- changes in tunity set, i.e., the stochastically folio whose choose and If hedge the against of relative to hold their hold able such lifetime a mean-variance to hedge, the in state myopic function, policy, monetary intuition policy behind households know way decreases which against risk with households are otherwise, their changes on their As this asset households try It lifetime the useful changes in utility protect the policy of expected this dynamics i, sufficiently asset way. to is affect hedge of re- positively they would offset the state process, adverse the a risk-averse partly in the the If in degree than in a production can policies. wealth against monetary try their this their implies policy return a vari- the fact effects households' of choice commodity. this example, rate if of changes themselves illustrate the Breeden in in monetary to the variable less have in they be changes following utility, they to they investment some asset's be an investment to produce unrealistically, 15See to purpose variable, state if with if monetary i variable than function in the variable choose households hedge affects If invest expected can changes is in to state enough. unanticipated able. technologies in for the be explained expected coefficient changes affect households a state utility variable lifetime high likely so that unanticipated can state changes is effect that ith in unanticipated can result the aversion correlated For this that against mean-- households be correlated logarithmic 15 . policies uncertainty unanticipated lative of hedge the extent do not the and consumption households must they in their that a smaller households as if means However, portfolio. risky assets Furthermore, portfolio When The efficient returns of utility to hold. time, that technologies choose change to of dominates an unanticipated utility no mix variables This change port- means return over state one. expected variables. logarithmic that they in exceeds This a way that stochastically changes aversion 5 do not efficient - r.1). whose portfolio change unanticipated risk in such the vector a mean-variance U-I(k portfolio of variables a portfolio affects a return state to in usage yields by the hold proportional technologies the given households are balances space variables time, weights the real variance state over of discussion we assume change of u'rr (1983) 38 of are with that the a concrete there price assumed is of to example. only one money, P,. be such that state Not an unexpected increase dl’, = c is assumed example even changes in with stylized facts state is useful variables for other note an increase finance. index assume than one. in p,: that simplify (A.l.) our with example in this their shares. 16 unanticipated economy, according in R. two important we can define instantaneous utility the Consequently, commodity as folio of with (1981), among has Index, negatively others have stocks show 'that return, i.e., expected with evidence R are the to: that inflation, positively commodity using Nelson correlated provided of deflated inflation. a real of in in terms others, stocks function changes returns common correlated the (17) because the an function $P = (&)g! flation, and unanticipated changes embodies Using this processes u'n and R and (A.2) as p evolves To of production correlated First, households, than returns that expenditure price to the negatively of modern the implies smaller with to constant numeraire, but perfectly index exhibits it interesting price money (16) uncorrelated in is of positive, further, II are price - p,dt). be in v,, are It exact Q.($ to changes changes in the the (1976), of correlated price index Fama/Schwert a well-diversified a return the nominal which of by the inflation. interest is p are (1977), the in- negatively of common Consumer Price Fama (1976) rates case portand Schwert portfolio deflated rate with a well-diversified when and are an increasing assumption (A.2) holds. With nominal ‘%ee the assets assumptions can be written Samuelson/Swamy we have made as: (1974). 39 for this example, the demand for (18) "1 = * where the (A.21, changes state in in the log With fall variable changes the is the log taken of type of in 71, i.e., the of the policy the uncertainty price services adverse relative risk a short household assets which, because of an if in in opportunity balances. expects cI,,R to This policy position about with future results of on to is nominal assets investment Rates and Real nominal it makes Finally, worsening expected hedge the loss TI. an of return that also against the from TR < 1, a household to of do so 'by in the in believed policy and consumption the example coefficient position offsets the the against unexpectedly, a fall monetary assets asset hedge one takes an an unexpected set.17 because this short widely increases to TR < 1 and can an unanticipated consequently, While its in condition it its TI falls decreases it opportunity can affect If and nominal i.e., a decrease in worse wants hedged, it about is because accompanies as that, demand for of interest. one, fully as in investment uncertainty specific is be negative, implies the rate assumption an unanticipated in R if assets. 71 corresponds example uncertainty creases nominal the interest than R which Hence, brings A household gain set, real of nominal household short From correlated here, increase smaller in the investment rate unanticipated holding of R. A household balances. increase fall additional is position the of negatively of money, in R. an unanticipated tolerance unanticipated worsening real of makes log postulated of one unit of effects taking be the perfectly of P,,. an increase pi? and, consequently, from an increase in the nominal cost to R are and, example demands, follow from uncertainty opportunities, consequently, just creates discussed one should a number it increases points dethe out not forget that of restrictive how the as- sumptions. 5. Naminal In this rate of these model, interest two “For Interest real R are variables a discussion balances of held endogenous are what Balances determined. hedging by households variables. means in 40 In as well this section, To be able to a model like this, see as the characterize Breeden nominal we show how (1984). our solution more utility precisely, function real returns With a quently, we (i.e., 6=0). on production processes logarithmic utility our do not results The demand variables. that of assumptions the hT' the as the for long demand logarithmic easier to general assets nominal the state variables function the now given simplifies not it be true by households must of the be equal follows Ito asset of irrespectively the dynamics processes. demands, endogenous it makes the capital, k, variables in the the real real value nominal assets of a balances they hold, as there we have: expenditures are equal to PW in this case, I8 The Rm. = real and it (21) wealth of can be rewritten of households monetary wealth, utility function expected instance, of wealth is equal m, i.e., to the w=m+k. sum of Hence, the stock equation of (21) as: indirect J(w,z,t) for it that: However, function of Because (20) consumption p(l-a)W See, state model. that to Consequently, holds n1w = m. as S. Conse- hedge. nature or about the value equilibrium, Furthermore, the in by: here P,, follow equilibrium must given variables and expectations bonds. is assets rational are no nominal do on the (A.1') changes (19) equilibrium In held state characterize households with logarithmic . for utility uncorrelated restrictions nominal made about as the are function, require nIw = (G)(R+pn-r)w 0 ll Notice assume that households have a 18 Furthermore, we assume that Cox/lngersolI/Ross in a general = (1978) equilibrium of wealth is (I/p)e-Ptlnw+G(q,t) for setting. 41 a derivation given in this case by: . of the expected indirect utility R = p(l-a) Equations (19) unknowns, R and m. ii + l1 and (21') (21’) can be viewed Rewriting as a system equation (19), of two equations in two we have: (19’) Consequently, yield for a given R as a function (20') shows equilibrium. the the to R times Figure of in the expected (a) rate in variance of vector A policy. Such next the The real and constant of the rate the price change to of on the of portfolio to satisfy balances must On Figure TI. they 2, m* As r, is real can also carried highlight an increase and the out all depend continuously change rate of in in in of of the the changes remainder under this monetary interest because the effects 05 a of in- an increase change analysis of (b) +, to the interest section r, rate TI, and (c) may change affect the nominal interest corresponds However, to (21') Equation real wealth. of money of 2, shown next technologies real effect real of of rate technologies. section of utility of and m for marginal u,, or 0: is R and be related the variables in a change section. in the rate (19') two functions. of m and R. change state change between study in of the of model. to an increase exist' utility values equations these how R and m must the marginal interest, 2 plots must that the of shows be used terest on the which equilibrium 2 can rate Figure (21') condition and R* are the the m. relation Equation first-order be equal real of of this assumption changes in in r is opposite of real of monetary policy. In the equation effect (21'). in a vertical affect the crease r the in decreases same in for Figure in by u,, to token, given in P, the ~5 of rate risk real interest equation in and does that an balances 1-1, not in- held premium follow at the R, an increase paid R must decreases 42 the of a decrease (19') follows premium in r or of Given by interest. of risk An increase the It decreases rate nominal in in the balances. side by equation (21'). nominal :eestablish an increase right-hand an increase curve decreases level on the equation the R+~J -1". an increase a given 2, the a given U, of no effect a decrease that, a decrease a fall in and increases Notice or r has given or effect in P,, for shift curve in households i.e., u,, or Consequently, creates the an increase m, a change or (19'), of its risk on nominal in assets, an increase earlier premium r in level. on nominal r By R’ -Pn B +I I II * m* m Figure 2 Equation (19’) characterizes portfolio equilibrium for households Equation (2 1’) relates holdings of real balances to consumption expenditures R* corresponds to the equilibrium interest rate m* corresponds to the equilibrium holdings of real balances for a given amount of real wealth 43 assets must sis per unit rise of to the on nominal tively of variance, bring the variance the risk 6. The Real an increase in 05 negative. If nominal on uncorrelated of r and the the i.e., row (A.l'), processes can be written: duction = negative. the V-l =e (!e requires of of - nominal the risk premium returns asset wealth. may decrease affect case, rate. the real We focus changes the in TI are in monetary rate Let out taken holdings of of policy return on the real on an asset the subscript of a matrix. investments e denote With in as- production (22) r.1) that nega- In this policy output real been the analy- processes. a change have interest Fluctuations payoff. households' of This real unanticipated instantaneous instantaneous if have in monetary which rate level. hold invested production effect and column sumption n-e is in of the a safe, first holding of distribution case returns we derive Equilibrium the earlier not and Macroeconomic simple nominal assets return assets Interest the promises rate, of its does we show how changes interest, the output rate on nominal with First, the real section interest that the Rate of which with of the to is premium of back of discussion rate premium assets In this rate risk effect correlated the and consequently, the whole stock of capital be invested in pro- processes: l'n w = k - -e Using equations Using rate the of (22) and (23), k = i'$I (Ee-r.A)w fact w=m+k, that interest as a function we get: (24) we can of rewrite equation (24) to obtain the real m and k: (25) where a = A'l$l~e and b = A'y!&'A. a and b are 44 exogenously given. They change stochastically some production over process Differentiating Equation k rate of rate the light growth of real rate relative of of crease in real more in households falls by librium, real of interest interest wants to than can to is expected given by the n,, the variables returns result are invest interest increase the nominal in the of fall nominal real in the rate of their interest. An in- households' bond, holdings a constant real in- processes and To understand why notice for that, for nominal However, bond. attractive, constant fraction demand bond effect of a fall the in equithe nominal so that a assets Consequently, in pk=E(dk/k). in the real that the Notice which stock of commodity k. Using equation output rate can be obtained rate of _l'V-l(~ =e With of R. an increase Ee(w/k), p’k= a simple rate no household asset. the the in the expla- has balances. $ and of lifetime seems paradoxical following less the production nominal of a fall it in households' holdings must in For an their a fall the following more of growth model rate in variance this wealth. less of nominal rate decreases real states the endogenous. real by expected of in a constant a given invest interest, in that OUtpUt this decisions their in in the in expected with to invest higher an increase literature, be no investment We now consider the of want make the invest that associated for hence, is in the While rate of there rate the As an increase Consequently, households bond to rate less is production and, interest follows interest. processes nominal of higher. macroeconomic nominal want real of households the given m, it aversion, rate, rate are households. production the real interest the balances terest of we get: II or a decrease model, risk in of of In this wealth of rate much nation. the decreases utility of (25), balances the real expected distribution (26) that real of TI decreases in the >o means in which interest of the if time. b(m+k)2 (26) world only over equation dr -= dm the time changes real corresponds interest to the (23), as rate interest expected expected which of output output defines a function on the of rate divided vector exogenous r: (27) + -r.l) _ 45 Differentiating the expected output rate with respect to r, we obtain: duk (~‘!!,l~)(~;v,l~e)- (~;!!,ll)Q’v,‘re~ -= dr (28) (l’V-l(~ - -e -e -r.A))’ Merton (1972) side is of equation related expected models change output in the the real willing would stock of must shift stock is bear the a less left obtain rate. variance As the variance has implies risk rate as, of in the for the output and change of the that households risk. in is the of as a decrease unchanged households of the capital the would variance in the in commodity the whole expected pro- have by a de- of the output function of an increase expected been a decrease accompanied money, longer previous an increasing price change Therefore, money is the and falls, households' of interest rate the less price rate of output sense output of the otherwise, no before none causes are interest so that equi- which Consequently, plan, conse- to maintain part of the In equilibrium, in production. variance rate of technologies, an adverse and, they did of between well-understood policy, that as they real production same effects model, the of of the such is the the only of of technologies of the expected monetary distribution time-series output and of monetary By a proper (26). and that of dynamics equation technologies price monetary rate rate in of the that change of money. dynamics the of unchanged rate rate the distribution of fall expected expected the price there must in efficient nominal by inspection that asset fall growth the In this examples on that a change As the higher is models, return risky was not interest In these model, fall, output relation attractive an also This more to right-hand expected asset be invested idle. must in the of in production. crease of rate (1984)). be invested expected the interest. no longer to on the the riskless of the same amount must expression of in plan of the real Breeden households capital of rate and the For the investments rate to real (see of Consequently, for in the of present shares stock able rate the of portfolio duction the makes policy. output to money wealth to monetary positive. real In numerator is technologies librium. the rate without quently, that (28) positively the in proves one state variable money, LI.,,. If the it the output output which P,, follows 46 policy, is is are of possible rate is rate. For the expected a martingale, a function as can be noted specification policy, of of rate the to the dynamics construct same as the instance, rate then the suppose of change expected output rate changes follows in for a larger the output all the in a martingale ~1, is high also. enough, fraction of changes its mean. One can in the expected output or expected output examples monetary in policy which contribute The empirical analysis decompose cyclical, and the a number pirical work stationary of this in which to changes in technologies the changes If shows that, into and in the countries and are An important unable of that the these data is present in ex- quarterly reject of the is time-series a trend, time-series and to these implication differencing trend of monthly of trend, a deterministic a stochastic We examine in general, a stochastic into representation root. first paper than representation that if the the decomposition business cycle changes in with changes in in the the macroeconomic dynamics series in time- hypothesis exhibits a for em- results required trend the output can theory be caused model, macroeconomic as to get a is used, by on the portfolio the variance of growth the nominal rate When the households' changes as by of interest real wealth is in shown is if real variables affect the distribution and the held decreases falls, the households 47 one wants to explain in which macroeconomic in trend of by In output the through An increase instance, households' choose the time-- considered of for the policies. by households. money stock, Conseexplain usually macroeconomic assets vari- to changes in of more crucial model the that for In component. it changes of rate cyclical as artifact. account a theoretical properties It policies the the time-series same study. well seem to decomposition, We present have trend be a statistical than trend macroeconomic empirical growth effect of a stochastic to component time-series stochastic output our out trend fluctuations. of involving turns the macroeconomic quently, their of root. is particular, ation changes of time-series. However, much deviations examples explaining rather component. unit unit in component autoregressive first-order the construct time-series autoregressive a first-order for than of account CONCLUDING REMARKS presented a seasonal a time-series, the variance rate can be attributed the to marcroeconomic and a seasonal a cyclical, also the output rate. IV. one should rate rate both if expected output from in series in the rate changes that in the variation technologies hibits Furthermore, changes increases real to bear wealth. a smaller in amount the output of growth production rate and in the Consequently, risk. of the expected money value stock of causes output. 48 an increase in the variance of a decrease in the variance of References Barro, R.J. (1978) Beveridge, Unanticipated Money, United Journal States, S. and Nelson, (1981) Permanent Measurement Level 86; 549-580. 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