Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes: Linguistics (3rd draft) Linguistics major Undergraduates with a B.A. in Linguistics will have acquired the following skills and knowledge: 1. Capacity for rigorous analytic thinking (e.g. in forming and testing hypotheses) 2. Ability to write clearly and articulately 3. Understanding of the general properties of language 4. Active command of linguistic theory and linguistic investigation Curriculum Map: Linguistics major x = contributes to this PLO B = basic, I = intermediate, A = advanced Foundation Advanced Electives 50 53 101 112 102 113 116 105 117 151 157 PLOl PLO2 B B B I I I A A A A x x x x x x Sr exit req* PLO3 B I I I I I I I I I I A PLO4 B B B I I I A A A A A * One elective course taken in the senior year Language Studies major Undergraduates with a B.A. in Language Studies will have acquired the following skills and knowledge: 1. Ability to write clearly and articulately 2. Understanding of the general properties of language Dec 2, 2013 1 3. Exposure to linguistic theory and linguistic investigation 4. Proficiency in a language other than English Curriculum Map: Language Studies major x = contributes to this PLO B = basic, I = intermediate, A = advanced PLO1 Foundation Electives Context* Sr exit req** 50 53 101 111 or 112 102 113 116 105 117 151 157 x x x x x x PLO2 B I I I I I I I I I I PLO3 B I I I A A A A A A A x A PLO4 I * Six elective courses in Linguistics or relating to the major language in some way ** One elective course in Linguistics taken in the senior year Dec 2, 2013 2 B.A. in Linguistics, Multi-­‐year assessment plan Year Program Learning Outcome Type of evidence and source Population Assessment approach and tools When evidence will be collected Analysis, report, recommendations 2013-­‐2014 PLO2: Ability to write clearly and articulately. Direct evidence Final project paper from senior comprehensive requirement course Random sample from all seniors who graduate in AY13-­‐14. Several faculty members will assess proLiciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Fall 2014 Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in a department survey (to be created). Seniors who responded to the survey. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2014 of student self-­‐evaluation. PLO4: Active command of linguistic theory and linguistic investigation. Direct evidence Final project paper from senior comprehensive requirement course Random sample from all seniors who graduate in AY13-­‐14. Several faculty members will assess proLiciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in dept survey. Seniors who responded to the survey. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2014 of student self-­‐evaluation. PLO3: Understanding of the general properties of language Direct evidence Responses to the Linal exam or designated problem set. Random sample of students enrolled in LING105, 117, 151 or 157 in 2014-­‐2015. Faculty will assess proLiciency using a rubric (already developed W14). PLO1: Capacity for rigorous analytic thinking Direct evidence Responses to the Linal exam or designated problem set. Random sample of students enrolled in LING102, and 113, 116 in 2015-­‐2016. Faculty will assess proLiciency using a rubric (already developed W14). Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in dept survey Seniors who responded to the survey. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2016 of student self-­‐evaluation. 2014-­‐2015 2015-­‐2016 ! Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in dept survey. Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Spring 2015, based on Fall 2015 assignments completed in AY2014-­‐2015 Elective courses. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2015. of student self-­‐evaluation. Spring 2016, based on assignments completed in AY2015-­‐2016 Intermediate level foundation courses. Fall 2016 B.A. in Language Studies, Multi-­‐year assessment plan Year Program Learning Outcome Type of evidence and source Population Assessment approach and tools When evidence will be collected Analysis, report, recommendations 2013-­‐2014 PLO1: Ability to write clearly and articulately. Direct evidence Final project paper from senior comprehensive requirement course Random sample from all seniors who graduate in AY13-­‐14. Several faculty members will assess proLiciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Fall 2014 Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in a department survey (to be created). Seniors who responded to the survey. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2014 of student self-­‐evaluation. PLO3: Exposure to linguistic theory and linguistic investigation. Direct evidence Final project paper from senior comprehensive requirement course Random sample from all seniors who graduate in AY13-­‐14. Several faculty members will assess proLiciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in dept survey. Seniors who responded to the survey. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2014 of student self-­‐evaluation. PLO2: Understanding of the general properties of language Direct evidence Responses to the Linal exam or designated problem set. Random sample of students enrolled in advanced elective courses (105, 117, 151, 157) or Structure of X courses (LING18x) in 2014-­‐2015. Faculty will assess proLiciency using a rubric (already developed W14). PLO4: ProLiciency in a language other than English Direct evidence Students enrolled in Language Program coursework. TBD how students selected. TBD -­‐ requires collaboration with Lg Program 2014-­‐2015 2015-­‐2016 Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in dept survey. ! TBD Indirect evidence Student self-­‐evaluation reported in dept survey. Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Spring 2015, based on Fall 2015 assignments completed in AY2014-­‐2015 Elective courses. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2015 of student self-­‐evaluation. (OR SPRING 2014 if we only administer the survey biannually) ! Spring 2016 (probably) Faculty will analyze results Spring 2016 of student self-­‐evaluation. Fall 2016 Graduate Program Learning Outcomes: Linguistics (2nd draft) M.A. Program Graduates from the M.A. program should have acquired the following skills and knowledge: 1. Proficiency in the fundamental knowledge of linguistics 2. Ability to use the concepts and methods of linguistics to solve a problem with theoretical consequences 3. Ability to communicate concepts and results to other experts in the field 4. Ability to do independent research Curriculum Map: M.A. Program Foundation Core* Seminars** MA thesis 211 221 231 212 214 222 232 257 280 282 A B C PLOl x x x x x x x x x x PLO2 x x x x x x x x x x x PLO3 x x x PLO4 x x x x x x x x * Two of 212, 222, 232 are required; one other core course required ** Graduate seminars or proseminars that form a coherent plan of study Oct 1, 2013 1 Ph.D. Program Graduates from the Ph.D. program should have acquired the following skills and knowledge: 1. Mastery of the fundamental knowledge of linguistics in its broader scientific context 2. Detailed mastery of one subarea of linguistics 3. Ability to use the concepts and methods of linguistics to solve a problem with theoretical consequences 4. Ability to communicate concepts and results to other experts in the field 5. Ability to do sustained independent research Curriculum Map: Ph.D. Program Foundation Core Seminars* Qualifying Papers Qualifying Exam Ph.D. dissertation 211 221 231 212 214 222 232 257 280 282 290 A B C PLOl x x x x x x x x x x PLO2 PLO3 x x x x x x x x x x PLO4 x x x PLO5 x x x x x x x x * Graduate seminars or proseminars that form a coherent plan of study QUESTION: Is it appropriate for the timely achievement of these goals to be incorporated into the PLO’s? If so, how? Oct 1, 2013 2 Ph.D. in Linguistics, Multi-­‐year assessment plan Year Program Learning Outcome Type of evidence and source Population Assessment approach and tools When evidence will be collected Analysis, report, recommendations 2013-­‐2014 PLO4: Ability to communicate concepts and results to other experts in the @ield Direct evidence Qualifying papers All dissertations completed in this year (at least). Several faculty members will assess pro@iciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Fall 2014 Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions on Program and Career Prep. All PhD respondents in the past 2 years. Faculty will analyze survey Spring 2014 results. PLO5: Ability to do sustained independent research + PLO2: Detailed mastery of one subare of linguistics. Direct evidence Qualifying papers All dissertations completed in this year (at least). Several faculty members will assess pro@iciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions All PhD respondents in the past 2 years. Faculty will analyze survey Spring 2014 results. PLO1: Mastery of the fundamental knowledge of linguistics in its broader scienti@ic context. Direct evidence Qualifying exam All dissertations completed in this year (at least). Faculty will assess pro@iciency using a rubric (already developed W14). Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions All PhD respondents in the past 2 years. Faculty will analyze results Spring 2015 of self-­‐evaluation. PLO3: Ability to use the concepts and methods of linguistics to solve a problem with theoretical consequences Direct evidence Dissertation All dissertations completed in this year (at least). Faculty will assess pro@iciency using a rubric (already developed W14). Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions All PhD respondents in the past 2 years. Faculty will analyze survey Spring 2016 results. 2014-­‐2015 2015-­‐2016 Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 M.A. in Linguistics, Multi-­‐year assessment plan Year Program Learning Outcome Type of evidence and source Population Assessment approach and tools When evidence will be collected Analysis, report, recommendations 2013-­‐2014 PLO3: Ability to communicate concepts and results to other experts in the @ield Direct evidence MA Theses All theses completed in this year (at least). Several faculty members will assess pro@iciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. Fall 2014 Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions on Program and Career Prep. All MA respondents Faculty will analyze survey Spring 2014 in the past 2 years. results. PLO4: Ability to do independent research Direct evidence MA Theses All theses completed in this year (at least). Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions All MA respondents Faculty will analyze survey Spring 2014 in the past 2 years. results. 2014-­‐2015 2015-­‐2016 Several faculty members will assess pro@iciency using a rubric to developed in Winter 2014. Faculty will assess pro@iciency using a rubric (already developed W14). Spring 2014, based on assignments completed in AY2013-­‐2014 Senior comprehensive courses. PLO1: Direct evidence Pro@iciency in the MA Theses fundamental knowledge of Indirect evidence linguistics UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions All theses completed in this year (at least). Spring 2015 PLO2: Ability to use the concepts and methods of linguistics to solve a problem with theoretical consequences Direct evidence MA Theses All theses completed in this year (at least). Indirect evidence UCSC Graduate Student Survey questions All MA respondents Faculty will analyze survey Spring 2016 in the past 2 years. results. Fall 2015 All MA respondents Faculty will analyze results Spring 2015 in the past 2 years. of self-­‐evaluation. Faculty will assess pro@iciency using a rubric (already developed W14). Spring 2016 Fall 2016