University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Student Development Module Table of Contents Parents' Involvement 201a-k Table 201a Parent(s) involved in choice of courses Table 201b Parent(s) involved in discussing course material Table 201c Parent(s) very interested in academic progress Table 201d Parent(s) stress good grades Table 201e Parent(s) influenced choice of major Table 201f Parent(s) ask about UC friends and non-academic activities Table 201g I would prefer my parents be **** involved in my life as a college student Table 201h Daily contact with parent(s) - telephone Table 201i Daily contact with parent(s) - text messages on cell phone Table 201j Daily contact with parent(s) - email or instant message Table 201k Daily contact with parent(s) - in person Goals & Aspirations 202a-q Table 202a Goals and values: give something back to the community Table 202b Goals and values: acquire well-rounded general education Table 202c Goals and values: discover what kind of person really want to be Table 202d Goals and values: achieve a high GPA Table 202e Goals and values: form romantic relationships Table 202f Goals and values: establish meaningful friendships Table 202g Goals and values: prepare for graduate or professional school Table 202h Goals and values: obtain the knowledge and skills I need to pursue my chosen career Table 202i Goals and values: be in a position to make a lot of money Table 202j Goals and values: explore new ideas Table 202k Goals and values: enjoy my college years before assuming adult responsibilities Table 202l Goals and values: develop personal code of values and ethics Table 202m Goals and values: develop an in-depth understanding of field of study Table 202n Goals and values: integrate spirituality into my life Table 202o Goals and values: establish social networks that will further my career Table 202p Goals and values: obtain skills for international arena Table 202q Career intentions Student Types 203a-r Table 203a Student type: artsy students Table 203b Student type: athletes/jocks *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research and Evaluation, pz on 20 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Student Development Module Table 203c Student type: feminist students Table 203d Student type: fraternity/sorority members Table 203e Student type: immigrant students Table 203f Student type: lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender students Table 203g Student type: liberal students Table 203h Student type: partiers Table 203i Student type: religious or spiritual students Table 203j Student type: slackers Table 203k Student type: students from very poor backgrounds Table 203l Student type: student from very rich backgrounds Table 203m Student type: students in my major field of interest Table 203n Student type: students involved in my campus organization Table 203o Student type: students of my racial/ethnic background Table 203p Student type: students who are serious about getting good grades Table 203q Student type: transfer students Table 203r Student type most identified with Personal Growth & Development 204a Table 204a Started UC understanding/awareness: my racial/ethnic identity Table 204b Started UC understanding/awareness: social problems facing nation Table 204c Started UC understanding/awareness: social problems facing world Table 204d Started UC understanding/awareness: social class/economic differences Table 204e Started UC understanding/awareness: racial/ethnic differences/issues Table 204f Started UC understanding/awareness: gender/sexual orientation differences/issues Table 204g Current UC understanding/awareness: my racial/ethnic identity Table 204h Current UC understanding/awareness: social problems facing nation Table 204i Current UC understanding/awareness: social problems facing world Table 204j Current UC understanding/awareness: social class/economic differences Table 204k Current UC understanding/awareness: racial/ethnic differences/issues Table 204l Current UC understanding/awareness: gender/sexual orientation differences/issues Time Allocation 205a-l Table 205a Time allocation: attend movies, concerts, sports or other events Table 205b Time allocation: perform community service or volunteer activities Table 205c Time allocation: participate in physical exercise, recreational sports, or physically active hobbies Table 205d Time allocation: spiritual activities Table 205e Time allocation: participate in student clubs or organizations *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research and Evaluation, pz on 20 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Student Development Module Table 205f Time allocation: pursuing a recreational/creative interest Table 205g Time allocation: socializing with friends Table 205h Time allocation: time with family Table 205i Time allocation: using computer for non-academic purposes Table 205j Time allocation: watching tv Table 205k Time allocation: commuting to school and to work Table 205l Average number of hours of sleep per weeknight Obstacles 206a-k Table 206a Obstacles (frequency): being depressed Table 206b Obstacles (frequency): being stressed Table 206c Obstacles (frequency): being too sleep deprived Table 206d Obstacles (frequency): participating in campus activties Table 206e Obstacles (frequency): feeling emotional distress Table 206f Obstacles (frequency): family responsibilities or obligations Table 206g Obstacles (frequency): being ill, injured, or in poor physical health Table 206h Obstacles (frequency): fulfliing job responsibilities Table 206i Obstacles (frequency): dealing with difficult living situation Table 206j Obstacles (frequency): supporting political activities or causes Table 206k Obstacles (frequency): having an active social life/excessive partying Campus Climate 207a-o Table 207a Campus climate: friendly-hostile Table 207b Campus climate: caring-impersonal Table 207c Campus climate: intellectual-not intellectual Table 207d Campus climate: tolerant of diversity-intolerant Table 207e Campus climate: safe-dangerous Table 207f Campus climate: too easy academically-too hard Table 207g I feel free to express my political beliefs on campus (from the Student Development Module) Table 207h I feel free to express my religious beliefs on campus Table 207i Students are respected here regardless of their economic or social class Table 207j Students are respected here regardless of their gender Table 207k Students are respected here regardless of their race or ethnicity Table 207l Students are respected here regardless of their religious beliefs Table 207m Students are respected here regardless of their political beliefs Table 207n Students are respected here regardless of their sexual orientation Table 207o Poltical affiliation (from Student Development Module) *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research and Evaluation, pz on 20 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006