19 Boxes; 5.1 cu. ft. History

SPEC 008
French Revolution Pamphlets, 1779-1815
19 Boxes; 5.1 cu. ft.
The French Revolution Pamphlets were purchased in 1973 from Mrs. Frances Reynolds.
It was originally acquired by Ball State University to assist an increasing number of history and
French students in their research and studies. It was also purchased in the hopes that Ball State’s
Ph.D. program in History would be approved in the same year. It was meant to be a foundation
for research in the field of modern Europe. At the time of acquisition, Dr. Richard Wires,
chairman of the Department of History, wrote in support of the purchase, stating "… we have an
increasing number of students who do work in this period for History and French credit and such
source material is extremely valuable for their research and studies." Though the Ph.D. program
never came to fruition, the French Revolution Pamphlet Collection remains an important
resource for students and researchers.
The effects of the French Revolution were far reaching and global. The resulting wars
propelled Britain to global dominance. France’s navy was in shambles and its empire lost. Spain
and Holland were broken as imperial powers. Radical ideas on rights, citizenship, and role of the
state developed. The revolution heavily influenced conceptions of liberty and democracy. It also
promoted nationalism and citizenship. Many historians consider the French Revolution as the
beginning of Modern Europe.
The example of the American Revolution and the growth of new ideas amongst the
Bourgeoisie began to stir up revolutionary ideas among the French. The ideals of the “Age of
Enlightenment,” led by Voltaire and Rousseau, which emphasized individual personal freedom,
became a major influence in France. They presented an idea of a liberal society that flourished
under a free-market economy. These thinkers also challenged the absolute right to rule and
presented ideas of equal rights and the abolition of the class system. The pamphlets presented
many of these ideas and played a crucial role in the birth of one of the world’s most important
The French Revolution, much like the American Revolution, was a movement of the
masses. The North American Colonies and their revolt in the 1770s relied heavily on newspapers
to promote, proselytize, and disseminate the political discourse that supported their war for
independence. The French case presented a different picture, as newspapers were heavily
censored in France. French revolutionaries thus turned to the pamphlet, which could be privately
printed, as the most popular way to disseminate political discourse. An increase in the number of
print shops and a rise in literacy allowed pamphlets to be both mass-produced and understood by
the masses. Pamphlets became the most important tool of political polemics and propaganda.
Scope and Content
This collection of pamphlets covers numerous topics over a thirty-five year
period. Its particular strength lies in the early years between 1789 and 1793. Its major topics
include laws, taxes, trade, rights, the judicial system, the creation of the constitution, the army,
the church, and the execution of the king. Included in this collection is the Déclaration que
S.A.S. le Duc régnant de Brunswick-Lunebourg. This pamphlet is the the Proclamation of the
Duke of Brunswick, which was the primary justification for the downfall of the monarchy and the
eventual execution of the king. Among the more interesting pamphlets surrounding the debate
over Louis XVI’s execution is the three act tragedy entitled La Mort de Louis XVI, written by an
anonymous royalist. One of the most fascinating literary pamphlets we have is Marie-Joseph
Chénier’s Charles IX, ou L'école des Rois, tragédie which attacked the state’s use of censorship.
There are also works by a large number of important people. These include Jean Sylvain de
Bailly, Napoleon Bonaparte, Jacques Pierre Brissot, Armand Gaston Camus, Lazare Carnot,
Trophime Gerard, Marquis de Lally-Tollendal, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, Count of Mirabeau,
Jacques Necker, Maximilien Robespierre, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, and Jerome Pétion de
M. Gilkey, 25 April 2006
L. Anderson, 9/2008
Container List
Finding Aid
France. Conseil d'état. Order of the King's Council, which annuls, beginning the
1st of next April, the leases of the carriage owners from the Place de la
Ville of Paris, of the old concessionaries of the of the aforesaid privilege.
(Paris, Imprimerie royale)
Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri, 1736-1791. Memoirs of the Bastille, and of the
detention of Mr. Linguet, written by himself. (London, Spilsbury)
Historical remarks on the Bastille. New Edition, augmented with a large number
of interesting and little known anecdotes. (London, s.n.)
Rohan-Guéméné, Henri-Louis-Marie, prince de, 1745-ca. 1808. Request of prince
de Guéméne, to the King. (s.l., s.n.)
Order from low court of Paris, August 21, 1787. (s.l., s.n.)
Decree of the office of the mint. (s.l., s.n.)
France. Parlement (Bordeaux). Judgment of the Court of the Parliament of
Bordeaux, making prohibitions & justifications to all classes in any form,
to assemble in body of Provincial assemblies, before the Edict bearing the
creation of these Assemblies be recorded in the Court. (Bordeaux,
Imprimerie de Pierre Phillipot)
Bordeaux. Parlement (Bordeaux). Letters of Royal Command. (s.l., s.n.)
Aimant, pseud. Letter of Mr. Aimant, vicar to Philanthropie en montagne, to the
nobility of France-county. (s.l., s.n.)
Chaillou, [Pierre-Louis]. Brittany. Account made by one of the members of the
Parliament of Rennes to the Assembly Chambers, May 8, 1788. (Rennes,
France. Conseil d'etat. Decree of the King’s Council of State, concerning the
suppressed records of exceptional courts, and the prosecutions, in
criminal matters, relative to the recovery of taxes. June 28, 1788. (Lille,
Imprimerie de C.M. Pererinck Crame)
France. Parlement. (Aix-en-Provence). Official report of the meeting held at the
Parliament of Provence, May 8, 1788. (Paris, s.n.)
France., Parlement. (Dijon). Protests of the Parliament of Burgundy, June 11,
1788. (Paris, s.n.)
France., Parlement. (Nancy). Declaration and frequent protests of the Parliament
of Nancy, June 11, 1788. (s.l., s.n.)
France., Sovereigns, etc. 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Instruction for the Deputy
Commissioners by the King, on noting the operations prescribed by his
ordinance of the present Month, on the administrator of justice, or judged
necessary for the execution of the proclamations of the same month.
(Paris, s.n.)
La Reynie de la Bruyére, Jean Baptiste Marie Louis de, 1760. Letter from the
Cardinal of Fleury to the council of Louis XVI. (s.l., s.n.)
Minier, Charles. Speech pronounced on September 30, 1788, by Mr. Minier,
Attorney to the Parliament at the opening of the Chamber of Attendance,
chaired by Mr. Bochard De Saron. (Paris, s.n.)
The ghosts of Madam the President Mairat to Mr. de Lamoignon, Fourth
President of the Parliament, & Minister of Justice. (Paris, s.n.)
Reflexions on the opinion of the bishops to the King. (Paris, s.n.)
On this question is it necessary or useful that the Estates General of 1789 be
convened in the form of those of 1614. (s.l., s.n.)
31st Meeting in the capital. Continuation of the Paris News, November 23, 1789,
published the 24th. (Paris, Seguy-Thiboust)
Antraigues, Emmanuel Louis Henri de Launay, comte d', 1754-1812. No
compromise, by Mr. Henri-Alexandre Audainel. (Paris, s.n.)
Berenger, Laurent Pierre, 1749-1822. First continuation supplementing the point
of the Day. Continuation of the discovery of the conspiracy. (Paris, La
Bérenger, Laurent Pierre, 1749-1822. Continuance to Supplement the point of the
day. Scheme of the Bastille, followed by the opinion of an english
philosopher who was in this horrible prison of state. This description is
the most true & the most accurate that exists. (Paris, Lagrange)
Bérenger, Laurent Pierre, 1749-1822. Supplement to the point of the day. (Paris,
Bergasse, Nicolas, 1750-1832. Report from the Committee of the Constitution, on
the organization of the judiciary power, presented to the National
Assembly by Mr. Bergasse. (Paris, Baudouin)
Besançon, France. Conseil général. Proceedings of the resolutions from the
commune of Beasancon of July 28, 1789; and funeral eulogy of Mr. Blanc,
pronounced the same day. (Besançon, Imprimerie de Couche)
Beaumez, Bon-Albert Briois de, 1759-1801. Report from the committee
commissioned to prepare for the National Assembly a draft of Declaration
on some provisional changes to the criminal Ordinance. (Paris, s. n.)
Bordeaux, France. Electeurs. Address of the ninety voters of the commune of
Bordeaux to the National Assembly, on the subject of the slave revolt on
Martinique. (Bordeaux, Michel Racle)
Bureaux de Pusy, Jean Xavier, 1750-1805. Summary report of the new divisions
of the kingdom made to the National Assembly, to the Committee of the
Constitution, by Mr. Bureaux of Pusy at the Meeting of Friday January 8,
1790. (Paris, Baudouin)
[Carra, Jean Louis], 1743-1793. The Speaker of the Estates General, for 1789.
(s.l., s.n.)
Castellane, Boniface Louis André, marquis de, 1758-1837. Summary of the
Opinion of Mr. the Count de Castellane on the declaration of rights, written from
memory after the Meeting of August first, 1789. (Paris, Baudouin)
Catholic Church. Assemblée générale du clergé du France, 1789. Reprimands
of the clergy, Presented to the King Sunday, June 15, 1788, on the
rights, exemptions & immunities of the Clergy. (Paris, s.n.)
[Cérutti, Joseph Antoine Joachim, bp.], 1738-1792. The encouragement of
harmony sent to the Estates General under the name of king. (s.l., s.n.)
Report to the assembly of the communes of Bailliage de Toul, by Mr.
Françoise de Neufchateau, a substitute Deputy, of the outrage done to
the Communes of Bailiage, in the person of four of their Deputies.
Following the Deliberations of this Assembly, August 6 & 13, 1789.
(s.l., s.n.)
The Blow of the Whip to the speaker of the Royal Palace. (Paris, s.n.)
Messenger of Bordeaux, or New correspondence Between Mr. de L......, of Paris
and a Lady of Bordeaux. No. 10. (Paris, Dufour)
Messenger of Paris, or the French publicist; Political, Free, and Impartial
Journal: By a Society of Patriots. No. 53, 44. (Paris, Imprimerie de la
veuve Herissant)
Messenger of Provence. To act as the continuation of the Letters of the Comte de
Mirabeau to his constituents. No 20, 21. (Paris, s.n.)
National, Political, and Literary Journal. No. 33. (Paris, Cailleau)
Créniere, Jean Baptiste, 1744. Extract of some observations on the Constitution of
the People, read in the Meeting of July 31, 1789. By Mr. Creniere, deputy
of Vendome. (s.l., s.n.)
D’Aiguillon, Armand-Désiré de Vigne-rot-Duplessis-Richelieu, Duc. Opinion of
the Duke of Aiguillon, in the meeting of Thursday November 12, 1789.
(Paris, Baudouin)
Statement made to the Inspection committee of the National Assembly. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
Resignation of the executor of the High-Justice Of Paris, or letter to his fellow
amateurs, Inventors of the Game of the Lantern, & some other Jokes, very
proper to form the spirit of a great Nation. (Paris, s.n.)
Speech to the Assembly of the Three Orders, on the Imperscriptable Right of the
Country and State of Arles, to Appoint Directly to the Estates General.
(Aries, s.n.)
Speech and protest of grenadiers & riflemen of the regiments of Isle de France &
Lorraine, in garrison at Rennes, to the National Assembly. (Paris, Nyon le
The President's speech to the King. From August 13, 1789. (Paris,
Speech to the King by the Deputation of the Nobility, the Duke of Luxembourg,
President, carrying the word, June 21, 1789. (Versailles, PH.-D. Pierres)
Complaints to the delegates of the city of Paris to the Estates General for the
peddlers, and the other markets of Paris. (Paris, s.n.)
New Year's gifts to the Emperor Joseph II, the former Duke of the Brabant, Count
of Flanders, etc. Now deposed of these beautiful provinces, by his verylarge fault & a very just Judgement of God. (s.l., s.n.)
France. Assemblée Nationale Constituante 1789-1791. The National Assembly's
Address to its constituents. (Paris, s.n.)
France. Assemble Nationale Constituante, 1789-1791. Address to the King,
Read by the Count of Mirabeau, and Adopted by the National Assembly,
During the Meeting on July 9, 1789. (Paris, Baudouin)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Decision of the Congress
of the three orders, which condemns a letter of Mr. de Calonne to be torn
and burned. (Paris, s.n.)
France. Assemble nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Decree taken by the
National Assembly, June 23, after the Royal Meeting, & without
intermission, at three o'clock in the evening. (s.l., s.n.)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Decree for the reestablishment of public tranquility. Extract of the report to the National
Assembly, August 10, 1789. (Paris, Baudouin)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. A draft of the resolution
that will be discussed in the National Assembly, tomorrow August 6, 1789
(Paris, Baudouin)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Comité feodal. Report
submitted to the committee of feudal rights, September 4, 1789, on the
object and the order of the work for which it is charged. (Paris, Baudouin)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Continuation of the
official report of the National Assembly. No. 67. (Paris, Baudouin)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Continuation of the
official report of the National Assembly. No.116,144,145,149,150, 151.
No. 145 also includes: Address of the City of Nantes to the National
Assembly. (Paris, Baudouin)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Comité feodal. Reports
submitted to the Feudal Committee of the National Assembly. (Paris,
France. États generaux, 1789. List, alphabetically, of the royal Jurisdiction of
Bailiffs & royal Seneschalships of the countries of elections, who will
appoint directly or indirectly to the Estates General, with the number of
their delegations. Each delegation composed of a deputy of the clergy, a
deputy of the nobility, and two of the third estate. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. États generaux, 1789. Proceedings from the conferences on the
verification of powers. (Paris, Baudouin)
France. Sovereigns, etc.1715-1774. (Louis XVI). Declaration of the king,
supporting the decree of the National Assembly, Tuesday October 6, 1789,
concerning the patriotic Contribution. (s.l., Imprimerie de P. de Lormel)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letter of the king for the
convocation of Estates General at Versailles on April 27, 1789, regulated
and scheduled. (Arles, Jacques Mesnier)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letter of the king for the
convocation of Estates General at Versailles on April 27, 1789. (Paris,
Imprimerie Royale)
France Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the King on
the decree by the National Assembly, on December 26, 1789, bearing that
it will grant a two months deadline to make the declarations prescribed by
the decree of last October 6, concerning the Patriotic Contribution, & that
the List of the names of the Patriotic Taxpayers & the sums which they
will have been subjected to pay, will be printed. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, in
the form of edict, bearing sanction of a decree of the National Assembly,
concerning the circulation of grain. (Paris, Nyon)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, for the constitution of the municipalities.
.December 18, 1789. Seen by the King, the Decree whose content flees:
Extract of the Official report of the National Assembly, on the Constitution
of the Municipalities, December 14, 1789. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Regulations made by
the king, for the fulfillment of the summons to the next Estates
General, in the town of Arles, April 4 1789. (Arles, Jacques
Guffroy, Armand Benoit Joseph, 1740-1801. Republican censure or Letter of
A.B.J. Guffroy, Representative of the People, to the French inhabitants of
Arras and of the surrounding communities; To the National Convention
and to the Public opinion. (Paris, Rougiff)
General Journal of the court and the city. No. 90, 102. (Paris, Imprimerie de la
Veuve Hérissant)
Universal Journal, or Revolutions of the kingdoms, by a society of Patriots. No. 2,
11, 51, 67, 91. (Paris, Veuve Herissant)
La Reynie de LA Bruyère, Jean Baptiste Marie Louis de, 1760-ca. 1830. The
Passion, the death and the resurrection of the people. (s.l., s.n.)
Lally-Tollendal, Trophime Gérard, marquis de 1751-1830. Speech by the Count of
Lally-Tolendal to the National Assembly. (Paris, Baudouin)
Lally-Tollendal, Trophime Gérard, marquis de, 1751-1830. Speech by the Count
of Lally-Tolendal to City Hall, July 17, 1789. (Paris, Baudouin)
Lally-Tolendal, Trophime Gerard, marquis de, 1751-1830. Speech of Mr. de
Lally-Tolendal, pronounced at the Town Hall of Paris on July 15, & which
he repeated to the National Assembly the Meeting of the 16. (Paris,
Letter to the brother of the King. (s.l., Volland)
Letter from the Duke of Dorset, Ambassador of England, to the Count of
Montmorin, Minister and Secretary of State at the Department of the
Foreign Affairs. (Paris, Baudouin)
Letter of an inhabitant of the Belgium Provinces to his compatriots. (Paris,
Imprimerie de Demonville)
Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri, 1736-1794. Letter by Mr. Linguet to the
Patriotic Committee of Brussels. (Brussels, Imprimerie patriotique)
Masse, François-Trophime. The laziness of the third estate, and the
abuses devoted in the Municipal Assemblies, by François-
Trophime Mass, Master Baker of Arles, December 28, 1789.
(Aries, s.n.)
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, comte de 1749-1791. Letter of the
count de Mirabeau to his constituents. Vol.1-19. (Paris, s.n.)
The patriotic Monitor or News of France and the Brabant. No.6,8,10,18. (Paris,
Imprimerie de Momore)
Montmorin, Armand Marc, comte de, 1745- 1792. Letter of the
Count de Montmorin to the Duke of Liancourt, President of
the National Assembly. Letter of Mr. Ambassador of England
to the Count De Montmorin; Response of the Duke of
Liancourt, President of the National Assembly, to the Count
of Montmorin. Letter of Mr. Necker to the National Assembly.
(Paris, Baudouin)
La Motte, Jeanne de Saint-Remy de Valois, Comtesse de, 1756-1791.
Justificatory Memories of the Countess of Valois de la Motte. (London,
Mounier, Jean Joseph, 1758-1806. Considerations of the governments and
principalities which are appropriate to France, by Mr. Mounier,
Member of the Committee charged with work relating to the
Constitution. (Paris, Baudouin)
Mounier, Jean Joseph, 1758-1806. Plan for the first articles of the
constitution, read in the meeting of July 28, 1789, by Mr. Mounier,
Member of the Committee charged with the plan of the Constitution.
(Paris, Baudouin)
Necker, Jacques, 1732-1804. Positive principles of Mr. Neker, extracted from all
his works. (s.l., s.n.)
The newly uncovered conspiracy with the list of the conspirators. (Paris,
Madame de Bissy)
The Observer. No.49,50,62. (Paris, Garneri)
Observations of the ladies of the town of Arras to the Committee. (Arras, s.n.)
Paris. St. Martin des Champs (Cluniac monastery) Letter from the Monks of StMartin-des-Champs to the National Assembly of Paris (Paris, Baudouin)
Counterpart of the portrait of an aristocrate denounced to his countrymen. (Paris,
Rabaut Saint-Étienne, Jean Paul, 17143-1793. Opinion of Mr. Rabaut de SaintÉtienne, on the following motion of the Viscount of Noailles. (Paris,
Exact account of the taking of Brussels, by its inhabitants. (Brussels, s.n.)
Answer to the misleading apologia from the monks, about the plan to
divide & sell to the people of the country, the excess of their Goods.
(Brussels, s.n.)
Response of monseigneur, to the letter of Mr. L... of. July 1789. (Paris, s.n.)
Provisional account of what occured in the Netherlands. Third Letter. No. 3.
December 15, 1789. (Gand, Bernard Poelman)
Representations and complaints of the citizens of Marseilles, delivered to the
Deputies at the Estates General, March 31, Tuesday, 1789. (Marseille,
Sabatier, Antoine de Castres. 17142-1817. The revenging truth: letter
from a former magistrate, to Mr. Abbe de Feller, editor of the
Journal of History and Literature. (Liège, s.n.)
To his Majesty the Emperor and King of Brussels: from the Bastille, November 1,
1789. (s.l., s.n.)
Meeting held by the King with Estates General, June 23, 1789. Discourse of the
King. (Paris, Baudouin)
Sieyés, Emmanuel Joseph, comte, 1748-1836. Summary observations on
ecclesiastical goods, of August 10, 1789 (Paris, Baudouin)
The popular society of Arras, to the National Convention. Declaration on the
freedom of the press. Denunciation of Bertrand Barere. (Arras, Associes)
Target, Guy Jean Baptiste, 1733-1807. Draft of the declaration of the Rights of
Men and of Society; by Mr. Target. (Paris, Baudouin)
Attempt of a patriot to contribute to the happiness of the third-estate (Line, s.n.)
Will of Charles de Launay, Governor of the Bastille. Found at the Bastille, the
day of the assault. (Paris, s.n.)
The truth. (Paris, J. Gratiot et Compagnie)
Act of compliance to all the decrees of the National Assembly, By the Community
of the Carmelite friars of the Town of Marseilles: Addressed to the
Municipal Mayor & Officers of same City. (Marseille, P.A. Favet)
Good-byes to the year 1790, by the people of Marseilles. (Marseille, P.A. Favet)
Address to the National Assembly, by the representatives of the Commune of
Rouen, on the means of effectively providing for the relief of the poor.
(Rouen, P. Seyer & Behourt)
Address to the women of Montauban, extract from the National Mercury, tome 2,
no. 6. (Lille, L. Potier de Lille)
Address of the Electoral Parliament of the Department of the Jura to the National
Assembly. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Address of the General Council of the Commune of Marseilles, to the National
Assembly. (Marseille, Imprimerie de J. Mossy)
Address from the eighth Battalion of the First Division of the Revolutionary Army
to the National Assembly. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Address to the King, by the Municipal and Electoral Assembly of the community
of Rouen, about the Speech pronounced by His Majesty to the National
Assembly, February 4, 1790. (Rouen, P. Seyer & Behourt)
Address to the tribunal of justice, on the 21st scheme of counter-revolution.
Second year of liberty. (Marseille, Imprimerie de J. mossy)
Arnavon, Honore. Petition made by the honored Mr. Honore Arnavon to the
Council-General of the Community. (Marseille, J. Mossy)
Assembly of the delegates of the sixty sections of Paris. Wednesday, June 16,
1790. (s.l., Imprimerie de Lottin)
Opinion of the French citizens on the choice of the Municipal Officers, the
Members of Assembly of the Districts and of the Department. By the
author of the Address to the People of Britain. (Arles, Imprimerie de
Jacques Mesnier)
The Public Happiness, dedicated to the National Assembly; addressed to the
good citizens of Marseilles; By Mr. Cheri, first Assistant judge for the
District Court, & member of the Assembly of the Friends of the
Constitution of this City. (Marseille, Imprimerie de P.A. Favet)
Brancas, Louis Léon Félicité, due de, comte de Lauraguais, 17331824. Request to
the Assembly of the deputies convened in Versailles as the Estates
General. By Louis de Brancas, Count of Lauraguais. (Paris, s.n.)
Camus, Armand Gaston, 1740-1804. Opinion of Mr. Camus, In the Meeting of
May 31 1790. on the Constitution of the Clergy proposed by the
Ecclesiastical Committee. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Funeral Ceremony, Celebrated at the Champ-de-Mars in Paris, on the occasion
of the death of the Brothers of the National Guard, killed in Nancy in the
unhappy battle on August 31; with the inscriptions-Emblems that decorate
the altar, and the general details of the ceremony of September 22, 1790.
(Marseille, F. Brebion)
Chabroud, Jean Baptiste Charles, 1750 1816. Opinion of Charles Chabroud;
Member of the National Assembly, on some relative questions of the Legal
Order, pronounced March 30, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Chasset, Charles Antoine, comte, 1745-1830. Report to the National Assembly, in
the name of the Committee of the tithe, by Mr. Chasset, Deputy of
Beaujolais, April 9, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Chenier, Marie Joseph Blaise, 1764-1811. Charles IX, or the school of the Kings,
tragedy; By Marie-Joseph de Chénier. (Paris, Didot)
The National Club of Bordeaux, to the Popular Societies affiliated to the different
communes of the Republic. (Bordeaux, Moreau)
The Commune of Arras, to the National Convention. (Arras, Imprimerie des
Copy of the letters written by the Research Committee of the National Assembly,
to the Municipal Officers of the Town of Lille, Commanders & Heads of
Divisions of the National Guard of the same city, relative to the complaint
carried by the latter against the Society of the Friends of the Constitution
of the City and District of Lille. (Lille, Imprimerie de C.L. de Boubers)
The Letters of Paris, or the French Publicist: a political journal, free and
impartial: by the society of patriots. Directed by Mr. S *** of S ****. No
94, 107. (Paris, Imprimerie de la venve Harissant)
Crimes of Joseph Lebon and his agents, or ideas of the horrors of the prisons of
Arras. (Arras, s.n.)
Decree of the National Assembly, October 10, 1790, on the sales to the
Municipalities, of the National Realm. Sanctioned by the King in the same
month. Preceded by the report made in the name of the Committee in
charge of alienation with the National Domain, by L.G. Bouteville, Deputy
of Péronne. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Declaration of the Emperor and King. (s.l., s.n.)
Declaration of the Emperor and King, to his Belgium Provinces, to bring them
back to obedience. (Hague, s.n.)
Decree on Judicial Organization, of August 16, 1790. (Paris, Baudouin)
Let us depend only on us! Or ideas of a Belgian, on the interests of France, of
England, of Prussia and Holland, considered in their political
relationships with the revolution consummated in December 1789, in the
Belgian provinces, and on the organization of a military force, based on
manners and the uses of the inhabitants of these provinces. (Brussels,
Imprimerie d'Emmanuel Flon)
The Last Blow, given to the French-Belgian aristocracy. (Douai, Bailly)
Speech addressed by Mr. Dambreville, priest of Airy & Elector, to the Assembly
of The Voters of the Department of Yonne, April 23, 1790, in favor of the
agitators of his parish, & printed by the request of the entire assembly.
(Auxerre, L. Fournier)
Speech pronounced to the Assembly of the Voters of the Department of Yonne, by
Mr. Boileau D'Auson, Voter of the Canton of Avallon; & printed by the
request of all the Assembly. Meeting of March 24, 1790. (s.l., L. Fournier)
Speech of Mr. Thouret to the National Assembly, on opening the discussion on the
new organization of the judicial Power. (Paris, Baudouin)
Praise of the Baron de Bleckhem, Major-General of the Austrians, Died at Huy
on August 31, 1790. Pronounced by an Andean Volunteer with the Army.
(Andenne, s.n.).
Extract of the register of the deliberations of the chapter of Church of Rennes,
Tuesday, November thirty, 1790. (s.l., s.n.)
Extract of the register of the deliberations of the district of Petit Saint Antoine,
April 9, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie de la Veuve Delaguette)
Statement of guidance of Mr. Jacquesson Vauvignol and Mr. Gachet de Saint
Suzanne. Deputy near the National Assembly by the Municipality and the
provisional Committees of the town of Tonnerre, in January 1790.
(Paris, Imprimerie de P.F. Didot Jeune)
Fourcade, Pascal Thomas, 1769-1813. Fourcade and Gonchon, citizen sansculottes of Paris, to the citizens of the department of the Eure and the
Loire. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. General collection of the
decrees returned by the National Assembly, With the mention of the
Sanctions & acceptances given by the King. Month of June 1790. (Paris,
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. General collection of the
decrees returned by the National Assembly, With the mention of the
Sanctions & acceptances given by the King. Month of September 1790.
(s.l., s.n.)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Comité féodal. Second
report of the feudal Committee, By Mr. Tronchet, Member of the aforesaid
Committee. (Paris, s.n.)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. The French constitution;
Draft presented to the Nation by a true Citizen: In opposition with the
French Constitution, Draft presented to the National Assembly by the
Committees of Constitution & Revision. (Paris, s.n.)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Report submitted to the
National Assembly in the name of the Committee in charge of the
provisional reformation of the Criminal Ordinance. By Mr. Beaumez.
(Paris, Baudouin)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law carrying that it will
pay no salary nor office expenses to the ex-noble stewards as from the 1st
of last July. Given in Paris, December 12, 1790. (Saintes, Imprimerie de
P. Toussaints)
France. Laws, statutes, 1774-1792 (Louis XVI). Law to prevent the disorders
which the ex-noble soldiers of the Belgium troops could make, which are
currently, or could be introduced thereafter into the Departments close to
the Netherlands, Austria, & Luxembourg. Given in Paris, December 12,
1790. (Asintes, Imprimerie de P. Toussaints)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law which relieves the exnobles, the Lords High-Dispensers of justice, of the obligation to nourish
abandoned Infants, & which regulates the manner in which the
subsistence of these Orphans will be provided. (Saintes, Imprimerie de P.
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law which orders that the
Mr. Guillien, Mr. d'Escars, & Mr. Terraffe, accused of conspiracy, &
detained at Pierre-en Cise, will be transferred to the prisons of Paris, to
be tried, either by the National High court, or by such other provisional
Court that the National Assembly will judge suitable; & which orders that
any Public servant, receiving pension or salary of the State, which will not
reside in the Kingdom, & which will not have given its civic oath within
one month, will be deposed of any rank, employment, pension or
treatment. Given in Paris, December 22, 1790. (Saintes, P. Toussaints)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the Goods
currently possessed by the Protestants of the two concessions of Augsburg
& Switzerland, & which excludes them from the regulated sale for the
national Goods. Given in Paris, December 10, 1790. (Saintes, Imprimerie
de Toussaints)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the Damage
cause by the floods in various Departments of the Kingdom. Given in
Paris, December 15, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie de P. Toussaints)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792 (Louis XVI). Speech Pronounced by the
King, to the National Assembly, February 4, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the King on a
decree of the National Assembly concerning the goods and tithes in
France and in the respective foreign possessions by the benefactors, the
body, the communities, and the proprietors, French and foreign. Given in
Paris, June 25, 1790. (La Rochelle, V. Cappon-Mesnier)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, concerning the Goods & Tithes in
France & in foreign lands, possessed respectively by from Beneficed
Clergy, Bodies, Communities & Secular Owners, French & foreign. Given
in Paris June 25, 1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David & Emeric-David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the King on
the decree of the National Assembly concerning the condemnations
pronounced because of offenses and crimes. Given in Paris, in the Month
in January 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, containing various provisions
relating to the administrations of departments & districts, & with the use
of the Police force. Given in Paris April 20, 1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David &
France. Sovereign, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, concerning the pure Nuns. Given in
Saint-Cloud, July 2, 1790. (La Rochelle, Vincent Cappon-Mesnier)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, concerning the institution of the
Resolutions of the Administrative Body. Given in Paris June 27, 1790.
(Aix, Gibelin-David & Emeric-David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
Decree of the National Assembly, concerning the Monks. Given to Paris,
March 26, 1790. (Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns. etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
Decree of the National Assembly, containing various provisions relating
to the Administrations of Department & district, & to the exercise of the
Police. Given in Paris, April 20, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France, Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, container various provisions relating to
the municipalities. Given in Paris, in the month of January, 1790. (Paris,
Imprimerie royal)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, of 3 July 1790, relating to the
redemption of those feudal Rights which have been withheld by decree, by
articles 9,10 & 11 of the Decree last May, on the third, & of the letters
patent from the 9th of the aforesaid months. Given in Saint-Cloud, July 31,
1790 . (Paris, s.n.)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, of August 6, 1790, which excludes
the great masses of wood & forests, from alienation of the national good.
Given in Saint-Cloud, August 23, 1790. (Saintes, P. Toussaints)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, of February 11, 1790, concerning the
determination of the local value of the work day, according to which must
be formed the list of the active Citizens. Given in Paris, February 12,
1790. (Grenoble, Imprimerie royale)
France Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, of February 13, which prohibit, in
France, the monastic vows of both sexes. Given in Paris, February 19,
1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decrees of the National Assembly, of March 14,15,18,20 & 21, 1790,
concerning the suppression of Gabelle, of the Quart-bouillon, & other
rights relating to the sale of Salts, the first of April, 1790; the
reinvestment with interest of the real & personal Taxes of the present
year, as much as the sum of Forty million making two thirds of the net
revenue of the Gabelle, that of that of Two million making two thirds of the
net revenue of the rights of trade, perceived on the transport of the Salt
intended for consumption by the Frankish & redeemed provinces; the
cessation of the criminal trials, & other provisions relating to the
suppression of Gabelles. Given in Paris, 30 the Mars 1790. (Paris,
Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, of the 18th of the present March,
including the provisions to prevent & stop the abuses relating to the crown
Woods & Forests, & dependent on Ecclesiastical establishments. Given in
Paris, March 26 1760. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decrees of the National Assembly, last 22 & 25 January, bearing that
the ordinary expenditure of the current year will be discharged month by
month, & that it will be deferred with the payment of the outstanding
claims. Given in Paris, May 28, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie du royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, of March 22 1790, relating to the
general regulation of the rights on Oils for manufacture, & on Oils &
Soaps passing through a province of another Kingdom, temporarily & for
the present year 1790 only. Given in Paris, March 24, 1790. (Paris,
Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, of March 22, 1790, concerning the
suppression of the trade-mark law on Iron to manufacture & to transport
in the interior of the Kingdom, as from the first of April 1790, & to the
subscription of the aforesaid right temporarily & for the present year of
1790 only. Given in Paris, 24 the Mars 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly of January 23, 1790, concerning the
compensation of the receipts of the Tithe paid by the Taxpayers known as
Décimes, for the last six months of 1789, with the sums to which they will
find imposed in the supplemental list of ordinary Taxes, on the above
privileged ones, for the same last six months of 1789. Given in Paris,
January 27, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly of January 30, 1790, concerning the
recovery & payments, in the existing form, of the ordinary & direct taxes
of the financial year 1790 & of the former periods. Given in Paris,
February 3, 1790. (Tarts, Imprimerie royale)
France Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, the 13th of this present month of
June, abolishing the retreats of the Middle-class, residents & others.
Given at Saint-Cloud June 18, 1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David & EmericDavid)
France. Sovereigns etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, from last April & the 4th of this
month, bearing division of large & small Gabelles & local Gabelles, the
general Lease of land passed to Jean-baptiste Mager, March 19, 1786.
Given in Paris May 10, 1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David & Emeric David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, May first, 1790, concerning the
assessment relating to revenues composed of money, perpetual or for life,
generally or specifically mortgaged on real estates, that have been able to
be made in the rolls of the last six months of 1789 or those of 1790, in
place of the situation of the aforesaid goods, without the Creditors of the
aforesaid revenues residing at the same place. Given in Paris, May 16
1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David & Emeric-David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, bearing that the Citizens in a lawsuit
with the Administration, initiated before the decree of the 22nd of last
March concerning the tax rights on Leather, Iron & other items, will be
able to continue to redress the wrongs which they have already
experienced. Given in Paris on May 15, 1790 (Aix, Gibelin-David &
France Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, interpretative of that of the 8th & 9th of
last October, concerning the provisional reformation of the Criminal
procedure. Given in Paris, April 25, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royal
France Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, which temporarily regulates the cases
where Deputes to the National Assembly can be detained, & the forms of
the procedures to be made against them. Given in Paris, June 23, 1790.
(La Rochelle, Vinent Cappon-Mesnier)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, bearing that all Owners of Benefices or
Pensions from Benefices, or unspecified Ecclesiastical Goods, will be held
to make their declarations; & on other suppressions of religious houses of
each order. Given in Paris, February 12, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the King,
bearing that he will stay the execution of all final Judgments returned by
the provostal Jurisdictions. Given in Paris, March 7, 1790. (Aix, GivelinDavid & Emeric-David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis X'VI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, suspending the proceedings relating to
the reparations owed, because of the damages to the parched Grounds &
Marshes; & conferred to the Directorate of the Districts, for regulating
the reparations. Given in Saint-Cloud June 18, 1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David
& Emeric-David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, which authorizes the Cities, Burgs,
Villages & Parishes to which ex-noble Lords have given their surnames,
to retake their old names. Given in Paris, June 23, 1790. (La Rochelle,
Vincent Cappon-Mesnier)
France. Sovereigns etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Letters patent of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, which extends until the first of next
March, the delay for the disclosure of Ecclesiastical Assets. Given in Paris
January 24, 1790. (Aix, Gibelin-David & Emeric-David)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king,
concerning the operations to limit in order to complete the distribution of
ordinary taxes of the old Province of the Trois-Évêques, for the year 1790.
September 12, 1790. (Paris, Nyon)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king,
concerning the declarations for the patriotic tax. January 14, 1790. (Paris,
Imprimerie royale)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king,
bearing that the banners given by the Commune of Paris, to the eightythree Departments, will be placed in the location where the Administrative
Councils of each Department will hold its meetings. July 23, 1790. (La
Rochelle, Chauvet)
France Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king, on a
decree of the National Assembly, bearing that he could require nothing of
people called to hold public office, for the proceedings of taking oath.
August 29, 1790. (Saintes, Imprimerie de Pierre Toussaints)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king, on
the decree of the National Assembly, concerning the right to make peace
& war. May 27, 1790. (Saintes, Imprimerie de P. Toussaints)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of king on a
Decree concerning the passage of foreign Troops through the territory of
France, & containing various provisions relating to the boarder guards,
with the requests for weapons made by the Municipalities, to the
manufacture of arms and their distribution. August 1, 1790. (La Rochelle,
Great speech pronounced at the Town Hall by the President of the Monarchical
Club to the Mayor. (Paris, Imprimerie de la veuve Valade)
Improvised speech pronounced in the meeting of Saturday morning, April 17,
1790; by Mr. Salgues, Professor of Oration at the College of Sens.
(Auxerre, Imprimerie de L. Fournier
Summary instruction for the citizens charged by the Municipal & Electoral Body,
to explain the business of the district Assemblies. January 20, 1790.
(Rouen, P. Seyer & Behourt)
Instruction on the execution of the law of August 23, which determines the mode
of the levy of the French Citizens, against the enemies of the Republic.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1741-1790. Collection of original letters of
Emperor Joseph II to general Alton. Commander of the Troops in the
Netherlands, from December 1787 to November 1789. Third Edition,
augmented with several Notes. (Brussels, Imprimerie Patriotique)
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1741-1790. Collection of original letters of
Emperor Joseph II to general Alton. Commander of the Troops in the
Netherlands, from December 1787 to November 1789. (Brussels, M.
Exact Journal of the situation which was confined to Martinique, at the time of
October 18, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie du PatRoite François)
Newspaper of the court and the city. By Mr. G******. No. 1, 23, 28. (Paris,
Veuve Herissant)
Letter Addressed to Mr. de Champeaus-Palasne, President of the Committee of
Research of the National Assembly. (Douay, Imprimerie de Willerval)
Lameth, Alexandre [Theodore Victor] comte de, 1760-1829. Examination of a
writing entitled: Speech and Reply of the Count of Mirabeau to the
National Assembly, by Mr. Alexandre Lameth. (Paris, Imprimerie
Letter of cardinal B *** to the Cardinal-Archbishop des Malines, on his Response
to the Brief of Pope Pius VI, dated from Rome on May 15, 1790. (s.l., s.n.)
Letter Written to the National Assembly by the committee of Marchiennes on
January 10, 1790. (Paris, s.n.)
A Frenchman's Letter to an Inhabitant of Brussels on the declaration of Clergy,
Forming the 23rd Guide of the Nations. (Paris, Baudouin)
Letter to Mister de Calonne, By Mr.. ****. (Londres, s.n.)
Letter of the Deputies of Bailliage de Douay to the National Assembly, sent to the
Bishop, Mayor of Cantin, in the District of Douay, Elector of the
Department of the North, and charged to carry to the National Assembly a
petition, to obtain the conversion, in gold, of the tithe, whose payment
must yet be done in kind this year only. From June 18, 1790. (Paris,
Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri, 1736-1794. Criminal Code of Joseph II or
Expeditive Instructions given to the courts of the Netherlands, in October
1789, published and commentated by Mr. Linguet. (Brussels, Linguet)
Memoir Addressed to the President of the National Assembly by the Minister of
Justice. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
Memoir to the National Assembly for the Contractors & Craftsmen employed in
the construction of the Churches of Saint-Sulpice, Saint-Philippe of Rolls & the
Capuchins of the Chaussée de Antin, fifty altogether. (Paris, Nyon)
The Patriotic Messenger or National Ephemerides, of Friday January 15, 1790.
No. 3. (Paris, Imprimerie de Caillot et Co.)
My word on the contribution to the public offices. (Arles, s.l.)
Mossy, Auguste. Address to the people of Marseille by Mr. Auguste Mossy.
(Marseille, Imprimerie de J. Mossy)
The Observer. Publicity is the safeguard of the people. No. 75. The Aristocrat’s
Rebellion of Cambresis, against the National Assembly. Letters of the
Duke of Aiguillon to the research committee, against its slanderers. Plan
of the marquis of Favras to make a raid on Provence by the Corsicans ;
etc. (Paris, Garnery)
Observations on the pastoral letter of the Cardinal Archbishop of Malines, Dated
from Brussels, June 19, 1790, Addressed to himself. (s.l., s.n.)
The Easter Eggs, or response of the courier of the scarpe, to the article which
relates to it in the Report that the former mayor and Municipal Officers of
the Town of Douai addressed to the National Assembly. (Douai, s.n.)
Opinion of Mr. Tronchet, On the judgment by Jury, Pronounced April 29, 1790.
(Paris, Baudouin)
Opinion of Mr. Treilhard, On the Report of the Ecclesiastical Committee
concerning the organization of the Clergy. May 30, 1790. (Paris,
Paris. Commune 1789-17914. Municipality of Paris. Extract of the Register of
the City Council, Monday April 12, 1790. (s.l., Imprimerie de Lottin)
Paris. Department de Police. Municipality of Paris. Department of Police. From
the Mayor, the Lieutenant-of-the-Mayor, & Adviser-Administrators.
Thursday, June 24 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie de Lottin)
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme, 1756-1794. Speech of Mr. Petion de Villeneuve on
the establishment of Territorial funds in France, Followed by a proposed
decree. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme, 1756-1794. Speech of Jerome Petion on the
charges brought against Maximilien Robespierre. (Paris, C.F. Patris)
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme, 1756-1794. Speech on the assignats, by J Petion.
(Paris, s.n.)
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme, 1756-1794. Speech on the affair of the King, by J
Pétion. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme, 1756-1794. Discours on wills in general, and the
institution of inheritance in the countries of written rights in particular, by
J Pétion. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Rablu, Jean, pseud. Letter of the Honorable Jean Rablu, Master Porter, And
Corporal-Major of the Militia of Céna to the honorable Pierre Tubeuf
Butcher's assistant of Poissi. Second Edition. (Paris, Guillot Gorju)
Report and proposed decree, On the Summary procedure of the Court of the Sixth
District of Paris, presenting the question: if disputes arise between a
divorced couple, their parents or extended family must be present in front
of the family court, by the law of August 16, 1790 (v. ft.); presented in the
name of the committee of legislation, by J.E. Bar, member of this
Committee. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Report Submitted to the National Assembly, in the name of the Committee of the
Navy, By the Marquis de Vaudreuil, Deputy of Castelnaudary, On the
classes of the Navy. April 1790. (Paris, Baudouin)
Critical reflexions; or, letter to Mr. de Calonne, author of the Description of
Europe. By Mr. V *** (Paris, s.n.)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 62. (Paris, Imprimerie des Révolutions)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 63. (Paris, Imprimerie des Révolutions)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 64. (Paris, Imprimerie des Révolutions)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 65. (Paris, Imprimerie des Révolutions)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 66. (Paris, Imprimerie des Révolutions)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 67. (Paris, Imprimerie des Révolutions)
Revolutions of Paris, dedicated to the nation and the district of Petits-Augustins.
With engravings similar to the various events, and the charts of
departments of France. Number 68. (Paris, Imprimerie des Revolutions)
[Robespierre, Maximilien] , 1758-1794. Address to the Belgian people. (s.l., s.n.)
Saint-Omer, France. Conseil général. Extract of the register to the deliberation of
the Council general of the Commune of Saint-Omer. (Paris, Imprimerie
Second speech of Mr. Thouret to the National Assembly, on the organization of
the Judicial Power. Meeting of April 6, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie
Second letter of Regnault (of Bar-on-Ornin), to the Jacobin Society of this
commune. On the Conspiracy of Robespierre and the advantages which
the aristocracy seeks to draw. (Clermont, Imprimerie du District et du
Rupublicain de la Meuse)
Anti-aristocratic sermon, preached far from Brabançons, April 24, 1790. By the
R. P. Pancrace-Roller-Policarpe of Pinaudiere. (s.l., s.n.)
Popular and revolutionary Society of the town of Douai. Speech made by the
President, at the time of the installation of the Society in another location.
(Douai, Imprimerie du Citoyen Marlier)
Swit, William. Fruits of the tree of French liberty. (Londres, s.n.)
Will of the Emperor Joseph II. (s.l., s.n.)
Thibaudeau, Antoine Claire, comte, 1765-1854. Report in the name of the
committee of education, On the drafting of the collection of the heroic
Actions of the French Republicans. Meeting of messidor 13. By A. C.
Thibadeau. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Individual address to the National Assembly, by citizens of the capital, March 6,
1791. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Antonelle, Pierre Antoine, marquis d', 1747-1817. Quick Notice to supplement the
various writings already published, On what has passed at the Society of
the friends of the Constitution of Arles, Department of the Bouches du
Rhône, the 9th & 10th of June, 1791. (Arles, s.n.)
Antonelle, Pierre Antoine, marquis d', 1747-1817. Account to supplement some of
the various writings already published. On the events of June 9, & 10,
1791, in this city, preceded by a foreword. (Arles, Jacques & Gaspard
Antonelle, Pierre Antoine, marquis d', 1747-1817. The Two points of view of the
current disorders of the Department of Vaucluse, by P.A. Antonelle,
Mayor of Arles. (Arles, s.n.)
Decree of the directory of the department of Bouches du Rhône. On the freedom
of the same religious opinions & the reprinting of the Report of the former
Canon & Vicar-General of Chartres. May 30, 1791. (Aix, Gibelin-David
& Emeric-David)
Barruel, Augustin, 1741-1820. Development of the oath required of the priests in
office, by the National Assembly. (Paris, Imprimerie de Crapart)
Bernard d’Airy, P., 1755-1833. Extract of the report made by Mr. Bernard,
Deputy of the department of Yonne, in the name of the committee of Public
Aid, December 21, 1791. (s.l., s.n.)
Bouteville du Metz, Louis Ghislain de, 1756-1821. Report on the very long
leases, the leases by encroachment, those beyond nine years, etc. And a
method for the conveyance of property of rents which are long leased or
for life, and of the open properties which are attached there. Done in the
name of the ecclesiastic committee and the committee of alienation. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre, 1754-1793. Draft of a declaration of the
National Assembly to the foreign Powers, Written by J P. Brissot, Deputy.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Camus, Armand Gaston, 1740-1804. Observations on two briefs from the Pope,
on March 10 & of April 13, 1791 ; By Mr. Camus, Ancient man of law,
member of the National Assembly. (Paris, s.n. )
Castellane-Mazaugues, Elleon de, bp. of Toulon, 17146-1806. Letter of the
Bishop of Toulon to the Priests & Vicars of his Diocese. (Nice, s.n.)
Castellane-Mazaugues, Elleon de, bp. of Toulin, 1746-1806. Regulation &
pastoral opinion of Mr. Bishop of Toulon. (Toulon, s.n.)
New and rational manual on the New Constitution of France. (Brussels,
Catholic Church. Pope, 1775-1799. (Pius VI). Brief of Pope Pius VI to S.E.M. the
Cardinal of Rochefoucault, the Archbishop of Aix, and the other
Archbishops & Bishops of the National Assembly of France, on the subject
of the civil constitution of the clergy, decreed by the National Assembly.
(Paris, Bureau de l’Ami du Roi)
Rational Code of the jury. By Mr. N. Carles, Man of law, and special deputy to
the National Assembly. (Paris, Cussac)
Cussy, Gavriel de, 1739-1793. Opinion pronounced by Mr. Cussy, deputy of the
Department of Calvados, at the meeting on Thursday, May 5, 1791. (Paris,
Imprimerie Nationale)
Dalahaye. Opinion. The National Convention has decreed national debts to all
those of the Emigrants and Condamned; it will establish in Paris a
central Office of liquidation of all these debts. It is at this Office that the
Creditors who have to exert the claim for recovery towards the Republic,
on the goods forsaken by their debtors, will be held to forward their titles
if they did not deposit them yet with the Directories of the District. (s.l.,
Deschamps, Narcisse. Oath given on March 20, 1791, in the Parish church of
Bilge, District of Valencieenes, Department of the North, by father
Narcisse Deschamps, Franciscan priest. (Douai, Imprimerie de Derbaix)
Speech of the Bishop of Clarmont, Relative to the oath required by the National
Assembly, & that he partly pronounced in the meeting of Sunday morning,
January 2, 1791. (Paris, Imprimerie de Briand)
Speech made by the Parish Priest of St Albin, the day he took the civic Oath.
(Douai, Imprimerie de Derbaix)
Awakening of patriotism in the revolution, by a citizen of Paris. (Paris,
Marchands de Nouveautes)
Extract of the registers of the deliberations of the university of this town of Aix.
(Aix, Pierre-Joseph Calmen)
France. Constitution, 1791. The French Constitution, Presented to the King by the
National Assembly on September 3, 1791, and accepted the 14th of the
same month. (Besançon, Simard)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Decree concerning the
settlement and the repayment of the national debt, July, 16, 1791. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
France. Assemblée Nationale constituante, 1789-1791. Decree concerning the
settlement and the repayment of the national debt, July, 21, 1791. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Documents found in the awnings, of
Mr. Montmorin & Mr. Laporte, stewards of the civil list, of Mr.
Abancourt, ex-minister, and at the Massiac hotel, Whose originals are
stored at the Inspection committee of the National Assembly. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the briefs,
papal bulls, constitutions, rescripts, decrees & other dispatches from the
court of Rome. Given in Paris, June 17, 1791. (Gap, Allier)
France. Sovereigns, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Proclamation of the king,
carrying nominations of the commissioner-liquidators of leases & general
administration. September 24, 1791. (Auxerre, Imprimerie de L. Fournier)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the
instruction on the former lordly Rights, declared redeemable by the decree
of March 15, 1790. Given in Paris, June 19, 1791. (Gap, J. Allier)
Gouy d'Arsy, Louis Marthe, marquis de, 1753-1794. Opinion of Louis-Marthe de
Gouy, Deputy to the National Assembly on the reimbursement of the
expenses of the 113 notaries of Paris. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale.)
Larriere, Noel de. Continuation of the preservation against the schism, or new
development of the principles which were established there. By Mr.
Larriere. (Paris, Leclere)
Lemaigre. Speech made by Mr. Lemaigre, Voter of the Canton of Satin-Fargeau,
to the public Meeting of the Company of the Friends of the Constitution,
Meeting in Auxerre, August 29, 1791. (Auxerre, Imprimerie de Baillif)
Letter of the Bishop of Sistéron to the Voters of the Department of Basses-Alpes.
Sistéron, March 14, 1791. (Sisteron, s.n.)
Letter of an English merchant, to a French merchant, On the advantages and the
disadvantages of the new Constitution given to France. (Paris, Senneville)
List of the friendly deputies of the civil list, who formed the project to give the
pardon to the executive power, against the wish of the nation. (s.l.,
Imprimerie patriotique)
Jabineau, Henri, 1724-1792. The lawfulness of the civic oath, By Mr. ***,
Convicted Of error. (Paris, s.n.)
Proclamation and solemn declaration of his highness the Prince, bishop of Spire
against the civil constitution of the Clergy – The election of a Bishop for
the department of Bas-Rhin – And the usurpation of the Episcopal
jurisdiction on the party of the diocese of Spire, located on right bank of
the Queich, decreed by the alleged National Assembly of France. And
against all innovations generally unspecified as well in the order of
ecclesiastical government, as relating to the rights of seigniory and
territorial superiority, kingly, jurisdictions, privileges and immunities,
which competes with the Bishop of Spire and the churches, bodies,
communities, vassal and subjects which depend on it. (s.l., s.n.)
Proclamation of Mr. Cardinal of Rohan, Cardinal of Strasbourg. (Paris, s.n.)
Marchant, Francios. Speech of Mr. Péthion to the Commune and response of the
Commune to Mr. Pethion. (Paris, s.n.)
Montesquiou-Fezensac, Anne Pierre, marquis de, 1739-1798. Memories on the
kingdom's finances, Presented to the National Assembly, the Meeting of
September 9, 1791. In the name of the Committee of Finances, by Mr.
Montesquioum, Deputy of Paris ; with the documents of evidence. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
Motives of trust, and rules of conduct for the present times; or response of a
friend to his friend. (Paris, Crapart)
Parein, Pierre Mathieu, 1755-1831. Crimes of the Parliaments, or horrors of the
legal prisons revealed. By Pierre-Mathieu Parein, Man of law, & one of
the conquerors of the Bastille,. (Paris, Girardin)
Ratisbonne. Accusatorial Opinion of the Councellors, Ambasadors, & Envoys of
the electors, Princes and dominions of the Empire, Assembled in the Diet.
Literally translated from a German document, titled Reich-Gutachten.
(s.l., s.n.)
Reynaud de Montlosier, François Dominique, comte de, 1755-1838. Need for a
counter-revolution in France, to restore Finances, Religion, Manners, the
Monarchy, and Freedom. (s.l., s.n.)
Saone-et-Loire, France (Dept.). Directoire. Extract of the register of the
deliberations of the directory of the department of Saone-et-Loire, with the
two Decrees of the National Assembly, June 21, 1791, on the removal of
the King and the Royal Family. Of a Deliberation of the same
Department, which announces to the Citizens, that by means of precise
and wise measurements, taken by the Department of the Haute-Marne, the
King, the Queen, the Prince and Madam did not leave the Kingdom.
(Macon, Imprimerie de P.M. Saphcux)
Sardou. Speech of Mr. Sardou, First Vicar of Our-Lady of the Mount, to his
parishioners. (Marseille, Imprimerie de F. Brebion)
Current fate of women. (Douai, Cercle Social)
Remembrance of a king, during his voyage to Cheltenham, Gloucester, Worcester,
& their surroundings, in the year 1788. Work translated from English
after the 11th edition. (Orleans, Darnaule & Maurant)
Pithou de Loinville, Jean Joseph. Summary of the life and work of Mr. de
Mirabeau, With his portrait, Follow-up of his Will, Funeral oration and
his Epitaph. (Paris, l'auteur)
Interesting comparison of the definitions of the church in the 9th century, with the
ideas of the 18th. (Paris, s.n.)
1792 (First year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1792-1793)
Address of the general Council of the Commune of Marseilles, to the National
Assembly. (Marseille, Imprimerie d'Auguste Mossy)
Antraigues, Emmanuel Louis Henri de Launay, comte d', 1754-1812. Address to
the order of the nobility of France, by Emmanuel-Louis-Henri-Alexandre
de Launay, Count d' Antraigues, one of its Deputies to the Estates General
of 1789. (Paris, Senneville)
Asselin, Eustache Benoit, 1762-1793. Complement of the opinion of citizen
Asselin, Deputy to the National Convention, on the trial of Louis XVI.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Asselin, Eustache Benoit, 1762-1793. My last word on the business of Louis XVI.
Eust. B Asselin, Deputy of the Department of the Somme to National
Convention. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Asselin, Eustache Benoit, 1762-1793. Opinion of Eustach Benoit Asselin,
Appointed by the department of the Somme to the National Convention, on
the question: If the king can be judged. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Beauvais de Préaux, Charles Nicolas, 1745-1794. Continuation of the opinion of
C.N. Beauvais, deputy of the department of Paris, on the judgement of
Louis XVI, the former King of the French. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Bernard d’Airy, P., 1755-1833. Report on the general organization of the public
aid, and on the destruction of begging, presented to the National
Assembly, to the committee of the public safety, by Mr. Bernard d’Airy,
Deputy of the department of Yonne, June 13, 1792, fourth year of liberty.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Bouchereau, Augustin François, 1756-1841. Opinion of A. F. Bouchereau, Deputy
of the Department of Aisne, to the National Convention on this question,
Can Louis XVI be judged? (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre, 1754-1793. All republicans of France; on the
Society of the Jacobins of Paris. By J.P. Bressot, deputy to the National
Convention. (Paris, Imprimerie du Cercle social)
Brunswick-Lunebourg, Charles-Guillaume-Ferdinand, duc de, 1735-1806.
Declaration that S.A.S., the reigning duke of Brunswick-Lunebourg,
commander of the combined armies of the Emperor and King of Prussia,
Addressed to the inhabitants of France. (Coblentz, s.n.)
Charles I, King of Great Britain, 1600-1649, defendant. Whole and true history of
the lawsuit of Charles Stuard, King of England. Containing, in the shape
of a Journal, all that was done and passed on this subject in the
Parliament, and in high the Court of Justice; and the way in which he was
put at death. In January, 1648 and 49. Second Edition. (Paris,
Chénier, Marie Joseph, 1764-1811. Funereal Eulogy of the citizens that died for
the defense of freedom and the equality. August 10, 1792, the fourth year
of liberty and the 1st year of equality, Pronounced the 26th of the same
month, in the presence of the National Assembly, at the time of the funeral
ceremony made in the honor of these generous Citizens; By M. Chenier.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Cledel, Etienne, 1737-1820. Opinion of Étienne Cledel, deputy of the department
of lot, On the Judgement of Louis Capet. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Delbrel, Pierre, 1764-1846. Opinion of citizen Delbrel, Deputy of the Department
of Lot, on the following questions: Can Louis Capet be judged? By whom
must he be judged? (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Prophetic delirium of a fortune-teller, named la Gr**. Followed by useful
material to the good French. (Paris, Morgie)
Deperey, G. Equality, Freedom, Fraternity, or Death. Live the Republic, one and
Indivisible. The general inspector of the assignats, to his fellow-citizens.
(Paris, Imprimerie des Administrations nationales)
From the coasts to the National Assembly. (s.l., s.n.)
François, Landry François Adrien, 1756-1837. Speech of citizen Francois, Deputy
of the Department of the Somme, on the first article of the draft of the
decree: Can Louis XVI be judged? (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Speech of the Archbishop of Narbonne to the King of Prussia, while presenting
the French Catholic Clergy to him, in his headquarters, to the Carthusian
monks, close to Trier, August 7, 1792. (s.l., s.n.)
Dumouriez, Charles François Duperier, 1739-1823. Speech made by the
Dumouriez General to the National Convention, on October 12, 1792,
First year of the Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Dumouriez, Charles François Duperier, 1739-1823. Letter of the Dumouriez
General, to the president of National Convention. Headquarters of Mons,
November 7, 1792, the year first of the French Republic. (Paris,
Imprimerie Nationale)
Twelfth collection. Plan of a free constitution, found at the home of Mr. Laporte.
Intendant of the Civil list. Corrected by the hand of Mr. Laporte,
Preceded by the official report of the inventory of this document, which
was deposited at the committee of general safety and inspection by the
Commissionors named for the inventory of papers of the civil list. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
France. Assemblée Nationale legislative, 1791-1792. Act of the legislative body,
not subject to the sanction of the king, bearing charges against Lord
Etienne Lariviere, Justice of the Peace of the Section of Henri IV. Given in
Paris, June 5, 1792, year four of Liberty. (Paris, Imprimerie royale)
France. Assemblée Nationale legislative, 1791-1792. Decree of the National
Assembly of August 16, 1792, fourth year of liberty. The National
Assembly decrees that the documents already found in the cabinet of the
king, in the home of the Administrator of the civil list & other places,
which proves as far as the evidence the treasons & the perfidy of the
executive power, will be sent to the armies by special couriers. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
France. Assemblée Nationale legislative, 1791-1792. Various documents
inventoried at Mr. Delaporte' s house, Administrator of the Civil list, read
to the National Assembly, Friday August 17, 1792, fourth year of liberty.
Third collection. ((Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Assemblée Nationale legislative, 1791-1792. Explanation of the motives
according to which the National Assembly proclaimed the convening of a
National Convention, and pronounced the suspension of the Executive
power in the hands of the King. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Assemblée Nationale legislative, 1791-1792. Official report of the
National Assembly. Permanent Meeting. Friday August 10, 1792, the
fourth year of liberty. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
October 2, 1792, the first year of the French Republic. Report to the
Committee of general security, of all the arrests made in the entire extent
of the Republic, relative to the revolution of August 10. (Paris, Imprimerie
nationale executif du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
October 3, 1792, the first year of the French Republic. Distribution to
give to the Members of the Convention the Executive powers of Decrees,
Proclamations & Acts. (Toulouse, Imprimerie de Besian)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, of
December 8, 1792, the first year of the French Republic, bearing that the
municipality & the Administration of logistics make only one Body. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of National Convention, of the
25th day of brumaire, second year of the French Republic, one &
indivisible, Carrying the punishment of ten years in irons for those who
divert from their destination the Subsistence & Provisions for the navy.
(Cahors, Richard, père & fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of National Convention, of
September 28, 1792, the first year of the French Republic, which orders
the Department of Paris, to retake the ordinary title of Department.
(Toulouse, Imprimerie de Besian)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
November 30, 1792, the 1st year of the French Republic. Which declares
null & with no effect, an Act taxing grains, merchandise & other objects,
& orders the arrest & the punishment of the leaders of mobs in the
Department of the Eure & the Loire. (Auxerre, Imprimerie de 1. Fournier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of National Convention,
September 30, 1792, the first year of the French Republic. Documents &
acts which the Convention will have decreed sent to the 83 Departments.
(Paris, Imprimerie de Besian)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
carrying suppression of the national High-court, September 25, 1792, the
year first of the French Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie de Besian)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Extract of the official report of
National Convention, Meeting of September 21, 1792, the 4th year of
freedom, and the first of equality, eleven o’clock in the morning. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Sixth and Seventh Collection of
documents found in the papers of Lord Delaporte, Intendant of the Civil
list, whose originals are deposited at the general Committee of Monitoring
of the National Assembly. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Tenth Collection of documents found At
Mr. Delaporte's home, Intendant of the Civil list. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Fourteenth Collection of documents
found At Mr. Laporte's home, Intendant of the Civil list. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Fifteenth Collection of documents
found At Mr. Laporte's home, Intendant of the Civil list, whose originals
are deposited at the general Committee of Monitoring of the National
Assembly. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Ninth Collection of documents found At
Mr. Delaportes home, Intendant of the Civil list, Whose originals are
deposited at the Inspection committee. First Part. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Ninth Collection of documents found At
Mr. Delaportes home, Intendant of the Civil list, Whose originals are
deposited at the Inspection committee. Second Part. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Official report of the National
Convention. Meeting of Tuesday, December 11, 1792, the first year of the
French Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Conventionale nationale, 1792-1795. Ninth Collection of documents
found At Mr. Delaportes home, Intendant of the Civil list, Whose originals
are deposited at the Inspection committee. First Part. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Conventionale nationale, 1792-1795. Thirteenth Collection of documents
found At Mr. Delaportes home, Intendant of the Civil list, Whose originals
are deposited at the Inspection committee. First Part. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Conventionale nationale, 1792-1795. [Pages 1 & 2 are missing, title is
uncertain] Collection of documents found. Nº 13. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law correcting an existing
error, on the 11th of this month, concerning the electoral Assemblies.
Given in Paris August 17, 1792, fourth year of liberty. (Toulouse,
Imprimerie J.G. Besian)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law which determines the
palace of Tuileries as the place for the meetings of the National
Convention. September 14, 1792, fourth year of the liberty. (Alençon.
Imprimerie de Malassis Cussonniere)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the goods
conceded by way of engagement by the old Government. September 7,
1792, fourth year of the republic. (Toulouse, Imprimerie de J.G. Besian)
France. Laws, statutes etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the citizens
detained during the first month of nursing. August 15, 1792, fourth year of
liberty. (Toulouse, Imprimerie de Besian)
France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1774-1792. (Louis XVI). Law relating to the help
granted to the poor citizens of the departments, & to those of the
municipality of Paris. Given in Paris, April 6, 1792. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. The Minister of Department of the Interior to the Parisians. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale du Louvre)
François, Louis Jean, 1751-1792. My Apology. (s.l., s.n.)
Gohier, Louis-Jérôme, 1716-1630. Report of Louis-Jerome Gohier, Deputy of the
Department of Isle-et Vilaine, on the inventoried papers of the bureau of
the civil list; Made at the meeting of Sunday morning, September 16,
1792. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Goujon, Jean Marie Claude Alexandre, 1766-1795. Speech made to the bar of the
National Assembly, September first, 1792, fourth year of liberty, by Mr.
Goujon, provisional Attorney-general trustee of the department of Seine&-Oise. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
The great anger of Father Duchêne, against the royalist, the Brissotins, the
Girondins, the Rolandins, who want to destroy all the patriots by hunger,
fire & poison, & which, after having tried to assassinate Lepelletier &
Léonard Bourdon, they came to poison the brave man Lakoski, the pearl
of the sans-culottes of the Saint-Marceau suburb. (s.l., Imprimerie de la
Rue neuve de l’Egalité)
General history of the crimes committed during the French revolution. (s.l., s.n. )
Jourgniac Saint-Meard, François de, d. 1827. My anguish of thirty-eight hours;
or, account of what happened to me, of what I saw and heard, during my
detention in the prison of the Saint-Germain Abbey, between August 22
and September 4; (By Journiac Saint-Méaard), Formerly commanding
Captain of the light infantry of the infantry regiment of the King. (Paris,
La Bergerie, Jean Baptiste Rougier, baron de, 1757-1836. Instruction on the
freedom of movement of the grains in the interior of the Kingdom,
Proposed to the National Assembly, by Mr. Rougier-Labergerie, Deputy of
the Department of Yonne. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
La Porte, Marie François Sebastien Christophe de, 1760-1823. Eighth Collection
of papers inventoried at Mr. de Laporte's home, Intendant of the civil list.
(Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Laboissiére, Jean Baptiste, 1729-1811. Opinion of Jean-Baptite Boissiere, Deputy
of the Department of Lot, concerning the business of the former King.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Letter of the Bishop of Leon to the French ecclesiastics, who have taken refuge in
England. (Paris, s.n.)
Letter of Mr. Luckner, Marshal of France, to the King. (s.l., s.n.)
Louvet de Couvrai, Jean Baptiste, 1760-1791. Accusation against Maximilien
Robespierre, by Jean-baptiste Louvet, to the National Convention, at the
meeting of October 29, 1792. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Massey. Report on the export prohibition of the Kingdom of the best materials ;
by Mr. Massey, Deputy of the department of the Somme, in the name of the
committee of commerce, Deferred to Wednesday February 22, 1792.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Merlin. Letter of Misters Merlin and Jean Debry, Commissioners of the National
Assembly, August 31 1792, 4th year of liberty & the first year of equality;
following an order of the council of the Department of l’Oise, on the 30th
of the same month. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Mopinot [de la Chapotte, Antoine Rigobert, b. 1717].. Address to the National
Assembly, by Mr. Mopinot, Engineer behind the armies, lieutenant colonel
with the first cavalry regiment, formerly under the prince. May 1792.
Observations and propositions on the emplacement of the statues created
in the memory of the French who won fame through their actions. (Paris,
Imprimerie de Didot Jeune)
Mounier, Jean Joseph, 1758-1800. Adolphus, or elementary principles of policy,
and results of the cruelest of the experiments, by Mr. Mounier. (Londres,
Moy, Charles Alexandre de, 1750-1834. Agreement of the religion, and the
churches of a free nation. By Charles-Alexandre de Moy, Priest of Saint
Laurent in Paris, Temporary Deputy to the National Assembly. Second
Edition. (Paris, Gernery)
Necker, Jacques, 1732-1804. Reflections presented to the French nation, on the
lawsuit brought against Louis XVI, by Mr. Necker. (Paris, Volland)
Palm, Etta. Call to the Frenchwomen on the regeneration of manners and need
for the influence of the women in a free government. By Etta-Palm, born
in Aelders. (Paris, Imprimerie du Cercle Social)
Petion de Villeneuve, Jerome, 1756-1794. Letter of the Mayor of Paris to the
National Assembly. September 6, 1792, 4th year of liberty and the first of
equality. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Documents found on the secretary of the king, read to the National Assembly on
August 15, 1792, the 4th year of freedom. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Pius VI, pope, 1717-1799, purported author. Great speech of the Pope, in the
church of Saint Peter, before the arrival of Buonaparte, to Rome. (Paris,
Imprimerie de Lemaire)
Report on the Petitions of the Communes of Metz, Bordeaux & Nancy; Made to
the National Assembly, the Committee of extraordinary finances, by F Mr.
Cailhasson, deputy of the department of Haute-Garonne. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
Riffard de Saint Martin, François Jérôme, 1744-1814. Opinion of F.J. Riffard-StMartin, Deputy of the Department of Ardeche, in the affair of the former
King. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Roland de la Platiere, Jean Marie, 1734-1793. Report to the National Assembly, by
Mr. Rolland, Minister of the Interior, August 20 1792, fourth year of
Liberty. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Roland de la Platiére, Jean Marie, 1734-1793. Letter of the Minister of the
Department of the Interior to the National Convention, September 30,
1792, first year of the French Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Tarascon, France (Bouches-du-Rhone). Extract of the registers of the directory of
the district of Tarascon, the department of Bouches du Rhone. Meeting of
May 25, 1792. (Beaucaire, Imprimerie de J.M. Garrigan)
1793 (Second year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1793-1794)
Address of the members of the department of the Eure and the Loire, to the
National Convention. (Arras, Imprimerie de is Citoyenre Varle)
Speech of the Batavian patriots, Pronounced to the bar of the National
Convention, February 6, 1793, the second year of the French Republic.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Bontemps, Gérard Michel. Speech on the crimes of the English government and
the defects of its finances. Given at the meeting of Pluviôse, second year of
the Republic, by G. Bontemps, section of William Tell, and member of the
popular society of this same section. (Paris, Galletti)
Bouches-du-Rhone, France (Dept.). Decree of the Administration of the
Department of Bouches du Rhone, April 10, 1793, the second year of the
French Republic. Which sets the method of the levy of 6,000 men in the
department. (Marseille, Imprimerie de Rochebrun et Mazet)
The republican Society of Bordeaux, to the National Convention. (s.l., Imprimerie
de Gorsas)
Delacroix, [Jacques-Vincent], 1743-1832. Letter of the son of Mr. Delacrois, man
of law, to Mr. Duport, Minister of Justice of the state, on the injustice that
is about to be done to his father, who demands a position of
commissionaire of the king, after having been an attorney of the king for
20 years (Paris, Imprimerie de la Justice)
Delbrel, Pierre, 1764-1846. Observations on the question of knowing if the
convention must return to the primary assemblies the ratification or the
infliction of the punishment to be pronounced against Louis Capet. By
Delbrel, Deputy of Lot. (Paris, Brasseur)
Ducos, Jean Francios 1765-1793. Speech made by Ducos, deputy of the Gironde,
At the head of the correspondence of the provisional executive Council of
France with the British Minister. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Dumont, André, 1764-1836. Speech of Andre Dumont, Oisemont, Deputy of the
Department of the Somme, on the lawsuit of Louis Capet. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
Grenier, Antoine, b. 1767. Address of Citizen Grenier, vice-president of the
section of the meeting. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Extract of the official report of the Society of the Friends of the Constitution of
1793, of Agen. ; Meeting of Messidor 20, second year of the Republic, one
and indivisible. (Agen, Imprimerie des Sans-Culottes)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Constitutional act, preceded by the
declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen, presented to the French
people by the National Convention, June 24, 1793, second year of the
republic. (Douai, Imprimerie de Marlier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Comité d'instruction publique.
Committee of state education. Report on the bibliography, by Gregoire,
meeting of the decree of the National Convention. (Paris, Imprimerie de
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. The National Convention to the
French. (Caen, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decrees of the National Convention, of
July 1, 5, & 6 1793, the second year of the French Republic. 1.°
Concerning the Saltpeter workers & other makers of Saltpeter. 2.°
Explanation of the laws of March 19 & May 10, concerning those which
can be called famous leaders of the counter-revolutionary Riots &
Revolts. 3.° carrying that children adopted by the Fatherland, & raised in
the national Houses, will wear the national Dress. 4.° Which pronounces
the punishment of ten years in irons against the Furbishers & Merchants
of Weapons, which will sell any arms without first informing their
Municipality. 5.° Relating to the abolition of the exclusive Right of
Fishing. 6.° Relating to the allowance granted to the Voters. 7.° Which
provides an allowance for the Gendarmes who will be used beyond of the
limits of their residence. (Cahor, Richard, Pere & Fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decrees of the National Convention,
the first & third days of the second month of the second year of the French
Republic, one & indivisible. 1.° Which fixes the time to which the
operations of the different Administrations will be regulated according to
the republican Calendar . 2.° Which orders that the Cavalry Troops of the
Republic be immediately mobilized to their full compliments. (Cahors,
Richard, Pere & Fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, of
the first of June 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to
the insurrection which appeared in Paris on May 31. Proclamation of the
National Convention. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale, exécutive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
April 2, 1793, the second year of the French Republic. 1.º Which
authorizes the directories of the maritime Departments to repair the forts,
guard-houses, guns & other Arms which are found along the coasts. 2.º
Which joins together with the second regiment of Chasseurs. 3.º Bearing
that it will name a Minister of war & which determines the functions of the
six commissioners who will be sent close the Armies of North & the
Ardennes. 4.º Which orders General Custine to remain with the head of
the Army. (Gap, J. Allier)
France Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decrees of the National Convention, on
June 3 & 13 1793, the second year of the French Republic, 1.° Relating to
the sale of the property of the Emigrants. 2.° Which rectifies many errors
made in article XXI of the section of the Law on the sale of the property of
the Emigrants. (Cahors, Richard, Pere & Fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decrees of the National Convention,
on May 4 1793, the second year of the French Republic. 1.° Carrying the
establishment of an Inspection committee of the administration of military
Provisions & logistics, & of two other Committees to supervise the
Administrations of Cartridges & the Clothing of the troops. 2.° Relating
to the Cities & to the Department which provided Volunteers against the
revolts. (Gap, J. Ailier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
5th day of the 2nd month of the second year of the Francoise Republic,
one & indivisible, which names three commissioners to the commission of
logistics and provisioning. (Chaalons, Mercier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 5, 1793, the second year of the French Republic, relating to the
citizens wounded in the battle of August 10. (Angers, Imprimerie
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 5 1793, the second year of the French Republic, relating to the
responsibility of the Authorities of the city of Paris, for the attacks on the
properties and the safety of the people. (Angers, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
September 6 & 20, 1793, the second year of the French Republic, 1.º
Which orders the sending of an address of the National Convention the
French of the southern departments. 2.º Which requisitions all the objects
suitable for construction, armament, & equipment of the Vessels &
Frigates. 3.º Which determines the manner of proceeding in the criminal
Courts in the event of division of opinions. (Cahors, Richard, Pere & Fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
August 6 1793, the second year of the French Republic, one & indivisible,
Which destroys the Acts made by the so-called popular Commission of
public welfare of Bordeaux, declares the Members traitors to the
fatherland, & to put them out of the law. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale
executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
June 6 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to the
payment of Salaries to the wounded Officers & Soldiers who are in Paris.
(Paris, Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 9 1793, the second year of the French Republic, that authorizes the
minister of war to take amongst the apprentices of the department of
bridges and roads, those judged capable to be employed by the army. (s.l.,
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
January 9 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to the
vacation to be granted to the national Volunteers. (s.l., s.n.)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
May 9 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to the
seizure of Goods in French territory, by the Princes or Powers with which
the Republic is at war. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 10 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Which charges
the commissioners sent to the departments for recruitment, to check on the
state of the logistics. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, of
the 10th day of the 2nd month of the second year of the French Republic,
one and indivisible, Which relieves the current Managers of Transport &
military Convoys. (Chalons, Pintevile-Bouchard)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
June 10 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Containing the
Mode of division of the communal Goods. (Cahors, Richard, Pere & Fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 11, 12, 20, 23 1793, the second year of the French Republic,
Relating to the Emigrants. 1.° Relating to the administration of the Goods
of the Emigrants, & to the sale of their furniture. 2.° Protection to all
Agents to pay none of the sums of money, on the judgment returned by
fault against the absent ones or Emigrants. 3.° Interpretation of the first
article of the law of October 9, against the Emigrants who have taken up
arms. (Cahors, Richard, Pere & Fils)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
February 11 1793, the second year of the French Republic, that abolishes
all criminal procedures for misdemeanors committed in the insurrections
that have taken place relatively for sustenance, up to January 21.
(Besançon, Imprimerie de Métoyer)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 12 1793, the second year of the French Republic, which carries
that the council-general of the commune of Paris and the Commander of
the Parisian National Guard are valuable to the fatherland. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale exécutive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
January 12 & 16 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating
to the representations of plays. (s.l., s.n.)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
13th day of Brumaire, the second year of the French Republic, one &
indivisible, Which puts the office of the Land register under the orders of
the Commission of the Logistics & Provisions. (Paris, Imprimerie
nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
13th day of Brumaire, the second year of the French Republic, one &
indivisible, relating to the deputy rights to the Representatives of the
People, on the means of supplying the Markets & the Armies. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
June 15 1793, the second year of the French Republic, carrying that there
will be in each department, near the criminal courts, an Executor of their
judgment, and which fixes their treatment. (Chartres, Fr. Labalte)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
May 15 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Which declares null
& void any establishment of extraordinary Tribunal, made without any
express authorization of National Convention. (Auxerre. Imprimerie de L.
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
16th day of the first month of the second year of French Republic, one &
indivisible, Which rectifies an error in the drafting of article XVI of the
Decree of last 29 September, on the Maximum price of food products &
goods. (Taalons, Mercier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
17th day of Nivôse, the second year of the French Republic, one &
indivisible, relating to donations & Successions. (Poitiers, Imprimerie de
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
17th day of Nivôse, second year of the French Republic, one & indivisible,
relating to the transport of necessary Food products the distance of two
leagues this side of the border. (Limoges, François Dalesme)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
February 20 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to the
meeting at the warehouse of the Louvre, the different Deposits stated in
the decree of August 8, 1790. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale exécutive du
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 20 & 23 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to
the Emigrants. 1.° Protection to all Agents to pay none of the sums of
money, on the judgment returned by fault against the absent ones or
Emigrants. 2.° Interpretation of the first article of the law of October 9,
against the Emigrants who have taken up arms. (Toulouse, Imprimerie de
J.A.H.M.B. Pijon)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
June 21 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to the
married citizens & those older than forty years, elected officials with the
Poll for the quota of the Commune of Champagne. (Auxerre, Imprimerie
de L. Fournier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
June 21 1793, the second year of the French Republic, carrying that it is
not necessary to compensate as expenses of the Republic, the Grocers of
Paris who were aggrieved by losses in the plunderings & Riots of last
February. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
June 22 1793, the second year of the French Republic, read to the
Directory of the Department of Vosge, and consigned on its registers on
next 21 July. Relating to the payment of the salaries of the wounded
Officers & Soldiers who are in Paris or in other places to be cured.
(Épinal, Imprimerie nationale d'Haener)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decrees of National Convention, May
22, 1793, the year second of the Francoise Republic. 1.º Which grants to
the assembled warrant officers & gendarmes; twelve pounds, in addition
to their balance. 2.º Relative to the Commission of the Twelve. 3.º Which
charges the Generals with opening, without delay, a truce of exchange for
all the Prisoners. 4.º Which authorizes the Minister of war to temporarily
deliver the notifications of command to the Citizens included in the list of
the general officers. (s.l., s.n.)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
23rd day of brumaire, 2nd year of the French Republic, one & indivisible,
carrying that the Society of the Jacobins have not ceased a moment
deserving well of the country. (Paris, Imprimerie national executive de
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of National Convention, July
23, 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Carrying that the
documents found in the iron chest, & others given to the Commission of
the twelve, will be deposited with the files of Convention. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
the 25th day of pluviôse, second year of the French Republic, one &
indivisible, which confiscates the goods dispatched to the CommuneAffranchie (above Lyon) & the other Communes declared in a state of
rebellion. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
July 26, 1793, the second year of the French Republic, which authorizes
the citizen Clavaux and company to open a Ship canal to join the rivers of
the Eure and the Loir. (Niort, Legranc-Elies)
France Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention, the
27th and 28th days of Germinal, in the second year of the French
Republic, one and indivisible. Concerning the Repression of the
Conspirators, the removal of the Nobles, and the general Police force of
the Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie des Administrations Nationales)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
March 28, 1793, the second year of the French Republic, Relating to the
measures to be taken by the Municipality of Paris, for the execution of the
decree which orders the disarmament of suspected people. (s.l.,
Imprimerie de Demauge)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decree of the National Convention,
August 30, 1793, the second year of the French Republic, one &
indivisible, which rectifies the error inserted in the first article of the law
of the 4th May, relating to the Substances. (Paris., Imprimerie nationale
executive du Louvre)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Extract of the bulletin of the National
Convention, prairial 24, the second year of the Republic, one & indivisible
vow of a republican child, who must regulate the control of all true Sansculotte. (Paris, s.n.)
Gregoire, Henri, constitutional bp. of Blois, 1750-1831. Report on the means of
gathering materials necessary to form the Annals of good citizenship, &
on the form of this work; by the citizen Gregoire. Meeting of September
28, 1793, the second year of the Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Harangue pronounced from the Platform of the Popular & Revolutionary Society
of Douai, the 8th day of the 2nd month of the second year of the French
Republic, one and indivisible, by the Citizen Francoise Agniez, Veteran,
82 years old, to the young Warriors of the Battalion of the District of
Duai, upright against the Tyrants. (Douai. Imprimerie du Citoyen Marlier)
Newspaper of the army of the recruits from Cherbourg. Wednesday July 31,
1793, the second year of the French Republic, one & indivisible.
Continuation of the Parliament of Monday 29, and the Speech of the
Citizen Lindet. (Lisieux, Imprimerie de la Guerre suivant l'Armée)
Letter of the Bishop of Leon to the French ecclesiastics who have taken refuge in
England. (London, J.P. Coghlan)
Freedom will not be a dream. (s.l., Imprimerie de Pain)
Marseille. Comité-général des 32 sections. Extract of the registers of the
deliberations of the Section 24, meeting in the Church of the Good
Shepard. Meeting of June 11, 1793, the second year of the French
Republic, one & indivisible. (Marseille, Ant-Hré, Jouve & co.; imp. du
Dep. & des Comité-Général des 32 Sections)
Noirot, François. Justification of the French citizen Noirot, of the Pontaillier-onSaone, Commissioner provisionally named to the Commune of Besancon.
(Dole, Imprimerie du citoyen Joly)
Patriotic works, presented at the popular sitting society to the district-General, to
Nantes. (Nantes, Imprimerie constitutionnelle de P.F. Herault)
Poem on freedom, Pronounced at the prize giving of the University of Paris in the
room of the Friends of Liberty and Equality, in the presence of a
delegation of the National Convention, Department, Municipality,
Districts, Cantons, Municipalities and Sections of the Department of Paris
by the Citizen Crouzet, the headmaster of the college of the French
Pantheon and former professor of eloquence to the same college, and
printed under the terms of a decree of Convention; August 4, 1793, the
second year of the French. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Primat, Claude François Marie, 1747-1816. To the department of the North,
address of Citizen Primat. (Douai, Imprimerie du Citoyen Descamps)
Official report of the directory of the district of Lille, April 2, 1793, the second
year of the Republic. (Douai, Imprimerie de Marlier)
Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore de, 1758-1794. Speech made by
Robespierre to the National Convention, in the meeting of Thermidor 8, of
the 2nd year of the Republic, one & indivisible; Found among his Papers
by the Commission charged to examine them. (Paris, Imprimerie
Seytres, Etienne. Copy of the deposition made by the citizen Étienne Seytres, to
the Central Committee of the sections & the popular Court of accusation.
(Marseille, Imprimerie d'Ant-Hré. Jouve & Comp)
Voiren, B. Speech on the constitution and the government of England.
Pronounced to the society of the Jacobins of Paris in the meeting of the
19th pluviôse, by the citizen B. Voiron, member of this society. (Paris,
Yonne, France (Dept.) Decree of citizens Garnier and Turreau, representatives of
the people, concerning the armament of the volunteers. Extract of the
Register of the deliberations of the general Council of the Department of
Yonne, April 13, 1793, the second year of the French Republic. (Auserre,
Imprimerie de L. Fournier)
1794 (Third year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1794-1795)
Address of the Popular Society of Dunkirk to the Dunkirk National Convention
this vendémiaire 5, 3rd year of the Republic, one and indivisible.
Representatives of the People! (Dunkerque, Imprimerie de Drouillard)
Barére de Vieuzac, Bertrand, 1755-1841. Report submitted to the National
Convention, the committee of Public Safety, In the meeting of the prairial
13, on revolutionary, republican, & military education; and Decree on
the formation of the School of Mars, by Barère. (Paris, Imprimerie
Boissy-d'Anglas, François Antoine, Comte de, 1756-1826. Speech on the interior
and external situation of the Republic, pronounced by Boissy-of English,
Representative of people, in the meeting of National Convention,
Fructidor 6, the third year of the French Republic, one and
indivisible.(Auxerre, L. Fournier)
Tonneins (France), Citizens. Oppressed Citizens of Tonneins-La-Montage: to the
National Convention, to the Representatives of the People in the
Departments of Bec-d’Ambez, Lot, and the Garonne, to the Popular
Societies of the Department, and all the Friends of the Truth, Freedom
and the Equality. (s.l., s.n.)
Constitution of the French Republic. Year 3. (Douai, Wagrez)
Daunou, Pierre Claude François, 1761-1840. Speech made by Senator Daunou,
President of the National Convention, in the meeting of Thermidor 23,
anniversary day of August 10. (Auxerre, L. Fournier)
Daunou, Pierre Claude François, 1761-1840. Speech made by Senator Daunou,
President of the National Convention, in the meeting of Thermidor 23,
anniversary day of August 10. (Macon, Imprimerie de P.M. Saphoux)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Decrees of the committees of the
National Convention, Obligatory for the constituted authorities. Printed
under the terms of article 31 of the Decree of Fructidor 7, the second year
of the French Republic, one & indivisible. Nº 25. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Comité de salut public. Orders of the
committees of public safety and finances, joined together, Bearing
provisional regulation for the various branches of the service with which
the Commission of logistics was charged. Of Fructidor, the third year of
the French Republic, on and indivisible. (Auxerre, Imprimerie de L.
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Committee of general safety and of
surveillance of the National Convention. From the 20th of Frimaire, the
third year of the French Republic, one & indivisible. (Paris, Imprimerie de
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. National Convention to the French
people. (Lille, C.Boubers)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. National Convention to the French
people. Meeting on the 18th of Vendémiaire, 3rd year of the Republic, one
& indivisible. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
France. Convention nationale. Comité de salut public. Extract of the registers of
the committee of public safety of National Convention. Of the 21st of
Germinal, the 3rd year of the French Republic, one and indivisible. (s.l.,
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Comité de salut public. Report on the
clubs and popular societies, made to the National Convention, the
Committees of public safety, general safety and legislation. By Mailhe,
Deputy of the Department of haute Garonne, in the Meeting of the 6th of
Fructidor, year 3. (Auxerre, Imprimerie de L. Fournier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Comité de salut public. Report on the
clubs and popular societies, made to the National Convention, the
Committees of public safety, general safety and legislation. By Mailhe,
Deputy of the Department of haute Garonne, in the Meeting of the 6th of
Fructidor, year 3. (Douai, Imprimerie de Carpentier)
France. Convention nationale, 1792-1795. Comité d'instruction publique. Third
report on vandalism, by Gregoire, Meeting of the 24th of Frimaire, 3rd
year of the French Republic, one and indivisible. (Paris. Imprimerie
nationale des lois)
France. Tribunal révolutionnaire. Schedule returned by the president of the
revolutionary Tribunal, established in Paris. Which, on the declaration of
the jury of judgment, discharges Etienne-Francoise Brochand, JeanneAvoye-Modeste Allais, Brochard woman, and orders that they at once be
freed. Brumaire 6, 3rd year of the French Republic, on and indivisible.
(s.l., Imprimerie du Tribunal révolutionnaire)
Girod, Jean Louis, 1753-1839. Schedule returned by the president of the Opinion
of Girod (of Ain), on the resolution of 27 ventôse, relating to the exercise
of the action in rescission in the sales made out of paper money before the
14 fructidor, 3rd year. Meeting of 9 floréal. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Jullien, Marc Antoine, 1775-1848. Address read in the name of the Jacobins of
Paris, by Marc-Antoine Julien, Member of the executive Commission of
state education, with the bar of National Convention, in the Meeting of
Floréal 27. Answer of the President of Convention. Speech made by the
citizen Couthon, Representative of the people. (Paris, Imprimerie
Letter patriotic, catholic, apostolic, & Roman of Father Duchesne the Younger,
the Canton of Néré, Department of Lower Charente, to the women of all
the Departments. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Lezay-Marnézia, Adrien Paul Françoise, Marie, comte de, 1769-1814. The ruins,
or travels in France, to function as a sequel to that of Greece. By Adrien
Lezay. Third Edition. (Paris, Migneret)
Louvet, de Couvrai, Jean Baptiste, 1760-1797. Some notes for history, and the
account of my Dangers since May 31, 1793. Jean-baptiste Louvet, One of
Representatives proscribed in 1793. (Paris, Migneret)
Rough Draft of the Constitution for the French Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie du
Journal des Débats)
Draft of the Constitution for the French Republic. Declaration of the rights of
man and of the citizen. (Paris, Imprimerie du Journal des Débats)
Analytical catalogue of the operations and the crimes of the principal intriguers
of the Commune of Bourg, chief town of the Department of Ain. To
respond to the widespread libelous charges, as well to the National
Convention including the Company of the Jacobins of Paris, against the
Citizens of this commune. (Paris, s.n.)
Chronological table of the decrees contained with the code of the emigrants.
(Paris, Cocheris)
Treatise of Saint-Cyprien, Of those who fell during persecution, that is to say,
who disavowed the faith, & apostatized. Very-useful work in the present
circumstances. (Paris, Leclere)
Vadier, Marc Guillaume Alexis, 1736-1828. Report, and draft of the decree,
presented to the National Convention, the committees of general safety
and public safety, by Vadier. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
1795 (Fourth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1795-1796)
Bernard d’Airy, P., 1755-1833. Speech Given on 15 Messidor, of the 4th year, for
the inauguration of the central School of the Department of Yonne, by P.
Bernard, member of the Committee of Public Education. (Auxerre,
Imprimerie de L. Fournier)
Fourcroy, Antoine François de, comte, 1755-1809. Report submitted to the
National Convention, to the committees of public safety and state
education, by Fourcroy; and decree on the organization of the schools
intended for the various public services of the State. (Paris, Imprimerie
France. Directoire executive, 1765-1838. Proclamation of the executive directory,
on the events which occurred in the night between the 11th to the 12th in
the month of Fructidor. (s.i., Imprimerie du Directoire executive)
Genin, Jeans François, 1765-1838. Speech on the reunion of Belgium and the
country of Liége to the French Republic.(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Ideas on the competence of the council of war of the seventeenth military division,
concerning anticipated recruitment. (Paris, J. Gratiot et Compagnie)
Lefevre, Julien, 1757-1816. Opinion on the reunion of Belgium to the French
Republic. Pronounced by Lefevre (of Nantes), Representative of the
People.(Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Letter of the impartial to the friends of peace. (Paris, s.n.)
Law relating to the weights and measures. (Paris, Imprimerie du Depot des Lois)
Montjoie, Christophe Félix Louis Ventre de la Touloubre, called Galart de, 17461816. History of the conspiracy of Maximilien Robespierre. (Paris, s.n.)
Oelsner, Konrad Engelbert, 1764-1828. Account of the life of Sieyes, Member of
the first National Assembly and the convention.(London, J. Johnson)
Roberjot, Claude, 1753-1799. Opinion of Roberjot, Representative of the people,
deputy of the department of the Saone-and-Loire, in favour of the reunion
of Belgium and the country of Liége to France, and against their
indepéndence. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Yonne, France (Dept.). Administration of the Department of Yonne. Extract of the
official report of the meeting of Brumaire 5, 4th year of the French
Republic, one & indivisible, held by the Administrators of the Department
of Yonne. (Auxerre, Imprimerie de L. Fournier)
1796 (Fifth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1796-1797)
Camus, Armand Gaston, 1740-1804. A.G. Camus, one of the representatives of
the people, to his colleagues and his fellow-citizens. (Paris, Imprimerie de
Chasset, Charles Antoine, comte de, 1745-1824. Report and draft Resolution in
the name of a special subcommittee, by Chasset, on a message of the
Executive Directory, relative to the accused or condemned which reveal
their accomplices. Meeting of Plusiôse. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Law containing an instruction on the primary, communal and electoral
assemblies. (Paris, Imprimerie de la République )
The Last regicides: or, Mrs Elizabeth de France, and Louis XVII. Primary
causes of the Revolution – The Spirit of Republics. (London, J. De Boffe)
The emigrants justified, or Refutation of the response of Mr. Leuliete to Mr. LallyTolendal, on his defense of the emigrants. (Paris, Batilliot)
France. Corps Legislatif, 1775-1799. Conseil des Cinq-Cents. Report submitted
by L.B. Guyton in the name of the Commission of Canals, On the financial
statement of the canal of the Saone-&-Loire (above Charolois), & on the
message of the executive Directory on 22 ventôse year 4, relating to this
canal. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
Lally-Tollendal, Trophime Gerard, marquis de, 1751-1830. Defense of the French
emigrants: addressed to the French people, by Mr. de Lally-Tolendal.
Part 1. (Paris, Libraires et Marchands de Nouveautes)
Lally-Tollendal, Trophime Gerard, marquis de, 1751-1830. Defense of the French
emigrants: addressed to the French people, by Mr. de Lally-Tolendal.
Part 2. (Paris, Libraires et Marchands de Nouveautes)
1797 (Sixth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1797-1798)
Bailleul, Jacques Charles, 1762-1843. Declaration to my constituents. By J C
Bailleul, Representative of the people, member of the council of five
hundred, deputy to the legislative body by the department of Seine-Lower.
(Paris, s.n.)
Brancas, Louis Leon Felicite, comte de Lauragais, duc de, 1733-1824. Letters of
Senator N B. Lauraguis, on the occasion of the sales contract that the
department of Aisne had given to him for the Presbytery and the Church of
Manicamp, and of the deferment that the Minister of Finance placed at the
fulfillment of the Contract. (Paris, Marchands de Nouveautes)
Collection of the fundamental laws of the French Republic. Containing, 1°. The
Declaration of the rights and the duties of the man and the citizen. 2°.
The Constitution of year III. 3°. All the organic Laws which have bearing
to the primary, communal and electoral assemblies; with the elections,
nominations, suspensions, dismissals, incompatibilities, etc 4°. The
instruction on the behavior of the primary, communal and electoral
assemblies. First Part.(Paris, Bernard)
France. Corps législatif, 1795-1814. Conseil des cinq-cents. Motion of order made
by Duflos. Meeting of Messidor 17, year 6. (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale)
Lefebvre, Edouard. Political considerations and morals concerning France
imbued in the Republic; by Edouard Lefebvre, member of the Free Society
of Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Paris. (Paris, Arthus Bertrand)
Leuliette, Jean-Jacques, 1797-1808. French emigrants; or Answer to Mr. de
Lally-Tolendal; By J.J. Leuliete. (Paris, Imprimerie - Librairie du Cercie
Law containing an instruction on the behavior of the primary and communal
assemblies. From the Ventôse 18, year 6. (Bruxelles, G. Huyghe)
Law carrying that the French Army at the capitol has served the fatherland well.
Of Ventôse 15, year six of the Republic, one and indivisible. (Bordeaux,
Poultier d'Elmotte, François Martin, 1753-1826. Decadal speeches, for the use of
the theophilanthropists; By F Mr. Poultier, Member of the Council of
Ancients, and Editor of the Friend of the Laws. Second Edition. (Paris,
Au Bureau de l'ami des Lois)
Sotin de la Coindière, Pierre-Jean-Marie, 1764-1810. The Minister of the Police, to
the police headquarters of the Departments, and the Commissioners of the
Executive power at these Administrations. Paris, Brumaire 3, 6th year of
the French Republic, one and indivisible. (Nancy, s.n.)
1798 (Seventh year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1798-1799)
Bergier, Antoine, 1742-1826. Report and draft Resolutions on three lectures,
Presented by Bergier, In the name of a special subcommittee, composed
by the representatives Bezard, Roemers & Bergier, For the interpretation
& the intelligence of the laws of the Brumaire 5, Nivose 17, Ventose 22 &
Fruditor 9, year 2, fructidor 9, year 3, vendémiaire 3, year 4, pluviose 18,
year 5, & others, relating to the transmission of the goods by donation,
will, & succession. Meeting of the ventose 19, year 7. (Paris, Imprimerie
Boulay de la Meurthe, Antoine Jacques Claude Joseph, comte, 1761-1840. Essay
on the causes which, in 1649, brought to England the establishment of the
Republic; On those which consolidated there; On those which perished
there. By Boulay (of Meurthe), representing the people. (Paris, Baudouin)
Consultation for the widow and Heirs of Orillard. (Paris, Imprimerie de Millet)
France. Armée. Armée du Rhin. Extract of the official correspondence of Major
general Laroche, On the division performed in Fructidor, of year 7, by the
Army of the Rhine. (Cologne, Imprimerie de Oedenkoven et Thiriart)
Letter of thanks from the French Directory to the author of the Letters to King
Louis XVIII, on the safety of French Monarchy. (Paris, Marchands de
Opinion of Lecouteulx, on a resolution of pluviôse 9, relating to the salaries of
judges. Meeting of ventose 8, year 7. (Paris, Imprimerie nationale)
1799 (Eighth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1799-1800)
Billardon de Sauvigny, Edme Louis, 1736-1812. Historical and allegorical
moralities, in verse, on the most interesting events of the French nation, by
Billardon-Sauvigny, Member of the Republican Gantry. (Paris, Prault )
Boisgelin de Cucé, Jean de Dieu Raimond de cardinal, 1732-1804. Speech of the
benediction of the Chapel of King-Street, Portman-square. (Londres,
Imprimerie de Baylis)
Boisgelin de Cucé, Jean de Dies Raimond de, Cardinal, 1732-1804. Speech for the
first communion at the Chapel of King Street, Portman-Square. (Londres,
Imprimerie de Baylis)
Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Canono, 1775-1840. Speech made in the Temple of
Mars, by Lucien Bonaparte, Minister of the Interior, Messidor 25, year 8,
for the Festival of July 14 and of Harmony. (Paris, Imprimerie de la
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, comte, 1753-1823. Response of L.N.M.
Carnbot, French Citizen, one of the founders of the Republic and
constitutional member of the Executive Directory: to the report made on
the conspiracy of fructidor 18, year 5, to the council of Five Hundred.
(Londres, s.n.)
Deluc, Jean Andre, 1727-1817. Letter to the Jewish authors of a memoir
addressed to Mr. Teller, counselor of the higher consistory, and to Prévôt
in Berlin. (Berlin, s.n.)
France. Constitution, 1799. Constitution of the French Republic. First title. of
the exercise of the Rights of city. First Article. (Douai, Gautier)
France. Corps législatif, 1795-1814. Council Resolutions of the Five Hundred.
From vendémiaire 4, of the 8th year of the French Republic. Resolution
approved Vendémiaire 3, by the Council of Ancients. Resolution of
fructidor 8, relating to the expenditures of the executive Directory. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
Letter of the deported catholic priests addressed to their benefactors. (Paris, s.n.)
Official and supplemented list of deputies. Named by the 96 departments,
participating in the two councils. The First of Prairial, the present month.
(s.l., Marchant)
Régnier. Letters to count A. of Durfort, on the letter of Mr. Malouet, inserted in
the British Mercury. (Londres, Imprimerie de Thomas Baylis)
Memories of the day of the 1st of prairial, year III. Containing two writings of
Goujon, his hymn in music; followed by his defense, those of Romme and
Bourbotte, and two letters of Soubrani. Published by F P. Tissot, elder
son. (Paris, Daunier)
1800 (Ninth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1800-1801)
Speech of the Archbishop and Primate of Narbonne, Commander of the order of
St. Spirit, etc. etc., Pronounced Saturday, April 5, 1800, in the French
Chapel of King-Street, Portman-Square, at the Service celebrated by
order of and in the presence of Monsieur, brother of the King, for the rest
of the soul of Mrs. Adélaïde of France, died in Trieste, February 27, 1800.
(Londres, Imprimerie d'a Dulaus)
Letters of the army in Egypt, to the French government. Intercepted by the
Corvette of His British Majesty, El Vincejo, In the Mediterranean.
(Londres, Baylis)
Michaud, Louis Gabriel, 1773-1858. History of the Revolution, by A.F. Bertrand
de Moleville, observations on this work and on the history of the
Revolution in general. (Paris, Giguet et C e.)
Michaud, Joseph François, 1767-1839. The latest farewells to the Victorious
Bonaparte. Second Edition. (Paris, Deboffe)
Documents relating to the negotiations which took place, the end of the year
1800, between Great Britain and France, to the effect of arriving at a
general pacification. (Londres, Imprimerie de T. Baylis)
1801 (Tenth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1801-1802)
Legal settlement, or convention between the French government and his Holiness
Pius the VII, exchanged on fructidor 23, year 9, and adopted by the
legislative body on germinal 18, year 10. Speeches and reports of all the
speakers who spoke on the organization of the Catholic and Protestant
Churches; With the Papal Bulls; and the Proclamation of the Consuls of
the French Republic. First Part. (Gap, J. Allier)
Convention between the French Government and His Holiness Pius the VII.
Exchanged fructidor 23, year 9. (September 10, 1801). (Paris, s.n.)
Statement of Sen. Boudard, Merchant of La Rochelle. (Paris, Imprimerie de Le
France. Conseil d'état. Extract of the registers of the deliberations of Council of
State, Meeting of Thermidor 16, year 10. Rough draft of the sénatusconsulte organique of the constitution; adopted by the Conservative
Senate, in its meeting of Thermidor 16, year 10. (Paris, Imprimerie de
France Laws, statutes, etc. 1799-1814. (Napoleon I). Bulletin of the laws of the
Republic. Nº 201, Order relating to the organization of the legion of
honor. Nº 192, Law relating to the import duty on the tobacco leaves, and
to that which will be collected for their manufacture. (Paris, Imprimerie
de la République )
Moussard, P. The libertéide; or, phases of the French revolution, heroic lyric
descriptions of the events and memorable facts which took place since the
formation of the Estates General (1789) until general peace, year 10
(1802). With historical and political notes, and followed by Songs of
Philosophy. (Paris, Imprimerie de Brasseur Aine)
Napoléon I, emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Statement on the situation of the
Republic. (Paris, Imprimerie de la République )
1802 (Eleventh year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1802-1803)
Duveyrier, Honore Marie Nicolas, Baron, 1753-1839. Paternity and filiation.
Report submitted by Duveyrier, one of the speakers of the tribunate, on
Title VII of the Civil code. Meeting of germinal 2, year 11. (Paris,
Imprimerie nationale)
A word on the lawsuit of the conspiracy. (Paris, Hayez)
1803 (Twelfth year of the Republic, Revolutionary Calendar 1803-1804)
Letter of *** to one of his friends. (Paris, s.n.)
Boutet de Monvel, Jean Justin Aristippe. Louis XVI, poem in four songs, followed
by some reflections on the state of the preceding reign, and of many
instructive notes on the principal facts of the private and Public life of this
Monarch Martyr. (Paris, l’Éditeur)
No Date
Address made to the National Assembly by the Voters of the Department of Yonne.
(s.l., s.n.)
Bompard, Fr. Fr. Bompard, to the public. (s.l., s.n.)
Impartial examination of the motives of the twelve notables, at the office of
Gentlemen, to adopt, against the opinion of the Thirteen, the opinion
which has prevailed in the five other Bureaus. The Equality of the number
of the Representatives of the three Orders is founded on the equality of
influence that is theirs in the Estates General. (s.l., s.n.)
Petition to the National Convention. (s.l., Boulard)