FIVE-YEAR LIST NEW GRADUATE PROGRAM SUMMARY FORMAT1 TWO PAGE MAXIMUM – PLEASE SUBMIT IN WORD, NOT PDF Summaries required for new graduate degree programs only; no summaries are necessary for Bachelor programs September 2013 Program Name and Degree Title [Xxxxxx Ph.D.] Description of and Reasons for Establishment Provide a brief program description. Provide enough information so that a previously uninformed reader will gain a reasonable understanding of the envisioned program. Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission Identify existing campus degree programs, academic units, and/or research units that are similar to those proposed and state if they will/will not be changed or discontinued. Describe the proposed program’s role in the most recent divisional/school academic plan. Resources Resources include faculty provisions, courses, staff, graduate student support, materials and supplies, equipment, library materials, space, and specialized facilities. Specify program resources that are in place. Estimate all new required resources, and the projected allocation timetable, starting from program launch to steady-state. Funding Specify the funding sources for each the new resources. [department, division, school, state and federal funds, foundations, gifts, student fees, other] State strategies for securing new resources. [reserve, anticipated growth, re-allocation from other programs, external funding, PDST, other] Students Estimate the numbers of graduate student majors upon program implementation, and at steady state. Estimate the number of years between implementation and steady state. Employment Implications Describe likely employment opportunities for program graduates. 1 Summary format is mandated by UC Compendium: University wide Review Processes for Academic Programs, Academic Units, and Research Units; Five-Year List Graduate Program Summary Format UCSC Planning and Budget Office, September 2013 UC Campuses and Other California Institutions With Similar Offerings Identify other UC campuses and other California institutions with comparable academic programs; include private universities and California State Universities. Explain why additional state-funded capacity for instruction or research is appropriate. [UCLA may offer a similar program, which, for specific reasons, cannot meet the needs of the greater San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas.] Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates Estimate when the proposal will be ready for campus review, and when the program is likely to begin. Provide the projected year for first enrolling students. Take into consideration the time required to develop a proposal, conduct informal consultation, secure necessary approvals, and procure required resources. Completed graduate program proposals usually require a minimum of one academic year for Graduate Council Review, and a second academic year for Coordinating Council on Graduate Affairs and UCOP review. EXAMPLE 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 preliminary planning and consultation formal campus review and approval formal off-campus system wide review and approval advertise and admissions first students enroll Current Status What review stage is the program in? (Faculty planning, dean review, formal campus review, system wide review). Campus Contact Person Identify the faculty member who is leading the proposal’s development. Provide the faculty member’s name, title, department, campus mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number. Five-Year List Graduate Program Summary Format UCSC Planning and Budget Office, September 2013