BR-208 October 2003 Report on the Consultation Process Prepared by the EC/ESA Joint Task Force Secretariat 1 Contents Foreword 4 Introduction 5 The Consultation Process 7 Inaugural Conference 9 The Industrial View 10 The View of the Scientific Community 11 The Institutional View 12 The View of the Operators and Service Providers 13 The International Context 15 Closing Conference 16 Post Workshop Activities 19 Contributors to the Consultation Process 21 3 Foreword Dear Reader, The consultation on the development of the future European Space Policy last spring was a unique opportunity for anyone interested in space to make a contribution. The number of those who did and the quality of their replies were most encouraging. In total, over a thousand representatives of governments, international organisations, companies, European institutions and universities – and individual citizens – have actively taken part in shaping Europe’s future in space. The Green Paper on European Space Policy was drawn up by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Space Agency. By raising a number of key questions, it aimed to launch a Europe-wide debate on questions of space policy. The consultation process was initiated and managed by the European Commission/ESA Joint Task Force. The series of targeted workshops organised across Europe, the discussion forum set up for European citizens on the internet and extensive written input have contributed directly to an interesting evaluation of European expectations in the space sector. This report on the main outcomes from the consultation and the reports by the individual rapporteurs on the consultation workshops together make up a useful database for the future; it will remain a reference not only for the formulation of an action plan for the enlarged European Space Policy, but also for the planning of the space programmes to be carried out under that Policy. We hope and firmly believe that the White Paper on the European Space Policy will mark an even greater step forward for Europe in space. On behalf of the European Commission/European Space Agency Joint Task Force, Karl-Heinz Kreuzberg European Space Agency 4 Luc Tytgat European Commission Introduction In its Resolution titled ‘Europe and Space’ of 17 January 2002, the European Parliament requested the European Commission to produce a White Paper on space ‘….setting out the main objectives of the policy to be implemented in the medium and long term’.1 In consequence, and as a step towards the White Paper, the European Commission, in cooperation with ESA, elaborated a Green Paper on Space Policy2, which was adopted by the Commission on 21 January 2003. The objective of this document was to stimulate a European-wide debate on the issue, and launch a process meant to gather inputs from all relevant players in Europe. The consultation process that has followed the publication of the Green Paper has been organised by the EC/ESA Joint Task Force. The present document is therefore a joint EC/ESA report on the consultations, presented to the Joint Task Force. This report will pave the way for the White Paper (including an action plan), to be elaborated by the European Commission in cooperation with ESA. Encouragement for this was provided by the EU Council on 13 May and the ESA Ministerial Council on 27 May 2003. The purpose of the present document is to provide a summary report on the Green Paper consultation process, focusing on the carefully targeted Workshops that have taken place from March through June 2003. 1 P5_TA(2002)0015. 2 COM(2003)17 final, Events Location Description Date Attendance Brussels* Inaugural Conference 6 March 2003 194 persons Madrid* The Industrial View 25 March 2003 127 persons Berlin* The View of the Scientific Community 8 April 2003 127 persons Rome* The Institutional View 28 April 2003 144 persons Athens** Security and Defence Aspects 8-9 May 2003 113 persons London* The View of the Operators and Service Providers 20 May 2003 211 persons Prague* The International Context 2-3 June 2003 90 persons Paris* Closing Conference 23-24 June 2003 420 persons Total 1426 persons * Events organised by the EC/ESA Joint Task Force ** Event organised by the Greek Presidency of the EU 5 Attendance by type of organisation Attendance by country 6 The Consultation Process Three methods have been used to gather inputs during the consultation process: an open webconsultation of European citizens, the targeted workshop consultation, and the receipt of written inputs from various players in the space domain. The open web-consultation resulted in some 200 contributions and provided an excellent opportunity for a lively debate. consultation Workshops, taking the debate to several Member State capitals (Madrid, Berlin, Rome, London and Prague). The Greek Presidency of the European Union also convened a special Workshop in Athens on 8-9 May, which concentrated on a discussion of security and defence matters. In addition, Austria, Italy and Portugal each held national meetings, supported by the EC and ESA, to discuss the Green Paper and review the national implications. The United Kingdom Industrial Space Committee made a presentation of its views on the Green Paper to the Commission, while the Belgian authorities both organised a national review of spacebased defence systems, and passed a Resolution on the Green Paper following its discussion in the Senate. The Inaugural Conference held in Brussels on 6 March 2003 was followed by a series of five On-Line Forum contributions 214 contributions were registered in the various open forums/debates Participation by subject 7 The targeted consultation process finished with a Closing Conference in Paris on 23-24 June, at which reports from all of the Workshops in the series were presented and discussed. Other European institutions, namely the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament, have also been involved during the Green Paper consultation process, and their positions have been presented to the Commission services. More than 70 written contributions have been received, including many from industry, ESA and EU Member States, various associations and individuals. Participation by country Written contributions More than 70 written contributions were submitted to the EC/ESA Joint Task Force Contributions by type of organisation Contributions by country 8 Inaugural Conference – The concept of a ‘flagship’ programme to stimulate interest in space technology was discussed, as a possibility both for generating public interest and for stimulating the interest of younger generations. Brussels, 6 March 2003 The Brussels Conference served as the ‘kick-off’ meeting to initiate the consultation process and permitted a first exchange of views, which underlined the will for a stronger political vision for an increasingly ambitious space policy in Europe. The main highlights of these discussions were: – For the institutional framework in which space activities could be placed, Vice-president Dehaene of the Presidium of the European Convention presented the possibility of space being a competence in the future Treaty for the European Union. – Notwithstanding the interest in satellite applications programmes, the basic role of space science was strongly underlined, as a driver for technological innovation and the initiation of new applications. Specific guidelines are needed for co-operation, for co-ordination of and within national programmes, and for strengthening the scientific community. 9 – Discussions of applications and technology programmes gave rise to a broad exchange of views on the concept of ‘multiple-use’ technologies. This concept deserves in-depth discussion, particularly in examining the use of satellite systems to increase the overall security of Europe and its citizens. The Industrial View Madrid Workshop, 25 March 2003 The Madrid Workshop provided the opportunity for an extended discussion about the current situation of European space industry, involving not only the satellite and launcher sectors, but also system operators, ground-segment interests and representatives of the insurance market. Items highlighted during the discussions included the following: – While the current arrangements for ESA and the use of existing structures received praise from industry, the Workshop participants also welcome and called for greater involvement of the European Union in space activities, notably as a provider of regulatory frameworks and additional funding. – There is a need for a substantially widened institutional market, which fully recognises the potential of space systems for addressing policy objectives (monitoring of climate change, environmental damage, monitoring for treaty implementation, crisis monitoring, security, navigation, science). Should European and national institutions become convinced that space systems help in addressing policy objectives and could help harmonise their programmes and requirements, the market potential would be substantially increased. – ESA should continue to be the focus for funding the key activities of a space policy. The current ESA financial scheme (variable geometry, geographical return), with additional resources from the EU to serve European policies, seems to be adequate. – A key element for Europe is to have available reliable and affordable access to space; independent access is seen as mandatory. (Strong support in this direction has since been given by the ESA Council at Ministerial Level in May 2003.) – The Workshop noted that international co-operation remains attractive in many areas and is not, per se, incompatible with the objective of European autonomy. A particular example of such cooperation, the International Space Station (ISS), was underlined as being first and foremost a political project, from which Europe cannot be absent, which constitutes a long-term investment for the benefit of future generations. – A similar emphasis to that during the Brussels Conference was put on the interest to the public – and by extension to young engineers – of ambitious new European programmes (cf. ‘flagship programmes’)*. A further common theme of the 10 two Workshops was the major role to be played by the EC in ensuring harmonised and well-founded regulations across Europe. – Regarding multiple-use systems, the need for greater recognition of space tools in the framework of an EU security and defence policy was underlined. This was accompanied by support for the introduction of ‘space’ into the present draft Treaty being discussed by the European Convention. – Finally, at a time when part of European space industry is looking to restructure, Workshop participants stressed that without a sufficiently ambitious political and financial commitment, this restructuring will not lead to a stronger industrial base. New vocations and competences cannot be expected without the underpinning of a long-term programme supported by a solid political and financial commitment. * The high level of public interest in the press and television coverage of the launch of ESA’s Mars Express satellite and its Beagle 2 lander in early June showed the continuing stimulus of space activities when associated with tangible goals such as the exploration of Mars. The View of the Scientific Community Berlin Workshop, 8 April 2003 The Berlin Workshop focused on the European space science community, and in particular underlined the often underestimated contribution that it makes to the overall space activity, not least in making available key technology developments to the applications programmes. The main highlights were: – Space sciences must be an integral part of any European space policy. – A plea was made to stop the trend to significantly reduce the funds for European space-science research. Recognition was given to the ESA Science Programme as being of world-class quality, with only modest resources. For Earth Observation, a proposal was made to develop a mandatory programme (Earth Explorer missions) with a level of resources based on GNP contribution scales. The scientific role of the overall ‘Global Monitoring for Environment and Security’ (GMES) programme was stressed, as was the synergy between the research and development for scientific and security requirements. – A problem common to scientific and applications programmes surfaced at this Workshop, namely the exploitation of data. The need for a data policy harmonised at European level was underlined, with a role identified for the European Commission in supporting a powerful data-processing system to underpin, for example, climate forecasts and globalchange studies. This was associated with a call for sustainable funding and long-term continuity of observing systems, information availability, fast data delivery and cost-effectiveness. In general, space sciences were underlined as a major element in building a knowledge-based society. – Discussion of the International Space Station (ISS) underscored its scientific excellence for microgravity activities, giving European researchers access to work in the life- and physical-sciences fields. The ISS should be exploited also for Earth-observation and human-spaceflight activities. The role of ESA’s European Astronaut Corps as ambassadors for a European identity was also highlighted. – The political and strategic need for Europe to maintain and develop its own means of access to space was stressed, with the proviso that additional costs linked to this need should not result in a reduction of the existing science budget. The need for engineering excellence (cf. ‘reliability’) in the launch infrastructure for a successful space science programme was underlined. 11 – The Aurora programme, which is intended to prepare Europe to meet the challenges facing the next generation in space (science, exploration and human presence), was seen as an initiative to be welcomed, and one concept on which ESA and the EU can build a European role in space in the medium to long term. – No merging of diverse institutions into centralised bodies (i.e. preserve a healthy ‘biodiversity’ among the existing institutions). Maintain ESA as an independent institution for science working in close relationship with the EU. A more coherent coordination throughout disciplines should be developed (EIROforum is an example to be exploited), as part of the European Research Area strategy. – Finally, the role of the EU in contributing to horizontal and infrastructure activities was stressed, with a number of fields identified for consideration: an independent data-systems network, ISS utilisation, critical technologies for payloads, development of future nuclear and electricpropulsion systems (critical for interplanetary missions), data analysis and archiving. The Institutional View Rome Workshop, 28 April 2003 The Rome Workshop was aimed at registering the views and reactions of the ESA and EU Member States (i.e. national administrations and other public institutions). The discussions provided, inter alia, the following inputs: – Access to Space: The need for independent access to space and the role of ESA’s new EGAS (European Guaranteed Access to Space) programme were again confirmed. – Science: The role of science (including research on the ISS) as the enabler (understanding and invention) for future applications and commercial activities was developed. A doubling of the science budget, without prejudice to other space-programme funding, was requested. – Industry: The dramatic situation in which European space industry currently finds itself was again stressed. In order to remedy the situation and to ensure at least ‘a level playing field’ with respect to the United States, a doubling of the total yearly 12 available institutional market was requested as a medium- to long-term goal. – Knowledge Society, Sustainable Development, Security: It was emphasised that the applications area lies at the core of the present discussion, whilst the role of space as an important tool for the implementation of key Union policies and objectives was confirmed. – Space policy should be guided and discussed at the highest political level. – The European Parliament has taken a major interest in the European Space Policy, both prior to and during the Green Paper activity. In particular, it has concerned itself with the impact of space technologies on the European citizen. The Parliament’s contribution to the dossier is a welcome and important addition. – ESA (institutionally outside the EU framework) has proved itself capable of acquiring a world-class space position for Europe that must be maintained in the future. Discussions on ESA’s future role and its relationship to Union institutions should ensure that strengths are reinforced and organisational changes made only when really called for. ESA should become the space agency of the Union (Europe) – in a first step through a framework agreement, and with a possible further rapprochement to be defined. The View of the Operators and Service Providers London Workshop, 20 May 2003 most efficient lever to revive and fund upstream players (satellite and launch manufacturers). They have an unrivalled ability to bridge the ‘digital divide’ in Europe, as a complement to existing terrestrial networks, thereby addressing the more than 20% of the population currently excluded from today’s ‘information society’. They should become a ‘third element’ of joint ESA-EU space applications activities, alongside Earth-observation and navigation systems The London Workshop brought together representatives of satellite operators, service providers, users, industry, SMEs, national space agencies and universities. The wide-ranging discussions highlighted the following points: – Fixed or mobile access via satellite to high-speed Internet and essential broadband services on a universal basis must be included in any European Space Policy. General – Space Applications are key components of a Space Policy. They are market-driven, and therefore should ultimately be financed by end-users, achieving optimal use and leverage of public funding. Earthobservation applications, which are dominated by the public sector as both user and regulator, are only partially driven by the commercial market. – It is recommended to establish immediately a forum at European level to co-ordinate and federate the players concerned with the definition, development, operation and utilisation of a satellite communications broadband infrastructure. – Applications bring concrete benefits to professionals and customers in their daily activities: here taxpayers and their political representatives can see a concrete return from public funding invested in space activities. Satellite Communications – Satellite communications provide 50% of all European industry’s space-hardware revenues, and are the – Despite progress over the past decade in several regulatory areas at the CEPT, EU and national levels, the satellite industry continues to face multiple, often inconsistent, regimes. Common regulatory conditions are essential: • Harmonised and streamlined licensing procedures throughout the Union. • Harmonised spectrum allocation, enabling free circulation of user terminals and exemption from licensing for satellite Earth stations and user terminals. 13 • Fair access to frequencies for satellite operators and exclusive frequency bands for ‘point-to-point’ satellite systems in Europe. • Acceptance of market-access principles for satellite services in the Member States of the enlarged Union and in other countries. Earth Observation – The establishment of a robust European Earthmonitoring capability is strategically important for Europe, particularly for the implementation of policies bearing on such issues as management of renewable resources, and security. – There is a clear need for a co-ordinated approach aimed at the creation of an operational structure for data gathering, data handling, information production and dissemination. – The demand for Earth-observation data is essentially a public one. There is a need to federate and organise at the European level its demand for longer-term commitments, and to identify appropriate funding instruments. – A significant catalyst for the exploitation of satellite remote sensing will come from applications in the security/defence fields. The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme should act as a catalyst and provide a demonstration of how space can address European strategic aims. 14 – There is a need to create an organisation, or network of organisations, to deal specifically with space imagery, and the integration and dissemination of geo-spatial information, taking into account the existing structures. An overall architecture including data collection and information dissemination should be defined. Satellite Navigation, Positioning and Timing – Satellite navigation is also a key dual-use technology, having numerous applications and generating indirect returns far exceeding investment costs. – Strong international cooperation is essential, as in COSPAS/SARSAT. Users need the European Galileo system to be interoperable and compatible with other systems. They want GPS and Galileo (plus Glonass) in order to have at their disposal larger satellite constellations that are inherently more reliable and provide more accurate navigation solutions in difficult environments. – Safety issues should be managed and financed by each area of application (air, rail, maritime...), since each has its own standards for precision and integrity, and for possible augmentations. – Coupling navigation, positioning and timing with mobiles/satcoms creates potential for commercial opportunities. The International Context Prague Workshop, 2-3 June 2003 The Prague Workshop was designed to bring out some of the international aspects of a European Space Policy. Particular points that were emphasised are: – Europe must combine autonomy in strategic areas with co-operation in others. Where it collaborates, Europe must be a strong partner. – Satellite technologies correctly and imaginatively exploited in pursuit of identified policy objectives can play a major role in the incorporation of the most farflung corners of the Community. – The need for strategic objectives for international cooperation, as well as for all relevant partners, (i.e. EU, ESA, other organisations in the space field such as Eumetsat, European States, users and industry). – Russia and the Ukraine have both indicated a willingness to enter into long-term strategic partnerships with Europe in key areas such as human spaceflight, launchers, and applications such as navigation and global monitoring. – The ‘Wider Europe’ initiative of the European Union, endorsed in 2003 by the European Council in Thessaloniki, offers scope for the use of space technology in supporting the EU’s eastern and southern neighbours, as well as Europe’s overseas territories, in their development. – The co-operation between the EU and the Mediterranean countries is based on the Barcelona process, and implemented through the MEDA programmes. These countries may expect to be the prime beneficiaries of an outward-looking European space programme making use of satellite technology. The scope of the Workshop was focused on the panEuropean context – international partners such as the USA and Japan were not specifically targeted to contribute to the European debate at this stage. – The new EU Member States have a strong interest in involvement as soon as possible in European space activities. This may extend all the way from participation in individual programmes such as Galileo and GMES, to Associate Member status in ESA. 15 Closing Conference Paris, 23-24 June 2003 The Paris Conference took the form of six Panel sessions – one for each Workshop – and there were seven speeches. More than 400 representatives from government, industry, research and civilian life attended the meeting. Mrs Pascale Sourisse, President of Eurospace, presented Panel 1, dealing with ‘The Industrial View’: – Space cannot be considered as a strictly commercial sector. The institutional aspect of space is fundamental. Due to the severe crisis in the European space industry, there is a real danger that the very high level of skill and technologies that Europe has acquired cannot be maintained. Efforts towards the definition of a reinforced European Space Policy are therefore of critical importance. Prof. Roger Bonnet presented Panel 2, dealing with ‘The View of the Scientific Community’: – The indisputable success of ESA’s Science Programme has been underlined. A strong regret related to the insufficient emphasis on science in the Green Paper has also been underlined. The scientific community has claimed the right to be recognised. They regret the lack of political vision, of coherent ambition, and the immature coordination between ESA and the EU. The starvation of science budgets cannot be the option. A factor of two increase might be adequate, both at ESA and national levels, for all branches. The science community insists on ESA’s essential role, and ESA must be maintained as an independent institution, working in close association with the EU. ESA is essential for the sciences. – The EU should have a political role in defining European policies. The EC has to compensate for the present deficit of resources, to use its institutional rules where ESA is not competent, and to participate in ESA delegate bodies, much like an Associate Member State. The EC must organise itself more efficiently across its various Directorates in view of GMES, and should support ISS utilisation through Framework Programme 6. Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt presented Panel 3, dealing with ‘The Institutional View’: – Key points from Rome were that the messages coming out of the consultation must be radical and seize the momentum of current developments. Without institutional demand, there will be no independent access to space. But independence of information should also be created. European Space Policy should be guided from the highest political level (European Council), and ESA should act as the EU’s de facto space agency. The European 16 Parliament should have a review function also with respect to space policy. Mr Bildt also recalled the main points related to space in the EU draft Constitutional Treaty. He posed three main items for discussion: • How could ESA become the space agency for the EU? • How should EU funding be organised to support the policy goals? and • How should a comprehensive European Space Programme be run? Mr Giuliano Berretta, President of the European Satellite Operators Association (ESOA), presented Panel 4, dealing with ‘The View of the Operators and Service Providers’: – Space applications are key components of any space policy. Applications bring concrete benefits to professionals and consumers in their daily activities. Taxpayers and political representatives can see a solid return on their contributions. Unlike many other space programmes, space applications address many user communities. The needs of all communities should be taken into account in the future European space programme. – Sectorial recommendations have been made in the field of satellite communications, Earth observation, and positioning, navigation and timing. The future European Space Strategy should rest on three pillars: EGNOS and Galileo for navigation, GMES for Earth observation, and a new Satcom programme. Mr Reinhard Loosch, former Department Head at the German Federal Ministry for Research, presented Panel 5, dealing with ‘The International Context’: – First, the inherent international dimension of space activities has been underlined. There is a need for a coherent European Space Policy that sets strategic objectives and priorities, defining areas where Europe must attain autonomy and where it should accept a higher degree of (inter-)dependence through international cooperation. Coordination between all European actors is needed for a coherent approach to space. Europe should speak with one voice on the international scene, including in UN bodies. In the field of human spaceflight, Europe should forge a strategic cooperation with other space powers. Some instruments have been defined: ESA’s PECS programme, EU Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, and agreements between the EU and other countries. Major recommendations have been addressed: • European Space Policy must provide for securing financing, covering the development and operations of a European infrastructure as well as applications, including science, in space and on Earth. • European Space Policy can build on the existing structures of the EU, ESA and other European institutions. • European coordination should be improved, not only between the EU and ESA (and between them and European governments), but also between public institutions and industry and the scientific community. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexandros Kolovos, presented Panel 6, dealing with ‘Security and Defence Aspects’, the special Workshop organised by the Greek Presidency of the EU. The European Space Policy should include the security dimension, taking into account the complete spectrum of security-related activities. This security dimension of the EU Space Policy needs governmental programmes and efficient bodies. – Early warning and distant detection. – Search and rescue. – Independent access to space as a prerequisite. Bodies and agencies have to evolve and different schemes are possible. The first option is to transform the existing ones (EU Satellite Centre, ESA, …). The second is to create new ones. A third is to exploit complementarities between EU agencies and national agencies. On 24 June, Jack Metthey, the Commission’s Director for Space and Transport (DG RTD), introduced the following speakers: The EU needs to consider space-based capabilities in the following fields: – Global monitoring. – Global reconnaissance, monitoring and surveillance, including image intelligence and electromagnetic signal analysis. – Meteorology and oceanography. – Telecommunications. – Intelligence information and verification. – Global command, control, communications and information. – Global positioning, navigation and timing. – Mapping. – Space-based surveillance. 17 Mr Guido Bodrato, European Parliament, recalled that the EC has been asked to define a European Space Policy: ESA should not be reduced, but the EU has competence that ESA does not have. ESA is already de facto the EU space agency. The ESA fair-return rule should be redefined. Article 150 of the European Convention’s draft EU Constitution gives the EU a competence in space, but not an exclusive one. Article 207 of Part III concerning the European Armaments Agency is also very important. Mr Stéphane Buffetaut, European Economic and Social Committee, explained that three kinds of financing scheme are possible for future space activities: a European Programme, a reinforced cooperation, and the current system. Herbert Diehl, the German representative of Minister Edelgard Bulmahn, presented some views: The priority is a coherent European Space Policy. Roles between institutions have to be redefined. The EU could play an important role concerning infrastructure. ESA manages space science perfectly. the European Convention. The EU has the political and societal legitimacy for initiatives in the space field. Some important reform has to be made. She asked for a (comprehensive) European Space Programme and an EU budgetary line for space to be available in 2007. Antonio Rodotà, ESA’s Director General, explained that he was in favour of the inclusion of space in the European Convention. He regretted only that space was assimilated with technological research and development. He also explained that the ESA concept of ‘fair return’ is a very flexible rule. Mrs Moratti underlined the knowledge and competence patrimony of ESA. ESA’s future Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain underlined in his speech that there should be lesser focus on institutions. Space is a question of programmes and not of institutions. He explained that ESA was able to federate the tender, and EU the demand. A distinction has also to be made between respective budgets and interests. Concluding Addresses were made by Mrs Claudie Haigneré, France’s Minister for Research and New Technologies, Mrs Letizia Moratti, Italy’s Minister for Education, Universities and Research, and Mr Philippe Busquin, European Commissioner for Research. Mrs Haigneré asked for a financial evolution and a softening of the geographical-return rules. She underlined the importance of the inclusion of space in 18 Mr Busquin stated that the White Paper would be elaborated in close cooperation with ESA. He made references to the Convention and the shared competences, to explain that a European Space Programme was a necessity. He concluded by mentioning the Commission’s intention to organise an international conference on space in November 2003 in Italy. PostWorkshop Activities The above sequence of Workshops was concluded in the second half of June, with the following series of activities then expected to take place: – The preparation of the present Joint Summary Report on the whole consultation process, produced by the EC/ESA Joint Task Force. – The Commission has to present to the Council of the Union and to the European Parliament an action plan (White Paper) elaborated in cooperation with ESA, as underlined by both the EU and ESA Ministerial Councils in May 2003. This will acknowledge the contributions that have been received, and include proposals for the content, organisation and level of future European activities in space. This should be prepared for approval by the Commission in October, with subsequent submission to the Council and Parliament. – An opportunity for discussion with the EU Council has already been foreseen, at the Competitiveness Council currently planned by the Italian Presidency in November. P. Carril 19 20 CONTRIBUTORS TO THE CONSULTATION PROCESS Workshop Rapporteurs Mr G. Berretta, President ESOA Mr C. Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden Prof. R. Bonnet, former ESA Director of Science Lt. Col. A. Kolovos, Head of National Centre for Space Applications, Greek Ministry of Defence Mr R. Loosch, former Department Head at German Federal Ministry for Research Ms P. Sourisse, President Eurospace Workshop Speakers Col. A. Husniaux, Belgian Ministry of Defence Col. V. Santoro, EU Council Dr. D. Deniozos, General Secretary of Research and Technology, Ministry of Development, Greece Dr. F. Merkle, OHB, Director SAR-Lupe Project Dr. G. Thiele, European Astronaut Centre, Köln, Germany Dr. J.-L. Fellous, member of ESF, IFREMER, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France Dr. P. Norsk, member of ESA European Users Board, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark Gen. (Retired) B. Molard, Defence and Security Advisor for the CEO, EUROSPACE Lord Sainsbury, Minister for Science and Technology, UK Lt. Gen. D. Gavoty, Head of Bureau Espace, France Lt. Gen. M. Vankeirsbilck, Belgian Defence Staff Mr A. Gaubert, Secretary General of Eurospace Mr A. Patacchini, Eutelsat Mr B. Andersen, Norwegian Space Centre Mr B. Lançon, SNECMA Mr C. Hicks, Director General, BNSC Mr C. Jacob, Eurospace Mr C. Paynter, Paradigm Mr D. El Hadani, Director of the Royal Centre for Space Remote Sensing, Morocco Mr D. Levesque, SARSAT/COSPAS Mr D. Verhulst, Alcatel Mr E. Both, Hungarian Space Office Mr E. Kuznietsov, Deputy Director General of the National Space Agency of Ukraine Mr E. Saggese, Telespazio Mr F. Davara, Director, EU Satellite Centre Mr F. De Winne, European Astronaut, ESA Mr F. Huyns, Institut de Recherche pour le Development, Montpellier, France Mr G. Aridon, Senior Vice-President Corporate Development, Alenia Spazio / Finmeccanica Mr G. Dahan, Vice-Chairman European Federation of High Tech SMEs Mr G. Savary, Vice Chairman of the Committee for Transport, Regional Policy and Tourism, Sky and Space Intergroup Mr G. Sawyer, Astrium Mr G. Bodrato, Member of the European Parliament, and EP rapporteur on space matters Mr H. Diehl, German Ministry of Education and Research Mr H. Haubold, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Mr I. Shepherd, Member of GMES Security Group Mr J. Broquet, Astrium Mr J. Davey, former Chairman of the Galileo Security Board Mr J. Garcia Palacios, Hispasat Mr J. Kolar, President of the Czech National Committee for Space Research Mr J. Maury, Astrium Mr J. Nebrera, Proespacio Mr J. Rønneberg, Norwegian Space Centre Mr J. Storey, Eurocontrol Mr J.-L. Dehaene, Vice President of the European Convention Mr J.-M. Luton, Chairman of Arianespace Mr K. Becher, Associate Research Fellow, EU Institute for Security Studies Mr K. Madders, Systemics Network International Mr K.-U. Schrogl, German Aerospace Centre DLR, Chairman of the International Relations Committee of ESA Mr Kremék, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic Mr L. Mayo, GMV 21 Mr M. Bartolomey, Arianespace Mr M. Dillon, Managing Director, ESYS plc Mr M. Kracht, Thales Communications Mr M.A. Llorca, EADS/CASA Mr M.-I. Piso, Romanian Space Agency Mr O. Colaitis, Alcatel Space Mr P. Kent, European Maritime Radionavigation Forum Mr P. Kompfner, Ertico Mr P. Morenés, Secretary of State, Ministry for Science and Technology, Spain Mr P. Munier, Spotimage Mr P. Norris, LogicaCMG Mr P. Rudolff, Corporate Affairs, Arianespace Mr P.M. Borgeal, Bureau Espace, France Mr R. Bausch, SES-Global Mr R. Buttiglione, Italian Minister of Community Policies Mr R. Gibson, former Director General of ESA Mr R. Olsen, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Mr R. Williams, Eumetsat Mr S. Buffetaut, European Economic and Social Committee Mr S. Kulik, Head of International Division, Rosaviakosmos Mr S. Plattard, Director of International Relations, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France Mr S. Vetrella, President of the Italian Space Agency Mr T. Dachev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Mr T. Eltges, Newtech Mr T. Pirard, Space Information Centre, Belgium Mr V. Gomez, Director General CDTI, Spain Mr Y. Papantoniou, Minister of Defence of the Hellenic Republic Mr Z. Klos, Polish Space Research Centre Mrs C. Haigneré, French Minister for Research and New Technologies Mrs F. Ghiron, Esinet Mrs L. Moratti, Italian Minister for Education, University and Research Mrs M. Flaminia Rossi, Italian Space Agency Ms C. Noguez, former Conference Originator and Director Ms E. McNally, Member of the European Parliament Prof. A. Lebeau, former ESA Director of Science 22 Prof. A. Colombati, University of Udine, Italy Prof. C. Cesarsky, European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany Prof. F. Rocca, Politecnico Milano, Italy Prof. G. Corazza, University of Bologna, Italy Prof. G. Haerendel, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg, Illkirch, France Prof. H. Balsiger, Physikalisches Institute, Bern University, Switzerland Prof. J.-P. Swings, Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Liège, Belgium Prof. L. Bengtsson, Max Planck Institute für Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany Prof. M. Grewing, Institut de Radio-Astronomie Millimétrique, Grenoble, France Prof. R. Pellinen, Finnish Meteo Institute, Finland Prof. S. Hobe, University of Cologne, Germany Contributors Particularly the offices in: ACCESS Advisory Board of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space AECMA - European Association of Aerospace Ind. AENA - Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea Aeronautical Research and Test Institute Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute Turkey Aerospace Institute Germany Aerospace Institute Greece Agencia EFE AGi Agenzia Giornalistica Italia AIAD - The Italian Industries Association for Aerospace Systems and Defence Airclaims AirPresse Alcatel Alcatel Espacio Alcatel ETCA Alcatel Space Alenia Spazio ALTEC - Advanced Logistics Technology Engineering Centre ANSA (Press) ARD - Studio Brüssel AREA (Press) Argongra Arianespace Astrium GmbH Astrium Space Astrium-Crisa Astronomy Working Group Astrophysikalisches Institut Postdam Aurensa Germany USA/Europe Belgium Spain Czech Republic Turkey Germany Greece Spain Italy Italy United Kingdom Italy France Spain Belgium France Italy Italy Italy Belgium Italy Spain France Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France Germany Spain Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and Research Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence Austrian Space Agency B612 Foundation Baden-Württemberg at the European Union BBC BDLI - German Aerospace Industries Association Belgian Air Force Belgian Defence Staff Department for Strategic Affairs Belgian Federal Office for Scientific Affairs Belgian Government Space Department Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Belgian Ministry of Defence Belgian Ministry of Scientific Research British National Space Centre British Telecom Bureau Space News - Paris Canadian Embassy in Germany Canadian Embassy in Spain Canadian Mission to the European Union Canadian National Defence (OCIPEP) Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA CDTI - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial Cedarwood Associates International CFE/CGC - Confédération Française de l'Encadrement Chinese Embassy in Prague CIFOR-INIA - Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria CNES CNES/CFCIB CNR Comitato VAS Italian Parliament Comité économique et social européen Commitee Office, House of Lords 23 Austria/Germany Austria Austria Austria Netherlands Germany/Belgium United Kingdom Germany Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium United Kingdom United Kingdom France Canada/Germany Canada/Spain Canada/Belgium Canada Italy Spain Belgium France Czech Republic Spain Belgium/France Belgium Italy Italy France United Kingdom Contraves Space COPIT-ONLUS Corriere della Sera COSPAS-SARSAT CRO-IRCCS Crystal Science and Technology Institute CS Systemes d'Information CVUT - Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Astronomical Institute Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech National Committee for Space Research Czech Space Office Dassault Aviation Deimos Space SL DEIS/ARCES - University of Bologna Democritus University of Thrace Demos Deutsche Bundesregierung Deutschland Funk / German National Radio DLR - German Aerospace Centre DNV - Det Norske Veritas DOTARS - Department of Transport and Regional Services Dutch Agency for Aerospace Programmes Dutch Government Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dutch Space Research Organization EADS EADS – Astrium EADS CASA Espacio EADS France EADS Hellas EADS Launch Vehicles EADS Space Division Switzerland Italy Italy United Kingdom Italy Czech Republic France Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic France Spain Italy Greece United Kingdom Germany Germany Belgium/Germany Norway Austria Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Spain France Greece France France 24 EARSC - European Association of Remote-Sensing Companies Ecologic Edisoft EGIS Embassy of Estonia in Greece Energy co / TUB Berlin ERTICO - ITS Europe ESO/EIROforum ESOA European Satellite Operators Association ESSP – European Satellite Services Provider ESYS plc Etat Major des Armées - Bureau Espace EU Council Secretariat General EU Institute for Security Studies EU Military Staff EU Satellite Centre Eumetsat Euroconsult Eurocontrol EUROGI European Astronaut Centre European Centre for Space and Security European Convention Members European Economic and Social Committee European Martime Radio-navigation Forum European Parliament European Satellite Operators Association European Service Network European Space Foundation/ESSC European Space Imaging European Voice Eurospace Eutelsat Fachhochschule Heilbronn Fédération Confédérée FO de la Métallurgie Italy Germany Portugal France Greece Germany Belgium Germany Belgium Belgium United Kingdom France Belgium France Belgium Spain France France Belgium United Kingdom Germany Belgium EU/Belgium Belgium United Kingdom EU/Belgium Belgium Belgium France Germany Belgium France France Germany France Fédération des Travailleurs de la Métallurgie CGT FiatAvio Financial Times Finmeccanica Finnish Meteorological Institute Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry Flight International FlugRevue Foreign and Commonwealth Office Freitag French Embassy in Germany French Embassy in Greece French Ministry of Defence French Ministry of Research French Ministry of Research and New Technologies Futuraspace Sarl Galileo Avionica Gebecoma Geoinformatik FSU Jena German Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture GFZ GIFAS - Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales GMV GPlus Europe Greek Centre of Space Science & Technology Greek National Centre for Space Applications GRICES - Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Ciência e do Ensino Superior GTD Helios Technology Hellenic Aerospace Industry Hellenic Air Force Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy Hellenic Ministry of Defence Hellenic Ministry of Development France Italy United Kingdom Italy Finland Finland France Germany United Kingdom Germany Germany Greece France France France France Italy Belgium Germany Austria/Germany Germany France Spain Belgium Greece Greece Portugal Spain United Kingdom Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hellenic Ministry of Transport and Communication Hellenic National Defence General Staff Hispasat HiTec Marketing Homes International s.a. HTS Development Limited Hughes Network Systems Hungarian Ministry of Defence Hungarian Space Office IberEspacio IFAC - Istituto di Fisica Applicata ‘Nello Carrara’ IFREMER - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea Iguassu Software Systems Il Corriere di Roma Il Manifesto il Sole 24 Ore Indra Espacio Industrial Science and Technology Infoterra INMARSAT Ventures Institut de France - Académie des Sciences Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Institut Français de Navigation Institut für Quantenoptik Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Czech Acad. Sci. Instituto Geografico Nacional Instituto Geografico Portugues INTA - Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial INTELLECT International Institute of Applied Technologies (IIAT) International Space University IRAM - Institut de Recherches et d'Applications des Méthodes de Développement Istituto Affari Internazionali 25 Greece Greece Greece Spain Austria Belgium United Kingdom USA Hungary Hungary Spain Italy France Czech Republic Italy Italy Italy Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France Germany Czech Republic Spain Portugal Spain United Kingdom Belgium France France Italy Italian European Policy Gov. Dept. Italian Institute of Navigation Italian Ministry of Defence Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs Italian Ministry of University and Research Italian Space Agency Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Kayser-Threde La Libre Belgique Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement L'Echo Lockheed Martin Logica CMG Luxembourg Aerospace Industries Luxembourg Ministry of Culture, High Education and Research Maltepe University MAN Technologie Mars Society Deutschland Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max Planck Institut Mersey Reporter / UkSEDS Météo France Metria Miljöanalys Mier Communicaciones Ministry of Flanders Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages Munich Orientation Convention NASDA - Japanese Space Agency National Audit Office UK National Observatory of Athens National Space Agency of Ukraine NATS - National Air Traffic Services NERA Satcom Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Belgium Germany Belgium France France Belgium Belgium United Kingdom Luxembourg Luxembourg Turkey Germany Germany USA Germany United Kingdom France Sweden Spain Belgium Germany Germany Japan/France United Kingdom Greece Ukraine United Kingdom Spain 26 NERC/UNSC Natural Environment Research Council New Skies Satellites N.V. Newtec Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry Norwegian Space Centre NPA Satellite Mapping and Exploitation Occar - Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement OECD OHB-System OMNI Communications Pagnanelli Risk Solutions People TV Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU Permanent Representation of France to the EU Polish Academy of Sciences Polish Space Research Centre Politecnico di Milano Polspace Portuguese Embassy in Greece Portuguese Ministry of Science Portuguese NSA Prospace Prudential Publications UKSEDS Puertos del Estado Qinetiq Ltd. Radiacion y Microondas RaumfahrtJournalist Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe Romanian Space Agency Rosaviakosmos Royal Centre for Space Remote Sensing Royal Ministry of Trade and Industry Saab Ericsson Space AB United Kingdom Netherlands Belgium Norway Norway Norway United Kingdom Germany France Germany United Kingdom Italy France Belgium Belgium Poland Poland Italy Poland Greece Portugal Portugal France United Kingdom United Kingdom Spain United Kingdom Spain Germany Hungary Romania Russia Morocco Norway Sweden Sabca SAP REG - Satellite Action Plan Regulatory Group SAT REG Ltd. Satlynx SatNavConsult SchlumbergerSema Science's Next Wave SCISYS Senat de Belgique Sener SES Global SESO - Société Européenne de Systèmes Optiques SGAC - Space Generation Advisory Council Sira Electro-Optics Sky & Space Intergroup of the European Parliament Sky Logic - Eutelsat Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Snecma Moteurs Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory Space Benefit Space Imaging Space Information Centre Space News SpaceChecker Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology Spanish Ministry of Defence Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spanish National Space Programme Spanish Parliament Spotimage SSTC Services fédéraux des affaires scientifiques, techniques et culturelles/Belgian Space Department Stato Maggiore Difesa Stork Stork Aerospace Belgium Belgium United Kingdom Luxembourg Germany Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom Belgium Spain Belgium France Ireland/Europe United Kingdom EU/Belgium Italy Slovenia France Bulgaria Germany Greece Belgium France Belgium Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain France Belgium Italy Belgium Netherlands Stork Product Engineering Studio Legale Carnelutti Surrey Satellite Technology Swedish Embassy in Greece Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs Swedish National Space Board Swiss Mission to the European Union Swiss Space Office Systemics Network International Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd. TCP Sistemas e Ingenieria Technology Centre AS CR Techspace Aero Tecnologica Telelogic Telesambre Telespazio Terma A/S Thales Thales ATM - Delegate European Affairs Thales Avionics Thales Communications The Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy The Heart Centre Top Strategies Transplarety Trinity House Lighthouse Service UDcast UNIFE - Union of European Railways United Kingdom Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry United Kingdom Embassy in Spain United Kingdom Government United Kingdom Industrial Space Committee United Kingdom Ministry for Science and Technology 27 Netherlands Italy United Kingdom Greece Sweden Sweden Belgium Switzerland Belgium United Kingdom Spain Czech Republic Belgium Spain Spain Belgium Italy Denmark France Belgium France France United Kingdom Denmark Belgium Belgium United Kingdom France Belgium United Kingdom United Kingdom Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Ministry of Defence United Nations, Office for Outer Space Affairs Universidad Politecnica de Madrid University College London University of Aachen University of Aveiro University of Berlin University of Bern University of Bologna University of Bremen University of Cologne University of Cranfield University of Darmstadt University of Greifswald University of Hamburg University of Leeds University of Liège University of Marseille University of Oxford University of Patras University of Pisa University of Reading University of Rome University of Stuttgart University of Thessaloniki University of Trento Vitrociset SpA Vlaamse Ruimtevaart Industriëlen Wallonia Space Logistics WDR - West Deutscher Rundfunk World Meteorological Organization Yuzhnoye SDO United Kingdom Austria Spain United Kingdom Germany Portugal Germany Switzerland Italy Germany Germany United Kingdom Germany Germany Germany United Kingdom Belgium France United Kingdom Greece Italy United Kingdom Italy Germany Greece Italy Italy Belgium Belgium Germany Switzerland Belgium/Ukraine 28