Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 21, 269–279, 2005 c 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands. On Modular Standard Modules of Association Schemes AKIHIDE HANAKI Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan MASAYOSHI YOSHIKAWA Department of Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan Received November 3, 2003; Revised June 24, 2004; Accepted July 1, 2004 Abstract. We will determine the structure of the modular standard modules of association schemes of class two. In the process, we will give the theoretical interpretation for the p-rank theory for strongly regular graphs, and understand the p-rank as the dimension of a submodule of the modular standard module. Considering the modular standard module, we can obtain the detailed classification more than the p-rank and the parameters. Keywords: association scheme, modular adjacency algebra, modular standard module, p-rank, strongly regular graph 1. Introduction There are many examples of nonisomorphic association schemes such that adjacency algebras over the complex number field have the same structure constants (intersection numbers). The standard module over the complex number field is completely determined by the structure constants. So their standard modules over the complex number field are also isomorphic. In this case, their modular adjacency algebras are also isomorphic to each other. But there exist cases where their modular standard modules are nonisomorphic. Here, the modular standard module means the standard module over a positive characteristic field. Therefore the structure of the modular standard module can play a role for the structure theory of the association schemes. In this paper, we will determine the structure of the modular standard modules of association schemes of class 2. We will use the p-rank theory of strongly regular graphs which are studied by Brouwer, van Eijl [5], and Peeters [8]. We will give the theoretical interpretation for the p-rank theory, and understand the p-rank as the dimension of a submodule of the standard module. Considering the standard module, we can obtain the detailed classification more than the p-rank and the parameters. 270 2. HANAKI AND YOSHIKAWA Definition and preliminaries In this section, we assume X to be commutative. Let X = (X, {Ri }i=0,... ,d ) be an association scheme, and Ai (i = 0, . . . , d) be its adjacency matrices. Put n = |X | and vi the valency of Ai . Let us denote the adjacency algebra of X over a field L by LX and the standard module by L X . Let (K , R, F) be a splitting p-modular system for the adjacency algebra, and let (π ) be the maximal ideal of R. We denote the image of the canonical epimorphism R → F by ∗ (For details about a p-modular system, see [7]). Suppose that X is commutative. Then RX/π RX ∼ = FX and π RX ⊆ J (RX) [7, Theorem I.14.1], so idempotents of FX are liftable to idempotents of RX [7, Theorem I.14.2]. Consider the primitive idempotents decomposition of 1 FX in FX: 1 FX = f 0 + · · · + f s ∈ FX, then we have the primitive idempotents decomposition of 1 RX in RX: 1 RX = e B0 + · · · e Bs ∈ RX such that e∗Bi = f i . These decompositions yield the decomposition of algebras. We call this e Bi (e∗Bi ) a block idempotent of RX(FX), and we write Bi = e Bi RX and Bi∗ = e∗Bi FX. Let e0 , . . . , ed be the set of primitive idempotents in K X. Then there is a partition {0, . . . , d} = sj=0 T j such that e Bi = j∈Ti e j . When e j ∈ Ti , we say that e j belongs to the block Bi . Let χ j be the (one-dimensional) irreducible representation of K X corresponding to e j . Then e j belongs to Bi if and only if χ j (e Bi ) = 1. Since Bi∗ has the unique idempotent e∗Bi , Bi∗ /J (Bi∗ ) ∼ = F. If χi and χ j belong to the same block, then χi∗ = χ ∗j . So we have the following. Lemma 1 Irreducible representations χi and χ j of K X belong to the same block if and only if χi (Ar ) ≡ χ j (Ar ) (mod (π)) for all r = 0, . . . , d. Lemma 2 The dimension of Bi∗ is equal to the number of χ j belonging to Bi . Proof: We have dim F Bi∗ = rank R Bi = dim K e Bi K X. We consider a (d + 1) × (d + 1) matrix P with the (i, j)-entry χi (A j ). We call P the character table of X. Proposition 3 The algebra FX is semisimple if and only if det P ≡ 0 (mod (π)). MODULAR STANDARD MODULES OF ASSOCIATION SCHEMES 271 Proof: If FX is semisimple, then clearly we have det P ∗ = 0. If FX is not semisimple, the P ∗ contains at least two same rows, so det P ∗ = 0. General sufficient criteria for adjacency algebras to be semisimple were obtained in [1] and [6]. Mapping each matrix Ar to vr induces an algebra homomorphism from K X to K . This representation is usually called the trivial representation of K X. We assume that χ0 is the trivial representation, and χ0 belongs to B0 . We call B0 the principal block of X. Then we have the following. Proposition 4 The dimension of the principal block B0∗ is one if and only if p n. (This is also true for non-commutative association schemes.) d Proof: Put J = i=0 Ai . Since J Ai = Ai J = vi J , J ∗ generates a one-dimensional ideal of FX, and the corresponding representation is trivial. We have J 2 = n J . If p n, then n −1 J is a central primitive idempotent, thus B0∗ = J ∗ FX is one-dimensional. If p | n, then J ∗ is a central nilpotent element in B0∗ , so it is in the Jacobson radical. In this case, dim F B0∗ > 1. 3. Contragradient modules Let X = (X, {Ri }i=0,...,d ) be an association scheme (not necessary commutative), and F a field. For a right FX-module V , we put V̂ := Hom F (V, F). For f ∈ V̂ , v ∈ V , and i ∈ {0, . . . , d}, we define the action of FX to V̂ by ( f Ai )(v) := f (v Ai ). Here Ai = t Ai . Then ( f (Ai A j ))(v) = f (v A j Ai ) = (( f Ai )A j )(v) for i, j ∈ {0, . . . , d}. So V̂ is a right FX-module. We call V̂ the contragradient module of V . Proposition 5 F X∼ = F X as right FX-modules. Proof: For x ∈ X , define f x ∈ F X by f x (y) = δx y . Put ϕ : F X → F X the F-linear map defined by ϕ(x) = f x . Obviously ϕ is an isomorphism of vector spaces. We show that 272 HANAKI AND YOSHIKAWA ϕ is an FX-homomorphism. We have ϕ(x Ai )(y) = ϕ z (y) = f z (y) = (x,z)∈Ri (x,z)∈Ri 1 if (x, y) ∈ Ri , 0 otherwise, (ϕ(x)Ai )(y) = ϕ(x)(y Ai ) = f x = z (y,z)∈Ri 1 if (y, x) ∈ Ri , 0 otherwise. Now ϕ(x Ai ) = ϕ(x)Ai and ϕ is an FX-homomorphism. Proposition 6 We fix x ∈ X . Put ι : FX → F X the F-linear map defined by ι(Ai ) = x Ai . Then ι is an FX-monomorphism. d Proof: Obviously, ι is an FX-homomorphism. Assume ι( i=0 ai Ai ) = 0. Then 0=ι d ai Ai = i=0 d ai x Ai = d i=0 ai y. i=0 (x,y)∈Ri Now ai = 0 for all i ∈ {0, . . . , d}, and so d i=0 ai Ai = 0. We consider the structure of the contragradient module FX of the regular FX-module. FX by τi (A j ) = δi j . Then {τi | i ∈ {0, . . . , d}} is a basis of FX. Now Define τi ∈ (τi A j )(Ak ) = τi (Ak A j ) = pki j . So we have the following. Proposition 7 τi A j = dk∈0 pki j τk . Proposition 8 Let ι : FX → F X be as above. Put ι̂ : F X → FX the map defined by ι̂( f ) = f ◦ ι. Then ι̂ is a FX-epimorphism. Proof: For i ∈ {0, . . . , d}, we fix y ∈ X such that (x, y) ∈ Ri . Then ι̂( f y )(A j ) = f y ◦ ι(A j ) = f y (x A j ) 1 if (x, y) ∈ R j , = 0 otherwise, and so we have ι̂( f y ) = τi . MODULAR STANDARD MODULES OF ASSOCIATION SCHEMES 4. 273 The structure of the adjacency algebras with d = 2 It is well-known that association schemes with at most five elements are commutative [12, Theorem 4.5.1(ii)]. We assume that F is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Lemma 9 The isomorphism classes of F-algebras of dimension 3 are F ⊕ F ⊕ F, F ⊕ F[x]/(x 2 ), F[x]/(x 3 ), F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ), and T2 (F) = ( FF F0 ). Since T2 (F) is non-commutative, T2 (F) can not be an adjacency algebra of an association scheme. The algebra F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ) is not self injective, but it can be an adjacency algebra of an association scheme. The smallest such example is the adjacency algebra of the group association scheme of the symmetric group of degree 3 in characteristic 3. Firstly, we consider the non-symmetric case, namely A1 = t A1 = A2 . Put k = v1 = v2 = (n − 1)/2, where n = |X |. Note that k ≡ 3 (mod 4), in this case. Then we have k−1 k+1 A1 + A2 , 2 2 k−1 k−1 A1 A2 = k A0 + A1 + A2 , 2 2 k+1 k−1 A22 = A1 + A2 . 2 2 A12 = Theorem 10 Let X be a non-symmetric association scheme with d = 2. Then we have the following. (1) If p n, then FX ∼ = F ⊕ F ⊕ F. (2) If p | n, then FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ). Proof: The character table is as follows: A0 χ0 1 χ1 1 χ2 1 A1 k √ −1+ n i 2 √ −1− n i 2 A2 k √ −1− n i 2 √ −1+ n i 2 Obviously, (1) holds. (2) In this case, (A∗1 − k A∗0 )2 = 0 and (A∗1 − k A∗0 )3 = 0, so we have FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ). Now we consider symmetric association schemes with d = 2. They correspond to strongly regular graphs. If we consider a strongly regular graph with parameters (n, k, λ, µ) [4, p. 8], then we have A12 = k A0 + λA1 + µA2 , A1 A2 = (k − λ − 1)A1 + (k − µ)A2 , A22 = (n − k − 1)A0 + (n − 2k + λ)A1 + (n − 2k + µ − 2)A2 . 274 HANAKI AND YOSHIKAWA Now A1 has three eigenvalues k, r , and s, here r and s are roots of the equation x 2 + (µ − λ)x + (µ − k) = 0. The character table is as follows. A0 A1 A2 χ0 1 k n−k−1 χ1 1 r −r − 1 χ2 1 s −s − 1 If the graph is not a conference graph, then r and s are rational integers. Theorem 11 Let be a strongly regular graph with parameters (n, k, λ, µ) which is not a conference graph, and let X be an association scheme defined by . Then A1 has eigenvalues k, r , and s and the following holds. (1) If p | n and r ≡ s (mod p), then FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 2 ) ⊕ F (F[x]/(x 2 ) is the principal block), (2) If p | n, r ≡ s (mod p), and at least one of k(k + 1), λ − 2k and µ are not zero (mod p), then FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ), (3) If p | n, r ≡ s (mod p), and k(k + 1) ≡ λ − 2k ≡ µ ≡ 0 (mod p), then FX ∼ = F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ), (4) If p n and r ≡ s (mod p), then FX ∼ = F ⊕ F ⊕ F, (5) If p n and r ≡ s (mod p), then FX ∼ = F ⊕ F[x]/(x 2 ) (F is the principal block). In (2) and (3), k(k + 1) ≡ λ − 2k ≡ µ ≡ 0 (mod p) if and only if (A∗1 − k A∗0 )2 = 0. Proof: We note that r ≡ s (mod (π )) if and only if r ≡ s (mod p) since r and s are rational integers. Suppose that p | n. Then the principal block is not simple, so k ≡ r (mod p) of k ≡ s (mod p) by the character table. If only one of them holds, then (1) holds. Otherwise, FX has only one irreducible representation, so it is a local algebra. In this case, we have FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ) or FX ∼ = F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ). If (A∗1 − k A∗0 )2 = 0, then we have 3 ∼ FX = F[x]/(x ). Suppose (A∗1 − k A∗0 )2 = 0. Then, by a direct calculation, we have k(k + 1) ≡ λ − 2k ≡ µ ≡ 0 (mod p) and (α A∗1 + β A∗2 )2 = 0 for any α, β ∈ F. Thus FX ∼ = F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ). Suppose that p n. Then the principal block is isomorphic to F. The result follows from Lemma 2. Note that there exist strongly regular graphs for every case in this theorem. Now we consider conference graphs. Then the parameters are (n, k, λ, µ) √ = (4µ + √ 1, 2µ, µ − 1, µ), and the eigenvalues are k, r = (−1 + n)/2, and s = (−1 − n)/2. Theorem 12 Let be a conference graph with parameters (n, k, λ, µ) = (4µ+1, 2µ, µ− 1, µ), and let X be an association scheme defined by . Then the following holds. (1) If p | n, then FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ). (2) If p n, then FX ∼ = F ⊕ F ⊕ F. MODULAR STANDARD MODULES OF ASSOCIATION SCHEMES 275 Proof: Suppose p | n. Then k ≡ r ≡ s (mod (π )), so FX is not semisimple. We can easily check that (A∗1 − k A∗0 )2 =√0, thus FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ). Suppose p n. Then r − s = n ≡ 0 (mod (π )). Thus FX is semisimple. 5. The structure of the standard module with d = 2 In the previous section, we showed that there exist the following five types for the structure of the adjacency algebras: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FX ∼ = FX ∼ = FX ∼ = FX ∼ = FX ∼ = F ⊕ F ⊕ F, F ⊕ F[x]/(x 2 ) (the principal block is F), F[x]/(x 2 ) ⊕ F (the principal block is F[x]/(x 2 )), F[x]/(x 3 ), F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ). In this section, we will determine the structure of the standard module for each type. We assume that A1 has eigenvalues k, r, s with multiplicities 1, m r , m s . If X is commutative, (F X )M is an FX-module for any M ∈ FX. Then it follows that dim(F X )M = r k F (M). Especially, if X is class 2, the p-rank of M such that M ∈ radFX is very important. Since many of them have the relevant p-rank, the structure of F X plays a role for the structure theory of the association scheme (See [5]). 5.1. Type (1) FX ∼ =F⊕F⊕F Let B0 , B1 and B2 be the corresponding blocks to k, r and s, respectively. Let Si be the simple module such that the corresponding representation belongs to Bi for i = 0, 1, 2. In this case, it is known that FX ∼ = S0 ⊕ m r S1 ⊕ m s S2 . In this case, the structure of F X is completely determined by the parameters. In the case of type (2) or type (3), we set that FX = B0 ⊕ B1 is the block decomposition of the adjacency algebra, where B0 is the principal block. Let Si be the simple module such that the corresponding representation belongs to Bi for i = 0, 1. In these cases, it is enough that we determine dim F radF X . 5.2. Type (2) FX ∼ = F ⊕ F[x]/(x 2 ) Let P be the projective cover of S1 and e1 the block idempotent of B1 . We set that M = e1 (A1 − s A0 ). Then radFX = F M ∗ . Since the coefficient of Ai∗ in M ∗ is in F p for each i, r k F (M) = r k p (M). We set that t = r k p (M). Then it follows that FX ∼ = S0 ⊕ t P ⊕ (n − 1 − 2t)S1 . 276 HANAKI AND YOSHIKAWA Interesting examples are the association schemes defined by (26,10,3,4)-strongly regular graphs. In this case, there are 10 non-isomorphic association schemes. The adjacency algebras over a field of characteristic 5 are type (2). Then the structures of the modular standard modules are as follows: FX 5.3. The number of non-isomorphic association schemes S0 ⊕ 9P ⊕ 7S1 1 S0 ⊕ 11P ⊕ 3S1 2 S0 ⊕ 12P ⊕ S1 7 Type (3) FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 2 ) ⊕ F Let P be the projective cover of S0 . In this case, we have either k ≡ r or k ≡ s. Without loss of generality, we assume that k ≡ r . Since radFX is F J ∗ , radF X is one-dimensional. Therefore it follows that FX ∼ = P ⊕ (n − m s − 2)S0 ⊕ m s S1 . In this case, the structure of F X is completely determined by the parameters. 5.4. Type (4) FX ∼ = F[x]/(x 3 ) We set that Mi ∼ = FX/(radFX)i as FX-modules for i = 1, 2, 3. We set M = A1 − k A0 . Then rad2 FX = F J ∗ and radFX = F J ∗ + F M ∗ . We set t = r k p (M) = r k F (M). Since (M ∗ )2 = µJ ∗ = 0, (F X )J ∗ ⊂ (F X )M ∗ . Therefore it follows that FX ∼ = M3 ⊕ (t − 2)M2 ⊕ (n − 2t + 1)M1 . Interesting examples are the association schemes defined by the (25,12,5,6)-strongly regular graphs. Their adjacency algebras over a field of characteristic 5 are type (4). There are 15 strongly regular graphs with parameters (25,12,5,6), but the only one of them is selfcomplementary, so there are 8 non-isomorphic association schemes. Then the structures of the modular standard modules are as follows: FX The number of non-isomorphic association schemes M3 ⊕ 10M2 ⊕ 2M1 5 M3 ⊕ 9M2 ⊕ 4M1 2 M3 ⊕ 7M2 ⊕ 8M1 1 MODULAR STANDARD MODULES OF ASSOCIATION SCHEMES 5.5. 277 Type (5) FX ∼ = F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ) In this case, p | v1 and p | v2 + 1, or p | v1 + 1 and p | v2 . Let α and β be p | vα and p | vβ + 1. In this case, we can define an isomorphism FX → F[x, y]/(x 2 , x y, y 2 ) by Aα → x and A0 + Aα + Aβ → y. From here, we identify them. Now we consider FX. Consider a basis {τ0 , τα − τ0 , τ0 − τβ } of FX. Then the matrix representation of FX on FX with respect to this basis is as follows: 0 x → 0 0 0 0 0 1, 0 0 0 y → 0 0 0 1 0 0. 0 0 Now we consider the structure of F X . Let F X = M1 ⊕ M2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mr be an indecomposable decomposition of F X . Since dim F F X y = 1, there is the unique Mi such that Mi y = 0. We assume M1 y = 0. Since FX has tame representation type, we can classify all indecomposable FX-modules [3, Section 4.3]. We have the following. Proposition 13 Let M be an indecomposable FX-module such that dim F M y = 0. Then the corresponding representation is one of the following: 1 : x → (0), y → (0) (simple module), 0 1 0 0 2 : x → , y → . 0 0 0 0 Proposition 14 Let M be an indecomposable FX-module such that dim F M y = 1. Then the corresponding representation is one of the following: 1 (λ) : x → 2 : x → 0 0 0 0 0 3 : x → 0 0 1 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 λ y → (λ = 0), 0 0 1 y → , 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 , y → 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 278 HANAKI AND YOSHIKAWA 0 4 : x → 0 0 0 0 5 : x → 0 0 1 0 0 0 0, 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y → 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y → 0 1 0 . 0 0 We set t = r k p (Aα ) = r k F (Aα ). From Propositions 5 and 13, M1 must be selfcontragradient. It follows that F X ∼ = 5 ⊕ (t − 2)2 ⊕ (n − 2t)1 , 1 (λ) ⊕ (t − 1)2 ⊕ (n − 2t)1 , or 2 ⊕ t2 ⊕ (n − 2t − 2)1 . Let us denote the column space of Aα by Aα and the all-one column vector by 1. Then (F X )J ∗ ⊂ (F X )Aα if and only if 1 ∈ Aα . We that 1 ∈ Aα . Let us denote the assume n ai Aα (i), where ai ∈ F for all i. Then i-th column vector of Aα by Aα (i). We set 1 = i=1 it follows that FX ∼ = 5 ⊕ (t − 2)2 ⊕ (n − 2t)1 if 1 ∈ Aα and 1 (λ) ⊕ (t − 1)2 ⊕ (n − 2t)1 if 1 ∈ Aα and 2 ⊕ t2 ⊕ (n − 2t − 2)1 if 1 ∈ Aα . n i=1 n ai ≡ 0 (mod p), ai ≡ 0 (mod p), i=1 The example whose modular standard module contains 5 is the association scheme defined by the (16,5,0,2)-strongly regular gaph. The adjacency algebra over a field of characteristic 2 is type (5) and F X ∼ = 5 ⊕ 42 ⊕ 41 . The example whose modular standard module contains 2 is the association scheme defined by the triangular graph T (8). The adjacency algebra over a field of characteristic 2 is type (5) and F X ∼ = 2 ⊕ 62 ⊕141 . There are 4 strongly regular graphs with parameters (28, 12, 6, 4), namely T (8) and three Chang graphs. We know that T (8) is characterized by the 2-rank r k2 (A1 ) (See [5]), but T (8) is also characterized by the structure of the modular standard module. Because it follows that F X ∼ = 5 ⊕ 62 ⊕ 121 for the association scheme defined by a Chang graph. The example whose modular standard module contains 1 (λ) is the association scheme defined by the (36,14,4,6)-strongly regular graphs. The adjacency algebras over a field of characteristic 3 are type (5). There are 180 strongly regular graphs with parameters (36,14,4,6). Two of them have the structure of the modular standard module F X ∼ = 1 (λ) ⊕ 122 ⊕ 101 . Notes In the cases type (1) and (3), the structure of the modular standard module is determined completely by the multipicities (if the association scheme is defined by a strongly regular graph, they are determined by the parameters). Therefore we are interested in type MODULAR STANDARD MODULES OF ASSOCIATION SCHEMES 279 (2), (4) and (5). In the cases type (2) and (4), we can determine the structure of the modular standard module by the p-rank of the corresponding matrix and the parameters of the corresponding strongly regular graph. Here we focus on the case type (5). Then there is the possibility that we can obtain more information than the p-rank. Namely, they have the same p-rank of Aα , but their structures of the modular standard module are non-isomorphic. Such an example is (36, 15, 6, 6)-strongly regular graph. There are 227 strongly regular graphs with the parameter (36, 15, 6, 6) in the list by Spence [10], [11]. There are 60 strongly regular graphs such that r k2 (A2 ) = 14. Then three strongly regular graphs of them have F X ∼ = 2 ⊕ 142 ⊕ 61 , and the others FX ∼ = 5 ⊕ 122 ⊕ 81 . We do not know the examples that there are all of three cases with the same p-rank. In general, it is not so easy to calculate the value λ for 1 (λ). We do not know the value λ and its range. 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