Communication Studies political communication major. PLAN OF STUDY Semester 1 Semester 2 COMM 1000 Oral Communication 3 ENGLISH 1005 College Writing & Research (or equiv.) 3 POL AMER 1014 Intro. to American Politics 3 COMM COR 1010 Mass Communication & Society 3 Liberal Arts Core 9 Liberal Arts Core 9 15 TOTAL 15 Semester 3 POL AMER 4160 OR COMM 4216 Semester 4 Political Communication (Jr.) 3 Liberal Arts Core 12 TOTAL 15 Methodology Section (SEE BACK) 3 Liberal Arts Core 6 University Electives 6 TOTAL Semester 6 Semester 5 POL AMER 3112 Campaign & Elections (Jr.) 3 Political Science Elective (SEE BACK) 3 Comm. Studies Elective (SEE BACK) 3 University Electives TOTAL Communication Studies Elective (SEE BACK) 3 COMM 4211 Rhetoric & Civil Culture 3 POL AMER 3150 Public Opinion & Voting Behavior 3 6 University Electives 6 15 TOTAL 15 Semester 8 Semester 7 Liberal Arts Core Capstone 2 COMM 3900 Internship in Communication OR 3 POL GEN 3181 Internship in Politics University Electives 10 TOTAL 15 COMM 4444 Comm., Community & Change (Sr.)* 3 University Electives 6 Communication Studies Elective (SEE BACK) 3 Political Science Elective (SEE BACK) 3 TOTAL * COMM 3900 requires jr. standing and consent of internship coordinator ** POL GEN 3181 requires 15 hours of Political Science, jr. standing or consent of department, and is for political science, political communication or public administration majors only. Want more information? Contact Department of Communication Studies Lang Hall 326 | (319) 273-2217 | 15 6/24/14 15 Degree Requirements Political Communication These requirements are for students who declare this program fall 2014 or after. 39 hours Electives To Fully Declare a Political Communication Major To be fully declared, students must: Select TWO courses from Communication Studies and TWO from Policial Science from the following list: - Obtain a 2.7 cumulative GPA in at least 24 hours of course work, including Oral Communication (COMM 1000) and College Writing & Research (ENGLISH 1005) or their equivalents. COURSE TITLE - File a new declaration of curriculum. Communication Studies: Requirements for Full Declaration COURSE TITLE Oral Communication o COMM 1000 o ENGLISH 1005 College Writing & Research (or equivalent) CREDITS 3 3 Required Courses: Political Comm. COURSE TITLE CREDITS o COMM 2257 Argumentation and Debate (COMM1000, fall) 3 o COMM EM 1611 Media Literacy (COMM COR 1010) 3 o COMM 3055 Organizational Communication (COMM 1000) 3 o COMM 4217 Freedom of Speech (var., jr.) 3 o COMM 4218 Persuasion (var.) 3 o COMM 4333 Comm. & Conflict Mgmt. (spring, COMM 2344, jr.) 3 o COMM 4344 Intercultural Communication (spring, jr.) 3 o COMM 4446 Social Protest: Perf. & Rhetoric (var., jr.) 3 o COMM 4544 Digital Culture & Communication (jr.) 3 o COMM EM 4616 E. Media: Processes & Effects (spring., COMM EM 1611 3 o COMM J 4743 Mass Communication Law & Ethics (jr.) o COMM J 4754 Global Mass Comm. Systems (fall, COMM COR 1010, Jr.) 3 o COMM PR 1811 Principles of Public Relations (COMM 1000, o COMM COR 1010 Mass Communication & Society 3 o COMM 4211 Rhetoric and Civic Culture (jr., spring) 3 o COMM 4216 OR Political Communication (jr., even falls) 3 POL Ameri 4160 COMM 4444 Comm., Community & Change (sr., spring) 3 3 ENGLISH 1005) Communication Studies: o CREDITS 3 Political Science: o POL AMER 1014 Intro. to American Politics 3 o POL AMER 3112 Campaigns & Elections (even fall, Jr.) 3 o POL AMER 3150 Public Opinion & Voting Behavior(spring) 3 Methodology: SELECT ONE o COMM COR 2020 Comm. Research Methods (COMM 1000) 3 o COMM 4023 Rhet. Comm. Res. Meth (jr, COMM COR 2020) 3 o POLGEN 2010 Analyzing Politics 3 Internship: SELECT ONE o COMM 3900 Internship in Communication (jr.) 3 o POL GEN 3181 Internship in Politics (Pol Gen 2010) 3 o POL AMER 2134 Political Science: 3 o POL AMER 3132 American State Politics (fall, Soph.) 3 o POL AMER 3134 Community Policies (Soph.) 3 o POL AMER 3144 Legislative Politics (POLAMER 1014 , fall, Soph.) 3 o POL AMER 3151 Civil Rights & Liberties 3 o POL AMER 3166 Modern Presidency (POLAMER 1014 , spring, Jr.) 3 o POL AMER 4143 Political Parties & Interest Grps (POLAMER 1014) 3 o POL AMER 4177 Citizen Participation & Civic Engagement 3 o POL INTL 3126 Political Psychology 3 o POL INTL 3143 Human Rights 3 International Law (fall, Jr.)