Anti-jamming MTI Radar using Variable Pulse-Codes* by Kenny Lin B.S. Electrical Engineering U.S. Naval Academy, 2000 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BARKER at the MASSACHS iij OF TECHNOLOGY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 3 12002 May 2002 LIBRARIES @ Kenny Lin, MMII. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. ......... A u th o r ......................................................... I ..... .... Department of Electrical Engineering an4 Computer Science May 24, 2002 Certified by............... C. Robey (raf Associate Group Leader, Group 101 incoln Laboratory Supe isor .<Thesis Certified by ................ L~-~c~ ~Davi Prfsf H. Staelin 'Electrical Engineering alThas-Stervisor Accepted by............. Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students *This work was sponsored by the Department of the Navy and the Department of the Air Force under Contract F19682-00-C-0002. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author and not necessarily endorsed by the United States Navy or United States Air Force. Anti-jamming MTI Radar using Variable Pulse-Codes by Kenny Lin Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on May 24, 2002, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract A pulsed Doppler radar is vulnerable to advanced repeat-back jamming techniques. Rapidly advancing technology producing inexpensive, high performance commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components enable the construction of an electronic countermeasure (ECM) system capable of exploiting this vulnerability. This thesis addresses this threat by examining the nature of this vulnerability and developing a modification to the pulsed Doppler/MTI radar system. Pulsed Doppler radar systems use pulse compression waveforms such as pseudonoise (PN) coded binary phase-modulated sequences. Repeat-back jamming listens, stores, and repeats back the radar's transmitted signal to block out all other return signals. If a different PN-code is used for each pulse, the radar receiver will be minimally affected by the jamming. However, a varying PN code creates range sidelobe variation that degrades the integrated signal-to-clutter ratio by a factor of ,1 where N is the code length. This severely limits the ability to perform Doppler and Moving-Target Indication (MTI) processing for clutter suppression on the radar return. To recover this performance loss several receiver filtering and digital signal processing techniques are tested. PN code selection for optimum filter performance is explored resulting in a 7-dB signal-to-clutter performance recovery for a 32-bit code. Digital pulse compression, matched filtering, and adaptive digital equalization filtering methods are applied to the radar return to equalize differences created by variable PN codes. Different equalization algorithms with various subsets of PN-codes are presented and simulated with data sets modelled after existing radar systems. Successful correction reduces clutter, minimizes the performance degradation to MTI due to variable pulse-codes, and resists some types of DRFM jamming. Thesis Supervisor: Frank C. Robey Title: Associate Group Leader, Group 101 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Thesis Supervisor: David H. Staelin Title: Professor 2 Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Michael A. Koerber, for his time spent teaching and advising me at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. It is through his mentorship, tireless tutelage and fine example that I have learned so much about signal processing and engineering research. I would like to thank my thesis supervisors Dr. David H. Staelin and Dr. Frank C. Robey for their guidance and contribution to my education. I would like to thank my friends and staff members at Lincoln Laboratory for their assistance and for making my time here much more enjoyable. Finally, I would like to thank my girlfriend, Yingli Zhu, and my family, Chiun-wen, Su-ching, and Frank for their love and support in all my endeavors. 3 Contents 1 2 9 Introduction 1.1 Pulsed Doppler Radar .... 10 1.2 MTI Radar 10 1.3 Electronic Countermeasures 10 1.4 Variable Pulse-Code Radar 11 1.5 Performance Metrics . . . . . 11 1.6 Contributions of this Thesis 12 .......... 13 Radar System Simulation 2.1 Radar System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Target Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Environmental Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3.1 Noise Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3.2 Clutter Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3.3 Jamming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.4 2.5 Return Processing Model 2.4.1 Pulse Compression . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.4.2 Matched Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.4.3 Weighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.4.4 Doppler Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.5 MTI Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.4.6 Adaptive Digital Equalization Filtering Simulation Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3 4 Variable Pulse Code Radar 32 3.1 32 Doppler Degradation ............................... 3.1.1 Target Effects ....... 3.1.2 Clutter Effects ........ . ... .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulse Compression Filtering 4.1 4.2 36 43 Sidelobe Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pulse Compression Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 SNR Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Pulse Compression Waveforms Doppler and MTI Performance 4.3.1 Adaptive Digital Equalization Filtering 5.1 34 43 4.2.1 4.3 . Matched Filter Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 5 ... Filter Implementation 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.1.1 Time Domain Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.1.2 Frequency Domain Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.2 Equalization Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.3 Doppler and MTI Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 SNR Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5.3.1 6 Anti-Jamming Performance 62 7 Conclusion 64 5 List of Tables 5.1 Comparison of SNR for different filtering methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 61 List of Figures 2-1 Radar Simulation Application GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2-2 Simulation Flow and System Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2-3 Radar System Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2-4 Target Component Magnitude and Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2-5 Target Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2-6 Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2-7 Complex Gaussian "White" Noise Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2-8 Clutter Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2-9 Repeat-Back Jammer Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2-10 False Targets Created by Repeat-Back Jamming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2-11 MTI Filtered Return with Repeat-Back Jamming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2-12 Return Processing Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2-13 Matched Filtering vs. Pulse Compression for a 32-Bit PN Code . . . . . . . 25 2-14 Matched Filter Output with Taylor Weighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2-15 Matched Filter Output Weighting Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2-16 Target and Clutter Comparison for Doppler Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2-17 Doppler Processed Radar Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2-18 MTI Filter Impulse and Frequency Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2-19 MTI Processed Radar Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2-20 Plotting Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3-1 Constant and Variable Pulse-Code Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3-2 Matched Filter Output and Doppler Spectrum for a Constant Pulse-Code 33 3-3 Matched Filter Output and Doppler Spectrum for Variable Pulse-Codes 3-4 Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return without Clutter . . . . . . . . 7 . 33 37 3-5 Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return with Clutter . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3-6 Constant Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3-7 Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4-1 Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return using Random Codes . . . . . . 45 4-2 Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return using ±3 Codes . . . . . . . . . 45 4-3 Mean and Variance of Random and ±3 32-bit PN Codes . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4-4 Variable Pulse-Code Doppler Radar Showing Partial Effectiveness . . . . . 47 4-5 Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar Showing Partial Effectiveness . . . . . . . 48 4-6 Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4-7 Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum - Nearest Root Inside Unit Circle 50 4-8 Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum - Nearest Root Outside Unit Circle 51 4-9 Doppler Processing with ±3 Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression . . 52 4-10 MTI Processing with ±3 Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression . . . . . 52 4-11 Pulse Compression and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile - Constant Pulse-Code 53 4-12 Pulse Compression and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile - Variable Pulse-Codes 53 4-13 Matched Filter and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4-14 Pulse Compression and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5-1 Adaptive Equalization Filter System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5-2 Variable Pulse-Code Doppler Radar with Flat Spectrum Equalization Filtering 58 5-3 Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar with Flat Spectrum Equalization Filtering 59 5-4 Pulse Compression versus Flat Spectrum Equalization . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 5-5 Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar with 60 6-1 Constant Pulse-Code MTI Radar in Repeat-Back Jamming Environment 6-2 Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar in Repeat-Back Jamming Environment 8 1 st Pulse Equalization Filtering . . . . . 62 . 63 Chapter 1 Introduction Radar systems in hostile environments face the challenge of detecting targets in the midst of noise, clutter, and jamming. The magnitudes of these interference signals are typically many times that of the target signal. Many techniques have been developed to mitigate this interference and extract the target's parameters. Two classes of radar systems designed for this purpose are the moving target indication (MTI) radar and the pulsed Doppler (PD) radar. Both systems utilize the Doppler effect to separate moving targets from relatively stationary clutter. Clutter typically consists of unwanted radar reflections from the sea, terrain, weather, or chaff. MTI and PD radars are widely used and play a critical role in many modern radar systems. Civilian systems rely on MTI and PD radar for air surveillance, especially in bad weather. Military applications include the detection of low flying aircraft or missiles from shipboard and airborne radar platforms. Military radar systems often operate in hostile environments and may be targeted by electronic countermeasures (ECM) such as repeat-back or digital radio-frequency memory (DRFM) jamming. DRFM jamming captures radar signals to amplify and repeat-back to the radar to flood the receiver with erroneous data. Advances in technology have made inexpensive, high-performance radio frequency parts available so that a DRFM jamming system can easily be developed to blind a PD radar. This thesis addresses this threat by examining the nature of this vulnerability and developing a modification to the pulsed Doppler/MTI radar system to resist some forms of DRFM jamming. 9 1.1 Pulsed Doppler Radar Pulsed Doppler (PD) radar uses Doppler frequencies to determine a target's range rate by analyzing the return from two or more transmitted pulses. Because of the Doppler effect, the radar return of a moving object will be shifted in frequency relative to the frequency of the transmitted signal and stationary objects. PD radars use this difference in frequency to detect moving objects and determine their relative speeds [12]. Using this technique, a moving object with a return signal completely obscured by clutter and noise may still be detected after Doppler processing if its frequency exceeds the frequency range occupied by the clutter return. The radar system assumed in this thesis is a shipboard or groundbased pulsed Doppler/MTI radar system with a phased array of antennas that transmits a series of narrow band, beam-formed pulses. The transmitter will use binary phase encoded waveforms [12]. 1.2 MTI Radar Moving Target Indication (MTI) Radar is an older system that uses delay-line cancellers to filter out clutter. The current radar return is compared with previous returns to isolate differences. The relatively stationary clutter is subtracted out and moving targets remain [11]. A newer implementation of MTI modifies the pulsed Doppler radar return by adding a notch filter around the Doppler frequencies of the clutter in order to improve the signal-to-clutter ratio [13, 6]. This is the implementation used in this thesis. 1.3 Electronic Countermeasures In addition to noise and clutter, radar systems in hostile environments may encounter jamming. Jamming, or electronic countermeasures (ECM), is an effort by enemy systems to degrade the capability of friendly radar systems. It can be passive, in the form of chaff and decoys, or active, in the form of electromagnetic (EM) transmissions with the intent to deceive or confuse a radar. Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) are efforts by 10 friendly systems to counter enemy ECM. ECM and ECCM are elements of electronic warfare (EW) [10]. As military forces become more dependent on electromagnetic systems, EW has become crucial on the battlefield. The variable pulse-code modification to the radar system proposed in this thesis can be considered an ECCM system. 1.4 Variable Pulse-Code Radar PD and MTI radars are susceptible to deceptive ECM (DECM) repeaters. This type of active jamming system, also known as a repeat-back or DRFM jammer, records and repeats back a radar's transmitted waveform to flood the receiver with erroneous data [10]. A possible counter to this system is to use non-repetitive waveforms within each coherent processing interval (CPI) by varying the waveform transmitted by each pulse. If there is little correlation between the current and previous waveform, the signal transmitted by the DRFM jammer will be processed as noise and have minimal effect on the radar return. If a different pseudo random or pseudonoise (PN) code [3] is used for each pulse, the radar receiver will be minimally affected by the jamming. However, when the return signal is Doppler processed, any variation in the filtered output from these PN codes will degrade the integrated signal-to-clutter ratio. The energy no longer falls in a single Doppler bin after processing. This will be described in detail in Section 3.1. The strength of the clutter signal is amplified and the target signal can be obscured. This severely limits the ability to perform Doppler and MTI processing on the radar return when different PN codes are used within a CPI. 1.5 Performance Metrics Radar system performance will be measured by the ability of the radar to detect a target obscured by interference. The strength of the target's signal-to-noise and signal-to-clutter ratios will be mathematically predicted and empirically verified. This allows us to quantify performance degradation or improvement as we modify the system. 11 1.6 Contributions of this Thesis There is a significant performance loss in the ability to Doppler process or apply an MTI filter to the return of a variable pulse-code radar. The performance loss was found to be the result of clutter range sidelobe variation. This thesis presents several receiver filtering methods by which this performance may be recovered. A simulation framework and graphical user interface created for PD and MTI radar simulation will be presented. The signal-toclutter ratio degradation of the return when using variable code sets and matched filtering will be quantified. Pulse compression is explored as an alternative. However, pulse compression filters do not meet the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) optimality criteria of matched filtering. Adaptive digital equalization filtering methods are applied to the matched filter output to attempt to recover PD and MTI performance. The SNR loss of applying the equalization filter will be compared with the SNR loss of a pulse compression filter. Pulse code selection for maximum filter performance and weighting techniques for further performance improvements will be explored. Finally, the effect of jamming on constant and variable pulse-code sequences will be shown to test the success of the variable pulse-code radar solution to repeat-back jamming. 12 Chapter 2 Radar System Simulation The variable pulse-code Doppler/MTI radar system and all return data were simulated in Matlab®. The time and cost required to perform the modifications required to test this system in hardware were impractical for the scope of this thesis. A graphical user interface (GUI) was created to facilitate testing as seen in Figure 21. The simulation allows the user to recreate the scenarios discussed in this thesis and interactively reconfigure the system and environmental model to examine the effects of any changes. Options allow the user to modify the characteristics of the radar transmitter and receiver, create multiple targets, and selectively introduce noise, clutter, and jamming. The simulated radar return data is a composite of targets, noise, clutter, and jamming, which are individually computed based on user specified transmitter characteristics. They are then additively combined and sampled in a three-dimensional matrix representing a CPI. Any user selected receiver filtering and digital signal processing is performed on this matrix. This process is shown in Figure 2-2. The user is able to view the output at each intermediate stage in the formation of the processed output. 13 Figure 2-1: Radar Simulation Application GUI Target Noise Environ Sampling A Filtering a Weighting Adaptive Equaliza- a 4 D pler/-4 Output Clutter Figure 2-2: Simulation Flow and System Block Diagram 2.1 Radar System Model The radar systems simulated in this thesis are based on modern pulsed Doppler and MTI radars [11]. The simulation allows user selection of the relevant system characteristics: carrier frequency, chiprate, pulse repetition frequency (PRF), pulse-code length, pulse-code type and number of pulses. The default values are shown in Figure 2-3. CamreiFreq f33 GH2 ChipRate F - KH z PRF (* Constant PuiseCode Code Length b2s 100MHz 10 Pulses Variable Pulse Code Code Type I F~ Look Code Figure 2-3: Radar System Variables The transmitted signal is a binary phase encoded pseudonoise (PN) code. A binary phase encoded, or binary phase-shift keyed (BPSK) signal is one modulated by a predetermined sequence. In this case, the sequence is a series of +1's and -1's that appear to be random but can be deterministically generated [9]. For pulse compression and matched filtering, it is desirable to select sequences with an auto-correlation function with minimal peak sidelobe height. 15 2.2 Target Model Targets are created as point scatterers with specified constant radar cross section (RCS) at a given range with some Doppler component to simulate velocity from one pulse repetition interval (PRI) to the next. The magnitude of the Doppler shift, fd, of the target is calculated by 2v A 2vfe c _ where v is its velocity, A is signal wavelength, and (2.1) f, is the carrier frequency. This Doppler shift is applied incrementally to the scaled return from each pulse to create a moving target whose target return is modelled by rT(n) = Oej2rfdnp where UT (2.2) is the target signal level, n is the PRI number, and Tp is the PRI. The weighted Doppler shift is then scaled and placed at the specified range to be pointby-point multiplied with the transmitted waveform envelope to create the target return signal. Figure 2-4 shows the magnitude and phase plots of the return space with three targets at difference velocities over one coherent processing interval (CPI). The simulation allows user selection of velocity, range, and return strength of multiple targets as shown in Figure 2-5. Target Magntude Target Phase 20 1.4- 10 1.2 0.8 10 0.2 -30 10000.... 15 40010 X1 5 0 2 4000 Pr10e 6 2 2000 Range (m) 0 0 Ranrge (m) pLIIS 0 0 Figure 2-4: Target Component Magnitude and Phase 16 4 Pk Figure 2-5: Target Variables 2.3 Environmental Model The targets, noise, clutter, and jamming are assumed to be independent. Thus, they can be combined additively in a matrix representing range and PRI to create the radar's operating environment. The simulation allows user selection of noise level, noise type, clutter level, clutter type, clutter doppler, jamming level, and jamming type as shown in Figure 2-6 with the default values. 2.3.1 Noise Model The noise component of the environment is comprised of both internal receiver noise and external thermal noise [12]. The effects of noise are well described by the Gaussian probability density function (PDF): p(x) = e 1 v'27ro.2 2 , (2.3) where a.2 is the variance of x and xO is the mean value of x. This is sometimes referred to as Gaussian white noise. For circular symmetric complex Gaussian noise, the PDF is 17 Figure 2-6: Environment Variables 1 p(x)= where |1 |12 Iix~xoII2 2 e is the 2-norm (magnitude squared). ( (2.4) . For this simulation, we will model the combined effect using this complex Gaussian PDF. The result is shown in Figure 2-7. 2.3.2 Clutter Model Clutter is any undesired portion of the radar return created by the environment. This can be echoes from land, sea, weather, and even wildlife. Chaff, passive reflectors used as a decoy in EW, is also considered clutter. Clutter is generally too complex to form a uniformly satisfactory model. Significant efforts have been made in an attempt to better understand and model clutter returns. This thesis will not focus on these efforts and will instead use a simplified approach to simulating clutter. An empirical observation can be made relating radar echo with environmental parameters. The high variability of the clutter return has been described by Rayleigh, log-normal, and Weibull probability distributions [12]. The Weibull distribution option in the simulation uses the following PDF, p(x) = 2(X -')(~1)exp(--((x a a where -y is the shape parameter, - P)/a)I), x ;> ';y,a>0, (2.5) p is the location parameter and a is the scale parameter. For 18 Noise 2010 0- 110 x 10 6 5 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Pulse Figure 2-7: Complex Gaussian "White" Noise Component comparison between theoretical calculations and empirical results, a Gaussian distribution is assumed for the clutter. The resultant clutter matrix is shown in Figure 2-8. 2.3.3 Jamming Model Jamming, or ECM, is the area of electronic warfare designed to exploit and prevent the effective use of friendly radar systems. Passive jamming techniques such as chaff have little motion and are thus ineffective against PD and MTI radars. Active jamming techniques are of greater concern for PD/MTI radars and can be divided into noise jamming and deceptive electronic countermeasures (DECM). Noise jamming is similar to raising the level of thermal noise. It attempts to interfere with the normal operation of a radar by transmitting enough power in the frequency spectrum of the receiver to raise the noise floor above the strength of any target signals [10]. This can be simulated by increasing the noise level within a CPI. Deceptive jamming techniques attempt to deceive a radar by repeating back its transmitted signal to mislead the receiver. These techniques may be used to create false targets, disrupt tracking, and report false positions [10]. For a radar using binary phase-modulated 19 Clutter 70 60 50 S30- 20_- 15 10 8 6 x 10 2 Range (m) 0 0 Pulse Figure 2-8: Clutter Component waveforms, a repeater as shown in Figure 2-9, is required to capture the transmitted code to successfully create a false target [141. This is simulated by using the waveform of the previous pulse to create 15 false targets. The resulting data is shown in Figure 2-10. Notice that there is no jamming signal in the first PRI due to the implementation of this type of repeat-back jamming. Trigger Delay Memory Receiver Antennas Variable Delay Amplifier] Stored Control Pulse Figure 2-9: Repeat-Back Jammer Block Diagram When the repeater successfully captures a radar's transmitted waveform, it can create targets at the receiver input and jamming the radar becomes trivial. The effect of successful 20 Jamming 3.532.5- 15 810 10 X 10 5 4 6 2 Range (m) 0 0 Pulse Figure 2-10: False Targets Created by Repeat-Back Jamming jamming on an MTI radar is shown in Figure 2-11 where only one of the many targets is real. The variable pulse-code radar addresses this vulnerability by mitigating the effectiveness of the repeated signal. This will be further explored in Chapter 6. 21 MTI Filtered Return 80 60 40, M20, -20 -- 156 x 10 5 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 2-11: MTI Filtered Return with Repeat-Back Jamming 2.4 Return Processing Model Radar systems employ many signal detection strategies to distinguish between desired echoes and interference. Passive and active filtering techniques at the receiver are used to increase signal-to-noise and signal-to-clutter ratios. The composite return consisting of the targets and environmental factors are first sampled and filtered using either matched filter or pulse compression filter techniques. An adaptive digital equalization filter may be added when using variable pulse-codes. The filtered data is then Doppler or MTI processed. The simulation allows the user selection of sampling rate, receiver filter type, pulse compression filter length, windowing, MTI implementation, and equalization filtering as shown in Figure 2-12. 2.4.1 Pulse Compression Pulse compression (PC) and matched filtering (MF) are signal processing strategies for signal detection improving range resolution and SNR when using waveforms such as binary phase encoded PN codes. These strategies simultaneously achieve the high output energy of a long transmit pulse and the range resolution of a short pulse. 22 Figure 2-12: Return Processing Variables The pulse compression filter is designed to produce a flat frequency response at its output given the signal for which it was designed at its input [1]. Thus, the frequency response of the pulse compression filter is the reciprocal of the input signal frequency spectrum. Let the frequency response of the pulse-code sequence in question, s(n), be given by: S(f) = DFT(s(n)) where DFT represents the discrete Fourier transform. Then, the pulse compression filter's frequency response is given by: H(f) = 1 SMf) (2.6) When multiplied with the input frequency spectrum S(f), the time response of the resulting flat output spectrum would therefore approximate a dirac delta function, thus minimizing signal sidelobes: Y(f) =S(f)H(f), S(f), = 1< = 1, OOt) thus, 23 y(t) = 2.4.2 (t) (2.7) Matched Filtering Pulse compression and matched filtering are similar and the terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Their difference is an important distinction in this thesis. Whereas the pulse compression filter is designed for a flat output spectrum, the matched filter design criteria is to achieve a maximum signal-to-noise ratio. This criteria is met when the matched filter is the time reversed input signal [1], h(t) = s(tm - t). (2.8) Thus, its frequency response is the complex conjugate of the Fourier transform of the input signal multiplied by a time shift factor: H(f) = S*(f)ew't, (2.9) where tm corresponds to the pulse width of the transmitted signal. A comparison of the time and frequency responses of a matched filter and pulse compression filter given a 32-bit PN-code as the input sequence are compared in Figure 2-13. The first two plots show the magnitude and frequency response of input code sequence. Notice below in the next row the formation of the matched filter as the time reversed input, and the formation of the pulse-compression filter as the reciprocal spectrum. The last four plots compare the output of the matched filter with the pulse compression filter. Notice the flat frequency-spectrum of the pulse compression filter output and the flat sidelobes in its time response. This property will become significant in Chapter 4. 2.4.3 Weighting Weighting, or windowing, is a technique used to reduce sidelobe levels at the expense of broadening the main-lobe width and a slight reduction in SNR [7]. Sidelobe levels of the matched filter output will become a problem for the variable pulse-code radar system and weighting will be explored as a solution. Weighting is normally applied to a time domain function to perform spectrum shaping. 24 32-81 P- Cods 0.5 Frequency --- - 15 A(\ /"\h AA/Lf~ I Specotur f~/'\1 0- o. -0.5 - -1. - 0 5 10 15 35 25 0 0 Tinm (step) Matched Filter Ttme 20 71-0 Frequency Flesponse Pulse Compresson Filter Frequency Spectrum 5 0.5- -10- 0I -0.5- -15- -11 0 5 10 15 25 20 0 35 203 1 20 Time (step) Pulse Compression Filter Output 30- 30- 25- 25- 20 15 70 Frequency Matched Fifter Output 20, ' 15- - 10 1. 5- -5- 5 .4w 50. 0-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 Tme (slop) Matched 30 -30 -20 Filler Oulput Frequeny Spectrsmi -10 0 10 Tme (step) Pulse Compression Filter Output Specrumn 20 30 40 35 -- 35 - 30- 30. 2 5 25 20 -20- 15- 0 15- 10 20 30 Freqency 40 50 00 l1o0 to 20 30 Frequency 40 50 0 Figure 2-13: Matched Filtering vs. Pulse Compression for a 32-Bit PN Code 25 This is the case when weighting is applied across PRIs in a CPI to shape the Doppler spectrum. Weighting may also be applied in the frequency domain to reduce sidelobes in the time domain and shape the waveform of the filtered pulse. Both techniques are implemented by the simulation. The user is able to choose from uniform (none), Hamming, Hanning, Chebyshev, Taylor, and Dolph-Chebyshev weighting functions. Figure 2-14 shows the application of a 63-point Taylor window on the matched filter output. The window is applied in the frequency domain to reduce sidelobe levels in the time domain. The result is shown in Figure 2-15. Notice the reduction in sidelobe levels at the expense of a lower peak value and broadening of the main lobe. The first sidelobe peak after the apparent null of the weighted output shows a 1.2 dB improvement. Matthed Filter Oulput Taylor Window Apped m Frequ-ncy 30-. -30 - 1-35 -40 :20 - - 10- 55 - 5-40 -30 -20 -10 T,, 0 (Stp) 10 20 30 0 0 10 20 30 40 Freqaoncy Taylor WMM arform M mTo1 Malthed FAKe Output wraylor Westaow 50 60 70 0111102 0- -20 -30- -70- -W0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Ti-. (step 20 30 40 0 10 20 3 Teie (step) 0 5 0 70 Figure 2-14: Matched Filter Output with Taylor Weighting 2.4.4 Doppler Processing Doppler processing separates signals with different range rates within the radar return. This allows us to separate the relatively stationary clutter from moving targets. The motion 26 Matched Filter Output Comparison -+-No Weighting 0 Taylor Weighting 30- 25 5 20 S15- 10- 5C0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Time (step) 10 20 30 40 Figure 2-15: Matched Filter Output Weighting Comparison contributes a frequency shift to the reflection in proportion to its velocity. By comparing the received signals coherently across several pulses, the frequency shift and therefore range rate, can be observed. The relation between target velocity and Doppler frequency shift is shown in Equation 2.1. The amount of target gain due to Doppler processing can be calculated. Suppose we have a noisy input signal, x(n) = e2" + v(n). The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is then performed to Doppler process the signal. The result is X(k) = X(k) = x(n)e ei(a- 2wrkn N , or, " + v(n)e--2 . n The power of this signal is defined by P(k) = E{x(k)x*(k)} = Z E{eJ(a-T n,m iAn--m + v(n)v*(m)e-3A(-"0N 27 + cross terms}. If we assume Gaussian white noise, we can ignore the cross terms since the noise has zero mean. In addition, the noise is uncorrelated from sample-to-sample and from pulse-to- pulse. Therefore, the expected value is nonzero only for n = m. Our equation may now be simplified to P(k) = eNa N Y )(-") + n,m If = 27, S a 6(n 2 m)e-j2 (N-". (2.10) n,m then for the first term, eAa-)(n-m) n,rna = N 2, (2.11) 2-rk which is the peak energy of the target signal after Doppler processing. For the second term, 5 a 6(n 2 - m)e-i("- 2jO = n,m Na2, (2.12) n which is noise energy level after Doppler processing. From Equation 2.11 and Equation 2.12, we can calculate the Signal-to-Noise (SNR) ratio, N2 SNR ~ N22 - Na N N-N-SNRO. U2 Therefore, the Doppler processing gain is 10 logio(N) where N is the number of pulses in the CPI. For 10 samples, the Doppler processing gain is 10dB. The advantage of Doppler processing is the ability to detect targets buried within a significantly stronger clutter return, as long as there is a difference in velocity. This case is taken to the extreme in Figure 2-16 where we see the clutter dominating the target signal by approximately 100 dB. Figure 2-17 shows the return after Doppler processing. The clutter energy has been transformed into the zero Doppler bin and the target can now be clearly seen in the last Doppler bin. 2.4.5 MTI Implementation Moving Target Indication (MTI) radar uses the same physical phenomenon as pulsed Doppler radar. Doppler frequency shifts over multiple pulses are used to separate sig- nals by velocity. MTI adds the additional objective of removing clutter to improve the 28 Target Magrntude Ckuter 1_ 130 120 0.8- 110,- 0.6 100 04. 0.2, 1 x15 100 x 1001 X10 0 Range (m) 0 Rn PUSS g () 0 0 S2 Pulse Figure 2-16: Target and Clutter Comparison for Doppler Processing Doppler Processed Retum 200 150 - 100 4) V 50 0-1 -50 15 -10 10 X10 5 0 0 8 246 Range (m) Doppler Figure 2-17: Doppler Processed Radar Return 29 signal-to-clutter ratio [11]. Early MTI systems use delay-line cancellers and were limited in complexity by the capability of analog acoustic devices. The availability of digital technologies has significantly enhanced MTI processing. The implementation of MTI used in this thesis applies a three-point digital low-pass filter to the Doppler frequency spectrum. This filter, whose time samples and frequency response is shown in Figure 2-18, attenuates all low frequency signals including clutter and leaves only detected targets. The result after MTI processing is shown in Figure 2-19. UTI FilEW IM R eSp M . MTI 3 Filter Frnquency Responm 20 2- 10- 1 2- 0 - -10 -2-20-r -2 L 1 I 05 1 15 2 ml.w 30L4 25 3 35 4 0 5 10 15 2 Fesqlmmy F 0 35 40 45 50 Figure 2-18: MTI Filter Impulse and Frequency Response 2.4.6 Adaptive Digital Equalization Filtering When using a variable pulse-code radar, the output of the Doppler filter will be degraded beyond use due to the differences between codes. This is fully explored in Chapter 3. An adaptive digital equalization filter is applied to the matched filter output as one approach to recover this performance. This type of filter attempts to equalize an input to a given function. It will change its coefficients to minimize the error between the input sequence and that function. For this thesis, the implementation of the equalization filter will be performed digitally in the frequency domain. The details of the process and results are discussed in Chapter 5. 30 MTI Filtered Return 60 40 S20 0 -20 -40 15- -> 10 7 A8 55 X10 2 Range (m) 0 J 3 Doppler Figure 2-19: MTI Processed Radar Return 2.5 Simulation Output The individual elements in the formation of the simulated radar return may all be plotted along with the intermediate and final results of any return processing. The user is able to plot the target, noise, clutter, jamming, composite return, filtered return, weighted return, Doppler processed return, MTI processed return, and adaptively equalized returns as shown in Figure 2-20. Plotting Options Noised MTI E qualze /T Figure 2-20: Plotting Options 31 Chapter 3 Variable Pulse Code Radar The variable pulse-code radar modifies the transmitted waveform of the pulsed Doppler or MTI radar. Instead of selecting one PN code sequence, the variable pulse-code radar transmits a newly selected code with every PRI as shown in Figure 3-1. The transmitted waveform is then no longer predictable and thus difficult to jam. Ccnstant 32-4it Pulse-Cods, 10 Pulse CPI Varable 32-bit Pulse-Code, 10 Pulse CP 1.5,- 30 -0 10- 4-P -0 _1 30 8 10 206 4 10 Tim (stop) 0 0 PRI me Tre0 (sep) 0Pl PRI Figure 3-1: Constant and Variable Pulse-Code Comparison 3.1 Doppler Degradation The use of variable pulse-codes presents several problems. The matched filter output from the radar echoes of each pulse will have different range sidelobes. When the return is Doppler processed, the effect of changing sidelobe magnitude and phase results in a spreading effect thereby creating false signals in the Doppler spectrum. Over multiple clutter points, this effect significantly degrades the signal-to-clutter ratio. 32 For example, let us examine the Doppler spectrum of the matched filter output given a point scatterer. When the same pulse-code is used for each PRI, the matched filter output in that range bin will be constant and contribute to only one Doppler bin in the Doppler spectrum as we see in Figure 3-2. Matched Filter Output with a Constant Pulse-Code Doppler 350 Spectrumr (Constant Code) . 300, 25,s.- 250 . 200 , -- 50 -5, .-- - .. -. -50 - 60 --. 10 -100 - -- - 60 400 10 40 0 0 Ran08 (M) 6 ~Doppler Plse Repetition Interval 0 0 Frequency Figure 3-2: Matched Filter Output and Doppler Spectrum for a Constant Pulse-Code However, when a different pulse-code is used for each PRI, the sidelobes of the matched filter outputs will differ due to the variations between pulse-codes. These variations will proportionally contribute to different Doppler bins. The Doppler spectrum of the outputs will be spread across all Doppler bins. For this paper this will be referred to as a false Doppler effect since it appears that the energy is in the wrong Doppler bin. We see this spreading in Figure 3-3. Matched Filter Output wilh Variable Puise-Codes Doppler 40, 350 3- 250- Spectrui (Vanable Codes) . 10-20 -00- -20 80 50 80 10 Ranga (M) 0 0 u R 010 Range (M) Inl 0 0 Doppler Frequency Figure 3-3: Matched Filter Output and Doppler Spectrum for Variable Pulse-Codes 33 3.1.1 Target Effects Fortunately, the peak value of the pulse-compressed target return signal is minimally affected by changing from constant to variable pulse-codes. In the absence of clutter, the false Doppler effect created by varying sidelobes is insignificant for the relatively low number of individual targets. Given that the length of every different pulse-code remains the same, the magnitude and phase of the zero-lag matched filter output will remain the same and thus the return signal can be successfully Doppler processed. This is proven by calculating the variance of the matched filter output at zero-lag given a point scatterer. In the absence of noise and clutter, the return signal is r(n) = s(n - m), where s(n) is a randomly selected, 32-bit PN code and m denotes some time delay. At m = 0, given a sampled signal, we can define the matched filter output as min(N,N-1) y(n) = E s(n - k)s(N - 1 - k), or, k=max(,n-(N-1)) min(N-1,N-1+1) =E s(N - 1 + l - k)s(N - 1 - k), (3.1) k=max(0,l) where 1 = n - (N - 1) and 1 > 0 advances the return signal through the filter. Thus, the peak output is at (0) = y(N - 1) and the first sidelobes' value is at (1) = y(N). From this, we can compute the matched filter's range sidelobe performance. In order to perform this analysis, we will model Sn, a randomly chosen 32-bit code sequence, as a stochastic process [8]. This allows computation of the mean of the matched filter output's range sidelobes. To simplify analysis, let S,, elements, Sn, belong to the set S s(N - 1 - n), where N is the number of samples. The = {-1, +1} with equal probability, thus having zero mean. Furthermore, Si is assumed orthogonal to Sj for all i 54 j. Based on these assumptions, the autocorrelation of Sn is R(k+l,k) = E{Sk+jSk}, = ; 0 ; 34 =0 4i0 (3.2) Returning to equation 3.1 and substituting Sk for s(N - 1 k) yields min(N-1,N-1+1) (l) = (3.3) Sk+lSk, E k=max(0,1) from which the mean value of the sidelobe level quickly follows via Equation 3.2 min(N-1,N-1+l) Y E{Q(l)} = E{Sk+lSk}, and k=max(0,1) min(N-1,N-1+l) E( = R(k+l,k) k=max(O,i) N 1=0 (3.4) l0 where N is the number of samples of S,. To calculate the variance of p(l), we must first compute the second moment of E{y 2 (l)}= IEE{Si+,SiSj+Sj}, y(l); or i=j = Y:EfSi2±si~+ EES+iSi}ESISjjl i=j i#j (3.5) For the peak, zero-lag value where 1 = 0, E{ 2(0)} = i=j E{S4} + E E{sf }E{Sh}, i#j or, Efy2(0)} = N + N(N - 1) = N 2 . (3.6) For the sidelobe, non-zero-lag values where 1$ 0, return to Equation 3.5 and compute N- l| non-zero terms E= E{Sf S+ 1} +0, or i=j = Let us define N = N - 1l. N - l. (3.7) Then from Equation 3.6 and Equation 3.7, we find that the second moment is 35 E = 2(1) N (3.8) , ; ?if0 where N is the number of terms in the overlapped region and equal to N - 111. From Equation 3.4 and Equation 3.8, we see that the variance of the matched filter's range sidelobes, y(l), is Var{y(l)} ={ ' >-111 (3.9) 1=4 Thus, given any PN code sequence, the peak (zero-lag) value of the matched filter output has no intrinsic variation with code, but the non-zero-lag values have a non-zero variance. The implication is that given a set of random sequences of length N, the peak values of the matched filter output will produce an accurate Doppler frequency estimate. However, the Doppler spectrum from the sidelobe non-zero-lag values will not be resolved due to the variations from pulse to pulse. This result is also verified by simulation. The match filtered target return in the absence of clutter shows a constant peak value but different sidelobes. A plot of the Doppler processed return from a variable pulse-code radar in the absence of clutter is shown in Figure 3-4. 3.1.2 Clutter Effects When clutter is reintroduced, it acts as multiple point scatterers, each with varying sidelobes as we saw in Equation 3.9. This variance gives each sidelobe a potentially non-zero value in the target's range bin and final Doppler spectrum. The aggregate spreading effect of these false Doppler values created by the range sidelobe leakage of clutter thus effectively buries the target signal. This can be seen in Figure 3-5. To quantify this effect, we need to look at the Doppler spectrum. Let x, (t) represent the target in MF gate 1. The Fourier transform of the 11h gate is P-1 Yi(w) = lip(O~xi(Ae -jwp. (3.10) p=o where yp(l), the ideal MF output of Equation 3.1, acts as a "weighting function" from PRI to PRI. For the 1 = 0 case the mean and second moment can be computed as 36 Doppler Processed Return 60- 50 --7 Target 40 30- 10 - 0 20.0 -10 -30- 4 - - x151 5 4 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 3-4: Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return without Clutter Doppler Processed Return 110 Cut 100 90- 50 40 o 70 30 15- x 101 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 3-5: Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return with Clutter 37 P-1 E{Yo(w)} = E E{pp(O)}xo(p)e-iwP p=o Substituting with Equation 3.4, P-1 E{Yo(w)} = N E xo(p)ei-P. p=o (3.11) E{yp()Q*(O)}xO(p)x*(q)e-j,(P-q) Z pAq E{1Yo(w)j2} = Z E{y2(O)}xo(p)x4(q)e-jw(P-q) + E E{yp(O)}E{yq(0)XO(p)4(q)e-j,(p-q) p9q p=q Thus, E{jY(w)2} = N 2 E xo(p)x*(q)e-3W(P~-). p,q (3.12) From Equation 3.11 |E{Yo(w)1 2 = N 2 5 XO(p)X*(q)e-jw(p-q) . (3.13) p,q Combining Equation 3.12 and Equation 3.13 we see that the variance is Var{Yo(w)} = 0; 17 0. (3.14) This is as we expected; using variable pulse-codes will not affect the peak value of the MF output. For the 1 / 0 case the mean, second moment and variance are P-1 E{Y(w)} = E{yp(l)}x(p)e-iwP, p=o 1 = 0. 38 (3.15) E{IYi(w)12 } = ZE{Qp(l)pq(l)}x(p)x*(q)e-jw(P~q) p,q (N - j1j)xi(p)x*(q)e-jw(P-q) + E E{Qip(l) }E{yq(l)} = p=q 1(p)X* (q)e~-w(P-q) ppq P-1 E{IYi(w) 12} = (N - 111) E IXI(p)12 . p=o (3.16) P-1 Var{YijLl} = (N - Ill) Z IX(p)12 . (3.17) p=O Thus, the variation in range sidelobe levels causes a rise in Doppler filtered output sidelobes. Now suppose that in MF bin 1 = 0 we have X0 (p)= (3.18) xt(p) + xc(P). where xO is our output composed of a target, xt, and clutter, x,. For analysis, we can assume that the target and clutter Doppler are easily separated. Substitution in Equation 3.11 yields P-1 o(L,) = N E (xt (p) + xc(p))e-'P p=O (3.19) where P is the number of pulses in the CPI. If we let Xt = -tejwP, the Doppler spectrum becomes Y0(w) = N E atej('t-w)P + N EZxc(p)e-jP, P P (3.20) Now we can compute the final signal-to-clutter ratio. With wt = w, from Equation 3.20, we see that the target signal energy, Et is, Et = (NPat)2 . The clutter signal energy, Ec, is computed by Ec = N 2 E{xc(p)x*(q)}ejw(P-q) P~q 39 (3.21) We assume xc(p) and xc(q) are independent. For all p 5 q, the expected value of xc(p) and xc(q) is zero for a Gaussian distribution. Thus, in the remaining case where p = q, the energy is Ec = N 2 Z E{xc(p)12} P Using Parseval's theorem and Raleigh's energy theorem which equates energy in the time domain with energy in the frequency domain, we calculate the clutter signal energy as Ec = BcN 2No, (3.22) where Be is the bandwidth of the clutter and No is the spectral level of the clutter. From Equation 3.21 and Equation 3.22, the computed signal-to-clutter ratio is (put)2 BcNO (3.23) To compute the effect of the clutter sidelobes on the target signal, suppose we have some type of clutter signal present in the previous range bin. The 1 = 1 correlation lag of this clutter signal will affect the 1 = 0 correlation lag of the target signal. It will cause an increase in spectral power as per Equation 3.17. P-1 Var{Yjwj} = (N - 1l) E E{|xi(p)j 2}. p= 0 Using Parseval's theorem this becomes Var{Yj(w)} = (N - 1lI)NoBc. (3.24) Summing over all non-zero-lag values, 1, the total contribution to clutter from these cells becomes N-1 Z Var{Y(w)} I = NoBc2 Z(N-l) =1 = 40 NoBcN(N -1) Thus, Var{Y(w)} = NoBc(N - 1)N. (3.25) Let us compare this to the non-overlapping sidelobe Doppler spectrum that we calculated in Equation 3.23. When we introduce random MF range sidelobes, we see that our noise power level has increased by a N(N-1) factor that is not separable from the target. SNRo SNRL = - (Pa-t) 2 .pN (3.26) SNR N 0 (3.27) BcNo N(N - 1)' . This leads to approximately a N 2 reduction in SNR. For a 32-bit PN code where N = 32, this is approximately a -30dB (1Olog 32x 31 ) loss in SNR performance. Figures 3-6 and 3-7 rotate our three-dimensional plots to show the profile of the Doppler spectrum for a pulsed Doppler radar using constant versus variable pulse-codes. We see that there is in fact a 30dB clutter sidelobe ceiling over the target in the Doppler spectrum due to the MF in a variable pulse-code radar. This empirically verifies the calculated performance degradation associated with matched filtering in a variable pulse-code radar. We have proven that zero-lag peak values have no variance when matched filtered. However, the variance in clutter sidelobe strength across all non-zero-lag values create a false Doppler signal. This results in a significant SNR loss and buries the target in the Doppler spectrum. Thus, any attempt to recover this performance will need to address the strength of these clutter sidelobes. This can be done directly, which is explored in Chapter 4, or indirectly, which is explored in Chapter 5. 41 Constant Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return Profile 120 r 100 F --. Cluttr-> --..-.--.-. 80k- 4) ..... -. - '**'-*-- ... -.. .. .-.-.-. 60 - - Range (Tm) 40 - Target- - -- --.-. . . - .. ~77 20 / 0 I, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Doppler Figure 3-6: Constant Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return Profile Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Processed Profile 120 Range i) --- . ... -. . -. . --. -. 100 Clutte r- -/ 80 60 .. ... .. N. N --x E 40 ........... ........... 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Doppler Figure 3-7: Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return Profile 42 10 Chapter 4 Pulse Compression Filtering In the previous chapter, we discovered that for a variable pulse-code radar, Doppler and MTI processing performance is significantly degraded by clutter sidelobe strength at the matched filter output. Using a different pulse-code for each PRI results in a different matched filter for each PRI. When the clutter component of the radar return is matched filtered, the output response is different for each PRI. Though the zero-lag peak values remain unchanged, the sidelobe values differ significantly. These differences spread energy across the Doppler spectrum. Over many clutter points, the aggregate effect is a loss of the target signal-to-clutter ratio. To mitigate this Doppler spread effect caused by using variable pulse-codes, we can either reduce clutter sidelobe strength at the matched filter output or process the return signal to undo the negative effects of variable pulse-codes. Performance recovery using digital signal processing techniques will be discussed in the following chapter. 4.1 Matched Filter Waveforms Clutter sidelobe strength at the matched filter output is dependent on the variance of the non-zero-lag values of the transmitted waveform's autocorrelation function as we saw in Equation 3.9. Its contribution to the Doppler spectrum is shown in Equation 3.17. Thus, the magnitude of the Doppler effect is dependent on the transmitted waveform which is determined by the selected pulse-code sequence. By selecting code sequences with minimal non-zero-lag variance, we can attempt to mitigate the false Doppler spread effect. 43 4.1.1 Sidelobe Reduction The study of code sequences and their properties is a significant field of study in digital communications and signal processing. To recover Doppler performance, our code selection will focus on minimizing the output sidelobes of the matched filter. Barker codes are a small family of codes, none longer than length N R, N )0 = 13 [3]. They are characterized by (4.1) T ±1,0, r where Rc(T) is the autocorrelation value at lag T. 0 Notice that all sidelobe values are within ±1. This is a desirable property given our requirements, but these codes are unsuitable for the application at hand. With a maximum length of 13-bits and such a small set of codes with this ±1 sidelobe property, the waveforms from a radar using Barker codes would be highly predictable and susceptible to jamming. For the 32-bit codes used in this simulation, we can apply the same selection concept by relaxing the criteria posed in Equation 4.1. A search through all 32-bit codes yielded no codes for whom all sidelobe values are within ±2. However if we allow Re(T) =NIT .(4.2) = 0 ±3,±2,i1,0, T 0.2 4 then there are 3,376 codes to choose from. Figure 4-1 shows the Doppler spectrum profile when using randomly generated pulse-codes and Figure 4-2 shows the Doppler spectrum when using our set of ±3 codes. The comparison shows approximately a 7 dB drop in the clutter floor when using the ±3 codes. Let us return to our variance calculation in Section 3.1.2 to verify our theory against the empirical results. As in Section 3.1.1, we treat the codes as a stochastic process. Equation 3.9 gives us the variance of the non-zero-lag values of the matched filter output. Figure 4-3 shows the results of an exact analysis [4] of the variance of the 32 bit PN sequences' auto-correlation lags, i.e., range-sidelobes for both the unfiltered case and the case where the 32 bit sequences were filtered to include only those sequences for which the range-sidelobes were within a ±3 bin range. The mean of these range-sidelobes is zero. The average of the variance over non-zero-lag values of the unfiltered sequences is 16.5 44 Doppler Processed Return using Random Pulse-Codes 110 r- 105 - -...-...-. 100 - -- Clutter 95 F - Range a 4) -/ 90 - - - -'- 85 80 75 70 1 2 3 4 / I 5 6 7 8 9 / / 10 Doppler Figure 4-1: Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return using Random Codes Doppler Processed Return - +/-3 MF Sidelobe Codes 110 r 105 F 100 - - l -. .. . - - - - - I -.. .... Clutter95 F- -v 4) ~0 .. -.. -. 90 F Range 85 - > / 'W 80 75 ru 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Doppler Figure 4-2: Variable Pulse-Code Radar Doppler Return using ±3 Codes 45 using Equation 3.9. The variance for the censored data is seen to alternate between 4.75 and 2.6 with an average over the non-zero-lag values of 3.43. This is close to a variance of 3.0 which would be arrived at by assuming uniform distribution of the non-zero-lag value range-sidelobes between ±3. Based on the exact analysis, there is a 10log( dB improvement which matches the empirical result. = 6) 6.8219 Although 6.8 dB is a significant improvement, it is not nearly enough to even begin to recover the target SNR. Sidelobe Variance versus Lag 35 Var Uncensored .... ........................................ V a r + /- 3 ~ x 10) 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Lag Value Figure 4-3: Mean and Variance of Random and ±3 32-bit PN Codes 4.2 Pulse Compression Waveforms We have verified that selecting codes with a limited matched filter output sidelobe improves our SNR. Lower sidelobe level levels will result in lower sidelobe variance and therefore, less false Doppler spreading effect. If we develop this idea to the extreme and tighten the criteria to specify no sidelobes, we are left with a function that approaches a dirac delta (6o) function as N -+ inf. Again, using Equation 3.9 and Equation 3.17, we see that if there is zero variance in the non-zero-lag values of the ME output, then there is zero contribution to the Doppler spectrum. Clutter sidelobe strength at the matched filter output is dependent on the 46 level of the non-zero-lag values as we saw in Equation 3.9. Its contribution to the Doppler spectrum is shown in Equation 3.17. From Section 2.4.1 we know that the output time response of the ideal pulse compressor is also a dirac delta function. Therefore, a pulse compression filter should be ideal for recovering variable pulse-code Doppler performance loss. Figures 4-4 and 4-5 show this to be only partially true. In fact, pulse compression often fails when using randomly selected codes or even the ±3 sidelobe set of codes. Doppler Processed Return - Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression 80> 6040,.- 20-20 -40 15 8 10 X10 10 56 2 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 4-4: Variable Pulse-Code Doppler Radar Showing Partial Effectiveness The reason why is that the pulse compression filter problem is ill-posed since there may be zeros in the input spectrum. Thus, the reciprocal spectrum of the 32-bit pulse-codes will have problems: it may not be fully defined and a pulse compression filter generated from it could be numerically unstable. If we examine the frequency spectrum of each pulse-code, we see that failure to generate an output is caused by inability to form a valid pulse compression filter. Equation 2.6 defines the pulse compression filter spectrum as the reciprocal of the input spectrum. If the input spectrum contains any zero values, the pulse compression filter will have values of and therefore not be realizable. 47 oc MTI Filtered Return - Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression 60 40 -- 20 10 x 10 6 4 105 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 4-5: Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar Showing Partial Effectiveness In cases where a pulse compression filter may be formed but the output less than ideal as seen in Figures 4-4 and 4-5, we see that the clutter floor has risen and we can hypothesize that the performance degradation is due to a numerically unstable filter or one with a poor transient response. 4.2.1 Pulse Compression Filters To guarantee the formation of a valid pulse compression filter we must create a subset of codes whose frequency spectrums have no zero-values. The ±3 subset of codes were used as a starting point. We can hypothesize that the ±3 subset of codes will create better pulse compression filters than codes selected at random from the pool of all possible 32-bit codes. The ±3 codes form better matched filters and the MF output shares greater similarity with the time response of the pulse compression filter output. It is reasonable to believe that a pulse compression filter formed by these codes will result in less SNR loss when compared to the optimal matched filter SNR. The 3,376 codes in the ±3 subset of 32-bit codes are filtered to ensure formation of 48 a valid pulse compression filter. Two quick tests are first performed. Codes whose values summed to zero have a DC value of zero and can be discarded since the spectrum would be non-invertible. Codes that, when multiplied by the sequence defined by - 1 N, sum to zeros also have a zero value at f, = N/2 and can be discarded. However, these two criteria do not account for zeros anywhere else in the spectrum so further filtering is required. At this point, there are 3,072 codes remaining. Since each code is a finite sequence, the discrete fourier transform (DFT) is continuous in frequency domain. Thus, testing the frequency transform for zero values is incomplete since there could exist zeros that were not sampled. To thoroughly filter the codes, we must find and factor the Z-transform of each code to check for zeros in the frequency spectrum. Any root on the unit circle will indicate a zero in the frequency spectrum. Now that we have a set of codes able to form valid pulse compression filters, we would like to further filter the set for codes which have a good transient response to form a cleaner filter. A heuristic approach may be taken to select codes with a better transient response. Examining each code sequence, we notice that for some codes, the impulse response of the resulting pulse-compression filter are oscillatory or have unsatisfactorily long settling times. An algorithm was devised to select for codes with less oscillation. The impulse response was time shifted to center the peak. The resulting function was scaled and treated as a probability density function. The standard deviation was computed and any code not within a threshold value of 50 time samples was discarded. Figure 4-6 shows a discarded code with a high level of oscillation and one whose signal energy had a standard deviation < 50. The result was a subset of 568 codes that formed clean pulse compression filters. Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.04 -... ..... ........ ... ...... ........ .... .. .... .... .. ...... ..... ..... - .. .... .... .. ... ... .. .... .. ... . 0.03 -... .. .. ... ...-... ... .... .... .. .... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .. .... .. ...... 0.02 0.01 0 .04 - - 0.6 0.03 ....... - 0.02 --- 0.01 0 200 400 600 Sample Time 800 1000 1200 - .......- ........ - - - - -- - ........................... . ..... ....... - - - ........ ........ ..... ..... - 0 - - 200 - - 400 - 600 Sample Time 800 1000 1200 Figure 4-6: Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum Another approach is to return to the Z-transform and examine the proximity of the 49 roots of each code to the unit circle. For our binary phase-modulated sequences, Jury's test [5] tells us that if there are roots outside the unit circle, the filter will be unstable. This was found to be true for every sequence. We also found that for every code sequence, there exist roots inside the unit circle as well. Let us consider the fact that zeros on the unit circle result in an invalid pulse compression filter since the reciprocal of any zeros in the frequency spectrum are undefined. It would then follow that as you move away from the unit circle and thus away from the zero value frequency, a better pulse compression filter will result. Figure 4-7 shows the reciprocal filter time response of each code in our filtered code subset versus the distance of the nearest zero to the inside of the unit circle. Figure 4-8 shows the reciprocal filter time response versus the distance of the nearest zero to the outside of the unit circle. Darker bands and contrast changes along the vertical axis indicate greater oscillation and worse pulse compression filters. From this it would appear that codes with zeros further away outside of the unit circle form better pulse compression filters. Reciprocal Filter Time Response 0.05 120 100 0.04 80 0.03 60 0.02 40 20 0.01 0 0.015 0 0.0125 0.01 0.0075 0.005 0.0025 Distance Inside UC Figure 4-7: Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum - Nearest Root Inside Unit Circle 50 Reciprocal Filter Time Response 0.05 120100 -0.04 0.03 60 0.02 40 20 0 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.01 0.0125 &-J 0.015 0 Distance Outside UC Figure 4-8: Time Response of Reciprocal Spectrum - Nearest Root Outside Unit Circle 4.3 Doppler and MTI Performance The radar simulation using variable pulse-codes, the filtered 568 code subset, and pulse compression filters successfully and consistently performed Doppler and MTI processing. The strategy of minimizing filter output sidelobes to achieve phase alignment was successful as seen in Figures 4-9 and 4-10. Doppler and MTI processing are minimally affected by using variable pulse-codes when a pulse compression filter is used for signal detection. There is negligible degradation in the Doppler response of PC filter outputs within a coherent processing interval (CPI) when compared to using constant pulse-codes. However, this does not address the SNR loss associated with the pulse compression filter which is discussed in the following section. Figure 4-11 presents the profile of the MTI filtered spectrum of a constant pulse-code radar using a PC filter. Figure 4-12 presents the profile of a variable pulse-code radar using a PC filter. Notice the PC filter ring-up and ring-down and that there is no apparent loss in using variable pulse-codes when using pulse compression. For the ideal case, there are no sidelobes in the time response output of the PC filter or in the Doppler spectrum regardless of the pulse-code selected, given that the pulse-code is able to form a valid PC filter. However, the ideal case is a Jo which is not physically 51 Doppler Processed Return - +/-3 Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression 80, 60, 40 20 CL 0O -20, -40 3J -60 15 10 510 x 10 6 4 0 0 Range (m) Doppler Figure 4-9: Doppler Processing with ±3 Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression MTI Filtered Return - =/-3 Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression 60 401 20 0, -20 xl0 10 - 6 x10 3 Range (m) 0 7 8 4 1 Doppler Figure 4-10: MTI Processing with ±3 Variable Pulse-Codes, Pulse Compression 52 MTI Filtered Return - Constant Pulse-Code, Pulse Compression 50 45 ......- ...... ..... -... ........ - - 40 -- 35 -30 <- Target - 25 -I .......... S ~20 - - Doppler S.. 15 10 5 0 0 - 5 10 15 Range (m) x 10 Figure 4-11: Pulse Compression and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile - Constant Pulse-Code MTI Filtered Return - Variable Pulse-Code, Pulse Compression 50 -~.-. - -- - - -. .... .-.-.-. ----- 45 40 <- Filter Ring-up/down 35 -30 <- Target 25 20 Doppler 15 0 5 10 Range (m) 15 x 10 Figure 4-12: Pulse Compression and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile - Variable Pulse-Codes 53 realizable. Implementation in an actual system will result in some small performance loss dependent on the quality of the PC filter output. 4.3.1 SNR Loss The pulse compression filter performs equivalently with variable or constant pulse-code radar system. However, its primary disadvantage is a SNR loss when compared to the optimum SNR of the matched filter output. Figure 4-13 shows the profile of the Doppler processed spectrum of a constant pulse-code radar using matched filtering. Figure 4-14 shows the profile of the Doppler processed spectrum of a constant pulse-code radar using pulse compression. Looking at the target in Doppler bin ten, notice the slight difference in SNR between the two Figures. This will be empirically quantified in Section 5.3.1. Doppler Processed Return using Matched Filtering Profile 100- 80 - -.-..--. -. Clutter-- -- ... .. 70 60 70- ...- - -- - Target Range 30- 20 : 10-- 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 10 Doppler Figure 4-13: Matched Filter and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile 54 Doppler Processed Return using Pulse Compression Profile 50 - 40 CO Clutter-.-.-. -- ..... - 30 20 / Range *10 0 Target - - - - -- .. -. -10 -20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Doppler Figure 4-14: Pulse Compression and MTI Filtered Spectrum Profile 55 Chapter 5 Adaptive Digital Equalization Filtering In Chapter 4 we showed that a variable pulse-code radar was able to recover the ability to perform Doppler and MTI processing performance by using a pulse compression filter in place of the matched filter. We found this to be the result of the near-zero sidelobe level of the pulse compression filter output. With no sidelobe energy between PRIs, phase alignment was achieved and the sidelobes did not significantly contribute to the Doppler spectrum. However, the pulse compression filter lacks the maximum SNR ratio criteria of the matched filter. It is desirable to maintain the maximum SNR of the matched filter with the ability to perform Doppler and MTI processing of the pulse compression filter. This would require either realigning or removing the range sidelobes of the matched filter output before Doppler processing. An adaptive digital equalization filter may be added to the matched filtering in an attempt to force phase alignment. If the signal degradation of the equalization filter is less than that of the pulse compression filter, then a performance improvement will be achieved. 5.1 Filter Implementation The adaptive equalization filters used in this thesis are finite-duration impulse response (FIR) filters. The equalization filter attempts to minimize the total squared error between two inputs and adapt to varying input sequences. The problem presented by matched filter 56 outputs produced by non-similar input PN code sequences is non-standard as depicted in Figure 5.1. Each unique PN code requires a unique matched filter. Thus, we have two distinctly different inputs, xo(n) and xi(n), applied to two distinctly different system responses, ho(n)and hi(n). X(o(ng -h(n) y. (n) - - -- + h (n) (n) g, (n) Figure 5-1: Adaptive Equalization Filter System 5.1.1 Time Domain Implementation The traditional time domain FIR adaptive equalization filtering technique [2] was tested and compared with the frequency domain implementation discussed in the next section. Both produced equivalent results. 5.1.2 Frequency Domain Implementation For the radar system simulation developed for this thesis, the equalization filtering was performed digitally in the frequency domain. As we saw in Figure 2-13, shaping the frequency domain spectrum of the output signal will affect its time domain impulse response. Therefore, we can equalize the time domain matched filter output of multiple distinct input pulses by forcing their output spectrums to match. 5.2 Equalization Strategies To recover Doppler and MTI performance when using matched filters we can equalize the matched filter output to an ideal pulse compression filter output spectrum. We know that the pulse compression filter can successfully be used with a variable pulse-code radar. Thus, the output of the equalized signal will contain no range sidelobes in the ideal case. 57 An equalization filter is formed for each pulse in the frequency domain by taking the reciprocal of the matched filter output spectrum. As with the pulse compression filter, the output of each filter is a dirac delta function when the sequence from which it was derived is the input. The absence of sidelobes would result in zero sidelobe variance and therefore no false Doppler. The equalization filter is then multiplied by the spectrum of the matched filtered return signal for its PRI. This is equivalent to clocking the signal through an FIR equalization filter in the time domain. With the exception of filter ring-up and ring-down at the range fringes, the result is a clean Doppler spectrum. Figure 5-2 shows the Doppler spectrum of a return that has been matched filtered and equalized to a flat frequency spectrum. Application of the MTI filter will not be affected by equalization. Figure 5-3 shows the MTI filter output. Equalized Doppler Processed Return 80 40- -20 -40 15 100 8 10 10 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 5-2: Variable Pulse-Code Doppler Radar with Flat Spectrum Equalization Filtering The performance of using a pulse compression filter can be compared with that of the combination equalization and matched filter. From Figure 5-4, we observe that despite the maximum SNR of the matched filter output, losses through the equalization filter have brought the performance of the system down to the same level as pulse compression by itself. This result is not surprising as the equalization filter was designed to meet the same 58 Equalized MTI Processed Retum 8060, 40, ' 200 -20 -40 -60, 15 8 10 6 x 10 5 4 2 0 Ranne (m) 0 Doppler Figure 5-3: Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar with Flat Spectrum Equalization Filtering criteria as the pulse compression filter. MTI Filered Return using Piuse Comeression Filfting 0 60- MTI Processed Retum using Equization to a Flat Spectrun 60 40 -Targe -20 0 05 Range (m) -1 -200 x 10 10 F" 510 Range (m) 15 Figure 5-4: Pulse Compression versus Flat Spectrum Equalization We can attempt to improve upon this performance by returning to the concept of phase alignment across pulses. As in the case of the traditional pulsed Doppler radar, zero matched filter output sidelobe is not a requirement for Doppler processing. However, to successfully perform Doppler processing, zero variation and phase alignment, across PRIs in the sidelobes of the matched filter output is a requirement. 59 Therefore, it would follow that if the each equalization filter were formed such that its output was the same as some reference matched filter output, then both phase alignment and minimum sidelobe level variation could be achieved. Figure 5-5 shows the successful result of equalizing the spectrum of all matched filter outputs to the spectrum of the first matched filter output. The equalization filter for the first pulse is Go = 1 and the remaining equalization filters were formed by Gn(f) == H Hn(f)' ,(f) (5.1) where n is the PRI number. MTI Processed Return using 1st Pulse Spectrum Equalization 100 80 Target 60S 40 -20-40 - 15- 10--8 6 4 x 10 5 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Figure 5-5: Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar with 1' 5.3 Doppler Pulse Equalization Filtering Doppler and MTI Performance The adaptive digital equalization filtering was successful in mitigating the Doppler spread effect created by using variable pulse-codes. The flat spectrum equalization algorithm uses the same strategy as the pulse compression filter and has the same performance. Minimizing the sidelobe levels of the matched filter output achieves phase alignment within a CPI and 60 minimizes sidelobe level variation, the cause of the Doppler spreading effect derived in Section 3.1. Phase alignment is also achieved with the 1" pulse spectrum equalization algorithm. 5.3.1 SNR Loss The first-pulse equalization algorithm in Equation 5.1 will result in less SNR loss than equalizing to a flat spectrum. We can verify this result empirically. Since an equalization filter is a random process, theoretical computation of SNR loss is impractical given that any code may follow any other code when the codes are randomly selected. Thus, a simulation was created to compute the SNR of both equalization algorithms at the filter output. The SNR of matched filtering alone and pulse compression will also be computed for comparison using our filtered set of 568 codes whose signal energy had a standard deviation < 50. Although the gain of the target in the Doppler spectrum will remain unchanged as we discovered in Section 3.1.1, the noise floor will vary with the filter technique used, thus changing the SNR. The results are shown in Table 5.3.1. Table 5.1: Comparison of SNR for different filtering methods. Filter Method SNR Loss (dB) Matched Filtering 0 Pulse Compression -2.43 Flat Spectrum Equalization -2.43 1 st Pulse Equalization -2.37 Notice that the SNR for equalizing to a flat spectrum and pulse compression filtering are the same. This is expected since both filters are designing to the same criteria. We also see that equalizing to the spectrum of the first matched filtered pulse offers some improvement in performance. However, this is not considered a significant improvement over pulse compression. 61 Chapter 6 Anti-Jamming Performance The final test for the variable pulse-code radar is its effectiveness in a hostile jamming environment. Jamming was created as described in Section 2.3.3. Figure 6-1 shows the MTI filter output of a constant pulse-code radar. The jamming environment contains 15 false targets, each with a different position and velocity. Figure 6-2 shows the MTI filter output of a variable pulse-code radar. Notice all of the false targets have been rejected to below the noise level and the true target revealed. MTI Filtered Return with Repeat-Back Jamming 80 40 240> 15- 8 ---- 10 6 4 X10 5 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 6-1: Constant Pulse-Code MTI Radar in Repeat-Back Jamming Environment 62 Equalized MTI Processed Return with Repeat-Back Jamming and Variable Pulse-Codes 10080 60 4) ft! 40 20 0-20, -40 15 8 10 6 4 X 10 5 4 2 Range (m) 0 0 Doppler Figure 6-2: Variable Pulse-Code MTI Radar in Repeat-Back Jamming Environment 63 Chapter 7 Conclusion In this thesis, a new modification to the Pulsed Doppler and Moving Target Indication radar systems was explored. The variable pulse-code radar system was proposed in response to a potential vulnerability to repeat-back jamming in current systems. This new system varies the codes within a coherent processing intervals by changing the PN code sequence transmitted with each PRI. This is highly effective in resisting some types of repeat-back jamming. However, the use of variable pulse-codes results in a significant performance loss in the ability to Doppler process or apply an MTI filter to the return. The performance loss was investigated and it was discovered that while the zero-lag peak values of the return signal were unaffected by using variable pulse-codes, there was a significant amount of clutter sidelobe interference during matched filtering. This interference disrupted amplitude and phase alignment across PRIs which resulted in a degradation of the integrated signal-to-clutter ratio by a factor of 1 where N is the code length. Several options to mitigate this performance loss were explored. Code selection of PN codes able to form matched filters with minimal sidelobe variation improved performance by approximately 7 dB. Pulse compression was considered as an alternative to matched filtering. The pulse compression filter was successful due to the absence of sidelobe energy in the filtered output. However, the pulse compression filter suffers from a 2.5 dB SNR loss when compared to the matched filter. Further filtering of codes was performed by examining time responses of the reciprocal spectrum of code sequences to create a subset of 32-bit codes which optimized the pulse compression filter. The maximum SNR matched filter was revisited with the addition of adaptive digital 64 equalization filters designed to recover pulsed Doppler and MTI performance based on the lessons learned previously. A flat spectrum equalization filter, similar in function to the pulse compression filter, was tested and found to be successful in recovering some Doppler performance. To attempt to combine the advantages of the matched filter and pulse compression filter, a 11 pulse spectrum equalization filter was designed to maximize Doppler performance using variable pulse-codes. This too was found to be successful. Finally, the variable pulse-code radar was placed in a hostile jamming environment to test the effectiveness of these processing techniques. A repeat-back jammer was created which introduced false targets using captured pulse-codes from each previous PRI. The variable pulse-code radar successfully mitigated the effects of the jamming and rejected all false targets. There exists much room for future work to perform a more rigorous study of this radar system. The environmental factors can be modelled in greater detail and a more complex jamming environment created to test the robustness of this system. The variable pulse-code radar has met its performance goals in this thesis and shows promise for future development. 65 Bibliography [1] Charles E. Cook and Marvin Bernfeld. Radar Signals. Artech House, Boston, 1993. [2] Simon Haykin. Adaptive Filter Theory. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, third edition, 1996. [3] Leon W. Couch II. Digital and Analog Communications Systems. 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