In an effort to offer more enriched academic experiences for honors students,
The Marist College Honors Program allows academically talented students to
annotate regular coursework for Honors credit. The procedure involves
additional work requirements in the form of a written contract between student and faculty.
By the end of the third week of the semester, the student must submit the following paperwork:
 A completed Honors Contract
 A copy of the regular course syllabus
By the last day of classes in the semester, the student must submit all the following paperwork:
 A copy of the Honors by Contract coursework
 The student evaluation form completed and signed by the professor (this can be found at
Student Last Name
First Name
Campus/local address
Course Number & Title
Semester/year of Enrollment
Professor Name
Note: As it is with honors courses, the guiding concept for an honors contract should be “enrichment, not
extra.” That is, the terms of the honors contract should be challenging and demanding not by simply assigning
more work, but my mining more educational value from the work that is assigned. Contracts that merely require
longer papers, extra homework, etc. will not be approved. Please see the Honors Program Handbook for a
detailed discussion of the Honors by Contract, including many ideas for how to enrich the honors contract
The following section is to be completed by the instructor following discussion and mutual agreement with the
student. The questions can be answered on a separate document and attached.
Describe the work to be completed under the terms of the contract.
2. What are the learning objectives and expected outcomes of the contract?
3. In your judgment, why do the terms of this contract justify the awarding of honors credit? Describe
specifically how this is an honors experience above and beyond the requirements of the regular
undergraduate course.
4. Please set forth a timeline for when the work for this contract is to be completed, and specify how the
work will be evaluated and graded.
The student is responsible for completing the course requirements as agreed upon. The same deadlines and
conditions of withdrawal will govern the Honors by Contract. The affixed signatures signify agreement to the
course content and the conditions stated herein.
Signatures of Agreement:
Approved by:
Honors Director
Honors Contract
Student Evaluation Form
To the student: Please complete the following form and return to the Honors Director by the
Friday before finals week.
Student Last Name
First Name
Course Number & Title
1. How often did you meet with the professor for the honors contract course in addition to regular class
time? _________________________________________________
2. Please rate the success of this contract experience:
3. Please rank the following elements in relation to your other HONORS classes, not regular classes.
Overall workload
Easier than a non-honors experience Not really a challenge for honors
Adequate challenge for honors
Demanding but not out of line for honors
Hardest I ever worked
Grading standards
Grading standards too easy for honors
grading standards clear and appropriate to honors
Standards unrealistically hard, vague or unclear
Level of professor interaction
Too much, I felt uncomfortable
Too much, I need more independent work
About right
Not enough, I kept asking what to do
Totally hands off; I was totally on my own.
4. Why did you choose to contract with this particular professor for this course?
5. Would you recommend other honors students contract this course with this professor?
6. What changes would you make if you were to contract this course again?
7. Did this contract experience meet your expectations? Why or why not?
8. Was this contract attached to a major or a non-major course for you?
Please make any additional comments about this contract experience on the back of this form. Thank you.
Honors Contract
Completion Form
This form is to be completed by the instructor and returned to the Honors Director no later than the
deadline for submitting final course grades.
Student Last Name
First Name
Course Number & Title
Semester/year of Enrollment
Did the student named above satisfactorily complete the terms of the Honors Contract as agreed?
Instructor’s Name (please print or type___________________________________________________
Instructor’s Signature ____________________________________ Date: _______________________