SYLLABUS CMPS 3233: Theory of Computation Catalog Description: Study of the fundamental mathematical properties of hardware, software, and their applications. Emphasis is on the capabilities and limitation of computers, including finite automata, push-down automata, and Turing machines. Instructor: Office: Office phone: E-mail: Office Hours: Dr. Catherine V. Stringfellow Bolin Science Hall, Room 128C 397-4578 MWF F 9-11, MF 1:30-3pm, T R 10-11am and by appt Credits: 3 (3 hour lecture) Course Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in CMPS 1063 and CMPS 2433. Required Textbook and Materials: Automata, Computability, and Complexity, by Elaine Rich (Pearson-Prentice Hall) General Objectives 1) To familiarize students with the foundations and principles of computer science 2) To learn fundamental principles of the recognition and classification of formal languages Specific Objectives: Upon completion of the course students should be able: 1) to learn how to create deterministic and non-deterministic automata to accept languages 2) to understand formal languages and grammars and the machines that recognize them, as wells as the Chomsky hierarchy 3) to convert between equivalent structures, such as regular expressions to FA, NDFAs to DFAs, etc. 4) to understand Turing machines, and write Turing machine programs 5) to understand the concept of computability Instructional Method: Primarily lecture and class participation. Every student will be required to present assigned problems to the class. The problems will come primarily from the homework assignments. Course Assignments and Evaluation: Quizzes and homework assignments will be assigned. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. These will consist of problems from those at the end of sections in the text and the JFLAP manual and problems provided by the instructor. Homework problems may or may not be graded. Students will be called upon to work problems on the board – if unprepared it will be a 0 for the problem. There will be two exams and one final. Final grades will be based on the following criteria. Activity percentage of grade Boardwork and participation Homework assignments Two exams Final (Tues. May 10, 1-3pm) 20% 30% 40% 20% Grades may be determined according to this scale (approximate): A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D 60% - 69% Makeup Exams and Quizzes: There is one midterm and one final exam. The only acceptable reason for missing an exam is with a valid university excuse (e.g., excuse from the doctor, death in the immediate family, etc.) A makeup exam will only be given to those students who have a valid excuse. If you know ahead of time that you will miss an exam, please see me. ** Students should refer to the current MSU Student Handbook and Activities Calendar and the MSU Undergraduate Bulletin for policies related to class attendance, academic dishonesty, and student responsibilities, rights and activities. For more information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, see Spring 2016 TENTATIVE CS3233-ACADEMIC CALENDAR Jan 19 Jan. 26 Feb 2 Feb 9 Feb 16 Feb 23 Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Tuesday Thursday Course Info; CH1: Why? Cont. CH2: Alphabets, Strings and Languages CH3: Hierarchy of Languages CH4: FAs : DFAs Cont. CH1: 1, 2 CH5: NDFAs CH2: 1, 2, 4 REs and RLs CH6: Regular Languages : Regulars Expressions REVIEW CH4: 2, 4, *6 EXAM1 CH7: Regular Grammars CH3: 1, 2, 4, 6 CH4: Properties of Regular Languages : Closure CH11: Context-Free languages : Grammars CFGs and Prog Langs Parsing 1 JFLAP Assg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cont. CH6: 1, 2, 4 CH6: Simplifying CFGs CH7: 1, 2, 3 9 Spring Break Mar 31 10 Apr 5 11 Apr 12 12 Apr 19 13 Apr 26 14 May 3 15 May 10 16 Normal Forms REVIEW EXAM2 CH12: PDAs: Non-det. PDAs CH5: 1, 5 PDAs and CF Languages Cont. CH6: 1, 6, 8 Det. PDAs and non-det. PDAs CH17: Turing Machines CH9: 1, 4, *12 Cont. CH17: Other Models of TMs Cont. Review FINAL EXAM 1-3pm * short program assignment