FOCAL DEPTHS AND MECHANISMS OF MID-OCEAN RIDGE EARTHQUAKES FROM BODY WAVEFORM INVERSION by Paul B.Sc., M.S., Yi-Fa Huang Calgary (1974) Alaska (1979) University University SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMEN EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC ANn PLANETAR IN PARTI AL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRE MENTS FOR TH E DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCES OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December 1985 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 7Signature of Author Department of Earth, anj PTanetary Atmosp Ker-ic, ?F-Scien c rm_ Certified b Tean C. Solomon Thesis Supervisor / Accepted Sha irman, APT I IRRARIES MAIT !IRRARIES Deoartment Committee on Graduate Students FOCALS DEPTHS AND MECHANISMS OF MID-OCEAN RIDGE EARTHQUAKES FROM BODY WAVEFORM INVERSION by PAUL YI-FA HUANG Submitted to the Department of Atmospheric, and Planetary Sci on December 30, 1985 in Partial Fulfil Requirements for the Degree of Doctor Earth, ences Iment of the of Philosophy ABSTRACT Accurate focal depths of mid-ocean ridge earthquakes are critical to tectonic interpretations of ridge-crest processes, notably the thickness of the brittle layer beneath the ridge axes and, implicitly, the depth of hydrothermal circulation. We determine in this thesis the focal depths and source characteristics of 29 ridge-axis earthquakes along the MidAtlantic Ridge, the Azores spreading center, the northern Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Carlsberg and Central Indian Ridges. The source parameters are obtained by a formal inversion of long-period P and SH waveforms [Nabelek, 1984]. Because of the special importance of focal depth, we devote particular attention to the resolution of centroid depth and to an assessment of the relationship between the formal error given by the inversion method and the actual uncertainty. We also stress by example the advantage of including SH waves as We examine as well the well as P waveforms in the inversion. effects of uncertainties in the source region velocity structure and of incomplete azimuthal coverage on the inversion results. The waveform inversion solutions are shown to be generally insensitive to details of source velocity structure; as long as azimuthal coverage spans more than. 2 quadrants of the focal sphere for both P and SH waves, the solution obtained by waveform inversion is robust with respect to inclusion or deletion of selected subsets of the data. The ridge-ax is earthquakes of this study are all characterized by n ormal faulting on planes dipping at about 4 50 and generally str iking parallel to the trend of local ridge Seismi c moments range from 2 to 106 x 1024 dyn-cm, segments. The P and and source time f u nctions are all of simple form. S waveforms for a 1 1 earthquakes can be well matched using 111i The conventional values of t* (1 and 4 sec, respectively). P waves from these earthquakes show strong water-column reverberations, suggesting that fault rupture generally extended to the seafloor. The predominant period of these reverberations constrains the water depth in the epicentral On the basis of es timated water depth and the region. epicentral location, all of these earthquakes can be shown to have occurred beneath the i nner floor of the median valley. We cannot exclude the possibil ity that some of these events occurred near the inner wal 1 of the rift valley (e.g., the August 15, 1966 and the May 31, 1971 earthquakes) or that they represent slip on major inw ard-dipping faults that contribute to the relief of the inner valley walls. It may be inferred with reasonable certainty, however, that none of these earthquakes occurred beneat h the rift mountains. The centroid depths of the earthquakes in thi s study prov ide important information on the vertical exte nt of brittle fail ure along slow spreading ridges. A few of the earthquakes incl uded here, however, may not be representative. Two eart hquakes in the Azores region may have occurred in response to the slow rifting of oceanic lithosphere rather than along a true oceanic spreading center. Two earthquakes in the northern Red Sea are likely to have occurred in thinned continental crust. Excluding thes e earthquakes, the centroid depths of the ridge-axis events with adequate azim uthal coverage are all very shallow, ranging from 1 to 4.2 km. If centroid depth marks the mean depth of fault sl ip, then earth quake faulting extended to 2-8 km beneath the sea floor during these earthquakes. The two Azores earthquakes hav e ce ntroi d depths of about 5 km. The two northern Red Sea earthquak es have centroid depths of about 6 km, consis tent with the view th at seismic faulting accompanying continental rifting extends to greater depths than does seismic activity alon g ocean ic ridge axes. Two microearthqu ake experiment s condu cted in regions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near ep i center s of one or more of the la rge earthquakes in this study s how th at microearthquakes occurr ed deeper than the probable s1 ip zon e of the larger earthquake S. However, the uncertai nti es both i n centroid depths and in a nd microearthqu ake focal dept h s also permit a coincidence in depth of the two measures of activity. The combined set of centroid depths for well-constrained source mechanisms of Atlantic and Indian Ocean ridge earthquakes show that the greatest depth of earthquake faulting tends to shoal with increasing spreading rate. This provides direct evidence for a general decrease with spreading rate in the maximum thickness of the zone of brittle behavior for slow-spreading ridges. The maximum depth of earthquake faulting probably outlines the depth of the brittle-ductile transition beneath the ridge axis. It is likely that the 1V lithosphere is colder and mechanically stronger beneath the slowest-spreading ridge segments because there is more time for the lithosphere to cool between major episodes of crustal magma injection and volcanism. Additional evidence for this interpretation is the fact that the largest earthquakes (Mo > 9 x 1024 dyn-cm) occur on ridge segments with half-spreading rates less than 14 mm/yr. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Sean C. Solomon Professor of Geophysics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Professor Sean Solomon for suggesting this thesis topic, and for thoughtful discussions, guidance, encouragement, inspiration and financial support. Without his illuminating comments and cr itical editing, this thesis would be much less readable. I am also indebted to Eric Bergman body modelling. waveform numerical thesis aspe designed have generously of his insights. His enhanced this I Aki, I and want to h is Lynn going late got John Nabele hod used in this thesis 9 who gave most expertis e and provided invaluable c ritiques, a nd consultations greatly his discussions wit h Professor Kei constructive crit icism. I am also stimulation and inspiration Provided by express my gratitude toward a those who provided companionship. particular, to Kiyoshi night f riendship Hall in the Madden. thanks exciting for him for associates special and possible h elpf u 1 some for t he Professor Ted me enormously me undertak ing. thank grateful time comment S, also ha d and been i nversion met the helped "training" cts of my re search, and without his help this n ot would He for provided rough. friends a Yomogida for his f riendship and many discussions. I also thank especially whe n I was sick Stuart Stephens in the hospital. encouragement a nd warm friendship when the I gained much fr om discussions with Roger Buck, Tianqing Cao, and Justin Revenaugh Dan Scott Davis, Steve Rob Hickman, Doug Phillips, Toomey. Jack McCaffrey, T hanks Jemse ck, Mark Murray, also to Karl Bob Nowack, Coyner Jea n Baranowski, Tom Wissler, Shedlock, lene Lyon-Caen, Tien When Lo, Sarah Kruse, Jeanne Sauber, He John her also to Jean thanks with to thanks Feldstein Gre g Beroza. 1 ogistics and Janet and their much support from A bove all others, I wi f e, self-sacrifi ce. re Theresa, To her I owe My grati tude figures. A speci al Sahlstrom friend for thei r help hip my family fo r wh ich I am wi sh for smile. wa rm had to my This and f riendship and constan t Sh aron also thankful. Grimm, Joao Rosa, Jose Rosa, Kaye ni e Kohl who drafted many necessa ry I Okubo, are due to Jan Nattier-Ba rbaro for her expe rt Thanks typing and Bob Gof f, Paul to express my her endless special encouragement so much. sear ch was suppor ted by the National Science Foundation under grants EAR-8115908 and EAR-8416192. and vi1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ii Abstract Acknowledgements v CHAPTER 1. 1 INTRODUCTION Volcanism and Tectonics of the Axial Hydrothermal 2 Zone 5 Circulation Ridge Axis Seismicity 6 Thesis Outline 9 INVERSION PROCEDURE AND RESOLUTION WAVEFORM CHAPTER 2. 13 OF SOURCE PARAMETERS Introduction 13 Source Paramaterization 13 Inversion General 17 Details Importance of Including SH Waves 21 Resolution 22 Estimation of the The 15 Formalism Procedural Depth 15 Procedure Effect of the Assumed The Effect of Comparison Uncertainty With in Centroid Depth Velocity Structure Incomplete Azimuthal Surface Wave Methods Coverage 24 29 36 39 Tables 41 Figure Captions 43 Figures 48 viii CHAPTER 3. RIDGE-AXIS EARTHQUAKES IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN 64 Introduction 64 The Mid-Ocean Ridge System in the North Atlantic 64 Earthquake Data Set 69 Inversion Results 70 Waveform Discussion 90 Tables 94 Figure Captions 101 Figures 106 CHAPTER 4. RIDGE-AXIS EARTHQUAKES CENTRAL IN THE NORTHWEST AND INDIAN OCEAN 131 Introduction 131 Spreading Centers of the Northwest Indian Ocean Region 132 Earthquake Data Set 135 Waveform Inversion Results 136 Discussion 153 Tables 158 Figure Captions 165 Figures CHAPTER 5. 169 SOME GENERALIZATIONS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF RIDGE-AXIS EARTHQUAKES Introduction Uncertainty in Centroid Depth: 191 191 Another Look 191 Comparison of Source Mechanism with Harvard CMT Solutions 193 Modeling Water Column Reverberations 193 Depth Range of Brittle Behavior 194 Choice of Fault Planes 199 Stress Drop 201 Seismic Moment vs. Dependence Centroid Depth 202 of Source Parameters on Spreading Rate Near-Ridge Earthquakes 202 204 Tables 206 Figure Captions 209 Figures 212 CHAPTER 6. THESIS SUMMARY AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 227 REFERENCES 230 APPENDIX A TESTING HYPOTHESES 250 APPENDIX B RESOLUTION OF CENTROID DEPTHS 256 APPENDIX COMPARISON OF INVERSION SOLUTIONS WI TH C ALTERNATIVE SOURCE VELOCITY STRUCTURES 289 1. CHAPTER the major exerts upper mantle crust Earth's most active and contributed significantly the 1950's, Bullard the rift zones of studies Herzen and Based on [1963] the that the of deep-seated studies of magnetic suggested that imprinting genesis of magnetization of oceanic determinations have [Barazangi and Dorman, have 1969] of plate tectonics. discovered This mantle Von 1959; 1964] in is [Hess, 1962]. the crust reversals and in related Matthews is recorded by the remanent focal the boundaries Von support ridges Vine and Epicenter flow In subsequent Herzen, material and their heat and Maxwell, lineations, field high and of mid-ocean revealed both are ridges ridges Herzen crust. processes of mid-ocean the spreading of geomagnetic the from ridges. [Von is proper that the on the remote Vacquier and 1963; Uyeda, ascent flux which and the theory [1954] of mid-ocean ridge heat the hypothesis al. et in influence strong observation studies to zones as the fact Despite stations, seismographical the Earth's system, with tectonic ridge our eyes. geophysical of ridge axis The lithosphere. inaccessible to direct largely regarded are an exceptionally of the part evolving before to the they boundaries; plate marine up over half make ridges Mid-ocean research. in important discovery most ridge system was of a worldwide mid-ocean The discovery probably INTRODUCTION mechanism of plates relative motions [Sykes, 1967]. The mid-ocean in structure, ridge tectonics, system displays volcanism, and significant hydrothermal variations circulation [Macdonald, Oceans ridges the 1982]. In the Indian and Atlantic are relati vely narrow prominent deep val ley along the crest. spreading Pacific Rise is has East no prominent including Biehler, "hydraulic head 1970; [Deffeyes, Sleep 1970], Francheteau, correlation None valley along and 1978], of and rift date, largely deeper crust In istics and of large study been has lack the maximum depth interpreted as 1979], clearly knowledge we will believed to which the depth of be the models, and imbalance" spreading be rate. superior to of rheology the ridge axis. an depths. of character- inversion of the main result earthquake the with from reliable centroid and [Tapponnier and the source One of fast- explain the apparent of the earthquakes a rugged Sleep shown to determine the "material beneath the SH waveforms. at 1969; proposed to been of to obtain are [Sleep, less Several characteristics ridge-axis earthquakes crest. and "steady state necking" of the mantle P and is loss" valley this thesis, long-period this for its contrast, wider Rosendahl, have of these models much with d rugged, purposes of Since brittle failure, faulting occurs can be brittle-ductile transition zone. VOLCANISM AND TECTONICS The axial region a central zone of boundary" zone is the OF [Macdonald, active volcanic AXIAL ZONE of a mid-ocean "crustal characterized by THE recent portion ridge can accretion 1982]. and T he be divided a flanking crustal of this region is "plate accretion and ongoi ng magmatism and into zone volcanism; sometimes called the "neovolcanic zone." nonvolcanic zone volcano chains 1975]. al., At can consist [Needham and In contrast, essentially continuous transform faults and segments et central [Searle Macdonald, al., 19801. volcanic zone. for of range al., 1977]. is view, and 1980a] ridges and This varies and The plate zones of along all ridges display and Fox, km wide Moore, with time (e.g., FAMOUS well-developed wall fissuring and ridge axes. At intense fissuring occurs both in terraces zone faulting. can 1-2 of view he ridges accretion zone median In support ridges can floor and narrow a narrow (e.g., AMAR). by active have ridges, km wide of the 1975; be subdivided Fissures types bands al., to one with characterized This deformation. Spiess et 1977]. inner Luyendyk estimated to slow-spreading area) is 1977; individual [Macdonald, a wide all slow-spreading an The anomaly polarity been of crustal valley of boundary zone has km for structure of at 1979; [Klitgord et 1-8 by 1983]. instantaneous zone et spreading center 1-2 an variation the median flanking terraces faulting and Macdonald Ballard, only from a configuration with inner floor 1974; Bryan and accretion that the segment this Andel discontinuous From the width of the magnetic suggests valley van 1976; the interrupted only Macdonald is typically fast-spreading [Macdonald, zones overlapping 1981; [Normark, the crustal Macdonald et width fast-spreading However, this transition, 1-3 km al., ridges, isolated and Francheteau, offset 1977; of neovolcanic neovolcanic zone spreading rates and slow-spreading been into observed the most flanking the central volcanic zone. across, extending Macdonald, parallel formed 1977; to by and At 10 m to 2 km Ballard the strike of the deeper spreading slow ridges, fissures by At continuous Outside the fissure of the crust spreading indicates 200 m or greater, and 600 m or higher, Luyendyk, 1977]1. evident, scarps Using 50 m or precise bathymetric axis Using of that in the a similar faulting the active rift intermediate- and data, 4 to valleys 10 axially slow dipping and of scarps and valleys are rift fault ludie, 1974]. Atwater F19781 up estimated ridges. disruption throws to the Mid-Atlantic km from the fast-spreading no [Klitgord and [1980] 1982]. [MacDonald ridges, are but creates faults faulting continues Shih At vertical Macdonald mountains of analysis, extends to less along the observed faulting. creates 1977]. [Lister, [Macdonald, have spreading faulting normal with throws estimated the but fast that likely vertical these of deep in is to fast-spreading significant a series resulting At volcanoes faults individual ridges, are due to thermal It are also normal are they occur along the axis zone, active that crust intermediate- central and seawater to penetrate hot young also probably 1977]. for cold of They than cracking fissures ridges, spreading axis. implying MacDonald, 1-3 m [Luyendyk 19771. Andel, rather levels central obscured van provide access are typically along strike the ridge, and [Luyendyk fissures cool and tension failure contraction these These fissures 30 km from Ridge. that active spreading axis of HYDROTHERMAL Both CIRCULATION high and close to the axes low heat of mid-ocean confused picture of the and Uyeda, Lee, 1969; 1965; Von Langseth addition, all and Von of the heat al., importance at isotopes, the direct [Macdonald is field Pacific Rise first et al., steady-state. Ridge at 1980b]. large, 26 0 N, smokers, The at 1979 and In 1969; flow Sleep, in young of Hydrothermal of in at a mechanism bottom water the Group, helium et al., axis 19801 1977]. of the allowed hydrothermal heat flux flux from the vents heat that hydrothermal these venting were discovered providing direct activity as salinity total suggesting Herzen led to a realization 19721. Project of axial [Lee 19701. the heat spreading center [Weiss 210 N [RISE Recently, black hydrothermal at Von Sclater, measurement in ridges Lister, circulation and discovered estimate overwhelmingly including temperature measured near-ridge thermal [Lister, verified by Galapagos The hydrothermal the hydrothermal first potential samples at of the These observations of 1965; 1970; overestimate mid-ocean ridges was circulation Langseth, McKenzie and 19711 lithosphere. loss East 1967; been pattern across Herzen, conductive models Sclater et oceanic and have initially producing a ridges, heat flow Herzen structure [McKenzie, 1969; flow values evidence vents not phenomena, along the of are Mid-Atlantic high-temperature slow-spreading oceanic ridges [Rona, 19851. It is difficult to estimate the depth of penetration hydrothermal circulation, but of earthquake depths should provide some bound. In the East Pacific Rise at area hydrothermal 21 0 N, microea rthquakes are between 1 and 3 km deep [Macdonald et al., 1980c ; I Rie - rina al . . I a nIlf I1 L intraplate ea rthquakes [Chen and 19831 have regions at sh own 9- I I . Mol n ar, Focal depth 1983; studies Wiens and abo ut 600 than 0 -800 0 C. At differential stress hecause of du ctile flow. represent bri ttle fail ure, the ma ximum dept h at which occur a rid thickness of crust at a temperature les circulation. result Oxygen provide addit oceanic crust may Taylor, 1981]. AXIS onal manifestation coo i sotope studies evidence that reach depths lin th an 600 0 C-800 0 C, by hydrothermal in the Samail ophiolite hydrothermal greater than along mid-ocean of the spreading East faults. of on-axis of a significant 5 circulation in km [Gregory and SEISMICITY Earthquakes distances; earthquakes The occur rence of earthquakes ge axis i ndicates the p re s nce presumably th e Since can provide bou nds on the depth of the le transi tion zone. brittle-ducti RIDGE higher the lith osphere can not sustai n significant temperatures, beneath Stein, that seismic fai lure is generally confined to te mperature s less earthquakes of process of Pacific recorded Slow-spreading by earthquakes Modern study of seafloor Rise appears earthquakes marked ridges ridges, with are in are a primary spreading. aseismic at The fast- teleseismic confined to transform contrast, are commonly body-wave magnitudes ridge-crest earthquakes dates as large from the as 6. demonstration by Sykes characterized by normal are approximatly direction of solutions, spreading. characteristics of particularly and events oriented have since focal having of earthquakes. ridge crests and its an extremely implications structure and for injection and cooling by Lister, activity it only important as behavior thermal shallow magma circulation [e.g., was that of Tsai generated fo r when 19681, well- 1 number of large ridge-crest earthquakes. sp ect 65 Isacks et al., An to determine the focal depth of ridge-crest effort 30 to ridge-crest seismic foc al depths have been presented in the literature amplitude that, processes is generally agreed that a s mal earthquakes of is of brittle for local hydrothermal qui te shallow [e.g., is constrained early controlling to the 1977]. While for such that the source This quantity for understanding the depth extent at T axes fault-plane been made depth, are parallel Aside from simple ridge-crest true of such faulting mechanisms horizontal few studies that [19671 ra from several events to synthetic spectra v arious source depths and obtained focal phas depths Weidner and Aki [1973] demonstrated, however, km. are consider ed, [1969], who fit Rayleigh-wave e as well as amplitude spectra of Rayleigh waves the focal depths of ridge-crest earthquakes are required to be very shallow; they obtained depths of 3 + 2 km beneath the sea floor for two normal-faulting events on the axis of the Mid-Atlantic reported that the Ridge. Duschenes short-period and P waveforms Solomon [19771 from these two events contain apparent depth phas es consisten t shallow with such Conventiona 1 fault-plan e solutions focal depths. derived from P-wave first motions for often show non-orthogonal nodal ridge-cr est earthquakes pl anes Thatcher and Brune, 1971; Solomon [Sykes, and Julian, 1967, 1970a; 1974], in apparent disagreement with the exp ected double-couple model . Hart [19781 suggested that this non-orthogonality consetquence of the interference between direct and This sugge'stion was confirmed by Trehu et al. who for the source [19811], moment is a surface- refle cted phases for extremely shallow sources. Rayle igh wave spectra source tensor inverted and synthiesized long-period P waveforms for two earthquakes on the Reykj anes Ridge. spect ra and the They showed that P waveforms sourc e mechanisms and very were both the surface wave compatible shallow focal with depths. model ed the short-period P waves from a small double-couple Pearce [1981 (mb = 4.7) earth quake on the axis of a spreading center segment in the Gulf of Aden Beyond remaining and inferred these a focal few studies publish ed i of depth large of 5 + 2 km. earthquakes, the nformation on the depth of seismogenic ridge axes comes from mi croearth quake surveys. While a number of mic roearthquak e studi es have been carried out along of the faulting segments systems (OBS's), an along using eit her the [Duschenes et al., Ridg e and ot her ridge sonobuoys or ocean-bo ttom seismometers of these exp eriments were conducted with majo rity insufficient Mid-Atlantic numbe r of stations to reso lve focal depths 1983]. Two Mid-Atlantic Ridge microearth- ] quake experiments with networks of more noteworthy exceptions. of St. [Francis et valley at faults al., (near et [Toomey Zone 19781, a site al., near the One was Fracture Paul's and the second 230 N) distant Both 19851. km below the sea floor, large earthquakes well These data provide an opportunity the large depths of microearthquakes was within ridge the median displayed regions are also the to depths sites in the of of teleseismic distances. to compare the centroid with the distribution of earthquakes of valley of the the median valley recorded at are from major transform and both depths 3 instruments eastern intersection and the median microearthquake activity within 7-8 than same focal region. THESIS OUTLINE Accurate critical foca to tecton c depths would place the ridge axes thermal circulation. reliable earthquakes. cannot phases arrival pP and recordings. possible sP In impli main depths Generally the be determined without and, The focal the thi oh times at focal f clearly contrast, very go using waveform modeling Such citly, limits on the brittle are focal layer o n the depth of hydro- jective of this study is to depths of shallow earthquakes rom trav el times, s tati nearby are not teleseismic distances. ckness of earthquakes a large number of ridge-crest for accurately ridge bec ause interpretations, bounds beneath obtain of mid-ocean depths effo at least ons, because the depth observed on teleseismic od depth determination is for even ts well-recorded at rts are worthwhile, because, although OBS's will give increasing numbers of precise depths the future, microearthquakes may not be similar to larger rthquakes. We det ermine characteris tics an d Atlantic by a formal this of 29 Indian inv ersion oceanic int Bergman and Oceans. of of focal of resolut ion we the formal individual of valley tectonics alon g procedure. We also velocity structure We find solutions are general ly velocity structure. spans SH more waves, In than the 2 qua drants 3, we obtained al. We applied [1984] to and the special assessment the generalize to to of the inversion the a discussion source parameter s for median technique of resolution th e effects th at as of result present to long as the is of the Nabelek in version of uncertai nties coverage on in the the waveform inver sion insens itive Also, inversi on Chapter we an d complet e azimuthal results. as given by the i nversion e xamine inversion are After a presentation of derived the depth and discusses North slow-sp reading ridge systems Chapter 2 descri bes [1984] et and to an inversions, the the particular atten.tion error uncertainty. implications o f and source SH waveforms. Because of devote centroid depth results in [1984], by Bergman depth, actual P and Nabelek 1985a]. method and depths earthquakes [1984, relationshi p between focal long-period procedure of Solomon the The source parameters raplate earthquakes importance of the thesis ridge-axis inversion use the the in details of s ource the azimuthal focal sphere for coverage both P and stable. source studies of 14 Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquakes and 2 normal-faulting earthquakes on the slowly spreadi ng portion of the Azores-Gibraltar plate boundary. All of these earthquakes have mechanisms characterized principally by normal with dip angle s near 450. wave-trains floor inner all Mid-At lantic 1 to of the Ridge 3 km. centroid d epths In Ch apter we earthquakes events he Red and Centra maps beneath inner th earthquakes Sea crust. from are likely Red ranging have Indian cean and of region, Ag to have including ain, a comparison of water depth tha from P waveforms the median valley. however are a. The urred th ree with that from t these earthquakes occurred is in events, two One of these probably an th e se i smicity does this 13 Gulf of Aden and on the Carlsberg the 19 81), at of not clearly earthquakes thinned define in the continental the centroid depths range even (April 22, 1969) near a ridge-transfor m inters ecti where he itho- 5 km. The sphere is probably the in the the se Excluding 1 to occurred boundary of depths large tudies thou gh beneath region source 7, P n the Azo res present floor t he 5 km. i ndicates (October off-ridge event, Red very sha llow picente r determ ined bathymetri from the occurred earthquakes Ridges. Indian above the the plate Sea in The centroid ar plates estimated median valley. of about 4, fault reverberations The two earthquakes ridge-axis in on in dicate that the earthquakes all the from The water depths of water-column predominant pe riod faulting Sea deepe st of colder than these normal. have greater centroid The two earthquakes depths, providing additional evidence that seismogenic deformation within rifting continental crust a greater depth extends to along oceanic than spreading centers. In the Chapter ridge-axis such earthquakes of interest particular discuss 5, we earthquakes may is the be We spreading In also examine characteristics this A question study. confidence with which used to brittle-ductile transition ridges. some general zone infer the the of focal of depths of the extent spreading beneath the slowly the issue of depth versus rate. Chapter summarized, and 6, the major suggestions conclusions for future of this research thesis are are offered. of CHAPTER 2. INVERSION PROCEDURE AND WAVEFORM RESOLUTION OF PARAMETERS SOURCE INTRODUCTION source that forms we describe the advantage length at the obtainable with resolution the inversion structure and of less of of We depth centroid Finally we show the in uncertainties the azimuthal optimal than Next, P waveforms. as procedure. results inversion on the velocity as well earthquake by example the stressing inversion procedure, centroid inversion. body waveform for including SH waves of then discuss effects basis the the general to describe used is source which point of the the concept introduces first This chapter coverage. PARAMETERIZATION SOURCE The formulation primarily from distribution Nabelek of moment uk(x,t) where uk(x,t) point x and at the Fi the is time t; tensor = -mij,j. integral which The is source density = V are E; tensor ,t)*gk in Green's and mij are are related to * denotes volume displacement The displacement symbol over the mij( below parameterization [1984]. gki source point density of V of can be i,j(x,t; the ijxt; k (1) direction at components the body ,j mij. the = 3/3xj taken of the moment force density convolution, a as ,0)dV functions; nonzero due to field written drawn is and the Equation (1) by expresses the theoret ical the unknowns mij( all time and ,t ) . have only parameterization When the the with series about data source wav elength expand a point set, is is the mij some sort uk and encompassing define [Ward, 1983]. of necessary. period are small of the compared the motion, Green's function in (Co,To) set required to and duration and the data large data however, dimension we can between density distribution of t he dominant infinitely a finite source respectively, An po sitions, space completely the moment Since we relationship in source region: k i;jMZ ijX a Taylor + - gki;jM1 ij = gki;jMoij uk(x,t) + 7 gk i ;jM2 ij - + 1 g ki;j M ij + 7 ki;jxmM 0 ijem + ... (2) where TO0 ... n = (T-To ) nM i ... j f 0 = f 9ki ;j = F n ... where are the dot the and source = 9ki cosines region. The vanish; time. S waves, (5) with and six zero-order tensor. o and T o Dziewonski et (4) 9ki,j respect of the departing P and the moment and M'ij centroid ).0... (n-n 0 n)mij(E,t)dV Cn downgoing components of Mijt (0 - denotes differentiation the direction upgoing and in n (3) n (r)d r We can are al. rays, Cn choose then the [19811 n is an is the wave terms, yjn to time, MOij, centroid for velocity are Co and combine index To the so that location MOij, o and To to form their higher-order centroid terms M2ij duration, the source about centroid [1983], about difficult, so Nabelek (personal and therefore the it in we The time location is nor unknowns degree zero, INVERSION General It should be in the its However, there centroid depth of the Nabelek [1984], called this noted is that we group because the origin With time the are the centroid depth, of the centroid source above parameterization, properties spatial and the of the moment source. tensor source time of function. PROCEDURE Formalism We set up the inverse problem d where d contains seismogram is analysis and and by neither the absolute the average our problem Ward dropped. Following together of the argued that duration terms directly. nonetheless study has of the terms include the effect ignored, The out by the CMT usually 1985) to pointed than are inversion. function. be determined can the higher-order absolute travel can terms important As the extent second-order making communication, is source time epicentral thus and sm aller between the source duration grouped the 10, velo city, are solution. (CMT) Moijkm give estimates positio n. higher-order some trade-off source rupture second-order terms a factor of tensor and lijZ source the moment for based on S = the = in the m(P) (6) the observations and model parameters minimization form P. m(P) The is a synthetic least squares problem of [d-m(P)TCd '[d-m(P)] O + + [Po.p]TC O-l[Po-P] (7) are the parameters Po where the covariance matrices and T denotes least squares an for data initial and model, Since the problem solution is found show that an Cd parameters, transpose. [1982a] Valette of is iteratively. appropriate 0 and are _p0 respectively, nonlinear, Tarantola algorithm to the and compute P is Pk+l = Pk + (JTCd J)- 0 where J is the matrix TCd of part ial Ji j For the priori ridge earthquakes knowledge of covariance matrix a limit we are [do-m(Pk)] - .P -'(Pk-Po)l 0 = (8) derivatives ami /P j in our study we have almost no a the model Cp 0 = a 21 parameters, i n the limit so we where set a2 the In such . + minimizing S' = [d-m(P)ITCd - 1 [d-m(P)] and the corresponding algorithm can be expressed as Pk+1 = _k + (-dTCd which J)-ITCd - Ido-m(Pk)1 0 is the solutio n of the classical nonlinear least squares problem. The theoretical body wave Green's functions are calculated in the frequency dom ain using propagator matrices reciprocity theorem [Bouchon, 1976]. for each layer is seismograms. st ored for the We ass ume that by shear failure, so in A set computation ridge-axis our analysis the of of and the these functions synthetic earthquakes inversion are caused solutions are obtained using double-couple. communication, component is the constraint Trehu 1985] et [1981] al. have shown (< insignificant that that 10%) the source be a and Nabelek any non-double-couple [personal for two Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquakes. Procedural Details Long-period Standardized Seismic P and Seismograph Network (GDSN) 800 are hand 0.5 sec [Wiggins, projecting S waves at epicentral 1976]. observed then The the epicenter. obtain We try to each earthquake. near each other When are ratio. about we the same, The tion. a common for and are Additional based weights may be invertsed P waves first is the window onset to and the end of applied to coverage stations usually extends first and best magnifica- to a Station weights noise each are level. for uneven the waveform station; 20 sec wave. to through spreading, about water the ratios are window containing for for are equalized compensate a priori of the one with largest 3000, a similar waveforms the the background The time onto azimuthal 40 degrees. be by seismograms with and of to the geometric the 300 intervals signal-to-noise one with Digital the station select on selected is from different distance of station distributions. to from attenuation epicentral variable we When the select the seismograms component stations instrument magnification corrections common several at are obtained an optimum available, signal-to-noise distances between SH waves azimuth World-Wide the Global interpolated horizontal line perpendicular to by the (WWSSN) and Network digitized and the recorded If from for the the window is too short, the erroneous source may result in source description may parameters may too much producing a poor fit The parameters which minimize the weight mean the M E 1=1 = j=1 port ion residual wj a time window wat er waves, best-fitting square N E r2 on incomplete and Too long result. to the earlier of the be thus of the point waveform. source are those r 2 , defined as (sij-oij (9) j=1 where sij and observed weight oij are seismograms used number waveform station in Mj j, the used in to the the wj normalized to the A of in time the for is synthetic sample station average of counted window. all formula wj i, and j, both is The weighting an (9). to the factors by the SH The noise weighting the in the N is a P and twice in inverse proportion the time and number of samples station with inversion are start is of the and j inversion of stations. station weights prior at for station time window used total the amplitudes level is the 2 W ) 1 / ( 1 / N = (10) 2 where oj errors tion in an the estimated the data of equation In by is the (9) and model yields inversion, average the mechanism at couple mechanism is noise variance at are its specified is the If the minimiza- likelihood estimate. assumed centroid by j. normally distributed, the maximum source station to be location. strike, slip represented The double and dip angles, [1980] specified and given (strike, dip, history is is with for represented by of the time amplitudes all in of the angles and Richards degrees. The source amplitude. elements time in and a priori, the inversion. The length function element should be time interval, depends on the frequency content If the time element length is signal. the result is an the other hand, description other instability it is of the too in long, source and source parameters, most function elements needed However, there is generally the total duration it important depth the of and inversion the is source time negative value of set to the minimum the result possibly likely on not to function become estimates let time element centroid function. a significant is of time duration. between the negative; on of The number the source of the source If, a poor biased some trade-off time of the to be too short, is depth. of each resolvable estimated amplitude. depends the last chosen duration but the time which function functions of The number are chosen form The time of overlapping triangle variable determined Aki abbreviated in be complicated. a series function are convention sources with to duration and equal all slip), allowed the however, In portion a small allowed. Since we i gnore source finiteness effects, the synthesized centroidal the seismograms observed iteratively sometimes first motion. During the realign the observed if a better cross-correlation allowable shift is 0.5 sec, begin earlier and can be the same or later than inversion, we the synthesized found. as our waveforms The minimum digitization interval. Inclusion of this horizontal mislocation is time not shift is included as inversion, we have to remove the lateral important; a parameter variations since in the in travel The derived focal mech anism, source time function and time. centroid depth all depend on the proper alignment of synthetic and observed waveforms, so these time shifts are necessary to obtain an optimal solution. For all mid-ocean ridge axis earthquakes the waveform inversions were performed with the same source velocity a wa ter structure: crustal layer with layer of th a = 6.4 km/s and ckness B 3.7 variable thickness, 6 km and P and S-wave velocities km/s, respectively, and a mantle halfspace with a = E3.1 km/s and B = 4.6 km/s. the water layer is a single The thickness 1first estimated from bathymetric maps, then further constrai ned by the predominant period of wate r column reverberations, seer as pr ominent phases immediately A cru stal thickness of about 6 km ha s been the P wave arriv al. reported for sev eral1 axial valley segments Mid-Atlantic Rid ge [ Fowler and Detrick, foll owing hi le h 198 5]. 1976; Bunch and along the Kennett, uniform-velocity crust and Pu rdy 1980; ma nt le layers are overs impl ificat ions to the actual structur e, we demonst rate bel ow general ly i nsensit iat the ,e to d etails Ot her aspects fol 1ow the waveform inversion procedure data of source reduction of Bergman we empl oyed the conve ntional et values results structure. a nd waveform al. of are synthesis [1984]. partic ular 1.0 s for attenuation parameter t* [Futterman, 1962] and the for long-period P and 21 SH waves, and between t* cannot time source P waves are alone [ Nabelek, the June by examplI e: M s = 5.5) in the no rt hern R e d mechani short of amplitudes seismic moment first only fix the solution Although most amplitudes MAT, KBL, are waves and P waveforms obtained a -p eriod P an d pP waves. he did not Since parameters we y Fig ure 2.1 shows nvers ion. give him hat and use Pearce's the obse r ved long-pe riod waveforms well. polarity in wrong. are definitely h ave SH aves is correct, Syntheti P waves at COL, the P and amplitudes too sm all and all synthetic SH 2.2 sho ws the solution after 5 iterations using only and rce's [1977] solution as the starti ng model. The mechanism quite well, Pea (21/6 0/345) different inversion, pure is from Pearce's but first motions. nearly Pearce [1977] Siea. = 5.5, too large Figure very 1972 earthqua e (mb 28, relative f NDI ustrate this of the of th e some We il 1984]. sm (335/ 7 5/2 ) fr om an analysis the not 1 mecha nism is obtained than e couple oriienta tion as given doubl does as P waveforms in a formal ce ntroid dep th, to obta in thes and in P waves foca used principle strike-slip values of t* f rom our invers ion. as w ell constrai ned a better inversion more precise function, SH wavefo rms By including significant trade-off is SH waves Including of there det ermi ned independently be Importance if Because respectively. after SH waves at Whe n we then 5 more normal Most of the P waves fit solution. NIL, an d CHG, include the the mechanism fit e-slip, althou gh it is strik iterations faulting wavefo rms are quite well still (Figure MAL have the wrong SH waveforms in the s olution conver ges to a (303/40/278). 2 .3). All This focal mechanism is very close Chapter to 4 using the final different faulting mechanism as From the above provide phase essential DEPTH the stati on example, clear that i n focal a pure SH waves mechanism should information and in normal model. is it (288/40/260) obtained weightings start ing information and amplitude ambiguous solu tion be can studies. employed to Both avoid solutions. RESOLUTION the centroid Since perhaps the most the depth particular phases correct source new sou rce our invers ion ridge axis parameters procedure For deeper earthquakes, the free su rface are useful so urce dur of attention. fro m nt import resolution fou nd f or depths depth. However, for in here, reported deserves the refl ected the determining shallow are events the earthquakes , ation becomes much greater than the travel ti me between th e direct and difficult to estimate. centroid d epth reflected waves, A major and the limitation in depth source determini ng is the using long-period body waveforms is the trade- off betwee n the duratio n of the source time function an d the best-fitti ng depth [Ste in further dr awback in our number of time function elements and their durations ar e chosen a priori. total Kroeger, inversion This method, if predetermi ne and and not the best fitting 1980; [Nabelek, used with depth Forsyth, 1984] care, th at is can 1 9821. act since the centroid the to depth source time function duration are closely rel ated. To address this pr oblem, we first fix at each of a range of preassigned values the and centroid invert A depth for the remaining sou r ce different comb inations parameters. At (i.e., number and residual. the smallest the iteration At the same we constantly at solution solution a fixed depth, in th e neighborhood Following thes e steps to guidelines a nalogous is frequency doma in) and A number in best [1982] a plot the of t he next section. for the 1981, have been used from body wave data, He with compactness fo und that tr ial (o r a set were of Using the the from and Weidner Aki, 1982]. to but determine a they mechanism. delta functions P, pP and estimated the complexity (in deconvolving the of three amplitudes phases depth. simplicity), the depth by focal depth; according source depths earthquake Romanowicz, reflected the This overall used 1978; relative in versus best fitting depth [e.g., seismogram with constraints residual phase spectra determined obtain the best fixed-depth requ ire prior knowledge of the representing varies the and depth observed solution. other methods f ocal best-fitting generally of relax all during of estimate Patton, noted above, Once we to the one commonly wave amplitude Aki depths. to as overall described in the procedure times of time usually yields the best we obtain we estimate th e uncertainty windowed many the synthetic and fit. we then fur ther iteration inversion; Forsyth duration) time, realign waveforms to improve the overall 1973; we try el eme nts and choose the source time function that gives function surface each depth, sP. Delay from trial of the deconvolved the criterion preferred signal of maximum focal depth is identified as that depth which gives the simplest source time function. Wiens and one nodal After the P waveforms the lowest time several function trial (defined as the and Rayleigh mechanism, they focal depths. was gives the as the chosen between source a with including models by modeled that The depth the squares of sum of handled is very motions; first using estimated problem of trade-off The depth P-wave is First the depth. focal seismograms) the theoretical for the event. depth are slip angles a method that from determined determining the at error minus observed is plane and then the strike wave data. used technique to determine similar to our dip of [1984] Stein range of trial time function durations and depths [Stein and [1985] used and Kikuchi Kanamori of residual methods are does not mechanism of is not good depth. tests is assumption in shown of coverage [Nabelek, of depth. a fixed they of depths obtained a all these source mechanism. of to bias the focal susceptible of either We because time function. have estimates less al. source time mentioned before, prior knowledge basic is Centroid that the Depth inversion technique centroidal adequate 1984]. chapters, the formal error (2 0.6 km for the As et procedure for residual a series the Uncertainty station serious at prior Engeln to determine the smallest our procedure require Numerical azimuthal versus or the source Estimation provides the and [1984] the deconvolution [1982] process based on consider that it gives repeating this plot Stein and a variation of function that By Wiens 1980]. Kroeger, As and parameters when noise contamination described in later ) is centroid depth earthquakes in ou r study, but becau 0.1 of bias introduced by factors a posteriori parameter the duration of the and the trade-off error a reported deviation Limits some risk of error, being as a nd the Strictly greater. that however, can by which the to centroid depth centroid depth, the actual speaking, is, the magnitude and sign of u sually is generall y incorrect--from the reasonable limits the trade-off between function the true solution, measurement process from is such i n the estimate of source mechanism and estimate, from to the variances, between uncertainty its reflected source-time the true in not be inferred--with pre cision of the value was obtained and reported the possible unknowable. bias of the measurement process. To estimate the uncertainty in conducted a test of significance best-fitting depth performed with significance the null it is is in of the does not best i.e., and whether to examine there is not is A test accept of or reject whether we would be a difference hypothesis data do to between the inversion values. between the A nonsignificant other depths. the null our when the nearby deciding We want depth the residuals is give correct, adequate result merely that grounds for it. Since we problem, for for obtained fixed at concluding that tenable, in a rule prove that rejecting used the depth hypothesis. justified fit and those the centroid depth we are equation we instead of use the dealing (9) the are with not residuals residuals time series, independent. at To individual at discrete time the data get around stations samples. points as This we this our data approach will underestimates yield a very the number of conservative independent data. The mean investigated rj 2 with the residuals can generally distribution. This distribution, and as of goodness be is square and residual number of Billingsley, The quantities all stations However, have the because 19821, that in R2 the focal contained in mechanism is information the differ because in found that the rj 2 should of of residuals a normal a x2 follow freedom increases distribution We also redefine the mean 2 (12) (12) would be equal inversion window length as the of X 2 in a measure are For of the seismograms of the radiation and only depth much of SH waves. of pattern. the if weight. F-test [Steel of and information differs example, P waves while in an not homogeneous amount contained contained station follow degrees (9) and rj seismogram to seismogram. mostly (11) j=i same is, is as rj R2 we cannot use significance Torrie, r2 and set a normal N 1 N = and to 1981]. for the model 2 R2 of 2 individual considered the X 2 distribution approaches [Huntsberger assured station j for oij) of fit because the the - are and 1=1 distribution the x 2 test for residual (sij of freedom but we Mj - Mj We result, square 1 2 rj degrees from information is the constraint Also, the same kind of wave on If heterogeneity of the rj2 samples may be wise to consider the individual than R2 [Steel and Torrie, 1982]. consider the difference in rj2 focal depths. observations That is, is significant, th en station residuals Following this it rather idea, we at each station for two diff erent we consider that our experimental (residuals) are self-paired. pair tend to be positively the If the members o a correlated, that is, if members pair tend to be large or small together, an increase in the ability of the experiment to detect a small difference is possible. We now consider the matched station A and B and the set of differences dj where B is occurs. dj We the depth sampling 2 = rjA at whic h the denote the by Ud and ad, - rjB with mean hypothesis tested is is than The test zero. zero; OD and that j = 1,2,...,N R2 deviation of the set o of dj may be regarded a population of station standard deviation oD. th e mean residual The null of the population of the alt ernative is that the mean is larger is statist ic t (13) smallest average residual The set a normally-distribu ted differences 2 and standard mean respectivel y. differences residuals at two d epths (14) = ad/N which follows the t-distribution with N-1 degrees of freedom. Since we are testing the hypothesis that the solution at one depth is better than the one-sided) considering the Specifically, is, differences and those exceeds we the at allowed ridge-axis general, value for is residuals (or both are consistent error is r 2 and of with in R2 the none in as (Type in Figure and deeper. the t statistic level error centro id this of there is a see manner for along with source about four the depth. In by the dept h estimated of That of 0.1. I error, 2 .4, functions centroid a formal the wh ich determined shown the best-fitting shall ower at by inversion to conclude that of 0.1 ranges resolution st andard the depth the residual s at a significance fact there earthquakes the t-test in The square between depths, have a probability Appendix A). s nearby resolution of we determined the depths difference where mean we use the one-tailed test. investigated the depth We depth other, 10 Gh, where depth h determined in Gh the inversion. aveform range The symmetric; in is it uncertainty usually about smaller at the best-fitting the shallow end than is depth not the at deeper end . earthqu ake s, p robably because more stations are used for la rger events, should degrees recalled that we have of freedom for all indepen den t not to be smaller for larger the number of these tests in orde r to be assured it should be noted that th e sole appreciation underestimated It data. Fi nal ly, are range tends tha t the focal mechanism is better constrained. so be The uncertainty of basis for the problem drawi ng and statistica 1 considerations inferences; experience may a physical also be brought profitably into the judgment. waveform shapes which residual can important particular and be are solution, we synthetic poorly clues at reflected in judging at Ridge earthquake of June 6, 1972. of mean versus very flat at residual depths greater uncertainty statistical conclude that constraint waveforms in Fi gure 2.5 m ki of 1.8 a larg produces of puls progressively al lows The solu e enough dil atat 1 a rge too the first observed the Mid-Atlanti c the pl ot (Figure 2.4) and range basis place On the the alone, virtually is of we wou Id no the other hand, the us to distinguish a centroid to or on at CAR. e at CAR is too wide. The a ggravate these probl ems, remains nearly ac ceptable ce n troid depths study of the even is a good, true 1 km The solution a di latatio n at AAE and AQU, range statistical solutions ion at a depth of 1 km does not error estimate depth this data residual in 2-5 earthquake, the 1.5 km, ev ent. this as bein g s uper d e eper. shallower or produce On long-period waveform on the depth for For this large. of a the success generated with 5 depths a bout square the mean Figure ce ntroid than in of detai Is how of the first half-cycle of motion of the synthetic P character depth is in 3 sta tions source parameters squared illustrate have plotted P waveforms best-fitting To uncertainty in solutions although const ant. We rather the at the in 3 ki m width 4 and 5 overall conclude that determined although and the at the the conservative, depth estimated in the inversion. The Effect of the The accuracy Assumed of Velocity source Structure parameters depends on the velocity structure th e of Since we do n ot have direct sou rce region. velocity structure at most earthquake sites, knowledge about the we ized velocity model use a genera events, as noted for al 1 of our ridge-axis earlier. of the events in thi s study, we f ound that the For most versus depth displayed tw0 minima, mean square residual one located in the crust and one just below the cru st-mantle interface (Fig u re 2.4). The question of depth therefore invo I ves two separate issues. The fi resolution rst concerns the choice between the two minima in the relation f or residual versus depth. The second in the depth a With the the Central which issue is the estimati the preferred minimum xception of one earthquake occ (Octo on of uncertainty urs. ber 7, 1981, on In, ian Ridge), the solution within the crust has a smaller residu 1 than the sub-Moho solution and would therefore be the preferri d solution. However, are similar fo both and the difference usually small. Because the deeper solution below the crus depths -mantle interface in the other the lie source source parameters in residuals is s immediately velocity structure for m ost earthquakes and occurs withi n about 2 km of the Moho for al1 events, we suspect that it is an artifact of the assumed sharp veloci ty To explore solutions, the crustal we the show reas in and mantle earthquake of Fi ons for this apparent ambiguity in gu r e 2.6 several s olu September 20, residual-versus-depth contrast. cu rvye P and SH waveforms for tions for the Reykjanes Ridge 1969, which has sharp minima in the at 1.5 and 6.0 km (Figure 2.4). Other than the centroid for the two solutions. that the wavef solutions orms for teleseismi Matsushiro body res two of After the pP phase phases on ou r the ab il ity f ree phases are the however, the in source tit b the very o nset s e two al ternative depths When me fu we i ncl ude the effects nction, and anelastic roadeni n g an d coales cence of P and p a si gnif ic ant For th to i dent ify the contribution to su rface. det!e rio r ation of depth hal low 1 arge earthqu akes, we usually of the first motion to better than 1 sec on long-period records. arrival solutions, and f or this section of the seismogram the instrume nt, result identify two the principal shing the sol utions a t from discrimination. cannot ations, entirely attenuation, the pP are almost identical solutions recording the two solutions at t iming appropriate to the ampli tude and 0.5 and 2.0 s ec for reverber signal so is km depth is the del ay time between the P and 6.0 Distingui the this is The only not able di fference between the solut ions (about hinges That ponse, time fu nct ion duration, and anelastic respectively). water remarkable wave phases, without the smoothing effect of attenuation). phases glance, similar Figur e 2.7 sho ws elementary seismograms r"elative principal 1.5 and are elementary seismogram is a series of delta (an of at at first c P waves pre dicted by functions instrument seem, may parameters the l imited ba ndwidth of long-period gnals. si It source cen troid depths of basically a re sult teleseismic all in Figur e 2.6 are so similar for the t he t wo at depth, times of P and pP can A small difference between the therefore be taken up by of synthet ic realignment synthetic waveforms i ncl udi ng of the the effects inversion earthquake at seismograms to used can in centroid onset depth of the between To the are first and of tests crustal sea thickness minimum in 2.8 r2 differs very shows similar, is the choice for t the effect crustal and there floor. a crustal develops at the about minimum appears immediately As 6 km t identify the 1 sec t hen choosi g is of solution s, we he September 20, 1 our first two minim a in r 2 . m antle on In 1969 of crustal thicknesses on t he For S velocities for at 1.5 and model s. crustal thickness. assumed stations. i f we canno th an or sy nthetic f ive other at magnitude of When is less than depths difficult a variety of crustal For all inve rsion wind ows o f the and inversions we examined onset of the to the comp arative to better further we kept the is tions, this earth quake, in fact, for for solutio ns motion of sol the by only 0 .5 sec. centroid solutions relative the P and below the in and tests, varied two two solutions earthquake using these 2.7) waveforms investigate the depths correspo nds inversion at the performed a series series the the two the km For of all transfer functions, the beginning Figure for be seen, 6.0 between the beginning 1 sec. seismograms 1 5 km and (Figure the solutions equal the waveforms. observed window which MAT the difference for of and veloci t ies cons tant a halfspace model with ly one minimu m, at 1.4 km ayer greater than 1.5 km source structure, a stable 1.5 depth and th e second km For below the crust-mantl e interface. With a progressively thicker crustal layer this second minimum moves with the layer boundary. These results suggest that the sharp velocity contrast at the Moho acts to reflect energy downwa rd in a manner similar to the water-crust boundary. For a source located immediately below the Moho, the upgoing P wave reflected down ward at the Moho direct P but o pposite of P arrival the first polarity. of a shallower crustal destructive just Moho; effect diminis hes To test to is the maximum, has residual an additional increase solution reduced. For the additional loc al minimum between the cr us tal In princi pl e, th distinguish inversion we of as the focus moves deeper, is the inversions with in the across becomes the just a lower crust the crustsignificantly velocity contrast 2-layer crustal also appears this below the model, at an interface layers. short-period records can be used to e crustal and sub-Moho sol utions indicated by the 1on g-period waveforms. consider th e June long-period layer solution that larger. in velocity crustal prope r is when repeated the worse than the Moho the amplitude largest when is, becomes The sub-Moho best that is earthquake focus mantle transit ion. the makes The effect hypothesis, we simulate a gradual effect time as source. as which velocity model This arrival and the seismogram mimics and the t his the same smaller, in terference below the has 2, depth an 1965 Mid-Atlanti c bo dy waveform residual -versu s As inversion curve (see illustrative Ridge earthquake. show s two minima Chapter example, 3 and in Appendix The the B), similar to the double minima shown in Figure 2.4. fitting a secondary solution occurs solution is at 3 km depth; The best- immediately SH below the Moho. waveforms tatistical are very The synthetic similar for the two long-period P and solutions, and test cann 0 t distinguish them. Figure ou r 2.9 ompares P waveforms f or this earthquake recorded on four hort-perio d vertical WWSSN instruments w ith synthetic short-period waveforms generated for the solutions at and 6 km cent roid dept h. 3 km Because the abs olute amplitudes of the short-per iod wavef orms appear to be c ontrolled by path effects, only comparison. preferable the shap es of the waveforms are used for Figure 2. 9 shows that the 3- km-deep solution is because all reflection pwP are in waveforms. For th phases good before agreement the first water-surface with the observed e 6- km-deep sub-Moho so lution, the pwP phase in the synth etic waveform is late respect to the obs erved seismog ram. Thi about sec with discrep ncy particul arl y clear at stati ons SJG, WIN, and PEL. is The ability of t he short-period waveforms to discriminate between the two sol u tions is due to greater bandwidth in the recorded signals; th e beginning of f irst motion can be resolved to better than a few tenths of a second. From th e above analysi s, we infer that the solution immediately below the Moho indicated by the inversion of long-period body waveforms from the ridge-axis this study earthquakes of is an artifact of the sharp velocity discontinuity the crust-ma ntle transition in the assumed source velocity model. It is quite probabl e that overestimates our simple source structure the Moho velocity contrast beneath a slowly- at spreading ridge Purdy [e.g., that the shallow crustal crustal and Detrick, solution is solution for these earthquakes . at Tarantola reasonable Valette [1982b] and ikeliho od 1 ayers of const ant vel ocity. interfaces between is because the discontinuiti es This any conclude rep res en Its the true also noted the existence of secon dary maxi mum-l solutions We stable for pro bably it thickness and that 1985]. in veloc ty ca the probability density functions a(z ) to have d scont slope, where a(z) within a small is the probabil ity that depth th tru Other source parameters were consistent for a 11 of the nclud ing the different structural models we ha ve tested, hal fspace mode 1s and the model with 2 crust varied by les s than 100, and the with inversions Table less than 20% e ,str different velocity rs. dip varied and structures The The results are shown in 2.1. The second using our part of our generalized velocity structure. about any introduced bias A refraction experiment along a section where several June 28, 1977 the This by simplified the inversion with comparison using and [Purdy that can using give a simplified Ridge median (June 3, Figure 2.7 shows the derived models by Purdy with and a known an was idea conducted valley near study of us results velocity model. 19851 Detrick, this earthquakes swarm). compares structure of Mid-Atlantic velocity versus depth as test ridge ridge well laye varied by less than 200. slip ution lies e dz at depth z. interval sei smic moment ties in 1962 and 23 0 N the compressional Detrick a uniform crust [1985] and 3 as homogeneous crustal layers. velocities used The shear inversions are estimated by assuming a Poisson's in the ratio of v = 0.25. Figure 2.8 shows the residual velocity different 977 swarm i. struct ures For the mode learly de fined local versus depth curves for two for the largest earthquake in the 1 wi th a unif orm crust, there are two min one with in the crust at 1.6 km ima, beneath th e sea floor and the other im mediately beneath the Moho. The uncertainty in the depth of the shallow solution T he local minimum below th e Moho lies outside the unc ertainty rang e. For the model with th e spans a depth range from 1 to 2 3-1 ayer crustal structure the flatter There are three local km. residua minima occurs in the crust at 2 km below the 1 curve is generally : the global minimum sea floor, the second minimum lies just beneath the interfac e between the second and thi rd c rus tal the Moh o. layers, Since the the third mi resi dual curve is and nimum lies just beneath flatter, the uncertainty range f or centroid depth is greater (1 .2 to 3 km and 4.4 km to 5 km de pth ). global This analys is min imum probably of the velocity i s generally structure. fitting centroid depth, indicates of Ideally to be inverted P and SH waves. for the source region. Coverage a body waveform inversion study, sample fully the lower focal All to the details however, is probably underestimated when Incomplete Azimuthal in insensitive The uncertainty range for the best we use a simple velocity model The Effect that the depth of the too often, the waveforms hemispheres however, the sampling by for both available seismic stations is incomplete, particularly azimuth. It is therefore important to estimate the effects incomplete cove r "age on the estimation parameters. nd We chose the September 20 resolution 1969 earthquake to in vestigate these effect . largest ridge a x is in earthquake we have of Reykjanes This tudied, source Ridge earthquake and is the the signal-to-noise ratio for all observed seismograms is quite We vary t he azimuthal good. coverage by selective rem oval of data, and we rec ompute the residual residual appears ve rsu s depth curve . versus depth curves using all in Figur also shown focal th e in 24 P and SH wav eforms e 2.9 and is used as t he standard resu lt for The comparison. sphere coverage fo r the full In the t t est, firs stations that are close to other stati ons azimuthal wave s is the cov erage. shown in wave forms. identic al The best full solution. cent to ro id Th e unc also identical for 2.10; station coverage and in Figure 2.11. ta set is All The s dip and ip bes obtai angl h P and SH model parameters ned sing all 24 es d ffer by less than nges fo r the same centroid as in the depths are sets. this test, we eliminated for both P and SH waves. residual-versus-depth centroid bot t-fi ertainty its for retain figure is is qua drant we still he same 5 km data we omitt ed some in depth at both first sh own also the resu 3-quadrant coverage. stations in the but cov erag station th curve. The st ri ke, 20. The Figure residual-versu s- dep are almost da figure. 4-qu adrant co verage. full The data from The curve are shown parameters are reasonably well The depth determined. couple angles However, 6-9 km) mostly is much from P-wave data retain residual to all curve are parameters by about 150, centroid depth centroid The second The is at is 6 depth well double result. km (1-4 This and is constrained, the range 220 this test, we angle is to 290 for can be have increases for the as coverage, significantly as the are the the standard the model is different for due to a focal 1.5 depth. km, the of good coverage are includes very stable. the best-fitting from the uncertainty azimuthal at with solution. parameters however, The best range importance the azimuthal from the compared range occurs best-fit overestimated same. Moho) large curve underscores expected, angles but its quite different source mechanism and the best-fit azimuthal and estimated The uncertainty residual long The about This eliminated second quadrants, coverage below the km. depth As are slip km. to 10 analysis and 2.12. and (just 1.5 the In coverage trade-off between coverage. we might km of 0.5 4 quadrants, solution with the first strike minimum in For lesser less Figure the dip result above azimuthal is and solution. The station in for this best-fitting centroid The in data. shown while depth significant depth the full compared stations SH wave result. As in km, from the standard for centroid P wave coverage. from the standard 380 70 by 0.2 solution. standard 3 or range larger than 180 standard model less than uncertainty 2-quadrant we by overestimated because the strike angle varying the the differ is range actual source. for centroid coverage decreases. Based on our inference that of the velocity (crustal) are all the minimum beneath discontinuity, obtained under different quite similar. confidence in then This the results the Moho is an artifact the best-fitting degrees internal presented of azimuthal consistency in solutions coverages gives us the chapters to follow. COMPARISON WITH SURFACE WAVE METHODS Two Mid-Atlan tic Ridge earthquakes 16, November es give u s earthqua indicates we For s oluti mantl on immediately tions, rthquake are iden tic For the Novembe r 16, by Aki [197 3] (3 We consider that inversion and th at resolution t he + for the using these two method S. obt a inable by the so rce signal-to-noise ratios are high. (± 1 km) than that indicated 2 km). depth comparable when should he noted, If a sligh tly shallower centroid depth (2.1 km) and er depth and beneath the Moho. 19 65 event, our body waveform inversion a slightly bett Weidner our inve rsion resol u tion (± 2 km) and depth 1965 ea suggests estimated for reas 0 ns descr ibed above 2, result These two obtained by a detailed surface w ave thes e earthquakes, centroid de June in Chapter 3. rtunity to comp are our that of a pos sible exclude the the both s ummarized oppo with un ertainty analysis. an using the phase and amplitu de The body wave inversi on results for earthqua kes are tw depth [ 1973] and Aki f Rayleig h waves. spectra these included in our study were als o examined in 1965) b, Wei dner detail (June 2, 1965 and resolution using body waveform surface wave analysis radiation pattern Both is of these are extremely time-consuming. well are sampled methods, The and it surface wave method requires processing , a great different source method along usu ally the whereas ray bo dy informatio n. path, or waveform For sufficiently robustness respect surf ace waves method is su rface for to events when Kafka surface wave betwee n nearby sources, not ne ed such additional m ore compact are the most inadequate [e.g., the we prefer the body data sets sourc e velocity structure. wave analysis smaller re gion 1 arge events relatively computer requir *es testing of many In additi on, inversion does its events, the and information on phase velocity precise in wave metho d for since method time functions. requires with of digitizing body wave the and deal energetic so metimes a zimuthal and Weidner, is phases for and However, shallow the on ly feasibl e c overage 1981]. for body waves Table 2.1 Results of Inversions for the Centroidal Reykjanes Model no. Crustal thickness, km Centroid depth (crustal solution) Centroid depth (mantle solution) Ridge Parameters of the September 20, 1969 Earthquake Seismic moment, 1025 dyn-cm Strike/ dip/slip Residual, mm2 Remarks 13.5 20/42/258 10.9 Crustal 2.77 16.1 16.9 30/41/266 24/38/255 13.3 14.2 1.77 km below Moho 2.82 15.6 17.2 21/41/257 24/38/256 10.8 13.1 0.82 km below Moho 3.15 16.0 16.3 25/39/263 22/39/256 11.4 13.5 0.15 km below Moho 4.02 15.7 15.3 25/37/261 30/43/270 10.7 12.1 0.02 km below Moho 5.01 15.5 14.7 21/43/260 29/45/270 10.1 11.2 0.01 km below Moho 6.00 15.2 13.4 23/42/261 27/46/276 10.3 11.3 0.00 km below Moho 3.09 16.4 24/42/260 11.9 Mantle halfspace 6.02 15.3 13.3 14.8 25/44/263 28/45/273 30/45/270 1.40 0.99 1.41 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.68 4.07* half space 0.02 km below Moho Notes to Table 2.1 1 is a crustal half-space; models 2-7 include a single Model layer crust over a mantle half-space, and model half-space; model 8 is a mantle 9 includes a two-layer crust over a mantle half space. For model 1-8, the seismic vel ocities are Crust: a = 6.4 km/sec, 8 = 3.7 km/sec Mantle a = 8.1 km/sec, 6 = 4.6 km/sec. For model Layer 9, = 6.4 km/sec, 1: km/sec, Layer 2: = 7.2 Mantle : = 8.1 km/sec, * A second the local interface minimum occurs between the two km/sec, thickness = 4 km = 4.2 km/sec, thickness = 2 km = 3.7 = 4.6 km/sec. in the crust, immediately below crustal layers. FIGURE Figure CAPTIONS Compariso n of observed 2.1 no rthern 1972, focal momen t, from centroid depth synthetic focal mechanism plotted on the lower [1977] (equal-area he misphere and fo r the June 28, Red Sea earthquake, with the obtained from Pearce solut ion line) P and SH waves ion g-period (dash ed line) (solid projection). The seismic and source time func tion are obtained the inversio n of P waveforms with the double-couple orien tat ion fixed at values given by Pearce amplitudes are to an instrument magnification of normalized 3000; the amplitu de sca les corr would spond to the waveforms that be observed on an origi na i nst ru me nt. The two ve rtical seis m ogram 1 nes i n the the po rtion of each tim e series used i n the Symbol for such P waves an delimit inversion. for both types of waves are o p en ci rcle, s All [1977]. dilatation; solid circle, compression; cross, emergent waves, compression corresponds positive motion as defined by Aki and obtained Figure 2.2. waves from for the Figure for 2.3. waves June obtained imposed 2.1 the Comparison solution an Richards i nversion 28, the is 1972 event, on SH also shown. observed f rom the constrai nt For The source time function [19801]. of arrival. and with inversion the source of synthetic the P and focal mechanism P waveforms mechanism. SH See without Figure further exp lanation. Comparison for the June of the 28, observed 1972 event, and with synthetic the focal P and SH mechanism solution and Figure obtained SH waveforms. 2.4. Mean earthquakes indicate (12), square d in this residual r 2 interval 2.5. earthquake generated at waveforF from the not 6, bes whic h is shown The Vertical marks at the (see delimit equations id) dept and the es the 90% h found in the an arrow. by synt hetic (dashed) Ridge nthetic seis mograms are obtain ed with the A dditional value i ndicated. 3.1 6) centroid 9) and id-Atlantic sol ution Figure preferred in four es dashed li ndicated The best-fitting and both for centroid depth fitting (s of explanation. bar indicat the for 1972. fixed inversic ins . t ic the 3 st ations of June centroid d epth zont observe d Comparison of P waveforms hori about inver sion, versus further R 2 , defined and The for T h e solid study. respectively. body-waveform unconstrained inversion See Figure 2.1 residuals confidence Figure from the are depth port ions used is in the 1. 8 of the km. waveforms included i n the inversions. Figure 2.6. Coimparison of the crustal mantle ( 6. 0 km centroid depth) solu tions Ridge ea rt hquake of September 20, cent roi d Sd epth is 1.5 km. ( 1.5 km tic portions o f the waveforms included in Figure 2.7. Coi mparison MAT for th e of synthetic and best-fitting solutions The preferred marks delimit the and 1.5 the inversions. observed at depth) for the Reykjanes 1969. Vertical centroid P waveforms km and at 6 km centroid d epth for the Reykjanes Ri dge earthquake of Septembe of the r 20, different 1969. At phases the top are the predicted by the relative amplitudes radiation pattern and respective time delays; of convolution with long-period on the instrument sei smometer, the bottom t race), subsequent with the and with traces response of source Figure 2.8. Comparison waveforms operator at 2 stati o P waveforms at 3 stations and for he two alternative solutions rthqu ke of September shown for each stati on and Also rel ati ve amplitudes times of different predic ted by the phases 20, 1969. sol ution are elementary seism ograms depicting the and arrival radiation pattern so urce depth. 2.9. Compariso n of short- period Ridge (3.0 are k m centroid centro id depth) The pr eferred 2.10 . ohs erved P wa veforms earthquake seismo grams Figure (shown time function the attenuation of synthetic r the Reykjanes Ridge Figure a WWSSN = 1 sec). (6t* and effect show the of June depth) 4 from a nd the o btained and tations for the Mid-Atlantic 2, 19 5. g enerated cen troid Models at (solid) from de pth The synthetic synthetic short-period the best-fitting secondary f or compression al solution solution ong-period i, 3.0 (dashed) (6.0 km waveform inversion. km. velocity versus the source region of rid ge-cres t earthquakes. depth The in solid line shows the v elocity-depth funct i on obtained from refraction data along the median va lley 23 0 N [Purdy model and Detrick, with a homogeneous of 1985]. the Mid-Atlantic The dashed line crusta 1 layer overlying Ridge near shows the a uniform mantle assumed in the calculation of most synthetic seismograms. A model with three crustal layers, used for testing the bias introd uced by the uniform cru st model , also shown. See text for a discussion of the varying the assumed vel ocity model effects centroid on is of depth determination. Figure 2.11. Comparison depth for of the mean-squared residual the June 28, velocity structures indicates the dept 1 aye 2. Figure (Fi gure 2.7). confidence using two different earthquake horizontal bar The interval about h fou nd in the body-waveform inver sion, a rro w I an 90% 1977, The vertical dashed lines R2 versus i ndi the best-fitting a s indicated cate the assumed r b0 u ndary. 12. The mean-squared R2 residual versus centroid depth for the September 20, The station coverage and are also shown. the mean-squared waveform over the same time window. 196 9 earthquake using a 11 focal The resi dual mechanism at each for depth P and normalization, a per fect fit zero and a source with ze ro seismic moment wo ul res idual of unity. have a The horizontal bars indic at the 0% about the best-fitting de pt foun, body -waveform inversion, indicated by an arro W. 2. 13. The mean-squared residual for the Septembe r 20, omitted but Figure Figure 2.14. for the 1969 full1 azimuthal 2.9 for of have idence interval R 2 versus in the centroid depth earthquake when some stations coverage is still b With a residual conf Figure SH waves i s normalized this would stations. retained. are See f urther explanation. The mea n-squared Septembe r 20, residual R 2 versus centroid de pth 1969 earthquake when the data from 47 stations in the eliminated. Figure 2.15. See first Figure 2.9 The mean-squared for the September 20, from quadrant stations eliminated. 1969 in the first See Figure for for both further residual R2 P and SH waves explanation. versus centroid depth earthquake when the and 2.9 for second quadrants further are P-wave are explanation. data Figure 2.1 JUNE 28,1972 (P waves only) SH WAVES P WAVES S4 Source Time Function NUR KEV (sec) \ N IIL• H I ' ESK I C HG S : It 1V VAL MAL V mm mm 70 70 sec sec Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 20 20 rSeptember 20, 1969 June 6, 1972 15- 10 t I I I 2 I 4 I I 6 I I 10 8 i 01 20 1 2 1 I 1l 6 4 1 8 I i 10 r- April 22, 1979 June 28, 1979 o- I - .. SI I 2 I I 4 6 I I 8 I I I1 10 I , Centroid Depth, km Figure 2.4 2 I ! 4 I 1 6 II I1 8 10 AQU AAE CAR Centroid Depth km I 1.8 km -II I, 4km - 4 km - Af Ii 5 km se sec Figure 2.5 SEPTEMBER 209 1969 1.5 km 6 km 50 sec. MAT P SDB P SHL P -NAT P NIL P SJG P TAB P BEC P TRIP ODG P NAI P - AAM P c Figure 2.6a SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 1.5 km 6 km 50 sec. GOL P j- NAT SH CORP COL P NIL SH - - SJG SH BEC SH O-GD SH TAB SH GOL SH TRI SH COL SH u1 Ln Figure 2.6b 6 km 1.5 km pwP p5wP p 3wP IMPULSE S * p6wP p4wP pwwP PpwP p7wP , I I . I p3wP I. pwwP p5wP I , p4wP p7wP , p6wP P , ti + a a INSTRUMENT ----------- P !', A S, 4' * a. ISO UMETIM I ' . i I *a I a a' ' aI o a a a i , ,* / • L= ; a 1 a a , aa a a I, , a a a aI + SOURCE TIME FUNCTION a e ° , a aa a I * I a: a" ° r o * -'. o ,:,: : , st °, a, a a ", a a + ATTENUATION 30 30 sec sec Figure 2.7 6 km 1.5 km ** ;°'., °o. , . NIL P .. I i _ I r '' SJG P , .'''~ '' - ,, " ~''"' ....... / OGD P . - TAB SH ....... , , / ....- COL SH S3 sec sec Figure 2.8 6 km 3 km NOR SJG NOR , SJG ,I " uIN WIN ,' I5 ' SI 5/ ~ I I SI\y PEL PEL III\ ' V 20 i l i . I I sec Figure 2.9 i i ' 58 Vp , km/sec 5 10 * I *Ii I --10 3 - layer crustII Purdy and Detrick _ 10 Figure 2.10 0.4 2 R 0.2 0 10 0.4 2 R 0.2 0 10 Centroid Depth, km Figure 2.11 SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 All stations 0.4 2 R 0.2 0 10 Centroid Depth, km Figure 2.12 SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 Selected 4 quadrant coverage 0.4 2 R 0.2 0 10 Centroid Depth, km Figure 2.13 SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 3 quadrant coverage 0.4 2 R 0.2 10 Centroid Depth, km Figure 2.14 SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 2 quadrant P-wave coverage 0.4 2 R 0.2 10 Centroid Depth, km Figure 2.15 CHAPTER 3. RIDGE-AXIS EARTHQUAKES NORTH ATLANTIC IN THE OCEAN INTRODUCTION In this chapter we determine the focal depths and source mechanisms of 1 6 normal-faulting earthquakes in the North Atlantic Ocean. Fourteen earthquakes occurre d along the an d 2 earth quakes occurred along the Mid-Atlantic Ri dge, spreading porti on of the Azores -Gibra ltar source mechanis ms of t hese 16 The plate boundary. ridge-axis earthquakes are determined by t he body -waveform inversion technique describ ed in Chapter 2. All eve nts show fault planes dipping about 450 to the local and striking pa rall el trend of the ridge axis. The water depth s estim ated from the chapter al 1 occur red beneath valley. The ce ntroi d depths shallow, and of the i ndi cate that the ridge earthquakes discussed P wave-trains this ringing part the inner floor of the median of these earthquakes are all ca 1culat e d depth uncertainty ranges events are generally s mall. centroi d in very for these The similarities in source depths may be a reflection of the mechanisms and relatively uniform tec tonic setting along this ocean ridge. THE MID-OCEAN RIDGE SYSTEM IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC The present-day structure of the seafloor in Atlantic is dominated by major plates (Eurasian, African) that meet (Figure 3.1) the Mid-Atlantic North American, along this boundary. includes the Mid-Atlantic the north Ridge and the four South American and The area of study Ridge from the equator Ridge to the Mohns Gibraltar Eurasian sei smic and as well zone i t has promi nent of the Azores- boundary between the Ridge nearly bisects the North Atlantic rugged, (10-18 mm/yr half rate), b lock -faulted topography with numerous fracture z ones . bathy metr y and gravi ty, By analyzing the relati onship between McKenzie and Bowin [1976] have shown isos t atic compe nsat ion in the Atlantic Ocean begins at a wavel engt h of about fl exu ral s (7-13 increasese with increasing upport of topo graphi c relief produced near the ridge by an elastic analy sis 100 km and They in terp reted this relationship in terms of the wavel engt h axis part marking the western T h e ridge is slo wly spreading basin . that western African plates. The Mid-Atlantic and as the by plate about 10 km in thickness. A later Cochran [197 9] yie Ided a similar effective thickness km) for the elastic lith Mi d -A tla ntic Ridge except osphere near most segments of the the Reykjanes Ridge at 600 -620 N, for where the effective thickness must be in the range 2-6 km. The extent to which these estimate s are measures of the thickness of the zone of elastic or brittle however, is uncertain. behavior at the rise axis proper, Macdon ald [1977 I estimated that the width of the crustal accretion zone at 37 Ridge is between 1 and 8 km, a nd 0 N on the Mid-Atlantic he sug gested that the crustal accretio n zone at slow spreadi ng ridges may vary with time and space. The magnetic anomalies f rom the Atlantic are generally not as c lear and sharp as thos e from th e faster spreading East Pacific Rise, perhaps slow spreading rates [Macdonald, 1982]. an indic at ion tha t is not continuous in crustal accretion time and space at There numerous have been the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. valley, has areas however, at results axial 370, 45 crustal 1976]. exist ma gma could 7.2 10 0 and N [Purdy not be detected the an 8.1 axis 1985]. The main evidence for 1975; limited [Fowler, 19781. crustal km/sec Fowler, (2) section, 1978; do power of upper mantle, 1976, [Fowler, an chambers of the because experiment small three narrow magma 6-to-7-km-thick ridge No along the median in Ewing, studies found [Whitmarsh, possible that basa 1 layer and only (1) is refraction km of resolved chamber was of a normal, km/sec within well it the conventional formation 60 refraction structure betneath studies were that: However, but been and 0, of these The seismic The with a occurs Fowler and Keen, 1979]. Purdy and Ewing [1985] and Macdonald [1982] that most segments In tha t contrast, performed the of these experiments on oceanic upper mantle thickness cooled are too short a recent a long crust state ridge appears km. at ma ture, with 8 km/sec, oc ean between episode s of well-constra ined 23 crust 0 N, structu re. Detrick, and it 1985] was a well-defined and a total was [Fowler, was that found Moho, crustal interpreted to major magmatic refraction studies spreading crustal and [Purdy se gment of ~ The conducted on resolve deep experi ment velocities of 6-7 to were pointed out in a be Two injection. 1976; Bunch an d Kennett, 1980] suggest the p resence of low-velocity mantle beneath the Mid-A tl antic Ridge median valley. material no strong evidence exists to mantle is suggest that How ever, low-velocity uppe a ubiquitous characteristic of axial r valley segments of slow spreading Two ridges [Purdy ear thquakes of the and Ewing, studied in along the Azores sp reading center. 1985]. this chapter The Azores occurred region is the site of the triple junction between the North American, Eurasian, and Afric an plates. East of the Azores, the Eurasia-Afri ca plat e boundary is dominantly a transform fault called the Gloria f ault [Laughton et al., Whitmarsh, 1974]. At its western end, 1972; Laughton the Eurasia-Africa and plate boundary is a sprea ding center with a very slow rate of opening [Krause and Watkins , 1970; McKenzie, 1972; Searle, 1980]. There are several hypothe ses concerning the evolution of the Azores spreading center. (1) The triple junction began as a ridge-fault- fault ( RFF) junction and changed to the present ridge-ridge- ridge ( RRR) junction following a change of spreading direction from E-W to ESE-WNW [Krause and Watkins, 1970]. (2) The present triple junction (RRR) has been stable for an extended per i od [McKenzie, 1972]. (3 ) Short segme nts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are displaced to t ie east and a re connected to the main et al., 197 to Europe r idge by several ESE-WNW leaky transfo rms [Machado 2] . (4) c ha nged The several to WSW duri ng the last this view, around 36 M.y. direction. RFF the during gradually, In most relative moti 72 times M.y. from on of Africa with respect ENE to WSW to SW then back [Searl e, 1980]. Ac cording to ! Azores spreadi ng cente r was probabl y initiated B.P. when the rel ative motion last this scenario, of moved to its history the north. changed th e tri )le junction was probably and then suddenly, rather than The Azores plateau appears to have been formed Azores Using the hot spot Rayleigh crust of [Schilling, wave the Azores anomalously place in layer basaltic lava. N120 0 E trend, Recent at Terceira Rift to the Rift consists The basins N142 0 -154 0 faults [Searle, with On ridge the other it may basins were even formed When the spreading axial like volcanic hand, developed [Searle, normal e y. first u des. Sl eep It is not clear whether the s uggested and a hot ri center evol high. th at a very should also have a median Rosendahl [1980]1 argued sp ot It may not is have a median poss ible that the fting of oceanic ved to hot spot flanking the 1980]. fault scarps trending t he basins or ridges or both axial by The Terceira The ridges also have normal [ 1973] near 1980]. and ridges [Machado, 1959]. the Azores have ridges u lt [Searle, ections unlike the V-shaped cross Lachenbruch region show a run from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ba sins of through a spreading center valley; fa smaller amplit center runs slow-spreading that square in the Azores Terceira, and then down the to Ridge median vall 1980]. valley. a series uppermost mantle velocities ivity suggests that the center may Gloria thicker than the of the tectonic lineaments. well-developed E, and but spreading of have Mid-Atlantic d ata volcanic ac t due east 60% found that to increased production of similar to that almost [1976] 1977]. the thickening seems to have taken due magnetic spreading 38 0 40'N, of probably seismic and present-day that and Most The Searle Platea u is about crust low. 2, Schilling et al., dispersion data, surrounding oceanic are 19 75; by the rifted litho sphere. ridge structure, basins may have EARTHQUAKE DATA SET We began our study with a search for earthquakes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and S waves at large enough to yield clear long-period teleseismic within the search included median valley of of the the years 1964-1982, and International earthquakes Udias et 1981; Dziewonski al., Service [Sykes, 1967, 1970 et al., 1 979; ]. 1983a,b for 1962-1965, [1969] ( NEIS ) p lane Einarsson, The 1 Centre (ISC) th e for lis tings o f the National fault 1976; segment. ridge Seismologica of studies Ridge R othe the monthly Information published nces and ha ving epicenters an a ctiv e the catalog of bulletins Earthquake dista for t soluti he years 1982-1983 ons for Mid-Atlant ic Solom on Savost and Julian, 197 4; in and Karasik, lar care was taken Particu to exclude near-ridge intraplate eve nt s [Bergman and Solomon, 1984]. restricted the to the We Ridge, good between latitudes azimuthal The 16 search 00 distribution selected and 800N of t eleseismi Figure are shown in the table, we have found at 3.1. Seismograph 800. The events (GDSN) c stations. Table For all at Network at epicentral or th e Global have epicenters within me dian valley segments series [Laughton and Monahan, 1978; Heezen between a nd 72.2 range between latitudes 0.40 Chart in of the Wor Id distance s maps of the GEBCO (Genera 1 Bathymetric their d SH waves statio (WWSSN) 3.1 ; the events least 10 clear P recorded on long-period i nstruments Seismic Network , Primarily to ensure a earthquakes are listed i epicenters Wide Standard northern Mid-Atlantic Di gital and 300 0 N a nd o n bathymetr ic of the Oceans and Tharp, 1978; ) et Johnson al., half-spreading the plate as rates vary et al., from 1982]. 0.8 to characterized exhaustive, by below, normal given our all have faulting. selection The local 1.8 mm/yr of Minster and have body-wave magnitudes demonstrated through Searle kinematic model earthquakes and, 1979; Jordan [1978]. mb between focal We according to 5.1 and 5.9, mechanisms believe that criteria, The for the this list period is 1962 mid-1983. WAVEFORM INVERSION RESULTS In from this the section, inversion of earthquakes. seismic convention Aki and water of the crust. in Tabl 3.2. uple o rien tat ion that depths are given lative All wav eform structure: km/s Vs = 3 .7 and Vs = km/s, 4.6 we also to 6 F examined structure on inversion solutions; the discussion of this earthquake. km an d seismi c( velocities mantle and km/s. ringing portion of the er of variable thickness, a lay layer o f thickness and of ons we re perfo rmed with the inversi a water The in Tab le 3.2 i s the average listed in the region earthquake, in on, seismograms crustal 8.1 ori ent a and observed Vp 6.4 km/s Vp = dge-axis obtain ed by matching the source single Also 16 hypocenter, above P wave train. same Centroid the obtained each depth synthetic [1980 ]. ple are gi ven depth describ ing double-co Richards the top P and SH waveforms for and ce ntroid for the source parameters best -fitting doub 1 e-cou The moment, we present the he half- July 4, influence .( space with 1966, Azores of uncertainty details are given below in June 3, 1962 The earthquake Ridge median (Figure many solution (Figure The centroid 3.9 depth the depth predates coverage is is 1.2 km less represents is in the the Mid-Atlantic Fracture Zone establishment rather nearly pure of 6.1 The dip-slip x 1024 dyn-cm. quite well-constrained. from the predominant in the P waveforms is of poor and than ideal. a seismic moment e stimated reverberations occurred south of the Kane mechanism with of km water depth water km ( 4/43/274) 3.3) 1962 event station of the fo cal inversion 3, 100 Becau se this stations, resolution motion valley about 3.2). WWSSN of June period The slightly of greater than of the med ian valley inner floor at the nominal latitude of the epicenter. Beca use of the poor station coverage, there is trade-off between t he centroid depth and the focal significant mechanism. in t he residual-depth curve occurs at 6 km (imediately below t he Hoho discontinuity). (-4/48/258) for the second minimum component than seismic moment solution. about 2.4 that of sec in du solution. For both well-fit. Using th centroid depth s to level a of 0.1 The focal mechanism mantle solution has a larger strike-slip of the best solution at 6 .1 x 1024 The sour A 1.2 km, but the dyn-cm is the same as the best ce time function for the mantle solution is ration compared with 3 sec for the best solutions, all observed waveforms are e t-test, we estimate the range of acceptable be from 1-2 km to 6-7 km for a significance (App endix B). To simulate a more graduated Moho transition and to test the stability of the mantle solution, we repeated 2 km the inversion with of crust has a P wave the mantle solution but it is Since the power still (1-B, see solutions Chapter within for the Appendix test in velocity degraded this A) of sampling of the focal June 2, 1965 of with in 7.1 such solutions small (~ case cannot modeled range are basis the found that structure, with a = 0.1. implying 0.1), lowest similar, the distinguish On the that We a source two is which the km/s. uncertainty believe inadequately model the without more data. 2, however, we artifact June well residuals statistical is a source test that these two of the analysis in deeper minimum is crustal the structure and an poor sphere. 2, 1965 The valley 3.4), about has 50 km been the earthquake, north of the subject of which 15020 ' several occurred Fracture in the Zone median (Figure previous studie s. On the basis of P-wave first motion polarities, Sykes [1970] found a norma 1 faulting mechanism with non-orthogonal Tsai [19691 estimated the seismic moment nodal to be 2.8 p lanes. x 1025 dyn-cm from the Rayleigh wave amplitude spectrum at one stat ion, but this value was based on an adopted focal Using depth of 65 km. both the amplitude and phase spectra of Rayleigh wave s from a numbe r of stations, Weidner and Aki [1973] demonstrat ed that the focus is actually quite shallow (3 + 2 km). a bes t-fitting double couple (0/40/260) and 7.8 x 1024 dyn-cm. From the period Duschenes and Solomon focal P waveforms depth of 2 + 1 km. They als o obtained a seismic identification of (1977) pP moment on short- estimated a of invers ion solut ion The body-wave 3.5. Figure The SH waves (335/38/244) is provide exceptional coverage, and all of the observed waveforms are well1 fit. nodal plane has local trend of the motion is A small ridge axis. ord er to in fit of the direct SH phase momen t 3.0 km. Both Aki [19731]. 3.4 km. is = 0.1 is still 1-5 is immediately very 3 km depth. mantle solu tion smaller. to centroid depth is ose and e of Weidner P waveforms ce ntroid depth 6 km centroid quite at mantle solu the first half depth, solut ion (331/40/237) tion; how eve r, some th e s olution at cycl e of the synthetic SH wa veform at SHA are too becaus e the predicted am plitud es are When is t he water reverbe ration s is worse for the somewhat al grounds, both s ol utio ns are quite a more gradual the velocit y structure deteriorates This of t he synthetic 0 n statistic acceptable. dilatation best-fitting a sli ghtly worse fit th an for the fit Also at b est-fitting the For examp le wide. small 6-8 km. below the Moho. L PB and of strike-sli coverage for th is equation is solut ion occurs seismograms give P wave at with range in acceptable km and sim ilar to to th some trade-off between source mech anism and The A seco ndary is Th 8.3 x 1024 dyn-cm, and th values agree quite well centroid de pth a th e The water depth inferred from there good, component where is clearly see n. Althou gh the azi muthal parallel the SH waveforms to the northeast, pa rticularly GDH and KTG, seismic The westward-dipping a strike slightly east of north, required shown in and can be Moho tr ansiti on is assumed for at the source, the mantle reject ed at a = 0.1. solution Th e estimated depth uncertainty for study is as that of Weidner and determine d by Duschenes the same than the 1 km ± have to remember that and necessarily not the our the short-period waveforms. November 1965 16, The earthquake of preferred shallow of and rupture No vember 16, in [1973] but Aki depth estimate p oint solution Solomon our greater [1977]. is the centroid as seen using 1965 occurred We depth the in the median valley about 100 km north of the Atlan tis Fract ure Zone (Figure 3.6). From P-wave first motions, faulting mechanism with estimated the [1969] the Rayleigh wave focal depth a focal depth of 3 of Rayleigh waves. couple of From an and much of to spectrum km. They also nodal be at Weidner and of of the short-period obtained a focal inversion solution (Figure 3.7) closer to the and Aki trend [1973]. of the The distribution Aki 1.2 the doubl e couple. centroid depth is at MDS [1973] estimated and phase spectra x 1025 dyn-cm. 4 ± shows 2 km. nearly plane wh ose axis than of Duschenes pure strike is the mechanism P and In of SH waves particular, and LPB constra in the strike of The seismic moment 2.1 from on an based pP p hase, provides a good sampling of the focal spheres. the nodal SH waveforms 1025 dyn-cm sta tion, depth of ridge Tsai a best-f itting double a seismic moment (25/46/265) on a fault a normal- pl anes. amplitude reported found 5.2 x one [1977] faulting Weidner 45 moment 2 km using both ± identification The normal seismic 0/59/234 and Solomon non-orthogonal amplitude assumed Sykes [1967] is 8.1 km and well-constrained 1024 dyn-cm, and the depth the is uncertainty A km. secondary solution depth is outside the narrowness synthetic at only + KON, located just below the Moho, rang e MAL, u ncertainty depth seismograms; and WIN of acceptable fo r are 3 km depth, too large results of mentioned 4, and surface-wa ve above, indicati ng and can the is first waves P-wave The seen on motions do comparable short-period agreement SH = 0.1. readily P-wave most is but at a be 2 km. not fit to the studies among these methods. 1966 This within the values range Our estimated dept h uncertainty well. July of the The inf erred water depth is earthquake occu rred a small depression at the spreading center Banghar and faulting Sykes with (112/70/220). ightly to th e east of Sao Miguel sl (Figure 3.8). [1969] found a large str ike-sli McKenzie [1972] P-wave first motions eastern end of the Azores Using P-wave first motions, a mechanism i nvolving normal p component of motion restudied thi s earthquake with and found a similar sol ution (103/70/230). Grimison and Chen [1985] used both P and SH waves to infer a pure normal-faulting mechanism ( 126/56/270) and suggested that oblique spreading is occurring at the Azores spreading center. They estimated the centroid dept h to be abou t 12 ± 5 km and the seismic moment to he 4.0 x 1024 dyn-cm. Because the depth for this and another nea rby (April 20, 1968) obtained by Gri mison and Chen [198 rthquake are significantly deeper than the maximum centroid depth of about 3 km that we have obtained for Mid-Atlantic decided to examine these two earthquakes Ridge events , we in detail as pa rt of our study. solution (135/49/274) Our inversio similar to that o solution is shown Grimison and Chen [1985]. very close to the spreading center. The overall in 3.9 Figure The strike trend of the is of our Azores cen t roi d depth is 5.4 km, and the seismic moment is 4.0 x 1024 dy n-c m. The difference between our study and t hat Grimison in depth centroid and Chen [1985] is significant since both studies used the inversion routine of Nabelek [1984]. discrepancy. Several factors m ay have contributed to this Fir s we used many t, more sta tions (25) much better azimu t hal coverage for both Grimison and Chen [1985] only used 3 SH wa veforms P and almost no constrai nts on source mechanism. sec. Grimison and 5 sec in du ration, Chen [1985] trade-off between the focal such short duratio n. have SH waves. We which used and have very good constraints on the noda 1 planes. source-time functi on is and while 10 gave SH waves Second, theirs was our 2 arg ued that there is little depth and a so urce time function of Third, diffe rent vel ocity structures were used in the invers ion. We used a generali zed oceanic crust- mantle structure while Grimison and Chen [1985] used a mantle halfspace. To estimate the depth uncertainty, we followed the procedures of Chapter 2. event is quite good, the centroid depth Since the azimuthal source mechanism is fixed in the range 1 to 20 km. acceptable centroid depths in is 4-5 km. residual-versus-depth occurs at coverage for this stable for a The range of A secondary local minimum 10.8 km but may be rejected at a = 1. well, For the but the This 10.8-km deep SH waves at NOR, solution, SJG, BEC, the P waveforms and SCP are not fit well fit. event occurred in an area that may be anomalous rel ative t o conventional oceani c ridges, both because of the ext remely hot low rate of ext:ension and the proximity to the Azores spot. We therefore repeate d our inversion with alternative sou rce vel ocity structur e_s. (Vp = 8.0 km/s, Vs = 4.6 km/s) and Chen [19851 and secondary local min imum occurred at 11.2 km , very clos e to the centroid depth inferred by For km. a source structure approximated as Fin a lly, two-layer crust ove r a mantle 4.0, 4.4 km/s ; layer Vs = 3.7 km/s) residua 1 among we obtained a we used a model with a h alfspace (Vp = 4.5, 6.9, 7.6 km/s; thicknesses = 3.8 and 4.2 km, respectively), f ol iowing Searl e [1976], depth of 6.3 km. A in res i dual-versus-centroid depth halfspace (Vp = 6.4 km/s, centroid depth of 3 .7 Vs = 2.6, identical to that used by Grimison obtained a centroid depth of 6.8 km. Grimison and Chen [ 19851. a crustal Fi rst, we used a mantle halfspace and obtained a centroid This solution gives the smallest overall the best-fitting solutions for all of the source structu res we have examined. A comparison of inversion structures is results using different source given in Table 4.3. Secondary local minima in the residual-versus-depth curves are also given in this table. we can see, the stable with best-fitting double-couple orientation respect to changes As is quite in the assumed source structure. However, the centroid depth varies from 3.7 to 6.8 km depending on the source structure used. We consider the 3 km difference to be the small ve ry length in view of the shallowness different of this source structures used in earthquake the tests. and The of the source time function ranges from 4 to 7.5 sec, slightly larg er than f or Mid-Atl ant ic Ridge earthquakes. All of the secondary local mi nima are d eep er and have much shorter source time f unctions. From thi s analysi s, beli we eve that this event is deeper than typical Mid-Atlan tic Ridge earthquakes and has l duration of r upture. Because th ! reverberation s are muc h smaller believe that and did not a longer e amplitudes of the water than the P wave amp litudes, we earthquak e rupture was extend to the seaflo or. confined within the crust Comparisons of observed and synth etic seismograms for inversion results with different e structures, as well as the secondary solutions, are s ou rc given in Appendix C. April 20, 1968 The April 20, 19 68 earthquake occurred about southeast of Terceira (Figure 3.8). studied this P and event using faulting mechani both (302/54/270). 15 + 5 km and th seismic moment inversion soluti (328/34/293), slightly greater is 2.0 x 1024 dyn-cm. centroid depth event. a re Because th is coverage is not very SH waves They to be shown com ponent Th e centroid depth Chen [1985]. moment trike-slip Grimison is Bo th similar earthquake as good as that 4.6 the to thos is very for the and 50 km Chen and found [1985] a normal estimated the depth to be 4.0 x 1024 dyn-cm. in Fi gure than km, focal 3.10, Our has a that of Grimison and and the seismic mechanism and e of the June 4, smal 1, 1966 the station earl ier earthquake. The range in centroid depth estimated A secondary solution occurs duration of 1 sec. quite well except earthquake is reliable the 3 and larger July 3 and 20, September character both north result typical P-wave 20, 3.11), of Azores about ridge focal 1973; influence of other event; the this can expect inversion. is At depths similar to centroid depth Vogt and if the is and median lies heterogeneous model axis, a focal found (9/41/263). as of the mechanism Hart a forward and spot; Julian of orthogonal [1978] modeled problem. He nodal the argued a presumably a to the south Ridge. data Using obtained planes. onto a They the a laterally beneath planes the with ridge could be P waveforms that of are more through structure the lacks nodal first-motion velocity To [1974] nonorthogonal the valley shallow, Mid-Atlantic and in 1975]. valley morphology for propagation with axial aseismic, Iceland hot the Reykjanes a transition Johnson, nearly Solomon projection of anomalously of the sphere were corrected south and is of the data, occurred on seismicity ridge sections first-motion earthquake size of for which we this earthquake 100 km axis valley, seismicity that small body waveform 1969 earthquake normal-faulting mechanism with showed The function the waveforms acceptable centroid We think 590 N the median of the 59 0 N the in fits km. 6 km. [Francis, of about prominent range 3-16 a source-time TRN. limiting size is 1969 (Figure morphology the with solution P wave at long-period 1966, The September Ridge the 6 km. 4, km, 9-km deep probably the a = 0.15, between between for results from the level is The at 9 using the t-test from this a shallow focal (2.1 + 0.2 km) depth apparently anomalous first double-couple source 2 x the waveforms, motions, can He (9/35/260). including those with be matched with obtained a moment a of 1025 dyn-cm. The observed ratios and P and SH waves are well-distributed, problem is unusually show good signal-to-noise so the waveform inversion well-constrained (Figure 3.12). component at NAT and both horizontal The E-W components at NIL were to have reversed polarity and were corrected prio r to found The inversion. inversi on sol ion in strike from that rep orted (23/42/26 1) Hart [1978], bu ffe slightly the waveforms alone allow onl y loose constraints to be placed on the fault strike; the P waveforms in Figure 11 are exceptional ly well by the syntheti c seismograms. We obtained a moment fit of 1.5 x 1025 dyn- cm and a centroid depth of 1.5 km, both smaller than th e values reported by Hart [1978]. Th e indi cated 2.2 km, water depth central media 3.11). Becau se consistent with an epicenter for The beh vior in Chapter 2, of good azimuthal coverage, May the sour ce - The 90% co nfid ence ce ntroid depth as gi ven by the t-test is 1-3 of km. a mantle solution has been extensively studied where we suggested that artifact of the sharp Moho assumed in in the in n valley of this sha llow ridge system ( Fi gure mechani m-ver su s-depth trade-off is small. interva sli ghtly the mantle solution is the source structure used the inversion. 31, 1971 The May 31, 1971 earthquake an occurred north of Iceland on the Mohns Ridge (Figure normal-faulting mechanism with n onorthogonal P-wave first motions. 3.13). Conant [1972] and Karasik Savostin obtained a nodal planes from [1981] used a larger data set to constrain the focal mechanism to a combination normal and strike-slip however, does not faulting (141/59/220). fit the observ ed Such of a mechanism, P and SH waveforms. From waveform inversion we obtained a normal-faulting mechanism (Figure 3.14) with only a small strike-slip component (51/51/284). We have excellent azimuthal and and most observed waveforms are well SH waves, seismic 2.3 km moment is 6.8 x 102 4 and well-constrained (Table Two slightly different water-column the east water depth AAM, 2.8 DUG, km. KBL, of 3.1 and COL) We MSH, km, interpret northwestern location about 15 3.13). km whil is 2 -3 has a focal AOU depth 3.2). depths were indi cated the P wavetrains. and TOL) are by t he Stations con sistent e stations to the west t0 wi th (TRN, WES, a somewhat shallower wa ter depth of 0 north 0 f the median valley in ner floor, a o r northwest of the ISC epicenter azimuthal T he range coverage, in A secondary mechan ism (53/50 /290) mantle solu tion focal wall 6-9 km. best-fittin g solut ion the The p attern as indicating a n epicente r Due to good and and fit. P this mechanism i s very sta ble. depths in IS T , suggest near the (Figure water reverberations (SHL, dyn-cm, coverage for both at 2.3 km. function is 3 sec in duration. acceptable solution similar at to that The seismic is 6. 8 x 102 4 dyn-cm, th e source centroid 8.2 km de pth of the mome nt for the and the sour ce time When we use a crustal structure a with a more gradual deteriorates April Moho transition and can be rejected the mantle for a solution = 0.1. 3, 1972 The April 3, 1972 earthquake (F igu re 3.11). Zone normal-faulting mechan ism P-wave first the southern 150 km north of its intersection with the Reykjanes Ridge, about Gibbs Fracture occurred on motions. with Einarsson nonorthogonal [1979] obtained nodal planes a from Fr om a moment-tensor inversion of the Rayleigh-wave radiatio n p attern and forward modeling of long-period Trehu P waveforms, normal-faulting mechanism et al. (4/46/270) and apparent nonorthogonality is source. They matched P waveforms length 13 rupture the km, width a good significant TUC. The t he center focal match to discrepancies The inversion mechanism the solut ion strike-slip motion waveforms. The centroid the suggested with 7.5 et of Trehu depth of but al. of with extending to [1981] there are at AAE, JER, and slightly more matches 1.9 km the source and SH waveforms ) and of the x 1024 dyn-cm, (8/48/254) has (Figur that a finite of the fault P waveforms, with a pure the shallowness and moment 3 km, near initiating seafloor. provides the due to found [1981] P and all obtained from SH the inversion is somewhat deeper than the 1.1 km indicated by the finite fault of 4.4 x 1024 model of Trehu et dyn-cm given by al. [1981]. The seismic moment the body-waveform inversion is smaller than that obtained by Trehu et al. [1981] from the forward model ing of P waveforms and from the moment-tensor inversion of Rayleigh waves. The inferred water depth of 2.8 km is consistent with an epicenter in median valley inner floor (Figure a locally deep portion of the 3.11). ainty for this earthqu ake is small, The dept h unce with the range in accept le values between 1.5 and 3 km, focal mechani sm is ry well constrained by SH waves. secondary min imum i residual-versus-depth occurs just below the Moho at 6 km beneat the sea floor. mantle soluti on is ry similar to the best rejected at the a = .1 level. solution is s lightl better than the mantle station, thus making ad small because the A Despit e the fact that the This is solution, it may be bec ause the best-fitting solution at every and the statistic t large. June 6, 1972 The June 6, 1972 earthquake occurred in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge median about valley Zone (Figure 3.6). 100 Station km coverage fo mostly confin ed to the northern solution (20/ 51/253) with (Figure 3.16) represents a small south The depth is sei smic moment 1.8 km, and the 4.1 predoni nantly normal x l componen t. 1024 indicated wate SH waves 1 to 7 km. at 6 km below the seafloor. seismic momen t A secondary solution (3.5 x 1024 occ The focal dyn-cm) the best-fitt ing solution at are 1.8 km dep examination, we noticed that the first faulting The strike at KTG, KEV, dyn-cm, the centroid r depth is The rang e in centroid depth at a = 0.1 is Th e inversion ere. strike-slip is r both P and SH waves is hemisph the fault pla nes is constrained by the CAR. of the Hayes Fracture for urs just of and 3.2 km. this earthquake below the Moho mechanis m (25/50/260) and very sim ilar to those of th. Upo n close half cycles of most synthetic SH compared with waves mantle for the solution the observe d seismograms. probability v alue P (see Appendix A) make a type I error only 3 out solution can transition mantle soluti on June 28, At is too 0.15; 20 times. is not co rrect, in centroid We inversion. depth and is that is, Also, the th we hould man le Moho ther efore beli a more 1 to wide when 6 km depth, be rejected at a = 0.1 when a gr adual is used in the of the range of are eve the re asonable statement 6 km. 1977 On June swarm occurred near the 1977 an earthquake 28, epicenter of the June 3, 1962 earthquake discussed above (Fi fir re 3.2). The ISC lists 5 events ove r a 4-hou r pe ri od. in the series (1538:37.8) had mb 5.3, Ms = 5.6; fou h and largest in the series (1918 :36 ) had mb = 5.9, Ms 6.0. The the The inversion solution for the largest earthquake of the swarm (Figure 3.17) represen ts nearly pure normal (1/44/255), a solution very similar to that earthquake. solution. All of the obs e rved waveforms Th e seismic mome nt centroid dep t h is 1.6 is 1.1 1025 x P -wave coverage km. quadrants, an d SH-wave cove rage i s well nodal planes so resolution of the focal faulting of the June 3, 1962 are well-fit by th e dyn-cm, and the spans about 3 constrained about t he mechanism is very good. A secondary s olution occurs just be neath the Moho, but this solution can be estimte that the significance level. rejected range in This at a = 0.1 . Using the t-t centroi d depth e stimate is est we 1 to 2 km at is probably accu rate, th e 0.1 be cause the probabil it y of to failing B = 0 .1 ) f or depths (i.e., is 3. 5 km, water depth mislocated 6 -7 bes t The 3.18 ) is detect the outside this indicating that range. the inferred The ISC only 0.1 epice nter is km to the west (Figure 3.2). ove rall solution for the characterized by normal first A secondary solution swarm faulti g with stri ke-s lip component (355/50/241) and 5.5 km. difference is e vent (Figure a large centroid depth of occurs at 2.5 km depth and has a foca l me chanism (1/46/254) with a small e r strike-slip component that all is nearly identical to that of the large event. Because of t he stations for this event are 1 ocated in the northern hemi sphe re, n 0 t well-constrained. the inversion solution is we const rained the slip angle to be lar g er than 2500, shal lowe r solution has the smallest ove r all residual. If then the We prefer the shallow solut ion because its mechani sm is similar to those of other large ea rthquakes (with better station coverage) and microearthquakes in this area. short-period -waveforms for this eve nt indicates that the shallow The body solution shallower sol seismic moment depth is 4.0 10 km east preferable is [Bergman 3.0 x 1024 dyn-cm, and Solomon, 1985b]. and The the inferred water greater than that of the larger event but also an of the epicenter in the cent ral median valley about ISC location (Figure 3 .2). The P wavefo rms mb = 5.5, a preliminary analysis of ution (1/46/254) is sho wn in Figure 2-17. km, consistent with is Also, Ms = 5.7) of another event in this swarm (1618:16, are obscured by earthquake 40 minutes before. the surface waves from the A normal faulting mechanism (0/45/255), with a seismic moment of 5 x centroid depth of 1.5 this km, th e observed SH waveforms for fits earthquake quite well. January 28, 1979 The January 28, 1979 earthqu ake occurred in intersection with a small valley near its 100 km north of the Vema Fracture Zone mechanism of this earthquake, pure normal 6.3 x The fracture zone (Figure as determined 3.4). in the about The planes di ffers N10 0 E rather water depth of 3.7 km is Figure about The SH waves are is but the station coverage for SH wlaves a mechanism striking by 100 0 E. is of 3.19). from the well-fit, reasonably inadequate N20 than focal inversion, 1024 dyn-cm and a centroid depth of 2.2 km (Figure strike of the nodal to rule out inferred The consiste nt with the epicenter shown in 3.4. Becau se the some trade -off Using the from fault t-test, 1. 5 to we range indi cates, residual -v ersus-depth the solution only 3 out 3-km-deep solution is about of 20 a 0.1 in centroid 3 km differs 0.15; times. solution; that well-constrained, depth range of depth reasons. is, At an a local depth, level we have of about However, minima 2 and the from would depths t 0 we smaller than this sharp between we there is mechanism. acceptable The centroid that focal level. is significantly is, and significance curve are At not centroid for several 7 km. are estimate the uncertainty 6 and the 9 km at the between planes between think which the median faulting (20/46/270), with a seismic moment strike of the ridge axis. be a 1024 dyn-cm and in the 3 km and P value at the best-fitting make a type 0.1, B = 0.6 I error for the a 3-in-5 chance of being unable to detect The 3-km-deep solutions. chance of more deteriorates the Moho for waveforms centroid km and 3.3 km, as is very The centroid 10 km. shown improves our solution range at our best a = 0.15. estimate of 2 to 3 km. for f in seismi to those dept h and Using the t t-test, depth of 0.1 (8.3 x 102 to those solution deteriorates, the observed it by a no rmal-faulti ng Figure 3.2 c moment The centroid depth The indicated is 9.9 x the of the June for this chanism 6, 1972 event which is gives water depth 1024 dyn-cm. centroid is The and water depth S earthquake. fairly very good, good constraints e re is little trade-off between mechanism for the depth range 1 to focal ce ntroid similar Th Station waves is excellent, an SH wa ves the planes. fault (Figure 3. 6). 1972 event stat ion coverage momen 1979 occurred very near the ril 22, orientation and both significance level very the mantle well-c 0 nstrained. very simi lar acceptable seismic Ap well an d the part i cul a rly for the on P and S H very double-couple are is and the Also, when we use a considerations, depth June 6, both are (17/52/262), is = 0.5). inversion, statist ical epicenter of the 1.8 (8 slightly outside the uncertainty eart hquake coverage = 0.15 the best 1979 22, The t he in and lies above range in April use of a detecting a difference gradual From the the difference between we estimate that is between The 1.5-2.5 focal dyn-cm) for the range km and mechanism of the best solution. however, and the in 6-7 km at a (13/54/255) and mantle solution are This mantle lies outside the uncertainty inversion. Based centroid correct June a gradual at a = 0.15 when range 28, on the depth Moho structure is above analysis, li es between 1.5 used in the we believe that the and 2.5 km. 1979 The June 28, 1979 ea occurred in the median valley rthquake about 30 km south of its eastern intersection with the St. Station coverage for Paul's Fracture Zone (Figure and SH waves concentrated in the northern hemisphere. focal waves pure are km nor and fit by this mechanism, a centroid a se ismic moment of 3.6 x 1024 dyn-cm. shown in Figure 3.21. mantle level nism (340/44/263) and for thi solution are si mila so solution of 0.1 resolution 1.5-4.5 km. January 29, ution. and data of The by P and dep th SH of in ferred of the minimum in A secondary just the beneath seismic moment to those 11 Moho. (3.5 x 1024 of the waveforms with th e How ver, at a significan ce the mantle solution centroid depth can c a n be reiected. The therefore the in lies range 1982 about 3.23). Th e fits are quite good. The January valley occurs at 6 km, mecha best-fitting The P 3.5 km, consistent wit h the epicentral pos ition is residual-versus -depth dyn-cm) with both characteri zed The observed bathymetry The focal is mal faulting (346/40/2 80). well water depth and of this event (Figure 3.22) mechanism nearly 2.5 is 3.21). Using from 200 29, km 1982 earthquake north of the Kane occurred in Fracture the median Zone (Figure a semi-automated centroid moment tensor inversion the GDSN, Dziewonski normal-faulting mechanism with et al. [1983a] a significant obtained strike-slip a component (353/61 /246). waves, is Station ra ther poor for this not yet been dist ributed. coverage, event From the particularly because many body-waveform for records P have inversion, we obtained a nearly pure normal-faulting mechanism (9/44/264), with fault p1 anes striking subparallel ridge axis ( Figur e 3.24). Most to the local of the waveforms trend of the are well-fit by the syntheti c sei smograms, especially the nodal character of the SH wave at KBS. The seismic moment of 5.4 x 1024 dyn-cm is somewhat sma ller than the 8.1 x 1024 dyn-cm obtained by Dziewonski et al. [1983a]. the water depth 3 .8 The ran ge in The centroid depth is 2.4 km, and km. centroid and 6-7 km at a = 0.1. depth for A secondary this earthquake is 1-4 km minimum in residual-ver sus -d epth occurs just beneath the Moho at 6 km The depth. (6.3 x 1024 focal mechanism (13/43/271) and seismic moment dyn-c m) of the mantle solution are very similar to those of the best solution. However, the fits of most waveforms are slightly worse than those of the best-fitting solution. Using a gradual outside the the uncertainty centroid depth May 12, Moho, mantle range. solution deteriorates lies We therefore believe that the is between 1 and 4 km. 1983 The earthquake of May 12, 1983 occurred in the median valley about 250 km north of the 15020 (Figure 3.24). by Dziewonski motion. and ' A centroid moment-tensor et al. Frac ture Zone sol ution (354/50/259) [1983b] shows predomina ntly normal-faulting Station coverage for this event is good, and the focal mechanism S hown a I. is well-resolved. in Figure 3.25 One of the nodal o f the ridge axis. s imilar to [ 1983b]. the is 4.1 There very planes similar is The seismic 8.1 x 1024 The centroid d epth is Our inversion solution to that to subparal lel moment of dyn-cm obtaine d by depth is 3.1 km, Dziewonski the x o f 7.1 (341/48/251) trend local 1024 dyn-cm Dziewonski and the et et inferred is al. water km. is centroid some trade-off between the S ource mechanism for s econdary minimum in fixed depths in depth and the range 1-1 0 km. the A residual-versus-dep th occurs at 6 i mmediately below the Moho, but this sol ution can be rejected a We estimate that = 0.1. lies in th e range km, a the cent roid depth of this earthquake 2-6 km at a s igni ficance level of 0.1. DISCUSSION The 16 earthquakes occurred two along Azores spreading region segments earthquakes of proper, we will study are All show oceanic 14 consideration different plate earthquakes, of the all basins lithosphere discuss Mid-Atlantic remarkably them 14 earthqu akes probably in ridge-axis their nea rly horizontal occurred formed in for the on Since the Azores by the a mid-ocean ear ridge thqua kes of th source chara with and striking to the local trend of the ridge axis . all Ridge. rather than normal-faulting mechanisms plane dipping at about 450 Except separately. Ridge similar his chapter in boundarie s. Mid-Atlantic occurred beneath rifting The four under at 1 east cteristic one nodal approximately The and are approx imately parallel inferred T axes are aligned with th e spreading direction. factor of 5, The from 3 to seismic moments 15 x 1024 span dyn-cm, and functions are generally of similar durati on. depths are all very shallow, between 1.2 and a range of only a the source time The centroid 3.1 km beneath the seafloor. The water depth at the epicenter of each of these earthquakes is well -constrai ned by the predomi nant period of the large water-column water depth reverberations in the P wavetrains. from the P waveform is estimated 3.2 with the maximum uncertai nties in the epicentral from variable sampling contour maps the two depth hundred meters from this density for all eart exclude the near the 31, earthquake) inward-dipping valley walls with reasonable Mid-Atlantic inner wal that t he agreement between of the ea rt hquakes in this study ls of the rift We valley (e.g., the May they rep rese nt slip on major contribute to the relief of the inne r Luyendyk, 197 7]. however, that Ridge earthquakes considered occurred beneath the We conclude ity that some of these events and certainty, accurac y, floor of t he median valley. or tha t [Macdonald om ship-track data of hquakes in Tab le 3.2. a 11 inner faults c oordinat es and in the depths surprising ly g ood, to within a few possibil occurred 1971 a nd is comparison that Given the constructed estimates occurred beneath the cannot compared in Table 1ocal depth of the median valley as indicated on availabl e bathymetri c maps. obtained The none It may be inferre d of the in this chapter rift mountains. From the centroid depth, the source-time function, and the seismic moment, dimensions, we can average obtain slip, and For si mplici ty, earthquakes. estimates of fault average stress drop for these we assume that the zone of slip ho rizont al length L and do wn-dip width w. with rectangular, rough estimate L fro m the length ts of th e source time function. the basis of t he lar ge wate r-column We On reverber ations we assume that rupture e xtende d to th e surface, and we estimate w from the uni 1 at eral centroid depth . For rupture veloci ty Vr is take n to be equal velocity, or 3 .0 km/ s. the centroid d epth; about 450 fault slip. If this relatio n fo llows width th e faul t len gth, The average sl ip 1966], to 0.8 times the shea W e estimate w from w = 2.8 h, the fault extent of faul ting [Aki, where the where h om a fault dip of a cent roi d depth th at marks the average depth of and larger than rupture, L = Vrts, gi ven by this relat ion is w we set w = L so that th e vertical i s no greater tha n the horizontal extent. D can be estima ed from the relation Mo = VLwD w here the rigidity u of the crust 4.0 x 1011 dyn /cm 2 from our assumed crustal is st ruct aken to re. The stress drop Aa can be estimated from the relat ion Aa = cMo/(Lw 2 ) [Knopoff, where c is 1958 ; Aki, a qeometrical qm# const from 30 to 100 km 2 (Table 3.5) resolvable correlati on with moment studied here. The estimated The a verage fault stress range shown by other Anderson, 19751. near unity 1966]. For the Mid-Atl antic Ridge earthquakes, area Lw ranges ant drops the estimated fault and shows no for the limited slip varies from lie between 7 and tectonic earthquakes set of events 10 to 80 cm. 70 bars, within the [Kanamori and The two earthquakes in the Azores larger centroid depths than Using source structures different best-fitting July 4, occurred centroid 1966, in a different Mid-Atlantic Ridge. within these two The estimates earthquakes in large, and the small. the Mid-Atlantic depth earthquake. It in varies from environment is from did not and fautlt region average slip and Ridge earthquakes. km to those along fault area (Table 3.5) drop the 6.8 these two extend stress slightly inversion, 3.7 possible that width the Azores our We believe that earthquakes of fault region have km for earthquakes the rupture to the seafloor. for these two are the probably too are probably too Table 3.1 Epicentral Data for North Atlantic Ridge-Axis Earthquakes Half Date Origin Time Latitude oN June 3, 1962 1502:25 22.51 -45.08 13.5 June 2, 1965 2340:23.1 15.93 -46.69 13.9 5.8 6.0 Nov. 16, 1965 1524:44.0 31.00 -41.53 12.5 5.9 6.3b July 4, 1966 1215:27.4 37.51 -24.75 1.3 5.3 April 20, 1968 1018:00.0 38.30 -26.77 1.4 5.0 Sept. 20, 1969 0508:57.8 58.35 -32.08 May 31, 1971 0346:50.6 72.21 +1.09 April 3, 1972 2036:20 54.33 -35.20 June 6, 1972 0525:50.7 32.93 June 28, 1977 1538:37.8 June 28, 1977 Longitude spreading oE ratea, mm/yr 10.5 mb 5.7b b 5.6 6.0 5.5 5.7 11.1 5.1 5.5 -39.79 12.2 5.3 5.7 22.64 -45.07 13.4 5.3 5.6 1918:36 22.68 -45.11 13.4 5.9 6.0 Jan. 28, 1979 1945:21 11.92 -43.70 16.2 5.7 5.6 April 22, 1979 0950:13 33.00 -39.72 12.2 5.6 5.8 June 28, 1979 0414:44.9 00.40 -24.96 18.2 5.5 5.2 Jan. 29, 1982 2232:06.1 25.52 -45.30 13.2 5.7 5.8 May 12, 1983 1051:50.0 17.61 -46.55 13.8 5.7 5.8 7.9 Epicentral and magnitude data are taken from the International Seismological Summary for 1962 and the ISC for 1964-83. a Half spreading rate calculated from model RM2 of Minster and Jordan [1978] b Magnitude M from Rothe [1969] Table 3.2 Source Mechanisms Obtained from Body Waveform Inversionsa Dip Slip Centroid Depthd Water Depthe Depth of Median Valleyf 42.8_+1.7 273.9±3.1 1.2±0.11 3.9 3.4-4.2 335.0± 1.9 37.5±0.8 243.5±2.1 3.0+0.06 3.4 3.5-4.0 3.0±1.0 24.6±2.5 45.9±1.0 265.3+2.8 2.1±0.14 3.2 3.0-3.5 4.0±0.3 5.0±1.0 135.4± 1.0 49.0+0.4 274.33±1.1 5.4+0.10 3.2 2.0-3.0 2.0+± 0.1 4.2+± 1.4 327.8± 2.0 34.0+0.9 292.6+2.2 4.6±0.14 2.4 2.0-2.5 15.2+1.0 4.0± 1.0 22.7± 2.4 41.8±1.1 260.5±2.7 1.5±0.08 2.2 1.5-2.0 May 31, 1971 6.8±0.5 5.0± 1.0 50.9±1.2 52.1_+0.5 283.8±1.2 2.3±0.06 3.1/2.8 2.5-3.0 April 3, 1972 4.4±0.8 3.2±0.8 8.2±3.0 48.3±1.2 253.6±3.4 1.9±0.09 2.8 2.0-2.5 June 6, 1972 4.33±0.4 4.0± 1.0 19.7±2.3 51.9± 1.2 252.5±2. 5 1.8+0.07 3.2 3.0-3.5 June 28, 1977 3.0+± 0.3 2.7+0.9 1.4_+2.0 46.1±0.8 253.6±2.3 2.5±0.09 4.0 3.4-4.2 June 28, 1977 10.7± 1.2 5.0± 1.0 0.5±1.6 44.3±0.5 254.7_+1.5 1.6+0.06 3.5 3.4-4.2 Jan. 28, 1979 6.3_±0.5 2.0_+1.0 19.6±2.1 45.9± 1.1 270.3+2.3 2.2±0.11 3.7 3.5-4.0 9.9±0.5 4.0_+1.0 16.6±1.3 51.6±0.6 261.7+1.5 1.8±+0.06 3.3 3.0-3.5 June 28, 1979 3.6±0.3 3.6± 0.9 345.5±1.5 40.0±0.9 279.7± 2.1 2.5+0.09 3.5 3.5-4.0 Jan. 29, 1982 5.4±0.8 3.0± 1.0 9.0± 3.3 43.88±0.6 264.1±3.3 2.4±0.08 3.8 3.5-4.0 May 12, 1983 7. 1±0.5 2.4± 1.2 341.0± 2.0 48.2+0.7 251.3±1.8 3.1±+0.08 4.1 4.0-4.5 Date Mob tsc June 3, 1962 6.1±0.5 3.0+± 1.0 4.4+0.5 June 2, 1965 8.3+0.7 3.0± 1.0 Nov. 16, 1965 8.1+0.8 July 4, 1966 April 20, 1968 Sept. 20, 1969 April 22, 1979 Strike Notes to Table 3.2 a) The range indicated for source parameters (Mo, strike, dip, slip, and centroid depth) is one standard deviation (formal error). b) x 1024 dyne-cm (1017 N-m) c) Total duration of the source time function, sec d) Relative to the seafloor, km e) Inferred from modeling the water-column reverberations in the later portions of the P wavetrains. f) Local depth of the median valley inner floor indicated by bathymetric maps [Laughton and Monahan, 1978; Heezen and Tharp, 1978; Johnson et al., 1979; Searle et al., 1982; Toomey et al., 1985]. 4W 0 64 Table 3.3 4 Inversion results for the July 4, 1966 Azores spreading center earthquake Source structure Seismi c moment, 1024 Double couple (strike/dip/slip) Centroid depth, km dyn-cm Duration of source time function, RMS residual, mm sec A. Overall best solution 1. Crustal halfspace 4.0 131/49/270 3.7 1.90 2. Uniform crust over mantle halfspace 4.0 135/49/274 5.4 1.89 3. Two-layer crust over mantle halfspace 4.7 133/50/271 6.3 1.80 4. Mantle halfspace 4.8 130/50/267 6.8 2.05 B. Secondary local minimum 1. Crustal halfspace 2.6 150/48/286 7.9 2.27 2. Uniform crust over mantle halfspace 3.6 141/49/281 10.8 2.34 3. Two-layer crust over mantle halfspace 3.8 143/47/281 10.8 2.13 4. Mantle halfspace 3.6 146/47/285 11.2 2.37 4 Table 3.4a Date Summary of Source Parameter Uncertainty Ranges for Atlantic Ocean Ridge-Axis Earthquakes Range in centroid given depth, in kmin, by t-test, a = 0.1 Secondary solution with sharp lloho Within uncertainty Depth, range km for a = 0.1? Secondary solution with gradual Moho Within uncertainty Depth, range for a = 0.1? km Adopted uncertainty ranges Depth, km a June 3, 1962 1-2 and 6-7 6 yes yes 1-2 0.1 June 2, 1965 1-5 and 6-8 6 yes no 1-5 0.1 Nov. 16, 1965 1-3 6 no m-- 1-3 0.1 July 4, 1966 5-6 10.8 no 5-6 0.1 April 20, 1968 3-16 9 yes 3-6 0.15 Sept. 20, 1969 1-3 and 6-7 6 yes 6 no 1-3 0.1 May 31, 1971 2-3 and 6-9 8.2 yes 7.5 no 2-3 0.1 6 no 1.5-3 0.1 1-6 0.1 April 3, 1972 1.5-3 yes 6 no June 6, 1972 1-7 June 28, 1977 2-9 5.5 yes 2-9 0.1 June 28, 1977 1-2 6 no 1-2 0.1 Jan. 28, 1979 1-9 6 yes yes 2-3 0.15 6 yes yes 1.5-2.5 0.15 1.5-5 0.1 1-4 0.1 2-6 0.1 April 22, 1979 1.5-2.5 and 6-7 June 28, 1979 1.5-5 6 no Jan. 29, 1982 1-4 and 6-7 6 yes May 12, 1983 2-6 6 no no Table 3.4b Summary of Source Parameter Uncertainty Ranges for Atlantic Ocean Ridge-Axis Earthquakes Date Strike, deg Dip, deg Slip, deg Seismic Moment, 1024 dyn-cm Source time function duration, sec June 3, 1962 0-8 38-45 265-285 5.6-7.2 3-4 June 2, 1965 332-338 33-46 235-255 7.0-9.2 3-4 Nov. 16, 1965 24-26 45-46 263-268 7.1-9.3 2-3 July 4, 1966 130-142 44-51 269-280 3.8-5.1 4-6 April 20, 1968 324-330 30-42 285-296 1.6-2.3 4-5 Sept. 20, 1969 22-300 39-47 256-277 12-16 3-4 May 31, 1971 45-520 50-55 275-284 5.6-8.0 4-5 April 3, 1972 6-15 42-50 250-258 3.2-5.0 3-4 June 6, 1972 5-307 46-53 240-265 3.5-5.1 3-5 June 28, 1977 -6-+4 44-51 234-260 2.8-4.1 1.5-3.5 June 28, 1977 -5-+10 44-47 247-256 9-11 4-5 Jan. 28, 1979 16-245 44-51 268-272 5.8-6.3 2 April 22, 1979 11-180 50-54 254-263 8.3-10.2 3-4 June 28, 1979 340-355 35-48 265-284 2.5-3.9 3-4 Jan. 29, 1982 6-17 42-49 260-280 5.0-6.2 3-4 May 12, 1983 335-346 48-51 248-260 6.0-7.9 2-3.5 Table 3.5. Date Estimated Source Dimensions and Stress Drop for North Atlantic Ridge Earthquakes Fault length,a km Fault width,b km Fault area, km2 June 3, 1962 9 3 30 50 60 June 2, 1965 9 8 70 30 10 Nov. 16, 1965 9 6 50 July 4, 1966 15 15 220 1 April 20, 1968 12 12 150 1 Sept. 20, 1969 12 4 May 31, 1971 15 6 9 5 12 5 20 10 June 28, 1977 8 7 10 8 June 28, 1977 15 4 40 40 Jan. 28, 1979 6 6 40 30 April 22, 1979 12 5 40 30 June 28, 1979 11 7 10 7 Jan. 29, 1982 9 7 20 10 May 12, 1983 7 7 40 20 April 3, 1972 June 6, 1972 a Estimated from duration of source time function. shear wave velocity. b Calculated from the assumptions: Average slip, cm 30 50 70 100 10 50 50 Stress drop, bars 20 Rup ture velocity is assumed to be 0.8 times w < x and w < 2.8h. 101 F IGURE CAPTIONS Figure 3.1. e Location of Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Azores region rthquakes stud ied in this chapter, along with the overall d stribution of seismicity [Tarr, 1974]. Filled circles s ow earthquakes with mb > 4.5 during 1963-1972; open c rcles denote e vents Figure 3.2. in this century with Ms > 8. Detailed bathymetry of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge median valley near the epicenters of the earthquakes of June 3, 1962, and June 28, m, are from Toomey region et al. 1977. Bathymetric contours, [1985]. The location of this relative to neighboring elements Ridge system is shown solutions are equal in Figure 3.23. area of microearthquakes ocean-bottom seismometers triangles, Figure 3.3. (dashed Mechanisms 1982 are composite fault by Toomey et al. located at the positions Fault plane quadrants are shaded. labeled A and B for February clusters of the Mid-Atlantic projections of the lower focal hemisphere; compressional solutions determined in plane [1985] for two recorded by a network of and ocean-bottom hydrophones shown by numbered circles and respectively. Comparison line) of observed (solid line) long-period 1962, earthquake, P and SH waves with the and synthetic for the June 3, focal mechanism solution obtained from the inversion plotted on the lower focal hemisphere (equal-area projection). normalized to an instrument All amplitudes are magnification of 3000; amplitude scales correspond to the waveforms the that would be 102 observed on an The two vertical series, digitized inversi on. 1 ines deli mit 0.5 interval circle, dilatation; sol id emergent the portion for b th types Symbol arrival. For circle, SH waves, waveform inversion. the inversion is Figure 3.4. used i the waves e open and 1979; Bathymetric contours, not to [1980]. used in the obtained from seismicity of the Mid-A tlantic Ridge the earthquakes of June and M ay 12, i n km, 1983 epicenters are from the are from Searle study are hemisphere; elt al. [1982]; Earth quake ISC for 1964-1979; denote events with mb > 5.4. 2, 1965; (Mercator p rojection). regions shallower than 3 km are shaded. lower focal cross, and Richards shown for stations epicenters of of this ime compression ciorresponds Th e source time function January 28, events rument. also s hown. Bathymetry near the each of compression; positive motion as defi ned by Aki Some first motions are an in sei smogram from such ori ginal lar ger symbols Fault plane solutions for equal area projections compressional quadrants of the are shaded. Figure 3.5. waves Comparison for the June of the observed 2, 1965, and event. syntheti c P and SH 3 .3 for See Figure further explanation. Figure 3.6. Ridge 16, from Bathymetry near 1965; and seismicity the epicenters June Searle explanation. et 6, 1972; al. of and [1982]; the April of the Mid-At 1 antic earthquakes 22, see Figure 1979. 3.4 for of November Ba t hymetry f u rther is 103 Figure 3.7. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the November 16, 1965, event. See Figure 3.3 for furthe r explanation. Figure 3.8. Bathymetry and near the Azores triple junction, and mechanisms of the April 20, Searle 1968. et al. shaded. Figure 3.9. includ ing earthquakes Ju ly of Bathy metric contours, [1982]; regions centers of th e spreading seismicity the epicenters 4, 1966, in km, shallower and are from than 2 km are See Figure 3.4 for further explanat ion Comparison of the observed and synth et i waves for the July 4, 1966, event. and SH See Figu re for further explanation. Figure 3.10. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the April 20 1968, See Figure event 3.3 for further explanation. Figure 3.11. Bathymetry and sei smicity of the Reykjanes and Mid-Atlantic Ridges near th e epicenters of the earthquakes of September contours, 20, in km, 1969, and April 3, 1972. are from Laughton and Monahan [ 1978]; regions shallower than 2 km are shaded. further explanation. Figure 3.12. waves Bathymetric Comparison of the observed for the September 20, 1969, See Fig ure and syntheti event. See Fi 3.4 for P and SH re 3.3 for further explanation. Figure 3.13. Bathymetry and seismicity of the Mohns the epicenter of the earthquake of May stereographic projection). Bathymetric 31, 1971 contours dge near olar in km, 104 are ,,,,, om Johnson rr are sh aded. Figure 3.14 * et al. [1979]; regions 2 km shallower than See Figure 3.4 for further explanation. Comparison of the obse rved and synthetic P and waves for the May 31, 1971, eve nt. See SH Figure 3.3 for furthe r explanation. Figure 3.15 . waves Comparison of the observed and synthet ic for the April See Figure 3, 1972, event. P and SH 3.3 for furthe r explanation. Figure 3.16 . Comparison of the observed and synthet ic P and waves for the June 6, 1972, event. SH See Figure 3.3 for further explanation. Figure 3.17 . Compari son of the observed and synthetic P and waves for the mb 5.9 event of Jun e 28 , 1977. See Figu 3.3 fo r further exp lanation. Figure 3.18 . Compari son of the observed and waves for the mb syntheti c P a nd SH 5.3 event of June 28 , 1977. This earthq uake was the first in a series of 5 events with hours , including the earthquake of Figu re 3.17. See 4 gure 3.3 fo r further exp lanation. Figure 3.19 . Compari son of the observed and waves for the Janua ry 28, 1979, event. synthetic See Figure P and 3.3 SH for furthe r explanat ion Figure 3.20 . Compari son of the observed and waves for the Ap ril1 22, 1979, event. synthetic P and See Figure 3.3 for furthe r explanat ion a Figure 3.21. Bathymetry and seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the epicenter of the earthquake of June 28, SH 105 1979. Bathymetric contours, Tharp [1978]; Figure Figure 3.22. in km, regions shallower than are from Heezen and 3 km are shaded. See 3.4 for further explanation. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the June 28, 1979, event. See Figure 3.3 for further explanation. Figure 3.23. Bathymetry and seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the epicenter of the earthquake 1982. [1982]; Bathymetric contour regions shallower box centered on the median area shown in in km, 3, of January 29, are from Searle et al. tha n 3 km are shaded. va The small iley near 230 N outlines the greater deta ii in Figure 3.2. See Figure 6 for further explanation. Figure 3.24. Comparison of the waves for the January 29, observed and synthetic 1982, event. and SH See Figure 3.3 for further explanation. Figure 3.25. Comparison of the observed and synthetic waves for the May 12, 1983 , event. further explanation. See Figure 3.3 and SH for 106 0 75 0 60 40 20 0 0 0 60 0 W 40 0 W Figure 3.1 20 0 W 0 0 N N N N 107 23°00' 220 30' l/. 44050' 45010'W Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 109 20N 150N 50W 45"W Figure 3.4 J 10N 40W JUNE 2, 1965 P WAVES SH WAVES 4 GD H K G Source Time Function WES GDAH (sec) i mm. 60 sec sec Figure 3.5 111 35°N J 29°N 37"W 0 44 W Figure 3.6 NOVEMBER P WAVES 16, 1965 SH WAVES KON Source Time Function ' NOR (sec) GDH KON MAL C CAR s P LPA LPB WIN CAR LPB mmLPB mm sec sec Figure 3.7 4j S Q 40'N 35'N 25W 30'W Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9 APRIL 20, 1968 SH WAVES P W, 6 GU11 Source (Fvc) NOl "/~iC~ ifit T ime FiiO(, lion KEV KTG iv~SCl UME A - -op I IIN i-- SJG 3 TRN mm 2 mm 50 50 Sec sec A Figure 3.10 116 60*N 55 0 N J 50°N 40'W 34'W Figure 3.11 28W SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 S SH WAVES SHSource unclion Time COL ', (sec) S NIL -- NIL L TAB TAB I' -- -OGD BEG NAI SJG 10 NAT S 20 lmm mm 50 5O sec sec Figure 3. 12 Figure 3.13 Figure 3.14 Figure 3.14 APRIL 3, 1972 SH WAVES P WAVES 4 Source Time KEV riinction (sec) C - TU AAE BEC 7 r NAT .I" lf mm 61 mmS"C sec Figure 3.15 i il i 6 i 6 4 4uDi 4 Figure 3.16 ~a. JUNE 28. 1977 P WAVES SH WAVES 6 , e CIC L I KC I Sorce Time FuInc tion SCP pO (9Pc) ESK LPS-- IU mm mm 61s 61 Sec Sec Figure 3.17 JUNE 28, 1977 SH WAVES P WAVES 4 urce Time AAM Function KEV (s e c) S BL , s H 3 2 mm mm 71 sec sec i Figure 3.18 Figure 3.19 Figure 3.20 3" N ° 0 J 3S 30°W 26 0 W Figure 3.21 22 0 W Figure 3.22 27oN 24°N 48 W 45 w 210N 0 42 W JANUARY 29, 1982 SH WAVES P WAVES 4 KBS Source Time Function KEV (sec) PTO BOG LPB 10 mm 51 5( sec sec Figure 3.24 Figure 3.25 131 CHAPTER 4. RIDGE-AXIS EARTHQUAKES NORTHWEST AND CENTRAL IN THE INDIAN OCEAN INTRODUCTION we determine the focal depths In this chapter, mechanisms and rift earthqu akes in the north ern Red Sea, Sou rce mechanism earthquake. Indian Ocean, in the of 11 ridge-axis earthquakes studies of 19841 ridge mid-ocea n Oceans have 1981; Chapter s hown that they ridge-axis earthq uakes have s everal consistent fe atures: are extremely sha llow, locate d within the median valley, characterized by nearly pure normal dipping at about 450 of the ridge axis . and stri king faulting, parallel wit h nodal and planes overall trend to the However, both the Mid-Arctic and northern simple tecton ic histories. Mid-Atlantic Ridg es have rela tively In contrast, whil e mid-ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean have generally compara b e spreadin g rates 2 near-ridge one earthquakes in the North Atla ntic [Trehu et al., 31 and Arctic [Je msek et al., and source (half-spread ing rates between 6-22 mm/y r ,they are the products of a mo re complex tectonic evolutio n Thus, a synthesis of the of ridge events in the Indian Ocean will sou provide rce mechanisms ) us a chance to compare the focal depths and source mechanisms of earthquakes over a range of both spreading settings. rates and different tectonic As in the previous chapter, we pay speci al attention to focal depth, aIs it can be an extremely important quantity for unders tanding the depth extent of brittle behavior beneath the ridge axis. 132 SPREADING CENTERS OF The the includes Carlsberg Indian To the west, Ridge. Red end of the of account The Red km 1800 Sea Red the from Peninsula, the basement that to the [Tramontini inner half suggesting There the crust and that are several trough schools the Red studies, and trough is that Sea. that most is of of between between oceanic the main shown are similar higher velocity for 220 underlain thought with refraction later seismic found 150 1964]. have trough and by 23 0 N, oceanic about the One hypothesis, the Sinai Girdler, 1964] the main A 1969] main trough the main beneath geologic the axial of the and of of associated is Girdler, rocks. Davies, and and beneath velocities continental those of the study [Drake data [Drake anomalies Straits the trough trough some extends 15 0 N to axial axial The 1983]. large-amplitude magnetic refraction from separating the consists Sea Red and narrower a deeper 24 0 N [Cochran, Seismic [1982]. to the Peninsula trough a main It Shield. The 1982]. [Shazly, and African the Sinai of tip shelves, continental and Shazly primarily drawn a NNW-SSE-trending depression is Peninsula and the Mandab El The Sea The Arabian and [1982] is below presented Schlich of Central system. Rift the the southern joins Ridge Sheba East African the tectonics regional the syntheses from Bab and Sea the Ocean of Aden, the Gulf in Ridge and the N-S-trending Ridge, NW-SE-trending Indian northwestern the Sheba trending E-W in system ridge active REGION INDIAN OCEAN NORTHWEST THE crust nature based is trough crust. on seismic limited is of to underlain 133 by cont inental Genik, 1972; crust Ross and Schlee, competi ng hypothesis, anomaly is studies, underla in by and [Huchinson oceanic 1973; based on that the crust Engel, Owell 1972; et al., plate kinematic Red Sea [McKenzie Lowell is almost et al., and 19751. and A magnetic entirely 1970; Styl es , 1974, 1976; Roeser, 1975; Styles and Hall, Girdler a nd 1980]. Cochran [1983] has made a convincing case for an alternative model i n which (1) sea floor spreading is souther n Red Sea, (2) mid-oce an ridge is continental present in occurring extension the northern is Red in the ongoing Sea, but and n (3) transit ion area separates the two tectonic regimes. The She ba Ridge Ridge The Sheba Carlsberg Ridge the west, the ridge jo western portion valley, while the east. west it from Zone. The Sheba E-W zones. accretionary [Sykes et al., and at 1985] 1982]. abo ut is plates. The 560E to Fractu re the Zone. African Rift To to the center to the north. The ridges to increase s progressively from trend of the ridge axis SE -NIW offs et by bou ndary Landisman, from system. Ridge consists of a single deep the va lleys Earth quake plate st km into a succ ession of parallel of Ridge Owen sp readi Sheba break s [Schlich, varies ins with the the The depth to east fracture of 300 by about -SW-trending axial Sea of the Mid- Indian Ridge offset by the and the Red south part ridge the east, To the i at th e Owen Fracture several NE-SW-trending ep icent ers clear ly delineate the be tween the Afri can and Arabian 1964; Sykes, 1970b] or Indo-Arabian [Wiens Seismic refraction da ta [Laughton and 134 Tramontini, 1969] and and Girdler, the Gulf of Aden the half-spreading greater The 1964; to the is Owen Somali al., 1965; and is Ridge Zone 1968; 1969] and rate, 12 [Le The 13 mm/yr The at Indian the the al. of Pichon (9 slightly mm/yr). and and Sea Sclater, axial 1971]. epicenters magnetic Heirtzler, and the [Matthews et Heirtzler, magnetic anomalies. on equator and The ridge [Barazangi The present anomalies, 1968; 1968; McKenzie is about and Ridge Central southern end east by [19711 a series are the Celeste west between the Le Pichon Indian of the triple the of Vema shown short Fracture Trench, Zone. extends junction the 25 0 S. Ridge Langseth and that Central the ridge segments zones. Argo Fracture Earthquake from the Ridge to near Chagos-Laccadive Plateau. have Ridge Carlsberg northeast-southwest-trending fracture zones calculated perhaps been well-studied earthquake based the Mascarene Fisher et consists 1966; axial N-S-trending bounded on by [1970] separates the Arabian by African-Indian-Antarctic west al. in 1971]. Central equator Drake that the crust 10 mm/yr, NW-SE McKenzie and clearly defined Sclater, et than to the ridge has Vine, half-spreading to about trends and The Cann and Dorman, Laughton (11 mm/yr) Basin. Fisher et al., axis have shown 1963; Ridge Fracture East oceanic. rate to be The Carlsberg the lineations [Girdler, 1966] Laughton, east Carlsberg magnetic epicenters cut It and Taylor the on is the [1967] Indian and Ridge by many The major fracture Zone, and the Marie and axial magnetic 135 anomalies clearly delineate the plate boundary. rate varies between half-spreading south [Fisher et al., N40 0 E. Fisher et al. 18 and 24 mm/yr from north to 1971]; the spreading direction is about [1971] suggest that the bathymetric complexity was caused by a change in N-S in the The present spreading direction late Cretaceous and early Tertiary to NWI-SE from in The Chagos Fracture Zone was then broken up into Miocene time. a series of ridge segments joined by transform faults. EARTHQUAKE DATA SET assembled a list We first of mid-ocean ridge earthquakes that occurred on the ridge systems of the Indian Ocean between latitudes 250 S and 30 °N and over the search was based primarily Seismological Center (ISC) listings of the National interval 1964-1984. The on the Bulletins of the International 1964-1982, the monthly for the years Earthquake Information Service (NEIS) for the years 1982-1984, and published studies of fault plane solutions for the study area et al., 1969; Ben-Menahem Dziewonski 1983; and Aboodi, and Woodhouse, We chose only the earthquakes long-period known 1983a; Dziewonski Dziewonski normal-faulting earthquake data (October 18, for the et al et al., 1984]. We excluded [Bergman and Solomon, on transform faults, unable to obtain a satisfactory Epicentral McKenzie large enough to yield clear intraplate earthquakes strike-slip events obtained 1971; 1969; P and S waves at teleseismic distances. near-ridge 1984], [Banghar and Sykes, and a complex 1964) for which we were solution. 14 earthquakes reliable solutions are listed in for which we Table 4.1; their have 136 epicenters are shown in the table, we have used P and SH waves at instruments (General 4.1. For all and 800. All of the events at epicentral these events have epicenters valley segments on bathymetric maps of the GEBCO Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean) series [Laughton, Fisher et al., 19821. 6 to 22 mm/yr, according to plate kinematic model and Jordan between normal in recorded on long-period stations of the WWSSN or GDSN distances between 300 within median Figure [1978]. The local half-spreading rates vary from The earthquakes 5.4 and 6.1, and all 1975; RM2 of Minster have body wave magnitudes but the one near-ridge event have faulting mechanisms. WAVEFORM INVERSION RESULTS We present here the details of the source mechanisms obtained from the inversion of P and SH waveform s Indian Ocean ridge-axis, earthquakes. 2 northern Red Sea, and for the 1 near-ridge The best-fitting double-couple ori entations, seismic moments, and centroid depths obtained fr om the inversions are given in Table 4.2. Richards [1980]. Centroid depths are The average water depth above each is that o f Aki hypocenter is inferred by A discussion of the is given for each earthquake. ranges are calculated at a significance level cases, we also give P and B values discussion of these quantities). and relative t o the seafloor. matching the synthetic and observed seismograms in portion of the P wavetrain. formal The conventi on for describing a double-couple orientation centroid depth 11 the ringing uncertainty in Th e uncertainty of 0.1. (see Appendix A for In a some 137 Except for two inversions waveform a water structure: and Vs km/s and Vs = probably et al., = 1970; 6.0 km/s earthquake, on models layer we 4.6 For in occurred Vs have inversion = thinned 3.46 also 19, This ridge the the trend earthquake axis chang of the Station coverage SH waves. is The well rid is for by crust [McKenzie March 1969 31, influence of of the with halfspace structure study are given di the East Sheba Ridge where es direction (Figure 4.2). ge axis is SE-NW. To the east, To the west, the trend ESE-WNW and the ridge becomes shallower. t his event is poor, particularly for the solutio n for this event normal (282/38/24 1) . and the fit, earthquakes, earthquake. occurred on inver si on characterized component Sea = 8.1 1964 ridge axis of the the Details later in the discussion of this March with Vp a crustal For examined the solutions. Red continental we used km/s. Vp = 6.4 seismic velocities the northern 1983], Cochran, a single variable thickness, of all Sea, source the same and a mantle half-space km/s. and Red northern performed with were = 3.7 km/s, km/s Vp the layer of thickness 6 km and crustal which in earthquakes fault ing with a small (Figure 4.3) strike-slip The obs erved P and SH waveforms p of one nod al plane is are constrained by the P wave at BUL which shows a clea r upward first motion. strike one nodal plane agrees well with the trend of the the we st ; the stri ke of the second ridge of axis to (3170) paral l el to th e trend of the rid ge axis to the east. The is The seismi c moment of this earthquak e is 5.0 x 1024 dyn-cm, the 138 centroid depth epicenter is is 1.8 kmin, and the average water depth about 3.3 km, at the which is consistent with the bathymetry. Because of the poor station coverage, there is a sign fi cant trad e-of mech nism. For trike the 2300 the the d 3400 a fi d ce ntroid depth varying from 0 to 15 km, st-fi t ting mechanism varies from 2800 var to 315 betw een the centroid depth and the focal from Us 250 to and the 410, slip t -test we estimate the the to varies range from of ccept able depths to be from 0.5 to 13 km at an 0.1 significance evel. However, w e think that the depth uncertainty is smaller han t his range wo ul d indi cate because the P waveform at ATU is ot very well-mode led when the centroid depth is greater than km . Also, at de p th s bet ween 4 and 6 km and greater than 8 km, he sy nthetic SH w a ve s at SHL, CHG, BAG, and NHA show a small pward motion whic h i s not he P value is 0.1 5 out of That that is, we would From range in December This Argo in and the the centroid 3, a type B = 0.6 depth, I error for the only 4 km The use of a = 0.15 our cha nce of detecting the difference improves slightly. make centroid we hav e 3 chances in 5 of being unable to is etect the differe n ce in s olutions. B = 0 .5) 4 km At an a level of 0.1, 20 times. oluti on. At observed. above depth analysis, is 1 to 4 our best estimate of the km. 1964 event occurred on the Central Marie Celeste Fracture epicentral region is Zones marked by Indian Ridge (Figure 4.4). two parallel between The the ridge valleys, and 139 the earthq uake epicenters are scatt ered over both valleys and the dividi ng ridge. east ern va lley. well1 as earthquak e occurred near a bend in the This Using motion s of the phases first th e polarization of S waves , mechanis m with a normal-faulting prop osed Banghar and strike-slip motion for this event estimated t he seismic moment to be 3.4 x 1025 of component Tsai (314/60/216). [1969] Sykes a large as PKP, P and [1969] using the dyn-cm, vertical Rayleigh -wave ampli tude spectra at two stations, but this estimate was based on an assumed focal depth of 65 km. inversion solutio n (Figure Banghar and Sykes [1969], (302/46 /249). component 4 .5) is similar to the solution of bu t with a smaller strike-slip The centroid seismic moment is 6.8 x 1024 dyn-cm, is depth and synthetics. The the trend of the nodal plane striking ridge axis, is at probably the by the subparallel fault and SH waves have almost thr ee-quadrant coverage. The mechanism for thi s earthquak e is 3 less than 10 km. 100 for stable: all both P focal angles vary centroid depths held fixed between 1 and Using the t-test, acceptable centro id depths we estimate that the range in is 1 to 6 km at a = 0.1. that this estimate is accurate because the failing to detect the difference (8) We believe probability is smaller than 0.4 for depths outside this range. August 15, to plane. The station coverage for this event is quite good: very is depth the water 3300, The km. 1.6 All obse rved wavefo rms are very well fit 3.4 km. The 1966 This earthquake occurred in the Carlsberg Ridge median 140 valley (Figure 4.6). Using P-wave first motions, Banghar and Sykes [1969 ] found a normal-faulting mechani sm (272/28/270) this event. One of well-determ ined. the nodal Tsai planes [1969] in 1.26 x 1025 dyn-cm for this event, r solution is not thei a se ismic estimated using for moment of vertical the Rayleigh- wave amplit ude spectrum at one station and a n assumed focal depth of 45 km. The best inversion solution similar to that of Banghar and Sykes [1969] (Figure 4.7) is but has a small strike-slip component (294/51/260), a centro id depth of 3.4 km, and a seismic moment of 4.4 x 1024 The emergent dyn-cm. character of the SH wave at WIN is revealed by the clear arrival of SV energ y on the radial component. waveforms are very well-fit by our However, us ing a higher value of t* better over all fit. The inferred The s hapes mechanism. inversion for of P and Si S wa ves water dept h would of cons iste nt with the ISC epicenter and the lo cal a produce 3.8 km is bathymetry. The maxi mum wat er depth in the median valley is bet ween 4.0 and 4.5 km. Th is earthquake may inne r walls of the rift The and is occurred n ear P waves. The focal quite stable for cent roid depths 10 km. lie between one of the the mountains. st ation coverage for this event is particularly for the event have fairly mechanism for this held fixed between Using the t-test, we estimate the 2 and 6 km at the 0.1 1 centroid depth t significance level. estimate is probably accurate; 8 < 0.3 for depths range. good, This outside this 0 141 March 31, 1969 This earthquake occurred at the mouth of the Gulf of Suez at the northern end of the Red Sea (Figure 4.8 al. [19691 used P wave fir .. McKenzie et st motion polarities to infer a pure with t he T axis roughly normal-faulting mechanism (310/34/270), Ben Menaham and Aboodi perpendicular to the ridge axis. [1971] found that the su rface-wav e radiation pattern fits a normal- faulting solution with sma 11 strike-slip compo nent (327/44/310). They estimated the centroi d depth to be about 15±+5 km and the seismic moment to be 1.6 x 1026 dyn-cm. The best-fit ting doub le-couple mechanism indicated by body waveform inversion (Figure that of McKenzie et al. [1 969]. shallower than th at of Ben The centroid Menaham and Aboodi seismic moment (1.1 x 1026 dyn-cm) their value. is somewhat (294/37/271) 4 .9) is close to depth of 6.2 km is [19711, and the smaller than The source structure used for th is inversion is a half space with ve 1ocities appropriate to conti nental crust (Vp = 6.0 km/sec, Vs = 3.4 6 km/sec). The station coverage for both P and SH waves and the observed waveforms are all strike is control led mostl y by the SH waves. motions of the P waves at of the nodal plan es. small, very well f it. is excellent, The fault Sma 1 downward SDB and BUL constrai n t e dip of one Beca use the water wave for his event is we could not estimate the water depth usin g the P wavetrain. The water depth used in the inversion (0.2 km) estimated from the bathymetric map. There is some trade-off between the centroid depth and the 142 strike and (which varies slip in the (2600-2800) range centroid 1-20 depth is between are km. 2850 quite to 3100), stable for Using the t-test, between 5.5 and 8 km but the dip (350-400) centroid depths we estimate at a = 0.1. fixed that For the this earthquake, the waveform fits appear to be good between centroid depths of 5 and 12 km, with the source time function va rying from 5 to 10 sec in du ration. Since the velocity structure in the ep icentral area is not well-known, we have repeated the waveform i nversion for this 2 other velocity structures. event with Fi rst, we used our standard oceanic structure and obtained a c entroid depth of 12 km and a more complex time function. Second, we used a model sisting of a 15-km-thick continental crust (Vp = 6.0 km/s, 3.46 km/s ) overlying a mantle halfspace (Vp = 8.1 km/s, and we obtained a centroid depth of 9.2 km. 4.6 km/s), conVs Vs = A weak motivation for such a velocity structure is given by the proposal of McKenzie et al. [19701 that the crust in the Gulf of Suez might have been thinned to half its origina 1 thickness. 4.3 summari zes Table the inversion results of this earthquake with three different velocity struc tures ; see also Appendi x C. we are not certain cannot rule out April 22, This about the v elocit y structure in th is a centroid dep th as great as Si nce area, we 9 or 12 km. 1969 earthquake occurred near the intersection between the southern end of the East Sheba (Figure 4.2). A very good fit waveforms from this earthquake Ridge and the Owen Fracture Zone to the observed P and SH (Figure 4.10) is obtained with a 143 faulti ng mechani sm with some strike-slip normal stat ion distribution (350/63/305). The event is but the poor, The an excellent cons traint for one of is 5.1 km Although the st ation coverage for solutions in which we fixed the focal other source parameter s, and strike, this mechanism accurate. quite dip, For depth and inverted for the seismic moment than varied by less and sl ip varied by less than 100. well -const rained, the focal is this motions at hanism is very stable. is poor, the source meec P waves 20%, for seismi c moment is 2.9 x 1024 dyn-cm, and The the centroid depth P waves c le ar upward first stations SHL and CHG p rovide planes. of P waveforms clearly require some strike-slip component. the nodal component depth Since is probably We determi n ed that the centroid depth of this earthquake is in the range 3 -8 km at a significance level of A secondary mini mum in the residual-versus-depth curve 0.1. occurs at 7 km, 1 km below t he Moho. The focal mechanism (344/63/302) and seismic mom ent (2.5 x 1024 dyn-cm) for the mantle soluti on are very sim ilar to those of the best solution. The t-statist ic calculated f or this depth smaller than the threshhold ta. This is only slightly solution becomes degraded and lies outs ide the uncerta inty range, however, when a gradual Moho structur •e i s used for t he inversion. analysis, we bel ieve the cen troid depth is Based on the above between 3 and 6 km. The wate r depth determi ned from the period of the water-column reverberations in the P wavetrains is about 4.9 The water depth in the median valley indicated on the bathymetric map is between 4.5 and 5 .0 km. Unlike pure km. 144 normal-faulting for this earthquake are the P waves, component. fault probably If plane, We axis. ridge-axis think this south lies an December 14, Owen 1969 3 parallel the patt valleys the off-ridge Carlsberg cycle of the ri dge probably occurred in a region where the crust and in the normal ridge environment. next the about 300 km (Figure e rn suggests that the easternmost of The South bends located Carlsberg Ridge ISC epicenter for valle Y to the west, event. Ridge Zone on is t he vicinity of the epicenter probably in ridge axis. within first ees with the trend of earthquake Fracture The seismicity marks the 1969 of the 4.2). the 14, with of water waves plane striking at 293 tran sition colder th an amplitudes significant strike-sl nodal earth quake fault upper mantle are The to its the the compared then the stri ke agr ridge-transform December small due we take events, and of the the this and thus epicentral median valley earthquake it region, shifts is probably the to the southwest. The focal characterized component. mechanism 317/ 63/ 61, by thrust-fatulti ng with mornent The seismic centroid depth 3.0 km. The station all observed is by P axis is is Figure 4.11) is some strike-slip 10.3 x 1024 dyn-cm, the km, and the inferred water depth is cover age for this event is very g ood and 3.1 waveforms well-constrained inferred ( are wel 1 f it. P wavei s One nodal plane at NI L, SHL, CHG, and SNG. nearly horizontal aligned with the spreading direction. and is is very The approximately One nodal plane is 145 subparallel to is N-S striking trend ridge, of the parallel to other fault north a linear depression presumed median valley of the and the of the within the African and thus We e stimate that the age of the lit hosphere in the plate. epicentral region half-spreading rate about 3 M.y. from the is predicted by model 1978]. RM2 [Minster and Jordan, This event of the closest known thrust-fau Iting earthquake to is thus one ridge. an actively spreading There i s very little trade-off focal mechanism and between Using the t -test, we estimat e centroid dep th for this event. that the cen troid depth is between 1 and 7 km at a = 0.1. are quite good fo r this earthqu ake, the fits between 2 an d 6 km. At depths P waveforms deteriorates. greater than We believe that of 1-7 km fo r the depth uncertainty range at 10.3 80 N and 56.830E) occurred Zone and the long-period June 28, The S waveforms earthquake km northwest earthquake is P and Ridge, but we the fit of the the est imate i s proba bly accura te. 1969, mb of were the Owe n Fracture unable to match the in detail. 1972 This 15 Carlsberg 7 km, yo ung lit hosphere of in the African plate near the intersection F or fixed depths (March 29, Another thrust-faulting earthquake 5.6, plane The epicenter of this event is about 30 km r egion. epicentral west the station of the (Figure characterized occurred by in the northern epicenter of 4.8). March 31, The inversion nearly distribution the pure for normal Indian Red solution faulting this event Sea about 1969 (Figure 4.12) (288/40/260). is fairly poor, 146 however, 6.1 especially km, and the structure used earthquake event. are the very between from varies the slip between shows for the 2600 varies 1 and is 5-13 that at half cycles wide and too 3000, from 2300 km. The is NDI, This Ridge The km PTO, 11 the strike 500, depths of the B that by the seismograms and = and fixed range estimated VAL, km, 1969 a significant to the first We think at dilatational COP are 0.6. The the true too P value centroid 11 km. the southern (Figure mechanism subparalle 1 to is 300 for this end of the Carlsberg north of the Mabahis s Fractu re Zone (F igure 4. 13). normal -fau Iting depth 0.13. occurred invers ion solu tion The depth of 31, there is for centroid source crustal March from is The centroid depth; varies MAL, a depth dyn-cm. centroid depth of the 11 depth 1972 event just fit. than betwee n 5 and probably and examination SNG, At large. dip centroid greater CHG, 102' coverage, 3000 to A closer depths September 7, the centroid a continental mechanism and for a dep th of 11 km is depth is mechanism station focal km. at 3.7 x similar to those to 15 is inversion focal The SH waves. moment Due to the poor trade-off t-test seismic Both halfspace. for the the km, is (333/ 55/276). ridge axis. seismic moment 1 .6 4.14) is All 3.5 x a nearly The noda 1 planes obs erved wave 1024 dyn-cm, th a nd the inferr ed water secondary minimum in the residu al -versu s-depth cu 6 km, just beneath the Moho. (319/46/257) depth pure is are wel 1 forms ar e centro d 3.4 km. A rve occu s at The focal mechanism at this depth has slightly more strike-sl ip component than the best solution. This deeper sol ution is worsened when a more 147 gradual Moho is used in the i at a range within the uncertainty nversion; however, it is still = 0. 1. probability of making a type II error, B, Tha t the 6 km solution. not detect a difference in 3 out is, of At a = 0.1, is equal 0.6 for to t-test will 5 times the we use If bet ween the two solutions. a = 0.15, however, then the the difference between the mantle solution and the best-fitti ng solution is significant. reason, we suggest that cen troid depth lies at a significance level January 3, This of 0.15. event occurred ju st north of the equator on the earthquake is (Figure The station coverage for this 4.1 3). excellent for both P and SH waves. waveform inversion we obtai ned a nearly pure (Figu re 4.15). by the synthetics 8.8 x 1024 dyn-cm, the cent roid depth inferred water depth shallowest in From the normal-faulting Al 1 P and SH waveforms are very well mechanism (322/42/254). epicenter in the range 1-2 km 1980 Carlsberg Ridge fit For this is 3.5 this study. km. The seismic moment is is 1.1 km, and the This earthquake is the The water depth suggests that the of this earthquak e is a little to the south of the ISC location. The shallowness of this earthquake is reflected in the lack of dilatational first motions PRE, and WIN. in the P waves at SHL, The focal mechanism is GRM, quite stable for centroid depths fixed in the range 1-10 km; strike, dip, varied less than 150. HKC, and slip all The range in acceptable centroid depth at a = 0.1 is 0.5-4 km and 6-9 km. A secondary solution occurs at a depth of 7 km; however, this solution becomes degraded and can 148 be rejected when a gradual Moho transi tion is We therefore believe that inversion. used the depth in the range 0.5 to 4 km reflects the true unce rtainty in centroid depth. October 7, 1981 October 7, 1981 earthquake occurred on the Central The Indian Ri dge about 100 km south of the Vema Fracture Zone (Figure Whether the epicenter lies along a short 4.4). median-va lley segment or is within the Indian plate is ambiguous on the ba sis of seismicity and bathymetry data alone (Figure 4.4). Using a semi-automated centroid tensor inversion and data from the GDSN, Dziewonski and Woodhouse [1983] obtained a mechanism combining normal and strike-slip faulting Station coverage for P waves is rather poor for (356/44/3 18). this even t. We obtained a normal-faulting mechanism (311/50/2 57) with the T axis roughly perpendicular to the ridge axis. Most of the waveforms are well fit by the synthetic seismogra ms (Figure 4.16). The seismic moment of 4.5 x 1024 dyn-cm es timated in our inversion is in excellent agreement with the momen t of 4.7 x 1024 dyn-cm obtained by Dziewonski and Woodhouse [1983]. The centroid depth is 8.2 km, and the inferred water depth is 3.4 km. This earthquake is the deepest we have studied. There is a significa nt trade-off, however, between focal mechanism and centroid depth because of the poor P-wave coverage. A secondary minimum in the residual-versus-depth curve occurs at 1.9 km with a normal- faulting focal the best solution and is and Woodhouse [1983]; mechanism (336/56/282) that differs from closer to the solution of Dziewonski the seismic moment for this second 149 Most solution is 4.8 x 1024 dyn-cm. quite well (Figure source fit of the waveforms by the synthetic seismograms 4.17). With a gradual region structure, mantle solution is for this M oho transition also solution included in the both so lutions become degraded but the still the bes t solution. Because of station coverage, however, we do not have confidence centroid depth. are The centroid de pth is regarded as in the poor our lying between 1 and 9 km. October 25, This 1982 earthquake occurred on the Carlsberg Ridge just of a fracture zone (Figure 4.6). Direc t ly south of this south area, the Carlsberg Ridge changes its directi 0 n from NW-SE to almost N-S. A centroid moment-tensor solution (293/73/260) Dziewonski et al. [1983a] shows normal steeply-dipping nodal (323/60/292) shown plane. faulting with Our inver sion solution in Figure 4.18 has a greater strike-slip component than that of Dziewonski et al Station this event is good, and all waveforms a re well fit synthetic seismograms, especially the nodal waveform at SHL. one coverage for by the character of the P The seismic moment of 4.1 x 1024 dyn-cm is somewhat smaller than the estimate of 7.4 x 1024 dyn-cm obtained by Dziewonski et al. [1983a]. The cent roid depth is 2.9 km, the inferred water depth is 3.2 km. Neither epicenters nor the bathymetric map clea rly valley in this area. (October 18, earthquake define the median However, the wate r depth suggests that this earthquake may have occurred a lit tle ISC location. the and to the north of We also investigated the nearby earthquake 1964) inferred by Banghar and Sykes [19691 to the 150 involve primarily normal faulting, but because it double event we were unable to obtain a reliable using the procedures we have followed here acceptable centroid depth for is a complex centroid depth other ridge axis earthquakes. The range earthquake the sea are (324/57/297) 6-km-deep 2.9 be rejected km. for the occurs just residuals approximately December 8, western the of Aden of centroid that -of similar (Figure Dziewonski The to the [1983a]. is depth 2.2 et al. seismic 3.2 x km. on to 2.9 focal Moho this is those beneath km and mechanism for the of the solution becomes degraded transition earthquake between the West 4.19). moment-tensor 1 and moment Dziewonski is lies and can assumed in the 6 km. Figure of is but 4.20 has 3.4 x [1981] 4.2 km, found ridge-axis Ridge in et al. (288/51/272), the [1983a] using the Our inversion is a very small 1024 dyn-cm obtained depth Pearce (mb = 4.7) in Sheba inversion. [1983a] 1024 The centroid for a small the east. a gradual faulting mechanism (290/56/254) shown component. at 1982 residual- 6 km (3.9 x 1024 dyn-cm) We believe that centroid the at the October 1982 a normal solution Moho, Also, identical earthquake occurred Gulf obtained equal. almost at a = 0.1 when in for the solutions seismic moment inversion. This below the However, the mantle solution and that method A secondary minimum The and for the 7 km. solution are at depth curve floor. 6 km depth crust 1 to is versus-depth in by earthquake strike-slip dyn-cm is very Dziewonski and the a focal similar to et inferred depth of about 300 al. water 5 + 2 km km to 151 Although the number of stations used for the inversion small, is the stations are well-located to give adequate coverage for both P and SH waves. depths is 3 to residual The range in acceptable centroid 6 km at a = 0.1. The plot versus centroid depth is very flat, of mean-squarebut the t-statistic has a clear minimum in the depth range 3 to 6 km. This because the standard deviation of the difference, ad, is is very smal l. April 1983 11, This earthquake occurred Ridge (Fig ure Carlsberg is poor because many in 4.6). the median valley of the Sta tion coverage for this event records have not yet been distributed. From the body wavefo rm inversion, we o)btained a normal mechanism 4. 21) (Figure 3040, subparallel to the The seismic plane. depth is 2.2 km, with a sig nifi cant component of (304/51/239). strike-slip motion and The nodal plane striking at ridge axi s, is probably the fault moment is 3.6 x 1 024 dyn-cm, the centroid the inferred wat er depth is 3.5 km. There is signif icant trade-of f between focal centroid deoth. 0.5 15 km km varies range om i 350 accept minimum in the sea floor. momen t (3.4 similar the For faulting the centroid dep mechanism and th fixed i n the range strike varies fr om 2900-3100 , the dip and the slip var ies from 230 centroid depth s is 0.5-10 km. residual-versus-depth 0 to 2800. A secondary curve occurs at 8 km below The focal mechanism (303/50/243) and seismic x 1024 dyn-cm) The of the mantle solution are very to those of the best-fitting solution. All waveforms 152 are also qu ite well fit by the synthetics for the 8-km-deep solution. Using a increases slightly quite small gradual Moho for the mantle From the present transition, solution, the residual but the depth mus t the centroid data, regarded as lying between 0.5 and 10 km. data More is change may be red uce the uncerta inty range. December 8, 1983 This event occurred in Ridge about 110 1983, event normal km southeast (Figure 4.6). of the Carlsbe rg valley the median et al. Dziewonski [1984] 1 1, April of the of the epicenter a obtained faul ting mechanism with a small strike-slip component (287/62/249). The available data give coverage, but SH coverage is poor. reasonably good P u sed of stations The number in the inversio n is small because many records have not yet been distributed. (Figure 4.22) The observed waveforms are very well fit by a normal faulting mechanism (307/45/268) at a depth of 1.5 km . The moment seismic of 2.9 x dyn-cm 1024 is smaller than the 3.9 x 1024 figure dyn-cm obtained by Dziewo nski et al. [1984]. The inferred water depth The residu al-versus-depth plot at 7 km beneath the sea floor. However, show too much dilatational 3.5 km. shows another Using the t-test, range in accept able centroid depths is between 6 and 9 km. is the between solutions first motion at local between BUL. m estima ted the 1 and mini mu 2 km an d 6 and Also, 9 using km a gradual Moho transition the inversion solutions at these depths become worse than the crustal solution, on the basis of the t-test. and they can be rejected 153 DISCUSSION Indian Ocean under consideration in this The portion of the chapter is quite complicated, and the tectonic history is not well-understood. by the At least three different plates ridge system in this area. to 22 mm/yr [Minster and Jordan, of the 11 are separated rates vary Spreading from 6 The source mechanisms 1978]. Indian Ocean ridge earthquakes show great similarity. The seismic moments span only a factor of 3, from 3 to 9 x 1024 dyn-cm. As with ridge-axis earthquakes in the north Atlantic, nearly horizontal the inferred T axes are all and are approximately aligned with t he spreading direction. the range of centroid depths is from 1.1 to 8.2 km, However, is which three times the range for Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquakes (1.5 to 3.0 km). For most of these earth quakes, th ere are two local mini ma in the residual-versus-centr oid depth curve, crust and one near the top of the mant le. usually degrades and falls outside the solutions when a gradual adopted in the inversion. one within the The mantle soluti on range of acceptable rat her than a sharp Moho transition is We believe that these mantle solutions are artifacts of t he simple source velocity model in our inversion. used A summary of the de pth uncertainty for th e earthquakes examined in this chapter i s given in Table 4.4. For only one earthquake (October 7, 1981) is the best solution within the mantle, a result t hat holds even for a gradual poor Moho for this transition. Because the station coverage is quite earthquake, however, we do not have much 154 confidence occurred in in the stress centroid drop would that event the bar, ridge-axis or that shallow this an order to the seafloor, of magnitude W e suspect events. rupture actually earthquake rupture extended only 0.7 be of other is If depth. the mantle and smaller than that this the not did either extend to the seafloor. In this trade-off between adequate. coverage thesis, we mechanism Generally, have have the smaller intervals factor in long-period body waves. similar Indian Ocean to that depth if of good permissible centroid pr obably Excluding the earthquak es depths range for events from 1.1 to along the 4.2 for km. i s not azimuthal earthquake centr oid centroid consider able station coverage station coverage is determining inadequate coverage, the in the and earthquakes with We therefore believe that important there is noticed that mo the depth u si with rid ge-axis T his dep th eve range nts i s northern Mi d-Atl antic Ridge. Applyi ng the same statistical test as for the Atlantic events, we have determined the uncertainty ranges of all of our Indian Ocea n ridge earthquakes. From the statistical analys is, we conclude that the range of uncertainty in centroid depth for earthquakes on Indian Ocean ridges is about ± 4 km. This va lue is somewhat larger than that for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquakes and is mainly the result of poorer station cover age. It should be recalled that we have underestimated the number of degrees of freedom in our analysis in order to be assured of independent data. 155 The water depths e stimated from the P wa veforms are comp ared in Table 4.2 w ith the maximum local depth of the median vall ey as indicated on bathymetric maps. the two depth estimates is fairly good. The Give agreement between n the uncertainties in the epicentral coordinates and in the depths obtained from the contour map, most of these earthquakes beneath the inner f loor of the med ian valley. rule out the possi b ility th at some the rift the inner walls of However, we are su r e that valley none of th e upper occurred beneath fault in this chapter (Ta ble 4.5) earthquakes faul t 1966). these ridge earthquakes fa ult width, fault earthquakes two Excluding the inadequate Red treated Sea azimuthal coverage, area Lw ranges from 30 t o 170 km 2 . average fault slip varies f rom 5 to 60 cm. 20 and 80 bars. drop lies between (e.g., August 15, length, and ea r thquakes with the estimated of these events occurred near and str ess drop for the average slip Again, we may not mo untains. rift We also calcu 1 ated the area, seem to have occurred All The these The estimated values stress are similar to those of the Mi d -Atlanti c Ridge earthquak es in Chapter 3. The March 31, 1969 Red Sea earthquake i s the largest earthquake in this study. nature of the seaf oor We have performed bod velocity structure and (Table 4.3). best overall The fit At present, the i nterpretation of the ene ath the Red Sea is still disputed. wa ve inversion with 3 different fou nd very similar focal mechanisms inversion solution with oceanic crust has a nd the deepest signal-to-noise ra ti os are very cent roid depth . high for all the The P waves. The other 156 Red Sea earthquake (June 28, of the larger north Although station coverage for 1969 event. its focal is poor, the 1972 event slightly to the 1972) occurred mechanism and centroid depth These Red Sea are similar to those of the 1969 earthquake. events are probably the deepest events we have studied. The half-spreading rate large depth uncertainty.) northern Red Sea, model [1978], calculated is about in the Gulf of Suez. important in Freund dominated Picard by vertical occurred along the Arava-Dead how this missing motion notion, tectonic movements McKenzie et al. [1970] slip is However, Freund imply [1969] and taken up in suggested that the the Gulf the Red Sea, and that the Gulf by normal [1965] suggested that is Combining Picard's faulting. folds in the Suez area some left-lateral motion along the Gulf. Abdel-Gawad suggested that the missing motion can be taken up entirely by [1976] being hypothesized that of Suez is opening in the same sense as the missing is Sea [1966] observed that the Gulf of Suez Gulf is the expression of graben tectonics. [1966] 190 km. [1965] has shown from field evidence that only 110 km of slip has accommodated. Girdler [1966] opening of the Red Sea is about suggested that the total The question is kinematic this study. in The two northern Red Sea earthquakes are fault. for the for the Azores the slowest spreading rate we have encountered On the other hand, a very from Minster and Jordan's 5.9 mm/yr, except determining the motion it has nominally deeper, but October 7, 1981 event is (The left-lateral suggested that motion in the Gulf. Ben-Menahem et earthquake focal mechanisms are al. 157 consistent with the interpretation Freund [19651]. Later focal of folds mechan ism i n the Suez area studies [Pearce, 1977, 1980] also supported the hypothes is o f left-lateral motion the Gulf o f Suez. in However, among the 4 earthq uakes used to support th e left-lateral motion, one earthquak e occurr ed outside the Gulf near Cairo, about 300 km awa y from the other The other 3 earthqu akes all occu rred at the mou th earthquake s. of the Gul f of these of Suez very close to (March 31, eac h other. 1969 and June 28, 1972) but found that th ey have nearl y pure normal-faulting mech anisms. earthquake (January 12, body-wave analysis. with the et al. suggestion [1970]. 1972) We have studi e d is too small for The rema ini ng long-pe riod Our results are in qualit ative ag reement of opening of the Gulf of Suez by McKenzie However, we cannot motion also occurring in the Gulf. rul e out some strike-slip 158 Table 4.1 Epicentral Data for Indian Ocean and Red Sea Ridge-Axis Earthquakes Date Origin Time March 19, 1964 0942:35.8 14.42 56.36 Dec. 3, 1964 0350:01.7 -14.84 Aug. 15, 1966 1020:47.0 March 31, 1969 Latitude, Longitude, oN oE Half spreading ratea, mm/yr mb Ms 10.8 5.8 5.7b 66.76 22.1 5.7 6.3 b 3.73 64.00 13.6 5.2 0715:54.4 27.61 33.91 April 22, 1969 2234:40.0 12.80 58.25 Dec. 14, 1837:09.0 8.20 58.49 June 28, 1972 0949:35.0 27.70 33.80 Sept. 7, 1972 0255:00.0 -1.99 68.07 Jan. 3, 1980 1811:56.1 0.02 Oct. 7, 1981 1319:23.0 Oct. 25, 1982 6.1 6.8 5.6 5.2 9.4 5.9 5.6 5.9 5.5 5.5 17.4 5.6 5.7 67.17 16.3 5.7 5.6 -11.40 66.30 20.5 5.9 5.6 1708:29.2 2.96 65.93 14.7 5.3 5.5 Dec. 8, 1982 0619:36.4 12.08 46.08 5.6 5.3 April 11, 1983 1716:30.3 5.25 61.62 11.9 5.7 5.5 Dec. 8, 1983 0126:22.0 4.40 62.51 12.6 5.5 5.1 196 9c 5.9 11.2 9.5 Epicentral and magnitude data are taken from the ISC for 1964-April 1983 and the NEIS for December 1983. a Half spreading rate calculated from model RM2 of Minster and Jordan [1978] b Magnitude M from Rothe [19691 c Near-ridge event. Table 4.2 Source Mechanisms Obtained from Body Waveform Inversionsa Centroid Depthd Water Depthe Depth of Median Valleyf 240.6±4.3 1.8±0.24 3.3 3.0-3.5 46.4±2.1 248.5±4.1 1.6±0.12 3.4 3.5-4.0 293.6±1.8 50.7+0.7 260.3_+1.8 3.4±0.12 3.8 3.5-4.0 294.0±1.7 36.9±0.4 271.3±1.0 6.2+0.08 0.2* 0.2 4.0± 1.0 349.9±+1.5 63.4±0.9 304.7±2.1 5.1±0.07 4.9 4.5-5.0 Moa tsc Strike Dip March 19, 1964 4.6+0.5 4.0±1.0 281.9±3.0 38.1±4.7 Dec. 3, 1964 6.8±+0.1 2.4±0.8 301.6_+3. 7 Aug. 15, 1966 4.4+0.3 3.0± 1.0 9.6±+1.6 Date 1969 106.3±3.4 April 22, 1969 2.9±0.3 March 31, Slip Dec. 14, 1969 10.3±0.9 3.0± 1.0 317.1+± 1.0 63.1±0.8 61.1±1.0 3.1±0.07 3.0 3.0-3.5 June 28, 1972 3.8_+1.1 4. 5±1.5 288.4±1.2 40.0±0.4 260.0±1.3 6.1±0.04 0.2* 0.2 Sept. 7, 1972 3. 5±0.3 3.0±1.0 332.8±1.8 54.6_+1.3 275.9±2.2 1.6+0.07 3.4 3.5-4.0 Jan. 3, 1980 8.8± 1. 1 4.0±1.0 322.4± 3.8 42.1±2.6 254.3±4.8 1.1±0.22 3.5 3.0-3.5 Oct. 7, 1981 4. 5±0.3 4.0± 1.0 311.2±1.5 50.2±0.4 256.9±1.4 8.2±0.15 3.4 3.5-4.0 Oct. 25, 1982 4.1±0.6 4.0_±1.0 323.1_+1.2 60.4_+1.1 292.2±1.7 2.9+0.10 3.2 3.0-3.5 Dec. 8, 1982 3.4+1.7 5.0+1.0 290.2±3.1. 55.7±1.3 254.1±3.6 4.2+0.32 2.2 2.0-2.5 April 11, 3.4±0.5 5.0± 1.0 305.2+4.0 47.9±1.3 243.9+5.2 2.8±0.17 3.5 3.0-3.5 2.9±0.4 4.0± 1.0 306.9±4.4 44.9+4.1 267.7±4.3 1. 5±0.20 3.5 3.5-4.0 1983 Dec. 8, 1983 160 Notes to Table 4.2 a) The range indicated for source parameters (rMo, strike, dip, slip, and centroid depth) is one standard deviation (formal error). b) x 1024 dyne-cm (1017 N-m) c) Total duration of the source time function, sec d) Relative to the seafloor, km e) Inferred from modeling the water-column reverberations in the later portions of the P wavetrains. f) Local depth of the median valley inner floor indicated by bathymetric maps [Fisher et al., 1982; Laughton, 19751 * Taken from bathymetric map. 4 Table 4.3 Inversion results for the March 31, 4 1969 northern Red Sea earthquake Seismic Source structure moment, 1024 dyn-cm Centroid Double couple depth, orientation km (strike/dip/slip) Diuration of source time function, RMS residual, mm sec 1. Continental crustal halfspace 106.3 294/37/271 2. Single oceanic crustal layer over mantle halfspace 144.3 297/38/272 3. 15 km continental crustal layer over mantle halfspace 89.2 301/39/274 6.2 12.0 9.3 5.36 5.28 5.34 Table 4.4a Summary of Source Parameter Uncertainty Ranges for Indian Ocean Ridge Earthquakes Range in centroid depth, in km, given by t-test, a = 0.1 Date March 19, 1964 0.5-13 Secondary solution with sharp Moho Within uncertainty Depth, range for a = 0.1? km 6.5 yes Secondary solution with gradual Moho Within uncertainty Depth, range km for a = 0.1? 6 yes Adopted uncertainty ranges Depth, km a 1-4 0.15 Dec. 3, 1964 1-6 6 no -- 1-3 0.15 Aug. 15, 1966 1-6 6 no 4-- 2-6 0.10 March 31, 1969 April 22, 1969 Dec. 14, 1969 5.5-8 5.5-8 3-8 7 yes 7 no 2-7 0.10 3-6 0.10 2-7 0.10 5-11 0.15 1-2 0.10 4-- June 28, 1972 5-13 Sept. 7, 1972 1-2 and 6-7 Jan. 3, 1980 0.5-4 and 6-9 6 yes 6.0 no 6 yes 6.0 no 0.5-4 0.10 Oct. 7, 1981 1-9 1.9 yes 1.9 yes 1-9 0.10 Oct. 25, 1982 1-7 6 yes 6 no 1-6 0.10 Dec. 8, 1982 3-6 6 no 3-6 0.10 0.5-10 8 yes 8 yes 0.5-10 0.10 1-2 and 6-9 6 yes 6 no 1-2 0.10 April 11, 1983 Dec. 8, 1983 4-- Table 4.4b Date Summary of Source Parameter Uncertainty Ranges for Indian Ocean Ridge Earthquakes Strike, deg Dip, deg Slip, deg Seismic Moment, 1024 dyn-cm Source time function duration, sec March 19, 1964 280-315 25-45 235-290 4.0-6.0 3-4.5 Dec. 3, 1964 296-307 45-50 240-252 5.0-7.4 2-3.5 Aug. 15, 1966 288-298 49-53 259-264 3.8-4.6 March 31, 1969 294-309 35-40 270-280 81-114 April 22, 1969 340-355 61-65 295-305 2.6-3.3 4 Dec. 14, 1969 313-320 58-64 59-64 9.2-12.6 3 June 28, 1972 280-300 39-45 250-270 3.1-4.9 2-7 Sept. 7, 1972 315-335 47-56 255-276 2.8-3.5 3 Jan. 3, 1980 302-327 34-49 241-255 7.2-10.7 3-4 Oct. 7, 1981 310-336 42-55 256-281 4.3-5.1 3-6 Oct. 25, 1982 320-330 58-64 285-295 3.6-4.2 4-5 Dec. 8, 1982 285-295 50-60 247-255 3.4-3.8 4-5 April 11, 1983 292-310 37-52 235-255 2.7-4.4 1.5-5 Dec. 8, 1983 305-330 35-45 265-305 2.8-3.1 3.5-4.5 3 7.5-10 ~ £lr Table 4.5 Date Estimated Source Dimensions and Stress Drop for Indian Ocean Ridge Earthquakes Fault length,a km 1 March 19, 1964 2 &r Fault width,b km Fault area, km2 Average slip, cm Stress drop, bars 11 5 60 20 20 Dec. 3, 1964 7 4 30 50 50 3 Aug. 15, 1966 9 9 80 10 6 4 March 31, 1969c 27 17 460 80 13 5 April 22, 1969 12 12 140 5 2 6 Dec. 14, 1969 9 9 80 30 15 7 June 28, 1972c 12 12 160 8 2 8 Sept. 7, 1972 9 5 40 20 20 9 Jan. 3, 1980 12 3 40 60 80 10 Oct. 7, 1 9 8 1d 15 15 220 3 1 11 Oct. 25, 1982 12 8 100 10 5 12 Dec. 8, 1982 15 12 170 5 2 13 April 11, 1983 15 8 120 7 4 14 Dec. 12 4 50 10 10 8, 1983 a Estimated from duration of source time function. shear wave velocity. b Calculated from the assumptions: c Calculated with rigidity and shear velocity corresponding to continental crustal material. d Calculated with rigidity and shear velocity corresponding to mantle material. Rupture velocity is assumed to be 0.8 times w < X and w < 2.8h. 0( 165 FIGURE Figure 4.1. Location of ridge-axis earthquakes in the northwest Indian and Red Sea studied in this chapter overall distribution of seismicity (ISC Ocean with the epicenters, 1964 and Pakistan Figure Detailed near the epicent and metric from the mb study than ISC Figure 4.3. (dashed qu Comparis Bathy- are from Laughton [1975]; regions Earthqua ke epicenters are area projec tions of the 1ower hemisphere; adra nts are shaded. on of obser ved (solid lin e) lor inversi(on (equal-area km, (Mercator projec tion). 196 4-1982; large symbols denote events 1964 earthquake, from the 1969 Faul t plane solutions for events of this equal- line) Iran the East Sheba Ri dge km are sha ded. 3 for compressional regi ons of ers of the earthquakes of March 19, in > 5.4. are the along , shown bec ause they are too numerous. bat hymet ry of contours, shallower with not 22, April Earth quakes in -198 2). are 4.2. 1964, CAPTIONS and riod P and SH waves the focal mechanis m so lution plotted proj( ection). on the All ampl lower for the syn thetic Ma rch 19, obtained foca 1 hemis phere itudes are normal ized an instrument, magnification of 3000; the am plitude scales correspond to the waveforms that would be o bserved on an original seismogram for suc h an instrument. vertical lines delimit the portion of each time series, The two digitized at 0 .5 second int ervals, used in the inversion. Symbols for both types of w aves are open ci rcle, dilatation; solid circle, c ompression; cros s, emergent 166 arrival For SH waves, compression corresponds to positive motion as defined by Aki Richards [1980]. and Some first motions are shown for stations not used in the waveform inversi on. The source time function obtained from the inversi on is also shown. Bathymetry and seismicity of the Central Figure 4.4. Ridge near 1964, the epicenters of the earthquakes and October 7, 1981. are from Fisher et al. [19821]; regions Comparison of t he obse rved and Figure 4. 5. of December 3, Bathymetric contours, in km, shallower than 3 km See Figure 4 .2 fo r fu rther are shaded. Indian explanat ion synthetic wave s for the December 3, 1964 , event. P and SH See Figu re 4.3 for furt her explanation. Figure 4. 6. Bathymetry and seismicity of the Carlsberg Ridge median valley near the epice nters of the earthquake s of August 15, 1966; October 25, 1982; April y is Bathym et r: December 8, 1983. 11, 1983; and f rom Laughton [197 5]; regions shallower than 3 km are sh aded. See Figure 4.2 for further explanation. Figure 4.7. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the August 15, 1966, eve nt. See Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.8. Rathymetry and no rt hern Red Sea. earthquakes Gulf Laughton Figure The March occurred of Suez. seismicity in 31, of the and 1969 and June 28, the Red Sea Bathymetric contours, [19751; central regions deeper than 4.2 for further explanation. 1972 t the mouth of the in km, are from 1 km are shaded. See 167 Figure 4.9. Comparison of the observed and waves for the March 31 , 1969, event. synthetic P and SH See Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.10. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the April 22 , 1969, event. S ee Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.11. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the December 14, 1969, See Figure 4.3 for event. further explanation. Figure 4.12. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and waves for the June 28, 1972, event. See Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.13. Bathymetry and seismicity of the Carlsberg Ridge near the epicenters of the earthquakes of September 7, 1972, and January 3, 1980. [1975] and Fisher et al. 3 km are shaded. Figure 4.14. Bathymetry is from Laughton [1982]; regions shallower than See Figure 4.2 for further explanatio n. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and waves for the September 7, 1972, event. SH See Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.15. Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and waves for the January 3, 1980, event. SH See Figure 4.3 f or further explanation. Figure 4.16. Comparison of observed and synthetic P and SH waves for the October 7, 1981, event. for a centroid depth of 8.2 km. Station NWAO is in the GDSN; see separate amplitude scale. further explanation. The synthetics a re See Figure 4.3 for 168 Figure 4.17. waves Comparison of observed and synthetic for the October 7, 1981, event. for a centroid depth of 1.9 km. The See Figure P and SH synthetics are 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.18. waves Comparison of observed and synthetic for the October 25, further Figure 4.19. 1982, event. P and SH See Figure 4.3 for explanation. Bathymetry and seismicity of the West Sheba Ridge near the epicenter of the earthquake of December 8, 1982. Bathymetric regions contours, shallower than in km, are from Laughton 3 km are shaded. (1975); See Figure 4.2 for further explanation. Figure 4.20. waves Comparison of the observed and for the December 8, 1982, event. synthetic P and SH See Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.21. waves Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH for the April 11, 1983, event. See Figure 4.3 for further explanation. Figure 4.22. waves Comparison of the observed and synthetic P and SH for the December 8, further explanation. 1983, event. See Figure 4.3 for 169 30'N 20'N S 10'N 0* 10'S - 30'E 40'E 50'E Figure 4.1 60'E 70'E 20'S 80'E 170 1 5N i o10,4 55'E 60'E Figure 4.2 MARCH 19, 1964 P WAVES SH WAVES 5 SHL Z SHL - Souce Time Function p (sec) It 4 v- C HG ATTRI CHG BAG ATU BAG NHA ' NHA BUL 5 2 mm mm 60 60 SOC Sec Figure 4.3 172 loS 10 K150S 70 0 E 65E Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 8'N 5N 2'N 60E 65E ~_ AUGUST WAVES MSII 15, 1966 sllVzt Sorc TlI( e I ut i n I AB , I B I N NUIl L I 1A WIN PIlE 3 m in 8 /0 s5ec sec SOC Figure 4.7 30'N 25'N -j 30'E 35'E 20'N 40'E Figure 4.9 APRIL 22, 1969 SH WAVES 4 Source KRK Time )Functon SHL (sec) NUR CHG SNG SDB BUL 6 mm 60 60 Sec Figure 4.10 OO Figure 4.11 Figure 4.12 C), 181 00 5S 65E 70'E Figure 4.13 SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 P WAVES OUE KBL Source I\ SHI . 0I N furnct I1mo V (sec) I JERill JER -JER NAI _ -o PRE 4 mm mm 6( 40s sec Sec I Figure 4.14 Figure 4.15 00 Co 4W Figure 4.16 a co Figure 4.17 OCTOBER 25, 1982 ES SH WAVES 5 CHGG BAG SNG BCAO SN AO CTA WIN 6 rm 5 WWSSN mm 2 WWSSN 60 sec sec Figure 4.18 mm GDSN 60 130 sec co C0) 15N 45E 50E Figure 4.19 10'N a Figure 4.20 4 APRIL 11, 1983 . SH WAVES P WAVES 5 CHG SHL Source Time Function ATU (sec) I SNG RUL BU PRE 2 I" mm 60 mm 6S sec sec Figure 4.21 DECEMBER 8, 1983 P WAVES SH WAVES Source C HG Time Function (sec) IST BAG BUL BUL 60 mm sec mm 60 sec Figure 4.22 191 CHAPTER 5. SOME GENERALIZATIONS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF RIDGE-AXIS EARTHOIUAKES INTRODUCTION In previous chapters, we presented the source mechanisms of 29 large ridge-a xis earthqua ke s that occurre,d in the North Indian Oceans. Atlantic and In t his chapter we consider the implication for ridge tectonics o f the earthqua ke source mechanism s and focal depths deter mined and we in terlpret our results in t erms in previ ous of what i chapters, s known about rifting at s low-spreading ridges. We b egiI n with a retrospectiv e view of the uncertainty in centroid dep th from long-period b o dy waveform inversion as a function of azimuthal coverage an d seismic moment. apply the most We then d epths for ridge-axis reliable centroid earthquak es to a discussion of th e depth extent of brittle behavior ben eath slow-spreading m i d-ocean ridges. In particula r, we consider the distr i bution of centroid depth and parameters other source of ridge earthquakes versus spreading rate. UNCERTAINTY IN CENTROID For each studied with in of the 29 body-wave uncertainty discussed Tables 3.4 in in 4.4. 2. As ANOTHER inversion, depth These LOOK normal-faulting events ridge-axis centroid Chapter and DEPTH: we by have the statistical uncertainty indicated by estimated ranges the numerical the range methods are listed tests in 192 Chapter 2, we expect that the uncertainty should centroid in depth be generally greatest for events wi th the poorest azimuthal coverage of P and SH waveforms. That this whi in is displayed in F igure 5.1, expectation is borne out ch the range i n acceptab le centr oid depths (Tab les 3.4a and 4.4a) is between plotted versus the greates t azimuthal gap For all neighboring stations in the c overage of P wa veforms. events with a P-wave gap of 1ess than 1200, the range in acceptable centroid depths is less than 4 km (i.e., uncertainty is about + 2 km). of less than 1800, For all event the s with a P-wave gap the range in acceptable d epths is less than Because the uncertaint y estimated fro m our statistical 5 km. generally asymmetri cal about the best-fitting method is centroid depth, the 5 km rang e translates to uncertainty limits If the range of acce ptable centroid of about -2 and +4 km. plotted against the average gap fo r P- and SH-wave depths is coverage, a similar relations hip is shown (F igure 5.2). corresponding but weaker rela tionship alone. coverage of The above analysis reliably in order to estimate SH-wave underscores the coverage, especially azimuthal adequate for exists the centroid importance P-wave for A depth o f coverage, shallow earthquakes. In is Figure plotted ranges in against the of this larger than range are study. all in uncertainty in seismic moment. uncertainty earthquakes moment 5.3, As expected, t he associated with All earthquakes 5 x 1024 dyn-cm have ce ntroid the with ranges depth largest smal 1 er a seismic in acceptable 193 centroid + depths 2 km). le ss than The uncerta inty earthquakes, the of focal probably 4 km range (or tends because more are mechanisms better uncert ainties less than to smal 1er be stations for larger are used so that constrained. COMPARISON OF SOURCE MECHANISM WITH HARVARD CMT SOLUTIONS For the most recent earthquakes of this study, centroid moment tensor solutions have also been obtained by Dziewonski and Woodhouse [1983] and Dziewonski et al. may be compared with the results of comparisons are shown in Table 5.1. the double-c oup le orientations the two diff ere nt methods considering the in the CMT our [1983a,b, 1984] and inversion. For most of these event and seismic moments agree quite well, very long periods i nve rsion [Dziewonski These (> 45 sec) et al., obtained from particular of the waves us ed 1981]. One event for which the re sul 1ts of the two methods disagree significantly the October 7, 1981 Indian Ocean earthquake. s, is However, a solution cor res ponding to a secondary minimum in the residua 1versus-depth cu rve has to that of the Harvard a double-couple orientation more simi lar solution (see Chapter 4). From the a bove comparisons, we believe that the Harvard CMT solutions are generally qu ite good and more detailed are an excellent starting point for study with body waveform modeling. MODELING WATER COLUMN REVERBERATIONS The water depth above an earthquake epicenter can be constrained by the predominant period of water column reverberations, seen as prominent phases immediately following 194 the P-wave arrivals Ward, [e.g., estimated from the P waveform is maximum local 1979]. The water depth gene ral in agreement with the depth of the median valley as indicated available bathymetric maps. However , the amplitudes of observed water waves are usually muc h larger than the ampli tudes of Given the very shallow centroid depth s, synthetics. is qui possible that fault rupture broke the surface and thus gen rat it larger water waves than pre d icted by the synthetic s. It i al possible that the median va 1 ley can act to focus water reverberation s, the first producin g la rger amp litudes than p redicted after W cyc le of such mot i on. Anoth e r problem is that the first obs erved water reverberat i on can arrive later than in the synthetic wa veform (e.g., the June 2, 1965 Mid-Atlantic Ri dge earthquake). earthquake occurs beneath the center of the median vall ey, If the then the first water reverberation samples the deeper part o f the median val ley, while later water wave reve rberations ma y sample a shallowe r "average" median valley depth. the first with full layered model needed in adjusted to provide a best overall fit P waveform. Numerical located sce nario, water wave arrives later than the synthetic generated a flat to the In this modeling structures to test these of with P waves from non-pla nar synthetic sources seafloor topography are suggestions. DEPTH RANGE OF BRITTLE BEHAVIOR The best-determined centroid depths constitute an important constraint on the depth extent of brittle behavior in 195 the axial regions of slow-spreading implications of our necessary to exclude the and the two events Azores events the rifting Sea events earthquakes with of the tests more to 1970; less in described in data 1980]. continental is it northern [Searle, Sea Red The set. formed by Re d The crust also exclude al l We depths. On 2, we include only The final data set with which we consider of faulting at mid-oce!an ridges 12 in the Atlantic and 6 in t,he All the basins centroid the segments, in 19831. Chapter discuss from our thinned Cochran, reliable in occurred lithosphere occurred ridge region have To the bas earthq is uakes than two-quadrant azimuthal coverage for both P and SH waves. extent 2 earthquakes likely probably al., for typical in the Azores of Atlantic [McKenzie et with are results ridges. 18 earthquakes have Indian two 1966 and December 8, 1982) Indian Ocean. statistical The On the basis oif the less deepest both than or earthqu occurred numerical tests described e;arlier, 18 earth quakes, Ocean. centroid depths to 4.2 km beneath the seafloo r. (August 15, includes the depth in experiments these centroid dept estimated to have uncertainti es of + 3 km for the smalle equal akes the and hs are events and somewhat lesser uncertain ties for the larger events. In the interpretation of these centroid depths, it is important to note that the ce ntroid depth does not mark the maximum depth of fault slip. If circular in shape and the sli p the centroid should lie near is the the fault is rectangula r or approximately geometric Since prominent water-column reverberations uniform, center of the are evident then fault. in the 196 P waves from these events, it is reasonable to infer that rupture extends to the seafloor. fault Under these conditions, the maximum depth of fault slip is twice the centroid depth, or 2 to 8 km below the sea floor for the earthquakes Given the uncertainty in centroid depth and the irregular fault shape or nonuniform slip, depth of fault slip may of this study. possibility of however, the maximum have exceeded 8 km for some of these events. Two microearthquake experiments conducted with a s ufficient number of ocean-bottom se nsors to resolve focal depth s [Francis et al., 1978; Toomey et ai., 19851 were conducted regions of in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ne ar epicenters of one or more large earthquakes of this study. It is of interest o to the distribution of micro earthquake focal depths with f the compare t he centroid depths obtained for the large earthquakes. Francis et al. [1978 ] reported the locations of a number of microearthquakes recorded during December 1974 by a n etwork of 4 ocean-bottom seismometers near the eastern intersecti on of the St. Paul's Fracture Zone and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge m edian valley. Focal depths con centrated in the ranges 0-1 km and 6-8 km. Francis et al. [ 19781 commented particularly o n the absence of median valley events with focal depths bet ween 1 and 5 km, which they attribut ed to the presence of layer highly cracked and circulation. weakened by pervas ive The earthqu ake of June 28, 19 79 intracrustal rothermal ure 3.21) occurred beneath the median valley at the southern end of the zone of microearthquakes described by Francis et al. [19781. 197 The centroid depth of 2.5 km and the large water-column reverbe rations shown in the P waveforms value, at face would i ( Figure 3.22), If correct, suggest s that the micr oea rt hquakes in 197 4 may bottom of the fol lowe d 4.5 years lat the and centroid de pth permit a The in this have er. Of course, uncertainties the the microearthquak e focal of in depths both also the two measures of activity. experimen t second microea rthquake approximately 90 km south of the was conducted 0 early N, Kane Fra cture Zone [Toomey et Beca use of the larg e network (10 stations) and knowledge of the local Detrick, the sli p zone of the la rge earthquake that coinci dence i n depth 1985]. result outlined 1982 in the Mid-Atlantic Ridg e median valley near 23 al., taken ndi ca te that seismi c slip was concentrated between the seafloor a nd 5 km depth. top and if 1985], crustal v elocity t he focal de pths structure of many were determined t o within + 1 km formal [Purdy and of the microearthquakes e rror at 95% confidence. Most of the well- resolved hy poce nters wer e located b etween 8 km beneath the seafloor. and Thre e large earthquakes in our tudy occurred in the same region in 1962 and 1977 (Figure 3.2). Their fault plane solutions are quite simi ar plane solutions obtained for f microearthquakes [Toomey et al., probably 1985], atin g that bot responding to the same tecton ic depths of the large readily indic two clust ers earthquakes are i nterpreted as seafloor and about sets p ocess. 1.2 to 2.5 kmin, indicatin g that 5 km depth. to sl i composite of fault events are The centroid values extended most between the Most of the 1982 microearth- quakes thus occurred deeper than this nominal slip zone of the 198 large earthquakes 5 and 20 years earlier, but the uncertainties in bot h sets of quantities also permit the large earthquake slip zones to have extended well earthq uake activity. into the depth Unfortunately, experi ment has been conducted in range of micro- no microearthquake the Indian Ocean that would allow us to compare the focal depths of large earthquakes and mi croe a rthquakes. If th e difference in depth between the s lip zones of the large eart hquakes and the regions of most int ense micr oea rthquake acti vity along these two segments of the Mid-Atl ant ic Ridge is then two possible explanations present r eal, themselves One possibility is that microearthquakes in the median val ley outline a stron g portion of the crust [Kanamori, 19811 between 1-2 and 5-6 km depth, during large earthquakes and that fault init iates near the base and propagate s upward to the seafloor. If fault area or slip wer e conce ntrated in the rupture of the crust a large proportion of upper crust for these large events, th e depth of the centroid would be shallower than half the maximum depth o f scenario, fault slip. According to this the microear thquake focal depths provide the most accurate meas ure of th e maxim um depth of brittle behavior. A second possib ility is based o n the premise that the microearth quakes at 5-8 km depth mark t he strongest portion of the media valley faults barrier [Aki, In thi s scena rio, 19771 to the the do wnward strong propagation during the la rge earthquakes of this study. microearthquake activity is zone of acts fault as a slip Continued the result of the large stress 199 differences remaining larger events. very and large has This of of this are unable breaks effects shortly unusually earthquake along moment than Possible include a large 1026 barrier favor the first short-period (Mo ~ ridge and between them in of a rare, through the second one. following large zone of the depth While we distinguish monitoring aftershocks faulting study. slip the possibility to exclude the searching for directivity an the greater centroid research to discovering of earthquake that a significantly scenario, we the base scenario admits ridge-axis any of the events avenues near waveforms, event, dyne-cm) and normal- segments. CHOICE OF FAIULT PLANES Generally, the pref erred fault plane may be determined f rom a fault-plane solution aftershocks, available. ground F or if independent breakage, or geological ridge-axis earthquakes, plane can oft en be made on the be similar to trend of the local quakes with nearly pure this method f ails nodal data normal because the planes are nearly criterion the such ridge. are choice of f ault the For f ault identical. directions In this for the two we try section This ap proach gives us a chance both to test course, of another appro ach based on the predicted plate motio ns Rfi2. strike earth- ri dge faulting mechanisms, strike trends of the structu res that the as the f rom model relation between RM2 spreading directions and the geometry of ridge-axis faulting and to quanti fy the selection of fault plane and associated parameters (dip angle, slip direction). 200 For each studied, we the local chose as first determined small the difference circle fault this Tables Atlantic and events 5.4 and angles The supporting the the observed for the rms small differences Azores and are, suggest strike For most center. The Indian that has of Figures strike a large strike of directions, oblique spreading average differences strike Ocean respectively, the earthquakes, event 1980] and smallest very clear. predicted and theoretical Atlantic differences Ocean angles events, 11.80 are -1.1' and 8.90. These provides fairly reliable estimates of the strike directions of major normal faults divergent plate RM2 are the the basis planes chosen on as the fault agreement with August 15, In the epicentral to 1966, and January regions available bathymetric intersect Histograms at boundaries. same of and respectively; RM2 The fault to We then of observed-versus-predicted [Searle, spreading normal calculations for respectively. Indian observed the observed plane is 1966, suggestion the Azores the and July 4, discrepancy between +4.10 of nodal the Atlantic the have pole. plane with and events, 5.5 show a histogram for between nodal we direction spreading 5.3 show these Ocean the choice respectively. along the RM2 the and earthquakes horizontal direction 5.2 Indian the about plane between direction. these of the normal-faulting the basis planes that local 3, 1980 the nearest transform of the dip angles of the be two chosen except Indian Ocean at for on the earthquakes. earthquakes, the local fault agreement with would ridge trend of these maps, of according ridge axis appears to an oblique angle. preferred fault planes 201 are also shown + 5.50 for in Figures Mid-Atlantic ridge events in the 5.4 and 5.5. The average Ridge earthquakes Indian and 45.3 dip is + 7.30 for 45.40 Ocean. STRESS DROP St ress drops were estimated in Chapters 3 and 4 for These stress drops are very sensitive to assumed earthqu akes. fault widths. magni fied. all shallow eve nts, For very this is problem when we ha ve a cent roid depth of 3 + For example U 2 km and assume that fa ulting exten ds to the surface, the calcu lated stress drop f or a 1-km-w ide fault that for a 5-km-wide fa u lt width. Figure width for the stress dro p are estima ted from P centr 0 id It is de pth clear and in that th e the erro r depth; the errors in the of the soLirce time function the duration large error 25 times 5. 6 shows the calcu lated stress drop plotted vers us centro id bars is ba rs from b eing drawn fr om this data set . preventt any conclusions The bi ggest factors in t he large uncer tainties are the assumpt ions that the centroid dept h is ha 1 f the maximum depth of fault and that the earthquake ruptu r ed to the seafloor. I n an effort to minimize the e ffect width on th e calculated stress drop assum ptions concerning fault widths fault s width of 2.8 have a constant we of the tested First, km. assumed fault two other we assumed Figure 5.7 that all shows infer r ed st ress drop versus centroi d depth under this ass u mp tion. No clear trend next assumed that the fault width all faults is hal f can be drawn from this plot. We have the same aspect ratio and that the fault length inferred from t he 202 duration of source versus centroid assumption for cannot be depth function. does (Figure 5.8). that stress depth time drop does ridge-crest Again, not yield a plot stress drop under this any clear trend From these analyses, not vary of we believe either systematically with centroid earthquakes or that any such variation resolved. SEISMIC MOMENT VS. CENTROID DEPTH We also tested for a relationship between centroid depth and seismic moment. adequate azimuthal We again cove rage. use only the For the lid-Atlantic earthquakes, these quan tities show no moment (Figure 5.10). and Combini ng the Atlanti the inverse correlation appears somew nat larger ridge-axis earthquakes centroid depths of 1-2 km, the centroid depth rang e 1-5 km. and Indian Ocean stronger on to s how centroid depth dat (Figure 1025 dyn-cm) (Mo while smal Ridge however, appear an inverse correlation between seismi All wtih correlati ignificant The Indi an Ocean event (Figure 5.9). earthquakes a, 5 .11). have le r events occur throu gh out One possible explanation that slip during the la rger earthquakes occurs preferentially the uppermost crust, so that the centro d depths of the larger earthquakes are biased shallow relative to the mid-depth of fault rupture. DEPENDENCE OF We local SOURCE next consider spreading Mid-Atlantic rate as rate. Ridge predicted PARAMETERS ON the In events by the SPREADING RATE variation of source parameters Figure the is RM2 5.12, centroid depth plotted against velocities the with of half-spreading of Minster and Jordan 203 [1978]. with The 90% adequate A similar the azimuthal wi th less Atlantic and to shoal with This rate in given in cal bars. vert rate for half-spreading Figure we excl ude If 5.13. coverage , the ing spreading rate (Figure ombi ned ng tends 5.14). decre ase with maximum thickness of the zo ne of brittle the ridges. The maximum depth of outlines the depth of the p robably earthquak e faulting by show that the earthquake faul slow-spr eading for indicated rect evidence for a general di of events centroid depths depth ve sus is d ata increas for adequate azimuthal than provides spreading behavior even ts Indian ranges coverage are of cen troid plot India n Ocean events confidence It is brittle-d uctile trans that the lithosphere is colder and mechanically stro ng er beneath the slowest-spreading for the lithos phere magma crustal We next spreading mined consider versus Atlantic and (M o events > 9 x largest where for depth, rates all less than spreading spreading we rate data rate is major episodes of all 29 shows that 1969) about the range occurred 6 mm/yr. of seismic The combined the larger with ridges on 14 mm/yr, while in ridge-axis RM2. illustrate local deter- a plot given by occurred with reliably is more 5.15 as moment seismic include all sets rates (March 31, of moment Figure 1024 dyn-cm) earthquake the seismic Ocean because there is more time between variation study. Incian likely volcanism. half-spreading half-spreading occurred down and the Since of this segments cool to the centroid earthquakes moment ridge injection rate. than ition beneath the ridge axis a smaller events 1-25 mm/yr. i n the Th is Red plot The Sea supports 204 the hypothesis stronger needed that beneath the lithosphere slow-spreading to confirm this is colder and mechanically However, more data ridges. are hypothesis. NEAR-RIDGE EARTHQUAKES In Chapter 4, we noted that a thrust faulting earthquake 1969) occurred at 3 km depth in very young oceanic 14, (December lithosphe re near the northern Car 1sberg Ridge, just south of a stri king at about small fra cture zone. 3180, is nearly parallel to the 1 ocal t rend of the ridge. noted i n Chapter 4, another event with a similar setting and occurred on March 29, mechanism Solomon Bergman a nd several n ear-ridge thrust-fa ulting, ri Ocean, in occurred 1985x]. [ 1984] have noted erized by charact least two (November 25, epicenters, about 1965 and May 9 events occurre d in the Pac ific From ba thymetry 30 the km from December 14, t he median 1969, val ley in and eart hqua ke lit hosp here about old. the evidence and Solomon spreading near-ridge the Stein li thosphere older than 9 m.y. Bergman along Indian Ridg e (18.880S 9 [1984] and Wi ens and Both of these dqe axis. earthquake l.y. 1969; a further thrust eve nt earthquakes which are at As which have P axes orient ed near ly perpe ndicular t o0 the of nearby 3 planes, on November 6, 1984 [Dzi ewonski et al., 67.350E) 1971) nodal ) occurred near the Cent ral 6.2 (mb = One of the of cooling [1 984] directi on earthquakes and is showed that a P axis not a common suggested that oriented feature for there is little a "ridge-push" compressive stress associated with and of oceanic subsidence lithosphere [Lister, 1975; 205 Dahlen, 1981 ] to magnitude negligible 1981]. to most is shown when that, hydrothermal and field likely is large in magnitude predicted Within to be in the in with in region even ts Bratt region of 5 to thrust direction of [Dahlen, oceanic co oling of is with P axes e t al. where a1 uppermost push" milli on years very young effect the "ridge taken into accoun t, the the Fu rther, thrust stress. approximate circulation M.y. of a few cause for thermoelastic the 35 associated ages predi ct a near-ridge lithosphere. are stress least spreading direction lithosphere models of at a t lithosphere The parallel the of ages is 10 [1985] due to thermal nearly km fau lting, spreading. of have stress horizont the the P axes al 206 Table 5.1 Comparison body of waveform the Harvard inversion CMT solutions results for and recent ridge-crest earthquakes This Harvard CMT solution i e i sm i Date Double couple Double couple Seismic momenta 356/44/318 7 October 1981 study 4.7 Seismic momenta 311/50/257 336/56/ 2 82 b 4.5 4.8 b 29 January 1982 353/61/246 9/44/264 5.4 25 October 1982 293/73/260 323/60/292 4.1 8 December 1982 288/51/272 290/56/254 3.4 12 May 354/50/259 341/48/251 7.1 287/62/249 307/45/268 2.9 1983 8 December 1983 a x 1024 dyn b Second-best cm solution (see Chapter 4) 207 Table 5.2. Comparison of observed stri predicted from plate veloci Ridge earthquakes Date Nodal planes Strike/Dip angle with that for Mid-Atlantic Observed-predicted strike angle 1 June 3, 1962 4/43 179/48 -6 -11 2 June 2, 1965 187/57* 335/38 -3 -35 3 Nov. 25/46 211/44 14 21 4 July 4, 1966 135/49 309/41 -30 -36 5 April 20, 1968 328/34 121/59 -11 -37 6 Sept. 20, 1969 23/42 215/49 7 May 31, 8 April 9 16, 1965 1971 209/40 51/52 -1 22 8/48* 212/44 2 26 June 6, 1972 20/52* 227/41 9 36 10 June 28, 1977 1/46 204/46 -9 14 11 June 28, 1977 1/44 201/48 -10 11 12 Jan. 1979 199/44 20/46 16 17 13 April 17/52 210/39 5 19 14 June 28, 1979 346/40* 153/51 15 Jan. 29, 1982 9/44 197/47 -1 7 16 May 188/45 341/48 -2 -29 3, 1972 28, 22, 12, 1979 1983 -9 -22 For each earthquake, the fault plane listed firs one preferred on the basis of best agreement wit kinematic model RM2 [Minster and Jordan, 19781. is the plate * indicates fault planes chosen on the basis of agreement with local ridge trend. 208 Table 5.3. Comparison of observed strike angle with that predicted from plate velocity for Indian Ocean ridge-axis earthquakes Date 1 March 19, 2 Nodal planes Strike/Diip 1964 Observed-predicted strike angle 282/38* 138/58 17 19 Dec. 3, 1964 151/48*" 304/46 6 -25 3 Aug. 15, 129/40 294-51* 0 -15 4 March 31, 1969 112/53 294/37 8 10 5 April 22, 1969 113/43* 350/63 -7 50 6 June 28, 1972 288/40 121/51 4 17 7 Sept. 7, 1972 143/36 333/55 10 20 8 Jan. 3, 1980 322/42 163/ 50* 12 32 9 Oct. 7, 1981 151/42 311/50 7 -14 10 Oct. 25, 323/60 104/36 16 -24 11 Dec. 8, 1982 290/56* 137/37 -13 14 12 April 305/48* 161/48 -4 32 13 Dec. 130/45 307/45 0 -3 1966 1982 11, 8, 1983 1q83 For each earthquake, the fault plane listed first one prefe rred on the basis of best agreement with kin ematic model RH12 [tiinster and Jordan, 1978]. * indicates fault planes chosen on the basis with local ridge trend. is the plate of agreement 209 FIGURE Figure 5.1. CAPTIONS The greatest azimuthal gap in P waveform coverage versus the centroid depth uncertainty for all ridge-axis earthq uakes studied. Tables 3.4a and 4.4a. Figure 5.2. Average azimuthal P waveform and depth Figure Figure for all Seismic moment all ridge-axis 5.4. (Top) observed 1978] predicted Figure for 5.5. the and (Top) observed angles and of dip strike strike togram ngle on the mi nimi zi ng the fa It the dif ference by model RM2 d fference between to the and [Minster Ridge ea rthquakes. of the the fault planes difference between angles. the di fference between the perpendi cular to the predicted by model planes studied. depth un ertainty perpendic ular showing and rthquake studied. angles ri dge-axi s earthquakes. of rsus the centroid ea centroid of minimizing observed Hi the predicted basis spreadin g direct Ocean versus Mid-Atlantic Histogram selected on ridge-axis Histogram showing strike angle (Bottom) (average of the gaps in earthquakes spreading direction Jordan, gap SH waveform coverage) ve uncertainty 5.3. for Depth uncertainties are listed in RM2 for the India (Rottom ) Histogram of dip selected between on the basis pred icted and of observed strike angles. Figure 5.6. Stress drop versus centroid depth for ridge-axis earthqu akes. Error bars for stress drop are calcualted 210 from the errors 3.2 and 4.2) Only events for both Figure 5.7. in and centroid with P and drop of 2 km. Figure 5.8. fault source Figure greatest Ridge azimuthal centroid 3.4b). than less 1800 is centroid (Tables is constant depth unde the than r the length. fa ult on of the and 4.2). centroid earthquakes. km. of faulting extent half 2.8 at from the durati 3.2 versus less depth unde r the a vertical calculated gap gap a nd depth for Only events w ith 1800 for both a P and SH are plotted. waves Figure is function Mid-Atlantic azimuthal to versus Seismic moment 5.9. (Tables the fault width length time 3.4a versus drop assumption that The depth (Tables are used. corresponds Stress durati on the fault width assumption that a width time function a greatest SH waves Stress Such source 5.10. Seismi c moment versus centroid depth for Indian rid ge-axi Ocean azimuthal s earthquakes. Only events with a greatest gap 1ess than 1800 f or both P and SH waves are used. Figure 5.11. combined Seismic moment versus centroid depth for t he data sets from Atlant ic and Indian Ocean ridges. 5.12. Centroid depth versus half spreading rate Mid-Atlan tic ridge earthquakes The solid circles Figure represent earthquakes with a g reatest azimuthal than for 1800 both P and SH represents the uncertainty confidence. waves. for gap less The vertical bar in the centroid depth at 90% 211 Figure 5.13. Centroid Indian Ocean 5.14. combined Only 29 Centroid depth data from set events with for both Figure ridge-axis versus half spreading earthquakes. rate See Figure for 5.12 for explanation. further Figure depth 5.15. P and ridge-axis Atlantic a greatest SH waves Seismic versus moment are and rate for Indian azimuthal gap Ocean less the ridges. than 1800 included. versus earthquakes spreading half of this spreading study are rate. included. All 212 300r I - i i . I I I 250 20d0 0- 1500 0 0 0 o100 50 i i 5 DEPTH UNCERTAINTY, km Figure 5.1 i 10 213 300' 250"- 200" 150 a. < 10050 * 5Q 0 0 5 DEPTH UNCERTAINTY, km Figure 5.2 10 214 106 15 1 -c z o 0 10 m O5 0 0 * * 5 10 DEPTH UNCERTAINTY, km Figure 5.3 215 ATLANTIC OCEAN -20 -30 0 -10 0 0 00 20 0 0 10 10 30 0 STRIKE - ( RM2+90 4 2 i 15 1 " i I 25 0 • •i 35 I 55 • 0o 45 DIP Figure 5.4 I I I i0 65 0 I I 75 0 216 INDIAN OCEAN 8r 41 CI II I- I I l w -30 -2 0 0 ill -10 0 10 STRIKE- LL I,. !| 0 20 30 65 750 ( RM2+90 0 rz l.I 15 25 35 450 DIP Figure 5.5 550 4 STRESS DROP, bars 0 I 150 100 50 , I i .' i E 4 w 0 cr z w 6 8 Figure 5.6 200 300 250 I I uI I STRESS DROP, bars O, 50 100 150 200 E H Fa. o a 4 z 4 O w F--j O FAULT WIDTH - figure 5.7 2.8km STRESS DROP, bars 0 I ..I I 50 100 I I 150 I I 200 T T E 2 03 0 a- w o I- z w 4 FAULT LENGTH / FAULT WIDTH - 6 Figure 5. 2 I ATLANTIC OCEAN SEISMIC MOMENT, X10 10 Figure 5.9 24 dyn-cm 15 20 INDIAN OCEAN 24 SEISMIC MOMENT, dyne-cm x10 10 I I I I I I I I I I I E I W H w ICIIITTIIIIIIIII111 = U U 13 0 W 6) ~I I I I I ~ I lIIIIIl I I 20 15 I I Figure 5.10 I IIU SEISMIC MOMENT, x10 10 E 0 w O w1 Figure 5.11 24 dyne-cm 15 20 ATLANTIC OCEAN HALF SPREADING RATE, mm/yr 5 w O- 10 hFigure55.12 O 10 Figure 5.12 15 20 25 INDIAN OCEAN HALF SPREADING RATE, mm/yr 5 0 10 , 15 20 25 , 40. E Iaa 0 F- z w 100 10 ' a I . . a a I a a a a Figure 5.13 I a a a I a a a a & b HALF SPREADING RATE, mm/yr 0 5 15 i0 * O Iw L- Figure 5.14 20 * 25 106 15 E O _0 o - 10 z 0 0 o - 0 • 5 w - 0 5 15 10 HALF SPREADING RATE, Figure 5.15 mm/yr 20 25 227 CHAPTER 6. THESIS SUMMARY AND SUGGESTIONS In this thesis. chapter we summarize the major We have earthquakes along Atlantic and conducted Indian earthquakes. For coverage, 1800 best A major for for both (2) In P and P waves, largest depths is of our in large the study has been ridge-axis very gap good important for shallow azimuthal azimuthal in earthquakes. should be less than SH waves. general, larger earthquakes uncertai nties in source parameters, probably for for 29 centers waveform inversion, centroid the studies of this that long-period body results goal centroid depths found reliable source results ridge spreading Oceans. particularly determining For We detailed mid-ocean to determine reliable (1) FOR FURTHER WORK have smaller centroid particularly depth, because more stations are used and the mechanism is better constrained than for smaller events. (3) All mid-ocean ridge earthqu akes ha e mechanisms characte rized predominantly by norma 1 fault ng on fault planes dipping at angles of about 450. are all The T axes parallel to the direction of spreading. (4) The water depths estimated from the predominant period of water -column reverberations in the P wavetrains the ri dge earthqu akes inner fl (5) 0 or in this of th e me dian The cent roid coverage are all study all occurred indicate that beneath the valley. depths of eart hquakes with very shallow, good azimuthal rangi ng from 1 to 4.2 km. If the 228 centroid depth marks earthquake faulting these be events. the mean depth extended to A limited 2-8 amount of fault km beneath slip at slip, then the seafloor greater depth for cannot excluded. (6) The spreading greatest rate. decrease with zone of centroid This An depths provides direct spreading rate brittle behavior (7) example was in for found of thrust in the greatest compression is parallel (8) Red that likely Sea The centroid support continental faulting the along the of earthquakes for two faulting greater depths thesis in very young the axis thermoelastic earthquakes seismic oceanic we simulations. depth. We mainly depth in the of stress norther accompanying than does seismic spreading centers. lead to several each of the very shallow To waveform simulations. tests. in this investigating carried uncertainties precision. For have studied considerable effort body faulting by depths this ridges. spreading direction. caused axes of of the to the was to for a general Indian Ocean; event extends increasing suggestions further work: Numerical the northern view that rifting The findings for this with evidence slow-spreading lithosphere is shoal the maximum thickness (2 m.y.) It of infer we the res hypothesis have obtained the accuracy obtaina inverison, Nabelek out thesi we [1984] should has carry carried A more detailed follow-on study, s, we have spent olution of centroid testing, however, and are measures of ble from long-period out numerical out some such numeri cal perh aps using a Monte 229 Carlo method, is necessary to the method. There are the details of a Monte provide document formalized the true capability procedures Carlo experiment, better estimates, suggest for of learning from details that may new measures of misfit, or both. Extension to other regions. This study raises several issues concerning the tectonic nterpretati on of ridge crest earthquakes, ionship of microearthqu akes and incl uding the rel large earthquakes along a given ridge-axis segment, the relationship of ea rthquake activity within the inner median valley to fault st ructures in the adjacent rift mountains, and variations of som e source properties with spreading rate. 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The process term is or cast sup port fI t the esting of To acce pt a hypothesis does not m ean t he same hypotheses." investig ators or in thing to all statistical the data experimen t, accepting that the hypothesis is "proved" the data in a sample all give situations rigorous any in population and can easily be misleading. to "believe," in the weak sense To because e, n about a may mean "a ccept being willin of sens inforimatio incomplete only not mean does a hypothesis a In act, g to or to proceed in some way, as though the hypothesis w ere t rue. The hypothesis to be tested is and the set of other states of nature possible for a given experiment hypothesis. A null called is hypothesis is or models that hy'pothesis, tt ed as admi a Itemrn called the often null the of "Ino at ive di fference" in the effects of two treatments, an applicatio n tha t to the adjective "nul I." denoted by Ho and the The null alternative hypothesis either by will HO or gave rise u sually H1 . be 251 TYPE I AND TYPE II ERRORS The application of a statist ical test may lead to the wrong conclusion. Types I and II [Folks, Rejecting Ho when Ho is II error: Accepting Ho when Ho is false. Introducing a little terminology from hypothesis testing, = but this is Instead, we are forced to settle for controlling the probabil ity of such errors. a of true. Naturally, we would like to eliminate both errors, impossible. errors 1981]: Type I error: Type in ferences are called These wrong let probability of Type I error = significance level 5 = probability of Type II error 1-8 = power of the hypothesis test but as the a risk is We would lik e both a and B to be small, reduced, the B risk becomes larger; when we make B smaller, a 19811. tends to bec ome larger [Folks, In application, it is good idea to determine not merely whether the given hypothesi is accepted or rejected at the specified significance level, but also to determine the smallest significance level at which the [Choi, 1978] based on the (P valu hypothesis can be rejected for the given evidenc This number enables significance level others to make a decision of their choice. PROCEDURE The components (1) Null assumed and alternative probability respectively, in our test are as follows: hypotheses for a parameter of an of a hypothesis distribution case). (i.e., Ud = 0 and Pd > 0, 252 or a (2) a and B, n (number of samples). (3) A test (4) A decision (5) A random (6) Calculation (7) A decision either to statistic. rule. sample hypothesis obtained statistic TESTS and and from the of the from statistic. accept or the calculated the decision CONCERNING THE test population. reject the null value of the test rule. MEAN OF DISTRIBUTI ON WITH A NORMAL UNKNOWN VARIANCE Let a X denote population with an random unknown from a normall y-d variance a2, whose me an sample po or greater than to be either The problem is known is to test o. = Ho po. stributed against HI Let x and statistic S 2 be the t = X-P mean 1 > Po and variance follows then the test a t-distribution with n-1 degrees of X; of SI/ N fre om. t i larg er than cri cal reg ion of such a test would he t > ta. of e er ror s for this test For an intuitively reasonable test, we choose some constant; is as a = P (rejecting Ho = P (t = P > ta (x-Po 1 > t let Ho choose An Ho . follows: is true) ) us assume that us assume that if The asse ssment o) Scalculate , let In order to calculate B, otherwise we H1 where 9 = 91 where 253 u1 >o H 1 is tru when e. is B = P (rejecting H1 = P (t < ta (x - =P true) I P I < t P = 11) S//N =P ( < ta) S/ VN 90-91 S//N S/JN = or1 slJ 1 (t P + ta) + ta) S//N Note that ( 1-1o) is a consta nt, making it possible to compute S//N 8 from the t-table. Let us now elaborate on Figure A.1 shows the relation errors. null In this figure, hypothesis, Ho, the with a t error, a, is shown on the rig lower distribution represents r distrib ide he increase of I and is o10. distribu point with ses gr eater 8 but at The the Type tion. than which r isk. II repre sents 1 of th is B. Type alternat e hypothesi s, vertical dashed line represen the line to the left ution value for ich line moves to the right, a de Type between with a true value for p of 111 rejected with a risk and acce between a and trade-off Ho When The H1, 110o The can be the dashed B increases; moving and decre ases B. I 254 FIGURE Figure A.1. Relation between the probability of type a, and that of type is CAPTION chosen a priori II error, 8 [Folks, and 8 is 1981]. I error, Usually a calculated after the test. 8 is a function of the difference ul-po and is important in assessing the power of the test (see text). 255 Distribution under the null hypothesis; H0 = 40 100a% JAo (for example) Distribution under the alternative hypothesis; H, : p > po (for example) Acceptance Rejection region region for null hypothesis Figure A.1 256 APPENDIX RESOLUTION In R2 this versus centroid Appendix centroid depth information for The quantities R 2 respectively. mean-squared horizontal indicates depth line in confidence shown plots the test earthquakes t are residual of is in the in value the lower versus of the line this at depth each R2 indicates the and normalized about the depth when two 85% and 4.1. (14), by the The centroid depth inversion. centroid 3.1 (12) time window. interval Epicentral Tables is residual versus study. equations versus statisic; t in in body-waveform of t statistic defined of confidence the plot plot of mean-squared given waveform over the same the 90% the and earthquakes and The bar found all the CENTROID DEPTHS we compile depth for OF B. best-fitting The horizontal is the 90% horizontal confidence lines value. are 257 ATLANTIC OCEAN RIDGE EVENTS 258 JUNE 3, 1962 4 t 2 0 I I I I i I I i .4 2 R .2 - 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 259 JUNE 1965 4 t 2 0 I I I I I I I I I I .4 2 R .2 m S - I 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 260 NOVEMBER 16, 1965 4 t 2 0 .5 2 R .3 II I I 5 Centroid Depth, km 1 I 10 4 4 JULY 4, 1966 4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .4 2 R t .2 I I I....l........I.I. 10 Centroid Depth, km 15 20 N ,,..i APRIL 20, 1968 2 t 1 0 .4 t .2 II I I 10 Centroid Depth, km 15 20 263 SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 4 t 2 0 I I I I I I I I I I .4 2 R .2 -Ht S ) I 5 Centroid Depth, km I 1 10 264 MAY 31, 1971 I I i I i I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 t 2 0 I I I I .3 R 2 t .1 [-1 S1 ) 15 5 Centroid Depth, km I 10 265 APRIL 3, 1972 I I I I I I I I I I .5 - i- t .3 - 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 266 JUNE 6, 1972 4 t 2 0 I i I I I I I I I I .4 2 R .2 1 I SI I I 5 Centroid Depth, km 1 10 267 JUNE 28, 1977 4 t 2 0 1 I I I I I I I .4 I 2 R .2 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 JUNE 28, 1977 4 t 2 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 15 .4 I I I I I I I I I 1 5 I 10 I I 15 Centroid Depth, km co 269 JANUARY 28, 1979 I 4 t I i I I I I I I I - -/ 2 0 I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I .6 .4 ) 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 270 APRIL 22 I I I I I 1979 I I I I 1 I I .4 2 R .2 10 Centroid Depth, km 271 JUNE 28, 1979 4 t 2 0 I I I I I .6 .4 SI I I I 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 272 JANUARY 29, 1982 4 t 2 I I I I I 0 .6 R2 .4 ) 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 273 MAY 12 1983 4 t 2 I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I .5 R2 I .3 - t - I 5 I I I Centroid Depth, km I I 10 274 INDIAN OCEAN RIDGE EVENTS MARCH 19, 1964 2 t 1 0 I .3 I I I I I I i I I I I - I 1 I 2 R m , iI i I I ai I 10 Centroid Depth, km i i I a a 15 276 DECEMBER 3, 1964 4 t 2 0 SI .5 I I I I 1 I - I 2 R 5 5 Centroid Depth, km I I I 10 277 AUGUST 15, 1966 4 t 2 0 I I .5 2 R .3 0 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 ar 4 4 4 MARCH 31, 1969 5 t 3 1 I I........ I I i I a .. I I a a I i I i I I .6 .4 i a a a 10 Centroid Depth, km I I I I I I .1 I 20 279 APRIL 22, 1969 4 t 2 0 I--- I I I I I I I .4 2 R .2 F II p I 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 10 280 DECEMBER 14, 1969 4 t 2 0 .3 2 R I I .1 S5 I l l5 l i l Centroid Depth, km l 10 JUNE 28, 1972 1 I _ I 1 I _ I I I I I _ _ I _ I _ _ I _ I _ I _ I _ I _ I _ I I I I I I I I _ I \ .4 .2 1 I I I I 15 Centroid Depth, km I 20 282 SEPTEMBER 7 1972 4 ii - 2 , I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 0 I I II I .6 2 0 R I 51I i I I I .4 ) 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 - 283 JANUARY 3 ,1980 0 .4 2 R .21 ) 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 OCTOBER 7, 1981 4 S 0 S S S p £ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .4 2 R 1 .2 0 5 10 Centroid Depth, km 15 I 20 285 OCTOBER 25, 1982 0 .3 2 R I I 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 286 DECEMBER 8, 1982 i I I I I I I I I 2 R I ) I 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 4P APRIL 11, 1983 4 2 0 I .4 I I I I I I I I I I I 2 R .2 SI I I I I I I I 10 Centroid Depth, km I 20 4 288 DECEMBER 3 1983 SI I I I I I 4 t 2 /1 0 SI I I I I I I I I I I I I I .4F 2 R .2 i !- ~-----f 5 Centroid Depth, km 10 289 APPENDIX C. COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE In this seismograms March 31, SOURCE VELOCITY Appendix we compare for the July 4, 1969 Red structures, INVERSION SOLUTIONS WITH Sea earthquake as described respectively. 1966 in STRUCTURES the observed Azores using the text and synthetic earthquake alternative of Chapters and the source 3 and 4, 290 FIGURE CAPTIONS Comparison of observed (solid line) long-period P Figure C.1. and SH waves for the July 4, 1966, earthquake with synthetic wavefo rms (dash ed line) from the secondary solution (10.8 km centroi d d epth) for a source structure consisting of a uniform c rus t over a mantle halfspace. The focal mechan ism solut ion obtained from the inversion is plotted on th e lower f oca 1 hemisphere (equal-area projection). Al 1 amplitu des instrument magni fication of are normalized to 3000; the an amplitude scales correspond to the wavefor ms that would be observed on an original seismog ram from su c h an instrument. vertical two lines delimit th e p ortion of each time series used in the inve rsion. Symb ols are open circle, dilatati cross, The emergent on; arrival. for both solid circle, Fo r SH waves, types of waves compression; compression corresponds to positive moti on as defined by Aki Richards [1980]. The sou and rce time function obtained from the inversion is also sho wn. The best-fitting solution for this source structure is shown in Figure 3.9. Figure C.2. A, 1966, Comparis on of ohs erv ed P and SH waves for the July earthqu ake with best-fitting sol ution syn thetic waveforms (6. 3 km centroid depth) from the when the source structure consists of a a 2-layer crust over a mantle halfspace [Searle, 1976]. further explanat ion. See Figure C.1 for 291 Figure C.3. 4, Comparison of observed P and SH waves for the July 1966, earthquake with synthetic wave forms from the secondary solution (10.8 km centroid de pth) structure consisting of a 2-layer crust halfspace. Figure C.4. 4, See Figure C.1 Comparison 1966, over a mantle explanation. of observed P and SH waves for the July earthquake with synthetic wave forms from the best-fitting solution crustal for further a source for (3.7 halfspace structure km centroid depth) model. See Figure for a C.1 for further explanation. Figure C.5. Comparison 4, 1966, of observed P and SH waves for the July earthquake with synthetic wave forms from the secondary solution (7.9 km centroid dep th) halfspace structure model. See Figure C.1 for a crustal for further explanation. Figure C.6. Comparison of observed P and SH waves for July 4, 1966, earthquake with synthetic best-fitting solution (6.8 km centroid halfspace structure model. the wavefo rms from the depth) for a mantle See Figure C.1 for fu rther explanation. Figure C.7. Comparison of observed P and SH waves for the July 4, 1966, earthquake with secondary solution synthetic waveforms from the (11.2 km centroid de pth) halfspace structure model. See Figure C.1 for a mantle for further explanation. Figure C.8. Comparison of observed long-per iod for the March 31, 1969, earthquake with P and SH waves synthetic 292 waveforms from the best-fitting solutio n for a source structure consisting of a 15-km-thick c rust halfspace. Figure C.9. See Figure C.1 for further over a mantle explanation. Comparison of the observed P an d SH waves for the March 31, 1969 earthquake with syntheti c waveforms from the best-fitting solution for an oceani c structure model. See Figure C.1 for further explanation. JULY 4, 1966 ( 1-layer crust, secondary minimum ) S H WAVES P WAVES 3 NOR Source Time Function KI KON C M: [107 BOZ / (sec) NU SCP COP IST [FC0 ATH BEC NAI SDB BOG G 6 SDBJ mm 60 i I Sec Figure I I I sec C.1 I I Figure C.2 a 46 P WAVES \k NOR VVG/ JULY 4, 1966 ( 2-layer crust, secondary minimum ) S KEV Source Time Function KON - C (sec) NURn WES - - IST o BEC ATH EC SDB SJG BOG '- SCP 6 mm 60 sec sec L Figure C.3 <0 4 & Figure C.4 alll 4 A*4 40 a Figure C.5 I-4 Figure C.6 Figure C.7 °k & * Figure C.8 Figure C.9