One Hundred Years of Quantum Physics Author(s): Daniel Kleppner and Roman Jackiw Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 289, No. 5481 (Aug. 11, 2000), pp. 893-898 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: Accessed: 26/02/2010 09:45 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. 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PATHWAYS One OF DISCOVERY Hundred Years of Quantum Physics FEBRUARY Planetary Sciences MARCH Genomics Daniel Kleppnerand RomanJackiw of the 20thcenturyis likelyto include An informedlist of themostprofoundscientificdevelopments of the geneticcode,evoluquantummechanics,big bangcosmology,theunraveling generalrelativity, tionarybiology,andperhapsa few othertopicsof the reader'schoice.Amongthese,quantummechanicsis uniquebecauseof its profoundlyradicalquality.Quantummechanicsforcedphysiciststo reshapetheirideasof reality,to rethinkthe natureof thingsat the deepestlevel, andto revisetheir conceptsof positionandspeed,as well as theirnotionsof causeandeffect. Althoughquantummechanicswas createdto describean abstractatomicworldfarremovedfrom dailyexperience,its impacton our dailylives couldhardlybe greater.The spectacularadvancesin chemistry,biology,andmedicine-and in essentiallyeveryotherscience-could nothaveoccurredwithoutthetoolsthatquantummechanicsmadepossible. Withoutquantummechanicstherewouldbe no globaleconomyto speak of, becausetheelectronicsrevolutionthatbroughtus thecomputerage is a childof quantummechanics.So is thephotonicsrevolutionthat Age. The creationof quantumphysics broughtus the Information ourworld,bringingwith it all the benefits-and has transformed therisks-of a scientificrevolution.' Unlikegeneralrelativity,whichgrewoutof a brilliantinsight intothe connectionbetweengravityandgeometry,or the decipheringof DNA, whichunveileda new worldof biology,quantummechanicsdid not springfroma singlestep.Rather,it was of geniusthatoccur createdin one of thoserareconcentrations fromtime to time in history.For20 yearsaftertheirintroduction,quantumideaswere so confusedthattherewas littlebasis for progress;then a small groupof physicistscreatedquantum mechanics in three tumultuous years.These scientists were troubled by what they "Quantum o weredoingandin somecasesdis|: tressedby whattheyhaddone. theory is the The uniquesituationof this crucialyetelusivetheoryis per- Papa Quanta. In 1900, Max most precisely t haps best summarizedby the Planckstarted the quantumsnowball. |tested and most following observation:Quan- mechanical tumtheoryis themostprecisely successful testedandmostsuccessfultheoryin thehistoryof science.Nevermechanicsdeeplydisturbing to its theless,not onlywas quantum in the theory in founders,today-75 yearsafterthetheorywas essentiallycastin theory te of scienceremaindisits currentform-some of the luminaries historyof evenas they andits interpretation, satisfiedwith its foundations its acknowledge stunningpower. <riscience." of Max Planck'screThis yearmarksthe 100thanniversary his seminal In the ation of paperon thermal quantum concept. | - radiation,Planckhypothesizedthatthe totalenergyof a vibratingsystemcannotbe changedconE tinuously.Instead,the energymustjump fromone valueto anotherin discretesteps,or quanta,of x energy.The idea of energyquantawas so radicalthatPlancklet it lay fallow.Then,Einstein,in his | wonderyearof 1905,recognizedthe implicationsof quantizationfor light.Eventhenthe concept | was so bizarrethattherewas littlebasis for progress.Twentymoreyearsanda freshgenerationof _ physicistswererequiredto createmodemquantumtheory. the revolutionary To understand impactof quantumphysicsone need only look at prequantum ? physics.From1890to 1900,physicsjournalswerefilled with paperson SCIENCE VOL289 JANUARY "ScienceWars" 11 AUGUST2000 APRIL Infectious Diseases MAY Materials Science JUNE Cloningand StemCells JULY Communications andScience AUGUST Quantum Physics SEPTEMBER TheCellCycle OCTOBER Atmospheric Sciences NOVEMBER Neuroscience DECEMBER anc Astrophysics Cosmology 893 PATHWAYS =s1~11 ;I?r? OF DISCOVERY It shouldhavebeen possibleto understand the shapeof tially every othermeasurablepropertyof matter,such as viscosity,elasticity,electricalandthermalconductivity,co- the spectrumby combiningconceptsfromthermodynamics efficientsof expansion,indicesof refraction,and thermo- andelectromagnetic theory,butall attemptsfailed.However, elasticcoefficients.Spurredby the energyof the Victorian by assumingthatthe energiesof the vibratingelectronsthat work ethic and the developmentof ever more ingenious radiatethe light are quantized,Planckobtainedan expression thatagreedbeautifulexperimental methods, ly withexperiment. Butas knowledgeaccumulatedat a prodigiousrate. he recognizedall too well, the theorywas physically What is most striking to the contemporaryeye, absurd,"anact of desperation," as he later dehowever,is that the comscribedit. pendious descriptions of the properties of matter Planck applied his were essentiallyempirical. quantumhypothesisto the Thousands of pages of of the vibratorsin .?~ ,?.~~~~?energy U the walls of a radiating spectraldatalistedprecise _ H valuesfor the wavelengths body. Quantumphysics mighthaveendedthereif of the elements, but no- _B in 1905 a novice-Albert body knew why spectral _. :1 Einstein-had not reluclines occurred,much less tantlyconcludedthatif a whatinformation theycon_ vibrator'senergyis quanveyed.Thermalandelectritized, then the energy of cal conductivitieswere inthe electromagneticfield terpreted by suggestive models that fitted roughly Superatom. Thesecolorfuldatal,frrom NISTin 1995, emerged from that it radiates-lightintothe firstdocument- must also be quantized. half of the facts. There measurements of rubidium atomIS C:oalescing condensate. Einstein thus imbued were numerousempirical ed Bose-Einstein laws,buttheywerenot satlightwith particlelikebelawestablisheda sim- havior,notwithstanding thatJamesClerkMaxwell'stheory, isfying.Forinstance,theDulong-Petit and over a centuryof definitiveexperiments,testified to ple relationbetweenspecificheatandtheatomicweightof a material.Muchof the time it worked;sometimesit didn't. light'swavenature.Experiments on the photoelectric effect Themassesof equalvolumesof gas werein theratiosof in- in the followingdecaderevealedthatwhenlightis absorbed tegers-mostly. The PeriodicTable,whichprovideda key its energyactuallyarrivesin discretebundles,as if carried organizingprincipleforthe flourishingscienceof chemistry, by a particle.Thedualnatureof light-particlelikeor wavelike dependingon whatone looks for-was the firstexamhadabsolutelyno theoretical basis. of therevolution is this: ple of a vexingthemethatwouldrecurthroughout Amongthegreatestachievements quantum for Quantummechanicshas provideda quantitative physics.Thedualityconstituteda theoreticalconundrum theoryof matter.Wenow understand essentiallyeverydetailof atomic thenext20 years. thePeriodicTablehasa simpleandnaturalexplanaThe first step towardquantumtheoryhadbeen precipistructure; tion;andthevastarraysof spectraldatafit intoanelegantthe- tatedby a dilemmaaboutradiation.The second step was oreticalframework. Quantumtheorypermitsthe quantitative precipitated by a dilemmaaboutmatter.It was knownthat of molecules,of solidsandliquids,andof con- atomscontainpositivelyand negativelychargedparticles. understanding It explainsbizarrephenomena But oppositelychargedparticlesattract.Accordingto elecductorsand semiconductors. suchas superconductivity andsuperfluidity, andexoticforms tromagnetictheory,therefore, they should spiral into each of mattersuchas the stuffof neutronstarsandBose-Einstein in whichall theatomsin a gasbehavelikea sincondensates, Atoms_~~ i; other,radiatinglightin a broad Nesor r gle superatom. Quantummechanicsprovidesessentialtools spectrumuntiltheycollapse. 1913,_ Once again, the door to I forall of thesciencesandforeveryadvanced technology. progress was opened by a o Quantumphysicsactuallyencompassestwo entities.The firstis thetheoryof matterat the atomiclevel:quantummeof_n~ ao anovice:Niels Bohr. In 1913, chanics.It is quantummechanicsthatallowsus to under_Bohr proposed a radical hypothesis:Electronsin an atom standandmanipulatethe materialworld.The secondis the _ quantumtheoryof fields. Quantumfield theoryplaysa to_ exist only in certainstationary oaoisb proble states,includinga groundstate. tallydifferentrolein science,to whichwe shallreturnlater. Electronschangetheir energy by "jumping" stabetween the Quantum Mechanics dictions, states, emitting light The clue thattriggeredthe quantumrevolutioncame not ..tionary the b .p..--fromstudiesof matterbutfroma problemin radiation.The Atoms go quantum. In whose wavelengthdependson the spectrumof light 1913, Niels Bohrushered the energydifference.By com- , specific challengewas to understand emitted by hot bodies: blackbody radiation.The phe- quantumphysicsintoworld biningknownlawswithbizarre~' assumptions aboutquantumbe- X nomenonis familiarto anyonewho has staredat a fire. Hot of atoms. havior, Bohr swept away the o matterglows,andthehotterit becomesthebrighterit glows. The spectrumof the light is broad,with a peakthatshifts problemof atomicstability.Bohr'stheorywas full of contra-g fromredto yellow andfinallyto blue (althoughwe cannot dictions,but it provideda quantitativedescriptionof the F spectrumof thehydrogenatom.He recognizedboththe sucsee that)as thetemperature is raised. 3~ICII r_II r3I _I )I)_I S _lrl C U_J1 r_~l nIlr )ll _I~LI~I g:lr 894 _~~ 2000 VOL289 11AUGUST PATHWAYS OF DISCOVERY * Diraclaid the foundationsof quantumfield theoryby cess andthe shortcomings of his model.Withuncannyforeof theelectromagnetic field. sight,he ralliedphysiciststo createa newphysics.His vision providinga quantumdescription * Bohr announcedthe complementarityprinciple, a was eventuallyfulfilled,althoughit took 12 yearsanda new of youngphysicists. generation philosophicalprinciplethathelpedto resolveapparentparaAt first,attemptsto advanceBohr'squantumideas-the doxesof quantumtheory,particularly wave-particle duality. so-calledold quantumtheory-sufferedone defeatafteranThe principalplayersin the creationof quantumtheory other.Then a series of developmentstotally changedthe were young. In 1925, Pauliwas 25 years old, Heisenberg courseof thinking. and EnricoFermiwere 24, and Diracand Jordanwere 23. In 1923 Louis de Broglie,in his Ph.D.thesis,proposed Schrodinger, at age 36, was a late bloomer.BornandBohr thattheparticlebehaviorof lightshould wereolderstill,andit is significantthattheir haveits counterpart in the wavebehavcontributionswere largely interpretative. ior of particles.He associateda waveThe profoundlyradicalnatureof the intellectualachievementis revealedby Einstein's lengthwiththemomentumof a particle: The higherthe momentumthe shorter reaction.Havinginventedsome of the key thewavelength. Theideawas intriguing, concepts that led to quantumtheory,Einbutno one knewwhata particle'swave steinrejectedit. His paperon Bose-Einstein naturemightsignifyor how it relatedto statisticswas his last contributionto quanatomic structure. Nevertheless, de tumphysicsandhis lastsignificantcontribuBroglie'shypothesiswas an important tionto physics. i~!' foreventssoonto takeplace. Thata new generationof physicistswas ~ precursor ^ In the summerof 1924, there was needed to create quantummechanics is hardly surprising.Lord Kelvin described yet anotherprecursor.SatyendraN. Bose proposeda totallynew wayto exhim why in a letterto Bohr congratulating plainthe Planckradiationlaw.He treaton his 1913paperon hydrogen.He saidthat therewas muchtruthin Bohr'spaper,buthe ed light as if it were a gas of massless would neverunderstandit himself. Kelvin particles(now called photons)that do not obey the classical laws of Boltz- Getting weirder. Louisde Broglie recognizedthatradicallynew physicswould minds. mannstatisticsbutbehaveaccordingto saidthatif wavelike . lightcanbehave needto comefromunfettered In 1928, the revolutionwas finishedand a new type of statisticsbasedon parti- likeparticles,then particlescan benature.Einstein havelikewaves. the foundationsof quantummechanicswere cles' indistinguishable immediatelyappliedBose's reasoning essentiallycomplete.The freneticpace with to a realgas of massiveparticlesandobtaineda new lawwhich it occurredis revealedby an anecdoterecountedby to become known as the Bose-Einsteindistribution-for the lateAbrahamPais in InwardBound.In 1925, the conhowenergyis sharedby theparticlesin a gas.Undernormal cept of electron spin had been proposed by Samuel circumstances, however,the new andold theoriespredicted GoudsmitandGeorgeUhlenbeck.Bohrwas deeplyskeptithe samebehaviorfor atomsin a gas. Einsteintook no fur- cal. In December,he traveledto Leiden,theNetherlands, to therinterest,and the resultlay undevelopedfor more attend the jubilee of HendrikA. Lorentz's thana decade.Still,its key idea,the indistinguishability of particles,was aboutto becomecriticallyimportant. d oct orate. Pauli met Suddenly,a tumultuousseries of events occurred, the train atHamburg, culminatingin a scientificrevolution.In the 3-yearpefind out Germany,to riodfromJanuary1925to January1928: Bohr's opinion a bout * WolfgangPauliproposedthe exclusionprinciple, the possibility ele of cbasisforthePeriodicTable. tronspin.Bohrsaidthe providinga theoretical * WernerHeisenberg,with Max Born and Pascual proposal was "very, Jordan,discoveredmatrixmechanics,the first version very interesting,"his of quantummechanics.The historicalgoal of underwell-knownput-down phrase. Later at Leistandingelectronmotionwithinatomswas abandoned in favorof a systematicmethodfor organizingobservden, Einsteinand Paul Ehrenfest met Bohr's VC U ablespectrallines. * ErwinSchrddingerinventedwave mechanics,a train, also to discuss ?l t secondformof spin. There, Bohr exquantummechanicsin whichthe state |L of a systemis described plained his objection, by a wave function,the solu2 < is tion to Schrodinger's but Einsteinshowed a equation.Matrixmechanicsand were shown way aroundit andconapparently incompatible, <l wavemechanics, Z to be equivalent. Unlknowablereality.WernerHeisenberg vertedBohrinto a sup* Electronswereshownto obeya new typeof statis- articulatedone of the mostsocietallyab- porter. On his return a tical law,Fermi-Dirac statistics.It was recognizedthat sorlbedideasof quantumphysics: the Un- journey,Bohrmet with 3 all particlesobey eitherFermi-Dirac statisticsor Bose- ceritaintyPrinciple. yet more discussants. 2c andthatthe two classeshavefundaWhen the trainpassed > Einsteinstatistics, C es mentally differentproperties. through Gdttingen, Germany, Heisenberg and Jordanwere ? *Heisenbergenunciated theUncertainty waiting at the station to ask his opinion. And at the Berlin Principle. 3 * PaulA. M. Diracdevelopeda relativisticwave equa- station,Pauliwas waiting,havingtraveledespeciallyfrom ! tion for the electronthatexplainedelectronspin and pre- Hamburg.Bohrtold themall thatthe discoveryof electron spinwas a greatadvance. Edictedantimatter. 2000 www.sciencemag.orgSCIENCEVOL289 11AUGUST ! -( ?I 3lI E _I[I~111 ?I -11[ -lI ;I ;Lra _III I E11 -~~II l)ll - I11 U(ll[ -~1111~ -I 4r ?r 895 PATHWAYS OF DISCOVERY The creation of quantum mechanics triggered a scientific gold rush. Among the early achievements were these: Heisenberg laid the foundations for atomic structuretheory [ E -~~~~~Iby obtaining an approximate solution to Schrodinger's : r -~~~~~~~; equation for the helium atom in 1927, and general tech~~~~~sl~ niques for calculating the structuresof atoms were created soon after by John Slater, Douglas Rayner Hartree, and Vladimir Fock. The structureof the hydrogen molecule was solved by Fritz London and Walter Heitler; Linus Pauling built on their results to found theoretical chemistry. Arnold Sommerfeld and Pauli laid the fbundationsof the theory of : 11;: N111 electrons in metals, and Felix Bloch created band structure theory. Heisenberg explained the origin of ferromagnetism. _3111~ The enigma of the random nature of radioactive decay by alpha particle emission was explained in 1928 by IllrI George Gamow, who showed that it occurs by quantum_;3Z_I? mechanical tunneling. In the following years Hans Bethe - ~~~~~l laid the foundations for nuclear physics and explained the source of stars.With energy _GI1111~1~ these atomic, developments 1Z1111~ molecular, solid state, and nuclear physics entered the &1z&s1tmodern age. ', -~l~ ; Controversyand Confusion Alongside these advances, v however, fierce debates _na P]qv=s 1-11 weretakingplaceon the interpretation and validity of quantum mechanics. Fore- most among the protago- I; *K"t-t-]-t 1Ls_~ 11k; s1111?1 1 :1I;xU-1'i I _1111? 896 nists were Bohr and Heisenberg, who embraced the new theory, and Einstein and Schrodinger,who were dissatisfied. To appreciate the reasons for such turmoil, one needs to understand some of the key features ; /t 0 ? y of quantum theoS7 ry, which we summarize here. (For simplicity, we describe the Schrodingerversion of quantum mechanics, sometimes called wave mechanics.) Fundamentaldescription: the wavefinction. The behavior of a system is described by Schrodinger'sequation. The solutions to Schrodinger'sequation are known as wave functions. The complete knowledge of a system is described by its wave function, and from the wave function one can calculate the possible values of every observable quantity.The probabilityof finding an electron in a given volume of space is proportionalto the square of the magnitude of the wave function. Consequently, the location of the particle is "spreadout" over the volume of the wave function. The momentum of a particledepends on the slope of the wave function: The greater the slope, the higher the momentum. Because the slope varies from place to place, momentum is also "spreadout."'The need to abandona classical picture in which position and velocity can be determined with arbitraryaccuracyin favor of a blurredpictureof probabilitiesis at the heartof quantummechanics. Measurementsmade on identical systems that are identically preparedwill not yield identical results. Rather,the resuits will be scattered over a range described by the wave 11 AUGUST2000 VOL289 function. Consequently,the concept of an electron having a particular location and a particular momentum loses its foundation.The UncertaintyPrinciple quantifies this: To locate a particle precisely, the wave function must be sharply peaked (that is, not spread out). However, a sharp peak requires a steep slope, and so the spread in momentum will be great. Conversely, if the momentum has a small spread,the slope of the wave function must be small, which means that it must spread out over a large volume, thereby portraying the particle'slocation less exactly. Waves can interfere. Their heights add or subtract depending on their relativephase. Where the amplitudes are in phase, they add; where they are out of phase, they subtract. If a wave can follow several paths from source to receiver,as a light wave undergoing two-slit interference,then the illumination will generally display interference fringes. Particles obeying a wave equation will do likewise, as in electron diffraction.The analogy seems reasonableuntil one inquires about the nature of the wave. A wave is generally thought of as a disturbancein a medium. In quantum mechanics there is no medium, and in a sense there is no wave, as the wave function is fundamentally a statementof our knowledge of a system. Symmetryand identity. A helium atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by two electrons. The wave function of helium describes the position of each electron. However, there is no way of distinguishing which electron is which. Consequently, if the electrons are switched the system must look the same, which is to say the probability of finding the electrons in given positions is unchanged. Because the Omniscient math. It'stough probability depends on j to solve, but ErwinSchrod- the sqare of the maginger's famous equation nitudeofthewavefunc(shown in one of its many tion, the wave function forms)describeseveryobserv- for the system with the ablestate of a physicalsystem. interchanged particles must be related to the original wave function in one oftwo ways: r(vt) JI' (V ) w -?'l) Either it is identical to the original wave function, or its sign is simply reversed, i.e., it is multiplied by a factor of-1. Which one is it? One of the astonishing discoveries in quantummechanics is that for electrons the wave function always changes sign. The consequences are dramatic, for if two electrons are in the same quantumstate, then the wave function has to be its negative opposite. Consequently, the wave function must vanish. Thus, the probabilityof finding two electrons in the same state is zero. This is the Pauli exclusion principle. All particles with half-integer spin, including electrons, behave _ this way and are called fermions. For particles with integer : spin, including photons, the wave function does not change sign. Such particles are called bosons. Electrons in an atom ^ arrangethemselves in shells because they are fermions, but light from a laser emerges in a single superintensebeam- , essentially a single quantum state--because light is composed of bosons. Recently, atoms in a gas have been cooled | to the quantum regime where they form a Bose-Einstein U condensate, in which the system can emit a superintense 2 matterbeam-forming an atom laser. These ideas apply only to identical particles, because if a different particles are interchanged the wave function will ? ) SCIENCE PATHWAYS OF DISCOVERY certainlybe different.Consequently,particlesbehavelike TheSecondRevolution fermionsor likebosonsonlyif theyaretotallyidentical.The Duringthe freneticyearsin the mid-1920swhenquantum absoluteidentityof likeparticlesis amongthemostmysteri- mechanics was being invented,anotherrevolutionwas underway.The foundationswere being laid ous aspectsof quantummechanof ics. Amongthe achievements for the secondbranchof quantumphysicsquantumfield theory is that it quantumfield theory.Unlike quantummecanexplainthismystery. chanics,which was createdin a shortflurry Whatdoes it mean? Quesof activity and emerged essentially comtions suchas whata wavefuncplete, quantumfield theory has a tortuous tion "really is" and what is history that continuestoday.In spite of the meant by "makinga measuredifficulties,the predictionsof quantumfield ment"wereintenselydebatedin theoryare the most precisein all of physics, the earlyyears.By 1930, howand quantum field theory constitutes a ever,a moreor less standardinparadigmfor some of the most crucialareas of theoreticalinquiry. terpretation of quantum mechanicshad been developedby The problem that motivated quantum field Bohrandhis colleagues,the socalled Copenhageninterpretatheory was the questionof tion. The key elementsare the how an atom radiateslight as its electrons "jump" probabilistic descriptionof matfrom excited states to the ter and events, and reconcilia^ tion of the wavelikeand partigroundstate. Einsteinpro: posed such a process, clelikenaturesof thingsthrough called spontaneous emisBohr'sprincipleof complemen^ tarity.Einsteinnever accepted IHI^H sion, in 1916,buthe hadno quantumtheory.He and Bohr Quantumwebs. BycreatingF)articlesthat way to calculate its rate. B E debatedits principlesuntilEin- share quantumstates, such ais these "en- Solving the problem restein'sdeathin 1955. tangled"photons at the inte.rsections of quired developing a fully ^ _~ theselaser-generated _ rings,re;searchersare relativisticquantumtheory unencryption of electromagnetic fields, a A central issue in the de- developing new quantur quantumtheory of light. Quantummechancomrnters. 2 bates on quantummechanics schemesandquantum ics is the theory of matter.Quantumfield ' was whetherthe wave function z containsall possibleinformationabouta systemor if there theory,as its name suggests, is the theory of fields, not fields but otherfields thatwere sub< mightbe underlyingfactors-hiddenvariables-thatdeter- only electromagnetic In the mid- sequentlydiscovered. | minethe outcomeof a particularmeasurement. In 1925 Born,Heisenberg,and Jordanpublishedsome | 1960sJohnS. Bell showedthatif hiddenvariablesexisted, _ experimentallyobservedprobabilitieswould have to fall initial ideas for a theory of light, but the seminal steps Experi- were takenby Dirac-a young and essentiallyunknown | below certainlimits, dubbed"Bell'sinequalities." S ments were carried out by a numberof groups, which physicist working in isolation-who presented his field theory in 1926. The ~-foundthatthe inequalitieswere violated.Theircollective theory was full of pitfalls: t datacame down decisivelyagainstthe possibilityof hidformidable calculational v den variables.Formost scientists,this resolvedany doubt complexity, predictionsof E aboutthe validityof quantummechanics. infinite quantities,and apNevertheless,the natureof quantumtheorycontinuesto parentviolationsof the corM attractattentionbecause of the fascinationwith what is respondenceprinciple. p sometimesdescribedas "quantumweirdness."The weird In the late 1940s a new of quantumsystemsarisefromwhatis knownas o properties approach to the quantum Briefly,a quantumsystem,such as an atom, 5 entanglement. statesbutalso theory of fields, QED (for . canexistin anyone of a numberof stationary in a superposition-orsum-of suchstates.If one measures quantumelectrodynamics), was developedby Richard M somepropertysuchas the energyof an atomin a superposition state, in generalthe result is sometimes one value, Feynman,JulianSchwinger, - sometimesanother.So far,nothingis weird. and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga. They sidesteppedthe infiniIt is also possible,however,to constructa two-atomsys| ties by a procedure,called v tem in an entangledstate in which the propertiesof both < atomsaresharedwitheachother.If the atomsareseparated, Fields go quantum. Paul renormalization,which esworklead- sentially subtractsinfinite Diracspearheaded information aboutone is shared,or entangled,in the stateof z the other.The behavioris unexplainable exceptin the lan- ing to quantumfieldtheory quantitiesso as to leavefisuchas nite results.Becausethereis ^guageof quantummechanics.The effectsare so surprising as wellas discoveries no exact solution to the v thattheyarethe focusof studyby a smallbutactivetheoret- antimatter. complicatedequationsof the Theissuesarenot limited community. | ical andexperimental to questionsof principle,as entanglement canbe useful.En- theory,an approximateansweris presentedas a series of g tangledstateshavealreadybeenemployedin quantumcom- termsthatbecomemoreandmoredifficultto calculate.Alunderliesall propos- though the terms become successively smaller,at some - municationsystems,andentanglement e als forquantumcomputation. pointtheyshouldstartto grow,indicatingthebreakdownof I I . SCIENCE VOL289 11 AUGUST2000 897 PATHWAYS the approximation. In spite of these perils, QED ranks among the most brilliant successes in the history of physics. Its prediction of the interactionstrength between an electron and a magnetic field has been experimentally con- OF DISCOVERY enhancesthe Eachmonth,Britann accessthis month'sIPatl hwaysessayandall niscent of the frenzied and miraculous previous ones, go tc) www.britannica.comdays in which quantum mechanics was andclickonthe Sciei nce created, and whose outcome may be even morefar-reaching. The effortis in1,000,000,000,000. extricablyboundto the questfor a quantumdescriptionof Notwithstandingits fantasticsuccesses, QED harbors gravity.The procedurefor quantizingthe electromagnetic enigmas.The view of emptyspace-the vacuum-that the field thatworkedso brilliantlyin QEDhas failedto work theoryprovidesinitiallyseems preposterous.It turnsout for gravity,in spiteof a half-centuryof effort.Theproblem that empty space is not really empty.Rather,it is filled is critical,for if generalrelativityandquantummechanics fields.Thesevacu- are bothcorrect,then they mustultimatelyprovidea conwith small,fluctuatingelectromagnetic um fluctuationsare essential for explainingspontaneous sistentdescriptionfor the sameevents.Thereis no contraemission.Furthermore, theyproducesmallbutmeasurable dictionin the normalworldaroundus, becausegravityis so fantasticallyweak comparedto the electricalforces in shifts in the energies of atoms and certainpropertiesof particlessuch as the electron.Strangeas they seem, these atoms that quantumeffects are negligibleand a classical effects have been confirmedby some of the most precise descriptionworksbeautifully.But for a system such as a firmed to a precision of two parts in ?I -l~I -I :IrI :II experiments ever carried out. At the low energies of the world around us, quantummechanics is fantastically accurate. But at high energies where relativistic effects come into play, a more general approach is needed. Quantum field theory was invented to reconcile quantum mechanics with spe- cial relativity. )II 51 -lI -l~ The towering role that quantum field theoryplaysin physicsarisesfromtheanswers it provides to some of the most profound questions about the nature of matter. Quantum field theory explains why there are two fundamentalclasses of particles-fermions and bosons-and how their properties are related to their intrinsic spin. It describes how particles-not only photons, but electrons and positrons (antielectrons)-are created and annihiIt explains the mysterious natureof B | ~~~~~lated. identity in quantum mechanics-how _SHH| identical particles are absolutely identical _IUjju because they are created by the same underlying field. QED describes not only the electron but the class of particles called leptons that includes the muon, the tau meson, and their antiparticles. Because QED is a theory for leptons, however, it cannot describe more complex particles called hadrons. These include protons, neutrons, and a wealth of mesons. For hadrons, a new theory had to be invented, a generalization of QED called quantumchromodynamics, or QCD. Analogies aboundbetween QED and QCD. Electrons are the constituents of atoms; quarks are the constituents of hadrons. In QED the force between chargedparticles is mediated by the photon; in QCD the force between quarks is mediated by the gluon. In spite of the parallels, there is a crucial difference between QED and QCD. Unlike leptons and photons, quarks and gluons are forever confined within the hadron.They cannot be liberatedand studied in isolation. QED and QCD are the cornerstonesfor a grand synthesis known as the StandardModel. The StandardModel has successfully accountedfor every particle experimentcarriedout to date. However,for many physicists the StandardModel is inadequate,because data on the masses, charges, and other of thefundamental particlesneedto be foundfrom properties An idealtheorywouldpredictall of these. experiments. 898 Today,the quest to understandthe ul- Pathwaysof Discove*ryessay with links to timate nature of matter is the focus of relevantitems withinlanidwithout EncylopediaBritannica's vaststtore.s of information. To an intense scientific study that is remi- 11 AUGUST2000 VOL289 black hole where gravity is incredibly strong, we have no reliable way to predict quantumbehavior. One century ago our understandingof the physical world was empirical. Quantumphysics gave us a theory of matter and fields, and that knowledge transformedour world. Looking to the next century,quantummechanics will continue to provide fundamentalconcepts and essential tools for all of the sciences. We can make such a predictionconfidently because for the world aroundus quantumphysics provides an exact and complete theory. However, physics today has this in common with physics in 1900: It remains ultimatelyempirical-we cannot fully predictthe propertiesof the elementary constituentsof matter,we must measurethem. Perhaps string theory-a generalization of quantum field theory that eliminates all infinities by replacing pointlike objects such as the electron with extended objects-or some theory only now being conceived, will solve the riddle. Whatever the outcome, the dream of ultimate understandingwill continue to be a driving force for new knowledge, as it has been since the dawn of science. One century from now, the consequences of pursuing that dream will belie our imagination. FurtherReading B. Bederson, Ed., More Things in Heaven and Earth: A Celebration of Physics at the Millennium (Springer Verlag, New York, 1999). J. S. Bell, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics: Collected Papers on Quantum Mechanics (reprint edition) (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989). L. M. Brown, A. Pais, B. Pippard, Eds., Twentieth Century Physics (Institute of Physics, Philadelphia 1995). D. Cassidy, Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg (W. H. Freeman, New York, 1993). A. Einstein, Born-Einstein Letters, trans. Irene Born (Macmillan, London, 1971). H. Kragh, Dirac: A Scientific Biography (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990). W. Moore, Schrodinger: Life and Thought (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989). A. Pais, Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986). A. Pais, Niels Bohr's Times: In Physics, Philosophy, and Polity (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991). DanielKleppneris LesterWolfProfessorof PhysicsandActingDirectorof of Electronicsat the MassachusettsInstituteof the ResearchLaboratory Technology.His researchinterestsincludeatomic physics,quantumopcondensation. tics, ultraprecise spectroscopy,and Bose-Einstein RomanJackiwis JerroldJachariasProfessorof Physicsat MIT.Hisresearchi interestsincludeapplyingquantumfieldtheoryto physicalproblems,the- z oreticalparticlephysics,andthe searchfor unexpected,subtleeffectsthat | physics. mayapplyto particle,condensedmatter,andgravitational SCIENCE 8