CMPS 1044 - Program #1 – Employee Payroll - Spring 2016 Problem Solving Steps DUE: Monday, February 22 – 10 % of grade, not accepted late DUE: Monday, February 29 – 5 points off for each day late, including weekends Implement the payroll program using file input and file output. Use a while loop (as shown below) to process the payroll for 10 different employees. For each employee enter the employee’s id number, number of hours worked, and hourly pay rate. Calculate the gross pay. (All hours are paid at the hourly rate, no extra for overtime.) Then compute the following deductions and the final net pay based on the following percentages of the gross pay or the flat rate. Income Tax is 15% (of gross pay) FICA is 8.25% Payroll Savings is 5% Retirement is 5% Health Insurance is $ 50.00 Create a data file of the following data: (IdNumber, Hours, HourlyPay) 4218 40 12.93 5478 30 48.25 6723 50 20.79 1234 12.5 9.56 3567 15.6 15.99 7878 47.3 25.00 5633 13.9 7.75 4590 60 15.50 8998 18.9 9.00 4331 45.21 28.99 Output is to be in exactly the following form. Insert correct information in place of parentheses. Print your name only once. Draw a line between each employee’s information. The x’s represent where your answers will be placed. Must use I/O manipulators. Student Name: (Your name) // print this line ONLY ONCE Employee: (id number) Gross Pay Federal Income Tax FICA Payroll Savings Retirement Health Insurance $ xxxxx.xx $ xxxxx.xx $ xxxxx.xx $ xxxxx.xx $ xxxxx.xx $ xxxxx.xx Net Pay $ xxxxx.xx * ** Repeat this part 10 times, once for each employee. Program Template int main ( ) { int count = 1; // other declarations & code here while (count <=10) { // Put your code here count = count + 1; } } Other notes: * I recommend that you get the program running using cin/cout statements then change or add the file I/O once it is working properly. * Check several of your data items by hand to make sure your answers are correct. * Double check you data input file to make sure there are no typing errors. * Turn in your program listing, the listing of your output file, and the listing of your input file. * Use type double for all your numeric variables. * Watch carefully for errors due to mixed type arithmetic. * Double check your alignment & spacing (I/O Manipulators) * Programs that do not compile will be returned without grading for redo – late days count