BUSADM 4239: Managing Process Improvement Spring 2016 Dr. Mrinalini Gadkari, MD, MHSA Office: 632 Fisher Hall Email: gadkari.6@osu.edu Phone: 614-292-3166 Office hours: Tuesdays 3-5pm and by appointment. Email is the best way to reach me. First Class: Jan 11 Last Class: Apr 25 Class hours: Mon/Wed/Fri, 8-8:55 AM and 9:10-10:05 AM COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will describe the basics of establishing and managing value creation in service, including healthcare, office and manufacturing operations. The key to creating value is to develop the ability to see opportunities to improve operations; identify and analyze barriers to value creation, develop effective and efficient countermeasures, and continuously improve the system. First topics include a history of process development through the 20th century and an understanding of lean processes. The heart of the course begins with foundational elements to stabilize processes and then take steps to gain the high efficiency required in today’s markets. We will examine how to put in place a complete operating system for the process and what your role as a leader will be as you establish and manage your operation. COURSE OBJECTIVES A major objective of the course is for you to be able to apply the concepts presented in the text to the operating environments in which you will find yourself in the future as a manager. Room: Schoenbaum Hall 205 COURSE MATERIAL 1. The Toyota Way Fieldbook; A practical Guide for Implementing Toyota’s 4Ps Liker, Jeffrey K.; Meier, David (2006). The McGrawHill Companies, Inc. (ISBN 0071448934). 2. Course pack to be bought at COURSE REQUIREMENTS The course will be conducted in an interactive lecture-discussion format. You are expected to come to class prepared and contribute to the discussion. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Attendance is required. You should attend every class and participate to a. Learn as much as possible b. Achieve a grade you will be satisfied with 2. Arrive on time 3. Use electronic devices as instructed in class GRADING Component At the end of the semester every student will be able to: 1. Analyze processes to identify problems 2. Use structured problem solving to improve process performance 3. Design processes to increase productivity and enrich work environment to make jobs more satisfying and engaging for employees 4. Work as a member of team and facilitate the development of your team to meet goals you have set. Total Points Class Attendance (1 x 44 classes) 45 Weekly assignments (3 points x 15 assignments) 45 Team Project Presentation 30 Total (Maximum points) 120 BUSADM 4239: Managing Process Improvement Spring 2016 Dr. Mrinalini Gadkari, MD, MHSA Office: 632 Fisher Hall Email: gadkari.6@osu.edu Phone: 614-292-3166 will be uploaded on Carmen DISABILITY ACCOMODATION ASSIGNMENTS - Individual assignment should be done individually and team assignments in groups. Do not collaborate or discuss individual assignments with anyone. Submit on time. All homework assignments are due on Fridays by 8am. Use the templates uploaded on Carmen/TopHat Upload them in the relevant Dropbox in Carmen/TopHat There are no make-ups. Final projects are a group effort. Project Description document If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, please arrange an appointment with me as soon as possible. I rely on the Office for Disability Services for assistance in verifying need and developing accommodation strategies. Start the verification process as soon as possible. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT http://studentaffairs.osu.edu/resource_csc.asp). COURSE OUTLINE (subject to revision) Date Topic and description Before class readings Assignments/Due Date Course Overview 1 (M)Jan 11 - Get to know each other Discuss syllabus Set expectations Create teams Leadership 2 (W)Jan 13 3 (F)Jan 15 - Characteristics of an authentic leader Leadership - My four circles- current state - Syllabus - Better leader, richer life https://hbr.org/2008/04/be-a-better-leaderhave-a-richer-life - www.myfourcircles.com (I) My four circles current state, Jan 15, 8am NO CLASS- Martin Luther King Day (M)Jan 18 4 (W)Jan 20 (MBOE) Flipped Leadership 5 (F)Jan 22 (MBOE) Flipped Why lean fails - - My four circles- future state NUMMI case study - www.myfourcircles.com - Listen/read NUMMI case study http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radioarchives/episode/561/nummi-2015 (I) Jan 20, In class submission (T) NUMMI Prep/Jan 12, 8am BUSADM 4239: Managing Process Improvement Spring 2016 Dr. Mrinalini Gadkari, MD, MHSA Office: 632 Fisher Hall Date Topic and description Email: gadkari.6@osu.edu Before class readings Phone: 614-292-3166 Assignments/Due Date Why lean fails 6 (M)Jan 25 7 (W)Jan 27 - NUMMI case study. In class discussion Leading in a lean environment 8 (F)Jan 29 - The 4 Ps The philosophy Leading in a lean environment - Setting direction - True North Metrics - Creating a culture of process improvement (creating problem solvers) A3 Problem solving 9 (M)Feb 1 - Understanding the problem Writing the problem statement - Chapter 1, The Toyota Way Fieldbook (T) NUMMI final/Jan 29, 8am - Chapter 2, The Toyota Way Fieldbook Chapter 20, The Toyota Way Fieldbook pages 427-439 - The Toyota Way Fieldbook Ch. 18, pages 323-337 Understanding the problem and creating the problem statement (article) - A3 Problem solving 10 11 (W)Feb 3 (F)Feb 5 - Current conditions Gemba (what to see, how to see, seven wastes) A3 Problem Solving - SMART Metrics - The gemba walk - Lean Metrics - Lean Metrics - VSM Video Part 1 o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =0nWIhnNHfEQ Part 2 o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =bch9dCU6bTg (I) Lean Leader SelfAssessment essay/Feb 5, 8am A3 Problem Solving 12 (M) Feb 8 13 (W) Feb 10 - SMART Metrics Goal statements Matt Werner, Director of Operations, Compco Industries Value Stream Mapping 14 (F)Feb 12 - What is VSM? Components of VSM How to Create a VSM - (T) Problem statement and goals for group project/Feb 12, 8 am - Criteria for goals BUSADM 4239: Managing Process Improvement Spring 2016 Dr. Mrinalini Gadkari, MD, MHSA Office: 632 Fisher Hall Date Topic and description Value Stream Mapping 15 (M)Feb 15 16 (W)Feb 17 17 (F)Feb 19 18 (M)Feb 22 Flipped class- create the value stream for your project 19 (W)Feb 24 Project update 20 (F)Feb 26 21 (M)Feb 29 - Value Stream Mapping - (W)Mar 2 23 (F)Mar 4 24 (M)Mar 7 Case 2 Value Stream Mapping - Case 3 - A3 Problem Solving Analysis continued - - Service Case (T) Submit VSM in class (T) Submit VSM in class Print Project A3 and VSM and bring to class (T) Upload project VSM on Carmen/Feb 26,8am - The Toyota Way Fieldbook Ch. 18, pages 341-352 (T) Upload project Cause Map on Carmen/Mar 4,8am Flipped Create cause map for project Stability - 5S System (F)Mar 11 27 (M)Mar 14 28 (W)Mar 16 (M)Mar 21 Manufacturing Case (T) Submit VSM in class Countermeasures 26 30 - Assignments/Due Date Cause mapping Guest Speaker, Anitha Attoor (F)Mar 18 Healthcare Case Leading a VSM workshop Phone: 614-292-3166 A3 Problem Solving Stability - 5S System (simulation) 29 - Analysis- data (W)Mar 9 25 Before class readings A3 Problem Solving - 22 Case 1 Email: gadkari.6@osu.edu Stability - Standardized work Stability - Standardized work (simulation) Stability - Standardized work (simulation) Stability - Standardized work (practice) - The Toyota Way Fieldbook Ch. 18, pages 64-65 Practical aspects of 5S The Toyota Way Fieldbook Ch. 18, pages 122-131 Practical aspects of standardized work (I) Personal 5S video/Mar 11,8am - BUSADM 4239: Managing Process Improvement Spring 2016 Dr. Mrinalini Gadkari, MD, MHSA Office: 632 Fisher Hall Date 31 (W)Mar 23 32 (F)Mar 25 33 (M)Mar 28 34 (W)Mar 30 Topic and description Project Update Just in Time - Email: gadkari.6@osu.edu Before class readings - Pull vs. push The Toyota Way Fieldbook Ch. 18, pages 80-108 - Pull vs. push Just in Time - Pull vs. push (simulation) (I) Pull vs Push Homework Exercise/Mar 31, 8am (M)Apr 4 Presentation skills 37 (W)Apr 6 Presentation skills - 38 (F)Apr 8 Leading Kaizen events - Facilitation checklist 39 (M)Apr 11 Leading Kaizen events - Facilitation checklist (W)Apr 13 Project Update in class feedback COE Summit (F)Apr 15 Wrap up 41 COE summit Project Presentations 42 (M)Apr 18 40 - 44 (F)Apr 22 45 (M)Apr 25 (T) Standardized work for project/Mar 25,8am Just in Time 36 (W)Apr 20 Assignments/Due Date Print Project A3 and VSM and bring to class (F)Apr 1 (HC Bryan Krieg, Six Sigma Black Belt 35 Chicago) Genesis HealthCare System 43 Phone: 614-292-3166 15 min presentation, 5 min Q&A Project Presentations - 15 min presentation, 5 min Q&A Project Presentations - 15 min presentation, 5 min Q&A Project Presentations - 15 min presentation, 5 min Q&A (T) Project update video/Apr 8, 8am Print Project A3 and VSM and bring to class - Presentation guidelines - Presentation guidelines - Presentation guidelines - Presentation guidelines Upload presentations in Carmen Upload presentations in Carmen Upload presentations in Carmen Upload presentations in Carmen