Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2011, Article ID 217493, 21 pages doi:10.1155/2011/217493 Research Article Adaptive Mixed Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems Zuliang Lu1, 2 1 2 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404000, China College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China Correspondence should be addressed to Zuliang Lu, zulianglux@126.com Received 12 May 2011; Accepted 30 June 2011 Academic Editor: Kue-Hong Chen Copyright q 2011 Zuliang Lu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We will investigate the adaptive mixed finite element methods for parabolic optimal control problems. The state and the costate are approximated by the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas mixed finite element spaces, and the control is approximated by piecewise constant elements. We derive a posteriori error estimates of the mixed finite element solutions for optimal control problems. Such a posteriori error estimates can be used to construct more efficient and reliable adaptive mixed finite element method for the optimal control problems. Next we introduce an adaptive algorithm to guide the mesh refinement. A numerical example is given to demonstrate our theoretical results. 1. Introduction Optimal control problems are very important models in science and engineering numerical simulation. Finite element method of optimal control problems plays an important role in numerical methods for these problems. Let us mention two early papers devoted to linear optimal control problems by Falk 1 and Geveci 2. Knowles was concerned with standard finite element approximation of parabolic time optimal control problems in 3. In 4 Gunzburger and Hou investigated the finite element approximation of a class of constrained nonlinear optimal control problems. For quadratic optimal control problem governed by linear parabolic equation, Liu and Yan derived a posteriori error estimates for both the state and the control approximation in 5. Systematic introductions of the finite element method for optimal control problems can be found in 6–10. Adaptive finite element approximation was the most important means of boosting the accuracy and efficiency of finite element discretization. The literature in this aspect was huge, see, for example, 11, 12. Adaptive finite element method was widely used in engineering numerical simulation. There has been extensive studies on adaptive finite element 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering approximation for optimal control problems. In 13, the authors have introduced some basic concept of adaptive finite element discretization for optimal control of partial differential equations. A posteriori error estimators for distributed elliptic optimal control problems were contained in Li et al. 14. Recently an adaptive finite element method for the estimation of distributed parameter in elliptic equation was discussed by Feng et al. 15. Note that all the above works aimed at standard finite element method. In many control problems, the objective functional contains the gradient of the state variables. Thus, the accuracy of the gradient is important in numerical discretization of the coupled state equations. When the objective functional contains the gradient of the state variable, mixed finite element methods should be used for discretization of the state equation with which both the scalar variable and its flux variable can be approximated in the same accuracy. In 16–20 we have done some primary works on a priori error estimates and superconvergence for linear optimal control problems by mixed finite element methods. We considered a posteriori error estimates of mixed finite element methods for quadratic and general optimal control problems in 21–23. In 24, the authors discussed the mixed finite element approximation for general optimal control problems governed by parabolic equation. And then, they derived a posteriori error estimates of mixed finite element solution. In this paper, we study the adaptive mixed finite element methods for the parabolic optimal control problems. We construct the mixed finite element discretization for the original problems and derive a useful posteriori error indicators. Furthermore, we provide an adaptive algorithm to guide the multimesh refinement. Finally, a numerical experiment shows that this algorithm works very well with the adaptive multimesh discretization. The plan of this paper is as follows. In the next section, we construct the mixed finite element discretization for the parabolic optimal control problems. Then, we derive a posteriori error estimates for the mixed finite element solutions in Section 3. Next, we introduce an adaptive algorithm to guide the mesh refinement in Section 4. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate our theoretical results in Section 5. 2. Mixed Methods of Optimal Control Problems In this section, we investigate the mixed finite element approximation for parabolic optimal control problems. We adopt the standard notation W m,p Ω for Sobolev spaces on Ω with p p p α a norm · m,p given by vm,p |α|≤m D vLp Ω , a seminorm | · |m,p given by |v|m,p p m,p α {v ∈ W m,p Ω : v|∂Ω 0}. For p 2, we denote |α| m D vLp Ω . We set W0 Ω H m Ω W m,2 Ω, H0m Ω W0m,2 Ω, and · m · m,2 , · · 0,2 . We denote by Ls 0, T ; W m,p Ω the Banach space of all Ls integrable functions from J T into W m,p Ω with norm vLs J;W m,p Ω 0 vsW m,p Ω dt1/s for s ∈ 1, ∞ and the standard modification for s ∞. The details can be found in 25. The parabolic optimal control problems that we are interested in are as follows: T min u∈K⊂U yt x, t g1 p g2 y ju dt , 0 div px, t f ux, t, x ∈ Ω, Mathematical Problems in Engineering px, t yx, t 3 −Ax∇yx, t, x ∈ ∂Ω, t ∈ J, 0, x ∈ Ω, y0 x, yx, 0 x ∈ Ω, 2.1 where the bounded open set Ω ⊂ R2 is a convex polygon with the boundary ∂Ω. Let K be 0, T , y0 x ∈ H01 Ω. a closed convex set in U L2 J; L2 Ω, f ∈ L2 J; L2 Ω, J Furthermore, we assume that the coefficient matrix Ax ai,j x2×2 ∈ L∞ Ω; R2×2 is a symmetric 2 × 2-matrix and there is a constant c > 0 satisfying for any vector X ∈ R2 , Xt AX ≥ cX2R2 . j is positive, g1 , g2 , and j are locally Lipschitz on L2 Ω2 , W, U, and that there is a c > 0 such that j u − j u, u − u ≥ cu − u0 , for all u, u ∈ U. Now we will describe the mixed finite element discretization of parabolic optimal control problems 2.1. Let V 2 v ∈ L2 Ω , div v ∈ L2 Ω , Hdiv; Ω W L2 Ω. 2.2 The Hilbert space V is equipped with the following norm: div v20,Ω v20,Ω vHdiv;Ω vdiv 1/2 . 2.3 We recast 2.1 as the following weak form: find p, y, u ∈ V × W × K such that T min u∈K⊂U g1 p g2 y yt , w ju dt , 2.4 ∀v ∈ V, 2.5 0 A−1 p, v − y, div v div p, w yx, 0 f y0 x, 0, u, w , ∀w ∈ W, ∀x ∈ Ω. 2.6 2.7 Similar to 26, the optimal control problems 2.4–2.7 have a unique solution p, y, u, and a triplet p, y, u is the solution of 2.4–2.7 if and only if there is a costate q, z ∈ V × W such that p, y, q, z, u satisfies the following optimality conditions: A−1 p, v − y, div v yt , w div p, w f 0, u, w , ∀v ∈ V, ∀w ∈ W, 2.8 2.9 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering yx, 0 ∀x ∈ Ω, y0 x, 2.10 A−1 q, v − z, div v − g1 p, v , ∀v ∈ V, 2.11 −zt , w g2 y , w , ∀w ∈ W, 2.12 div q, w zx, T T ∀x ∈ Ω, 0, z, u − u j u 0 U dt ≥ 0, 2.13 ∀u ∈ K, 2.14 where ·, ·U is the inner product of U. In the rest of the paper, we will simply write the product as ·, · whenever no confusion should be caused. Let Th be regular triangulation of Ω. They are assumed to satisfy the angle condition which means that there is a positive constant C such that, for all τ ∈ Th , C−1 h2τ ≤ |τ| ≤ Ch2τ , where |τ| is the area of τ, hτ is the diameter of τ and h max hτ . In addition C or c denotes a general positive constant independent of h. Let Vh × Wh ⊂ V × W denote the Raviart-Thomas space 27 of the lowest order associated with the triangulation Th of Ω. Pk denotes the space of polynomials of total degree at most k. Let Vτ {v ∈ P02 τ x · P0 τ}, Wτ P0 τ. We define Vh : {vh ∈ V : ∀τ ∈ Th , vh |τ ∈ Vτ}, Wh : {wh ∈ W : ∀τ ∈ Th , wh |τ ∈ Wτ}, Kh : {uh ∈ K : ∀τ ∈ Th , uh |τ 2.15 constant}. The mixed finite element discretization of 2.4–2.7 is as follows: compute ph , yh , uh ∈ Vh × Wh × Kh such that T min uh ∈Kh g1 ph g2 yh yht , wh juh dt , 0 A−1 ph , vh − yh , div vh div ph , wh yh x, 0 f y0h x, 0, ∀vh ∈ Vh , uh , w h , 2.16 ∀wh ∈ Wh , ∀x ∈ Ω, where y0h x ∈ Wh is an approximation of y0 . The optimal control problem 2.16 again has a unique solution ph , yh , uh , and a triplet ph , yh , uh is the solution of 2.16 if and only Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 if there is a costate qh , zh ∈ Vh × Wh such that ph , yh , qh , zh , uh satisfies the following optimality conditions: A−1 ph , vh − yh , div vh yht , wh div ph , wh yh x, 0 div qh , wh ∀vh ∈ Vh , uh , w h , f y0 x, A−1 qh , vh − zh , div vh −zht , wh 0, ∀wh ∈ Wh , ∀x ∈ Ω, − g1 ph , vh , g2 yh , wh , ∀vh ∈ Vh , 2.17 ∀wh ∈ Wh , 0, ∀x ∈ Ω, zh , uh − uh ≥ 0, ∀uh ∈ Kh . zh x, T j uh We now consider the fully discrete approximation for the semidiscrete problem. Let Δt > 0, N T/Δt ∈ Z, and ti iΔt, i ∈ Z. Also, let ψi ψ i x ψx, ti , ψ i − ψ i−1 . Δt dt ψ i 2.18 For i 1, 2, . . . , N, construct the finite element spaces Vih ∈ V, Whi ∈ W similar as Vh . Similarly, construct the finite element spaces Khi ∈ Kh with the mesh Tih . Let hiτ denote the maximum diameter of the element τ i in Tih . Define mesh functions τ· and mesh size functions hτ · such that τt|t∈ti−1 ,ti τ i , hτ t|t∈ti−1 ,ti hτi . For ease of exposition, we will denote τt and hτ t by τ and hτ , respectively. The following fully discrete approximation scheme is to find pih , yhi , uih ∈ Vih × Whi × i Kh , i 1, 2, . . . , N, such that min uih ∈Khi t N i i 1 ti−1 g1 pih g2 yhi A−1 pih , vh − yhi , div vh dt yhi , wh div pih , wh yh0 x, 0 0, fx, ti y0h x, , 2.19 ∀vh ∈ Vih , 2.20 j uih uih , wh , ∀x ∈ Ω. ∀wh ∈ Whi , 2.21 2.22 It follows that the optimal control problems 2.19–2.22 have a unique solution pih , yhi , uih , 1, 2, . . . , N, is the i 1, 2, . . . , N, and that a triplet pih , yhi , uih ∈ Vih × Whi × Khi , i 6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering , zi−1 ∈ Vih × Whi such that solution of 2.19–2.22 if and only if there is a costate qi−1 h h 2 , zi−1 , uih ∈ Vih × Whi × Khi satisfies the following optimality conditions: pih , yhi , qi−1 h h A−1 pih , vh − yhi , div vh div pih , wh dt yhi , wh fx, ti yh0 x, 0 y0h x, i−1 A−1 qi−1 h , vh − zh , div vh div qi−1 h , wh − dt zih , wh zN h x, T 2.23 uih , wh , ∀wh ∈ Whi , ∀x ∈ Ω, 2.24 2.25 − g1 pih , vh , ∀vh ∈ Vih , 2.26 g2 yhi , wh , ∀wh ∈ Whi , 2.27 0, i zi−1 h , uh − uh ≥ 0, j uih For i ∀vh ∈ Vih , 0, ∀x ∈ Ω, 2.28 ∀uh ∈ Khi . 2.29 1, 2, . . . , N, let Yh |ti−1 ,ti Zh |ti−1 ,ti Ph |ti−1 ,ti Qh |ti−1 ,ti Uh |ti−1 ,ti t − ti−1 yhi , Δt t − ti−1 zih ti − tzi−1 h , Δt t − ti−1 pih ti − tpi−1 h , Δt t − ti−1 qih ti − tqi−1 h , Δt ti − tyhi−1 2.30 uih . For any function w ∈ CJ; L2 Ω, let wx, t|t∈ti−1 ,ti wx, ti , wx, t|t∈ti−1 ,ti wx, ti−1 . 2.31 Then the optimality conditions 2.23–2.29 can be restated as. A−1 Ph , vh − Yh , div vh Yht , wh div Ph , wh Yh x, 0 0, ∀vh ∈ Vih , f Uh , wh , y0h x, ∀x ∈ Ω, ∀wh ∈ Whi , 2.32 2.33 2.34 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 − g1 Ph , vh , A−1 Qh , vh − Zh , div vh −Zht , wh g2 Yh , wh , div Qh , wh Zh x, T j Uh ∀vh ∈ Vih , 2.35 ∀wh ∈ Whi , 2.36 ∀x ∈ Ω, 0, Zh , uh − Uh ≥ 0, 2.37 ∀uh ∈ Khi . 2.38 In the rest of the paper, we will use some intermediate variables. For any control function Uh ∈ K, we first define the state solution pUh , yUh , qUh , zUh which satisfies A−1 pUh , v − yUh , div v yt Uh , w div pUh , w yUh x, 0 f y0 x, div qUh , w zUh x, T Uh , w , ∀x ∈ Ω, 2.40 2.41 g2 yUh , w , 0, 2.39 ∀w ∈ W, − g1 pUh , v , A−1 qUh , v − zUh , div v −zt Uh , w ∀v ∈ V, 0, ∀v ∈ V, 2.42 ∀w ∈ W, 2.43 ∀x ∈ Ω. 2.44 3. A Posteriori Error Estimates In this section we study a posteriori error estimates of the mixed finite element approximation for the parabolic optimal control problems. Fixed given u ∈ K, let M1 , M2 be the inverse operators of the state equation 2.6, such that pu M1 u and yu M2 u are the solutions of the state equations 2.6. Similarly, for given Uh ∈ Kh , Ph Uh M1h Uh , Yh Uh M2h Uh are the solutions of the discrete state equation 2.33. Let Fu Fh Uh g1 M1 U g1 M1h Uh g2 M2 U g2 M2h Uh ju, jUh . 3.1 8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering It can be shown that j u z, v , F u, v j Uh zUh , v , F Uh , v Fh Uh , v j Uh 3.2 Zh , v . It is clear that F and Fh are well defined and continuous on K and Khi . Also the functional Fh can be naturally extended on K. Then 2.4 and 2.19 can be represented as min{Fu}, 3.3 min {Fh Uh }. 3.4 u∈K Uh ∈Khi In many application, F· is uniform convex near the solution u. The convexity of F· is closely related to the second order sufficient conditions of the optimal control problems, which are assumed in many studies on numerical methods of the problem. For instance, in many applications, u → g1 M1 U and u → g2 M2 U are convex. Then there is a constant c > 0, independent of h, such that T F u − F Uh , u − Uh 0 U ≥ cu − Uh 2L2 J;L2 Ω . 3.5 Theorem 3.1. Let u and Uh be the solutions of 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. Assume that Khi ⊂ K. In addition, assume that Fh Uh |τ ∈ H s τ, for all τ ∈ Th , s 0, 1, and there is a vh ∈ Khi such that F Uh , vh − u ≤ C hτ Fh Uh H s τ u − Uh sL2 τ . h 3.6 τ∈Th Then one has u − Uh 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cη12 2 CzUh − Zh 2 L J;L2 Ω , 3.7 where η12 T 0 τ∈Th h1τ s j Uh 1 Zh s H 1 τ . 3.8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9 Proof. It follows from 3.3 and 3.4 that T T 0 F u, u − v ≤ 0, ∀v ∈ K, 0 3.9 Fh Uh , Uh − vh ≤ 0, ∀vh ∈ Khi ⊂ K. Then it follows from assumptions 3.5, 3.6 and Schwartz inequality that cu − Uh 2L2 ≤ T J;L2 Ω F u − F Uh , u − Uh 0 ≤ T Fh Uh , vh − u 0 ≤C T 0 τ∈Th Fh Uh − F Uh , u − Uh 1 s h1τ s Fh Uh H s τ F Uh − F Uh 2 2 h L Ω 3.10 c u − Uh 2L2 J;L2 Ω . 2 It is not difficult to show Fh Uh j Uh F Uh Zh , j Uh zUh , 3.11 where zUh is defined in 2.39–2.44. Thanks to 3.11, it is easy to derive F Uh − F Uh 2 ≤ C Z − zU h h h L Ω L2 Ω . 3.12 Then by estimates 3.10 and 3.12 we can prove the requested result 3.7. In order to estimate the a posteriori error of the mixed finite element approximation solution, we will use the following dual equations: −ϕt − div A∇ϕ G, x ∈ Ω, t ∈ 0, T , ϕ|∂Ω 0, t ∈ J, 3.13 ϕx, T 0, x ∈ Ω, ψt − div A∗ ∇ψ G, x ∈ Ω, t ∈ 0, T , ψ|∂Ω 0, t ∈ J, ψx, 0 0, x ∈ Ω. The following well-known stability results are presented in 28. 3.14 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Lemma 3.2. Let ϕ and ψ be the solutions of 3.13, and 3.14, respectively. Then, for v ϕ or v ψ, vL∞ J;L2 Ω ≤ CGL2 J;L2 Ω , ∇vL2 J;L2 Ω ≤ CGL2 J;L2 Ω , 2 ≤ CGL2 J;L2 Ω , D v 2 2 3.15 L J;L Ω vt L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ CGL2 J;L2 Ω , where D2 v ∂2 v/∂xi ∂xj , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2. Now, we are able to derive the main result. Theorem 3.3. Let Yh , Ph , Zh , Qh , Uh and yUh , pUh , zUh , qUh , Uh be the solutions of 2.32–2.38 and 2.39–2.44. Then, Yh − yUh 2 2 2 L J;L Ω Ph − pUh 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cη22 , 3.16 where η22 2 div Ph − f − Uh 2 Yht L J;L2 Ω Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω 2 Yh − Y h 2 t L 3.17 L J;L2 Ω 2 Ph − Ph 2 J;L2 Ω Proof. Letting ϕ be the solution of 3.13 with G 2 f − f 2 L J;Hdiv;Ω . Yh − yUh , we infer Yh − yUh 2 2 L J;L2 Ω T Yh − yUh , F dt 0 T Yh − yUh , −ϕt − div A∇ϕ dt 0 T Yh − yUh t , ϕ − Ph − pUh , ∇ϕ dt 0 Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω T Yht − yt Uh , ϕ divPh − pUh , ϕ dt 0 Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω . 3.18 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11 Then it follows from 2.39-2.40 that Yh − yUh 2 2 2 L J;L Ω T Yht , ϕ div Ph , ϕ − yt Uh , ϕ − div pUh , ϕ div Ph − Ph , ϕ dt 0 Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω T Yht div Ph − f − Uh , ϕ f − f, ϕ div Ph − Ph , ϕ dt f − f, ϕ div Ph − Ph , ϕ dt 0 Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω T Yht div Ph − f − Uh , ϕ 0 Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω ≤ CδYht 2 div Ph − f − Uh 2 L J;L2 Ω 2 CδPh − Ph 2 L J;Hdiv;Ω Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L Ω 2 Cδf − f 2 L J;L2 Ω 2 CδYh − Yh 2 L J;L2 Ω 2 CδϕL2 J;L2 Ω , 3.19 where and after, δ is an arbitrary positive number, Cδ is the constant dependent on δ−1 . Now, we are in the position of estimating the error Ph − pUh 2L2 J;L2 Ω . First, we derive from 2.32-2.33 and 2.39-2.40 the following useful error equations: A−1 Ph − pUh , vh − Yh − yuh , div vh Yh − yUh , wh t div Ph − pUh , wh f − f, wh − where vh ∈ Vh , wh ∈ Wh . Choose vh Ph − pUh and wh and add the two relations of 3.20-3.21 such that A−1 Ph − pUh , Ph − pUh f − f, Yh − yUh − 3.20 0, Yh − Yh , wh , t 3.21 Yh − yUh as the test functions Yh − yUh , Yh − yUh t Yh − Yh , Yh − yUh . t 3.22 12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Then, using -Cauchy inequality, we can find an estimate as follows: 2 cPh − pUh 2 Yh − yUh , Yh − yUh L Ω t 2 ≤ CYh − yUh L2 Ω 3.23 2 C Yh − Yh 2 2 Cf − f L2 Ω t L Ω . Note that 2 1 ∂ Yh − yUh 2 , L Ω 2 ∂t Yh − yUh , Yh − yUh t 3.24 then, using the assumption on A, we verify that 2 1 ∂ Yh − yUh 2 L Ω L Ω 2 ∂t 2 2 2 ≤ CYh − yUh 2 Cf − f 2 C Yh − Yh 2 2 cPh − pUh 2 L Ω L Ω Integrating 3.25 in time and since Yh 0 − yUh 0 easily obtain the following error estimate: Ph − pUh L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cf − f 3.25 t L Ω . 0, applying Gronwall’s lemma, we can Yh − yUh L∞ J;L2 Ω L2 J;L2 Ω 3.26 C Yh − Yh t L2 J;L2 Ω . Using the triangle inequality and 3.26, we deduce that Ph − pUh L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ C f − f 2 L J;L2 Ω Y h − Yh t L2 J;L2 Ω Ph − Ph L2 J;L2 Ω 3.27 . Then letting δ be small enough, it follows from 3.18–3.27 that Yh − yUh 2 2 2 L J;L Ω Ph − pUh 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cη22 . 3.28 This proves 3.16. Similarly, letting ψ be the solution of 3.14 with G 2.27, 2.42-2.43, we can conclude the following. Zh − zUh , with the aid of 2.26- Mathematical Problems in Engineering 13 Theorem 3.4. Let Yh , Ph , Zh , Qh , Uh and yUh , pUh , zUh , qUh , Uh be the solutions of 2.32–2.38 and 2.39–2.44. Then, Zh − zUh 2L2 J;L2 Ω Qh − qUh 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ C η22 η32 , 3.29 where 2 Zht − div Qh 2 g2 Yh η32 L J;L2 Ω 2 Zh − Zh 2 2 Zh − Zh 2 2 Yh − Yh 2 2 Qh − Qh 2 L J;L2 Ω L J;L2 Ω t L J;L2 Ω L J;Hdiv;Ω 3.30 . Let p, y, q, z, u and Ph , Yh , Qh , Zh , Uh be the solutions of 2.8–2.14 and 2.32– 2.38, respectively. We decompose the errors as follows: p − Ph p − pUh pUh − Ph : 1 ε1 , y − Yh y − yUh yUh − Yh : r1 e1 , q − Qh q − qUh qUh − Qh : ε2 , z − Zh z − zUh zUh − Zh : r2 2 3.31 e2 . From 2.8–2.13 and 2.39–2.44, we derive the error equations: A−1 1 , v − r1 , div v r1t , w div 1 , w A−1 2 , v − r2 , div v r2t , w div 2 , w 0, ∀v ∈ V, u − Uh , w, 3.32 ∀w ∈ W, − g1 p − g1 pUh v , g2 y − g2 yUh , w , 3.33 ∀v ∈ V, 3.34 ∀w ∈ W. 3.35 Theorem 3.5. There is a constant C > 0, independent of h, such that 1 L2 J;L2 Ω r1 L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cu − Uh L2 J;L2 Ω , 3.36 2 L2 J;L2 Ω r2 L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cu − Uh L2 J;L2 Ω . 3.37 14 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Proof. Part I Choose v we have 1 and w r1 as the test functions and add the two relations of 3.32-3.33, then A−1 1 , 1 r1t , r1 u − Uh , r1 . 3.38 Then, using the Cauchy inequality, we can find an estimate as follows: A−1 1 , r1t , r1 ≤ C r1 2L2 Ω 1 u − Uh 2L2 Ω . 3.39 Note that r1t , r1 1 ∂ r1 2L2 Ω , 2 ∂t 3.40 then, using the assumption on A, we can obtain that 1 2L2 Ω 1 ∂ r1 2L2 Ω ≤ C r1 2L2 Ω 2 ∂t Integrating 3.41 in time and since r1 0 obtain the following error estimate 1 2L2 J;L2 Ω 3.41 u − Uh 2L2 Ω . 0, applying the Gronwall’s lemma, we can easily r1 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cu − Uh 2L2 J;L2 Ω . 3.42 This implies 3.36. Part II Similarly, choose v 2 and w 3.35, then we can obtain that A−1 2 , r2t , r2 2 r2 as the test functions and add the two relations of 3.34- g2 y − g2 yUh , r2 − g1 p − g1 pUh , 2 . 3.43 Then, using the Cauchy inequality, we can find an estimate as follows: A−1 2 , 2 r2t , r2 ≤ C r1 2L2 Ω r2 2L2 Ω 1 2L2 Ω c 2 2L2 Ω . 2 3.44 Note that r2t , r2 1 ∂ r2 2L2 Ω , 2 ∂t 3.45 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 15 then, using the assumption on A, we verify that 2 2L2 Ω 1 ∂ r2 2L2 Ω ≤ C r1 2L2 Ω 2 ∂t Integrating 3.46 in time and since r2 T obtain the following error estimate 2 2L2 J;L2 Ω r2 2L2 Ω 1 2L2 Ω . 3.46 0, applying the Gronwall’s lemma, we can easily r2 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ Cu − Uh 2L2 J;L2 Ω . 3.47 Then 3.37 follows from 3.47 and the previous statements immediately. Collecting Theorems 3.1–3.5, we can derive the following results. Theorem 3.6. Let p, y, q, z, u and Ph , Yh , Qh , Zh , Uh be the solutions of 2.8–2.14 and 2.32–2.38, respectively. In addition, assume that j Uh Zh |τ ∈ H s τ, for all τ ∈ Th , s 0, 1, and that there is a vh ∈ Kh such that j Uh hτ j Uh Zh , vh − u ≤ C τ∈Th Zh H s τ u − Uh sL2 τ . 3.48 Then one has that, for all t ∈ 0, T , u − Uh 2L2 J;L2 Ω y − Yh 2 2 z − Zh 2L2 J;L2 Ω L J;L2 Ω p − Ph 2L2 J;L2 Ω q − Qh 2L2 J;L2 Ω ≤ C 3 ηi2 , 3.49 i 1 where η1 , η2 , and η3 are defined in Theorems 3.1–3.4. 4. An Adaptive Algorithm In the section, we introduce an adaptive algorithm to guide the mesh refine process. A posteriori error estimates which have been derived in Section 3 are used as an error indicator to guide the mesh refinement in adaptive finite element method. Now, we discuss the adaptive mesh refinement strategy. The general idea is to refine the mesh such that the error indicator like η is equally distributed over the computational 2 mesh. Assume that an a posteriori error estimator η has the form of η2 τi ητi , where τi is the finite elements. At each iteration, an average quantity of all ητ2i is calculated, and each ητ2i is then compared with this quantity. The element τi is to be refined if ητ2i is larger than this quantity. As ητ2i represents the total approximation error over τi , this strategy makes sure that higher density of nodes is distributed over the area where the error is higher. Based on this principle, we define an adaptive algorithm of the optimal control problems 2.1 as follows. 16 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Starting from initial triangulations Th0 of Ω, we construct a sequence of refined triangulation Thj as follows. Given Thj , we compute the solutions Ph , Yh , Qh , Zh , Uh of the system 2.32–2.38 and their error estimator T ητ2 0 τ∈Th h1τ s j Uh 1 Zh H 1 τ Yh − yUh x, 02 2 L τ 2 Yh − Y h 2 L J;L2 τ 2 f − f L2 J;L2 τ 2 Ph − Ph t L J;L2 τ L2 J;Hdiv;τ 2 Zht − div Qh 2 g2 Yh 2 Zh − Zh 2 J;L2 τ 2 Zh − Zh 2 2 Yh − Yh 2 2 Qh − Qh 2 L 4.1 L L J;L2 τ Ej 2 div Ph − f − Uh 2 Yht s J;L2 τ t L J;L2 τ L J;Hdiv;τ , ητ2 . τ∈Th Then we adopt the following mesh refinement strategy. All the triangles τ ∈ Thj satisfying ητ2 ≥ αEj /n are divided into four new triangles in Thj 1 by joining the midpoints of the edges, where n is the numbers of the elements of Thj , α is a given constant. In order to maintain the new triangulation Thj 1 to be regular and conformal, some additional triangles need to be divided into two or four new triangles depending on whether they have one or more neighbor which have refined. Then we obtain the new mesh Thj 1 . The above procedure will continue until Ej ≤ tol, where tol is a given tolerance error. 5. Numerical Example The purpose of this section is to illustrate our theoretical results by numerical example. Our numerical example is the following optimal control problem: T 1 min p − pd 2 u∈K⊂U 2 0 yt −zt div q div p y − yd , f u, p q −∇z y − yd 2 −∇y, 5.1 u − u0 dt , x ∈ Ω, y|∂Ω p − pd , 2 0, yx, 0 x ∈ Ω, z|∂Ω 5.2 0, 0, zx, T 0. 5.3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 17 In our example, we choose the domain Ω 0, 1 × 0, 1. Let Ω be partitioned into Th as described Section 2. For the constrained optimization problem, 5.4 min Fu, u∈K {u ∈ L2 Ω : u ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω × J}, the where Fu is a convex functional on U and K iterative scheme reads n 0, 1, 2, . . . b un 1/2 , v bun , v − ρn F un , v , un 1 PKb un 1/2 , ∀v ∈ U, 5.5 where b·, · is a symmetric and positive definite bilinear form such that there exist constants c0 and c1 satisfying ∀u, v ∈ U, |bu, v| ≤ c1 uU vU , 5.6 bu, u ≥ c0 u2U , and the projection operator PKb U → K is defined. For given w ∈ U find PKb w ∈ K such that b PKb w − w, PKb w − w min bu − w, u − w. 5.7 u∈K The bilinear form b·, · provides suitable preconditioning for the projection algorithm. An application of 5.5 to the discretized parabolic optimal control problem yields the following algorithm: b un 1/2 , vh T T T bun , vh − ρn T un T pn , vh − yn , div vh div pn , wh yn 0, w0 qn , vh − zn , div vh − 0 −znt , wh zn , vh , ∀vh ∈ Uh , 0 T 0 un 1 1/2 f un , w h , pn − pd , vh , zn T , wh T PKb un T ∀wh ∈ Wh , 0 0 div qn , wh ∀vh ∈ Vh , 0, 0 ynt , wh 0 T 5.8 ∀vh ∈ Vh , yn − yd , wh , ∀wh ∈ Wh , 0 , un 1/2 , un ∈ Uh . The main computational effort is to solve the four state and costate equations and to compute the projection PKb un 1/2 . In this paper we use a fast algebraic multigrid solver to solve the 18 Mathematical Problems in Engineering state and costate equations. Then it is clear that the key to saving computing time is how to compute PKb un 1/2 efficiently. If one uses the C0 finite elements to approximate to the control, then one has to solve a global variational inequality, via, for example, semismooth Newton method. The computational load is not trivial. For the piecewise constant elements, Kh {uh : uh ≥ 0} and bu, v u, vU , then PKb un 1/2 |τ max 0, avg un 1/2 |τ , 5.9 where avgun 1/2 |τ is the average of un 1/2 over τ. In solving our discretized optimal control problem, we use the preconditioned projec0.8. We now briefly tion gradient method with bu, v u, vU and a fixed step size ρ describe the solution algorithm to be used for solving the numerical examples in this section. 5.1. Algorithm 1 Solve the discretized optimization problem with the projection gradient method on the current meshes, and calculate the error estimators ηi . 2 Adjust the meshes using the estimators, and update the solution on new meshes, as described. Now, we present a numerical example to illustrate our theoretical results. Example 5.1. We choose the state function by yx1 , x2 and the function fx1 , x2 px1 , x2 yt sin πx1 sin πx2 sin πt 5.10 div p − u with −π cos πx1 sin πx2 sin πt, π sin πx1 cos πx2 sin πt, qx1 , x2 pd x1 , x2 px1 , x2 . 5.11 The costate function can be chosen as zx1 , x2 sin πx1 sin πx2 sin πt. 5.12 It follows from 5.2-5.3 that yd x1 , x2 y zt − div q. 5.13 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 19 Table 1: Numerical results on uniform and adaptive meshes. Nodes Sides Elements Dofs Total L2 error u 8097 23968 15872 15872 6.915e − 03 On uniform mesh y z 8097 8097 23968 23968 15872 15872 15872 15872 4.065e − 3 4.018e − 3 u 1089 2825 6348 6348 6.527e − 03 On adaptive mesh y z 1393 1393 3819 3819 2423 2423 2423 2423 4.346e − 3 4.323e − 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 Figure 1: The profile of the control solution u at t 1 0.25. We assume that λ u0 x1 , x2 ⎧ ⎨0.5, x1 x2 > 1.0, ⎩0.0, x1 x2 ≤ 1.0, 1 − sin πx2 πx1 − sin 2 2 5.14 λ. Thus, the control function is given by ux1 , x2 maxu0 − z, 0. 5.15 In this example, the optimal control has a strong discontinuity, introduced by u0 . The exact solution for the control u is plotted in Figure 1. The control function u is discretized by piecewise constant functions, whereas the state y, p and the costate z, q were approximation by the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas mixed finite elements. In Table 1, numerical results of u, y, and z on uniform and adaptive meshes are presented. It can be founded that the adaptive meshes generated using our error indicators can save substantial computational work, in comparison with the uniform meshes. At the same time, for the discontinuous control variable u, the accuracy has been improved obviously from the uniform meshes to the adaptive meshes in Table 1. 20 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Figure 2: The adaptive meshes of the control solution u at t 1 0.25. 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