INSTABILITIES OF SOME TIME-DEPENDENT FLOWS by Rory Thompson A.B., San Diego State College (1962) M.S., San Diego State College (1964) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSA CHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 1968 Signature of Author .. . ...... .... Department or Meteology, 19 Aust Certified by. .......................... Accepted by.. ..... Chairman, Depa Thesis Supervisor .e . men . e... Gr aduate 1968 0Suet ... Committee on Graduate Students Lindgren INSTABILITIES CF SOME TIME-DEPENDENT FLOWS by Rory Thompson Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on August 19, 1968 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT The flow of fluid between considered under two concentric cylinders is three time-dependent forcings as an ap- proach to instabilities of general time-dependent flows. The first is by rotating about gravity, so geometries, gravity on free surfaces axis slightly there is a tilted periodic the annulus with motion. is respect to For certain there are resonances of inertial-gravity modes. These periodic flow, an a motions cause a including a central vortex rectified mean azimuthal for a cylinder, according to analysis of the viscous boundary layers. These mean flows can be unstable to shear oscillations, sometimes causing renarkable commotion which could disrupt geophysical ing experiments. The theory is found to model- accord well with experiments. The second type of forcing is periodic torsional motion of the inner wall, with the outer wall held still. causes periodic ring vortices for certain parameter These ring ascertain vortices the problems. sion time are most studied practical by ways several to This ranges. methods to approach similar Oscillations slow with respect to viscous diffuare essentially quasi-steady and give rise to essentially ordinary Taylor cells which turn on and off with each half-cycle. continuous Faster Taylor oscillations give cells which feed rise on the to more mean absolute centrifugal gradient. Critical Reynolds numbers are found by straight-forward numerical integrations and by expansions in timerpurely periodic perturbations to narginal results. growth rates. Experiments harmonic correspond corroborate Oscillations superposed on a mean rotation the always destabilize. The third type of forcing is similar to the second, except the inner cylinder is suddenly started. This illuminates what instability changing anyway, and when used. mean on a flow that is a quasi-steady assumption can be In this case, one can be used even from small times, and the results tensen [R6 fit experimental data of Chen and quite well. Thesis Supervisort Titlet might Professor Louis N. Howard Professor of NMthematics Chris- this thesis is dedicated to Luella MUM Table of Contents i Title Page 2 Abstract 4 Dedication 5 Table of Contents 8 Introduction 9 Literature review for general time dependence 10 Selection of problems 11 11i Chapter One -- The Slightly Tilted Cylinder Literature review 11 for inviscid oscillations 11. rectified boundary drifts 12 shear instabilities with rotation 12 slight tilt 13 Notation and Equations 16 Zero order interior solution 17 eigenvalue expansions 19 effects of finite Froude number 21 resonances 23 Zero order boundary solutions 25 First order mean motion 27 interior and ambiguity 28 integration across the bottom boundary 29 formulation of equations 30 interior v(0+,r) 34 radial flows in boundary IBM= 35 Shallow water 35 zero order 36 first order mean 37 lagrangian drif t 38 Side-Wall boundary layers 39 Shear instabilities on the mean azimuthal velocity 40 Ekman friction 41 Cartesian analog 42 bound on the shear parameter 43 Experiments 43 description of apparatus and operation 44 description of results 46 verif ication of theory 49 Chapter Two -- Periodic Centrifugal Instabilities 49 Literature review 53 Notation 53 Steady Taylor problem as example of numerical philosophy 54 Equations and basic f low 57- Solution of the initial value problem 59 boundary conditions 59 u,v f orms 60 kinetic energy 62 critical Reynolds numbers 64 Quasi-steady and rapid oscillation limits 66 66 Mean Rotation superposed Inner cylinder mean rotation 68 inertial waves 69 subharmonic resonance 71 Truncated spectral attempt 74 Experiments 74 description of apparatus and procedures 77 results for pure oscillation 77- results with superposed mean rotation 80 82 Inviscid oscillations Chapter Three - Suddenly Twisted Cylinder 82 Introduction 83 Scaling and estimate for critical 85 Quasi-steady approach 87 Numerical initial value 'solution 91 Proper finite-difference forms 92 'energy preserving' forms 93 disguised spectral forms 95 asymptotic appraximations 96 Experimental comparison 97 After the critical time 99 approximate 1.00 analog set-up 104 Energy integral bounds 107 Acknow ledgments 109 Bibliography 118 Biographical sketch Instabilities of Some Time-Dependent Flows Introduction All geophysical flows are unsteady: the wind over water, the potential temperatures around a cumulus, and a long wave with a nascent cyclone imbedded, all perturbations grow, though usually Yet, of wave theories change even on a longer growth or for mathenatical separate to cients it leave a reasons: means to speak of changing anyway. They generally do so first, linear problem in time, and second, time-scale. cyclogenesis classically assume the unperturbed flow to be steady. this as the the equations with constant coeffi- to avoid difficulties with what instabilities on a f low which is So, how can one start toward understanding instabilities when the basic solution is not steady? For certain ranges of parameters (such as the number, the asymptotic behavior of Navier-Stokes -equations is boundary conditions. not uniquely of the determined by the always has a conductive of no motion, but above a certain Rayleigh number, there also exist convective conductive solution E.g., the Benard problem of Boussinesq convection between parallel plates solution the Reynolds solutions which merge with the solution as the Rayleigh number decreases to the critical parameter. This is known as "bifurcationI One expects similar behavior parameters, even if have integral for suitable non-dimensional some of them measure time-dependence. We theorems such as Serrin's (1959a) which provide a basis in showing that there exist parameter ranges for which the basic flow is unique, but where are the limits of the ranges? Under what circumstances are the limits given by the linear theory, as Howard (1963) showed is true for the Benard problem? The various fluid instabilities are so diverse that attempt at a general theory would not be appropriate, an though some general approaches to stability such as Serrin (1959a), Sorger and (1966), interesting Ito uniqueness (1961) criteria have for yielded certain weak but classes of flows. The classic sources of energy for a fluid instability are density differences (Benard, Rayleigh-Kelvin, and gravitational instabilities), Schlichting), variously fields, and shear (Kelvin-Helmholtz, centrifugal forces combined and complicated material temperature by Tollmien- (Taylor-Gertler), rotation, magnetic dendences, and various Of this wide choice, what problems can include geometries. time-dependence and yet be tractable? There has dependence. been some work done Most of the relevant on effects of time- ones such as Lick (1965) and Currie (1967) which study turning on the heat in convection, flow, ignore and D'Arcy (1951) which studies started concave the quasi-steadiness this may short Benard direct without be appropriate, role of through assuming particular investigation though it compared to the time-scale times this can be a time, may hold over a of the basic flow. bit disastrous. of when For instance, a time Somestick may be balanced upright vertically at steady on a the right hinge frequency, theory would indicate it if is osc 1lated even though a quasi- to be always unstable. the other hand, Benjamin and Ursell (1954) a it showed that On when cylinder containing an inviscid fluid with a free surface vertically with simple-harmonic condition is shaken eration, the fluid can be unstable even if accel- the amplitude of the acceleration is much less than gravity, whereas a quasianalysis steady always predicts stability. Yih considers horizontal oscillation of a plate with a shallow fluid on it in the long-wave shows there exists instability. (1967) viscous, limit, and likewise This does agree with quasi- steady theory. So, what are suitable problems here? The easiest time- dependent centrifugal instabiities seem to be open, though Conrad and Criminale (1965 ) have done some quasi-steady work with certain weaknesses, only) has completed some. easiest to handle steady and recently Sorger (1968, abstract Orr-Serrin bounds. rrthematically are [Chapter two of this The functions simple harmonic plus thesis], and impulses [Chapter three]. Since it is desirable to approach time-dependence in easy stages, observation it that is worth weak investigating periodic tide-like Fultz's forces (1965) on a rotating fluid can cause considerable turmoil, unlike what a quasi-steady theory might suggest. Chapter One. This is the subject of 11 Forcing of the Fluid in a Slightly Tilted Rotating Cylinder or Annulus The most common models involve spheres. geophysical annuli Thus it rotating cylinder of as tides such or perhaps imperfections of oscillation modes for a fluid and described axisymmetric modes with an axial an experiment to plunger and disk, which was finally carried out by Fultz (1960). theoretically or is reasonable to study their responses to Kelvin (1880) found the rotation. dynamic laboratory (including ~cylinders), extraneous influences excite fluid Baines (1967) studied axisynmetric forced oscillations of a finite rotating cylinder and found the asymptotic flow contains patterns of internal shear for pseudo-random forcing slower than the rotation frequency. experimentally studied axisymmetric periodic Aldridge (1967) modes of a rotating sphere excited by a small torsional oscillation. Aldridge (1967) also studied in his sphere and observed a the viscous boundary rectified mean drift with a square law dependence on the oscillation amplitude. reported roll instabilities on vortices. studied He also the viscous boundaries with wavelengths and critical Reynolds instabilities layer number which suggest the are essentially time-dependent G'rtler-Taylor Rectified currents in boundary layers have been for a long time, since at least Rayleigh (1884) and by many people. There are comprehensive reviews, Schlichting (1968). Longuet-Higgins (1953) dimensional, non-rotating gravity waves in e.g., by H. showed how twoshallow water cause a forward jet in the bottom boundary layer. Instability of shear motion has been reviewed by Lin 12! (1949) and by Betchov and Criminale dimensional, non-rotating of stability study rotating, for The flows. wave has Busse (1967), rotating Johnson (1963) and gives numbers complicated spheroids mostly for twogives of one-dimensional parallel inviscid fluid, large (1967), in steady a motion due considered by been and of a cylinder shear in a a stability cylindrical to criterion shear layer. precession Malkus of (1964,1966) and by Johnson (1967). For annuli, visible effects of the misalignment of the axis of rotation were reported McDonald by Fultz et al. (1959) and and Dicke (1967), but apparently the only previous studies of the effects have been by Fultz found that (1965). rectangular box developed certain range of water Fultz the water in (1965) and a powerful central depths. resonance of inviscid Crow found artificial pressure fluid to keep the in a Crow a rotating, tilted vortex for a the same for a cylinder and showed that the depth of water corresponded a a cylinder surface plane. with In to an this thesis, the viscous boundary layers are considered carefully enough to geostrophic show how vortices ink by Claes placed on the intriguing scallop turbulence. A new that the ink will relieving the as well as considering and improving the correspondence with (also more thoroughly paraboloidal surface. proposed arise, ambiguity left by Crow, all of the resonances, experiments can The results done) by considering the also explain- the -puzzle Rooth (private comnunication) bottom shapes of which the sometimes observation is also form cylinder often grow mde and concentric rings as to why on has to form explained the bottom. 13 Notation. The angular velocity 11- about its cylinder is rotating at axis of symmetry at Igxo../(Jgj Inli) angle C from vertical and the mean depth of the water is H. are taken rotating the viscosity is velocity .2. is with the cylinder, chosen 2/ , The usual cylindrical so z is along its axis, r is radial, and e is counterclockwise. angular = ). The outer radius is R, the inner is aR, coordinates (so sinE positive. The the. height So, around which to linearize is H+ choosing (r 2 - RZ(l+a )/2) & counterclockwise from + Er cos(e+O t) the projection of .. horizontal. The deviation from this depth is denoted onto . Let u be the radial velocity dr/dt, v be the tangential velocity r d6/dt, and w be the vertical velocity dz/dt. Let p be the. deviation pressure from hydrostatic, centrifugal force and the which latter includes rotating horizontal component of gravity as well as the vertical component. In a frame rotating with the cylinder, motion for an incompressible, V VWtW 4)V homogeneous fluid aret +LAX' 29 1 'V -wj) ~ 2 t;L +gH ..Vtq Y'V V1 t the equations of +1) it4.W;L z+ Y(L IY scs9+O t + wx = dZ/dt (r -f21a)/)=0 The boundary conditions aret U v=W V QUU v= w=0at z at r 0 S= Hp + grH co(+ -Z +r R1 and = ost)+ r = O, aR R+(r'(l4a2a/ J [unless a=01, + . 2 dz /dt, W + =0. The last four boundary conditions all hold "atthe surface, H + f r c os(e Sl t)+2( z . (1+a')/2) + Surface tension is neglected. Now scale t by Li, u,v, and w byefR, p byeRl Also define E =2)/.(R . r and z by R, and ?by EFR, where F = f2R/g. Then the non-dimensional equations of motion aret r -ti z- A- +' DII _ )2 with boundary conditions of u = v V =-W = 0 u w = -r at z = w = 0 at r = sin(G +t) +F 0, = and r =a [# 0], 4F ur + E[u cos (e+t) -v sin(G+t) +Fug +Fv =0, + + a.FEi> - ] with the last f our equalLties holding at z F[r -(1+a )/2] +dr cos (e+t) + F' I +H/R. 2 'Expand the non-dimensional variables in the snmll parameter E, so u = coefficients u. + o(cE ), etc., Eu, + of E to get the and separate zero order (linear) equations (3) and the f irst order equations (/). zga +v.xs 2. * Eg = + . E IV U, 4-, V* a O u,= at = atr=a 2. 1a (!3 3] (3) ~ The zero-order inviscid boundary conditions are w0 u. =O and p = and w= -r atr at z = 0 r sin(e+t) at the -+F a# + Fu z = F (2r' -l -a )A4 +HI/R. The zero-order viscous boundary conditions are u, =v,= o at z = 0, [ , = w,= 0 at r = 1 and r = a and = 0 at tFL G-t+ unless a = 0], 4 z = F(2r'-l - Zero-order Interior Solution In the is negligible E interior, experiments discussed later], so set E [0(10 = 0 in ) in the (3) for the interior behavior. The equations are linear, so only keeping the driven components of flow, write w,= w(r,z) sin(G+t), v, = v(r,z) cos(G+t), so p, = p(r,z) cos(e+t), and u cos(e+t), u,= u(r,z) sin(G+t), (r) %= + 2v -M = -v = p/r -2u w-W are the interior equations, with boundary conditions w = 0 u = 0 p = and w = -r Equations (N) at z = 0, at r = 1 and r = a [+0], -FT +Fru at z = F (2r'-l -ao )/4 + H/R. imply w= - which can yieldt u = (9-+ 2p/r)/3, v = (2 + p/r)/3, be substituted into the continuity equation to (S~) with boundary conditions = 0 +2p/r =Oat r= land = r + F p/3 -Fr /3 z = 0, at 0 . and 3 )/4 +H/R. at z = F (2rl-1a By the usual separation techniques, Z" (z) + a [unless a = 0., r= one solves r R" (r) + rRI' + (Ar~ -1)R = 0. The solutions are of the form RZ [J (\r) = - (Ar), Y, ( \r) ] c-os kY' +a2Y() with A to solve [aXJ' (aX)+2 J(aA)][AY (\)+2Y,(X) ] = (X)+ 2J,(XA) ] [ak YI (ak )42Y,(aX) ] [,' a= 0, the solutions.are of the form F or RZ = JI (Xr) cos(A.7), r3 with X to solve NJt'(X) < 0, For + 2 '(F the there is +2 no non-zero for initial estimates, by ) =0. At = iX which satisfies = 0, since I, (x) = J, (ix) is monotonic. Using Bessel function tables of found J ( use of the Abramowitz and Stegun (1965) the first five roots of (6 polynomial approximations to ) were J, E.E.Allen (1954) to be 2.7346426, X= 5.691402, X= 8.76658, X4= 11.87525, and, 14.99735. For a + 0, there is also such an asymptotically equally mom A's, sequence of spaced corresponding to these eigenvalues a = 0. The motions iX also one/= 4 a for There is condition. surface boundary through the gravity influenced. by will be which inertial waves, are plainly nT/(l -a), for Note this asymptotic relation already holds (1 -a)/n small. for fact, A, and in an additional 0, giving eigen- function Z = [(gLr) [a/K' (aA) +2K,(a/) ][/I' (I) satisfies where ( a) . [a I +21I (a/,A) ]I[/ of the graphs for +2C] K', (f) of the left side at aA always < 1, and very much . expand in If one needs the most practical is seen exponentially away Since sinh has but 1.329/a. Taylor series around/4* is to For get for only one given a, probably ( way to is 1, but the right a ->0, /- so as is by find it accurately ( () with tables. E.g. for a this mode plainly Plainly also, the left is so for a (( 2.113, >1 for a( 3 as/I increases, and/ ~ 1.329. ) until a A-~Tz K (s). By (8 ) is positive but the right side negative 1, one can and sK'(s) +2 1 ( sII(s) +2 the values considering + )] = +2I( can be found approximately by considering the shapes This a (oshz 7) K( - = to resemble from the a Kelvin walls, one real zero, 1.81. From (7), /A 0.9, using wave in as well decaying as downward. there are no resonances for this mode. Each of the modes satisfy the homogenous bottom and side boundary conditionsy a sum is necessary to satisfy the non- nately, as well as being inhomogenous, some experiments, so First where can be used the case consider it necessary. expansion is sort of Unfortu- boundary condition. surface condition homogenous as the a F inseparable, is snall expansion 0 = is (i.e., a so in the parameter. cylinder), so Xsatisf ies Using a Taylor expansion in F, yet to has The surface. boundary condition be satisfied. this condition is -- + + A ( at z= H/R. Perhaps such an expansion is questionable for the higher modes (those f or which nF. > 1), much, studied since they are but these will not be more susceptible to friction, less effected by F, and of less interest anyway. The coef ficients in the expression f ound by a satisfying the Galerkin technique of ( ) for p will making condition (/D ) orthogonal to functions J ( 4). That is, the be error in each of the to make ONO' ul + F, multiply each side by rJ (,r) and integrate over [0,1]. The 20 linear system determines the response [A, resulting in which case there is a resonance. the determinant is zero, case The F - _sin(X*) :A rJ(kr)J(r)dri equations are then .the easy, for 0 is = unless rzJ(a)dr, fpr k=l(l)1 = Then using equation (6.49) page 89 of Tranter. (1956) and noting that t'Jl(ti), (tJt)) the equations for F sin( At- ) J 7-(\) for k=l(1)PO. J(), = the determinant is zero iff -one of the coefficients Clearly of [Ai is zero, and otherwise pressure fornally the While o are simply = depths (multiples of H/R = the response has a 1.992, is dense set determinate: of singular ..957, .625, .458, etc.) one does not expect to see the higher modes, since viscosity will damp them more, - especially since 1.32, -0.50, 0.30, -0.18, 0.06, etc. goes rapidly to zero as n increases, so the resonances get narrower as well as shallower as n increases. The zero-order solutions for F=O are thust PO ____ =-_ \L~ c0 abbreviated pA, J( [3J, (,\r u v cos(9+t) Ico =[3JO w The above are +J ( r)]cs(f (Ar) -J( r)]cos( Ji men sin( dimensionlessl sin(G+t), cos(e+t), ) sin(9+to. dime ns iona liz ing, one has, eg., 24l ) +J %3J ( U = One expects the so the ignitudes depend onIly on(R-*nd H/R. qualitative behavior of the system for for F > 0, at least for strall F's. determine how much the first few F = 0 to carry over So, the main task is to resonance depths, change with F. The first coefficient. error step We write p to solve is for A% cos( X( z) J ( in the surface boundary the first just r) and rrake the condition (I/O) orthogoral to J, (>r). ()J(r) -F rJ(Ar)j A,Itan( 1FJ(Xr) + (2r -1)J(A,r) =0. dr +FrJ ( r)] -r system (/1 ) to the first I.e., we truncate the element to get A,( ri' -F S' i n(Nitf-) + F fr Numerically, ) + IF cos( cos( (),r) dr cos (k) J +F cos( )J J \)]I- (1-i) =J ( the integral evaluates to 0.130. This gives a first approximation to the singularity as -1.576 tan(1.576H/AR) - F(0.459) =.0, or for F small, ~ 1.995 - o.618F. The coefficients required f or the Galerkin approximation (i ) were found integration schemes, using the 7-point and 9-point Gaussian to yield A[-.2048s -. O597Fc,]j+A2[.0454Fc] +A[-e.111F e +. A,[.o45Fc] 4A[-. 1898s, +.0 135F c,] +Ai[.0775Fca) +. A 1-. OllFc1 to -A.[.0775Fc] +A[-.1859s 3 +.0541Fca] .3] 3 .. . = 4805 = -. 1713 = .0910 22 etcetera, where s, = sin First approximations , etcetera. to the second and third resonances are found by setting the diagonal terms equal to zero. This yields the above estimate and gives for the second for the first harmonic, (H/R) (.071F) = Tit tan or 1.915 + .072F, etc. .958 + -. 072F, (H/R) The first approximation to the third harmonic yields (H/R) = 1.621+.291FW, 1.241+.291F, l.862+.291F, To get a second approximation, of ically, to avoid difficulty trigonometric functions at m7-t are no found the first longer independent = the error disparate the approximation to the Note the corrections to of n. Carrying out the .145 yielded the estimtes (H/R 1.905 (H/R .968 (H/R) given. combining to improve the estimate. computations with F where in above .numer- minor One may use the values of the other two trigonometric terms. harmonic one can find the Zeros of the whole third-order the determinant etc. .67, 1.25 estimate is about one These are compared in the last place with experiments later, and are to be excellent. certainly within experimental error, and definite improvements over the F =0 0 estimates. 23 Zero-Order Boundary Solutions While E throughout very snall allows viscosity fluid, the high most of the - to ignored be order terms become- important in regions of. relative height E2 from the top layers, ) in the usual fashion for boundary Rescaling (3 bottom. and the boundary equations ( z = o(E-)] aret (u-i) - 0~ 0, w,= -r -F v u= = w = 0 at -Fur at 0 for the top, =0 for the bottom, and the solution merges with the interior. These problems might problems. be called time-dependent Eknan The top boundary layer requires layer and to top change by O(1) across a distance o(Ex), which means the boundary layer will only negligible change the stresses from the interior values. resonance will not In any case, show satisfy the free stress of the surface. vanish, like the resonant mode up, the strong motions near a because they automatically condition, for the normal velocity zero at the mean is by def inition Then continuity causes the rest of the stress -to f or the nornal derivatives of u, and v, will behave second derivative of the norrral velocity, which vanishes at the mean surface. the bottom boundary layer, u, and v, Across change the stresses, by O(1), so must and hence be considered more explicitly. In- the same fashion as the steady Ekan, problem, i, one gets and writing 24 AA which has characteristic as- +*"" excludes Boundedness parts, . roots +(l-i)/C and +(l+i the roots with positive real so imposing u = v = 0 at S = 0 gives -+( ++ 3 and imposing continuity and W = 0 at I= 0 gives rl 0 J-4 +; 17(fA W + term due to Note the extra (modified) Eknan non-steadiness soon swamps convergence, as one proceeds the into the interior. Restoring the factor e and taking real parts, one has in the bottom.boundaryt Ft u 0 b in o . (IfFeeding this transient Ekn~n suction back into the interior had only the effect of rotating the pattern by E , allowing the transport of momentum to counteract friction. Equat ions (/5) will be used in the first-order forcing in the boundary layer. First-Order Mean Motion The f irst-order equations of motion are Da C a-&vdo -a +E ( v , - -= + +V o t W +~ W 0 . +V,--; -;)U V2 - A.,. w, v= u 0 The motion mean 3= 0 at w F+Fu~4 +Fv wd4 = and at r +1 ,cos (G+t ) +Fu r r only will be 1 and r = a [unless 0], at z at z1tt)t considered, denoted superbar. Since 8 and t only occur in the combination a time average is also a 9-average., i.e., a steady state has u + -- .V 7) )(r,z) 77L~r,z) (e+t), Write been reached. =r, by a = u These are known from (r), though cumbersome, except that (r,z) = 0 from sin(G+t)* cos (0+t in the interior, 0 etc. The first-order mean equations aret 2V + E ( (rz -2G (r,z - + E(7 + E ew (r,z V u - at z = 0 0 w )(w, c os (&+t) +F =-(r -Fru,) + F -F +ucos (t ) -vsine(+t) +F u) at z = H/A +FV = a [unless 0] +F ru = Fru +F (r 2/2.-suggests splitting the interior and boundary layers. The Standard boundary-layer theory into two partst problem 1 and r and at r interior equations aret (r,z) + = 0 -2 u Ot(r,z) where w = conditions other. boundary to Match the boundary solutions. In the surface boundary layer, by at trivial H/R +-2 and 0 at it z = most O(E"). solutions, f ound that was earlier Thus to O(E equations ), for conditions, so the boundary conditi-on and N- (22) below free wI = Fr change have only stress surface effectively 27 holds at the top of the interior. = 0 from the interior, =0 u then implies In (/7,j), which with the top boundary condition implies W= 0. between (fl) Eliminating p and (113) gives but leaves v, ambiguous by any axially symmetric geostrophic flow. Since we are particularly interested in such, inconvenient. Of course, ambiguity in the that one could also say there is such an zero-order flow, any non-driven this is flow will but there decay from we can argue Ekman friction. Here that is not evident. The cases of principal interest are resonances, the nth component of the formulas (/S) (3 J,( )+J, (r r)-J, dominate, so - sin"( f3J, +J, )(J s in (e+t) ) cos( +(3J, -J)(-4J, + (3 3,-3JD/Xr) cos' (n +2j, (3J, +J when ) sinz (e+t) ) Cosa (e+t) de, -J, /Ar) sin(2z/3~) sin4(9+t) +(3J,-J )(JI / Xr) .sin (2 .,z/f3~) dos'2(9+t) +J ~ 2-sin(2N,pZ/\(3) f 24(3J, +J )(J s in +J / +2J, (3J,+ J) Since the nth resonance is (6+t ) r ) de., (3J, --J )(3C J J -+4J) sin (2Nz/r) stich that sin(H/iR) = 0, cos( I, 0H/jR) = and the vertical average. of Thus, V (o+,r). = Let's go to the bottom boundary to get this value. f or (U,w )-rolls we look Physically, in the boundary, v, is coupled at the tops driven by radiation pressure. of these rolls by Coriolis force. Suppress writing r, and apply scaling of the usual boundary variety to get the mean firstorder flow in the boundaryt (+ =05 0 V U andw be found can and Now +0 at from the analytically. same the so one should linear form, ) for boundary layer analysis, and equations behaved y=0 result (IS) of the (22) are of a well- be able to solve them Several months of effort were convincing that answer never will recur, so the easier, and therefore more reliable, technique of numerical solution was taken up. Unfortunately, this turned out to require a good part of the floating point software for the PDP-1 so also took several months, but at computer, least the answers are reproducible. The system (2) is a two boundary value problem on an infinite interval. Two methods come to mind, namely shooting and relaxation. The first is more convenient for determining which allow solution. Ref ormulate the w-- the eigenvalues boundary conditions via the continuity equation 0 so j = f'd = S/r, = i.e., no vertical flux out implies the total horizontal flux is constant. For a cylinder, this must be finite (in fact,. zero) for r 0, so the boundary conditions and equations are + =c a(0) L v~(0) = /bnd + 2T, -2'~ )$+c= + 0 = 0 >> for ,iTdf =0, is written c where and to emphasize its independence of conditions on the five boundary by the is determined , fourth order equation. This system can be numerically solved fairly easily by simultaneously =&+c -2 y3 , 3= =y 2 , y y' =y,-+c 10 = )O 13 0 for = ~ = error.] -+2yy +2y e . 1 to 15 except infinity autonatic step-size = y , y IVJ, n y = yr,y -2y, I , y= One integrates this set to scheme with y; +c'-2y, ,y' y'=yy where y(0) computing three solutionst y&(o) = y (a)= 1. (using a Kutta -Merson- control to keep down the and checks whether the other boundary conditions -can be satisfied. They can be if there is a linear combination 'U = W = 0 as of the three solution vectors which satisf ie ->o, which is so if y the determinant y) y 30, If a bisecting the interval within which by yalue for c, better search for the determinant to the value of not, use of c,. q at the outer edge Given the zero is known to lie. the boundary layer is given by (4 +c)/2, and is plotted for had already and }t were found taking computer much with error evaluated matons of E.E. nential the over. 9 were formula, and the vertical central differences. having to find hit necessary while growing 2x10 of using the approxi- error less by were functions Hastings approxinated expothan 2x The (1958). a twelve-point derivatives were approximated Using the determinant the actual initial the boundary Bessel evaluated with approximations as algebra The trigonometric and (1952). functions were using integrals Allen The less than hand The values straightforward programs but time. values asymptotic little with as long meant which possible, 10 their reached effectively 4 and )4 Fortuna-tely, then, so the limitation was not serious. before of ( 112. the integration to limited equations to the possible solutions exponentially growing the undesired by above avoided conditions necessary conditions at infinity. shooting, for a The origin in each case. vortex occurs at the first-order that Note (2). in figure three resonances the first to This was highly exponentially solutions rendered the solution highly unstable, as numerical experiments confirmed. Thus, to find the actual Figure 2a. non-dimensional mean azimuthal velocity at the top of the viscous boundary layer, for the first I resonance. 1.5 1.0 0.5 00.2 Flaure 3a. 0.6 0.8 -r5. nondimensional radial mass flux in the bottom boundary II Figure 2b. Second resonance. 0.5 0 05 8 Figure 3b. Second resonance. 4 0 0.5 1.0 Figure 2c. Third resonance. 10 Figure 3 Third resonancE 3* r- 0.5 1.0 velocities' in the boundary necessary. Now that relaxation technique another the eigenvalues c(r,A,) may be used. technique is are known, The same a programs to 4. and M were used, along with the usual compute order layer, second- approximations to the second differences and boundary (23). conditions in system nating Liepmnn directions was -used, with for satisfactory convergence. guesses, relaxation in alter-' a visual display to check Starting from random initial the convergence was slow due to what appeared to be a close analog to slowly-decaying geostrophic oscillations with sweep number in the place of time. Over-relaxation just increased the frequency. So, a srrall amount of damping (slight increase in the ragnitude of the middle coefficient in the differencing scheme) was introduced and then to zero itself. This very effectively killed relaxed the oscil- lations. The resultant non-dimensional radial -mass fluxes in the boundary are sketched in figure resonances. rrass flux Features of special interest about the depicted in the boundary layer somewhat distorted occur (3) for the first three in n gyres Ekran bottom into rings. spirals and for the nth ring vortices, * will are that .they represent result the resonance. in sweeping (closed) flows These gyres, anything on or the They are sketched in figure (3) for the first three resonances. Shallow Water The above treatmnt has been focused on the resonances, which occur for depths comparable to the radius. While these are the most important cases, the limit of shallow water is also of interest, especially since it is easier, at least if one takes RF/H = 0. the sums over Bessel While do not converge rapidly, so it functions still is easier to start over. fact, to compute the Lagrangian drift later, it Proceeding as coordinates. use Cartesian z by H and hence u scaling hold, they is easier to before, ~~2-VO with boundary conditions of 0 r = land r = a at [+0], w, =0 at z =0 w0 = -x sin t -y cos t at z =1. The solution is w= u v = = -z (x sin t (-4xy cos t except and v by ES.R/H, the zero-order interior equations are u In + y cos t) +(14y'+lox' ((L4xi + 10 y'-10)cos t -10) sin t)/16, -. 4xy sin t)/16. Thus, there are no resonances. The structure of the bottom boundary layer is needed. The equations of motion there are __~~.2k~O)-ZL4 with u,(0) = v,(0) 0 u, = u,(**), v, +v(o> ) as [+" It easiest to solve this by the method of undetermined cients, since we know from the form seems. coeffi- of the solutions (/f) before that sin(tAe v(x,y,t,1v) -v(x,y,t,oa) 4G e = 5) + D Ee sin(t+) B cos (t-5), +e.cos(t.- sin(t- F) + He cos (t-s), for coefficients which are functions of x and y only. Since these solutions must satisfy the equations of motion (25), F = A, E = -B, H = -C, G = D. Four more are given by u(0) = v(0) = 0, which imply 16u, = (-4xy) cos t + (14y' +(10' -12r j e-;O s in (t+ =(14x' +(10-12r2) + l0y2 -10) Cos (t+'.) sin t .g)+2 (x _y' )e 'pssi n(t- i + 4xyecos (t - (f 16v, -10) + l0x' cos t +4xy e - , 4xy sin t s in (t-(O) -2 (x -y' )e e os (t -() These give, upon rescaling w, by Ej as before, 16 = -16( au. + - ) =-16(y cos t + x sin t) +24e '[y cos (t+,k)+x sin(t+36)] i'8e [ y cos (t-rt3 ) +-x sin(t-6v )]', 37 which can be integrated to give w . be formed numerically evaluated anyway, the integration nay as well and y derivatives. my be The x also be numerical. Since the stresses must exactly by second-order differences, since there are only quadratic coefficients. Then, one shoots for the eigenvalues for the boundary equations as before, outer edge of the boundary layer. ,(r,0+)=123 r This one allows to determine velocity azimuthal measurable, and velocities has been are so slow the difference between integrative above. point tracer 0 is mean velocity is independent of 'z.This be to Heyer (1967). [O( 0')] that one the Eulerian experimentally However, the needs to consider the TlAgrangian mean and = NOf r3 ought by Vat the The result for y the Eulerian throughout the interior, since v mean and gets velocity of an mean velocity given The Lagrangian velocity of a particle originally at a is v(alt), and is the Eulerian velocity. u at the current location of the particle, a +Sx. Expanding in E and using a Taylor series, ev.(a9t) +gt v, (a9t) = eu.(a+Jx,t) +2u, (a+x,t) u,(a+E fdt +O(E7),t) +u, = u.(a,t) + eXu (a,t) so we have the A formula + given by (a+O(),t) u$dtO Longuet-Higgins (1953)9 , dt oVu . V = U+ u 0 ) +( 2 The latter increment to the Eulerian mean velocity is easily found from formulas (241) to be r' r- + 5r/8 in a tangential direction, so the mean lagrangian tangential velocity, after dimensionalizing, is (+.79I(r/R) - .74o(rAd I( 20 38 Side Wall Boundary layers far, So This is ignored. derable with V here as it 8= u = 0 zero-order equations S. Sr-l), and expand in given as are write layers, boundary side the Considering The continuity equation and at s = 0 force rescaling u by 2 also. terms do not enter the equations interior consi- not couple force does the Coriolis been does on the bottom. The full viscous ( 3 ). to a because they are ignorable extent, since have side-walls the of effects the = E , so until in The viscous the equations hold outside an E layer, and there is no need to consider an E or E layer. When g= E, consider 0-0 A4w, with u,= v 0 w at s 0 and allmerge withthe interior. Since p is independent of s, the v and w equations simple diffusion equations, and A cos (9+t),\)= E sin (G+t) as the boundary layers) - , are so writing v= the speeds just outside WO9 The continuity equation may be inte rated to give U If now consider we zero-order E we the velocity, the (steady) mean layer above will reflect in the forcing. If subtract the interior forcing from the mean velocity, we consi- side-wall problem the steady will have effectively since the E 2 deviation forcing will dered by Howard (1968), act as forced mean velocities (ii,v w) at the outer edge of the Ellayer, which can be taken as the inner boundary for an E layer. Howard shows how this E layer will allow "i to match the interior. and wi, while an E 0 at E.g., layer will 'balance out u r 1 in figures 1 is no difficulty. Possible Shear Instability. The last section tangential velocities shears. showed that there will V, in the interior, and be mean consequently Thus there is a possibility of shear instabilities. the cylinder Since sinuous flow and the is rotating will not be rapid, the Taylor-Proudan theorem will hold for the Thus, perturbations, even if the mean shear does depend on z. argument shows that far for such a lateral dominates system, the Ekmn latter the so friction, and a scaling Now, as two-dimensional. motion the consider with respect to z v is reasonable to average it friction will be neglected. This gives a barotropic shear problem which seems to relevant more geophysical than dynamics fluid the classical shear problems. The perturbations are nearly non-divergent: where the vorticity is defined by V4 DV The Ekxran vorticity equation is where v has been rescaled to 0(1) in energy measure, the Rossby number Ro- = with A, A~Vgr - amplification factor the equations v2 0+,r) dr near and Z the mean vorticity (12), resonance from a + . Since the perturbation flow is nearly non-divergent, write u+ Substituting E u ,+ Ev. into the vorticity equation and back into the continuity equation gives u=- + E'I I = V2 +0(E), v + 0(E). +E +0(E), Substitute these into ( 0 ) to get -C T + V2-4.- - + ; D(), ) suggest Both experiment and balance of equation (31 R is 0(E), t in (31 '= E =SEL and so writing R )and dropping terms of O(E - -S For growth troughs, so of a (32) f e l one needs shear instability, separate one cannot 6 easily. r and rotation has dropped out except in E, one looks for SV ( Since insight cartesian equation in the corresponding 'f-plane' with tilted X(32C) 2) Figure ( periodic in x and y. at several of resonances suggests the v2 cos x is an appropriate cartesian form. can be found from any admissible Since this is a barotropic shear requires 'tilted troughs', and An upper bound for inf q1 whidh gives problem, a good one > 0. estinate on physical expects grounds that an excellent appraxination shouldc.ome from the trial formt sin x sin x 0 sin(1y -x), s in(1<y + x -2e F),g periodic extension, For this trial form and v, ' < x < x other x. S T) < 2ff q1+v*f = (k'+ + 1)V'1 S - f'k2 = _sf V.V so at nairginal growth, S= 3( which has a minimum of S = 3 W at k = = oo much shorter . The latter than x-wavelength imposed the by mean the This corresponds to the experimental observation of shear. wave-number about thirty around on the or G- wavelength implies a y- the second mode, and of the troughs which develop. Mrked tilt to Returning to the dimensional form, there will be instability if but not if the A,' s much below, equations (12) etc., ( 3 unless another resonance is active. by given are > v(0+,r) r dr (AEz) E 2 infinite the inverting near the nth resonance. sin(1.65 H/R )I A = 0.90 sin(3.25 H/R) A = 0.49 sin(4 .7 to 0 for the coefficients. of From equations (12), A = 2.34 where F has been set set - (3) H/R) to .145 for the resonances, but The error in the coefficients is only O(F). The mean square amplitudes for the first three v I s are .33, .44, and .31 , so the instability bounds are = .0591 sin(l.65 H/R)I using E = l.5xlo~ .132 sin(3.25 H/R) = .29 sin( 4 .7 E is greater , H/R), to match the experiment. than any is predicted. instability of The instability there Thus, increases, dominant, if occur when 'shears may so above, are of wedges However, as the tilt no one be instabilities there may Note that sides right the instability reaching down to zero tilt. even I predicted by (34a) are given in figure 4. bounds if = one component is for .Q R large, E is not large enough to cause one component to go unstalble. When comparing the experimental results given in figure 4 with the instability bounds given above, experimental v 's are not in cylindrical exactly sinusoidal. Nonetheless, remember that the coordinates, the and are results compare well enough to conclude that the observed instabilities are due to the vertically averaged barotropic shears, with Ekman friction. Eperimenta 1 V erif ication is time to show that the theory developed so far has It some relation to reality. The turntable used was the 1-meter in the table described in Oceanographic Institution, the Woods Hole Iaboratory of Fluid Dynamics Turner and Frazel This turntable is carefully engineered to maintain (1958). constant angular velocity, which is continuously adjustable over a large range. Tilting was accomplished by a hand winch from a guard-rail to the which turntable stood, allowing accurate measurement of small angles. 14. steel plate upon the four foot The cylinder cm, 5 depth 29 used was clear cm, and plexiglass of radius circular and quite accurately get A flat clear plastic sheet was used as a lid to right. rid of torque from the air. The flow *was mde television attached to the waves visible with dye and turntable showed the dust. A zero-order rotating backward on the rotating frame of reference, but otherwise did not havve sufficient resolution, and was restricted to one view, so was not used further. A desired typical run consisted of filling the cylinder to the depth temperature, with hot centering it and cold on the water mixed turntable as to closely as feasible, then speeding the turntable to a fixed voltage a dial. The angular velocity this room on corresponded to varied from day to day, so the actual frequency was determined with a It stop-watch. was not realized then that F would be important, and setting a particular angular velocity was not The fluid was allowed to spin up for at least twenty easy. pernanganate crystals were minutes, then potassium through dropped snell holes in the lid to check for completed spin- up. The permanganate dye was used to trace bottom motions, soon as and flourescent dye was resonances], used in the interior. As cases of completed [except spin-up was boundary the turn-table was slowly in three tilted and left for at least ten minutes, usually thirty. Then observations were made, mostly of the ink cases were followed in the carefully tilted further. . on the bottom though interesting interior. Then the table The results are plotted in figure If nothing much was observed (besides the periodic motion), a circled dot is entered. were observed, a circled was R is entered, zero-order If rings of ink with the number of rings, counting center dots and ink at the edge as rings. It my be worth noting that these rings were not due to the location of the dye crystals, for they nornally sharpened up long after the crystals had dissolved and occasionally clear areas formed over a crystal, except for its thin plume going either in or out. At higher tilts, the rings became unstable to wavy disturbances, with wave number rings and wave numbers entered as 2 to 4 for circled I's with 30 and up for outer inner rings. the number of These rings. resonances, the instability was violent enough that rings did not have time to form are Near visible before powerful vortices .-c ANGLE EAR cm/sec. 1.19 .69 .59 30 (.86 24 I.66 1.45 1.24 er e' o ow \0-- 1.04 #2\ .12 V \\-1 STABLE 2 M* LIFT fig. q OF EDGE 0 IU formed, which are entered as circled Vs. ably what Fultz and Crow observed, strongly near the f irst resonance. that these vortices vortex at the V4, are not These are since they presumform most It nay be worth necessarily origin derived upon the first-order finding the though their continued existence noting theoretical may depend on similar causes, because these vortices form from the instability the inner ring when this grows detail. Occasionally develop cusps which may grow a ring slowly enough to observe in of ink along the wall will and spread into the interior. These are entered as circled lift on E's and were observed at of the edge at three resonances. zero They look as if they might be caused by an instability on a shear a little way in from ink collected the wall, with the because it is .heavier. G6rtler-Taylor flow up However, centrifugal and down over the they instability in the the corner ray be due of to a the zero-order concave corner. This idea is discussed in the next chapter. Looking at the general agreement which get generally with weaker convergence and completed diagram, as the theory: n divergence increases, in the we see there is a are resonances there there are rings bottom boundary, of with one ring for the second resonance and two for the third. The vortices (zero rings) go with the first. Now let us look at the quantitative predictions. The experiments were mostly run about 30 rpm, so F = .145. Thus the zero-order interior theory gave resonances at H/R = 1.905, .968, and .67,1.25- for the first, second, and With R = 1.5 third resonances. cm, 14.05 cm, and 9.72, tilt are taken not is center which The widths and being used. region seem in depths of the stable its like excellent the experimental error, to various F's mostly due seem These well defined. 13.9 cm, and 9.2 cm, though also a wedge around confirmations and are within is 27.5 cm, at depths 'of the wedges experimental tips- of as the There is 18.0 cm. The observed E' s f or zero 18.1 cm. and occured instability, this forecasts H = 27.60 cm, agreement with the (a posteriori) prediction of figure 3 5 .4 radius annulus with outer experiment with an rather crude A inner radius 21 cm was also tried on cm and The annulus was similar turntable that could not be tilted. but the invisible not deep enough to try the first harmonic, tilt in the automatically considerable current singly - and edge to cause was suff icient table a vortices at 13 cm, surpri- close to the predicted second resonance at H =((35.4 21)cm = 12.4 cm, considering the crudeness of the experiment. These currents and vortices were not observed at so this was encouraging. four other random depths, A later better trial exploratory built annulus showed a first resonance but not at with a smaller but much few sluggish vortices at the the others. Since the vortices retained the same size as before (a few cm) they filled over half of the gap, suggesting they found it difficult to form, since incipient vortices were visible to the desirous eye at the second interesting resonance. is that a However, what my be much more relatively strong meriodional circu- Hg lation developed near the first and second resonances, though there was a lid, and spin-up had been complete before tilting, ink in corner the bottom layer flowed out and from there, spiraled to the inner wall renmined outer up and forward through the interior to nearthe upper inner corner. next to the However, the water clear while the ink formed into a central and outer ring (for the second resonance, H - (R,-RI )0 /2 at Such circulations could conceivably exist in nature or in an experimental model. ..R= f2 .f cos at --ed Figure 6. Sketch of basic Taylor aoparatus with oscillating inner cylinder. Chapter Two -- We now consider another pressible, laminar involve Periodic Taylor Problems. similar problem of f luid motion Mathenatical periodic, incom- in an annulus which tools, but mentally different.~ This problem which will is funda- is a variant of Taylor's [1923] classical problem of centrigugal instability when the inner cylinder rotates of enough effects if the expects a concentric faster than (as in the outer. rotation speeds depend centrifugal instabilities centrifugal potential, particularly pair strong. or figure What-will on time? if there perhaps when limiting with case of still the potential is With a view toward Fourier integrals, chapter considers periodic cylinders, be the is enough mean the obvious motions to consider are periodic and This One ) 6 special impulsive. torsional movements of the attention to the interesting pure torsional oscillations of the inner cylinder while the outer cylinder is fixed. Literature Review. The zero-frequency (steady) problem of centrifugal )0 Figure 7. 1 Critical Reynold's number Re = as a function of gap width for the steady Taylor problem with / 000Cr I I I I- Ii i I I 2000- 500- 100 20(R,-1)/R .02 L- .05 I 1 1 .2 1 I I .5.7 1 I I I i IL 0. instability was started and to a. renarkable extent f inished, by G.I. Taylor (1923) It both experimentally and theoretically. has been pursued extensively sincel thorough reviews nay be found in Chandrasekhar (1955) and Coles (1967). Coster (1919) considered the two-dimensional flow around a torsionally oscillating cylinder. experimentally and f ound Winny it (1932) -tested the good for theory < 600. Re Ring vortices were apparently first observed for oscillation of the inner cylinder by Fage (1935), theory nor critical parameters. considered the special case ( but he presents no Meister and Munzer (1966) 3 + Esine)t, . =2 for = narrow gap, using Galerkin appraxinmtion, and solved numerically f or E = 1, and energy f or f ixed Carrier t to be and They f ound the kinetic DiPrim (1956) than f or consider by expanding W =0. the. torsional in the oscillation However, the resultant mean -flow should not be amplitude. cylinder, 0 and 10. less f or W =10 a sphere oscillations of considered = t instability an like the where the generators are vortices around a parallel to the axis of rotation. serrin (1959b) used variational techniques to show that if flow in a gassner the Reynolds volume with periodic (1960) gives Rayleigh's principle, stable for all does not cover Crimina le number is below t forcing is stable. time-dependent Kirch- extension of that an inviscid flow is centrifugally 0 if 5+ the case of (1965) stability f or a a certain bound, the consider .0 and v(rt) pure oscillations. sufficient axisymmetric vortices in O. Note this Conrad and conditions for a narrow gap f or torsional oscillation of one of the without a superposed steady mean motion of either They use (19590). variational Serrin's f or the critical several lower bounds functions of the shape of the with or cylinders cylinder. equations to give Reynolds numbers basic flow, assuming it quasi-steady, perhaps relative to a changing amplitude, always being locally in time. local a property is but They seem to regard stability as of flow a fluid rather than in time or as a bifurcation of solution f orms as asymptotic functionals of the number as parameters. However, if the Reynolds below the infimum over a cycle of the basic flow is of the Reynolds numbers curves they give, then the energy of a perturbation must always decrease. For steady rotation, their critical Taylor number is about two-thirds of Taylor's =)0 for but is a principle for cylinder, 0 < 0 definite improvement on Rayleigh' s . they get the For pure oscillation, of one . curious result that the critical Reynold's number for the outer cylinder oscillating is lower than for the inner, though unfortunately they used different Strouhal numbers (or angle also find of swing.) Conrad and that superposing an oscillation on an outside rotation lowered their Reynolds number bound frequency Superimposing an increases. inner cylinder's mean large a lot as the oscillation on the. rotation also lowered the bound for enough amplitude, but actually slightly increased it for. small amplitude. outer Criminale cylinder oscillation of They also lowered the inner the find that rotation of Reynold's cylinder. number While the bound for these are for S-3 bounds, Donnelly (1965) found that small oscillations lower stabilize the flow to meant by this centrifugal instabilities, though he that the torque does higher mean until can cylinder the inner rotation of superposed on -a mean not increase strongly though periodic rolls appeared even at lower mean Notation and Discussion. As sketched in 6 figure , we consider concentric cylinders with inner radius R1 and outer R2, with and d = R2 -R . R,/R = The angular velocities of the cylinders are (t) and .Q(t). Def ine non-dimensional parameterst. dA, (3 Re= E N where is the angular frequency of oscillation, and W 122 S+Q This u As before, . thesis endless pages in has a = general of policy attempting analytic equations in which the inmte dr/dt, v = rde/dt, w = f = dz/dt. not spending solutions to approx- effect of neglecting terms is unknown, when an approxinate solution to the exact equations can be found more easily this, consider fornalism mining the the numerically. As extensive bibliography an example of an<d impressive devoted by Taylor through Chandrasekhar to detercritical parameters for the steady Taylor 3-9 problem, i.e., determining the minimum Re (or Taylor number) and associated wave number a for which one ny solve with u = V = 0 at A = (D.-)/(i I), where B = R' produced only 1923), were thrashing around the asymptotic the values . -' (A -A)/( -'f). classical The and r = 1. r = for values = While testing a with this as problem + 1 (Taylor, (Chandrasekhar, 1955), and program used below, these reproduced for the special case that the values for other has 2.0 values Upon noticing had not been done, sufficient other points were run off (in about half an hour) to produce figure for d/R 7 , = critical Reynolds number for .Q of the .02 to 0.9. The = 0 same program could have worked out Re for .. +g0. Initial Value Problem. The equations of motion are already given in equations ( I ) where the boundary conditions are now u V = w = 0, V =SIR, at r =R. u =v =w =0, V =.QR, at r everything is periodic in z, and the azimuthal velocity V(r,t) + v(r,e,zt), with v d9 dz =0 defining V. is 3:5Following Chandrasekhar (1955), the equations of linearize wave number as k, assume axisymnetry, and motion, take the eliminate p and w to get (-YT k (3d) (, v with, boundary conditions as above, and where D = ,C and and D* G the variables are functions of dimensionalize, g+ 1/r, r and t only. Now non- so k =a /R , r +rR , t + t where 0 is the oscillation angular frequencyt 9, 0 at ~AJ-~-~-\ 2 ~rev S~, v = A CD,V) U, 0 ) with u = v =Du = 0 at r =1 and r= y n(t/lat r = Vy=D~)^ (37) , at r= ~ that the main f low V Noting (since linearized), independent of u and v is worthwhile to solve it it seeis first, so try the problem with scaled boundary conditions V(1,t) sint t, = V('Pt) V(r,t) = 0 for 1 < r and initial conditions This turns out to be easy to solve with the aid of a Hankel transform. Multiply both sides by - Y, (pr) J, (p)] rB, (pr) ~=r[ J, (pr) Y, (p) where p is a positive over = 0, r, root of B, (pr) = 0, and integrate solve the resulting ordinary differential equation, and invert, to get (32') As t + oC, this becomes strictly periodic. solution of a diffusion the interior 1 < r ( denominators J (p) equation, so cannot which so J(pI'')Y(p) = J(p)Y(pf^), of Y(x) = Y,(y) and graphs graphs were sketched, positive makes J (P f - This V is ever zero. equivalent if the We have to the J,(x) = J,(y) intersecting. and were (x,y) quadrant is this have poles in one curious are found to the These occupy the whole in great. wiggles, . but to cleverly avoid each other, avoiding form ( The asymptotic expression for V can be summed to ). a closed first V = but complicated order, cos (t) e.g. , [ -ker, for (i) any difficulties form in = kei, (E-) in the Kelvin function 0 (no outside +kei (E1) ker,2(E !) +kei'(Et)f of the cylinder] ker (9 ) +sin(t) [ker (6:1*ker, (E4) +kei (n 1 a given ke . ( 0 Thus, for 2V= 0, = ker (e ) +kei (/E6-{ker2(E~) +kei ( exp(- E showing the boundary - layer structure of the decay due to spreading as well as viscous decay. Numerical Initial Value Problem. Since there is no easy analytic method for solving the non-dimensional equations methods for insight. comparison and order ( 3' let us try numerical We will use three numeric methods for exploration of solution ), to the the best initial methods a value problem, a harmonic system, and a (slightly disguised) spectral method. initial value problem, we rephrase the For the non-dimensional equations so IIV (3) where = ! u = D4 u= v =0 .v(1,t) = (DD, -a )u, at r =1 and r=' sh(t),. v (y',t) =At) second- The man f low is included here because it easier to expand the tions a little turns out to be than to evaluate a bunch of Kelvin functions, though the latter are useful for checking. second-order difference appraxinations interior, so using superscripts out of K equa- system of ordinary differential [so We use the usual to D and D4 in the to denote network rk= 1 + -1l) for 2+ k = position O(1)K and -2a k---0 ki~ +((iAA>~ 4 AtA @5 where A,4- The boundary conditions all for k = 1(1) K-1. 0 V =Q(t) u =uK = v =~v =0 and VV =.,(t), are easy enough, but the boundary condition D u = 0 is more interesting. How can this be imposed when all of the u' s are now defined? free One realizes the values . qA and provide (D -a ) =V the needed set=0an two more and g are still conditions, through Now impose Du = 0; the u , so defines u = centered second order apprcximation Similarly , additional constraints These provide the If needed. one felt uncomfortable with introducing the artificial u- above, only defining u one might think of then imposing the boundary condition Du for k = 2 (1)K-2, u'4, as u1 = ut/4, u together, thereby causing too brings the high a 0 walls closer critical Reynolds So much for so one should use the centered scheme. number, = and- which then define scheme effectively this However, V def inition from the ten hours work and experimentation. For the numeric solution, all variables were were set with stall random zero f or each run, then the numbers. Then over-relaxation was used 1(1)K-1 (with u* = u ' and 1P/ were set as in (14 step could be taken. on ( I ) f or k 0]. When the error was small enough, ) and ( 13). sides of (q04) through (9O,3) right with = initially Ifw all of the were defined, so a time- A fourth-order Kutta-Merson scheme autonatic error checks and step-size control was used. The curves u(r), visu.l checks, v(r), V(r), under sense that v had the same similar and 4(r) were displayed switch control, so it was seen to be 21f), and a near the same radii, A period as V (forced shape, with zero crossings for typical graph is given as f igure always had period the same in which i The radial velocity u . Sid'n (after a it transient occasionally kept a adjustment second appearance f or a while], so had a zero-frequency It also grew twice in each V period. component. Superposed on these cycles was an exponential growth or decay. a mode In f igure 7 is typical graph of the kinetic energies of the perturbation and the mean f low. Two bumps --correspond to period, due to the squaring. kinetic energy periodic, can basic Note how well the perturbation represented p(t)e as for , p we thus 'have a picture of the motionsas the inner cylinder is past potential be one in the the middle of V its swing, the boundary layer builds centrifugal up 'enough to encourage u to grow, which advects V to encourage v. Thus, u will pulse on swings either way, whereas the sign of v will change on opposite swings. enough If the centrifugal potential is to cause more growth than the viscous decay over the whole cycle, then proportional growth, each cycle once the will result fastest in growing the same mode is dominant, and until limiting size is reached. The whole system was run f or various parameters Re, a and N relevant to the experiment with later. = 1.0444 described The initial value problem was run out far. enough determine whether there was growth , or decay. to. While the Figure 8' Typical display of u, v, and V for 1.0144, Re during time integration 8000. Ur - e #9 I 16 10 Figure 9. Basic flow and perturbation kinetic energies from time integration for Re = 83.3, N /064 4-V /0 I 0.1. 0.5, oscillations were a handicap, fortunately only a few cycles were necessary, except near marginal growth. that This indicates the fastest growing (or most slowly decaying) mode was always quickly After dominant. growth was found. Then a The minimized. over represent decay which gave zero results are plotted for one hundred . Re versus The six points found of computer hours N in time.. The seventh is the steady limit from Taylor's narrow gap or figure was was changed until the Re found was 10 and tabulated in table figure growth or until the value Re was changed discerned, the theory, 7. For the smaller N's (higher frequency, smaller angles), the amplitude of the kinetic energy oscillations were small, suggesting the pulses were rapid compared'to the decay time, but not very efficient. oscillations 'on-off' were over N ( 1, the kinetic several decades, which energy is a strong behavior, and suggests the feasibility of a steady appraximation, ever, a quasi-steady for useful For for N (( 1, as discussed later. approximation N > 1, though quasi- then plainly will considerations of How- not be a mean- square centrifugal potential nay be. The critical Re was not sensitive to a , explaining the rather large error estimates for a. The growth rate was much more sensitive to Re for closer to given small N, so the finite amplitude Conrad and Criminale (1965) and N = 1.94 if Re i KE for small 0 curve is N than large. claim stability for = 1.060 103 (after translating notation). While ++ UNSTABLE t STABLE rC&C 0.0 1.0 2.0 ANGULAR AMPLITUDE IN RADIANS= N OSCILLATING. INNER CYLINDER this is the only f or which they give a value, tfe narrow gap approximation translates f or = .o444 and this to a N = l. also entered on the graph. 94 claim of if Re < 163. stability This point is Indeed, there will be stability below that Re. Quasi-Steady and Rapid Oscillation Limits When the oscillations are slow enough that the viscous boundary layer 7TfFi is thicker than the gap d, one realistic. The dimensional equations of motion and boundary conditions are expects a quasi-steady given by ( ). . where u 9 Let us rescale t -S.t, -~ 1[ 0, - R., R. - CDV it* at r =1 and r . at r = 1, at r = so , V(r,t) = M(r) sin Nt steady' so = (DD, -2 )u, V = sinNt where be .2a.''Yi// -t v = Du =0 V = 0 assumption to M and K are O(1) insofar as N Re expansion parameter, so + N Re$ and S = d/R. is snall. Thus, V is 'quasi- Let us use this as =q., + N Re retain the zero-order equations Ltt (%fAE K(r) cos Nt, L +.... an etc, and where U (DD0 -a:* )uO, = = and r r= 1 at =v, =D.u, = 0 1, K = 0 at r = 1, M= K =0 at r M r'. = These are the quasi-steady equations., so one is jus tif ie d in treating stability as depending only on the current time and is small, i.e. not the past if N Res Rejsin Ntl = limiting size in , which determine the rolls will 'switch .ont , reaching their at which the times a ~ 3.16 and F1705 has If it is, we have the classical of time to diffuse. plenty if the forcing much less than a period of oscillation. They will die just as fast when Isin Ntl approaches its next zero. Of course, Re ( will there at least for for larger N also, since with rotation same the . it , instability if This guaranteed probably since it seems clear that the be less destabilizing oscillating forcing will always steady no N (( figure )0 stability line is entered in holds be maximum than angular velocity Currie (1967) suggest this may not be quite true]. But in that case, Taylor (1923) gave (though quasi-steady results of a bound which for This this is line is asymptotic to see from figure boundary Re < 4710, independent of N. the results presented here. We 10 that the experiments were conducted for layer thicknesses comparable to the gap width, and merge smoothly with the quasi-steady prediction to the right, for N (« l. When the boundary layer thickness becomes enough less than the gap that even the vertical wavelength is less than the dependence of d, Then q (DD = (DD the parameters on - -kl)f =2kOVv/r (DD* -k')v = gives scale of iou/2,- 4' scale a of u, which constant, much like the classical S Since whereas i-v, and (D*V)u gives gives a v-scale of combine to force formula. P gives a d should drop out. = . this can be squared to yield Re= cN for N large. The asymptotic region experiments,, f or the exponent of at the right to about 1.9 N for Re increases from at N thickness of the viscous boundary the gap, and the wave-number so the balances above still was not reached in the = 1.5 at the left. 0 The here is about a third of has just started to increase, have factors of two and three depending on d as well as Mean Rotations with Oscillations Superposed With the equipment available, an obvious extension of the theme of time-dependent centrifugal instabilities was to superpose mean rotations of the outer and inner cylinders on the oscillation of the inner cylinder. This seemed attractive in connecting to the steady problem. Donnelly (1964) experimentally studied stability of steady circular Couette f low effects on the of a superposed oscillation of the inner cylinder. Meister and Munzer (1966) and Conrad and Criminale (1965) studied this problem theore- ('-7 4. . 1. t 152. __ 0.5 fig. 11 oscillation stabilization vs 0 - 1.0 ga p widt h tically, and agreed oscillations can experimental points with Donnelly stabilize of the that mean onset of flows. sharp Donnelly' s increase transmitted torque are replotted in figure is small amplitude 1. -of mean His abscissa inverted to show the number of viscous waves in the gap. This way it seems clearer that the decrease in torque is due to the correlation of the phase outer and inner walls. has about the same It of the viscous wave at the even seems clear that the shape as the viscous wave, effect and if Donnelly had tried higher frequencies, he would have found a weak destabilization. My observations of the onset of instability werevisual rather than by existence velocity of average torque, and ring vortices exceeded the indicated the 'periodic about as critical for soon as the maximum steady, except for oscillations too fast to be quasi-steady. These did not show up much before the instabilities on the mean flow. The claim here that rotation always destabilize Donnelly's conclusion, instability the for while involves not the mean contradictory to Donnelly's definition of existence in the torque, here of a different solution to the equations of motion and boundary conditions than the basic showed is involves a sudden increase definition asymptotic oscillations superposed on a one. the existence of ring Donnelly's own experiments vortices with a non-zero mean radial motion below the steady Taylor number. The periodic ring vortices only appear on the latter periodic velocity opposes the mean above lations suggest happen if their frequency natural modes would grow, inviscid possible oscilresonant gradient is stable, What will oscillations. will be 'inertial-elastoid' there This and the frequency interesting an mean centrifugal If the instability. velocity. the proper for possible destabilization back, when - the not on the f orward swing, and half of the is driven? Clearly, but viscosity would oppose this. Since the mean flow here is forced by viscosity, it would be interesting if a could resonance an at oscillation inner a The possible instability with viscosity present. requires force twice harmonic mechanism natural the frequency, so that the forward pulse may correlate with each outward swing of the mode, the end of the swing. and the backward decay ray match that there One suspects considerable difficulty in.getting for the high Reynolds number will be this mechanism to work, necessary to avoid too much decay on each cycle also nakes the oscillatory boundary very thin, so not driving the mode efficiently. The same program used for the pure oscillation was used, with the boundary. conditions on V changed to include a dominant rotation. and for simple V = '/) at r = All runs were for. rotation of the = 1/2 and . The natural frequency was f ound by setting. oscillated very nicely on the added. An did = 10, walls, so V = 1 at r = 1, the viscosity to zero and integrating in time. frequency a' not change inner oscillation scope. The solution The real part of measurably when was superposed the viscosity was on the inner cylinder at that frequency, twice it,- three times it, and They all decayed fairly several other frequencies. rapidly and rather indistinguishably. This suggests that either this viscous harmonic mean used a mechanism will state is necessary. smaller Re resonance was plotted in figure l1. or a different When the forcing of the mean flow than the quite not work, Re of discernible. the perturbations, Some the growth, rates are This situation nay arise if the mean flow is driven by an azimuthal pressure gradient rather than 'by the viscous drag of the walls. .003 4' S 10 -.003 Figure 12. Growth rate for Re 10000 and forL= 1 + 0.5 sinNt, 4 =/0* Harmonic Dec ompos it ion. Figure 9 and all of the other runs show that the kinetic energy can be well represented by p(t) e periodic with the twice it.f or symmetric Floquet's frequency of theorem the basic can be expressed X(t) F periodic in t = =F (x,t) P(t) exp(Rt), where P is a periodic and R is a constant mtrix. an La norm, JIXfI J = IjP(t) exp(Rt)J where , positive quadratic form like the kinetic energy. linear can theory, the be into separated Thus, dominate. usual presumption is modes, exp(Rt) , kinetic energy of any that of the which where R. By using I|X is a When using that the solution some will normlly tend dimesional projector R,,e the of of p 78-81, and Levinson, 1955), that the fundamental solution mtrix of with p oscillation, or This reminds one oscillations. (see Coddington with , one will toward-a oneof rank 1, and is particular solution will tend to dominant mode, or p(t)C , as observed. Since this form holds so rapidly here, the presumption of a dominant mode holds. look for such Thus, modes, one might find it especially for cr' = profitable to 0, which corres- ponds to the mrginal stability for a steady basic flow. So, write y etc., = qg(r) + E (1(r) cos nt + (iL,(r) sin nt) , substitute these into the equations of motion, and separate harmonic coefficients to get -ReNV ReNVY -nR eN DDV = = DDVj = (DD, -a) + niR e N =(DD -a )9 - + -nReNV I [ (1-8 -sa2 + Vv + (1- v.V, + -Re[-4vi)u } ,, +(1+) [v -(+ (DD -a' )v + Vv [-V v ]7 v2 +(DV.) u ] ] -1R e[ (1-6)(D .V)u,-,+(1+3,,)(D,V Ju nR eNv = (DD -a2 )v,,- .R e +-L Re [ = Du, o1,2,3,..., and V = lu +(DV)u (1+ I) (D V )u where n = 0,1,2,3,..., i are u,= vA ((D +1- ] ] E)(D, up] 1,2, and the boundary conditions = 0 at r = 1 and r= , for -n given. Note there are two independent sets of harmonics. The f irst are the even harmonics f or u and the odd for v. These experimentally. component, u are the has a ones observed mean and a whereas v has the fundamental. numerically and double frequency The other set of harmonics with u oscillating at the fundamental and v with a rectified component must require a higher Re. The obvious method to equations is to follow Galerkin the above system to n 4 above equations all and seem programmed quite suitable the or Lorenz, constant, higher subscripts to zero and The solve above and to system of truncate setting variables with solve f or the eigenvalue Re. have th.e second-order operator DD f or relaxation. This system was separately by two programmers in quite different styles. Overstability under-relaxing with in a the relaxation was avoided factor min(l,(2nReNh) ,(a Reh ),). This was necessary, else there was a rapidly-growing latory by oscil- numerical instability due to the large coefficients, in close analogy to the time-step limitation for equations such as these arose from. parabolic However, even with this under-relaxation, when the second harmonic was added to system, both programs gave kinetic energies the which grew continually for disturbing, and suggests a new numerical instability, which any Re, though not rapidly. This is deserves to be understood. Let us consider a simple analog- D y + Re y = 0, with y(0) = y(Wf) = 0. This simple system has non-trivial solu- tions only if Re n2 for some integer = solution for Re < 1. trivial relaxation for various Re's? n, so has only . the What happens when one tries a Experiments were run for the usual second-order relaxation scheme, Ay For -2y iyf + y = Re = sine, but 1, y quickly came very slowly + Re y ], to resemble the first arch of a decayed, reflecting the slightly different spectral character of the finite-difference operator from solutions was. as the differential decayed, and did For Re = For so more rapidly Re < 1, the the smaller Re 1.02, the solution slowly decayed, then the first mode emerged. growth. operator. grew For larger Re, there was rapid So this works nicely, and suggests the May lie in the boundary conditions for . instability 71q Experiments f or Oscillations. The major piece Karlsson at S.K.F. several places, elaborate devices. Snyder and H. is described such-as Snyder and Karlsson (1964). and as well However, so built by Brown University, and circulation temperatures, used, of apparatus was control devices as complicated to in It has maintain electronic measuring the latter rarely worked, so could not be periods were measured with a stop-watch, and existence of the vortices was determined visually. Both the inner and outer cylinders could be oscillated independently, with or without a fly-wheel superposed rotation. allowed very smooth Installing a oscillations. heavy The radius of the inner cylinder is 6.0275 + .0003 cm, with length 90 cm. The radius of the outer cylinder is 6.295 + .0003 cm, so the gap width is Thermistors inner at various cylinder occurred in the The voltage shaft 0.267+ .0006 cm, and by 0.9575, locations were checking that output voltages as from a = precision was displayed against a no used to periodic '?= 1.0444 center the variation the cylinders rotated. potentiometer on the drive harmonic oscillator at 0.180 cps. The signal was found to be virtually free of harmonics. The apparatus included ink outlets, but these did not 15 The work. ring vortices were first visualized nacromer, but this was f ound to f loculate. was Aluminum using powder tried, but required too large a concentration, settling glass and on the forming slag inside the apparatus. It should never be used in apparatus that cannot be taken apart and washed. tried The next. same is While detergent, it true of washing the artificial this out capfuls in several gallons. Ivory used from then on. lever arm angular of Liquid the oscillation amplitude of a half any seems more is cheap, won't the apparatus, so was The observation procedure was to set the during operation, Then helps to clean formed even for just a few satisfactory than nacromer generally, for it settle out, and even Ivory Liquid with that beautiful -vortices was noticed the inner cylinder was rotating, while nacromer was no was counting with a stopwatch. then to rotation. f or there mean rotation gear, measure the This did not change measurable turned on - back-lash. determined by and Then the oscillation frequency was counted, using the gear arm crossing a slot in the wheel to define a cycle. The temperature of the bath was noted. any existence of vortices at any part of the cycle was Then noted. As soon as vortices were seen, the oscillation frequency was lowered until they could not be, then up again until they could. No hysteresis was noted, so the time could be noted to 0.1 second over a minute or so. was also measured to , 0.01C. The temperature Unfortunately, the basic definition of existence was not so accurate, but varied with the condition of the nacromer. It is also often difficult to Stabilization for inner oscillation by outer rotation. 0 = 1.535, N = 0.6 0 090. x x L. EL) 4~D 0 0:: 0 5000 Re(inner) 10000 15000 decide if faint, flickering lines are really there. However, wherever they were definitely observed, a '+' figure is entered When near critical, the rolls only appear near the . ends of the swings. The abscissa is angular amplitude (9 , in and the ordinate is Reynolds number. The = N data seems satisfactory in lying above the zero-growth line nearly on a constant growth isopleth. The pair of points lying far below the line measuring are undoubtedly the angle a blunder, between the probably due to end-points of oscillation the wrong way around. An attempt at measuring wavelength was made. While parallax made delimitation of the even faint on and harder the counting and off bands near the average at N = 0.7 was about 2.1 waves/cm. critical, With R = 6.3 cm, the numerical study result of a ~ 5500 gives 1.9/cm. For higher N, there were smaller wavelengths observed. Some experiments were run with the outer cylinder rotating the inner oscillated. Just as one would expect, while the outer rotation stabilized. The results are plotted in figure . The necessary oscillating Reynolds number increases approxi- mately linearly in the outer Reynolds number. Some data oscillation mean rotation of* the superposed were inner cylinder also gotten with before the a main bearing on wore out. For these, the oscillation amplitude and frequency were set first, instability then was the f ound. forward swing now. only were run mean in a Some angular The rolls velocity only to cause occurred on the experiments for inner much smaller M.I.T., for a different gap width. and cruder oscillation apparatus at After grinding down the NFA inner cylinder to be rid of rust spots, the inner radius was 2.08 cm, the outer was 2.57 cm, soj= .807, the cylinders was only be frequency limited. silicone set* at for six the However, oil seem magnitude in), oscillation amplitude could angles, and smll motor water and allowed Reynolds numbers. results 15 cm. The and the height of the was range discrete mixtures of several of constant and rather Dow-Corning viscosities, so further The results are plotted in figure/I. reasonably consistent over two 200 orders The of considering that a secretary laughed when she saw the experimental set-up. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OSCILLATION OF THE INNER CYLINDER WITH )= .807 The x's represent oserved ring vortices. observations of no vortices. The o 's UNSTABLE REGfIE 0 00 o STABLE REGIME 0 -1 0 ANGULAR AMPLITUDE, OR Ao'~- N Coda. thesis, a very of preparing this the final stages In relevant paper by Rosenblat (1968) appeared. Rosenblat notes yet importance, the on dependence instabilities of inviscid, centrifugal considers then instabilities, time- of effects the of neglect, between coaxial periodic flows He linearizes and assumes axisymmetry, and cylinders. also discusses what instability might mean. lY the is exponent for cos ( -cosLwt), to be the disturbances time-dependence of where mean flow, he finds the rigid oscillations of the For the steady corresponding (Rayleigh) problem. If this be complex, and 4) is small, the will increase exp()-f old during growth, which disturbance nmy take it out of the linear range. the phase-differential in the finds He He next considers nearly rigid oscillations. direction, however radial This small, is sufficient to cause instability. conclusion certainly does not-extend to viscous flows. It also does not hold for N (( 1, which is exactly the requirement for nearly when the oscillations rigid mean flow is driven by wall oscillations. Rosenblat shows steady mean flow that small will be stable, twice the natural frequency lation, though he oscillations on except in a stable a band around oscil- of an inertial-elastoid suppresses the dependence of this frequency on vertical wave-number. f or all driving frequencies This seems to mean below 2' , that some wave-numbers will be subharmonically unstable. When the steady mean f low is. unstable, Rosenblat a second-order, which he takes f inds inviscid decrease in the linear growth rate, to explain the reduction in limiting amplitude found by Donnelly (19 64). This seems questionable. Chapter Three - Suddenly Twisted Cylinder. We centrifugal starting flow on which now consider - another time dependent the inner arise, may instabilities cylinder rotating, meaning and methods, rather than that of view toward with a ( j ). As soon will on it thin boundary-layer starts, a hand. just the problem at The equations of motion are already given in as the cylinder suddenly . When this grows thick enough, the form, of thickness radial to pay great enough will be centrifugal potential motions. We first are interested in the margin between decay and growth. suddenly consider the sphere has been no closed expression, but gets twisted cylinder, and does not started Mallick (1957) considers the mean flow around a instabilities. The considered Barrett by .impulsively (1967), using boundary layer theory, but similar problem of a suddenly applied temperature in the Benard problem has been expanding in = instabilities are and A not involved. considered by Lick (1965) and repeated by Currie (1967), using an assumption broken-line quasi-steadiness, of appraximate mean well as temperature as but a gradient. Robinson (1965) also considers this Benard problem, using an erfc profile, and devotes some attention to when the quasi- steady approximation resemblance to the ny be numeric valid. His results initial-value bear results a of Foster(1965). Why should one be quasi-steadiness able to make when the mean is such an assumption as. much? The changing so usual argument is that the perturbations have a much shorter time scale the marginal than mean, ( cr= state and especially since is Consider a bound. simple example the approxination and growth. However, y(2E) the bound past which requiring a finite However, requires it at t = It E, can be nade to not initial perturbations grow? be operationally more size large enough of limiting This meaningful, to be detectable. is usually inconvenient theoretically, considerations a y = y(0) exp(t- at y =2E, by large E, so is sort of definition would in t = E as division between decay initial perturbation size until y = 2E. 2E The y(O), so y cannot grow past its = have arbitrarily large time-scale ty -Ey. = y = y(O) exp(-E/2) does give the the This seems a 0 = ty -Ey or The actual solution is tE), which has a minimum of so consider no perturbation quasi-steady approximation gives stability they ) of zero growth rate. contradiction, produced. then size, as since it well as depending on the. particular detection device. The axisymmetric linearized equations for the started cylinder are A - where and u = v = w =0 at all - 0 as r +oo, all r = R, + 0 as t V = at r = R, + 0 (r}R). ) 9 We the margin between are interested in = S R and the z scale is L, to Assume the r scale is found. Look at decay and growth. 0 (quasi-steady Mrgin), be i.e., balanee The scales are generation and dissipation. P SRIC, L so the scales in the first equation are In the experiments, S.Qt smaller > 30 >> 1, so the last term is than the second, giving scale L ~ .t much E R, or R even R. This is the sort of wave-length one expects first to go unstable. Note the sharpening of Robinson's quasi-steady conclusion of wave-number unstable. This small zero in of Another conclusion generation/dissipation expects growth for t. just as observed. Thus, being the is that the so one £L is such that £t , >critical, ort balancing generation and dissipation gives the right forml quantitative considerations will yield the constant c. problem with condition a First one V boundary and one open most wavenumber matches the but non-zero numerical results better. scale scale R layel? might remark with one is similar enough convection problem with one rigid rigid also that this surface to the classical and one free boundary to suggest r = R (l+Sx), Writing now to )3 , so in figure works beautifully 1100 equation is about that c in the last This . why. find out and using SR for the z-scale for simplicity, the dimensionless equations of motion are aV 2j9v t /S Note that the coefficient Ta = the* shape of V. parameter is Ta, so 8 , is small, the only O(l) critical it is the it is natural that Since it will be independent of parameter, as argued above. Sfor sanall S We see that when does depends on t, as argument will yield a boundary layer the constant. Quasi-Steady Approach The changes slowly, then to set so the there is exponential to growth-rate consistent approach is to assume and f ind when pation, so explicit assume the basic flow quasi-steady approach is to the generation leaving dependence zero zero. Perhaps that one mode is exactly balances growth ratr. on slow time-dependence, change This for the a more dominant the dissi- view has no basic state, - case Either dominating. the uses one assumption of assumption under. the hiding this (is) equations mode with 0. One can eliminate p and w to get 0 = (DI;,-aI) f-2a ReVv/r, O = (DDt -a where . )v Ju R e(DV - (DD,-az)u, u = v= D u = 0 and as r -+O. at r= Write This is solved by 'shooting'. U y= Dy, y2 =D.u so Dy =y3 4a y y, =t so Dy3 =y, -y3 /r, y =D so Dy = = v so Dy = y4 = Dv so Dy4 = here y () is - y, /r, y so a = ay 3 () + 2a'Re Vy,/r y4 -yr /r, ayg + Re(DV )yY ) = y = y,()) = yr(I) = 0 = y two-point boundary value similarly to that of the solve sets for three problem. bottom boundary of initial (i,0,0), (0,1,0 ), and (0,0 ,1). above is linear, satisfied if solutions so the which in Chapter conditions can be of (y, ,y, ,y.) that the determinant where for large enough lower Reynolds intermediate value for One which deduces for the that three One actually changes sign Reynolds number, but number. Onet (y 3 'Yq 'y) The sys tem of equa tions goes to zero as r goes to infinity. solves by finding is solved conditions outer boundary the determinant . This Y = some- does not at athere the. determinant is an is asymp- totically zero from continuity of the solutions with respect to the initial conditions. This numerical integration approximation V = erfc((r-l)/). approximation figure (jQ), observed for and instabilities, method here gives a out for the This should be an excellent small Z . form a was carried The results are reasonable plotted in lower bound for the suggesting that this 'quasi-steady' good approximation to the time of minimum energy, as in the simple example at the beginning of this chapter. One discrepancy of this quasi-steady the wave numbers growing waves which come found are presented for initial-value in figure M . like the beginning this simple chapter -- original perturbation size about rate as it than from the shaped rather of out higher approach is These the fastest integrations, curves are even example considered they grow back at the to their as long after zero growth took to get there, and some of those that dropped more slowly also grew more slowly and were passed. a that correlation between those. wavelengths which There is started growing first and those which grew most rapidly later, which explains some of the success of the quasi-steady method. Numerical Methods. Because the equations of motion are the same for this problem as for the oscillating cylinder of the last chapter, Figure 13. Predicted stability boundaries and observed instabilities for the started cylinder. 0.05 ho 011 :2 I I I Re=II53 UNSTABLE 4~. i. linear ."N 0 \,jerfc.) 4- + 4~ Serrin + II 'I, - - bound + . 10 N H STABLE 4. it is first worthwhile to try this initial value problem with the inner boundary condition changed to (1,t) and the outer boundary changed to r conditions were changed to free = 4, where the boundary slip, U = Dv = DD*u = O, since this. seemed to work heuristically quite well in figure I3 R = 4 was far enough out that imposing a virtual . from the exterior The most while solution obvious feature v had the of same r-scale much wider scale. treatment, would difficult a be worth the solutions as This suggests and made not did V, the value u mass while. was that and w had a of a boundary grid representation. The number of grid points was increased to 36, which gave smooth enough curves on the screen to indicate that both scales were adequately handled. Reynolds numbers 50, of 100, and 150 were run for various wave-numbers designed to be near nximum growth. The kinetic energies non-dimensional. To compare these of the disturbances as functions of the time from starting are given in figure 9 results with the quasi-steady theory . and the experimental results discussed later, -some level must be selected at which the The disturbances have become 'unstable'. quasi-steady theory essentially finds the points at the bottoms of the zero. curves, where the kinetic energy growth is Examining these curves, we see that the time to this point is not very dependent necessarily related rapidly later. on the wave-number,' and is to - the wave-number which not grows most 30 3 60 20 -=50, 2=q 10' /0 -3) /0 Rs, 2= /0 Figure 14. Perturbation kinetic energy versus time .after cylinder starts. V The initial potential, peaks are where declining parts it adjustment of is put represent Initially, viscous decay the energy from to .kinetic. The before the -main boundary layer grows thick enough to yield energy. Note that the higher- wave-numbers though they nay start decay more drawing during this period, energy earlier. The wave number of maximum growth increases with Reynolds number, and with a nearly linear in Re, which is to say, their wavelength remains thickness. The growth rates are exponential with log-slopes nearly proportional to the boundary very nearly constant over the period run, and increase with Re, perhaps at a 4/3 power rate. F inite-Difference forms. So far, the conventional second-order finite-difference appraximations have relatively let us been used, largely because they are easy to program, especially at boundaries. consider what f inite-difference f orms Now ought to be used. Most of the computations essentially involve parabolic terms, for which is the prototypeO non-zero absorbed in interior might be accurately computed eliminating forcing. VD boundary conditions Let with us consider a special view can be how this (v toward the purely computation restriction on step size , can be which very inconvenient for fine layers, such. as in present necessary to look at boundary problem. Arakawa showed the value of preserving V Here we have integral forms. let us force a so quadratic f0 finite-difference approximation to this, Let us by sums. where the integrals are approximated use for approximations f inite-dif ference three-point grids illustration: and require these to hold exactly V =1 for and V =x, i.e., to be of first-order accuracy. Now impose the integral energy condition in the form or, using the boundary conditions v* (d +f) v v + b+ c') E(v -2 (a+c)by vk vf -2ac vk imposed four Above we = 0 v = -(a + e 1v = conditions on the six coeffi- cients, so we may impose the zero and f irst order conditions here. a =0, There . are b = -i , two solutions c = I 1 d = which is an Euler approximation these to e = - six equations and f = 3' v _ _ other is kLV _k (x~z ~ - The vV'-2v-'VvC- I )AX g backward Euler, the be consistent with this energy equation. not 0 2ac f + d and actually 2/(X) = second order so , this in the energy AX. Note -V k-)/2A)( would ~(vd that the centered approximation k k -v/ (v Also note that is approximation and second derivative approximations. Thus, using an Arakawa style approach, the Euler scheme V -2V t+4r).---- is derived as 'energy preserving'. energy grows requirement done with analog rapidly. The was imposed 61A. computer, with At > (Ax),'2, the Yet if trouble , - +iVa is that but energy the computation is The above scheme would but only digital the be stable on computers an can handle systems of the necessary complexity. Since the spectral LXR by anything (3T2. ) is equation viewpoint. of use We linear, are comitted computer, a digital with finer scale, to a so -if such are let us use discrete grid cannot handle important, a finer grid must be used. Thus, we can regard V as band-limited, V = ~ a~sin px , where a =-- ,) -- 4 so = p a for arbitrary V( Et+kt) at. = so sinp by the Sampling Theorem, even between the gridpoints. XV =pasin a Thus, px, and a,(t+6t) =a,(t) (0 ) exp(-pAt) Combining (n&) and (53L) gives c(k, J)v( ,t), (6) C(k,j)= where exp(-p At) sin(t!rj. [in(A) (Sq) P:zg give the exact solution to.the equations as a finite- These difference stepping formula. once at the beginning. out linear forcing is The matrix C(bt) can be worked combine this idea with non- To (Xx -V )v= F., evaluate followed by the above with Runge- =eV + F, we use it Kutta or whatever scheme to evaluate to using a instead of easy enough; a time as step ( ~3 ) transfornation. usual, In fact, there seems considerable merit in bring ing all of the linear parts of the equation to the left, on using everything one knows. a general philosophy of In this case, for the price of having n-l interactions to handle instead of 3, we get exact answers (nth order), which allows arbitrary time-step This must be at least (n-l)/3 However, if a f as t and Fourier Transform is back, the ratio is smaller for the times as large fine only size. to pay off. used to find a. log2 (n)/3, which can be much grids visualized. We follow N.A. Phillips in considering a prototype equation -(A) where terms. limit first U is a stream velocity The second like At< imposes term on ,. - ___ representing the non-linear the right imposes a time-step whereas for. conventional 'schemes the This will be more restrictive than the first if (XS viscous boundary thick- side represents a where the right ness. Thus, this new disguised spectral scheme may well be for looking at a boundary layer structure, as we are useful it doing here. A.few evaluations of the matrix C(bt) showed to be near block-diagonal for at snall, and in fact, clearly the C(n,k) represents of influence time, only nearby others,* for smal the on region each vorticity can diffuse We note that over. C,(k,m) expf- ( = and write .x (sink )(sin4( ) to see this is 17/n, x = pW/n, O = a partial sum for an integral Now, exp[-o(xtj f C(k,m) wise, old formulas 'are dx. interested in o< > 1 (other- 1 and we are (( exp(-7t) sin kx sin mn stable), so my change upper the limit of integration and use trigonometric addition formulas to get C(k, m) exp -' xj (2- exp[-(k - cos (k+m)X - cos 2n-k-m)Xd [c osk -exp -(k+m) et al (19&4I), from (1.4.11) p 15 of Erdelyi, Vol. two terms represent reflection in the walls. latter have been order reflections for n evaluating C = , (properly) suppressed 5, and and itconsiderably nay even be eases more accurate ( 6 L 1 ), since there will be no round-off error. behavior ),(56) 1. The Higher in the Numerical experiments show this to hold well-1 appraximation. even -exp(2n-k- shows how far one needs to the work of than the sum The exp[-x2j evaluate* there is no use beyond going the accuracy of the nachine or data. While Cartesian coordinates were clearer for exposition, we are interested in cylindrical coordinates, where so write B (r) Y,( = )J( )Y( r) -( is such r), where needs to numerically invert the natrix B to form C, which hardly pays. For narrow that B 0. For wide gap, one gap, one can use the asymptotic formulas (9.2.9) and (9.2.10) of Abramowitz and Stegun (1965) to get sinA(("IL-r) + 0( r) B~' Proceeding now exactly as C(k,m) ~14') (6+ '4~) for the Cartesian case, exp(-o(y )sin(ky)sin(my) [2 ex p -x( O.e- ex p- - we get dy e- x This provides a good approximation for narrow gap which ought to speed the numeric integration of parabolic. schemes on fine grids in cylindrical coordinates. The system of equations (51 This can be- found in the DV ~ ) requires DyV as well as V. same disguised spectral fashion as ... V(r'"') Experimental Comparison. Christensen [see Chen data and Christensen (1967)] gathered on the instability for started cylinder with radius 1/4 inch in d istilled water. reproduced in Table and This N's. & Christensen's original along , with the corresponding data consists which instability was first essentially of observed, as marked are satisfying how well they in the the time at varied, and are plotted in non-dmensional f orm in f igure /3. the points data is Thus, all of unstable region, all fall just and it is above the Marginal lines given in the last section. After the critical time. In the similar problem of Gortler cells on a surfac , Lin (1966) 'neglects the viscous terms. D'Arcy (1951) f low to concave His student used a broken line appraximation to the compute the first and patterns very close to Gg:rtlers. second modes, basic and found Let us look at how this might work. The axisymmetric linearized equations 4I$ 22W'- V of motion are Let us for an look The continuity equation momentum vertical , and (.3) P forces scales T time-scale W U/o9 , and so (7) ) becomesThe growth appropriate equation becomes perturbation Now the quasi-steady assumption is that the time scale T Thus, the viscosity in (S3) quasi-steady scale pressure a forces is much smaller time scale t0. is precisely as negligible as assumption marginal stability. than the basic is good, once just as Lin Thus., past the suggests, the initial (and lamb before him), the viscosity nay be neglected, so Substituting momentum the pressure scale forces scales equation the viscosity here to shows gible. found (u be O(Od above jvI o into the u- N(T/t,), and T/t,), even more negli- We get- a curious quasi-centrifugal balance + 2Vv/r. We earlier f ound that the f irst o< Is to evalu8.ted at that time, so emerge have scales is certainly smll. However, it happens to have been preserved throughout. Putting the u/v scale into the v equation forces the growth time scale T/t For this to = be sall, marginal growth time, -~~~) either tor else must be several times the o. must be large. In .fact, it is f ound below rapidly at this growth that the larger time. in the do grow more Foster's picture of - the This fits disturbances of wave numbers started Benard analogous start growing first, problem. the long disturbances but do not grow as rapidly as shorter disturbances starting later. It also fits the observation that the wavelengths are quite random when at f inite size. Again dropping the viscosity as being o(T/t, V/r)u. + Writing (sin z, cos z), the equations the variables with e are TX- W c7W from which w, p, and v may be eliminated. =0, u +0 with u() normalize. o, This defines an ). since V =v( viscous as x It is and aK that the (v = w = 0) can thinner boundary O((T/t,) care of in a at x= 0, to eigenvalue problem for worth noting boundary conditions 1 other two both be :taken without -affecting this boundary. Let us f irst consider the broken line model V= {l- x, 0 as do D'Arcy, Lick and for 0 <x 1 for x > 1 Currie. This gives exponential /00~ for solutions u the in two must match which regions, 1,i must be o at x = Oand as continuously at x x This requires u for x < 1, ) A sin(x = for x >, u= B K (oCx) which requires [to O(S)] = tan For tanho(1 -A). - 8, this determines c, given c4 and if it We exists. see that there are an infinite number of modes for which the sine is just declining K so , a enough, past Jap, (n+ )' 1, lowest mode grows fastest. smoothly match the O'~ , so peak to and the The nth mode has n rolls stacked radially, with the outer one stretching from inside x =[r1 = to ] to D'Arcy's corresponds This 00 results and illuminates the following, Let now us consider the exp( V = erfc (x/), so better To facilitate wave-number let us temporarily take scale, so T/t, = (N ) , and consider comparisons, u(0) = 0, where x + o0. constant = 1, and approximation o((, o. ) out of the is such that u time- + 0 as This is an ordinary differential equation with noncoefficients, so seemed well suited to solution on an analog computer. The function analog computer. multiplying u We note that must be the generated by erfc the satisfies the differential equation ((b3) erf c (0) = 2/Vr with erfc(0) = 1 and This was first generated from equation (63) where standard notation is used. using a circuit Adjusting the coefficients a little brought erfc to within .0003 of its exact value points, and several brought erfc Naturally, x must be restricted, to zero usually to at as x increased. 5 here X and below. With erfc well approximated, be solved.including /S. The whole circuit, the whole equation can now in one of its forms, some necessary debiasing, used is shown in figure This conception, circuit from considerably grew the initial the lower right corner represents the equation. The- solution u(x;,otS ) behaves very like a line a + bx once x >> 1. We want to f ind when both a and b match the exterior solution K, (otr), which requires a + bx =cK,(c<) + c K'(oc)~ K (o<(l+Sx)) using a Taylor expansion. A c can be found iff o< kA('() For each c<, and c, and 3 ramp a + bx was , the equation also. (63 ) was This latter integrated was adjusted until asymptotic to the solution uand the a and b were recorde. ILY~ Figure 15 -- An analog circuit used. TABLE 4 ' Eigenvalues to satisfy DDyu with boundary conditions u(O) wave # for S 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 , = 0.1: 0.4099 0.44965 0.109 0.49514 0.548 0.6079 0.1205 0.6280 0.6426 0.6578 0.6708 0.129 for J = 0.6: 1.0 0.2195 0.0563 = - ( 0, u(eo) DV + y., = 0. ES)u = 0, growth rate e--;- Figure 16. Contours of a 0(4 /01 for £ 0.1. in Plainly contour the 0.8 into play zero contour, and a most unstable causing check, digital this 0< short waves . and which will change with time. , problem was computer for a short Actually viscosity would come increases, stabilizing c< as [the 0.1 Thus, long waves grow more slowly than this quasi-steady range. For a for f or (6q)] is close to the intersection (7 / is recorded and contoured in figure The ratio also integrated few cases presented on the / in Table . The results are very similar. Energy Bounds for Stability A guaranteed energy stability bound equation for the full can be the non-linear, time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, metry. gotten from if we assume axisym- The formulas follow Serrin's (1959a), though here we are interested in growth, rather the minimum than time at which the minimum energy over smooth number Reynold's steady basic flow. If we raximize kinetic there may be for a of the perturbation perturbations (u,v,w) which satisfy the boundary conditions, and find the time that this naximum becomes positive, no can grow stationary before this time. Following value the generation subject to the equations perturbation kinetic energies of constraint of Serrin, we minus continuity. The find a dissipation, variational- are similar to the quasi-steady equations in form: /OS- Re v A-=0 +2 Reuu- +2 = 0 with + (DD, + f -+2 + + (DDy + + )JV +b (IjD + + ,w 0, and u = v 0 at r =1 and as r w The interesting featurehere is that these equations give rigorous bound, and do not include + a a vague 'quasi-steady' assumption. Thus, given the time, and hence the shape V, the eigenvalue Re of these equations provides an absolute bound. they Unfortunately, If numerically. are very one relies perturbations are difficult solve, the observation on axisymmetric to in the even that the experiments under consideration, the equations can be simplified to (DD u =- Re a2 - -Re ( - (DD.-a' )v with = u = v = Du = 0 at r like the quasi-steady )v )u 1 and -as r ". + equations already These are just integrated, with slightly dif f erent V coef f icients. These were integrated f or several values of V so S with a 'broken-line' profile [-r + (&+1) /r ] = DV for 1 < r <1 +S ,and both 0 for r >1 +S. The Re's found are plotted on. figure 13 also. They are not as far below the actual critical general criterion. tions was that very rapidly as to a2 f or values S as one might An interesting the wave-number a expect from -such a feature of the integrafor minimum Re increased S became small, and Re was. quite sensitive near 1. Thus, the picture seems fairly complete: After the cylinder starts, a viscous boundary layer forms and thickens until the Reynolds 30, number based on when generation can natch rolls. After -this, the perturbations decreases, amplitude, they angular momentum growth from and shorter viscosity for waves nay of further rolls. - 1 Z-, several radii boundary for grow, and basic flow, the transmission of discouraging then decays on a scale the longer rolls. intensifies o< R, which can be Ink in the will be drawn out in disks between the rolls, as observed. the The first mode will grow fastest, so all of the rolls will have a structure which out to r the As the mixture of rolls reaches will take over the about dissipation f or certain long importance of faster than the long rolls. finite its thickness is inner just 107 Acknow le dgments I acknowledge my particular indebtedness tot Professor L. Howard, for being an encouraging thesis N. advisor. The Electrical particular, to do Engineering Department, type computations, this thesis. Landau did some did of the most of the typing, when the McKenzie in for allowing me to use the PDP-1 computer the extensive even J. nachine draw In this would not and connection Charles prograrming, and W. graphs, B. Luella Thompson Ackermann helped cooperate. Many other computer hackers also willingly offered advice. Prof. S. K. F. Karlsson of Brown University Engineering Department for allowing me access to the Taylor apparatus, and having patience when accessories ground down, pipes clogged, and a Colin Hackett for A.M. flood awakened helping me with him at 2 the naze of pipes and valves. Prof. for C. Rooth at Woods Hole Oceanographic the original problem in Institution Chapter One, and for use of the equipment used in those experiments. Prof. G. Veronis and the National Science Foundation for providing two pleasant summers at the Woods Hole NEM Oceanographic Institution among some seminars summer Geophysical Fluid of the Dynamics most stimulating people of the field, and where this thesis was started and finished. Professors F. Busse and W. V. R. Malkus, for encouraging discussions there. Prof. C. S. Chen for providing the original data for the started cylinder. The Mechanical Engineering Department of M.I.T. for use of their analog computer. Professors E. rest Mollo-Christensen, of the Meteorology esting things. M.I.T., E. N. Department, for providing Lorenz, and the for doing intera nice office overlooking the Charles and other facilities. The Hertz and Ford Foundations, for providing a comfortable standard of living. /09 BIBLICGRA PHY Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I. A., Handbook of (1964), (Eds), Mathenatical functions with fLormulas, graiphs, and nath tables., Wash., Aldridge, K. D., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, XiV, l046p. 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Subsequently, a San Diego in 1962, State College to M.I.T. he Earlier, with high na joring received an M.S. then post-doctoral to a Service. logical in physics, Ford Fellowship Fellowship and graduated Diego State College mathem~atics from received he the in minor scholarships, four Dance Federation of Caradian Meteoro- research hardware one from including He has California. computer programming, a dishwasher, the Folk minor trainee at the Navy Electronics Laboratory in San Diego U.S. and well worked as a flower salesman, a installator, a He a Hertz teaching assistantships at San Diego State College, as as in and later gotten had 1964. in a teacher of , and a programmer. His publications so far includet 'Goodness Statist., 'Bias Assoc., Two-Sample Tests', of Fit for Feb. 1966, with C. B. Annals of Bell and J. of the Cramer -von Mises Test', J. Amer. Mar. SEva lua tion M. [ath. Moser. Statist. 1966. of I,(b) Similar Integrals', 'Antipodality of = Math. 211 Comput. Continents and n (x )/x) cos (bx) dx and April 1967. Oceans', Science, Sept. 1967. 'Distribution and Power of the Absolute Norrral Scores OneSample Test', J. Amer. Govindarajulu and K.A. Statist. Assoc. Doksum Feb. 1968, with Z.