448RARIES CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE TURQUOIS-GROUP MINERALS by HILDA CID-DRESDNER Diploma, Universidad de Chile (1958) S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1962) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1964 Signature of Author...............~.'.... ....... '.. Department of Geology and GeohWsics. June 22, 1964 Certified by.............. Theis 'Supervisor . .....-... a Accepted byair .... Chairman, Departmen' 1 Com .-...-.. 'on............. ttee on Graduate Students Structures of the turquois-group minerals by Hilda Cid-Dresdner Submitted to the Department of Geology and Geophysics on June 22, 1964, on partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract The turquois group includes turquois, henwoodite, rashleighite, alumo-chalcosiderite, chalcosiderite and faustite. Turquois and chalcosiderite are the only members of the group that present single crystals. They are isomorphous and the similarity of their x-ray diffraction photographs indicate that they have the same structure. Turquois is triclinic, space group Pl, with cell dimensions a 7.424A, b = 7.629R, c = 9,9101, c, 68.610, /3=69.71o, ' 65.080 . The cell contains one formula of CuA1 6 (P 4 )4 (OH)8 .4H2 0, so that the Cu atom is fixed in an inversion center. Three-dimensional intensity data were collected on a single-crystal diffractometer using a proportional counter as detector, and were corrected for Lorentz-polarization factors and absorption. The interpretation of a three-dimensional Patterson function and of a three-dimensional electron-density function based on signs due to the Cu contribution only, gave a trial structure that was refined by Fourier methods and then by least-squares methods to R 7%. The structure can be described in terms of planes of approximately close-packed oxygen atoms oriented parallel to (001). Planes containing the Al in octahedral coordination and planes containing the Cu in a 4 + 2 octahedral coordination alternate between oxygen layers. The octahedral groups of anions around the aluminum are single and double; two phosphorus tetrahdra link each double group to its translational equivalent, forming a tetrahedra-octahedra chain parallel to the b axis. The PO tetrahedra together with the single aluminum octahedra constitute a zig-zag chain in the directIon of the c axis. The water content has been determined to be four molecules per cell. Chalcosideritets cell constants are a = 7.68a, =64.8 0 . Chalb =782A, c = 10.211, c . 67.50, 3 = 69.l0, cosiderite crystals present a very curious phenomenon that can be interpreted as epitaxial growth of turquois on chalcosiderite. Thesis supervisor: Martin J. Buerger Title: Institute Professor Preface This thesis is divided into two sections. The first section consists of three parts which are intended for publication. The second section is presented in the form of two appen- dices. The first appendix gives an account of work done in con- nection with the thesis and is not intended for publication. The first part of Appendix I is a review of the literature related to the subject of this work. The second part gives a de- tailed description of the method used in the solution of the structure of turquois. Appendix II is a list of observed and calculated structure factors for turquois as obtained from the last cycle of refinement, and might be included in the turquois paper. Aknowledgements This work would have not been aone without the constant encouragement provided by Professor Martin J. Buerger,my thesis supervisor.He also proposed the problem and contributed to it with many helpful suggestions. Mr. Wayne Dollase And Mrs. Isabel Garaycochea-Wittke, from the Crystallographic Laboratory of the Geology Department, are thanked for their friendly interest in the problem.They contributed to it through many constructive discussions. Miss Erica Moore read the manuscript and corrected the Gnglish of the text.She typedfrom my handwritten originals, the first and seond drafts of this work, as well as all the final versions of the tables.Her help is gratefully aknowledged. Professor Clifford Frondel at Harvard University and Dr. George Switzer of the U.S.National Museum, kindly provided the crystals utilized in this investigation. Dr.Charles T. Prewitt of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours made the piezoelectric test to confirm the existence of a center of symmetry in turquois. While this work was donethe author was on leave of absence from the Laboratorio de Cristalograffa de la Universidad de Chile. Financial support during this time was provided by fellowships from the Agency for International Development of the U. S. State Department, and from the Organization of American States, in this order. This work was partially supported by a grant of the National Science Foundation.All the computations were carried out on the IBM 7094 computer of the massachusetts Institute of Technology Computation Center. This work is dedicated to my husband, George. Table of contents. Abstract Preface iii Acknowledgements iv Table of contents v List of figures vii List of tables viii Part I-A Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Unit cell and space group 3 Intensity data 6 Structure determination 7 Refinement of the structure 12 Results from the refinement 18 Description and discussion of the structure 33 Acknowledgements 48 References 49 Part I-B Abstract 54 Introduction 54 Precession work 54 Cylindrical film measurements 62 Acknowledgements 66 References 68 v i. Part I-C Abstract 69 Introduction 69 Appendix I-A a. The minerals of the turquois group References b. The anion configuration around the Cu+2 ion References 81 87 Appendix I-B 89 Appendix II 99 Biographical note 125 vii List of figures Part I-A 8 1. Minimum function M (yz) 2. The eight hydrogens of the turquois structure. 3. Composite of sections from the final electron density . 21 function. 4. The structure of turquois projected parallel to the a axis. 5. Polyhedral chains, view parallel to the a axis, sections from x 6. = 0 to x = 31 34 . Polyhedral chains, view parallel to the a axis, sections 1. 36 Polyhdral chains in turquois, view parallel to the b axis. 42 from x 7. 14 - to x Part I-B 1. Rotation photograph of chalcosideite . 55 2. Zero-level Weissenberg photograph of chalcosiderite. 58 3. The two reciprocal lattices of the chalcosiderite crystal. 63 Part I-C 1. Absorption of Mo radiation by lead. 71 2. Experimental results from four pinhole systems. 74 Appendix I-B 1. Results from the electron density function p1 (xyz). Composite of sections showing the environment of the peaks chosen as A1l, PI 2. PV, and (peak 12). 90 Results from the electron density function pl(xyz). Composite of sections showing the environment of the peaks chosen as Al 2 and P2. 93 VLL I List of tables Part I-A. 1. Turquois cell constants 2. Discrepancy index R for the different stages of determination and refinement of the turquois structure 4 17 3. Coordinates for the non hydrogen atoms of turquois 19 4. Anisotropic temperature coefficients 23 5. Atomic coordinates of the hydrogen atoms in turquois 29 6. Distances in hydrogen bonds 30 7. The interatomic distances in the turquois structure 38 8. Bond angles in the turquois structure 42 Part I-B 1. Direct and inverse transformation for the three reported unit cells of chalcosiderite 60 2. Comparison of chalcosiderite and turquois unit cells 61 3. Identification of the two lattices found in rotating crystal 65 photographs of chalcosiderite Appendices Appendix I-A 1. Available data for the minerals of the turquois group 78 2. The Cu+2 coordination 82 Appendix I-B 1. Results from the electron density function, pl(xyz) Part I A Determination and refinement of the crystal structure of turquois, CuAl 6 (PO 4) (OH) .4H20 By Hilda Cid-Dresdner Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Abstract Turquois is triclinic, space group P1, with cell dimensions a=7.424 A, b=7.629 =65.080 . 0 X, g 09,910 A,d= 0 68.61, I=79.71 The cell contains one formula of CuAl 6 (PO414)(OH) so the Cu atom is fixed in an inversion center. 8 0 4H2 0, Three-dimensional intensity data were collected on a single-crystal diffractometer using a proportional counter as detector, and were corrected for Lorentz-polarization factors and absorption. The interpretation of a three-dimensional Patterson function and of a three-dimensional electron-density function based on signs due to the Cu contribution only, gave a trial structure that was refined by Fourier methods and then by least-squares methods to an R factor of 7%. The structure can be described in terms of planes of approximately close-packed oxygen atoms oriented parallel to (001). Planes containing the Al in octahedral coordination and planes containing the Cu in a 4+ 2 octahedral coordination alternate between two oxygen layers. The octahedral groups of anions around the aluminum are simple and double; two phosphorus tetrahdra link each double group to its translational equivalent, building a tetrahedra-octahedra chain parallel to the b axis. The PO tetrahedra together with the simple aluminum octahedra , constitute a zig-zag chain in the direction of the Q axis. The water content has been determined to be four molecules per cell. Introduction The turquois group is one of the few examples of a well known mineral family whose crystal structures have not been worked out up to the present time. distinguished in this group. Two isomorphous series can be One is the turquois-chalcosiderite series, characterized by isomorphous substitution of A1 2 03 by 2 1 rashFe 203; this includes as members turquois, henwoodite, leighite, 3 alumo-chalcosiderite,4 and chalcosiderite.5 The other series is formed by isomorphous substitution of Cu by Zn and only the two end members, turquois and faustite,6 are known. Of the whole group, single crystals suitable for x-ray structure determination have been reported only for chalcosiderite and turquois. A recent x-ray study of chalcosiderite crystals, 7 has shown a curious feature that can be explained as a very thin epitaxial growth of turquois on all crystals examined. This fact made chalcosiderite an unfavorable case for structure determination. For almost eighty centuries turquois had been known to occur in the cryptocrystalline state only. It was not until 1912 that the first single crystals of turquois were described by Schaller.1 Crystals from Schaller's original sample were kindly provided by Professor Clifford Frondel, of Harvard University, and by Dr. George Switzer, of the U.S. National Museum, for use in the crystal structure determination reported here. Unit cell and space group Turquois is triclinic and the space group is P 1, as 1 10 reported by Schaller and Graham. The determination of the unit cell was based on data from two precession photographs, Grahamts a and b axes being the precession axes. As is customarily done for triclinic crystals, a reduced cell was chosen according to Buerger's and Balashov's convention. This convention uses the three shortest non-coplanar translations of the lattice as crystallographic axes and requires the interaxial angles to be all acute or all obtuse. The orientation of the set is completely defined by the condition a < b < c The relations of the chosen reduced cell to the previous work of Schaller and Graham are given below. It should be noted that Graham's cell is a reduced cell that satisfied Peacock's conventions for the setting of a triclinic crystal.11 His set in- cludes the three shortest non-coplanar translations of the lattice and satisfies the relations a ( c ( b; L<, Direct transformation Schaller to Graham Graham to Cid-Dresdner } -l 0 0 1 0 0 0 owl L0 Cid-Dresdner 0 > 900, 1 r < 900. Inverse transformation -1 -1 l 11 0 0 1 O' 1 0 0q - 0, -bMa' Schaller to /3 0 -l No -h -b 0 0 1 -1 ~ L l 0 0 -l 0 l' 01 Table 1. Graham's values for the all-acute cell This work Turquoise cell- constants 7.46A 7.424 ± .004A 7.629 0 e003A 9.91A 68.35 0 69.430 64.62* 9.910 68.61 69.71 65.08 + 00042 t o0 0 e.04 i .03 Final cell constants were obtained by refinement of data from three axial photographs taken with a back-reflexion precision Weissenberg camera2 * Five cycles of least- squares refinement using Burnham's LCLSQ 3 program13 for the IBM 7094 computer yielded the lattice constants listed in Table 1, where they are compared with Graham's values. The centro-symmetric space group was confirmed by a piezoelectric test. The refined cell parameters of Table 1 and Schaller's analysis of crystalline turquois from Virginia1 were used to determine the unit cell contents. The original formula of tur- quoise 1 was given as Cu A16 (P04)4 04 . 9H2 0, since the chemical analysis reported 20 non-water oxygens. The values listed below have been normalized to 20 oxygens since the available values of the specific gravity 10, were not considered satisfactory. Cu 0.94 P 4.02 Al 5.99 Fe 0.02 0 20.00 H20 9.33 This formula corresponds to the ideal composition CuAl (PO ) 6 4 4 (OH)8 .(4H20 H2). Whether or not this extra water molecule belonged in the atomic arrangement of turquois was to be elucidated from the structure determination. Intensity data A small turquois crystal of average dimension 0.18 mm was selected for intensity measurements. The shape of the crystal was an irregular tetrahedron with truncated corners. Although this irregular shape precluded an accurate absorption correction, the choice of this particular crystal was made on account of its transparency, perfect extinction under the polarizing microscope, and the good shape of the x-ray diffraction spots that were obtained with it. Of the 2600 reflections in the positive hemisphere of the Ewald sphere for CuK radiation, 1650 which were within the instrument limit were measured on a single-crystal counter difThe instrument was based on equi-inclination, fractometer. Weissenberg geometry , and the parameters I and ) as well as the Lorentz-polarization factor for each reflection were obtained using a program written by Prewitt15 for the IBM 7094 computer. A proportional counter was used as a detector. Counter intensity data for each reflection consisted of the scan count (i.e., the total number of counts while the crystal was rotated through the maxima, from a positionf1 to for Y 2, wheree 1( hklf2) and fixed-time background counts the positions f1 and f 2 . The average background count from these last two measurements was subtracted from the total scan count. The calibration of the absorbing foil was made in the following way. The integrated intensities of ten medium-sized reflections were measured twice; first with the Al foil and then without it. The ratio between the two measurements gave a good approximation of the factor by which the strongest reflection had been reduced. In addition, a separate scale factor for these re- flections was allowed in the last cycles of refinement. The calculation of the observed structure factors was 16 made through two data-reduction programs written for the IBM 7094 computer. The first computed the integrated intensities, allowing appropriate scaling adjustments for the reflections measured with Al foils; the second one applied Lorentz-polarization and absorption corrections to the integrated intensities. In this case an approximation to the absorption correction was made by applying a spherical absorption correction since the lack of well-developed crystal faces made it impossible to use a prismatic correction.16 Since the product of the linear-absorption coefficient and the average radius of the "sphere" was 0.835, the error introduced by this approximation was not expected to affect the results greatly, even if it showed up as a temperature effect. Structure determination a. Two-dimensional work An attempt was made to solve the structure in projections. The three Patterson projections P(xy), P(xz) and P(yz) were calculated with the FORTRAN program ERFR217 on the IBM 7094 computer. The projection P(yz) was studied first since it should show less superposition. The two strongest peaks were assumed to define the interatomic vectors from the copper atom to two other cations. Two minimum functions M2 (yz), based on the correspond- ing inversion peaks, were calculated and combined to produce the function M (yz) which is illustrated in Fig. 1. The maxima from -.- ~ U Fig . 1 Minimum function (yz) M (4 49 .1 I .1. 0 /3, 10 M (yz) provided the coordinates y and z for a model structure, the x coordinates being obtained by correlation of M (yz) with the other two Patterson projections. This model structure was refined independently in the three projections by successive Fourier syntheses followed by structure-factor calculations to discrepancy factors R= (yz). 49.3% for ((xy), R =53.0% for '(xz), and R 36.5% for At this stage the three projections could not be corre- lated any longer, and neither the Fourier refinement nor leastsquares refinement succeeded in attaining further convergence. It was decided then that full three-dimensional data were necessary to solve the structure. Accordingly the model structure was discarded and a new start in three dimensions was made. b. Three-dimensional work A three-dimensional Patterson function, based on the 1600 intensities collected, was calculated. In the interpreta- tion of the Patterson function the following features were taken into consideration: 1. Turquois can be treated as a structure composed of a heavy atom at the origin and a residual structure of atoms randomly distributed through the unit cell. The ratio of the contribution from the heavy atom and the maximum contribution of the residue is only 12%. Nevertheless, it must be considered that the heavy atom is always making a maximum positive contribution. On the other hand, the contribution of residual atoms will newer attain more than a fraction of their maximum value due to the fact that they are randomly distributed. Hence, in spite of the small ratio, the probabilities are that most of the structure factor signs will be positive. tion calculated with (F If so, an electron density func- hkl as coefficients will approximate the real structure. 2. In the absence of a substructure the strong- est peaks in the Patterson map should correspond to vectors from the Cu atom to the Al and P atoms. The next highest peaks should be the Cu-O interactions of approximately the same height as an Al-P peak, but both about i of the Cu-Al peak. (Actually it was not expected that this would hold rigorously since structures based on oxygen are likely to show some kind of a substructure.) 3. The Cu is expected to be in a distorted octahedral coordination with four oxygens at an approximate distance of 2A and the other two at a distance of 2.5 X. The Al is expected to be in octahedral coordination with approximate Al-0 distances of 1.9 A, and the P will be surrounded by an oxygen 0 tetrahedron with approximate P-0 distances of 1.5A. 4. At least the peaks chosen as the cations in the structure should project as a peak in the old M4 (yz) function. An electron-density function, with all signs positive, was calculated, and from it a model structure which fulfilled all the preceding conditions was chosen. This model was refined by four successive electron-density functions followed by structurefactor calculations from the original discrepancy factor R =62% to R= 27%. In the course of the Fourier refinement five of the oxygens and one of the phosphorus atoms from the original model were found to be incorrect. The peak erroneously assumed to be a phosphorus was a substructure peak due to the superposition of the almost identical Al(l) - P (1) and Al(2) - P(2) vectors. At this point the Fourier refinement had converged. The electron-density function whose atomic coordinates gave an R of 27% showed round peaks of correct relative heights in the atomic locations and no spurious peaks. Consequently the structure was considered solved and the model was submitted to least-squares refinement. Only four water molecules were included in the struc- ture, since no extra peak that could be attributed to the other oxygen had been found. On the other hand, the 28 oxygens per cell fulfilled the coordination requirements of all the cations, and if a fifth water molecule were to be placed in the unit cell it could not be attached to the cations in any of the usual ways. Refinement of the structure Least-squares refinement of the turquois structure was done on an IBM 7094 computer using the full-matrix program written by Prewitt.19 Atomic scattering factors for Cu 2, 0, Al+1, P, together with individual isotropic temperature factors, were used in the first four cycles of least-squares refinement. The initial temperature coefficients were taken from the pseudomalachite structure,20 for Cu, 0 and P, and from the andalusite21 structure for Al. These values were 0.5 for Cu, 0.15 for P, 0.6 for 0 and 0.25 for Al. Only one scale factor for all reflections was used in the initial stages of the refinement. No rejection test was in- cluded, but, at this point, a special weighting scheme was used. The product of the discrepancy factor of a group of reflections and the weight of these reflections was maintained constant by 22 this weighting scheme. It was designed to give a larger weight L 13 to those structure factors that showed a better agreement, because this is desirable in the initial stages of the refinement. One cycle of least-squares refinement, varying the atomic coordinates and the scale factor but not the temperature factors, improved the R factor from 27% to 14.2%. Three more cycles in the same conditions gave an R of 13.5% and no movement in the atomic positions larger than the standard deviation was observed. At this point the weighting scheme was changed. All reflections were given the same weight in order to allow more reflections to influence the refinement. Three more cycles of re- finement only improved the R factor to 13.2%. Two scale factors, one for the reflections measured with an Al. absorber and one for all the rest, were used from this point on. One cycle, varying isotropic temperature factors to- gether with both scale factors, was run in order to study the interaction among these parameters. This was done through the 23 Geller matrix coefficients finement program. obtained from the least-squares re- Rather large correlation coefficients were obtained for interactions between scale factor (1) and scale factor (2), and for interactions between scale factors and temperature factors. Accordingly, the scale factors and tempera- ture factors were varied in consecutive independent cycles. After three cycles of refinement of the isotropic temperature coefficients the discrepancy index R had attained 10%. A three-dimensional difference-Fourier synthesis was cal- culated in order to see the hydrogen atoms. There are eight -1 Fig . 2 The eight hydrogens of the turquois structure. HH H2 HaH H5 H7 16 hydrogens in the asymmetric unit of turquois, four are attached to two water molecules and the other four belong to OH radicals; If those hydrogens were found, it would be the best way to differentiate an OH radical from an H20 molecule. The difference-synthesis maps showed two types of anomcllies; these were, peaks in six out of the eight expected locations of the hydrogens, and also the characteristic combination of positive and negative peaks attributed to anisotropic motion of the atoms. Again, no peak that could be interpreted as the fifth water molecule was found. When the six hydrogens were included, but not varied in a final cycle of isotropic refinement, the resulting R factor became 9.5%. Four cycles of anisotropic refinement with the six hydrogens, included but not varied, converged to an R factor of 7.2%. During this refinement five oxygens did not maintain a definite positive character, even though their equivalent isotropic temperature factors were always positive. This was attributed to errors in the absorption correction due to the deviation of the shape of the crystal from a sphere. A final three-dimensional difference-Fourier synthesis, using the results from the final cycle of anisotropic refinement, with the six hydrogen excluded, was calculated. The positions from the six hydrogens plus two others were recovered from it. The eight hydrogen peaks are shown in Fig. 2. When the hydrogen coordinates obtained from the last three-dimensional difference-Fourier synthesis were included in the refinement, a final discrepancy index of 7% was attained. 17 Table 2 Discrepancy index R for the different stages of determination and refinement of the structure of turquois R Original coordinates 62% Results of Fourier refinement 27% Least-squares isotropic refinement 9.5% Least-squares anisotropic refinement 7% Results from the refinement Table 2 lists the discrepancy indices R as obtained These values were ob- at the various stages of the refinement. tained from the relation FZ - F In Table 3 are listed the final refined coordinates for the non-hydrogen atoms in turquois together with the standard deviations as given by the least-squares program. the refined anysotropic coefficients/ Table 14 lists for the non-hydrogen atoms together with the equivalent isotropic temperature factor as calculated from Hamilton's formula B3 i j ij (i i .i*) j Values marked with a star correspond to those coefficients responsible for the non-definitive positive character of the temperature vibration. Usually an arbitrary change of approxim- ately , of the standard deviation will give a positive character. In regard to the fact that the absorption correction was not accurate enough, no attempt was made to interpret the vibration ellipsoids of the atoms. The only remark that can be made is that the Cu vibration is in the direction of the longer bond (Cu-H 2 0) which is approximately perpendicular to the plane of the square arrangement of OH radicals. Table 5 gives the hydrogen coordinates unrefined, as 19 Table 3 Coordinates for the non hydrogen atoms of turquois z Atom Cu 0 0 T(z) 0 Pi o.3504 0.0006 0.3867 0.0006 0.9429 0.0004 P2 0.8423 0.0006 0.3866 o.ooo5 0.4570 0.0004 At 0.2843 0.0006 0.1766 0.0006 0.7521 0.0005 AL2 0.7520 0.0006 0.1862 o.ooo6 0.2736 0.0005 AL3 0.2448 0.0007 o.5023 0.0007 0.2438 0.0005 0.0675 0.0014 0.3633 0.0014 0.3841 0.0011 02 o.8058 0.0014 0.3435 0.0014 0.6262 0.0011 03 0.2757 0.0663 0.0014 0.3554 0.0014 0.1129 0.0011 0.0015 0.0639 0.0015 0.1973 0.0011 0.2375 0.0015 0.0739 0.0015 0.6287 0.0012 06 07 0.7334 0.2978 0.0014 0.0857 0.0014 0.1243 0.0011 0.0015 0.4016 0.0014 0.6060 0.0011 08 0.3249 0.0014 0.2227 0.0014 0.9049 0.0011 09 0.9857 0.0014 0.2807 0.0014 0.8471 0.0011 010 0.5756 0.0016 o.o467 0.0015 0.6855 0.0012 Oil 0.7866 0.0014 0.4067 0.0015 0.1319 0.0011 012 0.4630 0.0014 0.2950 0.0014 0.3277 0.0011 013 0.7864 0.0014 0.2281 0.0014 0.4323 0.0011 0i4 0.5779 0.0014 0.366o 0.014 o.8987 0.0011 04 20 obtained from the last three-dimensional electron-density function using F0 -F as coefficients. An arbitrary isotropic tem- perature coefficient of 2.0 was assigned to all hydrogens when included in the refinement, but no attempt was made to change it. The largest 0-H distance is 1.17 and the shortest 0.72. Taking the average value 0.95 as the normal 0-H distance, a standard deviation of the hydrogen coordinates can be estimated in 0.2A. bonding. All 8 hydrogen atoms seem to be involved in hydrogen Table 6 gives the relation between them and the atoms they contribute to bind. Interatomic distances and bond angles were computed with Shoemaker's program DISTAN. Interatomic distances are list- ed on Table 7 and bond angles on Table 8. In both tables the atoms designated with a single prime represent the centrosymmetrical equivalent of the unprimed atom whose coordinates are listed on Table 3, plus or minus a cell translation. The short distance 05-06 corresponds to the share edge of the Al and Al 1 2 octahedra. Fig . Composition final of 3 sections electron from density the function b/2 23 Table Anisotropic Atom 4 temperature coefficients. p.. B 0.0076 1.6 Cu P1 P220.0079 p33 0.0047 p12 -0.0027 p13 0.0012 p23 -0.0012 P11 0.0015 pz 0.0015 p33 0.0008 s12 -0.0005 P133 -0.0003 p23 -0.0003 P11 0.0012 p22 0.0012 p33 0.0006 P12 piz -0.0004 -0.0002 P23 -0.0002 P1 P2 0.26 0.21 T"L *0 TONo 00+ Lid 9700 *0+ Zi 00 01400 Z1VO0 *0 .L~d ZT d Vd 6000 1o z000 *0zo00 '0'000 '0 4000 '0 Zoo s2 0 ZTO *0 EIV LeOQO .0Z0 '09000 0- Ld Ld Zd 9i00 '0 9000 '0 6L7 o zIV OOO oioo Lid Zid 00 LZd '0- '0- zloo 0 LLd 8000 00 8z00 *0 i i~j ITV (I tUOT0V t1 25 Atom p.. B 0.0038 0.56 02 p22 0.0036 p3 3 0.0007* p12 -0. 0032* p1 3 0.0016 p23 0.0001 p 0.0032 p22 0.0040 p3 3 0.0011 P12 -0.0027 p1 3 p2 3 0.0019 03 0.62 -0.0003 04 p11 p22 0.0058 p3 3 0.0024 p1 2 -0.0016 p1 3 p2 3 -0.0008 5p 0.82 0.0029 0.0002 0.0048 0.0011 p22 p33 p12 -0.0012 P3 -0.0003 P23 -0.0002 0.0027 0.68 19 *0 1000 '0 9000'0 6000o0 IT ££E00 00 60 1'00, 0 ZTd 1000 0 N1~ 000 0- £L00.0 l£00 '0 17L *0 z1z 80 SLOO '0 s£000 0 17100 91O00 LUd 11700 Z100 .0 98,0o 1z LE00 *0 1000 0 U d CL d 100 0- 0200 0 99*0 U£00 *0 t-l0o 27 Atom 010 p11 0. 0043 p22 p33 p1 2 0. 0016 0. 0043 -0. 0011 P13 p23 0. 0002 p1 0.0054 p22 p33 p12 0.0018 p13 0.95 0. 0001 0.66 0.0021 -0.0016 0.0008 -0.0001 012 Pli 0. 0016 p22 0. 0026 p33 0. 0025 0.61 -0. 0003 p13 0. 0012 -0. 0010 013 p1 P2 P33 p12 p13 p23 0.0025 0.0038 0.0015 -0.0026 0.0009 0.0003 0.59 28 P.. Atom O 4 p 0.0007* P22 0.0042 P33 0.0002* -0.0015 p13 0.0024 -0.0008 0.41 Table 5 Atomic coordinates of the hydrogen atoms in turquois. I8 Atom x y z H 0.8667 0.0333 0.7533 H 0.1500 0.1567 0.1500 H3 0.6333 0.1433 0.5900 H4 0.3933 0.0833 0.2900 H 0 .1433 0.1167 0.5933 H 0.6500 0.1433 0.1000 H7 H8 0.9800 0.4500 0.3500 0.9000 0.2767 0.4233 30 Table 6 Distances in hydrogen bonds. . . . .... 0.I 4 - H . 4 - H2 0 10- H 0 10 -H 3 .4 Ok 0. - H. 02 0. 869 03 1.150 1.901 2. 950 013 1. 172 1.567 2.688 1.004 1.881 2.780 0.743 2.292 2.883 0.716 2.062 2.670 0.844 2.220 2.970 0 .725 2. 173 2. 862 ... 1 j X k - H j 2. 067 AX 0-0 k 2. 871 A 0 12 0 - H ...... 0 - H4 09- H7 012 0O. 0 11 0 - H8... .. .0 027 31 Fig * 4 The structure of turquois , a axis projection --. l - . . , 33 Ir Description and discussion of the structure A final three-dimensional electron-density function was calculated after the last cycle of refinement of the turquois A composite of sections of the structure which contains structure. maxima, as seen looking down the a axis is shown in Fig. 3. If this composite section is compared to the minimum function M (yz) of Fig. 1, a close correspondence can be recognized. The false peak that projects on the inversion center of coordinates (0,I) on M (yz), is due to the pseudo symmetry C 1 of the crystal. In a first approximation turquois can be described as a C-centered structure with a Cu deficiency in the inversion center (*, 0, ). Actually the biggest hole in the structure corresponds to this location, as can be seen from Figs. 4 to 7. Figure 4 is the interpretation of the three-dimension- al electron-density function projected parallel to the a axis. Figures 5 and 6 are views of the structure represented as linked polyhedra as seen looking in the direction of the a axis. For simplicity, the structure has been divided into two parts, centrosymmetrically related. The first half of the structure, consid- ered from z = 0 to z = I is represented on Fig. 5; the second half, from z= to z =l is represented in Fig. 6. The structure can be described in terms of single and double octahedral groups of oxygen atoms, OH radicals, and water around the aluminum atoms. The double group consists of two Al octahedra sharing an edge. It is linked by four P0 tetrahedra to the two translational-equivalent groups in the direction of the b axis. These tetrahedra are attached to the four free cor- ners of the square sections with the common edge, as shown in 34 Fig . 5 Polyhedral chains in turquois. View parallel to the a axis . Sections from x = 0 to x - 1/2 bsiny c sin 36 Fig. 6 Polyhedral chains in turquois. View parallel to the a axis. Sections from x= 1/2 to x = 2/2 ~7 38 Table 7 The interatomic distances in the turquois structure. Atom pair Multiplicity Distance Cu pseudo octahedron Cu (H 2 0) 2.422 (OH) 1.915 (OH) 2.109 Cu -0 6 -0 9 04 -06 2.748 04 - 3.420 Cu 04 016 3.420 -09 3.029 04 06 -09 06 -0 2.690 3.025 9 Al 1 octahedron Al 1 -05 Al 1 - (OH) 6 (OH) 1.858 1. 963 Al - 07 1.812 Al 1 -08 1.817 Al 1 - 0' Al 1 - 010 (H 2 0) 0 5 - O76 05 05 05 (OH) 2.011 1.943 2.340 -0 7 - O 0 - 010 2. 623 2.808 2.668 39 Atom pair 1 - 08 O6 Multiplicity 2.690 - O O'6 08 07 07 - 0 -o 08 - 2.699 2.722 010 O'6 Distance 10 1 2.834 1 2.675 2.875 08 10 1 2.704 9 1 2.584 1 2.084 At2 octahedron Al - O' Al 2 - (H2 0) 0'5 (OH) 1.844 Al2 - 06 (OH) 1.963 A12 Al 2 - 012 (OH) 1 1.899 1.832 A12 - O13 O' - '5 04 - 06 O'1 '4- 1.805 2.681 1 2.748 1 2.606 13 2.815 ' 5 - 06 2.340 O 5 - 012 2.752 O'5 - 013 0 -O 2.676 06 - 012 11 - 012 1 2.669 2.725 1 2.759 11 - 13 1 2.752 012 - 13 1 2.720 40 Atom Al 3 pair Multiplicity Distance octahedron A13 -0 1 Al3 -0'2 A13 - 3 1.903 1.893 1.904 Al 3 - O'9 (OH) 2.164 Al 1.906 - 012 (OH) 3 A13 - O0 14 O - O 01 2 1.878 2.734 2.593 2.811 02 -O Of Of - O9 O' -O03 2.797 2.702 2.702 012 91 012 -0 3 012 014 O 012 - O3 1 4 2.647 2.730 2.730 2.729 12 1403 O P - O'2 2.709 2. 667 tetrahedron P - O '3 1.541 P P - 08 - O' 1.521 P1 O 11 P1 014 1.539 1.556 41 Atom 013 pair 2.489 O'3 03 ~ 08 -0 11 4 2.501 2.504 2.531 08 OQ Distance 2.458 08 - Multiplicity - O4 1 2.591 P2 tetrahedron - 01 1.. 534 - 02 1. 533 - o'7 1.543 - 013 - 02 2. 527 - 07 2.524 - 0.3 2.528 02 - 0'7 2.507 02 - 01.3 2.470 07 - 01.3 2. 538 P2 P2 P2 P O'f O'f O'f 1. 550 A maximum error of 0. 005 can be assumed on all distances. 4z Fig . 7 Polyhedral chains in turquois . View parallel to the b axis C Sina 44 Table 8 Bond angles in the turquois structure. Atoms, Multiplicity Angle Cu pseudo octahedron 0'6 - Cu -O (H2O) O' 6 - Cu - O14 (H 2 0) 77.40 102. 60 O' - Cu - 0' - Cu - O'4 (H 2 0) 83. 30 06 - Cu - O'9 96. 50 O'6 - Cu - O'9 83.50 4 (H 2 0) 96. 70 Al 1 octahedron 05 - Al 05 - Al - 0'6 O 6- 06 - Al - 08 07 - Al - 08 0 5 - Al 1- 0 9 7 ~ 1 - 98 o'6 75. 60 91.40 90.80 102. 20 93. 30 85. 20 0 - Al - O 97.30 0 - Al - O 84. 60 05 - l1- O'6 07 - A 08 -Al 0 10 (H2O) 89. 00 (H2O) 010 9 (H2O) 10 9 - 010 (H2O) 88. 00 90. 30 91.30 (shared edge) 4.5 Multiplicity Atoms '9 - A1 - 010 (H2O) O'6 05 1 7 -Al - 08 Angle 172. 0 166. 90 166.40 Al2 octahedron 85. 30 04- Al2 0 4 - Al2 06 06 05 - A2 06-- Al Al2 0 4 2 0 - Al 2 6 0' - Al 5 2 - Al O 6 2 -Al 0 11 2 0- Al 2 4 011 75.7 0 83. 20 90. 0 012 94.40 012 89. 90 012 96.00 013 91. 30 013 05 2 013 -A1l 0 11 2 -0O 13 012 -A2 011 O5 -A2 O0 - At2 012 06 85.20 013 2 93.40 100.20 93.70 162.40 175. 0 168.80 Al3 octahedron 0 1 - Al 3 13 1 - Al3 1 3 0' - Al 3 2 -A1l 0 3 3 0 - - 01 2 92.40 - 03 85. 90 01 91.8 ~09 89.40 -0 9 019 87.20 (shared edge) 46 Multiplicity Atoms 01 Al O 2 3 A.13 03 Al 3 O'2 Al 3 0 3 Angle 0 012 88. 012 92. 00 012 91. 50 Of 1 90.20 01 14 91. 50 O' 88. 00 019 Al 3 Al 3 01.2 Al 3 012 O' 2 03 176. 1 019 Al .3 Al 0 12 178.6 01 Al 3 014 177.40 P 01 14 92.1 tetrahedron 013 ~ 01 0 11.4 3 8 01 3 106. 80 1 - 08 - P 1 -P 1 - P - O' -0O' 11 11 -O 1. 1.4 -0O 0 -P 8 . 1.4 -0O 0' -P 1.1 1. 1.4 107.80 109.80 107.70 110.70 113.70 P2 tetrahedron O'f 01 02 01 02 2 2 -P - O' 2 7 - P -0' 2 7 2 13 2 13 110.60 110.70 109.70 110.00 105.60 f7 Atoms O' - P2 - 013 Multiplicity Angle 1 110.10 1 143.40 Oxygen coordination angle - Al3 P'2 - O P2 -O 2 - Al'3 1 134.10 P' - O3 - Al3 1 133.20 - A2 1 88.20 1 108.10 1 98.60 -O 6 - Al'2 1 108.40 Al'1 - 06 - Al2 1 99.80 P' 2 - 07 - Al 1 1 Cu -O (H 20) Al1 - 05 - Al'2 Cu' -0 Cu P1 6 - Al 1 - Al Cu' - 0 - Al'3 Al 140.20 - 08 - Al Cu' - O' 140.1 1 91.30 130.90 - 0' - Al'3 I -0 - Al - 129.9" - (H2O) P' I 137.30 Al2 - 012 - Al3 1 138.80 0 13 - Al2 1 135.70 1 139.60 P2 P - 01 - 0 - Al - Al'3 -------- 48 Figs. 5 to 7. The single aluminum octahedron shares the four oxy- gens at the corners of a square section with four PO tetrahedra. Of the two remaining vertices, one is shared with the double octahedral group, and the other is also common to an octahedron of the double group and to the Cu octahedron. There are only two OH radicals in the asymmetric unit that are common to the coordination polyhedra of three cations. One is OH(6), in the shared edge of the double group which also belongs to the Cu polyhedron. The other is OH(9), common to one single octahedral group, to a double octahedral group, and to the Cu octahedron. The Cu octahedron has the expected predicted by the Jahn-Teller effect. 18 4+ 2 coordination The square coordination is formed by two OH radicals and their centrosymetrical equivalents. The two long bonds are directed to two water molecules, related by an inversion center, which also integrate the Al(2) octahedron. The location of the water molecules in the Cu coordination agrees with the distribution found in eucroite26 and liro27 28 conite. However, the results reported for krbhnkite place the H 0 molecules as integrating the square coordination of the 2 Cu. The values of the interatomic distances and angles for the PO tetrahedra agree well with the reported values in related compounds. The single Al octahedron is also regular; the average Al-O distance is 1.94A, the longest value is 2.164A 0 and the shortest value is 1#878A. The average octahedral angle 49 for the single octahedron is 90.01 85.9 0 to 92.5 with values ranging from 0 The larger departures from regularity are found in the interatomic distances and angles of the double octahedral group. The shared edge 0506 shows an extremely short bond dis- tance of 2.34 0A, coupled with octahedral angles 75.7 (0 -Al -0 ) for and 75.6 (05~l1~.06 ). Bonds of 2.43 02had been reported5221 shared octahedral edges in andalusite and in anatase and ru29 but they are seldom found. A possible reason for this tile, rather remarkable distortion is that the double octahedral group also has two edges (one from each octahedron) in common with the Cu pseudo octahedron. These edges are 0 -0 06-0 of the Al2 octahedron. of the Al octahedron and 2 One of the OH radicals (06) be- 6 4 longing to the share edge also integrates the Cu square coordination, thus becoming one of the two anions actually bonded to three cations. The second negative ion coordinated to three cations is 09. It can be observed from Table 8, that the oxygen bond angles which agree the least with the ideal values are the ones including 0 6 and 0 . 9 The only exception is the value 88.20 for one of the water molecules, in the coordination angle Cu 0 - A12. so Acknowiedgements The author wishes to thank Professor M.J. Buerger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his constant encouragement and helpful suggestions and Dr. C.T.Prewitt of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours for making the piezoelectric test . Professor C. Frondel from Harvard University and Dr. G.Switzer of the U.S. National Museum kindly provided the turquois crystals used in this investigation . This work was done while the author was on leave of absence from the Laboratorio de Cristalograff a de la Universidad de Chile under an OAS fellowship. All the computations were carried out on the IBM 7094 computer of the Computation Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The work was partially supported by a grant of the National Science Foundation. 51 References 1. Waldemar T. Schaller. Crystallized turquois from Virginia. Am. Jour. Sci. 33 (1912) 35-40. 2. E. Fischer. Henwoodit, ein Glied der Turkis-Chalkosiderit-Reihe. Chemie der Erde, 21 (1961)97--100. 3. Arthur Russel, Bart. On rashleighite, a new mineral from Cornwall, intermediate between turquois and chalcosiderite. Min. Mag. 28 (1948) 353-388. 4. A. Jahn und E. Gruner. Mitt. Vogtld. Ges. Naturf. Nr. 8, 1933. (Taken from reference 2). 5. N.S. Maskelyne. On andrewsite and chalcosiderite. Jour. Chem. Soc. London, 28 (1875) 586-591. 6. Richard C. Erd, Margaret D. Foster and Paul D. Proctor. Faustite, a new mineral, the zinc analogue of turquois. Am. Min. 38 (1953) 964-971. 7. Hilda Cid-Dresdner. X-ray study of chalcosiderite. In preparation. 8(a). M.J. Buerger. Reduced cells. Z. Kristallogr. 109 (1957) 42-60. 8(b). M.J. Buerger*. Note on reduced cells. Z. Kristallogr. 113 (1960) 52-56. 9. V. Balashov. The choice of the unit cell in the triclinic system. Acta Cryst. 9 (1956) 319-320. 10. A.R. Graham. X-ray study of chalcosiderite and turquois. Univ. Toronto. Stud. Geol. Soc. 52 (1948) 39-53. 11. M.A. Peacock. On the crystallography of axinite and the normal setting of triclinic crystals. Am. Min. 22 (1937a) 588-620. (1937b) 987-989. 12. M.J. Buerger. The precision determination of the linear and angular lattice constants of single crystals. Z. Kristallogr. (A) 97 (1937) 433-468. 13. Charles W. Burnham. Lattice constants refinement. Carnegie Inst. of Washington Ann. Rept. 61 132-135. 14. (1962) M.J. Buerger. New single-crystal counter-tube technique. Acta Cryst. 9 (1956) 834. 52 15. C.T. Prewitt. The parameters T and ? for equi-inclination with application to the single crystal-counter diffractometer. Z. Kristallogr. 14 (1960) 355-360. 16. Charles W. Burnham. The structures and crystal chemistry of the aluminum-silicate minerals. Ph.D. thesis (1961) Mass. Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 17. W.G. Sly, D.P. Shoemaker and J.H. van der Hende. ERFRZ, a two-and three-dimensional crystallographic Fourier summation program for the IBM 7090 computer. Esso Research and Engineering Co., Lenden, N.J. Publication No. CBRL-22m-62. 18. F. Albert Cotton and G. Wilkinson. Advanced inorganic chemistry. (1962) Interscience Publishers, 560-610. 19. C.T. Prewitt. Structures and crystal chemistry of wollastonite and pectolite. Ph.D. thesis (1962) Mass. Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 20. Subrata Ghose. The crystal structure of pseudomalachite, ) (OH)h. Cu5(PO Act Uryst. 16 (1963) 124-128. 21. Charles W. Burnham and M.J. Buerger. Refinement of the crystal structure of andalusite. Z. Kristallogr. 115 (1961) 269-290. 22. Bernhardt J. Wuensch. The nature of the crystal structures of some sulfide minerals with substructures. Ph.D. thesis (1963) Mass. Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 23. S. Geller. Parameter interaction in least-squares structure refinement. Acta Cryst. 14, (1961), 1026-1035. 24. W.C. Hamilton. On the isotropic temperature factor equivalent to a given anisotropic temperature factor. Acta Cryst. 12 (1959), 609-610. 25. David P. Shoemaker. DISTAN, crystallographic bond distance, bond angle and dihedral angle computer program. Internal publication of the Chemistry Department (1963), Mass. Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 26. Guiseppe Giuseppetti. La struttura cristallina del'eucroite Cu 2 (As8h)(OH). 3H0. Peridd. MineraI. 32 No., 1, (1963) 131-156. 53 27. G. Guiseppetti- A. Coda - F. Mazzi - C. Tadini. La struttura cristallina della liroconite. Cu 2 Al[(As P)O (OH). 4H2 01 Period. Mineral 31 No. 1 (1962) 19-42. 28. B. Rama Rao. Die Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur von Krohnkit, N 2 Cu(SO4 )2 w 2H2 0' Acta Cryst 29. - 14 (1961) 738-743. Ralph W.G. Wyckoff. Crystal structures, vol. 1 (1963). Interscience Publishers, 2d ed. 252-255. A 54Part I-B X-ray study of chalcosiderite, CuFe6 (P4 4 (OH) .4H 0 8 2 By Hilda Cid-Dresdner Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Abstract Chalcosiderite is triclinic, space group P1, with cell dimensions a = 7.68A, b - 7.82A, c :10.21A, c - 67.50, /3= 69.10, X-ray rotation and Weissenberg photographs show the 'e= 64.8.0 existence of two slightly different lattices for each chalcosiderite crystal. A possible interpretation for the phenomenon is given. Introduction Chalcosideritel,2 is related to turquois by isomorphous substitution of Al by Fe. The structure of turquois was recently determined by the author , and a determination of the structure of chalcosiderite was considered desirable. Chalcosiderite crystals from West Phoenix, England, were kindly provided by Professor Clifford Frondel of Harvard University for this investigation. Precession work Several single crystals of chalcosiderite were examined optically before one satisfactory for x-ray study was found. The crystals tend to form groups in which they maintain nearly parallel orientations, building a sort of sheaf. The Fig . 1 Rotation photograph of chalcosiderite 56 smaller crystals presented rounded faces which were mostly striated, but the striations disappeared when the crystal was immersed in a liquid with a refractive index similar to its own. A small crystal which gave good extinction under the polarizing microscope was chosen for the determination of the lattice constants. The crystal was oriented on the optical gonio- meter so that a normal to one of the best-developed faces was parallel to the spindle axis. The crystal was then transferred to the procession camera and the orientation was corrected by Evans' method* Two precession photographs were taken using as precessing axes the crystallographic directions analogous to the a and b axes of turquois.3 As expected, the reduced cell56 of chalcosiderite retained the orientation of the turquois cell. The relations of the reduced cell of chalcosiderite with respect to the previous cells reported by Maskelyne1 and Graham given on Table 1. are The transformation matrices for chalcosiderite are identical to the transformation formulas used for turquois 3 to obtain Schaller's2 and Grahams 7 settings. This is due to the fact that both authors2,7 based their choice of the turquois cell on the values reported for chalcosiderite. Table 2 gives the lattice constants for chalcosider.ite obtained from precession photographs. Graham's values for chalcosiderite and the turquois parameters are also included for comparison. The isomorphism of both minerals is evident from the similarity of the lattice constants. 5S Fig. 2 Zero - level Weissenberg photograph of chalcosiderite. b is the rotation axis 59 -4 60 Table 1 Direct and inverse transformations for the three reported unit cells of chalcosiderite Direct transformation Inverse transformation 1 -1 Maskelyne to Graham 0 1 0 01 0 Graham to Cid-Dresdner 1 -l 0 10 1 0 0 0 01 0 -ol 1 0 0 0 -l Maskelyne to Cid-Dresdner 0 1 0 0 -*1 0 o11 61 Table 2 Comparison of chalcosiderite and turquois unit cells Turquois Chalcosiderite Graham Cid Dresdner Graham Cid Dresdner 7.46AX 7.424A 7.65A 7.629A 9.031 9.910AO a 7 .68A b 7.90A c 10.20A 10.21 68 *35 68.610 69.00 67.5"0 69.1 0 69.430 69.710 64.70 64.80 64.620 65.080 0 0 7. 82A 0 62 Cylindrical-film measurements In order to transfer the chalcosiderite crystal to the single-crystal counter diffractomer, a reorientation of the crystal was necessary. The orientation was made by the use of the double-oscillation technique of Weiss and Cole. A rotation photograph of the chalcosiderite crystal showed the existence of two parallel lattice translations of similar dimensions. One of them corresponded to the value of the b axis determined by precession photographs. The other was a slightly smaller translation and included the weaker diffraction spots (Fig. 1). A zero- level Weissenberg photograph (Fig. 2) of the same crystal also showed the existence of the slightly smaller lattice. In order to understand the relationship between the two lattices, the Weissenberg photograph of Fig. 2 was plotted in reciprocal space, as shown in Fig. 3. When the data from the rotation and the Weissenberg photographs were combined, it turned out that the parameters corresponding to the smaller translations were very close to the turquois lattice constants. Table 3 compares the results of the cylindrical film method with the previous known data for chalcosiderite and turquois. The comparison is made in terms of reciprocal-lattice constants since no information about the other two angles was included in these photographs. The results from Table 3 pointed out that the "single" crystals of chalcosiderite also include turquois crystals. A well-known mechanism that could explain this fact is epitaxial growth of turquois on chalcosiderite. Attempts were made to see the two minerals under the polarizing microscope. It was thought 63 Fig * 3 The two reciprocal lattices of the chalcosiderite crystal 64- -a' 65 Table 3 Identification of the two lattices found in rotating crystal photographs of chalcosiderite. Lattice I Chalcosiderite Turquois 0.230 r.1. u. 0.238 r. 1. u. 0.228 0.2353 0.168 r. 1. u. 0.173 r.1.u. 0.169 0.1721 102 0' 7.856 R t Lattice 2 103015, 1020301 7.620 A 7.82 A From precession photographs $From back-reflection Weissenberg least-squares method 1030 7. 629 X ~ - 66 that it should be possible to differentiate between the refractive indexes of chalcosiderite and turquois. Chalcosiderate's lowest refractive index is 1.775 and turquois' highest index of refraction is 1.65. Chalcosiderite crystals were immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.75 to look for an edge that would possibly show a lower index. Even if this was actually observed in some cases, the evidence was not considered conclusive due to the limitations of the method used. 9 Four other crystals were examined by x-ray methods. All of them presented evidence of the existence of the two structures. Two of those crystals were cut but in both cases the useable fragments still showed the two characteristic translations corresponding to turquois and chalcosiderite. Under these conditions the structural study of chalcosiderite was postponed. It is, however, certain that chalco- siderite and turquois have the same structure. Both of the re- placeable elements accept octahedral coordination. The reported Fe-C distance for Fe in octahedral coordination 1 0 '1 1 is 2.02A, while the average Al-0 in octahedral coordination is 1.9R. This difference could very well account for the larger cell presented by chalcosiderite. Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank Professor M.J. Buerger from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his interest in this work and many helpful suggestions. While this work was done the author was on leave of absence from the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile under an OAS fellowship. This work was 6? partially supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. 68 References 1 Maskelyne, N.S. (1875). On andrewsite and chalcosiderite. Jour. Chem. Soc. London, 28, 586-591. 2 Schaller, W.T. (1912). Crystallized turquois from Virginia. Am. Jour. Sci. 33, 35-40. 3 Cid-Dresdner, H. (1964). The determination and refinement of the crystal structure of turquois, Cu A1 6 (PO4)4 (OH)8 . 4H2). In preparation. 4 Evans, Jr., H.T., Tilden, S.G., Adams, D.P. (1949). New Techniques applied to the Buerger precession camera for x-ray diffraction studies. Rev. Sci. Inst. 20, 155-159. 5 Buerger, M.J. (1957). 42-60. 6 Balashov, V. (1956). The choice of the reduced cell in the triclinic system. Acta Cryst. 9, 319-320. 7 Graham, Reduced cells. Z. Kristallogr. 109, X-ray study of chalcosiderite and A.R. (1948). turquois. Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 52,39-53. 8 Weiss, 0., Cole, W.F. (1948). An improved technique for setting single crystals from zero layer-line photographs. J. Sci. Instrum. 25, 213-214. 9 Walstrom, E.E. (1943). Optical crystallography. 10 Ito, T., Mori, H. (1951). The crystal structure of ludlamite. Acta Cryst. 4, 412-416. 11 Mori, H., Ito, T. (1950). The structure of vivianite and symphlesite. Acta Cryst. 3, 1-6. 69 Part I-C An improved pinhole system for single-crystal x-ray diffraction work By Hilda Cid-Dresdner Crystallographic Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abstract A collimator system consisting of a borehole in a solid aluminum rod is proposed for use in single-crystal x-ray diffraction work. Such a collimator is free from the fluores- cent-scattering characteristic of the usual lead-pinhole systems and therefore insures a lower background for reflections of small sin Q values. Introduction Some precession photographs, which were made using abnormally long exposures because of the tiny specimens, showed circular blackened areas centered in the direct-beam location. Examination of other precession photographs showed the same feature except that, due to much shorter exposures, it was subdued and, hence, had been overlooked. It was evident that the pheno- menon was inherent in the experimental conditions currently used in taking precession photographs. In order to determine the origin of the dark circle careful measurements of its diameter were made on precession photographs taken under different conditions. It was found that the diameter of the shadow did not depend on the value of the precessing angle or on the presence of a layer-line screen, but 70 was a function of the position of the film. The dark area seemed to be produced by a point source located at a constant distance from the crystal. The position of this point source was determined from two values of the shadow diameter measured at two known crystalto-film distances. The proportion: D2 Dy 2 where D and D distances d crystal. are the diameters measured for crystal-to-film and d2, gives the distance x from the source to the For the type of collimator used, the position of the source was found to coincide with the second pinhole of the system. We considered several interpretations of this phenomenon. A possible explanation might be that some radiation, strik- ing the interior of the tube in which the pinholes were mounted, may have been scattered from the interior of the tube, through the second pinhole, to the film. In this case the dark circle would be the part of the x-ray cone limited by the guard slit. To test this hypothesis an experimental pinhole system was designed which permitted the use of several intermediate baffle pinholes to eliminate the possibility of internal reflection. The circular shadow was not changed by this procedure. The second and more reasonable explanation was that fluorescent radiation was emitted by the second lead slit, and it was limited by the guard slit. Figure 2 is a graph of the absorp- tion coefficient of lead for different wave lengths; the spectral Fig . 1 The absorption of the Mo radiation by lead 300 Mo Kcc 200 too 11o white radiation at .3 .A .' . 7 .1 1- .0 1 .2 1.3 3S k V. 1.4 T3 distribution of the Mo radiation is also included. from this graph that Pb strongly absorbs the MoK It is evident radiation and a good amount of the white radiation, this energy being released as fluorescent radiation. If an element heavier than lead were used to make the second pinhole in the collimator system, the situation would not be very much improved. The absorption of the Mo radiation by this element would be smaller, and consequently the intensity of the fluorescent radiation emitted would also be smaller. Never- theless, the fluorescent radiation would have a shorter wavelength and the absorption of it by the air would be minimized. On the other hand if the second pinhole were made of a sufficiently light element its fluorescent radiation would be expected to be strongly absorbed by air before reaching the film. In order that a system made in this way would still be able to limit the Mo x-ray beam, a solid rod, instead of limiting slits, should be employed. A number of experimental pinhole systems made with elements of atomic numbers less than 82 were tried; the results for four of them are shown in Fig. 2. The aluminum pinhole system gives the most satisfactory results. The graphite rod was not able to completely absorb the direct beam so that the film showed powder rings from the carbon itself. This work was partially supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The author was the holder of a fel- lowship from the Organization of American States, and was on leave of absence from the Laboratorio de Cristalografia of the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 74 Fig . 2 Results from four experimental pinhole systems T5 Brass Groj&h. ie At vnovvn 76 APPENDICES T7 Appendix I-A a. The minerals of the turquois group The turquois group includes two series of minerals. The turquois chalcosiderite series is formed by isomorphous substitution of Al by Fe. The known members of the series are: turquois,12,3 henwoodit, rashleighite,5 alumo-chalcosiderite and chalcosiderite. The second series is the turquois- faustite9 series, 6 formed by isomorphous substitution of Zn by Cu. A summary of the physical and chemical properties known from the minerals of this group, follows in Table 1. Further possibilities of study: Chalcosiderite crystals are not good enough for an independent structure determination. Nevertheless, single-crystal counter-data using iron radiation could be collected for reflections with sinG large enough to completely resolve the two maxima. The data obtained in this way could be used to attempt a least-squares refinement using turquois coordinates as a starting point. Another possi- bility would be to build up a three-dimensional differenceFourier syntheses using as coefficients (Fobs)turquois-(Fobs) chalcosiderite). A third possibility is to calculate an electron density function with the available values of Fobd, for chalcosiderite combined with the corresponding turquois signs. From the comparison of the x-ray diffraction spectra obtained for chalcosiderite and turquois, it is certain that both minerals have the same structure. A prediction can be made, how- Table 1 Available data for the minerals of the turquois Mineral Optical data Density Turquoi s 2.84 Henwoodit 2.67 group. X-ray data nx ny nz 2V 1.61 1.62 1.65 220 powder single crystal no single crystal Rashleighite no single crystal Alumo-chalcosiderite no single crystal Chatco siderite 3.22 Faustite 2. 92 1. 775 1. 84 1. 844 400 1. 613 (average) no single crystal Results cell dimensions structure ever, that any departure of the chalcosiderite structure from the turquois model will tend to improve the oxygen packing. This prediction is based on the comparison of the refractive indices for chalcosiderite and turquois. The rest of the group do not present single crystals, and this is the reason why their unit cells are not yet known. Available powder diagrams show very close correspondence with the turquois diagram in both position and intensity, revealing that they are probably isostructures with turquois. The only possible way to prove this would be to collect good counter data for rashleghite, henwoodite and faustite using a powder diffractomer. In order to index these reflections a turquois standard should be run in the same conditions. Since the lattice constants for turquois are known, the values of sin 0 for any reflection 10 can be calculated using Prewitt's program. By comparison, the maxima could be indexed. Given (hkl) and d it should be poshkl sible to determine the lattice parameters by a l.s.p. References 1. Waldemar T. Schaller. Crystallized turquois from Virginia. Am. Jour. Sci. 2 35-40. 2. A.R. Graham. X-ray studies of chalcosiderite and turquois. Univ. Toronto Studies Geol. Ser. 52 (1948) 39-53. 3. Hilda Cid-Dresdner. The determination and refinement of the crystal structure of turquois, CuAl (PO4)4 (OH)8 .4H2 0' 6 In preparation. 4. E. Fischer. Henwoodit, ein Glied der Turkis-ChalcosideritReihe. Chemie der Erde 21 (1961) 97-110. 5. Arthur Russel, Bart. On rashleighite, a new mineral from Cornwall, intermediate between turquois and chalcosiderite. Min. Mag. 28 (1948) 353-388. so 6. A. Jahn and E. Gruner. Saxony. Mitt. Vogtland. Alumo-chalkosiderit, Schnekenstein, Gesell. Naturfor. 1 (1933) 19. 7. N.S. Maskelyne. On andrewsite and chalkosiderite. Jour. Chem. Soc. London 28 (1875) 586-591. 8. Hilda Cid-Dresdner. X-ray study of chalcosiderite. In preparation. 9. Richard C. Erd, Maragaret D. Foster and Paul D. Proctor. Faustite, a new mineral, the zinc analog of turquois. Am. Min. 38 (1953) 964-971. 10. C.T. Prewitt. The parameters T and f for equi-inclination with application to the single crystal-counter diffractomer. F. Kristallogr. l4 (1960) 355-360. +2 b. The anion configuration around the Cu ion. Cu+2ion conforms itself to a distorted octahedral coordination. It has four nearest neighbors at the corners of a square, with copper-anion distances regularly of the order of 2.0A. Two farther neighbors complete the octahedron at dis- tances going from 2.4 to 2.7A, in a few cases still larger. This special type of distortion is predicted by a theorem formally proved by Jahn and Teller in 1937. This theorem states that any non-linear molecular system in a degenerate electronic state will be unstable and will undergo some kind of distortion that will lower its symmetry. The Jahn-Teller theorem has a direct application to the Cu+2 ion placed in the center of an octahedron of anions. Cu+2 has the configuration s22s2 p63s2 6d9. The nine d electrons are distributed in the five d orbitals. Because of the presence of the negative ions surrounding the metal, the five d orbitals are no longer equivalents. The orbitals in which the electrons can be as far as possible from the negative ions, namely dxy , d dYZ, become the most favourable. In the two remaining orbitals, dz2 and dx 2, the electrons are exactly located in the direction of the anioncation bond, thus screening their interaction. Consequently, three electron pairs of the Cu +2ion always occupy the three favourable orbitals, and one of the unfavourable orbitals will be occupied by a single electron. If d 2 2 is the orbital that gets the single electron, the cation-anion attraction will be - - 82 Table 2 The Cu+2 coordination. Compound Nearest neighbors Farther neighbors Atacamite Cu - OH 2.04 (X2) Cu CuC1 2 3Cu(OH 2 ) Cu 2. 00 (X2) - OH 2.76 (X2) Cl - Cu - OH 1. 94 ER(X2) Cu - OH 2.36 Cu - OH 2.07 k(X2) Cu - Cl 2.75 Cu - O 2.41 (X2) Krohenkite Cu - O 2.14 (X2) Na2 Cu(SO )2- 2H 2 0 Cu - H O 2. 05 (X2) Cu - N 2. 06 (X2) Cu -H2O 3.37 Cu - N 2.04 (X2) Cu -H2O 2.59 1.98 (X2) Cu -O 2. 90 (X2) Cu(NH 3 4 SO*-HO -OH Azurite Cu Cu 3 (OH) 2 (CO3)2 Cu -O 1.88 (X2) Cu 2. 04.R - OH' CuTI- OH''' 1.99 Cu 11- O''' 1.92 CuII - o Cu ' -0 2.38 2.83 2.01 Brochantite Cu 4 (OH) 6 4 Cu -OH " 1.98 (X2) Cu- Cu - OH' 2.05 (X2) Cu- Cum - OH 1. 99 (X2) Cui - OH' 2. 02 (X2) CuII O 2.38 a 0- -O 2.35 2.32 2.52 Reference number 85 Compound Nearest neighbors Cu 2 (OH) 3 Br Cu -OH Farther neighbors 1. 92 (X2) Cu -Br 2. 93 (X2) 1. 93 (X2) Cu -OH 2. 05 (X2) Cu - OH 2.41 Cu -I OHI 2.01 Cu - Br 2.80 2.05 CuOHC1 -Cl 2.30 Cu - Cl 2.73 Cu -OH 2.01 Cu - Cl1 2.70 Cu -OH 2.03 Cu 2.0 1. 96 (X2) Cu - OH 2.30 2.06 (X2) Cu - OH 2.49 Cu - 0 2.33 Cu - O 2.37 Cu - 0 1 2. 37 (X2) Cu - 0 1 1 2. 41 (X2) Cu - O 2. 53 (X2) Cu - OHm Antlerite Cu 3 (SO )(OH) 4 CuSO 4 Cu - OHm Cu -O 1.90 Cu - OH' 1.96 Cu - OH" 1.97 Cu - OH"'" 1.97 X (x2) Cu - O11 2.00 Cu - Om 1.89 Cu - Om 1. 99 (x2) Cu -H20 1. 95 (X2) Cu - (OH)1 1. 93 (X2) Cu - (OH)1 1. 98 (X2) (x2) Kr Bhnkit Na 2 Cu(SO )2 2H2 0 Linarit PbCuSO4 (OH) 2 Reference number 84 Compound Nearest neighbors Reference number Farther neighbors ' 12 S.alesite CuIO 3(OH) k (X2) X Cu - (OH) 1. 95 Cu - 0 1 1 2. 01 (X2) Cu - O 1. 86 (X2) Cu - O I 2. 06 (X2) Cu - OH 1. 93 (X2) Cu - OH I 1. 96 (X2) Cu - 0 1.99 Cu -0 Cu - O 1 1 1.79 Cu - Ov(H2O) 3.34 Cu - Om 1.93 Cu - 0 2. 59 1 (x2) Dolerophanit Cu 2O(SO ) Cu - O 1 2. 53 (X2) Cu - O 2.47 (X2) Linarite PbCu(SO )(OH)2 Teineit CuTeO 32H2 0 1 (H 2 O) Cu - O (H2 0) 2.35 1.97 Liroconite Cu 2 Al[ (As 1 P)O 4 (OH) 4 ] - 4H 2 0 Cu - O 1 1 1.99 Cu -0 (H2 0) 2.76 Cu - O 1.98 Cu - O (H2 0)2.46 Cu - 0 11 1.87 1 Cu - ON 1.94 Eurcroite Cu 2 (AsO4 )(OH)- 3H 0 Cu, ON 2 Cu - O Cu - O Cu - O 1.92 CuI - O 2.08 Cu 1.96 2.01 I - 0 (H 0) 2.51 VI (H 0) 2. 42 2 85 Compound Nearest neighbors Farther neighbors, Cu - 0 1 (H 20) 1.99XA Cu -o Cu -O 1.97 Cu -O Cu - O 1.92 Cu -o 2.01 Reference number (H2O) 2.74, 2.47 Pseudomalachite Cu 5 (PO) 2 (OH) 4 Cu - (OH)1 Cu -OH) Cu CU -O - II Cu - Cu- ON 2. 69 (X2) 1.91 Cu -O 2.39 2.02 Cu - ON 2.70 2.02 (X2) 1. 94 (X2) (OH) 1.98 Cu - (OH)1 1.99 Cu - (OH 2.00 Cu 1.94 Cu -O - (OH) Cu - (OH) 1.96 ,Cu - Cu - O 2.36 2.51 1.95 Turquois CuA16 (PO 4 ) 4 (OH) 8 ' 4H2 0 Cu - Ov (OH) 1. 92 (X2) Cu - OIX (OH)2. 11 (X2) Cu - O (H 2 0) 2. 42 (X2) 86 more screened along the z axis, and the octahedron will become elongated in the z direction. If d 2 is singly occupied, the octahedron will become shortened in the z direction. In all the Cu compounds listed on Table 2 the octahedron has become elongated in the z direction. This probably is the best proof that the elongated octahedron represents a lower energy state compared to the shortened octPhedron. It is interesting to observe in Table 2 the disposition that the water molecules of the hydrated compounds take in the Cu coordination polyhedron. The water molecule can go eith- er in the square coordination or become one of the farther neighbors in the Cu polyhedron. The common feature to its behavior is that always the water presents only one tight bond to a cation, if any. 87 References 1. A.F. Wells. Crystal structure of atacamite and crystal chemistry of cupric compounds. Acta Cryst. 2 (1949) 175-180. 2. M. Leone and F. Sgarlata. Struttura della kroehnkite e contributto alla cristallo chimica del rame. Period. Mineral 23 (1954) 223-233. 3. F. Mazzi. The crystal structure of Cu(NH 3)4 So4 H 20. Acta Cryst. 8 (1955) 137-141. 4. G. Gattow und J. Zemann. Neubestimmung der Kristallstrukter von Azurit, Cu 3 (OH2 )C03 )* Acta Cryst. 11 (1958) 866-870. 5, G. Cocco and F. Mazzi. La struttura della brochantite. Period. Mineral 28 (1959) 121-149. 6. H.R. Oswala, Y. Iitaka, S. Locchi und A. Ludi. Die Kristall strukturen von Cu2 (OH)3 Br und Cu2 (OH)3J* Helvetica chim. acta "j No. 7 (1961) 2103-2109. 7, Y. Iitaka, S. Locchi und H.R. Oswald. Die Kristallstruktur von CuOHCl. Helvetica chim.acta. 4, n. 7 (1961) 2095-2103. 8. Takaharu Araki. Min. 9. The crystal structure of antlerite. Jour. 3 (1961) 223-235. B. Rama Rao. A note on the crystal structure of anhydrous copper sulphate. Acta Cryst. 14 (1961) 321. 10. B. Rama Rao. Die Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur von Kroehnkit, Na 2 Cu(S04 )2 .2H 2 0* Acts Cryst. l4 (1961) 738-743. 11. H.G. Bachmann und J. Zemann. Die Kristallstruktur von Linarit, PbCuSO 4 (OH) * 2 Acta Cryst. l4 (1961) 747-753. 12. Subrata Ghose. CuIO 3 (OH). The crystal structure of salesite, Acta Cryst. 13. 15 (1962) 1105-1109. Die Kristallstruktur von Dolerophanit, E. Kahler. Cu 2 0(SO4 ) ein Beispiel fur s-koordiniertes Kupfer. Die Naturwissenschaften 13 (1962) 14. 1-3. Takaharu Araki. The crystal structure of linarite, reexamined. Min. Jour. 3 (1962) 282-295. T 8 15. Die Kristallstruktur von Anna Zemann und J. Zemann. die Korrektur einer chemisfur Beispiel Fin Teineit. chen Formel auf Grund der Strukturbestimmung. Acta Cryst. 15 (1962) 698-702. 16. G. Guiseppetti - A. Coda - F. Mazzi - C. Tadini. La strut- tura crystallina della liroconite, Cu2 Al[(As P)O (OH) 1. 4H2r)* Period. Mineral, 31 (1962) 19-42. 17. Guiseppe Guiseppetti. La struttura cristallina dell'eucroite Cu 2 (A3 04 )(OH).3H 2 0' Period. Mineral. 32 (1963) 131-156. 18. Subrata Ghose. The crystal structure of pseudomalachite, Cu5(PO42(O)2* Acta Cryst. 16 (1963) 124. 19. Hilda Cid-Dresdner. The determination and refinement of the crystal structure of turquois, CuA16(POh44(OH)s. 4H 2 0. In preparation. 89 Appendix I-B Interpretation of the first electron density (>ljxyz) function in the solution of the crystal structure of turquois In the course of the crystal structure determination of turquois, the first electron-density function was calculated using positive signs for all the structure factors. This assump- tion was based on the consideration that the positive contributions from the Cu atom located at the origin would control most of the signs. This section intends to give the successive steps followed in the interpretation of this electron density function leading to the solutioa of the structure of turquois. Table 1 lists the eighteen highest peaks of a threedimensional electron density function calculated with all signs positive. The coordinates of the peak maxima in Fl(Xz) are given in one thirtieths of the cell edges, since this was the interval used for the calculation of all Patterson and electron density maps. To a first approximation, the five highest peaks should correspond to the three Al and two P of the asymmetric unit. If the relative heights were taken into account, peaks 3 and 8 should be P and peaks 1, 16 and 17 should be Al. A more careful study showed that peak 1 could not be anything else but an oxygen because its distance to the Cu atom was approximately 2A, too short for an Al-Cu distance but just right for an 0-Cu distance. Also, since peak 8 showed a square arrangement of peaks around it at distances close enough to the length of the Al-0 bond, it was chosen as an Al. Moreover, peak 90 Fig . l Results from the electron density function f ( xyz) Composite of sections showing the peaks chosen as All, P and P', ( peak 12) ZA "-0lo 17 showed a nice tetrahedral coordination and was chosen as the P. Figure 1 is a composite of sections of 1 xyz) environment of the peaks chosen as A 1(peak 8), showing the P1 (peak 3), and Pi(peak 12). The highest peaks left to be considered for the third aluminum were peaks 10, 13, 15 and 18. Peak 13 was discarded be- cause it was too close to peak 8 to give a correct Al-Al distance. Peak 10 was chosen as the third aluminum since it ful- filled the condition of homogeneous distribution of the aluminum through the cell. It also corresponded to one of the strong peaks in the minimum function M 4 (yz) which was always used as a check. Peak 18 was chosen as the second aluminum atom instead of peak 16 because it showed a good octahedral environment; also, it was at the right distance to share one oxygen with each of P2 and Cu. Figure 2 shows the aspect of the peaks chosen as Al(2), Al(3) and P(2) together with the peaks that were assumed to represent some of the oxygens from their coordination polyhedra. The coordinates of a model structure, including the six cations and thirteen possible oxygens, were submitted for structurefactor calculation; this gave an R factor of 62%. The signs de- termined by this model were used to calculate a second threedimensional electron density function, f2(xyz) The main changes inferred from the electron density were: a. Four out of the thirteen oxygen atoms included came back at approximately half of the height of the average oxygen peak, and could accordingly be eliminated. 93 Fig . 2 Results from the electron density function ( xyz) Composite of sections showing the environement of the peaks chosen,. as Al 2 and P2 Table I Results from the electron density function r1 (xyz) No. Max. height arbitrary units (In 1/30 of cell edges) 875 29.87 25*8 539 29.5 14.5 932 Peak designation Based on height and Based on chemical considerations height only Al P1 2.4 603 10. 509 17.5 405 10. 388 949 8.8 9.0 21. 22. Al Table 1.(continued) Results from the electron density function ],(xyz) No. Max. height arbitrary units 10 789 7.4 11 590 10.7 12 695 10.5 13 748 11,8 14 614 11.4 13. 9. 15 794 26.4 13. 23.8 16 891 26*8 17 869 25.3 11.5 14 . 18 830 (In 1/30 of cell edges) 22.4 Peak designation Based on Based on height and height only chemical considerations Al 3 7.2 28. 12*0 28. 24. 8.4 Al Al2 97 b. Five other maxima, also about half of the height of an oxygen peak and at the right distances to complete the coordination polyhedra of the cations, were found. They accounted for the oxygens that had been eliminated and for the oxygen missing in the first structure-factor calculation. c. Peak 12 from Fl(xyz), which had not been included as an atom because it was too close to peak 11 to be either an oxygen or an aluminum, came back with a height equal to the average oxygen peak. The only possibility for peak 12 was phosphorus, but both Pl and P2 had come back at full height in the second electron-density map. It was observed, however, that if peak 12 was assumed to be a phosphorus, then the peak called Pl could be explained as a substructure peak; it would correspond to the superimposed interatomic vectors from Al Al 2 to A12 1 to peak 12 and from 2* Two structure-factor calculation were made, one considering only the changes affecting the oxygens and the other including also the change in the position of the phosphorus atom. The R factors were 57% for the first and 48% for the second. The signs from the last were used to calculate a third electrondensity function. P3 (xyz) gave the following results: One oxygen was found to be misplaced, three other experienced rather large displacements, and all the rest of the atoms showed small displacements from their original positions. The discrepancy factor for these atomic positions was 38% and the signs they determined were used to form the electron-density function 4 (xyz). The appearance of this electron-density map was very satisfactory. The peaks looked round, the relative heights matched well the scattering power of the atoms they were supposed to represent, and no spurious peaks were found. The only anoma- lies detected were a rather large displacement showed by one oxygen and slight displacements of the rest of the atoms. When the atomic coordinates from f4(xyz) were submitted for a structure factor calculation an R factor of 27% was obtained, the structure was considered solved and the model was submitted for least-squares refinement. 99 Appendix II Observed and calculated structure factors of turquois h k 0 -0 -O 4 -0 1 0 0 0 5 7 -0 -0 8 -0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 -4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 0 -1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 5 5 6 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 2 3 -3 -3 3 -3 3 -3 3 -3 -4 4 3 -3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 F 0 19.71 -87.13 35.48 74.85 19.00 14.35 12.73 23.26 20.68 93.48 -15.77 13.44 41.23 -40.00 78.85 9.89 -3.88 12.99 -27.98 6.53 25.01 14.54 7.17 23.78 24.10 -43.17 59.19 4.14 9.05 47.75 -27.53 32.25 8.08 -6.14 -6.01 -9.37 -8.27 48.92 18.16 23.20 75.05 61.71 14.99 -1.68 -68.56 8.66 26.75 -24.49 21.58 27.92 17.96 F C 20.21 -82.18 34.94 69.45 16.96 13*97 12*13 25.62 20.41 100.02 -5.93 15.70 41.33 -31.87 84.46 10.65 -2.26 12.20 -27.96 5.50 24.01 13.82 8.82 24.72 24.15 -33.17 58*00 8.17 11.03 44.96 -25.40 32.03 6*46 -4.06 -4.96 -8.83 -8.99 47.46 19.24 24.03 76.30 60.01 15.32 -0.92 -65.93 7.86 26.87 -21.25 21.73 27.14 16.83 100 6 7 8 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 8 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 -3 3 3 4 4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 4 4 4 5 5 -5 5 -5 5 -5 5 -5 5 5 5 5 6 6 -6 6 -6 6 -6 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48.72 15.12 4.78 -31.60 14.47 18.03 3.04 56.93 20.87 5.88 66.04 19.45 -1.49 16.41 36.25 56.28 14.09 2.91 -38.71 -4.91 18.03 19.58 5.04 -24.56 12.79 26.95 9.05 -2.07 14.09 8.47 6.72 17.90 -21.71 13.12 6.91 -20.94 9.31 -23.59 14.41 48.52 14.55 3.41 -25.43 15.00 19.47 0.91 56.15 22.97 4.64 64.27 19.57 -0.41 15.98 35.81 53.69 12.19 1.85 -36.23 -2.49 19.80 19.90 6.59 -24.88 12.70 25.40 8.33 -1.12 12.86 7.70 5.23 16.35 -19.91 12.08 7.03 -21.69 10.47 -22.83 12.91 0 7 0 -33.28 -34.36 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 -2 2 -3 3 -4 4 7 -7 7 -7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 9.37 6.85 17.90 48.85 12.34 13.18 7.43 47.88 7.82 16.93 5.43 22.88 13.25 -20.23 15.70 15.74 45.78 10.80 146.02 33.93 -6.85 8*93 6.03 17.94 51.57 11.91 12.22 7.14 46.46 6.90 15.26 4.31 20.86 13.15 -20.00 14.52 16.94 44.50 14.03 140.24 33.27 -5.51 102 -5 5 -6 6 -7 7 -8 0 0 1 -1 1 2 -2 -2 2 3 -3 -3 3 4 -4 -4 4 -5 6 6 6 -6 -6 6 7 -70 -7 7 -8 0 0 1 1 -1 -1 2 -2 -2 2 3 -3 -3 3 4 -4 -4 4 5 -5 -5 6 6 -6 -6 -o -0o -o0 -0 -0 -0 -0 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 12 -1 -1 1 1 -12 -1 -1 2 -2 221 -2 -2 2 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -12.45 24.90 5.34 21.48 -5.93 3.56 17.39 20.22 21.87 -11.53 53.36 49.41 19.50 24.70 23.65 28*46 36.17 -90.97 2.24 67.00 28.33 22.60 5.99 -2.50 3.89 65.74 -58.37 1.91 4.68 25.36 41.70 19.83 -2.64 8.37 51.25 -3.23 21.74 25.16 94.81 26.68 12.78 -27.40 15.22 12.45 26.02 3.43 -36.89 45.13 -20.55 -15.42 25.36 14.30 10.41 31.29 17.06 34.78 -50.07 54.22 4.41 0.86 9.55 -10.82 24.13 0.33 19.88 -5.28 5.09 19.82 22.24 23.60 -8.88 51.27 46.23 20.58 25.03 26.07 28.40 34.71 -85.52 2.17 63.27 28.67 22.87 7.35 -2.43 0.08 65.16 -53.71 1.60 3.64 25.50 42.37 22.14 -2.68 7.72 55.81 -3.50 23.06 26.55 95.39 28.01 15.90 -32.39 15.04 13.82 28.21 1.50 -29.88 46.51 -9.64 -13.11 25.56 13.76 11.74 30.63 17.98 34.99 -47.59 52*74 3.76 1.95 9.64 102 6 7 -7 -8 0 0 1 -1 -1 2 -2 -2 2 3 -3 -3 3 4 -4 -4 4 5 -5 -5 5 6 -6 -6 6 7 -7 -8 0 0 1 -1 -1 1 2 -2 -2 2 3 -3 -3 3 4 -4 -4 4 5 -5 -5 5 6 -6 7 -7 -8 0 0 -2 2 -2 -2 3 -3 3 3 -3 3 3 -3 -3 3 3 -3 -3 3 3 -3 -3 3 3 -3 -3 3 3 -3 -3 3 -3 -3 4 -4 4 4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 -4 5 -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2.24 -26.15 31.55 2.31 17.85 15.81 91.94 -3.82 -57.71 10.67 29.58 18.64 4.81 21.21 62.58 -15.74 49.41 33.47 7.44 17.26 17.65 65.28 -31.36 31.75 8.30 -3.56 17.59 13.37 -9.16 -1.38 -14.36 3.56 15.74 14.43 77.27 2.37 50.00 65.15 18.38 27.27 17.00 9.29 -2.64 30.83 -6.65 -37.55 4.28 4.22 19.04 11.40 -21.94 -22.73 37.29 33040 27.67 19.76 24.18 24.44 10.28 11.07 12.38 3.69 -28.10 33.50 1.64 18.58 16.84 90.21 -0.82 -52.15 10.12 29.91 20.17 5.29 19.69 61.66 -7.80 48.72 32.94 6.67 18.42 17.73 62.51 -35 o 66 31.25 9.37 -1.11 17.28 12.87 -12.71 -1.30 -14.61 2.36 15.55 14.66 78.36 1.47 47.46 61.94 19.41 28.24 18.86 9.55 -0*46 30.54 -1.86 -34.37 4.35 4.51 20.93 12.12 -20.51 -24.20 37.18 35.98 29.13 20.49 25.08 24.59 9.55 9.45 11.99 103 1 5 5 -1 1 2 -2 -2 2 3 -3 -3 3 4 -4 -4 4 5 -5 6 -6 7 -7 -8 0 0 1 -1 -1 1 -2 -2 2 2 3 -3 -3 3 4 -4 5 -5 6 -6 -7 0 0 1 -1 -1 1 2 -2 3 -3 4 -4 5 -5 -6 0 -1 -5 -5 5 5 -5 -5 5 5 -5 -5 5 5 -5 -5 5 -5 5 -5 5 -5 -5 6 -6 6 6 ~6 -6 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32.00 21.49 17.40 17.02 -3.21 -9.56 125 Biographical Note Hilda Cid-Dresdner, nee Hilda Cid Araneda, on February 20, 1933 in Talcahuano, Chile. was born She is the daughter of Jose Cid Bastidas and Hilda Araneda de Cid. She attended pub- lic school in Talcahuano, and graduated from the secondary school Liceo Fiscal de Talcahuano in 1949. Undergraduate studies were taken at the Universidad de Concepcidn, Concepcion Chile, where she was given the University Prize in 1955. From 1955 to 1958 she continued studies at the University of Chile, towards the diploma of Profesora de Estado en Ffsica y Matematicas (equivalent to a B.S.) which was granted, with honors in 1958. In 1955 the author joined the Laboratorio de Cristalograffa of the Universidad de Chile as a teaching assistant, and became an associate researcher after graduation. In 1960 she was granted a fellowship from the Agency for International Development of the U.S. State Department and a leave of absence from the Universidad de Chile to take graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ceived an S.M. in Geology and Geophysics in June 1962. She reShe was permitted to continue a course of study leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Crystallography under the guidance of an interdepartmental committee. From 1962 to 1964 she was the hold- er of a fellowship from the Organization of American States. In 1955 she became the wife of Dr. George W. Dresdner of Santiago, Chile. They have three children, Rodrigo Felipe, born in 1956, Jorge David, born in 1957 and Rosanna Cecilia born 126 in 1962. The author is a member of the American Crystalle- graphic Association, the Mineralogical Society of America, the Sociedad Chilena de Fisica and the Society of the Sigma Xi. Publications Etude anx rayons X de la cyllindrite. Bull. Soc. franc. Miner. Crist. (1960) 83. On the setting of crystals for x-ray diffraction work. Acta Cryst. (1961) l4,200-201. (With Isabel Garaycochea) The crystal structure of potassium hexatitanate, K 2 Ti 6 01 3 . Z. Kristallogr. (1962) 117, 411-430. (With M.J. Buerger)