PROGRESS MEMORANDUM, FISHERIES NUMBER 2 RESEARCH DIVISION Oregon State Game Commission 'I . j THE NATURAl REARING OF JUVENilE SAlMONIDS IN IMPOUNDMENTS, 1961-66 ... r THE NATURAL REARJNG OF JUVENILE SALMONIDS IN IMPOUNDMENTS by Robert L. Garrison Oregon State Game Commission Research Division Oregon state University Corvallis, Oregon August 21, 1967 T.I\BLE OF CCNTENTS Page I . St1nu:na. ey • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • . . • • • 1 II. Introduction. . • • • . • . • • . . . • . . . . • • • . . • • • • • • • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . .. • . . . 2 III. Methods and r .. DJa. terials. ••••. ••••. •••••••. •• . . . •••••••••••••••••••. 2 Rearing ponds ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.••• , • • • • 2 Medco pond ................................................... . 2 Hemlock Meadow-s Pond. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 'Ml.istler 1 s Bend Pond.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Li.nt Slough • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Limnology of the rearing ponds ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Chemical characteristics of the water and soil •••••••••••••• 5 &linity •••• ·• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 Pllotosynthesis mtes •••.•••.••..••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 8 Experimental populations and results, descriptions of experimenta 1 populations • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 10 ............................................ 10 Pond A• ..................................................... 14 Medco Pond •••••• Ponds C, D, and E ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Hentl.ock Meadows • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 \VIlistler ' s Bend. • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • . • • . • . . . 16 Lint Slough. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • . • • • • • 18 Population estimates •••.••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 19 IV. Discussion •••• ................................................... 24 Growth. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24 Quality of the environment ••••••••••••• ..................... 25 Ti.m.e · o-f stocking. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29 Page Density. • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29 Fertilization. • . . . . • . • . • • • . • . . . . • . • • . • • . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . 34 ................................. 35 Size of fish stocked...... • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • 35 ............................... 39 Survival ra. tes ••••••••••••.•. Predation and competition ••• ................................. Chemical pollution •••••••••.•••• .................... .. ..... Stratification ••••••••.••• 40 41 Sa.ltVJater sllr'V"ival ra. tes. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 Yield ••••••••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 Freshwater production •• .................................... Medco production. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 42 Whistler's Bend production .•..•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• 42 Ss.ltwater production.... . • . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • . • • • 4.4 Adult returns ••••.•..•••.••.•••.•.•.••••.•••••.••.•.•••••••••• steelhead returns.. . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 46 Spring chinook. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • 49 ............................................ 49 Coho returns. ·•• Criteria for the construction of a natural rearing pond.... 52 Considerations for the operation of a natural rearing pond.... 53 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. Page Seasonal range of selected chemical characteristics of Medco and Whistler's Bend ponds............................... 5 Trace element analysis of Medco Pond and fuiley Creek, 21, 1964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 J. Soil analysis of Medco and Bend ponds ••••••.••••••• ·7 4. Experimental populations of salmonids reared in impoundments.. 11 5. Resul.ts of na.tural rearing.................................... 12 v~istler's 6. Fish harvested from natural rearing ponds ••.•.••.•••••.••••••• 13 7. The daily mortality rates for Populations 2, 27, and 28....... 21 8. Estimated marked summer steelhead returns for the Rogue Rl..ver in 1965................................................. 47 The percentage of marked summer steelhead returning to the Rog11e Ri.ver in 1965 . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 9. 10. The percentage of marked summer steelhead returning to the . North Umwua Ri.ver. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 48 11. The average length of coho returning to Lint Slougn in 1965... 51 LIST OF FIGURES -. .. Page Figure 1. Med. co Pond. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Lint Slough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Photosynthesis rate measurements at Medco Pond ••••••••••••..••. 9 4. The average lengths and weights of steelhead from Medco Ponds C, D, and E.................................................... 17 5. Population estimates for Population 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 6. Population estimates for Population 27 •••••••••••••••••.••••••• 22 7. Population estimates for Population 28 ••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 23 8. The growth rate of summer steelhead reared in !1edco Pond I. •••• 26 9. The growth rate of summer steelhead reared in Medco Pond II. •.• 26 10. The growth rate of summer steelhead reared in Hemlock Meadows •• 27 11. The growth rate of spring chinook reared in Whistler's Bend... • 27 12. The growth rate of salmonids reared in Lint Slough ...•••••••••• 28 13. The average weight of summer steelhead released from Medco Pond plotted against the surviving density ••••••••••••.••••••.• 31 14. A comparison of coho growth rates from Lint Slough, Lint Creek and Drift Creek . .....................•.......... .• . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 33 15. 16. A comparison of salmonid growth rates from three methods of rear1ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 36 The size of steelhead fry in relation to survival rates in Medco Pond. • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 36 :. ... ~ -- 17. The survival rates of 2-year-old steelhead reared in Medco Ponds C, D, and E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 18. The returns of marked summer steelhead in the Rogue and Umpqua rivers in relation to size at release ••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 50 19. The percentage of male and female coho salmon in 1-pound size groups returning to Lint Creek in 1965 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 IMPOUNDHENT STUDIES Robert L. Garrison SUMMARY The influence of density, time of stocking, fertilization and the environment on the growth, survival and yield of salmonid fry reared in freshwater impoundments and a brackish water slough are discussed. Suggestions are offered for consideration in the construction and operation of a rearing pond for salmonids. A limited freshwater supply permitted partial control of dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity in the rearing ponds. Dra ining the im- poundments permitted evaluation of survival and yield. Fry grew best vvhen stocked in the early spring. Growth rate was influenced by rearing density, pond fertility, and survival rat e . Extreme t emperatures, low dissolved oxygen and high salinities inhibited growth and reduced survival. Growth and yield were increased by fertilization. Two races of summer steelhead (Salmo gairdnerii) had different growth rates at a similar stocking density. Coho produced a yield of 134 pounds per acre in two months of rearing in brackish water. Coho smelts released after three months of rearing in brackish water returned as adults of normal weight at two years _of age. The release of larger steelhead smelts from freshwater ponds produced a higher percentage of adult return. Accidental flooding of the brackish-water pond permitted establishment of competitors and predators that reduced growth and survival of salmonids. _. 2. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the impoundment rearing project is to determine the feasibility of raising juvenile salmonids from fry to smolt in a controlled aquatic environment utilizing the available natural food supply. The natural rearing of surruner and winter steelhead, spring and fall chinook and coho salmon has been tested. This report discusses the factors that influence growth, survival and yield in one experimental saltwater and three freshwater natural rearing impoundments operated by the Oregon Game_ Commission. Criteria f0r construction and c-o nsiderations for tlae operation of a success£Ul natural · r~a~ing pond are disc~ssed. HETHODS AND NA TERIALS Rearing ponds The bodies of water studied include the Medco, 1rJhistler 1 s Bend and Hemlock ~~eadows freshwater impoundments and the Lint Slough saltwater lagoon. Nedco Pond Nedco Pond (Figure 1) is a 70.5-acre former log pond leased from the ~1edford Corporation. It is located on fuiley Creek, midway between Butte Falls and Prospect, Oregon in the South Fork Rogue River drainage at an elevation of 3,051 feet. The bottom consists of a clay soil with 14 inches of black silt covering a layer of woody debris. Potamogeton pusillus,_f. natans, Elodea canadensis, and Chara sp. are present in the shallow areas. A 24-inch drain pipe with gate valve was installed at the 22-foot depth in the dam to permit complete draining. A concrete trap and holding pen were constructed below the drain tube to collect all migrants. ). MEDCO Figure l . Hedco Pond . POND 4. In June, 1963, an upper dike was completed to divide the pond in two sections; Pond I has an area of 23.6 acres with a maximum depth of 8 feet and Pond II has an area of 46.6 acres with a maximum depth of 22 feet. A series of water supply ditches was constructed to permit the introduction of water from the . Btick Creek-Jeppert Creek spring area and Daile,y Creek into the ponds at several locations. The ditch system permits partial control of dissolved oxygen and water temperature during the summer. In June, 1963, six small ponds were constructed on the east shore of Pond II. The small ponds that are used for pilot experiments are identified as A, B, C, D, E, and F, and range from 0.12 to 0.14 acres each. Hemlock Meadows Pond Hemlock Meadows is a high, cold, alpine type · of pond. surface area of 26 acres when full. It has a It has a maximum depth of 50 feet. A leak in the bottom lowers the level of the pond during the summer to approximately 11 surface acres. Fall runoff refills the pond. It is located at 4,700 feet elevation and is covered with ice most of the winter. The pond is poor in fish food production. vJhistler 's Bend Pond The impoundment site, originally a sheep pasture, is located on a bluff above the North Umpqua River, 14 miles east of Roseburg. It has a surface area of 35 acres with a maximum depth of 18 feet, and is filled with runoff water from a small drainage basin of about one square mile. No summer water supply is available (Cache, 1964) • .__, Lint Slough The Lint Slough brackish water impoundment is located near lrJaldport 5. on Alsea Bay (Figure 2). The 35-acre pond has a maximum depth of 6.5 feet and an average depth of 3 feet. It utilizes freshwater from Lint Creek and saltwater from Alsea Bay that can be mixed gradually to change the salinity concentration during the rearing period. A vertical and hori- zontal gradation of salinities occurs with freshwater on the surface near the creek inlet and the higher salinities on the bottom near the bay. Spirogyra sp., Melosira sp., and Enteromorpha tubulosa exhibit peaks of abundance during the rearing ~cle. The most abundant fish food organisms were Corophium spinicorne, Neomvsis spp., Exosphaeroma spp., Polvdora spp., and chironomids. Acartia clausi was present but never in large quantities {Lyford, 1966). Limnology of the rearing ponds Chemical characteristics of the water and soil Chemical characteristics are presented in Table l. Table l Seasonal range of selected chemical characteristics of Nedco and Uhistler's Bend ponds Tempera- Dissolved oxygen ture OF (ppm) Pond Total dissolved Alkasolids linity mg/1 pH (ppm) Medea U1ax.) Medco (Min.) 82 32 14 10.0 0 7.3 v!nistler Is (Max.) whistler's (Min.) 82 32 14 0 9.8 7.4 Total hardness mg/1 co 2 60 30 80 22 80 36 1. 50 46 25 94 32 52 46 1. 25 0.30 The seasonal range of water temperatures was from 32° to 82°F. 0.26 In Lint Slough a saltwater lens on the bottom was 4° to 5°F warmer than the fresher surface layer. 6. Figure 2. Lint Slough 7. Dissolved oxygen values up to 14 ppm were recorded. Anaerobic activity lowered oxygen values on the bottom to zero on some occasions. Phosphate measurements from 0.024 to 0.006 milligrams per liter and nitrate from 0.15 to 0.04 milligrams per liter were recorded at ~~istler's Bend. 1rtlater samples from Nedco Pond and Il:!.iley Creek were analyzed for trace elements (Table 2). The pond water contained 40 percent less phosThis-s~ggested phate than the stream. that phosphate was being depleted and could be limiting photosynthesis. Table 2 Trace element analysis of Hedco Pond and D3.iley Creek, August 21, 1964 .. Magnesium Manganese (ppm) (ppm) Boron (ppm) Copper Zinc Molyb- Phos- Ni(ppm) (ppm) denum phate trate Medco Pond 3.3 0.01 0.05 0.041 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.1 Iailey Creek 4.6 0.01 0.02 0.006 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.1 A soil sample from Medco and ~ vhistler 's Bend showed sufficient phos- phorous present in the soil but it was not directly available to the plants (Table 3). Crude pulverized phosphate rock vJas dissolved in sulfuric acid and introduced into Medco Pond in 1964 and 1965, providing phosphate that plants could assimilate. Table 3 Soil analysis of Medco and Whistler's Bend ponds QH Phosphorous lbsLacre Potassium lbs Lacre Calcium Nagnesium Boron lbsLacre lbsLacre ( m2ml Medco 6.2 32 546 2,360 696 o. 5 1rf uistler' s 6.1 16 211 10,840 4,512 0.5 8. Ss.linity Salinity levels up to 32 p3.rts per thousand were recorded in Lint Slough. The normal procedure was to fill the pond with freshwater, then gradually increase the salinity throughout the rearing period. and horizontal gradation of salinities occurred. A vertical Freshwater existed on the surface at the upper end and seawater (32 ppt) occurred on the bottom near the bay. A large area of the pond was maintained below the· tqlerance level ·of the salmonids. ·Fish could ·seek the sal:\nity _they preferred. a cdimation increasea their salinit.Y tolerance.. p3. tt ern of salinities eXist ed ln "Lint Slough. ~ ~ording to the tolerance of the fi sh. Gradual No regular s easonal. The salinities weve r egula t-ea Fish food organisms wer e most abundant at concentrations between 4 arili l6 _parts _p:e.r thousand.• Photosynthesis rates Figure 3 presents the photosynthesis estimates of primary production from Nedco for 1961, 1962, and 1963 (open symbols) when no fertilization took place. Phosphate and sodium molybdate were added every other day for a six v1eek period, the last two weeks in June and four weeks in July, 1964. Photosynthesis estimates were significantly higher for the fertilization period than for similar estimates in 1961, 1962, and 1963. Photosynthesis dropped to the level of the three previous years after fertilization. ;; The use of fertilizer in October caused another increase in photosynthesis not as high as that occurring in June and July but significantly higher than rates in previous years. the summer of 1965. The pond was fertilized with on~ phosphate in Photosynthesis rate measurements in June were higher than 1961, 1962, and 1963 but not as high as 1964. dropped to the level of the non-fertilization years. In July, production rates This suggested that 9. 3.0 R EARI N G CYCLE 1 961-62 0 ~ 1962-63 0 1 9 6 3 -6 4 1 9 6 4- 65 19 65 - 66 A • 2.5 • >- <l: 2.0 0 A ~ ~ 0 1.5 A o '{)A V1 2 <l: 0::: e A Jt.. 0 e A o A !:-. A !:-. A ~ e A 1.0 - <.9 ~ ~oA 0 6 0 0 .5 ~~ (5 I\ 6 !:-. 0 0 0.0 6 0 t, 0 e o.}'o A 0 ~~ [] .J n 6 -----L....__t _....J.__ JULY Figure 3. AO 0 0 SEPT NOV J AN MAR Photosynthe sis rate measurements at 1-'Iedco Pond . 6 10. phosphate alone was not the only nutrient limiting photosynthesis, but sodium molybdate was essential for the increased production. Experimental populations and results Descriptions of · exp~rimental pppulations The 35 experimental populations of salmonids reared in the impoundments between 1961 and 1965 are described in Table 4. The primary variables tested were: density, size at stocking, fertilization, freshwater versus saltwater rearing, species, and pond type. The influence of each variable on the growth and survival rate of fish and the yield from their environment was tested. Nedco Pond Population 1 consisted of 113,600 unfed Rogue summer steelhead fry stocked at a density of 1,600 fish per acre. An attempt to destroy a population of bullhead with rotenone, before the steelhead were stocked, failed. A large number of catfish survived and spawned which produced young that ccmpeted with small salmonids. The 8 tons of catfish harvested were responsible for the low steelhead survival of 1.2 percent. Three treatments of rotenone, wade before Population 2 was stocked, controlled the catfish. drained in Hay, 1963. Only 65 catfish were recovered when the pond was Over 79.2 percent of Population 2 survived after the catfish were reduced (Table 5). The total harvest for Medco decreased from 109 pounds for Population 1 to 97 pounds per acre for Population 2 (Table 6). increased from 1 to 77 pounds per acre. The yield of migrants 11. Table 4 Experimental populations of salmonids reared in impoundments Population group number - ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 -:<origin: -.- Race and specj es ~~(R)S. st. (R) (R)S.St. (R)S.St. (R)S.St. (U)S.St. (R)S. St. (R)S.St. (R)S.St. (U)S.St. (U)S.St. (R)S. St. (U)S.St. (U)S.St. (R)S.St. 5 spp. Kokanee Coho F. Chinook Sp. Chinook S. steelhead (R)S.St. (R)S. St. (R)S.St. (U)S.St. (U)S. St. (U)S.St. (U)S.St. (U)Sp.Ch~ (R)Sp.Ch. (A) Coho (A) Coho (C)F.Ch. (A) vJ.St, (A)Coho R U A C = Rogue = Umpqua =Alsea = Columbia Fish per Brood year 61 62 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 64 65 61 62 63 64 63 64 64 65 65 Pond Hedco Ned co Medco Nedco Hedco I•:edco hedco Hedco Jviedco Med co r,iedco Hedco Eedco Medco Medco J!Iedco :tv:edco Medco I II II II F I I II II I I II II A A A 1~1edco A Hedco A Nedco A Nedco C Hedco D l [edco E Hemlock Hemlock VJhistler IS ~vhistler 1 s tJhistler 1 s VV histler IS Lint Lint Lint Lint Lint Weeks pmmd fed 3,649 504 1,011 1,011 146 150 1,011 2,275 263 1,057 324 2,600 1,594 1,5 94 2,600 0 6 3 3 2,600 428 370 606 21 23.7 22.0 24.5 619 293 3,338 1,530 660 888 890 305 1,325 101 1,120 Density per a ere 1,500 2,310 2,722 3,896 "Runts" 3,896 "Runts" 3,896 2, 93 9 3 2 5,000 8 5,000 2 3,000 8 3,000 2 2,000 2,000 2 2,000 2 2 2,000 2,247 6 158 670 670 670 79 1 year old 1,000 1 year old 1,500 l year old 2,000 8 800 10 2, 743 0 2,000 2 3,000 1,235 2-4 1,800 2-4 2 2,600 8 6,139 2 7,000 16 8,300 2 20,000 12. Th.ble 5 ,. Results of natural rearing Population group number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 / 10 11 .- ~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Fish Fish liean per length pound (em) harvested liean weight Percent (grams) survival 324 300 315 315 265 260 315 304 287 287 280 365 365 342 323 17.3 13.5 23.5 12.9 22.2 12.8 29.6 ' 11.6 32.9 11.2 36.0 10.8 17.4 13.6 21.6 12.7 15.7 14.6 15.6 13.8 12.0 15.8 16.8 14.2 15.3 14.6 15.0 14.8 16.3 13.7 25.1 19.2 20.4 15.3 13.8 12.9 26.0 21.0 28.8 29.9 37.7 26.9 29.5 39.0 27.8 345 374 374 374 300 383 383 383 315 310 329 331 285 295 90 60 82 23.8 10.3 19.3 23.1 6.8 9.2 8.4 9.5 13.7 90.0 10. 8 46.7 12.3 8. 5 23.0 30.0 36.0 12.6 16.0 13.0 12.3 18.7 16.7 17.2 16.9 14.7 8.4 15.8 10.1 14.7 16.2 12.3 10.9 9.8 19.0 44.0 23.4 19.6 66.7 49.3 53.8 47.7 33.0 5.0 42.0 9.7 36.8 53.5 19.6 14.9 12.4 Iays reared 1.2 79.2 50.8 64.0 44.4 55-5 42.0 29.6 34.0 29.3 27.9 39.9 41.8 62.0 55.6 65.2 80.0 56.4 71.8 62.4 80.0 57.0 23.0 9.0 47.4 37.5 11.3 37.4 30.3 13.0 34.8 65.6 7.0 Surviving density fish per acre 20 1,813 1,382 2,293 2,293 2,293 1,230 1,025 1,025 903 903 693 693 1,175 1,175 1,467 1,467 1,467 1,467 1,467 1,467 616 349 189 366 969 185 1,129 290 237 1,003 4,027 467 13. Table 6 Fish harvested from natural rearing ponds Rearing cycle Pond -- Medea 1961-62 Ned co 1962-63 Medea I 1963-64 Medea II 1963-64 Medea F 1963-64 Medea I 1964-65 Medco II 1964-65 Medco I 1965-66 Medea II 1965-66 Medco A 1965-66 Medco C 1965-66 Medco D 1965-66 Medco E 1965-66 Hemlock 1964-65 Hemlock 1965-66 Whistler's 1961-62 Whietler 's 1962-63 'rJhistler 's 1964 Whistler's 1965 Lint 1964 Lint 1965 Lint 1965 Fish harvested Eer acre~ Total Competitors Migrants ~Eounds Species S. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead s. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead 5 species S. steelhead S. steelhead S.steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead S. steelhead Sp. chinook Sp. chinook Coho F. chinook Coho 109 97 93 96 91 74 88 79 121 114 86 61 40 47 58 64 88 75 40 164 108 .20 32 22 20 32 32 36 43 20 20 20 20 1 77 61 74 71 42 56 43 78 94 66 41 30 34 35 60 30 27 11 17 24 29 28 45 12 134 28 30 20 Remarks Catfish Pond divider washed out Flooded Flooded 2-year-olds 2-year-olds 2-year-olds Stratification Stratification Stratification Polliwogs Flooded Flooded Population 3 consisted of 64,200 Rogue surrmer steelhead stocked at 2,722 per acre in Pond I. Population 4 consisted of 5,000 Rogue summer steelhead stocked at 3,896 per acre in Pond II. Populations 5 and 6 con- sisted of 13,000 and 50,400 "runts 11 , graded out as small fish from the Rogue and Umpqua races of summer steelhead. per pound when steel ed in Pond II. They averaged 146 and 150 fish The dividing structure between Ponds I and II washed out during the 1964 draining operation. Populat ions 3, 4, 5, and 6 beca;rte mixed but were separated by analysis of the marks -. recovered. The total harvest for the 1963 rearing period was 93 and 96 pounds per acre for Ponds I and II. 14. Population 7 consisted of a pilot fertilization experiment in Pond F, utilizing 3-week-fed Rogue summer steelhead fry. Populations 8, 9, 10, and 11 represent fish stocked in Nedco in 1964. Population 8 contained 106,900 Rogue summer steelhead fry fed 2-weeks before being stocked in Pond I at a density of 5,000 per acre. Population 9 consisted of 5,000, 8-week-fed Rogue summer steelhead stocked in Pond I. Population 10 contained 133,900 2-week-fed Umpqua summer steelhead stocked in Pond II at a density of 3,000 per acre. Population 11 consisted of 5,000 8-week-fed Umpqua summer steelhead fry, that weighed 324 fish per pound when stocked in Pond II. Ponds I and II were fertiliz ed with phosphate and sodium molybdate during 1964. A large loss of experi- mental fish occurred during the December 24, 1964 flood at Medea Pond. The total weight of fish harvested for 1964 was 74 and• 88 pounds per acre in Pond I and II respectively. The yield of migrants was 42 and 56 pounds per acre. Populations 12, 13, 14, and 15 consisted of 2-week-fed summer steelhead fry stocked at a density of 2,000 per acre for the 1965 rearing period. Population 12 contained 45,700 Rogue fry stocked in Pond I. 13 contained 5;000 Umpqua steelhead stocked in Pond I. tained 95 ,4oo- -u~Equa fry- stocked in .Pond II. Population Population 14 con- Both ponds were fertilized with phosphate. The total harvest was 79 and 121 pounds per acre in Ponds I and II. The yield of Digrants was 43 and 78 pounds per acre. Pond A Population 16, a composite of Populations 17 through 21, contained 20 kokanee, 85 coho, 85 spring and 85 fall chinook fry and 10 sunrner steelhead yearling stocked at a densit y of 2,247 fish per acre. The five 15. groups of salmonids (Populations 17 through 21) were stocked in Pond A in 1965. One of the objectives of the experiment was to test the effect of different food habits on total yield. of 2,247 fish per acre. Pond A was stocl~ ed at a density The 1,466 fish per acre harvested represented a survival of 65 percent and produced 94.3 pounds per acre. Kokanee, principally a plankton feeder, 158 fish per acre. was stocked at a density of They had a survival of 80 percent and grew from 0.17 to 19 grams in 345 days but contributed only 5.3 pounds per acre to the total harvest. Coho, stocked at a density of 670 fish per acre, grew from 1.06 to 44 grams in 374 days and had a 56 percent survival rate. Coho produced 36.7 pounds of migrants per acre. Seventy-two percent of the fall chinook stocked at a density of 670 fish per acre survived ·and grew from 1.22 to 23.4 grams. They produced 24.9 pounds of smolts per acre. The spring chinook had a survival rate of 62 percent and grew from 0.75 to 19.6 grams, producing 18 pounds per acre. Steelhead yearlings reared a second year at a density of 79 fish per acre grew from 21.5 to 66.7 gra~ s. They had a survival of 80 percent and produced a weight of 9.3 pounds per acre. The total yield of 94 pounds per acre from Pond A suggests that a larger harvest of salrnonid.s is possible if several species with different food habits are stocked together. Ponds C, D, and E Populations 22, 23, and 24 consisted of yearling steelhead stocked in Ponds C, D, and Eat densities of 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 fish per acre. They produced 66, 41, and 20 pounds of migrants per acre but 16. showed a net yield of only 21, minus 26, and minus 62 pounds per acre. The yearlings were divided into one centimeter size groups, marked and reared during 1965. No significant difference occurred in the overall growth rate of Populations 22, 23, and 24 but a significant difference did occur in the growth rate of the different size groups. Figure 4 presents the average length and weight of fish stocked and harvested for the three populations. They grew from an average weight of 8.4 to 42.8 for an increase of 34.4 grams and from 9.7 to 16.0 for an average increase in length of 6.4 centimeters. Fish stocked in the 18 to 19 centimeter size group lost weight from an average of 58.5 to 55.8, for a loss of 3.6 grams. There was no change in average length for the 18 to 19 centimeter fish. Hemlock Meadows Population 25 contained 20,000 Umpqua summer steelhead stocked at a density of 800 fish per acre. They produced 27 pounds of migrants per acre. Population 26 consisted of 71,394 Umpqua summer steelhead fed 10 weeks at a density of 2,743 per acre. They numbered 293 per pound when stocked and grew to 90 per pound during the 329 days of rearing. Whistler's Bend Population 27 contained 72,6oO unfed Umpqua summer steelhead stocked at a density of 2,000 fish per acre. They produced 17 pounds of migrants per acre and had a survival of 11.3 percent. The smelts averaged 10.8 fish per pound. Population 28 consisted of 110,000 2-week-fed Umpqua summer steelhead fry stocked at a density of 3,000 per acre. Twenty-four pounds of migrants and 34 pounds of polliwogs per acre were harvested in ~~y, 1963. 17.- ----- - "AdRP AN 1/)18 0:: w 16 1w 2: 14 z 12 W1Q 60 50 1/)40 2: <! 0:: 30 (9 ., F,'! . ..., .· ~:,:., 1 ,., :-: > _r ·}, 9 "?) ,, LP AdRV '! 11 1-YEA '"< r OLD n 2-YEAk O L C' 1!1 ., ~~ " '- ~ ~ ~: ' h "A l!'i· ~ t." ' I ~ "" J J ' '' ,. ·. ..~. ·' ,~ ~ ., ., '' H. r ri . 10 ·. I 11 ( r 12 . 13 I _l I 14 15 16 CEN TI METER Figure 4. RP J ~ !1 ,. 20 10 LV RV RVLV Ad I 1- u D I ----- SIZE The average lengths and weights of C, D, and E. I 17 GROUPS 18 -19 ~te· ~~e~d· from Medco Ponds 18. Population 29 contained 45,000 Umpqua spring chinook stocked at a density of 1,235 fish per acre. They produced 29 pounds of migrants per acre. Population 30 contained 63,500 Rogue spring chinook stocked at a density of 1,800 fish per acre. Over 60 pounds of bullfrog polliwogs and 28 pounds of migrants per acre were harvested in,November, 1965. Lint Slough Population 31 contained 86,500 coho stocked in Lint Slough at a density of 2,6oo fish per acre. After 90 days of rearing 26,000 coho smelts (45 pounds per acre) were marked and released. The non-smelts were left in Lint Slough and reared through the summer and fall. December 24, 1963 permitted many of the fish to escape. A flood on Only 3,479 coho remained when the pond was drained in January. Population 32 contained 184,200 8-week-fed coho stocked at a density of 6,139 fish per acre. Population 32 averaged 30 fish per pound after 60 days of rearing and had a survival rate of 65.6 percent. produced 134 pounds of migrants per acre in two months. Population 32 Ma.ny small · _ · · . stickleback and predators were also harvested. Population 33 contained 209,500 Columbia River fall chinook stocked at a density of 7,000 fish per acre. A flood in January permitted the entrance of many predatory cutthroat trout and coho yearlings. The 12 pounds of migrants per acre that survived the 82 days of rearing accounted for only 7.0 percent of the fry stocked. 19. Population 34 contained 250,100 Alsea winter steelhead stocked at a density of 8,300 fish per acre. of them to escape. No est~ate A flood in December, 1965 all~1ed most of survival and growth rate was made. Population 35 contained 600,300 coho stocked at a density of 20,000 fish per acre. A flood occurred on Varch 12, 1966 that eliminated the experiment Population estimates :. The size of a fish population and the rate and cause of mortality are important in pond management. The size and approximate number of fish to be produced can be controlled if the primar,y production and mortality rate is known. The first step necessar,y to increase fish production at Medea was to reduce nortality. The inlets and outlets were screened and the pre- dators reduced in 1962. A higher survival resulted for 1962-63 than for the 1961-62 rearing period. The next step was to deterrnine the shape of the mortality curve in order to obtain clues that would lead to the prevention of additional population losses. Since the number of fish stocked and harvested was known, a mark and recover,y prograrr was conducted to obtain estimates of the population size at intervals throughout the rearing period. of fish were captured with an Oneida trap net. Samples The fish were anesthetized vdth NS-222 and marked by removal of one or a combination of fine. The fish were allowed to recover in a live box for 48 hours before release in the center of the pond. and marking was noted. Any immediate delayed mortality from handling 20. Bailey's mark and recover.y formula was used: N= N(C=l) R+l where, N = the population estimate for the marks released M = the number of ~~rks released C = sample size or catch R = the number of liJarks recaptured .: Use of the formula is justified only when the following assumptions are met: 1. Tha. t marked fish suffer from the saa e natural mortality as unmarked fish. 2. That marked fish are as vulnerable to sampling as unmarked fish. 3. That marked fish become randomly mixed with unmarked fish. 4. That all marks are recognized and recovered. 5. That only a negligible amount of recruitment occurs. Assumptions 2, 3, 4, and 5 were met for Populations 2, 27, and 28. The trap net captures a random sample of fish from the same year class. Previously-trapped fish might have tended to avoid the trap at later sampling periods. The final sample for each population consisted of all the fish captured as the pond vtas drained. moved with rotenone. Residual fish were re- All of the fish were examined for marks. screened inlets and outlet prevented recr~itment. The Regeneration of a few excised fins occurred but identification was possible by their small size and imperfect shape. The assumption that the marked fish suffered the same mortality as the unmarked fish r:tight be questioned. Any immediate mortality caused by 21. handling and fin clipping could be disregarded since the fish were held 48 hours after marking. The difference in the daily mortality rates might be the result of increased predation on the marked fish. Marking might have reduced ability of the fish to escape from predators. Fish marked by removal of pectoral or pelvic fins showed a higher mortality rate than fish with only the adipose removed (T-able 7). Table 7 = The daily mortality rates for Populations 2, 27, and 28 Po:Eulation 27 28 Mark 2 Ad RV LV RP RVAd LVAd RVLV RPLV 0.17 0.07 0.30 0.22 0.39 0.16 0.28 0.27 0.43 0.47JJ 0.891 0.36 0.39 0.22 0.37 1/Runts introduced into the pond from a hatchery were subjected to greater intraspecific predation Population estimates are presented in Figures 5, 6, and 7. Final estimates (solid circles) were made using the marks recaptured during draining. The sample size for the final estimate consisted of the entire remaining population of fi sh. The solid squares represent the known population sizes at stocking and draining. Population estimates (~olid ~ade using the marks recovered on draining circles) should produce the best mortality curve. Errors from non-random mixing of the marked fish 't.vith the unmarked population, and non-random sampling, were eliminated. The principle source of bias appeared to be between the rates of mortality experienced by each group 22. I ' r I I I I 0 350 if) 0 z300 <C. iJ) :::> 0 I 250 ...... • 0 :~:' • iJ) 200 lL • 150 0 0 MAY . - -- JULY SEPT • 0 I '--s • n I NOV JAN " MAY MAR - - Figure 5. Population estimates for Population 2. 70 114 • iJ) I I I I I I 60 0 ~50 0 iJ) :::> 040 I ...... i I~30 0 iJ) - I.L 0 20 •• 10 •• 0 0 MAY 0 JULY SEPT NO/ JAN - -- -- · - Figure 6. - Population estimates for Population 27 • MAR MAY 23. 160 I I I I I I _, 0 0 z~ 120 (j) gO 0 0 0100 I 8 r~ I 80 (j) -I.L 0 8 ~ 0 0 60 0 •• • :J 0 8 8 • 8 0 0 0 40 0 • 0 0 - • 20 I MAY SEPT JULY ·· - Figure I • 140 (j) I -- NOV JAN ·- 7. Population estimates for Populati on 28 . \ MAR ---- MAY - -- . - 24. of fish. curve. Estimates from Population 27 produced a reasonable mortality Populations 2 and 27 indicate that the mortality was higher on the marked fieh. Table 7 shows that the particular fin mark used could effect the mortality rate. The increased mortality rate caused a high population estimate. Bias in population estimates made from trap sampling {open circles) could be caused by the marked fish staying in the vicinity of release and not mixing thoroughly with the unmarked population. Such action would cause non-random sampling. Limits exist on the reliability of the intermediate population estimates. DISCUSSION Growth The growth of juvenile salmonids in a natural aquatic environment 1r1as dependent on the stocking density, amount of available food, presence of predators, race and species of fish reared, time of stocking, size of fry stocked, quality of the environment and length of the rearing pond. Growth, the result of a balance between the energy expended by the fish and the energy obtained in its food, was influenced by the temperature of the environment. At low temperatures, when the metabolism of an organism is reduced, less food is consumed, and less energy is available for growth. Fish under stress at a high temperature experience difficulty regulating body functions and have less energy available for growth. salmonids grew best at temperatures between 50° to 70°F. The juvenile Density, the presence of predators, and the time of stocking indirectly influenced the amount of food available to the fish. 25. Quality of the environment Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity might have an influence on gro"rth rate of young salmonids. Low temperatures, associated vfith 90 days o.f ice cover, reduced the growth of fish reared in Hedco Pond in 1965-66. Figures 8 and Hedco Ponds I and II. 9 illustrate the growth of steelhead in Slow growth occurred for Population 14 during the period of ice cover from December 15 to }~rch 13. Ice cover also occurred at Hemloclc Leadows during the winter of 1965-66. Figure 10 illustrates the growth of summer steelhead in Population 26. They averaged 6.75 grams on November 16. The average weight decreased during the winter to 5. 03 grams on Nay 13 as a result of the stocking density (2, 743 fish •per acre) and a low food potential during the long period of ice cover. A problem of ~tratification occurred at k.ihistler's Bend with a warm. layer of water on the s urface and a cold layer, low in oxygen, on the bottom. The living space vJas reduced as the two layers gradually approached each other. The fish were under stress and showed little growth when the layers overlap. Considerable mortality occurred at this time. Figure 11 illustrates the growth of spring chinook in vJhistler 1 s Bend during 1964 and 1 965 . The slow growth in June, July, and August was caused by poor wat er quality during stratification. Winter steelhead that averaged 4.35 graEs were stocked in Lint Slough on August 30, 1965 at a density of 8,900 fish per acre (Figure 12). An attempt was made to lower water temp eratures in Lint Slough during September through the introduction of a large volume of salt I·Jater. were under stress in the higher salinities. The steelhead They became black , emaciated, 26. 28 24 Vl ~ 20 <! cr <.9 16 ~---~ :r: 12 <.9 w 8 ~ 4 JULY Figure 8. SEPT NOV MAR JAN MAY The growth rate of summer steelhead reared in Medea Pond I 32 28 1./) ~ 24 <{ cr (.') 20 \ ........ 16 •' I (.') - w 12 ~ s 4 o~~~~~---L--~~--~--~~---L--~~~~ MAY SEPT MAR NOV JAN MAY JULY Figure 9. The growth rate of summer steelhead reared in Medea Pond II. 27. 28 24 Vl L 20 <{ cr (.!) 16 ~---~ 12 I (.!) w 8 ~ 4 0 -MAY Fi gure 10 . JULY SEPT I\OV JAN MAR MAY The growth rate of summer steelhead reared in Hemlock Meadows . 50 Vl ~40 <{ 0::: <.9 ~---~ 30 I <.9 w 20 ~- 10 O~d=~~I-~--L--L~L--L~--~~--~~ JAN Figure 11 . MAR MAY JULY SEPT NOV JAN The growth rate of spring chinook reared in Whi stler's Bend . 28. 20 ~ .. . . F. CHIN-.r0K COHU w. STEFLHEAD __ .___ t ' . ~ {9 / 33,f 31 ... I . I 34 .... 8 I II' / /I w /~ ~ ' 4 ~ / J "·' ... ··········•· OL_~~~~--~~-L~--~~-L~~ JAN Figure 12. MAR MAY JULY SEPT NOV JAN The growth rates of salmonids reared at Lint Slough. 29. and grew slowly during the late summer and fall. 7.5 grams after 50 days of rearing. They averaged only Low flow in Lint Creek and a leak at one of the outlets prevented addition of freshv-rater until the fall = rains. Growth was slow throughout the winter. The fish averaged only 11.2 gran,s on January 20 after 143 days in the pond. Time of stocking Time of stocking as it affects the growth of juvenile salmonids is closely tied to the amount of food available. Food production began increasing in March, April, and May, reached peak in June a-nd July, t hen tapered off in August and September. fall and winter was lm.r . & Food production during the late Photosynthesis was reduced by cloudy weather, short days, turbid water and cold temperatures. in M'a rch and April. Growth increased again Figures 11 and 12 illustrate the growth of chinook, coho and steelhead stocked at different times throughout the yea r . Spring chinook stocked in t'Jhistler 1 s Bend in January and February had a slow initial growth rate (Figure 11) which increased around the middle of lif.arch. Fall chinook stocked in Lint Slough on January 27 also showed slow growth until }'Jarch (Figure 12). Coho stocked in Lint Slough on Larch 20 began to grow rapidly as soon as they were stocked. Sununer steelhead stocked in Medco in June and July also showed rapid growth (Figures 8 and 9). Density An increase in density caused a decrease in the growth of salmonids and conversely, a decrease in density subsequently caused an increase in growth. A comparison of the surviving densities in Table 5 demon- strates the influence of population size on growth. For example, 30. steelhead from Populations 12 and 13 that averaged 26.9 and 29.5 grams, had a surviving density of 693 fish per acre while fish from Population 3 that averaged 20.4 grams, had a surviving density of 1,282 fish per acre. The increased density produced slower growth but a larger yield. Populations 12 and 13 produced only 43 pounds of migrants per acre while Population 3 yielded 61 pounds. The larger number of fish utilized the available food more efficiently. Such might not always be true since survival rates can be influenced by factors that are not apparent. The average weight of summer steelhead released from :Medco were plotted against their surviving density in Figure 13. As expected, the average size of fish recovered was swaller when the surviving densities were high. Populations 12, 13, 14, and 15 were reared during 1965-66. group of fry was fed two weeks prior to stocking. a density of 2,000 fish per acre. summer of 1965. The ponds were fertilized during the lations 14 and 15 were reared in Pond II. steelhead. All were stocked at Populations 12 and 13 were reared in Pond I. Umpqua surrmer steelhead. Each Popu- Populations 13 and 14 were Populations 12 and 15 were Rogue summer The principal variables between Populations 12, 13, 14, and 15 were the river of origin. .and the pond in which they were reared. An analysis of covariance was made on the vreights of surviving steelhead from the four populations. between the two races. A significant difference in growth occurred No difference in growth occurred in the two ponds. Populations 8, 9, 10, and 11 were 1964 brood swmner steelhead. Populations 8 and 9 were Rogue fish stocked at 5,000 fry per acre in Pond I. Populations 10 and 11 were Umpqua fry reared in Pond II at a density 3L : .. -· --I (/) 38 f2: <( a:3 4 f- I I I - e11 - (9 (/) 1- z 30 1- 013 10 ~ • •9 e15 <( a: 26 1-012 (9 2: lL 22 1- 0 - •7 •a 03 W18 f- •2 N (/) 14 I I I 10 14 18 SURV IVING DENSITY, Figure 13 . 4 .5 f- 6 - / .> -· F I S H / - ,6.0 26 22 ACR E X 10 0 The average wei ght of summer steeThead released from Medco Pond pl otted against the surviving density . ---------- 32. of 3,000 of 1964. to the acre. The ponds were fertilized during the summer fi~h A flood permitted the escape of many fish and reduced the survival rate. Most of the growth occurred prior to the flood. The difference in the size of smolts released demonstrated the influence of density and size of fry stocked on growth rate. Populations 8 and 10 consisted of fry fed two weeks prior to stocking. confisted of fish fed eight weeks. Populations 9 and 11 The difference in the size of fry stocked was the primary variable between the four populations. There was a significant difference between the growth rates of the Rogue fry in Pond I and the Umpqua fry in Pond II. of density. The difference bejng the result The larger fry, fed eight weeks produced a significantly larger migrant. ~Populations 3~896 · 4, 5, and 6 from the 1963 brood were stocked at fish per acre in Pond II. Pond II was not fertilized during 1963. Population 4 consisted of ungraded Rogue fry fed three weeks. The primary variables were the presence of two races, Rogue and Umpqua, and the snall graded fry of Populations 5 and 6. Samples from Populations 5 and 6 indicated a difference in growth rate between the Rogue and Umpqua races stocked as fmall graded fry. The 15.3 and 13.8 gram fish from Populations 4 and 5 showed that growth of the non-gra ded Rogue fry was faster than for the small graded Rogue fry reared in Pond II. A comparison of growth rates for coho reared in three different environrnents is illustrated in Figure 14. The average weight of coho from Populations 31 and 32 reared in Lint Slough at densities of 2,600 and 6,139 fish per acre are compared in Figure 14 to the growth rates of wild coho reared in Lint Creek and Drift Creek. Drift ' Creek is a tributary to Alsea Bay entering the estuary approximately 4 miles 33. ::. COMPARISON OF COHO GROWTH 20 (1)16 LINT CREEK C G H :J ~ <! 0:: (9 12 ~--~ I (9 8 w WILD ~ D f'< IFT CREEK 4 90 180 270 AGE, DAYS 360 450 \ Figure 14. A comparison of coho growth rates from Lint Slough, Lint Creek and Drift Creek. 34. above Lint Creek. ~fild coho from Drift Creek reached a size of 6. 6 grams in 450 days while wild fish in Lint Creek were 20 grams after 330 days of rearing. Coho stocked in Lint Slough, Population 31, at 2,600 fish per acre averaged 19.7 grams after 90 days. reared 52 days averaged 14.9 grams. Population 32 The abundant supply of food in Lint Slough and the 60° to 70°F temperature were the primary causes for the accelerated growth rates. The food potential in Lint Slough is several the three freshwater ponds. t~nes greater than in Fall chinook stocked in Lint Slough on February 27, 1965 at a density of 7,000 fish to the acre averaged 36 to the pound in 82 days. Coho 1rrere stocked in Lint Slough on February 14, 1966 at a density of 20,000 fish per acre. Flooding prevented an accurate estimate of total yield and survival to be made, but prior to the loss, the growth rate appeared to be The maximum stocking dens ity that will produce coho smelts in Lint Slough has not been reached. The length of the rearing period and the size of smolt desired govern the density which is dependent upon available food and concequent growth rate. For example, fall chinook, reared for approximately 90 days, could be stocked at a higher density than 1rrinter steelhead that normally require a full year of rearing. Fertilization Fertilization of Medea produced a significant increase in the fish food available, permitting a higher stocking density and causing a faster growth rate. Hedco Pond was divided into two sections in 1964. Pond I had a 35. stocking density of 5,000 Rogue and Pond II 3,000 Umpqua summer steelhead per acre. The growth for the first 180 days of rearing in 1964 in Pond I was similar to the growth rate for the same period in 1963 at approximately one-hal.f the stocking density. · The growth in Pond II at 3,000 fish to the acre, a density ccmparable to former years, was approximately 100 percent greater. Figure 15 depicts growth and compares the Lint Slough coho reared in salt water at 2,600 fish to the acre, to steelhead stocked in Hemlock Neadows at 800 fish per acre, and the steelhead stocked in Ned co at a density of 3,000 fish per acre for the 1964 fertilization period. growth rates from the three rearing methods were similar. The Therefore it appears that the size of migrants desired can be regulated by manipulating such environmental factors as density and pond fertility. Survival rates The survival of salmonids in natural rearing ponds was influenced by the size and condition of fish stod:ed, the presence of predators and competitors, floods, stratification and chemical contamination. The survivals in the freshwater impoundments ranged from 0.2 to 80 percent. Size of fish stocked Larger fry generally produced a higher survival rate. In Figure 16 the survival rate of steelhead in Populations 2, 3, 4, 12, and 14 from Medea are plotted against the size of fry stocked. Populations 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 15 were affected by a variable other than stocking size and were not considered. when unmarked Populations 2, 3, 4, 12, and 14 were considered, a higher survival occurred among the larger fry. 36. 28 24 - 20 V) ~ <t a::: (916 1-:-~ 12 I <9 w 8 ~ 4 0~--~--~----~--~----~--~----~--~ 0 50 100 150 200 DAYS IN POND Figure 15. _J A comparison of salmonid growth rates from three methods of rea ring ., 80 ~ > a::: 70 ::> V) .2 .3 SIZE .4 OF .6 .5 FRY, GRAMS -- Figure 16. ---- ~- The size of steelhead fry in relation to survival rates in Medco Pond. . ) -- . . ··---- ... 37. A comparison was made between Rogue steelhead Populations 8 and 9, reared at a density of 5,000 fish per acre in 1964-65. variable was the size of fry stocked. Populations 8 and 9 were stocked at 2,275 and 263 fish per pound respectively. December, 1964. The primar,y The pond was flooded in It can be assumed that the same proportion of the two }t>pulations left the pond during the flood. They produced smelts that averaged 21 and 28.8 grams with survival rates of 29.6 and 34 percent, the larger fry producing bigger migrants with a higher survival rate. A similar comparison was made between Populations 10 and 11, the 1964 Umpqua steelhead stocked in Pond II at 3,000 fish per acre and at sizes of 1,057 and 324 fish per pound. Populations 10 and 11 produced survival rates of 29.3 and 27.9 percent, respectively, with smelts that averaged 29.9 and 37.7 grams. The larger Umpqua steelhead fry also produced bigger smelts but the smaller fry produced a slightly higher survival rate. Regeneration of the marked fins for fish in Population 11 might have caused a low estimate of survival. Populations 4, 5, and 6 demonstrate the difference between survival rates of non-graded and small, graded fish. Non-graded Population 4 had a 64 percent survival rate while small, graded Populations 5 and 6 had survival rates of 44 and 55 percent. The survival of 2-year-old steelhead, from Populations 22, 23, and 24 are presented in Figure 16. Stocking densities of 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 fish per acre produced survival rates of 57, 23, and 9 percent, respectively, showing an inverse relationship between stocl ·ing density and survival rates. Figure 17 presents the range and mean survival for 1-cm size groups. The larger size groups had higher survivals at a density of 1,000 fish per acre. The survival rates of the size groups at densities of 1,500 and 2,000 fish per acre were similar. 38. AdRP AN D 100 RVLV Ad GROUP A 22 0 23 24 0 MEAN • _J <{ > > A I Q: .:::> A I I I A 1/) 4 * ~ z w u w CL I I I I • • cP ~ I •P I I '? 4 I 0 I ~ ~ I I ' I 6• 9 0 0 I I 0 .¢ I 0 I I 0 0 6 0 9 10 12 13 CENTIMETER 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 SIZE GROUPS Figu re 17 . . The survival rates of 2- year- old steelhead reared in Medea Ponds C, D, and E. 39. Spring chinook, Populations 29 and 30, stocked in vfuistler's Bend at 660 and 888 fish per pound survived at rates of 30.3 and 13 percent. The larger chinook fry produced the best survival. survival influenced the size of smolts produced. The difference in Populations 29 and 30 produced migrants that averaged 12.3 and 8.5 per pound respectively. The summer stagnation problem previously mentioned also contributed to the high mortality rates. Predation and competition Aquatic and avian predators were responsible for a large part of the fry mortality. Competition reduces the available food while limited growth caused the fingerlings to be vulnerable to predation for a longer period of time. Population 1 produced approximately 8 tons of bullhead catfish that ranged from 2 ounces to 4 pounds. Competition with the small catfish and predation by the adults resulted in a 98.8 mortality in Population 1. perc~nt An intensive rotenone treatment in 1962 reduced the catfish and a survival of 79 percent occurred for Population 2. Bullfrogs preyed on the salmonids in the freshwater ponds. Approxi- mately 80 percent of the bullfrogs collected contained one or two steelhead. One 4-inch bullfrog had the tail of a 6-inch steelhead protnuding from its mouth. Food utilized by competitors removed part of the energy that would otherwise have been available to the salmonids. Table 6 presents the weight of competitors and migrants compared to the total harvest from the rearing ponds. Residual salmonids that stayed in the impoundment a second year were a serious predator. The 1966 draining of Medea Pond I resulted in the capture of 54 yearling steelhead up to 40 centimeters in length. Population 40. estiwates indicate that a drop occurred in the size of Populations 12 and 13 ear~ in the season. A similar drop was not apparent in Populations 14 and 15 in Pond II where only seven large 2-year-old steelhead were captured. Survivals in Pond I were 39.9 and 41.8 percent while in Pond II they were 62 and 55.6 percent. The stickleback was the primary competitor in Lint Slough. Young of the year enter the impoundment through the screens with the salt water. Three to four months after the slough has been treated with rotenone, the sticklebacks become serious competitors. Herring, sea perch, and flounder are also competitors and predators on the fry. Floods that occurred during the rearing of Populations 31, 33, 34, and 35 pern1itted the entrance of many aquatic predators and caused a large loss of fry. The slough flooded two days after 210,000 fall chinook of Population 33 were stocked. Only 7 percent of the chinook were harvested 82 days later. A total of 776 yearling coho and 70 large cutthroat was captured when the slough was drained. Predators and the escapement of chinook during the flood were responsible for the low survival rate. Stratification Low dissolved oxygen and high temperature stratification caused the low salmonid survival in Whistler's Bend. Survivals of 11.3 and 37.4 percent for the Umpqua steelhead reared at Whistler's Bend were significantly lower than the 55.5, 41.8, and 63 percent survivals for steelhead reared at ~edco. Populations 10 and 11 survived at rates of 29.3 and 27.9 percent in Medco for the flooded 1S64-65 rearing period. Population estimates for groups 27 and 28 indicated the number of fish rapidly decreased at Whistler's Bend when stratification occurred during 41. the summer. The mortality rate diminished in the autumn and winter after the fall turnover. Spring chinook Populations 29 and 30 were large in the spring but declined rapidly during the summer. The poor year-around water supply that permitted summer stagnation was the basic reason for the slow growth and low survivals at Whistler's Bend. The pond was mixed with an air lift in 1962 (Oregon Game Commission Research Division, 1963 Report). Water was pumped from the North Umpqua River to cool and aerate the pond in 1963 and 1964 and the layers were mixed by pumping in 1965. All three methods failed to maintain an environment of high quality through the summer. Chemical pollution Whistler's Bend was contaminated in 1963 with a chlorinated hydro- · .· · carbon that caused a mortality of 99.8 percent of the 70,000 summer steelhead stocked. The spraying of dieldrin for insect control was the sus- pected cause of pollution. Saltwater survival rates The annual winter floods reduced survival rates of salmonids reared in brackish water at Lint Slough. Flooding occurred when a strong on- shore wind pushed a high tide into the bay and prevented adequate runoff after a heavy rain. The result was a loss ef experimental fish and the introduction of predators. survivals. As a result, Populations 31 and 33 had low No survival estimates were made for Populations 34 and 35 which were also flooded. Population 32, the only group of salmonids reared in Lint Slough which was not flooded, had a survival of 65.6 percent. Yield Yield is referred to here as a measurement of the productive capacity 42. of a natural rearing impoundment in terms of the harvest of migrants and competitors. produced. The yield of migrants is a measure of the weight of fish The net yield is the difference between the weight of fish stocked and the standing crop harvested. When fry are stocked, yield measurements for the rearing ponds are essentially the same as standing crop since all of the fish are removed when the ponds are drained, but when fingerlings are stocked there is a considerable difference. The yield of migrants is dependent upon the number of competitors, amount of fish food, rate of photosynthesis, amount of nutrients available in the water, rate of nutrient turnover in the plants, animals and algae, and the water quality. Freshwater production Yield measurements were taken for Medco, Whistler's Bend and Hemlock Meadows ponds. Total production estimates were made for all groups of salmonids reared at Nedco and for the 1961 and 1962 cycle of steelhead reared at Whistler's Bend. Yield estimates are presented in Table 6. Medco production The 1961-62 rearing period at Medco produced 109 pounds per acre, made up of 108 pounds of bullhead catfish and one pound of steelhead. The 1962-63 rearing period produced a total of 97 pounds per acre that included 70 pounds of steelhead and 20 pounds of bullfrogs and tadpoles. The pond was divided into two sections for the 1963-64 rearing period. Ponds I and II produced 93 and 96 pounds per acre. A pilot experiment conducted in Medco Pond F during the 1963-64 season produced a total of 91 pounds per acre that included 20 pounds of competitors and 71 pounds of steelhead. ~uggest The large smolts raised in Pond F that enrichment might improve the growth rate of steelhead. 43. The total harvest for the years 1961, 1962, and 1963 before Medea Pond was fertilized remained relatively constant at 109, 97, and 93 pounds per acre. Medea was fertilized with phosphate and sodium molybdate for a 6 week period in June and Jul;y- and 3 weeks in October, 1964. A substantial increase in steelhead growth folloHed the fertilization. Unfortunately a flood occurred in December, 1964 and permitted a loss of many of the experimental fish. reduced by the flood. The 1964 standing crop was obviously Yields of 74 and 88 pounds per acre from Ponds I and II included only 42 and 56 pounds of steelhead. Crude phosphate was introduced three times per week throughout the summer of 1965. A heavy mortality occurred shortly after the fry were stocked in Pond I which was attributed to the presence of a large number of yearling steelhead that remained in the impoundment. A harvest of 79 and 121 pounds per acre was produced in Ponds I and II in May, 1966. The early mortality of fry was responsible for much of the difference between the 43 and 78 pounds of migrants per acre from Ponds I and II. The different growth rates in Pond A for kokanee, coho, spring and fall chinook and steelhead were caused by their food preference and abundance, their specific optimum temperature for growth, and their aggressive behavior. The experiments conducted in Ponds C, D, and E during 1965 tested the yield of 2-year-old steelhead reared at densities of 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 fish per acre. Pond C, D, and E produced a total of 86, 61, and 40 pounds per acre and were made up of only 66, 41, and 20 pounds of migrants. The net yield for Pond C was 21 pounds per acre while in C and D a loss of 26 and 62 pounds per acre, respectively, occurred. The 44. survival rates were 57, 23, and 9 percent. The 21 pounds per acre net yield of 2-year-old steelhead from Pond C was significantly less than the 42 and 77 pounds from Ponds I and II. Therefore it would appear that maximum yield cannot be obtained by utilizing two-year rearing. The next question then is whether maximum yields of small migrants produced each year would give a higher return of adults than a lower yield of larger smolts produced in two years in the large ponds. This question is being investigated. Whistler's Bend production The 1961 rearing period at Whistler's Bend produced a total of 47 pounds per acre including 30 pounds of competitors and 17 pounds of migrants. The low yield of migrants was the result of an 11.3 percent survival rate. A higher density and survival rate during the 1962-63 rearing period produced 24 pounds of steelhead per acre. Stratification reduced living space throughout much of the summer and was p3.rtially responsible for the low yields. Spring chinook rearing experiments at Whistler's Bend produced totals of 64 and 88 pounds per acre in 1964 and 1965 that included only 29 and 28 pounds of migrants. polliwogs was also harvested in 1965. A large crop of A comparison of the migrants produced at Whistler's Bend and Medco demonstrates that summer stagnation has a detrimental effect on yield. Saltwater production Good standing crop estimates for saltwater rearing have been difficult to obtain. Only one is available from the five populations of salmonids reared at Lint Slough. An competitors was difficult to obtain. accurate estimate of the weight of Large numbers of sticklebacks 45. passed over the rotary screens during draining. The flooding of Populations 31, 33, 34, and 35 caused a large loss of fish and prevented any estimate of standing crop to be made for Populations 34 and 45. Population 31 produced 45 pounds of smolts per acre that were re- leased after 90 days of rearing, and a total harvest of 75 pounds of migrants per acre. The flood that occurred shortly after Population 33 was stocked allowed predators to come into the pond causing a mortality cf 93 percent and a harvest of only 12 pounds of fall chinook per acre. There were 28 pounds of coho and cutthroat intruders harvested per acre. Population 32, the 1965 cycle of coho stocked at a density of 6,139 fish per acre, produced 134 pounds of smolts and only 30 pounds of competitors per acre in two months. This amounted to a yield of 67 pounds of ~oho migrants per acre per month which is outstanding and might only be produced during the spring and summer when the food potential in Lint Slough is at its peak. Only a high density population of either coho or fall chinook that completely utilized the food potential in Lint Slough could possibly produce a higher yield. The salinity and temperature levels maintained in Lint Slough affected the food potential, and indirectly the yield, of salmonids. The most productive period was during the spring when the impoundment was maintained at salinity concentrations between 4 and 16 parts per thousand. A mass mortality of chironomids occurred when a high concentration of salt water was introduced in July, 1964. The large schools of Neomysis sp. that occurred at inter- mediate salinities were not present at higher concentrations. Bottom sample counts of 950 Corophium per square foot have occurred at salinity levels between 4 and 16 parts per thousand. Corophium numbers were lower when the impoundment was maintained at higher salinities. 46. Adult returns The success of the rearing program will be measured by the number of adults that return from the ocean. The size and quality of smelts released and the time of liberation are important factors that influence the adult return. Summer steelhead returns A summary of the marked summer steelhea.d returns in the Rogue River for 1965 are presented in Table 8 as enumerated at the Gold Ray Dam counting station. One hundred ninety-four of the 1,447 summer steelhead that passed Gold Ray Dam in 1965 were examined. The percentage of marks that occurred in the sample is presented in Table 8. Creel checks in the middle and lower Rogue fishery districts resulted in the examination of 93, and 2,008 summer steelhead, respectively. It was estimated that 40 percent of the 10,324 summer steelhead caught in the Rogue River in 1965 were taken in the middle and 60 percent in the lower Rogue districts. The total estimated return of marked summer steelhead in the Rogue includes an expansion of the marked fish ratio obtained at the Gold Ray Counting Station and in the catch from the middle and lower river fishery districts. The estimated percentages of marked summer steelhead that returned to the Rogue River in 1965 are presented in Table 9. The small sizes of 23.5 and 29.6 fish per pound for the 1962 and 1963 brood steelhead released from Medea produced returns of only 0.018 and 0.07 percent. Of special interest is the return of marked adults from Population 6 reared at Medea in the Rogue River drainage and released in the North Umpqua River. produced a 0.28 percent return to the Rogue River and a 0.01 percent They 47. return to the Umpqua River. Hatche~ Rogue summer steelhead reared at the Bandon and released at sizes of 14.8 and 9.9 fish per pound returned at rates of 0.14 and 0.96 percent. Table 8 Estimated marked summer steelhead returns for the Rogue River in 1965 Yark or population number 2 AdLM 4 . ~ AdRM Brood year Reared 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 Medea Bandon Medea &ddon Bandon Sample size Hiddle Gold Ray Rogue percent percent observed in catch Mean length Lower Estimated in fish Rogue percent total 1/ sampled in inches in catch return 5.67 0.50 1.03 5.20 0.50 3.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.2 0.05 0.95 194 93 2,008 226 52 74 75 311 o.o 2.1 18.75 20.00 18.00 21.75 18.00 1/Estimated total return includes the percentage of adults passing Gold Ray and the percentage of the estimated catch from the Middle and Lower Rogue. An estimated total catch of 10,324 summer steelhead occurred in 1965, of which 4,130 or 40 percent were in the Middle and 6,194 percent were in the Lower Rogue districts. Yumpqua summer steelhead "runts" reared at Medea (Rogue drainage) were released in the North Umpqua and returned to the Rogue River. Table 9 The percentage of marked summer steelhead returning to the Rogue River in 1965 Mark or population number Brood year Rearing site Number released 2 4 6 AdLM AdRM 1962 1963 1963 1962 1963 Medea Medea Medea Bandon Bandon 126,949(R) l00,964(R) 26,850(U) 37,03l(R) 32,290(R) Size of migrants released 12er 12ound Estimated return 23.5 29.6 36.0 14. 8 9.9 226 74 75 52 311 Percent return 0.18 0.07 0.28 0.14 0.96 The return of marked stimmer steelhead to the North Umpqua River is 48. pres ented in Table 10. Steelhead reared at 111Jh istler 's Bend from Population 27 released at 10.8 fish per pound returned at a rate of 6.0 percent. Steelhead released at 46.7 per pound from the 1962 brood had only a 0.23 percent return. The 200 summer steelhead from the 1963 rearing period at Whistler's Bend that survived chemical contamination -vrere released at 6 fish per pound and produced a 9. 5 percent ret urn. Summer steelhead reared at the Bandon Hatchery and released at 8.1 and 9.7 fish per pound produced a return of 1.98 percent. Table 10 The percentage of marked summer steelhead returning to the North Umpqua River Hark or population number Brood year Rearing site 27 28 AdRVLVIM 6 AdiM 196is 1962s 1963s 1963s 1963s 1rJhistler 's l:vnistler 's VJhistler 's Hedco Bandon Number released 5,900 39,0001} 1 200 26,850?:./ 8,505 73,907 Size at release per pound Estimated return 10.8 46.7 6.0 36.0 8.1 354 89 19 4 6.00 0.23 9.50 0:01 9.7 1,836 1.98 Percent return 1/survivors of the 1963 brood summer steelhead reared at Whistler's Bend when chemical contamination caused a 99.8 percent mortality. The migrants were released September 11, 1963. £/survivors of Population 6, Umpqua "runts 11 reared at Medea Pond. The marked summer steelhead returns in the Rogue and North Umpqua River are plotted against the size of migrants released in Figure 18. Summer steelhead smelts, 10 to the pound or greater, produced a higher return of adults than smaller migrants. The influence of the size of migrants released on the percentage of adult return is similar to the 49. information presented for winter steelhead on the Alsea, Wilson and Sandy rivers.* Spring chinook Spring chinook released from Whistler's Bend will be returning as adults during 1966, 1967, and 1968 in the North Umpqua River. A return of 8 spring chinook jacks was observed at the Winchester counting station from 13,300 smelts released in November, 1964. Coho returns Coho from Population 31, that were reared 90 days in Lint Slough returned to Lint Creek after 18 months in the ocean. life histo~J pattern was reduced to 2 years. The normal 3-year Length, weight, and scale samples were taken from 85 wild and 147 Lint Slough-reared adult coho at the Lint Creek trap. Thirty wild precocious 1963 brood males returned from 7,777 adipose-marked coho smelts for a jack return of 0.10 percent. The 55 adults examined from the 465 wild non-marked 1962 brood coho that returned to Lint Creek had spent 16 months in freshwater and 18 months at sea. Three adipose-left pectoral marked precocious males returned from the 3,479 smelts of Population 31 released in January, 1965, for a 0.08 percent return. There were 110 males and 34 females from Population 31 that had spent 18 months in the ocean. The combined total of 552 adipose-right pectoral-left ventral marked coho taken in the ocean, sport and commercial fishery and those that returned to Lint Creek produced a 2.12 percent return from 26,000 Bmolts released. The bar graph in Figure 19 represents the percentages of male and female coho in one-pound-size groups for the fish examined in the weir. ~~Fishery Report No. 5., 1967. Wagner, H. H., O.S.G.C. 50. 6 1QO 6.0 e 27 3.0 z cr :J 1-- w cr 1.0 1-- A z w u .6 cr w Q. .3 • 6 REARED WHISTLER S BEN D e ME DCO POND II BA NDON H ATCHERY t:. 28 0 • 2 t:. ":_, .1. 0 10 20 30 40 WEI GHT, Figure 18 . 60 50 70 80 GR AM S The r et urns of m.ark ed summe r s t eelhead in the Rogue and Umpqua rivers i n r elation to size at re l ease . 8 (/) !JJ ~ ---. ~· . 1 [[1JL~1JJJLJ : I 24 (/) w _j 6 2 63 <l: 18 - 1- z BROO D~ D ~ W ILD CO HO 2: 0 12 LINT SLOUGH COHO !J.J u cr: w 6 o._ 0 .. 1 Figure 19 . 2 3 4 W EIGHT , PO UN D S 'I"ne pe rc entage of ma J e and f ema l e c oh o sa l mon in 1-pound s j ze groups rehJr i' i r1g t.o Li nt Creek i n 1965 . 51. The weight distribution of the wild 3-year-olds and the 2-year-old Lint Slough coho are similar. The wild population contained 35 percent 2-year-old precocious males and 65 percent 3-year-old adults. The weights of 2-year-old females were comparable to the weights of the 3-year-old wild females. The average weight of the 2-year-old Lint Slough males was less than the wild 3-year-old males but heavier than the normal 2-yearold precocious males (Table 11). l 3:1 male to female sex ratio occurred for the fast growing Lint Slough coho and a 2:1 ratio for the ~nld fish. Only the faster-growing fish reared in Lint Slough were released after 90 days. ¥~ny of the slower-growing fish that were not released were lost in the flood of December, 1964. It is possible that the process of marking only the faster-grm1ing fish selected more males and produced the higher sex ratio. Table 11 The average length and weight of coho returning to Lint Slough in 1965 Average Average weight length (pounds) (centimeters) Group I. Wild coho A. Males 3-year-old adults 2-year-old jacks Total wild males B. Females 3-year-old adults 58.1 5.67 2.01 44.1 3.84 51.1 8.15 68.1 4.61 58.3 8.55 68.0 II. Lint Slough reared coho (Ad-RV-LM mark) A. Yales B. Females 2-year-old 2-year-old The size of mature female coho was more dependent on the time spent in the ocean than on chronological age. The female growth rate in the 52. ocean was similar regardless of the age the smolts entered the sea. The growth rate of the males in salt vater was slower than for the females of either wild or Lint Slough populations. Criteria for the construction of . a natural rea·ring pond Natural rearing of juvenile salmonids can be practical if proper consideration is given to planning, design and construction of the impoundment. A successful rearing pond should be located in a moderate climate where the heat of summer and cold in winter are not major problems. The most important requirement is -v.ater of good quality, available the year around to control the environment within specific physical limits. In a rare instance, summer auxiliary flow might not be necessary but the determination of the need is tailored to physical conditions. The pond should be situated where a large volume of water can be made available for rapid filling, but where flood waters which cause high turbidity and reduce photosynthesis can be by-passed. A year-around source of high quality water is necessary to provide good circulation during the summer stagnation period except in rare instances. Circulation is the key to good ox,ygen and temperature control. Small ponds fed by runoff from agricultural land might receive seasonal water high in nutrients, but contaminated with agricultural chemicals. A rearing pond should be completely drainable in order to permit the harvest of fish and aid in the elimination of aquatic predators. Enumeration of the number and size of smelts produced is necessary to evaluate production. Incomplete harvest of migrants might leave residual predators in the next rearing period. 53. Aquatic and avian predator control is necessary for highest efficiency. Draining the impoundment, poisoning the potholes and screeni ng all the inlets and outlets will reduce or eliminate the aquatic predators. Partial control of predatory birds can be accomplished by the use of scaring devices. Currently, there are no effective methods for predatory bird control that do not require a large amount of time and manpower. A natural rearing pond for purposes of production should be large enough to produce a significant number of smelts. Steep banks with at least 2 feet of water at the shoreline are necessary to prevent the encroachment of aquatic vegetation and to limit the area available to wading predatory birds. Considerations for the:operation of a natural rea~ihg pond The success of a natural rearing pond is measured by its contribution of adult fish to the stream. The adult return is largely dependent on the size and quality of smelts released. Since the yield of a pond is usually relatively constant, the size of migrants is dependent on the density and survival rate during the rearing period. Environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, dissolved ox,ygen, competition, and predation, affect the growth and survival of the young salmonids. Time and size of stocking are also important factors to be considered. In some instances, higher yields of migrants are possible if artificial enrichment is combined with environmental control and population manipulation. No fertilization is necessary for brackish water impoundments that have a potential for high production. Post Office Box 3503 Portland, Oregon 97208