Physics 2D Lecture Slides Week of May 4, 2009 part 1 (Oleg Shpyrko) Sunil Sinha UCSD Physics • X rays are EM waves of low wavelength, high frequency q y ((and energy) gy) and demonstrate characteristic features of a wave – Interference – Diffraction • To probe into a structure you need a light source with wavelength much smaller than the features of the object being probed – Good G d Resolution R l ti Æ λ<< Δ • X rays allows one probe at atomic size (10-10)m Compton Scattering : Quantum Pool ! • 1922: Arthur Compton (USA) proves that X-rays (EM Waves) have particle like properties (acts like photons) – Showed that classical theory failed to explain the scattering effect off • X rays on to free (not bound, barely bound electrons) • Experiment : shine X ray EM waves on to a surface with almost free electrons “almost” – Watch the scattering of light off electron : measure time + wavelength of scattered X-ray Compton Effect: what should Happen Classically? • Plane wave [f,λ] incident on a surface with loosely bound electrons Æinteraction of E field of EM wave with electron: F = eE • Electron oscillates with f = fincident • Eventually radiates spherical h i l waves with ith fradiated= fincident – At all scattering angles, Δf & Δλ mustt be b zero • Time delay while the electron gets a “tan” : soaks in radiation Compton Scattering : Setup & Results Δ λ = ( λ ' − λ ) ∝ (1 − c o s θ ) S c a tte re d λ ' la rg e r th a n in c id e n t Compton Scattering Observations Compton Scattering : Summary of Observations Δλ = (λ -λ ) ∝ ((1 − cos θ ) ! ' Not isotropy in distribution of scattered radiation scattered How does one explain this startling anisotropy? Compton Scattering: The Quantum Picture Energy Conservation: E+m e c 2 = E '+ Ee Momentum Conserv: p = p'cosθ +pe cos φ 0 = p'sinθ -p e sin φ ((E − E ') + m c ) = ⎡⎣ p 2 e 2 2 − 2 pp 'cosθ + p '2 ⎤⎦ c 2 + (me c 2 )2 Use these to eliminate electron deflection angle (not measured) E For light p= ⇒ c 2 2 ⎡ ⎤ 2 E EE ' E ' 2 2 2 E + E ' − 2EE '+ ' 2(E − E ')mc ') = ⎢ 2 − 2 2 cosθ + 2 ⎥ c c ⎦ c ⎣c ⇒ − EE '+ (E − E ')mc 2 = − EE 'cosθ ⇒ E-E' 1 h =− (1 − cos θ ) ⇒ ( λ '− λ ) = ( )(1 − cosθ ) 2 EE' me c me c Compton Scattering: The Quantum Picture Rules of Quantum Pool between Photon and Electron h (λ '− λ ) = ( )(1 − cos θ ) me c Checking for h in Compton Scattering It’s the same value for h again !! Plot scattered photon data, calculate slope and measure “h” Δλ ( λ '− λ ) = ( h )(1 − c o s θ ) m ec Energy Quantization is a UNIVERSAL characteristic of energy transactions ! 1-cos ϑ Interference of Waves: A Reminder Two Identical waves yi ( x, t ) = ymax sin(ki x - ωi t + φi ) travel along +x and interefere to give a resulting wave y ' ( x, t ). The resulting wave form depends on relative phase difference between 2 waves. Shown for Δφ = 0, π , 2 π 3 Read Ch17-8 from Resnick et al An X-ray Tube from 20th Century e Xray The “High Energy Accelerator” of 1900s: produced energetic light : X Ray , gave new optic to subatomic phenomena X-ray X ray Synchrotrons, Synchrotrons Argonne National Lab near Chicago 15 Bragg Scattering photographic film Bragg Scattering: Probing Atoms With X-Rays X-ray detector Constructive Interference when net pphase difference is 0, 2π etc This implied path difference traveled by two waves must be integral multiple of wavelength : nλ=2dsinϑ Example : X-Ray Picture of a DNA Crystal and Discovery of DNA Structure ! Proteins inside Rhinovirus reconstructed by x-ray diffraction Other forms of Interaction of Energy Exchange between Radiation and Matter E mc 2 +mc 2 Always same form of Matter & Antimatter