I ~I_ I __ __ _______ SMrUCTULE E AUJIWEIC TUB3ULCE MIN T SURACE IAYL& by ROBIR AUMSBRONG DEBICKSOI~ Jr. Uzited States Military Academy (1949) ILS., Neo York University (1954) B.8., SUBITED = PARTIAL FPUPIIeuT F THE R(QUIRU FOR TES DEGREa OF DOCTOR OF PnIUsoarIY at the MASSACIUSETTS INSTITUT OF TECBNOLOGY June, 1964 Signature of Author ................................................... Department of Meteorology, May 15, 1964 Certified by .. 0,o.....,,..............................,, .... Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ............................................ ........ Chairman, Deparmeantal Comaittee on Graduate Students. S11UC13tRB C AW8MOBE1IC TU1BULENCE IN TIE SRPACE LAYE by Robert A, Derrickson Jr. SuMbl ed to tthe Department of Metterology an Mca 15, 1964 in pgatial ftlfillme t of the ,quirtement for the dgrc of Doctor of hjilosophy PoWr spectra and cospectra of the orthoMonae v Mlocity c ponnts and temperature for twenty one-hour runs at 16 and 40 mrters height (data taken by Dr. R.l. Cramsrls group at Round Hill Field Station [M.I.T., South Dartmouths, as.) are anaynd, using a var ety of nor~Umit ations and coordinate systems. The dependability of the data, particularly in the low frequency range under convective conditions ps onsidered. Algebratc functions for power spectral data in Monil.r-khov sltLlarity coordinates are obtaind etirically; graphical fmoutions for the sae data, using and (A'T) -normanistion, are obtained by egression analysis. Both these sets of functions have stability as a parameter. The standard deviation of the a~aunth angle, e , was selected frm a nuber of possibilities, as the most practical parameter for aqreasita stratification. Site roughness Is described by the standard deviation of the asuth angle under neutral condition on, . Using three separate criteria, the Isotropic range in the atmosphenic surface layer is defined. The observed energy spectral density functions are crmpard to several theoretical functi'os with the following results: ollgoroff or Heiacberg spectra ( (n) o" r- 1 3 ) agree with thze data within limits of observational eror, in the isotropic range. Below the lower limit of 3otropy but at higher fraqusences than where there to aEchani al enert input, the Eraicbnan spectra ( E) o- < ?t 4~ ) is the closest to the observed data. In the low frequency range none of these spectra are valid since this region Io dominated by stability dependence and lower bboundary effects, h1biting very little energ under stable canditions and a large peak of very low tfrqueacy eneray under unstable conditions. A model is suges tad viewing the U 2-nomaLsed enersy apectral density functions as the consequence of mechanical site dependent roughness energy input and covective stability dependent energy input and the subsequent inertial tvansfer of energy to higher frequencies. Both mechanical roughness and the convective citation are expressed in terms of the frequencaes they involve. Thests Supervisors Edwurd N. Lorena, Sc.D. Title: Professor of Meteorology Page Table of Contenta 1o II. I1I. lY. V. Introduction 9 14 Objectives of the research. A teview of perinent literature A. B3tef histoUtala revie of research in a ophe B. Outline of various approaches to the problem. C. Resumes of selected papers. turbee. Data cootlon and processing techniqes. A. Detailed deascription of the meauremnte 3. kplanation of the data procesi g C. Data reltability. Desoription of the research. A. Method of approach. B, Defnition of erived ta t enee statistics. C. Choice of paramaters descIbing effects of stratification and the lower boundary. D. Preentation of power Opectra in sJatiirty coordinates. e. Results 1) Algbraic epreissions for energy epeetral density functions in smilarity coSodinates.74 2) Varicus athods of estimating stress and heat flu . 3) Regression analysis of paer spectra. 4) Discussion of normalisin tednquee. 5) Lower bound of isotropy In the surfrt e Iayer. 6) Form of spectra at interadiate frequenates, 7) 'Poa of spectra at low frequeniaes. 8) Catparvson of results with those of other ivestigators. thn rettea predictsies. roeats re ts F. Caf 0. A ozmposto model of energy spectra density fwactions in the surface layer. 11. V. VIII. IX. 1. 16 16 18 38 38 46 46 55 63 64 74 93 105 116 117 118 122 134 Somnary and coamlusons. 136 Suaggested further research. 140 Aclmkcedg ents. 142 Appndix A. Resuuas of papers (continuation of part XII e.) B. List of algebrat expressions for the ortogonal coma~ponesa ates. lata y cr a in s and te perat e Po altw. Stress -0 C.9 Various methods of es tibt 143 143 ibiography. 145 132 Page 4List of Tables. Table 1 . Saple computation sheet for the Mloin-"kumht somilairty no elisation (Run 67 A, 16 meters) Table 2. Sm le computt ion sheet for the mloninC0bukha noImaU at ona(an 67 A, 40 mtters) Table 3. General statiastiCs for the twenmty m , Part A. Table 4. General statistics for th teaty Tm e, Table 5. Gneal statistics for the twenty ruy , Atsi ia&ry data. Table 6. VeaTtial preofle data fo r horisontal wind. Table 7. Total variance of u, v v and T flutatstons before and after ittar g (hithupai)n Table 8. 2-nomalssed enery spectral denalty value tfrequencies (na/I). Table 9 Derived data for power spectral deseity versus frequency a. b. 47 s~m.arity 49 Part: B ean temperaue and mean 51 52 for selected 88 89 from regrseeton frao algebrat functions Isotropi Table 11. Values for average slope and values for a/, denn the stnt of the varws regionV i otropic data and untifm slope data swmary. 110 A composite of our sall tables (tables 12, 16, 17 and 18). 112 Table 12. Pe cent probability of observig a coherence as high as hen the true value is sero. 12a Table 16 Averag values for 4i/ at the low frequency Iai t of the unifom elope cregion 112 Average values for the uniform slope, just below the lower limit of isotropy. 112 Table 17. rastos as a function of us/ 109 Table 10. Table 18. Period assooated with oad= Table 13. Cohmence "values for-, Wfunctio flc.u atirrom period. for fie nm. of the7ltonmation. s-a of 113 Table 14. OT coherence as a function of period. 114 Table 156 uT coherence a a 115 function of period. .1 List of FP1iris. Figure 1. Qualitative graph of kinetic enrgy of surface winds as a f uction of the tifr scale. Flguea 2. Scheatic of energy spectral density verwus £sequnoy riureo FL~uwe Theoretica heat fltt as a function of i iL ta d maanad1ni a1 ootrdiates. Response of stattictal fiter verwts frequency, n. Stndeax deviaton of aalnth angle verus 4 and 32 rmters, F1iwo 7. Schnmtic of ?tu)/&I versus log a/ diferent roughness. itgure 8. 23 32 . General fuactional fo~ of nIn-d ansional energ spectral density on nondimenacal frequency and stabilit. Figure 6. o10 bet ween of to sites of 44 54 58 61 Logitudinal enery spectral density at 16 maters in similarity coordinates, for the individual ms. 65 Figure 9. Transverse energ spectral denaty at 16 amters in similarity coordinates for the individual rimn. 66 Efgure 10. Baong spectral density of vertcal ca*mpou at 16 mters in sialar ity coordinates for the individu l uns. 67 FIure 11. Energy spectral densaty of tmperare fluctuatlos at 16 mters in siilarity coordinates for individual nms. 68 PiguPe 12. L]a -tdinal enegy spectral density at 40 maters in amilarity cocodinates for individual rns. 69 Fiure 13. Transverse energy spectral density at 40 meters in stimlarity coordinates for divindual r s. 70 Figure 14. Enrgy spectral demnsty of vertical comsonent at 40 moters in sI~alarity coordinates for indivtdual runs. 71 nesrgy spectral density of temperature fluctuations at 40 metrs in sial ity coordinates for individual ine. 72 aEner spectral density ftm algebraic exsresios for the lonsitdinal and trinsverse cMiponents, 75 Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Energy spectral density from lgebraie epressioan for the vertcal component nd temperature flutuations. 1M6- IYI MIMI Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Vigure 21. Figure Figure 22. 23. '0 a III h li i 6 ftm 1u l as a function of the MWIwnd e lHeat and spoed and modified stability prmeters., 78 a) Stress as a function of the mea wind speed and temperature difference between the surface and 8 meters. te b) Stress as a function of wind shear and the dierence between the surface and 8 mters. eat flu as a fnction of , at 16 and 40 metrs. 80 Heat flux and flux divaernce a a function of teS mean wind and taeperature difernace betmeen the surface and 8 moaer*. 81 Sample of regreSasan grmaphe for tndividual frequenoo. 82 ontinuation of Figue 22* 83 &aterg spectral density as a fountion of stability for the u and v-omponenta, obained by restoan. 84 onerVg spectral dens ty as a funation of stab:iLty for Wand temperature fluctuations, obtained by resression. as85 Figure 26. Same data as Figure 24 in saui-log coordinates. 86 Figure 27. Sam data as Figure 25 n seQt-log coordiate. 87 Figure 28. of anerg spectral detsty functions at 16 oa and 40 moters. 91 24. Figure 25. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. Figure 32. C par~o of euer spectral desIty functions of the u-and v-ciponents. 92 Eneraw spectral dentsity for selected runs as a fwation stnsag 2 (2 meters)of period for u- and v- ctpo-, t no~nesIation. 95 Same data as igure 30 uirig coordinates wbere I Us v veraw &, z 16, 40 meters (JJ)04 Poter spectra for nine ru in coordinates" %pSu 96 versus log(period). Figure 33. Power spectra for nine runs in coordinates 1 97 -S it versus 98 Figure 34. Power spectra for nine runs in coordinates -x log(period). 4 verasu ,iliImim Fnure 35. haliill ,,ii(liiiow A 1L)ast a P, Power spectra for nne rums in coordin veroanu B 99 Figue 36. Figutre 37. Power spectra for nine runs in c oTdin log(parlod). e 4o vrsBU 100 roer spectra for nine uns in coordinates N veranus 101 loG(period). 1igom 38. Fi&ure 39. Figpse 40. Power spectra for nine runs n ooSXrdinates TS log(period)*. rower spectra for nine MWo s in coord4inate 4 vmOw ser 4 1 4o ra aotroW ratios as a function o ftrequency. 108 Cprlson of various theoretical spectral funtions with obsred dataso Figure 42. 102 123 Non-dimamsional heat flux as a fntion of the tchardson 128 Fi8e 43. Figure 44. Period associated with the n = functionof : a) t4 and b) c/e value of 7) * ) as a 129 of tm~peratre Vatical profiles of tmperatur3, varianca and vertical velocity for free convective tuns. DiagraUmatcal ezplanation of the Uwdified model* 132 inger 135 At~sph.ric ulence is numbers of the order of 10 6 . an aerodyamcally enerally fully developed, with Reynild The usual stuatic is that of flow over rough lover boundar with vertical shear of the horizontal mean windd buoyancy forces present. Th wind and strai- fication are both strng functions of the time of day and the synoptic situation. In addition, they ae interdependent in a complicated manner. At a particular site, the type of regim and intensity of turbulence are highly dependent on the maen wind, its shear and the stratification. site to site mubuence are also dependent on these charactetce of t the effect of the love bounday. From This effect is vartable depeding oa the particular turbulence regima that is domant at the time. Anothe interesting feature of atmospher turbulenc is that it involves length scales ranging from the planetary scale to scales so small that viscous forces are dandnant over inertal forces. In t1i units, the scales span a range beteen weeks and very sall fractious of a second. demonstrates this situation scheatically. laboraotor Figure 1 ~cept under very restricted conditions, a mathematical solution of the equations of motion Is out of the question. Before one can even make Judicious sMaplilying assumptions, it is necessary to knowC smething about the spectral distribution of energy sources and sinks, the range of length scales that be expected to exhibit Isotropic conditi~ouc enoerg spectral density functions. ight and the general shape of the One aat also knowaE sothing about the general behavior of the beat and m intum fluxes and under what conditions the assmption of borsonta homogeity is reasonable. The first step, FIG. I :QUALITATI VE 6RAPH OF KIN ETIC ENERG Y OF SURFACE WINOS AS A FUNCTION OF THE TIME SCALE. INFORMATIO I SOURCES ARE: SALT Z MAN(1I97)' VAN OER HOVEN (1s7) AND UNPUBLISH-WoRK OF H. E. CRAMER. .-.----P-.-* -. ~-----* 1~ 77-i SYNO.IC SCALF t SURF AcE TIt FNER DY 'K 3 KI I 'N K'."' -ONf " SUNSTA O BLEI i •~~~~ |R ~ ° STABLE- '" I T-~- . r_,.--.... . ' * /0 /04 0o ,---rRIOO(HovR* ) I lo-I 4-i f/0- II ten, becomes the observation of the velocity and temperature fluctuations. The data used in this research consists offluctuations of the orthogonal velocity components and temperature taken sLujltaneously by fast response equipment at the 16-meter and 40-mater levels. These measuremento were made with the instruments located on a 40-meter tower surrounded by reasonably flat terrain at the Round Hill Field Station (M.T.), South Dartmouth, Mass. There Are twenty one-hour runs at each level spanning a frequency range between na . .0014 and n a .4 see From these data, power spectral and cospectral analyses of the orthogonal velocity component and temperature fluctuations are obtained. of this data sample (1961), report. A more complete description is given by Cramer, Record, Tillman and Vnughan and Cramer, Record and Tillman (1962) and in Section iv of this This represents a larger data sample, taken under carefully controlled experimental conditions, Therefore it then has previously been available. is believed desirable to supplement work of other investigators because the results can be stated with greater assurance and the effect of stratification on the power spectral functions and on the heat and momentum fluxes can be better defined. A partial inventory of previous measurements and some analyses of these, includes the followings 1. Great Plains data, consisting of approximately fifty runs of ten minutes length at heights of 1 1/2, 3, 6 and 12 meters. presented and analysed by Lettau and Davidson (1]957) These data are and analysed by Takeuchi (1961) and others., 2. Prairie Grass Data, consisting of approximately fifty runs of twenty minutes in length at a height of 2 meters. These datadre presented ___ _ __~~__ Wnd Deland (1959), by Haugen (1959) and has been analyzed by Panofsky Cr~er (1960) and others. 3. Numerous rnie of about one hour each in legth have been taken at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y. The basic data are 5 sec, averages of velocity components and include temperature fluctuation data, taken at heights of 23, 46 and 91 meters. analysed by anofsky and Deland (1959), Tbese data have been Panof~ky and McComick (1954), Panofsky (1962) and others. 4. There awe a nwmber of analyses of smaller data samples. of these are: (a) Mloni (1962) analyzed w-,c mo unknown record length at the l-mater level. A se t data for seven runs of (b) TaZeuchi (1963) analysed two runs of 10 minutes duration each at the 16-mter level. (c) Macready (1953) analysed five runs, varyinl in length from 10 minutes to one hour. Blackadar and pnofsite (1964) gave a review of the status of research concerning atmospheric turbulence and diffusion, in the Soviet Unon. The Round Hill data are of sufficiently long tun duration (each run is approxdrmtely one hour in length) to evaluate the low frequency convective range with considerable confidence and, at the saw time, the rapid response of the wind measuring instruments permits one to measure frequencies high enongh to reach the inertial sub-range for moat runs. Also, the 16 and 40-mater levels are high enough above ground level so that vertical velocities of considerable siz scales, appear in the larger turbulence So it was decided as necessary to evaluate these twenty one-hour rune first; then go on to consider what theoretical works seem to be most successful in ezplaiuing the behavior of the power spectral density functions. 13 Theoretical work, petinent to atmospheric turbulence, has mainly boen in three areas: 1. Isotropic Turbulence. Work in this area has been extensive and has led, with the aid of slmilarity assumptions of various forms, to predctions about the enerWr spectral density functions for those acaas of atmospheric motion that are sotropic. Batchelor (1953) and Lin and Reid (1963) present a conprehenmive description of this area of work. aitchinan (1958), Recently his direct interaction (1959) has introduced modelltng In the form of atppt aon ftrst, and then operated mathema- timclly on the resultinS equations with the aid of the isotropic assumption, Similarity Assumptions In the Anisotropic Case. 2. meat is the work of Nonin and ObuWhov (1954). e antum £flEas are constantu heat and layer. Usin these Pae tioun This develop- They aume that the vertical a sufficiently shallow turface and dimensional analysts, predictions are made about the shape of the vertical wind and temperature profiles; a meraso£f 3. also on-dimensional±sing power spectral density functions is sugpested. Solution of Equations of N tion under very Restricted Conditions, assuming that the interaction of one pe rtumbation quantity with another is small cospated to the interaction of perturbation and man quantities, works of Deissler (1961); (1962) are examples of this approach. The Some very specialised predictions about the form of the energy spectral density as a function of frequency are obtained. For a detailed and rather complete indication of the present state of theoretical and observational knowledge in the area of atmospheric turbulence, the following list of books and papers are reconnanded: Batchelor " ,,, IIgiIIBMMII wilA 111oiiYiAi 14 (1953), Lin and Raid (1963) and Pasquill (1961), Chapter I. Tho basis of the spectral and cospectral analyses of variance and cova~Lance functions was provided by Taylor (1938). For a continuation of the discussion, includinS treatment of the problem with vertical shear and stratification present, see: (1962), Frenkiel and Sheppard (1959), finse (1959) and ?remaiel With this knowledSe of the nature of atmospheric tarbulence in the surface layer and of the state of the art regarding both theory and observationsp the problem can be more specifically stated as follows: first,a large data sample should be used to learn more about the general characteristics of atmospheric turbulence. Then one is in a position to apply the present theoretical developments judiciously. For insatnce; if it were knomn under what conditions and for what scales that atmospheric turbulence i. isotropic, then one could make use of the present theoretical work in this area. Also one would know what sapitfying assumptions and modelling are acceptable in treating the problem. Then the plan of attack lndicated rs to gather data; analyse it; evaluate the available theoretica results; and possibly start the whole cycle over again with so n new predictions. I.o BJECTI COF UI The objectives of the reearch are to analyse and present the e2parlmental data from the twenty runs in a manner which is =sat convenient for reaching theorOtical and observational couclsions. In order to do this, it will be necessaay to use several coordinate systems and non-dimansicnalising methods, to find the most appropriate techniques. An associated problem to the necessity of selecting pa rasters to exsp s the affects of stratification and lower boundary roughness on the energy spectral density functions of the orthogonal velocity czl ents and temperature. The problem, specifically, is to express the energy density functions as functions of: frequencys n;n an wind speed at sow height, expressed as the gradient of potential tepratue, roughness, so, or so ; buoyancy ; and surface other prameter descriptive of the lower bonday. Although prinary emphasis to on the poeor spectral data, sose works designed to evaluate vertical beat and -mantm £1umes, is done. to choose a mini=m nuber of paramters diftficult to evaluate, mad which The objective to which are well behaved, not too re pertinent to the physics of the problem. ifth Ua incorporated in the non-dimenasonalising process$ then there are needed two parameters: one to specify the lover boundary effect and the other to specify the stratification. results which can serve two purposes. When this point is reacheds, one has TI. results are of engineering value, which yield estimates of power spectral densitiesx momentum ftlum and heat fl£ume when the necessary paraneters can be evaluated. The second and far more Important result, so far as this research is concrned, is a data sample organized in such a manner that theoretical results can be critiqued. The primary thesis objective can now be attained: that is to choose the theories and models which show the most promise in explaining observatlonal results. The last objective to to develop a composite model, which explains the general shape of the energy spectral density functions and their dependence on theasal stratification and lower boundary effects. If these energy spectral donsity functions can be determined with reasonable accuracy, then the dissipation rate of tuM ulent kinetic 6 , can be determined. nergy, Inowlgee of this dissipation rnate of enerzs its dependence on terrain and meteorological par nperical weather prediction of the large~ eters is essential for scales of atmospherc motions It is also necessary for evaluating the equations of ener the surface layer, where energy and hages ae of prm balance in apcSortance. Estimate of energy spectral denu ty functions are of basic an rtance in calculatng diffusion rates of contanants in the atm~ophere. III. A REVIEW A. 1 P&1OETI1 T L.ITDATURE. rief his orical review- of re8arch in staosp r c turbulence. Three papers of G.I. Taylor provide a foundation for the present day mathamatical analysis of turbulent motions. In the firat two of these (Taylor, 1921; 1935), Taylor recognised that the velocity in a fluid is a continuous function of position and time. thesis that xa t, if the turbulent eneroyg of mean motion (x Is the displacement, time). Taylor presented the hyposmallcompare to the eaergy i0 She mean velocity and t is the He made another very tportant contribution to the study of turbu- lent motion in his 1938 paper when he bsoed that the velocity correlation tuntion, -X40)-xiXffJ) , and the energy spectral density function, j ') symbolav and are Fourier transforms of each other. Expressed in mathemti&cal this relationship may be stated as follows: 1Y )gaS (10' e- c L (3.2) I_ ___I In 1941, 11111i,1111M II iolsgoroff introduced the concept of lunivrsal equi' libriuaTfor suffEicent by higb wave mbers and, with the aid of d niom~a arguments, he derived the form of the eneray spectral density function in this high wave number region, Batchelor (1953) in his book, "The theory of Homgeneous Turbule ce presented a comprehensive review of the mathematical theoy of tutbulence, The treatment is mostly concerned with isotropic turbulnce. he The sme year Batchelor (1953 A)] also showed the Importance of the Richardson numbe- in evaluatin the dynamic tsimilarity of atmospheric motions. Coswecing with Macready (1953), mtasurents of velocity fluctuations in the atmosphere became available for the first time for empirical evaluation of the above theoretical predictions. with the nreat Plains and Prairie Gras This trend conrtined experimental progrs. For a more complete inventory, see Section I and Section IIIC. agnin and Obukhov (1954) proposed a similarity theory desined for predicting the details of turbulent motions in the boundary layer under anisotropic conditions. Many of the more recent papers (see Section IIIC) analyse the reoently taken data and there is renewed interest in the worke of KoBmogoroff, onin and bukhov. This is about the situation at present as larger and more satisfactory data samples becom available. graicnan (1958; 1959) has been doing mportant theoretical w'ork by first modelling the atmospheric motions, then operating with mathematel exactness on the siplifed qsyten. Other recent theoretical work has Involved the solution o f "liearized" perturbation equatioo of motion. Deaisler (1961; 1962) and Dolgiano (1962) are examples of this approach) 0111MI111 114 I -- ,I , 1 , 111 fil l I , This section is a brief chronology of the iportant happenings in atmospheric turbulence studies for the scales of motion considered hers. Next, Section III B abows the contrasting approaches to this problem; Section III C and the Appendix give brief resumes of may pertinent pa~ers~ B. Outlne of arious Appoaches to the roblem. Due to the chaotic nature of atmospheric turbulence, one wtd t, given usually be content to know soae statistics of the flow after tie, data at time, t =S 0, the valueas of the important parameters and the boundaiy conditions. A number of theoretical approaches have been suggested. The generally accepted equations of motion are r ~Non-divergeant flow (3.3) Navier-Stokes equation iaen buoyancy forces are treated, the Boussinesq appromiation is quite acceptable: wherea (0, 0, of 7' except when uAutiplying , , giving: ) : coefficient of thesal expansion of temperature from the value at which departure as e The symbols used in this report have the same mseaning as ino Batchelorea - 41 ~~~~ IYIIYIYIYIIYIIIIYYIYYlrYIIIIII Ji ,1 IIIiih I lli i book unleso they are otherwise dcribed, Thic ivestigattion of amospher c turbulence st confined to the surface layer and the regiwos lmIediately adjacent thereto. necesaary to discuaa the depth of this layer. It is threfore The depth is not only variable because of dependence on meteorologcal conditions but may also be d&fined in several ways; The definition of this layer ha' to be a par of each tratment and is not defined in general terms. The follow1ing is a review of the various theoretical approaches to the probl m 1. Solving as an znitial value problem, usin fo --Z- a Taylor settea. 1(35) By taking the divergence of the Xavier-Stokes equation, Using a Green'e Fmction , L Nest r Z4.I ;f! is evaluated. As - di" a) beccws larger, it is necesary to evaluate higher order derivates in thi series and hence to kno more completely the initial velocity distribution kuncton. 2. Using the equations of motion and deriving epressions involving pratuct-me tbfn If ir4tial conditions ~nvolve probability ftuntio s, vaies. these eauations ar erpressions in joint-probability functions. MU de AdXzdk3 (with suitable restrictions) anda In order to evaluate second order product means (say a two point probability function), it to necessary to Iuno th third order product mean termes and In order to evaluate the third order product mean tnsw, the fourth order teram are needed. So at this point, one can close the set of equations only by assntag sme evaluation of these hlSer order terms. Some methods are: (a) linear solutio, where the third order terms are set equal to sero. (b) pbysical transfer theorems; usins the isotropic assuption, one ta the Fourier trandform of the mavier-Stokes equation to get: S- where 2(k) is the spectral density of kinetic energy per unit (3.6) ass and T(k) is the defining scalar of the Fourier transform of the complicated -- -- 1116116111 E(k) is also the de fining scalar of non-linear tem. ik) . See Lin p. 449, for a more complete description of these terms, and Reid (1963), the longitudinal and tranaverse correlation functions and their relation to each other through the Von bsma-n-Howarth equation. One makes the equations of motion determinant by assuming T(k) to be expressible in terms of 3(k). (c) quasi-Gaussian asumption: the fourth order teras are ezpressed as a function of the second-order terms (the value that a Gaussian probability function for the velocity would give), without setting the triple correlation equal to zero. the equations of motion first -odify 3. deal with the non-linear term mathematical exactnass. then operate This isn by modelling primarily to n the resulting system with reverse order to the procedure in Section B and is the technique employed by Eratchnan (1958; 1959). Som of these methods are presented more fully In Section III C and the Appendix. Some other authors, who commence by defining a model arez Thompson (1963), P iestley (1959) and Lettau (1949). 4. Hopfos theory of turbulence (see p. 442-444 of the paper by Lin and Raid). This method starts with a known joint-probability distri- buton function, 7 ' Then express ( ) , ffor the velocity, or its Fourier transform, ( ) dwhere the coeEficients in the series are the complete set of omwnts of t( at a point, Finally use the II ations to ~et ~n dynmical e xpression fo 11 ... . ,1 - I l Nllil 4 lllllinl,MI ill This has not yet (g(). been done for homoigneous turbulence. 5. S milarity solutimos. necessary to argmu state, which is In order to use similarity, it Is that the turbulence retme must approach some universal utepentdnt of the initial conditions and is only affected by boundary condtions in a very restricted man.ar. The objective is to be able to describe the flow reime, using a leser number of physceal vwas needed to define the solution prior to its approach paremeters th The hypothe ss of Rolmgoroff (1941) is the to the "univereal state". most important xale of the application of similarity a atmoopheric tuxbulence. xeumnts- to He states that at a suffciently haih Reynolds nzmber, a region of isotropic turbulence can be spectited in terms of the dissipation rate of kinetic eners, and the kixemat 8, . viscosity, If the Reynolds number is sufficiently high (the usual atmoapheric case), then the "energy coUalnin and "dissipatUiv eaddes in wave number space to assume that they act D p by an "inertial sub-ras ', wheree th are sufficiently separated undependently and are separated only ortant para er, Using this and dimsnsional analysis, he derived an expression for the egergy spectral density as a function of wave number (or frequency) only. A scheatic of the atmospheric case is shown by Figure 2, where the nondirnslonal spectral density of energy is plotted against non-dimoenmonal rrequency, og-log coord&inates are used for convanience. In the non-isotropic case, onin and Obukhov (1954) as~ed that the vertical heat flux and m e ntum flux are constant within a shallow surfane layer, From these quanties, using d os~ nal analysia, a frictlon i-r- -- --1-;-------- _ _ ------ ~i-~,- -~e ~ I-lbs ,___ FIG.2: CHEIATIC OF ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY VS. FREQUENCYIN NON-DIMENSIOIVAL COORDINATES, 3HOWING THE VARIOUS SPECTRAL REGIONS. 3 I 321S 3 4 A 56'6-91 4- .. ILC~bFA( l -- . .. i .. a . :1. .. . . .. . . I t ....' ~ , ":~ ~ i , " 'i -,! t! TiL '-- t'! -+--(" -'- *- - - - - Iit - ----- II- SIt ----- H. . . :I -'-f !: ; ,", -i -'C - --- -?- ±-t"-- - - I • ,. , ;, "--' ' ~ ~~ ,~ - 41t1.07- ....... ~--- - V-I- i , .1 ci t - -Z--f7 .r~r+iL-;Lf *-- '~ - ~U ' ... -I ' ,._ I - -A -Jt t ,t------ -T"I 1 - - ---- .It - ,- SM' 4-k' - •l il . , ,. 0l ; I ... -ho T Ar _ _~~_~___~_~___~__ _ ~ ~~~~~-~ ~~~IIY YIYYIYIYYI YIIIIYII YYIIYVI iiiur 2:4 lengt, valocity, V ; a friction tamrature, T ; and a stabilityd wz'e formed. L iotil quantity, a/L, cuclusions Then using the non-dina were derived concerning the diabatic wind and temperature profile. The data used in this investigation are not well suited to a careful evalua~ti of "profile theoreme". The principal srnifcance of this similarity theorem is that it susgests the functions, V lise the power and T ona- to non-dinmrs pectra of velocity and temperature respectively. A more detailed explanation of Konin-0bukhov s8rilarity is given in Section III C Ce Rsumme of seleed ppe- ras. In the following review of papers, the selection was determined by the requirement for an adequate description of research activity in each of the several separate approaches to the problem. The papers are grouped according to type of approach and only the most pertinent ones to this investigtion are Included in this section. are included in the Appendix Additional resmms Section IX, and a few others are listed only in the bibliography. Although the atmospherio case is one anisotroPff, it to shmwn later that, under certain conditions, portions of the spectrum aare isotropic, In order to derive an expression of the fom, 2(k) a £(k), it is necessary to make certain assumptions about the physics of the problem or about the higher order productemean teams. 1. Transfer theories. A desaription to given by Batchelor (1953) and Lin and Reid (1963) of several methods for evaluating the uon-linear transfer term, T(k), In the equation aeAk} ___7(k p Lk __ ~__I __ Probably the best k~own of these Is the Heisenbers theory (Lin and Reid (1963]), which states that the machanism governing emrner transfer between wave nuters is stailar to the one governing viscous dissipation. In mathematical teras, The desired equation for 3(k) is: ;. If the following trans --mationsa based on maintaining self-similarit:y during initial period decay, are made, then Figure 13 of Lin and Reid (1963) shows the result* 'Phi spectrut appears to be quite similar to that observed under knou conditions (see Figure 41). If it resulting aisotropic is assumed that the atmosphere is an ensemble of these turbulence calls in various states of decay. and that this transfomation is applied to each cell individually, then the space average of the result in z - F(x) coordinates would be steady state. 2. Quasi-Gaustian assumption, Serous theoretical difficulties arise in using this assumption, as indicated by Oura (1962), does not seem worthhile to consider this approach further. therefore it 240 3. Linear solutons. Two papff= by D2180ler (1961; 2962) tpertAculear interest in pVovldlng an analyOi of thie effects 'e of OhQe of of the hodrzonta mean wind and buoyancy sepaately on the kinetic onergy spectr~s of turbulent motion. The approach of Deaisler (1962) ia to assume no wind shear and a constant stratification expressed by quo. Th folloing equations isto used to derive two point correlation ftunctions such as IQ iLj 7", etc. correlation tenns , p , Deiseler closed the set of equations by setting all triple equal to sero and imposed tt fal conditions at t a 0 of Isotropy and no fluctuations of temperature. ias conclusions ware: (a) No steady state was reached (,) Dissipation occurred mainl at high frequenries. (c) Ruqant energW as fed into or rtemoved fro of frequencies and the effect was a large rans omwhat stronger at lower frequencies. (4) The turbulence is aniootropic at low frequen~a athis paper represents a demonstration of the fust apr- es. tmaion of the effect of buoyancy on highly developed turbtence Lo the absence of shear and Wthout non-1near inertial tranasfer of ener . The "transfer" that appears here is merely the net result of buoyany extracting ene y at one frequency and putting it in at another and bears no relation to the tranfoer of energy directly between the dearees of freedom that tos real atmosphere. oin on in the DeLaslers 1961 paper is samaed in the Appendix. 27 Those two papers are isctretiva, even though the sampliftiatlon of the problem in each case severe, The next paper, Rayleigh (1916) treats convection in an unstably The model consstts of two parallel flat plates of stratified fluid. infinite horisontal extent, separated by a distance, f. The foulation used is: (a) Equations of ation without corLolia ter, with and without viscoasitty. (b) N=ondiver nt flow. (c) Bousainesq approximation (d) A diffusion term in the the aC equation. Of particular Interest Is the identification of the modes of greatest instability. It the coes most likely ins erred that these modes ae to be observed in the convective case. In the absence of viscosity, Sgratest instability occurs when the wave number in the vertical os the least. Then the horgwontal wave number, -. 2 + '- g r(P ~ x' , is given by: primarily a function of the depth, (secondartily a function of the stabilty For a fixed depth of fl£uid, the hori ontal wave numbec of mmum convective energyTi expected to be proportion l to . Bu t, k, the thermal diffu stvityp in this case is also dependent on the turbulent intensityand would make the wave number of m m enery less strongly dependent than ~ If R a m, then A , the hortsontal wave length of maxium instability,=,R S ^I 4. _ Approaches which involve analysis after a model is defined. (1958; 1959) and ra~chnan and The cost i~pomtant papers are rraichnan SpieSel (1962). The approach here is to model the atmosphere in such a way that the equations of motion give a closed set of equations. The modl is the "direct interaction approximtion" which replaces the non-linear term in the equations of motion. This appr0omation states that, for three Fourier components (p, q,r) giving the aides of a triangle in two dimensLnal wave number space (formung a "tried"), the inertial transfer of energy can be detemined by the direct transfer between these coponte.s The "indirect tranafers", those interactions involving an inztemediate mode, are neglected. This i Justified by pointing out that as the region and therefore the =nmber of permissible Fourier camponents is increased, the interaction between any three modes (triple correlations), becomes smaller, but, there are many more of these interactions, and thus the total effect of the inertial terms remains aportant. Also, it is safer to neglect the indirect interactions In the inertial sub-range, this approaimation gives In the raichlan theory, direct interactions are possible between "energy containing" modes and those of very high wave nuber, whbereas the oKo ox~of theory relies on the "cascade" of energy on a more local scale between neighboring modes in k-space. Ef1atcMan auggests that, in the region o, wave numbers below the inertial subrange, the direct interaction model may Zq be coeparatively better than those deperdng on local transfer. This is the region where one can expect some interaction between the turbulent cells and the advecting flow (low of relatively amch lower wave number), Thompson (1963) used a model of convection between two parallel infinite planes with themal gradients in a thin boundary layer near each plate separated by a deep region iwere statistical stationarity of heat, s O 0/c enm He also imposed and vorticity transfer. aan In addition, he employed non-divergence and the Bousestq apprasituation, Thowpsona results include the following: (a) The thickness of the , boundary layer"s is proportional to4? bare Ra is the Rayleigh number =n (a used in Thompson (1963). (b) The thickness of the bounwary layer is independent of the total depth. (c) The heat flux is proportional tO(Amp)f( 1 ) ) P,) (d) The variance of temperature reaches a maxztum at the top of the boundary layer while the vertical velocity reaches a maximan in the middle of the region. This model has much in camon with Hterrinj (1963)0a results. Lettan (1949) "generaliaeds mixtlu length theory to include the diabatic case by defining three parameters of turbulence: (a) f (, r zo) (b) U*f (geoatrophicwind), U (c) ,U w , With these three parameters ( 0a. , Who U a Iw u , W ), a number of identities are written, thich helps explain their meaning. for isotropic turbulence, ua stabiity. Whe z These identities are: the subscrlpt, a Idicates neutral wa u ite*- fom A e-z * eo) 4a t, o as the parmaeter of Lettan uses the heat flux, U, rather thnM / stratification. ew * ttpB'' -Z .0 A is aseumed to be the sam for any air property. For non-isotropic conditions, u 6 .0. Lttau afet the following assumptions: -e t i 'W 0 LW.4 C41 (Aj' %04"4 WC!, nces directly only the vertical (b) The buoyant accelerationtinfle SU turbulence parameters. ohen usin Ta44 turbulent acceleration gives: with this basis, he defined, 9S dOA!L for=I h) au~l 2.) R; --(a*,)l ac~ vertical coaponent of Othar assocated identities aret Next he defined, H * Zving Lettan described this system as foll4o:s ny is defined proportonal to the heat flux and indapendent of the gradent of potential t~meratare; x is defined proportional to the gradient of potential temperature and independant of the hbeat flux." This leads to the interesting result that y = - X) (see p.32 of LIAinu [19491) which is reproduced as Figure 3 to show the predicted behavior of the heat flux, H. This figure ndicates that a of heat flux occurs at a moderately unstable value and that the m=rI=m heat flux decreases as the atmophere becmes more unstable. There is also a negative axwdun of heat flux in the slightly stable atmsophere (see Figure 20). 5. Similarity K.olo orofft (1941) postulated that in the versal equilibriuma rane, the satiastics E turbulence are definable as functions of and n- ( /O) (see Section XIII From these, he formed a length scale, ,and a velocity scale, 1r'(i. analysis he showed E(K.)=r' and ). $( K ) Then by dimnsional , where k is we ntaber iIs a universal function of a dimensionlese argument, 4 inertial sub-range, isLa not important, thus k( . K) dimensional arguments once more, he ccluded that E(9) o( In the only. Usivn /3 Monin and (bukhov (1954) proposed a s tilarity theoram designed to e/ ~--- I a'L --IJ~ *~kt-IZYljersRC~TI.~RC~~lrr4Aft~PduXdSiA _ I : I -i--1VTL--l.~~- .. ,~ro C4--V 1~~V I--I . .. . - - --!-l-i ....... ....-- j-~ 1 --1 i j.-..; bi. -v-.I ." ~-L---.----.11 ~ H------ . ' 1 I-1-zI- -. 1 i11 I I 4.. I -1 .i I-- .. 1- ~1~ i. -!-- -i- 1-. -.- -; 1-4-r- --l--- l-- j--- ~-i '" irzzL - I z-.iz i.. t. i..I -i-i/Il -i---l-i]--/I-lLlI :: - ,- I II .-;..I 1--* _ .i~...l~.~.~l 1 r----- FLU5 /' Ii l' -- 1i ii i-i-li I i 1 I.I -t .i t I t f- - zz I I T.i, - ... :f I :i ' f i : ,'' I : i 71F f I k T . --I-HF-- -V-~-''Ti+ apply under conditions of non-lootropy in the surface layer (again see Section III 3). They assufed the following paraters ae costant in this layer: /E (a) (b) (c) , buoyancy , heat flux ' -/ep?' 1 J , movntzan flux 'dVA s rcan these, and using dfmansonal analysis, the following quantities were formad: (a) Friction temperature, , W/ 77 1 Von Karmon constant. La (b) Stability lengthb, - These can be used to derive expressio (uM for aon-din tonal shear and temperature gradiento A2 If the ezohange coefficients for wmentum and beat are equal, universal dimensionless function. Also, it isduxm that L ( a ) =a The difficulties arlsing from the necessity of evaluating the above expresson at C 0p are avoided by Neuann (1961), who defined the lchardson by the expression, Ri S ) A series expansion of is chosen appropriate for the stability (or size of a/L) and upon integration, the following foms are obtained: V) _ - 0 where v o 0 * heightbt I l 11MIUMIll 34- helo(193 A) hod h The analyss o£ Panotall" and the boa xeland (1959) pe o bed a sary on Prattle onditio S; ed the e1ght dependence of dat ehermi ws also milecore deito Car ity Prae inthetb$ent are the papers cal" ener (1960) value spectal fnsed thedsia rjselvendatain and peentaed thesdrathe p7oo L ~~E~uS/b the noxavlied energy speefral denties. teos of the standard deviation of th The Stability ws expressed -i asi ath angle (see hits Fi~ure 2). He concluded that the u-spectral energy density (in the lo-1oq coo.rdi=tEac used above) approxiates a -4/3 alope at high frequency. Cramr, Record, Till3a and Vaughan (1961) and Cramer, Record anr Tillman (1962) gnve a description of the eZprimntal technique used in collecting the Round H111 data and presented the power spectral and nts and teperature for fout cospestral data for the u, v, and v c one-bour runs at -,the 16-meter level and sCi aonahour runs at the 40-meter level. TBey expressed their results in many SosPs those most closely associated with the present tavestigation are shown in their Figures 6a, b; 7ab; 8apb, and 9a, b, whAch are based on: log - i u, V, and v log U support a slope of appro dependence at km versus lo Ise vermo log figurea generally rtely -5/3 at hibh frequency and a stability Jrequenty stailar to that shown by Cramer (1960). In addition to an evaluation of monia-Cbuksho and other profile thaeorem , Tsalchi (1961) plotted the Great Plains data in the following oan-dimmnsional coordinates, using six twenty mute runs: log versus logi ; a a tfrequency, o u, v snd w. spectral density for omean wind, 8 1f (See his Pigues 19&, b, and c). For two ten minute runs at 16 ~mnters height, Takamchi (1963) gave the following plots: log PA versus log u, where 7A a variance of the astuh angle( al / ), and also presented these in the fon: versus log In general, both of these works showed spectra approasiating C7 - at high frequncies and stability dependence at lower frequencies. SWotaf (1963) took data at 26 metera and obtaind (after smoothing) plots of S2L(nheisa s t and ?) Lasds 7 . He compared of local isotropy, which gave on the average uz/ 6 lower limit of isotropy. Ct 3 at hig 5 = g, and ras a check .46 for the His spectral denafty functions are very close to frequency. The analysis involved 6-15 runs. Priestley (1959 A) obtained n = .6 for the lower limit of lzotropy. Gurvich (1960) obtained as the loaer lrmit of ootropy: for unstable case; ns/i * .7 for neutral; naz/ na/i = .4 * 1.9 for the stable case. Monin (1962) presented data In support of his universal function, derivd by similarity in 1954. Ho also gave a plot of the power spectra of the temperature and w-cionents for six rms as a function of the Richardson nu*er. i0l His coordinates are Veks VE/"j AegS((s /07 a These coordinates are also used by Takeuchi and later in this research. Panofsky (1962) treated the turbulent energy budget and the vertical flux of turbulent kenetic energy, using the 23, 46 and 91-meter levels for 9 runs. (_U The equation he considered is: CA Rf = flux form of the Rchadson in* mber. He sahoed that the vertical div.vge~ce of turbtment kinetic anergy is i~ortant in unstable casea. Obukhov (1958) evaluated the validity of the following '"atrcture" fimction forms (from similarity): Vp =) (Av a,3 r ) utNO ' , -T eddy thermal diffusivity. By using 0I Evluation gives C,/.I CV,'9' 1 a plot of and aWsuming r')l1) a7 . VAQS 1 -Z 4C- He evaluation gives C24 2.4 ; , he derived his Figure 7 Sivas 0tFO* The secoad part of Cbuhov's paper is clncared with the distribution function of the oscillations. density of occurrence; .r(e .el a Some results are, e,At He graphed To values versus tha probability also he graphed stability versus en n i, , ad .54 (T a ter and 7r = .88 V (indepednd ) meters) t of height). The standard deviation of the elevation angle and particula:ly the standard deviation of the a;IuEth angle (A ) were dependent on atratification: - 50 for unstable conditions; q = 2.50 for stable cond~itio., zIV. AATA COLECC Ht AiD PROCESSING 2MCHNIQUES A. Detailed d scrip ion of the remats. The maesuremeats were taken at Round Hill Field Station (..T.), South Dartouth, Mass. 143 ft. in height. wre mounted to The tower on thich the instrmsnts The area imediately surrounding the tower is covered with beach grass, triaed to 5-10 cm. height. covered with a mixture of gras, he adjacent land area is low shrubs and ams small cedar tree . Bu$aard"a Bay borders the area to the south and east; 1100 ft. to the west is a wooded area and about 3/4 mile west of the tower is a north-south oriented ridge with a maxRa elevation of 88 ft. In this data sample there are t wnty one-hour run, neously at 16 nd 40 meters, of the fluctuations of the orthogonal velocity components and tempature, spanning a frequency rang N o .4 ec&l. talon simulta- fra N a .0014 to The time spacing between measuremants is 1o2 sec. In additi.on to the 601~Qa analysa. a 10 lag ~nalysie was done for high frequencies and a 30 lag analysis (each data point is an averae of 10 points, giving a spacing of 12 see.) was done for low frequancies. Power spectral and cospectral analyses for the three orthogonl velocity eap-tents and tempe rature and tha possible combinations of these were obtained by digital computer analysis. Also total variance and co-variance statistics for these same elements are available, together with the vertical profile data 'or the zsan wind and temperature associated with each rum. The fluctuations of wind were measured by heated bead thermistor anem~oters (speed) and lightweight mechanical bivanes; the temperature fluctuations were measured by the change of resistance in platinum wire p-os II nIIiYUU '' AW11181111MON '11IIIII I I1 39 er-filter circuit. The output of each transducer Is fed into an amplif An analos-to-digital encoder taWs the circuit output and converts it to bnaary nuber representaion. Finally, a programer samples the encoder output once per second (represented by a nwrer between 1 and 256) and prints the data on a punched paper tape. See Section ii of Cramer. Recovd, Tillman and Vaughan (1961) for details of this data acquisition system. In decoding, this information is converted to deoimal data, put on IM. punched cards or mapetle tape and fed into a computer for spectral and cospectral analysis. S. -gplanatio of tb data procesaag. Prior to spectral and coapectral analysis, the wind speed and bivane measurements are cverwd into vtbhogonal velocity components. procedure is used: The following coaJcing with a set of appriot2mtely 3600 data points, consisting of a velocityi, V; an arimuth angle, AL; and an elevation angle, Ei, these are converted into fluctuations of each c4onent: aout its mean value, It is necessary to define a virtual mean a~iuath angle, A! VZ CS ( jl - E AS Al j~j and a virtual mean elevation angle, Eas be 4 Then the velocity component fluctuations beome: a , b i- 46 V Vi cO(3f - 3*) sin(Ai - A) where and u, ) co.(A m, ndUa V co(E - i N - ) and weO0 The data± s amoothed by a 601 point nlS ea and this me aubstracted from the unaveraged record, in order to rmwve long period This ditfrenced data forms fluctuations and drifts in the uman value. Variance spectra calalatLanas follow procedures the input to the cmputer. First an auto-covearance described by BlaolmEa and Tkey (1958). mnction, AL is computed.A xi SXcL.. N-M where I I .L-L1 k) N total number of obssrvations L the la . xi,_ I -"LI + t =4/ nu~ber M = m~xn nutber of lags Then the follont equations ae used to obtain moothed power spectral estimates rl z A~,, rr d L~< - s hti xt [Ao ~L- 'S 41 These moothed values are in munits of vaxience per unit frequeucy interva , S ~. * The quantity, 40, is the time interval between observaticn and equals about 1.2 sec. Cospectral estimates are derived in a similar mznuer by replacin Z by yf in the equation for A, For a description in complete detail, rofer to Cramer, Record, Tillman and Vaugban (1961). &. Data relbility. in analyzing the lowest frequescies, the initAal data set is reduced consecutive block averages of each ten points. tenfold by tak1i In a new & of 12 see; the mat nmb e of lags used Is 30. This rensul Advauta~e ha been taken of syasmetSy so that cosie functios up to periodx of 720 sec can be evaluated. As habown by Panofsky and Brier (1958), the number of degrees of freedom for a msing lag vindo is ~N the total mnuber of observations, m is the 8 is the spacing of data points. ~r ,here H is w~.num raber of lags, and Then the degrees of freedom, F, for the 30 lag analysis (8 a 12see.) is 19.5 and for 60 lag analysis (8 a 1.2 sec.) to 99.5. ee is an 80 per cent chance that the obse d values, for 30 lag analysls, are between .62 and 1.41 t1en the true value (Tukey and 8al C(19501). For sizrlicity and also for desirable motbing the higff-requency spectral and cospectral estimates ( 60 lag analysis) have been cclbined into the following list of waye aer groupeS 4-2 7.5 7 -8 9-11 10 - 20 18 1215 16 13.5 21-27 24 43 - 60 54 28 - 36 37 - 47 32 42 In the diSitally analyzed time series, tho ght has to be given todistortion of spactral data at the high frequency end of the spectrum and to errors in the spectral density at n 1/360 sec " and no 1/720 sec " resuling from those fluctuations in the tiJs serles of periods longor than 720 se (m xrtum period that the lag window can see), which has not been completely fi£tered out. Aliasin at high Arequencieo is usually relativly easy to idewtif due to the qffect on the shape of the energy specital density functio. At high frequency this function (in log-log coordinates) usually has a unifd~ m slope of about - 5/3, hence aliasing would give a nearly flat horisoatal graph. Then an abrupt transition from a - 5/3 slope to a much less slope in going frmm lowr to higher fwrequncies Is an indication of high frequency aliasing. Then only the low frequeny eand of the spectrim has to be considared further, The data-processing techoiques have the effect of a band- pass filter [see Chapter I of Pasquill (1962)]. This f Uterag action is represented by the expreaion (variance seen by the system) (True va iance) (rnZ fd Fi 111111 43 where F(n) a Fourier tranformd normalised covarimce function; S= sampling interval, t ' maxzim lag, and T a overall record length. The nature of this f-cetion is see in Figure , below. range difficulty atises in deteining where The low-f~eque the analysis distribute that variance of periods in excess of 720 sec., which the system should not observe. ttithut including the caMputational work, an estimate of the "low frequency aliasint spectral eners a = + 1/3 as t density function, E(n) oC lt uding the range of E(n) f tntos was made by assuming a and taking - 5/3 and at low reuncy. A mmrical integration was carried out and the results are listed below: 1. T o 720 sec. (a) (b) 5/3, True value is 03 per Ceam of obsered value. ca c a + 1/3, True value is 124 per cent of observed value. 2. T = 360 sec. (a) c a (b) c a + 1/3 - 5/3, True value tois 132 per cent of observed value. True value is 102 per cent of observed value. There is scae error in these, since a more exuct evaluation would apply to individual data points rather than the assumed smooth function. In comparing the results above to the spread permitted by the 80 per cent confidence limits, it to seen that a correction to the data at T w 360 and 720 seea is not necessary. For several reasons, it is very d£tficult to do anything about increasing the reliability of the data without taking simnltaneous tim series measurements at several points or resorting to measurements over FI. :.SYSTEM RESPONSE OFSTATISTICAL SYSTEM RESPONSE,L)=I- SIN T.N (FAT'P - •a ,+,,#'_" ' M' i '" +TH, i liIIIlill 1 I 7lt+f;:r~~l:CI SF .. tt If+ Ill j:4 I z t T ' " +++ 41!++i t ll 11 , I i - II 1; ] ,l+ , I I III l Il , - I j., I L11 1''. I 4i it : :: .... 'k'j- t LT11 , ILL 1.0 ' |ll+ 1I'+ ''' ' I !1. I t I I 4':Tl~; ii #,g!m1miiif- ,;1i . -- TT.. T, IL .. 1 L -1-i 4 f11 !hi !tiillii~ifit+ +...; ,, : + "iilRa + '- Il III III I I+ITT" II IT +'+.. 1H t +" F11 -i~li 7*1 I IiI :..... Lill _. 'lIl I I I I ,I w""iill I~~~lliTTTt1rr~~r~r Vitt--I ;It ii lit] :ti[ L fm~~~~~f r .. t~l ... 'I itf4. t - " r ; ; ; + - I I1 - -"lh 14I4i A.Ii .t IT + I+, t+ ~ '- +1l,+~ +~Jttt)ftt -, t+t+ttM- ii -' •~IT :: IIIit trlHf+' + 1Kmr 414' Tll -+ tl4 H. V P+!+ I~l ITT. : or -1-+r l i: I t ~ttt-"i~~ +# iliitil -rI40 -1 . .. . S, '' Ii .400 SSA MPLIAN INTERVAL a /.., SECS. "nA XIfUP LAG = 360 SECS. F :- T'OVERALL RECORD LENGTH P 3600SEC S. I1+ 1-~* I im'l ittll I I iIun!it JIM~f (-rFM) '11111: n 11 f vT I t I t -tr, tl-li t-L. FILTER VS. " !+ i I 1 11111 1 II I LI LI I I 1111il I .001i .01 I -0-it .*0001 a space network and ralating ;LJ lt isceae the number of degreestm of feedom fo .To O(4',) a siale time series at a point one would either bave to shorten the span of the lag window and thus cut down the maximm observable perLod, or increase the total length of recordo If record .lengths of more than an bour are uaed, then changes of the meteorological parameteras, U and e6 ~,-may be aIpected and the observational result would be a cobination of more than one turbulence regime. Also, at the longest tiuP scales, Taylores 1ypothesis (x t fit) is less dependable. It appears there is no choice left but to moasure space correlation functions of the fluctuations. arises beenus Even then difficulty although horisontal hocgeneity may be a good assumption for stable stratification and forced covective regimes, it is probably a poor one for free convective regimes (in the very low frequency range). One can imaltne semi-pemmanent "theamals" over terratin features such as bare surfaces next to wooded or water areas. the lack of horiontal Here horisontal fluxes and otaogeneity -muld be important. Despite all these difficulties, if one had a homgeneous lower boundazy, it seems that the average valu of the spectral density of energy at a point would be a reasonable first estito of its spatially avera d value* Then the low frequency observations here should be reasonable, Including the occurrenca of a moam of convective energy at low frequencies, as shown in Figures 8 - 15, 24, 25, 26 and 27.* ost of these observations were taken under northwest flow patterns at Round 1ill, where the effect of sea promLity on horizontal homogeneity is minimied, The light wind cases with convection and those having sea trajectories, or trajectories parallel to the shore 0IMiI are more dt . ticult to valte ghod of appMoon The investi ation proceeds ai the follofAlg ordert 1. Defi.nition and euplantion of the necessary derved statistics, 2. P sentatio n of the pertinct statistics for the twenty runs in tabular form. 3, A discueston of the choice of pirameters to press the £ects of thermal stratification and the lowet boundary. 4. Presentation of the powr spectral data bt Walonn-bukov similarity coordinates. 5. Presentation of the empirical redult, including the identi- fication of the isotropic range, 6. A capareson of these empirical results with those obtained by other investigators. 7. A comparison of empirical results with those predicted by theory and a selection of those theories which are in best agreement with the avalysed data. G. A su~8ested model for energy spectral daensty functions. A,. eitqisn of devgyed turb~uleqge tatishtc The folloing is a ILst of some of the derived statistics used in the data analysis. Additional statistics are eithe defined in the 0101IH 1A110--APL4 COMiPU Ol-19E-fC-E OBJXHcOV SliMt1LARJT-Y pf op 4-T N u745: RVJN 67A 16 M&TERS /Sg4c g7 +5~6 *Wo Vw =.7C 01. V*LaSpecTri9L v-.031A w7"w OD--N 74.. ~J2p - - 710--!tu- IT al-Ar J7-6 oolof 3.2.7 JZ- 3 .271 .161 SV ~3 I JAA)J x .0302 .-00.2.6 A476' 2.-V .00764- .2.76-4.73 4 j/. 0111. .- La .17 3 fS1 .00374 .0013 11f7 .001. /bf -174 fI -j 11 - 43- 1.' .. Iip~ - - - .176 7. /& J,1f .0.2/j- 1.4r4- Aff. 2.,2. *.oo I 0 00 o2.67 a, .4 I.1 io/0- 1.6 /6-5 157J.7 .- 460e 3.1 f .Ti.a (P" 4 T-. f/Zt I.-7 J4 0 -241 .o 46 ~~15tb- .Iiz. .6 1.#zs 40.11r .13 Jo 6/1 d 4146 .17sr- 3S & .006o04- 20 :1- 7+ .0".74, .OU .00613 W .o005VI 44C /.43.air of 66 ./-* .,37 .oo"A 4.7i4 OfSX 4 L.. 2'.11 1;det145 236 11. 1.7 7i~ a5 .107 14ft 1.66 .0=7 179o .242- 1 .. 2. I JR. I1 44 - - 7.-. 1.16 z. *2.0 .0/61 AJJI 1.47 o.o$7- 4. -00. /0.-6 -thit _____3411_- I- 1. 11 .0z 10 J.,c 4r i -123 V./.0 -0 1.065-o3..23.z .- 71f -226-- ./o7 .o.t0ot6 - - ZENPSIT)' TABLE.Z: SAIPLE COMPUTATION .NORMALIZATION I OF 40 ) SHEET FOR THE I-ONIN- OBUKHOV STMILAR TY . U4, • 7.6a. "(la RUN 67A 1 t 40 'WERS w'7wJo13. V, Sv, x s.,oa ,S., - .4 oT£-.oii-s -s. . orD7 S. /1.7 7+.1 o D) (Zo*0uWrl Sv , f1 /4. 0.* .2y .In/, " %'24 U4 Sv -/, i-.+ ";134 " 14.6 17. .0441 3.47 .7 -- 47S . a.i2 "../ .o .71 427 . 1 2.o J .oo 1.6 . .7. 2. r .wi.,. -17 . .014.21 11 .27a 0.4 .r_,oo _ .0Tzij .13 .oo91i .4 ,h, t - . .o03s !a.7 a0 , .t2.r /6.4 17.3 IS. 11,3 I..aT 4. w''I a f.i4 KV 0,0 .o0 7 7A - V*I '17"' -. o0J33f(zwtrwta( ) S~ . .r . I .Ja ll 1.24. . J.00721 4.1 4.66 ..*?r 31.7 4.Ir 3.-73 3. . ./IJ ste £1e .77 i.e 4.7o .6-I 7.1; ; ..071' or tai? i.l. 71or : -. ./,0 .24.? 2.1. ./.td 1.77 .oSL .-43 . S .2.71 . 1.4 .46_ .oors O .. A 1-2 .oota'.1IT? .oo/.r ."1. W- I II i../1 .4012 : 4t .. 6&ll j.______ .oor7.'.a .064. .. a "t3j - 4.33 .67 .K .1 44 /.2&- T J6 ./la ..01 .J?o .477 /22. . .174 13 .i2o .911 /. 6S .i.0o.5. Co .of L ." r .0 . .o03 .911_{ _ •3 z_. ___- 41t3., j.ga, *317 .0 13 .32.3 .. .o .13J . .a . ..o o .o. .00o0 .. 7..1 .a0c013 .0 .oat. .1.io- . -- . _____ _-a - -BLEENERA STATISTICS FOR TH EI-RUS PART-A. +4FTR 77'A E . WT -i. . 12JII- J .. 5f o4l /6IA.* '] _+/ a.+ ._ .m -4l AI ,_ _ 676ME 0411l.o * 6 S iA S * L ,-,Oh. ,+.1 ,+.. _.. o.. -.0, .577 174 -,~ ,.a+ .. -. n074 +.IR3z .. 4-.i _ +Z..r l' .o 6--. OZ 6 .+003 o01 .-. o. 4 .2I7 ,16 +.0'o0 -. 532 -1. -+.37 I f .-. . f f ..-0......... 0/17 .6 .1 -. . .. -.o1 .-03A4 -M.7 1 .7 -,4/g/ *034 -. 0 ..7 4Z i74s / 2 .,_a(? .23 .171 JI z_ 3 ,6T -. ,a3Z +./57 +_,40s -.-. flti4 8I -,.6-. 077 /*. /.2 1.70 5 - ... _ I_. _3.+/" 1_ _.. A___. S.9 6 #0 , . . J.f -.0% r. O'D 7 .r 1 .3 .ftf -.41 .034 + . . l -. 02 2 -c -,o~ef -.o03 -024. -1. .3 240 , 7 .O -.o 1 , . #S..... . 0343.. 4. .Af+.o.--. s,. af -8-.T 325 9,.Se 42. . o-. t -.e1 .. -. 022Y5 - /3 -. +./f . .Jr 44 .. .. 4 /a, . /. .0 . .3 .4 3.',4 * -a44 +3.-03 .. 1 . off fO -_*___ . .I . " . .0g . , 4. 1 2 -. 0-3 +, - . 0.3_ 0 .09 .O , c+.o .I. 2f / f - -. O.X/z ... -. oolo . _.'OI -0 57 -. #44 .. - .3o . ./F- .;0L370 *034Z t.2 - -.i/ ,s.L i.ant / .1o3 4 i. 42 4 1L1.7 /1_ -. .o2/-4 231 4__4 0!6•./2. 7._t 42-16 .7 . _144- S - ?(, . i... ._. .of . -.7 .. --1.t .1 FILTe MEAIV l/ff- .-- - ;. .oo+, , + o, -- .JL1+ +133 .OYAR 6. . --. -L--. /4SL-.--J * .f /.. 78- ett 3_ A .. I,--- . .a33 9. 7* -SEC 601 ReUNIN . 32 +/ 1 .4 .10. . .. 4.. ... . .. ... . . 3 4,0 /ff ,0.it20 ... . TABLE 4: GENERAL STATISTICS TERS /-4 RUN E' /6 o3 ./7 . . 16 67G /f -37_ 4'0 ... - 0 -1-.3oo 1-.167 -- 4- -+.o0 ' ... /(, o + /',o _.i 3 -. -. -. 230 ._ o +. -3 -. o .. -/67 f .07/ .+....... +.113, -. +.0,7 .o +'""0 -+'°. -. 0 +. , - r m... - -. o- . - -. 6 o S.37 +.. - .00 ". -.26 0/2 -.. ... -004., -/o7 + O -.. -. 0. .,, +..7 .-.. 7-- - + + . 0.0 # .0 0 .~,, ++ ___ . 1 - - _ ,- i. _. . r. . __.__ . ____ 7. I . .______ 0.0 S_0.0 ,.0 7+ , i'./ _ _ #.3.4* 7 +.. +. .a -- ! .... - .--_ +.13, .f - + 0.0 . ' . ""0.0 4--o-o. 7 7-' ... ': .141 _ _ 0.0 -o_7L OI ~( .0 - .. ++0 -. - -. 007 -, 1. ___, -4p.-o_._._.. _-_6 " m _ -. 03 ..... ... ... 440.... ; . J -AV-- .0 . -. 0/1 -. 3oo -o.32 ....- +./67 -. -0-. / . n7 -. ooH -. A30 -. 030 40- _V -. 093 -. .oar +./so -.+/0 4 S-o 4.03' .o3 - .- +.o.o 4..21o3 7.o 33 - +.167 .- /6 - fomPer1 R. 4#D.14 I +.33. .... " ...... --- Isi. 627E 4 -32 MireRS R .. F FOR THE RUN S, PART -. - 1- .. oe_ - ---. i_ ..- :-" -i __• -- ....- ! ._ . -1t . _ _ -: r ABLE4: 6 ERA -STATiT 5 FORTH DATA). RIN4S (AUXlLIARY SATAT W _ U cr -rnP r ;' 4.4> 7.o *. -. .o1. /4 *A / ,/4e 7 .' i--. It 16 4.05 11.1 .0? it6 9.._ l.? .Sbo +*6 ./6i / ___ 1. 3.11. F/4.1 114. .oz ,+..u . .37 ,.Au 0 /6 7.Ao 14.z .57 + 4 -- 9 /6 13 .3f3 -. o o o I-Al 1t.. /.740--3.1 A 1 --? ...-S22 .~7 _L_;34 /-0Q1_ _ .oz /6. 4/1 I 6.AH ! 6A _ 1 . / . 16 J . de • Q I* .4 ,7.; a . .29 .V : l.a2 t .r F ---.. -0.4 -s .O .T . o- oi *2 . - t._ _ -. a -. co+ -. +.16 -. o -.-.-.33 27 --- . . .. ac-- 7 -. - T3. . -1.o -. o27 7- . . . -. -. -3- A.oo -- -. -. A . .. 7.1 . .. , . + * i +.o :+,'/7 , 01"7 -'13* .7.1.- .oof - .of - ....... -_ .... 2_1 004..,, 4. . .,7* 1 ..... 1(. -. - 1 - o+ L -. o , 0. -- uAN -f* -.;.o . , TDorFUL as; r +.7iS +..,' for -+ -..19S3 -4 -. Io0 ~ 4 * . -4.t. .. u -. __ ___h43t.07' - 3-7 7 aff 3+..el oo +.o 7 . -4 0 -. 27 --. of* -. o t+*7 ;oo - .. - -. OU, 3_3 - .- a 1 J=__i_/4 7 . ~_- 7.+__ F.016 . ._7 * -3.0 o . . *1.1 - -o .. f *.." . a..a +,. .. a + R r sweN .. -__6- . -J32tt. 14-4o. Off m2._ A. . -- -- -, -_ . : VERTICAL PROFILE DATA -FORFEIAN-TEMPERAT-UR EA--N 0 r7lKN _ _ TABLE T-- HORI-ONTAL i !RUN \L vEL MaTS) .. as~- __. -. . ./.. 47 32 4. -. . . ... . .. "1 # .. . 7' . 6*7 .. .J F . 7 9 2. / _ 3 . 7'- L~7 ,2.0i .a .3.3/ .y 3. '3.77 14.3 , .4 4 4.f , 7f '4 12.w . 74 4.h.o 7f2. 1/. f. 37 4.7 , 33 14.6- 1 _ I .i 7 7.3 I.4 __ . .fr 4 4af 4.74 J2 _ 6&' 1 . _. 7. 1 _ ..o ,1 //Bo I/ 4... .2 /3.. _o 4.3. 3.64 1.71 ; .2.., .- 6 . 2. .Jo 4.f 4..I .O.f / 3.03 2.f0 32, 3.76 ? -£*=J-~~~ 4.2, *..., o./ o.4 4.6 3 7? . 6. 6 . 10.9 -_ /37 41 . ". .4/.. -- - -'r _ .. 13.2-r _/3 %14 7 -. .. i i 6/.. .77 41L 647.I.7Q10 .6. I* (P .3 7 4.4 jfXi . . 03 7 -- t 41 i .2 . /9I.7 - r.. 4.7 I - t if . 0 LI.L /3.o 7 , s. 'J:-71 6o i /* L 7 7 ~. a. J*7 414 - 7. . f8 .. L 9.9 1-3 4.00 . is + ;3 lJJo*.? 0 .. . .34 17*.A .. ....-. 1. 4.2? 1 ------- zi . 24 7.* + _7 _* __* 7.// S7 423 - 6.77 -?. £l.*i--- f. -- --l. .o /o.#a i; - .- 4o 5.24 . . . ... . . .*.. /.1! 7-? . . .. . .. 1-3i.v, .7r 2.2 T-. *.ol t 4.71 6J 4r 12*J -L .... ...... 37-..,-...... .... A3 S 'J.Sb f.o------2. 3.93 . 37 . / ,._ j7 7 _.S . l3. . . .t.... . 70 4. 29 I... 4. 7/ -. .. iC 9. .... . J i. /3. 3.... 0. ._ .2 __ . 6 w 7' 3.6/ 4 .__ ~ .?, ,./ , 7,09. i-T 2~0 _ 7.0, . 7.4. . J.13 k.t -_ F-r t . . V6Db WIN O- l _...E*-_ ._7_E...... 7. - .. .ffl. t _____ ___ .. f-- - -----*e -- TABLE 7: TOTAL VARIANCE OF ZL, V, W, AND T BEFORE AND AFTER FILTERING (HIGH-PASS ) TOTA L RUN Z-.U'--1 2 M6D 16M. + 40o. E /6 G7F 16 0 6 16 +0 678 /6 VI- z W T' t d/ . ,i2 . .31 .. 232. .01o .37 *3/, .o .7 . . /37/ " .OW ./.7 /.076" ."of .24/ .o/ .. s~7 .as 14.23 r2 *6* .29U //7 .6/7 .2 .0321 . 0 357 .o, ,o .03// . 22. .0 .3 **27- 1..1/ .3.1 . /6 40 16 .E 40 - G/6 4o * 40 32 I/6 40 s S/6 4o e- 40 .. ,3S" 4.ra J. 0.14 3.6ob/ . 093 *7. .7.0 .b, /*005.27f *672.1.53 I3.(. 2.99 i. /.7A./ 9.o0f .8o ./o0 .270o 42.d/7 .331 .2./30 .Sof 12.370 .130 4. o30 .74? 6. -2- /.3,07 'ff?* .752. Sl.77 . ,.96 .060 .062- ./4/ .Zr/ 1.092. .2/7 ./r- */--f *23/ .232- .29 .25? *37+ .7a . Oar .3o2- 4 .322. .9 .6I ? ./00 ./oo . oof .,sr' .00* .e/lff .,0/ .dot .%9 .0639 ./02.I .229 AFTER IZ' . e. S362 .3o00 3.22 .74 "61/ o01- POINT RUNJINIG MEAN FILTER V' ./7f .z236 .19 .a2. .3.7 394 0 41 40 A ./o7 4.ofo .. 260 .1/ .7oo .332 .646 .#67 .0 .776 .OC3 ./X0 .oU7 o1Y7 .zo2.. .030 / .4363 .0333 T' .024. 02s7 .olQ .o f .0oa3 ./It 1.035*77? / /f? /.077 /.6"4 .76 .#f4 .671 .606 .fi /*-53 ./..3Jrt .2.+ 44 .056 7/44 3.7703 X22/ 3.733 f.f/3 3.3.7? 4.o.r3 .24o .324 .2? .3fo .120 .dft *Yo r .746 /2.af .. 3. , * .*34o .o o .642z . /4 .240 P942 *577 .309 1/745- .2f .703 a..ff .f /.o070 . 46 1 J.//0 .fb /.. 33 / J7 3 /.I2A /.oP .6o .063 . ou .Do .072. .0/1 .004 ./o+ . . ofg .063 .3 .oo 1.123 ,3.70 . 7 .2.34/ A.2f37 .. •7./ g W'2.016 /o .062 .02 ./13- 1.76? .1.117 ./#7 . u/ 47 .62 .474 *.56 /. 4 /.ll .09] ..7 *316.3*4 .J3, OY32 .137 .703. .or' .Z 0./o 6_ ./47 -A06 .133 ./1o .0. 94 .023a .o02. .00 7 .0=/1 .00oo1o .40032 s .07 0 .133 ./o2. ./fo ./7S" .0 f9.oo-26 .ofro .osS-1 .1 .f33 .017 .0/31 .oo00 .os=. .o/o .11 of/ 7 .o03r .04o4 .o/l .0/3/ .0ss .e1.33 .0307 .022/ P7.rt SENERAL FUNCTIONAL 'FORA OF THE DEPENDENCE OF NON- DIMENSIONAL DENSITY ON WNO- DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY AND STABILITY. t- ! t ij - 4- -F D Cll +--+ .Ki2. ENER6Y SPECTRAL I ' "~"-~i'.; " t: ' ' i " i :. : t ti : : L:.: 7,ii : . : ,L : ~~.~, t s,.t fy* IJ: i ;--~-?; - ----- :J MO- I .:-- 1 - I 1 -*j. -: K iglAf. -- T -4 t i . TAWL 47AM rN& -' ii V[ .. - - .. . . - -L sul -V- -T r Z iIi"!-.. :.. .. .... ..... : , : _ __., :-:' -,' ... '. t; - -' - .. .... - -- ' - - -. --r ------ ' Iir- - tt-i .1 -:--- - -- ..... . ,.-. t: : i~ -' - -.....- .L - .- -t"1- gIAN4 ir ___ i I i t .o . .01 . o , e I.o -j.-- --- . I-. i i~ -,-r-- L-t : _k.: ..f _, .! . '-. . ... .. ~--C-- i' I K- ----- U t t :- S5- tables and figures *ezOe they appear or in the resu~sm of the paprs of Section III and the Apped2i . 1. Standard dewation of the asimath angle, a aQ j2 and SV/3 whe Ta6,( C eor aaUiage. 2 Vertical gradi ut of potential temperatureJ 3. Richrdson number computed for several layers in an effort to see if a aingle reprsentative "bulk" value really 0exists 4+ RittonCU velocatty V+c 5. priction emporatune, k = the von Kanzi V Id 71 / constant. Similarity stability parameter, a/L, where 0. T1ese and ma h L more general statistics are tabulated by rMa L Tables 3-7. Tables 1 and 2 are samples of the calculation procedure used in putting the powe speatrl estmates into the following siatlarity coordinat: log S U versus log , where i u v and v and log versus log w,ere T = t4perature and SI and ST are power spectral density estimates. data in this coordinate sytei. Takeuclh See Figures 8-15 for the These are the same coordinates as used by (1961) and Nonin (1962). Figure 5 shows the general foa of the powr spectral density S6 :ncti.ons (in non-dLmnsioal. log-log coordinatea) for both almslarity Figres 8-15 and 24 and 25 ow the data in these and U -noxualizaticn. coordiatoe system. In quIa tat±ve terms, it can be seen that there are three apectral recgias. 1. A hih-equency reSgion of fairly unifom slope, where the nosmalied spectral density = f(n) only. This is called the mechanical and isotropic range. 2. A lowfrequency regioan, is an increasilgly stron wihe the nomlized spectral deu ity function of stratification with deasing frequency. 3. A transition region betwen these two. At a particular site (implying constant rougBess or lowr boundary effect), ou has the eWpirlcal problem of espressins Sis the nery spectral denaity, as a function of U6, n, and stratification. by the interdependence of Z This function is complicated and the stratification. At this point it is necessary to choose dosc-Lptive pare8tears representative of the stability and roumhness. Batchelor (1953 A) indicated the appropriateness of the PRichar on uumber in specifying the effect of stratification on turbulence but, as seen in Tables 3-6 this number is qtite variable with height and is also difficult to evaluate with sufficient aracacy. The stability parmaeter, Z/L, has the disadvantage of requiring that the Bross statistics, and T, be known, in the preent w~Ok 10 to w5e the mre easily m~a The approach adopted aured quan ties in determining the power spectral functions and the gross statistics. Althoug _ it is necssaxy to use the mentu and heat flux values later, it is destrable to keep their use to a min~nam so that th errors in the power spectral denity functions, occurring as a result of errors in these glux values can be Iaol ted. The gradient of potential temperature can be used, If care is taken in evaluating it. Most of the thermal gradient occurs near the surface below a height of 4 meters, thus, the levels betwo n which is measured, are critical. Additionally, in an unstable atmosphere, small differences in theral gradient m indicate large differences in the ecale and intensity of turbulence. The standard deviation of the amisath angle, (CA, is a sensitive paramter of stability, as shown by Cramer (1957; 1960), Takeuchi (1963), Shiot=an (1963) and Inous (1959). between ( Inoue found an eapirical relation end stability for the Prairie Grass data; degrees ws found for near neutral stratification. a value of 6.5 The quantity, O- is a very voak function of heiSht, a, and is nearly independent of a in very unstable conditions. the relation between Using data from about sixty runs, Figure 6 shows and . For vey unstable conditions, is a better indicator of the relative difference in turbulence scales and intensities than o * Under very stable conditions, when the scales are small and the regime is more localized, d/ mra be a better measure of the stratif cation (in the absence of filtering), because the value of A is sensitive to the effects of long waves not directly related to turbulence. Using igure 6, a modified stabiity parameter, ( cn be defined. In the mderately -stable and vry stable region, c <7- ) dB in the nea neutral and unstable region (using the "strong , : STANDARD sF. DEYIATION OF ATIf UTH ANGLE VS. i i- . -- ______ __ t BETIJEEN f AND /e . -------- iIwr 9 . * ITERS. . . ... 1O M i---TE .--+ i -t--% i !---I- -~-I II Al. - ----------- I-i 0O i0 -- 10 1 r i ' i I-) JLe)e i--t--i or,&f- - t---I- I - p ~+O+ *.4 77 " J i ~r '1 I I r ----- ~----- L L_~__~C___~+_~___C~__ f -I-*---- 0 I-- I .- ----: - ..I . - -i ---- ------- 0 . . -4 --- - .-.. -. I L-- -. 0r. I - -- -- Li .... .. - ~ I _- + o~ i'.10 , LX I -1 __ 'F--i _ ---1~ -1 I - -- -TviJfl I -I~t--- I - . (.TEGREES) 04 -* ---_-st ~_--~-i ]] -_i--- i_ I--i _ - - --..... * i~ - - I +. --H--H i / r---- t-H---- I-=- WI !,- 1 --- i e0 hj--8 // ' /i -- i..- --,~~~ -- -ILI __ wind curve), obtained by placing O on could be the a a the strong wind curve and reading the abscissa°. Thi parmter in to 1orporate the best behavior ef each (" and A modifted their respective regions of superiority. easily be obtained, using the ameu wuse desigped fauncton Cj can Just as curves, and s more couvoenint to s are also felt in the Richardp The evaluation difficultiesff 94/ nuaber calculations, aggravated by the taking of a ratio of two wmall d64 /and and not accurately detezrmned quantities, 6opecially under neutral and unstable conditions and at a distance from the lower boundaxy. It is just under these cond:tons that the Richardson nu b r is so critical in defining the reg~me the stability is defined an rIoo where( 4 of the asiuzth angle under neutral cnditions. On a purely ampxical basls, is the standard deviation, The quantity, Cjj used as the description of the roughness or lower boundary effect. defiiing V 'x By , the lower boundary effect is epressed in teom of the frequencies it mxcites or, in terS of length scales. is then Y 4/xges) the rouginess This assumes that Tslors hypothesis is valid An the "mechbaical" range (Panofst1y, Rao and Cramer [19581). The quantity, elemnts and varies frxn 2-3 Seashould emphasise the larger rou~g4 es degrees for a very sjooth site or sea surface to 15-20 degrees f-r very rough ites, such as hilly, wooded areas. This variability Ls compare= to the three orders of uagnitude or more variation for the riction length, r as s8hown by Sutton (1949), p. 103. Also V o to small changes in the lower boundary (se [1958)., From the follomiag identities, is no t as sensitive as Cramer [1960] and Obukhov ~ 6,0 2- 2__2-r coo it is seen that, (5.2) U which is equal to the area under the curve of the semi-lo plot. " The quantity, , is appro mately the ratio of the v- component gives this ratio enery to the kinstic eurgW of the mean flow and O( under neutral conditioa. Thena " gives this ratio from site to aite and supplies an eatimate, under neutral conditions, of the v-component variance in terms of U. If n o 1, where 1 is known to be in the inertial sub-ran8e, E3 of thi (see Pasquill and Panofeky (19631 for an evaluation constant of proportionality), and = f / If the level of turbulent kinetic energy is stedy, 4 + onerxr per unit ma at frequency, n mul,1 _ , where 3 s turbulent kinetic (E -'L sumnsd over the componnta and E ms . and A if =0 s then W&T' and w ' the same quantity are assmed except under untable condition when they tend to counterbalance each other (Taylor [19613, and Panofsky (1962]), then: This permits one to ostablish the relation between the dissipation rate, e _~ __ I ~ _^~ 41 /O& VS. Lo 7LE/O AT THv SAME HErIHT FOR FIC.7? SCHEMATIC OF Rfs TWO SITES OF OIFFERENT ROUGHNESS, EXPRESSED IN TRRMIS DEVIATION OF THE O", . STANVARD OP TH IMUTHH ANGLC UND4ER NEUTRAL CONDOItONS, J ,' ~~: :, ,,em ,~ . . ".. r:1 • .. !ili t ' i--t iI+t I,' + I0, 'i - - . I '' I - I , 7LSO :... .. . . . , $n ,' 11" w 2 , I l , - + +If ' ; l i+ 7, lI ':I 1*I. - . ,4#.. l ; Tf iii i'i I '7. ;: . .. .. ;;0 :i'1: . - "- m: ,, to a -. I. .iI, ' 't:i ,+ . :!,, i _ . F 1 , + I .-.+ -I - ++I '-rrl, :-i : i me, : I f Nii~i . . 4- . .. .. .11 i j ++ ... . , __ "+,~~~ ,+:t ... '~ I. . " . ,I i . . + , . . . ;+; i .+i I . ;-i i ...., 1+ ..... "+ %n .. l I. .. II .: :1' ,,,+, d : idi I . , . r -il: i.. 2T .T ..-.. .i lli~r ' Ti , ....,+.:+ - + iJ: : I i+!.I;- : . ;.... ': .. i.II !iii' t II.; '- !++ +._- + ... 1.. .i+ -f '--1 I / 1 _ to 2'J.,1tI i 1+:! ~ ' !I, i i-- - : ; +, ... JW i '.J..L..J ______.... I iiI i . . •. ... i ;l j. i+ : + -: *'-- -- r" ; ! could be #xpressed in terms siugg sted that and the strs,tIto of two fductions, one that is stability dependent and one that is only A ~anewhat different approach is taken in the frequency dependent. following paragraph. Jusinger (1961) considered the recultain spectr if turbulence were isotropically introduced at two discrete frequenaes (a low frequency for convective energy and a high frequancy for oschanical ner~r) and then "cacaded" to higher frequencis as desacribed by the Kologoroff 1rpotheats. A generaliation of this idea is used below: Lot 8,74) be an increment of energy introduced at frequency, ni' If a "power laF' of aonS form for the enoy spectral density function is obtained frua asoumptions about the netial energy transers, then an increment of energy, introduced at ni, produces an Inrament of energy, at n, whiCh e; d(O' Is * i for d S ! , or j < L SO where c = + 3/2 for the wXrachnan model and c a + 5/3 for the Rolmogoroff The total energy at j is hypothesis. E( ZO) ) % - C3) may be thought of as a source strength and (14/d c h . an influence Aumction twhere .is in the inertW C.~d~c13~,c ni relative to n:f Let Et sub-rangeo be considerd be a value for H, Then daeine, ~% o3 In practice the integration over the anie my be over a very restricted range If one paticular roulgneas element is dominant. Nest define the total enerv f-4 .L=f all i /.; Ph.l[n;ln: )Ldn. 4,. . The relaton between convective conditions. effact is thougft of f (5.5) and 2 ti dfftcult to handle, especially under These difficultile can be voiLded if the rsrghne 1n3term introduction of .nergr convective "e=citation" as a variable roOugbwis. this idea sutests ~hese ideas are formally expressed as: mechanical rocrugh (5.6) , onvective sortastionl ) ;' (F *A $rd~ and (5.7) (5.8) d This discuosion is expanded in Section V; and more is said about this model. ener~,s i, R(q) and A( ?,A ) are the fractional portion of tha mean enracted at each Fourier component and is associated with an actual physica lngth scale of the elements of the loer boundary rouowneo. D. Prtesntation of por seoam& An taIlarin coodktes. ,4 Tables I and 2 show the calculations needed to put power spectral density data into this coordinate system Figures 8 - 15 give the plotted result of putting this wenty run data sample into the Monin- bukhov almiThese data are analyzsed in Section V larity coordinates. under empirical reaults. 1, and ese~here Although other investigators have used this coordinate system, it is believed that the quality and siae of the present; wch more comprehensive evaluation than has previously data sample permit a been possible. The data introduced here is the basis of the results to follow. E. ResJt. The results are given in several different foasm and then are compared. Each of these forms is a mens of evaluating the enerWY spectral density functions, if the meteorological parameters of mean wind and stra and the geometlrcal values of roughness and z are tification are give knan. The first approach is to express the non-dimensional enerY or densityS as a function of s C7 n and a, where the coordinates are those of Figure or ( spectal '( 8 - 15 and as schmati- cally represented in Figure 50 1. Algebraic expressias for' energy spectral density functions in similarity coordinates. The approach here is to express those functions as algebraic equations; densities, then to use these equations to reproduce curves for the spetral , n) , for a given velocity component or tempGrature at a given level for. a given site. variety of ways to estimate V The next step is to use any one of a and -'* (see the next section), assuarng i a a .. L. - p 0, 2 a I a I I a I I I a I I 1 A 09' FIS.U LONCITrUOINAL ENERGY SPCCTRAj. DENSITY 4AT IsnEreRs IN MONINOaUKNOV NON-OIMVENSIONAL COORDINATES. JRUN SY4.R -4-E - CFO i31 A 0 -FF -A-- -, - 01-- -Ja. 33 38 Cr v - ,i 4 4 .0, FR 1 .... .. __C__~~_I*__I__LULI___^, .X_---L 4 arm tf-IiiT!... l)ti.._ ... 1 9 l 1 u 2+++;i i!;:!!i+ ,+M I: 189 +t.!AM ' T IN :: T'- ~ .LL F, ." :+ O " ...++ ;i4;-.:: ~~~ "Ru 0 otA4 10; V 'J ' -- ++ so x ~~t -_ -- -A a, v 0 31~676 333 * ,. *" !,,Xii ' • 33 'I~~- - T-TI --- j:R I,+;i I+.++ ..... 11- l1:+-. "' ''''. . '1 • 11b ,. -i .. . . . .. , '1Ev L7I i. I i lp7A 678 67C (,?D 47E 1100 I 1+" +41-".j! -. -TT_*+ • 100 :1 :::. I 01 , il." i a Pd :i 1 ,, ;; .! "Iu;s,! I I I I I 74. , -+ W 9 f .. -- ~ ~ :ii;, ~ NChPi 1 -- -L14--r, 1 ,, '"+I : l4l l f tt r -+,i z.+ . .+ -. .. J; 9 ; Iof I . .. -' 34 . -r .I, e "-7 • .+ ! +7 t )1 t+l,: Ttt1TT11VFfTVT1I1fT-tit1FT 77l'' ?-;i7f;ill f;:l"r'l :1: I~~?~'t'"~ p1II .1.11. _ffjjjf r j -4tf1: I i"J"! :' , i t i*... .''.'' .. . .J , i 01_ I I 1 1 I .I .L .. I I 4T 4 5 I w 'I , ." I I I .' 7 6 1 - - " "" -CJ 3 1.0 C r C 1 I *1•II (7 I 1 e.3 .0 : - -i ' 44_ ... I . t ,, .t ....IT - ~ TTf i-' 3 ,:_ : . - 476 10 tt F*/G.10: ENERY SP'ECTRAL DENSITY oF VeRrICAL+ COMPONENT17"rmETERS IN oNIN-OAUKHov. NONIVMENt/CNA' C00RDINIA7"IS.I -a, -,-- 0 -- 1 67C 0 47E v ,,& "-z- f- " I- t - -44- t i -L-t r ii Ii~l1 ICMDN I~r.... i I~I ]7 a ' i- I aS~~O fTT- -I1 -!--F l , - -"t + 3? + I-I-IrC -- !-1 ----- i .01. ir Us r .- t- ,,,, . U/6 -tt 7 *F,:L,AhN/OA I 7 '~^P1 -i " t--t---~--iC-~~r~ "' "]'I r. 21C -.9. ~1 " ,, -e+--- I I , 169 7 40 1 I Ii I:IIIfII;.IIIIIIIIII4I nJ.// C£Nfr5) 4 I II s 6 7801 2 1. If 1 a 1 f I I I I I I -~--~--4-i I 4-~ II -~ I I II -I F f.-4--4--W-4--~ I I I I fI I . i .1 SPEC7RAL 0NSJ/rY oPrVMfP,-ATV'S NON-D01MENS/ONAL -OOUKHOV I Is 4 ti 3 . I 1 1i* I~ 'I I wA 2 4 a COORD1NA7r~5. * 1 470 I;. A 3, 0 ------ r 3S' a~ - . . . .. '&M f T*ALj ++ -1,-, I-... 1, . 1-1 . I i I ' ' 1 i. -t- -i '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 t ! M ! ' t -h t--t i ! - ! a Er - -I . T t1 . I I V 4---4 t 39 - ow _W7 0." -- r-----I- i i . 4. 1 441 iF.fi - ITT. A1 .01w! .01 0 .I 1.0 - [ I I I I4 I I I ~ I I I I.4444. I U ,o9 i - I ! !--ti .- | 2 - : -, , 9' t L+. + ... 4 +j-L .-- rV i ENRG •U (,A~ A . N ... NA ..... RC (.. . , AL, , r1- SCooRDI OME"EII r 1- IN MOIN-UKHQ NATES. :4 .S . s. . .-----. - "' .. .. .' " .. - .'I V , ,- -- - --I . i ,- [ - .... . fIlMNSIN INON- I , .. t - i + D ,--;-- ---.-;- -_- __ i++N, ... ..i--' -r-=+ ,t AL L - 4.., --- -. I., t-- '' t- t I -,j LD+E, ~i - T. ".: ).. .- - . . . ~, L -!: LONI17 , P.16/0 .. r r.. . .. . : . i .t v. .r - . .r-.. -- . .-.. SPECTRALDENSITYAT' .. _+ . t --, - i..... (t---I --- . t- .... . . 1 1 9 1' 6E _ - -.. - -- . i - ---- . 67D -- 21 i ." -- LT - 't . , i- - ,S-4---- - - , - Y -- i , .. v --- - y - -j- - 'P. ---- F,- i -r-. - , - + •., + , I - - ', ~~+ 7. 1:: fI' .. +... - ~ - t, - - . ,,4', , i- .+a . -II- i 0 33 .3+- 7 _ . - .,-F- 31 .- 'ioo 4 , _ * _ -' . ,,.. :B+ I + -- - 42 -± I .. _+ : + ,-,,','- - A -j"4.i - - - - . . . I. , . +'__ .. . ,. . . , - , -i' ± i , 2 3 4 4 7 8 4 7 8 1 7 4 449 2 4 i 4 8 4- v ,'RUN SYMB1O DIMENSIONAL . 6- F.... i. : TRANSVERSE ENtERGY SPECTRAL DENSrY AT 4.METERS 'IN MON I N- OBUKHOV NON- . E COORDINATES. 4 4 4 14 3a 31 v 33 V 4-7E x a 13* 34 - 1 I ' '1 VI-1 -- - . . " ,' I I A -- ' - - x I ' - 4 Ii , 0 8 t --. :T40, 8- 2 2" - - :f$-~~ -:i- +'it" ..-- ,' -. --- -:h _ - c---- 4- - .,:- . .-_ ...+ , .'L +f i t,*', j It -!t i ?-~---F-l-FL+H ttf --- I-CI tII---~ ti _ ._ .:.__. . - 7. -- li 4 rW _ _11 il i I a I a Il " bIM 'rU Mtff _1 1TIIT--:-+-7: 7_i',-f - i -T Mi I s;i, I 4 : ?l 4. U-43T'}Th44- I H Ii ! i i ol i 2i t-R-W,( i m iibF>4 ; A- i en F! I t!: FIe. .: EN RY SPECTRAL DENSITY OF VERTICAL SCOMPONENTAT"40METERS IN MONIN-OBUKHOY:" NON- DIENSIONAL. COORDINATES. 09g '1'1li i -i i i RUN , I.T iI'K :1 ''I ii"1;' ~~~~~~~~~~. - ,l~ ' ;]]t: - .• , SYMBoL 67E V 37E V 1 3.2. a -- L rFIL " 0 44. £ 37 ZLZZm ~Ia ,- " 40 -/-. , . ll* - ' ;;TI'il,:l'I,t;" . ,l L O33 0IIj . 7, 1 I ___ 1 II 4 #I91 I t I S I al FII* | I 179 I I fIII~I~i I | .. .. 67A 41 : __4 i H .U ' 'I -vj0 H 77h-- : 7 . -'1 34 -I If l off : i~.-1:. AV . .i- -71 RUN 31 T7 SASYMM.LRSINMOIN- I~~ T _f v fHI41F41H -$ -K- ~ .. r - 661) IK 1-- 41 ~ - v .011 I ~- I p9 do" -A, /0 4 it I 17 1 11 : J4 -- - 4_ F 1 f I'NCROY SPtrRAL DENSITY Or 7TIIPERATUORK FLucruAriONS AT 4OMErERS /IV MOIVN COORIAr.S. -OaLAKNov NON -VINOV80N4. VJ p YII • i., i j TTI a 111 TT - 73 that they are not wailable, to return to dsnsonal coordinates and thus to give the desired en inerin& estimate. As shown n Fisue 5, if the high frequency dependence of SL is expressed as a function of V,. there is an asymptotic approach to a unmfom slope at high frequenies and a suggested asymptotic approach to a difterent uniform slope at low frequencies, with a relatively smooth transition and a single man in between these regions. chown later that this is an over s~plification. It will be However this approach provides resulta, although it does not contribute much enlightenrent. After experimenting with a number of functions, the following function is found to perfom this ' atch!" of low to high frequencies in the b desired manner: eHEnAJS o NJ L where I is a linear function of and r'k a ) is also used as a stability parameter. Si at n = 1.0 for the neutral case and serves to position the ordi- nate, Si at high fraquency. n actually stands for here b is the slope value at bigh frequency c is determined by the value of Si at a selected low frequency, say na .1o b plus d is the slope of Si as n approaches ero. a is determined by the low frequency stability dependence of 81 F is determined by the high frequency stability dependence of Si ' NO - 15. These conastants were then determined, using the data in Figures Then using selec ed values of CF) rh.re CJ = 4, 5, 8, 10, 12 &ad 18 degrees, the results are sho values of and usuin the neutral case, v 10 degrees the algebraic expreasim n the corresponding n nFigures 16 and 17 and by rt B of the Appendix. The ~osa serious deficiency of these empirical functions seems to be in the transition (between- a .02 and .07) in unstable cases. Eere, it looks as if a sepmaation occurs between the mecanically and the convectively Introduced turbulence. FigurS s 16, 17, 24 and 25, Compare Figures 8 - 15 with If one could tolerate a 50 pr cent error, then for a large part of the higher frequency scale ( ?L/U > same 9ucton can be used for either 16 or 40 maters. J/ ) the This can be seen either from Fig ea 8 - 15, 16 and 17 or the algebraic expressions. Addi- tiownlly, under near-neutral and unstable conditions, Su and Sv are ntercsng able with less than a 50 per cent error. in this region, bo ooe hundred derees of fredom in the data, so that 90 there are about per cent of the time the observed value. re value should be within 15 - 20 per cent of the tmhe This difference beteen the 16 and 40-meter .- xvcs is apparently significant and the use of the more simplifled functions toild be a matter of accuracy requireients. In order to return to diEn- j must he used. and the heat flux, ;ional quantities, the srrass7t, 2. Various methods of estimating stress and heat flux. See part C of theb Appendix for a number of methods of deterramining th 8stre8 and heat flux which are suggested by recent papers. As an alternative to these methods, the stress and heat flux data FIG6.1: GRAPHS FOR ENERGY SPECTRAL COOROINATES.(ALEBRAIC I~nP.A COMP ATA4tl DENSITY lAf SIM'ILAR/TY L^P Il EXPRMSIOAIS) 4. coeA .141 I -1oott loot - I - i~U - 10.-/ / J .4., I 4., *4., ,~ :' ~~rABIL5T / sympoi. manILtry 0rAa -F 1.& 0 to is - .6 0400 1.0 U',' AT I~r1. ., /000 jY/Iaoi C:sTABILITY TO.IV Jo 0 /A YfD/ 4.f - -.-- ' ' -w1 /00 too: -I I.-. [ 7, I I-**9...n *.... a: / __ - .9" I., I . I-.-.- - .. *- t--.--.-.--.-.I-. --1 'I I . I*i '- -.1 rli I It 1.0 I 4***7I* .01 U40 y IIO F76.I7: CONTINATION -.l, OF A4LEBRAIC EXPRESiONS IN SIMILARITY COORDINATES ,.... .I .. . . - - i r '' +j- -, ,VgR-AL - - - .c_ L "iL. AT 410111 CoIt. it . ..... .9 ':EZ_:' .°"..... -!.. -: .. ,v - -- :::. i- '. . ,, :, ": : , : i I 100 41 100 #Vol r I" .. 14 10 IAO . 0 - • . ..--- ---.. ,, ****W***9g do .I .' :.- SL4. C. TEMP. AT 16M. :rl , rr;----~-- - D. TEMP. AT 4M. -~~ ;-~~~-'--~--rrl7~1-~i i?~T; I00 STAILIT Sp /A 0 --- * I AL WESt. , Sy11o I 0 .- '/ / 4 *I le .g Ii - .a0 I.o Ll .i$ - ~---- a 7'77 The results are for about sixty rums, have been plotted and analysed. presente cn F urea 18, 19, 20 and 21, Ts thod would require a now seat of figmes for each sites If the functional relationships of the fluxes to the site parmoters are tmll bhaved, these figures may be quite predictable, after the accumlation of morte data on the site variability and its effects. In Figure 21, the .05 labels of divergence between 16 and 40 mters could be relabelled as cooling of heat fltu rates of appro~imately ten degrees c 3. tigrade per hour. Regresion analysis of power spectra. The power spectral data for the twenty runs in sinilarity coordi- natoe ware initiplied by qantity bo by a appoPtat (IT'), is measured betwen the 8s=face and 16 or 40 meters as reqjuLSd. Then at each of twelve soloted frequencies (na/4 .015, .03, .04: .07, .1, .02, VAt; The o .2, a .007, .01, .5, and 1.0), a regreson graph of q feor each velocity ccmponent and temperature at each level was made. A eimple curve, usually a straight line, was chosen by eye to beat represent the data. See Table 8 and gures 22 nd 23. Next, for each velocity component and temperature for each of the twelve fraquancias, a value of 1 O J., .J . 4r was read, from the regreaeson curves for each of si 8, 10, 12, 18) and recorded as shown In Table 9. -L/--o stabilities ( 4 5 From the derived data o Table 9, for each velocity comqpoent and temprature at each level, log or. log S VS, log na/U was plotted, giving two figures of the energy Opctral density of the component fluctuations with stability asWams a preter See rigurea 24 - 27. These same data are also shownbi appopriate sewi-log Fg.Its HEAT AND MOMENTUf FLUX AS A FUNCTION OF THE MEAN oOl FIED STABILITY PARAMETER. )*, M4~ W1IND SPEED AND ( 11 0 1t (,ISEr.) , 7 6 S 43 -89 li i.i 0 II i 81 -f 7 _41__1___1 1_ __II _I~L~I_~ ~4_~~_____1~_ 79 F 1 . 19A: 16M. STRESS AND 40M. SrRESS AS FUNCTIONS OF THvE" tEAN WIND SPEED At 6iM. AND THE TIPP. DIFFEREVNC 8E7WEEN 7NE SURFACE AND 1I.* T~T1FF1PFTVITIL ATIT1ITI1TJI7 10 I0 .. I uf'7 ' - -.- *-f !f i 4- I! j.1 -il LL-C 7406c Ic- +1f-0 -Zo . -, by* 3 . - thA -':0 r a7" sURFACe T _- .-.... , -i 1-.-"... t.i---. Ys*- r +1.0 +10 +.0 +1.0 +3.0 ftsaf* A. I 1.44 +1 ,0 ec smErERS -4o FIG.19l: STRFSS AS A FUNCTION OF WINO ,SHEAR AND THE TFMP. DIFIERENCS SURFACE TO RM. SHEAR .-,- FIS. .0: HEATPFLU/X AL A FUNCTION \ A OF "/ I. nr -. 01? MN.. _ L B 71.. in -:-C----- 717 K -t . i t i -i--I 1 ^ di .. -,---H - .4.14.-i- I I------- ~___~__~__^-L- 1r. V-L --L-. . tao , i -f t t .. t -f t :-. .i: .i , t 1 . L ! , I4... C- 511 ' llll I' -l~ II *i Ii I : oA 17 -t--- & -.02. o kO * Of P00 t & .F/G6..2: HEAT FLUX AT 16M. AND FLUX D'IVERGENCE IN i FUNCTION OF 06 AND ATEMsRI. .. . ... .2i .... . .. . -fOM. LAYER AS A . .............::.V........................... I..t X : .... : E ..... ... . . I~~~ _ft .. ~ ;:~ s. , -- ~ f or::: ,, . ,,..:: ~ ~~... . . -1 a: . '' . .. . fat . . . . . . . .. . . . . "':: ! 1, , . A . .. . .. .. I::: . .. I:: . . . . .. . . ..: . fA 7F PAbi'o . .. . . . . . . . . I::. . . I . . .,... .'::: :::.I:. : :!: .. ':: ... .. - .... .... .... .... ...... ''" '-4:. It I .... .... ...... fT_ ~ ~ - ~ ' ; . . .. i" + + " ."i . . 7 . .. .•.. .I . . . . .... .. I . + :. ' " • : :: . "::: ". XI 1ANT % f 1tr-t I t7 ' .L ~ :;1: :: :::.': AVON& .,....... .,. ::;: :+:- ,;,:1,: : f: ;!: :i .iiilii : l=================================il ii:if .I: :!: ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== i v J rr 4- --- .1 i+ -3.0 .. . : . i:.~ t. qjI .. . .:: : A" t: ... ::: .. -Z.o - --------- Ku II -------------------- --- l... ++'+'+ '+ ++ +++++"+"~~~.. + '+ ++ +;; ++.... +++; .... ++ i .. .. ....l . . .;;' - : • " : . ,- . . . r -0 AT SURFACE TO +-1.0 METERS. -+1o +2.o 14 +3.0 F16.22ISAflPLE OP REGRESSION C*APA' FOR AfO1DVIDUAL Frf*49LEC1ES(& oWtS), I-COM,f~~~1. 71Vf4 LT14I14414 ~71z1I~ t2i 40 i-I-]' - O ~1~~' ~--*6 3yv %1T I- 4, I. 4-- ~ .4- '.1 .2 .1 -1 _7 7 ~4~ T+TIT~ C, I t 7-1 _T, 7, DT -T-T I /10 1#0 140 /P Zoo AAOale U6 & 3" 40-ile 1 0 00 so mo /60 n IL AL FI1.23: CONTINUATION OF /CI.i. • . , i i i t .L .. i *-. ,.coi - L -i -. o , I i . Si --.o . It . ; ;.003 1--4p -17 _. 3.00 .i i ool Q .i -4d)3 -4-r . - I Jo o de~ ,O 120 : i *2*M s/o. 0 2P41 ---- -&-it-" I '1] o~i 16 84 FIG..#: ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY AS A FUNCTION OF STABILITY, OBTAINED . u.-COIP ILONGITOUD!NAL) AT 16M1. BY REGRESSION. . . . ,, , , ,,.,, ,1 ..._ .~1 C t "tt t'~' 10 10 .rA S YBL S, 6 U1, Is . .. . -0.,, I.0 STA SY9 5DOL A .. * t0 1.1 0. ID .1 A* 1/ ts.... O O* ..*.. a S ** . 803 I *U **. U- .- " .01 .o .004 ,*- ;0o .1 c. v-Cof P. (TRANSVERSE) .I D. V-COMR AT 40M. AT 16 M. -r svn~oL SAB. SYIIBOLS SrAe. sYMO+.s - ,* , e ,16 6 eu.. -z A 10 .01 .01# S . / It U00, A- .../. - I° t 4. .01 -1 FIG.JsJ ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY AS A FUNCTION A. W-COMP. (VERTICAL) AT I . OF STABILITY, OBTAINED BY REGRESION. B. - W-COMP. AT 40bM. 7_1~ 1' t- ~-"1i---- i*iit.., IT -. . . . I.o IS .0 * 'A 'ala .I ... -. .1 r - .ol I. * &A ****** ***e e******** 4 d, le .000 .0001ool - • /0 U U4. D. TEMP. AT 40M. 10. C. TEPIP. AT 16. - ---~i. -- 1. Sr / -- 0 / S--- ii too .c4 .....--" -l-,rf.... H 11 -i+'- ,- . -- e--, -: --t -t1 - ! ...!! f! [ ! , .01 UI .. . . ~-----~-~ ~ i ; SHOWN IN AS FI6.a26: SAME DATA FIG.4+, IN SEMI-LOG. COORDINATES. SUITABLE e . o A. U-COnP. AT I6M. 0 ,* . -. 6o r AT M -~-----1 rs . - :"In 100. N.. g i 5, .. -- : lilt 6--- -- ,;".. .. " 0 -- -. ,r t .car coz:-I---- M. C S -. ... -... , t ,- ; o.~~-_-- - 1 so 0. 1. q.. Sa- * 1b ojif Lo D. V-COMP. AT 40M. C. V COPIP.AT I/M SrAA I.. _SyPBOLS .5 -g r 0---- r ! - ... ! -.- . . DmL. /l~ -... . . . .. . .0at-tjT-t--- - 1Irx SA.. .. . -- - ... Ui old ~1. 40 *~,,* -. - . -,•. - - : .U& .... -0-... 0 . .... 6'r* *co.5Ljj - 0 6* -- ,0-L-, . .0/ . 3t I, o, z i 4 il at .;i gr . .. +- -++ t: --+-.. .-+. -- u+ +.. . . . . . ' f" . 'W t.-" ii''+ , :.litits' : • , *** : f. +. i ,+Ii/ " + s+ t , :;++ . :.++It.i er': It... • Q1 : :f + + r ")++.... IL ' + j a .. ++t... . i:i : .t-+ii : it.+:::+" -t, lu~ .. "'t Ud ri +:++;; . +.. _q++ ++ r w ,+ I4+ r + Z (r . .; , ' i " o . I .. . " t , .~...: -- - ' " i , rri . "-r ": • ~ . :j" .I: . .... * : = " : +.- "" ! l+*- . .. . -",-++,+++,+:. +.,,.,. .. ;+! ....+!'T: . TABLE 9: UO'NORMALIZED ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY VALUES FREQUENCIES(ret/U).(SAMPLE IOF V- CoMP. o fRUN O -f i~rP .6D 411. a.8 /6 .1 440 /(p 66 .OJ2 .o. .f .7 3.o . 006 o4 / 67 * o /6 £78 S40 42.0 &2.t d C/6 70.6 40f AD /6 160.0 46 /E .2o01. v 4o '7 /6 C2/4. 4o /6 /62.$" 3 o 32 fo 6 o2/4. o .2 1. o v 16 333. 3+ oS/6o 11.6 40 a 16 A/. 3 40 S- 46 + 335. .1. So o6 * /6 4.o o y 53. 4.a A 4o / ..0-72 Sv- US0..cX3 XX-X.S-:Xz=I.o x.=.o5x,4=.0.x.-. 7 23.. . O 3f. .o330 .0.21/ oo'.2 . oo006r .006/ 0066 . oo$s. .0.2/4/1226.on;+ .0 . 6 2.o 0o. . oIW . OOS) -o 2 .063 .oto .T.o .0/06 .f.2t .I .6,o /.7/ .o- 2.9t 1., .2.32 1.1/ .. 38 .2.14 244 .037 .0.4 1 ,010 7 ,0/113 .03/61 .M ( . 06,20 .007 / .07.24 .0 o7 7 .0146 ./3 .0o .0/12*/?? .0740 .0. 7 .A13 a 71' 0S*I.o .oss/ .5. ..61.o07 /.1, 1.7+ /.a. .322. .0/6o .06t3 .W/f4 .1. .g7 430 62 .42 .311 .i1o . o. . 34( .32/ .7y~* .f o .o" .oo .6r =7 . .o0413 3o0 .2.z# .01o3 .064F, .1 7 .a2 A?* .1/o .1/7 .41A .. 66 . 56'. I.2 rP .o07 ..2,o *A6 .7oo .47 .077 .36/ .& .6o .35. A #a .02of 0sS3 - r .0043 .0.S3/ 76e/ 64S' .00oo6 .ooA1 .0iz .o2At *6,W .03+ .003/ 4,.4S .0/ .01/f4 ,04 .+24 .23 .. 2,7 .64 . .1 .Oe "7e3 .oif ,0o.1s 0 .of7 .0%1.A .ero I .06oi .d 23o . 01.76 ? .O7S" ,0049 .071 /.3 b/./ o3 .for . 007 .0o4 .5~S . .0.0 .00 .037S . Ol .146 • 4 . 0~ -1 ./o *137 .113 ..2 . .076 ...Af .A3? .- s .334 S1.* .0ol0 .olf9 .0016 .0040 - I . 0.21t .00703 .00A.S7 46o .00.237 .@f4f .O.oo .0/63 .60542. .0/76 .v O72__ . _. :.007.Z .,00,23 .03*7 .. .26 14 .01_ _ . 0/34 _. 0060,oo2 .3-/.o02. .oo0t .o_ 19. .rcmsli .035(1 .0 .064 .0153 .o'3 .0.39 .lo? .,14 .04{# -!3 WS" _. ,oto .11o .3.37 ,o.;L .0.2(r .oo 1 . 4-o 44 . 31/ .41o 712.A+ .8,23 .3W[ .46 .333 *f .7 .017 0/I. . /7 .o07( ,r .0031 .cot0 ,oo .0.-o .3oo ,r .0,3C .0/ Fr .r64 .0376 .0370 .0o . .0 .0014 .003 . .003 IA . 0s1.00705'T . .3 0/2 .114 . off3 04q .40-2 .062/ .:4o ./3 .722 .7o- 3.o " 1.67 .0.24 .23 .36; •.4 .0S76 ,o/oB 13 3 .077 .SYo .o .i *o .77o .033 /137 2 600/ o.. .07SY .o9 .4o Afo .2.6 . 0s .071 .o/.16 . oog .os/? .0s6 .O O * . 0 6 3 ) ow.o-W } Zx -.. X,=.orx=.ol RN FOR-SELECTED .osso .. o .. o a o014 . .o64o .0345 .012. , 03oo .07/0 .0672. .062046' b_.t .oro .074o .~o5 _046 .0610 .o03.Oifo Pr. 700.21. .A /7P? .1/? .A2 .otI.r .00o.a0 o .o43. __ .0.272. .o00312 oo32L .002X7. .0o321 .00/91 '.0065 .-.. .1_ /O_--.-.0M .o007or .,oo.4o .2r/ _.07 12.0.o.24 , -.0. .0.72. .00613 .o.2r, o33 .. 2.L.00220 .023* -- . o97': .003to I ._ 1. ~ l.L ._,/1- .. -_ o .4lo .o.~.o a,.o+ .0073 .00.46o. .1/7 oloC CofL4.. 1 L ./oo _0_ 663j.L.s ,oo3r, .oo007/ ..Or" .0o84 ./12 __ ,a0 . .17 __, _.0jo.2. .17/ .o/F .0031 ..- o'.. 06to .. f3. .06a3S ,oa * 0. 1; .002 .0022. 0oo6.oI7t.Oi .ofr ._._oyfe _.coZi . 00/16 .0005r0 i00Cor o ___ .Oo3F .002/ .O,.00o O 2 2.p .00-co2 W "°0°0 .oq006 . . 00173. .or4.o0.02 .fo ./.r ._ _,ot-p.o-f4W .o01.4L .io ,, .4 Ls3 .007/3 .ooa .046O ./of _6 OI-It .000.24 d1 .13_4, 0321. 11f . 3 .oo/47 .0/30 . . .02./o2 ./3 .oo32 _,oo.-7 .oo__oof-t,_00.16.0012._ .00/13. .,334 .oas- .o.X, .00o: o32a' ,_o.L - ._. oT _ O013]f.Z-O . 01 70"..032? .06/c .04+1 .o0;/i .o77 .00t4 _,_47 o2ol __.P0__1OJ.l._o3. _.o025OL_, .0017 .az .13VI .ar */1+ I ~. 4t 1- 1 ... _i. : _ .TABLE 1 : DERIVED DATAa. FROM REGRESSION : Sv /eUVS. SELECTED .VALUES OF N'*/c, STABILITY EXPRESSED BY o- ; b. FROM ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS: SvO/4v L VS. SELECTED VALUES OF We/G, STABILITY EXPRESSED BY (a/~~T a. V- COMP(1/M.) - O .2 ---t- .02 .0 A. , . S.00. S .0.oz .0oo0/ 10 /.13 12. b. .lo .0. 4. 0 /.0 .69 *31 5/Zy /.64 3.2 .31 .04 . oo¢ .. 0o .93 .OoJ /3.1 =.01 2.o .77 4.4. 7.0 /o." /O. .01 .0oo00/' .0o . oo1 e, 0 g =.07 =.1 .0001oWS *031. .ocos .0000. O 0/t" .003 S00012. .0o3 . ooozI .003 01 /.2. .003 *001 - fs S0/4 0034- O .3o .01 .00o . 0o .Ooa - . 0oo/" ./el 01 .00o . ooo2. .0oo00 . oor4 .0osos .o- .07 .007 .00 *077 ./-4 O .01 00067 /0 •007 o .0o . 067 0ot */4 .oof.,s" •0/4 a .032 ,0021w .0o .0032 .14 .05os'-.00.3 ,03 .dor' ,00"o .Oo,03 ,o"I /.07 77 .SL . 3 .00o32 4.24 34.5- 3.J0 1.13 7.47 II. I 12/l 4..2. 3.78 4.13 30 7.7' S'17 #.o //.., 7.1 /3.. 37 o 46.J" 13.2. 7. 60o 1 #*L .001/ .024 " .1.4 1.13 .7 3 * lf *.J 7/o .36o .2t7 ..70 *Af& - r .0046 oy7 SAMPLE I OF 8) 1.39 /.22. I.02. 3Iko .116 .o o.3 .0033 .0033 . 0032 .037 .oo? .003/ l7" .00? 0004w .003/ .0o3/ 6'.4o S"1 o00.24 .003 .000/1 *.403 oorf .0 0 *)o/ . oo00 .0o3 .oo? 540 i.1 .0074- .00 =.5 =.. 11.4S11.7 .03 .oo341 .ao49 00/ ""40 .' " =i.0 .23"4 . 73 *03 006 .03/ .07 FROM ALGIEBRAC FUNCTION S =.1 ._ *406 .001 .o00/ .04 .0ot .0012.. .007 . 00.? .oo4r . oo4 .00f_ . 004. ... .ooi */o ,0o3 ./7 *3s, A? .005 O 0002. .00/S"- ,so/0 .008 .0075' .003 .0o3 .oo/ 2. . 0o oo .oo3 .o00 .00oo0/ .oo000 .04 ,031 •oosG =.S wI.0 .OooTt.*oo,. oeok .oo3 0fir ./. .03 .. 1/ ,/6o .003 o00/ O •0 =..2 60003 .00/,W' ,..14 464,3 /Jo* =.04 .002. ." .o003 .47 .3 3: 5/120. =.o03 .00/Oo f. f4.,o. 1.6 =.No.S .0.5 ./I ,0027 .34 4.,3 /A.2. 30 ,1 1t5. .19.4 4o2. Fea. .5. fo m .4.0 .000/ V-COM R (16 M.) L~ W =.0os0 - .000 .1/3 .oo1y /01 •000/ =.0o. .02. . 00 .O;b 609o oots .0031 (.s 1 . oo .*4 .. . • O &f • 0002. /./o -0/6,- :+i jf .g .01S .ooS 0/3 11 FROM REGRESSION Sv/U4'- . ,..007 = .0/ .- -- - - in FIures 26 and 27. verus / '1 o coordinates, '2 From The data in Figures 22 - 29 show a number of itportant features. Figures 29 and 30, despite considerable scatter in the graphs of K versus at a particular frequency, same general relationships are evident. S (a) for runs mo Two reions seem to appear graph of _Y C o lss strongly depedeno (b) for runs with - ; is a rapidly increasing function of 7, the grap of 7, the stable than (r t on At low . frequencies, the slope is less strongly dependent on and becoase in going to higher frequencies. With very great i independent of stabilty ('~ < These values become insignificantly small. 5), the Y, graphs auggest two different re~imes of turbulence with the transition a.06 and 18 also support Figures 7 or region near O In the som discontinuity in other functions as well, in that region. case of , with (r, 4 7, there is no significant energy until 2i) .03 Otherwise, the behavior of -v is .04 at 40 m.. ) at 16 m. or for 2 auch like that of 9 . shows the same two regions cw-, 1 a 7 and Ita behavior i~ quite sinmlar of transition in the vicinity of (4 to?L . On C /46is o < ( The stable res7to 1 £Y, unstable region, the graph of is 7) shows a very strong dependence of In tie = o. $I possibly is less dependent on (A2 A " . but shows the same decreasing dependence on frequency, characteristic of the similar to with the zone and V functions. than ith increasing wQ 9w, 4o is J-8t1 6 except that no significant energy is seen ii the stable region until hon .04. The 2 i st -5 behavior is As shown in Figureas 24, 25, 28 and 29, the 2 like tha1 of and (AT) fnor al1- . FI... " COMPARISON OF ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY FUNCTIONS AT 16 AND 401%. 8. V Co-PoMENTST 1. W-CMW~ArNK 16M. - 1.0- . ------.. 1.0 0I F i .'d Owl- ---I.-- 1------ - -- .01- I 4% .00- 1.0 - - 1-- Li .0 * -: ti.-----.00L 00001 - .0L Al1. * I U .ZY: COMPARISON OF ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY FUNCTIONS FI . OF" ?4 AND V COItPOMENTS 1i---ttj7 1.01 , +j OY7 - :' I t,.. I. . I 7 -. A- , c ,- 1 i 4- .. iii 7... ,. oK r t- - I T9'I - ... . - ! , +- , , 4. .. -'H4O.I91 Y ... -.~ ,, , j~i-{ *f - I /9i~ .4it 04,. • II,.i .... ~- I-~, %~ ioF' I: -_-,:-fr I .0l.' . tI - I- - lI - . . . '3#I e.i# 0.s ,. , /Ll *i .001-r .0l O ti. i I r- " - : , -. -, - -.i " +l -" "- -] . -i . . .. .. LI . +._. .. . , 9 J r. L-- K- 1t' l L' . . ., ' " i -4_LL IsI i fT F- i, 1TTP71 -- -- - .. i-- "- 4 . .. r.. .... ----T . ... .+ 1 ' i + ! .i r ; c.. L U"f4-I, ~ 8' -I~44i+ , ,--'*€ - -. .....-i I i I 4 -~TF1 -' oo " " ........~--.r . - -t --,-2 -+ I.- l I 1- -- r , + ,' " ...... -- .- . .. [- _____ t ', , ' " '. .... - - ... . ' -- .. ... F-- - - ... '- ... ..+ / i +"T - - 1 ' - - t .. . .r'"€" Ii . .. . . -_ t . -,- Th7T I .oe, /oO .1. l---..... i.0 r' '. ___ 1 '_I ";. " .. '" :-i • .I .01 £1o 1 93 zatlon are successfl at high frequencla for 04 All fuctions show the increamin8 lower frequencies. > 7, except for o ), dependence on stability in goina toward At the highest frequenoCes, a -5/3 slope will fit well but toward lower frequencies, the slope takes a less absolute value, which le nearly uniform over a considerable frequency range for the - functions. A cmiparison of f , , and 1igures 28 and 29 show. that, at high frequenctes, the normalised spectral density fumctton is nearly the same for ; / , & nd ; 4o and Also 9 gj; 4 -o are in close agree3ent, although the normalisation to not as good at 40m. Figures 24-27 aho a huge peak of low-fequency "convective" energy, with uns table stratification, which appears to be separate from the higherfrequency mad~iu, which is lesa stability-depndent and apparenttly associated with mechanical energy input. clearly and it is Individual runs show this behavor more asiificent that this feature is retained, after the a of a~otlAng of the data which is inherent to this analysis method. seoa-log plots, Figures 26 and 27., give the ener The camparison more graphicaplly Here is said about these two separate areas of suggested enery input late. The main purpose of these figures grouped under Section V E 3 is to exhibit the general effect of the ozbinatUio of ftaquency and stability on noma- lied power spectral density fuunctonss 4. Discussion of normaliisng techniques. Seven runs, selected for their diversty in wind spee and stabi- lity, are roplotted uithe coordinates indicated below. Those runs are: Run 31, O4 p 16 0 36m./sec; Run 34, Oa 18.20, 16 Bru 3S, b 12.70, 3.4, 016 = 4.0m./sect Run 40,, .= nt 4.7, = 4.7m/secs U16 a 3W.a/sec ___ _I I__ V4 Rm 66E, r.4 a 5.4*, 4 i 6 Run 67E, r C .4*O U 4.3m/eec; Run 67C0 r = 9.6m/sec. 6 8.*4 16 = 6.2m/see The coordnates ae lo(g versus log T, wh re S = kinetic eaergy spectral dnsity and L = u, v3 j m 16m, 40m; u( 2 ) e n ind at 2 maters; T a time in seconds (see Fisure 30). These sal e rmns ar log also presented in the fonm log versus where I a u , v, and J a 16m, 40 m. (see Figre 31). The last set to be presented l se is flS' T . period in seconds, i * ta, v,, versus lo T.; Temp.; j = 16,40m., giving eight pres; (see Figues 32 - 39)o Two systems used by C~amer (1960) are of particular Interest because of thoir success in "normslising" a variety of runs. of 3 for aormalizatinc These are (a) use of spectral density values and (b) log LU versus log The Ipux ose of examLing various coordinate system here is to see which is best suited to describe the functional behavior of the dezl±ty functions in te s of physically relevant quantities. pectral A nnay of the six syatems to be compared is: (a) Siilarity coordinates, lolog 3 - 15). (i71.uree (b) ortmlisation by qlog versus log sz/, or log ~cT o (46 )2, log (Figures 24 and 25. (c) Sami-log plot of (b), or Lversus 26 and 27), (d) log L vru verOus log , (Figue 30.) log a/U, (Figues 95 RFi. 301 ENERGY SPECTRAL DENSITY FOR A SELECTION OF DIVERSIFILD RUNS AS A FUNCTION OF PERIOD ; NORMALI ZATION IS WITHr RrsPEC To O' AT-tf.LEVEL. A. 21-COMP. AT IfM. S. V-COfP At /In. 1.0; __ '__LL 4~ : ,.'.L_.I If :,t.. .0; I?t I, V i - . . t t+- Ft' - + ir+ '++ *00I( ++_ ..... .. * ... , rA .... #+.., ...+ .. . ..,._ .,,-- $ rt f 10 , .00 +-"~~ I 777 4i + 1 : + i C :. * :r ,i *# ' '' C + f, l g 4' ' . 1 I++Ti.I [ . ' . 't V-,.--t, St . **2 ',,L_ I+++- , .V ' - 0, 4_1 L -- ,V, • . _ • , T vf.,+ ijl.1 . 'i.., ,. Tll- t+l t , ,,- i, L+, + + o I -' + +t i,-l t+,T: r,, .... I t, ,'l, :j3*! 0 ',- l-' C, i,II r r-,e.)(aie.; .001. • ._f--. I , ~ --- r+ " +. T ;+ - '. II -.. :'*! ,- .• :- _ -CotiP. ATflM. +!. :.. :+. : , li::.... ,. , - 0I "" . -- -,w ,' i - ' jo ITT, + I.i+ t . --L- .iiT m...+ +..I: .. -- ,'! +'t' . i k , . , v' .I- K.-v.Y 1,rric... 9+: -,-i " . eo( e. D- , . , -. , - - i w; !+t~ t,+ !+ ¢ - i,-- Il .-iiK.F .-r+a - 4, , • 411 00I " + , L .1 (fc6 .o ,I :- + oH#. , 0, LL " o 1t• ' ,Y. I ....,+++ ,. f -+E -i -I r-T -' .il .. "l q +'W'+ '+',1 . , . , .."I •T ;, ttL ++.-- +' I t.r :_.71 t-; -- + ,Iii-i .. . . ' " • ";... i, .J:ooacs '+ ' ' - I ' " I- ' ' i--..... '-..I i+-, + , + l IIIr:-T Ii,t ;. . + ++- -- + ,- i . i4l;4.+ it!4i. t ...+ J- li, . T'l-T -': i " +t +I+ .._ ! . +++e,'- - . 7 '+, IL ;; I ! : I' ; :l :FlTl-I++: [+Jt L--+= f+-:: CL<1:,: -- -- CC----- !*t - I -+ ' 'T -- i r "- ,_ll ,' ~ +,i-. . .It i I 'I'--" i "' . I P i : : Y-IIIIIIIIX.~^-IIYL.II~-~ il^l I .31:SAME -COMIP. A. s. VS. DATA ASF16.0, BUT USNG COORDINATES AT 1. IQa) LU: I 10~~~~I ilii E-E , V-COI S. La .U OR -V . . AT 1 ~ .. _I j1' +> , . "4 + rI7 I "l0"1 1 . " "++v + ),O ?' i' I:o =" wri I I " , ++r . . . I [ ',,+ + ++ , -- , ,~ .. l , i , 1. 0 .1 ,, II - I..... ' , Ir ..... . : f | e ;i" (I 0* S :r :. '+' '' , - - t ' ,' i S-+ "'+ . I,+ ... .. . '; +-- r. . . !- + ,, .. ..sij-+" ' +; -r.............. . -r "I' ; + $7~ .' WaRt 1E • 'Aeabl o-." ' IO'i 3r i +' + , m. + + m - K : . t i •!. ''" l++ , ... 4 sw ~ ~ +. ~~I ° + ""+"'-" "+) +- - .thd--ld-r . .. + i-1 - ".i - - ALv. • , o . ____ . I~ ~:_i+u +r+ ~ -.; ;;;v' . . ... -- ++ ++ +.-- " ~ -- ! '; !ti +, I . _ ;+. , + ';' __1IL1 . I , £r O;L X-I n t , I f . t + , + . . . . .01 1 1.0 _ .- t ,, ,, .. C. L-CoM. AT 40M. -_ - -I V-COM..AT D. ~----- 40M. .P li-i~ - , 4. ci " ... -,' 0 -- , " S+ t -- - 0 , +-I.. I.-- I .. at f, oi* 0 KV;" *.. - .o . •~ l - . If : ".....- ' . ,-- -- :.2+ Or i-+W - _+.. . .+ - -- -4-- l.4 - ---. 0 1.0II . . +t- r------ G-.- ; - . . tt- 4 t .. . - :- AMAM:11 IT. ~C~ . I 0~~1 _ + t i... . . , ~ +.... T +_ 7+-r 1" - -I, " . iti~~T7f7 i-i -t,1 13 . -i , -- i i I fi : + - -- - : P+ -. I ,K a . "Ill1-I ----- *, OTC-- --t--- -, a i +- -;o . , --I++,.---- " :~~~~r " + i,+,' '- i' l U : :;,P -h++ .+. - + + '~*iI- i ,-e. i a,. + . i +l +.+: t- .. . ..,+t :+ . . . + '.+ :, _, - -. ' . -I .. , *P+ -- ;l- -:f . ooV- .. -9:JAIY . . .. o ' "' ... , ... . iv t " i %. , K;b + i ,+ iiii ,;I! --.9 i -Iaa v I , "• . • - Oi.i- -, -; - - I .. .. -' - 01 0 . -+ +.+ - t~i + :.+,+ - 4-,-+ ' ji It V ' + . ' . - +* -1 - - ,-pY . , : .iii, k,. . -q@O It, ' 1 1 -----.- 1-14 ... 4 , +! . ;. i|t. ILIII__^III1_YI~Y__1_1_-~-11111 FIG. 3.21 POWR SPECTRA,. FOR I RUNS /N CORD I NATES S,16 VS. LOC 7', 7' PER/OD(SEC) PmfT ITT1TFYAL J AI - .4 I.0 -- - - ' ' I1 1 ' ' ' ' 11 -2 -I----1i' ': ' ' 9( . W 444 V4 -- 444 H ' I -- --- . L, -------i, - -- i7E 7 -iie ! I. +l i - "44--- i- ih , :i V4AL i kfi i~. I. i~_.i_ -1--- I I a.m i..,. t.1lt~ t T7777 -I I L. J. - *-1-- fia, Wr ___ -$- I I.~flK: K 'IF Thi-'4 -~ j(5i c.) I ~ e' I: P n r n 9/8 FIG. 33 POWER SPECTRA FOR TRUNS IN COORDINATES ".ey vr, O'7 7LSv,~ V. LOC 7. I- - i"1 ~ _ FIG. 34t POWER SPECTRA FOR 9RUNS IN COORDINATES nSw,I VS LOC 7T. FIG.35": POF ER SPECTRA FOR IRUNS IN COORDINATES ?n SrE,,is VS. LOG7. FIG.3:POER SPECTRA FOR ? RUNS IN COORDI NATES /. 6r .Su, qo VS. LOG 'T viaS n-~ I I I i , ,, , i7T- I.1 ~1 /.3 t--1-----t- 3 i. Hi It I ---- -i . i. • ,al -J *1 I i7 , ; f +A7 ~ ' '* 1 - I -- ~..... ~lH ,- 1 1F1 i /v i !~ 1~ i i' -!* ,, i) ---. . I I$, - TI f i o -" i_ ' I-,-- Tj 1-1 /- A - IC * 6r -th ~jk - "C.) " 0 - (SE -. --- J-- i// nSvo VS. LOG T. F/G.37: POWER SPECTRA FOR 9RUNS IN COORDINATES VWI' 1 ". * I, iI I IK-II II i I ! --- i iI I'ii i ! J ILJK-. -1 1 1 1 1I II I i 1 _I I i I I 4+1 1 r-I I I I I ii bLi / I I :11 i-t6 I 7 , ---- A Z i- .... I IiFiv tV I ; -i SI,. nlS- - II I 1 i i i~ S i. , I t-- ! Li .1 v I i ___ -I id'~ t----IS 0--- --- .I L~i All .t .. a L * 1I I t I 1, I I cl ,. . '_JPFT i I 2 t .i r , I I I1 Pj - iA - i I i 3 1 - I T'(SECc.) 1 t . 1 1. . 'I I -- & -- I i a. - . rl i i I A i I -I a I I n 1 '' Ir i --- FI6.38:POWER SPECTRA FOR YRUNS IN COORDINATES nSw,,o VS. LOGT. t F1G.39: POWER SPECTRA FOR 9RUNS -- I N COORDINATES t---,- -I ;_. 97A 67 670 S67C ,S-mr,, o VS. LOG 7. XxY 7Srvr P--- iIi--t F !* , C -I- F i- -"iL-i-- ~1 .-03---I v!.. - A It* --.... F 0 4i F iv I __ ii~H~ - - o4- _• 1_" - -i i_- .. 44. - " i I TlsEc4 i in M, - (0) log -,. (Fiagure 31). vermwus log as/, (g) 77 Sz versus los T, (Figa es 32 - 39) Siwilarity coordinates, (a) although not the most successwl for "'high frequeucy nomalisation", are probably the beat behaved for a wide variety of runs, including the very stable ones, as indicated by the expressions for the spectral capability of deriving algebraLe and graplhi density funcIton in these coordinateso In the high frequency range, the B2 and (1)72-. normalisations are the moat sucessful in reding a1 the j0C rus to a single function; for 11ig farequenciesp, except for runs more stable then ( a 7. onl, This system is very successful at separating the frequency raung where (G "mrachnical rangeu from the frequency range where only or the ) prU3 -* ly or the "convective raugt", Another consideration of practical importance io that, in the case of the U or (47') w (AT )2 noraisations one needs to now only to Wotuwn to dimesional quantities Whereas in the simi- larity coordinates, the origin lly more reliable estimate of the nondimensional quantity must be multiplied by v ;'wo or T*2 (which depend on and O-R); these quantities rumst either be ettated frma and Sraphs su my, it or by means of forulas (see figures ection V E 2 and VI11 C). In Is difficult to say which of these methods provides better of estimates the dimensional densities. Th e e -log system, (c) has the advantage of showing the total normalized energy as the area under the uve. In (d) and () the 2) normalisation was sed in an effort to find a level for the mean wind that would perit the very stable runs to have tie sa normalised value at high fequencie as the more unstable io4 =-W. In use: uo sCseen to be too amall a quantity and the high Raequency nonmalizatlon was overdone for the stable cases. However, use of the mean wind at observation height led to a quantity in the d toa for the stabe case that was too large. Since the vertical wind profile has more hear in stable than in unstable cases, an intermediate level not far from the surface is suggeated. Even this techvnque is not very successful for very stable casess sepecially at 40 meters. In these cases, the turbulance mzs be very localAed and not fully developed and tnd herefore not definable in this freok. problem may arise in using () An associated or similar noralization when one tries to generalise the conclusions to apply to other sites because the level of best normalization may be ite dependet. The a of best normalization 3ay be the effective level of the most important roughness elements, such as bahec, tree, buildings, etc. Uence, the energy of the mean flow at that level would be pysically most pertinent in evaluating the mechaically introduced turbuent energy. In general, the coordinates o£ (d) were more successful than (e) in reducang blgh frequency range varieane among the runs In coordinates (d) the system was quite successful (the best of the list) for and 9v at 16 meters but were less successful at 40 mater~. The coordinate system (e) was fair at 16 meters but rather poor at 40 meters. Coordinate system (f) gives the total energy as the area under the curve. y using T o period in seconds, rather than a reduced" or non/dimsinai frequen y one may study the low w frquenc7 peaks of convective energy. Tralorts hypotheas L less reliable for these large scales of moion and the period in dimenonal time units shoul be __ / (jf =re velevant to the auer~y proceeses of this region, which are m anly ynam a1l. heWdaz~l absolute untre. Also, these coordinates give an ener y comparison in For deriving fnctional relations outide the convective rogion, these coodinates are probably ineLrior to the othor systems. 5. Lower bound of isotropy in the surface layer. Knowledje of the eaent of this range is essential in applying There are three ways this isotropic theory to atmohenrl motion. range can be identifled, using Round 1111 data. They are: (a) A comparison of the spectral density of energy of the three velocity componento with that pmected under iotropic conditiotns, In Chapter III of his book, Batchelor (1953) showed that, as a consequence of defining an isotropic 2-point tensor and Itpsing the conditions of (1) incoupressibility and (2) '2p equation is obtained: g - %.Z , the following £ + 1/2 rO, where f = longi~tudial velocity correlation coefficient, g traLnverse velocity correlation coefficient, r a distance between points used in observing the correlation coeff icients; f denotes the derivative of the function, f, with respect to i~ argEnt, e r. Then the cosine transform of S = £ + 1/2 rf 0 is transifErm, (n) = 4 Thea F(n4,, The socond ter ~Pc 2 os qarr 4Ra jss taken, where the cosine ZA A. nk4 & QV ea S r-L dA. on the right equals zero because of the restrictions on Mr) "!n order to make the e of the Fourier transform valid. oO L ALF(n) a F(n S + E nnA A. o. ,;. No In the isotropic region, the olngoroff bypothesisa and the raichnan hypothesis gives F(n)4,0 Then for the And for the .40 (n .2rj lves F(n)o, (o ) olmogoroff bypothaes: ratchnan model: ., ,. _- +-.- . L ,, " So as a consequance of the isotropic condition, L /7 =tIt 2 the spectral energr density of the longitudinal comp:onent i 3/4 or 4/5 of the spectral enerv density of the transverse component, In order to exwa - e this property, fourtuen of the twenty nina were selected SIt runs wreceliinatoed rom consideration because of suspected hi& frequency aliasi g at the highest frequecy data points, The ratio of the energy density of the v and w components relative to that of the u cmponnt is cmuted and plotted as a function of as/. They are and oI ot. levels for six of the fourteen runs are shown in F~~ure 40. Values of and R. of 1.33 or 1.20 would be considered a verification of the theoratical results. At the very highest frequencaes, R and R consistently average above 1.0 and certainly quite close to the desired values of 1.2 to 1.33. The vcompocent energy to so strongly 167 conatollc by the heiht 4bove inreaing eddy siQae xoud that % drops very quicly with At the hiU8het frequencies, these data seem to be ~o Wement withal the theoretical reults. Close Lnupe.tion of Vigrem 40 ahwms that, once the turbulence startB to became antiotropic, it does so very quickly. Table 10 (1 of 3 aheets) gives these isotropic ratios to be .ousedn -locating the lowesttn/ Is nearly isotropic. the nas/ loes value where the atmospheric turbulence The following rather ar trary criterion to used: value where either transverse onn than 80 pew cent of the longtdina valuo frequencies. Thee values of ns/ r value ~g falls to in golug vro high to low for each run at each level ware calcu- lated and are litated in Table 11 under the colum: i( (colum At VO Od 2). (b) Location of the polnt where the function va. frequency (in 1og-lo lope of the spectral density coordinates) ceases to be -5/3 as predicted by the iol~agoroff Lypothees. This point was located for each run and the resulto ar entered in Table 11, column 3 for the i-comipnent energ function and in colum 4 for the v-capoaent. This point is not easy to locate because, in mat runs, there s a gradual transition from a slope of -5/3 at high frequency to a lesser slope at inteamediate frequencies. (c) Use of theo cospectrL pairs of fluctutation quantities (u, and quadrature estimates of the various sv,, w, vT and wtT). In the presence of gradients of the mean wind and potential temperature, these fluxes would have finite values even for Lsotropic tutulence, However, it is reasonable to expect, in examining the coherence (flux or F/6.40: ISOTROPY RATIOS AS A FUNCTION R Rv=SyS/. fv Rv, RwS J/Su. ; Rii --Rv .,". /, . . /. /. I = .."'"*• -- ---- ...- AZ - /.4 S. . 6 R, -- o ".'"'"" %R ** .,.< , OF FREQUENCY ,. .,N. - -- Rv, i. - --- .**. ... .u . .. . .2.0 Rw ,ewfo ---- Rw, ow . . ...--. " """ .. , ....... .** *.. . 1.:I * 1.- 1. /1.0 " ------- ..- - .. *.% 0 . -4 \\ --4 i 5 - --- ... -'t *.2 - ;. .. .. .. , .. . . . ... . . I. --- ___o__ +O ______o___ - .... ... lk Rw ~OS .. o 1. ].-,"a. . . . '..0 'a - %. -------- ',' ---- ! + ' ,...-0. . ",.- . . . _... _.. . S.._- * _O "-C .. .6 ,,.-2 - -.. o I \\0 , 4 ~21e 0 . TOL O O VII 678 -14M. *f .1 ii.- *0.7 . - -4 ,.* Is T 7TSTOS-A - _ C7C -4 . gw Rv *f e .75 *I@+ rn s - N G.rd -[_-~. A-7 P 7 7O . 670 - 1/6 f k Rw P.. of7Ti7 ,~- S.3y7 .1' 7 1. 7 2... A* /*44 . * au, 7E -/6f. :iw- . T -n0 .at ;?~ 7 R~ /. 1 . -it J 3 1.*3 1..0 .7 hir -_ ./.*f * * 7 *a4 L -To Rv .Rw _ _ .4 I4 .249 Ii~~-iS .13 . *2 rf *19 .IS~ .4 ..t? .4 ~ -~~* ~.L_____1 hjI/ /. .. /.L2 . _Lp Rw .39 1.. /..23 A A/ .62. .. *7 , *3 .39 *ri /.7 /*3 /. J /* ,7 *35s . /.#6 .43 Is .A .p3 .1 .42. *F . .23+ 70 .to ,3Af ev -- 1w of /r,2 Aff 0 1 R -- 2 /*&6 ~ ;. .o .fr 7 h;3" - J7, ./Ax .113 7 .07 *90 .44 7 /.$31 __.3L __ 1. I.IO S . 7 -_tF .1.0 e1 __ : __ __R_ Rw-3 -71. AJ& .1L.3.4 .da. 79 di /.i07 /.7 J!' 1.J.& kQ31 *v .iw7..t * I- r 1J J.f *47 .9;I 1.J. i.ai / 2; * h/ a*e .0d0 S33 67G -It1 -- .JIst__ .13 j .0 .AF .. Zo jgy .4 J L T 1J .1 fX-j. I.i S&j *f : ,f; t. c--;---t--- ,yI/ t - ,42 PR A EWAGESLOPE, AND VAU4S FIOR -vajaDF/iWN6F(l UU - UN 1J Ef 14-- . _ Or__ J ______. ____. a . w _ to .M J____.~A ' -2 4 0 200 46 V.- __ -- fLt- -.I~7 If ar iia H zxI~__NO -5 3 jPE 7.7 de. Ar Jh N _ - - l._ ' I _.~. 07 Or e43 ZL 7b 14:? LIt __ - - A-%-off, 4 146 1' 02. _ L_ 7 .___4.-_ I..*3 .rC-.-or o A#1 4z- 3-L of Zz 014 607 2.13~ 144______ _A_______Mia -I--hLJl -IA L A3 low * .07- 117..2L . -A 4 9 .OA&Jk ~~r~lLL1 J:I _.l_ s . 0 If Oae 1.6 _ 1 '? #%+! _t. 3 4x -A I e !.aL_.oaJ: /.55' 134 !.4-,o3: ea Air I r'iJ L-i% tu' ;. /.J V-31 -3 2.06 -JL 13 _____________ ti /.,o .2-oi -. 61 ,~7~ ~b j~*'Z~~'~_ __~,~_Lf i~ .1_ .t3 ilTE __________________________ _____ - 2nof-- .-- Oar - ir.0 ~t _#!r, 0W Is I -. . .. . SO J 'Y J_1n5.P.I 7mr~oy1 / OtS Iff .4 - .AV' A021 L o.~ If1.O-.r 4.If. ±AXr _ii~ =10 i -~ _.~sU ~LzLiI - SOL 2r____ ___ .1~dA&2i .3 U' + .0-- (" t e.04 .12 je 0; -j - _irIu,-AfI K 1 s3.-1s' A Tl7-so II~ho .2 OT , It Pi 4 1:7 :7 is- OS Jj it hZ~ .2 i4 1- 3 07L7J-.t-.M N' __ ____~, .- ___ __ 1 iXRENT ISM E iMEK'Rcr NA; . -tileC lve.. / * -t42,- ____ S_ 0 Orr, I 'CONYEXTIVE" SYJff.ANGE SLOP[ REGION UNsE-RM r _ IRY nJATS_7 - 6 7 . 10 1 0 1 .4;A -----7~iR.NM ? !_w_1.1 ft 1.67 I - I - -- "42-.01 A.4 am 1c! .IjI :.i-.V J/ I a4 -e I dJ .r - ------ - _________ 14135-I 1 n ROPE i 1------t------- H-----L-- --Y----~--------- coariance plus the quadrature Lem) as a function of frequency, valtes of the fl aus under taotropic conditions are minial and ttt nona isotropic fluxes would be larger. naro (Luml e [19643). The quadrature team actually becomes So a test for isotropic cond tions, which requires the coherence to be not significntly different fron sOre, rily strict, but it hlat the is easier to apply. may be unnecessa- In this case it gives good agreement with the other eritera, tbough it has the capability of itsoducing a bias toward high frequoncy of the lower limit of isotropy. to locate the lower iir t of sotropy as the Panofsky and Brier [19583) for an explana significantly frcm zero In Soirg where the coherence (see n of this ter) does not differ on low toward higher frequencies. -- ~~ Panof~ y and rier (1958) also give the fo=la, is the probability of obtaining 4 coher e as high as coherence. I. sero, and whre df is degrnes of freedopa Then for 60 lag analysis, f Then the procedure is when the true (see Table 12-beov)wy .15 was arbtrarily selected because that value could occur 10 per cent of the t ne when the true coherence i Then the q# terlon becaomes where p aero. the lower ibdt of isotropy is located at the point, in going from low to higher frequencies, where the coherence falls to a value less than .15 and stays below that value for h1gher irequenclies All esi of these coherences have been calculated and three of tihu are shown in Tables 13, 14 and 15, below. Tables for vTp w and uv aoberence are not shmon since these combinations did not yield values significantly. different from sero. Then wa V, and uT coherences were used to determine the naz/ values desired and are listed in columns 5s 6 and 7 of Tabl '11, below. Fially the throe methods of locating the lower limit of isotropy A COMPOSITE OF FOUR SMALL TABLES. /D o , .344 . / , _ STRATI FICATrON -Sv VERY STABLEa cses) -.15 MOD.STABLEf(cases) .01 NEAR NEUTRAL(icJse) .03 .. _UN3TABLE( TABLEI 2: PERCENT PROBABILITY OF OBSERVING A COHERENCE AS HIGH AS' " WHEN THE TRUE VALUE 15 ZERO. STRATIFICATION VERY STABLE O10DERATEL Y STABLE --- NEAR NEUTRAL UNSTABLE AVERAGE - /.o /.+2. 1.+/ .1- S,,.mn. Sv,,n. St,+,,. +Y .o/ /.i /..a. /. /.I 1.31. 1.43 /.13 1.4o 1.36 1.37 1.30 Sui, 1.33 Su,.M ,o, S~ 1 -4.~ -_. -I- 4. * *O- . 7&4o,4 Z .3+ 67C .o0 ,3 , 11... ._ TABLEI6 r AVERA6E VALUES FOR nv/U AT THE iLO.... FREQUENCY LIMIT OF THE UNIFOR1 SLOPE REION.- '_, cOssr ea.C. cm. C.ww. Z- RU N Tjw.~ PrRioD of _ (_C.S _. 0or. .ASO 4 16 St_3t. . /so I V lo pI+ . .A . .. - 1t.2 .. . I +. . -.17 /.27 ---- - 1* 67040/3oo o. o - .. i * rs .0/s" o . *"-'" 1 - .. di 1LLl, . .1/7 i o +_."ssu _ .i xT .Leo .- 't .... 1_C ZR7I . . SI 0B - : _ __ _.. " __.. _.__L oo-,,,+Y /7N--.a o.~~ o/ - o'o ..1/4 ,, .......i-Tl .. t* .1i *mo umformr Sloepe -TABLE17: AVERAGE VALUES FOR THE UNIFORM SLOPE, fUSr BELOW THE -LOWER LIMIT OF'/SOTROPY. -- RVUNS . 30 .*II .06 .03 cases) Svj4o. '-AN U TT- -i -- 7TABLE T3COHERENCE VALUES FOR 72,W FLUCTUATIONS AS A FUNCTION DOF .tW RUlN16Re COHEREN C E 7 Jk, . .. . ... . PE T-O[Th .2 36 .2o. .2+ S...... -. 14.+ 10.7 .0 .. 2 10 .L.2 .ft ./9* ./7 .01 7_ H-_. --_. S.3*/0 t S - , "~"o.3.1 - --- --. i */ ./ 2 ... ,o /v .a 0 ~ .,, a/ .17 ./s.03 .07 ..1 .717r .04 .ot .O .s10 *03. .. I ./0 .o ./7 . 32 ./T 4.5- .17 ./7 .06 .oq .10 *07 410- S11, .01 .3 .01 .08 . -.r - 071" .06 *of .03 * 03 *06 . =r *06 .0; * /0o.JI .0/ SOY+ .01 .04 . *o31 .0." 6 .2.7 .07 .04 ii2 .04 3.4 ,.o .1 A *1s 0I 2./, ./jz_ .10 .. a1 00/3. .f ./ . ,.o .21 ... 0* .3 .. 2 . .. / .10 6.0 . 0or .065' .1*1.3. .05- .03 .11 TABLE If: COHERENCE VALUES OF PERIOD. FOR h\/T FLUCTUATIONS AS A FUNCTION WT COH ERENCE RUN ERIOD. SECIS. 14+ 72. ft 36 .. ,. ,o. 14.4 .. 23 ,7A •3o /6 *.lo .1(, ..I" 20 .,21 ./o .. 2a .O.- .s.0J a- " . o .03 .00( .002. .005 .03 ..275- .1/ .4,/ .47 :4f .41.S .0 6' .o0 .02. .19I .06 .1. .43 .17 .23 Ik .4t .43 ./ 0 40 .la. .0 ./7 _ . 076_ . ./o ./ 05 ./ .32. .o47 .,,4 .43 .4O7 .41 ./-u-0 .1 " .06f . . . 7(,... * ././13 .06f .077 ./o o7 .// ./ /O0 .i/ .o7 *0;7+ .13.. 6 .07r .o1 .// ./o ./ *,20 .07/O 0ool .. 2 .- 7 . .07 .41 O .37 130 .. 40 .1l •*17 ./t .e10 76 .2.7 ./5- .,13 40 33 7E r6 /6 3.4 .0$D /6 4o 40 E7C16 4.5" *16 ./0 465 CCE 401. 16 6F 6.o 0o.7 .14 /7 .17sr .a .014 S/sr .1/ .3 ./I' .of ./o- . Ifs ./as- ..09 of .0/ .ar/ .016 .of .03 .13 .03 .OK ./O 4 16 * OS .14, *o .031 ./f ..23 ./3 .00/ .o.1 •.0o. .07 .as- S.z1/ . Ihf .43 .1 .02 ./0 ..0 O03+ .0of .073 .036 .l ,"*6" . . N. /7 .co3 ... TABLE IS: COHERENCE VALUES OF PERIOD. FOR U,T FLUCTUATI ON S AS A FUNCTION UT CO H EREN CE .14+ 7;.2 +8 36 . p 2+ 678 47C 70 67E 67C 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 41 4.2 m20.6 0423 3/ . 34 ./oS- -f, .o77 .%3 .4/ ./swo .07 * J •*7 */8 . .1+- 14.- /0.7 .2A *A o -17 .46 ./s .0+ ./r .. 7 -17" . .17 0./3 .03 .,z ., 6" .173 .0 .r7 .l .07 4.5 6.0 0.O .07- .003 * 07. .03 .073 *705 .03 3.4- .04 . dis.l'es .05 .Iq o.03 3 .IS0 .o,. 02. .50 .7: .46' .43- .ol * 0o7 . .33 ./7 .07 S,33 ./3 . &, S.1.2. ,.o ./4 .31 . o .o * 7 ./S "' .01 .03 .03 .oco3 .307 .43 .075" .og .43 .S5- ./o ./2. .A7 .03 *0/ .04- .19 6 .ol .o0 .o07 .11S .47 .17 .,O.3 .44 .31 S05 *.0 O', - .o0 .3o .6 .ol .037 ./77 *4f .-* + .34 *1 .41 .OJ3 .Oor .033 .10 * 006 ._07 .197 .42 .07 *.35 ,.1 .Ao .OP .4. .01 i,03+ ./4 .0o .94- . /.24' 10 . 053 ./5•3. . _,II . .0F S07 .05 .o6 .029 .oZ .1, 0.16 .175' .O- S" .-.. *ol .03 .o0#bS .0012.. wie combinrdd to 1ive a "seighted consensus" value. This consensus value Is one third depoudent on each of the three methods or: 1/3 dependent on colunm 2; 1/6 depndendent on coluns 3 and 4 each; and 1/9 dependent on coluan 5 6 and 7 each. The esults are listed in coumn 9. Consideng the stability as listed in Table 3, these results show that the lower limit of tsotropy to strongly dependent on the stratftcation. na/r 1.O for the voey stable cases, .5 or .6 for the modeately stable cases, and .2 to .3 nas/ At 16 meters, or neutral and anstable cases. At 40 meters, the stability dependence is similar to that at 16 aeters and smewhat greater n masptude, varying between 1.5 and .3. Cramer (1959), aiesatley (1959) This s discuased by Panofsky and Deland (1959) and othere. 6. Form of the epectra at Intemediate freq es. As mentioned eearlera most runs have an extensive region at intermediate frequencaes, Iamedtately adjacent to the lower limt of isotropy, where the slope is munifo (or vory alowly decreassin toward lowerequenciesa) and les steep than the -51/3 value of Rolmogoroff theory, which seems to be valid at higher fequenc4es. For each runm at each level, starting at the lower limit of teotropy as indicated in Section V 1 5, the estent and value of this uniform slope was measured and is recorded in Table 11, colums , 123, 14 and 15. The lower limit of this uniform slope is also stability dependent in about the sa~ mannner as the lower limit of isotropy. This is shown in Table 16, which gives average values for this lower limit for Su and levels for several classes of stratification. v at the two In genral, this lower lit decreasb~ with decreasing stability and is larger, for all stabilities at I - kl /17 40 mater thai at 16 mate~e. The neutral case to uot sgnificantly diffeurt from the unstable case. For the most stable mrns, a -5/3 slope may not appear and there assome doubt that an inertial sub-range occUre. This s especially true for the v-comp ent at 40 meters. Whe- rneme calculations for wT, and uw for Runs 35 and 36 also suggst this, because even at the hihest frequencies, the coherence values age stil In the vicinty of .15 rather than following the usual patten of dropping to very low values. The value of this slop (see rai5thnan 19581 1959). for u is also very Important, heonetically, Table 17 gives average values of this slope eand s v at both levels and for the same 8strati itio 8groupin used in Table 16. The effect of stability on this slope is s pronounced for then for Su and also more ponmonced at 40 meters than at 16 maters. elope of 1.4 is an acceptable value for the slope of 8u 16 (eept stable cases), A very ,40 in neutral and unstable cases and 8,1l6 in unstable cases. 7. Porm of spectra at low frequencies. For unstable runs, there is usually a large peak of energy at low frequency for S and . On the high frequency aide of this peak there uually occurs a region of fatily usform alope (vey steep). fQo The data the extent and slope of this region to listed in Table 11 unde columsa headed: "conventive sub-range". the The average values of these slopes are: 2.31 for u,16j 213 fto SU,40, 2.09 for 9V,16' 179 for v,40 and a overall average s 2.09. The occurrence of these lareo slopea ma be due to the fact that the energy density at the largest scales is being augmnted _ __ //8 more ~pidly by convective enery introduction then it is being decreased tanafer to ldger frequ na es. ary by eu ncreass with increased lnai Because the time scale of eddies scale, it may be that the system does not e~tablish an energy balance beten input and Uinrtal transfer of energy for tL es largest scales before the meteorological paanmters Ui and have chan9d. A comparison of vesults with those of other iwnstigators. 8. (a) using o are no The results of the r@eression analyis of Section V E 3, ._. normaslaton and epressed in Iologo and seam-log coordinates, mpared with the results obtained by Cramr (1960), Panofsky and Deland (1959) and Cramer, Record, Tillman There is these analyses on the general shape of the enegy spectral ageosnat as denlties for the various velocity and, also, on the successful norz~ta (b) nd Vaughan (1962). onts 1mp s a on in the mottaon of frequency igh g que Them same data, eperissed in saim arity cam d to the result cy ange. oordinatesP are shown by Takluchi (1961) in his figwesa 1Ob, 19a, b and by Moin (1962) in his Figures 4, 5 and 7 and by Tuk~oet 4a, b. Takesoh uihis les (werds densitie~ (1963) (1961) uses the non-dinsional, a/L, L to the siablity length) to .epress stratlication and his spectral are calculated fr m data taken at the 2-mater level. used the Richardsw number and his me T~dauchi (1963) used 0Q Caalysis here. ~oin (1962) ts are at the 1-meter level. and the 16-moter level, which is the same as the Again there is good agreement on the general shape of the t tion to a -5/3 slope at asPctral 4dnSity functios and also an approg ih frOequencat nes es even though there are considerable differences in ro99 --- -IYW .Iwi m i ii "9 ad ob envation height. Howvver, as might be epected, the curve shapes the present result. at the loest frequenaes differ fro did not osho a maa for the no -dimnaonal energy spectral densities (in log-log coordinates) at the lowest frequencie, here. ran e. Takeuchi (1961) which does sho up The more iartous disagree-eant, hwver, Is in the hIh freaquency In ths region, Monin (1962) and Takeuchi (1961) shbo non-dinnsional anergy density, , that the decreases with ireasing stabi- te result that is *own n this research. lity, which is the oppositeop (1963) used no-dimnsional coordinates, log w versus log fa/U, Where at the 2 mte level. V(2) is the man in his Figure 4a, b. "A ca Takec He also obtained, in the high frequency range, a decrease of this nondi-ensional spectval density with increased stability, in agreement with the other two papers and again at variance with these results. the followinS: nation of this disagroaent An expla- in the first two papera the spectral densities are normalised, Takeuchi (1961) and Nonin (1962), using values of the gross atatistics g' asesured at the 1 and 2 mter levels. and T (derived frm 'TO) At these levels, very little contribution to the coverance comes ftam the large eddies compared to what to observed at 16m. aed 40m. Those large eddies are very stability sewntive - sufficiently so to reverse the spectral d4 sity functional dependence on stabtlity, when the gross statistics are measured at the 16 and 40 meter level, as La done with these data. ICg Us/0. Since 5 Z U 'P which is just noimali1ation by Takeuchd (1963) uses log thb lis about the sae at the 2 moter level. 3F as log LIp4 vesus , When these resulta are compared with Figure 31, they are found to be more inpeagreement. lIMilm-1 / (e) In cmparin ill Z) the total fnctuation ftrgy of each cowmponent as a z=tion of height (capihna 16 and 40 =ter levels) with the i£ndi~ ns of Panofelk and Deland (1959), asemet wae dubous (ee there wier situations where the the data of Table 7 wd pages 50-58, Advancsa in Geaopysces, vol.6). -1. w-comonae t (vertical) Lhe data used In this zivestigation show: a) in umstable conditions: turbulent enory increasoe with height, b) in modarately stable conditions: littlo enesgy change with eight 36 : c) in very stable conditions, runs 35 and eanery decrease with he~lght. anofskW and Deland (1959) obtained a slow iLcrease with height of energy for the uwrtable case but obtained a derrease with height in time caso Etablecaes. Apparemttly theikr "stable" or night correspond to the "very stable" classification used here. -2. v-coponent (transverse) 1ie itavestigation shov the lateral tutbutent energy s relatively constant with height in convtIve cases, An ag reemt ith Panofwaly and Doland (1959) howeve, there is an actual ancrease in the energy with height for stable and very stable condtions, which ti dsagream t ith their findi~gs. apparently in Agreement can be achieved only if it la first a sumud that their "stable" classification corresponds to the ve-zy stable Runs 35 and 36. Also, since the energy level Is very low, it may be more affected by long-wave uon-urbulent fluctuations (fractional contIbhtion to the total varance) than would be the case in the higher oanrg levels associated with lesser stabilities. by a 601-pouint rnnin8 mean (appr~aut tely 720 s e.), If the ensrg is f£1tered then the remining , i MI0 1ili Iz! hig does frequency enery reallyo ecease with height. -3* ua-compnent (loritudinal) T~8s investigation showa little variation of the longitudinal total fluctuation eaeray with height for either stratification, but agrees with 10anot8ky and Deland (1959) in the stable case (decrease with height), If the sam filtering is used as for the v-coponent. This filtering should he acceptable in the very stable cases, since spectral analyses sugest very little turbtdeut QU=rgy at the longer tim scales. (d) Reco ciliation of a diversity of results for the lo wr liwat of isotropy in tems of na/6, A partial lst of previous findings is: Gurvich (1960) shoma (1) nra/i a .4 for unstable conditions, (2) ns/r a .7 for neutral conditions, Shbotant (1963) observed n/U = .46 (3) n/IU : 1.9 for stable conditions. at 26m (u and w-cuponet comparison), nZ~i4.6 maured at 1.5 meters. Priestley (1959A), p. 9 7 , gives Also see p. 98, Adv. in Geophysics, vol. 6, for several results at contrasting levels and stabilities varyti >ri/i1.1 for low between na/U a .4 for unstable conditions at 29 m. to u/ levels and light winds (presumably stable conditions). the weighted consensus value for nz/i As shown in Table 11, increases slightly fnra 16 to 40 moters; the increase is more marked, the greater the stability. If one takes Into c msideration (1) rouSghnos variability in these observational results, (2) variability In observation he ght, though this effect Is not large, (3) the defining criteria used, and (4) the variability of stratificationt then no serious dLsa t seems to be present. The results of this investigation are quite sUaler to those of Gurvich (1960) but the values .. -U,0 /22- zothe neutral and unstable cases are about naIU S .3. (e) Cramer (1960) concluded that for the bi&her freuentes which include tba wiform slope and Isotropic regions, for the u-cmqponent: (1) for levels near the rouaghes length, say I mter, the slope in loglog coordinates is - 1.0; (2) at intezmediate levels, say 10-90 meter, the slope is near -4/3 and (3) above 90 maters the slope Is nearer -5/3. Also Oramer, Record and Tillman (1962), using Round Hill data,, computed an average value of this ighr frequency uniform slope, ~cludig the E8,S at 16 and 40 meters and obtained a value of -1.5 for this avrae alope. Tble 17:, If averaged with the slopes above the isotropy point, are in agrne t with these values listed above. olope values do=I nto groupings to asho on the slope for both the u and v v-cpoe Table 17 breaks the the effect of stability and heiht tsa. P. _Comparon of resulta with theorqttcal predictioMs. 1. Baelow, Is a review of theoretical predictions about the behvio of E(k) for the high fsequency range to include the inertial sub-range and the uniform slope region below the lower Ulit of i otropy. Figure 41 gives the R(k) function inn log-og coordinate 4: (a) ( epected olmooroffWa theory is valid, (b) Kra2einas theory is valid, HisenbergOs i) transfer theory io valid, (d) Bolgianoes'buoyancy sub-range oaEtes, and (e) 1] [23 (31 are three observed spectra, representing stable, nQtable and neatral mns. Lin and Reid (1963) show that, in the inertial it-range, the lleisenberge tranaor theory gives the theory. Curve c in FiguL am result as Roos~ oEro e 41 [taken frm Lin and Reid (1963), PAgsr 13 - /23 Fl/.i/tCOMPARISON OF VARIOlS THEORETICAL SPECTRAL FUNCTION S WITH OBSERVED OATA (t -COiP. ENERGY AT/e, .). ALL FUNCTIONS ARBITRARILY SUPERIMIPOSED AT THE LOWER LIMIT OF --I S6dTROPY, -1-t-t--t"t--I i * I I + - - r -I N iT -- IIlI.i I - o L _1 ENERGI SPECTRAL DENSITY ao)-it-C--4--3 --- ~'1i--t- 1-F 1 I- n- I If 1...... - -, ~ -7 ' fi , _i ____ It lh~p, li- r-E '0ER~MLt-t-- H--r-v-1 l.O 0- .1 ---- ----- .01 4 2L? 0 -t =uold result from the UeiSaenbergs theory asssaig initial period eiilnarity in addition to acme other assutiono No pretontese is made that these various curves are exactly placed relative to each other; of isotropy is used as a gide ui positioning thmn unevaluated constants involved in the f=u to the abscissa may be bad. the lovet limit but because of the many tots, their scaling relative Even with these undesireable features, it is belteved that considerable physcal insight is revealed by this %CaJ The CUse I are arbitrauily placed coincident at the lower limit of isotopy merely a an aid in evaluating the relative functional behavior of E(k). iaCmahnancs theory, curve b, seem to behave better below the lower limit of isotropy than olwogoroffs theory. slow this point, the assumption of Be independence of the widely separated (in k-space) Fourter CCmnente bec suffiatly in emror to cause a sigificant deviation from the k-5/ 3 forecast. sWJ may lowever the "direct interaction apptzalmacion" of raieLmnanO apraitao the actual pWysics at oach lower frequencies, although it a~o Is based on the isotropic assumption. On the high wave nuaber side of the lower liit womponeunts may well act rather of isotropy, these Fourier independently so that the Kolm oroff bypothese8 gives the correct spectrum, In this research, no frequencies are measured which ate high enough to show the validity of nleiUobergas theory in the dissipation range where B(k) re 8teamrt, Grant and ooliet (1962) have made msuremernt i of turbulence in water which permit an evaluation of the theoretical functions in this range. Curve d is for £olgianogs spectra (see Bolgiano (1962) Section IX A). gives: a(k) ) k 11 5 0f/3 for k for k < lower limit of isotropy le low liidt of isotropy This -- ----- Oili One notes the closeness of Cwos a [I] E2] and [3] are self explanatory. the various functi±'o to one another over a large range of the spectra that can be evaluated from the data in this research. suspicion that the i Thee is consderable mwall differences In slopes uay not be statistixcaly fgi~tcant and even for a data samplO of this sise1one mw not have hIgh confidence in ones ability to distingudsh which funtion most closely fits the data. iHover, don to the ;tor limit of the nt£*fm slope reon, there seems to be a best choice, which is very close to the observed spectra and acceptably consitent theo= ticaly. or ReIsenberasg This choice is: use Kolrrofs theory in the isotropic region and eraIcnane theory in the uniform slope region so long as one remains above the regions of :tchanical n not too stable input of enery". Awy £f~a energy source reions an id stratificatio, t he spectrum in the uniform slope regi is very lose to ralchnanes forecast of k "3/2 (see Table 17). Bol~aLno (1962) and Deissler (1962) have both conmsdered the first orde effects of buoyancy oa turbulence (neglecting the triple correlation terM). The w-componet issnergy most directly affected by buoyancy and also by the distance to the loer boundary. Batchelor (1953) pointed out that the effect of "pressure forces" is to tend to distr~t te energy equally amon the copoxen- , hence provide a source or sink for the total energy of the componentss E(k), through the -component, see Deissaler (19621 FiVre 26 (using Prandtl number * *7). somethat Although the buoyancy effect tos ronger at lvw frequenes, a vezy wide range of frequencies are affected by this energ~ drain (or addition). In the case of ener additijo, this ia not to be confused with the input associated with convective cell .......... Y IYIIIii 1i iU i n E IIIllI i lu ilr evelovment. Then, for the isotropic and unioArm slope f~Preency regions, the previousely discussed KRomogroff-taichman combination spectrui seems to be very close to the observed fwEctioa&l dependence of z(n) on frequency, u s and 8 as apptmtions to the total enag in the intermediate frequency range. 2. Low ftequency region below the unifoEm slope region (ase Table 17). In this region, the neryr spectral densty f dependnt on strat £cation as the frequency decrease s. the lowe boundary also becoma Increasingly1 its influeuce on the 8 lbpotheess, z= Ufit, spectra. potan, nastios ae inareasingly the presence of particularly throu~ This is also the region where Taylors is questionable. There is yet another complication: scale of an Gddy increases as its linear scale increases, since the tie there is the possibility that the energy level of these largest convective eddies is not in equilibrium with the meteorological parameters (i, S' thls ould infer varying values of enerr piarmeerso ); even for the same m:teorological Even with these difficulties, it seems profitable to eamine a list of theoretical predictLons about convection and see if these data support these predictions. (a) the primar effect of instability on cell saze of maxctmu wculd be through the expansion of the depth of the O rable to cell sze) energy nday layer" (coa&. n which convection is occurring (see Rayle bh [19163), This is not the same boundary layr used by Priestley (1959) or monin and Obukhov (1954). ThOei definition refers to that layer (usually less than 50 meters deep) in which there are no heat flux or mountum flux divergencu. /z7 This is not so for the layer referred to by Rayleigh. The 'boundary 1ayo'". has also been thought of as the layer of uanifom ~dings; this for steble cases oTr a deep as the d.stance to the bases ay be very ahall<o of cutaus clouds in unstable caes, ThaVoon (1963) and Herring (1963) are referring to the shallow layer, in convective cases, which contains On can only inft r that, with greater most of the temperature gradient. instability, the bo'U ndary layer would be deeper and hence the mwa m eeway would shift to longer waves, whose characteritic life times would be longer. then, neSlecting wind shear (asawuing ftee convection), one vould look for a direct relation botmen and the period of masxam nergy spectral density (see Figure 43) giving log Tma x ene: and log T. Ian vensus , whre T muLpoint of the nx(n) tunction). is the period asso versus ated with the The data sample ts wall (restricted to free convective cases) and Figure 43 does not seem to define a relation. See p. 41-42, Cramer Record and Tillman (1962), where a relation in the e-pected sense is indicated. More research is needed on ths point. Also the assumption that a depth of the cow eation can be lnferred from c a imy be a bad one. Certainly - would be a safer parameter. related to the scale of turbulence but 0o Since it is could change much more rapidly ~han adjustments in the bcundary layer depth could be mde. (b) Priestley (1959) dealt with convective models and made prita~cion about the heat flux (see also Section III C for a brief suamary ox Pnes4t~s predictions and see Table 3 for the H?* calculations). in Figure 42 giving v8, (rBi but the range of fi These are plotted Isto inauficient to establish any good functioal relation and the results are inconclusive L1~_~__ ~L~_ ~l~l~~ __ Z8, 0, I1 I. I i . l , ' _ ; , , ' I I i I ,. -- ----- -.... I - - - Ii " -" -----+ -i. I.~. i,. i': I---J''' 1i,, I """ ,.......,., :Lt444 , , . I;.l i -4--- --- iL. 1-_-+-L ---L~- l ,' l • i -'~ 4 1 1! , . I I l - -.- i I I K4lL - I4 2-2 FIG. +.2: NON-DIMENSIONAL HEAT FLUX, H, AT IAND 4o01. AS A FUNCTION OF RICHARDSON NUMBER. 10 - T 4-4--- -- 1.0 .1 * 0,I -a . - J'oi .I 1.0 '+- .01 , - _~^~__ L_ _~~~_~~~~,~~__ _.l-;~u~-----~ ----I --)---t --l - 'r^'--l /iz FI6.43tPERIOO",TNM, AT I1fM. AND 40M1. ASSOCIATED WITH THE MAXIMU VALUE OF 7L&9 ) ASA FUNCTION OF & .. V,'A 6. ae/at 4-sat.A Towt (SEC.) P /00 - T400 (SEC.) 3oo . OZ. ~--~-ll-~-^LIIr l-- (there is alwayr the difficulty of eveauating RI when it to small). Priestley also suS~j ted that for RI (~ -. 03, the heat flux should be proportional to z/3. Table 18 gives resulta for 40 meters in fair agreesien with this (assumin the 7T16 values a calculations Wera made as as that are at least as good. Fo correct). Also 3 law for the heat Elx with results his aodel of astrmetric plumes, Priestley also made the prediction that the heat flux becomes positive (upward) before the stratification reac es decreases to neutral conditiois. Pigure 20 appears to support this prediction. The data in However Prof. James Austin suggested ttht the oe hour length of record, used for obtaining an average gross statistic for wT can introduce a bias in the following manner. If the averageavstratification for a one hour r=n appears to be neutral but really contained a co ination of stable and unstable cwditions, then the total heat flux would be positive, since the absolute value of the beat flux under unstable condtioUs is larger than fo the sme amount of stable stratification (as shaow n FiUre 20). All the near neutral runs were checked with the following results: the two runs (67 C and 111), which were near neutral for the entire period, did give W'T ^ O. Que run, (15), which was unstable at: the beginnin heat flux. and slightly stable at the end, gave a positive Several runs having aO 0, had a positive heat flux, but all of these had unstable stratification nearer the lower boundary. From an inventory of all the runs, no run could be found that was really slightly stable or neutral throughout that had a positive heat fl x, so Prof. Austinot less complicated explanation is preferable. Despite a lack of good evidence to support it here, there is still reason to believe that Priestleyes axt- _I _ 13/ ayit~ric plume model nay be ae;Cul1 one. The noiar ni onal heat fl , Q , from his similarity aosuptionjs: may not have worked out in thse calculations because of the troublesme Ri calculations. (c) See Sections II C for a brief discussion of Thd on (1963) and also a discussion of Herring (1963) in Section IX A. These two papaer have in camon similar Seometry, the use of nondivergence, the steady state and the Bouasineaq a-MPationi heir othe assumptions are quite different but the results are in good agreement. Only the results to which the data is pertinent, are listed belows l. wna o , except negative near the boundary. A boundary layer shown by Herring and was assusmd by Thempson. -2. The temperature variance reaches a 8 at the top of this layer (Thompson). The vertical velocity (and supposedly the vertical velocity -3. var~t=e," where 2) reaches a maxc1im (Thmpson). deep in the interior of the fluid region See Figure 44 for the best that this data sample can do in evaluating the above theoretical re ults. at a w, = With values only 16 and 40 meters for the w- and T-variance, considrable latitude is available in drawing the vertical profile. Even so, the siplest analysia for the w-varance would indicate the ma~uim is far rem.ved from the loer boundary. fo ward. Drawing the profile of temperature variance Is not so straightThe temperature profiles indicate the top of the boundary layer to be near 8 moters and several of the runs can be drawn to "force" a ma-imum of -variance at this level, but it looks like better analysis if a maxi~um is indicated near the 30 meter level. I general this is considerable support for t~btheoretical predictions of Thcmpson and HeString -- -- 71[7 :: i I -~- i. s -i- FIG.44: VERTICAL PROFILES OF TIMPERATURE, VARIANCE OF TE1P ::VELOCITY FOR 8RUNS BELIEVED TOBE "FREE CONVECTIVEN'. I- ~ TT r '-~rr AND VERTICAL --'~~' ~~~ II 133 inforation can be obtained from Judicaous modelling Indlca.ting that weuseu and also that near the lower boudwar,,lthe tran&fers of vatousw propertAt e may be statistically "statonary". (d) Lottau (1949) made predictions about the bet flux as a (see Figore 3 and also the discussio function of cton III C) in If the adjustment to PVIgr= 20, suggested in Section V I 2b above, was made (putting - ' a 0 at theory anddta. Lttas < IBntro = 0), then there is good zagreamit beTveen ction of the third parameter seem to give a model quite adaptable to the data. (e) A sunary of eh ttieory-data coprte for the low frequency esti s the following conclusions: range G -1. There is soae evidenc to indicate that the period for the meltm of nF(n) can be roughly estemated from the stability (if used) - the -2. Q( is g ratter the instability, the longer the period of the enerj The use of the model of convection between parallel plates, with the assumptions indicated in Section (c) above, give good ag~emtn with th statisticsa, though this data sample Ls not well suited for testing in the low frequency range. -3. It is believed that Priestle type Cnvection is8 a model of saad.ym'tric plum. good one near the lower boundary, despite the lack of statistical support here. -4. Lettau s derived heat flux function is in good arement wth data and his use of three parameteras u , and , may be adequate to describe much of the physics of turbulence in a stratifted atmosphere 111 (34 1ear the surface. G. Acopsmitenodal eneroi nectral densit fctions in the Burg-ace laaer. The next step is to coxbie hethe preceding conclusons in a model which gives good forecasts for the ener which is plXs8cally raosonsble. Tis was begun in Section Va, with the definitions of the roug~~ ese parameter, A(a, spectral density fwnctions and R(n),and the convective excitation /,j ) as expesaod in Equation 5-6. Thn R(n) plu A(n, 3/ ) autegrated over all n would give the ratio of turbulent to man flow kinetic energy, assuming the introduced energy is proportional to z, which is the affective hbit In enery 'oduction" of the most (crudely approximated by that the w-fluctuations play a dominant role. 2 at soe level portant roumhness elaements ' ), it can be seen Then the problem can be looked at from the viewpoint of the results of the kae isnical and convective excitation of the W-c~mpoaent. 1) = ) ) So the energy introduction at frequency n, is + where R(n) becomes a fnction of Nn ) only for very stable conditions, and is very mall under stable conditions. In the evaluation of equatiois 5.4 and 5.5, a equals + 5/3 in the isotropic range and equals + 3/2 below the lower litit of isotropy. Then Figure 45b. shows the resulting onergy spectral density function "produced" by a simpl£ifed ecitation pattern Figure 45a. Comparlson with individual runs, indicates that the general slopl shown in Figure 45b is a reasonable one. /3-5 FG7.4 4 DIAGRAM MATI CAL. EXPLANATION or TH F MO0IFIED2 BUS INGER " --t-tht ft I I M'ODEL. I I i Ih IN - -11- 1 1 11 tH-t±14-H--1--9 -- 1 III' -441-I- EXC IT A' Tit * h 2 J *1 'S 'I 1 I ~UkSTA~ 17 -1--I I] 1: ~4~zr2~ A. Er~OFC5TWiET LLJ4.J H\. -- ~~i~]/S. C,/ IN Li. i 6gTi SJ04 Y-5-1 ~v~ya~FFacr7AL~)l ~*~711JriiHr(:Af ~ _ ~TIT~~ -- ~ 7ffVT~i -i -6 -: ~ - ~IL1jTVI4~~ 4 -- I * I ----I if -, ~~V-r 4 - iwr azc~.r,.,'r - - V I Ill to 40 ~ ~OEXTI * 14i~ Vt 1 FT ii 4- I I ~ i 4 4 -'t-- --- ~~---~-+- I-lj-~11 4 LL~4 4: II 11 II ~// rThi. 1 r~Lrw I LOG 1~ it -~ 01, 0it 'PL 1 F .i4 III [ !34 WS Si5ARY AN CONiCLUSIOQS A. The non-d 1O sional ener spectral density functiona for u, v, v and T have bean presented In several coordinate systems with stratification as a paamster. angle, The standard deviation of the azlnuth was chosen as the parameter for stabtiity which had the p, mort deairable characterstics. Associated with this parameter choice, then, is the choice of (fN(standad deviation of azmstah angle for neutral conditions) as the desixed way of describiug lowe boundary wougbneso. ), epreasin, ( An value) is. for stratification (or its equivalent suggested as a way to incorporate the better foatures of the f .Ictional behavior of %A at nutral and unstable conditions and of unl ader stable conditiLons. B. The lower limit of tootropy is deternined, as a function of stability and height above ground (see Table 11). This limit was taken as a consensus average of t~ limits given by : 1. the lower limit of the functmtions for 8 and Sys 2. the value of rs/O where the anergy cC the components is no longer within 80 per cent of each other and 3. the value of no/iI where the urs w and uT coherence falls below .15 (values lower than this could occur 10 per cent of the time when the tre coherence is zerO). C. From the plots of non-dimensionalsed energy spectral density, three adjacent reLons of the spectrum appear: 1. Isotropic or hih frequency region where 1(n) oC 71- wh e the - and ( cQases ((( 7). and T)2-normalization is tffective e=pt in very stable The low requency 4limit1 ) LY of this regio2n at the /37 - 16-meter level varies between 1.0 for very stable runs to .2 for neutral and unstable runS. At 40 meters the lower lbats vary between 1,5 and .3 (see Table 11). QAn it 2. 2 - and ( ate frequency region of unform slope where T) 2 - normalisations are still fairly good stable cases. eept in very In this region, spectral density dependence on stability appears but is not serious. 6n) oC --C and is saonmhat stability and heiht aabove where c I between 1.0 and 15 roud dependent (see Tables 16 Toward lower frequenciees the effct of stability is iLcreaing and 17). and the slope value is decreasing slowly, unless the run to very unstable. See Table 16, ~aboing the range of the loer limit of the u ifo=m slope reSion, varying between I& 3 for very stable 40-mater cases to .03 for neutral and unstable cases at 16 meters. 3. The low requency covective range, whe the effect of stabi- lity on the enery spectral density functions is dominant and increasingly strong in going toward lower frequencies. region, No noralisations work n this A large peak of very low frequency energy, somawbat separated from the higher frequencies, appears in the convective cases, the lateral (v) component is most graphically senaitive to stability in thid range, because the bkgitudinal (u) component containa more mechanically introduced energy and the w-componen energy is greatly modified by the height aboe ground. Thi ra ion includes the region to the low frequey side of the lower linit of the uniform slope region. D. Using both 62 or ( T) 2 - normalisation and Nonin-Obukhov similarity coordinates, the energy spectral density functions are pResented (both graph and algebraic ncti±cs) as a function of (r , a modified stability parameter, and are shon in Figures a - 15, 24 and 25 and ti Section IX B. Due to the behavior of the diabatic wind profiloe "2 U- - noralization as tried with z = 2 mters with the idea that this level would be near the 'effective ougnese heigt" of the most itportant If the wind speed at this level is a phyaIcally si ificant element. quantity, then normalization might help in the very stable cases. Actually it wa only partially successful (see figure 31) and eitht the two meter level is still too hig or this s mu h too cnude a way to handle theaeffects of stratification. E. Caoparisoas of these ezpirical results ith those of other This data investigators, do not show any unreconcileable differences. 9auple, however, due to its size and diverasty of stability conditions, pomits more to be said about the stability dependence of: 1. the energy pectral density funtions, 2. their functional dependence on z, 3. the location of the lower im t of iootropy and, 4. the unifor . slope region. A cowparisOn of the empirAcal results with those predicted by theory, gives some very useful information: -1. Above the lower limit of isotropy, the Kolmogoroft or Heisenberg predictions of E() o 2. is in excellent ageem~et with the data. In the uniform slope region just below the loer limit of isotropy, the Eaichnan theory of E(n) o J135 slope average of between -1.3 and -1.4, but the was closer to the observed the sotropic assuumption is no longer valid and this region is much closer to the enery sources and energy containing eddies. 3. See Figure 41 for a comparison of various theoretical and /3q oebsarved enegy spctral datIty unction. OvIer much of the obaervable £equency range hres, these functions are so close together, that it is Nard to say that the differce between them is statistically significanto The ccabina 1 tio the bst of the rat an and Ioangoroff theoies gives aeemento 4. In the law requancy couvective reion, very may difficulties arsde, and despite obseratioal care and sta stical eignlicance of the data, £ew Inferences can be safely made. Some of these troubles are: (a) these meauwements are Eulertin and Taylorqea hpotheas nyq be only partially valid in this region, (z = Ut) Therefore conclusions involving spatial distributions and length scales are not safe. (b) horiontal omoganity cannot be assumed in covetive sia, tions. (c) the characteristic time scale of a turbulence cell increases with its linear scale, therefore, these large eddies may not reach equilbri for -a -particular environment before synoptic and diurnal clhages (shown by and ) of the parameters have occurred. Despite the difficulties an attempt was made to compare these low frequency results to theoaetical predictias applicabla to the convective case. convection there is little low frequency energy. Wlthout In most cases, this camparson yielded nothing statistically dependable. tWWer, there cre three results which seem worth stating, -1. there was same evidence to suggest that the maxi~ma of ener was associated with lower frequenaces, the greater the instability. -2. the use of vertical profiles, although they contain only 3 points, of tewperature variance and w-variance and temperature ive -- -- --- IYi /4z agec%;am t with the epactat3ions of EHarring and Thempson. They infer a -maximum far removed from the lower boundary and a tweperatu e variance nmmau near the top of the 'boundaqy* layer" -3. use of Lotaues three parametrs fhr tuIrblence In the stratified atmosphere, gi ves good results for heat flux predictions G. A model Ls 8ugested uoing the conclusions above and the model introduced by BusiBng (1961). This model contains a description of the roughness R(n) -uch that the effect of site variability can be accounted for (see Sections VC. and VG.). This model relates roughness, R(n) and ), energy introduction A(7, total eneray, B; ); : total energy at a frequency, B(n); "Irand Q in what is believed to be a consatent manner. ;Section VC. and VGO give more details. VXI. SL'GGSTBD FWUIRME A. ESSARCH 2he model of Section VG. suggests the necessity of investigating the affect of site variability by comparing energy sp9etral density data from sites of contrasting rouhness. This would ebow if the enerali.d Businger model is really a good one or not. B. Collect and evaluate data especially designed to measure the csergy and the vertical fluxes of heat and romentum in the very low frequeacy c~ivective range. This would have to be done by determl Ing the velocity correlation functions from a spatial net of masIwng points and siultaneoua measurents. This experiment would also have to be designed to eva- late the seriousness of the lack of hori~ontal homogeneity during convection. Fran this type of data, one might also hope to answer the question of how -- 1100111, 141 1mo requency It is poasble to measiwe, before ho "balance C. o aving to worry about the t3rbuleat syteam with ito enviwramat. If this very low frequancy convective range behavior were wall understood near the lower boudcary, thn the next steps would be to investi~ate how this regaie "matches" into the atmospheric circulations at the gradient wind level and their relations i scales. Equally riportant is the connectio, any, to convective cloud it any, of thse large con- vective eddies with the still larger terrain induced local circulations. 1~ _I _111 ~ _~ I fa The autihor wishes to express tcks merm rss Prof. Ei.. to the folloun g Faculty Lores, Prof. C.C. Lira and Prof. J.M. Austinn and to Dr. H.E. Cramer Dr. F.A. Record and their Round Hill Field Station Staff for assistance during tas research. The author to espe- cally grateful to Prof. Z.N. Loren and Dr. H.E. Cramer for advice and guidance of his efforts. This area of research was chosen and comimnced at the suggestion of Prof. J.A. Austin. II_1I__ ~_L Ir t43 A, RESUMES OF PAPERS (continUatiol of SOction IIe)t Da tsler (1961), treated tb1e problem of tle effect of vertical shear of the horisontal m2an wind in the absence of booyancy. The approach was the treating of a single teffects the writing of two-point correlation fu~ctions and the closing of the set. by -neglecting the triple correlation terms. In this ae e the hmogeneity was zrposed. ind shear was asamd uaniform and horizontal One of is results was: with increasing shear. the mvxi u of energy density shf to toward lower frequencies and 8ilarger in wSaitude. Solgiano (1959).(1962) also dealt with tiew problem of anisotropic odel of steady state turbulence in a stably stratified turb lence, using a atmosphere, cnmposed of eaisyomtric cellsa. In the perturbation equations of motion, only first order tevas are retained and the following energy equLation is obtained' p pressure static density; ( potential densety. this equation finally yields his Figur vRsult, Operations on 2 (see Figure 41) as the impportant This steepening of the slope in log E(k) vs log k plot for the stable atoospher, just on the low freqency side of the inertial sub--range was not obsred in this research but then the test certainly is not ideal b~~caus of the eS£ffct of the oi er boundary, particularly on the w-compoent _II 144 28ao supporting evdence for hi' theor.tical spectrMi (1963) did ao using high elavation data. Ijk=ley (1964) obtained a theoratical roaflt similar to this, but with less constraint on the "ne tial transfer" of eneray. Priestley (1959) dealt with convective regitsm extensively. In Cliapter 4, he differentiated between free and forced convective regimes and pointsout that although IZ4P o its effect on the turbuluece i nsesa I< decreases witb.height, With observational evidence to sMpport it, he proposed a model of convection in the surface layer of aztsyna tric plumes of penetrative convection. He used this model to 1e~lain the occuence of an upward heat flux tu the neutral and slightly stable atmopheree. By using eiilarity, a assumed asusalan distribution of velocity profiles cross these cells and dimnsional argmetta, he obtained a number of interesting predictions, to cbservations. 1. A t list of these conclustons ae: for forced convection (RAi (a) Ipsa rate, d4 R (b) me of which are compared .03) o(( _ H* (defition) * p It C heat Vux k = Von RI 2. o or in the for free ccvection (RI (b) I = constant (C)O OIL;Cr erman CIantant ( ux form, .03) I_ He o 9 ed less. o it t haher levelsa oert" l an eMpnattIon of the i = f(R±): "at consoiable wind speeds, a achanical y geerated tubaulence a _ At asm point, free convection masst tae convection is the axtymetric plutame of Bthi The fo-r s sufficient to perform the heat traanfer, Also s~e weauSger (1955), who dealt with a means of daetezin ng when free or forced convection will occur,. Uee 18.5 and 18.6 of Hass (1959), for a presentation of the hRandtl miing length theowry the amixLn length ~und profile by letting which leads to the lgtitLe I a ka and deftinin the friction velocity, U Taylor (1960) ceatned the Mouitbukhov aimilarity ecrltmentally and suggested a value for "oC" in the evaluation of the universal function: #(%) I - ... In the free convect:ve case, he concluded that y salaty and by friestley (1959) are acceptably the functions given by accurate and h then evaluated the constants. Hacredy from 10 min. aive (1953) used data talan from runs. varying in length to I hou and under diversifted meteorological conditions, and showed that at sufficiently high frequenioes, the Kolmogotrff bhpothesis viva the correct function: R(h) o C K or (t) I-Cf A. for the spatial longitudinal correlation (r = it Is asanead). In Lettau and Davidson (1957), Lattau gave an extensave boundary layer theory, stressing noadimanaional characteriticmrtelatons between wind shear, stratification, and . LISTM 0COOM F M RATUU POUM SPECtA IN SIN$ SIONS F AITY CO to desrtbe the tomnt and heat exchanges AND TZMI M AUTINAS. _____ s0 ara Figura Section V3 1. for a general descripdtio .01, 1 equals 1.0 and at na .02 it a .01 fand n m.02, F and between n This mens that at .01 and .02'. F is introduced betteen n 1ch as : has the full value shown for F 1iCases8 or decreaCs tnearly along the log scale farma 1.0 to the high ftrequency value shown for P. are: S3zo16 4 14 /. ) The e preasions *nS. o .0 It .- Sa/b - lo . 3x 3Vo , -13 1510 -a lx S,brodc/cd 'P W = .0/ X6el4ee) /. 4C >.oI 3L 7L& oI = F .3 / t * + F =14 30o 194, -/-do L,4 pII > *O ~ ~ .3nx . 00 2 "0/ These there will be a note In each ce form 16 and 17 In algebrai of those function. I10 n = 100 /iniodued -. e~-eae ad, 4npai-r/ eonchbONS Fop dah/e Oxj ne,2 'd IL >9 .0/ 2 . 1/ Otke<. ~. ; nea~r ,qeu Fotr sta/ke dn /#~ , ~A-~2 cLdiO I~ - ft = whoda~ce - 41h _______= 'Ai 5)Ii /6 cedL Idweell - e ) dwe7O fleu /-Y' / ecrnd 's : 1,.41focueed 7i~pa >). Oj - /+ 4 (/h)2F AD FAv )7 N) t 77zf.f 0/0 *15m-o I 4, So x/40 7we0/c flc( 7 lf/O ror uns-/-c?,6/4e &e. ewid;V43) is : 4o 15,fa6le exeepll -9.5c 7:;r Siable Sre 7p 1 6 >0.010 -A 0 03 -4 ?) jliPodc~~e 4 x~ A/ e e) 77". 1O2. 1 frr ewor'.l no Ye'"i in 51d IO F~/+ 3oo, T-Or 54,lb/e Le/sne~7 ,,drodh, ed At/ &ref,40 -map -For ums-hk/e eao1dl'is: t5 e)Q-)P, F='S L±OT d I D&4 ICO Z .90 iz72-4 ~ta Sr~,ne) 'fo /-S " =.Oz He sable- f.p V dhei £1e1Ze-ii , > /0* ) .o N lN 1/4q C* VARIOUS )WMO1DS OF ESTINATING SRS AND HUAT FLUX It Lo ntessary to detemie Uw'* and v7T* in order to got dependable diansatonal enerMy spectral deasity values, from smn larty coordinatese Here are some recnt ametods: Pasquill (1963) gave three methods for evaluatLng the eddy dif usivi ty "Ke, through which one could compute the stress by using Z' K sa methods are: 1. The hbtgh frequency method uses: Measrm S~(k) ad eand E. 2. ttal 8(k) and compaute . energy" othod. dl-t3. Low frequency mathod. " Men square displacement of paratcles, distribution) T 1ZE timae, a large value (asaund Gas an then solve for X, kneoang (Jv as before. PanofB y (1963). From Monint-dhov slmilaaity, the following quantities are used: o-dina m constant. LO z L X/q , uwhere k a Von onal shear,,) He has not o used (MM aaan u) 8 (heat) and thus defU.ned and modified the universal function to be: 0 ek 1~~L - -~--L~--L" IL (5o A number of epressirons for can solve for us Sme S'. can be used and then knowing so, one of thos. functions 1, Monin-Obukhov "log plus linear 2. are: profile derived freM: Kyps function: -_f-,( )/ ) / ofuct on was used and the stress , (this calculations are showu in Table S) 3. Webb function: J 4.- 03/6(- %4'Y'1 ?or - 4 Solutions for,V, / -fr 0001#3(- V/,'"~ 1 1/ - . o 37 is not tknn, are also discussed. 8o h Taiu.hi and Yokyama (1963) presented a more the s approach. used I kzf (z/L). o317 /) 4 In place of 1 = hk eneralized form of (valid at neural stability), they The result is who0 ,where a= constant. 4ear neutral f 'uStable*, At neutral f for 1s 1 f a, L1Z /, s z (top Living the Keyps function, The more Seneralised should be better under stable conditions than the Kyps fnction, but it wa not used because of the presence of two constants, 7 and , hich mnmt be determined from the data. Taylor (1961) suggested evaluating the "structure fumction" in the Inertial sub-mange: ) "a (XI ( 4 X- ,) 2 e .2/3 .4 _1 __ /5 He then assumed <? 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Mroc.Roy8oc.A., . . teor.o 86 67-78. ., 1961: A new approach to ma~snt of tuzbent f£1ues in the loer atmosphece. gl~d M ch,, 10, 3. 4.a Thopson, P.D., 1963: statisti cal theory of highly turbulant convection, Paper given at Jan.1963 meeting of Ameteor.Soc. at Now York., Van der loven, 1*., 1957: PO pectrum of horlsontal wind speed In the freqWmncy rng from .0007 to 900 cycles per hour. 14, 160-164. iorn October 10, 1923 at Chester, Pa. aud was raised near Taylorea Bridge, Delaark , attending elemntary school there. Craduated frm John Bassett Moore ridh School, 8yr, Delaar re in 1941; was a umba of the Art Air Forces £tem May 1943 until June d tochE~brctan. an ra Moadvo 1945, corving as a mathe r obsere Graduated frot Weat Point June 1949 and presently in the U.S. Mr Fore. Have eveed orsa to iIn Spat, Alaska wan also dth the Fletcher Msland (T - 3) p eoct in the Artic Ocean. Ree.vaed a. I.S* n Xl teorolofy ne York UnIverity in 1954; the thesis waa Arctic %tetorolosy (uapublisala4d)e