ATMOSPHERIC INTERACTIONS WITH GULF STREAM RINGS by William K. Dewar B.S. the Ohio State University (1977) S.M. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1980) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY and the WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION October 1982 Signature of Author_ _ _ _ __ Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Institute of Technology and the Joint Program in Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Massachusetts Institution, October, 1982. __ Massachusetts Oceanography, Oceanographic Certified by i Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ceanography, Massachusetts Chairman, Jo t Committee for Physical Institute of Vechnology/Woods Hole Oceaqographic Institution. FRO C y LR.ITARES Page -2- ATMOSPHERIC INTERACTIONS WITH GULF STREAM RINGS by William K. Dewar Submitted to the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Physical Oceanography on 8 October, 1982 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT are Rings Stream Gulf concerning problems different Four The first deals with the particle trajectories of, and considered. advection-diffusion by, a dynamic model of a Ring. It is found that the streaklines computed from the assumptions that the Ring is a steadily its describe accurately form structure and permanent propagating produces Ring the of field The dispersion Lagrangian trajectories. east-west asymmetries in the streaklines, not contained in earlier kinematic studies, which are consistent with observed surface patterns. In the second problem, we compute the core mixed layer evolution of both warm and cold Rings, and compare them to the background SST, in an We demonstrate that effort to explain observed SST cycles of Rings. while cold Rings do identity, surface warm Rings retain their anomalous states of the atmospheric local the both in not, because of differences structures layer mixed typical the and Slope the and Sargasso forced the concern problems fourth and third The each. appropriate to evolution of Gulf Stream Rings as effected by atmospheric interactions. The First, we compute the forced spin down of a Gulf Stream Ring. variations in surface stress across the Ring necessary to spin it down are caused by the variations in relative air-sea velocity, of which the From numerical simulations, we find stress is a quadratric function. the forced decay rates are comparable to those inferred from Ring In the final problem, it is suggested that a substantial observations. fraction of meridional Ring migration is a forced response, caused by The warm central Ring SST and the temperature dependence of stress. producing stress, enhanced of regions waters of anticyclonic Rings are the shifts which south, the to upwelling to the north, and downwelling cyclonic for computed is shift southward similar, A Ring to the south. Rings with cold centers, which tends to reconcile their numerically computed propagation with observations. Page -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ................................................ Abstract ......... ....... Chapter I. 2 ...... *.....*....... Table of Contents ...................... ................. Introduction .................................. Ring Observations and Description ............... * ... ......... ****** * Contents .................. Chapter II. Preliminaries ................................ 3 7 8 10 15 15 a. Introduction ................................. b. The Quasi-Geostrophic Horizontal Structure Equation ................. 1 *...*............... The Equivalent Barotropic Equation ............. A Discussion of Baroclinic Instability ......... c. Advection-Diffusion of a Passive Scalar ........... 15 25 26 27 d. The Mixed Layer ................................ 28 e. Conservation of Mass and Thermodynamic Energy ... Momentum Equations ............................. Quasi-Geostrophic Scaling ....................... Ekman Pumping .................................... Energy Equation ................................. Wind Wave Breaking and Penetrative Convection ... The Froude Number and Its Value ................. Numerical Techniques ............................. 29 31 32 34 35 38 39 40 Particle Trajectories in Numerical Gulf Stream Rings .................................. 41 a. Introduction ....................................... .. Ring Model ................*. ............... 41 45 b. 46 49 49 62 64 70 e. Kinematic Models ................................. Tracer Diffusion in Kinematic Models ............ Tracer Homogenization on Closed Streamlines ..... Advection and Diffusion in a Dynamic Ring Model .. Dynamic 'Streaklines' ........................... The Importance of the Dispersion Field .......... Advection-Diffusion Using Dynamical Advection Fields .......................................... Ciritcal Contour ................................ ................... Exterior Streaklines ............... Considerations Potential Vorticity ................................... Exterior Ring Implications .................................... f. Summary ......................... Chapter III. c. d. ........ 72 75 75 80 83 84 87 Page -4- Chapter IV. An Annual Mixed Layer Model with Application to Gulf Stream Rings ............. a. Introduction ....................... Background ........................ b. c. An Annual Mixed Layer Model ........ Limit Cycle Calculations ........... 'Typical' Mixed Layers ............ Adjustment Calculations ............ d. e. A Bulk Mixed Layer Model .................. 121 121 123 123 124 124 127 The Equations and the Forcing Functions ...... Meteorological and Solar Data ................ Winds .................... b. 90 90 95 101 103 109 117 Summary ........................... Appendix A.IV. a. ~ ......... Air Temperature ............................. Solar Heating ........................... Initial Experiments with the Thompson Model .. Appendix B.IV. 90 The Sensitivity of Mixed Layer Development to Buoyancy Flux .......... ....131 The Reformation of the Thermocline ............. 131 Wintertime Mixed Layers Appendix C.IV. ........................ 135 Verification of the Annual Mixed Layer ......................... Equations ... 139 Choice of h ..................................... 139 Validation ...................................... 140 Page -5- The Wind Forced Spin Down of Gulf Stream Rings ......................................... 144 Chapter V. a. b. c. d. Introduction ..................................... 144 Observations of Ring Decay ...................... 145 Ekman Pumping .................................... 150 Planetary Wave Spin Down ........................ 153 Nonlinear Vortex Spin Down ..................... 157 Barotropic Mode Scaling ......................... 157 Parameters ................................. 158 Unforced Results e. f. g. ..... .... . *159 ........... ..... 160 Forced Results ........................... 167 .............. Forcing The Relative Importance of ....169 Parameter Variations .................... The Spin Down Mechanism .......................... 171 176 .... Summary ................................... Appendix A.V. Chapter VI. Wind Stress in the Presence of Surface Flows ...................................... 178 Southward Ring Propagation as a Consequence of Surface Temperature Anomalies ............. 184 a. Introduction ..................................... 184 b. Scale Estimates c. d. e. ............................ 187 The Coefficient of Drag ......................... 187 The Ekman Divergence ............................ 189 The Pumping and Its Effects ..................... 189 Governing Equations .............................. 192 Numerical Results ................................ 195 Parameter Studies ............................... 204 .................................... 205 Discussion Integral Constraints ............................ 206 Zonal Propagation ............................... 209 Meridional Propagation .......................... 210 f. Potential Vorticity Budgets ..................... .. ................. g. Summary ..... 211 216 Page -6- VII. Summary ................. Suggestions ........................... 220 ................ ................. ..223 References ................................................ 226 Acknowledgements .......................................... 230 Page -7- INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. the shed by vortices intense are Stream Rings Gulf Stream, Gulf characterized by velocities up to 150 cm/sec and diameters of about 100 They are commonly found in the Slope Water and the Sargasso, and as km. such Rings transport water between the Slope Water and the Sargasso, region. which has led scientists to in both of 2 2 estimated at 1 m /sec , which is the (the Ring Group, atmosphere induced salt and heat flux. Ring the is of focus gradients, that likely due to the Ring- to apply statements current enhancing Rings produce their environment and observational their of a diffusive important are Rings Whether oceans. or alter these estimates, large as way, the Similar the been has Rings by In addition, the powerful velocities very is of picture scale large it Thus, transport. caused example, same magnitude as that 1981). tracer existing strain can For regions. Sargasso the to flux vorticity potential they are a dominant component suggest that budgets energy and heat the in either dependent phenomena time energetic the most constitute to the effects as in a significant theoretical effort (Richardson, 1980). areas The knowledge transport. is essential Recent modeling efforts the body of evolution of water. Although evolving several of questions, decay, in which our propagation, and 1979; Mied (McWilliams and Flierl, Ikeda, 1981; Nof, freely these Ring include incomplete, and Lindemann, 1979; on to addressing 1980; Flierl, 1982) have centered structures imbedded these studies in a resting have mentioned the Page -8- potential importance of mean state advection and external forcing, there have been only a few attempts at including shear (Flierl, 1979) and wind stress (Stern, 1965) in eddy In the present thesis, we calculations. will consider how atmospheric forcing affects the and demonstrate properties are several that significantly their of influenced evolution of Rings, important oceanographically air-sea by exchange. In particular, we shall see that Ring decay and propagation are affected by wind forcing, and that the evolution of Ring surface waters is sensitive to diabatic heating. Also, because many of the processes involved in these problems are more naturally discussed in a Lagrangian frame, and because of the importance of Ring advection on their surroundings, we have computed the particle trajectories of a Gulf Stream Ring. Ring Observations and Description- Rings are distinguished from the mesoscale variability of the North Atlantic primarily in two ways. process: Gulf Stream meanders First, they undergo a unique formation grow to subsequently separate from the current. sizeable volume of distinctive water. to occur on both sides of finite amplitude, close, and Second, Rings carry with them a Ring production has been observed the stream, producing vortices of positive (cyclonic) rotation to the south and negative (anticyclonic) rotation to the north. Similar structures are found in the vicinity of most major current systems (Hamon, 1960; Nilsson, Andrews, and Scully-Power, Kawai, 1979), although presently, the North Atlantic. the literature is most 1977; complete for Page -9- The first well documented long term observation of a single Ring the same (cyclonic) is due to Fuglister (1977), who was able to track Ring persist Rings catalogued. many and 1980) (Richardson, Rings several date, To months. six for their as recognizable properties physical common of tracked been have structures, coherent literally as closed loops of flow, for years at a time (Parker, 1971). They translate toward the west-southwest at speeds of about 5 cm/sec but can Stream. eastward rapid exhibit As many as are and with the Gulf the have been They are formed at a rate of about 7 Rings per frequently into reabsorption interacting 10 cyclonic and 6 anti-cyclonic Rings observed to coexist. year when motion removed Gulf Stream from the general (Richardson, 1980). circulation For by more a complete descriptive review of Rings, see Lai and Richardson (1977). During formation, of pieces large water are trapped within the closing meanders which results in Rings having a peculiar water mass For example, a cyclonic Ring in the Sargasso Sea will have composition. an interior consisting of Slope Water. The strong temperature contrasts between the Slope water and the Sargasso have led to the now standard labels of 'cold core Ring' for those found in the Sargasso, and core Ring' for those in the Slope. some other terms which will 'warm The formation process also suggests be used in the present manuscript. The region into which the newly formed Ring moves will be referred to as the 'host region', and the area from which the core waters be called the 'parent region'. originated will As an example, the Sargasso Sea is the host region of a cold core Ring and the Slope Water the parent region. Page -10- Contents- The following brief summaries of each chapter will serve as a guide to the new results in this thesis. Chapter III (1981) Flierl the computed particle trajectories of a steadily- propagating, axisymmetric pressure pattern with closed streamlines. By applying this model to Rings, he was able to make many useful statements with regards to the structure of particle tracks, trapped zone size, and This study was averaged Lagrangian velocities. employed a velocity field which turned purely kinematic, and to out be dynamically inconsistent, although it did come from an analysis of Ring data (Olson, 1980). In Chapter III, we conduct a Lagrangian analysis of a dynamically evolving Ring, the equivalent barotropic Ring model originally proposed by McWilliams and Flierl Comparisons (1979). between the dynamical model streaklines and those of the kinematic study are made which point out where the earlier calculations adequately describe particle motion and where improvements are needed. The particle trajectories of the dynamic Ring are investigated in terms of potential vorticity, and the importance of III with an the dispersion field is discussed. example of Ring interaction with We conclude Chapter tracer boundaries, performed with a view towards modeling Ring-thermal front interactions. Page -11- Chapter IV Rings generally images, In satellite infra-red defined pools of anomalously warm or cold water. to cycles be observed by the remote show up as well- Thus, one of the first that of sensing program was that cold It is now documented annual Ring sea surface temperature. the core Ring surface waters do not survive beyond their first summer as an identifiable cold pool (the Ring Group, 1981); however, warm core Rings, with the possible exception of throughout remain visible summertime, From XBT data, we find their lifetime in satellite infra-red images. evidences of strong air-sea exchange and deep mixed layers in warm core Rings, and a curious lack of unusual surface water development in cold core Rings. In Chapter IV, we consider mixed layer evolution on the annual time scale, with particular emphasis on explaining the features of Ring SST cycles. dimensional Using a one surface forced response of the core of flank, demonstrating what aspects of layer model, we compare the of its a Ring the idea pervading that temperature responsible for the sea surface apply the infra-red results images. one-dimensionality, anomalies. of this the is it study to The model, suggests how temperature the observed surface This view differs field can be attributed to local air-sea exchange. from that to the dynamics which are (SST) behavior. We also of satellite interpretation within to Ring the objectively restrictions interpret of SST Page -12- Chapter V Rings persist for years a time (Lai and Richardson, a recognizable aging process although they do experience 1981). Maillard, and Sanford, at estimates Various been made using observed subsidence of isotherms 1977), (Richardson, decay rates of (Parker, 1971) have or loss of potential energy (Cheney and Richardson, 1976) and suggest lifetimes of years. two-three roughly One of the evolution concerns the method by which Rings lose their energy. concluded by McWilliams Lindemann (1979), strongly influenced and Flierl as well (1979), as Ring of problems classic It was Meid by and that vortex decay in their numerical experiments was viscosity by that and dominant usually the dispersive decay mechanism was in large prevented by the strength of the flow. The lack of making any definitive recognition of closure theory a well-founded with statements the importance of regards prevented them from to beyond decay a the weak non-conservative processes. In Chapter V, we investigate the possibility that Ring spin down is a result of Ekman divergence transfer at the sea surface. driven by local of stress. momentum of The bulk formula for stress is a quadratic function of the relative air-sea velocity; intense surface velocities variations therefore, the presence of can induce local, non-negligible, gradients The dissipative nature of the forcing, similar to bottom friction, emerges from the calculation of the Ekman pumping; one of the more useful results is the analytical expression for what corresponds to the coefficient of viscosity multiplying the series of numerical experiments, frictional operator. A including the pumping, are performed and the results compared to oceanic observations of Ring decay. Page -13- Chapter VI In Chapter VI, we consider the effects of the local variations in stress of dependence by caused Ring a on on drag of coefficient The field. temperature surface aerodynamic bulk the its the temperature difference between the air and water has been documented by temperature the on contrasts variations 0(50%) produces and (1968), Deardorff of order a few in stress degrees for Centigrade. Ring surface temperature anomalies are such that both Ekman suction and are pumping produced, forcing the Ring to the south. We present numerical experiments, which include surface temperature anomalies, to demonstrate this effect and discuss the dynamical balances which account for the meridional propagation. McWilliams and Flierl (1979) point out that according to quasi-geostrophic dynamics, freely evolving cyclonic vortices (cold core Rings) move northward; a result which is counter to One of the interesting results of Chapter VI is that most observations. both warm and cold core Rings are compelled towards southward motion, which brings the predicted propagation of cold Rings more into accord with observations. Chapters II and VII The relevant equations are derived and catalogued in Chapter II. First, we discuss a two degree of freedom quasigeostrophic model in both and layered review the followed by continuously validity of derivations stratified modal the equivalent of the forms barotropic (Flierl, 1978) equation. advection-diffusion equation This and and is the Page -14- basic mixed layer equations. Chapter VII contains a summary together with a discussion of future research topics suggested by this work. Page -15- PRELIMINARIES CHAPTER II. Introduction- II.a purpose The the content originally few pages the next derivation the review of formulated be will not quasi-geostrophic the of the Necessarily, some example, we equations as for new; modal other the On (1978). by Flierl catalog and derive to equations which we will frequently use. fundamental of is chapter this of rather hand, a original derivation of Ekman pumping as the upper boundary condition on the mesoscale will In layer. contained all within in the be presented each will we sections, equation. the out point The dealing with section relevant already reader the mixed physics with familiar general areas of quasi-geostrophy, advection-diffusion, and mixed layers can skip directly to Chapter III. notation employed in this It noted however that the should be standard, chapter will become thus reference to the tables and sections contained herein should resolve any questions with respect to symbol definition. II.b The Quasi-Geostrophic Horizontal Structure Equation- The basic equation describing the dynamics of the mesoscale is quasi-geostrophic psuedo-potential vorticity conservation equation. dimensional form, this equation is: 2 p + J- - T--z )+foY y] = 0 o ( 7 ' -z " f ° 0 ] = 0 Eq. II.1 the In Page -16- Table II.1 Symbols and Definitions Symbol Meaning Environmental Symbols t x ........ ........ y ........ z ........ N2 . .. . . . . fo ....... ........ ........ . ........ mo . . . . . . .. . . g Time Zonal coordinate Meridional coordinate Depth Buoyancy frequency Coriolis parameter Mixed layer dissipation Meridional Gradient of f Coefficient of seawater thermal expansion Energy equation coefficient ........ o ******* To ....... Gravity Reference density Reference temperature k Unit vertical vector ....... D ......... Km ........ Passive scalar Decay rate Passive scalar coefficient of diffusion Scales and Nondimensional Parameters Q ........ U .......... L ........ H ........ Hi ........ Steepness=Uo/( L2 ) Velocity scale Horizontal length scale Depth scale Average layer thickness S Burger number (=(NH) 2 /(foL)2) Depth ratio (=H /H ) ........ ........ 1 Ro ........ ....... ' fi ....... ...... fi Sijk see** ijk ..... 2 Rossby number (=U/(foL)) Density step Continuous separation constant Layered separation constant Continuous modal interaction parameter Layered modal interaction parameter Variables u v ........ ........ Zonal velocity Meridional velocity w ........ Vertical velocity ui ...... 0*e vi P ........ P. ....... F .... .. 1 Intermediate Layer zonal Velocity Intermediate Layer meridional velocity Pressure Layer pressure Continuous modal structure Page -17- Table II.1 Symbols and Definitions (continued) Symbol Meaning Variables (continued) Fj(i) ..... Layered modal structure Continuous barotropic horizontal structure ***........ ........ Continuous baroclinic horizontal structure o........ * Layered barotropic horizontal structure o 1 ........ ........ Layered baroclinic horizontal structure .- ........ b1 . Rescaled barotropic horizontal structure Density Rescaled baroclinic horizontal structure Intermediate layer buoyancy Z h Level depth under intermediate layer Mixed layer depth S........ ... *... ........ e d A F ........ ........ ........ ....... F. ....... . ........ T ........ Ta ........ ba ........ Entrainment rate Isopycnal displacement Passive scalar concentration function Internal wave radiation stress Turbulent density flux Wind stress Temperature of seawater Temperature of air buoyancy of air Mathematical Operators and Symbols Symbol 72 ....... Meaning 2 '/()x) J(A,B) .... AxB curl(A) ... (Ay)x - fij ....... - + 3/(4y) 2 Bx y (Ax)y Kronecker delta (=0 if i=j, 1 if i=j) Page -18- where d/dt, the substantial time derivative, is defined by: 1 a dt + d ) J(P f 1 9 -- o (4 + f dt P ). --- ~ Eq. II.2 x y y d" X o relative vorticity, vortex Eqs. II.1 and 2 describe exchanges between stretching, and planetary vorticity, along the horizontal projection of such exchanges those that a particle trajectory, vorticity. For a complete derivation of this conserve potential equation, see Pedlosky The proper vertical boundary conditions for Eq. II.1 are on the (1979). vertical velocity of the flow: d/dt(Pz) = -N2 w We will generally assume a flat bottom (w=0 at z=-H), at z=0 and -H. For horizontal boundary conditions, but allow for a surface divergence. we shall assume for numerical purposes a doubly periodic domain: P(x+Lx,y+Ly) = P(x,y). Non-dimensionalizing x and y by L, t by (PL) -1 , u and v by U, P by foUL, w by U2H/(foL2), and z by H (see Table II.1) returns: QJ(P,.)][ [-+ St where Q = U/( 3L2), (NH)2/(foL)2 . and p + S S Jz Jz is the P ] + x + P=0 Burger 0, number, Eq. 11.3 defined The vertical boundary conditions become: C) + [-:Jt at z=0 and -1. QJ(P,.) ] -- P %z = -Sw Eq. 11.4 by S = Page -19- If linear lower boundary upper and the form of the and the separable, mathematically becomes II.1 Eq. conditions are homogeneous, vertical structure equation takes the Sturm-Liouville form: j z 1 ( S 2 2/z F )+ i 1 Eq. 11.5 F. = 0 1 with: (Fi)z where the 0 at z = 0, -1, - i constant, separation is the non-dimensional Rossby Deformation Radius corresponding to the ith mode. We normalize c the Fi according to: FiFjdz = 6 ij. -I From Sturm-Liouville we theory, know the set of functions [Fil is complete, and therefore, we can write the pressure P as: P(x,y,z,t) = i(x,y,t)Fi(z) Eq. 11.6 where i = PFidz. In general we cannot differentiate with respect to z under the summation sign in Eq. 11.6, for in the boundary conditions, the interval (-1,0). the series case of non-homogeneous top and bottom will be non-uniformly convergent over To obtain equations for the horizontal structure functions "ci, we employ a Galerkin approach (Finlayson, 1972), i.e. we operate on Eq. 11.3 with: I) j Fi(Eq. II.3)dz. Page -20- The resulting equation for the ith modal amplitude is: (42 -[ 2 7ijkQJ( )(&i)t + ,(2-;k2) _ k + (ii)x ) = Eq. 11.7 = Fi(O)Qwe 0 where: - FiFjFkdz ijk = is a coefficient representing the non-linear production of mode i from interactions modes of later discussions, In j and k. the evolution equations of Eqs. 11.7 will be referred to as the continuous equations. It is useful to examine the results of a similar procedure on the layered a to appropriate equations quasi-geostrophic model. The nondimensional equation for the pressure in the ith layer may be written as: 2 (P7 + QJ( it [ ) ] f [P 2 L giHi-1 i ( -P ) + i Eq. 11.8 2 2 fo 0 I ) (P - P +-- P. = (forcing). i+li where Q = U/(pL2) as before, Hi is the average thickness of layer i, and ' = C(i - i-i)/ o (see Fig. II.1). As in the continuous equations, we attempt a separable solution to the linearized form of Eq. 11.8: i= Pj(x,y,t)Fj(i), Page -21- V resting P depth interfoce Figure II.1. Schematic Diagram of a Two Layer Ocean The dashed line represents the configuration of the interface for the 'd(x,y,t)' describes displacements of the resting state and Also shown are the average interface related to geostrophic motion. layer thicknesses, H 1 and H 2 , and the layer densities -1 and C2- For a continuously stratified ocean, the density is described by the buoyancy frequency N2 (z), and 'd' designates the fluctuations of isopycnals away from the mean state. Page -22- where represents a horizontal structure function, and Fj(i) the jth <i eigenmode in the ith layer, which returns a separability condition in tridiagonal matrix equation a homogeneous the form of for the vector Fj(i): f 22 F .(i+1))- f f2 2 2 f f L 0 ] F .(i) + + SH. H F .(i-1) + Eq. 11.9 F .(i) = 0. + 0 i i-1HgiHi A'1 We normalize the [Fj(i)] by: Fj(i)Fk(i)Hi = Eq. II.10 jk. i, are: The horizontal structure equations, governing the (72 -Fk 2 Y)k + T ijkJ(ki,(72 - i'j2)cj) + (i)x Eq. II.11 - Fk(1)Qwe; we shall refer to Eqs. II. = 11 as the layered equations. In form, Eqs. II.11 are identical to Eqs. 11.7, however there are important, differences and Fk(1) between for the the two involving layered case, and continuous equations (see Table 11.2). the modal parameters, ijk, k, and subtle >ijk, Fk( 0 ) for k, the Consider the baroclinic mode of a two layer model; all the baroclinic parameters, 5 111, 1, and F1(1), Page -23- Table 11.3 Layer and Continuous Modal Parameters After Flierl (1978) Continuous Two Layer Barotropic F (z) .... ........................... 1 .1 ..... 0 ist Baroclinic 1(0) ..... 2.98 (H2/H1)1/2 ...................... 4.66 x 10- 4 km- 111 ..... 1.78 .0 ... 0 2 ....... 0.... . .. H1(H2/HI)3/2 x 1/(H) -H2(H1) 3 /2 x 1/((H2) 3 /2 H) Rd1 .0000.0. 46.3 km ..... (g'H1H2)1/ 2 x 1/(fo 2 H)) 1/2 Page -24- are specified by a choice of one density step, g'1, Hl, assuming a value for the total depth H. That is, only two of Fi, 111, content in and Fi(0) Flierl equations. the continuous analogous reflecting independent, are the In independent. are three parameters continuous equations are automatically and one layer depth, modal two a greater (1978) has the case, information shown that the 'calibrated' because all of the information about the mean stratification (in N2) is used to compute the modal structures, and hence the system parameters. In the presence of surface forcing, Eqs. 11.7 are more accurate than the layered equations, Chapters V and VI which are and will be used in concerned with forced motion. = Note that if we II. 7 is reduced to two ('ijk in Eq. unforced layered 0, the equations. number In and this of the same number as in k), case, isomorphic to the continuous system and we calculations in either frame. continous modal parameters the layered are free to system interpret the is the Generally, the two layered system is more intuitive, so it is this system in which we will interpret the advection diffusion calculations of Chapter III. The conversions between modal amplitudes and layer pressures for the two layer unforced case are given by: c +S/21 = PI, Eq. II.12 and: 'o -1/ri where = Hi/H 2 . = P2, Page -25- deviation of d, the In Chapter V, we will need to calculate an The formula we will isopycnal from its resting depth (see Fig. II.1). use is: d = -Pz/N2 = -(T<(Fi))/N2, Eq. 11.13 which may be obtained by operating on the hydrostatic equation with: 2 [ .f (Fz)/N2]dz, and using the quasi-geostrophic equation: -N 2 d = b. The Equivalent Barotropic Equation- We obtain a two degree-of-freedom model if we retain only the two variety circumstances, we (Flierl, problems oceanic of Such a model has 11.7. in Eqs. lowest modes simplify may the further to a certain Under 1978). equations study to been used single a formula known as the equivalent barotropic equation. (q2 - 12)Xt + QIIIJ( ,(7 = forcing - In this equations subsection, we 2 - p2)c) +Cx = Eq. 11.14 dissipation. will discuss the unforced isomorphism) to illustrate (recall the (we=O) layered the physical for a resting system that Eq. 11.14 describes. From Eq. layer, P2 = 11.12, we see that the condition 0, is: 10o = 1C1 . However, if P2 =0, Eq. 11.8 with i=2 becomes: (P1)t = 0. Eq. 11.15 lower Page -26- Obviously, it is essential for the existence of time dependent flow that Eq. 0( 11.15 is (1979), 0(51/ 2 ) for weak wave therefore, "o the in occurred 1/2), as Flierl that where the field. If = 0(6). lower layer numerical lower layer P1 0(1), = interpretation of A proper the lower layer not be strictly at rest. flows, the ratio McWilliams experiments of developed as we see and incoherent an = 0C1 co/"1 is /2), 0( and Introducing the rescaled modal amplitudes: and <1 ~ 1/2, into the layer equations, the lowest order in ~1/2 (<<1) is: (V2 - -2)t (q2-) We shall t + Qj(-,(- + QJ(X, (2 be 2 - -2)) x + 0, and = a. b. - r2)X) + ' x = 0. primarily concerned Eq. 11.16 II.16.a, Eq. with the equivalent barotropic equation, which we see, if we = 0, is the governing equation for the first layer. baroclinic fluid with a thin upper mode of a two layer Extensions of the present scaling arguments to the case we A 0 will be made later. A Discussion of Baroclinic Instability- The from Eq. <I and lack 11.14. area of mode-mode excludes baroclinic instability This may be seen by multiplying Eq. 11.7, with i=1, flow at eo or averaging, 2 S(((~1)2 + 1- a assuming either no by periodic We obtain: boundary conditions. JJ transfers 2 )/2)dA]t jc 1 ,( 2 - 'i2)'~l)dA, Eq. II.17 the baroclinic energy equation, the right hand side of which represents Page -27- between conversion energy the barotropic or modes, baroclinic By previous scaling, the baroclinic instability processes. side is O( and right hand ) compared to the left hand side, and therefore negligible. the While for some applications baroclinic lack of instability might represent a shortcoming, the problems under consideration in the present thesis are not likely to be strongly affected. II.c Advection-Diffusion of a Passive Scalar- If a fluid parcel is convecting a passive tracer, A, the evolution of A is governed by: Eq. II.18 V2 At + u.VA = D + Km A decay and Km molecular diffusivity. where D symbolizes If we average (< >) Eq. 11.18 in some suitable way, we obtain: <A>t + <u>. <A> = -V.<u'A'> + <D> + K with coherent fields. small scale 2 <A>, providing a source transport for mean the We will employ Fickian diffusion as a turbulent closure: Fi = <u'iA'> = -KijAxj; Eq. 11.19 therefore, the equation for A becomes: <A>t +<uj><A>xj = <D> + (Kij<A>xj)xi, Eq. 11.20 where we have neglected molecular processes. From turbulent measurements field in mixing stratification, density surfaces. and the that and ocean tracer work, laboratory is highly transport anisotropic, occurs that it is known due principally to along The diffusivity tensor we will use, the only non-zero elements of which are on the main diagonal, models this anisotropy by Page -28- assigning a value to the vertical mixing coefficient which is orders of Hence, on magnitude smaller than those of the horizontal coefficients. the mesoscale, A is governed by (dropping brackets): Eq. 11.21 At + u.i7A = K(Axx + Ayy) + D, where we have horizontal isotropic. isopycnal) (along mixing relative to (across isopycnal) ignored vertical and assumed Kij to horizontally be We shall use only stable tracers, so D will be set to zero. The Mixed Layer- II.d The atmosphere forces the ocean via a layer in which small scale turbulent processes are important, and computation of their effect has become an computation area of of the much One effort. turbulent method of consists fluctuations. These explicit so-called deterministic models have proved to be very enlightening, although the required computational effort is large. the observation that the upper layer vertical derivatives to be neglected. A second approach is based on is 'well mixed', Bulk models, as which allows the latter are called, have proved to be reasonably accurate in their prediction of sea surface temperature, and appear to be simple enough to be included in large scale ocean models (Adamec, Elsberry, Garwood, and Haney, 1981). In this thesis, we shall use a bulk mixed layer model and so will briefly outline the derivation of the bulk equations. Other discussions of the mixed layer can be found in Stevenson (1980) and Muller (1981). Page -29- Conservation of Mass and Thermodynamic Energy- We model the ocean as a Boussinesq fluid: Eq. 11.22 4.u = 0, Tt + uTx + vTy + wTz = KT ,72T + Qz where u represents velocity, T temperature, Eq. 11.23 KT the coefficient of Averaging Eq. 11.23 thermal diffusivity, and Qz internal heat sources. and using Eq. 11.22 returns: Tt + uTx + vTy + wTz = KTq2 T+ Qz Here we have made greater vertically (w'T')z. the standard assumption that than (w'q')z where q is an arbitrary variable. turbulent transfers are (u'q')x, that or horizontally, Eq. 11.24 (v'q')y << A similar scaling will occur in all mixed layer equations. We take the equation of state for seawater to be: f= where 1o is coefficient salinity. a of Eq. reference thermal 11.25 Eq. 11.25 o(1-!(T-To)), To density, expansion allows us for to a reference seawater, convert Eq. Y the temperature, and we have an to 11.24 ignored equation governing buoyancy: b = -s-fo)/lobt + ubx + vby + wbz = -(w'b')z + K, 2 b + Boz, where (Bo)z represents internal buoyancy sources. We Eq. 11.26 suppose turbulent fluxes well-mix the upper layer, so that due to that the the lack of z dependence in the mean state variables, the vertical integration of Eq. 11.26 over the mixed layer depth, h, is trivial: h(bt + ubx + vby) = -w'b']o + w'b']-h + B(0) - B(-h), Eq. 11.27 Page -30- where we have neglected variations surface free and and diffusion, dropped the overbars on u,v, and b. To turbulent conditions on the of terms in equation this close mean variables, boundary The buoyancy flux need to be specified. removal from the ocean surface include latent heat mechanisms of heat loss, sensible heat loss, and black body radiation, all of which may be evaluated using bulk empirical formulae and encapsulated in the form: w'b']o = where P V'go(T-Ta) + c Eq. 11.28 the atmospheric is an empirical coefficient, Ta temperature, and c a bias of the heat flux deriving from the fact that evaporation sea surface. the can only cool air-sea temperature Frankignoul found difference of least measured and p=10-3 a value of Also, from analysis From a cm/sec bulk meteorological fluxes (such as in Thompson, 1974), squares surface regression heat of flux, (personal communication). formulae for surface heat P is found to be 1.5 x 10-3 cm/sec. The calculations performed in this thesis all used 3= 10-3 cm/sec. At z=-h, the mixed layer, if it is deepening, entrains cold water: w'b']-h = (bi-b)e, Eq. 11.29 where bi is the buoyancy beneath the mixed layer and: e = ht+uhx+vhy+w]-h If the mixed layer is not deepening, there is no heat flux at interface, so: w'b']-h = 0. Eq. 11.30. Using Eqs. 11.28 and 29 in 27 returns: h(bt + ubx + vby) = -P(b-ba) + Bo(0) - Bo(-h) + (bi-b)e, Eq. 11.31 the Page -31- where ba is the buoyancy appropriate to the temperature of the air: ba = tg (Ta - T o)" Finally, an accurate mixed layer model requires the computation of field in the density i.e. layer, intermediate the so-called the layer extending to a depth of deepest wintertime mixed layer penetration, but which feels direct atmospheric contact for only a fraction of the year. The intermediate layer buoyancy is governed by: C) Sb -t i + u + b. + wb. + v 1 Oy x i Eq. I z b 1 = -- J (w'b') zz B + o II.32 Turbulent transport in the intermediate layer is generally weak compared to those in the mixed layer and to other heat transport processes in the intermediate layer interesting (Stevenson, 1980); is comparison vertical convection (Bo)z. Evaluating made be formula typical the of radiative heating, penetrative radiation and for A more them. strength the between w(bi)z, heat, of a to neglect we shall (Thompson, 1974) at a depth of 50 m, estimating bz by the N2 value 10 6 sec-2, and w by 10-4 cm/sec (see Chapter V), we see: wbz/(Bo)z = (10-4cm/sec)(10-6sec- 2 )/( 3 3 . 3 x 10-8cm/sec ) = = 3 x 10-3 << 1, indicating that at lowest order, we can neglect vertical heat convection in the intermediate layer. Momentum Equations- The averaged momentum equations are (dropping overbars convenient and neglecting viscosity): ut + u.qu + fxu = -;P - (w'u')z + bk. Eq. 11.33 where Page -32- The upper boundary condition on the vertical momentum flux is given by the wind stress: -w'u' 0, ~I while the stress at the base of intermediate of entrainment Eq. 11.34 the mixed layer consists of both the radiation of momentum, layer the and internal waves: Eq. 11.35 h = (u-ul)e + F. -w'' In most mixed layer models, the momentum flux by internal wave radiation is neglected important in (Niiler and determining (Kantha, 1975). Bell Kraus, the (1979) amount is available energy of estimates it although 1975) because of that, potentially for mixing F, inertial oscillations are damped out in roughly a week; however, it appears that for low frequencies, (Pollard, 1970). o- << fo, to loss momentum Therefore, we take F = 0. F is unimportant The vertically integrated horizontal momentum equations are: h(ut + uux + vuy + wuz - fv) = -hPx + Z-, (ul-u)e, Eq. 11.36 and h(vt + uvx + vvy + wvz + fu) = -hPy + >+ (vl-v)e, and the vertical momentum equation is the hydrostatic balance: Pz = b. Quasi-Geostrophic Scaling- For large-scale, low-frequency flows, in Eq. 11.33 are O(Rossby the inertial momentum terms number, hereafter Ro) with respect to the Coriolis acceleration, and can therefore at lowest order be neglected. Similarly, a scale estimate of the turbulent momentum transport based on Page -33- the wind stress, when compared to the Coriolis acceleration, is small, leaving a lowest order geostrophic balance in the upper layer: fov = Px, fou = -Py* A vertical integration of the hydrostatic balance relates the pressures at any two depths. P(z) = P(Z o ) +jbdz. Eq. 11.37 We shall choose Zo to correspond to a depth just below the deepest mixed layer penetration, and therefore a depth governed by quasi-geostrophic dynamics. depth = Roughly speaking, Zo the within mixed 0(200 m). 'z' will correspond to a Substituting layer. for in P the zonal geostrophic balance returns: u = -PY/fo = -P(Zo)y/fo - = u(Zo) - ( bdz)y/fo = Eq. 11.38 (,bdz)y/fo. The ratio of the two terms on the right hand side of Eq. 11.38 is: (Ab)Zo/(foUL) = (ab)Zo/(fo 2 L2 Ro), which will be small if Ab<< Rofo 2 L2 /Zo. Eq. 11.39 A typical Rossby number for a swift, large-scale flow is: Ro - 6 4 0(30 cm sec-l/(l0- sec-i 6x10 cm)) = .05; therefore, for the ratio in Eq. 11.39 to be small: 8 2 10-4) = 1.8. Db << ((.05) 36x101 )/(10 Note that larger. for a Ring, u=0(100 cm/sec), and the allowable Lb is even In any case, restricting our attention to sea surface buoyancy differences less than 1.8 cm/sec 2 6,T < 9 OC), the lowest order, mixed layer, geostrophic balance reduces to: u(z) = u(Z o ). Eq. 11.40 Page -34- The surface can support thermal gradients which, because of the thinness of seriously perturbing the shallow of the upper layer, are incapable pressure field. Ekman Pumping- The potential vorticity equation obtained from Eq. 11.33, which is valid in the mixed layer, is: t + ux = where -(Zo) for vx - the + v' - uy, and upper meridional velocity. fowz + 3v = (Ly)xz - (Cx)yz = w'u'. ( layer and v(Zo) At Zo, the vorticity we 11.40, From Eq. vorticity Eq. for can II.41 substitute the upper balance is that of layer quasi- geostrophic dynamics; It + ux + v y + Pv]Zo = fowz(Zo), which allows us to rewrite Eq. 11.41 as: Eq. 11.42 -fowz+fowz(Zo) = curl(-)z. Integrating from Z=O to the level surface z=Z o returns: -fo(w(O)-w(Zo)) + fowz(Zo)Zo = curl(C(0)) - curl(T(Zo)). 1 11.43 5 4 3 2 Eq. At depth, turbulent stresses are weak, and we are ignoring internal wave radiation, hence we can neglect term 5. Applying the boundary condition w(O)=O leaves us with terms 2 and 3 on the left hand side of Eq. 11.43. Term 3 represents a correction to the vertical velocity at depth Zo due to the quasi-geostrophic divergences in the comparing terms 2 and 3 shows: wz(Zo)Zo/w(Zo) = O(Zo/H)<<1, fluid above it; however, Page -35- and we obtain the classical Ekman pumping upper boundary condition on the interior flow: w(Zo) = w(0) + O(Zo/H) = k.curl(J(0))/(fo). Eq. 11.44 Energy Equation- momentum, balance, hydrostatic conservation) in six unknowns have stand, we equations now the mixed layer As 5 equations The classical (u,v,p,b,e,h). mass and energy, thermodynamic (2 technique for closing this system of equations uses the overall energy budget of the mixed layer, careful derivations of which have been presented in (1977) and Stevenson Niiler and Krauss Here, we shall simply (1980). write down the energy equation, and discuss the relative importance of its several components. Neglecting local of storage turbulent kinetic the energy, bulk energy equation is: 0 e((b - b.)h 1 ui is the heat flux, and 3/2+ o c b a where = 2m (u - u ) i momentum of the the dissipation. B ho Eq. dz, 11.45 -h d intermediate e layer, Bo the surface Term 'a' represents a measure of the energy needed to entrain and mix cold, heavy fluid over the layer's full vertical extent. Term shear at the naviface. 'b' is the amount of energy available in the Term 'c' represents direct turbulence generation at the surface by the wind, generally thought of as breaking waves, and Page -36- term 'd' the flux of potential energy through the surface due to heating and turbulent the Finally, cooling. term last the mixed energy within the represents layer, a term whose dissipation of importance in turbulent erosion models has been pointed out by Stevenson (1979). The sum of terms a and b represents the energetic stability of the Consider a simple gravitationally stable two layer system, mixed layer. with the upper layer characterized by velocity u and density b, and the lower layer by ui and bi . The bulk potential energy of the 1 system, to a depth of h+#h, is given by: u _ -b PEi =- z =-h-z=-h- - o zbdz = -bizdz + 0 h - - ui bzdz = (b-bi)h2/2 - bi(h+ h)2/2, S-bii and the total kinetic energy by: KEi = u 2 h/2 + ui2(h)/2. Now suppose that the system mixes itself (?!) to a depth h+fh, and that the new layer is characterized by buoyancy b' and velocity u'. u' can be computed from the conservation of heat and momentum: b' = (bh+biC(h))/(h+ lh), u' = (hu+('h)ui)/(h+ h). and: The new bulk potential energy is given by: PEf= - = b'zdz = b'(h+Eh)2/2 = (bh+bi(h)) (h+ h)/ 2 , b' and Page -37- and the new kinetic energy by: KEf= (h=h)u'2/2 =(hu+ hui)2/(2(h+4 h)). Note that the change in potential energy: PEf - PE i = (b - b i )hh/2 + 0 h)2, the potential energy has increased because cold fluid has is positive; The change in kinetic energy is negative: mixed up and warm fluid down. KEf - KEi = -(u-ui)_h/2 + O( h)2, in agreement with decreasing the shear in the flow. The change in the total energy of the layer is given by: = ((b-bl)h-(u-ui) 2 )6h/2 . SEt = (KEf+PEf)-(KEi+PEi) Et is negative, more kinetic energy has been released than Clearly, if Hence, in a system where: potential energy gained. (b-b i (u-ui)2 )h - is negative, a perturbation can draw energy from the shear, grow, and 'mix'. This is the basic dynamic erosion mechanism originally proposed by Pollard, Rhines, and Thompson (1973), in which the shear at the base of layer the mixed is due to the presence of wind driven inertial oscillations. The time rate of change of total energy is: d/dt(E) = E/St = ((b-bi)h-(u-ui)2),h/(2St) ((b-bi)h-(u-ui) 2 )e/2, = Eq. 11.46 which is a one-dimensional version of the right hand side of Eq. 11.45. The only effect on Eq. 11.46 inclusion of a (v-vi)2 term. mixing to stability. occur, If and drive of two dimensionality would be the Thus, if Eq. 11.46 is negative, we expect the it is positive, system i.e. back to a state of dynamic if there is insufficient kinetic energy in the shear to generate a mixing event, mixing will occur only Page -38- if energy is transported into the region of the mixed layer base. terms on the right hand side of Eq. 11.45 describe this The transport and identify the sources as wind wave breaking and thermal convection, both of which we will neglect. There currently is a difference in opinion amongst mixed layer modelers as to whether it is appropriate to ignore these effects, so we now marshal our relevant arguments. Wind Wave Breaking and Penetrative Convection- Recently, direct observations of upper layer turbulent dissipation have been made and numerical experiments which resolve turbulence have been performed, and some insight into the balance of the dissipation and energy generating mechanisms has been gained. For example, Klein and Coantic (1981) found that the surface wave turbulent field was largely dissipated in the upper few meters, and for mixed layers deeper than about 10 m, inclusion of wave breaking made no noticeable difference in the evolution of the system. Similarly, Gargett, Sanford, and Osborn (1980) noted an increased dissipation in the upper 10 m of the ocean, which they interpreted as a loss of wave driven energy. Thompson (1981) demonstrated that the energy in the upper layer caused by a random field of whitecaps is strongly surface trapped, and conjectured that the most important property of breaking waves might well lie in their ability to mix wind momentum downwards. Hence, we shall equate term 'c' of Eq. 11.45 to a fraction of the total energy dissipation. As to penetrative convection, Gargett, Sanford, and Osborn observed that the energy of descending cold water plumes is dissipated prior to Page -39- reaching the mixed layer base, and thus does not assist in deepening. The experiments of Klein and Coantic also exhibit a tendency for buoyant energy be balanced production to by dissipation, although under weak winds and strong cooling, an additional few meter deepening in a thirty meter layer was noted. Similar small increases in numerical mixed layer depths, due to penetrative convection, have been noticed by Mellor and Durbin (1975). Finally, comparisons of model predicted and observed sea temperature surface penetrative that assume are convection the generally (Gill and surface better Turner, potential Therefore, 1976). energy models using when is flux without we shall by balanced dissipation. The Froude Number Closure and Its Value- The remaining terms in the energy oequation are: 2 e((b-bi)h-(u-ui) ) = -k where '' removed. is Eq. 11.47 d the dissipation left after the above balances have been For C' = 0, Eq. 11.47 reduces to either the Pollard, Rhines, and Thompson mixing closure: 2 F = ((u-ui) + (v-vi)2)/((b-bi)h) = 1, a. Eq. 11.48 We implement Eq. or: b. e = 0, and is the energetic closure used in this thesis. 11.48 by using 'b' if F < 1, and 'a' otherwise. and Van Leer (1978) suggest that F = .6. Note, Price, Mooers, We have opted to use F = 1 on the basis of Thompson (1976), who tested a mixed layer model based on Page -40- Eqs. 11.48 various against other models and it found returned the highest coherence between predicted and observed SST. II.e Numerical Techniques- employed We, have and (Gottlieb Orszag, when 1977) numerical perform to necessary spectral methods and double Fourier expansions Time stepping was carried solutions to the quasi-geostrophic equations. out using a leap frog scheme with implicit formulation of the viscous terms; the computational mode was suppressed by substituting a modified Euler time step at every 50th iteration (Roache, 1977). numerical fraction calculations of essentially the are numerical repeats of referenced calculations some earlier McWilliams and Flierl, the only finite difference within technique. the reported numerical The remaining Finally, text. in this studies thesis conducted a are by difference being that they employed a In Chapters III, V, and VI, we have referred to these calculations as McWilliams and Flierl's calculations, although, technically speaking, they have been performed by the author. Page -41- PARTICLE TRAJECTORIES IN CHAPTER III. NUMERICAL GULF STREAM RINGS Introduction- III.a There is abundant chemical, biological, and physical evidence that (the Ring Gulf Stream Rings produce a sizeable net Lagrangian transport 1981), Group, in contrast the Given in which an the Northern Atlantic potentially important component across the in transport Ring Stream, Gulf maintenance of water. quantities interesting oceanographically most of carries a volume Ring individual North is a Atlantic tracer distributions. Outside the of photographs satellite Ring of Warm core Rings particles undergo sizeable excursions. of filaments interactions of fraction fully the across Shelf. budgets of warm with these and the Gulf Stream or filaments, the Slope water, The the implications Slope are into water cold or with obvious, fields that apparently pull during Shelf-Slope Water 'streamers', and directly from Water Slope the the evidence temperature surface sea the have we fluid, 'trapped' observed are connect respect the to although to the Gulf and heat date streamer-flux estimates have appeared in the literature. no their front. to A extend Stream to chemical quantitative Cold Rings are observed to interact with the surface temperature expression of the Gulf Stream in a Sargasso. similar manner, pulling filaments of warm water into the Page -42- Table III.1 Symbols and Definitions I Symbol Meaning :::: .... 111 Kb o< S L Ls Uo Q ...... **1. 00aa (-1 r KI ::.... a0 ••go r oo ooo oooo oooo , oooo •coo ooo oooo oooo ooo• Operators 72 .... 6 .... East-west coordinate North-south coordinate Time Averaging time for shear diffusion Pattern propagation speed Non-dimensional biharmonic viscous coefficient ............... Non-dimensional Deformation Radius ............................ Baroclinic self-interaction coefficient ....................... Linear velocity shear Non-dimensional diffusion coefficient for S ................. Dimensional diffusion 5 x 10-4 -1/2 2 2.1 .04 coefficient for S ............... 3x10 6 cm2 /sec Baroclinic horizontal amplitude Diffusant concentration function Length Scale .................... Shear augmented length scale Velocity Scale 60 km. Steepness = Uo/c 0(5-10) .............. Streamfunction Streakfunction Critical Streakfunction oooo Xc Value Expression .. .... J2/(cx)2 + (iy)2 .................... .............................. (72)3 Meaning Diffusion Biharmonic dissipation Page -43- must we budgets, various the transport mass their understand first on Rings of effects the for account properly to order In compute the particle trajectories associated with a numerical Gulf Stream Ring. In addition, properties, and in the present chapter, we will we will discuss a series of advection-diffusion experiments with a view trapped the exchanged between how fluid may be towards understanding zone and the exterior. The first theoretical pictures of Ring particle trajectories were in (1981), Flierl by obtained axisymmetric pressure pattern. associated with a steadily-propagating, Trapped of zones fluid, propagating of a consequence calculation as 'steepness', U/c where U is a scale for velocities and c is speed, propagation pattern the flow. the strong nonlinearity of the this in arose Ring, the with For Rings, the streaklines the computed he which particle the 10. order of Outside of the trapped zone, particle trajectories were characterized by meridional excursions the Ring scale of on the (see Fig. III.1). weakness of Flierl's calculation derives from the fact that his was purely kinematic. For by data although suggested example, velocity the (Olson, 1980), field not a is he A study employed, to solution the equations of motion; even though it kinematically resembles a Ring, one must computed. well on question dynamical the grounds particle trajectories so Also, the shape of those particle trajectories do not agree with those observations. The by suggested numerical satellite Ring model we surface will employ temperature will evolve subject to the conservation of potential vorticity, and therefore will be dynamically consistent. We shall also see that its particle Page -44- Figure III.1. Streaklines Here we have plotted the streakfunction, -K= 4+cy, appropriate to Note the critical streakline, stagnation Olson's model streamfunction. In this figure, the steepness, Q, equals 10; point, and trapped zone. if Q were less than one, all three features would disappear. Page -45- Still, most of trajectories are in better agreement with observations. the Ring, dynamical that his reflecting appear will analysis Flierl's of features interesting of assumptions in the steady-propagation and permanent form are apt. Ring Model- Many quasi-geostrophic models of Ring structure have been proposed McWilliams, (Flierl, Larichev, although perhaps 1980) and Reznik, the most successful Ring simulations were performed by McWilliams and Flierl of The appealing feature (1979). (numerical) is their model that the pressure field evolves as a 'monopole', which is in agreement with field of observations of component barotropic We unknown). presently a Ring will of structure baroclinic the also (whether character barotropic equivalent their employ Ring monopole a has a the is Ring model, which was governed by Eq. 11.14: (0 2 12) , ) + - p2)lt + Q5111J(,,(2- x = K76~. Eq. 11.14 In the next section, after a brief review of Flierl (1981), we will In section c, we will discuss extend his results to include diffusion. a series of numerical experiments involving the advection-diffusion of a passive tracer comparisons present some with by McWilliams the previous simulations front interactions. of the and Flierl's kinematic often dynamic results. observed Ring Finally, and make we will Ring/Shelf-Slope Water Page -46- Kinematic Models- III.b Given a steadily propagating streamfunction of the form: streaklines, the that demonstrated Flierl III.1 Eq. a(x,y,t) = 4(x-ct,y), < , are motion particle of given by: S= Eq. III.2 cy. F+ The axisymmetric function: = UoL(1-exp(-3(r-L)/L)) + UoL/2 2 = U o (x2 +y )/(2L) (1980) during maximum swirl of the radius L denotes where r>L r<L, Eq. III.5 speed, was found by Olson Bob, observed to accurately describe the streamfunction of Ring this Using 1977. experiment, Ring cyclonic the function (following Flierl, we will slightly modify Eq. 111.5 by ignoring the in the exponential) in the definition of ~ X '3' returns: = UoL(1-exp(-(r-L)/L)) + U L/2 + cb a. r>L Eq. III.$ /<= = Uo(a2+(b+cL/Uo) 2 )/(2L) Eq. II.4.b is (0,-cL/Uo)=(O,Q-1L) if this point Q-1<1), those lies to relative within circles fluid will result. for equation an r<L 2 2 2 Uo(a +b )/( L) + cb = the close the radius upon c2 L/(2Uo) centered circle a center of b. of the at position Clearly, Ring. the maximum velocity, L themselves, and regions The parameter Q=Uo/c, controlling the of (i.e. trapped existence of closed contours, measures flow steepness and the condition that there be closed contours, Q>1, demonstrates that particle trapping is a kinematic consequence of strongly nonlinear, coherent flow. The finite volume of Page -47- trapped fluid streaklines the which is delimited by a critical streakline, )kc, outside of longer no At close. the apex Xc of is a 'stagnation point' where, in a frame moving with the Ring at speed c, In a fixed frame, where we perceive the Ring as moving west at u=0. where occurs point stagnation the c, speed identically matches the pattern velocity, ufixed = the fluid velocity (c,0). In Fig. III.1, we plot the streakline contours associated with Eq. a steepness 111.4 for value, Q, of propagating westward at a speed speeds of 50 cm/sec. 10, corresponding to a warm Ring of 5 cm/sec with anti-cyclonic swirl The volume of fluid associated with the trapped zone is roughly three times that of the Ring as defined by the radius of maximum velocity, and the trapped zone shape is asymmetric to the north and south. The equivalent picture for westward propagating cold Rings may be abstracted from Fig. III.1 by switching north for south. From Fig. III.1, we see that particles just north of the critical streakline are displaced strongly to the north as they move around the Ring, while those near to the northern edge of less dramatic meridional excursions. shears near the material lines of fluid. where we plot edge northern of Thus, the fluid develops strong the An example of a history of the Ring undergo much Ring, which acts to this is shown in Fig. distort 111.2, several material lines as affected by the streakline field in Fig. III.1. Page -48- (0) -2 e U a (b) Ring Cent er Figure 111.2. (c) The Effect of a Ring on Material Lines Here we demonstrate that, in the vicinity of a Ring, the fluid We have plotted the relative orientation of develops strong shears. In (a), the Ring is of Ring interaction. stages various at three lines Ring, and in (c), the of midst the in are lines the (b), in far away, the Ring has passed. Marked are the Ring center, and the radius where the velocities are e- 2 of their maximum. Page -49- Tracer Diffusion in Kinematic Models- now Consider the of advection-diffusion of problem S, a tracer with the advection provided by the kinematic Ring model of Eq. 111.3. We shall model diffusion according to Fick's law: Flux = -KbVS, is the exchange where Kb pertaining coefficient the appropriate equation to solve, in the frame of circumstances, Ring, is Eq. 11.22, with the advection field given by St +J(,S) = /. L/c, by time Scaling these Under to S. 7; Eq. 11.22 Kbq 2S. and UoL, by the x y and the by L, and K 1 -1 non-dimensional form of Eq. 11.22 becomes: Eq. III.7 St + QJ(X,S) = K1 72S where the cL/Kb is Heath, steepness a Peclet 1975), number, Q=Uo/c, number. For K 1 =(.0 4 ), thus of is Kb=0(10 6 the order 10, cm2 /sec) (Needler oceanographically and interesting parameter range corresponds to a weak diffusion/strong advection limit. Tracer Homogenization on Closed Streamlines- when applied to evolution dispersant of 11.22 and 111.7 some interesting ramifications of Eqs. There are an regions of arbitrary imbedded in a closed X(, initial linear with regards to condition. shear horizontally as: 2 Ls, - (Kbr2t3)1/ flow, An short the initial u(x)=rxi, point will time of spread Page -50- involved is shear across the flow, allowing the advection field to enhance the downstream transport. If we 1975; (Csanady, i.e. dispersion, this that suppose diffusion mechanism The 1981). Young, spreading shear-augmented same material the diffusion model applies in a local sense, we see that diffusion will tend to force arbitrary initial conditions towards uniformity on closed streaklines. Scaling the shear in the closed X{regions by Uo/L, the spread, Ls, of the initial point source, will become of order L, and therefore nearly uniform over the closed contour, at a time: ta = (LUo/Kb) 1 /3L/Uo. For scales appropriate to Rings, this time is: 3 ta = [(6x10 6 50)/(3x106)]1/ (6x106/50) = 6.1 days. An exception to this rule occurs for solid body rotation, in which case the time scales are controlled by diffusion: td = L2/K. In Fig. 111.3, we present a numerical example where both processes are In this simulation, velocity shear is concentrated near the occurring. edges of the trapped zone, constant rotation rate. while the center is characterized by a Note that by day 14, 0(2 ta), the dispersant has homogenized near the edge of the trapped zone, but not in the center. Thus, within the trapped zone, we understand the processes which will act on the dispersant, both of contours, and in the presence of along 7. Therefore, with little shears, force it zone. in which the it over the closed towards homogeneity generality, we loss of initial conditions like S(x,y,t=0) = f() experiments spread which have chosen for those advection-diffusion initial blob was located inside the trapped Page -51- _..I J i I O day s , 1 II i i I IIii i 7 days - __ i 'i . . . . 1I I! -?_ . 1T ! 1] II [ I I !! ! 1i i 1 !I r V 14 days I Figure 111.3. I It I I II I r An Example of Tracer Homogenization Here are the results of a numerical integration of Eq. 111.7, using Note that this velocity field is composed of 7as shown in Fig. III.1. solid body rotation out to the maximum velocity, followed by an exponential decrease. All of the shear in the velocity field is located near the critical streakline, and it is there that the tracer has In the region of solid body rotation, the time scale for homogenized. homogenization is the diffusive time scale, which is a much slower process. Page -52- Of course, S at the critical contour must dispersant, of concentration external be consistent with the 111.4 Figs. to reference as In this experiment, S is assigned the value 1 inside the demonstrates. As trapped zone, and zero elsewhere. strong non progresses, a time X-dependent component of S develops on the time scale ta, which forces Note towards zero in accord with the external conditions. 3X the S on the shape of as well that the evolving S contours dominant in-flux of S-free water A point. stagnation zone-to-exterior fluxes. similar For indicates that the of the occurs near the western edge to applies statement example, in Fig. 111.5, we trapped the exhibit the results of a numerical integration of Eq. 111.7 subject to the initial condition: S(x,y,t=O) = exp(-(r/60 km)2), where the radial distance r is measured relative to trapped zone. the center of the As time progresses, S appears to exit the Ring near the tail. stagnation point, and is left behind in a thin This experiment was repeated with different values for Q and K, with the result that the larger trapped zone. cases, tail with respect (smaller) the K (Q), the broader the Smaller exterior S was to the (larger) K (Q) produced thinner tails. In all the trapped located dominantly the to south of zone. Although both out and in-flux of material becomes apparent near the stagnation point, it is important to note that exchange is occurring all along the values extent near streaklines the of the critical contour. stagnation diverge, allowing point, We notice the anomalous because the exterior it is dispersant that the advect away there to S Page -53- t17 days t=O, dys 1- - t Figure 111.4 28 days Boundary Effects on Tracer Homogenization The contours in these plots are of dispersant concentration, S. The initial condition for this series consisted of uniform material (S=1) inside the trapped zone and S=O outside. As the pattern evolves, note the region of weak S developing just to the north of the stagnation point, an indication of an influx of 'S-free' water. Note as well that although the initial condition of the present simulation was a function only of streakline, S(x,y,O) = f(-/), the field develops a strongly The exterior 'S-free' non-streakline component on a time scale of ta. water is forcing the dispersant on the critical streakline to zero, and in turn, interior S is bought by shear dispersion to a functional dependence on more in accord with the exterior. The result about shear dispersion, quoted in the text, and its applications imply that the initial condition must meet the exterior condition at the critical contour. Page -54- . .... . . .... .. Figure 111.5. .... Advection-Diffusion using the Kinematic Model Plotted are the results of an advection-diffusion experiment using the streakfunction of Fig. III.1. This experiment began with a Gaussian initial condition of scale 60 km, and shown is S at day 113. Here K=.04 '--". 1and Q=10. Note that the dispersant fills out the "trapped volume, and exits the trapped zone in a thin tail centered on the critical contour. Page -55- from the Ring, and the S-free waters to invade the trapped zone (see Fig. III.1). of Ring-exterior From these simulations, we see that observations exchange will largely be confined to the area of the stagnation point, which for a warm (cold) Ring occurs to the south (north) of the radius It is interesting that this behavior, particularly of maximum velocity. often observed in satellite pictures tail formation, is of warm core Specifically, three of the four satellite warm Rings (see Fig. 111.6). see that Also, we core images in Fig. 111.6 have tail-like features. the cold tongues of water from the Shelf generally end near the southern edges of the Rings. By this simple model, we have a trapped of characteristics Ring successfully modeled the observed formation. A less and tail zone successful aspect of this model comes from its east-west symmetry. The the fluid which ends up streaklines suggest that at the southeastern side of the stagnation point originates near the critical contour, or to the southwest of 'streamers' of the Ring. Satellite cold water, which photographs emanate from the of the so-called Shelf-Slope Water front, suggest that this same fluid originates more to the west of the Finally, note these simulations imply that the Ring (see Fig. III.6.d). fluid which is most likely to exchange with the trapped zone is that to the southwest near the The shape critical contour. and size of the probability distribution for exchange is dependent on K, which we do not know, therefore we have not attempted to quantify this statement. However, it will be a useful qualitative remark to compare with results in the coming section. Page -56- Figure I11.6. Satellite Observations of Rings Here we show several satellite photographs of SST in the vicinity of warm core Rings. The Rings in a, b, and c have tail-like warm water streams following behind them, as suggested by our model. There is also evidence of asymmetric particle trajectories. Note that the temperature patterns to the left of the Ring are generally broader than those to the right, indicative of a slower northward motion ahead of the Ring. Compare the patterns with the dynamic streaklines of Fig. 111.9. Ring Shelf-Slope Front I (a) Streamer I /Tail Ring (b) Streamer Tail Ring Streamer l Slope Water ..P L All2 ., fiAlt: K (c) T il . . . .< Page -60- In d, we see evidence of a trailing low pressure center behind the Ring, where the streamer of Shelf Water has wound into a cyclonic swirl. Also, there is a suggestion of a broad northward flow ahead of the Ring. Ring (d) Streamer Swirl Page -62- Advection and Diffusion in a Dynamic Ring Model- III.c The results of the previous section immediately come into question when we start to investigate the dynamic consistency of field. its the horizontal structure function of a large scale flow, If %is be evolution should quasi-geostrophy, which governed by that X)also be contours of potential vorticity. of included a plot Flierl's the advection the potential equivalent barotropic Gulf vorticity, requires In Fig. 111.7, we have q, from McWilliams Stream Ring simulations. and In this case, q is defined by: q = (V2-2) +y/(Q~1 11 ) Eq. 111.8 where o< is the non-dimensional version of not particularly resemble X, . It is obvious that q does so it seems unlikely from a dynamic point of view that particles will flow along the streaklines of Fig. III.1, and therefore, it is not clear that we may employ the intuition gained from the model of the previous section.1 The mismatch of _Cand q is due to the fact that 7 in Eq. 111.5 is not a solution to the equations of motion. We will now infer the particle trajectories from McWilliams and Flierl's model Ring, which is dynamically consistent, and compare them with the kinematic model, as well as analyze particle motion in 1 consistent, dynamically of examples several are There steadily propagating, permanent-form solutions, for which the dual conservation by a particle of streakline and potential vorticity is automatically satisfied. For example, the equation: q = (i2-,2)l + y/(Q " 11 ) = f() is recognized as the governing equation of the modon, or solitary eddy These solution, of Flierl, Larichev, McWilliams, and Reznik (1980). from patterns vorticity potential and have very different streakline 7. and III.1 those in Figs. Page -63- potential time in days=10.* CONTOURED Figure 111.7. vorticity or an unforced Gulf Streom Ring, 6 FROM -49.758-1 TO 4.2S5 E-t RT INTERVALS OF 2.000 E-i Potential Vorticity Here we plot q, the potential vorticity, defined by: 2 2 q = ( -r )O( + y/(Q111), at day 60, from McWilliams and Flierl's equivalent barotropic Ring. This q configuration was largely retained by the Ring throughout the experiment (160 days). Page -64- terms of described as character Lagrangian result will principle The dynamics. the in be the that section previous general will be Also, the importance retained, but some of the details will be altered. of friction and wave dispersion will become apparent. Dynamic 'Streaklines'- Flierl's and from McWilliams Notice Ring. model of evolution stages In Fig. 111.8, we have plotted oC at various azimuthally the asymmetric field, consisting primarily of a single trailing low pressure and a single leading high pressure, which surrounds the coherent, large 111.2) and form shape permanent its nearly (see Table the Ring The quasi-steady propagation of amplitude Ring. suggests that we compute streakfunctions for the Ring according to Eq. 111.4, using the average propagation speed of Table 111.2 for 'c'. In Fig. 111.9, we plot such a Xat days 40, 60, and 80 from the streamfunctions in Fig. 111.8. the roughly represents of shape persistent X over turn-over eddy 8 streakfunction, corresponding this as period, even For times. computed using Note 80 days reference, the though Olson's empirical streamfunction, but with c as determined by Table 111.2, is also shown For convenience, we shall refer to the streaklines as in Fig. 111.9. 111.8 computed from Fig. computed from Olson's streaklines. in as the dynamic streamfunction will streaklines, be called while the those kinematic A comparison of the two reveals both many gross features common, e.g. the existence of a trapped zone, and contrasts, e.g. the location of the stagnation point. several marked Page -65- (a) COM M FOR4.99t*1 rl 1.9- 1-L (b) r0100# AO o 8ll I of i0artav4sf t.46 1-i t.0 rU I - -- of I M INTEAVOLS 6 (-1 .9153 t- t J F-.999 9 -. 0001 S-.08 ~ ~~ . .8834 ' 1i 11 I t I I t. I I I L- t- -. 0998 (c) Figure 111.8. Dynamic Ring Evolution Here we plot the horizontal structure of the dynamically evolving Note the development of the Ring at days (a) 0, (b) 40, and (c) 80. azimuthally dependent field, the Ring propagation, and the nearly The parameters in this experiment were, permanent form evolution. K=5x10 - 4 , r2=2,= 111=2.1, and Q=4.76. Page -66- Table 111.2 Measured Pattern Propagation Speeds From McWilliams and Flierl's Equivalent Barotropic Model y Location x Location Day 14.7 .... 12.7 ...... ..... 40 .... ................................. 45 .... 50 .... .... 55 so** 60 .... ................. ..... 10.2 ...... 65 .... 70 .... 11.3 ...... ................. ..... 9.1 ...... .... ............... 7.9 ...... .... ..... .................................. .... ..... 6.7 ...... .... ................................. ..... 5.4 ...... .... (-2.2,-.2) (-2.2,-.7) 13.9 75 ................................ 80 85 90 95 100 (-2.7,-.7) 14.3 ............... .... 14.2 .... Velocity (-2.4,-.9) .... 13.4 .... 13.3 .... 13.1 (-2.4,-.2) (-2.2,-.4) in grid units (Yx = iy = 20 km All locations are expressi 32x32 numerical experiment. The dimensionally), and are from The error on position estimates is velocities are expressed in km/d .2 of a grid, which translates to an error for the pattern speed of .4 The average velocity for the whole interval is (-2.4,-.5) km/day. km/day, with an error of .04 km/day, which is within the error associated with all of the above velocities. Page -67- (b) (a) Chruf ea .rm .oF 1 - f. .e to t trvA O es -2.LtsCo oueaterF1n t-1 T to In o .- M ERME-S IFe see 1, ....... ... A. tor... O.u .ta fft O 1.510I-L re ---- _ C -o. L (c) Figure 111.9. (d) Dynamic Streakfunctions Here we have plotted the dynamic streakfunctions appropriate to days (a) 40, (b) 60, and (c) 80, as computed by an application of the kinematic formula to the dynamic Ring, and using c = (-2.4 km/day, -.5 km/day). Notice the nearly permanent form of the Ring. For comparison, in (d) we have included the kinematic streakfunction as computed from Olson's streamfunction, with c as above. Page -68- Perhaps in Fig. for the that 111.9 is the Ring of ahead the most apparent difference between the sets of contours no are streakfunctions, dynamic mirror longer images of contours the those it. behind Notice, for example, that the stagnation point in Figs. III.9.a, b, and c has been rotated clockwise with respect to the location of the same in Also, Fig. III.9.d. pulled abruptly to the dynamic streaklines north of the south upon crossing to the east the Ring, are of the Ring, which is in contrast to their rather gradual rise over the Ring from the to Secondly, we notice that the critical streakline originates west. the west of the Ring, rather than to the southwest, as in Fig. III.9.d. Therefore, a particle initially at point 'A' in the dynamic streaklines would follow a slightly warped version of that path it would take in the kinematic model, while a particle initially at 'B' would circumnavigate the Ring to the south, in contrast to that path it would take in the kinematic Ring. The accuracy will streaklines these of be shortly. addressed Taken as correct, they imply that the fluid which ultimately reaches the southeastern side of the stagnation point originates to the west, which is a feature asymmetry of observed the in streaklines, which Also, photographs. satellite implies that more of the note fluid the passing anticyclonically around the Ring is bought closer to the trapped zone than in the kinematic model. for Proximity to the Ring allows fluid to alter the trapped zone water properties, therefore, relative to the kinematic model, a larger area of exterior fluid model can exchange with the trapped zone this idea, we performed a pair of in the (see Fig. III.10). dynamic To test advection-diffusion experiments in Page -69- region of exterior fluid able to invade trapped zone dynamic strecklines tropped zone Xc region ot exterior fluid able to invade trapped zone Figure III.10. An Implication of Asymmetric Streaklines The area of fluid able to invade the trapped zone in the dynamic Ring is increased relative to the same for the kinematic Ring due to the asymmetry of the streaklines. Page -70- which an initial spike of marked fluid was situated to the west of the Ring, near the northern latitude of maximum Ring velocities. After 70 days, it was found that a greater amount of the marked fluid had entered the dynamic Ring trapped zone, compared to that for the kinematic Ring? While this simulation corroborated the basic idea about the larger area for the origins of entrained fluid, recall that it is a result which depends on K and on the Fickian closure. Finally, the dynamic Ring velocity field is oriented so that area of the trapped zone is roughly 75% model. the (+ 5%) of that in the kinematic Although the radii of maximum velocities are matched in these two ?Kfields, the exterior velocity field of the dynamic Ring decays much more rapidly away from the Ring. The Importance of the Dispersion Field- As pointed out McWilliams by and Flierl, the pressure field neighboring the Ring in Fig. 111.8 consists principally of leading high and which are trailing low centers, initially set up by dispersion. Consider the kinematic effect of a trailing low on an otherwise purely westward moving, radially symmetric pattern (see Fig. III.11). The trailing low has a cyclonic flow, which augments the azimuthal velocity between the Ring and the low center, and weakens it otherwise. In the steadily-propagating frame of the Ring is a stagnation point, where: c = 0 = If Ulow -low = 0, the Uring + Ulow ring + Vlow stagnation point will Eq. 111.9 Eq. III.10 occur on the line x=0, Page -71- SC = Uring ULow + N Location of stognation point Figure III.11. The Advective Effect of a Trailing Low Pressure Near to the Ring, the trailing low intensifies the anticyclonic Ring velocities, which effectively 'pushes' the stagnation point to the west. Page -72- which intersects low, Vlow Ring center. negative, is If, uow = 0, west of the Eq. by point, stagnation the requiring III.10, to be west of the line x=0. stagnation point in however, The advection by the low pushes the the the direction of Ring motion, which explains position of the stagnation point in Fig. 111.9. Now center. consider the West of effects of analogous the Ring, the leading high pressure the center produces an anticyclonic flow, which weakens the northward directed azimuthal flow near the Ring, but strengthens it farther away. Fluid parcels west of the leading high before the trapped zone arrives, the Ring encounter and they gain a slow northward motion, resulting in the gentle rise of the streaklines from The fact that the west. the Ring is subcritical with respect to fastest available Rossby wave the front speeds allows the precede the to Ring and produce a non-negligible 'upstream influence'. Hence, the lowest order shape of the streakline field is strongly influenced pressure by the centers. advective The existence relative to the Ring are the equation, and are the effects of of structures centers these consequences and neighboring high the of missing and their low motion the governing dynamical from the kinematic model necessary to make its particle paths dynamically consistent. Advection-Diffusion Using Dynamical Advection Fields- All results regarding the streakline field assume that it accurately describes particle trajectories, although strictly speaking Page -73- structure and the streaklines are only appropriate for a steady state Ring is evolving in time. we will Now field the Lagrangian verify through a series of advection-diffusion experiments. In the kinematic models, there were two very different regions of Lagrangian flow; a trapped zone associated with the high velocity core, and an exterior, excluded from the trapped zone by a closed streakline. Presently, we shall examine the dynamic Ring for a trapped zone, and then the exterior for its particle trajectories. In Fig. 111.12, we plot tracer concentration as determined by Eq. 111.7, where the advection field was provided by the streamfunction in Fig. 111.8. In the this experiment, Gaussian with a length scale of initial tracer distribution was situated in the Ring. 60 km, and was The initial tendency for the tracer is to spread radially; however, upon filling certain area, a spread slows to a halt. which propagates with Ring, the the radial Subsequently, the tracer exits via a rather The fluid velocities thin tail attached to the Ring southern edge. in the vicinity of point 'A' of Fig. 111.12 are roughly the same as the the pattern propagation velocity. Eulerian velocity at associated with This 'A' and comparing it motion the of the by checked was computing the to the propagation velocity maximum amplitude streamfunction; both were 0(-2.4 cm/sec, -.5 cm/sec). in the On the basis of this simulation, we infer that the trapped zone predicted by Fig. 111.9 exists. Note also that the area of the fluid moving with the Ring in Fig. 111.12 agrees with the trapped zone area of Fig. 111.9. interior streaklines of Fig. 111.9 provide a reasonable Hence, the picture of Page -74- (a FIaIII.1 II CIlUTUIlO TIl1. Iirlte Ar -. 1I1II1I1: Ilrtliilillliilil (c) . 60 1-1Io Foam COITOUISID t3,.24,t-i or O I l3lTlta II ." t 7.I -1t ATITAIrtv.a F . 71 -I -L iU- I _ , 1 " -- L- --- F ElI OF0.1 [IEIIRVIL I (b) I-I COlIOUIDF3a 3.6ii tI i Li ,, 333 Figure III.12. 3 it I oh iiL . l t-i f ,L Advection-Diffusion by the Dynamic Ring Here we plot days (a) 0, (b) 40, and (c) 80, from a numerical Note the solution to Eq. 111.7 using the dynamic Ring velocity field. fluid. of zone trapped the and tail formation Page -75- particle motion note aside, an As region. that in that the fluid velocities of the area where the interior fluid exits the trapped zone match the propagation velocity of results. the Ring, as in the kinematic model Therefore, the dynamic Ring model also predicts that we should observe tracer exchange in Rings to occur near the stagnation point, or for warm (cold) Rings, to the south (north) of the hydrographic Ring signature. Critical Contour- Recall that the critical contour, (c, divides the exterior fluid into two regons, one of which circumvents the trapped zone anti- In Fig. 111.13, we present cyclonically, and the other cyclonically. the results of an experiment designed to test the location of Xc. An on the initial Gaussian of grid point scale was placed at a point critical streakline predicted by Fig. 111.9 (grid point location (5,9)) It is clear and its subsequent interaction with the Ring was computed. in these figures that about half of the marked fluid moves north about the Ring, and about half south, which supports the location of 'c in therefore, to Fig. 111.9. Exterior Streaklines- We test the can accurately exterior compute solutions streaklines, we have to Eq. 111.7; conducted pairs of advection- Page -76- (a) COtD OMOE FIOA .SA67 E-t TO7.tL9 1-t AT STEAVLSOF .7M7E-t L '''ii;I i L mpla i r " i wi r ( c) ( b) CONTOUREO FAnOI.L I E-t TO . 3614 [-1 courcUolt FAOR -* o5Ac- t o a.1i33 t-t IFAt ta[§ aLs AT ?atIatvAS OFl.246E-1 OFI 387? -1 Ii I i 5 L q Figure 111.13. -I L! J '1! ! Critical Contour In this experiment, we introduced a blob of fluid on the predicted critical contour. Notice that the fluid splits, with roughly one half moving around the trapped zone in either direction indicative of Shown are days (a) 0, (b) 20, and (c) behavior near critical contours. 50. Page -77- diffusion Of the experiments two members and inferred in each particle experiment time-dependent velocity field of set, from trajectories one member them. 2 employed the dynamic Ring, and the the other used the steadily propagating velocity field contained in Fig. III.9.a, i.e.: O((x-Cx(t-40 days),y-cy(t-40 days), 40 days). In each experiment set, both members of the pair used the same initial which condition, was a grid-scale Gaussian spike of Different experiment sets were characterized by different marked fluid. locations of the initial condition, and all the sets together tested the fifth column of grid points from rows 7 to 15. In Fig. 111.14, we compare conditions at (5,15). the day 40 quite well. pairs, the pair with initial This location put the marked fluid in a region of In Fig. III.14.a and b, we plot the S strong shear (recall Fig. 111.2). field at results of from which we note that the fields compare visually (This degree of similarity was typical for all experiment and for the duration of each.) In c, we show the result of a similar experiment using the symmetric field proposed by Olson. From this comparison, it is clear that the asymmetric streaklines are better approximations to the flow field than the symmetric field. from a and b were also encouraging. 2 Measurements The maximum value of the tracer and Haidvogel (personal communication) has demonstrated that the particle trajectories computed using Eqs. 11.2 are such that the constraint of q conservation is not satisfied; therefore, we have opted not to employ that technique to compute particle trajectories. Page -78- fa CeaToulao .ll 11L rTa t.1s98 -iL ir liRvA.s of i.iS ti TsT eueollllile, I Car Fai e it* i- ITI lo 1.81 LI l .1 lll 'titftirisi TT!HIe. l- 8.11?I-I ,+-- oH O -- ~ -i 4 -- o- bF-b -- , .LUL _LL LL 1i iI II I i il iii LiJ I.LL ! II1I! .i Iil,- 'i ii i I ti F_ ,-T L - t pure diffusion -t -4 T/ 1 .11 - E 2 59.4? 5.s3 IS o I.6s Time (daye) d -cC_LI ! I I r' .LL Figure 111.14. 1 tl 1I i I! I I t = l II I .4 17 The Exterior Streaklines We compare the results of a pair of experiments initialized with a marked blob at grid point location (5,15), which is located in a region The field in (a) used the evolving Ring, and (b) the of high shear. dynamic streaklines. Visually, the fields agree well. In (c), we show the results of the same experiment using (d) from Fig. 111.9. Obviously, the dynamic streaklines are a better representation of the flow of the Ring. In (d), we compare the history of the amplitude Also, we plot Smax as determined by maximum from the experiment pair. pure diffusion. It is evident that the solutions are quickly affected by shear. Page -79- its motion are dependent on velocity and shear,3 and were used to test In d, we compare the the agreement more of a and b more quantitatively. values of Smax for the experiment in a and b. Note we have included a history of Smax as determined by simple diffusion, which indicates that the Ring solutions are affected by the shear. motion of Smax, this experiment turned Even so, comparison between the pairs. agreement in this Finally, with respect to diagram is representative of all the pairs. the The out to the average have the worst error in velocity was roughly .3 cm/sec, as compared to the average velocity of 3 cm/sec. All other comparisons of the motion of Smax were better than this. On the basis of these comparisons, we propagating field accurately estimates the steadily the shear and velocity evolving Ring outside of the trapped zone. the conclude that of the Therefore, we conclude that streaklines associated with the steadily-propagating field are an accurate representation of the particle trajectories of the dynamic Ring. In summary, having tested the critical contour, trapped zone, and exterior streaklines of Fig. 111.9, and shown them to accurately describe the Ring particle flowfield, we conclude that although the Ring is evolving in time, its variability does not strongly alter its Lagrangian patterns from those of a steadily-propagating structure. 3 to is sensitive dispersant of concentration maximum The For example, a Gaussian in a linear strong shear (recall Fig. 111.2). velocity profile eventually decays as t-3/2, as compared to Using the scales appropriate to a t- 1/2 for simple diffusion. Ring, we estimate that the effects of the velocity field will dominate diffusion after 10 days. Page -80- Potential Vorticity Considerations- II.d e-in Fig. of section b, the assumed pressure field to In contrast 111.8 was determined by integrations of an equation of motion, Eq. 11.14 (the present form of the equivalent barotropic equation): 2 = K7 6c, Eq. 11.14 along a fluid path, potential vorticity, that which states ) +.x -r2) (72-r2)at + qfllJ(,(J Eq. 111.8, is altered only by non-conservative processes. the comparisons of q and the dynamic defined by Consider now X. In Fig. 111.7, we show a contour plot of potential vorticity at day 60 the of is which dynamic the negative large the calculations, Ring noticeable most zone vorticity potential center. For a Ring, this pool would find its the Gulf Stream, having moved northward feature origins to the formation. during at located Ring south The of of second thing to note in Fig. 111.7 is the strongly perturbed q contours located just outside the the Ring. look pool, which as shape of Once set up, this they have been wrapped around if the exterior potential vorticity field was maintained for the duration of the experiments. Comparing the potential vorticity (q) of the Ring interior with the tracer experiments tracer in Fig. 111.12, we see corresponds closely Recall, the potential vorticity. potential experiments vorticity is with of a fluid q. Given the region of the trapped anomalously mechanism which will only parcel very weak although it in trapped zone the that is does dissipation, which region of negative alter the in these largely account for the change slow evolution of the q distribution, we Page -81- within fluid the that conclude its retains largely core Ring the original composition, there being no sources for potential vorticity of sufficient strength to allow for much exchange between trapped zone and exterior. In the kinematic models of section b, we demonstrated that particle Strong Q. large of consequence a was trapping To see conjunction with coherent flow, has the same effect dynamically. this, consider perturbation expansions of and the streamfunction, 7Q, in powers of in nonlinearity, the potential vorticity, q, lowest To 1/Q. order, the potential vorticity becomes: qo = (2 Eq. III.11 + 0(1/Q) -,2)-, which states that within the Ring, the contributions vorticity by beta are negligible. to the potential Similarly, the lowest order dynamical balance from Eq. 11.14 is: = 0(1/Q), J(o,2(,2-r2)ao) a demonstrating potential vorticity and <o. (o which that states contours; Eq. relationship functional = "o 111.12 is + cy/Q Q the i = flow. as a dynamical lowest order the streaklines condition consequence Eq. 111.13 co + O(1/Q), potential vorticity along streaklines. trapping the between However, ,7Kto the lowest order in 1/Q is: large for Eq. 111.12 that the pressure parcels conserve match fluid Hence, we can interpret particle of strongly nonlinear, coherent In Fig. 111.15, we plot the potential vorticity from Fig. 111.8 against the baroclinic amplitude to demonstrate that Eq. III.11, valid Page -82- Figure 111.15. The Functional Relationship of q and Streamfunction Potential vorticity is plotted against streamfunction as determined The range .2< <1 characterizes the by the dynamical Ring at day 40. Ring. The dashed line is a plot of the initial condition. Note that q has been randomized, and there is some evidence of q at small dissipation inside the Ring. rv vs a, -] .1 *~ +$ EO 4-.• L +\ ++ 10 Ca !-.00 0.60 -n. d.2n 0 .20 non-dim omp!itude 1.40 Page -83- asymptotically in the limit of large steepness, applies to the present calculations where Q:0(5). 'Ring' (cf. and In the range .2<:x<1, characteristic of the Fig. 111.8), the fluid has a strong correlation between q '. Ring Exterior- Outside of the Ring, the velocities are no longer properly scaled by the maximum Ring velocities; therefore, the asymptotic expansion in the inverse of the steepness breaks the lowest order dynamical statement. 9.b shows that outside of the down, and Eq. 111.23 no longer is An inspection of Figs. III. 7 and trapped zone, the potential vorticity are not functionally related. disagreement between these trapped zone, where the two fields is most streamfunction The place where the obvious is potential vorticity contours look as have been wrapped around the Ring. and In the far field of near the if they the Ring, q contours are essentially determined by beta and oriented east-west and also disagree with the dynamic Y, which have a slight southward slope. As the Ring is approached from either the east or west, the q contours are warped by the dispersion centers, and align well withX. The discrepancy between q and ,.in limited lateral influence of the Ring. the far field is due to In the far field, the the fluid parcels are not yet affected by the Ring, therefore the ;( do not apply, and the particles move along q contours. This is in contrast to very near the trapped zone, where the particles are under the influence of the Ring and move on the dynamic streaklines. It is clear from the Page -84- potential vorticity contours at the southwestern corner of the Ring that fluid parcels crossing lines are of constant q, for the Ring as is approached from the west, those contours first turn north, and then back to trajectories, are velocities, Ring The south. the northward directed at and therefore that spot, fluid the from which we conclude that the fluid parcels are altering their potential vorticity. can This vorticity only be a result structure near its in weak is near in to comparison to the potential grid point Still, viscosity is enhanced viscosity. effects the Indeed dissipation. the trapped zone scale, and thus a region of relatively of advection, or to planetary vorticity, and the fluid reflects this in the particle paths the circumnavigating The Ring. gradient of q the about Ring is minimized azimuthally; therefore the streaklines depicted in Fig. 111.9, which effectively predict particle flow in the direction of minimum q gradients, are consistent strong with weak advection and some effect, potential vorticity loss. Even though dissipation is having potential vorticity configuration is not sensitive to K. the overall In a run with smaller K, the only change in the q contours was confined to within a few grid points of the trapped zone boundary, where the contours were observed to 'wrap' further around the trapped zone than in Fig. 111.7. III.e Implications- One of the more oceanographically interesting properties of Rings is that they transport water from the Slope Water to the Sargasso Sea. Page -85- From this chapter, we have a dynamically sound understanding of this the way fluid moves about the phenomenon, and a believable picture of The important question with respect to the effects of Rings on Ring. their surroundings concern the magnitude of exchange the between the trapped zone and the exterior. With regards to this problem, the results of this chapter suggest that tracer rates flux are small, because the constraint of q conservation largely prevents fluid from entering or leaving the Ring. We have declined to make quantitative estimates of the flux, due to the parametrization of crude viscosity and diffusion. This chapter does suggest that an important effect of Rings is to act as a moving source of tracer, distributing quantities like potential vorticity, salt, and heat to the external fluid along a path which can extend far into the host regions. A separate Ring-induced tracer flux which we only begun to investigate here is that due to the production of streamers. Finally, trajectories we have that demonstrated are asymmetric with respect dynamical the to east-west. compare the critical streaklines in Figs. 111.9. )(C particle For example, in the dynamic Ring model is located to the north of the same in the kinematic model. immediate application of this result is to the interpretation of The the streamers which are noted in thermal images of the sea surface in the Slope Water. According to the dynamic streaklines, the water which gets to the southeastern corner of the Ring, as streamers do, is located west of the Ring, rather than to the south as in the kinematic streaklines; hence, the dynamic streaklines are in better agreement with the Page -86- (a) COlriTOUFROM1 LISlS FRO @.71?S1 COiTOUNII TO7.61J E-1 (b) Figure 111.16. t NTIaVALS OFI 74SE-1 TOLI.8 B ATINTIAVALS OF . LIi CMfOa0t FRiO1.657 E1t TO4.434 E.1 tr iTr nL.sOf 1.6641-L (c) Ring/Shelf-Slope Front Interaction Plotted are days (a) 0, (b) 20, and (c) 40 from an experiment designed to test 'streamer' formation. The results are suggestive until 0(40 days), after which the numerical streamers become too broad to match with observations. Page -87- satellite observations. we streamers, of structure the predict To clarify the degree to which our model can advection-diffusion an show experiment in which the dynamic Ring was released in the vicinity of an oriented tracer field. east-west results of The this experiment are For presented in Fig. 111.16, which shows the growth of a streamer. short times, indicating that advection. thicken and are Rings After the strongly pictures the 30 about pictures capable days, lose those resemble of their the satellites, production streamer the however, from numerical to resemblence by streamers oceanic the streamers, which are observed to remain thin. Summary- III.f In this chapter, we have investigated the Lagrangian associated with dynamical models of Gulf Stream Rings. equation was the equivalent quasi-conservation of barotropic equation, which flows The governing expresses potential vorticity along fluid paths; the the only non-conservative force in operation was viscosity, which was compelled to be weak. It was found that the evolution of the Ring model was slow enough to allow accurate predictions of particle trajectories to be made by using Flierl's (1981) formula for streaklines. The shapes of the particle trajectories were somewhat different than those of the radially symmetric pattern used in earlier kinematic studies. The present study predicts that the fluid west of a Ring is most likely to mix into the trapped zone, and that the Lagrangian fields are east-west asymmetric. The cause of the asymmetry was shown to be the high and low pressure centers created by the evolving Ring, and it was argued from a dynamical Page -88- point of view that their presence represented the corrections necessary to improve earlier kinematic models. trapping Particle investigated from standpoint the of trajectories particle exterior the and and potential vorticity, it were was found that dissipation was important to the shape of the q contours near the trapped zone. The results suggested trapped zone-exterior exchange is weak. Finally, we discussed experiments which demonstrate the ability of Rings to account for certain satellite observed sea surface temperature The patterns. Rings tendency for warm core 'tails' was develop to 'streamers', or cold successfully replicated, as was the production of water advection from the Shelf to the Slope. Although we were able to duplicate streamer production, there are still some questions unanswered about are observed to Basically, streamers long their remain thin; evolution. term that is, after the they do not spread cold water is advected south in a narrow tongue, laterally, as in Fig. 111.16. Rather there appears to be some mechanism at work streamers which keeps the anomalous temperatures the One possible explanation for tongue. confined to a narrow associated with this phenomenon takes into account air-sea interaction; if cold surface water is exposed to a warm atmospheric state, the surface temperature anomaly is removed Shelf waters (see Chapter IV). would have production, where the them warm A hypothetical scenario for the advecting air would into erase the their Slope cold via sea streamer surface Page -89- signature. The Shelf waters, with all of their unique properties, would then be injected into the Slope, but thermally modified in the process, so that they become invisible to satellite infra-red sensors. of course, speculation; whether we are discussing mechanism will be the subject of later study. a viable This is, physical Page -90- CHAPTER IV. AN ANNUAL MIXED LAYER MODEL WITH APPLICATION TO GULF STREAM RINGS Introduction- IV.a. (SST's) of Gulf Just after formation, the sea surface temperatures Stream Rings are different surrounding water, with by cyclonic Rings anticyclonic Rings by warm. from distinguished those of the by cold SST and From satellite sea surface imagery, we have discovered that the subsequent are different. degrees several evolutions of warm and cold Ring SST's Quite simply, cold core Rings lose their cold signatures while warm core Rings do not (the Ring Group, 1981). Other features of warm Ring SST behavior include a tendency for their temperature anomaly to weaken in the summer, but reemerge in the fall (Friedlander, personal communication). case, the Whether cold Rings do the same is less clear. In any 'survivability' of warm anomalies is apparently much greater than that of cold, and in this chapter, we will attempt to understand why this is so. Background- Rings are capable of particle trapping and the residence times for trapped fluid are is estimated to be long Dewar, 1981). (Chapter III and Flierl and Therefore, for most of its lifetime, the upper layer core Page -91- waters of a Gulf Stream Ring are primarily those of its parent region. Repeated hydrographic surveying of individual Rings has verified this. Still, Rings have been observed to intermittently interact with the Gulf Stream (Richardson, 1980), types into the different water injection of resulting the to whether There currently is some question as core. in any case such interactions are normal, but they leave general the cross-Ring isothermal displacements unaltered. core warm Consider and formation Ring the from propagation reference frame of a fluid column, initially in the Sargasso, which ends Prior to formation, the fluid is subjected to up in the trapped zone. the Ring is formed, the atmosphere As Sargasso Sea air-temperatures. becomes less Sargasso-like until at separation, and from then on, it is A comparison of local monthly mean temperatures Slope Water in nature. the Sargasso Sea and Slope Water peculiar to (Marine Climatic Atlas) The air above the shows them to be very different (See Fig. IV.1.a). Sargasso is (Tsarg = 200 C) than that warmer over the Slope (Tslope = 10*C) and is comparatively moderate in annual variation (6Tsarg= 10 OC, T slope = 20 *C). IV.1.b and c) (see Fig. air by is warmed formation is temperature, reflect This contrast is characteristic of these two regions the the Gulf manifested and the change. as a transition a cold to from warm warm response of 'typical' Slope Water and water, Ring cold air- to temperature transition experienced by the surface layer of a cold core Ring. the of column its sea surface evolution of Similarly, the To Stream. that the is and a plausible explanation for it Sargasso should will be We will compute mixed layers to Sargasso and Slope Water forcing, respectively, in an effort to explain the SST evolution of warm and cold Rings. Page -92- 30r 28- 40N , 700W - 35 0 N , 65 W 26 24 350N rJ 650 W 2220 1816 14 12- 40*N " J F M A M J I I J A i, , | I S , I I 0 , I |, I N 0 MONTHS Figure IV.1. Comparison of Air-Temperature Cycles In (a), we compare monthly mean air-temperatures from the Slope and the Sargasso. Note that for the entire year, the Sargasso air is warmer than the Slope, while the Slope is characterized by much greater Both the Slope are Sargasso station locations were chosen variation. This because they correspond to points of frequent Ring observation. the Slope of most for characteristic is difference in air temperature Water and Sargasso, as demonstrated in (b) and (c), where we display In the winter, the average air temperatures in January and July. contrasts are great, and in the summer, weak. Page -93- Page -94- Note budget surface, its through flux the by determined the heat in this model, that, of so a fluid column is employ a will we A good question to ask is whether we one-dimensional mixed layer model. can expect 1-d models to be adequate, especially in view of their poor to comparison in We consider fluxes. surface the a mass is there in which decay, from Ring flux this of size (Schmitt, personal communication). the trapped zone and with it a heat flux. transport into the comes error One possible problems other Ring in performance Approximating the Ring by a cylinder, in which case the inflow, ur, is related to the downwelling, w, by: ur = wro/2ho, the where ro is depth, trapped the radius of layer mixed the and ho zone, the ratio of the radially directed heat flux to the surface flux is: urbr/(Bflux/ho) = wsb/(2 Bflux). Using an average w of -4 10-4 cm/sec, <yb 1 cm/sec 2 , of and a Bflux of 10-3 cm2 /sec 3 , this ratio is: = urbr/(Bflux/ho) It is with less justification that we and may therefore be neglected. ignore heat the those In Stream. of that we are due to the applications intermittent where models 1-d have explain an deterministic, cycle in SST. the cross-Ring annual, the Gulf failed, the of the therefore to the fact most likely Also, the results are most dependent on isopycnal structure, which interactions with and the In support 1-d models for the problem at hand, we appeal trying to with interactions such events have upset the budgets. occurrence of aptness flux .05 << 1i, Stream or is relatively unaffected by the Shelf Water. The solutions Page -95- will suggest that one dimensional models include the processes necessary the to explain the relative 'robustness' of warm Ring SST, as well as summertime loss and fall reemergence of Ring thermal structure. An Annual Mixed Layer Model- IV.b Mixed layers are regions of very complicated, turbulent activity, 'intermediate layer' surface layer overlying an layer mixed the of example computed is included and Thompson, (Pollard, Rhines, 1973) These for details). Appendix A.IV development figures compute the conditions. An to the boundary of stresses in terms turbulent Reynolds in Fig. each contain model bulk a by IV.3 these graphs is the sudden Notice layer. constant (b and c). layer the that (a) to maintains with depth of at thermocline a development of a thin, layer almost remains a depth. density discontinuity the intermediate layer In Fig. the mixed layer The being heated rapidly decreases. IV.3.a buoyancy-depth profiles from fall/winter. concerns this the in occurrence Proceeding downward from the mixed layer base in b, intermediate layer, and gradients noticeable of reorganization the rate at which the fluid is mixed the most spring, followed by the shallow depth in early warm Perhaps (c). layers (see buoyancy 10 profiles at 10 day intervals, and range from fall mixed layers summer mixed a IV.2), and (see Fig. layer surface the of 'well mixedness' the exploit of consist 'bulk models', models, known as layer successful mixed Many seconds to years. and exhibit variability on the time scales of depth and the are with respect to the itself develops strong typical model generated The interesting behavior here buoyancy discontinuity at its Page -96- Mixed Layer structure Mixed layer U ,- -h Intermediate layer Deepest wintertime penetration Interior Figure IV.2. Structure of Bulk Mixed Layer Models The upper waters are divided into a well-mixed layer, in direct The vertical contact with the atmosphere, and an intermediate layer. extent of the intermediate layer is defined by the deepest penetration of the wintertime mixed layer. Page -97- 23 17 buoyancy .i. .. 7 (e/sec-) -1.3 -l.l -2.6 2. a. buoyancy -2.2 -2.0 - (CA/ sao -1.69 -L.? -21 I L I ' [ 2) -1.22 l -4.9s ! -4.6 I r :i . 20 15 10 ,2. I Figure IV.3. - buoyancy -2 (cm/ -. .662 2.4 -6.ia I 25 0-2) -4.12 ) 2.61 I i I L.Is I t.67 I Temperature Traces from the PRT Bulk Model Each plot contains 10 traces at intervals of 10 days, and all three together cover 300 days worth of mixed layer evolution. Of interest is the summertime mixed layer, which develops nearly as a constant depth layer, and the fall degradation of the seasonal thermocline. Note also the change in imtermediate layer structure from (a) to (c), showing that over one year, this layer has lost heat. Compared to (a), wintertime cooling must erode a much stronger seasonal thermocline in (c) prior to very deep layer formation, and therefore the upcoming winter will extract less heat from the intermediate layer than the previous winter. Page -98- From our point of view, base, which quickly fades with increasing h. to equivalent is this intermediate layer determining mixed buoyancy of that to the by matching depth layer the suggesting mixed zone, a dependence of wintertime SST on deep buoyancy structure. this In direction of model, the the heat flux. warm and buoyant, and depth, layer mixed by governed is h, the In the summer, the surface waters become of mixing light water the requirement downward The well-mixed effectively isolates the surface layer from the deep. zone subsequently evolves almost as a constant depth layer, underneath In the wintertime, of which develops a very strong buoyancy gradient. convection, driven by buoyant the water, aids in the mixing process. and the mixed layer penetrates production of cold, surface heavy The seasonal thermocline is eroded, into the deep buoyancy structure. The great depths of the wintertime mixed layer preclude either a sizeable As air-sea heat heat flux or buoyancy jump at the mixed layer base. convection halts exchange switches sign in the spring, buoyant thin mixed layer develops anew. is layer heated year round by We also note penetrative that and a the intermediate radiation (see Appendix A. IV). A set of equations describing the seasonal character of the mixed layer/intermediate layer is: hbt = -5(b-ba) + Bas - Ba(-h), where h is Eq. IV.1.a the mixed layer depth, b the buoyancy, ba the atmospheric Page -99- buoyancy, defined by: ba(t) Bas = gV(Ta-ro)9 surface heat radiative the average flux, Ba(-h) the and average irradiant heat flux which enters the deep ocean through the mixed layer The intermediate layer buoyancy, bi, is governed base (see Table IV.I). by: bit = Baz, Eq. IV.1.b The mixed layer equation is closed where Baz is penetrative radiation. by a specification for h, namely: h=ho Eq. IV.1.c (a constant) during 'spring' and 'summer', or: b=bi(-h) Eq. IV.1.d 'Seasons' are delimited by the sign of: during 'fall' and 'winter'. F = -P(b-ba) + Bas -Ba(-h), In i.e. spring/summer if F is positive, and fall/winter if negative. the present penetrative we have calculations, radiation, seasonal dependence ignored the approximating these terms a by constant of (see Table IV.1). Similar model, there equations was no linearly with depth. were used by 'mixed' layer. although (1973), Warren Incoming heat was in his distributed We have chosen the present heat distribution from an examination of the bulk model, so we believe it is more dynamically consistent. Analytical justification for the contained in Appendix B.IV. Appendix C.IV, with the time evolution of h is The accuracy of Eqs. IV.1 is the subject of results that they reproduce averaged SST and mixed layer depth surprisingly well. the bulk model Page -100- Table IV.1 Symbol Definitions and Scales au Value Definition Symbol Value Definition Symbol 11- Environmental fo.. S.. z Into Coriolis coefficient.. coefficient 10- 4 sec-1 of thermal 2x10-4 expansion... vertical oC-1 g... gravity..... 103cm/sec 2 o reference water density..... time........ 1 gm/cm 3 coordinate... .... temperature.. variable N-S wind variable T ... ro-y - -- Atmospheric hu ran -n . mixed layer depth........ velocity summer time depth......... u.o. ho • go .. ,, 1 Mixed Laver h a variable * variable 10- gm/cm3 3 - . . variable E-W wind..... stress wind........ velocity air density ua.. stress....... atmopheric ba. ba o--- buoyancy.... variable variable .. temperature. depth for wintertime sample problem.... variable ui.. velocity.... 10-4 N2 buoyancy . 0& frequency... b... variable variable hi 30 m 50 m Interior bi .. buoyancy..... buoyancy r ... gradient .... sec __ _ _ ± __ __ __ __ 2 variable Page -100- Table IV.I Symbols and Definitions (continued) . ___________ Symbol Definition Symbol Symbol Value I~ 4 Definition Value 4- _____ Forcing coefficient of drag Cd E (-) wind speed spectrum.... 10-3 argument of random phase....... frequency U= Ur+iui X2 Bo(z) Ho Ba (-h) . ** Fourier coefficients of wind attenuation depth solar radiation buoyancy flux average flux out of mixed layer solar zenith angle A 1 25 m 10-3cm2 attenuation depth....... n,m coefficients. in TEM closure. Bos. . radiant surface heating daily average radiant flux... latitude Bas sec3 .. daily frequency .0004 .0006 40°N 2 /day variable coefficient of solar radiation Mo .. 35 cm fractional distribution of radiation magnitude of Bas(-h) Bao - ----- .03 --- -- .0004 -- - Page -101- In the experiments to be discussed, the atmospheric annual temperature cycle, ba(t), will take the general form: ba(t)= a 2 + a l cos(rt +t) Eq. IV.2 with the maximum temperatures occurring at an annual phase of m. Ba is taken as: Ba = Baoexp(z/A2). Note, (see Appendix A.IV). maintenance production ho was is explicit no reference wind to The effects of the wind, however, enter through both the value stress. and there of the of chosen to the summertime seasonal be 30 m; mixed thermocline the layer the with rationale depth, ho, of onset behind and this the spring. choice is contained in Appendix C.IV. IV.c Limit Cycle Calculations- The first step average mixed layer definition of to Ring understanding characteristics of 'average' does not exist; the SST is parent to determine An region. however, we have exact found that, subject to a choice of ba, Eqs. IV.1 possess limit cycle solutions. we assume that the the If average residence time of fluid in each region is long, we can interpret the limit cycles as 'average' mixed layers. This definition turns out to be impractical, for the limit cycles of Eq. IV.1 represent mixed layers which deepen to infinity at This We is an undesirable feature, can still but it obtain accurate estimates turns for out the end of winter. to be unimportant. 'average' mixed terms of 'quasi'-limit cycle solutions as follows. layers in Page -102- The infinite deepening of the late winter part of the limit cycle is a consequence of the form of the penetrative radiation, because the heat balance at any level is: = bt between turbulent i.e. 11.26), (see Eq. IV.3 Eq. -(w'b')z + Baz and penetrative fluxes heat For any depth to be cycling in a limit state; radiation. T-1 At every level, dt dt there is = 0. an annual balance between turbulent heat flux The form we have chosen for the penetrative radiation is and radiation. non-zero at b all depths; turbulent heat therefore, at all depths flux (deep winter time mixing) is required. In the real ocean, radiation is probably not significant beyond the first few hundred meters, after which the is radiation correct this suspect fault, present parameterization of a series were experiments of arguments, whatever to in which performed the radiation chosen as depth is effort Notice that according radiation was expunged at some ad-hoc depth, hc. to the previous an In 1981). (Simpson and Dickey, cut-off also becomes the depth of deepest winter time mixing. Several sea surface cut-off depths temperature was were tested, unaffected so giving as hc long e-folding scale of the radiation. the was much referred to earlier as greater than the In the present set of calculations, we returned to the original formulation, hc =m". layers, that result The 'typical' mixed 'quasi'-limit cycle mixed layers, were cycle was repeating itself to within a few parts in several decimal places (see obtained Fig IV.4). by integrating Eqs. IV.1 until the numerical Page -103- Two properties of limit cycles which are important to the problem Both are difficult to prove, but at hand are existence and uniqueness. apparently apply to the limit of cycles the present For problem. example, in all numerical experiments with the same atmospheric forcing, ba(t), the solutions, regardless of initial condition, converged towards the same (and therefore apparently unique) limit cycle. With regards to existence, we note that the effect of the forcing is to adjust the deep This may be seen from buoyancy profile towards limit cycle behavior. Eq. Consider IV.3. a non-limit cycle intermediate in which layer, The therefore at some depths there are net annual imbalances of heat. effect of solar radiation is wintertime mixing to cool it. always to warm the Thus, if at some water, and that of depth there is a net loss of buoyancy, that depth was 'in' the wintertime mixed layer for too long a time. Note, however, that the resulting colder profile prevents the upcoming wintertime mixed layer from deepening as efficiently as the previous winter (see Fig. IV.3). Hence in the winter to intermediate layer depths will be cooled less. follow the A net heat gain in the intermediate layer produces a buoyancy profile which allows deep mixing to occur earlier during winter, and therefore extract greater amounts of heat from the intermediate layer in the next year. Either shift is closer to an annual heat balance, which is the characteristic of a limit cycle. 'Typical' Mixed Layers- In Figs. IV.4, we graph mixed layer buoyancy, b, against mixed layer depth, h, as a measure of the limit cycle behavior from both the Sargasso and the Slope. The air-temperature cycles for each region were Page -104- taken to be: Ta(t)= 10*C + 10 0 Ccos(,-t +) and: for the Slope, Ta(t)= 20 for the Sargasso oC ) + 5 °Ccos(.at + the contain four years worth of model data; the width least of line the plotting deepest penetration). IV.4 actually Notice that Figs. IV.1). (see Figs. repeating cycle is (however, observe to at the point of in Fig. IV.5, we have included several Finally model generated lower layer (i.e. depths greater than 30 m) temperature The Slope Water is characterized by a much greater range of profiles. SST than the Compare Sargasso, while the model profiles Sargasso the actual winter and with are much warmer. profiles summer XBT traces (Fig. IV.6) taken at locations within the Slope Water and Sargasso where Rings are frequently observed. Finally, we note that the SST extremes as The cycles match well with observations. typically 5 °C, as compared to 6 0 C, compared to the model value predicted by the limit coldest Slope Water SST is 0 C in the model, and the warmest is 19 of 20 0 C (Colton and Stoddard, 1972). In the Sargasso south of the Gulf Stream, the range is observed to be from 20 *C to 26 =C (Fuglister, 1947), and the model predicts 20 °C to 27 OC. IV.d Adjustment Calculations- Given the parent region mixed layer structures, their evolution when subjected to host region forcing. we can compute Recall that the sudden change of atmospheric state is meant to model Ring formation. Page -105- ,2+.. .8 ,21.68 2.86 40.01 61.7t 74.46 depth (m) 8 .57 9 .43 depth (m) a8.8l127.29 118.29 , 153.68 137.14 te6.6 156.80 286.46 14 ?10 o 0C 3 N. N Figure IV.4. b Versus h Limit Cycles Here we plot the limit cycle solutions for the (a) Sargasso and the (b) Slope Water. Each graph contains four consecutive years of data, from which it is apparent that, for the most part, the cycle is In (a), the cycle repeating to a few parts in several decimal places. deepest wintertime depth of at the evolving is still weakly Note the greater range of the Slope water mixed layer penetration. temperature in comparison to the warmer Sargasso. Page -106- OC 20 -1.68 (cm/sec*-2) buoyoncy S6 -..a3 -118 -8. 25 8.19 1.8 1 1 II - 13 5 64 - Figure IV.5. -3.37 • , buoyancy (cm/sec**2) -2.S1 -. 94 -1.38 -8.82 I -8.25 = 8.31 I Lower Layer Buoyancy Structure Here we have plotted, in (a) and (b), the buoyancy traces for depths greater that 30 m from limit cycles (a) and (b), respectively, of Fig. IV.4. In the present model, the mixed layer is never shallower The time than 30 m, so this portion of the column was left out. months. two is traces interval between Page -107- ,0 5, n 0 ,2--- 2p -- - 0 - 0 100II- 100 . 12/3/7 6 35" 23.7 N 200 - 65 22.E 300 200. I 400 500 7M - sun 7nn. 2/77 SClW/ 33 49.3 N. T. . = 72 U.i.BN. --- 2 I ! 1 600 ImI -4116 700 Fb I I 6 2 10 26 22 18 14 30 oC OC 5 to 20 I5 25 30 !55GSF - II Mrl t 45C 500 0 Figure IV.6. Loo. 70400W - 30 3 15TMPATU TEMPERATUREVC1 Summer and Winter Slope and Sargasso XBT Measurements Here are typical upper layer temperature traces from both the In agreement with the limit cycle buoyancy Sargasso and the Slope. traces, the range of the Slope SST is much greater than that of the Sargasso, but the Sargasso is much warmer. Page -108- In Fig. IV.7, we compare the annual cycles of SST for a warm Ring Included central mixed layer and a 'typical' Slope Water mixed layer. which is are six years worth of Slope Water SST, 1-2 four and years worth of warm core Note however that Rings are generally only in the host region response. for SST Sargasso typical of worth compared to two years years, the so years few first of response the are most In this experiment the Ring was formed at the warmest point applicable. Notice the temperature contrast is greatest in the atmospheric cycle. in winter, and is roughly 6 OC. As the year progresses, this contrast The same information is first weakens, disappears, and then reemerges. Note that plotted in Fig IV. 8 for the analogous case of a cold Ring. the cold Ring wintertime temperature contrast (0(1*C)) is much weaker 10 C is roughly the error of satellite than that of the warm core Ring. measured SST, so these results suggest that in infra-red images, warm would Rings be evident much more than As cold. before, summertime erases the cold Ring temperature contrasts, and the onset of the fall rejuvenates them. Recall that the parameters diabatic forcing were chosen to agree with data; therefore, we should attach significance to the values which the model generates. The reasons for the difference in the SST contrasts are essentially (Figs. IV.9 and contained in the buoyancy profiles from each experiment 10). Exposing a 'typical' Sargasso Sea mixed layer to the cold Slope Water wintertime mostly slowly by in results convective in unusually mixing. temperature; equal Hence, deep surface warm core extractions of layers, mixed heat produced layers respond produce lesser decrements in SST owing to the thickening layer from which the heat is O o E C 00 38.1 39.2 40.3 41.8 43.3 years Figure IV.7. Warm Core Ring SST The first two years Here we plot a comparison of 6 years of SST. are a comparison of limit cycle Sargasso and Slope water mixed layers. The Ring is 'formed' on July 1 of the second year, and the last four The maximum contrast is roughly 6 years are of warm Ring SST response. OC. o 0O M q- Here we plot a comparison of 6 years of SST. The first two years are a comparison of limit cycle Sargasso and Slope water mixed layers. The Ring is 'formed' on July 1 of the second year, and the last four years are of cold Ring SST response. The maximum contrast is roughly 1 0C. 0 C. I, I~ I ---------- I------------ I - Page -111- removed. warm of Estimates core relaxation layer mixed are times generally longer than the duration of winter; therefore, being initially warm, the Sargasso throughout the simply layers mixed As winter cooling season. their warm identity maintain gives to way summer, thin layers of depth h o develop and shortly thereafter the mixed layers lose Note that although surface memory of their early spring-time buoyancy. contrasts are covered up in roughly a month, the deep thermal structure retains its warm identity. As the layer again progresses into winter, it exposes its interior buoyancy structure to the atmosphere, and warm central waters springtime In Fig. IV.11, we plot a reemerge (Figs. IV.7 and 9). section XBT taken across a Ring core warm which shows evidences of deep central wintertime mixing and weak surface temperature gradients. Conversely, a Slope Water mixed layer moving into the Sargasso Sea Subsequent is heated and develops a summertime thermocline. evolution of the mixed zone is largely confined to a layer of thickness ho (see In Fig. IV.12, we plot an XBT section taken across cold Fig. IV.10). core Ring Bob on which has been drawn a subjective estimate of the mixed layer depth. shallower at significant. there While Ring center, Still, is a one in contrast suggestion questions to that whether the warm layers are no deeper than those of the Sargasso. the summer, the the Ring, layer is difference is mixed the cold Ring mixed After being lost in contrasts in SST across a cold Ring do not reappear because the surface heat flux mixes into layers of similar depth. Only at the end of winter does the unique structure of the core mixed layers appear. Note that the observations of winter mixed layer depth are Page -112- 0 C L -2. 12 -t.6 i I buoyancy (cm/sec**2) -. II -0.59 I 27 22 17 12 -0.08 0.42 - 0.93 i L.44 I % L7t 0a 10 (l 0O 6 P- CM 0O , NO Figure IV.9. Lower Layer buoyancy Traces from a Warm Ring Here we graph buoyancy against depth for depths greater than 30 m from an adjusting warm core Ring. The time interval between traces is The relevant two months and the first trace corresponds to July 1. feature of the mixed layer buoyancy evolution concerns the deep, convectively driven mixing, which forms unusually thick layers thoughout the year. Also note the deep radiative heating. Page -113- 1C 10 -3 .72 v 4 cn -2.94 I 20 15 a I I -- 1 I buoyancy (cm/sec**2) -2.18 I -1.42 1 -. 67 ~' I 0.09 ' 25 J 0.85 . 1.61 ' 0cD 00. 3 v p,,. Figure IV.10. Lower Layer Buoyancy Traces from a Cold Core Ring Here we graph buoyancy against depth for depths greater than 30 m from an evolving cold core surface layer. The time interval between each corresponds to two months, and the first corresponds to July 1. Note that these mixed layers tend to remain shallow throughout the year because the Sargasso atmosphere injects heat into the surface waters. Page -114- XBT no. 100 200 300 2 400 500 600 700 43 4.8 4.8 0 km 0 tM Figure IV.11. I 4V 50 50 8 48 4.6 4.4 100 I 46 45 4.4 0 150 4 4.4 4.5 200 200 An XBT Transect of a Warm Core Ring the of many shows spring, the in taken transect, This characteristics of the solutions we have been computing. Note that the core waters are well mixed to depths of 0(300 m), and have been capped This data was thermocline reformation. over by early springtime by his kind here reproduced is obtained by Dr. Terrence Joyce, and permission. SN 0 depth of mixed layer E 100 + -c - depth of the 15C isotherm 3001 400 109 III 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 xbt# Figure IV.12. An XBT Transect of a Cold Core Ring This transect, taken in December, demonstrates that for a cold Ring, the mixed layers of the core water resemble the exterior mixed There is even a hint of the core mixed layers being shallower. layers. the Ring presence by the 15 OC isotherm, and have given denoted have We a rough sketch of the transect with respect to the Ring (Ring Allen, see in the upper right hand 1979) Richardson, Maillard, and Sanford, corner. Page -116- those times three roughly of intermediate neglects model, which the Although h is not well represented in late winter, the layer mixing. in other seasons and therefore agreement improves the SST behavior we have computed is probably insensitive to this. With regards to the effects of differing formation dates, a series of different conducted were experiments After seasons. contrasts the which stress parent regions. 'formed' was Ring the developed adaptation, SST short a in the in is in agreement with the above arguments This manner just described. which in in the of temperatures air the and host Regardless of formation dates, within a year warm Ring cores will cool into very deep mixed layers and cold Ring cores will be heated and develop mixed layer depths of thickness h note Finally that there in difference is a the time scale of approach to the limit cycle states; warm Rings adjust much more quickly to the atmospheric forcing (which take Rings 0(10 than do the (on times of 0(2 years)) years)). reason The intermediate layer is an integral part of the for this is that structure of cold the limit the cycle mixed layer, and the mechanism of approach to its final state is governed by the loss or gain of heat. heated, value. the buoyancy depth is increasing towards its limit cycle The excess heat necessary to do this comes from radiation, which at depths of, layer at If the adjusting layer is being requires say, 150 m is a comparatively weak heat source and the several years to adjust (see Fig. IV.10). If the intermediate layer is being cooled, the loss of heat at depth is due to wintertime mixed layer cooling. Thus, the buoyancy structure is altered Page -117- by turbulent heat transport, which is stronger than radiation, and the It is for time scales of the evolution are the order of a few years. this reason that we see a more rapid adjustment to the external forcing by warm pools than cold in Figs. IV.7 and 8, where the initially greater wintertime anomAly of the anti-cyclonic eddy disappears at a faster rate than cold the than long-lived Thus, anomaly. more are anomalies cold Ring lifetimes their warm counterparts. stable and are 0(1 yr) owing to their interactions with the Gulf Stream, and therefore this is We mention it because not an important process to Ring-SST evolution. to longer-lived SST anomalies of possible applications in the general circulation. IV.e Summary- the annual mixed layer was captured in a set of The evolution of simple one-dimensional equations which were used to investigate the sea surface of response the computed in of terms budgets heat The Sargasso. air-sea local that the transport water between the Slope important effect of the Ring was to and hypothesized We cold Rings. and warm of the and exchange, background SST cycles of the host Region. mixed layers were core compared to the The resulting buoyancy-depth profiles and temperature contrasts compared well with data. For warm core forcing was which had that built it the Rings, was the on important the average structure of the evolved, they developed unusually deep facet of the Slope cooler than the core. As the diabatic temperatures Sargasso layers layers which had the effect of Page -118- For cold core Rings, impeding the decrease in sea surface temperature. it was noted that the core mixed layers remained shallow, and therefore the temperature contrasts across the Ring were decreased in magnitude, because the Sargasso air temperatures were warm. From Fig. IV.11 and these results, it is apparent that wintertime In the mixed layer development in a warm core Ring is a major event. present have calculation, we neglected the on Ring, the dynamic and while adjusting buoyancy field suggestive of Ring thermodynamics, it is clear will require an active Ring. of the results are effects the further modeling that For example, the buoyancy traces contained in Figs. IV.4 and 9 indicate a loss of dynamic height. With respect to 200 decibars, the pressure head of the core over the flank decreases by roughly 20 dynamic centimeters 30 of decrease cm/sec in from July to February, geostrophic velocity. resulting in a Wintertime the Ring because carries out a thermodynamic spin-down of the mixing act of cooling the intermediate layer removes the depression in the upper layer isotherms. While the overall annual SST cycle will probably not change because of the inclusion of an evolving Ring, we can expect the Ring life cycle to be modified by the inclusion of the mixed layer. The simplicity of the annual model suggests that the results may Consider the implications for the interpretation of satellite infra-red images. On extend the beyond basis of the the scope present regardless of whether it is of the chapter, problem. present we would interpret associated with a Ring, as presence of a deep, warm buoyancy profile. a warm pool, indicating the With historical information Page -119- about geographical variations in density structure, we could even make some intelligent not are From large scale infra-red maps, probably the result of a recent event. we can search for similar are pools Therefore, any observed cold are short-lived. they view, anomalies Cold origin. its structure, although from an observational point of deep indicative of to as guesses and make an objective statement temperatures about the origin of the cold pool. Also, we agree with Simpson and Dickey (1981) about the importance of penetrative radiation in the upper layers. most the intermediate of rather any by than process solar operate in the intermediate zones of manner as in present the model irradiance occurs in observed to (as detrainment resembling radiation, by restratification occurs Also, models). erosion turbulent layer present model, In the is the real ocean in much (see Appendix the same the Given A.IV). dependence of SST on intermediate layer buoyancy structure, we recommend properly that future models account distribution of for the vertical radiation. not Note, we have properties, Rings. such as considered the in optical geographical variations attenuation coefficients, of the water in Richardson (1980) has reported that upon entering cold core Ring 'Bob', the water color changed and even the odor in the air developed a Slope Water character. 'dirty' and full of With respect to Sargasso water, Slope water is aquatic microorganisms irradiation does not penetrate as water. deep and therefore in Slope water as the solar in Sargasso Cold Rings are frequently observed in the summertime to be a few Page -120- tenths of a degree C warmer (Vastano, Schmitz, and Hagan, than 1980); temporarily become warm core Rings. the surrounding in other words, Sargasso Water cold core Rings It is interesting to speculate that this is a manifestation of a more efficient absorption of radiant energy by the murky Slope Water mixed explanation remains to be seen. layers; whether this is a valid Page -121- A Bulk Mixed Layer Model- Appendix A.IV The Equations and the Forcing Functions- A.IV.a The is that employ shall model we layer mixed one-dimensional originally discussed by Pollard, Rhines, and Thompson (1973, hereafter PRT) and cast into operational form by Thompson (1974, 1976). in derived were equations momentum and heat dimensional The three Chapter II; their one-dimensional forms are: P(b-ba) + Bos - hbt = (bi-b)ht - (hu)t - fovh = ix, b. Eq. A.IV.1 (hv)t + fouh = Cy, c. (b-bi)h = (u2 +v 2 ), d. and e. bit = Boz, where the a. Bo(-h), of meaning symbol each Table in listed is Eqs. IV.1. A.IV.1.a-e allow the mixed layer to entrain in two different ways, one and one wind driven caused by fluctuations mixed layer, and Eq. in the at the A.IV.d is the stable. produces turbulence, which mixes which cools depths. condition flow Further acceleration of the flow the fluid under the interface up into the layer and deepens do not the interface to cooler, denser allow for penetrative convection, so in density at the mixed layer base can be maintained only through the dynamic instability of the shear flow. penetrative the for Second, wintertime cooling at the surface causes convection Note Eqs. A.IV.1 that a jump inertial oscillations, , produce large shears at the base of interface to be marginally the layer. First, buoyantly driven. convection has been observed in Little evidence of the mid ocean and Page -122- agreement model-data if improves is it neglected (Gill ahd Turner, 1976). Deszoeke and Rhines (1976) discuss the solution to the mixed layer equations using an energy closure of the form: 1/2 e(nu*2 + N2 h2 /2 -(u-ui) 2 ) = mu* 3 a so-called Eq. A.IV.2 They assumed a constant 'turbulent erosion model' closure. wind stress, chose h=O initially, and neglected diabatic effects, found as that, the layer mixed Eq. evolved, described A.IV.2 and four different balances between the possible energy sources and entrainment. The first two were associated with the rapid deepening of an initially unmixed surface layer, the third with deepening due to shear instability such as is governed by Eq. A.IV.1.d, the and between wind wave breaking and entrainment. rate of fluid first three in the last stage was stages, they long-term deepening of heating and instabilities cooling, dominate suggested the mixed along the energy Although the entrainment small compared with that of the that layer. with fourth with a balance balance Here our view will be shear induced balance, which is layer which never completely restratifies described this the that Kelvin-Helmholtz consistent in a (hf0t and is subjected to a variable wind stress. Finally, a test of the present model using data from Ocean Weather Station 'N' returned a 98% correlation between predicted and sea surface temperature (Thompson, 1976). observed Page -123- Meteorological and Solar Data- For the Thompson model to operate properly, detailed information the about forcing meteorological In is required. this section, we discuss the data which we used. Winds- Spectra of wind velocity from various ocean weather stations have been reviewed recently by Muller (1981) who arrived at model spectra for In a manner similar to Thompson both zonal and meridional wind speed. (1973) and Liu and Thompson (1976), we converted those spectra into time series of wind speed. number of frequencies. First, the model spectra were sampled at a finite Next the square roots of the spectral values were multiplied by randomly generated phases: 1/2ei , ur(o-) + iui()=u(T)=IE(,) where <eil> = 0, thus composing a complex vector of Fourier amplitudes. subsequently fast Fourier record of wind speed. transformed to physical The vector was space, producing a By varying the interval and the domain with which we sampled the spectra, time series of wind speed differing in duration and frequency of observation were obtained. The data so generated, however, suffers from the defect that the wind speeds are not governed by a Gaussian parent population, because the magnitudes of the Fourier coefficients have not been randomized. Thus, it is doubtful if our artificial data represents data which would ever be realized in nature (Wunsch, personal communication). On the other hand, we did obtain a gap free data set, which contained the proper amount of energy. Page -124- To the stochastic series determined by the spectra, we added mean to m/sec tides The east. the taken to be 7 Mean wind speed was winds, tides, and seasonal signals. cycle annual and were changed from experiment to experiment; their variation seemed not to effect the mixed layer and in the results here, the only retained deterministic component was the mean wind. Finally, stress was computed according to: CdlIaua, S a sample time series of which is contained in Fig. A.IV.I.a. Air Temperature- At coherent assumed 1981). low with the fluctuations the frequencies, wind, meridional to convect warm air and The magnitudes linearly proportional to of the i.e. temperature in winds the from those from the north, temperature were made south were cold fluctuations (Muller, were At higher frequencies, the wind speed. made the coherence with north-south winds was decreased and a purely white noise component was added. To the random temperature series we added a yearly 0 mean, an annual cycle, and a weaker ( .5 C) daily signal. An example of a model temperature series is included in Fig. A.IV.1.b; note that there are energetic fluctuations but that record the is dominated by the annual variation. Solar Heating- In character, solar radiation is different from surface heat exchange in that the radiant energy can penetrate into the water (b) (a,) air temperature versus time E-W wind stress versus time -18 28 39.81 96.22 193.43 time 218 64 267.85 325.86 382.27 *-t8.93 39 15 96.34 218.71 153.52 time (days) 267.89 325.08 (days) Figure A.IV.1 Artificial Zonal Wind Stress and Temperature Data (a). Here we plot one year's worth of wind stress, as computed from Muller's model zonal wind spectrum by the fast Fourier transform The mean wind speed of the record was technique described in the text. set at 7 m/sec. temperature computed according Here is a year's worth of air (b). the cycle this graph, In the text. to the technique outlined in includes a mean of 20 OC and an annual variation of 10 OC. 382.26 Page -126- a parametrization of As source. internal heat as an column and act solar irradiance, we employed: Bo(z)=MoV(t )(Rez//l+(l-R)ez/L2) The values assigned to the (Krauss, 1972; Paulson and Simpson, 1977). Note that the e-folding depth \~ is constants are listed in Table IV.1. shallow very radiation the Operationally, cm). (35 exponential was obsorbed within the first meter. this from The e-folding depth \2 is, however, a function /\2 is typically much greater; we used 25 m. of the biological and sediment content of the water and can vary from 10 m in coastal water to 33 m in the open ocean The (Niiler, 1977). magnitude of solar radiation is set by both the zenith angle and the hour angle of the sun, and in the present model was computed according to: V(t) = e-.13/cos(); V(t) = 0 if cos(4)>0 otherwise, where: cos (f)=-cos ()cos with ' the latitude, Q0 = 2z/(1 (+)cos (Lt )+sin (0)sin (), day), and 6 the zenith angle. 9 was computed according to: 6? =23*cos(27L*(355-(julian day))/365) Note that the above formula extinguishes the solar (Thompson, 1974). radiation for roughly half of every day. The amount of energy which enters the intermediate layer by penetrative radiation is small; however, it is the exclusive (positive) heat flux in that layer for periods up to 11 months. The importance of solar irradiance in the annual mixed layer structure was demonstrated in the main body of the chapter. Page -127- A.IV.b Initial Experiments with the Thompson Model- conducted We mixed of series a using simulations layer the numerical technique documented in Thompson (1976) in order to illustrate the processes experiments which govern annual the reported here, we used a time all and a 80 minutes of step In cycle. layer mixed vertical grid spacing of one meter. In Fig. A.IV.2.a we display SST and atmospheric temperature against This graph demonstrates time from a four year mixed layer simulation. the cyclical ability of the model. graph as determined by the Marine In Fig. A.IV.1.b, we show a similar several that Note Climatic Atlas. features of the mixed layer in the data are well reproduced in the model results. For example, SST extrema lag atmospheric temperature extrema by about 30 days. year, sea surface temperature, which Secondly, we note that at almost all times of the temperature indicates is that greater than flux due to actually the heat evaporative exchange is directed out of the mixed layer. the importance of the solar radiation, necessary to warm the mixed layer. for it atmospheric sensible and This indicates provides the heat Finally we remark on the asymmetric annual sea surface temperature signal, first discussed by Warren (1973) and Gill and Turner (1976). In Fig. IV.3, shown in the main body of buoyancy profiles as computed by this model. the chapter, we plotted They correspond to the SST graph of Fig. A.IV.2.a, and should be compared to Fig. A.IV.3, where we include some XBT traces from the Slope Water (Dr. Peter Wiebe, personal (a) - b) SST 30so 28 S0 0 a 35N 26 • o 65*W 124 -.- I 3o11 tem1rtu 1 i SST 22 20 I I I * 18 + air 3. -I 12 h .29 time (days Figure A.IV.2. 10 J 24.6.16 1.9 ~I F M A J J M MONTHS A x 10) SST and Atmospheric Temperature Comparisons. Here we plot a comparison of model generated sea surface (a). Note that temperatures (averaged over one day), and air-temperature. sensible that indicating SST, as a general rule, air-temperature exceeds Also, we see a and latent heat fluxes are directed out of the layer. markedly anisotropic annual SST cycle, with the mixed layer cooling gradually and warming quickly. (b). Here we compare monthly mean SST and air-temperature, as catalogued in the Marine Climatic Atlas, from a location in the Sargasso Note that, in agreement with (a), the air Sea (65 oW, 35 ON). temperatures are generally warmer than SST, and that the SST cycle is asymmetric. S 0 N 0 F Page -129- S 0 0- 5 I 10 5 I i I SFC - 0 5 0 15 20 5 3 00 - 150-.. 250 E r 250 4w 300-o 200-230 . -... 300350 350 Lai 39*45 IN 400 45 5000 - Long Time 0 b 25 20 5 2O 10 -- TEMPERATURE CC) TEMPERATURE Figure A.IV.3. 0'40 6 Jan 400 W 82 3 " 5 10 15 Lot 39e46N Lo 69959 w Tlme 12 may 1981 20 25 3( TEMPERATURE ('C) C) TEMPERATURE (C) Temperature Traces from the Slope Water Here are several temperature traces, taken at various times of the year, from the Slope water. In agreement with the model output in Fig. IV.3, we see shallow summer mixed layers, and evidences of both deep winter-time mixing and penetrative radiation. This data was obtained by Dr. P. Wiebe and is reproduced here by his kind permission. Page -130- communication) obtained at various times of the year. Clearly a strong vertical gradient of density develops in Fig. A.IV.3 in the upper 50 m as the layer progresses penetrative radiation. through the summer. We also see evidences of Comparing the 50 meter depths in Fig. A.IV.4.b and d shows an increase in temperature of 3 *C. perfect match of the very deep (0(500 m)) In view of the almost thermal structure traces, it is unlikely that the difference is due to advection. of the strong density gradient, it is equally unlikely of these Because that we can account for the additional heat at 50 m in terms of surface exchange, leaving radiation as the most probable explanation. Finally, the shape of the intermediate layer temperature profile in the data is similar to that of the model. Page -131- The Sensitivity of Mixed Layer Development to Appendix B.IV Buoyancy Flux- The behavior of the mixed layer depends critically on the sense of the heat models analytic simple the season. flux, or In the present appendix, we construct towards view a with understanding the distinctions between spring and fall mixed layers. The Reformation of the Thermocline- The early is mixed depth over which incoming heat spring (see Thompson, 1974). The first changes abruptly in problem concerns the manner by which the new thermocline is established. Note from the traces in Fig. IV.3 that the late-winter/early-spring surface waters periods of are characterized (' =0) calm by a deep uniform layer. in the early spring, surface exchange During inserts buoyancy into the upper few meters, which is subsequently mixed by the resident turbulence (due to wave breaking, and/or Langmuir circulation, With the onset of a wind event, inertial oscillations see Fig. B.IV.1). are generated and the layer commences shear-induced deepening, as in the problem of Pollard, Rhines, and Thompson (1973, hereafter PRT). We can solve the momentum equations, Eq. A.IV.I.a and b, to obtain: u 2 + v 2 S -f2h2 2 x (l-cos(fo t)). Eq. B.IV.1 Page -132- (TrCy : 0 ) Bflux Figure B.IV.1. Schematic of Thermocline Reformation In early spring, the intermediate layer has been well-mixed by winter time convection. During periods of calm, heat is injected and mixed in the upper few meters. With the onset of a wind event, shear-induced deepening mixes the heat downward and creates a new thermocline. Page -133- Neglecting further buoyancy flux (equivalent to the assumption that the adjustment to the wind will be rapid), the heat equation yields: (ab)ho = (b-bi)h where Eq. B.IV.2 Lb and ho are the initial buoyancy respectively. jump and mixed layer depth From Eq. A.IV.1.d: Eq. B.IV.3 h2 = 2x2(1-cos(fot))/(fo2(ab)ho). Eq. B.IV.3 is valid so long as ht>0O, which is true up to time; fotc =', the mixed decelerate and inertial oscillations after which the layer remains at its maximum depth, given by: hm = 2Cx/(fo((Ab)ho) 1 2 / ). Eq. B.IV.4 (Z3b)ho is proportional to the anomaly of heat in the mixed layer prior to onset the A wind. the of flux heat 0(50 C) an to due air-sea temperature difference, operating for 10 hours, produces a (ab)ho of 36 2 wind Subsequently, a 1 dyne/cm cm2 /sec 2 . in stored heat a 30 The interesting point of this result is that it is meter mixed layer. the stress will produce the few upper determines the final depth of the mixed layer. exchange air-sea by meters which In PRT, the slope of the Clearly, the energy in interior buoyancy profile played the same role. the inertial oscillations is used to mix the buoyant water down into the wintertime over covers Several profile. deep, the resisted energetically such well-mixed by buoyancy; A.IV.1.d, From 30 meters requires a and entrain, hence depth reach of criticality deeper a wind 1 cm/sec 2 stress the large layer which mixing stability gravitational the stratification. a Eq. a warm events produce of buoyancy 0(6 is then of the jump at dynes/cm 2 ) to density gradient of summertime acts as a barrier to shear-induced entrainment, and the fall Page -134- I-l -7r C CU) cn (D) -I Summer ~n/2VV~b Cu tsWEC CW -t1.2t 43.84 97.89 151.94 time Figure B.IV.2. 285.99 260.04 314.08 368.t3 (days) ht Versus Time. Here we plot numerical measures of ht (seven day averages) as determined by Thompson's model. Note that with the onset of summer, the magnitude of ht decreases markedly, indicating that the seasonal thermocline acts as a barrier to mixing. Page -135- cooling season season must This is further confirmed by Fig. B.IV.2, which the fluid. far into erode it before the mixed layer can extend shows a numerical measure of ht, where h is a several day average of the the fluctuations decreases of magnitude the that Notice model. from a simulation using Thompson's mixed layer depth, markedly during the summer. Wintertime Mixed Layers- the If efficiently. sea surface We note from Fig. IV.3 onto a discontinuity, b=bi, without that the deepen mixed layer can a deep mixed layer the cooled, is intermediate layer joins buoyancy, which indicates that the heat budget of the layer is dominated by the surface fluxes (see Eq. IV.1.c). In the following problem, we shall investigate these features of the wintertime mixed layer. The lack of a density step may be explained from an energetic point of view. From Eq. IV.1.d, the difference in buoyancy at the mixed layer interface is given by: (b-bi) = (u2 +v2 )/h = 2Zx2 (1-cos(fot))/foh 3 . For Eq. B.IV.5 a two dyne/cm 2 wind stress acting on a 25 m layer, the buoyancy jump, b-bi , difficult for is .1 thick cm/sec 2 layers and to falls maintain off as sizeable h3 . It density is very steps buoyancy structure, due to the depth over which the momentum is mixed. in Page -136- Now consider the relative importance of entrainment heat flux with respect to air-sea exchange. Suppose the layer is subject to a constant negative buoyancy flux Ho and the density structure of Fig. B.IV.3. In the same manner as the thermocline reformation problem, we arrive at: 2h 2= 2 ((h2 - o 2Ht 2Hot - 16- ) + LL (h 2 oo t ) 2+ - 2Ho2Ht (1-cos(f t)) 2 where ho is the initial mixed layer depth. Again, this solution remains valid so long as ht>0, or until time: fotc = - -" Up to that time, we see: 2Hot/(ho 2 r) = 20 x104/(25 x10 6 ) = .02 << 1, and: 4 16 Cx2/(rfo2ho ) = 32/625 = .05 <<1, where we have and Ho = used -- x = 2 dynes, 10- 3 cm2 /sec 3 , which ho allows = 50 m, us to I = 10-4sec-2, expand the Hence: h 2 = ho2 - 2Hot/t 2 +4rx2(1-cos(fot))/(Pfo2ho ). The entrainment rate is given by: 2 2 ht = -Ho/(ph) + 2 x sin(fot)/(ifoho h), Eq. B.IV.6 t = square root. Page -137- H0 bo b t=O / b =-h o bi bi Figure B.IV.3. +r Schematic for Deep Mixed Layer Entrainment We will consider the layers, a well-mixed upper intermediate layer, such atmosphere is drawing heat and that the wind is being upper ocean to be composed initially of two layer, of depth ho, and a linearly stratified that -rh o = bo. We also assume that the out of the mixed layer at a constant rate, maintained at a constant value. Page -138- therefore, the ratio of entrainment flux to surface flux is: 2 4 (Zb)ht/Ho = -2cx 2 (1-cos(fot)/(fo h 1')+ Eq. B.IV.7 2 4 + 4Lx4sin(fot)(1-cos(fot))/(fo3rHoho h ). The orders of magnitude for the terms in Eq. B.IV.7 are: -2-x2(1-cos(fot))/(fo2h4r) = 16/625 << 1, and: 2 4 3 4Zx4 sin(fot)(1-cos(fot))/(fo C1Boho h ) = = 64/1562.5 << 1i, so the approximate heat equation governing the layer is: hbt= - (b-ba) + Bos - Bo ( - h ) . Eq. B.IV. 8 Page -139- Verification of the Annual Mixed Layer Appendix C.IV Equations- C.IV.a Choice of h The solution to the summertime equations may be compared to data to The general solution for surface buoyancy during summer is: specify ho. b = Aoe-(t - tl)/ho+ Ccos(-t + 7t) Ao = bl- (C cos( C = p2al/(,.2ho 2 + g + Dsin(Jrt+ Z), where: + Dsin(irtl+ )), Eq. C.IV.1 2), and: 2 D = -rhoPa1/(2ho + 2), where bl 'spring'. is the initial Eqs. C.IV.1 sea surface buoyancy at are valid for tl< t < t2 where t2 transition from heating to cooling, i.e. the onset of onset the tl, marks 'fall'. of the Notice that a mixed layer 'relaxation time': trl = ho/P emerges from the solution and defines the time necessary for the summer mixed layer to lose memory of the late winter surface buoyancy bl. The onset of fall, t2 , is defined by: -P(b-ba(t2)) + Bf = 0 Eq. C.IV.2 where we have used the short hand notation: Bf = Bas(0)-Ba(-h). Using Eq. IV.2 in Eq. C.IV.2 returns an implicit equation for t2. Page -140- Aoe-P(t2-tl)/ho + Ccos(.t2+,) + Dsin(1t2 + :) + Eq. C.IV.3 - alcos(Lrt2 + ')=O. Assuming that trl is short compared to t2-tl: exp(-P(t2-tl)/ho) = O(exp(-thtseason/trl) << 1, and to the neglect of the exponential term: tan-l((al-C)/D) + n0 = "t2. Evaluating argument the of inverse the Eq. C.IV.4 tangent, we see that t2 is independent of the magnitude of the diabatic forcing and depends only on system parameters. tan-l~rho/p) = rt2 + n,- Eq. C.IV.5 (necessarily the mixed layer maximum SST Note from Fig. A.IV.2.b that occurring at t2) lags the atmospheric maximum temperature by one month. at maximum air-temperature occurs IV.2, From Eq. 7-, therefore the corresponding value of t2 is 7'/6, which in Eq. C.IV.5, returns a value of: r With P = 2/(10 7 cm/sec 10-3 sec), we ho/p = .6. (Frankignoul, obtain personal a value for ho of communication), 30 m. It and '= is this value mixed layer which we have employed throughout the chapter. C.IV.b Validation- Using the solution analytical to the summertime equations, we can estimate maximum sea surface temperature. at t2 to the neglect of the exponential terms is: bmax = (1/2)2al/(g-2ho 2 + p2 ) + Bf/p + a2 Eq. C.IV.6 Using ho=30m and a typical value for Bf, we have: bmax = a2 + .87al + .6. Eq. C.IV.7 Eq. C.IV.5 Page -141- in Eq. '.6' The Eqs. IV.1, we compared the maximum SST predicted depicted in Fig. IV.1. cm/sec 2 , and This C. al=1 1 OC carried and predict too warm. with out, cycle are a2=0 describing the The parameters cm/sec2, is about locations were a maximum such checks Several result general the SST of very the simple the for responsible equations 27.3 at various predicted that temperature is 0(.5*C) too warm, but nowhere grossly incorrect. of with C.IV.7 by Eq. As an example, consider the Sargasso Sea air-temperature cycle, data. 0 test of a As radiative heating. to due is C.IV.7 In view the prediction, agreement was surprising and heartening. Analogous analytical tests for the wintertime form of the equations were not found; in however, numerical it solutions was noted that relevant sea surface temperature ranges were well predicted, as were the dates of shift from winter to spring. A second check independent of Eq. IV.1 was made direct by In Fig. C.IV.1, we have comparison with the Thompson numerical model. plotted two atmospheric temperature cycles, one a smooth version of the other, which unsmoothed were version used as was used smoothed counterpart Eqs. the to IV.1. data force sets the for the Thompson The comparison comparison. model, and The its of predicted SST from the Thompson model, averaged over one day, and that from Eqs. IV.1 displayed in Fig. C.IV.2; the agreement is very good. is Similar comparisons between model mixed layer depths were equally encouraging. Page -142- ao - c rW) 17 -18 39 9 153 time Figure C.IV. 1. 210 267 324 381 (days) Comparison of Raw and Smoothed Air-Temperatures Here we compare the two air-temperature cycles used to compute the responses of Thompson's model and Eqs. IV.1. The 'raw' air-temperature cycle is actually a seven day average of the employed temperature cycle. Page -143- r_ C% i,, '0 cJ a. a L t4 (D .n hC Cu" 10 r - cn -1 '-18. 12 38.83 I 95.78 152.73 time Figure C.IV.2. 2.09.67 266.62 .. 323.57 380.52 (days) Comparison of SST from Thompson's Model and Eqs. IV.1 Here we compare SST as computed by Thompson's model, and by Eqs. IV.1, subject to the air-temperature cycles displayed in Fig. C.IV.1. We have neglected penetrative radiation and In Eqs. IV.1, ho = 30m. The agreement between the have run the comparison for one year. predicted SST's is rather striking. Page -144- THE WIND FORCED SPIN DOWN CHAPTER V. OF GULF STREAM RINGS Introduction- V.a a on oceans The world's dispersive a constitute scale planetary medium; so an isolated pressure pattern governed by linear dynamics will rapidly disperse. pattern is For decreased. radiation occurs in 0(6 months) a Perhaps importance. be markedly wave linear by caused loss energy an most convincing most the pressure (Flierl, 1977), while wave radiation by at effects Ring nonlinear same will spread a Ring of decay the example, the of evolution dispersive of rate the computed, non-linear the If of secondary this of demonstrations were the numerical Ring simulations of McWilliams and Flierl (1979) and Mied and Lindemann In their experiments, it was found that the (1979). dynamic tendency for Ring persistence was so strong that the decay which friction. a the subsidence presence e.g. processes, non-conservative the barotropic sizeable fraction of the thermocline the mode, model. Ring Ring dispersive simulations, of of frictional non-dispersive, numerical to due mostly In McWilliams and Flierl's equivalent barotropic simulations, (79%) of most by was occurring was but decay friction total Ring energy loss. could be accounted for their In increased was still layer two accounted by the for Even a reduction a of the viscous coefficient by a factor of 10 was insufficient to remove the overall dependence of Ring Lindemann noted that decay different on friction. viscous In agreement, Mied and coefficients produced markedly Page -145- From these results, we would different time series of Ring amplitude. decay in the conclude that frictional processes play a major role of oceanic Rings. in the First, This is both interesting and somewhat unsettling. numerical experiments, the viscous coefficients were purposely assigned very small values in order to minimize the influence of non-conservative seemed processes, which, therefore, to be having a disproportionately Second, the dependence of large effect with respect to Ring amplitude. amplitude decay on viscosity is at best bothersome given that viscosity is generally modeled, crudely rather and currently is little that In the present chapter, we are going understood about oceanic friction. to compute the Ring decay induced by wind forcing, using McWilliams and Flierl's model, in an effort model as the to order means first oceanic Rings are so affected. in that replace the ad-hoc viscosity of spin-down, and Ring One advantage of to decide doing so comes if from the fact that the relevant coefficients can be computed in terms of well known quantities. Observations of Ring Decay- Real Rings are observed to age/decay, which is characterized by a relaxation of Ring isotherms towards their resting state depths. direct observations, (1971) Parker found that average the vertical velocity of the 170C isotherm in cold Rings was roughly 50 cm/day. recent direct measurements (Vastano, Schmitz, and of Hagan, subsidence 1980). put and More (60-100) cm/day Richardson (1976) this at Cheney From Page -146- concluded from energetic considerations that Rings survive for roughly 2 Notice Parker's subsidence from a this that years. lifespan rate applied resting depth. agrees to an that with isotherm initially Such deflections of temperature from computed 300 meters surfaces are common in Rings (see Fig. IV.11). A fuller understanding of Ring decay would allow us to make many useful statements with regards to property exchange, and therefore the importance Rings of in the general estimates Previous circulation. indicate that Slope Water/Sargasso Sea exchange due to Rings is large. Implicit in these has been the assumption that Rings disintegrate after the anomalous parent formation, thus leaving in the host region all of Recently region material garnered at formation (the Ring Group, 1981). the general perception of Ring death has shifted from disintegration to a view that Rings are removed from the circulation through absorption by the Gulf Stream (Richardson, 1980). This being a sort of reverse of formation, that water present in the Ring trapped zone at coalescence, possibly composed of a substantial fraction of the original water mass, is returned to the parent region. The total Ring-produced between the regions is then closely linked to exchange the modification of trapped water mass by the host region (Schmitz and Vastano, 1975). the As a Ring decays, vertical circulations are set up; from an understanding of the decay, we can estimate where the flow advects into or out of the trapped zone (see Fig. V.1) and therefore infer what parts of the host region water column invade, or are invaded by, the Ring. From such information, we can begin to make educated guesses about what types of Slope Water materials enter the Sargasso and vice versa, and perhaps the quantities involved. Page -147- Trapped zone volume of Gulf Stream Ring C Surface - - -1500 m - " r K -- ' - ' -2500 m - Figure V.1. Schematic of a Gulf Stream Ring Trapped Zone Here we show the vertical distribution of the trapped zone. The arrows are indicative of inflow/outflow as set up by warm Ring decay. The depths at which mass exchange occurs influences the exchange of biology and chemicals. Page -148- Consider how stress is affected by the presence of surface water velocities. 1 m/sec over the An eastward wind, blowing at a speed of surface of water also moving to the east at a speed of 1 m/sec, can not Conversely, the stress by the same transfer any momentum to the water. wind on water flowing to the west at 1 m/sec is Both statements water which is motionless. the greater than that on derive from the fact that relative speed of the air and stress is a nonlinear function of water. Consider now the consequences of an eastward wind blowing across At the northern edge of the Ring, the a warm core Ring (see Fig. V.2). water is being accelerated by the stress and hence is capable of flowing To the south, the fluid is up the pressure gradient, or into the Ring. decelerated and in response flows down the gradient, or away from Ring center. Since the momentum flux into the ocean from the atmosphere is greater where the water is flowing against the wind, the southward mass flux in the surface boundary layer is greater the to Mass south. conservation then requires an upwelling in the center of the Ring, which can either elevate the main thermocline or generate cyclonic relative vorticity. Both decelerate the Ring. The interaction of the wind with a sheared current has also been considered by Stern (1965, 1966) and Niiler the divergence non-constant driven by variations local rotation rate, in the (1969). Ekman transport (f+vx-uy), attempted to explain anomalous isothermal In these papers, was due computed. structure under the to a Niiler surface layer of the Gulf Stream in terms of the induced upwelling, and Stern considered the forced response of geostrophic eddies. is proportional to second order derivatives of This divergence the velocity and, as Page -149- uo- u small z UG 0 0- .6- Ua-UN large N - Ekman layer t 150 C isotherm t = 0 Figure V.2. -- t hermocline tendency Spin-down Schematic In (a), we show the effect of an eastward wind blowing across a cyclonic Ring, a temperature transect of which is shown in (b). Because the speed of the wind relative to the water is greater to the south, the In (b) is a schematic diagram of the effect stress is greatest there. of the pumping on the interior. The solid line is the thermocline, and the dashed line, the tendency of the thermocline due to we* Page -150- Stern showed, forces Therefore, since the a translation of an eddy. eddy is moved rather than dissipated, and this divergence operates smaller velocity than scales (Stern's w that is due to proportional to uxx, relative the of variations and the on air-sea present w to Ux), the dissipation rates computed in the present chapter will not be affected by Stern's and Niiler's mechanism. We shall, however, consider it further in Chapter VI. V.b Ekman Pumping- The formula for wind stress is: Eq. V.1 = Cd(ua-u) ua-R where Cd is an empirically coefficient, determined drag ua the wind In terms of Fig. velocity, and u the water velocity (see Table V.1). V.2, a constant eastward wind blowing across the surface of a Ring: C Av)/2 = Cd(ua-u,u)((ua-u)2+v2 2 Eq. V.2 . Assuming ua >> (u,v), we can expand the square root to obtain: C = Cdua2(1-2u/ua,-v/va) " = Io where IT o is an Eq. V.3. - 2Cduaui- Cduavj 'undisturbed' (u=O) surface stress. The divergence of the wind driven surface flow is proportional to the curl of Eq. V.3: Eq. V.4 2 we = (k.(curl(Co))+ Cdua( uy-vx))/fo. In most oceanographic problems, the purely wind driven divergence, curl(.Uo), is assumed to overwhelm the second term. is then determined by an externally problem, we will assume that the Interior evolution specified stress. curl of C, vanishes, In the present i.e. that the Page -151- Table V.1 Symbols and Definitions- Value Definition Symbol ............ Wind Stress TO fa Co Cd Cd Ua 0 00 u 0000*00 f0 0 o o L H ............ ........... Air Density .......... Water Density ........... ...... Unperturbed Wind Stress ...... ........ Coefficient of Drag ........ 10- 3gm/cm 3 1 gm/cm 3 constant 10-3 ... Normalized Coefficient of Drag .. ........... Wind Velocity ........... Water Velocity ......... Coriolis Parameter ........ . N-S Gradient of Coriolis Parameter 10-6 ............ length scale ........... ......... depth of the ocean ........ ........... We .... Cn(x,y,t) Fn(z) E F(0) p S0 0 0 00 modal amplitude function ...... .... ........ vertical structure eigenmode .. eigenvalue of structure equation surface value of first eigenmode Fl . 3 .. complex planetary wave frequency ............. Cdua/(PLH) .............. variable ............. .. r Q 10-4 sec-1 1.7 x 10-13 cm-1sec-i 60 km. 5 km. F(0) 2 HI/H ................. 2 . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . ... .... ratio of Rossby Deformation Radius to length scale ....... .flow U/(2L2 ) ....... steepness, ..... variable small 2 5.5 ... baroclinic self interaction 111 FFlFldz/H............. 1.8 coefficient of biharmonic friction ... angle of rotation (appendix A) K amplitude tendency due to diffusion ("'Adif)t (Xf) t ........ . amplitude tendency due to forcing Operators 2 S6 ..... ..... 2 /)x 2 ........... + 2d2/ y2 ...... 5 x 10-5 Page -152- eastward is wind directed free of Realistically, shear. curl(o) resides at the scales of the basin, and is therefore nearly invisible to a Ring. Hence: Eq. V.5 Eq. V.5 we = Cdua(2uy-vx)/fo The situation described in Fig. V.2, of a mean wind and coherent surface velocity, is far too simple. The wind fluctuates on time scales ranging from seconds to years, and excites responses in the upper ocean of similar frequencies. We can for account variability in the computation of the mean stress, however the only significant change in Eq. V.5 is the replacement of ua with an rms measure of the wind, lual Without employing this notation, we shall continue (see Appendix A.V). to interpret ua as such. From Eq. V.5, we can obtain an order of magnitude estimate of the forced vertical velocity. we* = 0(2Cdua u/(fo'x)) = = 2x10 4 10-610 3 100/6x10 6 cm/sec = = 30 cm/day, where the '*' denotes that we is a dimensional variable. 30 cm/day is a sizeable surface divergence within a quasi-geostrophic framework. Wind drift velocities are typically a few centimeters per second, centimeters per velocities by the In terms of the interior streamfunction H: while Ring geostrophic velocities are several tens of second; therefore, we geostrophic velocities. can approximate We* = -Cdua(2"yy + the xx)/fo surface = 3dE2 Eq. V.6 Page -153- where we have denoted (32/3x2+222/y2) by the symbol 2. Except for the factor of 2, the form of the pumping looks remarkably like that due to The bottom friction. at removing '2' reflects that zonal winds are more effective in shear zonal velocity than in meridional velocity. Non-dimensionally, Eq. V.5 becomes: = we =-'dua/(pLH)(27 yy+xx) with a typical value for (2yy +xx). Eq. V.7 D being: = 10-6103/(6x10 6 5x10 5 10- 13 ) = 0(10-2/3) << 1. V.c Planetary Wave Spin Down- as From the form of we, it appears that wind forcing will act viscosity. a In order to verify this claim, consider the effect of Eq. V.5 on a planetary wave. We assume the interior is governed by quasi-geostrophic dynamics, Eq. II.1, and that the buoyancy frequency, N(z), is constant. Consider a solution to Eq. II.1 of the form: f = F(z)ei( k x + my )- pt Eq. V.8 where p is a possibly complex frequency. wave will be exponentially damped. Note that if Real(p) > 0, the Substituting Eq. V.7 into Eq. II.1 returns an equation for the vertical structure function F(z): Fzz - E 2 F = 0 Eq. V.9 E2 = S(k2 +m 2 +ik/p) Eq. V.10 where: Page -154- The boundary conditions become: Fz and at z=-1 F z =-FS(k 2 + 2m2 )/ p at z=0. The solutions of Eq. V.9 which meet the bottom condition are: F(z) = Acosh(E(z+l)) where A is an arbitrary constant. An application of the upper boundary condition returns the implicit equation: Etanh(E)= SJ(k2 + After expansion in powers of 2 2 m )/p. T (<<1), Eq. V.11 obtain we the lowest order equation: Eotanh(Eo) = 0 Eq. V.12 which has solutions: Eo,n = 0, inT- Eq. V.13 for all integer n > 0, where we have denoted the infinitude of solutions for Eo with the second subscript 'n'. From Eq. V.13, we obtain the solutions: Po,n = -ik/(k2+m2 +(ni) 2 /S) Eq. V.14 Page -155- the lowest order complex frequency. surface pumping, the po, n for are the Notice that Rossby wave the weak due to frequencies, and the lowest order solutions for F from Eq. V.9 are simply the complete set of Rossby wave modes. The presence of the non-homogeneous surface boundary condition is From Eq. V.10 we have: felt at the next order. El,n = S(k2+2m 2 )/((Po,n)(Eo,n)) Eq. V.15 n > 0, and, according to Eq. V.11: Pl,n = 2(Eo,n)(El,n)(po,n) = (k2+2m2)/(k2+m2 +(ni) 2 2 /S), /(Sik) = Eq. V.16 again for n strictly positive. In order to recover P1 ,0, to the barotropic mode, we return is determined not the by expansion in powers of 9 above the complex to Eq. V.12. analysis is breaking down. is an frequency appropriate The fact indication that p1,0 that our Such an expansion implicitly assumes Eoo is 0(1), which contradicts the solution: Eo,o = 0 from Eq. V.13. The proper interpretation of the above is that for the < barotropic mode, Eo,o < 1. limit of An asymptotic analysis of Eq. V.12, in the small E, shows E = 0()1/2). Note however that the lowest Page -156- order solution for Po,o from Eq. V.14 does not vanish. Thus, the expansion for p appropriate to the barotropic mode will still require a non-zero 0(1) term, which turns out to be the barotropic Rossby wave eigenfrequency: Po,n = -ik/(k2+m 2 ). The 0(Z1/ 2 ) barotropic solution is: 2 E1,0 = (S(k +2m 2 )/(Po,n))1 / 2 , Eq. V.17 and the 0(0) correction to p: Eq. V.18 2 2 2 Pl,n = (k + 2m2)/(k +m ). Notice that for both the baroclinic and barotropic modes, the correction to p enters at 0(D); hence, the dimensional spin down time is given by: tc = 1/(Opl,0 ) = O(PLH/Cdua) = = 300/10- 6 secs = 0(3000 days), where we have used our previous estimate for J. the surface pumping is to cause the wave to decay. Clearly, the effect of Page -157- V.d Nonlinear Vortex Spindown- discuss In this section, we the effects of Eq. V.5 on nonlinear, fully nonlinear equations, forced to proceed numerically. be we will of the Because of the complexity coherent, quasi-geostrophic systems. The inclusion of nonlinearity, however, is essential for realistic Ring modeling, leading to long-lived analytical solutions of permanent as as well numerical solutions exact (Flierl, Larichev, McWilliams, form and Reznick, 1980). Barotropic Mode Scaling- model The is use will we equation interior the equivalent barotropic equation, Eq. 11.14, which governs the baroclinic evolution With that configuration, of a two-layer system with a thin upper layer. the nonlinear baroclinic/barotropic however ignored, baroclinic extent the to through evolution which the investigated on a case by case basis. friction as well as topographic and may interactions are weak the barotropic boundary affects mode conditions be must be Presently, we are ignoring bottom effects, but have included surface pumping which invokes contributions from both modes: We = D(Fn'2cn) = = ((uoxx + 2iXoyy)Fo+ ( ixx + 2 Syy)F1) (refer to Table V.1 for definitions). Eq. V.19 Using the scale analysis which led to the equivalent barotropic equation, the barotropic amplitude co Page -158- is 0(6) where = (Hi/H 2 ) in a two layer system and is a function of N2 for continuous stratification. small. 6-1/2. Similarly, For shallow main thermoclines is 0/I 0( 1/2) and FI(0) ' will be scales as The latter comes from ti he normalization condition: SFnFmdz = combined with the constraint: 0 Fndz = 0. = 1; Recall Fo(O) therefore, ) to 0( the barotropic amplitude Eq. in V.19 is negligible, and the interior equation becomes: (V2-j2)xt + Q111J(,(,72-;-2)Y) D = F(0) 2 Cdua/(LH), where small a to the still dissipation. necessary dissipation. Note to include X =3 $ 2 equivalent the decomposition. modal + = F(0) 2 3, To insure a higher Eq. V.20 0 barotropic the factor numerical order, plus equation of F(0)2 owing stability, it is enstrophy-consuming Following McWilliams and Flierl, we employ: 6 D = Ko o with K 'small', i.e. its reduction does not affect the present results. Parameters- There solutions. are a number of parameters in Eq. V.20 which Ring evolution as affected by the parameters 111 has already been the subject of much discussion in K, affect 1 2, its Q, and the literature. We are currently interested in observing the influence of 3 and hence Page -159- have adopted a standard set of values for the other parameters: Q=5.5, r2 = 2, -i111 -5 1.8, and K=5x10 = which, with exception of K, are the same as the standard set used by -4 and we have reduced this They set K = 5 x 10 McWilliams and Flierl. and above values for -111 02 were computed using the mean buoyancy Note, 1,2 = 2 implies a Ring of scale profile from MODE (Flierl, 1978). Due to 60 km and Q=5.5 a characteristic velocity of 33.7 cm/sec. this decomposition, modal The 10 for reasons which will become apparent. value by a factor of scale corresponds to of a depth the 0(700m). Because of the surface intensification of the first baroclinic mode, the appropriate surface velocity scale computed from 33.7 cm/sec is roughly 100 cm/sec is which an for scale appropriate velocities. Ring 0 includes the wind speed ua in its definition, and therefore will be Finally, r2 subject to variations in the present numerical experiments. was altered from its standard value of 2, to values 1 and of 4, corresponding to length scales of 45 km and 90 km respectively. Unforced Results- McWilliams and Flierl and Mied and Lindemann discussed the unforced dynamic evolution of their model Gulf Stream Rings. points from those experiments concerned the One of the major asymmetry of the field. Although their initial conditions were chosen to be axisymmetric, Rings quickly developed azimuthal dependence. the The largest contributions to the azimuthal field came from the two closest pressure centers, whose relative signs were determined by the initial choice of Ring spin. Anticyclonic Rings developed high pressure centers to their west and low Page -160- pressure centers to their east, both experiments, period the throughout Ring the with coherent remained extrema local In all and vice versa for cold Rings. integration and apparently had an important of McWilliams and Flierl argued that Ring propagation effect on its path. was largely set by the dispersion field. Forced Results- repeating McWilliams After Flierl's and experiments, to partly verify our numerical code and partly to generate data appropriate to an In Fig. unforced Ring, we performed a set of forced Ring experiments. V.3, we plot ac at them, a typical forced Ring remaining The section. Note from Eq. 11.13: d = -F represent plots Since resting depth. the to as referred the next is linearly proportional toCK. Thus will be (x, y, t)/N2 , that isopycnal displacement, 'd', evolution from one of which will be experiment experiments expl0v. these stages of several different catalogued in Eq. 11.13 deflection of a density surface from its 'd' is of the opposite sign than c<, the Ring in Fig. V.3 corresponds to a depression in the thermocline. The initial Ring pattern in explOv was chosen to be a Gaussian: c<(t=0) = exp(-r2) in agreement with the initial condition used by McWilliams and Flierl. Subsequent development experiments. shall take of C= was very similar to that noted in their The paths of the central pressure maximum, xc(t), which we to define Ring translation, and the neighboring centers Page -161- COMFOULED FaI .9ttE*I L,, ~ ~ I ro 9.9e ~ i a7INrEVALSOF E-1 ~, ~ .i18E-1L ~ I COMfOUNIE FRon*4.1799-tto8.992 -. L f INTERVALS OF 1.1t1 E-t - .899 1.0 -. 12 II I I CONTOUREDO FlOW*4.48t-L r0 8.641E-L Figure V.3. AITMTERVALS OFL.II E-L Forced Ring Evolution Here we have plotted the horizontal function of time, from forced experiment Q=5.5, E111=1.8, correspond to (a) structure function, ( , as a expl0v. In this experiment, The pictures K=5x10 - 5 , p 2 = 2, and ua = 7 m/sec. the initial condition, (b) 50 days, and (c) 75 days. Page -162- This was the case in all matched those of the comparable unforced Ring. experiments where we were able to compare analogous forced and unforced We can offer an explanation for this similar to one used by results. McWilliams and Flierl to clarify unforced Ring motion. The 'center of mass' of the system, X, defined by: ix X xdA evolves according to: Xt = -1/2 Yt = 0 Note that the evolution of X which are found by operating on Eq. V.20. is independent of the forcing. Deviations of Ring motion from the path of X are due to the radiation field in the vicinity of the Ring. Since the effect of we is not to excite any novel structure in the developing field, but rather maximum pressure to is cause dissipation, determined by the wave of location dispersion and the Ring nonlinear interaction just as in the unforced case. The interesting, novel behavior forcing is reflected in the history of of the Ring caused by the wind the streamfunction amplitudes. In Fig. V.4, we compare the maximum pressure amplitudes as a function of time from expl0v and a comparable unforced experiment and Flierl). (a la McWilliams Notice that in the wind forced experiment, there is better than a factor of two increase in amplitude decay. After 80 days, the pressure maximum of the forced experiment has lost more than 12 % of its initial value, while that of the free Ring is down by =0(5%). Page -163- comparison of amplitude vs. time from forced experiment expiOv.dat, and free experiment exp9v.dat. k=5e-5, q=5.5 O C 0 Lf o ., E- C M -00 E O I 14.43 ! time Figure V.4. ! I 49.19 31.81 in i 66.57 83.95 days A Comparison of Forced And Unforced Ring Decay Here we compare the time histories of <c from forced experiment 9 expl0v and unforced experiment exp v. The parameters are standard, with Note that the 2c in explOv calculation. ua = 7 m/sec in the forced decays roughly 2.5 times faster than that in exp9v. Page -164- Fig V.5 CONTOURED FROM -L.B86E-3 TO 8.458 E-3 AT INTERVALS OF 8. 82 E-3 .0006 o < I) o 0- -0 -- CONTOURED FROM -7.62tE-3 -0 0 a o. - v"" __ .001 0 TO 2.349 E-3 caif AT INTERVALS OF _ 1.I8 E-3 -" b continued next page )t Page -165- omplitude tendency due to aoilterms. ron Time In doya=40 CONTOURED FROM -7.688E-1 ._,z i : : : : i : I : TO 8.399 E-l i i i i i i i AT INTERVALS OF 1.787 E-t i I i i i i i i i I I i I l.,i .95 .84 t::: JIJ Figure V.5. (a). K=5x10 - 5 .... ... .... ..... ... .................... i1...1i........i.....±J Maps of (dif)t ( 'dif)t = (,2- and ("f)t 2)- Kqlx from expl0v, at day 40, with 40, with and p 2 =2. (b). ua=7m/sec. (O-f)t = ( 2 Note that, in the Ring, ( dif)t (c). 1 (o)t 2)-lwe << from (f)t. from expl0v at day 40. expl0v, at day Page -166- comparison of amplitude tendencies due to bihormonic friction and forcing from ( C ff)t X--a C C o aE M o -I dif t IM I 2. 14.26 time Figure V.6. ] t 31.42 48.58 .. .. - 65.74 1 , 82.9 (days) ("f)t Versus ( dif)t Here we compare the magnitude of the non-conservative forces at Plotted are (O<dif)t and (F)t for 80 days from expl0v. Ring center. Note that (Cf)t > > (O<dif)t" Page -167- The Relative Importance of Forcing- From Fig. V.4 it is obvious that the maximum amplitude decay has the in significantly increased experiment, forced and soon we shall quantify subsidence rates for comparison with those observed in the open ocean. However, in light of previous studies, it is necessary to show that the decay we are seeing is primarily the sequent of the forcing, and not of the biharmonic friction. In order friction, we numerically evaluated the relative the the question of to address decay in importance of due to amplitude friction, defined by: ("dif)t (see Fig. V.5.a). = (,2 - - 2 )-1K 6 -, Eq. V.21 Similarly, we computed the amplitude tendency due to Ekman pumping, given by: 2 ("f)t = (,72 - P )-lwe Eq. V.22 Note that for the value of (see Fig. V.5.b). the mean wind speed in this experiment, 7 m/sec, the magnitude of (cq)t in the vicinity of Ring center is generally 6 to 8 times greater than ('dif)t (-.009 for (Af)t center held as compared to -.001 for (odif)t); a relation which at Ring throughout explOv, as Fig. V.6 demonstrates. Away from the maximum in pressure, ("f)t and ( dif)t are somewhat more comparable, although (~f)t tends to be larger. However, as we shall see, away from Ring center, the influence of both forcing and dissipation is relatively negligible. Consequently, we conclude coefficient, K = 5 x 10-5, that for this value of the biharmonic frictionally induced amplitude decay is of secondary importance, and that the dominant non-conservative process is Page -168- the forcing. value of K as It was that we chose largely for this reason 10-4 as than 5 x standard, rather the above did McWilliams and Still, the dominance of forcing as a non-conservative influence Flierl. is not overly sensitive to K; in similar experiments with K = 5 x 10-4, was 0(40%) of (c ('dif)t Finally, we )t. compare to ( <f)t change the in c caused by all processes, which includes advection and dispersion as well as friction. The amplitude trend due to all effects is defined by: ("a)t = ;-2)-1(-J( ,(52-.2) )- 6 x + K. , and a map of it is included in Fig. V.5.c. Eq. V.23 +03 2) First we should notice that for the most part, ('a)t is much greater in magnitude than either (df)t or ('dif)t . Clearly, away from Ring center, the non-conservative terms of Eq. V.23 are of negligible importance. Were we to further dissect Eq. V.23, we would find that the largest contributions to that equation are due to advection and dispersion, between which there is even a fair Near Ring center however, amount of internal cancellation. through a zero crossing. of the total amplitude (cxa)t goes Therefore, at Ring center, a sizeable fraction change can be effects, or in this case forcing. attributed to non-conservative By checking the magnitude of (cCf)t against (xa)t at xc, it was found that most (0(50-60%)) of the decay in amplitude at Ring center is due to the forcing. In this regard, we agree with McWilliams and Flierl who also attributed the subsidence of Ring isopycnals to non-conservative processes. Page -169- V.e Subsidence Rates- It is clear from Figs. V.3 that the local pressure associated with what we identify hydrographically as 'Ring'. maximum is Therefore, it is the evolution of the amplitude at this point which we will compare Using Eq. 11.13, we can compute a to the field estimates of Ring decay. time series of 'd' at Ring center, and hence the isopycnal subsidence associated with the numerical Ring. In order to facilitate comparison with the relevant Ring observations, the values of the derivative of the vertical structure function, F(z)z, and of the local buoyancy frequency, N2, were computed from the MODE data at a depth corresponding 170 C isotherm (Flierl, personal communication). A 'd' of to the 257 m was computed for the initial Ring thermocline in expl0v, which subsequently subsided at a rate of .4 m/day. Parameter Variations- A series determine variety of the ) of experiments sensitivity of (expOv to the and K values were explOv) were results used, and to f 2 was in D as changes in ua, and to conditions, used ua = 0, 7, and 14 m/sec. experiment. span the assigned values to A 1 We interpreted range of oceanic 0 was used in the unforced 7 m/sec characterizes relatively quiet m/sec wintertime conditions. out changes. parameter (exp7va), 2 (expOv-exp6v, exp8v-expl0v), and 4 (exp7vb). changes carried conditions and 14 The mean wind was assumed to blow from west to east, except for exp 4 v, where the vector was oriented north to south. The values of K ranged from 0 to 5x10- 4 . In all experiments the Page -170- Subsidence Rates Table V.2 2 -4 -5 -8 5x10 5x10 5x10 0 K r u a 0 ........ - *g ..* 16 7 ........ .20 . . .. .30 ... .. .. . .. . .43 .30 exp0v exp9v .50 explv expl0v exp8vb exp2v .18 . ... exp8va 2 ** 14 .. - . .. . ......... . .50 .. 14 ........ .. . . .70 . .61 exp5v exp3v exp4v exp6v . - 1 exp7va 14 .......... .. . .35 exp7vb 4 Across the top of the chart, we have listed the biharmonic coefficients, and down the side, the values of the rms wind speed ua* We group the experiments according to their values of C2. All K and r2 are nondimensional, ua are in m/sec, and subsidence rates in m/day. Note that the subsidence rates agree with observed rates of .6 m/day. In exp2v, K=0 and after 60 days, the computation began to show Shortly signs of significant energy at the grid point scale. inaccurate becoming was calculation the thereafter, it was judged that and the computation was stopped. K = 5x10-8 improved the performance of the model, although the potential vorticity fields contained small scale structure. In these calculations, 6x = y = .333 or 20 km. Exp3v employed a time step of 14 minutes, as compared to 28 Note that the reduction made no change in the minutes for the rest. subsidence rate. In exp4v, the mean wind was blowing from the south to the north, in contrast to the west to east winds of the others. Page -171- shape of the evolving pressure field was very similar to that portrayed southwest and developing in Fig. V.3, with the field moving to the The motions weak azimuthal asymmetry. neighboring extrema the of a in pressure, and the Ring, matched well between all comparable forced and free experiments. The only sizeable dependence of Ring propagation on (larger) any parameter was on -2, where it was noticed that smaller r2 This agrees with the center of mass resulted in a faster (slower) Ring. calculations of the previous section. Subsidence rates from the various experiments along with the relevant parameters are listed in Table V.2. Note that the larger decay rates are associated with larger wind speed, as expected, and that there is a dependence of decay rate on r2 . The smaller i1'2, the more quickly the Ring decays, indicating that the bigger the Ring with respect to the deformation radius, the more difficult it Note that in all cases, the is for surface forcing to decelerate it. 0 computed vertical velocity appropriate to the 17 C isotherm is 10's of cm/day, which cm/day. The compares agreement with favorably Parker's it encouraging; is vortex spindown is an important component of rate of appear that forced would the 60 observed evolution of a Gulf Stream Ring. V.f The Spin Down Mechanism- Because of the agreement between observed and model spindown rates, it is Ring which the specified technique by which worthwhile to investigate is For decelerated. employed Comparisons of a K of purpose, we this 5x10- 5 and (oedif)t and (,<f)t an rms shall wind the investigate exp6v, speed of 14 m/sec. (see previous section) show that, in Page -172- Secondary circulatlons penetrate deep into the fluid I N ® S the fhermocline is deformed by the pumping thermocline N SEkman layer 4- b Figure V.7. thermocline Schematic of Possible Secondary Circulations (a). The thermocline gives way to the surface pumping, and the secondary circulations to close in the deep fluid. (b). The thermocline is rigid, which forces the circulations to close in the upper layers. Page -173- exp6v, biharmonic viscosity rarely accounts for as much as 10% of the spindown analysis are typical results of this The decay in amplitude. of all the experiments. A surface forced interior, resulting in the Consider a warm stretching. tube and vortex relative vorticity production of in which Ring, core the of balance mass the affects divergence at Ring case, If center, the surface layers will remove mass from the deeper layers. fluid columns stretching imposed the above on (Fig. V.7). bodily lifted by them the retains which its rigidity, the upper the thermocline If it is will columns be thermocline will Hence the depression of the be smoothed out and the Ring will decelerate. will thermocline the upwelling, the resist to able are thermocline the stretched, be resulting in the production of cyclonic vorticity which acts to nullify the anticyclonic Ring extant technique over the other determines vertical circulations within mass budget to close within The domination the basic flow. structure upper layers, which entails a shallow, inward-directed circulation. If with the deformed, flows. lower layer fluid is one of A rigid thermocline the Ring. the of involved for the spin down the weak forces the a warm Ring thermocline is directed radially Again for a warm Ring, the lifting of the thermocline creates a mass deficit in the deep layer which will be filled in from the sides. From the numerical deceleration is occuring. solutions, we can decide which means The production of potential vorticity of (q) due Page -174- 8.685 E-2 -L.673E-2 RT E-2 OF 1.LSL INTEVRALS -j _1 .087 ?--- a -1 4 I C-ROR - -. - 3 3.7 E- o -29.47-3 AT INTERVAAor 4.158L-3 0333 b .008 Figure V.8. (a). Forced Potential Vorticity Production The generation of relative vorticity due to forcing, from exp6v at day 40, and (b). the generation of vortex tube stretching by the forcing, also from exp6v at day 40. Note that relative vorticity is generated at a rate 3-5 times greater than stretching, indicating that for this experiment (r2=2), the thermocline tends to appear rigid. Page -175- to the Ekman divergence is given by: (V2 - 2) - t = qt = e = 2, Eq. V.24 where the terms on the left hand side represent productions of relative The tendency of vorticity and vortex tube stretching. the amplitude, xt, caused by the divergence, is given by Eq. V.22, which in combination 2 with the above formula allows us to solve for , vt: 2 -7 2,t = we + p vt. 2,t and )-2at are provided in Fig. V.8, in which we see Plots of both that for a Eq. V.25 core warm Ring, the forcing creates positive relative vorticity at Ring center and negative relative vorticity at two points located at the northern and southern Ring extremities. Recall that ua Note that the sign of the forced local rotation is from west to east. of the fluid is counter to that of the Ring in all three regions, and therefore acts to slow the mean flow. a to tendency maximum). that uplift thermocline the relative vorticity production is of -2 km), all with values 90 (or the depreciate show pressure A comparison of the magnitudes in each of the plots indicates size of vortex stretching. km to Similarly, the plots of -2<t stronger, running 3-5 times the Similar comparisons were made in experiments ranging from of which 1 to suggested relative 4 (Ring length that the scales primary vorticity production. from 45 deceleration Equipartition mechanism for Rings is between these terms requires a larger structure, 0(200 km), and since the present scales are typical of Rings, this spindown mechanism should Page -176- Commensurate with this is a secondary circulation hold for most Rings. which for a warm Ring tends to be inward in the upper layers and close through the downwelling regions outside the Ring (see Fig. V.7.b). Summary- V.g In this chapter, we computed the wind-forced spin down of a Gulf Stream Ring in order aspect of its evolution. if decide to such a mechanism is an important The present work was motivated by experiments of McWilliams and Flierl and Mied and Lindemann, where it was shown that relaxation thermocline strongly was by influenced non-conservative The mechanism by which the wind effects a decay derives from phenomena. the nonlinear dependence of stress on the relative velocity between the air and greater For a Ring, the surface water. occurs deceleration where the water flows against the wind than acceleration where the water flows with it; hence the result is a net loss of Ring energy. found gradients of the streamfunction by a the that geostrophic stress could differential resembled that be related operator of and It was to the that the a bottom drag or a concomitant divergence closely linear frictional law. First, a sample analytical problem was completed to verify the tendency for the pumping to effect the decay of interior motions. which Next, a series of Rings computed. were subjected Subsidence model agreed well with rates numerical calculations were performed in to of wind forcing and isopycnal surfaces field estimates, suggesting their from the decay was numerical that wind forcing might well play an important role in the life history of a Gulf Stream Ring. Page -177- A further investigation of the model results demonstrated that on these scales, the thermocline acts as the mass thus deformable, and balanced in the upper layer. divergence than more rigid though it were surface boundary was in the Consistent with this vertical circulation, the primary mechanism of vortex spin down was shown to be the production of relative vorticity. Implications of the secondary circulations with respect to the advection of oceanographic tracers were mentioned. forced Wind with process, coefficient, 3, decay the is added a physically desirable non-conservative motivated feature that the appropriate does not depend on an unknown eddy diffusivity. 3 does depend on a parameter, Cd, a constant characterizing air-sea momentum that the value of this quantity is transfer, but it is generally felt well-known (Francis, 1951). we demonstrated have that Given reasonable values for rms wind speed, the consequences of the induced Ekman divergence are significant and in the present calculations overwhelmed the effects of biharmonic dissipation. While still necessary to insure numerical stability in the face of an active enstrophy cascade, we were able to effect conclude that higher order viscosity was having a negligible on decay. Apparently, we have lessened the influence of biharmonic friction, for which we have no physical justification, and in its place installed a process for which we do. We have also apparently retained the features of biharmonic viscosity which are desirable from a numerical point of view. Page -178- APPENDIX A.V WIND STRESS IN THE PRESENCE OF SURFACE FLOWS high The frequency for From the formula the ocean must V.1, requires as an remove turbulent change on several In stress. and the of days Still, are averaged such with temporal to sensitive an formula, Eq. as to subject to such a way will winds on are of scales averaged appropriately the be flows variability present appendix, we will derive wind stress, taking into account in bulk Mesoscale weeks. and The irregular. speed input a wind frequency, low days, highly fluctuations. intervals comparatively be therefore knowledge. transfer to momentum the that conclude we stress, common is the wind of variability a of wind large scale mean the high frequency variability of the wind and the presence of non-zero surface velocities. We denote the average of a variable by an overbar. define the averaging process further than to say it is We shall not 'appropriate' to the mesoscale, providing structure at the Rossby Deformation scale with several day variability. Consider the mean wind stress to be a function of the averaged surface velocities: S= Cd(ua- u)Iua-ul We expect that the alterations of = S(u). Eq. A.V.1 the mean stress small compared to the unperturbed (u=0) stress: caused by u will be Page -179- S(u) = S(0) +6 S(u) where l-s(u)/l s(0)j << 1, in which case we can expand S(u) about S(0) to obtain an approximate form for -S(u). Eq. S(u) = aSx,Sy ) = = u Sx(0)u +Lu x S ()v zv S (0)u + - , x 6U y ~ CV A.V.2 S (0)v y where all of the partial derivatives of S have been evaluated at u = 0. In terms of the above formula, the Ekman divergence becomes: W = e SSf u y Tx f - fo (y) u +AV- Sy Y (x) Eq. v ;x Ju A.V.3 --v Sxay v SxQy where we have implicitly assumed curl(S(0)) = 0. The derivatives of S with respect to u and v can be evaluated using Eq. A.V.1: ) u (u v) = 7- ~uy v S = -C x d aa uIa 2 u S x =- (2 ua d- 2 + va b. Eq. A.V.4 Page -180- c (u 2 + 2v 2 ) a a =-C - S d ov y c. Iu-a a Plugging Eqs. A.V.4 into Eq. A.V.3 returns: iA^ 1 e 2u La = fo Cda L 2 + 22 1 v a J y u 0u + A.V.5 Eq. u 2 a + 2v 2 a ua - 1 aa u al x Ua dlua(a - S- 1 2u v lual u - b Ox v - c u) which with the exception of the last term closely resembles Eq. form. For the limiting case appropriate to Fig. V.2, characterized by fluctuations, ((ua') -1 ua I a 2 mean a (ua,0) and i.e. for winds comparatively weak 2 , (va')2)<<(ua) , Eq. A.V.4.b is proportional to: 2 a 2 2u a velocity V.5 in 2 1/2 = (2 + (0( a ) ))IUal -UaI Page -181and Eq. A.V.4.c to: (v2 1/2 2 u 2 + 2v a 2 = (1 + 0( ) )Iu-a a a while Eq. A.V.4.a is simply: 0(((ua')2)1/2/ ual)lual. To first order in this special case, the computed Ekman divergence is in agreement with Eq. V.5. The coefficient in the last term of Eq. A.V.5, 'c', is related to the tilt of the mean stress away from a purely zonal stress and it always possible to orient our axes such that it will vanish. example, 'c' is respect non-zero with I to one rotation through an angle A defined by: 2 u cotan(2a) = - 1 of reference, for a 2 v a a frame If, is ava 21u Eq. A.V.6 lual will put us in a frame such that the analogous statistic in that frame disappears. frame; The definition of vector stress is independent of reference therefore, we conclude that the final term, 'c', of Eq. A.V.5 adds no fundamentally new physics to the production of Ekman pumping. Without stress loss of generality, to be purely zonal. we can take the (In fact, orientation of the mean in exp 4 v, the mean stress was Page -182- oriented directly to the north, with the result that the subsequent Ring evolution was unaltered from that reported in this chapter.) Continuing with Eq. A.V.4.b and c, we assume that the velocities are drawn from a parent population governed by a normal distribution function: N(ua,0;ua' 2 ,va' 2 ) with (va'2)1 /2 . and (ua,O) and vector velocity mean of values rms The standard north-south deviations and (ua'2) 1/ 2 east-west wind Under such conditions, Eq. A.V.4.b speed can be computed from spectra. may be written as: 2u -C 2 + v2 ad a 2 Iu a 2u -Cd d Ua a 2 uava 2 + 2 2 v v'2)du dv ,O;u' N(ua a a a a a a 2 1/2 (Ua + v ) a a Eq. A.V.7 In Table A.V.1, we have listed a series of values obtained for the coefficients 'a' and 'b' of Eq. A.V.5 by integrations like those in Eq. A.V.7. Notice that the value of the coefficients do not change dramatically from the standard values a=2 and b=l1 which were used in Eq. V.5. Page -183- Table A.V.1 a a 7. 7. 0. 7. 7. 0. 0. 7. 0. 0. u(u21/2 a a,2 1/2 5. 1. 5. 10. 5. 5. 1. 5. 10. 5. Values of 'a' and 'b' coh a 0 0. 0. 0. .2 1.81 1.98 1.18 1.63 1.80 b 1.18 1.01 1.81 1.36 1.19 u a 8.01 7.03 8.01 10.90 8.34 In the above, ua is the mean zoP 4 wind speed, val/tpe mean the 1 (Va' and , ((ua )2) speed, wind meridional r.m.s. fluctuations about the means, a and b the desired coefficients, and lual the rms wind speed as computed from the means and Note that we have included a category labelled 'coh', fluctuations. In all integrations except the last, the which stands for coherence. implies that meridional winds are which zero, coherence was set to In the last case, the north winds. zonal the from independent All south-winds are slightly correlated with the east-west winds. velocities are in m/sec; coherence, a, and b are non-dimensional. Page -184- SOUTHWARD RING PROPAGATION AS A CHAPTER VI. CONSEQUENCE OF SURFACE TEMPERATURE ANOMALIES Introduction VI.a. across blowing air Cold warm If warm air flows turbulent convection. therefore predisposed towards cold water, vertical motions are gravitationally over less flow is opposed, and the efficient, and a more equal, being else All turbulent. and below from heated is water hence greater, transfer of momentum from the wind to the water occurs in the empirical The flow. turbulent formula relating windstress to air velocity is: S= PaCdua I ia o where L the the vector is air, the (o proportional will In the stability of in magnitude for of Table Although wind stress VI.1, we the have listed column; rather values inversely hence over Cd warm vague, bulk the basic corroborate measured of bulk called (warm) air is 1968) (Deardorff, air cold reasoning this so stress is the the above arguments, static (decrease) water. measurements idea. to increase (cold) By the Cd and density, density the 1a u.a the wind velocity, water surface drag. coefficient of stress, of Cd as a function of air-sea temperature difference; note the 30% variations for the relatively small range of temperatures. The effects of sea surface temperature Bunker (1976) in his calculation of on stress were included by basin scale mean wind stress. As a Page -185- Table VI.1 The Drag Coefficient as a Function of Air-Sea Temperature Difference (From Bunker (1976)) -3 Drag Coefficient x 10 Air minus Sea Temperature in Wind Speed (m/sec) .01- 5. 5.-10. 10.-15. 15.-20. 20.-25. 25.-30. 0 C >5. 4.9 to 1.0 0.9 to 0.2 0.1 to -0.2 -0.3 to -1.0 -1.1 to -4.9 0.06 0.77 1.47 1.95 2.26 2.52 0.60 1.30 1.72 2.04 2.30 2.54 0.98 1.43 1.80 2.10 2.35 2.57 1.20 1.54 1.87 2.16 2.40 2.60 1.32 1.60 1.90 2.22 2.42 2.62 1.56 1.78 2.0 2.25 2.44 2.63 <-5. 1.80 1.86 2.10 2.32 2.48 2.64 Page -186- result, the Sverdrup transport lines contained a thin, jet-like feature (Leetma and Bunker, 1978) near the point where the Gulf Stream exits the coast, which led Reininger, Behringer, and Stommel (1979, hereafter RBS) to postulate that the maintained in this way. the forcing field, (1981) Inherent in which drives transports warm circulation, which Veronis narrowness of the ocean deep this idea is the Stream is a subtle link between general water. Gulf circulation, More recently, and the Huynh and have used a temperature sensitive coefficient of drag in model to a general circulation demonstrate influence on poleward its heat transport. Rings, especially warm core Rings, are characterized by several *C contrasts in sea surface temperature (SST). Therefore, a constant wind blowing across the surface of a Ring will develop varying stability of become divergent. gradients due to the the air-sea interface, and the surface flow will This will produce a forced adjustment of the fluid, the computation of which will be the focus of the present chapter. Consider the nature of the forced Ring problem. After Ring genesis, SST propagation and configuration are governed in large The Ring-SST system's evolution is therefore 'feedback' reminiscent of that studied by RBS. by advection. nonlinear, with a The temperature field produces an Ekman pumping which affects the interior flow; the interior flow evolves, which in turn alters the SST pattern and the concomitant vertical circulation. There is, however, a fundamental between the present problem and that studied by RBS. RBS computed steady state circulations, initial value problem. difference In their paper, while the present problem is an Page -187- coherent a remains Ring the that extent the to case, any In structure, a certain component of its evolution will be the result of temperature few pages, In the next this forcing. the of dependence suggested that the it will be of coefficient in results drag Ring southward migration. VI.b Scale Estimates- The Coefficient of Drag- In RBS, dependence the coefficient the of of air-sea on drag temperature difference was taken to be linear: Eq. VI.1 Cd =Cdo(l+j(T-Ta)) reference drag coefficient, T sea surface temperature, and Ta air temperature. When with j being the coupling .250/*C) as relationship our model of with Eq. VI.1 necessary, we will employ for the of used (RBS drag. in Table VI.1 temperature drag and j=.1/OC coefficient a Cdo coefficient, The .125 and functional is somewhat more complicated than Eq. VI.1, which is a crude model, hence, we should be wary of pressing quantitative interpretations beyond reasonable limits. Still, Eq.VI.1 captures dependence, require only and since that the spirit of many of the stress increase the drag-temperature functional arguments presented in the text (decrease) for a buoyantly unstable (stable) air-sea interface, qualitative inferences are justified. Using j=.1, we notice that for IT-TaI=0(10 C), the entries of Table VI.1 are reproduced well. For 5oC differences, the errors are more Page -188- Table VI.2 Scales and Parameters Size Meaning Notation -4 fo......... .. Coriolis Parameter.... ...... .. Gradient of f S........ ......... scale length L ............. 1/(pL) .... .. time scale .......... -......... S-1... ..... k ...........* .. Kb .. Q ........ ..... III1 F(0) 1x10 1.7x10 60 km 11.7 days Deformation Rad. (dim) 42.22 km. Deformation Rad.(nond) 2. Viscous coefficient... 5.x10 ........ coef, .... .04 Diffusivity Steepness Parameter... 4.76 Baroclinic self * .. interaction .......... 2.1 Surface value of .......... Baroclinic mode ..... 3.0 Lo ..... .. 2 Wind Stress Scale .... 1 dyne/cm bo .......... Buoyancy Scale ......... .. Gravity .............. g ........ U j .. ........ .......... .......... 1 cm/sec 2 103 cm/sec 2 Thermal Expansion -4 OC-1 Coefficient .......... 2x10 Velocity Scale ....... 29.1 cm/sec Coupling Coefficient . .1/*C Page -189- estimate and are to difficult strong functions of air speed, but run about 10-20%. The Ekman Divergence- We can estimate the size of the forced vertical velocity using the information in Table VI.1. We = We know that: Eq. VI.2 k.curl()/(fo) where fo is the Coriolis parameter, k a vertically directed unit vector, and C the vector wind stress. we For A Cdo 0(3*C), = -6 -6 10 Hence: = 1/fo(~C/(Vy)) 0 m/sec, 1= , ua = a u aa!(Cd)/(fo surface y)* temperature contrast of 4 a length scale of 60 km, and an fo of 10- /sec, we obtain: we = 8 x 10e-4 cm/sec, which is clearly 'big enough' to be of dynamical importance. Recall that this w is the same order of magnitude as the vertical velocities in the previous chapter. The Pumping and it's Effects- Consider a zonal wind blowing across the surface temperature pattern of a warm core Ring, (Fig VI.1.a) and suppose the unperturbed stress based on the wind: Eo = Cdouaj aii is constant. The central region of the vortex is warm relative to the surrounding waters and is therefore a site of enhanced stress. If we were to measure stress on a transect commencing south of Ring center and Page -190- Magnitude of stress Cold U0 600m Nrth distance along Iransect b - cold South I Ekman Layer Divergence Isotherm distance along transct South North C Figure Captions Figure VI.1. Chapter VI. Schematic of Ring Response to Wind Forcing An eastward directed wind crossing the top of a warm Ring (a). stresses the center of the Ring more than the flanks due to the destabilizing effect of the warm waters. (b). In this transect of a warm core Ring, notice the bowl-shaped isotherms with the deepest penetrations at Ring center. (c). A schematic of the effect of the divergence produced by the stress in (a) on the isotherms in (b) is plotted. The direction of we is upwards to the north, and downwards to the south, producing a tendency in the thermocline for a shift to the south (the dotted line). Page -191- running due north, we would see irC first increase and then decrease. Therefore, the accompanying vertical divergence has both upwelling and latter to the south. appears former to the centers, downwelling Ring center and problem in which Consider a thought the of a warm Ring The temperature-depth structure in Fig VI.1.b. as north of the the thermocline is flaccid, so that the pumping simply lifts and lowers the In the upwelling zone otherwise inextensible upper layer fluid columns. to the north of Ring center, the thermocline moves upwards and is hence flattened relative to the thermocline further South of north. center, the local divergence from the mixed layer tends to deepen thermocline. Ring the From Fig. VI.1.c, we see that both trends when applied to 'bowl' of isotherms to move to the warm Ring of Fig. VI.1.b compel the the south, suggesting that some fraction of meridional Ring migration is a forced phenomenon. Stern (1965) has shown that a uniform wind stress when interacting with a geostrophic eddy produces an Ekman pumping given by: w = -7.(kx where are < )/(f+), is the geostrophic vorticity. caused by variations in The gradients in Ekman transport the local rotation produce both up and downwelling centers. rate, (f + , ), and The resulting w field is not unlike that depicted in Fig. VI.1 and, as Stern pointed out, a west to east wind causes a warm eddy disturbance to translate southward. Note that the corrections to the undisturbed stress in the above formula are O(Ro). From Table VI.1, one notes the perturbations of the undisturbed stress caused by the temperature are of the scale of .5 n). Therefore, we neglect Stern's I[t (=(.3 to mechanism, as this scaling Page -192- suggests is it is It mechanism. the present smaller in effect than interesting to note, however, that Stern's analysis of the effect of the divergence agrees with the present ideas. Governing Equations- VI.c The mixed layer buoyancy field is governed by: bt + ubx + vby = ((bi-b)e + Bo)/h + K 2b, where b is mixed layer buoyancy, layer bi intermediate buoyancy, Bo surface buoyancy flux, h mixed layer depth, K a coefficient of lateral It is interesting to diffusivity, and u and v horizontal velocities. compare horizontal heat advection to the entrainment flux of heat. In a Ring, the horizontal velocities are roughly 100 cm/sec and have a scale of order 60 km. rates of Warm Ring mixed layers have been observed to deepen at 3 m/day to up Rhines, and Thompson (Saunders, (1973), the 1971), and density step to according scales as Pollard, (r2/(f2h 2 )). Hence, the comparison of these two terms yields a ratio: 2 f2 h4 vby/(r 2 ht) = 10-8 1012 10 /(6x10 that indicating entrainment heat 6 3x10-3) = 5x10 5 >> 1, flux is weak neglected. may be and Similar comparisons allow us to simplify this equation further. wind-driven velocities are roughly 1 cm/sec and, compared geostrophic Ring velocities of 100 cm/sec, are negligible. Typical to the Surface heat fluxes, represented by Bo/h, are greater than entrainment heat flux: 2 Bohf 2 /(hC ht) = 104/3 >> 1i, and while represent still the apparently strongest small compared non-conservative heat to advective flux to the effects, surface Page -193- layer. Thus, at lowest order, the surface buoyancy equation becomes: Eq. VI.3 bt + J(,b) = Bo/h + K-2b, where J is the Jacobian operator, and It the geostrophic streamfunction. As for the final term, there are few good estimates of K appropriate to the layer, mixed minimize to attempt K's values. using by unfluence its presence calculations the in therefore however necessary is to the to we follow, shall possible smallest numerical insure stability. In the present experiments, Bo has been neglected as an influence Ring SST cycles have been studied in on the surface buoyancy pattern. Chapter IV, where it was shown that the strongest temperature contrasts occur in the winter, and that Ring mixed layers produce the variations in heat release necessary to affect the stability of the overlying air, and construct weaken; non-zero variations therefore, stress surface buoyancy In stress. in should more become contrasts the and Specifying uniform. allowing contrasts SST summer, to them evolve 0 according to Eq. VI.3 with BoO more resembles and is meant as a model of wintertime Ring SST. field will be taken from the III. Ekman divergences initial shape assigned to The tracer distributions computed in Chapter based these on evolution suggestive of wintertime Rings. in terms of flux, it is the buoyancy reduced computing needs. evident from Eq. VI.3 SST fields should produce This approximation gains much By neglecting surface that we no longer have to buoyancy compute mixed layer depth, ostensibly reducing the number of dependent variables from three to two. In fact, the reduction is better as the equation Page -194- governing mixed layer depth requires the knowledge of at least one more variable (usually interior buoyancy). dynamic upper the of divergence The and the the surface link of provides transport mass layer the The Ekman divergence, interior. Eq. VI.2, becomes: We = j(C(y)bx - C(x)by)/(fog ), Eq. VI.4 where we have used a linear equation of state of the form: to temperature convert constant. buoyancy to Eq. VI.5 ;(T-To)) and assumed the air temperature In Eq. VI.4: (x) S(y) and g is gravity. The ' - = ,o(1 interior = Cdol alua, = Cdojalva, In the present experiments, the by governed be will Z(y) = 0. equivalent barotropic equation: (-2-,2),t + (fo)-1 llJ(/, (,72- 2)z) +cx = f 2 F(0)we/H Eq.II.14 where p2 is the eigenvalue corresponding to the first eigenmode, F(0) the surface value of the baroclinic eigenmode, H the depth of the fluid, and 3111 the baroclinic self interaction coefficient. Note that the expressions for the surface velocities of Eq. VI.3 are: u = -(0) (cy)/fo, and: v = F(0)( x)/fo. The nonlinearity of the problem, i.e. the transport of the surface waters and connection between the the forcing of the interior, is Page -195- from apparent 4, and VI.3, Eqs. such, As 7. we way no have of linearizing the equations and retaining the correct physical processes, and for this reason, no analytical solutions to this set have yet been It found. evolution however, somewhat enlightening is, of initially an motionless ocean, to consider the possessing a linear surface temperature field, which is subjected to the onset of an eastward wind. Under these assumptions, the mixed layer will translate southward at the Ekman velocity, advecting with it the surface temperature structure, and therefore the horizontal divergence: We = we(x,y-C(x)t/(foho)). To interior, the pattern. pumping the related Rossby The translating a resembles wave excitation wind stress is well known problem (Flierl, 1978), from which we expect the forcing to resonate with those planetary waves phase whose speed matches the drift. Ekman The interesting point of this problem is that an otherwise constant wind can interact with a surface temperature distribution interior to produce motions. VI.d. Numerical Results- The non-dimensional set of equations which describe the Ring evolution are: (,2-'2)cet + Q111J(<,(Q 2 -F 2 )) + =x = -. by + K;o,., Eq. VI.6 and: bt + QF(O)J(,,b) where Q=U/(pL 2 ), a measure = Kbo 2 b, of the nonlinearity of the flow, X=-F(O)jobo/(gHT.LU), and we have employed a biharmonic friction with Page -196- Typical values for a west Notice that coefficient K. the parameters of all ( to east wind, and scales is negative. listed are in Table The values of F(0), f111, and 112 computed by Flierl (1978) from VI.2. the MODE buoyancy profile were used and the remainder of the scales were chosen to agree with there is currently no 'small'. The Here K=5x10-4; those of McWilliams and Flierl. justification for this choice, other results the of computations to than it is discussed be in this chapter were largely unaffected by a reduction of K to 5 x 10-5. In Fig. VI.2, we compare the results of two experiments which will be referred to as exp0b and explb. the Ring to evolve freely. to .1. figure caption. The a control experiment the Ekman pumping, i.e. set which we have turned off j was set ExpOb is in j=0, and allowed In explb, the value of the coupling constant other numerical parameters listed are in the The initial conditions for both experiments, contained in the panels a and d, were chosen as Gaussians of e-folding scales 60 km, for the baroclinic amplitude, and 90 km, for the surface buoyancy field. field and the Clearly, the shapes of the sea surface temperature interior pressure field compare favorably between the two experiments. By day 60, however, we see evidences that the pressure field in explb is travelling at a different rate than that in expOb. Both of the above observations are reinforced by the graphs of Fig. VI.3 and 4 in which the histories of compared. the maxima The numerically in pressure and the path of generated positions of the the Ring are local pressure maxima, which are graphed in Fig. VI.4, are listed in Table VI.3. From Page -197- ol arou.,IFa Ii l l i*a - i lat *I I" go a I ate . tI rhk5aslI Iu1.@ l at l tll retFae i n. *l 111,ts w a to 7 i L i_ -I -4 Ej I ,tg III I I L ieI-I i l.l* I I-I 1. -._ 7. Ii COUTOUffe Fl i .t91i-I tIftllllllll itI -1 I TI1.111 C- I ' i- I i F I.S I-t ii i .92 .08 fiJ~i ru CO-teilatFO 1 81IL. ii - - I To S.LM -1 ! I I . 1 lIiNtIVKS a 1.814E-t .9 2 1-r~T~mTfrFFrn .72 I -7 \/- - /2 I ..1 -i j1 Il. ~iI i~ F-I Fig. VI.2 continued next page -. 095 -1 Page -198- Co01R l LN 1 R Ot 9le tE at INY lAO I| ots (l - 3 (, L L "; or ,TEva.SOFeae1#t r C 1. I II Cram e I teoifE cOTIMIS oesCtle te 4Sol('jl~ i 1/ L( I I I w 2, ,.7, I . 1-t I ra ? s I ! I i C-1 4 taltlo.s I; l IJ1 I I coatemlne ra II.ot we4.8"1-1 ll I I I I t [-I iiiIIIil re * lot [-a Ir . Av s 1lAt 1-t t iI l ll .94 -. 084 7 C'NWWI P toi .61 9 I'I I . w1 2 I COXt51140 FR1n 4 22t ? *t t CrW I I Fig VI.2. I I II IIl(t I I 9.6T (-1 t*9 t ' 1 MV9. f t.114 8 1-t Inl- Forced Ring Evolution Plotted are the baroclinic hori zontal amplitude functions and the sea surface temperatures from expOb, after (a) 0 days, (b) 40 days, and (c) 60 days. In this set, Q=4.76, the coupling coefficient, j, was set to are from exp1b, with all parameters the o t.1. Again, the plots are for (d) days. E 1 1 1 = 2 . 1 , K=5x10 -4 ,I 2=2, and 0. In the second set, the plots same except for j, which is set 0 days, (e) 40 days, and (f) 60 Page -199- comparison of free versus forced amplitude evoIution. Eps=.1, and eps=0. ke5.e-4, q= 4 .7 6 , psi= 2 .1 4- o"1 CO C - expOb 0 explb c E O C 0%11 i I 42.5 8.39 i 19.24 i1 30.08 Time Figure VI.3. 4,.92 St.76 62.61 73.45 in days A Comparison of Ring Amplitudes Here we compare time histories of from exp0b and exp1b. Note that the unaffected by the forcing; after 70 thermocline depression is 0(5 m). The the uncertainty involved in the location the maximum pressure amplitudes amplitude evolution is largely days, the difference in the wiggles in the plot are due to of the maximum. Page -200- motion of Ring center from free and forced experiments exp1b and expOb, for 110 days expO b 3. +- cm 0 0 -C,- explb C 64 I I .63 6.22 x Figure VI.4. 8.82 position I I It.41 (grid 14. 00 I 16.59 units) Forced and Free Ring Trajectories Trajectories of Ring center are plotted from exp0b and exp1b. Ring Notice the center was defined as the location of the pressure maximum. decreased westward drift and increased southward drift in the forced experiment. All locations are to an accuracy of 4 km. Page -201- Table VI.3 Locations of the Local Maximum of Pressure versus Time Explb ExpOb Time Xrel Yrel 0. ..... 0.000 0.000 - 4.444 -13.333 -17.777 -26.667 -35.555 -51.111 -55.555 -66.666 -82.222 -95.555 -105.44 -115.55 -122.22 -137.77 -4.444 -6.666 -11.111 -13.332 -15.555 -22.222 -24.444 -26.666 -28.888 -33.555 -35.777 -35.555 -42.222 -42.222 5.... 10. ... 15. ... 20. ... 25. ... 30. ... 35. ... 40. ... 45. ... 50. ... 55. ... 60. ... 65. ... 70. ... (days) (km) (km) Time 0. .... 5 .. * 10. .. . 15. .. 20. .. 25. .. 30. .. 35. .. 40. .. 45... 50. .. 55. .. 60. .. 65. .. 70. .. (days) Xrel Yrel 0.000 0.000 -4.444 -6.666 -17.777 -22.222 -28.888 -46.666 -53.222 -64.444 -68.888 -86.666 -95.555 -102.22 -115.55 -126.66 -4.444 -6.666 -8.888 -17.777 -22.222 -26.666 -33.333 -35.555 -42.222 -46.666 -53.333 -57.777 -64.444 -66.666 (km) (km) All distances measured relative to initial center. Page -202- the first graph, we see that the amplitude decay is nearly identical in the experiments; therefore, we conclude that, unlike the results of the induced the chapter, previous pumping is not seriously affecting From Table VI.3, we calculate rate at which the Ring is losing energy. an average of pressure (-2 (-2.4 km/day, -.5 km/day) in exp0b. km/day, -1 km/day) in exp1b, and The forced Ring of in maximum the for propagation velocity the explb is moving to the south at nearly twice the speed of the Ring in exp0b, but to the west at a lesser rate. Finally, note from the plots in Fig. VI.2 that the pressure fields develop azimuthally dependent structures, which consist mostly of a high east. of center west pressure The McWilliams generation and isolated high. Flierl of and those is structures due to has to center each Ring and a low pressure on by been commented dispersion from the the initial, Both centers remain coherent with the Ring throughout the experiments. Comparing the locations of the high and low pressure centers from each experiment, we notice they are somewhat different. in a counter- those in exp0b, the local centers in exp1b are rotated clockwise sense about the pronounced for later times. Ring, a difference However, the centers differs by only a few percent. which amplitudes Relative to of becomes each of more the For example, the low pressure of exp0b at day 40 is -.08, compared to that of exp1b which is -.084. Page -203- Table VI.4 Experiments and Parameter Settings In all experiments, the time step was .02 of a day, and the spatial increment was 20 km. All began with an initial condition in pressure of a Gaussian with length scale 60 km. The temperature initial condition was a Gaussian of scale lb. The coupling coefficient was j, and F K is the lateral measured the surface intensification of the Ring. 'mpr' stands for diffusivity. of coefficient temperature surface rate. propagation meridional from Note that we can obtain the motion of a freely evolving cold Ring The governing equation is invariant to the this experiment. transformation (po,y) (-c,-y), so warm Ring simulations become cold Ring simulations with a reverse of north and south and the sign of the pressure. Therefore, freely evolving cold Rings move north at a rate of .5 km/day. Page -204- Parameter Studies- Three other experiments were conducted in order to test a range of Ring types (see Table VI.4). ExplOb was designed as a cold core Ring experiment, with a central SST contrasts across cold Rings low pressure covered by a cold pool. are generally weak (Chapter IV, and Vastano, Schmitz, and Hagan, 1980), and in expl0b, we have reduced the size of the temperature contrast to 2.5 OC (in the others, ST was freely evolving northward, cold 0 5 nonlinear interactions dispersion their with Rings The C). them move field of (McWilliams and Flierl, 1979), and by the inclusion of the forcing, this been tendency has The forced Ring reduced. of expl0b moves northward at a rate of .3 km/day, as compared to the meridional motion of the free Ring of .5 km/day. In expllb, we have reduced the pool by choosing addition, the an size of initial the Gaussian surface the propagation on these 60 of km length scale. In trapped zone has been reduced from that in exp1b by setting F(O) to 1. of area covered by the warm surface The results indicate a dependence parameters, as southward Ring motion in expllb as been reduced from -1. km/day, to -.7 km/day. Finally, in expl2b, we set the value of the lateral coefficient of heat diffusivity to .4, and noticed no significant change in propagation or Ring evolution from that in exp1b. Page -205- In all experiments, the pressure and SST fields evolved in such a way that they visually resembled those in Fig. VI.2, with the only major change being a reduction in the size of the SST pattern when the size of Therefore, Figs. VI.2 are representative the trapped zone was reduced. It of the pressure and SST configurations and extrema for all tests. would be interesting to expand the combinations exploring the possible experiments by more fully set of of trapped zone size and initial buoyancy structure. VI.e. Discussion- Both warm and cold Rings are observed to propagate southwestward, understanding although evaluating their they Why 1978). and Worthington, the influence move trajectory on the (Richardson, Cheney, km/day with a meridional component of up to -1.5 is south of currently Ring a surrounding is unknown, important waters. Mean to state advection has been suggested as a mechanism for southward Ring motion cold because Ring motion agrees circulation (the Ring Group, 1981). is less clear. Flierl, with the sense of the general Whether this is true for warm Rings From the work of Meid and Lindemann and McWilliams and we know model Rings north and warm south. can self-propel, with cold Rings moving Topography is also a possibly important steering mechanism, probably playing a stronger role for warm Rings than cold. According to the results here, we apparently have another mechanism for producing southward motion produced, and its magnitude. and we will now investigate how it is Page -206- Intregral Constraints- that the demonstrate strictly propagation. to its of Similar arguments prove enlightening in the present case. The center of mass (COM) vector of o<, X= Predictive much for responsible were configuration radial able their freely evolving Ring from a of departures were Flierl and McWilliams constraints, integral From X = (X,Y) is defined as: Eq. VI.7 rxxdA/( f<dA). for equations both components of obtained be X may from Eq. VI.6 with the assumptions that both & and b vanish at infinity: Xt = -1/p 2 , Eq. VI.8 and: d((bdA)/((/fodA)C2), Yt = where we have used we from Eq. VI.4. mass, X, moves at long Rossby wave the applies in the absence of pumping. net meridional drift Note that which is, phase the speed, zonal center a result of which The y center of mass experiences a quite evidently, response. a forced =0 . Contrast this with unforced evolution, where Yt Note the sign of Yt depends on the relative sign of buoyancy with respect to the average baroclinic amplitude. the average Since ) is negative, a warm pool overlying a solitary high pressure center forces Y to the south. low pressure. The same southward tendency holds for a cold pool over Both of these SST-baroclinic pressure configurations describe Rings, the former warm core and the latter cold core. Page -207- Note the pressure the propagation speed of from Table VI.3 that maximum in explb is not that prescribed by Eq. VI.8, and the discrepancy can be shown to be related to the amount of baroclinic 'mass' which has The difference between X and Ring center been radiated by the Ring. (Xc,y c ) is, by definition: X - Xc = (x-xc) dA/( .dA), Eq. VI.9 and: Y - yc = Clearly, if c' were presence above the symmetric, radially would expressions The two radially asymmetric features in C( of greatest reduce to zero. magnitude ji(y-yc)dA/(c dA). the are leading and high the is having a profound influence trailing their hence, low; Again on Ring propagation. following McWilliams and Flierl, we define a 'departure field', o<', of the baroclinic amplitude streamfunction from a purely radial configuration: - =-c-(r) ' 2 e-[(x-xc)2 + (y-yc) ], c where, in the second equality, we have chosen a Gaussian based on local maximum pressure,'Oc, for the radial function. In terms of c<', Eqs. VI.9 become: X - xc =- (x-xch:dA/( dA), Eq. VI.10 and: Y - yc = -f(y-yc)b dA(/ dA) which demonstrates the importance of the departure field. Leading highs and/or trailing lows cause the Ring center to lag behind the zonal COM. Similarly, northerly highs in conjunction with southerly lows produce a net southward Ring displacement relative to Y. independent of the dynamics, and hence the Note that Eq. VI.12 is dispersion field has the CONTOURED FROM -8.835E-2 T~ll Il1T I TO 7.594 T F CONTOURED FRON -7.9tSE-2 AT INTERVALS OF 1.954 E-2 E-2 T ilT TO 6.8t9 E-2 AT INTERVALS OF 1.741 TI exp0b ''i" i i' i 7.768 E-2 .654E-2/ . i i i Figure VI.5. I I . iI. Departure Fields Here we have plotted -', the departure of the horizontal structure from a Gaussian, from exp0b and explb at day 60. Note that the local pressure centers of explb are rotated cyclonically about the Ring relative to the same in exp0b. E-2 Page -209- The of the existence of forcing. above effect on the Ring regardless integral constraints in Eq. VI.10 convey only the kinematic tendencies of the The departure field. clockwise rotation of a high pressure to center tends to push eastern fluid to the south and southern fluid the The above integrals measure the west, and vice-versa for a low. effect that the departure field is imparting to the Ring. In Fig. VI.5, we plot departure fields for both expOb and explb. The important distinction therein concerns the relative positions of the local extrema. As noted in section c, the low and the high in Explb are rotated cyclonically about Ring center relative to the same in exp0b. Zonal Propagation- For the duration of the experiments, the high pressure of to lag behind zonal COM, although the free Ring of exp0b eventually moves west faster Table VI.3). is to Therefore, we the west and the low pressure to the east of Ring center. expect both Rings x' The acceleration of than its counterpart in exp1b (see the free Ring was first noticed by McWilliams and Flierl who pointed out that the zonal propagation speed of the free Ring appeared to be asymptoting to the phase speed of a long Rossby wave. This was interpreted to be a result of the slow anti- cyclonic motion of the dispersion centers about the Ring, which stopped just short of lining them up meridionally with Ring center. Clearly, as the centers move about the Ring, the zonal weight assigned to either the leading high accelerate. or the trailing low diminishes, causing the Ring to In explb, the tendency for the rotation of the centers is Page -210- that so decreased, the center each of maxima local remains nearly stationary, and are unable, through their circulations, to augment Ring Thus the westward pattern speed of the forced Ring zonal propagation. is less than that of the free. Meridional Propagation- By an area average of the amplitude and buoyancy equations, we see: (fbdA)t = 0, (jadA)t = 0, and: so that forced the propagation in COM meridional can VI.10 Eq. be For exp1b, this becomes: computed from the initial conditions. Yt = 9/I8, or dimensionally: Yt = -.6 km/day, which should be compared with the computed Ring center propagation of Thus, we conclude that roughly one-half of the meridional -1.0 km/day. The difference migration of the numerical Ring is due to the forcing. between the motion of the Ring center and that of the COM is -.4 km/day, and is due drift roughly is observation experiments modeled to the dispersion field. that is the the same as comparable. in that strength of exp0b, the the Given the temperature dependence Note that the magnitude of this in agreement dispersion crudeness with field with which of the coefficient of the in both we have drag, we can not say much more than the forced southward migration of the Ring is on the order of .5 km/day; however, this is the same order as the Page -211- meridional interaction. in enough Ring-dispersion to due propagation the self-induced circulation and general the of meridional component nonlinear field The important point is that the present mechanism is large its effects significant a for account to fraction of of the meridional Ring motion. Potential Vorticity Budgets- VI.f The forcing, which must explb is propagation in novel Ring therefore affect result a direct the Ring's vorticity. potential (q) budget of a particle, outside of Consider the potential vorticity the trapped zone, about to interact with a Ring. In the following examination of q, we will use expllb. In this experiment, j = .1 and, with the exception of F(O), all other parameters matched those in explb. This has the effect In expllb, F(O) was set to 1, rather than 3. of decreasing the trapped zone size, owing to the reduced surface velocites, which are computed according to: u = -F(O)xx, and v = F(0)-y. The initial conditions for *- in expllb were the same as The SST condition was also chosen as a Gaussian of length scale 60 km. Gaussian of scale 60 km, which is a reduction from the 90 km Gaussian used in exp1b. As a result, the forced component of migration was reduced from -.6 km/day to total Ring constitutes in explb, a migration from -1. a sizeable increase km/day to meridional Ring roughly -.3 km/day, and the -.7 km/day. This still in southward Ring migration over the Page -212- volocity du~ to torcing, vertico! Timo in rrom F(O)=t. days=39.t CONTOURED FROM -3.431E-2 TO 4.h76 E-2 AT INTERVRLS OF 0.879 E-2 .. .... ................ . ---. ;....1~ :........ --;---- .~..~., ,........ ,-.,.,..... --.. I-; --- i- -- ..1...; - --:....... .-..... ----.~1...; . ... ........... Figure VI.6. the . .. . i .... ...... ................ ... ......... .... ..................... ............... . .... ..... ........ ... . ............. i............. .. Forced Divergence Here we have plotted a graph of the Ekman divergence produced by In this surface temperature field at day 40 from expllb. experiment, r2=2, K=5x1 0 - 4, 111i= 2 .1, Q=4. 7 6, F(0)=I, and Kb=' 04 . the regions of upwelling to the north and downwelling to the south. Note Page -213- -.5 km/day, unforced speed of and indicates that the results of this chapter are not overly sensitive to parameter variations. In Fig. according VI.6, we plot to Eq. a map Although VI.4. of the divergence Ekman the pumping intensifies computed the behind Ring, in the 'tail' emanating from the trapped zone, the largest centers lie over the Ring of vertical velocity the that the of half northern Ring Note thermocline expression. experiences upwelling and the southern half downwelling. Ekman divergence can produce potential vorticity through vortex tube stretching or relative vorticity generation: qt = [;2 - P2],t, From we, we can compute the forced trend in amplitude production, Gt, by solving the elliptic equation: [Q2-r2]dt = -by* The generation of vortex tube stretching is given by: which may then be combined with we to compute the forced production of relative vorticity: et = -Ay + r 2t. Plots of these fields are contained in Fig. VI.7. Note that production of q is equally divided between these two components. principle reason for this comes from the near match of the the The Rossby Deformation Radius, C-1, and the scale of the pumping (cf Fig. VI.6). CONTOURED FROM -2. t28E-2 I i-t I TO 2.084 IilI~ii~ i< E-2 AT INTERVALS OF 0.527 CONTOURED FROM -t.529E-2 E-2 Yi1 Tf........tIT TO 1.768 E-2 AT i --ti INTERVALS OF 8.366 E-2 i i I I -7 0f o E- relative I vorticity generation1..1.. . relative vorticity Figure VI.7. generation vortex tube stretching Forced Production of Potential Vorticity Here we have plotted maps of the forced production of relative The vorticity and vortex tube stretching, as computed in expllb. interesting points from these plots are that the fields are dipole in nature, as was we in Fig. VI.6, and that the magnitudes from each are The forcing produces equal amounts of relative vorticity comparable. and vortex tube stretching. Page -215- If the Ring were not forced, i.e. We=0, parcels moving north around the Ring, in order to conserve potential vorticity, would develop negative relative vorticity to cancel the increase of q due to beta. In terms of the pressure field, this is equivalent to the production of a high, which is from mass forcing. the layer. boundary the a As column fluid moves the north, it initially the forced Ring towards from the southwest of receives by caused center freely the high consider the alteration of evolving Ring is maintained. Now pressure the of how the local maximum to the northwest The by responds column The Coriolis force in thickening vertically and expanding horizontally. conjunction with the diverging radial velocities of the column produces negative relative thermocline. high. vertical presses thickening the Both of these forced responses augment the production of a the To the vorticity, and north of Ring center, the columns lose mass to the boundary layer, part of which is supplied by a horizontal convergence in the interior and the rest responds to the shrinkage by uplifting and by positive convergence The thermocline by vortex tube shrinkage. relative vorticity the fluid responds production; both of to the which In total, the location of the high to counter the production of a high. the west of the Ring is shifted to the south of its unforced position. Similar arguments apply to the trailing low. The effect of upwelling on a parcel is to increase its potential vorticity, while that of downwelling is to decrease it. Therefore, for particles moving south, the forcing tends initially to compensate for the loss of q due to beta. Once south of Ring center however, the forcing changes sign and supplements the loss of q. For a southbound column, the development Page -216- To the observer in a of the low is first enhanced and then suppressed. stationary frame, the location of the minimum is shifted to the north. Note that the above forced trends in pressure, highs shifting south and lows north, are evolution the precisely of (cf. Eq. VI.10). results in the southward shift of the center of mass describe arguments Similar and budgets vorticity potential the which interior the the associated drifts of the Ring trapped zone. Again consider a particle in a clockwise transit, but within the trapped region. In the northern half of the Ring, as the particle is moving west, the mass flux is directed up into the boundary layer (Fig. As VI.6). negative a column of a result, relative vorticity, In the thermocline. south, and the fluid is both which lifted, mass creating stretched, upwells the the interior flux into locally depresses the thermocline and creates negative relative vorticity. each succeeding pass of a column, the thermocline north and deepened to the south; deep With is flattened to the therefore the pressure pattern shifts to the south. Summary- VI.g. In this chapter, we have dependence of the coefficient of results in a forced propagation demonstrated drag in the of Gulf that the temperature formula for wind stress Stream Rings. The large temperature contrasts associated with Rings produce regions of enhanced and suppressed wind stress and creates both convergent and divergent Page -217- For warm and cold core Rings, the response of the Ring is to move flow. to the south. From Chapter the strength that anticipate IV, we forced the of of cold core Rings will be less than that of warm core, owing motion largely to the SST reduced Nonetheless, contrasts. forced the propagation of a cold core Ring will be in opposition to that caused by the departure field. (Recall that the freely evolving warm core Ring simulations presented here may be immediately extrapolated to cold core Rings by substituting low pressure Eq. VI.6). (cf. for high and north for south This is not so if we include the forcing term, /by.) In one experiment using a cold core Ring and a weak SST contrast, the resulting northward motion of reduced by :50%, the Ring was There are several mechanisms which potentially such as mean advection and but interesting to all three. as southward moved by and self-propagation, all three. reversed. affect Ring migration, in we suggest that forced migration is as large as either. possibly not For cold this chapter Warm Rings are it rings, speculate that their southward drift is a resultant is of Cold ring northward self-propagation is about the same size southward mean advection and the remaining forced tendency could to their account for observed motion. The ability of Rings to transport fluid is essential systematic, forced, meridional drift. The forcing moves the Ring south, which in turn shifts the trapped zone. The movement of the trapped zone transports the temperature field which is responsible for the creation Page -218- of the pumping. The system, composed of the interior and the surface trapped zone, interacts with the wind to self-propel. We have not included all possible large scale mixed layer processes in the present problem. Most importantly, we have neglected surface heat exchange, both in order to pose a problem that we had the resources to solve, and because it seemed as if we had little to learn from its inclusion. The resulting computations correspond to fall or winter Gulf Stream Rings. It seems from Chapter IV that the inclusion of air-sea exchange would simply the modulate of intensity the vertical flow. During the summer, we would expect the pumping to be weakened by the degradation of the SST anomaly; with the reemergence of the anomaly in From this standpoint, we the fall, southward motion should increase. really have nothing new to learn by including the surface buoyancy flux in the problem, and for this reason it possible that the seasonality of was neglected. Still it is the forcing could produce some novel results and it would be interesting to include a more active mixed layer in the calculation as a test of its importance. The equations which were chapter assume solved in this that the mixed layer remains relatively shallow, in which case the alteration of the surface pressure field from that of the interior is negligible. Recall from Chapter II that the pressure field in the mixed layer begins to assume an independent character from that of the interior if either the temperature difference layer becomes deep. across the Ring During various periods becomes of large, the year, or if the the surface Page -219- of should endeavor layer thin the relax to therefore we criteria, these both of meet warm core Rings layers the However, assumption. problem we obtain almost necessitates a move away from quasi-geostrophic theory. Perhaps the most blatant ageostrophic effect comes from those isotherms which are deep in Ring center, but which rise to the base of the influence produces buoyancy. Under governed structure, by large such circumstances, of a strong the upper mean, layer intermediate and buoyancy diabatic annual is no longer solely density time-independent i.e.: -wN2 . bt Nor in changes advection vertical Second, flank. Ring mixed layer at does this problem easily lend itself to numerical To solution. compute the response of a mixed layer requires fine vertical resolution; when investigating two horizontal dimensions as well, the computational requirements will be immense. Still, this is an important problem; we should see vertical circulations density structure. If this develop as is so, we need the fluid adjusts to the to understand how such a circulation affects Ring evolution and to assess its importance. It is clear that there are other in processes need of investigation, and it is the hope of the author to continue working on all of the mentioned areas. It is equally clear, however, that the SST field of a Ring will affect the stress pattern in a manner similiar to that modeled here. The interesting result of this chapter is the self-propellant nature of the Ring-SST system caused by the temperature dependent coefficient of drag. Further experimentation will enlightening with respect to relative importance of this mechanism. prove Page -220- CHAPTER VII. dealing importance evolution the with Rings of distributions property oceanic to The suggest present work for the primary motivation large the and scale circulation is currently unknown, although many estimates their effects are large. The Rings. core cold and warm both of problems several investigated have we thesis, present the In SUMMARY comes from a desire to better quantify their influence and, this being a difficult problem, we have made some small progress in this direction. to the processes that demonstrates component field which Ring of affecting their sea This do. they surface For example, we have regards thesis important an are interactions Ring-atmosphere dynamic evolution. and their behave as to cause Rings behavior, with definitive statements We have attempted to make some temperature demonstrated that spindown induced by frictional loss to the wind is strong enough to account for something between 30-100% of mechanisms decay of which (Huang, personal the have been demonstrated to communication) none have as large an effect as wind forcing. lateral exception of drag, and with the dissipation, bottom drag, and wave latter, include proposed been have Other observed Ring spindown. In addition, wind forcing can be computed in terms of known quantities. We have also shown that Ring SST cycles may be accounted for in terms of air-sea heat exchange, which differs from the for those cycles. the observed pervading feeling that Ring dynamics are responsible Finally, we have shown that a significant fraction of southward motion of Rings can be ascribed to the Page -221- The size of the induced propagation interaction of wind with Ring SST. mechanisms suggested other to due that with compares observed and pattern propagation rates. We have tested each of the processes individually, yet they affect of aspects different (propagation, evolution Ring decays, shallow temperature field) which are probably independent at first order. can however combine the principal to get an more global Ring results The study of particle trajectories in Rings strongly supports picture. the We one-dimensional the of aptness models layer mixed for the Ring The SST results from Chapter IV also indicate that the trapped zone. surface buoyancy equation used in Chapter VI, in which air-sea heat flux was neglected, is a reasonable model of wintertime Ring SST, and that warm Rings should be more affected by the propagation mechanism than calculations The cold. ought configuration Lagrangian field of a set be to Ring up, proved indicated III Chapter of information the and useful how in SST about the dynamical final the the understanding of the effects of the atmospheric forcing. On the basis of the calculations, we with regards to oceanic observations. calculation which significantly through heat layer response suggested predictions In Chapter IV, we performed a that warm loss to the atmosphere. in cold Rings some We have suggested that both warm and cold Rings are spun down by the wind. simple can make Rings are weakened Conversely, mixed is confined to the near surface, so this energy loss mechanism is not in operation for them. We then can predict Page -222- that should warm Rings to owing Rings, cold than faster decay the With respect to the combination of mechanical and thermal energy loss. questions about how significant Ring effects are on their surroundings, we can make a few qualitative statements. of analysis corresponds Chapter to a q, and vorticity, potential anomalous pool of Ring Stream Gulf a of zone trapped the III, According to the Lagrangian for The methods by which this can particles to exit, their q must change. occur are limited to non-conservative processes, which unfortunately we are presently unable rates, q which parametrizations, biharmonic alteration Using crude to model in a satisfactory fashion. only is yield roughly particle exchange at the trapped zone boundary. limited a for allow to enough strong decay observed the If we investigate Rings which decay by wind forcing, the results are similar to those in the According to advection-diffusion experiments, biharmonic experiments. fluxes in and out of the Ring are largely controlled by the size of the In summary, tracer transport, from Ring core to diffusion coefficients. exterior, is apparently controlled by the non-conservative and diffusive process about which we know little. It is generally felt, however that these processes are weak, especially in comparison to the estimates of the potential effect of Ring advection fields (Flierl and Dewar, 1981), so that Rings have probably been overestimated in their importance to Slope Water-Sargasso exchange depend on confidence what their experiments of region of Chapter a warm Ring values are; Group, it is coefficients, the quantities (the Ring however, vertical the are consistent with a to difficult in velocities V, Because 1981). loss the in of say the with wind-forced the upwelling 10-20% of the Page -223- Thus, published estimates trapped zone volume over a period of a year. which assume total Ring loss of material might be off by a factor of non-negligible Also note that lesser a of While 5-10. material source faster the decay warm Rings of Rings as a region. Water-Sargasso Slope the for leaves still this magnitude, is consistent with a greater trapped zone-to-Slope Water flux, so perhaps Ring flux is more important to the Slope. With respect Ring to it fluid, exterior on effects has been For postulated that Rings warp existing gradients, thus enhancing flux. Rings travelling west, the advection-diffusion experiments indicate that the length of time during which individual particles interact with any Ring is short The enhanced. significant enough effects accumulated (Flierl however and several of are fluxes north-south that Ring passages East-west 1981). Dewar, only slightly can be fluxes, affected by the larger zonal displacements of particles by Rings have not really been tested here. that north-south excursions of passage, and thus Also, recall that we have demonstrated particles can be the presence of fronts, sizeable such as during Ring occur in the Slope Water, can enlarge meridional property flux. Suggestions- The formation of deep wintertime mixed layers most likely is a strong influence for warm core Rings, and in this thesis, we have not considered its dynamical implications. What we have learned is that the layers are formed by local air-sea exchange and anomalous deep buoyancy Page -224- careful a so centimeters), dynamic 20 of (loss wintertime during that a warm Ring will be strongly spun down We calculated structure. modeling of the effects of buoyancy forcing on Rings is important to the of estimates grid large, Therefore, will and with to as layer-quasi- mixed dimensions, horizontal two well as author's plan the it is costly be combined a perform calculation, interior geostrophic very to necessary computation beta, but commence on the above problem probably prove informative will is analyze. to difficult Such a model using a quasi-two dimensional (horizontal-vertical) model. neglects the response, layer mixed computed accurately to required dense the of Because Slope. the to Ring-induced flux of terms in Ring response. From temperature the XBT water Slope data, note we from which we inversions in the upper 50 meters, sizeable vertical salt gradient. in and out of the deep gets well-mixed cold Therefore, whatever is causing Rings shows frequently temperature-salt structure at the base currently known how infer a (0(100m)) levels and that the temperature never to these depths. core of Second, we note that heat is getting mixing is different in different parts of the column. from development the to model Hydrographic data compensating, similar, It is not of the mixed layer. these mixed layer salt the and temperature traces, or parameterize their effect on mixed layer density, but with respect to predicting sea surface temperature, it is important understand how the incoming heat is distributed with depth. to The data suggests that it is not a linear distribution, and that the presence of Page -225- salt is having some influence. are responsible clear. or can maintain Whether double diffusive instabilities the variations in turbulence is not Page -226- REFERENCES Adamec, E., Elsberry, R., Garwood, R., and Haney, R.; 1981, An Imbedded Mixed Layer-Ocean Circulation Model, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 6, 69-96. 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Document Number 81-89, 216pp. Page -230- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It has been my good fortune, during the past few years, to have labored on my thesis under the thoughtful tutelage of Dr. Glenn R. privilege, to and unique my pleasure, is it now And Flierl. as an students doctoral up-and-coming to him unequivocally recommend the possessing and aptitude, and probity, academic impeccable of advisor him count to honored I am thesis. a of vision essential to the steerage In addition, I have and his wife, Norma Kroll, amongst my friends. thorough committee, and stimulating most a of enjoyed the attentions Carl Wunsch, all and Richardson, Philip composed of Drs. Dale Haidvogel, of whom gave an early version of this manuscript a careful reading and Special thanks offered an abundance of muchly appreciated criticisms. go to Dr. Haidvogel, from whom I have learned computational methods, and to Dr. Terry Joyce for chairing my thesis defense. I would certainly be remiss were I not to mention the many valuable comments I have recieved from and discussions I have had with Drs. William Schmitz, Paola Rizzoli, and Mark Cane, and I gratefully acknowledge Drs. Harry Bryden, Ed Harrison, and Mel Briscoe for their sage advice at critical points during my graduate student tenure. This thesis has benefited from two summers' worth of my unofficial participation in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics summer school, at which times I met and worked with Drs. Rory Thompson and Don Olson. The Joint Program in Oceanography is endowed with as fine a Two fellow collection of people as I suspect I shall ever meet. students, Stephen Meacham and Rui X. Huang, have had more to do with the content of this thesis than I think either of them realize. I have also profited handsomely from discussions with and the friendship of Karen Beggs, M. Benno Blumenthal, Al Campbell, Affonso Mascarenhas, Randy I have been inspired by my companions and Patton, and Sophie Wacogne. contemporaries Drs. William R. Young, Lawrence Pratt, and Lynne Talley, and have been so lucky as to share the final throes of completion with Dr. Teresa Chereskin. Several of the figures in this thesis have been expertly drafted by of set cryptic a many deciphered patiently who Kole, Isabelle the of number A scrawl. illegible nearly my in instructions written sections in the final draft have been cast into shape by the efforts of Virginia I. Mills. The Joint Program is most ably administrated by A. Lawrence Pierson and Mary Athanis, and the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography by Jane McNabb and the aforementioned Miss Mills, all of whose efforts, I must say, have made my transit through MIT both pleasant and remarkably free of non-academic challenge. Dr. and Mrs. Finally I thank my wife, Melinda, and my parents, and endured supported, William D. Dewar, who have patiently listened to, month, and one years, five for William K. Dewar, the graduate student, its trying without not say, we shall been, 24 days, a job which has moments. The present research has been conducted under NOAA contract # The computational costs NA80AA-D-0057 and NSF contract # OCE-8240455. and ONR grant # Mollo-Christenson Erik have been generously borne by Dr. operation of an coherent and ONR-c N00014-79-C-0838, and the maintenance inveterately disagreeable computer must be credited to the able and dogged persistence of Ken Morey.