HLC Persistence and Completion Steering Team MINUTES

HLC Persistence and Completion Steering
Meeting date | time 4/24/2015 3:00 PM | Meeting location Sherman Hall 205
Meeting called by
Debbie Kepple-Mamros
Type of meeting
HLC Persistence and
Debbie Kepple-Mamros, Karolynn Heuer, Angela Lynn,
Brenda Parks, Angela Bonifas, Rhonda Kline
Debbie Kepple-Mamros
Note taker
Debbie Kepple-Mamros
Time allotted | 10 Minutes | Agenda topic Decision Trees|Presenter Debbie Kepple-Mamros
Discussion: Engineering Retention tree was presented. Discussion included questions about how data was pulled,
which sessions to include and what is meant by Persistence vs Retention. Decision Trees are good because data
visualization is necessary.
Conclusion: Angela B. will look at the report Jeff Eck wrote to verify. Sessions will include Fall and Spring only.
The steering team needs to know, understand and use consistent definitions, and we need to come to a consensus
on what data to look at.
Action items
Person responsible
Verify Pentaho Report on Engineering Students
Angela Boniface
5/1/2015 12:00 AM
Place on Agenda for next meeting: create list standard definitions
and who makes decisions on what data to look at
Debbie KeppleMamros
5/22/2015 12:00 AM
Time allotted| 10 minutes| Agenda topic Macomb Team Updates|Presenter Karolynn Heuer
Discussion Karolynn is new to the Macomb group but was able to give some updates. The group has had some
meeting time issues. Originally there were 4 subgroups within this group, but those are now gone. They have
decided to use the same list of retention indicators as the Quad Cities group.
Conclusion: Will make a decision at their next meeting on which ones to concentrate on.
Action items
Will make a decision at their next meeting on which ones to
concentrate on.
Person responsible
Nancy Parsons
5/22/2015 5:00 PM
Time allotted | 10 Minutes | Agenda topic Quad Cities Updates | Presenter Audrey
Adamson (notes sent to steering team)
Discussion: The group needs a report from all individual team members to determine goals accomplished and
being worked on. Group reflected on accomplishments related to the move, student behavior and areas of concern.
Conclusion: The group understands that there is a need to focus on more specific goals and items that can be
Action items
Person responsible
Feedback is being collected by email on retention indicators
Audrey Adamson
4/28/2015 5:00 PM
Finalize decision on retention indicators
Audrey Adamson
4/28/2015 5:00 PM
Time allotted | 10 minutes | Agenda topic Online Team | Presenter Rhonda Kline
Discussion The Online Team is concentrating on a survey of students taking online courses.
Conclusion: The Steering team needs more information and an implementation date for the survey
Action items
Person responsible
Contact Roger Runquist to get an update
Debbie KeppleMamros
4/27/2015 5:00 PM
Roger Runquist will provide an update
Roger Runquist
5/1/2015 5:00 PM
Time allotted | 10 Minutes | Agenda topic Data Team | Presenter Brenda Parks
Discussion Work is still progressing on putting the last data elements into the analysis cube, specifically the
enrollment campus over a student’s career. Once completed it will move to the test environment so that the Data
Team can work with the analysis cube. Additionally, 4 AIMS staff members, including Stacie Hunt, attended the
Higher Education Data Warehouse conference. Stacie got some ideas of what other schools are doing for their
retention cubes.
Conclusion: There needs to be a data governance team. This would greatly help with the Persistence and
Completion efforts.
Action items
Move analysis cube to test environment
Person responsible
Josh / Stacie Hunt
5/18/2015 5:00 PM
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