FISH COMMISSION OF OREGON Fin& Report THE DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF TECHNIQUES FOR STUDYING THE BEHAVIOR OF JUVENILE SALMONIDS IN RESERVOIRS Lawrence Korn and Robert T. G nsoius This work was contracted with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and financed by funds provided under the Salton stall-Kennedy Act. CLACK MAS, OREGON JANUARY 1962 Fish Commission of Oregon Final Report THE DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF TECHNIQUES FOR STUDYING THE BEHAVIOR OF JUVENILE SALMONIDS IN RESERVOIRS Lawrence Korn and Robert T. Gunsolus This work was contracted with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and financed by funds provided under the SaltonstallKennedy Act. Clackamas, Oregon January 1962 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Equipment and Techniques Equipment for Direct Observation 2 2 SCUBA 2 Television and Photography 3 Infrared Viewer 4 Equipment for Indirect Observation Sonar Equipment for Fish Capture 4 14 5 Gill Net 5 Electric Shock Devices 6 Tow Nets 7 Floating Trap 7 Fake Nets 8 Fishing With Lights 8 Environmental Factors Influencing the Behavior of Juvenile Salmonids 8 Temperature 8 Light Intensity 9 Water Current 10 Turbidity 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREAS 11 SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT 15 General Operating Equipment 15 Equipment for Direct Observation 15 Equipment for Indirect Observation 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Page No. Equipment for Fish Capture 19 Hydrographic Equipment 20 20 RESULTS 20 Equipment for Direct Observation SCUBA 20 Television Demonstration 40 Equipment for Indirect Observation ******* 40 Sonar Equipment for Fish Capture Gill Nets . Reservoir Limnology . 43 71 RECOMMENDATIONS 72 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 75 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . 79 LIST OF TABLES Page No. Table No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Numbers of Downstream-Migrant Juvenile Salmonids Emigrating Past Pelton Dam, 1960-61 22 Numbers of Downstream - Migrant Juvenile Salmonids Emigrating Past North Fork Dam, 1960-61 23 Night Counts of Fish in Selected Areas of Pelton Reservoir by Snorkel-Equipped Divers, April 18, 1961. 25 Night Counts of Fish in Selected Areas of North Fork Reservoir by Snorkel-Equipped Divers, April 26, 1961. 26 SCUBA Bottom-Transect Counts of Fish Observed, at 4-Hour Intervals Throughout a 24-Hour Period, Pelton . . Reservoir, May 2-3, 1961. 28 Numbers of Fish Caught in Pelton Reservoir with Gill Nets, by Species, Net Material, and Mesh Size, 1960-61 53 Numbers of Fish Caught in North Fork Reservoir with Gill Nets by Species, Net Material, and Mesh Size, 1960-61 54 Gill-Net Catches at 3Hour Intervals Throughout a 24-Hour Period, North Fork Reservoir, March 21 and 22, 1961 71 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Page No. 1 Location of North Fork and Pelton Dams 13 2 Sonar Apparatus and Mounting AsseMbly 17 3 Mercury Vapor Light and Ballast Lamp Used in Attracting Fish at Night 31 SCUBA Hand Nets Showing Improvements from Left to Right 35 4 5 6 SCUBA Diver with Hand Net Used to Capture Juvenile Salmonids 37 Sonar Operation Using a Gill Net as the Target, North Fork Reservoir 41 7 Schematic Diagram of Gill-Net Suspension Apparatus. 45 8 Portable Gill-Net Suspension Apparatus Used in Fluctuating Reservoirs as Seen from Beneath the Water Surface 49 Monthly Catch Per Net-Day of Chinook and Silver Salmon and Rainbow-Steelhead Trout, North Fork Reservoir, 1960-61 57 Size Composition of Chinook Salmon Caught in 1 1/8inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir 61 Size Composition of Silver Salmon Caught in 7/8- and 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir 63 Size Composition of Rainbow-Steelhead Trout Caught in 1 3/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir 65 Mean Length by Time Period of Silver Salmon Caught in 7/8- and 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir 69 Mean Length by Time Period of Chinook Salmon Caught in 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir 69 Photometer with Watertight Plastic Case 73 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ABSTRACT No pages are missing. Blank pages have been removed. The Oregon Fish Commission received a contract from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, under the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act for a study to develop methods for determining the behavior of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs. The study, consisting of a literature survey and field program, was conducted in Felton and North Fork Reservoirs on the Deschutes and Clackamas Rivers, Oregon, between September 30, 1959 and January 31, 1962. Pelton Reservoir contains chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), blueback salmon (0. nerka), and summer-run steelhead trout (Salmo airdneri); North Fork Reservoir contains chinook salmon, silver salmon (0. kisutch 1 and winter-run Equipment tested included SCUBA (self-contained underwater steelhead trout. breathing apparatus) for direct observation, gill nets for capture, and sonar for indirect observation of fish. SCUBA was tested through a temperature range of 140 to 71° F. and was useful at Secchi disc readings of 5 feet or greater for both observing salmonids at night and assisting in the operation of other underwater equipment. Divers observed chinook salmon at Pelton Reservoir and chinook and silver salmon at North Fork Reservoir in the fry, intermediate, and smolt stages. Blueback salmon were not observed even though substantial numbers of hatchery fish were present in Pelton Reservoir. At night the fish were generally located inshore and close to the bottom, and were easily approached and captured by divers equipped with lights and specially constructed hand nets. Fish were seldom seen in reservoirs during the day. The results of an underwater television demonstration were unsatisfactory. Fish caught in gill nets were not detected by sonar unless they were closely grouped or over one foot in length, and moving objects of any size were difficult to track. Malfunctioning equipment precluded a satisfactory test program. The nylon gill nets were 75 feet long and composed of five equal panels 30 feet long and 15 feet deep hung on a one-half basis. Each panel was of a different mesh size: 5/8-, 7/8-, 1 1/8-, 1 3/8-, and 1 5/8-inch stretch measure. A gill-netting technique utilizing a portable suspension apparatus was developed for fluctuating reservoirs which allowed nets to fish at a predetermined distance below the water surface. The nets caught fish in all water conditions encountered except during a Ulothrix bloom. Significant gill-net catches were made at North Fork Reservoir, but similarly designated mesh sizes of monofilament and multifilament nylon caught fish of different size compositions. Few salmonids were caught at Pelton, possibly due to crayfish predation. At North Fork, chinook salmon were caught most successfully by 1 1/8-inch mesh, silver salmon by 7/8-inch mesh, and steelhead trout by 1 3/8-inch mesh. The size composition of silver salmon caught in the 7/8- and 1 1/8-inch mesh of both materials increased with time. Salmonids appeared to be most vulnerable to gill nets at dusk and dawn. Observations indicated physical and behavioral changes between seasons for chinook and silver salmon in North Fork Reservoir. Similar changes were not apparent for chinook salmon in Pelton Reservoir. Steelhead migrants were observed at North Fork Reservoir only in the spring. It appeared that the predator population was large at Pelton and small at North Fork. THE DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF TECHNIQUES FOR STUDYING THE BEHAVIOR OF JUVENILE SALMONIDS IN RESERVOIRS INTRODUCTION Flood control, hydroelectric power, and other wateruse benefits are derived by impounding water. Migratory fish inhabiting these waters must be provided with adequate passage facilities to insure the completion of their life cycle. Many obstacles to successful passage are apparent, especially in the downstream migration of juvenile salmonids. Artificial outlets for collecting these fish as they emigrate from reservoirs have met with varying degrees of success. One of the most important factors involved in successful downstream passage from the standpoint of design, location, and operation of a collection system is the behavior of juvenile salmonids in a reservoir. The first requisite of a behavior study is to obtain appropriate equipment and develop techniques for its application. The Oregon Fish Commission and the United States Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries entered into a twoyear contract on September 30, 1959, whereby the state agency would develop techniques for studying the behavior of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs. Funds in the amount of $40,000 were made available to the Fish Commission under the SaltonstallKennedy Act. Subsequently, at no additional cost, the expiration date was extended to January 311, 1962. The program consisted of two phases: a literature survey dealing with equipment for observing and capturing fish and with salmonid behavior; and a field period for selecting, developing, and testing equipment and techniques. The reservoirs formed by Portland General Electric Company's Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River and North Fork Dam on the Clackamas River in Oregon were selected as the study areas. Both projects possess upstream and downstream migrant fish passage facilities. The use of two work areas provided different limnological conditions and a variety of wild and hatchery fish for experi 2. mentation. The species of anadromous fish included chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), silver (0. kisutch), and blueback (0. nerka) salmon and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). LITERATURE REVIEW The initial phase of the project was a survey of available literature dealing with the behavior of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs. This survey provided important background information necessary to the procurement of equipment and to the organization of the study. general topics: Emphasis was placed on two (1) types of equipment for making direct or indirect observa tions on fish; and (2) behavior of salmonids with respect to lake or reservoir hydrography. The more pertinent publications are included in the bibliography; only those of immediate interest are cited. Equipment and Techniques This section of the literature review was directed towards equipment and techniques used to observe or capture fish. Many publications describing studies on fish other than salmonids were included since equipment and methods used in these studies might have application in salmonid behavior work. publications examined were grouped into three categories: The (1) equipment for direct observationsSCUBA, television, photography, and infrared viewer; (2) equipment for indirect observation--sonar; and (3) equipment for fish capture gill nets, electric shock devices, trawls or tow nets, trap nets, and fyke nets. Equipment for Direct Observation SCUBA. Since World War II SCUBA (selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus) has been widely used by sport and commercial divers and recently has spread to fisheries research. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography made diversified use of the aqualung in studies on the ecology of kelp beds, fish populations, observations on underwater gear, and geological mapping 3. (Bascom, 1953). Limbaugh (1957) studied the effect of waste disposal on marine biota in California. In Alaska2 divers observed the feeding and reproduction activities of king crabs (Paralithodes camtschatica) held in large undersea pens (Anon., 1960). Spawning sockeye (blueback) salmon were observed in Central Lake, Vancouver Island, at depths of 40 to 70 feet (Boyd, 1959). Hassler and Villemonte (1953) found diurnal variation in the schooling habits of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. Thomson (1957) observed and identified several species of fish present in Michigan lakes which were undetected by gill nets, seines. rotenone, and angling. The use of SCUBA to gather quantitative data shows promise. Brock (1954) estimated the total weight of certain species of reef fish counted An along 500-yard bottom transect lines in the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii. estimate of the fish population in a Maryland lake was based on dead fish counted along survey lines after rotenoning (Walker, 1955). Thomson (1957) obtained some favorable results by comparing SCUBA counts with gill-net catches of warm water fish. Aleem (1956), Bardach (1959), and Boyd (1959) also reported quantitative data on fish populations and other aquatic animals. Thus far, diving has been limited generally to depths of 200 feet or less due to the danger of nitrogen narcosis and the bends. Special tech- niques recently enabled divers to reach a depth of 700 feet (MacLeish, 1961). Long (1960) reported a new invention called the diving saucer which was designed by Cousteau and can reach a depth of 1,000 feet. Television and Photography. Louis Boutan invented the first successful underwater photographic apparatus (Reighard, 1907). The subsequent develop- ment of remote-controlled underwater photography enabled scientists to take photographs of the ocean bottom to depths of 18,000 feet (Cross, 1954). The advent of closed- circuit television after World War II increased the opportuni- 4. ties for underwater observation. Taylor (1953) in a comparison of three methods of direct observation indicates that television has greater versatility than remote-control photography but, in some respects, less versatility than a diver, who can use photography for permanent records. Cross (1954) describes four types of photosensitive tubes used commonly in television cameras: image Orthicon, Iconoscope, image Iconoscope, The image Orthicon camera showed better light-gathering and Vidicon. qualities than the Vidicon in a demonstration of the two at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (Wilson, date unknown). Currier, Schultz, and Salmon (1953) used an image Orthicon camera to observe sticks, stumps, rocks, and lake trout eggs to depths of 100 feet in a Canadian lake. observations. Turbid Water hindered In a laboratory prototype study involving the use of television in a large concrete tank, an 18-inch cod was identified at 16 feet in 73 per cent turbidity, and the twitching of crab antennules was visible at 6 feet in 63 per cent turbidity (Barnes, 1952). Turbidity was measured "as percentage transmission of the value in air." Bureau of Commercial Fisheries personnel working in the clear coastal waters of Florida observed the operation of fishing gear and the associated behavior of fish (Sand, 1956). Infrared Viewer. The principles involved in the use of infrared light for night fighting during World War II have been adapted for the study of fish behavior. In a laboratory study Duncan (1956) found that juvenile silver salmon were neither attracted nor repelled by infrared radiation. Northcote (1959) reports that infrared equipment was used to observe the after-dark stream movements of rainbow trout fry, and a lake to stream spawning run of kokanee (0. nerka). Equipment for Indirect Observation Sonar. The United States Navy (1961) describes two types of sonar: passive and active. The passive type gathers sounds from the water. The active type initiates sounds which strike objects in their path and are reflected or echoed back to the source. The echoes are presented as either light flashes on a screen (cathode ray tube) or a tracing on sensitized paper (graphic recorders). Echo sounding also employs the principle of initiating sound; however, its sound beam is aimed vertically downward while that of active sonar ranges over a quarter of a sphere. A Norwegian ichthyologist, Oscar Sund, used an echo sounder in 1935 to locate fish (Bide, 1959). More recently, other Norwegian investigators used echo sounding and sonar to detect schools of herring (Clupea sp.) and cod (Gadus sp.) and individual cod. Tester (1943) used an echo sounder to locate schools of herring in British Columbia waters; Smith and Ahlstrom (1948) did the same with schools of sardines (Sardinops caerulea) off California. In freshwater, Hasler and Villemonte (1953) observed diurnal variations in the schooling of yellow perch, and verified their results with SCUBA divers. Trefethen (1955) identified schools of juvenile salmon at Baker Dam, Washington, with sonar, and verified his results by capturing the fish in seines. Adult chinook salmon were observed with sonar in the navigation channel below Bonne ville Dam on the Columbia River ( Trefethen, 1955). Recent efforts indicate sonar may have a quantitative application. Japanese experimenters located the deep scattering layer (plankton concentra tions), set experimental gill nets in this layer, and obtained larger catches of salmon than the average commercial set (Anon., 1959), In an experiment in the Barents Sea echoes from fish received on a cathode ray tube were counted and a relationship was established between signal strength and the catch in baskets of cod (Richardson, et al., 1959). Equipment for Fish Capture Gill Nets. Natural fibers have been used for net making for thousands of years (von Brandt, 1957). The advent of synthetics during this century 6. however, has revolutionized net construction. Synthetic fibers generally have the advantages of resistance to attack by microorganisms, resistance to internal wetting, and, particularly in the case of nylon, greater strength than natural fibers. Some comparisons have been made between nets made of nylon and natural fibers. Lawler (1950) found that nylon gill nets were three times more effidient than linen gill nets in the Lake Erb) whitefish fishery. Hewson (1951) found that nylon caught more fish than cotton when used in 3-inch gill nets in the Lake Winnipeg winter commercial fishery. Two types of nylon nets are in use: multifilament and monofilament. In British Columbia, panels of monofilament nylon netting were inserted into conventional multifilament nylon commercial gill nets (Carrothers, 1959). The monofilament panels made larger catches during the day in "green" water, but no difference in the catches were observed during the night or in the river. Gill nets have proved useful in studies of fish behavior. Cady, Dendy, and Haslbauer (1943) and Dendy (1946) obtained information on the distribution of warm -water fish in a reservoir in Tennessee. In another reservoir study, Rees (1955) determined the vertical and horizontal distribution of downstream migrating juvenile salmOnids; each of the four mesh sizes used were selective to fish of a particular size. Size selectivity by mesh was also demonstrated in a brook trout study (Anon., 1958). Electric Shock Devices. Alternating and direct current are commonly used for fish shocking equipment. Alternating current stuns or paralyzes fish entering the electric field (Haskell, 1954), while direct current causes an involuntary migration to the positive electrode (Haskell, McDougall and Geduldig, 1954). A comparison of direct and alternating current fish shockers of equal rating showed alternating current to be more efficient in the capture of trout in a blocked off stream section (Webster, et al., 1955). 7. In the past decade various investigators have adapted electro-fishing methods for use in lakes and impoundments. Haskell, Geduldig, and Snoek (1955) describe an alternating current electric trawl used to collect fish in a relatively shallow lake. It was found that the electrode size needed for direct current was too large to be practical. Larimore, et al. (1950) used an alternating current shocker on the bow of a rowboat to capture fish in areas of lakes where seining and wading were not possible. Loeb (1955 and 1957) describes an electric scow used to take game and scrap fish primarily at night. Field trials indicated a boat-mounted electric seine using interrupted direct current may have a quantitative use (Smith, Franklin, and Kramer, 1959). All of the boat-mounted electric shock devices depended on dip netting of shocked fish for capture. Any reduction in visibility due to turbid water or wave action made collection difficult. Tow Nets. During the past decade fisheries workers have developed tow nets for the quantitative sampling of relatively large populations of juvenile anadromous fish. Calhoun (1953) describes a 15-foot-long tow net mounted on skis used to sample striped bass (Roccus saxatilis) fry in the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta. A tow net 9 feet long and pulled by two boats was developed by Johnson (1956 and 1958) for sampling juvenile sockeye salmon to determine their distribution and density in Canadian lakes. the water surface. Towing was effective only at dusk and near The Fisheries Research Institute (University of Washington) developed a tow net similar to Johnson's to sample juvenile sockeye salmon in .Alaskan lakes (Anon., 1959 and 1961). The California Department of Fish and Game is currently testing a midwater trawl for use in a study to enumerate migrating juvenile salmonids (Anon., 1961). Floating Trap. important. The live capture of juvenile salmonids without injury is Thompson (1955) found that floating traps fished along a lake shore would capture all age groups of juvenile sockeye salmon. 8. Fyke Nets. Fyke nets generally require current to fish properly. Craddock (1959) describes a fyke net used to capture and hold juvenile salmonids migrating downstream in velocities ranging from 3 to 5 c.f.s. Koo (1959) sampled sockeye salmon smolts in a fyke net located at the outlet of an Alaskan lake. Burner (1949) obtained data on the vertical distribution of juvenile salmonids in the Bonneville Dam forebay by fishing Tyke nets at various depths a short distance upstream from the turbine intakes. Fishing With Lights. In the early history of fishing, light in the form of fire was used as a fish attractant (Anon., 1959). During the present century, electric lights have shown significant potential as a fishing aid. Israeli fisher- men, using techniques learned from the Italians and Yugoslays, mount powerful lamps on small searcher boats (Cohen, 1957). fish with nets. Other boats capture the light-attracted In Japan special mercury lamps using either alternating or direct current were successfully used in the sardine, mackerel, salmon, and squid fisheries (Anon., 1959). Environmental Factors Influencing the Behavior of Juvenile Salmonids Physical, chemical, and biological properties of reservoirs such as temperature, light intensity, water current, turbidity, wind action, barometric pressure, habitat geography, plankton concentration, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration, pH, and alkalinity may affect the habits of young salmonids. Publications dealing with several of these subjects are included in the bibli. ography. Only temperature, light intensity, water current, and turbidity were chosen for study. Temperature Researchers have shown that temperature affects the biology and movements of young salmon, particularly in initiating the downstream migration. A study on downstream migrant salmonids in the Snake River determined that the chinook fingerling migration was triggered in March by a rise in water temperature from 9. 45 to 500 F.; juvenile steelhead migrated when the water reached 50° F. (Anon., 1954). In a study on Atlantic salmon (4. salar), White and Huntsman (1938) found that a rise in water te erature during the first part of the run, coincident with the advance of the season, was correlated with the down stream migration. In contrast, Hoar (1958) states that the mass exodus of young salmon from streams may occur while the water temperatures are relatively low and the day to day variations small; howesTer, a sharp rise in temperature Clemen may have an important effect on tho e fish remaining in the streams. (1958) found that sockeye smolts left lake 4.5 (40° F.) to 100 co (50° F.). when the temperature raised from When the temperature exceeded 100 C. the smolts remained in colder, deeper water and failed to ome under the influence of an outflowing current. Temperature may also determine the habitability of a body of water for salmon. Brett (1952) determined the maxi um and minimum lethal limits of temperature for fry of the five species of Pacific :salmon. Light Intensity The effect of light on saimonid behavior appears to vary by species and stage of development. In an early experiment wi coho (silver) salmon, Hoar (1951) found that fry have a higher threshold than smolts to ph tic both day and night. Hoar (1958) summarized juvenile ti ulation almonid reactions with respect to light stating that they vary by pecies and stage of development. The effect of light on the schooling or aggregation of salmonids is pointed out in a laboratory tudy by Field and Finger (1954) who state that the necessity for a visual stimulus to hold fish together is indicated by their immediate dispersion in the dark. The importance of light with respect t. the migrational habits of Pacific salmon has been ubjected to considerable study. McDonald (1960) found that sockeye, pink (0. gorbuscha), coho and chum (00 keta) fry 10. migrating downstream traveled at night and ceased moving at the approach of day. Hoar (1953) states that the phenomena of mass exodus of sockeye salmon from a lake will occur when fish accumulate in large numberi prior to periods of critically low light intensities. Gauley, Anas, and Schlottex'beck (1958) determined that the migration of fingerling salmonids at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River is predominantly nocturnal, although in occasional years it maybe diurnal. Water Current The reaction of salmonids to water current may vary by species. Hoar (1951) determined that coho, pink, and chum fry display positive rheotaxis; but coho are less tolerant of high velocities. Kerr (1953) found that chinook finger- lings have an unerring sense for finding low velocity areas of a channel. McDonald (1960) captured the largest numbers of sockeye and pink fry in the center area of a test flow where the velocity was greatest. Certain aspects of salmonid downstream migration appear to be related to current. Brett (1953) determined that the sockeye response of rising to or near the surface of a lake and into the more accelerated waters was invariably associated with the downstream migration. Hoar (1953) states that juvenile salmon are transported seaward by the current and without relation to the bottom. Hoar (1958) further states that when fish lose contact with their environment and are suddenly displaced they may school with apparent disregard for the current, or swim rapidly with it. McKinnon and Brett (1955) found that the rate of migration of chum and pink fry through a small impounded water basin was in excess of the current velocity. The downstream migration of salmonids with respect to the flow stage also appears to differ by species. In the Snake River chinook fingerlings reached their peak of downstream migration one month prior to maximum water flow, while steel- head migrants reached their peak at the maximum flow (Anon., 1950. 11. Turbidity Water turbidity appears to have an indirect effect on the movement of juvenile salmonids. Gauley, Anas, and Schlotterbeck (1958) state that due to its influence on light penetration, turbidity is probably closely associated mith9 or affects, day-night movement. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREAS Pelton Dam is located on the Deschutes River, about 95 miles above its confluence with the Columbia River, in arid surroundings near Madras, Oregon (Figure 1). The dam has an hydraulic head of about 150 feet, and at normal pool (19580 feet above mean sea level) the reservoir has a surface area of 611 acres and a total storage capacity of 37,300 acre feet. The reservoir is 8 miles long and the Deschutes and Metolius Rivers enter at the upstream end. 7 feet Pool fluctuation averages 5 feet daily with a maximum of The three 16-foot-diameter penstocks are submerged 142 feet and lead to Francis-type turbines. The plant is operated on a peaking schedule and the units are usually shut down at night between approximately 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of four exits: Downstream migrants may leave the reservoir by one (1) the artificial outlet or skimmer provided for the purpose of passing migrants downstream, (2) the exit from the fish ladder which opens into the reservoir near the skimmer, (3) the turbines, or (4) the spillway. Spill is anticipated once in 20 years. Spring chinook and blueback salmon and summer-run steelhead trout are present. Hatchery releases of approxi- mately 45,000 chinook, 40,000 blueback, and 20,000 steelh ad were mad in the Metolius River 25 miles above the reservoir as part of the Pelton fish facility evaluation project. North Fork Dam is located on the Clackamas River in a wet, forested region near Estacada, Oregon (Figure 1). It is 29 miles upstream from the Willamette River, a major tributary of the Columbia River. The dam has an LL w ASTORIA Figure 1. -.. has 0 10 20 Scale of Miles 0 C> 0 0 Metolius River DAM PELTON Location of North Fork and Pelton Dams. PORTLAND RIVER WASHINGTON Zef MADRAS 4Z, 0 z 15. hydraulic head of about 150 feet, and at normal pool (665 feet above mean sea level) the reservoir has a surface area of 350 acres and a total storage capacity of 7,500 acre feet.,. The reservoir is 4 miles long and is entered at the upstream end by the main stem of the Clackamas Rivers the North Fork tributary enters at about mid-reservoir« Pool fluctuation averages 4 feet daily with a maximum of 19 feet anticipated. The two 14-foot-diameter penstocks are sub= merged 140 feet and lead to Francis-type turbines. a peaking schedule similar to that at Pelton. the reservoir by one of three exits The plant is operated on Downstream migrants may leave (1) the artificial outlet which is coincident with the ladder exit, (2) the penstocks, or (3) the spillway. is estimated that spill will occur 7.4 per cent of the year. It Spring chinook and silver salmon and winter-run steelhead trout are present. SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT Equipment was selected and procured after evaluation of the literature survey results and consultation with personnel from various fishery agencies in the Pacific Northwest. It was decided to test at least one type of gear from each of the three general categories reviewed (1) equipment for direct observations (2) equipment for indirect observation, and (3) equipment for fish capture. Each item was selected for its applicability, simplicity, avail- ability, and cost. General Operating Equipment A 15-foot fiberglass boat, 18-horsepower outboard motor, and a boat trailer were purchased3 and a station wagon was rented for the study period. Equipment for Direct Observation Direct visual observations on fish in reservoirs may be restricted by factors such as water turbidity, available light, field of view, reactions of fish to the observer or observing mechanism, and others. own peculiarities. Each method has its SCUBA diving involves some personal risk, and has limita- 16. tions on depth and time in the water. Television and photography have a limited field of view, a particular drawback for observing a moving subject, and also have little depth perception, little contrast, and generally less light sensi tivity than the human eye. SCUBA diving was selected as the primary method for making direct visual observations due to the maneuverability and visual versatility of an individual. The SCUBA equipment obtained was recommended by an experienced commercial diver. Each person was equipped with a standard wet suit with a vest for added warmth, mask, fins, snorkle, 96 c.c. air tank with an sj valve providing a reserve air supply, regulator, 15 pound weight belt, depth gauge, SCUBA tote boots for holding the fins securely to the feet, and an underwater flashlight. Cameras for use underwater were borrowed or rented, and a glass viewer was constructed for making shallow water observations under optimum conditions. A commercial diving concern provided an underwater television demonstration. Equipment for Indirect Observation The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries loaned the project a Minneapolis Honeywell "Sea Scanar", model 24 Dl, similar to equipment used at Baker Dam for making observations on schools of juvenile salmon. Although the Sea Scanar was not compared with any of the numerous other types of sonic equipment avail able, it was known to be highly sensitive. The Sea Scanar is composed of three basic units; (1) the indicator panel unit containing the cathode ray tube with calibrated screen and all the operating controls; (2) the transmitterreceiver power unit; and (3) the hull unit containing the transducer which transmits and receives sound. 600watt generator served as the power source. The sonar mount consisted of a plank frame extending across the gunwales, immediately behind the deck (Figure 2). A 17. Figure 2. Sonar Apparatus and Mounting Assembly. 19. Equipment for Fish Capture The fish capture device was selected for its ability to fish equally well at several depths and through various types of water conditions. The literature review indicated that small-mesh gill nets were used more extensively and with greater success than any other type of fish-capture gear. Other fish-capture gear such as electric shock devices, tow nets, and traps are more bulky, more expensive, and less consistent in their catches than gill nets. It was decided to use both multifilament and monofilament nylon gill nets and compare them as fish-capture devices. The dimensions of the gill nets were arbitrarily set at 75 feet long and 15 feet deep hung on a 1/2 basis, i.e., 150 feet of netting was used to make a 75-foot-long net. Six multifilament nylon nets (thread size 210 d/2 ply) and six monofilament nylon nets (thread size 0.234 mm.) were obtained. In addition, two nets alternate panels of multifilament and monofilament nylon were procured to compare these materials side by side. The single material nets were composed of five, 30-foot-long panels of the following mesh sizes: mea ure. 5/8-9 7/8-9 1 1/8-, 1 3/8= and 1 5/8-inch stretch The nets alternating the two materials contained three mesh sizes: 7/8-, 1 1/8-, and 1 3/8-inch stretch measure. The mesh sizes were chosen after comparing catch data from a gill-net, experiment at Baker Dam, Washington, (Rees, 1955) with the size composition of salmonids caught at the Pelton Dam skimmer. After many procurement difficulties, the entire order was placed with a firm in Japan. A single multifilament nylon gill net of the desired dimensions was purchased from a local firm to facilitate the solution of some of the anticipated problems associated with fishing these nets in reservoirs. This net had only one mesh size (1 1/8-inch stretch measure, 110 d/2 ply) since initial concern dealt more with the fishing technique than with the 20. size of fish caught. All of the nets used in the study were hung by experienced commercial fishermen. Hydro graphic Equipment Since the development of equipment for studying the habits of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs was the primary objective of the project, it was deemed inadvisable to complicate the program with an involved hydrographic study. It was decided to study temperature, light, and turbidity so a bathythermograph2 photometer, and turbidimeter were obtained. Appropriate instruments could not be obtained for studying current patterns. RESULTS After completing the literature survey in May the project personnel examined the two reservoirs selected for study and became familiar with the operation of the sonar. Possessing no previous diving experience, they received instruction in the use of SCUBA from a commercial diver. Field operations were placed on a regular schedule in September with the acquisi tion of gill net and SCUBA equipment. Equipment for Direct Observation SCUBA The lack of published material on the use of SCUBA in juvenile salmonid studies made it difficult to formulate a definite pattern of investigation. Initial efforts were limited to simple observations. Between August 1960 and May 1961 both reservoirs were explored during numerous daylight dives. The few fish seen (less than one-dozen each dive) moved off rapidly on sight. At times fish were seen from the surface but could not be detected by SCUBA observers. Observations ranged from the surface to a depth of 100 feet, but the fish were usually found in the top 15 feet. Schools of two or three dozen fingerling silver and possibly chinook salmon, several rainbow trout, and a school of almost two dozen juvenile steelhead were observed in a stream-type pool at the 21. junction of the Clackamas River and North Fork Reservoir. The steelhead were seen in the spring and were identified by their uniform length (6-8 inches) and bright silver coloration. Rainbow trout and whitefish (Pro or:dim eilliamsoni) were also observed in a small tributary to the Metolius River. In general these fish were not frightened by divers. Di ers made night observations at Pelton Reservoir from November 1960 through May 1961. The divers usually observed several dozen salmonidSn including chinook fingerlings and rainbow trout to 10 inches and dozens of scrap fish in any given night in an area located 1/4 mile upstream from the dam. Most fish appeared to be in a torpid condition and permitted the divers to approach within one or two feet. The strong flashlights used for night diving appeared to blind and confuse fish and in some in tances seemed to attract them. Larger juvenile salmon9 possibly two-year-olds9 and trout over 10 inches long were wary and quickly moved out of sight. Salmonids were oriented closely to the bottom and were found from the shoreline to a depth of 10 feet. Scrap fish were similarly distributed but some were fund try a depth of 50 feet. Fewer salmonids (less than one dozen per night) were seen in Feb- ruary than in other months even though the counts at the Pelton downstream collection system were rising at that time (Table 1). e numbers of chinook fingerlings observed on night dives in the lower reservoir area declined in May after the peak outmigrant counts. Over ne- hundred chinook salmon fry were observed in the upper and mid- dle areas of Pelton Reservoir in a mid,-April night di Salmon fry were not seen in the lower reservoir survey area at any time. Juvenile steelhead migrants were not positively identified at Pelton due to the presence of large numb rs of resident rainbow trout of various sizes. No obvious external physical differ= ences could be recognized among the numerous rainbow and steelhead bserved. Juvenile blueback salmon were not seen by the divers although approximately 402000 hatchery fish were released into the Metolius River in March 1961. 22. Table 1. Month Numbers of Downstream-Migrant Juvenile Salmonids Emigrating Past Felton Dam, 1960-61. 1/ Chinook Salmon Hatchery Wild Blueback Salmon Hatchery Rainbow-Steelhead Trout Wild Hatchery 1960 Sept. oct. Nov. Dec. 7 0 0 0 0 749 1,494 646 2 1 3 0 3 2 17 7 0 2 0 0 212 1,525 1,189 9,864 5,394 933 0 0 0 1 0 3,292 4,140 1,788 1,100 0 151 279 378 194 19 98 840 1,990 2,054 0 0 373 470 697 22,013 10,332 1,005 5,024 1,540 1261 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Total 1/ Data provided by Portland General Electric Company. 2/ Hatchery releases made in March and April 1961. Floods and turbid water prevented night diving at North Fork Reservoir until Januaiy 1961. From one to several hundred fingerling silver salmon and a few dozen fingerling rainbow trout and scrap fish were observed on each of several dives through April 1961. These fish also appeared to be in a torpid condition and were easily approached by the divers. The incidence of finger- ling silvers observed in the reservoir fell sharply in May even though several dozen were caught in gill nets and subsequent outmigrant counts numbered in the thousands (Table 2). night. They no longer were found inshore on the bottom at Fingerling silvers were observed milling off the bottom on one occasion when attracted with an artificial light. They were also observed in a pool of the Clackamas River immediately above the reservoir both day and night during the same period. Both day and night observations in this river pool showed that the fish were in midwater and moving about in loose aggregations. 23. Table 2. Month Numbers of Downstream-Migrant Juvenile Salmonids Emigrating Past North Fork Dam, 1960-61. 1/ Chinook Salmon Silver Salmon RainbowSteelhead Trout 1960 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 0 250 3,277 936 0 673 0 0 0 0 2,868 1,257 1961 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Total 1/ 654 47 131 525 57 0 0 0 3,427 13,177 1,090 2 49 118 18,716 19,649 74 18,768 43,986 17,694 876 10,809 1,786 0 Data provided by the Portland General Electric Company. Less than one dozen fingerling chinook salmon were seen on any of the night dives in January and none were seen in subsequent months even though their presence is indicated by counts at the North Fork Dam skimmer. Those observed were extremely wary and their parr marks were obscured by guanine as early as January. In contrast chinook at Pelton were easily approached and retained their parr marks through the end of diving in May. Several dozen silver and chinook salmon fry were observed in the upper areas of North Fork Reservoir from April through June when field operationd ended. Approximately two dozen juvenile steelhead were observed in the reservoir in May during night diving. 24. In April surface night reconnaissance counts, using snorkels but not air tanks, were made at various points throughout both reservoirs in order to com= pare the concentrations of fish by location within a reservoir for a given night (Tables 3 and 4). Just prior to dark three divers traveled by boat to the upper end of a reservoir* Two men entered the water at different locations and swam downstream along the shoreline for 15 minutes, counting fish seen by species, if possible. The third man remained in the boat and maintained sight contact with the divers lights* This procedure was repeated at several predetermined locations down the reservoir* The Pelton survey was completed but the North Fork survey was abbreviated due to turbid water caused by boat traffic in the lower half of the reservoir. The upper reservoir was not adversely affected due to the inflow of clear river water, were chosen in part due to variations in topography. Thy areas surveyed Most fish were observed over mud flats having slight gradient; some were seen along banks of loos rock and moderate slope; but few were seen along steep, rock banks* Those found along steep banks were generally located in isolated, shallow pockets* The counts may reflect the abundance of fish present in the area surveyed, but are not necessarily an indication of reservoir distribution. The distribu,- tion of juvenile salmon within a reservoir at night may be determined by the location of slight gradient bottom type. The ability of SCUBA divers to observe juvenile salmonids in a reservoir at night but not during the day stimulated curiosity as to the whereabouts and behavior of these fish during daylight hours. In January divers entered North Fork Reservoir in late afternoon, approximately one hour prior to dark* At first no fish were seen, but near dusk a small school of fish, believed to be salmonids, was observed swimming along the shoreline, They shied away from the divers immediately and were not positively identifiedo The divers observed silver salmon moving about near the bottom at depths of 25 feet and shallower Total B slight slight steep m. r. & m. m. m. r. sm. r. r. & m. r. & m. m. r. & m. 317 58 4 6 19 8 11 14 20 56 34 33 12 m. r 5/ r. 12 3 26 1 126 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 0 7 13 70 2 1 8 8 10 Chinook Chinook Fry2/ Fingerlings 1/ r. sm. r. r. r. 4/ Bottom Composition 90 3 4 3 0 8 4 13 2 4 9 5 2 0 10 2 21 RainbowSteelhead Fingerlings--fish more than one-year old from the time of egg deposition. Fry fish less than one-year old from the time of egg deposition. Includes brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Dolly Varden trout (Salvelinus malma). rock mud 12:55-1:10 a.m. C 12:10-12:25 a.m. 0.6 C 12:00 M.-I2:10 a.m. 1.5 C slight steep steep A 11:25-11:40 p.m. C slight slight moderate slight slight slight steep steep slight to steep steep Slope A 2.7 u 10:5-11:00 p.m. 2.8 to C A 10:20-10:35 p.m. 3.7 9:30-9:45 p.m. 4.5 A A 8:50-9:05 p.m. 6.8 A B Diver tl 8:15-8:30 p.m. (PST) Time 92 4 0 7 1 3 6 20 3 1 5 2 8 5 12 0 15 Other Trout 3/ 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 5 1 0 5 Unidentified Salmonids 515 66 56 12 59 25 55 98 21 59 46 0 9 2 11 1 2 Scrap Fish 1,207 131 22 72 79 43 78 44 151 138 96 77 122 25 38 74 17 Species All Total Night Counts of Fish in Selected Areas of Felton Reservoir by Snorkel-Equipped Divers, April 18, 1961. 7.5 (miles) Distance Above Dam Table 3. 1/ u 1/ 10:07-10:22 p.m. u 9:00-9:15 p.m. " 8:20-8:35 p.m. (PST) Time 40 o 0 0 0 0 93 rock and mud rock mud slight steep steep 23 186 90 392 26 0 26 0 - 12 0 12 53 103 153 Species All Total 45 14 9 5 Scrap Fish 5 35 94 0 0 rock 0 moderate to steep 0 Unidentified Salmonids mud 55 RainbowSteelhead slight to moderate 93 Silver Fingerlings moderate Bottom Composition small rock and mud Slope Night Counts of Fish in Selected Areas of North Fork Reservoir by Snorkel-Equipped Divers, April 26, 1961. Survey terminated due to poor visibility created by heavy boat traffic during the day. Total 11 1.7 U 3.0 1, 3.4 (miles) Distance Above Dam Table 4. 27. in the half-light just prior to dark. A flashlight beam directed at a fish during this period tended to immobilize it. the fish moved away from the divers. When the light was turned off After dark several hundred silver salmon and a few dozen fingerling rainbow trout and scrap fish were seen and easily approached in the shallows on the bottom. A second daylight-to-dark survey was made at North Fork in May. fish were observed during the daylight period. No As twilight approached, sucker fry appeared near the bottom in water less than 10 feet deep. After dark several hundred sucker fry, a few dozen dace, cottids, and whitefish fry, and less than one dozen fingerling rainbow trout were seen on the bottom at the same depth. Only salmonids were identified by species. SCUBA observations were made at Pelton Reservoir at 4-hour intervals throughout a 24-hour period in May to obtain the diurnal depth distribution of fish. Fish were counted along 50-yard transects parallel to the shoreline at the surface and at depths of 15, 30, and 50 feet. was located over open water at the same depths. each counting the fish on his side. are shown in Table 5. A second set of transects Two divers swam the transects The results of the bottom-transect counts Fingerling chinook salmon were seen mostly at night and only along the shoreline transect. shore during one daylight period. Two chinook were observed swimming near All but one scrap fish were observed at night; however, they were distributed along the bottom to a depth of 50 feet. The largest concentration of scrap fish was at 15 feet. No fish were observed during any time period along the open water transects. In reservoirs salmonids were wary of divers during the day, but not at night; in streams they were easily observed day and night. Salmonids were also studied under controlled conditions to obtain further information on their reaction to divers by making underwater observations in hatchery raceways, the Pelton fish ladder, and a 20-acre pond. Divers entered 28. Table 5. SCUBA Bottom-Transect Counts of Fish Observed, at 4-Hour Intervals Throughout a 24 Hour Period, Peiton Reservoir, May 2-3, 1961. Time Date (PST) 2:00 p.m. May 2 6s00 p.m. 10200 p.m. 2:00 a.m. May 3 6:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Total 1/ Depth in Feet Chinook 0 15 30 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Other 1/ Fish Total 0 0 0 0 15 30 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 30 9 6 9 3 0 15 3 5 1 8 16 5 1 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 15 30 50 5 0 0 0 16 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 15 30 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 30 50 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 16 45 61 0 0 Includes one brown trout seen at the surface at 10200 p.m.; remainder are scrap fish. hatchery raceways at the Metolius River hatchery and matched the reaction of chinook and blueback salmon and steelhead trout. These fish generally were not startled by the observers; however, blueback exhibited the strongest avoidance tendency. The concentration of hatchery fish coupled with their feeding procedure probably gave them a high threshold for external disturbance. 29. Using snorkel gear, divers swam a two-mile section of the Pelton fish ladder which transports migrant juvenile salmonids from the skimmer to the river 2.8 miles downstream. Each of the pools nearest the counting station, at the upper end of the ladder, contained several hundred chinook salmon fingerlings. These fish were distributed throughout the pools and did not appear to be disturbed by the divers. Approximately three dozen fingerlings per pool were found in lower sections of the ladder. These fish appeared wary and were not seen until the divers reached the weir at the end of each pool. The final observation on salmonid reaction to divers occurred in 20-acre Wahkeena pond containing approximately 100,000 silver salmon. During the day the fish moved away if approached but appeared unconcerned after the divers stopped. Most of the silvers seen in daylight hours were in loose aggregations and congregated in the cold water flowing through the old stream bed; however, a diver sitting motionless on the bottom of the pond observed about two hundred silver salmon mill in his exhaust bubbles for several minutes. The fish disappeared when the diver moved. After dark hundreds of fish were observed distributed throughout the pond close to the bottom. The greatest density per unit area remained in the old stream channel. The problem of finding fish in a reservoir during the day may involve their dispersion, and the difficulty divers have in making extensive sub= surface observations in open water without reference to the bottom or shoreline. A mercury vapor light (Figure 3) was used at North Fork Reservoir in mid-June in an attempt to attract fish for observation. The divers swam a section of the bottom outside the area to be lighted at depths ranging from the surface to 20 feet. Numerous Chinook and silver salmon fry were seen along the shoreline but only three fingerling silvers were seen in the entire area. The divers swam the area below the lamp before it was turned on 31. Figure 3. Mercury Vapor Light and Ballast Lamp Used in Attracting Fish at Night.(The ballast lamp is used to light the mercury lamp.) 33. but no fish were seen. The mercury lamp, located approximately 1 1/2 feet above the water surface, was then lighted and the area below it was not disturbed for 20 minutes. At the end of this time the divers entered the water and stationed themselves on the bottom just below the lamp at a depth of 7 feet. A school of fingerling salmon (probably silvers) were observed milling in the lighted area. They moved constantly and shied away at the divers' slightest A total of 51 fish were counted by one observer in a 10minute action. period; some fish were undoubtedly counted twice. The vulnerability of juvenile salmonids at night to SCUBA divers stimulated the development of a fish capture method. Initially, fish were captured by herding them into a short handled smelt net with a flashlight. It appeared that the heavy cotton material frightened the fish; hence, subse quent nets were made of 5/8inch stretch measure monofilament netting (Figure 4). The first successful net using monofilament material was a bag net approximately 18 inches long fitted to a onehalf inch diameter tubular plastic frame. The monofilament netting did not collapse over the net opening but was stiff and remained extended. The method of capture was to place the net over a fish, the rim in contact with the bottom. When aware of the net, a fish sought to escape along the bottom, and eventually moved up into the bag and was captured by folding the net across the rim, sealing off the opening. attempted. Fish were easily caught but escrped when multiple captures were This net was improved by placing a short fyke at its mouth, and making the bag rigid by using a framework of two cross wires. This apparatus retained fish better than the bag net, but fish were hesitant to enter the fyke. To induce fish to enter more rapidly, a net was constructed of a series of supported, concentric wire rings (Figure 5). the mouth of the net and had the smallest diameter. The bottom ring formed The netting sloped out from this ring to a second, larger ring forming the outside edge of the trap 35. Figure 4. SCUBA Hand Nets Showing Improvements from Left to Right. (Diameter at mouth of nets, 9 inches.) 37. Figure 5. SCUBA Diver with Hand Net Used to Capture Juvenile Salmonids. (Note salmonids inside the net oriented in same direction as diver.) 39. floor. The floor was attached to the second ring at 4inch intervals allowing small slits through which fish could. enter the trap. The third and largest ring was located below and outside of the second ring creating an overhang of the trap floor which prevented fish from escaping. with a handle grip formed the top of the trap. for both capturing and retaining fish. A trout landing net frame This device proved successful Once in the traps, fish did not appear frightened. The gill nets were observed in fishing positions by divers on several occasions, and new ideas were formed for making modifications to this gear. At times the divers made adjustments to the gear while it was fishing. Cray fish predation on fish caught in the nets was observed at Pelton Reservoir. Observations made on the gill nets at night showed hundreds of crayfish feeding on dead and dying fish. In one instance divers observed a fingerling chinook salmon enmeshed in a net at dusk. Later that evening the fish was half eaten5, and by morning no trace of the fish remained. Visibility-was an important consideration for making SCUBA observations. A minimum Secchi disc reading of 8 feet was desirable, but at a reading of 5 feet, fish were observed with much tedious searching. In late summer Secchi disc readings of 8 to 10 feet proved moderately good for SCUBA observations in both Pelton and North Fork Reservoirs, but in late September an algae bloom at Pelton prevented observations except at the confluence of the Metolius and Deschutes Rivers. Visibility improved by November and remained excellent through the winter and spring except for a brief period in March after a rain fall. The high Secchi disc reading was 33 feet in January. Visibility remained moderately good at North Fork until late November when a flood caused turbid water lasting until early January. There were alternate periods of clear and muddy water from then until April depending on the incidence and quantity of rain. From April through the end of field work in June visibility was good at 4o. North Forkvhowever the shoreline waters became turbid during periods of heavy boat traffic. The high Secchi disc reading was 17 feet in May. Television Demonstration A closed circuit television demonstration was given at North Fork Reservoir in May 1961 by Commercial Divers, Inc., of Portland with a Vidicon camera having an f:105 Elgeet wide angle lens. receiver. Reception wag on an ordinary television A school of juvenile salmonids and several adult steelhead, apparently spawnedr,out-were present in the reservoir in the vicinity of the downstream migrant collection system at the dam. The camera was lowered into the water at the entrance to the collector and fish were Chummed with salmon eggs to At this distance-they-sere seen is dark within 2 or 3 feet of the lens. shadows on the television screen, but species identification was impossible. Visibility-was fair at the time. Equipment for Indirect Observation Sonar After a-period of indoctrination the gear was first used for sounding the bottom of the reservoirs Next, the sonar beam was aimed at known objects and the resulting signal was studied. The Sea Scanar gave a recognizable presentation of a log boom at North Fork Dam. From a stationary platform the sonar beam was trained on a swaying, 20-pound concrete anchor suspended from a log boom at a depth of 25 feet, but it was difficult to obtain more than an intermittent signal. Mien a SCUBA diver was used as the target, a signal was obtained if the sonar operator knew his exact location; however, it was difficult to establish contact when the diver was out of sight, even though his general location was known. Gill nets and fish caught in the nets were good targets for study (Figure 6). Echo signals were recognized from the large anchor floats and from the float and lead lines of the nets, but the mesh did not return an Figure 6. Sonar Operation Using a Gill Net as the Target, North Fork Reservoir 43. echo. Of the fish caught in the gill nets, those 5 to 10 inches long in close proximity to one another and individual fish 1 foot or longer gave a recognizable signal, but echoes were not received from individual small fish. A dead, adult steeihead approximately 2 feet long was suspended at a depth of 5 feet below an anchored styrofoam float, and was easily detected at a range of 5 to 50 feet. Beyond 50 feet the target became increasingly difficult to find even though the sonar operator could see the styrofoam float from which it was suspended. Movement of the fish by wave action coupled with the movement of the boat undoubtedly contributed to the problem. Similar results were obtained using a one-gallon jug suspended from the float. The final phase of the sonar work involved searching the reservoirs for fish. Mechanical malfunctions of the sonar set and generator and lengthy delays for repairs limited development of a search technique. Activities consisted of anchoring or cruising in the reservoir while the sonar was in operation, in an effort to pick up signals. Some unidentified echo signals were received on the sonar from mid-water depths while cruising the reservoirs. On one occasion a group of 4 to 5-inch fish created considerable surface activity near the boat at North Fork Reservoir, but they could not be detected on the sonar screen. Equipment for Fish Capture Gill Nets Accessory gill-net equipment was developed which allowed the nets to be fished at various depths, was not affected by reservoir fluctuation, and was portable. The suspension apparatus (Figure 7) required two anchor lines loc- ated 75 feet apart (the length of the nets). Each anchor (a) weighed approx- imately 60 pounds and was attached to a line (b) leading to a large styrofoam float (c) at the water surface. The anchor line traveled over two pulleys (d) attached to an inverted T-shaped galvanized pipe assembly (e) with the 4C. Warning Sign c. ci. 6 WATER SURFACE Q. 4-) a) g. i. 75 feet Figure 7. Schematic Diagram of GillNet Suspension Apparatus. 47. vertical bar of the T through the center of the styrofoam float. A 20-pound counterweight (f) was tied to the loose end of the anchor line. The gill net (g) had a 5-pound sash weight (h) at each end of the lead line (i) to sink it to the desired depth. Large snaps (j), tied to each corner of the net, fastened onto the anchor lines enabling the net to travel freely down the lines. A line (k) connected the net to the float to control the depth at which the net fished. The result was that the styrofoam floats rose or fell with any fluctuation in the reservoir and the anchor and counterweight lines remained taut (Figure 8). This allowed the net to remain at the same depth with relation to the water surface except when the net was set on the bottom. The gill nets were fished in a variety of locations and positions and under differing conditions to obtain knowledge of the mechanical problems involved with their use. As a result, fishing procedures were not standard- ized and the quantitative comparison of catches may not be reliable for determining distribution or abundance. The fishing technique was successful on both a level bottom and a steep, mud bank. It was difficult, however, to prevent the anchors from sliding on a steep, rocky slope. The nets were fished in clear and turbid water, and through most algae growths; however, a green filamentous algaeUlothrix, prevented them from fishing by clogging the meshes and weighting the nets into an unnatural position. Nets were fished at any depth in slack water; but current caused them to bag, drawing the styrofoam floats toward one another. The resulting bow in the anchor lines prevented the nets from slipping down the lines below a depth of 30 feet. their fishing ability. Bagging did not appear to interfere with The nets fished satisfactorily in all velocities encountered in the reservoirs studied. The nets were fished in three positions: (1) perpendicular to the shoreline, (2) parallel to the shoreline, and (3) vertically on end. Positions (1) 119. Figure 8. Portable Gill-Net Suspension in Fluctuating Apparatus Used Reservoirs as Seen from Beneath the Water Surface. 510 and (2) were in common use and both caught fish. determine which was most successful. No comparison was made to In the fall and spring when fish appeared to be moving both into and out of the reservoirs the perpendicular (1) position was used with the most success. The SCUBA observation that fish moved inshore at night led to the successful use of the parallel position during the winter and spring. On two occasions, once at Pelton and once at North Fork, a 1 1/8- inch multifilament net was fished with its length stretching from the water surface to the bottoms i.e. in a vertical positions to obtain qualitative information o the depth occurrence of fish. Few fish were caught. Tables 6 and 7 summarize the gill-net catches made at Pelton and North Fork Reservoirs by species, net materials and mesh size. Small numbers of salmonids and large numbers of scrap fish were caught in the nets at Felton; 64 per cent of the total catch consisted of the common chiselmouth (Acrocheilus alutaceus). The apparent lack of success at capturing salmon fingerlings may be attributed, at least in part; to crayfish predation. SCUBA divers ,observed crayfish devouring fish of all species and sizes caught in the nets. Fish skeletons up to one foot in length and partially eaten fish (including several salmon) were removed from the nets. Salmon fingerlings, generally 4 to 6 inches long, could have been easily devoured before the nets were checked after an overnight set. Up to 60 crayfish were caught in a single net. Large Dolly Varden and brown trout and squawfish (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) were caught, possibly while preying on gill-netted fish. In contrast salmonids dominated the gill net catch at North Fork Reser= voir. Crayfish were caught rarely and predation was evident on only one occasion. No Dolly Varden or brown trout or squawfish were captured or observed at North Fork; only one rainbow trout over 10 inches was caught Chinook salmon finger- lings were caught most effectively by the 1 1/8-inch mesh, silver salmon fingerlings by the 7/8-inch mesh, and rainbow-steelhead trout by the 1 3/8-inch mesh. 5 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blueback (fingerlings) Rainbow- Steelhead Rainbow trout (over 8 inches) Brown trout Dolly Varden Whitefish Chiselmouth Squawfish Sucker Sculpin Dace Carp (a-prin.-us carcio) Total 46 0 1 0 2 1 24 2 0 1 0 1 2 12 127 0 0 1 6 10 88 5 3 3 0 8 2 1 146 0 0 0 19 8 94 3 3 6 1 330 0 1 1 27 20 209 10 6 10 1 20 10 1 11 15 0 SubTotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/8 Net Material 1/ Net composed entirely of 1 1/8-inch multifilament nylon. 11 0 0 0 2 7/8 0 5/8 Monofilament Mesh Size 1 1/8 13/8 1 5/8 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 7/8 24 1 0 0 1 2 11 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 85 0 0 0 9 6 63 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 136 0 0 0 31 7 84 0 1 4 1 7 1 0 Multifilament Mesh Size 1 1/8 1 3/8 15/8 251 1 0 0 141 15 160 5 3 4 1 12 /4 5 SubTotal Numbers of Fish 'Caught in Pelton Reservoir with Gill Nets, by Species, Net Material, and Mesh Size, 1960-61. Chinook (fingerlings) Species Table 6. 186 1 0 0 9 142 120 2 1 4 0 4 0 3 11/81/ 767 2 1 1 77 77 489 17 10 18 2 36 14 23 Total 1,092 191 478 164 156 423 1 35 2/ Jacksmature males less than 22 inches in length. 1/ Net composed entirely of 1 1/8-inch multifilament nylon. 94 175 94 52 5 128 42 2 30 5 0 10 0 11 2 Total Sculpin 9 2 6 2 0 116 17 48 1 0 1 67 17 25 5 38 12 0 0 Sucker 23 0 9 5 0 3 1 0 14 3 3 8 0 0 Whitefish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Steelhead (adults) 4 90 23 44 18 5 0 74 15 41 14 3 1 Rainbow- Steelhead 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Silver (jacks)1/ 13 222 0 2 76 144 0 190 0 2 67 120 Silver (fingerlings) 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chinook (jacks)2/ 1 168 2 425 1 314 171 76 0 12 63 Total 1 1 1/82 0 1 67 0 8 3 0 Chinook (fingerlings) SubTotal 7/8 1 5/8 Multifilament Mesh Size 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 5/8 SubTotal Net Material 56 7/8 11/8 1 3/8 Monofilament Mesh Size Numbers of Fish-Caught in North-Fork Reservoir with Gill Nets by Species, Net Material, and Mesh Size, 1960-61. 5/8 Species Table 7. f". v.L 55. The term rainbow-steelhead was used due to the problem of distinguishing between small rainbows and juvenile steelhead, it includes fish 8 inches or under in size. Only three fish were caught in the 5/8-inch mesh size although several hundred fish small enough for this mesh size were observed by SCUBA divers. The monthly catch per net-day (21L hour period) was determined for chinook and silver salmon and rainbow-steelhead trout to compare the relative abundance through time for each species of gill-net caught fish at North Fork Reservoir (Figure 9). mesh nets. The data include only catches made by the variable The chinook salmon catch per net-day was maximal in November and December; it declined thereafter through April. No chinook were caught in May and June even though outmigrant counts indicate the largest numbers were then leaving the reservoir (Table 2). Silver salmon catches were minimal in December and January, and maximal in June, the month having the largest outmigrant counts. The catch of rainbow-steelhead was insignificant until April when it rose sharply, and peaked in June even though most of the fish leaving the reservoir were counted out by the end of May. The June catch per net-day for silvers and rainbow-steelhead is probably not representative since it is essentially the result of one day's catch in a single net. The catch of rainbow-steelhead otherwise corresponded closely to the North Fork outmigrant counts in that both occurred mainly in the spring, and suggest that most of the gill-net-caught fish in this category were steelhead migrants rather than resident rainbow trout. In addition certain physical attributes, noted in the SCUBA section, indicate they were steelhead. The catch per net-day may not be an exact reflection of the occurrence of each species through time due to the lack of standardization in the fishing method. At North Fork Reservoir monofilament and multifilament nets were fished in pairs to compare their effectiveness. Mhen it was observed that better 4-) OT, +; A Z o rx. 0 5 10 15 20 1%... 1960 ' .... Jan. I ..0 pa VW e e .-. e Feb. ar... em' . . / I 1961 Apr. May t."-------....1 i -°-- Rainbow-Steelhead . e.-e., , Mar. I .... ..... I I June 1 . _ Monthly Catch Per Net-Day of Chinook and Silver Salmon and Rainbow-Steelhead Trout, North Fork Reservoir, 1960-61. Dec. Figure 9. Nov. 1 Gm . 4. .. . 4_--Chinook e. e Silvers I I I I I I I I catches occurred in one position of a pair regardless of net material, the net positions were alternated over two nights. It then became apparent that a fishing area was "fished out" temporarily since few fish were caught in either position on the second night. As the fieldwork progressed, other complications arose. In comparing the fishing efficiency of the two types of material the length frequencies (fork length measurement) for each species of fish caught in each mesh size were compared to determine if the two materialt fished on the same segments of the populations. Figures 109 112 and 12 show the size composition of chinook and silver salmon and rainbow-steelhead trout for those mesh sizes capturing enough fish for comparative purposes. In the case of silver and chinook salmon a difference is evident between the two materials for a given mesh size. Chi-square tests showed that monofilament nets caught significantly larger fish. The size compositions of rainbow-steelhead caught in 1 3/8-inch monofilament and multifilament nets did not differ statistically. The mesh sizes were measured for each of the test nets and it was determined that the monofilament averaged 1/25-inch larger than multifilament in the 7/8-inch mesh size and 1/17-inch larger in the 1 1/8-inch mesh size than specified. The two net materials also differed in texture. Multifila- ment netting was soft and fish caught were entangled and usually dead, while monofilament netting was stiff and fish caught were gilled in a simple manner and generally alive. Fish often fell out of the monofilament nets as they were pulled into the boat. It was not determined whether the length-frequency differences were attributable to the fractional differences in the mesh sizes, differences in net material quality, or a combination of the two. The fishing efficiency of monofilament and multifilament nets were not compared because of sampling problems and since similar mesh sizes caught statistically different 61. Multifilament: N = 61 40 30 !. 4-, r--- Monofilament: 0 U 20 N = 57 . NM. 10 r;?r---1 0 11.0 Figure 10. 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 Length in Centimeters 13.5 14.0 Size Composition of Chinook Salmon Caught in 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir. 63. 40 1 1/8-inch mesh 30 Multifilament: N = Monofilament: N = 64 20 10 0 9.0 14 134 40 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 7/8 -inch mesh Multifilament: N = 140 30 + Monofilament: N = 118 20 10 0 9.0 Figure 11. 10.0 11.0 12.0 Length in Centimeters 13.0 14.0 Size Composition of Silver Salmon Caught in 7/8- and 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir. 10 30 Figure 12. 11.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 15.0 Length in Centimeters 17.0 18.0 19.0 Size Composition of Rainbow-Steelhead Trout Caught in 1 3/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir. 12.0 Multifilament:N = 48 Monofilament: N = 39 67. size segments of the chinook and silver salmon populations. Insufficient numbers of rainbow-steelhead were caught for comparative purposes. An analysis of variance showed statistical differences in the mean size of silver salmon caught in different time periods for 7/8- and 1 1/8.-inch mesh for both types of nylon. When these means were ranked by time period according to Li (1957), it was found that they increased (Figure 13). Not all the means from a given mesh size and material were statistically different. With some overlap the differences were essentially between the periods November-December, January-April, and May-June. Similar treatment of chinook salmon catches in 1 1/8-inch mesh size of both materials showed no significant difference in mean lengths of fish caught in the monofilament material and a barely significant value for fish caught in multifilament nets; the means could not be ranked in either case (Figure 14). The progression of the mean size of juvenile silver salmon caught in the gill nets may be an indication of: (1) growth; (2) changes in the body conformation or condition factor; or (3) recruitment to the reservoir of fish of increasing size due to widespread distribution of the spawning areas, and extended spawning season. Adult silver salmon pass North Fork Dam from late October through February, and probably spawn during all those months; the hatching period may be of corresponding length. Adult chinook salmon appear to spawn during a one-month period from mid-September to mid-October, which may account for the small size variation with time for these juveniles. Diurnal availability of juvenile salmonids to the gill nets was tested on one occasion at North Fork Reservoir, A group of eight gill nets was fished in pairs over a 24-hour period (March 21-22, 1961), and were tended and reset every three hours. Each pair fished an average of 2 1/2 hours per set; 1/2 hour was needed to pick up a pair of nets, remove the fish, and reset. Two peak catch periods occurred, one at dusk and the other at dawn (Table 8). 69. 13 ...we 1 1/8-inch monofilament 12 ". d / . /16. ..0 .... ... --4" °- . ... .... ... ...., -"' - ... ............. do ti .......m".0. 'II" 1 1/8-inch multifilament 40 3 dr .049 7/8-inch monofilament Of 1 A 10 aro gag Ol w ig 40* al+ moo .... i Figure 13. dr °"*". 01, am, 7/8-inch multifilament i Nov.-Dec. 1960 dr Jan.-Feb. i ' Mar. Apr. i May-June 1961 Mean Length by Time Period of Silver Salmon Caught in 7/8- and 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gill Nets, North Fork Reservoir. Nov.-Dec. 1960 Figure 14. Jan.-Feb. Mar.-Apr. 1961 Mean Length by Time Period of Chinook Salmon Caught in 1 1/8-inch Monofilament and Multifilament Nylon Gil]. Nets, North Fork Reservoir. 71. It was not possible to determine which period was best since the removal of fish from an area at dusk may have reduced the numbers available at dawn. Table 8. Gill-Net Catches at 3-Hour Intervals Throughout a 24,-Hour Period, North Fork Reservoir, March 21 and 22, 1961. Time Nets were Pulled 12:00 N-2:00 p.m. 3200-5:00 p.m. 6:30-8:10 p.m. 9:30-11:30 p.m. 12:00 M-2:00 a.m. 3:00-5:00 a.m. 6:10-8:00 a.m. 9:15-11:00 a.m. Total 1/ Ch. Sil. 0 0 4 0 0 26 14 0 1 0 Catch Rb-Sh 0 0 2 6 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 13 46 10 2 1 5 Other! Total 0 0 11 1i3 0 0 3 22 1 5 5 0 2 25 9 17 1 94 Includes whitefish, suckers, sculpins. Reservoir Limnology Temperature, turbidity, and visibility data were collected from both reservoirs. Variable fishing locations and gear, and lack of continuity in the field program due to the necessity of one crew working both reservoirs, precluded correlating the gill-net catch with hydrographic data from either reservoir. Between July 1960 and May 1961 the surface water temperature at North Fork Reservoir ranged from 41 to 71° F.; the high temperature was in July and the low occurred from November through January. A weak thermocline occurred between the surface and a depth of 10 feet in August 1960. Visibility as expressed by Secchi disc readings ranged from 2.5 feet in December to 17 feet in May. At Felton Reservoir the surface water temperature ranged from 450 to 63° F. between September 1960 and May 1961; the high temperature occurred in 72. September and the low in January. No thermocline was observed at any time. Secchi disc readings ranged from 5 feet in September to 33 feet in January. Problems in the construction of a watertight case prevented use of the photometer for obtaining light intensity readings* After several failures and the repair of a water-damaged photocell, a successful case (Figure 15) was obtained at the end of the field program. RECOMMENDATIONS Equipment and techniques for studying the behavior of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs should be developed further. These include: (1) a method of live trapping (floating traps, Oneida Lake traps, night seining, barge-mounted electric shock device, and enclosure traps); (2) a tag for fingerling salmonids; (3) a method for making extensive open-water SCUBA explorations (towing appar atus, etc.); (IL) a comparison of monofilament and multifilament gill nets; (5) an improved SCUBA hand net; and (6) a device for measuring water currents in reservoirs. Since inter-reservoir differences are indicated the behavior patterns of juvenile salmonids should be determined through continuous observations in both Pelton and North Fork Reservoirs to establish the feasibility of reservoir collection and facilitate the adaptation of existing or proposed fish collection facilities at dams to specific habits or vulnerable behavior patterns. The following objectives should be considered for each species and distinguishable race of migratory salmonid: (1) vertical and horizontal distribution, diurnally and seasonally; (2) local migrations or movements within a reservoir; (3) time of appearance and duration of stay; (Ii) effect of biology on behavior (size and age at entrance and exit, effect of size on migration); and (5)-effect of physical and chemical properties of environment on behavior. 73. Figure 15. Photometer with Watertight Plastic Case. 75, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A study to develop methods and techniques for determining the behavior of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs was conducted by the Oregon Fish Commission during the period September 30, 1959-January 31, 1962 with Saltonstall-Kennedy funds provided by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Available literature was reviewed to obtain information on juvenile salmonid behavior and applicable study equipment. Field studies were conducted on the reservoirs formed by Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River and North Fork Dam on the Clackamas River. Equipment chosen for development included SCUBA for direct observation, sonar for indirect observation, and gill nets for capture of fish. Day and night SCUBA observations were made to a depth of 100 feet through the fall, winter, and spring in water temperatures ranging from 140 to 71 F. Fish were observed with difficulty in water having a Secchi disc read- ing of 5 feet, and a reading of at least 8 feet was desirable. Improved fish- ing methods resulted from SCUBA observations of gill nets in operation. Several indications of nocturnal salmonid behavior were obtained with SCUBA at both reservoirs that were not determined by the use of sonar or gill nets; SCUBA was the only tool yielding significant information on salmonid behavior at Pelton. Divers observed that salmon entered both North Fork and Pelton Reservoirs as fry and in later stages of development. All species of fish observed moved inshore and oriented themselves near or on the bottom at night; they were easily approached and captured by divers equipped with specially constructed hand nets. During the day fish apparently moved offshore and were not readily found in reservoirs; but they were found in streams and, if diver movement was restricted, in a rearing pond containing large numbers of silver salmon. In May, coincident with the 76. downstream migration, silver salmon in North Fork Reservoir were no longer oriented near the bottom at night as they were from January through April, but were found swimming off the bottom. An underwater television camera was tested on one occasion, but gave unsatisfactory results. Large stationary objects were easily detected with sonar, but moving objects were difficult to detect and follow. In the gill nets, closely grouped fish 5-10 inches long and individual larger fish yielded an echo signal; however, the smaller individual fish were not detected by the sonar. Mechanical malfunctions prevented thorough field testing of the sonar. Monofilament and multifilament nylon gill nets 75 feet long and hung on a one-half basis were tested. Each net was composed of five equalpanels 30 feet long and 15 feet deep and each panel was of a different mesh size. The mesh sizes were 5/8-, 7/8-, 1 1/8-, 1 3/8 -, and 1 5/8-inch stretch measure. A portable gill-netting operation was developed for fluctuating reservoirs which allowed nets to fish at a predetermined distance below the water surface. The nets caught fish in clear and turbid water and in slight current, but were rendered useless by a Ulothrix bloom. The gill nets caught significant numbers of juvenile salmonids at North Fork Reservoir; but few salmonids were found in the nets at Felton, possibly due to crayfish predation. At North Fork Reservoir chinook salmon fingerlings were caught best with 1 1/8-inch mesh, silver salmon with 7/8-inch mesh, and rainbow-steelhead trout with 1 3/8-inch mesh. The gill-net catch per net-day may not be an indication of the relative abundance of a particular species of salmonid since the fishing method was not standardized. Monofilament and multifilament nets were not compared due to sampling problems; similarly designated mesh sizes captured fish of different size compo- 77, sitions. This size difference may be due to a slight mesh size difference observed, to differences in the characteristics of the two materials, or both. The size composition of silver salmon caught in the 7/8- and 1 1/8-inch mesh sizes of either material increased with time. This may have been due to growth, or variations in the life history of the fish. Salmonids appeared to be most vulnerable to gill nets at dusk and dawn. Physical and behavioral characteristics of chinook salmon varied between the two reservoirs. At Pelton, chinook exhibited no apparent behav- ioral changes between seasons, and their parr marks were visible until May; but at North Fork few chinook were seen at night or caught in gill nets after January, and those seen had their parr marks obscured by guanine. It appeared that more predaceous fish were present in Pelton than in North Fork. Most steelhead appeared to enter and pass through North Fork Reservoir during a short period in the spring. This may not have been evident at Pelton because resident rainbow trout were abundant and easily confused with the juvenile steelhead. The limited limnological data collected could not be correlated with either SCUBA observations or gill-net catches because continuous data at each reservoir could not be obtained by a single crew. It was recommended that equipment and techniques for studying behavior of juvenile salmonids in reservoirs should be further developed, and that the behavior pattern of juvenile salmonids in both Felton and North Fork Reservoirs should be determined through continuous observations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mark G. DeCew assisted with the literature survey, field work, and compilation of data but was transferred from the project prior to the writing of the final report. Other members of the Oregon Fish Commission aided in various phases of the project: Delbert R. Hanks, compilation of data; Earl F. 78. Fulford, statisticP1 advice; Mrs. Winona Richey, Librarian, aid in literature survey. Members of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries provided advice and loaned the project a sonar set and bathythermograph. Portland General Electric Company allowed the use of certain facilities at North Fork and Felton Reser voirs and provided information on the numbers of juvenile salmonids leaving the two reservoirs. MinneapolisHoneywell Company gave the project personnel instruction in the use of sonar. Members of Commercial Divers, Inc., Harold Maiken, Thomas E. Amerman, and Fred D. Kribs and Amerman's Divers Supplies gave advice on diving and loaned various items of equipment. loaned the project a camera and watertight case. John I. Cranor 79. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aleem, Anwar Abdel 1956. Quantitative underwater study of benthic communities inhabiting kelp beds off California. Scripps Inst. Oceanog., Univ. Calif., Contrib. No. 824, p. 91. Anon. 1954. Fish and power dam research. Rept., pp. 41-43. Wash. Dept. Fisheries, 64th Ann. Anon. 1958. Observations made from an underwater plastic cage. Fish-Cult., Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 48. Progr. Anon. 1958. Small-mesh gill nets used in Wyoming studies. 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