rw x*&s!Htn*r u!.*nr3swr ,,f P2'e1t*inary Rport Fr*lin*u*ry &*Sort Igt'11$.${tlsn $t*rtfr6 thr ftrrst part sf July, t$*? tbr Ftsh *cnrirtlen sf Sra$p& *9t uS * ft*L{ stst.lon *t $*xport for &hopurFosr oi oond,ustLag r**raf,sh *sr*,sa sb*3,lf,teh" tgrhlng s*nutl,t,lone rcgul*,Stng t&r lfyc lrrd *ffisuni of ;cr&, ***sa *sul"& br af,flcl,antly oonriuotra inttc t&r sa* belse ast u$r nnd th* f,nst ttrst g$t* l"xm**dl,atc tl- r lab*rs**fy s*& onc ef a ntrlse of vory Lox tldrg -turlltf. t&r to*rtt*t ses&$n prsilp* tdr6 t&t ilaslcicn to c$ffr* tn* ftrst acvornl wcs&t, wcrkl,rag prfnoni*ff on tbc el,as flahery in yaquln* Bey. A nap of ftqulni my pr6p*r le lncluaed antl nrfcr"ucd to lrcrc r So rsrx ryss *$rl* *kv* thl s*t,tlcscnt nf Tequtna fer ro*sonc of tr*ntpqrtft'lon. It rtll bs o€sn tbs,t tlrc ibannel ls quitc n&rror;!,tb nort -nrpltrsrtly of tho area of ihr b*t belrrg tlelelrurd, Thls E.n dlv*drd i'nt* l* esstl$nr lEttered -& throu6* f {I sn€.pted} for ruflrcrerF ps* Focosr BB followst - fho nnrror s trlp of, boasb rrrnnlng, froa Bcuport to I{oA Lcrl.ryt $ofntr vcrylng {:sn&lctcr*bly ln onnpontt3es Hrt s}s$1a6 eff 66sp*rlt,l,r*y r#,Sliitry *J.or4; asst sf, t&s }*n6tb, ,.8rCr&D - Ths Lergc flat louaily Ingrn at -t8rllyte eo8prls1ng sof,e 6Ca acrc& iyln6 m*lnly at a G to a + ?. f,t. lcvgl r sf, ssnr-i erM. mud ao{r$osl&lolrt SrndrE Llda ;$. * Tbs ilt}m** tn fr*n$ rf mns ewa trmE &lw *,sce 8rss1 Iyrn$ fro* s *il &E n plu* p f,g* tl"qts l*wl, a*ct ef *l.uneet slt hn-rd. hltt ee,nd comp*alt,!,o$, f?tls l,r"}.sn* llno rrpor*dl,y bo*n r*pl*lS la* craaaln6 ln aroa drrlng the lnsb 5 or so yelsrtr -I- - Thls flat, lu roportcdJ.y gl'nllar ln helght *n<l conpol* i.. itLon tq scetl,on S, c$opasrl,:"*nt"lroly nt' *sftf,. $ & H - ?hla f;la$ J,s ltian?[s*] ln phyolEtl ohnr4etlrlttl$,ar Eo ssllyt sffif-Ttoss. BrCr& D] . * T&s s:"gn loo*I}y &ne,;nre Ktatre $lorgb, lylag elpng _** thc ssuclr sf a sm*ll gf6ge, r*psrtadLy of $Fry eoft ffi$d*lth nEeny smal} l,bs$$aLc ins Fogbst*ir. K * thls flaL 1r re1:arto*ly almllny ts teEr* SrO*SrS,& ff* fiIr*,s not pss&lxbt* to psreohntt.f sx*"$ias ,rieiroi;-f;t;*-*r thc only $nf,orrnatlen gathars* }r*m b*lng ropartn f,reu thrtssfil,-oi*l* al66orr' rt siioulcl bg $otod r.h*t nll of thr foreSolng tldols"urrr lboSb slilsa *f tht rlver fren Shc snputh of t&* S*y to Xequliin) rtth sarf, nlnor axusptl,cns F"r6 s acit by ah* Sort $esulsplon sf, il**port, havlngi ha** cxpsds<l€?6r to &hernfrEm &bo erLglnal, &*ltrro.s$ 6ranB ln Teq*lra Betr. It nh$uki also be nat*ct ttlet, ih*se tl,dr}*nErs n*kc up thr ql*n bogr tn b$].e {1* sro* at lqnst} pf; *Ll t&rr po*etb}*,*v*1}sble t&le briy slnoe r'bovq Ya,iulna Lharo ls spFeren&Iy llEtlc tkicle,nd. rha& tJrtre le botn5 f,alrLy atoep "f th but c f,ow eunll. flatcr " tho foll,orLng rpeel,o* af, Elann lmw been r;col4*rcl to s:tato l.n ti:a $*fl o' Scrfdlun strrbll *r,*i*+-*-gffi Seh*.satb&sru;mutt**l,t * hotr&e$ac** lprrn *tramr or urd elal sya *ren*rtra $f*p-**€** s*stsrn *I*u1 sf hllr{ oxr*n F*phln stenlnca ----r-S*rlirgeeua glgorntglrg- **r llttlo nao&, or hrttor 0onr;r $gl*n"ie (corvr) g1*s r-. I (al i Solen gtrO;fr,U* icazi&s *,*$**rf** Sg[** Silirnia t,atuI 8trllqrra S*tula {-r----c üat XASgqg i lnfletUli lituls -r--r- . jtokntfe cram,eF oxr*&er xor e1a sLts $.nobtf* alnnl z'sox olt, or xzorb*ok rassr s}e*nn sr r*serh6h t*ud c*a nu{t $te6 Xa*w* aoma ir1u3.nsta ln**lngt,a {-***r Cuai gl*il *4 CeWXlur ;vhieh ers f,stm$ tllt"oq ".h{rs&bhs *ntlro kf em{ *t f*r 44 r;.vor_ tb '4 Oyrtervllla nhloh en* horao cleag rre tniorghout f,oune tDc 3P bty fr? by f,,nr thc tso ssnt lml:srAesb sr&r do*lnen& *paaloo * *frr SFln* si.$*t bt$s,of.Sye sr6 uI) tho rircr srerund Oyntorvll'lb wb;rt tJrp-ann guppce*dE"lff&lrly qxu6nrlv*" ?b*y *.*c found- l,n v6ry f*sN plae** in t&r *4- I A ftw Sa$bl* *ra ss*tt'r$ld * 114 S&.y Srs$sr tbroughout tho entlre kf * pl*nttf*l* hu!.sr* nEi fharc roparto{ily am *. vwr-5rfep sasl,l, brdr of 4 Ss,xLSonuo3"oft, prln*trp*lly tn Srll.yrc'ssn"I ;'hp*r-l*c*tlsns sl.* tr*St el Prlvate acsre o by tiicra.iho icnos ttrara. Osoeslenql lnrllrltrualo ::, nre f,*rm'* $fsf Lba ontlra :';. ba.p. ?!ra Jm,eimlfa qlsu ls t"g.*on *ff nffi strr 4,, ** 4 ea{i &bs *t, ffi}f rr**sr sXsm*Ef,oun. nrs i' f*r *m*}1, ss*s on rccti,gna S ttHi S* &*s*ss nrc g,lgptlful hrt are raral,p if atlsr brythw*,: plth ffinFffif bpcplls* *f, tll$lr srnmsl strxfn 4 * ' 4 1' 4 4 4 4 . 4 .' -. , ii *i i 'iai of tlrc Ecdr Sef-gglt.! Eorylrtfon }rs to tlro traneportat!,68 Ellt*rlpr B1], t&c qurntl&atlrr wonl, rea oonc ln Sallyf s hail {aectlons Br0, A-D}. tlhc nrnhr of oLanl pras*xt pcr ualt 8,r*s" p*s nnrtfsd at hy f,oun nrthoda, **eh }tlng tln*d, ts supplodcrnt ilrs ot&sf$t Plet* sf l{"",Ste* ftr *F*& $r*$i BcesuFr{r out by g*elng BB,r 6ms oror scrof,ully botll by lnspce?lon arui eoBually f,*ol$,ag bf hmnd ts nsoi *11 hsrna sl*.s l"rols*l Shr nr**p rem thra rako$ &hor**gh3y to go*. tbe ntenbar of oos*.Las an{ sth*r surf*sa elan* Xlrssinlr t"hts baf&g asnci.;nrcd tht beet Hs,nnsr sf .s&sg*slnnf,iOn f,sr thtaa. It uag f*3,1 i.h* nrrabers of hgrss $}p-unr;ooul",j.beaost offlcl+ntly itrcf,crm!,n*d,bf rosordr.ns th* hola* tnrt b*corlso of tJ$tr l,os nuabtre It r*s qlo*lrc& fo *uppkssst tho lfc Bg. f,tr pls&rn Shls wur #en* ftrrt bf SnstrnmSab * *itr,lp- t* ft. by lf;O ft; an$ *galn Xoshln6 snd f,wltm f,or tho slslro.ns. *notfur sotnboCtr,*ar ts pleh cn& cxtroa*try thor$u*h ffi 61,69*r* *or&ln6 ln olngl* s'*nll sFs*s arrd to ras*r* th* auEb*r *f ql*na sa$,anagalnet tba *rrc *Erksrl in, ?hs nst$o4 u6id for d,rttrm* lnetlsn of sa&Il ciasc end for larga cfeno ot,her Shan ooollos sr bsree clonl rae to dlg out Inown &rpseeto a eptfi_of lbout I t/+ ftrr sesh$s$ s13. ged. tlmugb s ssroalr $s &e tE loart *1I ol*aa, ria:rd uh*lisr Ets. ta tlreterssrtr A ananlns F&y {baslret} sae obtatned frop tequln* fi*y Fl,eb So* fs-r fht* uss, tt hsd el,on;lnt*S hexxgoll*l h*}e*r.n**!,snur wl&th er t/4 trneb, saxLnun l*mtl* r* Tl* l$sh. th* baakat Xt**lf a*aeurlng lS S 3? lnshes q*s u*w$. to Rnr&t &ha pl.otrn l&S ${r. ['t-. S*mn]gr *t ltlr ___i:i kSe f*ii1',,ri*rl 1 horer olrnt sss.lrle$ s a 54 ? L rI tot*lr AFprqx. 8o./acr6 E lbg"-/aorr - s ?/iffif,"'ii{? *s 3 ?otftl Eottlc n&*fsarc s,ssroe. APPZ8OX. no,,lacre 9C Ittt[t-n**hs }J as ft *{ s loTTSffiqf t, s s* #0 r* 37 :r? f8 8il)$fl3*Fq. 1,200 I rpss 0 4 100 tso frl \J, *ms* stm mtr"rs-e*tlarrur*w**l fr* $oulil*_wr,ff$r*rr s*e;$r flrsr eewil*$t.r-*tfiol]tl #*u$ill $* lss* nqrrt; ' sr$rF, rltrr ors$nun, il . O Li prlvatc ' r ftff-*rnffilllfi elfttl$ f*0 Psr }r?St' fq* ftr diSgrrn* s tn$ *l*nr Iilf **sr E! i'e i*.-Pir rer" FI u* of Sra r | 1ltLio-$eots v*l 7/21 I s 7 Approx,no./acr *Sffise*ilsrlnsm s s ts 0 6 0 1 I1 a tI r?tr* ,7C0 infl[.* sss C ri5 nr*o*fi innSa 49 $rs&s 12 f? 17 16 f$r$ffi St sb€utdt h* rosssdad t&at *n tbl* gtn*ral Bs*tr *s*sion* $'en*, S ur* c*nstr6sr** *I*I* 1n W$*l*tlonxl b#tb rssr**tltgins"smp nf, tfro $lmfteg sa t&,!.Pf,l*t $s p*#tl'irli wn&*r*ca** brds" tlnset-nil gdstisa du* t* lt* h*fae $t* f[v*t, ee* sr*$&*$ W $ &sA* kaE-hcall en tho o16ffissfflr $h*r*fom *s 1on6 e* 6}s,*s b*st b*tsn $l-cnt!.ful t&* *nt igf iEri, thsmssl.v*u q{t& iha q}"s**sl tnssb e*il3 on}f *nfry6 *fmir* tnffi* Jueg bn*Cerhs.:"*ent Wffib*rs s[r,lrb*d, $erktns *aotlcn $" Ststitsn s i* stili $n&sus,hfrlas bf roaonB ysers ans,'*i"11 prEbx,bl'Fbc sot*d sat*l enlf e.f,t*r sss*lo$ $ b*a bccs rcll xtrr**d $faf* Xt wl,ll M &$ilft thst t&a *hovr f,t#*re* *lco b*nf $qlt tnlr*s g*noral nbaenvatlonc, thcr6 tlctlr$ stSilryl$ {"u!_qL**s $$a{r{errn tn-f S tn *fftt,tsat *p$reximnial.y l** ln *ssttb& S' Soaklss &rs atr*s la*l h*t hers*fha qi,lflir$n$B rs iot sE notts*bh, srtsbablp Ftsrasoatrns * rhl'f,t* tng ab*u0 of the eoe8l* popu3.nt,i*fi1botdt by n*rmal. sflf,*esvts*nt an$ by- i1,";*1 fsst$rr: .'h,l,Ehtsnd to oWn th* numbers$u[ of*f tk* tntlrt t-F*sf* ?ho *usil"ru oi ffnt twsstum elnnx of hoth sp*ii*ss FeX}trbo t"1'srr,.:d to I'sttr. Llatir-neck ELs*o a-lso shsa t&e effe*t sf, th* mr***or St*gl'n$ tn the flret eaat,lon but, no bcro ls ihls sg'eelce ebouadani emoug$to only *t- lP:Stncc trt, !a gaid,sn*a3r3*nt iitggta6 far lt cpeolflcaltry. prrh*pt of,- llti'trc tfrl,c lt affeot f6[ne.' Ufto taElne soenLai el"rntly aorl. on th oxteaclYr. cgas€qugnec| and e.+rt,alnly degg not Jtlatlfy ".ny t&rrc talon slans ars spcaida* Fuitbsr slnce oniy tJrt near-rurfaoc iircts llt,tto *an6or *f, f*hEl,r b**ne *c*Sletoly *lpcd-qut* &*xL$affus ls s*ns$r,suq** Uf *tn nblrenst* &nf, En* 6lSS*s r'il} *Spsy*ntly atrnn6* ab*u{, on* e}*a for tv*ry 3 os r$ tld*s ef &*getn6 Tho eld coaaeretral dl6$ffr lf doln;: Eo Bore or lsar laiilserlelnatoly. saf ttrcra uccf, to be qutto 6 fev of thoa hlt that !.cy rcrs^raFl;llr ln &ub o*t* Xt sfisas lt,SaXy tlr*n t&rt tfrsy Rsry ilsr*-r h*vr txl*t*S 1,*rgr ens*S& ffffibtrs to pf,ss$_ep*Elf,L* e[*glng,- S??f lt's t.htl{ f*ot*g* Sh*y f,bsutrfr-unfi*r prer*nt sEnr.lltXons at trsnsb b* nl*Ig *relF*nbtti:y }-**Sa& *n bp t&s Sbmntslton al ner*Iy *n tns['icn&s[ rp+c,ltn, ni porntq$. s*t b*foru *ls sns !n l,ntsrtpts$ in ksota b*sous* of ihe. *l,s*, fthrrefor* *h* nuabrrs fsrur{l, uhi,I.* sf trnt*rsstr tfi* s&i.U, of, J,ilt,o s ns*qusnoo fein any lnmEx.*l.nt's tt**" t $ggsr,bls ft*t*rnt 4) t.rl as{ algb[ bc f,oE shtsst$ hn*t *g**,a*t *$ * Hrssur. ef nbgllnc]ssf sf aD ,.,'Doanriillt' olad aot furf luoneoii by algs1lng, ebuld ab any ttm t&r olllns {**r*ac* n*re*dly ffi* gffi {1rrsst',f$n m i'rlccd nf -ot&rr r$n!,tnpn*1.' ?9oSFt.$feTLa *hst"hen tlw ssues HB& ewF*dlSS*W sr s€n* f*ntot tueb ar p*llutl,oa, \y.regraphlo+l ssnAtf,lone, cts. S'i,e thc cxcaptlsn ef pte&lon * rryhtshrapertrdly h** Iargr nunbotrt ef, s}**a *ns fha fsr*&otr!ff *es&l,ssr l,n gally'e nrtd,, aff of,m" ccetlong are e,L tbc prtsant ti're sorElmratlvely drrg bu&, ft ie rttlf p**alb&t te &te anuesss of E&aac tn t,&* Esursi *f*n tt$* h$[ tks nut*rs of iargortaalag elsr clane prcsent ars deflnlteii n"i-outiilndds;Anc Conporlt,lon nn<l Rsqr$ttncnt of Abo gtosl t*s$tb an* rtrdth f*sArl*}f3r *cptih) n***Brsxsntl r*tllr aradr pn 6 tst*}.&f, tSg bcr*s ol*ns on #u{y i$r!?n* l$r'lfhs* sL***'x*m *sS sn scctlong B *n. C by eomcrclal ane prlvatc dltlsrru end, rcnrcrat tlry aliis fiFoHIls a*tuail,y B'tllcn only. I1 lu-*aniaEa-tn*[-t[i;-4il; oan;:b of thr el,as. Frtr,ffii on tba beda btr3 lt, rnt lol.glla.a-t'nrc folt tJrat lt tJrr enly- fsy ln rblsh to gct a lar6p nunbar ef llu[?l*uxl* lrl ths ?: t,ls* *vrtti*h. Tbo rcrultc of Lboec ucrrrrrroptontr tsnoot&c{f by }tr} rrc rbom on t&o lno 6rt&e trneru-"o{i,tge il"p __ J pqafi ilvr-toon "iaiditG-ui lncpact,lon only, rt alit bs dron tfi,st bstJr nrr*arurraonLs th* ruc slll qssuere$lr *if tsob othu* ft Fls&urir S*tur,*.ngto subet*snttltt* Slro $us& bo trEnemh*n*d,tbrt tha*o Sf*phs ds no& bi *ny fi*s.trs gl"r tbr t'ruo reia&lvr eboundff,nr:oof ih[ gpoups s,fncs iUr iptclscnf firro t&r FEsuIt, sf sslssttrw i;ti*sl,nsr fa {ho l'*.nrt sl*e* *t" i* *Xnoct ispoax*b}r l.n the tfry sf tl{:a:.psr's rnssxrtorod &s spst sny ef &frq *mqt}.cr clenn, and saeontrly thcre lo a dcflnltc .roslra enir abltr lty on thr g*rt of all alggtcra to ptclr out and dlc o$ly tbc lnrgrst oi thr oLmr f$$nd. rhrnsf,*r* lrhllE the flgutrs sr6 pr.obabl.y *ttttrgalcally nnfi* fo|r Shf flael cnil of thc -ur-vs tJret are ratrtncfy lor fsp ttri orlrtrn rnd. FgDst'helose Lney thould bs nailr fsr ,otormtnlng tiil loen&lsn of ws+rs oeen thougll not for <istsmnlnln' hrtgthr sf thc *od*s. Tbo reeuit,g of tho ssr,'enod nug ea,eplor rbo sd a ntroup of tlny'qult'6 unlfsra ln slsa epcclnonc of *n *vir*go l,*ngth of, t?;5 iisrr rl.;t'h of li.8 nn, Those untloubLe,.lt rgp."eesnt ?}re rrmi ycer g"iirpril.. .the reult,a of, tbta a3:rlngs apa..nlnt, on the feoo of trrc l"iaeto" nsnll*b.Lt t*r*n ont l,:c*ld. de*tgrnt**the f,trst group nhonn on tho grft,Silr l* tha ssssnd fses slnrc, fblCI ho;;9961*6c*f,r* Xffi* Ln rr'ror. lt ip* ulgFly unllr.cXy tJrat' l.a qrc f,e&r.., i,lmc th€ alsul rorila unecrgo FS"rlng thc laar**llt,le growt'b roqul,red for tJrlc krgr Jrmp ln lengtJr, rldtbr s&.d volunuoe $trth*r CI *ough **rl,yats s*s e.rla bf, t#ra abcol rirtrs sB ths shall,E $esplto tJrc faat t&e[ S*o] rxpcrlEng* hes shewn t&tn natbo& to bo rs,thcr EaUEe-1nd.-*nb_lguour for- thla rpccloa, aa rlf,n lgnr otlers.. Sce*wr *f, sfrg oeuld ssurthl&* tro *bsch 'a*rtrs p*i Fasrr &o th* slnn' l,t rpnLs sgrrs r**gbly'rr*tb tb; rcr$l,tr of, ue lepglbrmtet&h 6*t* lf th*rE i]f*f* *,n l,nt*rrEarltat* f**f clsEa b*i*r*n tJrls-y*nra a*t &nm tar flret slsgs gbo*n on ghs rriphg, $ueb e elasa osul.d wrll exlEt and bavr boon alsefti d,ue &o lned,cquabc aarrpllnd or elsor sbtlc tbro1lltle-cxlstlng aetuaS.ry bs alsdtnry thla-yoeF'lf, thirc'had ucrn i lill f*l,l*rs *f c$*,,'nfnil{,*f re$ttn6 larf yaar" tlntllL furthor lnfonsatim-Is nv*l,tr"q*bl*sno ef tbt $ro f,srceondl*lana ls e*s$n*d tE tha ssrc *t anrt t&* yoa.r 6sougr ero -9o+6 auaber€d e& sh$un CIn ttra Snapha* IS thgn lFFanm th.q& vo haro m,f,lehory tn&3ng ffi fnr F$esttc*l Bursss6&- t-hs l"arge adult etsehs anly, prlni:lselty-*g * glagir e]"assr tbst ;; F*ss out of i.ns Blstur* rlft* bt rirti{ tf not utlilzc*' AL ftrst lt ntgtrt setu that tho dlggcrg oonl+ thsr t,alo I rIe lo {$} a&f 6M olmr tb*tr oenil* f*ndlr rfrts$ *i t&* ffi**onb x*ulf, r;r$ sbsnt l*S *lmo {fg$ Ib$"}, $*r ssr6 p*r toftif, fhfr.* ftsfiffifs# ho*rwr fnll* to ta*e tnto asoount tbc E*ttgr Ef, npa...nlagpopulrt'lea. trt rsa*lnc ts b$ &*oa rhrtl*r sr nst perxlsl r***rml sf thr t y*e.f &F,otlp*nd eoc;lo bc rcilovel sf thr 5 ycer group anrltovrr loulsl tr*nrs ctssha s*pxbjln of, **rtalnlng th* peputitf,qn.lf uotr sss egps-$***&* k to sct s.{ason61 l}rohtblifru thi"lr ta*lrg froe tba tlno ln Isle fsJ,l or .lnter ryhen t"!re rt yenr group bccsne l.argc cno'lEh to brgtn tE bc ta.ccn I,n s$-$rse!*ble nmb*re, uat-tlt *fton-thc apirntrag !6 ter rFtr,l-s$. .** fs,r &e Fc$lr$*ustl,*n l,n ssncrra** t#*s *hort1d, trln*n ,$s*s tlh* lora of only tbe 6 fs*r oJ"ass ;tbfsh e$p*r*JitXy t* not tsc l,rrgr trt ntnherl. $on'61n63too lltnl.c ls *no*u 6s gpc;;niffi tt&*f qnei potcn&tslc to tf$st t-hlr ntssonlng t*o f,ef" Surt*rer, wlth*ut que*tlo$ Hara ilqrt lp ner*s* on the rslettva abeunfinne* sf th* v*rlsus yr*;r SFsqFs"'&f*o as f*n *$ ruhptre*tL*tlon of She ye*E elsrs {*rlgn*ttgu* ar*o;6r*rth 6nrr tt ls ftlt tbet *nvrutlga,tlsn lnts *hr l*ng&h* rr$.Sbfrr*tLs at$bt, ylotd. LB&*ssst.fur*q'reaulte werl to Mils tn&*sest..l,ne rsadS.t* s!.nes t&* welrl fixiilnrtr* afnce t&r ts d*t* figill*rtr* *e .pro*rar sbfrtl* *r*l.y sha&gls$ F*,tlo. Lrn6tb 4sry r.,td,[h] fro4*anslts tc,,**n n& ve,rtq*rg tl.nsa pf tJrc yc&r to ge& oon*r*t* **tn :tc ron&, o:r1 thts bclag sxFcoled to yltld tlrc bcrt rsrults. drte h*s not e,a yct bccn csrkctcd, eqd ror&rd Suffletlni L.$ fi$ Ws *f ruer*l,tn**t of t&* qoclnl*s* It lc propor*& t,@t, bh{* bc &gqs* SE**v*r rsv*ral lnLrrcntN,xg af*[ca hsvr ,kts,Sn*gn*rfrd sig;rd,,i.S Sb* *p*el"ano &rs lT t&* lml.vqrssl, el*l& tbee f&r e*,ShIioSkw ' deftnltely not dccrsaaed, tn arnbor drspltp tJrr lntmelvc tcft,lag hrt &*t* h*lcr thtl,r s,rft, A&trsughortt & gnn6p6r if aeyt&$"n6 now b*fn6 hsfi[ abouariant tJlrs ovtrr Tht tosond la th&t tbc oosrilcE h*vr *elltl'ltc eattlag a,rcs,a (nanely t&e rcctlono of purr olc*n l*nd,.pnlnstprllt f end S) fron qhloh th*:yst{sr$ s}*sx frsro onte tho *t&gr ntstL*!t*- So tnlntaln t&r p$*o&r* *tt'b$$Sh **w$n& * blb fer*f*tsbr* *trt* e*tr :r mll bg*r 1ooi1n6 lnto. $t any-mte lt ta proporcd t&rat Lbc c*nc typr of, Frqtrr*e bc qarl"lrd out on thlr rptalon ao irss been startad on Anc horei elatr. .- It le sldo Broporrs t&eb t&e r*port** largr bods of Htr* up th* rl?6r bg lnycmitget*d &o &,{firs*xtm$n So worl I,s aonE*x$lat1tci ss eer of Gbc othor epoclca. In t*R a.l*y pf_j&e _ftshe,rr X*getnn S*f, f{lssrtretly sf EIa** *x thr pain ilf* fsr tlttl$ (rar:or sxeluaedl t,a Srcgon s,r far re ttre LourLet treffto gpas. tritlor|t AEub& {,t is a }a1ee -*ir*rtn6 s*rd f,sr &hi,T *iFC&r en& * nmoursr t&*t XSt ahsuiq bo c*tntalnod,. CLan dlggrro bem say be dl"tdsd lnto tbrcc 6tFsupst tourlrtr r o*nmofol,*1.5 *nd * SJlst{p hc * r$f,*r.r6d, la *n nb*hq**se$s*fSt; Shtt# paople frs* tfru tV*llay" ls*t xrs Slw*,rily Flue I f,os', trss*I ruflstetr trhs $s ssf as*S f6sr for oa*, trcn $r t&r|s tld'*n, tsefsg ,f,firfiefw bhoy oqn $oEEtbIy dlg anci cannlng or ffrotfag tlrs olanr fsr sro &mfeg n*xt f6eri$6p*rt*}}g estlvc e,hCIfnrCI n*rat &rrtng th+ *in** lhw t&* aLsrss sr€ ln tft* b*nt om$l&{sgr 'l[lhcna *s&s ,h*frs c&*ns *]se*3 otslustrveiy. Al,tbongb tlro tsurlat, ecaeoa 1r n*tur*l,iy hoayl,rrt, filrtng tbs surarsr, Ehe loec] rcstdr'nts all :16r*o tJut )t&o lngsrttt of y3ry llttlr dlsglns le rougiily Bbp ceas t&e year csoundr lppnrcntly dfryl*e tn ttanc *.! *np !1ft4 sxsos& on thr [*gW rwron,tr, Frlnqtpatrtt oa tbc ssr& ;rg{ mi.n*e itd*ni Ar oonplotr dntc er psostble rar gtsbcro.i on thc lo; tlda rcrlor of JuIy t4 thrEusb Ztrd, an to thc a,eount,of elalaa ta,hNs tn *rs runnorlaGd tn, t&e follo,r'lng tablc. lequlna EeSrpnogcr. The rciultr Th? eatc f,or Srily'c Ecnd,la fslt to br qultc ascuretl, altheustr th drta for t'he rest, of th* bay le apFroxloCtc only, bescd eJ,cost-rrntlmlf (6) {6} oa csttast€1. It le fclt te bG of Gorrast Esgxttbudr horcwr, tr? r&lt br notc<i t&at' vlrtuelly 811 t&c ssmcrs!,n"l dlggtrig ls ots Eallyf r hd rhl,l* It ls obvtoua/ tUat t&r Sr**&**t xa*seff sf tosrlatr dfg- sn th€ otbon soetlona dua to t'heeo rcottons bstrg ner{e aoeoerebh ti tbr *vrre&* t$uflst rltJrEut a bp*t,n . qf filtrWM1W Ot&m n' ***** Sallyta 0mnsrel*l 9*tr ts l't Scnd r Son-aonuerolal rbs' ln lbr. i oi i;3$t:1n 1 i Bo. ar- Il-te,Lr .ggera nsrfc I lol.enal eooirlce r dlgRerrl sl,mr lsos&Ice rrri !i s Y !5,s t5r ?sfi sf,& $*r tgis $of S$r I g*n satakr s**lq*er* totsl *, ts$ f8 tg $s gs * 5 I ? l{'* ss f,pr entl,rc ttdef ls* :.,. &* crtlnrtrd, s t,*ss f*s t8t, 43 s9 3s *{i F*$ *$e p.s t* F$$ I *'&* ss ?m r. I rii I soel.ks ls* $s 8$* $ss }Ss I *p$* I fs*s 5*S 3$* I rIisS s;sgs $r$$s' : t**s* 6rS$* ?r*sS tr$fi$ Sr t$t I rs,so ?*s 2i. " ** 3*B $s r-: $$s l*SS *1S** &r$ss f0s lr&8s ,!:at 3r9$s $r5f'* tCIt&l f,sr t&n *nttre t1{* *mlrn **c Ebt*Aaffi rrt r5 arr rvDragr d.et4 ^ytd !f ognefd,1rtng tJrc Pf Ffid t&6 f4r t5r rnd togotbrr _(datr of poor* tldarl ar enot&or ldv*r*gl dryl tbrmfonr ad*ilng l/3_at tht tot&l roosnrod, on thc otbr 6 d,e5roto t&89 totnlr tle ssnvaralpn feotsrs b*tryrea r*tght, xl,rahafsr tpd volum sf *lsB$ e$ 1&f*1vi1*" sbero xffa d,efi*f;etns$ to b;r htrna Elngl* escrrGl corEht.= | lb. 4 ozr e*ebf cocxhr a Qs olemo pcr 5 gal. 6aa e 5! Ib-., or 6 l/. lbs. per 6elr volusc. Al.l, flgurac nrc for sleua ln t&i rbrllr sl drtg, t" S* *r{sr to obtnln ioni ldrn as ts tb. grnrlr*X 'S#rfiS $s $old* t&Xqn of, th* f,lsh*rt ssul rqow$ c*lsrlktlont ilf$hg br rodlr ffi tbr buri; ;r ffi d;r"-#qiin*'r-ffi*ril-Jffi;ffis 6f;*;*il IFTrffiuX mr" :'i;;l Y t40 &td* avora66, por tg b?_an* *ntraulntstg ffi * b**lr sf lS ti6rn gctr tfro follonfng* ffif *ffrg*.l. t*h* &*erxl,t&ont ln l,blln Lbs* $atrl,f*s Srnd, ,4S;oSO bon*r eJ,aE ll*rBGc qoc&1.*a I SrsaLn*sr of Sey nsrSs sl"sn cosbkn t3$"sen f $rSft* $$rs*c f,$*rr / 9 9 / C/) oo { } uocO 1 Yd* '??n' "?{{*E s*,$.s*s '*ffi#*r r 'lo f,?t ( ?) Eht rserui, twnt f,l6nrre a,ra of sslrr.6 mrb$fi*t to thr rymei*,w* brougbt uD ln the 'ilrsulaloa-of, thgt Folntr It ts ircn thra tnrit, lf tfr* fqr*get*S flgur*o arr sf tho eorrces snwmt,t{t** tbet fn S*Itftr ffi6 t$o hsrsa al*n taks Lr eq$e} ts tbo reeruttscrrg'uhll* th* so*th [*Ar lt csnsl*crsrbly lrer ltrnn tlrc rogrultccnGFlf tt tl *lso pnlwr,rtly a sso f*er EXsr*sstsEB, Sueb e coxdf,&lou cg*l.& wrl.X *xplrfin th* rrlprt*d ritcltse t ln *boundancc of troraa EI&SE .'!th nono yrt not*d for tJrr- eos$trNs. A,st"nt of, rttll sors lnt*rtet tn ?J*r f*c& tb*t alt'lnougb tb* f,*e &"rJnr arrp* dlvtslsne he?s *S$fsxlnetalF th* csm &r6rs *,n{nmisht bs sx$asf,sd to beru t&s samf nrer*X.tpcnt.patue*tlcl. the f,*8.* sf el,glas on tJrt Lomgryn ssr6 haevlly du$ erre l* mrob lria th;m trn sartyrg Bon.. .reeplts the groatsr intonalty of dlsslng. It {?t toEld t&nn .{rrn tsat tJrlr nurt rrptnirsrt a atrtr of f,rplrttosl tbt thc $lfiS*r* s*rrnotr t*L* *11 tl*u* thxt onn bl lssttrs fth* pitmtb*&itf breu&bt up Srcvlonsltrl r!,t&ogt mmrlfw tbn *tsohE *srn &tXtr, st*eppc duc to &lro also Slrcvloualy aentlonc* festor of rpswnfn6 posul*tlogr' At esy rni* it ts b*ll,svn*, tfrrst tbt 6a!* gst&mfi ?6 {[&t* Lsril,oat,re a eoadltlon et lsest epproasbtna osfiltr-fl,ehtnasr lnemesTng alrcaOy ln ruob R FFosoar. In vlsr of, t&o-etlll, lf, bot ugnlt;udl *sr* lsFsrtsrier nf ahc slsm bs'.lr brrs *nd t&r *ssrrostltr rpsrenehdnEum ssxdLt*,ffir *f th* flnh*ry *t Ln rs*soqffi*nfr*tl ths& f,nbtbm sorn t* t*sffioon t&** "inr:ilsLrgrl$ f,* f*3t Sbe't',e$ onp*m*ttatpo dt$ptsg t& sffiSlfiS ys&r sf, thtn *tatisne *ff,nrt* ts th* *x$mt &f tg $ qp t&lr pr*blnur ;*El& nat b* srtt sf llno. tht* sbEuld t'&nrr Slva &sb* f,ert rsll6 *S'ffi b*ttor ?rbrt-r*gul*t1otr*1[f a{ryru*i:ht'b* nscs*s*tr't brfore tS ft*hnfy ;r**ld. S*w n shanoe t6 *sqLtss too f,ar* St t* *lxa fsf* &blr* stbsr sias affi** [n $$*t* rk*l*] bc *t ]**s& brtrfls ]&,ae.*elntg to ir* Lf slsl],sr osn&ttiana mt6Bt axlnt Sn tbons #ffi*sr fimcrr-qf tsnjln | * Sessr*rf,l,ens sf fnho &l*rtrm'trr aN F*rt*lsf"n$ t* El*r hdt* *n Sxq*lqa W fiffi St?rn & * OlaoreL net*o rru glwn €gt eb sLs,ss fotrrr& [n t'htr as* r*sprE*lv* lngmrtrgffit** tha|r 6l,nt'rl,htLs$'. !at, rad sos*lof {S*r$ltn I * S*rl* clntr tspbt"ro!,!**r{*s nuttplt} eorbla) aro tlrr only tmo slano founc of conrtqur*Gor * * $*Ilyf t &ad,r t&s €mlf l*qgr treot Laf& nLt& oonnmol*} n$nblrs of ginar rstr*t$lnfi *af, fotu{ tc noat*t*l * "til**ola.xn *&& *b}ts pgpulatton of SGfSSSLba, sf brst A**rfi** Iba. *f necslr** w'ork on tJrc horuo olen ln*lErtcr lt to bt f - PrEllntn*ry predotrlnetcly a fleb*y of e rlnglc yae,r slrrr prr ttsrt thc clrtr# tJrrn b.[n6 ta tJnili,r fffth ffirr* 6 * Thr apFroxlcatr t*ho of alsns ln Xrqulna Bqr d,grln8 ths I }-ox s*r{or sf, &i,SoE fuLf 14 thrsr$e ,I} rr$ fst#' ?n totrl t*fc$ ths, pf h*res *ls** sld SrSg'* Lhs" sf, sss&&rr Ff eonuerelal <i,tsgorar Hogr-esanarolal. ,*.169,trrt teol a s*lottlnt*S $r4*o fbt" of hsrs* $I.*e* *nS f{r$tt lbr cf sa*Eflt *s *nbrfC"fs f,rx*.,thrt thn ? * &* &Sn b*rls of f,a*n nvnll*bl* rstlo bstucu tel,o of sLaqa *nd nlorultarnt lr d*n6ltrourIp clom t* t& *ld* sf, Sep],*tl.onr l,f no& ntfr*q.y und*r* 6olng ruch a Frooetcr $ * It 1o rcoaonnondcd, tb&t t5 { of, tbo rffortr sf t&r cml,n6 yrar be sFant lra fsrf&rr Ef thlr Sgrek}*t lnv.Gtlgetloa ln X*qutnn &fr nw} rl**tb*ffi* m*s&*ttr4 ,'fuly f$r t$ry T R, Rs$*r 5*t[*frm ti t\: 5*x q !r, ,\ l"- tS g* ti i '1 i' QZ1 S.t,l ''t l.,i-I ) :*+"f"i.&i_e,_: \l ^\ i \; -l* \l c, tn" b- t t () ---r 1$ -n* goi, I (\- H b q a I 4 1 t/f1Q I At1 Nl o ySBWnN OS_________ H H 4 - *fH± -r------ 9 s F- t - --- ,<* strt t qf Oil s.\\ \ \J i I... t}J ts ir f// i S if 8 . . r. . ' { I .)* i,- ' i1 2(I (/ ^* * I '.il- r**-**- QCI i1 T I s. \! !\ Un r-.t \ q WW \ 2 { { ({ tIt stt -\- :. = N t-., i '"'n ' '' k.^s tu' h- 1HL:1 4: 4/ 4(b'i b'jvibVA L q a?L1.Q1 U -I S A q3LOQ#I,ç \ (/LN1 'frw g " LJ±LLLLLLI vl vl I V V .. : 'P a - " -. |- *t tYl IUIW / \ !q AI , q {t * vl ro sr (/} :E o 4I L4 d5 ;q p4 ,\ 1., II,* uti ! (}}--r te P ,\oo l;- b.i * -, t"" b*: -_9 It; --i :r S.l ? l.t';r kq tt_ t .t vl ps \, f* ) I A \ ' p fian< t n IqNt 4 Co u /f'14 A S \ F G g3 o ,o e e t ''\. 'S. : C - - t t t ' tt- I -* rns t I t I '7' I, I f {sl gt \, .r8$ It\ il; 1 frI5o I: ZedoO -'.1 ) li lt .l It I SCALE \ ,' I tl ,l SjeTtoAf5 ii t,. it l , ' lr { / .": ! *[i - -* j, r!, / / / 7 ) iiit ,7 ( / fi: r i .*F ,1' OlNT , i "1 / l* 1 '{ 1.. ; I / . ii / (-'-- ( I I _f // I / ')( / I ;51 a 5* i,<J I 5 PoINT .l J a