B A L L S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y Greek Alumni Newsletter VOLUME 2, INSIDE THIS ISSUE Homecoming - page 1 Awards Presented at Grand Chapter - page 2 & 3 Recruitment and Intake Information - page 3 Sorority Village Update - page 3 Chapter Highlights - page 4 & 5 - ISSUE 2 Ball State Greek Community at a Glance Greetings alumnae, alumni, and friends of Ball State’s fraternity and sorority community. We are happy to report we have another way for you to be informed of the successes of Ball State’s fraternity and sorority community. Each semester the Office of Student Life publishes a Greek report that reflects many of the activities that fraternity and sorority members engaged in during the previous semester. This report is distributed to university administrators, advisors, national headquarters and students. In addition, the information is published on our website and in other marketing materials. You may access this report on our website by going to www.bsu.edu/greeklife. You will find it on the main page under the “News & Reports” section. We hope this new issue of the Greek Alumni Newsletter will keep you informed and up-to-date. You may notice we have added some new features to the newsletter, primarily based on alumni feedback. We are dedicated to making this your alumni newsletter with articles you find interesting and informative. As always, your comments and feedback are welcomed. Please email these to cwluyster@bsu.edu. - Sincerely, The Office of Student Life Staff Fraternity to Colonize in the Fall - page 6 Strategic Plan Update - page 6 - SPRING 2008 Homecoming Ball State has set the dates for the “Red, White + U!” 82nd annual Homecoming celebration. This year the Cardinals will take on Kent State University at Scheumann Stadium on September 27, 2008. The Homecoming Steering Committee is already hard at work preparing for a fantastic Homecoming week. Tentative Schedule Homecoming Kick-Off Event September 22, 2008 7pm at Irving Gym/LaFollette Field Bed Race September 26, 2008 Noon on Riverside Avenue Music on McKinley September 24, 2008 6pm at McKinley and University Green Homecoming Parade September 27, 2008 TBD Air Jam & Royalty September 25, 2008 9pm at Emens Auditorium Ball State vs Kent State football game September 27, 2008 Noon An up-to-date schedule of events can be found on the BSU Alumni Association website www.bsu.edu/alumni. Click on the upcoming events to view activities that will be sure to get students, staff and alumni excited and ready to celebrate homecoming! Awards Presented at Grand Chapter Each spring the Greek community honors chapters in the areas of academic achievement, outstanding service and philanthropy work and Greek Excellence. In addition, individuals are recognized for outstanding contributions to their chapters and the Greek community at Ball State. This year’s program was held in Emens Auditorium on Sunday, April 6th. Below is a list of our 2007 award recipients. Greek Individual Award Winners Service/Philanthropy Awards Outstanding New Member Lisa Canary, Delta Zeta Branden Clements, Phi Gamma Delta Panhellenic Council Outstanding Chapter President Jamie Koerner, Alpha Chi Omega Shawn Meier, Phi Gamma Delta Philanthropy Award Alpha Chi Omega Outstanding Greek Achiever Summer O'Dell, Kappa Delta David Niedzwiecki, Phi Delta Theta Greek Woman of the Year Amanda Ostoich, Alpha Chi Omega Community Service Award Pi Beta Phi Overall Philanthropy/ Service Award Delta Zeta Philanthropy Donation Award Delta Zeta Interfraternity Council Community Service Award Sigma Phi Epsilon Greek Man of the Year Eric Maroun, Phi Gamma Delta Philanthropy Award Duane Deal Outstanding Chapter Advisor Sigma Alpha Epsilon Brad Gemberling, Phi Gamma Delta Overall Philanthropy/Service Award Phi Gamma Delta Academic Awards National Pan-Hellenic Council Highest Chapter G.P.A. - Spr. 2007 Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Highest Chapter G.P.A. - Fall 2007 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2007 Most Improved Chapter G.P.A Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. P A G E 2 Philanthropy Participation Award Phi Gamma Delta National Pan-Hellenic Council Community Service Award Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Interfraternity Council Panhellenic Council Highest Chapter G.P.A. - Spr. 2007 Phi Gamma Delta Highest Chapter G.P.A. - Fall 2007 Phi Gamma Delta Highest New Member G.P.A. - Spr. 2007 Theta Chi Highest New Member G.P.A. - Fall 2007 Phi Gamma Delta 2007 Most Improved Chapter G.P.A Phi Delta Theta Highest Chapter G.P.A. - Spr. 2007 Alpha Chi Omega Highest Chapter G.P.A. – Fall 2007 Alpha Chi Omega Highest New Member G.P.A. - Spr. 2007 Alpha Chi Omega Highest New Member G.P.A. - Fall 2007 Alpha Chi Omega 2007 Most Improved Chapter G.P.A Kappa Alpha Theta G R E E K A L U M N I N E W S L E T T E R Greek Excellence Awards Greek Excellence Awards are the highest honor that a Greek organization at Ball State can receive. The purpose of the Greek Excellence plan is to provide guidelines to assist chapters in functioning at the most effective and efficient levels possible and to recognize individual groups for achieving excellence in chapter operations. Chapters may be recognized for achieving excellence in four programming areas: scholarship, chapter management, membership development and outreach. Chapters that achieve excellence in all four areas are recognized as being a Chapter of Excellence. Below is a list of award recipients. Excellence in Outreach Alpha Chi Omega • Alpha Gamma Delta • Delta Zeta • Phi Mu • Pi Beta Phi • Sigma Kappa • Phi Gamma Delta • Sigma Nu Excellence in Scholarship Alpha Chi Omega • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Omicron Pi • Chi Omega • Kappa Delta • Phi Mu • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. • Phi Delta Theta • Phi Gamma Delta • Sigma Alpha Epsilon • Sigma Chi • Sigma Nu • Sigma Phi Epsilon • Theta Chi Excellence in Membership Development Alpha Chi Omega • Alpha Gamma Delta • Chi Omega • Phi Mu • Pi Beta Phi • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. • Phi Gamma Delta • Sigma Nu • Sigma Phi Epsilon • Theta Chi Excellence in Chapter Management Alpha Chi Omega • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Omicron Pi • Alpha Phi • Delta Zeta • Phi Mu • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. • Phi Gamma Delta • Sigma Nu • Sigma Phi Epsilon • Theta Chi Chapters of Excellence Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Gamma Delta Phi Mu Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Nu S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 Recruitment and Intake Information This summer chapters will be busy making plans for fall recruitment and intake and marketing their organizations to nonGreek students. Everyone must do their part to ensure the campus is well informed about BSU fraternities and sororities and the opportunities they offer college students. Alumni and graduate members play a great role in informing students and parents about the benefits of joining a Greek organization. Please consider telling your friend, neighbor, babysitter, family member or anyone else you know about Greek life and information on how to join: Panhellenic Sorority Formal Recruitment September 4 – 14 Website/Registration: www.bsu.edu/greeklife/join! Cost: $25 IFC Fraternity Formal Recruitment September 14 - 19 Website/Registration: www.bsu.edu/greeklife/join! NPHC Informational August 27 Website/Registration: www.bsu.edu/greeklife/join! Sorority Village Update The Sorority Housing Exploratory Committee concluded its work this spring and determined that there is an interest among undergraduates and alumnae to investigate the possibility of sorority houses at Ball State. The committee was charged with gathering feedback from the sorority community. They did this through surveys and focus groups with students, alumnae and advisors. The committee recommended that the university continue to move forward with the project. In the next phase, representatives of the sorority community and university architects will create a design and financial model for the sorority houses. This model would provide more specific information on the layout and costs associated with a sorority house and would enable the national organizations and local chapters to decide if they want to build sorority houses at Ball State. Although no final decision has been made on the course of sorority housing, the community and the university continue to work hard to determine the best housing options for Panhellenic sororities at Ball State. P A G E 3 Chapter Highlights Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Phi The ladies of Alpha Chi Omega held their annual Powder Puff Tournament on April 12th, 2008. The money raised went to A Better Way and Big Brothers Big Sisters in Muncie. The chapter extended eleven bids at the beginning of the semester to eleven amazing women that will bring the chapter great success. Alpha Chi also celebrated Dad’s Day with a “Look-a-Like” contest while bowling and socializing with both sisters and fathers. This year’s Mr. Phi-Nominal event for the Alpha Phi Foundation and cardiac care was a huge success. With 11 different acts ranging from magic acts to dancing to mind reading and a band, the all-male talent show was a big hit. All audience members had the chance to win door prizes just for purchasing a ticket. Prizes were donated by sponsors and Alpha Phi sisters and included tanning packages, BSU apparel and gift certificates to local restaurants. The Delta Rho chapter raised a total of $6,740 for cardiac care, which was several hundred dollars more than last year’s event. Alpha Gamma Delta The women of Alpha Gamma Delta had an excellent year! We were proud to be awarded Chapter of Excellence for 2007. Our annual Par-Tee Golf tournament was held on April 26th and was a complete success! We are also pleased to have our members taking leadership positions within other organizations, such as Andrea Schanz who is VP of Membership Development on Panhellenic. In January 2008, AGD was one of four sororities that received a house on campus. We are thrilled and grateful for such an opportunity. Our advisors have been a great help in all our accomplishments and for that we are thankful. Chi Omega The women of Chi Omega are proud to announce their efforts towards raising $6,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation to sponsor a terminally ill child. On April 19th, they co-sponsored the first Greek Day, raising over $4,000. In October, Chi Omega will sponsor a Battle of the Bands: Rock for a Cure to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research. Also, we are happy to report Lauren Greene was recently selected to be an NFL Colts Cheerleader. Chi Omega is proud of her dedication and hard work! Delta Tau Delta Members of ΑΓΔ at their Par-Tee Golf philanthropy Alpha Omicron Pi During the spring of 2008, the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi pioneered a new philanthropic event. Dodge Ball Day, which was an all day dodge ball tournament for Greeks as well as non-Greeks, debuted on March 1st. The tournament raised money for the Arthritis Foundation. The chapter is proud because we participated in nearly all Greek philanthropic events throughout the semester as well as Relay for Life. Alpha Omicron Pi made great strides this spring and were glad to be able to give back to Greek life as well as the greater community. P A G E 4 The men of Delta Tau Delta have completely reorganized and recommitted ourselves to a life of excellence this spring. Community service has always been the cornerstone of our chapter. This semester we hosted an Easter egg hunt with the Boys and Girls Club of Muncie, hosted a hog roast with Phi Sigma Kappa, and a barbeque with all of the Greek chapters on BSU’s campus. Academics had become a strong point in our chapter with a current grade point average of 2.86. With the many successes of our chapter, the future looks bright for Delta Tau Delta Epsilon Mu. Delta Zeta Delta Zeta had a great spring 2008 semester! Since the chapter reached quota in the fall, they did not have a spring new member class. The women hosted many great activities this semester including Mom's Day in downtown Indianapolis, a chapter self-defense workshop and the most successful Turtle Tugs ever with 17 teams. Participation in the event included alumnae members, other Greek organizations and other campus groups. Turtle Tugs raised $4,000 for the Painted Turtle Camp. G R E E K A L U M N I N E W S L E T T E R New to this issue of the Greek Alumni Newsletter are chapter updates. The feedback we received from alumni and alumnae indicated you are interested in reading about the chapters at Ball State. The following chapter highlights include all of the chapters who submitted updates prior to the publishing date of this newsletter. Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. Sigma Alpha Epsilon The men of the Delta Iota chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. at Ball State University celebrated its 55th Anniversary April 18th-20th. This event was attended by over 80 alumni and undergraduate brothers. The event left a huge imprint and marked a positive step towards excellence for the chapter. Kappa Week was also April 14th-20th. The chapter participated in community service at Motivate Our Minds (MOMs) as well as provided events for the Ball State community such as the 2nd annual Nupe Nitekap: Kappacino and Karikatures. This year the gentleman of Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrated their 40th anniversary at Ball State University. Photos from the event can be seen on our website www.bsusae.org . We would like to also thank those individuals who have contributed to another great year for the Dance Marathon. The Ball State Dance Marathon raised over $13,000 for the kids at Riley’s Children’s Hospital. We ask our alumni and friends to check our website periodically for updates regarding upcoming events. Please make sure to update your contact information with the undergraduate chapter, as well. Phi Mu Morale is high for the women of Phi Mu, who are proud to have raised more than $4,000 for Riley Hospital for Children this spring through the Ball State Dance Marathon. Next year, the chapter hopes to bring a new philanthropic event to campus to raise even more money for Riley. The Phi Mu’s were also proud to be recognized as one of five Chapters of Excellence at this year's Grand Chapter ceremony. Sigma Kappa The women of Sigma Kappa participated in Dance Marathon to help raise money for Riley’s Children’s Hospital and Relay for Life to help raise money for cancer research. We also had an Alumnae and Mom’s Day brunch at the Artist Within, where each woman was able to make her own pottery and spend time with the Indianapolis alumnae chapter and our moms. The women of Sigma Kappa also participated in Powder Puff and won 1st place overall. We would also like to welcome our nine new initiates and we will miss our new alumnae. Theta Chi Members of ΦΜ at the Dance Marathon philanthropy Pi Beta Phi The men of Theta Chi raised $1,500 for Riley Children's Hospital through its philanthropic event WaterDaze last fall semester. Theta Chi completed over 500 community service hours this past spring semester, which is five times the amount completed the previous semester. We are proud of this achievement and hope to continue to increase our service hours. Brothers will be coming together this summer in Indianapolis for the 152nd Anniversary Convention in July. The Indiana Zeta chapter of Pi Beta Phi raised over $3,000 through Arrowgames this semester. Over $600 of those funds were donated to the Muncie Animal Shelter, with additional money from Sigma Nu fraternity, in an effort to help our community. Chapter members won competitions during Derby Days and participated in other events such as Turtle Tugs and PowderPuff. We received Excellence awards in the areas of Member Development and Outreach at Grand Chapter and an award for the most community service hours. Recruitment planning has been underway for months and we are excited for big changes in the fall! Members of ΘΧ at their WaterDaze philanthropy S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 P A G E 5 Fraternity to Colonize in the Fall Lambda Chi Alpha Prepares to Return to the Ball State Campus The Office of Student Life is proud to announce Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity will return to campus in fall 2008! Lambda Chi was originally slated to return to campus in spring 2010 with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity starting next fall; however, Pi Kappa Phi chose to postpone their colonization. Pi Kappa Phi wanted to ensure they could dedicate the staff and resources necessary to create a successful organization at Ball State. Their decision to not colonize this fall led to a reevaluation of the 2006 expansion timeline. In addition to these changes, another fraternity was added to the expansion timeline. Since our last edition of the Greek Alumni Newsletter, Zeta Beta Tau national headquarters closed the local chapter at Ball State. When ZBT left campus this past January, the headquarters and the Office of Student Life agreed that they would return to campus within a reasonable time period. The commitment to bring Pi Kappa Phi to Ball State will still be honored. However, at this time no specific date has been set. Fall 2006 Timeline Delta Sigma Phi Pi Kappa Phi Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Kappa Psi Alpha Tau Omega Lambda Chi Alpha Fall 2008 Fall 2008 Alpha Tau Omega Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Phi Kappa Psi Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Zeta Beta Tau Spring 2012 Spring 2013 The Office of Student Life worked with national representatives from Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Kappa Psi and Pi Kappa Phi to develop the new timeline. Because Lambda Chi was scheduled to be the next organization to expand they were selected to take Pi Kappa Phi’s spot. The next fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, did not wish to move their scheduled arrival date so Alpha Tau Omega moved up and will now re-colonize at Ball State in fall 2009. Pi Kappa Phi NPHC Week of Events August 25 – 31, 2008 Panhellenic Recruitment September 4 – 14, 2008 ΖΦΒ Week of Events September 8 – 14, 2008 ΣΧ Reunion September 12-13, 2008 Interfraternity Recruitment September 14 – 19, 2008 WaterDaze - ΘΧ September 20, 2008 11am at LaFollette Field Grill Off - ΚΑΘ September 21, 2008 Noon at Johnson Complex Parking Lot Revised Timeline Spring 2007 Golf and Dinner Outing - ΣΦΕ July 11, 2008 at Noon Wildcat Creek Golf Club in Kokomo Homecoming Week September 22 – 27, 2008 Arrowgames - ΠΒΦ September 29 – October 2, 2008 TBD Lynda Wiley, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of Student Life, stated “The new timeline reflects Ball State’s commitment to expand and strengthen Greek life at the university.” Bringing these organizations to campus will assist the Greek community in achieving its vision of providing all members an unmatched experiential learning and social experience designed to provide lifelong personal development opportunities and connection to the institution. For more events, view the online calendar at: www.bsu.edu/greeklife/greekcalendar/ All-University Average – 2.917 All-Greek Average – 2.917 All-Female Average – 3.033 All-Sorority GPA – 3.027 All-Male Average – 2.774 All-Fraternity Average – 2.744 Strategic Plan Update The Greek community recently finished the first year of implementation for the 2007-2012 Greek Strategic Plan. The first year, which was a busy one, will help lay the foundation for future progress. We are proud to report that with the assistance of advisors, alumni, students and university administrators this year 35 action items have been completed or nearly completed. A podcast has been developed to highlight accomplishments of the first year of implementation. It can be accessed by visiting: www.bsu.edu/greeklife/stratplan. P A G E 6 G R E E K Magnet Design for Recruitment. The marketing implementation team decided to create magnets to increase awareness of the fall recruitment dates. A L U M N I N E W S L E T T E R