September 15, 2009 4:00 – 5:30 SPNA Department Meeting 302E DeVos Facilitator: Mark Hoffman Recorder: Attendees: Dan Balfour, Diane Kimoto, Mike Payne, Rich Jelier, Donijo Robbins, Steve Borders, Al Lyons, Pricilla Kimboko, Ramya Ramanath, Sherry Moyer Guests: Hazel McClure Mark Hoffman Minutes Agenda item: PRESENTATION BY HAZEL McCLURE (1) Note that APA style has changed. Students may be using either the old or new unless specifically instructed otherwise. (2) Acquisition Budget: $6,000 for PA $1,900 for Health Admin Plus Johnson endowed collection for NP (controlled by JCP) This budget includes books and DVDs, but not database purchases. Ramya and Sal would like access to the premium content in Guidestar. (3) Please review Library Guides and send suggestions to Hazel to Public & Nonprofit Administration: to Health Administration: to philanthropy: (4) “Summon” is now the library’s multi-database search utility. What databases are included in a Summons search is not ready apparent. Discussion: Actions: We will again use GAs to search through key journals collecting the book titles. Hazel reports that the Collections Development Librarian, Doug, will continue to talk to Guidestar about pricing and services. If you want to participate, please assign 3 journals to your GA. Ask them to compile a list of books reviewed in the 2009 issues. To avoid duplication of effort, a “book reviews in journals” sign up sheet will be at Sherry’ desk. (See ) Examine the list and then forward all the books you think should be ordered to Seong Gin, who is our library liaison. He will compile the complete list and forward it to Hazel. Please have your list to Seong Gin by October 30. Agenda item: WINTER PROMOTION AND RENEWAL ACTIONS Discussion: Classroom visits are needed this term. Only Tenured faculty will do classroom visits. You can use your own review format. However, a standard review sheet can be found at: Actions: The schedule for classroom visits are as follows: Steve Borders: Robbins, PA611, 6pm W, 205A DeVos Cline, PA449, 3pm M&W, 307E DeVos Mark Hoffman: Robbins, PA611, 6pm T, 205A DeVos Cline, PA449 ,3pm M&W, 307E DeVos Dan Balfour: Kimoto, PA270, 10am T&R, 229 Lake Superior Rich Jelier: Kimoto, PA270, 2 :30pm T&R, 205E DeVos Moon, PA520, 4pm T&R, 205E DeVos Diane Kimoto: Moon, PA520, 6pm T, 307E DeVos Donijo Robbins: Moon, PA680, 6pm M, 418 Eberhard Ramanath, PA660, 6pm M, 316 Eberhard Mike Payne: Ramanath, PA663, 6pm R, 419 Eberhard 2 Agenda item: REVIEW OF NEW ADMISSION PROCESS Discussion: To comply with the recommendations of the NASPAA review, Hoffman drafted an Internship Waiver Form. The form was examined. Suggested changes were: 1. emphasize the importance of an internship 2. eliminate “other reasons for a waiver” Dan questioned why a resume and application were not enough. There was a debate over whether the 39 credit option was intended for anyone working full-time at the point of graduation or only for those that had substantial work experience. Sal suggested that a “practicum” option might be developed for those working full-time. Actions: Hoffman revised the form, which can be found at Agenda item: Discussion: FUNDING REQUEST PRIORETIES The things most needed (but may not be a specific funding request) 1. another half-time secretary or, failing that, 20 hours a week for student help. 2. a health faculty position 3. a new laser printer that prints double sided 4. better PCs for the graduate assistants Actions: A list of prioritized budget requests must be to the Dean by the end of the month Agenda item: Discussion: LEARNING ASSESSMENT PLAN We must carry through with the recommendations we made in the Self Study We must build on the assessment plan to include ethics, IT and budgeting. The MHA still lacks any assessment plan Actions: Hoffman needs to create a writing module for PA520. The rest was tabled as time ran out. 3