Document 10936366

Courtney Jensen
6001 Dodge Street, CB 114D, Omaha, Nebraska 68182  253.302.9404 (c) 402.554.4058 (o) 
Current Position Instructor, August 2008 -­ Present Nonprofit Organizations & Management (internet mediated) – PA 3500 School of Public Administration University of Nebraska at Omaha Education University of Nebraska at Omaha; Omaha, Nebraska Doctorate of Philosophy, expected May, 2011 Concentrations: Public Administration Dissertation: Foundations, Grantmaking Practices and Racial Inequality: A Discourse Analysis Dissertation Chair: Dr. Angela Eikenberry Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Blacksburg, Virginia August 2006 – December 2007 Concentration: Public Administration Eastern Washington University, Spokane Washington Masters of Public Administration, awarded May 2006 Master’s Thesis: Can Bureaucrats Be Good Citizens? University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Bachelor of Arts, awarded May 2001 Major: Political Science Publications Jensen, C., & Dudley, L.S. (2006). Organizational citizenship. Encyclopedia of Public Administration & Policy. Journal Articles Jensen, C., Webb-­‐Farley, K., & Wirgau, J. (2010). Is business discourse colonizing philanthropy?: A critical discourse analysis of (product) RED. Voluntas 21, 611. Jensen, C. (under review). The relationship between race and identity: How philanthropy can better understand and serve minority communities. The International Journal of Nonprofits and Voluntary Sector Marketing. Jensen, C. (invited article). The social construction of race and the invisible role of the state. American Behavioral Scientist, “Forensic Public Administration and Policy” Symposium. Book Chapters Eikenberry, A.M., & Jensen, C. (in process). Nonprofit organizations and civic engagement. In Civic Engagement in a Comparative Perspective. Hindy Schacter & Kaifeng Yang (Editors). Invited to submit June 2010. Invited Conference Presentations Jensen, C. (2011). Racial inequality in a post racial society. Urban Affairs Association, March 16-­‐19, New Orleans, Louisiana. Submitted for consideration. Jensen, C. (2010). The Discourse of Race: The Influence of Foundations on Minority Philanthropy. Public Administration Theory Network, May 20-­‐23, Omaha, Nebraska. Jensen, C. (2009). The role of race and identity in fundraising and philanthropy. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Research, November 19-­‐21, Cleveland, Ohio. Jensen, C. (2009). The relationship between race and identity: How philanthropy can better understand and serve minority communities. American Society of Public Administration Region IV Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, October 1-­‐3. Jensen, C., & Rishel, N.R. (2009). The role of matriarchal values in public administration through the lens of environmental policy. American Society for Public Administration, Miami, Florida, March 20-­‐24. Jensen, C., & Rishel, N.R. (2008). Nurturing citizens and fostering participation: Incorporating matriarchal principles into public administration. Public Administration Theory Network, Richmond, Virginia, May 29-­‐30. Jensen, C. (2008). Race and philanthropy: Towards a multicultural conception of giving. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20-­‐22. Jensen, C., Webb-­‐Farley, K., & Wirgau, J. (2008). Is business discourse colonizing philanthropy?: A critical discourse analysis of (product) RED. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20-­‐22. Jensen, C. (2007). The two sides of public administrators as organizational citizens. Public Administration Theory Network, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, May 26-­‐27. Jensen, C. (2007). Critiquing outside the box: Critical theory and new public management. Center for Public Administration and Policy High Table Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, March 29-­‐31. Invited Conference Moderator 2010 Delving deeper into nonprofit education curricula, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Research, November 18-­‐20, Alexandria, Virginia. 2009 Workplace giving and corporate philanthropy, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Research, November 19-­‐21, Cleveland, Ohio. 2008 The second sex and the third sector, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20-­‐22. Awarded Research Grants 2010 University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha University Committee on Research & Creative Activity (UCRCA), $500 for dissertation research 2010 University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha Graduate Studies, $1000 for dissertation research Teaching Experience Instructor, Nonprofit Organizations and Management (internet mediated), University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha, Spring 2010 Instructor, Nonprofit Organizations and Management (internet mediated), University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha, Fall 2010 Instructor, Nonprofit Organizations and Management (internet mediated), University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha, Summer 2010 Instructor, Nonprofit Organizations and Management (internet mediated), University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha, Spring 2010 Instructor, Introduction to Public Administration (internet mediated), University of Nebraska-­‐
Omaha, Fall 2009 Instructor, Introduction to Public Administration (internet mediated), University of Nebraska-­‐
Omaha, Summer 2009 Instructor, Introduction to Public Administration, University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha, Spring 2009 Instructor, Introduction to Public Administration, University of Nebraska-­‐Omaha, Fall 2008 Academic Awards 2008 Larry Terry Distinguished Doctoral Paper Award, Is business discourse colonizing philanthropy?: A critical discourse analysis of (product) RED 2008 ARNOVA Conference Best Paper Nominee, Race and philanthropy: Towards a multicultural conception of giving 2008 ARNOVA Conference Best Paper Nominee, Is business discourse colonizing philanthropy?: A critical discourse analysis of (product) RED 2006 Student of the Year, Eastern Washington University, Spokane, Washington 2005 Student of the Year, Eastern Washington University, Spokane, Washington Community Involvement & Professional Public Service October 2009 – ongoing; The Waldo Society, University of Nebraska at Omaha • Founding Member • President, November 2009-­‐present April 2009 – ongoing; Young Professionals Council, Omaha, Nebraska • Assisted in planning and development of the city-­‐wide Young Professionals Bus Challenge April 2009 – July 2009; 100 Black Men of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska • Prepared research report on youth mentoring to assist in strategic planning process January 2008 – May 2008; Omaha Community Foundation, Omaha, Nebraska • Oversaw and assisted service learning project categorizing the demographics of the OCF grant applications and designing a new tracking system to assist the organizations aim of greater diversity and inclusion. January 2008 – May 2008; Omaha Children’s Museum, Omaha, Nebraska • Oversaw and assisted service learning project reviewing grant applications and grant making processes culminating in a report of suggested revisions. September 2007 – May 2006; Spokane Economic Development Corporation, Spokane, Washington • Assisted in the formation and execution of intermunicipal policies to increase regional economic development. Duties included research, attending meetings, presenting policies and gathering community feedback and assisting economic development officers with various tasks and projects. June 2004 – August 2004; Spokane Economic Development Division, Spokane, Washington • Shadowed economic development director to gain deeper understanding of the division and first person experience. • Researched, wrote and presented a report comparing Spokane’s economic development strategy to 9 other comparable sized cities to the economic development division and community members. Employment Experience Research and Teaching Assistant, Omaha, Nebraska, January 2008 – August 2008 Assistant to Dr. Angela M. Eikenberry, University of Nebraska-­Omaha • Qualitative analysis of 30 interview transcripts from a nationwide giving circle research project. • Draft the qualitative results for the Giving circles and their impacts on donor-­members’ attitudes and behaviors. • Assisted with research on Giving circles: Philanthropy, voluntary association, and democracy by Angela Eikenberry. • Assisted with class preparation, lectures and service learning group projects. Editorial Assistant, Administration & Society, Blacksburg, Virginia, August 2007 – December 2007; Assistant to Dr. Gary L. Wamsley, Virginia Tech • Managing the internal manuscript tracking system from the submission to publication stage of an international public administration journal • Designing and facilitating the transition to a online submission system • Corresponding with authors, the editor, and the publisher to ensure manuscripts go to publication correctly and meet publication deadlines • Coordinating manuscripts and responses in special issues, Disputatio Sine Fine Research and Teaching Assistant, Blacksburg, Virginia, August 2006 – May 2007 Assistant to Dr. Larkin S. Dudley & Dr. Max Stephenson, Virginia Tech • Conducted general research in scholarly journals, databases, and the internet • Assisted with class preparation by managing online teaching tools and resources for multiple courses • Addressed student questions and concerns regarding class work and independent research projects • Helped organize, coordinate and carry out the 2007 American Behavior Scientist symposium Democracy in the Age of Network Governance. Graduate Research Assistant, Spokane, Washington, June 2004 – May 2006 Assistant to Dr. Robert G. Schwartz, Eastern Washington University • Assist the director of the Center of Entrepreneurial Activities in all center activities • Assistant editor of the Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, including author correspondence, editorial input, copy editing and journal design • Assist in CEA grantwriting • Plan and coordinate community education seminars • Collect research and analyze data on a variety of subjects (clusters, family businesses, game theory) for academic publications • Work on a number of community outreach projects (grantwriting, seminars, lectures, workshops, facilitation, networking) for low income and marginalized populations in the Spokane area. Property Manager, Olympia, Washington, October 2001 – May 2004 Cooper Point Village, subsidiary of Norpoint Communities • Oversee staff of 5 and property consisting of 88 rental units • Collect and tabulate monthly rent • Show and rent apartments, including drafting and reviewing leases and addendums • Maintain high levels of customer service • Coordinate work schedules and address HR issues 