Draft Agenda for Unit Personnel Meeting Candidate Name: Greg Cline Personnel Action (check all that apply): __X__ Contract Renewal (1st) _____ Tenure _____ Promotion Unit: ___SPNHA_________ Meeting Information: Date: _2/12______ Time: _3:30________ Location: 202E DeVos____ 1. General review of applicable criteria FACULTY HANDBOOK: It is essential that regular faculty review be thorough, fair and in accord with clearly stated standards and criteria (Section 2.9) and procedures (Section 2.10). A. Effective Teaching. This includes, but is not limited to, knowledge of the field taught, classroom and tutorial performance, communication skills, human relations skills, evaluation skills, curricular development, and performance as an academic advisor. All academic units will use student evaluations as one method to determine teaching effectiveness of regular faculty members. B. Scholarly/Creative Activity. This includes, but is not limited to, professional research, creative activities, scholarly writing, editorial boards, scholarly presentations at conferences, participation in professional activities, degrees and continued education, and holding official positions in professional organizations when the position has scholarly outcomes. C. Service to Unit, College, University, the Profession, Community. A faculty workload includes service to the university, college, and unit, as well as to the community/profession. Unit, college and university service includes, but is not limited to, participation in university governance, unit, college and university committees, curriculum development, work as an advisor to student organizations, and carrying out special assignments. Community service and service to the profession involves the engagement of a faculty member's professional expertise. Community service includes, but is not limited to, engaging in community outreach, acting as a board member in a community based organization, participating in public service programs, and work as a pro bono consultant on community projects when representing the university. Service to the profession includes leadership or committee roles in professional organizations. Each unit will determine the types of community/professional service most appropriate to its specific mission and program objectives. SPNHA GUIDELINES: Renewal of contract requires meeting regular work load requirements and competent teaching performance during the previous contract period with evidence of improvement and professional development, including scholarship and/or service to the university, community, or profession. 2/1/2010 2. Criteria for Personnel Action: a. Effective Teaching Achievements 1. Teaching Philosophy 2. Courses a. PA 335, Grant Writing b. PA 449, Policy Research and Evaluation c. PA 535, Grant Writing d. PA 611, Research Methods e. PA 619, Management Seminar f. PA680, Public Health and Programming 3. Student evaluations Questions, issues, concerns Is there good progress toward tenure? b. Scholarly/Creative Achievements 1. Conference papers (1) 2. Applied research report contributions (1) 3. Grant proposals (5) 4. other (1) 5. Awards (1) Questions, issues, concerns Is there good progress toward tenure? Does he have a good research agenda? c. Service to Unit, College, University, the Profession, Community Achievements Unit and University Service 1. SPNHA/CCPS – unit rep to CAC (formerly FAC) 2. Nonprofit Masters Development Committee 3. Faculty Fellow with Johnson Center Professional / Community Service 1. Board: Michigan Public Health Association 2. Editor / Editorial Board: Mich. Journal of Public Health Questions, issues, concerns Is there good progress toward tenure? 2/1/2010