'sTOF TECHN 01 AN AUG 3 1965 1905 3·PF *O IMPROVED SOLID STATE TERMINAL ANALOG SPEECH SYNTHESIZER by ,yAYMO,.) SAMUEL TOMLINSON B.SE.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic (1963) Insti tut SURMI TTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE YEQlU IREME\TS Tir COR nUo ',MASTFR OF SC IFNCF at .ASSACHUSETTS Si-nazt.u•re the INSTITUTF OF TECHNOLO'Y June, 1965 of Auth or nepartment of Certified by Elect rical En inecr!n, - f ' 9 'i~ 2 ,i o r"- Thesis Acceptp d by ,-- Cha rmrn, Departmental --- -- Surnrvisir R Committee ome Graduate Stu-e'n- 38 M AN IMPROVF0 SOLID STATE TERMINAL ANALOG SPFECH SYNTHESIZER by RAYMOND SAMUEL TOMLINSON Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on May 28, 1965 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT This report discusses the application of modern technology to developing an improved terminal analog or resonance speech synthesizer. The concept of hybrid computation is used to combine the speed of analog circuitry with the precision and flexibility of digital control.The familiar pole analog is reali ed with anai~nr crroute technscad;; niq.rs i; which the circ•tit parametprs larp controlled with The .xperimenter rigital signals from a small computer. exercises control over the synthesizer through on line commands typed in at a typewriter console. The ability to produce an utterance and almost .inst:antly jud.ge i:ts quality, modify it, and try again, allows the d.esired restult to he attained much more -rapidly than has been previously possiblo. flexible data input is provided through several sources, including a light pen with which the required control sinal curves may be drawn on a CRT display. Provision is made for processing the input data in a general way to allow the specification of something other than formant frequency or glottal frequency. Thesis Supervisor: Kenneth N. Stevens Title: Professor of Electrical Enginpeering S-i- ACKNOWLFEDGEMFNT The author wishes to exp.ress his thanks to Professor Stevens for his aid, opinions and guidance. Thanks are also extended to the members of the Speech Grou p for their assistance Particular thanks are in preparing this thesis. due Mr. Keith North for hi s invaluable help in assembling the hardware, M r. James Williams for designing and constructing some of the circuits we have used, and Mrs. Jan e Heinz, Miss Eleanor River and Mr. Nod Renhaim for their aid in This work would not preparing the manuscript. have been possible without the support and facilities of the Speech C' ommunications Group, the Research Laboratory of Electronics and their supporting agencies. - ii- TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One - Outline of the Problem 1.1 Introduction ................................ 1 1.2 What Makes a Speech Synthesizer ............. 1.3 Hybrid Computation ......................... 3 4 1A4 Programming Considerations ...... 7 7...... Chapter Two - Hardware Design 10 2.1 Overall Synthesizer Description ............ ............. 11 Pbrmant Circuits ............ 2.2 2.3 The Pole-Zero Pair Circuit .................. 12 2., 2.5 2.6 2.7 Perturbations Lhe to Parasitic Phase Shift .. Glottal Source .............................. Noise Generator and Modulator............... Digital Attenuators ......................... 16 20 21 22 2.8 Interconnecting SWirtches ............. . 22 Control Logic ............................... Miscellaneous Circuits ...................... 2.10.1 Overload Detectors ................. Higher Pole Correction ............. 2.10.2 2.10.93 Output Amplifier ................... Chapter Three - The Synthesizer Control Program Overall Program Description ................. 3.1 2.9 2.10 3.2 28 Description of Part One ..................... 28 Commands and Data Storage ......... 3.2.2 Data Input ... .................. Data Display ........................ 3.2.3 3.2.4 Calibration of the Synthesizer ...... 3.2.5 Other Features ...................... 3.2.6 Error Comments ........ ............. Operation of the Editor .............. ... . Operation of Part Two ...................... 3.4.1 Expression Evaluation ............... 29 31 34 35 35 35 36 37 39 3.2.1 3.3 3.4 23 25 25 26 27 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.5 Special Events Compiler ............. Error Comments ...................... 40 41 Operation of Part Three ..................... 42 Chapter Four - Performance Evaluation 4.1 The Scope of the Evaluation ................. 4.2 Technical Performance ........... 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 References 45 ........ 46 Pole-Zero Pair Circuit .............. Formant Circuits .................... 46 Interconnecting Switches ............ The Overall Synthesizer ............. 48 Listening Evaluation ........................ 48 49 50 LIST OF PIGURES 2.1 Block Diagram of Complete Synthesizer. 2.2a Analog Computer Simulation of Resonator. 2.2b Realization of the Resonator Using Operational Amplifiers. 2.3 (does not exist) 2.4 First Realization of Pole-Zero Pair. 2.5 Modification of Figure 2.4 to Allow Pole Frequency to be Less Than the Zero Frequency. 2.6 Block Diagram of Final Pole-Zero Circuit. 2.7 Detailed Circuit for Pole;Zero Pair. 2.8 Simple Resonator Diagram. 2.9 Robt Locus Diagram for Simple Resonator. 2.10 Differential Integrator. 2.11 Pole Zero Plot for Non-Tdeal Differential Integrator. 2.12 Phase Angle of Non-Ideal Integrator. 2.13 Root Locus Diagram for Resonabor with Non-Ideal Integrabbr (no,.,damping), 2.14 DeterminAtion of Phase Sb~tft due to Extraneous Pole and Zero. 2.15 Attenuator Stage Operation 2.16 Interconnecting Switch Circuit. 2.17 Overload Circuit Sdhematlcs. 2.18 Output Amplifier. 3.1 (does not exist) 3.2 Pushdown Evaluation Flow Diagram. 3.3 Special Events Compiler Flow Diagram. LIST OF FIGURES - con't 4.1 Pole Frequency Accuracy Curves. 4.2 Zero Frequency Accuracy Curves. 4.3 Bandwidth Accuracy Curves. 4.4 Synthesized Vowels and Diphthongs. 4.5 Synthesized "Where are you?" 4.6 Assorted Stop Consonants. 4.7 "Are you a good boy or a bad boy" TABLES 4.1 D.c Evaluation Data. 4.2 Interconnecting Switch Data. 4.3 Signal to Noise Measurements. Outline of the Problem Chapter One 1.1 Introduction Before going into the "how" of speech synthesis, a few speech in is an end the synthesis Second, speech testing theories of receiving is an the human speech from the using is capable of means important accurate Speech synthesi- for improving the understanding production process. of A theory of guiding an synthesis is better than one which cannot. zers are valuable tools end of be able to generate speech. human speech production. speech production which means some Man-machine communication requires the machine to of communication using requires the at speech transmitted signals (1,3). speech Speech itself. techniques bandwidth compression regenerating First, the generation in order. words on the "why" are of Speech synthesizers are also useful in studies of speech perception because they can generate well defined signals and manipulate its parameters to examine human responses to stimuli so generated. Of the have been of speech different types constructed, the terminal -I- synthesizers analog which or resonance synthesizer is by reason for this far popularity is that synthesizer is relatively synthesize most easy speech The popular. the most the to use, sounds. synthesizer is considerably less principal terminal analog and is able Furthermore, complex than such most to a other types. As more sophisticated and precise proposed, existing synthesizers have precision, accuracy, range, and theories have been been found lacking stability. in This thesis reports the development of a new solid-state terminal analog speech synthesizer with marked In addition, a great deal improvement in these areas. of flexibility has been achieved through the use of on-line computer control. It is not our intention that this treatise on the general problem thesis be either a of speech synthesis, nor a detailed description of the many operational features of the synthesizer. Rather, we hope to present the capability of the general detailed look at Separate a description synthesizer, certain important aspects plus of the of a more design. documents are being prepared to serve as operation manuals for those who wish to use the synthesizer. -2- 1.2 What Makes a Speech Synthesizer The basis of all terminal analog speech synthesizers is that the spectrum of the signal can be separated into a source function and the transfer function of the vocal tract (10,±1). Furthermore, Fant (11) has acoustic tube driven at one end transfer for an and open at the other, the function can be approximated as closely as desired by a cascade of pole shown that pairs. circuits containing only complex That such a model conjugate works is proven by the existence of many working speech synthesizers which use this principle. A model consisting solely of cascaded complex conjugate pole pairs is only adequate The two notable examples for certain classes of where this model sounds. breaks down are sounds in which the tube is excited other than at the and when more than one acoustic tube end, is involved. An analysis of such acoustic configurations (16,23,24) produces a transfer function which contains pairs as well as pole pairs. sounds complex conjugate zero If a synthesizer is to produce with spectra containing zeroes, a transfer function containing zeroes must be included. There are speecht two principal excitation a quasi-periodic pulse -3- sources in most source caused by vibration of the vocal cords (glottal source), and random noise caused by turbulence as the airstream passes through a constriction in the vocal tract (noise source). synthesizer contain should of kinds both should source noise addition, the A general purpose speech be sources. In by the modulated source (8) since, in the vocal tract, the intensity glottal varies with of the noise which, in turn, cords. Other sources is varied by of the vocal the vibrations to produce pops airstream the velocity of the and clicks could be included, but this has not been done in this synthesizer. In addition the above, to there several other are auxiliary features which might be included. These features are not essential to the synthesis of speech, but contribute to adjustment, testing, Several such features or monitoring are included in of the synthesizer° the present synthe- sizer, and will be discussed later. 1.3 Hybrid Computation The motivation (5,6,22) behind the that analog is use of computation hybrid computation is superior (at the present time) to digital computation for certain tasks, vice-versa. and In particular, analog computation is especially suited to high speed linear processing -4- of time functions. The ease with which most filtering problems may be solved by bringing together the right assortment cuits is fairly well established. conceptually speed computers presently even the highest also, but cir- The solution to this same digital computers is problem using high speed easy of electrical available cannot perform arithmetic at a rate fast enough to adequately process these time functions in real time. When non-linear tempted, the picture analog circuitry or time-variant starts to change. instantly increases. computation is at- The complexity Good, of high speed, wide range multipliers and similar circuitry is prohibitively expensive. The complexity creases somewhat, but there of digital computation in- is no additional cost. problem of computation speed still exists however. The When the problem of communicating with the user is considered, analog computation is an extremely weak communication cannot be About can be done the best that "sign language" in achieved with which pictures to each other. contender. analog is by means the user and Effective techniques. of a kind of synthesizer draw Such a scheme cannot compare to the tremendous flexibility offered by a digital computer capable of handling both "sign languaget symbols which can be combined into communication, as well as higher level languages including languages composed of a subset of English. - 5*- The obvious next step is to combine the better features of both digital and analog computation. is referred to as hybrid computation. cation with the user along with can then be Such a combination The task of communi- assigned to the computer certain information processing tasks, and the signal processing performed by the analog circuitry. In the case of speech synthesis, the signal is linear and time-variant. be controlled by described the processing The time variation is what must digital computer. a method of controlling Henke a terminal analog speech synthesizer through a digital computer. Because the circuits he used were previously control voltages, he achieved (4) has built to analog accept analog control over the synthesizer with analog signals from a digital to analog converter. If the intention is to control the synthesizer from digital signals, a more direct approach is possible. scheme has been described by Whitman (5). Such a The parameters of the analog circuit are set with "coefficient multipliers" at particular points multipliers in the simply signal path. multiply (amplify or signal by a particular amount. synthesizer, the discrete amount of These coefficient In attenuate) the the method used in this multiplication is varied in steps by the use of transistor switches controlled by digital signals. -6 the intermediate In bypassing one major deterent to high quality synthesis in its circuit is eliminated, and analog is removed. in a speed analog multiplier necessary The high signal, analog control strictly place a digital built multiplier can be used. Such a multiplier (7) can be to perform with high precision at very moderate cost. 1.4 Programming Considerations currently exist two There Closed shop operation in which the user's program is usage. run by a machine operator and the results returned later is characterized by results (the delay turn-around times received) ranging are one or from before two program is characterized by the hours to On-line operation in which the user runs several days. own prevalent modes of computer his a fast turn-around time of minutes or seconds at the expense of higher computer usage. For an application such as the speech synthesis being discussed, the advantages of on-line operation outweigh The availability of disadvantages. makes such computer in operation the even more small computers at MIT attractive. Research Laboratory chosen for four reasons. of The -7- PDP-i Electronics was First, a cathode-ray tube is available to present pertinent any display data in a meaningful and easily interpreted way. may be used for storing large special panel user's has been external Fourth, it drum Second, a high speed magnetic amounts of added to 1-0 equipment in Third, a to the computer easy to is relatively data. an almost connect trivial way. time schedule on the computer. functions of The synthesizer may program be the control into grouped the speech program for three The categories. must accept input data or assist in its production, provide information to when he the user requests it, and control signals for the. synthesizer to produce an generate utterance. To maintain generality, it is desirable to divorce operation of the program, as it appears the actual synthesizer as much be having to rewrite the to the user, from as possible. possible to make alterations program. the And it should to the synthesizer without The utilizes program a "mapping specification" to govern the relation between input and output data. in advance to This specification is typically be read in by the user. By prepared doing so, the pecularities of the synthesizer are taken into consideration without the user having to worry about it. the user wishes to change may In addition, if the appearance of the machine do so by altering the mapping specification. -8- he More will be said about this feature in chapters three and four. with for necessary ability, or even to such basic things this end, user a potential know how to self-contained. The to not be operate a computer beyond switch is. has been written to entire usable, programming possess what a sense as knowing the program it should by anyone, of training, a minimum program to be is for the Since the intention operation of To be completely the program is There is no necessity controlled through typed in commands. for manually starting the program or using any other program in any way. The to program tries recover from its own mistakes or mistakes made by the computer. The command language has been made possible to allow rapid type-in of commands. language is not quite as mnemonic as as concise as Such a concise one which is less concise, but after using the program for a while, most users have no difficulty remembering which command does what. command language is discussed three. -9- in more detail The in chapter Chapter Two Hardware Design 2.1 Overall Synthesizer Description The synthesizer hardware can be divided into components having specific functions such as the noise generator or the pole-zero pair circuit. Mechanically, each of these compo- nents is entirely contained on cards. The sections one or more plug-in which follow various components in detail. describe each circuit of these the section describes This overall synthesizer. A block diagram of the analog circuitry is illustrated in figure 2.1. There are several possible signal paths through the synthesizer according to the type of sound to be produced. The path to transistor switches. nants which can be consisting be used For is selected vowels, glides, characterized by a of complex conjugate pairs by a set and some conso- transfer function of poles (CCP poles) driven by a pulse source at the glottis, the signal path indicated with solid lines. of is Similarly, aspiration, frica- tion (voicea ana unvoicea), and nasalization are provided by other paths through the synthesizer. on figure 2.1 according to These paths are drawn the legend on -10- the figure. It should be noted that the output inputs to amplifier are mixed (added) together to produce the output. 2.2 Formant Circuits an The formant circuits used were originally built for experimental forerunner of the present synthesizer. of the design are given in reference (6). is shown in figure 2.2. Details The circuit used The bandwidth of the circuit is not programmable, and must be set by a potentiometer (R'). center frequency is determined by a digital attenuator When the between the first and second integrators. ator The attenu- center frequency is G, the gain setting is 0 db., the As the attenuation is increased, factor of the integrators. the center frequency decreases. The transfer function for the circuit is + A G+ Thus The attenuation. the as the square root of the natural frequency (• varies Since the maximum attenuator setting is one, maximum frequency of resonance gain factors of the two is G. In practice, the integrators are not equal, and maximum frequency is the geometric mean of the two gains. -k '- the The maximum frequencies chosen for the four formants are 1600 cps for Fi, and 5000 cps for F2, F3, and F4. frequencies are far above those normally These encountered in speech, but the extra range might be useful for studying the of infants, speech or non-speech minimum frequencies are 41 cps for F3, and F4. sounds. Fi, and 128 cps for at their When operating The theoretical lower extremes, the formant circuits tend to become noisy due to the lower A practical minimum for gain. F2, loop these center frequencies is twice the theoretical minimum. 2.3 The Pole-Zero Pair Circuit From a consideration of the configuration of the tract vocal during the production of nasals and nasalized sounds, and from spectrum matching experiments (23,24), it is evident that only poles does spectrum for these sounds a transfer function containing not comprise a very accurate analog. The of the noise produced by turbulence at a constric- tion in the vocal tract in the production of fricatives also contains zeroes (16) due to the effect of the cavity behind the constriction. necessary to For the production of these sounds, it is introduce zeroes produced by the synthesizer. -12.- into the transfer function been In the synthesizer being described, a circuit has transfer function consists impossible cies, an actual must circuit frequencies. where their effect on a have frequency where There transfer are two the signal function may be the Two a The factors need for a CCP pole the fact that filter (16), and or at useful° more satisfactory. influenced this decision are the in the noise choices for is negligible, their effect latter approach was deemed pole gain at high frequen- They may be at very high frequency location of these poles. which physically poles as well to cancel the effect of the zeroes at very high lower zero is solely of a to the high to build due containing Since a circuit whose to satisfy these needs. incorporated if the extra is not needed, it can be raised to a high frequency so that its effect is minimized. The circuit to be designed is to provide a pair of complex conjugate zeroes, and a pair of complex conjugate poles. The first obvious circuit considered method of building a feedback path contained one designed producing a pair for equations are developed below. -t 5- of for this feedback the of role used amplifier circuits poles. the whose previously The pertinent Referring to figure 2.4a, we A e,,t zeroes of The . AA= s++a&,S + (I ei,-n ,) ~ out m eaut = write ) poles of the the transfer function are the feedback function F(s), as we would expect, and the poles of the transfer function are those multiplied by square widths of both drawbacks are of the root (1+A). the pole Furthermore, the and the immediately feedback function zero are apparent.. First band- the same. the Two transfer function goes to zero when the pole frequency is the same as the zero must lie negative. by frequency (A=O), and second, above the zero frequency unless frequency A can be made Both these problems can theoretically be overcome judiciously reordering the making the gain go negative. in the pole figure 2.5. components and effectively The circuit for this is shown The relevant equations for this circuit are given below. e,,t = Gein - G (K e0 = 2_t 't ISO's+ An experimental circuit revealed that parasitic phase in various parts of the e.t + W , shift circuit introduced wild deviations from theory in the real part of the poles and zeroes. it may have been possible to compensate While for the parasitic phase shift, it was felt that a different approach would be better. Writing out the desired transfer function as a function of I/s, we gett L +W From the diagram s5+ b C -+.- + last equation, we can ein I immediately draw of the required circuit (figure 2.6) consisting of integrators, summers and coefficient multipliers. coefficient multipliers can provide no supplied by the integrators. then be worked out a block gain, the Since the gain is The details of the circuit may in a standard fashion. The problem is not completely solved though, since there is still parasitic phase shift to be compensated. The general problem of phase shift is discussed in the next section. The final transfer circuit, shown in figure 2.7, provides a function consisting of a conjugate pair of poles, and a conjugate pair of zeroes. The center frequencies of the pole and the zero are individually variable from 255 cps to 10000 cps. The bandwidths are from 10 cps to 200Q cps. independently variable The bandwidth is constant + 20 cps over the entire frequency with the range greatest error occurring above 3000 cps. 2.4 Perturbations Due to Parasitic Phase Shift Since the operating frequencies of the circuits used in the synthesizer conventional introduced by purposes of are considerably operational amplifier parasitic phase discussion, we resonator section in figure tion of the poles by the For the circuit the poles move along than those more acute. refer to the 2.8 and consider the simple presence of unwanted phase shift. 2.8, the root locus is parallel to a line the j-axis. axis. If we now introduce a demon which produces a hp shown shift without disturbing (201) -hat If the locus coincides with the jcertain the amplitude of the loop gain, the closed loop poles will be perturbed. nn as As the loop gain (A) is increased, is no damping (T= ), of phase For perturba- there amount in circuitry, the problems shift are shall in figure in figure 2.9. pictured higher at the frenu•~v of any nol It of -- th closed loop, the loop gain must be -1 for negative feedback. Graphically, this implies that the angles of all lines drawn to the those closed loop pole from the open loop zeroes minus from the open loop poles must be congruent modulo 360 must damping, the poles must closed loop as the phase at the origin centered For sum as well. be included in this the case of no move along circle a shift produced by the circle along this The distance traveled demon is varied, shift present, their phase If demons are to 180 degrees. must be such as to change the angle from the open loop poles at the origin produced by circular arc by an amount which cancels If the demon. may this distance be approximated by the phase is a straight shift small, the line of length P. p - To get a feeli:ng for the allowable phase shift, consider w = 2-rr (1,0000 cpS) P = 2T (10 Cps) ~then 2.o It 10,000o .002 racdwns or .A die. sources Certain ~I- be immediatelv - of -- ~ phase ----- error may -~r rrr~ I~ digital attenuators (7), operational enumerated as followst amplifiers (5,6), other components, wiring. these produce essentially linear phase lag by introducing sources very high frequency poles. introduce lead. All of zeroes in The method of compensation is to the loop This is accomplished to provide cancelling phase by adding series resistors in the integrating capacitors. -IT- (6) If this were the would be no problem. obvious, only source There of phase shift, there is another source which is not and which is the most significant source of error. Consider the differential integrator of figure 2.10. Its transfer function is found as follows. e- o Ri e, .. R, + - A, RC Rj+ sC, yC2 "rZ= R2. C2. I"+- assume A o 1, eo Gil infinity then - e.. - et, +tSr s + eo 4+TS-rj assume el = 0 if and % it Tthen _ is a simple integrator, If, -. 'r• - •, then there is an extraneous real axis pole and zero added to the integra- tor. The shown in pole-zero figure 2.11. frequencies The phase is shown in figure integrator is included in a the integrator is this non-ideal plot for contribution for 2.12. If this non-ideal loop with an ideal root locus in figure 2.13 results. -Is8- J-axis integrator, The asymptotes (20) are at + 90 degrees and loop poles and open centroid of pass through the The location zeroes* the of the centroid then gives the maximum perturbation of the real part of the closed loop poles. A estimate rough of perturbation the Refer to found as follows. realistic situation is for a more figure 2.14. Tj = 1I \ I 6r= oI The phase shift, on the ·t-i . J-axis due to 'the pole and zero at frequency w is = = el- - Circtan orctan G orctcn (L) - ac'rcan O -) approximating the difference as a differential AT Ass - -p----dr L'c-ct0r4-' T, for LO=1r (re vc~L\ W IL ,2. u If 2 k nact ýr lk#tct{) i aunty rc6o 9 CM rn vrp t*VIe. 6 2- j 2. •= .ot1, (one percent error in time constant) -19- then .005 r-adians = .tOr = The perturbation for = .P I-M- t(O÷ 2. -r. 5 34 'B ec alo cPS To achieve an error of + 20 cps, requires adjusting the time constants to be equal within + 0.4 percent. 2.5 Glottal Source The glottal source consists of a single shot triggered by the computer to produce a narrow rectangular pulse. spectrLUm i band. A filter consisting of two poles is to s used pulse is.; shape The shaping filter is combined filter and the was made to .LaC. tesseiitiaLC.lly spectrum. Luio.LV these axis Presently, this with the higher pole any of iLth low frequency real radiation compensation design VtVr. The filter. filters, correction No attempt and developed for an exploratory model (6) were used. circuits The final model will have these filters separated. After being shaped, the glottal pulse is attenuated a digital attenuator to determine attenuated signal is connected t.o its amplitude. the input of the circuits by one of the interconnecting switches. -20 - by The formant 2.6 Noise Generator and Modulator Our original intention was in the synthesizer The sources. noise as part of however, due been possible, hard limit this thesis. in available for modulating the be used idea Briefly, the elsewhere (8). noise with wide-band circuit This has not to shortcomings scheme to noise has been described is to to include a noise a limiting value Low-pass filtering the determined by the modulating signal. result yields essentially band-limited Gaussian noise. problem The signal if the component in the distribution is asymmetrical. may have zero than mean, it has the other. then have a d.c. sign of signal through variations d.c. to developed. the d.c. component the modulating any of the filters time only on the expedient of passing the not signal. work due The to the application of causes unwanted Therefore, more work from the output. more of the since it depends a capacitor will amplitude limiting process will of the The simple in source is, although the noise one sign for The output its input. noise That a d.c. production of to the arises due noise to be is necessary to eliminate 2.7 Digital Attenuators The design quately of the has been ade- digital attenuators A brief description fol- described elsewhere (7). lows for completeness. The basic principle of one illustrated in figure stage of the attenuator By 2.15. or opening closing the switch, one of two attenuation values may be selected. the When switch is open, the signal passes through unattenuated. When the switch is closed, the attenuation is determined the is voltage divider ratio. by stages followed by Eight such unity gain buffer amplifiers are cascaded to form a complete attenuator. The attenuation provided by the eight. stages is 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 decibels. attenuation The of the complete attenuator is the sum of the atteuations (in decibels) of switch those with the consists of a single off or saturated various stages switch closed. The transistor which is either cut according to a digital level. By using combinations of digital levels, the attenuation may be varied from 0 to 63 3/4 db in 1/4 db steps. 2.8 Interconnecting Switches The interconnection of the various parts of the synthe- -2 2.- is done figure 2.1 illustrated in as sizer digitally operated transistor switches. states. by a set of Each switch has two In the "on" state, a connection is established from the input to output. In the "off t state, there is no connection. When the switch is off, disappear as impedance load as the far the switch should effectively shouldbe high in the off position. output The is concerned. This requires a more complicated series switch rather than a shunt type. In addition, the offset should be low (less than 5 mv.), and a minimum of control current source or the load. this. should appear operate amplifier for applied the to the the The circuit in figure 2.16 accomplishes Its operation is briefly as follows. transistors in either as a phase digital splitter signal. digital input, When the switch The first four and push-pull zero volts is transistors are back-biased to 6 volts and switch is open. When -3 volts is applied to the input, the transistors are forward biased through the 20k resistors closing the switch. 2.9 Control Logic The functions of and general control modules. data buffering and routing, are provided by an timing, assembly of logic The control logic is composed of four parts. The these outputs of The registers. devoted to logic is of the bulk tion switches. flip-flops are used to the attenuators and configura- the digital inputs of drive thirteen 8-bit flip-flop The contents of these registers are altered by commands from the computer. eight bit counter is used An of time. When The counter is wired to count down to zero. counter is the as a clock to keep track stepped below overflow pulse is zero, the used to set a status flip-flop which signals thecomputer and The counting pulses are produced inhibits further counting. by a 100 kc oscillator. of the The purpose clock is to avoid the necessity of keeping track of time in the computer program. The signals sent to the synthesizer consist of 18 from pulse the IO register generated instruction by of the computer the execution in the program. A set increase, the driving capability of computer and to provide the bits plus an i-o transfer of a particular iot of inverters is used to the data lines from the inverted sense of the signals. The pulse from the computer is also cleaned up with a pulse amplifier to assure reliable operation. An address decoder is used to decode bits 1-5 of the IO register. at The decoded levels are used to gate the iot pulse the input of a pulse amplifier. -24- The output pulse from the pulse amplifier into the selected are used to set is used to Jam-transfer IO bits buffer register. the clock, Three 10-17 of these pulses generate glottal pulses, and generate marker pulses. Two levels synthesizer. the are sent back One signals that to the computer the clock has reached other signals that an overload has occurred. levels are taken priority is one, proper as status bits in the interrupt system of the the to be taken. computer. The completely straightforward and design will not zero, These two sequence break or When the level normal program is interrupted to action from the allow of the the logic is be discussed fur- ther. 2.10 Miscellaneous Circuits 2.10.1 Overload Detectors Due to the high synthesizer, the possibility levels formant exists. Q of the of tuned developing This is particularly true frequencies are close circuits together. in the high signal if two of the After passing through succeeding stages of the synthesizer, the distortion may no longer be discernible through casual listening. i In order the occurrence detect to overload and the operator, an overload detector has been incorpo- signal The circuit for accomplishing rated into the design. developed by Jim Williams was of of the Speech Communications The-circuit is shown in figure 2.17 and operates group. The input signal follows. this is applied to as the bases of two transistors operating as level discriminators. The emitters are biased at + 5 volts such that if the signal exceeds this will conduct voltage, a transistor across the common load resistor. then sets a flip-flop whose an overload has a voltage developing This pulse-like signal output serves to indicate occurred. The flip-flop is reset by the condition. computer program when it recognizes the overload A set of level that discriminators critical point in the synthesizer. is supplied for each Currently fifteen are used. 2.10.2 Higher Pole Correction Fant (2,11) has shown that if the transfer function of a uniform straight including a finite number of poles, tube is approximated by a function there will be an error in the level of the high frequency spectrum. A uniform tube closed at one end and open at the -26- other has a transfer function containing peaks at all odd multiples of the lowest approximation contains the first four poles (500 cps, 2500 cps, and 3500 cps), the cps, 4000 cps. 1500 at error will be 41 db. not compensated, a this error is If 500 cps and the resonance is at If the lowest resonance. noticeable degradation in quality results. The higher pole correction circuit used in this synthesizer was developed for an exploratory synthesizer (6). higher spectrum, and correct shape the glottal impedance. If the higher pole these other circuits, CCP pole and radiation correction is isolated from zeroes transfer function obtained matches to + 4 db. for the the transfer function real axis two other circuits to is combined with pole correction The consists of (figure a The 2.18). Fant the curve given by up to 4 kcps. 2.10.3 Output Amplifier The output amplifier different parts impedance output equipment. mixing of the to serves to synthesizer is accomplished emitter follower drives and a low and monitoring shown in figure 2.19. by the input the output The resistor network. transformer whose anced output appears at the output connectors. -a?-T signals from provide recorders drive tape The circuit used is mix the An bal- Chapter Three The Synthesizer Control Program 3.1 Overall Program Description The program is logically and physically divided into six parts. One permanently and contains routines common to all other parts of these parts resides in plus all of the variables which must part The other is run. five core storage be preserved as parts reside on each the drum auxiliary storage unit and are read into core storage when they of as a are procedure. the to be run. Each parts runs That is, there is no modification of any part of program while it runs. Thus, when it is finished there is no necessity to save it. be these The next time this part is to used, a fresh copy is read from the drum. This saves a drum swap every time another part is brought in. The terms input data and output data as used here refer to lists of numbers each element of which is a sample from a time function. The entire list specifies the time for the duration of an utterance. function The distinction between input data and output data is that output data lists contain numbers which are directly transferred to the synthesizer, -28- whereas input data is entered by the experimenter, and is never directly used to control the synthesizer. The five parts are three, buffer display, named and editor. between them is such that no occurs. The follows. tasks part one, The part division of assigned to these five parts input data into výa the Part two performs output data editor. generated by part two This are as Part one is responsible for accepting, generating, the other parts. entered labor appreciable program swapping and manipulating input data and coordinating the of two, part according Part activities the translation of to a three uses text string the output data to actually control the synthesizer. part also monitors the overload detector and timing of the whole operation. The editor is available to enter and alter the text string tion. The buffer display is a short program that displays a specifying the input-output transla- graph of the current input data. 3.2 Description of Part One 3.2.1 Commands and Data Storage All action within part one is initiated by typing in a command consisting of a single lower case letter or -29- special character which may arguments. and be preceded The number of some commands 1U,. things a comma starts the next. command depending on the An argument is composed of one or more integers separated by one Typing number of numeric arguments depends on the do different number of arguments. decimal by any of the operators 0+0, or terminates the current argument and Argument handling commands allow errors to be corrected anywhere in the string as well as wiping out the whole string. The main data storage is provided in a number of tables on the magnetic drum. drum field (consisting of Each 4096 18 bit computer words) used for data is divided into several number The tables. tables of typed in when the program is first started. parameter element of a table is associated time in by is set field per the utterance. with a particular Each sample specify the elements Successive a sampling value of a function at successive multiples of the of a time function., Nominally, each drum field represents one utter- Thus interval. ance, i.e. the each table tables on contains that samples field contain functions necessary to specify one utterance. however, In all the practice, this arrangement is only necessary when that field is to be used directly for an utterance. -30 - In the process of arranging produce an utterance, data from one provided to to move data also make various table it often it manipulation, the field is used. becomes necessary another. around on the possible data tables. all of the data needed to examine Several drum. (on to to move commands are These commands the CRT display) In order to simplify much of the data concept of a current table and current Manipulation commands which do not specify a table or field use the current table or field. Thus if all the data being maneuvered is on one field, that argument may be omitted, and the current field be This used. necessary and the possibility the amount of typing reduces will of error which it entails. 3.2.2 Data Input Data may be entered in on three wayst the CRT display with the fitting to points entered by drawing curves light pen, by programmed curve from the typewriter, or from preparedpaper tapes. When the light pen displays a pattern light of random pen sees one of them. to the four From input mode is active, the program extremes of the x-axis average points on the of these points, -3'- the The program then draws a cross the light pen's coordinate which is a multiple CRT until field of vision. the closest time of the sampling interval is found and the average y coordinate replaces entry for that time in the core data table. the previous Irregularities in the input are smoothed by passing the x and y coordinates through programmed single pole x and y were both though with a time time functions) sampled constant of sixteen points. low pass filters (as This filtering is applied only to the points seen by the pen and not to data already in the table. The curve fitting routine uses the LaGrange tion formula polynomials (21) to to input exactly fit points segments of from the interpolan-th order typewriter. The equations used are given below. Let = Then The Xi and Yk are iLT Pk(-) VP ('-A--Ai) C) /P.(%-) the n points straddling X plus one more point fixed by the program to produce a continuous deriva- tive at the transition between segments of the fitted curve. The elements of the sum are computed fixed point for speed. in single precision To avoid an intermediate overflow or underflow, the numerator product is carried to the point imminent overflow, then a division is done. tions are continued in this of The multiplica- way until there are none left, then the remaining divisions are performed. When one of the x coordinate passes one of the Xi, -321- the range of specified points used in the fitting is changed so the interpolated point is as nearly in the middle as possible. For polynomials of used to draw points. degree one, a straight line segments separate routine is between the specified The formula used is - L ýj 1)(V2ý-19 (-A Where XI, YI, and X2, Y2 surround X. In all cases the curves are drawn only between and including the most extreme •oints speified. Paper tape input is done by reading binary data from which data is table. program. loaded point by point into the core data The primary purpose of previously blocks dumped data or to this input is for reloading enter the output from another At any time, a the core data table may be smoothed smoothing command. the core data range table which are through a non-linear used in delay currently in the horizontal low pass filter. + r- _ O,_,_I_, 4 WAhere O., S tke Cf) n ouIPt 15 for x -16 for x use of The equa- notation is On= and The those points in of the display (as determined by display manipulation commands) tion This conmmand passes using barmple > t6 the clipping function i'f" is effect of any artifacts in -- 35 b - t O ) point )-t6 to minimize the the data. By including three points in determining On, the effect of time shift inherent in simpler low pass filters is minimized. 3.2.3 Data Display while sitting in its listen loop waiting for Normally, type-in, the program displays the contents of the core table in graphical form includes a fully on the CRT display. labelled coordinate grid data This display plus data. The grid is calculated to have major divisions of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, etc. the and minor divisions of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, etc. As size of the display is changed, the grid is adjusted to always yield a reasonable display. The current table and field numbers are also displayed for quick reference. Commands direction or This allows detail. are available to change any to move the vertical portion of the display in any or horizontal scale. the data to be examined in These commands affect only the display and not data itself, the 3.2.4 Calibration of the Synthesizer To facilitate any necessary calibration or adjustment of the synthesizer, two commands may be typed into part one. One command causes 18 bits to word toggle register of the data. This causes a computer to the synthesizer is useful for generating steady tones comparison be transferred from the test balancing for signal of the timing the as attenuators or tracing. of the The second clock in the synthesizer to the computers timing. This was intended setting but seems to indicate only that the computer is 5 percent slower than advertised. the 100kc clock frequency, for 3.2.5 Other Features A command is available first glottal pulse used to initiate for setting to within 10 other parts usec. of the the time Commands are program such of the also as the editor and part two. 3.2.6 Error Comments Whenever an inconsistent set of arguments is given to a command, an error comment is typed out. The comments are abbreviated to five letters such as "ildeg" (illegal degree) to avoid the time necessary to type out longer comments and to conserve storage space. various types of errors. errors and About if impossible data detected, error). situations There are arise, The computer from the drum and the program prints out conditions no halts the comment performs a parity if an error is the comment "drerr" (drum in the program. All unusual cause an error printout and the program recovers and continues debugged read for The program also checks itself for "'program error" is typed. check on 15 comments are used to running. be able The program to is now attribute most sufficiently stops or program errors to malfunction of the computer. 3.3 Operation of the Editor The mapping specification text string. the drum as data to output To allow data. text in the buffer may and punching paper specifications would be Lines be examined, deleted, changed or inserted using various commands. reading rapid to this string, an editor patterned after the PDP-1 Expensive. Typewriter program (26) has been included. of a This string is scanned by part two during the translation of input changes is stored on Provision is also made for tape. In normal prepared in advance, would not worry about what it consists of. use these and the user Internally, the text is represented by a character set consisting of lower case letters, numbers, and the tion + - ( ) = x V A ~ / . The necessary input conversion and output. to facilitate , tab space and carriage return. is performed The different the punctua- operation automatically for character set is employed of part by two classification of character types easier. making the The conversion is done in the editor because space is more plentiful. The commands preceded to the editor are also by arguments as in part one. single letters Unfortunately, there are not enough letters to accommodate all the commands, the so same letters are used for commands to both part one and the editor. editor To help avoid confusion, commands typed to are printed in red and the require a carriage return to be typed after the letter. 3.4 Operation of Part Two Upon command to part one to produce an utterance, two is called to perform the input-output translation. details of text this translation string which through the data part editor. tables, other are determined was previously entered In addition to ance. A_7- by scanning a into the program producing the information is prepared The output for the utter- 2 r" The output data is first compiled onto a drum field the same format as the input data used is not available for tion on output this tables. The drum field alloca- input data. The storage field is determined in by an output variable declaration line in the beginning of the specification string. consists of a series of body of the specification The algebraic statements written in terms of input variables, output variables, temporary variables, constants, and operaEach statement tors. is applied to every the element of variable tables. Variable names consist of two parts, a letter (i, o, or t for input, output, variable, followed by a number identifying Thus 12 refers output denoting the or temporary) to input 2, o4 data table data table whose contents type of the variable. refers to that will eventually appear on channel 4. The storage for-temporary variables is allocated automatically by the appearance of the variable name. Storage for temporary variables and for intermediate results is provided on purpose. scaling drum fields not being used for any other All arithmetic is done in floating point to problems. avoid Input data and output data are converted to floating point for the calculations, and then returned to fixed point. 3.4.1 Expression Evaluation into three a full is done using The evaluation parts. is divided the expression of evaluating process The priority push-down scheme which manipulates operators and pointers to the data tables feeding them to a second routine does the actual arithmetic. which names variables function string assembling constants, scanning of the text names, A third routine does the etc. providing and pointers and operators to the main routine. The evaluation is defined recursively as follows. The routine evaluates the expression up to but not including the operator whose precedence is not greater than the precedence of the operator which called it. When it can go no further, the routine returns of results the a pointer to the table containing sub-expression just The flow evaluated. Note diagram for the process is illustrated in figure 3.2. that the scanning process does not penetrate a carriage return and effectively causes repeated returns to close extra open parentheses and finally return to called from. Unary operators, ceded by another operator, of priority. Omitted multiplication. the all where it was distinguished by being pre- are done immediately regardless operators are taken to mean implied That is, 12(ti-3) is taken to be 12x(ti-3). Operators on the except for "=" same level left to right since this age. Equal sign are done from generates less intermediate stor- is done from right to left to follow conventional practice. 3.4.2 Special Events Compiler After completing the the text is scanned to output compilation, compile the the rest of special events table. The special events table is used for changing the configuration switch settings during the utterance. "at 0,100, set 1,2 reset 3' are Strings such ast processed. For each time specified, two words are stored in the special events table. The first gives the time, the second contains a mask indicating in one half, which switches are to be set and in the other half, which are to be reset at that time. The algorithm for decoding these statements is very siple-minded. The flow chart in figure 3.3 should be self- explanatory. Note that the first used to distinguish them. anisme would be the same as well as any other Thus "at". letter of the words is "antidisestablishmentariAlso space and comma as non-numeric and non-alphabetic character serve only as a separators, and 20 separators are as good as one. The intention is to provide an asily readable with a fairly obvious meaning. format When all the text has into half on the drum are squeezed That is, 409 6 words As words. this been scanned, the output tables are packed is done, their original two to the range a word of the space. into 2048 numbers is Out of range numbers (which cannot be transferred checked. synthesizer) cause cating in which output channel is necessary so all print-out an informative to the they occurred. the data can fit indi- The packing into core along with part three. 3.4.3 Error Comments translation, the performing the While program checks for certain syntactic errors such as illegal punctuation illegal function names. such errors positive as division number. The arithemetic is also checked for the or logarithm by zero, If any such error error was found. of a non- is found, a comment is of text was being typed out indicating what line when or No attempt has been distinguish between various types of errors. -4'- processed made to 3.5 Operation of Part Three The third part of the program takes care of the transfer of data to the synthesizer. actual The cycle of events in the main loop is as follows. I) Set up the data. That is, unpack it from the table, tack a channel number on its front end, and put it into the output list. This is done for each output item that is to occur at the next sample point. 2) Wait for the synthesizer. right time to transfer (The sequence break the data to the routine is keeping track of the time.) 3) Transfer the data and return to step one unless there is no more data, 4) If there is no more data, reset the data pointers, delay for a while and return to step 1. The sequence break hardware clock times out. routine is initiated It does the following. -42- when the 1) If a glottal pulse is to be generated, do it. 2) If a glottal pulse will occur within the range of one countdown of the clock, go to step 8. 3) Set the clock to delay one millisecond. 4) Add the amount of the clock setting to the current time. If it is time for more data and the main loop is ready to put it out, signal the main loop to go ahead. 6) If the main loop is not ready, type out error comment "too fast" and stop the utterance. 7) Return to the main loop. 8) Calculate the interval to the next glottal pulse, and set the clock for that delay. glottal pulse break. 9) Go to step 4. is to Set a flag indicating that a be generated at the next clock The glottal pulse quency data at next pulse every sample is adjusted interval between After timing is determined subsequent the The time new glottal left to frequency, pulses the and the is computed. each glottal pulse, this is used to determine when to produce the next pulse. until to point. from the fre- after the first this t-o frequency be precisely glottal pulse is generated to allow specified. In the case of zero pulses, a flag is set to indicate that regardless of any numbers (except The updating process is inhibited the which may be calculated, first) is to be generated. no glottal pulse As soon as the frequency becomes non-zero, the flag is cleared. While the program is waiting for the go ahead signal to transfer the next data, it checks have been typed on the typewriter. are taken as commands to either go to see if any characters The characters so back to part one, or to stop talking but not go back to part one. is also a command to start talking again. - 44-- typed Naturally, there Chapter Four 4.1 The Scope of the Evaluation The evaluation It parts. as of the synthesizer is important to know how it well as how good the speech performance can ratio, it Performance Evaluation be measured comparing of the Technical of signal to noise The quality of the speech judged through inforrrmal spectrograms of two technically performs produces is. in terms distortion, and accuracy. produces has been by it consists istenng synthesized and versus the original speech. In addition to the another measure is how efficiently the synthesizer. nity above two measures of performance, an experimenter can use At this time, we have not had an opportu- to let many people try their hand at using the device, so this aspect of its performance can only be judged the author's rather prejudiced experience. from 4.2 Technical Performance 4.2.1 Pole-Zero Pair Circuit The tests were pole frequency was performed. on it. dc accuracy, imaginary parts), real and accuracy (both over several offset to more extensive of the resonant circuits, problems than the rest testing prone is pair circuit pole-zero the Since zero frequency settings and frequency ambient temperatures, and interchangability measurements. measurements The worst results were obtained in the dc at At temperatures. elevated much as 3 volts settings, low frequency of dc offset appeared at the output. as The cause of this is principally the low loop gain combined with offsets introduced by the The feedback in the tends to compensate for these offsets by offsetting circuit the output. The low gain in the offset to effect large attenuator. Fortunately, the applied to any feedback path requires a small compensation output of the at the input. pole-zero circuit rapidly switching circuit. a is not The results of the dc tests are tabulated in table 4.1. The frequency accuracy tests were made by measuring the frequencies at which the amplitude response was 3 db. from the resonant peak (3db. zeroes). The average of up these - 46- points in the case of was taken as down the the center and frequency, the divided difference two by the as Both the center frequency attenuators and band- bandwidth. and width attenuators were varied to determine the accuracy the orthogonality of of these The results the controls. 4.3. measurements appear in graphs in figures 4.1, 4.2, and A comment about the center frequency accuracy curves is the quantity which is In the circuit, necessary. actually set by the attenuators is the so-called natural frequency of the circuit ,,,,= ,X] -cr? *-++ wn. The curve which depicted is not where w and wn are damping greatly different, a high error The curves for smaller bandwidths more results. high As a result, for accurately reflect the actual performance. bandwidth accuracy curves in figure 4.3 indicate a The rather high error in the bandwidth of the zero. to an error in choosing the zero bandwidth trimming resis- The measurement of the tor. chosen on the basis of incorrect was re-trinnimed, measurements. 3 db. points is After the the badwidth accuracy was improved to be about the same as that of the pole. the very bandwidth of the zero is due to the low signal level, and the resistor was difficult resistor This is due not an accurate Again the use measure of of the bandwidth for low Q, and the error at low frequencies is not -*47- accurately given by the curves. The interchangability tests revealed that replacing operational amplifiers or attenuators caused essentially change in the ac accuracy. The differences that were noted are completely accounted for by experimental errors such meter interpolation. The no dc performance was as upset due to the external balancing adjustments on the operational amplifiers. After readjustment, the performance was equivalent to the original. 4.2.2 Formnt Ci•rc•uit Since the formant this thesis, no extensive testing Some measurements were and are reported in expect worse circuit. direct circuits were not has been made when the reference (6). performance than built as part done on them. circuits were There that of of built, is no reason to the pole-zero pair The dc characteristics are much better due to the feedback from output to input. The offset is typically less than 5 my. 4.2.3 Interconnecting Switches The results of measurements on one of the interconnec- ting switches are tabulated in table 4.2. 4.2.4 The Overall Synthesizer The electrical tests nmade consisted chiefly of on the complete noise measurements. synthesizer There are three Random principle sources of noise in the attenuator. is generated by the circuits themselves and rushing sound with a tone-like quality due to the action of the resonators. Non-erandom by is 4y induction (usually magnetic) from one of these sources. the iogic si.nam of the s from noise is Hum caused the 60 cps power line t~he computer. digital attenuators caused These appear as The third source is noise exist in this category. crosstalk filtering The other is ground shift varying high pitched sounds. switching produces a induced produced mainly by ground potential differences. noise (7). caused by Three types of Additive noise appears due to of the digital signals (due to capacitance in the switching transistors) into the analog signal paths. Multi- plicative noise results from modulation effects of switching the analog signals. The third type is caused by switching the unwanted dc component in the analog signals. The measurements indicate the random noise and multiplicative noise are insignificant. In the static condition major offender is hum. utterance and tests (no connection to With being generated, from the changing listening the computer), the computer connected and the most audible logic levels from - 4-9 - the no noise is that the computer. If the h s i a d ha a h b t t excitation applied, the switched The results of the nant. 4.3. in table The dc noise becomes noise measurements are tabulated is the most interest figure of noise Compared with a typical during speaking with no excitation. vowel /o/, predomi- the S/N ratio is 35 db. 4.3 Listening Evaluation The first utterances which were generated, were The data for generating these sounds vowels and d.iphthongs. were taken from references as well as (13,14,17), of the author saying the grams simple sounds. spectro- A wiring error and inaccuracy in the spectrograms contributed to a poor result. After fixing the wiring error, specification to compensate for a very good result trograph, and /j/ were Spectrograms also of the produced and changing the mapping the inaccuracy in th was obtained. with equally synthesized speech spec- The glides /w/ good results. are illustrated in figure 4.4 The next connected speech. corded and a was step in The difficulty was the production sentenced "where are you" spectrogram made. entered into the program Data from the of was re- spectrogram using piecewise linear curve- fitting. The result was good. synthe- Spectrograms of the sized version are shown in figure 4.5. The stops /b/, /d/, and /g/ were produced next. These consonants can be characterized by a rapid transition of the formants (typically in 35 msec.) The thirty sounds (15,18). produced by combining the 10 vowels and diphthongs /i/, /e/, /a/, /a/, /I/, stops in the test /o/, /u/, / i/, /ay/, and /aw/ with the above initial position were data for synthesized to produce The original data was another experiment. taken from spectrograms of the sounds and augmented with the results of other researchers (13,15,17,18), and then hand- tailored to produce the final utterance. obtained with the exception successfully synthesized. of Good results /di/ which A representative could the sounds, that not be collection spectrograms of the results are shown in figure 4.6. noticed in producing were very little of It was "thump" (which has been noticed in other synthesizers) was present. The most recent utterance produced containing voiced stos, glides, diphthongs, sentence is this "are you a good utterance were the curves for boy, or a taken directly from the four formants is a sentence and vowels. bad boy?" Data The for a spectrogram and and glottal pitch and amplitude drawn directly with the light pen input on the CRT display. It required 35 minutes - 61 - to enter all the data and produce in copying part of the good but there was an error frequency After a sentence The results were the first draft of the utterance. curve and the few was more trials, a produced. The utterance was 45 minutes. was not very clear. in "good" /g/ very good total glottal synthesis time to of the prepare the 1 F1 -I 1 I I' hi --- I I I I - ---3Ufe~L~.~~6EYS-1-L ~ CI~ I I 1 J ~·iJ-crC i Figure 2.1 Block Diagram of Complete Synthesizer. 3'O Jeis;~.K Figure 2.2a Analog Computer Simulation of Resonator. Racnrr ~ 0 477- avJ = 2? c Figure 2.2b rtao~c 1 Rc =- CRI --L Realization of the Resonator TTsing Operational Amplifiers . e04 Figure 2.,4 First Realization of Pole-Zero Pair. Figure 2.5 Modification of Figure 2.4 to Allow Pole Frequency. to be Less Than the Zero Freauency. Figure 2.6 Block Diagram of Final Pole-Zero Circuit. in Detailed Circuit for Pole-Zero Pair. Figure 2.7 Notes oil figure 2.7: * R3 is of is of augmented with a selected resistor to trim bandwidth the zero. augmented with a selected resistor to trim bandwidth pole. (R4 must be selected before R3) R2 is of is of selected to trim the maximum resonant frequency the- zero. selected to trim the maximum resonant frequency the pole. Cl C3 is matched to C2 (not necessary, but a good idea.). is matched to C4 (also not necessary.) * R4 Rl All resistor are high quality 19 1/4 or 1/2 watt carbonfilm. C1-C4 are high quality silver-mica capacitors. a0 , al , b0 , b1 are digital attenuators. Figure 2.8 Simple Resonator Diagram. jW Doc0t [ec41.1 -- I is .. . .. . . . . .. . open loop Figure 2.9 Root Locus Diagra. for Simple Resonator. Cý Figure 2.10 __ Differential Integrator. . l fnW %_j v r I •. f- pla aCnd tvro Figure 2.11 Pole-Zero Plot for Non-Ideal Differential Integrator. P 10 Figure 2.12 w --- * Phase Angle of Non-Tdeal Integrator. I 1 1 _-- - "S r 1 c1 entyo;d o-open loop Spoles Figure 2.13 and zeroes Root-Locus Diagram for Resonator with Non-Ideal Integrator (no damping). .1" o Fig. 2.14- Determination of Phase Shift due to Extraneous Pole and Zero i (a) A= Ba.sic A4+en .o.+or +6 R: Pvr inciple -15 (b) 4- DC SALANCE OUTprU INPUT +15 Ty p i co Fig. 2.15 A 4 + e n ui. Co Tra O 2o-r S a. e Attenuator Stage Operation w - 16 V +15\V + V 30 7 L fN zoK 75K ~YOT1~ INPUT 0t 2No 13ý, -.6V 2OK 7. K - SV +15V Fig. 2.16 Interconnecting Switch Circuit OfCF~ I . - , 3.3 K ZN 1306 C L' (1rv) (- v) 4701 Z.4 K 2N 130" 3.3 K Fig, 2.17a .02 mC- Level Discriminator (Overload Detector) -1•V K. Fig. 2.17b Flip Flop and Indicator (Overload Detector) -4 0 1I 3K nputs k-io oI -Ill 1 +15 V Figure 2.18 Output Amplifier. ,v balao.ced ou-+pu (soo nC) ENTRY l AIN PROG. "To vAL. is the operator whose priority is X. is the priority o.f operator X. means carriage return. is the N-th syllable in the expression. means put X in the next free entry on the pushdown list, Figure 3.2 Pushdown Evaluation Flow Diagr.am. POP'X restores X from the last entry on the pushdown list. CHR(N) is the N-th character in in the string. Figure 3.3 Special Events Compiler Flow Diagram. a ý - .... . . ' .-.- .... . ^I __Y_ __ ý ..I . _ý4_ýf ._ -. . . -. . . ..'.-i- .Z.'-_'-.tt';-ý--:_.-;._....... ... ý . -'---j---j t ' ' 1 .. '. '' ' . I ..... ' . L i-4 ýtlý7t;_. .,:=_;A'-,1-:ý -... ,= ,.:ý---.ý.t,!.I,ý--T.-;,ý-ý _... .... 7,' V.. ý__-_ 7-- ___ !-. ..-.ý. :;., I... I~ ..- -'--;, a I .- . - _1 _ .j__ 'I-: .ý ... .-_ý'. ., .4_i_ :ý.'.".--;-:YýlLý---=,I-,.-;t-' .... t ý t ý : ý ± .-. i _1 ' !-; ii-i ý .I.--_ ý . .:. .. 1; --F . . . .. I '... ti _!____j._ -_ . , -1 r' "_ __: _a.ý _ý .... ý .4-1 --1 -1 .+ ... ..: .... L.. 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Ia. .. .. --. - I .:..:.:-,- ,- . . ,.; ......! i . ;) .I .. . .. . ý.... ý..- ........: .;. ýl- r.-iI. -i:-: . : .; : .. , .f --i-1 ;I . .. :1. I., ý:.:!.ýI - I. . . : .: . ; .ý , ! ý! tj .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .: ,. . : .! .II.. . .. 1;I ý I.------.-.:-.--14 - I- -.. a.., -... -.. ý p . . I :!ý ý ii; . % . 11 .. . 1 .: . _ ., .1-.. -ý ý.... -i.- .- --. ::-:7.:.... V., :. . .. ; . :: I rr ii :j .- . :: i. J iýij . , 11 .. I ,--.---I-.-! : .I. . , -1 .: , l :1 : -..-...-..-, : . ."...-,It .,i! : .I . . , ý,. i i ;;I M ý. - "roar" - original /ai/ "roar" - synthesized Fig. /g/ .. - synthesized - synthesized I -- : Fig. 4.5 "Where are you?" - synthesized Synthesized Original Original Synthesized /da/ Fig. 4.6 I _._. I _ __ ~_ _ --- _ ~..~ Synthesized -=II--- ------- Original /dJr/ Original Synthesized Fig. 4.6 (cont) -· - ___ Synthesized Original Synthesized Original Fig. 4.6 (cont) T, t Original Synthesized Fig. 4.7 "Are you a good boy ... Original Synthesized Pig. 4.7 (cont) o.. or a bad boy?" 1 Table 4. Tamb fn of pole and zero __ _ 255 cps (63 3 /4 db) __~_ d.c. output 21.5 0 C -0.92v 316 ops (50db) 21.50 -0.54v 369 cps (56 db) 21.50 -0.32v 2000 cps (28 db) 21.50 +0.028v 255 cps 30.50 -3.7v 316 cps 30.50 -2.3v 369 cps 30.5 2000 cps 30.0 0 -1.37v -0.5v Table 4.2 Input Impedance: Output Impedance: 10K in parallel with load 5 plus source Max. Output Current: 15 ma.at ground Approx. Predicted Offset: 1 my. with 10 source Table 4.3 Vowel s ignal/rnoise +-47 db + 53 db + 48 db - 43 db (no computer) + 43 db + 50 db + 45 db - 40 db (with computer + 31 db + 41 db + 35 db - 27 db (speaking no ratio not speaking) excitation) References 1. Flanagan, a Coding Formant Fant, C.G.M., 1953, which Henke, W.L., W. "Computer Tract" ,, S.M. neering, MIT, MIT, Techniques", 1964. Signals from in Communication 1953. of a Terminal Analog Thesis, Department of Elec- 1963. 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