Cell Modulated dc/dc Converter by James Raymond Warren III Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2005 © James Raymond Warren III, MMV. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document H in whole or in part. AUG 14 2006 LIBRARIES ......... A uthor .......... Department of F itrical Engineering and Computer Science August 1, 2005 ..................... Certified by..... David J. Perreault Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor Certified by.. . Sr. Memberf*4e ... Ti echni al Saff,'C. othy C. Neugebauer Dr per Laboratory eTVPsSxupervisor Accepted by....C.m Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students BARKE BARKER wombu em Cell Modulated dc/dc Converter by James Raymond Warren III Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on August 1, 2005, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract A very high frequncy converter roughly based on a class E topology is investigated for replacing a conventional boost converter circuit. The loss mechanisms in class E inverters are characterized, and metrics are developed to aid in device selection for high frequency converter. A (30 MHz) converter is developed based on a modified class E inverter, single diode rectifier, and cell modulation control architecture based on the Fairchild Semiconductor FDN361AN MOSFET identified by the device selection metrics. In addition to meeting the output specification of 1 W to 2 W, the converter has the ability to deliver up to 3W over its entire input voltage range of 3.6V to 7.2V. Converter efficiencies were realized ranging from from 71% to 81%. Finally, converter transient response to a 2:1 load step did not even exceed the transient ripple of the converter, approximately 100mV. Higher frequency design allowed for decreasing the magnitude of passive values, and in turn their corresponding physical size. Smaller magnitude components reduced the energy storage in the circuit, allowing for the improved transient response. A potential application for this reseach include integration of the circuit and/or passive components for further minitaurization. Potential applications that could take advantage of the significantly improved transient response are circuits facing load transients, or applications designed to actively modulate their supply voltage or power. Thesis Supervisor: David J. Perreault Title: Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor: Timothy C. Neugebauer Title: Sr. Member of the Technical Staff, C. S. Draper Laboratory 3 4 Acknowledgments This thesis was prepared at The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. under Contract No. CON05000-2, GB Draper Laboratory Fellow Support. Publication of this thesis does not constitute approval by Draper or the sponsoring agency of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is published for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. James R. Warren III I owe nothing more than to my wife Jes, who has been through this process by side. Thank you for everything. I would like to thank everyone at MIT that has helped me through this process. My advisor, Prof. David J. Perreault, deserves accolades for the lengths lie went to in supporting me. Thank you for your patience and your help. Juan Rivas and David Jackson stood next in line for my questions when I headed to LEES. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. Group meetings also introduced me to Olivia Leitermann and Yehui Han who watched my thesis grow. To everyone else in LEES who stopped by with kind words, my thanks. I would like to reiterate my thanks to C.S. Draper Laboratory for supporting my thesis. I also appreciate the broad freedom that my supervisor, Seth Davis, allowed me in choosing a topic. Timothy Neugebauer, my thesis supervisor, was a great help through the process. My cube farm/conference room/office mates, James Noonan and Nick Nestle, helped keep the process light along the way. Best of luck guys. Finally, Jay Bruso was an outstanding mentor. Thank you for everything. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their support throughout my education. You gave given me great tools to head into the world, and I will always appreciate everything you do for me. 5 Assignment Draper Laboratory Report Number T-1537 In consideration for the research opportunity and permission to prepare my thsis by and at The Charles Stark Draper Research Laboratory, Inc., I hereby assign my copyright of the thesis to The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Date es R. Warren III 6 Contents 1 2 Introduction 1.1 Research and Background 1.2 Thesis Objectives and Contributions 1.3 Organization of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 21 Losses in Class E Inverters 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.1.1 Simplifying Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.1.2 QL 22 2.1.3 Output Power, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1.4 Conduction Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1.5 Resonant Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gating Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Class E Design Equations . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insights from Simplified Design Equations 2.2.1 Output capacitance limits 2.2.2 Simplified Expression for Output Power 2.3.1 Traditional "Hard Switched" Gate Drive Losses . . . . . . . . 27 2.3.2 Resonant Gate Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Total Device Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 33 Switching Device Selection .. . 3.1 Maximum RON . . . . . 3.2 Maximum Gating Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 7 34 35 4 5 6 3.3 Device Characterization 3.4 Finalized Device Selection 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Class E Inverter Design 39 4.1 Loaded Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.2 Load Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.3 Resonant Tank Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.4 PSPICE Simulation of Class E Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 From Inverter to Converter 43 5.1 Tank Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.2 Rectification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.3 Prototype Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Resonant Gate Drive 51 6.1 Multi-Stage Gate Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 6.1.1 O scillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 6.1.2 CMOS Inverter Drive Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Resonant Gate Drive Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 6.2.1 Basic Resonant Gate Drive Circuit 54 6.2.2 Improved Resonant Gate Drive Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.2.3 Effective Gate Capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6.2.4 Effects of Reverse Capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 6.2 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cell Modulation Control Architecture 59 7.1 General Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7.2 Feedback Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 7.3 Enable/Disable Circuit for the RF Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7.4 Hysteresis Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 7.5 Cell Modulation Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 8 8 9 Experimental Results 65 8.1 Open Loop Converter Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 8.2 Cell Modulated Converter Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 8.3 Cell Modulation Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 8.4 Output Voltage Ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 8.5 Load Step Response 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions 79 9.1 Research Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 9.2 Converter Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 9.3 Potential Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 A PSPICE Code A.1 Class E Inverter Simulation A.2 Converter Cell Simulation A.3 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Resonant Gate Drive Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 A.3.1 Input to Gate AC Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 A.3.2 Drain to Gate AC Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 89 B Circuit Schematic B.1 Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 B.2 Bill of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 C PCB Layouts 93 C.1 Component Side Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Silk Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 C.3 Solder Side Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 C .4 D rills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 C .2 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10 List of Figures 2-1 Class E Inverter Topology [1]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2-2 Totem Pole Gate Drive Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2-3 Resonant Gate Drive Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2-4 Loss Mechanisms in FDN361AN vs. Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2-5 Loss Mechanisms in FDN361AN vs. Pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3-1 MOSFET Capacitances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3-2 Normalized Device Losses vs. Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3-3 Loss Mechanisms in FDN361AN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4-1 Class E Inverter Circuit for PSPICE Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4-2 Class E Inverter Waveforms from PSPICE Simulation . . . . . . . . . 42 5-1 Tank Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5-2 Converter Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5-3 Converter Simulation Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5-4 Unregulated Cell Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5-5 Prototype cell power and drain efficiency (excluding gating loss power) 50 6-1 Multistage Resonant Gate Drive Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6-2 Relaxation Oscillator Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6-3 CMOS Inverter Structure 53 6-4 Basic Resonant Gate Drive Circuit 6-5 Improved Resonant Gate Drive Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 57 7-1 Cell Modulation Architecture Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 7-2 Cell Modulation Control Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 8-1 Prototype Converter Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 8-2 Converter Efficiency 68 8-3 Cell Modulation Behavior 8-4 Cell transient behavior, V,n = 5.0V and Rload = 24 Q . . . . . . . . . 70 8-5 Output Ripple of LM7231Y Demonstration Board . . . . . . . . . . . 71 8-6 Converter Output Voltage Ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 8-7 Converter Output Voltage Ripple, Meaurement Bandwidth = 20 MHz 73 8-8 Load Step Response of LM2731Y Demonstration Board . . . . . . . . 74 8-9 Load Step Response of LM2731Y Demonstration Board . . . . . . . . 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 Load Step Response of Cell Modulated Converter . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11 Ripple Resonse to Load of Cell Modulated Converter 69 76 . . . . . . . . . 77 B-i Converter Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 C-1 Solder Side Copper, 2X Magnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 C-2 Component Side Silk Screen, 2X Magnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 C-3 Solder Side Copper, 2X Magnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 C-4 PCB Drill File, 2X Magnification 95 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Tables 2.1 Class E Inverter Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.1 Characterized Devices 36 5.1 Tank Values from Transformation at 5.2 Unregulated dc-dc Cell Efficiency (Gating loss power not included) 47 8.1 Open Loop Converter Power and Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 8.2 Prototype converter efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 8.3 Cell Modulation Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 B.1 Bill of Materials for Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 f, = 30 MHz . . . . . . . . . 45 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 Chapter 1 Introduction DC/DC power converter design encompasses tradeoffs between power density, defined as converter power relative to converter size, and efficiency. The problem of power density translates to miniaturization when applied to lower power (< 10 W) range switching converters. The sizes of passive components in a low power reg- ulator dominate over the size of the switching devices themselves. Moreover, the numberical values and stored energy in these passive components directly determine achievable transient response; lower valued passive components lend themselves to faser transient response. The switching frequency is the key to sizing the passives; increasing frequency can lower the size of the devices and improve achievable transient performance. This is not without the challenge of mitigating switching, gating, and magnetic core losses, which scale with frequency, and reduce overall converter efficiency. The primary application for this research is to reduce the size and improve the transient response of a power supply currently implemented as a boost converter based on a National Semiconductor LM2731. The application is to boost and regulate a battery voltage supply over the discharge cycle of the cells. While the chip is efficient and small, operating at a switching frequency of 1.6 MHz or 0.6MHz depending on the version, it requires relatively large exterior passive elements, including the input and output capacitors and the boost inductor. Moreover, its response speed and transient output voltage variations (e.g. in response to load transients) is limited by the energy 15 stored in the passive components (especially the inductor) and its switching frequency. The design objective is to increase the switching frequency significantly to the vhf range (30-300MHz) in order to reduce the total size of the passive components and to provide better dynamic performance (e.g. smaller and shorter output voltage transients during load changes). A cellular control architecture is investigated to apply an optimized rf cell to the necessary load range [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. 1.1 Research and Background A traditional direct converter is designed to meet wide load ranges by varying its duty cycle. The load range, which can easily exceed an order of magnitude, limits the extent to which the converter topology can be optimized. A recent approach is to develop a control structure around optimized radio-frequency converter cells. While an individual cell is designed for a narrow load range, the control structure adapts to wider ranges by modulating the cell on and off over time, and/or by changing the number of cells used to supply the load [2]. In this strategy, regulation of the output is provided by modulating the cells in the time domain, with an output filter to smooth the resulting power pulsations and provide the desired average output power. The benefit is that the sizes of the converter magnetics are determined by the switching frequency, which can be extremely high without sacrificing efficiency. There is thus the opportunity to reduce the size of the largest passive component in the system. The output filter (e.g., a capacitor) still needs to provide filtering at the lower modulation frequency, but often times it is sized by other system requirements as well. Moreover, the high switching frequency and low stored energy in the magnetics can yield exceptionally fast transient performance. For low power converters, the cell modulated cellular architecture can be reduced down to a single cell using on-off, or bang-bang, control. The general approach is that an output filter is used to store and filter the energy which is regulated by modulating an optimized cell with a varying on-off duty cycle to meet the load requirement. 16 While the output requirements of the entire architecture will size the output filter, the intermediate passives can be sized to the optimized cell. In this strategy, the power conversion is accomplished using a resonant cell operating at very high switching frequencies. As the switching frequency is increased, the power losses associated with each switch transition accumulate. This has limited traditional direct converter switching frequencies in order to preserve efficiencies. Switching loss occurs when a switch transitions from a high current state (on) to a high voltage state (off). Neither the current or voltage changes instantaneously; the switching loss comes from their product during the switching transition. In order to increase switching frequency without sacrificing efficiency, a method of Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) should be implemented. By ensuring that the voltage across a switch remains at or near zero during its switching transition, the power dissipation can be minimized [3, 4]. High frequency analog design is an area with established design principles. As switching frequencies rise, these RF principles are very applicable to power electronics design. Moving towards a more sinusoidal gating signal and resonating charge on and off the gate, as opposed to a square wave drive, lowers the gating power loss that can limit high frequency operation [3, 2, 5, 6]. A resonant converter is a solution that takes advantage of these RF design principles. Multi-stage self resonant amplifier circuits that do not require a drive oscillator can be effectively employed in this context. The implementation pursued in this thesis is the use of a converter based on a resonant class E inverter [1, 7]. The class E inverter circuit is combined with a single diode rectifier to create a full dc/dc converter with minimal part count and size. A cell modulation architecture in the form of bang bang control is used to regulate the output voltage. The benefit of a cell-modulated control architecture is that an optimized conversion cell can allow for switching frequencies that are orders of magnitude higher than a traditional direct converter. The tradeoff is in design complexity over a direct converter in both the topology of the converter cell and the architecture of the control system. The benefits, however, are that resonant techniques can be applied to re17 duce switching losses, leading to higher frequencies, smaller passive components, and improved converter transient response. 1.2 Thesis Objectives and Contributions The objective of this thesis is to design a dc/dc converter that meets the following specifications. " Input voltage range: 3.6 to 7.2 volts " Output power range: 1W - 2W * Output current range: 150mA to 250mA * Output voltage: 7V The current solution of a National Semiconductor LM2731 Boost Converter operating at 0.6 MHz will serve as a point of reference for the contributions of this thesis. The ojective is to decrease passive sizes and improve transient performance by pursuing a topology that allows for a high frequency cell modulated converter. A loss analysis of class E inverters is developed using design equations from [1]. The loss analysis encompasses both device conduction loss as well as gating losses associated with driving the transistor. This loss analysis provides the basis of metrics for device selection for high frequency power converters. A device search is conducted to identify candidate devices for a low power, high frequency resonant converter. Devices from 3 manufacturers were compared both on the basis of published specifications as well as data from experimental characterization. This information allowed for a device to be selected for a converter design. Based on the selected device, a converter topology is developed based on a modified class E inverter combined with a single diode rectifier. PSPICE simulation is used to analyze and develop the circuit. A prototype converter is implemented to confirm the desired efficiency due to conduction loss in the power stage. 18 A multi-stage resonant gate drive circuit is developed to provide a sinusoidal drive signal with dc offset at the gate of the selected device. The circuit includes a second LC tank to reduce device stress on the switching devices providing the gate drive. Finally, the circuit addresses the need to mitigate self oscillating behavior due to Crs providing feedback from the drain to gate. A cell modulation control architecture is implemented to control the high frequency converter cell. It also provides voltage regulation at the output. The control architecture allows for near instantaneous transient response time. Finally, the full converter cell is prototyped and characterized. Initial open loop efficiency is measured to asses the maximum power capacity of the device at the specified output voltage. Then, the closed loop system is characterized within the specifications for efficiency, cell modulation characteristics, and transient response to load steps. 1.3 Organization of Thesis Chapters 2 and 3 develop the loss analysis of class E inverters and an approach for evaluating candidate switching devices for high frequency resonant converters. Chapters 4 and 5 develop the power stage of a dc/dc converter based on a class E inverter. Once the high power stage is designed and protoyped, Chapter 6 develops a multistage gate drive circuit. It is followed by a development of the cell modulation control architecture in Chapter 7. Experimental results from the full dc/dc converter comprise Chapter 8. Finally, Chapter 9 summarizes the contributions of this thesis and expounds on directions the work could be extended. 19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 Chapter 2 Losses in Class E Inverters 2.1 Class E Design Equations In order to develop a tractable design for a class E inverter, design equations from [1] are introduced. The classic class E inverter topology is presented in Figure 2-1. Design equations have been documented for this topology to set up class E operation [1]. Table 2.1 contains an explanation of the parameters for the class E inverter. Li VC L 2C2 02 1 + R CCT Figure 2-1: Class E Inverter Topology [1]. 2.1.1 Simplifying Assumptions Some simplifications clarify the design equations without sacrificing significant control of the parameters. The following assumptions are that parasitic resistances are negligible, the choke inductance is large, QL is large, and the fall time of the switch current at turn off tf is signinficantly shorter than the switching period. These results 21 Parameter f Vcc VI L, L2 C1 C2 R RON Rioad Description Switching frequency Supply voltage Switch voltage drop Choke inductor Resonant tank inductor Output capacitance across switch Resonant tank capacitor Load resistance attached to tank Switch on-state resistance Effective load resistance seen by converter Table 2.1: Class E Inverter Parameters of these assumptions are ESRL2 = ESRC2 = ESRc = 00 (2.2) = 00 (2.3) << T (2.4) QL tf 2.1.2 (2.1) =0 QL QL is the Q of the resonant tank in the class E inverter. The L subscript stands for "loaded Q". QL = 27rf L 2 R (2.5) It is a free choice variable subject to the constraint QL > 1.7879 (2.6) Large QL coincides with a tank with a high purity sinusoidal output. A low QL is desirable for power converter designs utilizing the class E topology. A lower QL reduces the magnitude of the energy resonated in the tank, which in turn reduces conduction losses associated with the parasitic resistances of L 2 and C2 [2]. 22 2.1.3 Output Power, P Design equations are developed based on a least squares fit to tabulated values for design parameters in terms of QL and supply voltage. P =(c (VCC _ Vo o 2 2 f(QL) is the fit equation. (2.7) f(Q L) For a second order polynomial fit, the fit equation is [11 f(QL) =1.001245- 0.451759 0.402444 QL2(28 QL (2.8) QL Therefore output power is (CC _V)Vo)--2~~0415 2 2 R _ + 1. 1.001245 -0.451759 QL - .044 L5 (2.9) The switching devices examined for this design were all MOSFETs, so Vo = 0. Under the simplifying assumption of QL = oo, all of the higher order terms of f(QL) drop out. The simplified equation for output power is then ]Q 1 _(Vc)[ 0.5775 (V)2 2 (2.10) CC)2 R Rearranging Equation 2.10 provides a calculation of the necessary load resistance for the inverter in terms of desired output power and supply voltage. R 2.1.4 = 0.5775. (V0C) P 2 (2.11) Conduction Loss Drain efficiency, 'rD, is defined as the output power divided by the dc input power, neglecting gate drive power losses. It is often used as a measure of performance in rf power amplifiers. Existing expressions for calculating drain loss in [1] will be used to 23 compute conduction loss in the inverter switch. In order to calculate the drain efficiency, two new parameters are introduced. RLOAD is an effective resistance term introduced in [1] for calculating drain efficiency. RLOAD = R - ESRL2 - ESRC2 - 1.365 - RON - 0.2116. ESRc (2.12) A is a function of the fall time compared to the switching period, and is defined as A = (I + 0.82) tI) Using these new parameters, the drain efficiency 71 D = (2.13) TID is calculated as (27A A) 2 RLOAD RLOAD [1]: + ESRL2 + ESRc 2 + 1.365. RON + 0.2116. ESRc1 12 12 -0.01 (2.14) Combining Equation 2.14 with Equation 2.12 reduces to (2irA) 2 12 RLOAD R 7D - 0.01 (2.15) The constant 0.01 is designed to incorporate conduction losses associated with the RF choke, L, [1]. In order to focus on losses associated directly with the switching device, this loss will be dropped. Finally, by applying the simplifying assumptions of Equations 2.1-2.4, the parameters used to calculate iD reduce to RLOAD A = R-1.365-RON = t A= = 0 (2.16) (2.17) Combining these approximations leaves the drain efficiency assuming only conduction loss in the switch RLOAD D R + 1.365- RON R - 1.365- RON R 24 = 1 - 1.365- RON (2.18) R Combining Eqns. 2.11 and 2.18 gives 'D 1- = P 1.365. O.5775 -(Vcc) PRON 2 RON O 1 - 2.363 - (VO) = (2.19) (VCC)2 This is equivalent to saying that device conduction loss normalized to dc input power is P Normalized ConductionLoss = 2.363 RON (VCC) 2 (2.20) For given system parameters of input voltage and output power, normalized conduction loss is independent of frequency. 2.1.5 Resonant Tank Design equations are developed for the resonant tank parameters C1 and C 2 using the same fit technique described in Section 2.1.3 [1]. The output capacitance across the switch is 1 Cf 27rf R (i ) ) 2 _+ 0.99866+ 0.91424 1.03175) QL Q2 + 0.6 (27rf)2 L1 Incorporating Equation 2.11 into Equation 2.21 and simplifying it with QL and L, = oc gives 1 27rf R (.99866+ QL +1) 1 27rf R = 0.02918- .02918 .5775 (0.99866) +1) 1 fR P f(VC) 0.91424 2 25 1.03175) 0.6 (27rf) 2 Li (2.21) = o = 0.05053 -f c (2.22) f (VCC)2 The equation for C 2 does not easily simplify under these same assumptions. The full equation should be used once the free choice variable QL has been chosen as follows C2= 20rf R 1(100121 QL~0.104823 + 1.01 L -1. 7 79 8 (27(2)22 0 (2.23) Finally, the value for L 2 will follow from the choice for QL- Under the simplifying assumption of QL = oc, L 2 does not have a significant value. Its calculation will also be reserved until after design decision for a practical QL is chosen, and calculated as L2 = 2.2 2.2.1 (2.24) 27rf Insights from Simplified Design Equations Output capacitance limits Equation 2.22 offers an insight into the applicability of a given switching device to a class E inverter. It helps place an upper bound on what an acceptable output capacitance is for a given application of power and frequency. If the device output capacitance is lower than needed to achieve a desired power at a specified frequency, external capacitance can be added to the specification. C1 < 0.05053. P (2.25) f (VoC)2 2.2.2 Simplified Expression for Output Power Rearranging Eqn 2.22 also gives an insightful equation for output power. It breaks down the class E capacity as a function of frequency, device capacitance, and input power. P = 19.88. fC(Vc) 26 2 (2.26) This is a valuable equation because it immediately qualifies for a given frequency and input voltage, what power a device can deliver. It is useful for a first approximation for design and for evaluating switching devices. 2.3 2.3.1 Gating Losses Traditional "Hard Switched" Gate Drive Losses Traditional "hard switched" gate drive circuits dissipate all of the energy stored on the gate capacitor on each switching cycle. A traditional totem pole drive circuit is illustrated in Figure 2-2. In each switching cycle, the circuit sources current to charge the input capacitance of the switching device through Si. The MOSFET is then turned off by sinking all of the charge on the gate capacitor to ground through S 2 . This results in a total switching loss of [8]: Pswitch = f Charging Pswitch = CGSV2 [ICGSV2+ CGSV 2 Discharging_ (2.27) f Vdd gs S C Figure 2-2: Totem Pole Gate Drive Circuit. 27 2.3.2 Resonant Gate Drive A technique to reduce the dominance of traditional switching losses at high frequencies is to employ a resonant gate drive circuit. In one possible implementation, an inductor is added in series with the input capacitance, creating an LC tank, as shown in Figure 2-3. This allows charge to be stored in the tank and rung on and off of the input capacitor. The tank is recharged using a push-pull output stage similar to the hard switching design. However, the totem pole drives the equivalent of a second order LC filter, instead of charging and discharging the capacitor on every cycle. The resultant loss mechanism is dissipation in any ESR associated with the LC tank, including the internal gate resistance. V dd L Ri L3 | Cgs Figure 2-3: Resonant Gate Drive Circuit The resultant voltage at the gate is the fundamental of the switch frequency as filtered by the LC network, ideally a pure sinusoidal drive with a dc offset. Assuming a sinusoidal gate drive allows the calculation of the loss associated with driving the gate capacitance of a MOSFET. The approach is to calculate the current onto the gate, and then calculate the loss associated with passing that current through Rg, the ESR associated with C,. (2.28) Zc13 0tjw Using Ohm's law and defining V as the peak ac component of the gate voltage, 28 the magnitude of the gate current may be calculated as: |i| = 27rfCgsV sinwt (2.29) and the mean-square gate current is: i2 (27TfCgsV) 2 2 = 27r 2 f 2 C2sV 2 2 RMS (2.30) g The power dissipated in Rg is then P = iRMSRg = 27r2f 2 C2sRgV 2 (2.31) Using Equation 2.10, the gating loss normalized to inverter power is: Normalized Gating Loss = 2.4 27r2 f 2 C2 Ps P R V2 (2.32) 9 Total Device Losses Eqns 2.20 and 2.32 can be summed to express the total normalized device loss in terms of device parameters RON, Cgs, and Rg and as a function of frequency f: P Normalized Device Loss = 2.363. (V) 2 RON+ Conduction Loss 27r2 2 C2 R V 2 gs g (233) Gating Loss Figure 2-4 illustrates how the loss mechanisms in a single device vary versus frequency. The data for the plot comes from the device ultimately selected for the converter design. At low frequencies, conduction loss is the dominant factor. However, as frequency increases, gating loss quickly becomes the limiting factor. There is also an optimal output power for a given device at a fixed frequency and input voltage. This is because the normalized conduction loss factor increases linearly with output power for a fixed input voltage, while normalized gating loss 29 Loss Mechanisms in FDN361 AN, V_{cc}=3.6V, P=2W, and V_{g,max}=7V 0.2 - - - Conduction Loss Loss 0.18-1 |Conduction + Gating -j 0.1 - E 0 Z 0.08 - 1 '. , 10 Frequency (MHz) 100 Figure 2-4: Loss Mechanisms in FDN361AN vs. Frequency factor decreases. The power consumed via gating loss is constant for a set frequency and peak drive voltage, so as power output increases, the gating loss factor decreases. Fig 2-5 illustrates this concept. The output power variation is created by assuming that an arbitrary amount of additional capacitance can be added in parallel with a device's Cds. A device's inherent Cd, will set the lower limit for how low the power can be chosen in Fig. 2-5. 30 Device Loss Mechanisms in FDN361 AN, V_{cc=3.6V, f=30MHz, and V_{g,max}=7V I I I II Conduction Loss - - - Gating Loss .... Total Loss 0.25 F 0.21- -. 0.15 z0 - . 0.1 0.05F 0' 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 P_{out} (W) 2.5 3 Figure 2-5: Loss Mechanisms in FDN361AN vs. P, 31 3.5 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 32 Chapter 3 Switching Device Selection This chapter considers inverter device selection for the power converter. The loss models of Chapter 2 are used to make quantitative decisions regarding device seection and converter switching frequency. The objective was to find commercially available MOSFETs that could be employed in an unconventional manner at higher frequencies. In order to develop a road map for the device search, the information commonly available for devices was considered. Equation 2.33 for device loss normalized to input power is restated here for reference Normalized Device Loss = 2.363 P 2 RON+ 27r 2f 2C28 RgV2 - (VCC) P ConductionLoss Gating Loss (3.1) Four parameters primarily define the viability of a MOSFET for a high frequency switching application. RON, Cgs, Cds, and R. are the parameters of interest. With a fixed input voltage and output power requirement, RON dictates the conduction loss in a device. Coss will next influence the switching frequency as determined by Equation 2.10; with that, it will affect the size of the passive elements. Coss can also serve as an indicator as to whether the device is oversized for the application. Finally, the gating losses in a resonant drive circuit are determined by Cgs and Rg. Unfortunately, of the four parameters, only three of them are commonly disclosed on datasheets. Rg is the ESR associated with the gate terminal and a parasitic that is not usually included. This is understandable, considering the difference in loss 33 mechanisms between the traditional drive of Section 2.3.1 and the resonant drive structure of Section 2.3.2. Losses in traditional gate drives depend only on Cg, and peak drive voltage V; they are independent of the parasitic gate resistance R., so it is often left out of datasheets. Candidate devices must be selected without knowing R9 and then tested to evaluate R. and determine switching performance. 3.1 Maximum RON An initial polling of available devices was conducted. The selection criteria were looking for an RON that would allow for at most 5% conduction loss. Recalling Equation 2.20, the maximum RON must be evaluated at Vin,min and Pout,max for a chosen normalized conduction loss Pc: RON 0.423 (Vinmin ) 2 PC (3.2) Pout,max Calculating this for Vcc,min = 3.6V and Pout,max = 2W, with an allowed loss Pc ~ 5%, gave the first selection criteria of RON < 0.15Q (3.3) Any devices that exceeded this specification were disregarded. RON was initially considered at the typical operating point for a rough search. It was then refined by applying the temperature coefficient effect, which results in a larger RON as temperature increases. For the devices that met the RON requirement of Equation 3.3, two metrics were developed. One was the normalized conduction loss at a fixed frequency and output power. The other was the maximum frequency the device could be operated at with a conduction loss less than or equal to 5%. For this metric, the output power was assumed to be set by the device's output capacitance and operating frequency. In the case where the resultant frequency and output capacitance delivered power beyond the output specificiation, it was assumed that cell modulation could be employed 34 to regulate the converter. The final requirement for selection was the availability of devices for characterization. 3.2 Maximum Gating Loss Within the available devices meeting the conduction loss requirement, the second focus was to identify devices with the potential for low gating losses. Unfortunately, the data sheets often do not contain the necessary information about device parasitics such as R.. Reliable estimates can not be calculated solely from the data sheets as a result. While gating loss varies linearly with Rg, it has a quadratic dependence on Cg,. This provides a guideline to search for devices with a low to moderate input capacitance. This decision was based on the assumption that gate resistance is approximately constant from device to device. With this assumption, the top two devices in each product line of three different manufacturers were selected for measurement. Package size was limited to requiring a surface mount package. Three manufacturers were identified for the candidate devices. The devices acquired for characterization are contained in Table 3.1. The viable devices were acquired and characterized in order to effectively compare the potential losses of each device. For the purposes of the loss calculations, Cg, and R9 were determined experimentally while RON and C,,, operating point, typical V, (evaluated at the quoted ~ 20 V) were derived from the maximums on the data sheets. 3.3 Device Characterization The capacitances of the MOSFET structure are significant circuit elements in the class E inverter topology. The parameters of interest are depicted in Figure 3-1. The datasheet capacitance measurements are related to the model capacitances by 35 Manufacturer Fairchild ST International Rectifier Part Number FDN327N FDN361AN FDG311N FDS4488 NDS331N NDS8425 STS5DNF20V STS7C4F30L STS4DNFS30L STD17NF03L IRLML2502 IRLMS1902 IRLMS2002 IRF1902 IRF7601 Ciss (pF) R9 () 479 3.5 233 1.2 315 14.8 1095 1.0 251 3.3 1249 2.7 569 4.4 1250 5.0 408 5.4 376 3.9 290 5.0 359 6.2 1179 4.2 383 0.8 1149 1.2 Table 3.1: Characterized Devices D Cgd GR GW _ I Cds gs S Figure 3-1: MOSFET Capacitances Ciss = Cgs + Cgd (3.4) Coss = Cds + Cgd (3.5) An HP 4395A in impedance analyzer mode was used to measure the input capacitance and its parasitic resistance. This device drives the device under test (DUT) with a sweep of input input frequency, measuring magnitude and phase of the response as a function of frequency. It then can extrapolate an individual measurement, such as 36 capacitance (based on the reactive component) or the series resistance (based on the real component). Measurements were performed between the gate and source of the device, with the drain floating. As C,, is typically small compared to Cd,, their series combination is approximately the same as if Cd, were shorted. An equivalent series RLC circuit model was used to extract the parameters for gate resistance and any lead inductance. Figure 3-2 contains loss data as computed by Equation 3.1 for four representative devices. The best performing vertical devices from 3 manufacturers (ST, Fairchild Semiconductor, and International Rectifier) are compared with a lateral device from MACOM used for rf power amplifiers. The MACOM part is a significantly larger area device and has a far larger package than the minitiaure packages focused on in the device search. Moreover, this lateral device has special gate drive requirements (see [9], [5]), making it impractical for use here. However, it helps illustrate how lower gating loss allows for high frequency operation. Device Losses, Vjcc}=3.6V, P=2W, and Vjg,max}=7V 0.2 MACOM LDMOS 0.18 -- -- -FDN361AN ... IRF1902 STD17NF03L 0.16 0.14S0.12-// 0.1 -- Z 0.08 0.060 0.04 -~ 0.02 ~ .... 0 0 Frequency (MHz) Figure 3-2: Normalized Device Losses vs. Frequency 37 100 Loss Mechanisms in FDN361 AN, \_{cc}=3.6V, P=2W, and V_.{g,max}=7V 0.2 - 0.18 - - - Conduction Loss Conduction + Gating Loss 0 z 0.08 10 Frequency (MHz) 1 100 Figure 3-3: Loss Mechanisms in FDN361AN 3.4 Finalized Device Selection Of the best performing miniature devices in Figure 3-2, the most efficient device at very high frequencies was the Fairchild FDN361AN. While it has a higher conduction loss than the STD17NF03L, it has a combination of acceptable input capacitance and low gate resistance that allow for more efficient operation at higher switching frequencies. It will be used as the primary switching device for the development of the converter cell. Figure 3-3 contains a closer look at the potential operating range of the FDN361AN. Using this information, and a target device efficiency of 90%, the switching frequency was selected to be = 30 MHz (3.6) With a switching device and operating frequency determined, the development of the converter cell could continue. 38 Chapter 4 Class E Inverter Design This chapter addresses a first pass design of the inverter portion of the dc-dc converter. The loss calculations from Chapter 2 and the design equations from [1] were used along with the selected device of Chapter 3 to develop the following design. This inverter design is used as the initial basis for a full converter design, as described in the next chapter. 4.1 Loaded Q The simplifying assumptions of Equations 2.1-2.4 are too simple for a valid design. Specifically, assuming QL = o0 is insufficient for calculating the tank values L 2 and C 2 as denoted in Section 2.1.5. The design requirement for the equations from [1] is QL > 1.7879. Based on the discussion in Section 2.1.2 and [2], a low value of QL is desirable. The final design decision was to begin with QL = 5 to form a first pass design. 39 (4.1) 4.2 Load Resistance Using the choice of QL from Equation 4.1, the load resistance R can be calculated. R is the load resistance that will deliver the maximum required power, 2.2 Watts allowing for losses, at the minimum input voltage, 3.6 V. It is computed by rewriting Equation 2.7 as R = (VCC - V)2-2~ 2 =3.6 (0.576801) 2 2 -f(QL) 1.001245 - 0.451759 2.2 = 3.04 Q - 0.402444 J QL (4.2) Resonant Tank Parameters 4.3 The resonant tank design equations of [1], previously enumerated in Section 2.1.5 as Equations 2.21, 2.23, and 2.24 are restated here. 1 27rfR (2 + C2 = L2 = 27rf R 099866 0.91424 I 1) QL 1 QL - 0.-104823 1.00121 + 1.03175 9 1.0168 QL - 1.7879 0.6 (27rf) 2 L (27rf)2L, ( (4.4) QLR 27f(4.5) One simplification that will be carred over from Section 2.1.5 is the assumption that L= 00. The result of this is to disregard the second added term in the equations for C1 and C 2 . Using these equations and the values for QL and R from above results in the calculated values Ci,calc = 365 pF (4.6) C2,calc = 470 pF (4.7) L 2 ,caic = 81 nH (4.8) 40 Noting that the output capacitance of the selected device (FDN361AN) is approximately 50 pF, and approximating the calculated values to standard values results in the following tank values 4.4 C1 365 pF - 50 pF ~ 300 pF C2 470 pF (4.10) L2 82 nH (4.11) (4.9) PSPICE Simulation of Class E Inverter Using the dsign values of Equations 4.2 and 4.9-4.11, a PSPICE simulation was designed to test the class E inverter, included in Appendix A.1. The model used an ideal switch in place of the FDN361AN, but its output capacitance was included in the value C, = 350 pF. The circuit of Figure 2-1 is repeated here as Figure 4-1 to illustrate the circuit and component values used for the simulation. Figure 4-2 shows the resulting waveforms, demonstrating approximate class E operation for the circuit. Note that effects of the MOSFET body diode are not included. L L2 240 nH VIN 82 nH - 1 350 pF C 470 pF R 3.04 Figure 4-1: Class E Inverter Circuit for PSPICE Simulation 41 Class E Inverter Drain Voltage, V =3.6 V - 7.2 V 30 --- 25- - V.in=3.6 V V.in=4.5 V V =5.4V V.in =6.3 V -_V. in=7.2 V 20 - i E510 15- -I I 5- 0- -5 II 0 20 40 60 Time (ns) 80 100 Figure 4-2: Class E Inverter Waveforms from PSPICE Simulation 42 120 Chapter 5 From Inverter to Converter The previous chapter considers the design of a class E inverter having approximately the correct power and operating frequency. This chapter considers the design of a full dc-dc power converter that is roughly based on this first pass inverter design. To construct a dc-dc converter based on a class E inverter, it is necessary to rectify its AC output. An RF rectifier and matching network can provide this AC to DC conversion [10,1 1, 6, 3, 12, 13, 14, 2, 5]. However, in an effort to minimize the number of components, a simpler rectifier was investigated. In a traditional class E dc/dc converter, the load resistor is replaced by an RF rectifier network. This network typically looks resistive to the LC tank, meaning it has a minimal reactive component in its impedance, or its reactive component is absorbed as part of the tank or matching network. Current gets delivered out of the LC network into the "resistor" and then the tank is recharged from the input on the next switching cycle. An output filter maintains a constant DC output with a low AC ripple. A new rectifier was designed that would allow energy to be drawn out of the tank on each cycle, while also minimizing the number of components used. The topology is roughly based on a class E converter with a transformed tank. A diode connecting the tank to the dc output provides the means for energy removal. Analysis of the circuit with this rectifier is complex due to the nonlinear asymmetric behavior of the diode rectifier [11]. The system was refined using computer simulation to tune the 43 minimal number of components to meet the output requirements. The resultant tank values for a series class E inverter are the first column of Table 5.1. 5.1 Tank Transformation The class E inverter developed in Chapter 4 served as the starting point for the dcdc converter. Modifications to the topology allowed for the application of a simple rectifier with a single diode. The tank must be transformed from a series LRC combination to a tank with an L in series with the parallel combination of R and C. L and C create the resonant tank, and R is the dissipative element. The resistor is replaced by a diode recitifier, which siphons energy and charge out of the tank. This section develops the tank transformation. Assuming that the tank current in a class E inverter is sinusoidal follows from the assumptions the design equations in Chapter 2. For a fixed operating frequency, the series LRC tank can be transformed to a tank with an inductor in series with the parallel combination of an R and C. The inductor is still a series element, so its value remains constant. What remains is a series to parallel transformation of the RC network, illustrated in Figure 5-1. The impedance equations for each structure are: 1j ZSeries = + Rs = Rs Zparallel = . 1 jWC2,P (5.1) - jU)C2,s WC2,s |Rp = Rp jwR 2C ,P 2 -P(5.2) (wRpC 2 ,p) 2 + 1 (wRpC 2 ,p) + 1 2 To accomplish this transformation, equating the real and imaginary parts of the two transfer functions results in the following two equations in two unkowns. These can be evaluated at the operating frequency w = 27rf 8 . Table 5.1 contains the initial series LRC tank values, and their transformed values for the new parallel RC inverter. R = + 44 HRsC2,Sw2 (5.3) ZE j C Z 2,S C2,P IRs Series RC Parallel RC Figure 5-1: Tank Transformation Element L2 C2 Series 52 nH Parallel 52nH 470 pF 438 pF R 3.04 Q 45 Q Table 5.1: Tank Values from Transformation at 1 C2,P 5.2 Re RsC2 ,sw2 f, = 30 MHz (5.4) Rectification The result of the transformation described in the previous section allows for a simple rectifier. The load resistor R is what removes energy from the tank, which is the desired effect of the rectifier as well. The load resistor is replaced by a single diode feeding into a capacitive dc output filter. It is assumed that the output of the converter will be regulated to sit at a fixed voltage, enabling the capacitive output filter to be treated as a constant voltage. This topology is illustrated in Figure 5-2. As the diode capacitance is between the output of C2 and a constant dc node which serves as an ac ground, its capacitance can be absorbed into C2. The diode acts as an uncontrolled switch. When the voltage across C2 swings above the output voltage, the diode will conduct and draw charge out of the tank and into the output filter. The switch will continue to exhibit the zero voltage switching of the class E inverter (measured across C1) as its ouptut rings down prior to transition. 45 L1 D L2 VIN C C2 VOUT Figure 5-2: Converter Cell This comes from the LC tank that L 2 forms with the capacitance across the output of the switch C 1 . The result of replacing the load resistor R with a diode is illustrated by the waveforms in Figure 5-3. The drain waveform and the waveform across the tank capacitor C2 are illustrated. The duty ratio of the diode is effected by C2 as it will determine the slope of its output voltage during the time when the diode is off. Adjusted tank values were determined using PSPICE to ensure zero voltage switching and to meet the output power requirements. Standard values were chosen for all components so that analysis could carry into prototyping directly. Manufacturer models were used for the MOSFET (Fairchild FDN361AN) and diode (Fairchild MBR0520L). The tank component values are L, = 240 nH (5.5) L2 = 56 nH (5.6) C1 = 220 pF (5.7) C2 = 220 pF (5.8) The waveforms in Figure 5-3 was generated using these values in the circuit of Figure 5-2. Appendix A.2 contains the PSPICE files used. 5.3 Prototype Cell The circuit simulated in the previous section was prototyped to confirm its viability for a final design. The purpose of the prototype was to confirm the operation of 46 the topology, and measure the conduction losses associated with it. The gate drive was provided by an external power amplifier driving the gate with a sinusoidal drive. Gating losses are not included in this section. One purpose of the prototype was to confirm that zero voltage switching could be achieved to prevent excessive dissipation at switch transitions. Figure 5-4 shows the drain voltage measured for operation across the input voltage range. Acceptable switching behavior is achieved over the operating range. For purposes of testing the power stage design, the prototype converter was loaded with Zener diodes to maintain a constant output voltage. The converter was tested with 7.5 V Zeners capable of handling the power expected based on the simulations of the previous section. Loss associated with the conduction and switching loss was the main measurement taken from the prototype. The gate was driven by an external source, and power delivered to the gate is not accounted for here. Table 5.2 contains the measured drain efficiency data, and it is graphed in Figure 5-5. As can be seen, good drain efficiency (l7D = Qi-) is achieved over the input voltage range. Vin 'in Pin Vout Iout Pout 3.60 4.51 5.38 6.31 7.18 0.84 0.91 0.96 0.99 1.04 3.02 4.10 5.16 6.25 7.47 7.24 7.12 7.21 7.32 7.42 0.370 0.493 0.614 0.747 0.879 2.68 3.51 4.43 5.47 6.52 7 7D 0.886 0.855 0.857 0.875 0.873 Table 5.2: Unregulated dc-dc Cell Efficiency (Gating loss power not included) 47 Converter Drain Voltage, V,=3.6 V - 7.2 V 30 V1n=3.6 V S=4.5 25 - - V V1=5.4 V V =6.3 V V, =7.2 V 20 -n 8 15 0 IIt 0 0 -5 0 40 20 60 Time (ns) 120 100 80 Rectifier Diode Voltage, Vn=3.6 V - 7.2 V 10 8 - 6 - --- n =3.6 - -V =4.5 - .V =5.4 Vin=6.3 - - 4 \ - -- V V VV V n=7.2 V 2 0) 0 0 ID) - - -2 -4 -6 -8 -1 0 20 40 60 Time (ns) 80 100 Figure 5-3: Converter Simulation Waveforms 48 120 Vds Waveforms over Input Voltage Range, V = 18.03V Vin=3.6 V . ---Vi=4.5 V ~---~Vin=5.4 V_ V V=6.3 i - 25 A--V 1n=7.2V 20 15 10 5 0 -50 -40 -30 - I -20 -10 I I 0 Time (ns) 10 -ik 20 Figure 5-4: Unregulated Cell Waveforms 49 30 40 50 Output Power, V =3.6 V -7.2 V 10 8 6 0 4 4-. 4 5556-. 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 6.5 7 Vin (V) Cell efficiency (excluding gating loss) Vi =3.6 V -7.2 V I I~ 4 4.5 ~ I I 5.5 6 0.95 0.9 0 C a, 0.85 w 0.8 0.75 0.7 5 Vi (V) Figure 5-5: Prototype cell power and drain efficiency (excluding gating loss power) 50 Chapter 6 Resonant Gate Drive 6.1 Multi-Stage Gate Drive A gate drive circuit must be able to deliver a minimum amount of power to the gate of the main MOSFET in order to turn it on and off. Self oscillating structures may be employed to resonantly drive the gate [2, 6], but loading of the main power circuit is a consideration. Alternatively, a multi-stage amplifier approach may be used in which a cascaded gate drive structure delivers the needed power (e.g. [5]). A design was developed that combines the features of a self oscillating resonant driver [2, 6, 5] and the tapered hard-switched driver designs sometimes found in low-power integrated converters [16, 15]. A multistage resonant gate drive circuit was designed to control the selected MOSFET, a Fairchild FDN361AN device. The circuit consists of an oscillator stage, a drive stage, and a resonant tank to reduce the switching losses. The circuit is illustrated in Figure 6-1. The following sections will develop each subunit of the gate drive circuit. 6.1.1 Oscillator In maximizing the power density of a converter, fewer components used means less space used. Here the first stage of a mult-stage driver is designed to self oscillate, eliminating the need for a separate oscillator. The converter can be controlled by 51 Vdd RR INHIBIT 0-c L4 X Oscillator v v 'Drive Stage 'Resonant Tank MOSFET Gate Figure 6-1: Multistage Resonant Gate Drive Circuit 103R C3 Figure 6-2: Relaxation Oscillator Circuit modulating the self oscillations on and off [2, 5]. Feedback combined with the hysteretic characteristics of an inverter can create a simple relaxation oscillator as shown in Figure 6-2. A feedback resistor combines with a capacitor, which absorbs the input capacitance of the inverter, to form an RC network [17]. The time constant of this RC network sets the oscillation frequency of the circuit. When the oscillator output transitions to high, the input capacitor C3 begins charging through the feedback resistor R 7 . Once the input voltage crosses the VIH threshold of the inverter, the output will fall, and then discharge the cap down until VIL is crossed [18]. In addition to an inverter, only 3 additional components are needed for a robust oscillator. C3 is a capacitor added in parallel with the input capacitance of the 52 inverter. When this value dominates the inverter input capacitance, it improves the robustness of the design. R 7 is the feedback resistance. Combined with C3, this sets the time constant of the circuit. Finally, R 8 is a pull up resistor. It is designed to prevent the oscillator from entering a metastable state. 6.1.2 CMOS Inverter Drive Stage A CMOS inverter is essentially a push-pull output stage, as illustrated in Figure 6-3. This structure could be used for hard switching, or to drive a resonant gate drive circuit. Two design considerations are the current handling capability and losses associated with the inverters. In practice, one could build the structure of Figure 6-3 with discrete MOSFETs (perhaps copackaged) or use a commercially designed CMOS inverter stage. Vdd A A Figure 6-3: CMOS Inverter Structure Complementary dual MOSFETs having large handling capability are available in the same size packages as low power inverters. Simply tying the gates and sources as in Figure 6-3 would create a custom inverter with large drive capability. A search for possible gate drive devices identified multiple devices in the SC-70 package size. The best dual package inverter found was the Fairchild Semiconductor NC7WZ04. Fairchild also offers a complimentary MOSFET package, with one N channel and one P channel device in the same SC-70 package. The main concern with this discrete design approach is shoot through, when both the n-channel and p-channel devices are on during the switching transition. In low 53 power devices, the threshold voltages are designed to be minimized. Operating these devices from higher voltage rails can result in a scenario where both devices are turned on as the input transitions from low to high or vice versa. This will sink current directly from the supply to ground, causing an unacceptable loss at very high frequencies [15]. Commercial inverters (e.g. Fairchild NC7WZ04) are designed to adapt to a range of input voltages while minimizing this shoot through problem. This will eliminate the need for any external level shifting circuitry that discrete MOSFETs would require to mitigate shoot-through loss.. In addition, the inverters are designed to minimize input and output capacitances to allow for high speed switching. As a result, multiple inverters may be paralleled to meet the current requirements of the drive stage, while not resulting in significant output capacitances before the LC tank. This is valuable because any capacitance prior to the resonant tank will be hard switched, with losses described by Equation 2.27. As a result, a design using parallel NC7WZ04 inverters was selected for the converter. The low power inverters such as the NC7WZ04 can operate over roughly half the input voltage range, from 3.6 to 5 V. For the higher input voltage range, a low dropout linear regulator was included in the design. It should follow the input voltage up to 5 volts, and then maintain a 5 volt supply for the gate drive when the input is between 5 and 7.2 volts. While there is some loss of efficiency due to the regulator when the input voltage exceeds 5 volts, it will be at most LDO Loss Factor = 6.2 6.2.1 5v 7.2V (6.1) Resonant Gate Drive Circuit Basic Resonant Gate Drive Circuit Figure 2-3 is repeated here as Figure 6-4 in order to illustrate a simplified resonant gate drive circuit. This is essentially a series resonant inverter, where two switches and an LRC filter convert a dc supply voltage to an ac voltage across the gate, plus 54 a dc offset. Vd L3 |R9 C Figure 6-4: Basic Resonant Gate Drive Circuit The ac sinusoidal voltage commutates the switch on and off. The dc offset across the gate voltage is equal to half the inverter rail voltage. This is desirable because it offsets the sinusoidal drive close to the threshold voltage of the device. This will bring the duty ratio closer to the desired 50% [1]. Section 2.3.2 developed the benefits of a resonant drive as applied to gating loss. In addition to these power savings, adding a reactive element L 3 to the circuit provides another design parameter. This second order circuit can be utilized to achieve voltage gain and set the desired power needed to drive the gate sufficiently by controlling the resonant frequency fre relative to the switching frequency f,". Finally, if the circuit is switched above resonance, ie f 8 , > fres, the resonant tank assists in charging and discharging the output capacitance of the switching devices to reducing inverter switching loss. The simplified resonant gate drive circuit of Figure 6-4 is created by adding an inductor in series with the gate of the MOSFET as discussed in Section 2.3.2. The addition of an inductor creates a series LRC circuit. The C is the gate capacitance of the MOSFET and R is a parasitic resistance associated with the circuit. The impedance looking into the LRC tank is ZIN= Ls + R + 55 1 CS (6.2) The gate voltage is seen across the gate capacitor, Cgs. The transfer function from tank input to the gate is VG- _ VT =S _ Ls+R+ LCs 2 +RCs + 1 (6.3) Near the resonant frequency w0 , the magnitude of the transfer function is approximated by the Q of the circuit. These parameters are defined as Wres Q = (6.4) =! ROC (6.5) where R is the sum of the gate resistance R9 and the effective inverter output resistance. 6.2.2 Improved Resonant Gate Drive Circuit The primary disadvantage of the basic resonant gate drive circuit of the previous section is that all of the reactive current flowing through the gate goes through the inverter switches. This results in excessive dissipation in the switches, requiring them to be overrated to compensate. To understand this, consider that when used to drive a series resonant gate circuit, the on-state resistance of each switch will add in series with the gate resistance Rg, and increase the power dissipation associated with the resonant tank. There is a tradeoff between the hard switched output capacitance and the loss due to the on state resistance. capacitance scales by N - C, As N inverters are parallelled, the output and resistance scales by RON/N. This tradeoff can be partially overcome, as described below. A resonant tank circuit with an added shunt branch (Figure 6-5) solves this problem by creating a second LC tank for reactive current to oscillate in. Figure 6-5 illustrates this added branch (comprising of L 4 and C 4 ) in a resonant circuit driven by a square wave drive. L 4 acts to reduce the reactive current supplied by the driver, while C4 acts as a dc blocking cap. 56 C, L4 C4 Figure 6-5: Improved Resonant Gate Drive Circuit One benefit arises from this added shunt circuit, with one offsetting disadvantage. The current in the switches decreases as the second LC tank provides reactive power to the gate. This allows for the switches to be sized smaller, with less output capacitance. Less output capacitance is significant because any switch output capacitance is seen before the resonant tank, and is therefore hard switched. The disadvantage of the added shunt branch is the loss associated with the bypass capacitor during cell modulation. When the gate drive starts driving, the blocking capacitor C 4 becomes charged to half the peak inverter drive voltage Vdd. When the gate drive is shut down (held low), C4 discharges to zero. Each time the gate drive circuit is enabled and disabled, the bypass capacitor is hard switched. This results in losses of Psunt = C4 where Vdd is the inverter rail voltage, and va fmod 2 (6.6) fmod is the rate at which the converter is modulated on and off to regulate the output. 6.2.3 Effective Gate Capacitance The effect of the added shunt branch on the transfer function E is equivalent to vx reducing the capacitance seen across the gate. The inductor value is chosen so that the parallel L 4 C 3 has a higher impedance at the desired frequency than C,, which corresponds to a lower equivalent capacitance. The resonance of L 4 and C, be below f, should so that it looks capacitive, although with a higher impedance than Cg, alone. 57 The end resultant impedance looks like an equivalent capacitance that is smaller than the original Cg. This will serve to increase the Q of the resonant gate drive circuit as described by Equation 6.5. This increases the transfer function from input to gate, providing a strong drive signal for the device. 6.2.4 Effects of Reverse Capacitance Due to the reverse transfer capacitance Cdg of the MOSFET, there is a drive voltage at the MOSFET gate due to the large ac drain-source voltage. The transfer function from drain voltage to gate voltage is thus important. At sufficiently high input voltages, this reverse transfer can inject enough charge onto the gate to cause the transistor to self oscillate even while the drive circuit holds its output low. In order to prevent this, PSPICE simulation was used to sweep the inductor values to reduce the drain to gate transfer function while still maintaining a large enough input to gate transfer function to drive the transistor. These final values were used for the full converter prototype. Decreasing L 3 decreased L faster than it decreased Vd V9. V While the gate waveform amplitude decreases with v9, this will actually lower the gating loss (Equation 2.32). So long as the switch device can still be fully activated while preventing self oscillation while disabled, the resonant gate drive circuit will minimize the gating losses. 58 Chapter 7 Cell Modulation Control Architecture Cell modulation has previously been presented as a control architecture for rf power converters [2]. In its simplest form for control of a single cell, the architecture re- duces to on/off control of a converter, also known as bang-bang control [2, 19]. An advantage of this approach is extremely fast and well behaved transient performance. This section will develop the architecture used to regulate the output voltage of the converter. 7.1 General Theory Figure 7-1 contains a simplified block diagram for a cell modulated architecture. The main components are the rf converter, an output filter, and a feedback network to enable or disable the converter. The output filters averages the power delivered by the converter, while the feedback network enables the converter with an appropriate duty cycle to meet the load requirement. A feedback network is needed to monitor the output voltage and provide the control signals for the converter. For use in a cell modulation architecture, an rf power converter must have the ability to be enabled or disabled by the control system. This will be integrated via an addition to the multi stage gate drive previously developed 59 Voltage Reference ._+ Controller ~ DC/DC Converter Cell -~ o Load Converter with Enable/Disable Feedback Network Figure 7-1: Cell Modulation Architecture Block Diagram in Chapter 6. The final control schematic is contained in Figure 7-2. The following sections describe the circuit elements that make up the functional blocks of figure 7-1. Vdd R4 R5 Vdd R3 R6 oSCIN-HIBIT Ail, R VOUT C R2 C5 Figure 7-2: Cell Modulation Control Schematic 7.2 Feedback Network The voltage regulation is created by comparing a fraction of the output voltage to a fixed reference voltage. The fixed reference voltage is provided by a shunt voltage reference. A resistive divider is used to sense the output voltage. A comparator provides the control signals to the converter. A shunt voltage reference was chosen with a reference voltage that is lower than the minimum input voltage of the converter. This ensures that it is operating at its desired reference value throughout the entire input voltage range. A 3V reference meets these 60 requirements. A reference ADR530 is selected, with a bias resistor R5 =1.0 kQ. This element consumes at most ~ 1.8% of the output power at light load and max input voltage. PR 5 ,max ( nmax Vre) - R5 18 mW (7.1) A resistive divider is used divide the output voltage down for comparison to the reference voltage. The resistive values are chosen to control the power dissipation across the total divider in addition to providing the correct division ratio. The resistor values chosen were 12 kQ and 9 kM. The divider ratio and power dissipation are then 9 kQ Divider Ratio Pf 9 kQ 9 kQ + 12 kQ = 2 9 kQ(7V) + 12 kQ 3 7 (7.2) 2.33 mW (7.3) Finally, the LMV7235, a high speed comparator (45 ns propagation delay) closes the loop. The reference voltage is connected to the non inverting input and the divided output voltage is seen at the inverting input. This results in the desired operation of an enabling signal, or high output, when the divided output voltage drops beneath the reference. When it rises above the reference, the comparator outputs low, which is used to disable the RF converter, via the gate drive oscillator. A hysteresis band provides noise rejection and is used to set the output ripple. A capacitor is added in parallel with the resistive divider to filter out high frequency noise at the inverting input pin. 7.3 Enable/Disable Circuit for the RF Converter In order to use the RF converter for a cell modulated architecture, it must be possible to enable and disable the converter. This may be accomplished by causing the gate drive circuit to hold the gate low, forcing the switch off. A benefit of using 2 stages of standard inverters for the gate drive circuit as described in Chapter 6 is the possibility for a logic level control signal. Holding the 61 input of the inverter used in the relaxation oscillator low will result in a low output at the gate drive because of an inversion at each of the two drive stages. This helps simplify the control logic. The output of the comparator in the feedback network described above can provide the low signal to the relaxation oscillator. A reverse biased diode is added between the comparator and relaxation oscillator. When the output of the comparator goes high, the diode will open circuit and allow the relaxation oscillator to operate. However, when the comparator goes low, the diode will conduct and hold the input of the relaxation oscillator at one diode drop above ground, preventing it from oscillating. One consideration is that the diode adds some effective capacitance in parallel with the input capacitance of the relaxation oscillator. This must be taken into account when tuning the time constant of the oscillator. 7.4 Hysteresis Band R 3 and R 4 create a voltage divider used to create a hysteresis band. The hysteresis band reduces oscillation in the comparator. R 3 and R 4 divide the voltage between Vref and Vt. For an open drain output comparator, the output will be pulled up to approximately the rail voltage, Vdd. This creates a hysteresis band of Vhyst 7.5 R3+ R4 (Vdd ~ Vref) (7.4) Cell Modulation Frequency Along with the hysteresis band, the output capacitance and converter load will determine the cell modulation frequency and output ripple. Other contributing factors are the propagation delay of the comparator and the turnon and turnoff speed of the gate drive circuit. When the output voltage drops below its minimum ripple, the comparator triggers. After the propagation delay of the comparator, the multi-stage gate drive circuit 62 activates. The converter then charges the output capacitance. The output voltage climbs until it crosses the maximum ripple, tripping the process in reverse. During charging, the slope is set by the difference in converter current and load current requirment. During discharge, the ripple slope is set by the load current. The turn on transients of the components are small relative to the charging and discharging periods of the output filter. These are illustrated in the experimental results contained in the next chapter. 63 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 64 Chapter 8 Experimental Results Figure 8-1: Prototype Converter Cell A full dc/dc converter was built using the converter cell of Chapter 5, the drive circuits of Chapter 6, and the control techniques of Chapter 7. Appendix B contains a schematic of the full converter, along with a table listing the bill of materials. Appendix C contains details of the printed circuit board used for the converter cell. The converter is pictured in Figure 8-1. The board is a complete converter, including input filter, power stage, gate drive, cell modulation control, and output filter. 65 A dime is included for relative scale. Active circuit board area for this prototype is approximately 0.75 in.2 . The circuit heigh, including PCB, is approximately 0.25 in.. 8.1 Open Loop Converter Efficiency Before closing the control loop around the high frequency resonant converter, its output power and efficiency were measured. The circuit was loaded with Zener diodes to provide voltage regulation at the output. Table 8.1 contains the output power and efficiency data. Vin 3.65 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.40 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.20 Iin 1.00 1.09 1.17 1.23 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.40 1.42 Pin 3.639 4.344 5.265 6.150 6.858 7.800 8.379 9.800 10.224 Vout 7.03 7.08 7.17 7.25 7.30 7.37 7.42 7.51 7.56 lout 0.42 0.49 0.59 0.69 0.76 0.86 0.91 1.06 1.10 Pout 2.953 3.469 4.230 5.003 5.548 6.338 6.752 7.961 8.316 'q 0.811 0.799 0.803 0.813 0.809 0.813 0.806 0.812 0.813 Table 8.1: Open Loop Converter Power and Efficiency At the minimum input voltage 3.6 V, it should be noted that the converter can deliver just shy of 3 W. In a cell modulated architecture, this converter could meet load requirements up to 3 W across its entire input voltage range. 8.2 Cell Modulated Converter Efficiency Dc to dc converter efficiency was computed over the load and input voltage range. It is calculated as Pin Pout (8.1) Data obtained from the full converter prototype is included in Table 8.2 and illustrated in Figure 8-2. The circuit was measured over the full voltage range at three distinct loads. 66 Vin 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 'in 1.0 W 0.365 0.348 0.334 0.321 0.309 0.298 0.288 0.278 0.266 0.256 0.245 0.236 0.226 0.217 0.212 0.199 0.192 0.187 0.171 1.5 W 0.563 0.535 0.512 0.494 0.475 0.459 0.442 0.428 0.410 0.395 0.379 0.364 0.350 0.336 0.323 0.309 0.294 0.277 0.260 2.0 W 0.741 0.706 0.677 0.650 0.627 0.604 0.585 0.565 0.541 0.521 0.499 0.480 0.462 0.443 0.427 0.409 0.389 0.365 0.342 ConverterEff iciency 1.0 W 1.5 W 2.0 W 0.761 0.740 0.750 0.756 0.738 0.745 0.749 0.732 0.739 0.742 0.723 0.733 0.736 0.718 0.725 0.730 0.710 0.720 0.723 0.707 0.712 0.708 0.719 0.701 0.723 0.704 0.711 0.723 0.703 0.711 0.729 0.707 0.716 0.718 0.710 0.731 0.722 0.737 0.714 0.728 0.743 0.720 0.726 0.732 0.737 0.736 0.741 0.761 0.766 0.750 0.756 0.764 0.774 0.783 0.812 0.812 0.801 Table 8.2: Prototype converter efficiency 8.3 Cell Modulation Operation Figure 8-3 illustrates the cell modulation control behavior of the system at the four corners of V, and load. The response shows how at the ends of the input range the converter will modulate to meet both light and heavy load conditions. The bounds on modulation frequency can be determined using these graphs. Table 8.3 contains the cell modulation frequencies from the graph. At the higher input voltages, some self oscillatory behavior is seen during turn off. This decreases the modulation frequency somewhat, though it results in the ripple voltage exceeding the hyseteresis bounds because the self oscillating turn off continues charging the tank even after the gate drive is shut down. The transient startup and shutdown response of converter at Vj" = 5.OV and Rload = 24 Q is illustrated in Figure 8-4. The output of the comparator acts as an enable signal; the gate begins oscillating shortly after the enable signal rises. The rise 67 Converter Efficiency Over Input Voltage and Load Range Pout=1.0w - out=1.5W PO=2.0W 0.8 F/ , - s- 0.75 E * 4.5 5 0.71 0.65 4 5.5 VI (V) 6 6.5 7 Figure 8-2: Converter Efficiency Tmod (As) 3.6 7.2 Pout = 2W P0nt = 1W Vin 4 5 (kHz) 250 200 fmod Tmod (As) (kHz) 91 200 frnd 11 5 Table 8.3: Cell Modulation Frequencies time of the converter is approximately 0 25 . ps and the fall time of the converter gate drive is approximately 0.25ps. 8.4 Output Voltage Ripple A sample output voltage ripple for the LM7231Y is illustrated in Figure 8-5. The measurement is taken for V = 5.0 V and presented with both a full bandwidth measurement and as a bandlimited measurement. The output voltage ripple was measured for the full converter cell across the input voltage range. Again, measurements were taken at full measurement bandwidth, 68 VIN =3.6V VIN =7V POUT= 1W 15 POUT= 1W 15 - 105i 1 10 a) 5 -L 0 Ii 0 CO 0 0 -5 -10 -5 -5 5 0 Time (ps) VIN3.6V -10 10 5 0 Time (ps) -5 VIN =7V POUT =2W 15 15 10 10 5 10 POUT =2W 5 ) 0 0 0 0 a) 0 -5 -5 -10 -5 5 0 Time (ps) -10 10 -5 0 5 Time (ps) 10 Figure 8-3: Cell Modulation Behavior illustrated in Figure 8-6. The bandlimited measurements are contained in Figure 8-7. 8.5 Load Step Response The converter was tested in order to determine the transient response to a load step. At the trigger time, the load was switched from a 50 Q load to a 25 Q. This changed the output power requirement from approximately 1 W to approximately 2 W, the maximum swing within specification. For illustrative purposes, the experiment was first performed on a National Seminconductor LM2731Y prototype board configured for V0, = 7 V. Its load step response is illustrated in Figure 8-8. The transient response deviates off of the speci69 1 10 1 1 11 1 1 1 8- 6- 0 2C 0 - 0. E 0 -6- -8 -1II -1.5 -1 -0.5 1 0.5 0 1.5 2 Time (ss) Figure 8-4: Cell transient behavior, V = 5.OV and RIoad = 24 Q fled output voltage at the time of the loadstep by a peak value of +3.75V and -0.4V, with the transient lasting approximately 1.5 ps. Figure 8-8 contains the LM7231Y's ac response to a load step. It is bandwidth limited to 20 MHz. Figure 8-10 contains the same experiment for the cell modulated converter. The load step response is near instantaneous. The peak excursion does not exceed the steady state ripple level, 100 mV. The output voltage does not deviate with an significant value outside of specification. The gate drive waveform is included to demonstrate how the cell modulation duty cycle adjusts to the load requirements. The load step response time is the strongest benefit of this converter. With a comparable size to the LM7231Y demonstration board, the provides comparable steady state voltage regulation. However, the prototype converter is clearly superior to conventional design in dealing with load transients. This is because the energy storage elements in the new converter are much smaller and can respond much faster than the larger passive elements at in the conventional design. For applications 70 Output Voltage Ripple, V = 5.0 V, Put 1 W 0.1 0.05 -- 0 93 -7 >0-0.05 -0. -4 -3 -2 1 0 -1 2 3 4 5 Time (pus) Output Voltage Ripple, Vn= 5.0 V, P 1 W, Measurement Bandwidth =20 MHz 0.04 0.02- 0 >-0.02 -0.04 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Time (gs) 2 3 4 5 Figure 8-5: Output Ripple of LM7231Y Demonstration Board demanding reliable operation over load transients, the slightly less optimized efficiency of the cell modulated converter could easily be outweighed by its agility. 71 Output Voltage Ripple, Vin= 3.6 V, Pout = 1 W 0.5 CL, Cz -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (ps) 1 12 14 16 18 1 Output Voltage Ripple, Vin= 5.0 V, Pu= out 1 W 0.5 1 ID a a C., Cu 1I 1 1 1 1 1 12 14 16 18 80 90 0 - 0 .5u 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (pCs) Output Voltage Ripple, Vn= 7.2 V, Pu= 1 W I~i 0.5 I outI a, 7a 0 -0.5 fS000N 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (ps) 60 70 Figure 8-6: Converter Output Voltage Ripple 72 1 Output Voltage Ripple, Vi,= 3.6 V, P u=1 W, Measurement Bandwidth = 20 MHz 0.1 0.05 ca 0 0 -0.05 -0.1 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Time (pts) 4 6 8 10 0L Output Voltage Ripple, V = 5.0 V, P0u= 1 W, Measurement Bandwidth = 20 MHz ' 0.1 0.05 0 - 8 6 - - -8 -6 -4 -2 4 6 8 1 - 4 6 8 10 -0.05 -0.1 0 2 Time (us) Output Voltage Ripple, V = 7.2 V, P0 ut= 1 W, Measurement Bandwidth = 20 MHz 0.2 0.1 a 0~ 0 0 Cu -0.1 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 0 Time (ss) 20 30 40 50 Figure 8-7: Converter Output Voltage Ripple, Meaurement Bandwidth = 20 MHz 73 Load Step Response for National Semiconductor LM7231 Y Demonstration Board 15 10- 5Qi) 0 0- 0 -5- -10 -15 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Time ( is) 0 1 2 3 Figure 8-8: Load Step Response of LM2731Y Demonstration Board 74 Output Voltage Ripple Response to Load Step for LM7312Y Demonstration Board, Bandwidth = 20 MHz 4, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3.5 | 0. 0 -J 0 0 CL 0 3 2.5- 2-F 1.5l- . 0) 0 0.5 -1 0 F,- -0.5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 4 5 Time (ps) Figure 8-9: Load Step Response of LM2731Y Demonstration Board 75 K"iii Load Step Response for Cell Modulated Converter 15 CL S? 1 0 00 W-I *4P*w-M 4, 5 C, CL 0 0. ca a) 0 -1 0 i..: .izzi:z. -15 ' -6 I I I I -5 -4 -3 -2 I -1 Time (gs) I_ 0 I II 1 2 3 Figure 8-10: Load Step Response of Cell Modulated Converter 76 Output Voltage Ripple Response to Load Step for Cell Modulated Converter, Bandwidth = 20 MHz 0.1 I ~ 0.08 0.06 0 a, 0.04 0 0 0.02 0 CL 0) 0 -0.02 -0.04 0 -0.06 -0.08 -n 1 I I -8 -6 I -4 I -2 I 0 I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10 Time (pts) Figure 8-11: Ripple Resonse to Load of Cell Modulated Converter 77 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 78 Chapter 9 Conclusions This thesis developed a very high frequency power converter with cell modulated control to compete with a National Semiconductor LM7231Y boost converter. It achieved comparable bandwidth limited ripple to the reference part, with slightly less efficiency. The major advantage came in converter response to load transients. The cell modulation architecture achieved near instantaneous load response that did not exceed the steady state ripple behavior. Over the load range of V,t = 7V, P,t = 1W -2W, full converter efficiency ranged from 71% to 81%, depending on load and input voltage. Cell modulation frequencies were observed of 91-250kHz. Bandlimited output ripple was approximately 100mV. 9.1 Research Developments Conduction loss and gating loss were the primary loss mechanisms considered in the analysis of class E inverters. After examining the loss mechanisms at work in class E inverters, metrics for devices selection were developed. These metrics helped to identify devices based on both published device parameters as well as experimentally characterizations of the gate parasitics. Based on these two sections, the Fairchild Semiconductor FDN361AN was identified as a switching device for a converter topology operating at 30 MHz. 79 9.2 Converter Development Following device selection, a converter topology was developed based on a class E inverter with the objective of minimizing components. The classic series resonant tank in a class E inverter was transformed to a parallel structure. A single diode rectifier was then added to remove energy from the resonant tank. The diode capacitance of the diode rectifier was absorbed into the resonant tank parameters. A multi-stage gate drive network, including a self resonant stage, was developed to drive the FDN361AN with a sinusoidal plus dc offset gate drive. Commercial inverters were applied as a push-pull stage to drive a series resonant circuit. The reverse transfer capacitance of the FDN361AN required some development work to prevent self oscillatory feedback during converter shutdown. 9.3 Potential Future Work This thesis provides the groundwork for future efforts at minitaurization of dc/dc converters. As a result of the high frequency operation, the air core magnetics could be integrated into a circuit board, further decreasing the impact of magnetics sizing. The active components of the circuit coud be integrated into a signal package, and possibly copackaged with the passive elements. Finally, improved topologies over the class E inverter that provide the basis for the converter could be pursued in order to improve efficiency. In addition to minimization, the thesis demonstrates methods for improving transient response of low power converters. These improvements in power converters can improve the operation of circuits exhibiting load transients, such as power amplifiers. The control architecture could also allow for dynamically regulating the output voltage of the circuit. Both of these improvements extend the capabilities of the power supply, and could be utilized in circuits that actively regulate their power needs. 80 Appendix A, PSPICE Code A.1 Class E Inverter Simulation 1 *Class E Inverter Simulation 5 1 Vin Vgate 5 +PULSE 1 Li 2 L2 2 C1 C2 3 X_Si 5 10 Ri 15 4 0 0 OV 2 3 0 4 0 0 {inputV} 1V 0 .ins .ins {D*Tsw} {Tsw} {Livalue} {L2value} {C1value} {C2value} 2 0 SCHEMATIC1_Si {Rload} .PARAM + D=.5 + Tsw={1/30e6} + inputV=5.4V + Civalue=350pF 20 + C2value=47OpF + Llvalue=240nH + L2value=82nH + Rload=3.04 25 .TRAN 1ns Sus 0 ins 81 .STEP Vin 3.6V 7.2V .9V *.STEP param Civalue 105pf 110pf lpf *.STEP param Civalue 50pf 150pf 25pf *.STEP param Livalue .5uH 2uH .5uH .PROBE 30 .OPTION NUMDGT=10 .PRINT TRAN V(2) 35 .subckt SCHEMATIC1_S1 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 _S1 SS1 1 2 1G RSS1 .MODEL _S1 VSWITCH Roff=1e6 Ron=.15 Voff=O.OV Von=i.OV .ends SCHEMATIC1_S1 40 A.2 Converter Cell Simulation The following code simulates the converter cell from Section 5.2 and generates the waveforms of Figure 5-3. The library fairchild-parts. lib includes the manufac- turer's models for the MOSFET (Fairchild FDN361AN) and rectifier diode (Fairchild MBR0520L), are available online at http: //www. f airchildsemi. com/models/emailmodel-file. j sp?f ile=FDN361AN.mod and http://www.fairchildsemi. com/models/ email-model-f ile . j sp?f ile=MBRO520L. lib, respectively. The MOSFET model was modified to remove the temperature input pin; the circuit was simulated at a typical operating temperature. I 5 **** Class E Inverter + Rectifier ***** * v4.0 plays with the ideal diode some more * v5.0 adds an ideal diode in parallel with the switch * v5.0 replaces ideal diode in rectifier with MBRO520L * v6.0 replaces ideal switch/diode with FDN361AN 82 *** LIST OF LIBRARIES *** 10 .LIB "fairchildmodels.lib" ***** ********** **** ************ ******* *** *** *** **** OPTIONS REQUIRED TO AVOID CONVERGENCE PROBLEMS 15 20 .OPTIONS ABSTOL=lnA + GMIN=10p + ITL1=5000 + ITL2=2000 + ITL4=400 + RELTOL=0.002 + VNTOL=O.OlmV .OPTION STEPGMIN *** OPTIONS TO KEEP A SMALL OUTPUT FILE *** * **** 35 ****** ******* * ***** **** ** * ********* .OPTIONS + NOPAGE + NOBIAS + NOECHO + NOMOD + NUMDGT=8 * * 40 45 50 *** *** ********************************************************* 25 30 *** Circuit * 1 Vin Vgate 5 +PULSE 1 Li C2 3 2 Cl 2 L2 2 XM 3 Dl Vout 4 0 0 {inputV} OV 10V 0 .lns .lns {D*Tsw} {Tsw} 2 {Llvalue} 0 {C2value} 0 {Clvalue} 3 {L2value} 5 0 FDN361AN 4 MBRO520L 0 7V 83 . PARAM + D=.5 + freq=30e6 + Tsw={1/freq} + inputV=7.2V + Clvalue=220pF; + C2value=22OpF; + Llvalue=240nH + L2value=56nH; + Rload=45 55 60 .STEP Vin 3.6V 7.2V .9V 65 .PRINT TRAN V(2) V(3) .TRAN ins 5us 2us ins .PROBE V(2) V(3) 70 A.3 Resonant Gate Drive Simulation A.3.1 Input to Gate AC Simulation 1 * Oscillator Test 5 *************** *** ***NOTES ** *** 10 *** ***** 15 ** LIST OF LIBRARIES * ** **** **** *** **** ***** *** ********** OPTIONS REQUIRED TO AVOID CONVERGENCE PROBLEMS *** ********************************************************* 84 20 .OPTIONS ABSTOL=lnA + GMIN=10p + ITL1=6000 + ITL2=4000 + ITL4=500 + RELTOL=0.002 + VNTOL=O.OlmV .OPTION STEPqMIN 25 ******* ********** *** 30 ** *** *** *********** OPTIONS TO KEEP A SMALL OUTPUT FILE *** .OPTIONS + NOPAGE + NOBIAS + NOECHO + NOMOD 35 + NUMDGT=8 .WIDTH OUT=132 ** ** **** *** ****** ;TO PRINT MORE COLUMNS ***** ****** ** ************ * *** SPECIAL PARAMETERS AND CONSTANTS ******************************************* .PARAM ;GUESS WHAT + PI=3.1416 + FS=30MEG *** 40 *** 45 *** **** ********** CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION *** *** ** **************** *Vin IN 0 PULSE(O {Vcc} 0 100P 100P {(1/(2*FS))-200P} {1/FS}) 50 55 *Vin IN 0 SIN (0 5 {FS}) Vin IN 0 AC 5 Li IN Gext 50n L2 Gext shuntint 150n Cbyp shuntint 0 .022u Rg G-ext Gint 1.5 Cgs G-int 0 250p Cdg 0 Gint 15p 60 85 65 *** MEASURMENT CIRCUITS * *** ***** ** ****** **** *ANALYSIS COMMANDS ***** *** *** * *** ** *** .PARAM + Vcc=5 70 *.TRAN 0.05N 1U 0 0.05N UIC .AC DEC 1000 1K 1G .PROBE A.3.2 Drain to Gate AC Simulation 1 * Oscillator Test 5 *************** ***NOTES 10 *** *** LIST OF LIBRARIES *** **** OPTIONS REQUIRED TO AVOID CONVERGENCE PROBLEMS 15 20 ********************************************************* .OPTIONS ABSTOL=1nA + GMIN=10p + ITL1=6000 + ITL2=4000 + ITL4=500 + RELTOL=0.002 + VNTOL=0.01mV .OPTION STEPGMIN 25 86 *** *** OPTIONS TO KEEP A SMALL OUTPUT FILE *** 30 35 .OPTIONS + NOPAGE + NOBIAS + NOECHO + NOMOD + NUMDGT=8 .WIDTH OUT=132 *** ***** ;TO PRINT MORE COLUMNS * ****************************** *** SPECIAL PARAMETERS AND CONSTANTS ******************************************* .PARAM ;GUESS WHAT + PI=3.1416 + FS=30MEG *** 40 45 ** ***** **** ******* ** ******* CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION *** *** *Vin IN 0 PULSE(O {Vcc} 0 100P 100P {(1/(2*FS))-200P} {l/FS}) 50 55 *Vin IN 0 SIN (0 5 {FS}) Vin IN 0 AC 5 Li 0 Gext 50n L2 Gext shuntint 150n Cbyp shuntint 0 .022u Rg G-ext G-int 1.5 Cgs G-int 0 250p Cdg IN Gint 15p 60 * this is for the transfer function from V-gate/V-drive * *** *** *** * ****** *** ****** *** MEASURMENT CIRCUITS 65 **************************** ***** ** **** *** ***** *ANALYSIS COMMANDS * *** 70 *** *** * *** ** **** * **** .PARAM + Vcc=5 87 *.TRAN 0.05N 1U 0 0.05N UIC .AC DEC 1000 1K 1G 75 .PROBE 88 Appendix B Circuit Schematic B.1 Schematic Figure B-1 contains the circuit schematic used to develop the prototype converter PCB. B.2 Bill of Materials Table B.1 contains all circuit values, package information, and part information for the prototype converter. 89 GND GND GND US6 U N GN D GND Dl MBR0520L VIN-2 2 GATLIP .T M1 N1FDN361AN VOUT-2 VIN-G AND (D 5V 5V 0 202k VOUT (0 CDt 3 5 8 510 D2 MA27D27ED 102BAN IC2A 5.. . LMV7210, IC38 3 4 NC7WVZD NC7WZC4 u 3 4GATE L C-1GND GND NC7WZ04 GND REF1 VINV R5 RM G ND GND ) ADR530 IC4 V 'N TPS7 6950 GND AND V0T 2 GND GND C2 j GND jC1 C,3 TITLE: inverter_5.Oa GND Document Number: GND GND REU: GND Date: 8/02/2005 02:43:44a |Sheet: i/1 Part C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C18 C19 D1 D2 IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 Li L2 L3 L4 L5 Ml R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 REF1 VIN VOUT Value Package 220p 0805 220p 0805 15p 0402 0.022u 0805 0.022u 0805 lOu 1206 n/a 1206 lu 0805 lu 0805 lu 0805 lu 0805 0.1u 0805 0.lu 0805 0.lu 0805 lu 0805 lu 0805 lu 0805 MBR0520L SOD-123 MA27D2700 SSS-MINI2 LMV7235 SOT-23-5 NC7WZ04 SC-70-6 SC-70-6 NC7WZ04 TPS76950 SOT-23-5 120n MIDI-SPRING 58n MIDI-SPRING 75n 0805 180n 0805 120n MIDI-SPRING SUPERSOT-3 FDN361AN 0402 11.8k 8.87k 0402 510 0402 202k 0402 1k 0402 0402 10k 15.4k 0402 990k 0402 ADR530 SC-70-3 MPT2 PHOENIX MPT2 PHOENIX Device Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap Ceramic Cap MBR0520L MA27D2700 LMV7235 NC7WZO4 NC7WZO4 TPS76950 MIDI-INDUCTOR MIDI-INDUCTOR L0805 L0805 MIDI-INDUCTOR FDN361AN R R R R R R R R ADR530 2POL254 2POL254 COG COG COG X7R COG X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R COG COG COG X7R X7R X7R Table B. 1: Bill of Materials for Converter 91 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 92 Appendix C PCB Layouts NOTE: All images in this Appendix are scaled UP by a factor of 2 from full size. C.1 Component Side Copper Figure C-1: Solder Side Copper, 2X Magnification 93 C.2 Silk Screen Figure C-2: Component Side Silk Screen, 2X Magnification C.3 Solder Side Copper C.4 Drills 94 Figure C-3: Solder Side Copper, 2X Magnification Figure C-4: PCB Drill File, 2X Magnification 95 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 96 Bibliography [1] Nathan 0. Sokal. Class-E RF Power Amplifiers. QEX, pages 9-20, Jan/Feb 2001. [2] J.M. Rivas, J. Shafran, R.S. Wahby, and D.J. Perreault. New Architectures for Radio-Frequency dc/dc Power Conversion. In 2004 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pages 4074-4084, Aachen, Germany, June 2004. [3] R. Gutmann. Application of RF circuit design principles to distributed power converters. IEEE Transactions on IndustrialElectronics and Control Instrumentation, IEC127(3):156-164, Aug 1980. [4] K. Watanabe, S. Takeishi, I. Norigoe, and R. Hiramatsu. Self running converter utilizing partial resonance. In INTELEC. 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