Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Value-at-Risk Models Christophe Hurlin University of Orléans Séminaire Validation des Modèles Financiers. 29 Avril 2013 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Introduction The Value-at-Risk (VaR) and more generally the Distortion Risk Measures (Expected Shortfall, etc.) are standard risk measures used in the current regulations introduced in Finance (Basel 2), or Insurance (Solvency 2) to …x the required capital (Pillar 1), or to monitor the risk by means of internal risk models (Pillar 2). Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Introduction De…nition Let frt gTt=1 be a given P&L series. The daily (conditional) VaR for a nominal coverage rate α is de…ned as Pr[ rt < where Ft 1 VaR t jt 1 (α) Ft 1] =α denotes the set of information available at time t Christophe Hurlin Backtesting 1. Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Introduction Who does use VaR? What for? Bank risk manager Measure …rm-level market, credit, op. risk Bank executives Set limits (management) Banking regulators Determine capital requirements Exchanges Compute margins Regulators Forecast systemic risk (CoVaR) Industry Ex: EDF, spot prices of electricity Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations "Disclosure of quantitative measures of market risk, such as value-at-risk, is enligthening only when accompanied by a thorough discussion of how the risk measures were calculated and how they related to actual performance", Alan Greenspan (1996) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Introduction De…nition Backtesting is a set of statistical procedures designed to check if the real losses are in line with VaR forecasts (Jorion, 2007). Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Introduction Whatever the type of use of VaR, the VaR forecasts are generated by an internal risk model. This model is used to produced a sequence of pseudo out-of sample VaR forecasts for a past period (typically one year) The backtesting is based on the comparison of the observed P&L to these VaR forecasts. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Outlines 1 How to test the validity of a VaR model? 2 What are the backtesting strategies? 3 What are the good practices? Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Remark 1: Ex-post VaR is not observable, so it is impossible to compute traditional statistics or criteria such as MSFE. Remark 2: There is no proxy for the VaR contrary to the volatility (realized volatility, Andersen and Bollerslev 1998) Patton, A.J. (2011) Volatility forecast comparison using imperfect volatility proxies, Journal of Econometrics, 260, 246-256. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Backtesting procedures are based on VaR exceptions De…nition We denote It (α) the hit variable associated to the ex-post observation of an α% VaR exception at time t : ( 1 if rt < VaR t jt 1 (α) It (α) = 0 else Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Christo¤ersen (1998) : VaR forecasts are valid if and only if the violation process It (α) satis…es the following two assumptions: 1 The unconditional coverage (UC) hypothesis. 2 The independence (IND) hypothesis. Christo¤ersen P.F. (1998), Evaluating interval forecasts, International Economic Review, 39, pp. 841-862. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles De…nition (unconditional coverage hypothesis) The unconditionnal probability of a violation must be equal to the α coverage rate Pr [It (α) = 1] = E [It (α)] = α. If Pr [It (α) = 1] > α, the risk is under-estimated If Pr [It (α) = 1] < α, the risk is over-estimated Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles De…nition (independence hypothesis) VaR violations observed at two di¤erent dates must be independently distributed. It (α) and Is (α) are independently distributed for t 6= s Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Figure: Illustration: violations’cluster 8 VaR(95%) P&L 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 50 100 Christophe Hurlin 150 Backtesting 200 250 Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Figure: Illustration: violations’cluster 8 VaR(95%) P&L 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 50 100 Christophe Hurlin 150 Backtesting 200 250 Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles De…nition (conditional coverage hypothesis) The violation process satis…es a di¤erence martingale assumption. E [ It (α) j Ft Christophe Hurlin 1] =α Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Backtesting Principles Remark: These assumptions can be expressed as distributional assumptions. Under the UC assumption, each variable It (α) has a Bernouilli distribution with a probability α. Itt (α) Bernouilli (α) Under the IND assumption, these variables are independent, and the number of violations has a Binomial distribution. T ∑ It (α) B (T , α ) t =1 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies What are the backtesting strategies? Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies Let us consider a sequence of daily VaR out-of-sample forecasts T VaR t jt 1 (α) t =1 and the corresponding observed P&L. How to test the validity of the internal risk model? Hurlin C. and Pérignon C. (2012), Margin Backtesting, Review of Futures Market, 20, pp. 179-194 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies Testing strategies: 1 Frequency-based tests 2 Magnitude-based tests 3 Multivariate tests 4 Independence tests 5 Duration-based tests Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Figure: BIS "Tra¢ c Light" System Note: VaR(1%, 1 day), 250 daily observations Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) De…nition Christo¤ersen (1998) proposes a Likelihood Ratio statistic for UC de…ned as: i h LRUC = 2 ln (1 α)T H αH h i d ! χ2 (1) +2 ln (1 H/T )T H (H/T )H T !∞ where H = ∑Tt=1 It (α) denotes the total number of exceedances. For a nominal risk of 5%, the null of UC can not be rejected if and only if H < 7 for T = 250 and α = 1%. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Example Berkowitz and O-Brien (2002) consider the VaR forecasts of six US commercial banks Berkowitz, J., and O-Brien J. (2002), How Accurate are the Value-at-Risk Models at Commercial Banks, Journal of Finance. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Figure: Bank Daily VaR Models Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Figure: Violations of Banks’99% VaR Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies Testing strategies: 1 Frequency-based tests 2 Magnitude-based tests 3 Multivariate tests 4 Independence tests 5 Duration-based tests Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) All these tests do not take into account the magnitude of the losses beyond the VaR Example Consider two banks that both have a one-day 1%-VaR of $100 million. Assume each bank reports three VaR exceptions, but the average VaR exceedance is $1 million for bank A and $500 million for bank B. In this case, standard backtesting methodologies would indicate that the performance of both models is equal and acceptable. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Figure: Daily VaR and P/L for SocGen 2008 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Figure: Daily VaR and P/L for SocGen 2008 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) The Risk Map Colletaz G., Hurlin C. and Perignon C. (2013), The Risk Map: a new tool for Risk Management, forthcoming in Journal of Banking and Finance Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) We propose a VaR backtesting methodology based on the number and the severity of VaR exceptions: this approach exploits the concept of "super exception". De…nition We de…ne a super exception using a VaR with a much smaller coverage probability α0 , with α0 < α. In this case, a super exception is de…ned as a loss greater than VaRt (α0 ). Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Figure: VaR Exception vs. VaR Super Exception Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Solution Given VaR exceptions It (α) and VaR super exception It (α0 ), we de…ne a Risk Map that jointly accounts for the number and the magnitude of the VaR exceptions Let us consider a given UC test with a statistic Z (α) based on the violations sequence fIt (α)gTt=1 . H0 : E [It (α)] = α H1 : E [It (α)] 6= α. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Number of VaR Exceptions (N) Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Non-rejection area for test on VaR exceptions Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Based on the same UC test, it is possible to test for the magnitude of VaR exceptions, via the VaR super exceptions fIt (α0 )gTt=1 H0 : E It α0 = α0 H1 : E It α0 Christophe Hurlin 6= α0 Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Non-rejection area for test on VaR super exceptions Number of VaR Super Exceptions (N’) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) We can also test jointly for both magnitude and frequency of VaR exceptions: H0 : E [It (α)] = α and E It α0 = α0 Multivariate approach Perignon C. and Smith, D. (2008), A New Approach to Comparing VaR Estimation Methods, Journal of Derivatives Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) 15 14 13 Number of VaR Exceptions (N) 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Nominal risk 5% 2 Nominal risk 1% 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of VaR Super Exceptions (N') Christophe Hurlin Backtesting 7 8 Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) Figure: Backtesting Bank VaR: La Caixa (2007-2008) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: magnitude-based tests (2/5) 15 14 13 Number of VaR Exceptions (N) 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Nominal risk 5% 2 Nominal risk 1% 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of VaR Super Exceptions (N') Christophe Hurlin Backtesting 7 8 Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies Testing strategies: 1 Frequency-based tests 2 Magnitude-based tests 3 Multivariate tests 4 Independence tests 5 Duration-based tests Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: multivariate tests (3/5) Intuition: Testing the validity of the VaR model for M coverage rates, with M > 1. Perignon C. and Smith, D. (2008), A New Approach to Comparing VaR Estimation Methods, Journal of Derivatives Hurlin C. and Tokpavi, S. (2006), ”Backtesting Value-at-Risk Accuracy: A Simple New Test”, Journal of Risk Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: multivariate tests (3/5) Perignon and Smith (2008) consider the null: H0,MUC : E [It (α)] = α and E It α0 = α0 . Let us denote: J0,t = 1 J1,t = J2,t = J1,t J2,t 1 if VaR t jt 0 otherwise 1 (α 1 if rt < VaR t jt 0 otherwise Christophe Hurlin 0) < rt < 1 (α 0) Backtesting . VaR t jt 1 (α) Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: multivariate tests (3/5) De…nition (Perignon and Smith, 2008) The multivariate unconditional coverage test h H LRMUC = 2 ln (1 α)H 0 α α0 1 " H 0 H 0 H0 +2 ln 1 T T is a LR test given by: i H α0 2 # H1 H 1 H 2 H 2 . T T where Hi = ∑Tt=1 Ji ,t , for i = 0, 1, 2, denote the count variable associated with each of the Bernoulli variables. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Testing strategies: multivariate tests (3/5) Hurlin and Tokpavi (2006): A natural test of the CC is the univariate Ljung-Box test of H0,CC : r1 = ... = rK = 0 where rk denotes the k th autocorrelation: K LB (K ) = T (T + 2) Christophe Hurlin ∑ T k =1 b rk2 d k Backtesting ! χ2 (K ) T !∞ Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Testing strategies: multivariate tests (3/5) De…nition (Hurlin and Tokpavi, 2006) Let Θ = fθ 1 , .., θ m g be a discrete set of m di¤erent coverage rates 0 and Hitt = [Hitt (θ 1 ) : Hitt (θ 2 ) : ... : Hitt (θ m )] ( 1 θ i if rt < VaR t jt 1 (θ i ) Hitt (θ i ) = θi else Under the null of CC (martingale di¤erence): 0 H0,CC : E [Hitt Hitt Christophe Hurlin k = 0m Backtesting 8k = 1, ..., K Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies Testing strategies: 1 Frequency-based tests 2 Magnitude-based tests 3 Multivariate tests 4 Independence tests 5 Duration-based tests Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) LR tests Christo¤ersen (1998) assumes that the violation process It (α) can be represented as a Markov chaine with two states: Π= 1 1 π 01 π 01 π 11 π 11 π ij = Pr [ It (α) = j j It 1 (α) = i ] De…nition The null of CC can be de…ned as follows: H0,CC : Π = Πα = Christophe Hurlin 1 1 Backtesting α α α α Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) LR tests Christo¤ersen (1998) assumes that the violation process It (α) can be represented as a Markov chaine with two states: Π= 1 1 π 01 π 01 π 11 π 11 π ij = Pr [ It (α) = j j It 1 (α) = i ] De…nition The null of IND can be de…ned as follows: H0,IND : Π = Π β = Christophe Hurlin 1 1 Backtesting β β β β Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (4/5) The corresponding LR statistics are de…ned by: h i LRIND = 2 ln (1 H/T )T H (H/T )H +2 ln [(1 LRCC = h 2 ln (1 +2 ln [(1 By de…nition: b 01 )n00 π b n0101 (1 π α) T H (α) H i b 01 )n00 π b n0101 (1 π T !∞ b 11 )n10 π b n1111 ] π T !∞ LRCC = LRUC + LRIND Christophe Hurlin d b 11 )n10 π b n1111 ] π Backtesting ! χ2 (1) d ! χ2 (2) Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: frequency-based tests (1/5) Figure: Violations of Banks’99% VaR Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Regression based tests Engle and Manganelli (2004) suggest another approach based on a linear regression model. This model links current margin exceedances to past exceedances and/or past information. Let Hit (α) = It (α) with It (α): Hitt (α) = α be the demeaned process associated 1 α if rt < VaR t jt α otherwise Christophe Hurlin Backtesting 1 (α) . Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Regression based tests Consider the following linear regression model: K Hitt (α) = δ + ∑ K βk Hitt k (α) + k =1 ∑ γk zt k + εt k =1 where the zt k variables belong to the information set Ωt (lagged P&L, squared past P&L, past margins, etc.) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting 1 Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Regression based tests The null hypothesis test of CC corresponds to testing the joint nullity of all the regression coe¢ cients: H0,CC : δ = βk = γk = 0, 8k = 1, ..., K . since under the null : E [Hitt (α)] = E [It (α) α] = 0 () Pr [It (α) = 1] = α Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) De…nition (Engle and Manganelli, 2004) Denote Ψ = (δ β1 ...βK γ1 ...γK )0 the vector of the 2K + 1 parameters in this model and Z the matrix of explanatory variables of model, the Wald statistic, denoted DQCC , then veri…es: DQCC = b 0Z 0Z Ψ b Ψ α (1 α ) d ! χ2 (2K + 1) T !∞ b is the OLS estimate of Ψ. where Ψ Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Regression based tests Extension: A natural extension of the test of Engle and Manganelli (2004) consists in considering a (probit or logit) binary model linking current violations to past ones Dumitrescu E., Hurlin C. and Pham V. (2012), Backtesting Value-at-Risk: From Dynamic Quantile to Dynamic Binary Tests, Finance Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) De…nition (Dumitrescu et al., 2012) We consider a dichotomic model: Pr [ It (α) = 1 j Ft 1] = F (π t ) . where F (.) denotes a c.d.f. and the index π t satis…es the following autoregressive representation: q1 πt = c + ∑ j =1 q2 βj π t j + ∑ δj It j =1 q3 j (α) + ∑ γj xt j , j =1 where l (.) is a function of a …nite number of lagged values of observables, and xt is a vector of explicative variables. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: independence tests (4/5) Regression based tests H0 : β = 0, δ = 0, γ = 0 and c = F 1 (α) . since under the null of CC: Pr(It = 1 j Ft 1) = F (F 1 (α)) = α. The Dynamic Binary (DB) LR test statistic is: DBLR CC = 2 ln L(0, F 1 (α); It (α), Zt ) d ! χ2 (dim(Zt )) T !∞ Christophe Hurlin Backtesting ln L(θ̂, ĉ; It (α), Zt ) Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies Testing strategies: 1 Frequency-based tests 2 Magnitude-based tests 3 Multivariate tests 4 Independence tests 5 Duration-based tests Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) The UC, IND, and CC hypotheses also have some implications on the time between two consecutive VaR margin exceedances. Let us denote by dv the duration between two consecutive VaR margin violations: dv = tv tv 1 where tv denotes the date of the v th exceedance. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Under CC hypothesis, the duration process dv has a geometric distribution: Pr [dv = k ] = α (1 α )k 1 k2N . This distribution characterizes the memory-free property of the violation process It (α) with E (dv ) = 1/α Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) De…nition Christo¤ersen and Pelletier (2004) use under the null hypothesis the exponential distribution: g (dv ; α) = α exp ( αdv ) . Under the alternative hypothesis, they postulate a Weibull distribution for the duration variable: h i h (dv ; a, b ) = ab bdvb 1 exp (adv )b . H0,IND : b = 1 Christophe Hurlin H0,CC : b = 1, a = α Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Drawback: we have to postulate a distribution for the duration under the alternative (misspeci…cation of the VaR model). Solution: Candelon et al. (2001) propose a J-test based on orthonormal polynomials associated to the geometric distribution. Candelon B., Colletaz G., Hurlin C. et Tokpavi S. (2011), "Backtesting Value-at-Risk: a GMM duration-based test", Journal of Financial Econometrics, Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Candelon et al. (2001) In the case of continuous distributions, the Pearson distributions (Normal, Student, etc.) are associated to some particular orthonormal polynomials whose expectation is equal to zero. These polynomials can be used as special moments to test for a distributional assumption (see. Bontemps and Meddahi, Journal of Econometrics, 2005). In the discrete case, orthonormal polynomials are de…ned for distributions belonging to the Ord’s family (Poisson, Pascal, hypergeometric, etc.). Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Candelon et al. (2001) De…nition The orthonormal polynomials associated to a geometric distribution with a success probability β are de…ned by the following recursive relationship, 8d 2 N : Mj +1 (d; β) = (1 β) (2j + 1) + β (j d + 1) p Mj (d; β) (j + 1) 1 β j Mj 1 (d; β) , j +1 for any order j 2 N , with M 1 E [Mj (d; β)] = 0 Christophe Hurlin (d; β) = 0 and M0 (d; β) = 1 and: 8j 2 N , 8d 2 N . Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Candelon et al. (2001) Example We can show that if d follows a geometric distribution of parameter β, then: p M1 (d; β) = (1 βd ) / 1 β with E [M1 (d; β)] = 0 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Candelon et al. (2001) Our duration-based backtest procedure exploits these moment conditions. More precisely, let us de…ne fd1 ; ...; dN g a sequence of N durations between VaR violations, computed from the sequence of the hit variables fIt (α)gTt=1 . Under the CC assumption, the durations di , i = 1, .., N, are i.i.d. geometric(α). Hence, the null of CC can be expressed as follows: H0,CC : E [Mj (di ; α)] = 0, j = f1, .., p g , where p denotes the number of moment conditions. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Candelon et al. (2001) De…nition The null hypothesis of CC can be expressed as H0,CC : E [M (di ; α)] = 0, where M (di ; α) denotes a (p, 1) vector whose components are the orthonormal polynomials Mj (di ; α) , for j = 1, .., p. Under some regularity conditions: !| ! 1 N 1 N d p ∑ M (di ; α) ! χ2 (p ) JCC (p ) = p ∑ M (di ; α) N !∞ N i =1 N i =1 Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Frequency-based tests Magnitude-based tests Multivariate tests Independence tests Duration-based tests Testing strategies: duration-based tests (5/5) Candelon et al. (2001) De…nition Under UC, the mean of durations between two violations is equal to 1/α, and the null hypothesis is H0,UC : E [M1 (di ; α)] = 0. with a test statistic equal to JUC = 1 p N N ∑ M1 (di ; α) i =1 Christophe Hurlin !2 Backtesting d ! χ2 (1) N !∞ Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Recommandations Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Recommandation 1: Test, test and test Recommandation 2: Check the P&L data Recommandation 3: The power of your tests may be low.. Recommandation 4: Take into account the estimation risk Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Recommandation 1: Test, test and test Each type of test (frequency, severity, independence, conditional coverage, multivariate test etc..) captures one type of potential misspeci…cation of the VaR model. It is important to use a variety of tests Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Recommandation 2: Check the P&L data Frésard, L., C. Perignon, and W., Anders (2011), The Pernicious E¤ects of Contaminated Data in Risk Management, Journal of Banking and Finance. 1 A large fraction of US and international banks validate their market risk model using P&L data that include fees and commissions and intraday trading revenues. 2 Distinction between dirty P/L and hypothetical P/L (JP. Morgan, Romain Berry 2011). Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Recommandation 3: The power of your tests may be low.. De…nition The power of a backtesting test corresponds to its capacity to detect misspeci…ed VaR model. Pr [ Rejection H0 j H1 ] Example Berkowitz, J., Christo¤ersen, P. F., and Pelletier, D., 2013, Evaluating Value-at-Risk Models with Desk-Level Data. Management Science. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Hurlin C. et Tokpavi S. (2008), ”Une Evaluation des Procédures de Backtesting : Tout va pour le Mieux dans le Meilleur des Mondes", Finance Idea: we use 6 di¤erent methods (GARCH, RiskMetrics, HS, CaviaR, Hybride, Delta Normale) to forecast a VaR(5%) on the same asset (GM, Nasdaq), and we apply the backtests (LR, DQ, Duration based tests) on a set of 500 samples (rolling window) of T = 250 forecasts. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Example LRCC tests: for 47% of the samples, we don’t reject (at 5%) the null for any of the six VaR forecats. In 71% of the samples, we reject at the most one VaR. Example DQCC tests: for 20% of the samples, we don’t reject (at 5%) the null for any of the six VaR forecats. In 51% of the samples, we reject at the most one VaR. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting The power of a consistent test tends to 1 when the sample size tends to ini…nity. Recommandation: increase at the maximum the sample size of your backtest.. (T = 500, 750 or more.) Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Recommandation 4: Take into account the estimation risk The risk dynamic is usually represented by a parametric or semi-parametric model, which has to be estimated in a preliminary step. However, the estimated counterparts of risk measures are subject to estimation uncertainty. Replacing, in the theoretical formulas, the true parameter value by an estimator induces a bias in the coverage probabilities. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Escanciano and Olmo (2010, 2011) studied the e¤ects of estimation risk on backtesting procedures. They showed how to correct the critical values in standard tests used to assess VaR models. Escanciano, J.C. and J. Olmo (2010) Backtesting Parametric Value-at-Risk with Estimation Risk, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics. Escanciano, J.C. and J. Olmo (2011) Robust Backtesting Tests for Value-at-Risk Models. Journal of Financial Econometrics. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Backtesting Estimation Adjusted VaR Gouriéroux and Zakoian (2013) a method to directly adjust the VaR to estimation risk ensuring the right conditional coverage probability at order 1/T : Pr rt < EVaR t jt 1 (α) = α + oP (1/T ) Gouriéroux C. and Zakoian J.M. (2013), Estimation Adjusted VaR, forthcoming in Econometric Theory. Christophe Hurlin Backtesting Introduction Backtesting Principles Testing strategies Recommandations Test, test and test Check the P&L data The power of your tests may be low... Estimation risk Thank you for your attention Christophe Hurlin Backtesting