Part 2/2009 TFL Eco Guidelines Salt & Nitrogen Reduction in the Leather Making Process ECO SOLUTIONS In harmony with the environment 1 Contents Salt Ammonium & Total Nitrogen Types page 4 Types page 12 Origin page 4 Origin page 12 Where does this salt come from? Conservation, transport and storage Chloride content Opening up Sulfate content page 6 Unhairing Deliming and Bating Measuring & Guidelines page 6 Total dissolved solids Measuring Electrical conductivity Which measurement technique to use? Analytical methods page 7 Water quality guidelines Reduction of salt Total Nitrogen–Kjeldahl method Total Ammonia page 7 Removal of salts from waste water Methods to reduce the salt offer page 13 Reduction of nitrogen page 13 Unhairing page 8 Conservation salt Deliming Bating Pickle salt page 9 Ammonium salt in relation to COD Salt-free leather chemicals page 10 Waste water treatment page 16 Function of formulation salt Text prepared by Dr. Campbell Page and Jan-Tiest Pelckmans 2 Conclusions page 17 Glossary page 18 Introduction This publication is the second of a series that TFL is preparing in order to enhance the understanding of environmental and ecological aspects in leather manufacturing. Worldwide there is a lot of emphasis on operating in a manner that is compatible with the best ecological and environmental practices. This requires many tanneries and supply industries to have a better understanding of the whole ecological process of leather manufacturing from the start to the end. The tanning industry generates considerable amounts of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes. Well planned, clean technology practices, such as the efficient use of resources like chemicals and water, as well as recycling and purification of process floats, allow tanners to reduce environmental costs and comply with regulations. the ammonium salts used in the leather making processes. It is clear that processing of natural materials such as hides and skins will result in the release of nitrogen containing wastes. In addition, ammonium salts are commonly used in the various process steps to convert the raw hides and skins to leather. This nitrogen load in the effluent requires a sophisticated biological treatment in order to achieve the limits being required by authorities. Again, if the nitrogen content of waste water can be reduced, then there is considerable reduction in environmental costs for the tannery. The focus here will be to show, in a clear and easy to understand manner, how much and at which process steps the salt and nitrogen levels can be reduced by means of modifications to the process and the chemicals being used. The preservation and tanning processes of raw hides and skins typically involves the extensive use of salt, which is very difficult to remove from the waste water. So it is logical that for the leather industry this is a major topic of concern. This publication considers ways of reducing the amount of salt in the tannery effluent. Another critical effluent problem is the nitrogen from the natural proteins and 3 Salt Salt Types Origin The term “salt” in the tanning industry is typically used to refer to the 2 commonly used salts, namely sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. It is quite typical in the tanning industry to consider both of these inorganic salts together using the simple term “salt”. These 2 inorganic salts in the effluent are clearly the most difficult form of pollution to be dealt with in the leather industry. Both are very soluble in water and chemically stable, making it effectively impossible to remove them from a mixed effluent in waste water treatment plants by typical processes such as; sedimentation, oxidation, precipitation or flocculation like most other pollutants. If the treated waste water is returned to rivers or used for irrigation purposes, there is an increase in the soil salinity, which increases through evaporation and eventually the crop yields decline. Assuming they do not contain significant other contaminants, high salt containing effluents are generally only acceptable if discharged into the marine environment. Ammonia and ammonium salts will be dealt with in the second part of this publication. Fig. 1 shows the relative amount of salts found in the beamhouse* waste water of a tannery processing salted hides. Where does the salt come from? If salt in the waste water is to be reduced, clearly the first aspect to be studied is: where does the salt come from? Fig. 2 presents the sources of salt found in the waste water for a typical bovine tannery making chrometanned leather from salted hides. Clear to see is that the vast majority of the salt load occurs in the beamhouse area and this is the area to focus on when considering ways of salt reduction. The wet-end retanning, dyeing and fatliquoring process have a minor impact on the total salt load. Chloride content If a tannery is processing salted hides, the biggest component in the waste water is always the chloride salt. Chloride in tannery effluents usually originates from the large quantities of common salt (sodium chloride) used in the hide and skin preservation process or in the pickling process. Chlorides inhibit the growth of plants, bacteria and fish in surface waters. Fig. 1: Salts in beamhouse waste water from processing salted hides 150 kg / ton salted hides 135 100 50 48 5 0 chloride sulfate *) in this paper beamhouse means all process steps from (pre-)soaking to tanning 4 ammonium Salt Fig. 2: Sources of salt in waste water 100 % of total salt 80 66% 60 40 20 7% 0 conservation salt beamhouse chemicals 13% 12% 2% pickling Cr-tanning wet-end chemicals Fig. 3: Chloride – as can be found in the typical spent floats of beamhouse waste water kg salt / ton salted hides 40 30 34 29 20 27 19 10 0 pre-soak main soak liming 7 6 5 1 wash 1 wash 2 deliming/ bating wash 3 Fig. 3 shows the chloride salt content in the waste water for each individual processing step. The dominance of the salt from salted hides in the pre-soak and main soak is clearly shown. There is also a reasonable 8 wash 4 pickling/ tanning wash 5 amount of salt in the pickling/tanning step. To give an idea on the dimensions; the daily output of common salt from a waste water treatment plant shared by a group of tanneries in Italy was 120 tons! 5 Salt Measurement & Guidelines Sulfate content Sulfate salts in tannery effluent come from the use of chemical products containing the sulfate ion and the many powder chemicals, which can contain a considerable amount of sodium sulfate as an inert standardising salt. The sulfide containing waste stream from the liming process is normally separated from the other waste streams in the tannery and kept alkaline to avoid the formation of toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. With the help of manganese sulfate catalysts and aeration, the sulfide is oxidised to form thiosulfate and some sulfate. However, this waste stream is normally treated separately and the residuals are precipitated before the waste water is returned virtually sulfide-free to the normal waste effluent. Since the sulfide waste water is typically not treated with the normal tannery waste water, it will not be considered in this publication. There are two reasonably simple methods for determining the total salt content of tannery waste water: 1. Total dissolved solids Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is measured by evaporating to dryness a water sample, then weighing the solid residue remaining. It is obvious that this way measures not only the salts but any other soluble solids as well. The method is very simple and easy to carry out although it may not be optimal for some industrial waste waters. TDS is recorded in milligrams of dissolved solid in one litre of water (mg/l). (Another regularly used unit, parts per million (ppm) is equivalent to mg/l). 2. Electrical conductivity The Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the water can be measured by a conductivity meter. The conductivity of water increases as the salt content increases; in fresh water the increase is nearly linear with the increasing salt content. With this technique, only the salts in the water are measured. Practically, this means that the more dissolved salt is in the water, the higher the conductivity. The step from measured conductivity to salt content is a little complicated, since the conductivity varies with temperature and also to some extent with the type of salts dissolved in the water. By making measurements at 25°C, the temperature effects can be minimised. The standard EC unit is micro Siemens per centimetre (µS/cm) at 25°C. As a guideline the EC value can be High levels of sulfate ions in the waste water can cause damage to concrete piping and tanks. Fig. 4 shows the sulfate salt content in the waste water for each individual processing step. Clear to see is the dominance of the ammonium sulfate used in deliming and bating. Later, there is a reasonable amount of sulfate from the sulfuric acid used in pickling and from the chromium sulfate used for tanning. kg sulfate / ton salted hides Fig. 4: Sulfate - as can be found in the typical spent floats of beamhouse waste water 40 30 20 20 14 10 0.5 0.4 0 pre-soak main soak 6 3 liming 0.5 0.3 wash 1 wash 2 8 2.5 deliming/ bating wash 3 wash 4 pickling/ tanning wash 5 Salt converted to TDS for natural waters by the following relationship: TDS (mg/l) = EC (µS/cm at 25°C) x 0.6 Typically untreated tannery waste water can reach conductivity values on the order of 10’000–12’000 µS/cm. Which measurement technique to use? The salt content measurement technique differs depending on the country. For example in India, the TDS is very often the preferred measurement. It is important to remember that for effluent prior to treatment the TDS value is a combination of the total dissolved salts and the COD. A reasonable waste water treatment plant will remove most of the COD from the effluent, but not the salt content. In South Africa, it is the conductivity of the waste water that is measured. In many countries, it is quite common that additional restrictions are specified in terms of the specific ions involved, e.g. chlorides (Cl-), sulfates (SO42-). Water quality guidelines EC range (µS/cm) Uses for water 0–800 Drinking water for humans and animals. 800–2’500 Can be consumed by humans although most would prefer water in the lower half of this range. Suitable for animals and the irrigation of most plants. 2’500–10’000 Not recommended for human consumption. Only at lower levels is it suitable for some animals and salt tolerant crops. Over 10’000 Not suitable for human consumption or irrigation. possibilities have their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, in India, solar-pan evaporation combined with recycling of the salt residue is often practiced. This process has a low efficiency, the salt-water is slow to evaporate and often large areas of land are needed. Not to mention the problems with monsoon rainfalls washing the salt into the nearest river. The advantage with this type of approach is, that it has low start-up cost, although it does involve a considerable amount of manual labour. In addition, it has to be mentioned that the salt residues recovered from the solar-pans can be too contaminated to be re-used. In Australia, with close monitoring, salt containing treated waste waters have been sprayed on farmland. It also has a reasonably low start-up cost, but the mid to long-term build-up of salt in the soil (salinity) and the possibility of contaminated salt residues require close monitoring to be undertaken. In the South of India, the local government has introduced ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis treatments Solar pan evaporation as practiced in India. Reduction of salt Removal of salts from waste water The disposal of salt containing waste water or the removal of these salts from waste water typically involves very elaborate treatment methods and does not always solve the problem, but rather moves the responsibility to someone else. In different regions of the world the problem is being tackled with different methods, all the of the tannery waste waters. The idea is that after the removal of the salt, a large portion of the purified water can be recycled and re-used in the tanneries. However, apart from the high operating costs, the disposal of all the concentrated salt effluent has created a new problem. Another alternative that is feasible in some coastal areas is to directly discharge salt containing treated waste water into the sea. Some new tannery clusters have been located close to the sea 7 Salt to take advantage of this disposal method for their treated effluents. In some parts of the UK and Italy, the treated tannery waste water is able to be diluted with domestic waste water prior to discharge into rivers or the sea. This is possible in some areas where tanneries are situated close to bigger cities and the water authorities are able to handle the streams of domestic and industrial waste waters efficiently. But often this can be difficult to arrange and control. Treatment processes for other pollutants in waste water often break them down to harmless substances or to a form where they can be precipitated or flocculated and collected. Is this possible with chloride and sulfate salts? For sulfate containing waste waters, a biological conversion in sophisticated bioreactors to reduce sulfate to elemental sulfur is possible, but the costs are too high for typical tannery effluents. For chloride containing waste waters, there is no such solution available. 1. Conservation salt Since the conservation salt is the major contributor of the total salt freight in the tannery waste water, it is worth looking at it in some detail. Methods to reduce the salt offer There are various ways to reduce the common salt freight in the waste water. Looking at the total salt freight, the option with the biggest impact is to use fresh hides. However, the use of fresh hides is not possible in many countries, so the tannery must use salted hides. Other ways of significantly reducing the salt levels in the effluent are to consider application processes such as low-salt pickling. A further factor that can be considered is the use of salt-free chemical products, although this method has less impact. Systems and products allowing elimination of salt For every 1000 kg of raw hides, about 400 kg salt is applied to preserve them. Typically some 50% of this amount of salt ends up in the tannery waste water. Therefore, wherever possible, the use of fresh hides and consequently the elimination of the conservation salt, means that the total salt freight of the waste water is already reduced up to 60–70%. Very common is the direct processing of hides when a slaughterhouse is close to the tannery and the logistics of delivery are well organised. As an intermediate solution, hides coming from further away are treated with a bactericide like ARACIT® KL new. In this condition, they can be transported for Functions To start with we have to explain why salt is used to preserve hides and skins. The conservation effect of salt is well-known. Basically, the salt dehydrates the hide from 60–70% water to a level of about 14%, where micro organisms have difficulties to grow. In addition, common salt is a low cost chemical. Important to know is the hydrotropic effect that conservation salt has on the hide material. During conservation, the salt is denaturising the non-structural protein (which later on in soaking and liming is easier released) and if not dosed in sufficient quantity (above 20%), it is even attacking the collagen. Fig. 5: Mass balance of salt applied in curing kg salt / ton salted hides 150 100 85 50 0 8 115 100 50 35 15 losses (appl. & transp.) handling in tannery removed mechanically 1st soak 2nd soak carried over Salt up to one day to the tannery. Another commonly practised way of working is chilling the hides either by chipped ice, by cooling in a refrigerated warehouse or by using ice-cold water. The effect can be improved by using a bactericide like ARACIT® KL new in the water to produce the ice. Mechanical de-salting The simple step of mechanical removal of the conservation salt will have a big effect reducing the amount of salt going into the waste water. When salt is mechanically removed, it should be noted that it is then contributing to the solid waste. With this mechanical de-salting process, special care must be taken not to damage the hides and skins. The impact of the mechanical removal can be seen in diagram, Fig. 5. acid shifts the equilibrium in favour of the positive charges in the amino sites. If there would be no salt in the pickle, this would generate repulsive forces within the structure, forcing the polypeptide chains away from each other. This would then create empty spaces in which water would penetrate rapidly. The very strong osmotic pressure would then destroy the pelt from within. Salt avoids this swelling process in the pickle by reversing the osmotic pressure. In a good pickle, these two forces are balanced out. Pickle salt has a hydrotropic effect on the pelt that is increased substantially at a pH under the iso-electric point of 5.5. This effect is very important to give the leather inner softness, but in excess can lead to loose structured leather. Sulfates in pickling and tanning can have a positive effect on the tightness of the final leather since it stabilises collagen. TFL recommendations for reducing or eliminating salt in the pickling process are as follows: Desalting drum 2. Pickle salt The salt used in the pickling process is the second biggest contributor of the total salt freight in the waste water. Common salt is the source for the chlorides, while sulfuric acid is the major source for sulfates and sulfate masked chrome as the second source. Function The main function of salt in the pickle is to avoid the pelts from swelling in the acid condition. The pickle a) Low salt pickling with SELLATAN® P liq. In the low salt pickling process SELLATAN® PA liq., a modified polysulfonic acid, replaces the commonly used pickle acids and allows a substantial reduction of the common salt used in the pickle. In practice, the skins remain non-swollen with growth marks in the neck staying decidedly flat. In vegetable tannages, SELLATAN® PA liq. gives a faster and a better distribution of the tanning agent. In a syntan tannage, highly astringent replacement tanning agents can be used without having stability problems in the bath. In combination with SELLATAN® WL-G, the offer of chrome can be reduced even further, thus reducing sulfate and chromium in the waste water. Some common salt has to be offered to the pickle to avoid a more rapid drying-out of the wet-blue. An electrostatic bond is formed between the collagen and the polysulfonic acid similar to that of a syntan. This can be seen as intermediate between a traditional synthetic auxiliary and a vegetable or synthetic replacement tanning agent. A further advantage is that the chromium salt (or other tanning agents) can diffuse more easily within the hide. If extra protection of the pelt against higher pickle temperatures is required, SELLATAN® P liq. is the preferred product to be used. Compared to SELLATAN® PA liq., it provides more skin stabilisation resulting in a further increase of the 9 Salt shrinkage temperature. In Fig. 6 typical waste water values achieved with low salt pickling are shown. b) Recycling Recycling of the pickle and/or chrome tanning floats has probably been considered by most tanneries but the technology is often only partially implemented or not at all. There are some basic guidelines required for recycling to be successful: • a continuous, relatively constant through-put. Fluctuations in volumes and variations in processing conditions make it difficult to carry out recycling; • installation of extra infrastructure like holding tanks, pumps and monitoring equipment; • analytical facilities to check the chemicals in the float; • skilled staff. If these guidelines are not followed, there is a substantial risk that float recycling could cause a loss in the quality of the leather produced. There are several types of recycling systems, from more simple open (flow-back or counter-stream) type recycling to the closed recycling involving re-using floats after cleaning procedures. This technique is too detailed to be explained here. Considerable savings in water and basic chemicals can be expected. Salt and acids are only given to “top-up” as needed, instead of a full amount being added for each fresh float as in the conventional process. Impressive savings of 50–80% in salt and 20–25% in acids have been achieved. 10 3. Salt-free leather chemicals In both the beamhouse and wet-end processes, extensive use of powder leather chemicals can noticeably increase the sulfate load in the waste water. Powder products are often standardised at particular concentrations, using inert salts like sodium sulfate. Functions of formulation salt The main purpose of formulation salt is to reduce the concentration of the active ingredient(s) to a workable level. This means that the amount of the product used in practice is such that it is easy to weigh. At the same time, it avoids problems with homogeneity of the process because of poor distribution within the float. TFL recommendations for reducing the salt from chemicals are as follows: In many situations, it can be worth considering the use of equivalent salt-free versions of these products. One simple way is to use liquid formulations; a good example here is the MAGNOPAL®, SELLASOL®, SELLATAN® and TANNESCO® liquid retanning agents and auxiliaries. Just this change to liquid products can reduce the salt being added from powder chemicals by up to 50%. Another is to use more concentrated powder versions of the leather chemicals. However, working with highly concentrated chemicals can have it’s own problems for practical and application reasons. Small weighing errors with highly concentrated chemicals can result in significant application problems. Also concentrated chemicals can react too quickly with the leather, not allowing time for a proper distribution in the drum. Bating enzymes are an example where lower concentrations are advisable for these reasons. Salt Fig. 6: Typical waste water values from the pickle and chrome tanning of 3.5 mm lime split pelts kg salt / ton salted raw hides 16 14 12 Chloride Sulfate Chromium 14 13 12 12 10 10 8 6 7 6 4 6 2 0 0.5 Std prickle + 6% Cr 0.2 SELLATAN® PA + 5% Cr 0.1 SELLATAN® PA + WL-G + 4% Cr 0.1 SELLATAN® P + 5% Cr 11 Ammonium & Total Nitrogen Ammonium & Total Nitrogen Types Origin If we look at the leather making process, we can see that many steps are releasing nitrogen into the spent process floats. Washing off the dung, grease and blood adhering to the hides, removal of the hair, the openingup of the hide structure; all lead to nitrogen being released. In general, we can say that nitrogen in the waste water is the result of making leather out of an animal skin. Conservation, transport and storage The conservation and transport of hides and skins are usually not in the hands of the tanners. In order to keep costs low, these processes are often not carried out optimally. As a result, the hides arriving at the tannery can have already suffered from autolysis, as well as bacterial attack. Subsequently, more hide proteins will be released in the (dirt) soaking and washing procedures, which increase the nitrogen load. There is also the nitrogen from the chemicals used in the leather making process. The main source is the ammonium salt used to delime the pelt. Other nitrogen sources, such as amines used in liming auxiliaries, are smaller in comparison. In addition, in re-tanning of leather, various nitrogen containing syntans, polymer products and fillers are often used; however their contribution to the nitrogen balance is comparatively small. Opening-up One of the major sources of nitrogen, as shown in Fig. 8, is the liming process. Since the hides need to be opened-up to be able to make leather, we cannot change this too much. One can observe that the addition of proteolytic enzymes to the soaking and liming processes leads to a slight increase of nitrogen in the effluent. At the same time, it will lead to softer, better opened-up leather. In bating and in pickling, the hides are further opened-up (softened) leading to the additional release of nitrogen. It must be pointed out that reducing nitrogen in the waste water by reducing the opening-up of the hide normally leads to noticeable changes in the leather quality. Fig. 8: Typical nitrogen load found in the spent floats of beamhouse waste water 9000 8000 8000 7000 N mg/l 6000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1000 soaking 12 liming deliming Unhairing The keratin of hair and epidermis being burned off in liming, is the other big source of nitrogen originating from the hide proteins. The nitrogen load largely depends on the degree of pulping the hair. Deliming and Bating Another major source of nitrogen is the ammonium salts used in the deliming and bating processes to perform the deliming. The total nitrogen found is a combination of hide protein and ammonium related nitrogen. This means that even if no ammonium salts are used in deliming and bating, there is still a basic amount of nitrogen in the waste water. The additional nitrogen can be calculated from the ammonium amount in the chemical products. Ammonium & Total Nitrogen Measuring Total Ammonia Determines the ammonia in the solution •NH4+ is collected in an acid solution with steam under vacuum not exceeding 40°C and titrated using MgO or MgSO4 (to avoid de-amination of amino acids). 7000 6000 6000 5000 N mg/l Analytical methods Total Nitrogen – Kjeldahl method Determines the nitrogen from proteins and ammonia in the solution •use sulfuric acid and catalyst to break down proteins to CO2 and NH4+ •NH4+ is collected in an acid solution with steam and titrated. Fig. 9: Nitrogen release in liming 4000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 hair burning hair saving Reduction of nitrogen 1. Unhairing To reduce hide proteins from getting into the process water, the only practical method is to run an unhairing process allowing separation of the hair from the hide before running the liming process for opening up the hide structure. TFL recommendation for reducing the release of Nitrogen in the unhairing process: a) Hair-Save liming process By running the patented TFL Hair-Save System with liming agents like ERHAVIT® HS2 or ERHAVIT® EF, the nitrogen level can be reduced considerably, see Fig. 9. In a standard unhairing process the hair is being pulped with sulfides and the nitrogen from the destroyed hair-keratin is entering the waste water treatment plant. The TFL Hair-Save System removes the hair without pulping, thus reducing the nitrogen load on the waste water. The hair can be filtered from the bath and disposed of separately. b) Painting and shearing For skins often a painting process is practiced and Hair filter and separated hair shearing the hair off before processing is another method practiced, especially when the hair has a value of its own in the form of wool or as bristles, e.g. for paint brushes. 2. Deliming Reducing the ammonium salt in deliming is more complicated than it may seem. Ammonium salts are economical and apart from having a low deliming value, they have a high buffering capacity and 13 Ammonium & Total Nitrogen clean the pelt very well. They de-water and relax the pelt very well, allowing a good removal of lime. On the other hand, ammonium salts are toxic in surface waters and are an additional load for the biological waste water treatment. To decide which chemistry is suitable to replace ammonium salts, we have to look at all their aspects. Trials were carried out to compare the pollution levels of various deliming and bating systems, always using the same amount of process water. This is important since the COD values are measured in mg O2/liter and the nitrogen in mg/l and will change with the amount of water used. We calculated all COD and nitrogen measured per ton of raw hides. CO2 deliming CO2 deliming is often mentioned in connection with ecological systems for tanneries as it is ammonium-free, relatively inexpensive and easy to apply. It has to be noted, that CO2 deliming is not free of problems in application. The penetration can be very slow and inconsistent, which makes it mostly suitable for thin pelts only. Because of the poor pelt relaxation, the lime removal is very poor. The risk of lime blast is substantial and can only be countered by applying a complexing agent like BORRON® LB or BORRON® NF. CO2 deliming has a low process pH, creating a higher risk of H2S formation. CO2 gas needs special equipment for storage and application. TFL recommendations for reducing ammonium salts in the deliming process: a) Ammonium salts and organic acids 14 The effect is similar to that of just ammonium salts but with the additional benefits that the combined products have a better lime removal because of their complexing ability and a lower ammonium content. The good lime removal leads to a fine grain and uniform dyeing. The penetration of both pickle and chrome is improved. The best known examples are DERMASCAL® ASB new and DERMASCAL® F. b) Organic acids They have a very low buffering capacity and therefore have to be given in several additions to avoid the pH from dropping below 5.5, which can create acid swelling and promote draw and scud fixation. The advantage is, that the products do not contain ammonium salts, have a low deliming value and provide very good lime solubility. Sometimes these expensive acids are mixed with the low cost boric acid. It is often overlooked that boric acid also works as a fungicide and bactericide. This can lead to the problem that it has a negative effect on the biological water treatment step. Naturally the more boric acid is used, the worse the situation. In extreme cases (e.g. when only boric acid is used), it is possible that the complete biological water treatment process stops. To make organic acids easier to apply, they are often partly neutralised thus creating neutral salts. The problem is that this neutralisation reduces the deliming capacity of the product, leading to an increased offer necessary to perform a complete deliming. Buffering these acids is only possible with ammonium salts, which is already described above. Ammonium & Total Nitrogen Fig. 10: US steer hides lime split at 2.5 mm in kg per ton of wet-salted rawhides 30 COD (kg O2) Ammonium (kg) Nitrogen (kg) 25 25 20 15 10 10 9 8 5 1.5 0 2 1 1% DERMASCAL® ASB new 2 0.03 0.5 2% (NH4) 2SO4 1.2 %DERMASCAL® CD 0.3 0.5 2% DERMASCAL® F Fig. 11: Full substance US steer hides in kg per ton of wet-salted rawhides 40 COD (kg O2) Ammonium (kg) Nitrogen (kg) 38 35 30 25 20 15 10 15 13 9 5 0 4 3 2% DERMASCAL® ASB new 5 5 3% (NH4)2SO4 c) Functional esters The best example for this technology is DERMASCAL® CD. It cannot be compared with standard deliming products directly, since it works in a completely different way. In addition, the methods to measure the deliming value, the buffering capacity and the lime solubility cannot be applied. Practical experience has shown that this technology provides a good deliming with an offer similar to the ammonium salts. Because the pelts become very flaccid, lime is removed very well. The product is completely nitrogen-free and has 0.05 0.8 2% DERMASCAL® CD 0.6 1 1% DERMASCAL® F an excellent buffering capacity since the pH never drops below 8.5, making it very easy to be applied. It can be applied on full substance pelts in one addition. Complete through deliming can be conducted in an acceptable time. In addition, it leads to flaccid and very clean pelts. The diagrams, Fig. 10 and 11, show the amount of pollutants found in practical trials (combining the effluent from washing after fleshing, deliming, bating and washing after bating). 15 Ammonium & Total Nitrogen chemicals that increase the COD makes no sense. But it has to be realised that ammonia is an aquatic toxin and has a high biological oxygen demand (BOD5) whereas DERMASCAL® ASB new, DERMASCAL® F and DERMASCAL® CD are relatively easy biodegradable. 3. Bating When considering the ammonium salts, we need to look more closely at the bating process as well. Most commercially available bating enzymes are formulated with ammonium salts. In a normal process, this makes sense since the formulation salt is adding to the deliming effect, whereas a neutral salt would only add to the salt load of the waste water. If the amount of ammonium salts in the effluent needs to be reduced as much as possible, the use of ammonium-free bating agents like OROPON® ON2, OROPON® ANZ or OROPON® W will be necessary. The diagram, Fig. 12, shows the waste water values achieved in practical trials (combining the effluent from washing after fleshing, deliming, bating and washing after bating). Waste water treatment Ammonia, and in general nitrogenous compounds, can be broken down in the biological treatment process of a waste water plant by combining intensive aerobic and anaerobic biological treatments. The oxygen demand of the bacteria is very high (about 40% of the total demand), thus leading to correspondingly high operational and energy costs. In addition, the bacteria build-up in the biological treatment process is slow, requiring a constant flow of waste water with a very similar composition and a reasonably long residence time in each biological treatment tank. Consequently, the size and investment mean that this biological treatment step is often made in communal or collective water treatment plants rather than at the tannery. Ammonium salt in relation to COD It is important to understand that a lot of the alternative chemicals for ammonium based products are increasing the COD of the deliming system. Some may say that replacing ammonium salt with Pollution parameter Raw tannery waste water mixed effluent, before treatment (mg/l) Tannery waste water after primary treatment (mg/l) Discharge to surface waters after primary & secondary treatment (mg/l) 100–600 100–400 20–50 Nitrogen (TKN) Fig.12: Typical waste water values of combined effluents fleshing until bating for unsplit pelts 40000 37600 35000 COD (mg O2/l) Ammonium (mg/l) Nitrogen (mg/l) 30000 1537 740 13380 1537 4600 740 5000 3200 10000 3200 15000 12700 20000 15900 mg/l 25000 0 2 % DERMASCAL® ASB new 16 3% (NH4)2SO4 2% DERMASCAL® CD 1.5% DERMASCAL® F Conclusions • A large reduction of salts in the waste water can be achieved in many cases by simple means. The best solution from the environmental point of view is to process fresh or chilled hides. These hides might have a short-term, salt-free preservation with bactericides – but the slaughterhouse has to be near the tannery. • Whenever salted hides have to be processed, mechanical removal of the curing salt is the most economical and easiest first step. • Of the leather production processes the pickle offers the best opportunity to reduce salt in the waste water. Recycling processes can be used to achieve salt reduction in the pickle, but this involves some investment and good process control. An effective alternative, as no investments in infrastructure are needed, is using a low salt pickling system with SELLATAN® PA liq. It offers a substantial reduction of sulfates, chlorides and chrome salts in the effluent. •R eductions of ammonium and nitrogen content in effluent focuses mainly on the deliming process. If we compare the basic deliming methods and products, we see that from the point of view of the waste water CO2 deliming would be the best way to go. But the system is not free of problems, so that in practice most tanneries prefer to use conventional methods. A practical approach to reduce ammonium salts in deliming and bating is to use DERMASCAL® ASB new, DERMASCAL® F or DERMASCAL® CD in combination with a bate like OROPON® ANZ, OROPON® W, or OROPON® ON2. • The TFL HS system, removes the hair without destroying it. It allows a large reduction in total nitrogen dissolved in the waste water due to the much lower amounts of protein in the effluent. The nitrogen reduction comes along with a significant reduction of COD (and sulfide) as reported in the first volume of the TFL ECO Guidelines on COD and BOD5. • Salt-free chemicals, by comparison, have a relatively small impact on the total salt load in the waste water from a typical tannery. 17 Glossary ARACIT® KL new Liquid bactericide Highly effective, low-odour preserving agent; quantity applied for fresh hide preservation: 0.3–0.5%; as bactericide in soaking: 0.05% in short-soaks and 0.1% in overnight soaking BORRON® LB Complexing agent Based on phosphonic acids prevents the formation of lime blast, calcium sulfate and iron stains; helps to remove lime blast and calcium in deliming; quantity applied: 0.2–0.5% on salted or fresh weight in the last wash after liming and /or 0.2–0.5% on pelt weight at the start of deliming BORRON® NF Lime dispersing and complexing agent Based on polyphosphates; helps to keep calcium hydroxide in suspension during the liming process; prevents the formation of lime blast, calcium sulfate and iron stains; helps to remove lime blast and calcium in deliming; quantity applied: 0.2–0.5% DERMASCAL ASB new Universal deliming agent Mixture of dicarboxylic acids and ammonium salts; has a buffering effect without the risk of swelling; prevents the pH from dropping below the critical limit of 5 (fixation of scud and residual hair!); provides a fine, clean grain; quantity applied: 2–4% (depending on rawstock and thickness) ® DERMASCAL® CD Ammonium-free deliming agent Based on functional esters, highly concentrated and free of acids and nitrogen; delimes gently and homogeneously and buffers the pH around 8.5; effectively reduces growth and neck wrinkles; imparts very good grain cleaning, less hair roots and short hair; quantity applied: 1–2% (depending on rawstock and thickness) 18 DERMASCAL® F Low-ammonium containing deliming agent Based on a mix of organic components with masking ability; delimes gently and homogeneously without big pH drops; enhances chrome uptake and exhaustion; quantity applied: 0.6–2.5% (depending on rawstock and thickness) ERHAVIT® EF Enzymatic liming agent with reductive-effect Free of amines, nitrogen and sulfides; accelerates the diffusion of liming chemicals, regulates swelling, loosens scud, increases yield and quality, permits reduced offer of sulfide; suitable for the Hair-Save (HS) process; quantity applied: 0.6–1% ERHAVIT® HS2 Liming agent with reductive-effect for hair saving Sulfide-free; has a swell-regulating and grain-cleansing effect; suitable for the Hair-Save (HS) process; attacks the hair-root area; provides very smooth and clean pelts; improves area yield; quantity applied: 0.7–1.5% MAGNOPAL® Salt-free, liquid polymer retanning agents MAGNOPAL® DP, liquid polymer retanning agent with a dispersing effect to improve penetration and levelness of co-applied retans, fatliquors and dyes; quantity applied: 2–4%. MAGNOPAL® PGN, liquid polymer retanning agent with a softening and filling effect for shoe upper leathers; quantity applied: 2–6%. MAGNOPAL® TGR, liquid amphoteric polymer retanning agent for up-grading loose-structured hides and skins; quantity applied: approx. 1%. OROPON® ANZ Salt-free, concentrated liquid bating agent Based on modified bacterial protease with the specificity of pancreatic protease enzymes; suitable for saltfree bating of any type of leather, but especially for soft leathers; ensures a good scud-loosening and imparts an elastic-grain without loosening it; quantity applied: 0.1–0.4% depending on the final article OROPON® ON2 Concentrated ammonium-free bating agent Pancreatic bate suitable for any type of leather but especially for soft leathers; ensures a good scud-loosening and imparts an elastic-grain without loosening it; quantity applied: 0.1–0.5% depending on the final article OROPON® W Ammonium-free bating agent Pancreatic bate suitable for any type of leather; ensures a good scud-loosening and imparts an elastic-grain without loosening it; provides an extra fine grain pattern; quantity applied: 0.2–1.5% depending on the final article SELLASOL® Salt-free, liquid retanning agents and auxiliaries SELLASOL® HFN liq., amphoteric liquid filling agent imparting a high degree of softness; quantity applied: 3–6% SELLASOL® NG liq., liquid neutralizing agent with a pH buffering effect and mild retanning action; quantity applied: 1–4% SELLASOL® TN-FF liq., liquid dispersing agent for all anionic tanning and retanning materials; improves dyelevelness and dye-penentration; quantity applied: 1–3% SELLATAN® CF new Wet-white tanning agent Based on aliphatic polyaldehydes; non-ionic; highly suitable for manufacturing wet-white leather; can also be used for producing shrunk leather; quantity applied: 2–3% SELLATAN Salt-free, liquid tanning and retanning agents SELLATAN® FB liq., liquid replacement tanning agent with good filling properties, medium softness and a tight-grain; quantity applied: 4–6% SELLATAN® FL liq., liquid syntan for white and pastelshade leathers with high light fastness, good handle and softness properties; quantity applied: 4–8% SELLATAN® GS-B liq., liquid low astringency tanning agent for automotive and upholstery leathers, effective pre-tanning agent for wet-white leathers; quantity applied: 5 - 20% for wet-white, 4 - 10% for wet-blue ® SELLATAN® LV conc liq., liquid highly astringent syntan for white and shrunken-grain leathers, imparts good fullness with a round handle; quantity applied: 4–6% SELLATAN® RL liq., liquid syntan for light fast automotive and upholstery leathers with good filling and a soft round handle; quantity applied: 4–6% for retanning wet blue, 20–25% for tanning/retanning wet-white automotive leather SELLATAN® P liq. Non-swelling pickle acid for low-salt pickling Based on modified polysulfonic acids; anionic; suitable for combining with wet-white tanning; allows reducing pickle salt, pickle acid and chrome tanning agent; chrome-tanning auxiliary to improve the fullness of hides; quantity applied: 1–2% SELLATAN® PA liq. Pickle acid for low-salt pickling Based on modified polysulfonic acids; anionic; able to replace both mineral and organic acids in the pickle of chrome and chrome-free tanning; allows reducing pickle salt and chrome tanning agent; quantity applied: 2.0–2.2% on split hides, 2.5–2.7% on unsplit hides SELLATAN® WL-G Wet-white tanning agent with extra masking ability Based on aliphatic polyaldehydes; non-ionic; highly suitable for manufacturing wet-white leather; can also be used for producing shrunk leather; quantity applied: 1.5–3% TANNESCO® HN liq. Liquid tanning and retanning agent Liquid, chrome containing syntan with low astringency, evens out differences between wet-blue leathers, improving dyeability and batch-to-batch reproducibility, imprves softness, gives a fine and smooth grain; quantity applied: 2–4% ARACIT®, BORRON®, DERMASCAL®, ERHAVIT®, MAGNOPAL® OROPON®, SELLASOL®, SELLATAN® and TANNESCO® are registered or filed trademarks, owned by or licensed to TFL in most countries. Our application recommendations are in line with our present state of knowledge. They do not, however, exempt the customer from performing his own tests to determine the suitability of the supplied products for their intended purpose. Application of the products lies outside the scope of our control and therefore comes within the customer’s sphere of responsibility. We guarantee the satisfactory quality of our products subject to our general terms of sale and delivery. 19 For further information have a look at or contact 20