UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Table of Contents Page Independent Auditors' Report 1-2 Basic Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets 3 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets 4 Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements 5-6 7 - 20 Supplementary Information: Independent Auditors' Report on Supplementary Information 21 Combining Fund Financial Statements: Combining Statement of Net Assets 22 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets 23 Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Current Operating Fund 24 Insurance Coverage (Unaudited) 25 Student Enrollment (Unaudited) 26 Basic Financial Statements UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Statement of Net Assets As of June 30, 2006 - ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Deposits with bond paying agents Investments Accounts receivable, net Interest receivable Prepaid expenses Inventories Debt issuance costs, net of amortization Total Current Assets $ 6,655,239 1,450,000 3,649,544 3,523,796 61,424 36,666 3,205 476,469 15,856,343 Noncurrent Assets: Investments Accounts receivable, net Construction in progress Capital assets Accumulated depreciation Total Noncurrent Assets 1,631,371 2,914,239 18,656,753 22,080,076 (9,358,386) 35,924,053 Total Assets $ 51,780,396 - LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities: Overdraft of cash - due to other funds in pooled cash fund Accounts payable Compensated absences payable Accrued interest payable Revenue bonds and notes payable, current portion Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities: Compensated absences payable Revenue bonds and notes payable Total Noncurrent Liabilities $ 70,765 36,351 38,005 404,378 1,450,000 1,999,499 25,698 20,690,000 20,715,698 Total Liabilities 22,715,197 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted for capital projects Restricted for debt service Unrestricted Total Net Assets 10,214,912 6,082,039 9,603,256 3,164,992 29,065,199 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 51,780,396 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. -3- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Operating Revenues: Mandatory student fees Sales and services $ 1,201,156 1,971,642 Total Operating Revenues 3,172,798 Operating Expenses: Salaries, wages and employee benefits Supplies and services Insurance Utilities Administrative overhead Depreciation expense Repairs and maintenance 672,439 616,070 46,113 273,018 41,425 562,271 38,470 Total Operating Expenses 2,249,806 Operating Income 922,992 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Gifts Loss on disposal of capital assets Interest expense Amortization expense 400,882 3,155 (54,246) (808,755) (36,876) Net Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) (495,840) Income Before Other Revenues (Expenses) and Transfers 427,152 Other Revenues (Expenses) and Transfers: Capital Gifts Transfers from other University funds (sale of golf course) Total Other Revenues (Expenses) and Transfers 1,848,708 575,000 2,423,708 Change in Net Assets 2,850,860 Net Assets at Beginning of Year 26,214,339 Net Assets at End of Year $ 29,065,199 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. -4- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from operations Cash paid for operations Net cash provided by operating activities $ 3,173,988 (1,664,218) 1,509,770 Cash flows from non-capital financing activities: Non-capital gifts Net cash provided by non-capital financing activities 3,155 3,155 Cash flows from capital financing activities: Capital gifts received Acquisition of capital assets Proceeds from sale of capital assets Principal paid on capital debt Interest paid on capital debt Transfers from other University funds Net cash used by capital financing activities 12,231,447 (12,387,356) 350 (10,150,000) (922,480) 575,000 (10,653,039) Cash flows from investing activities: Interest on investments Proceeds from sales of investments Purchase of investments Net cash provided by investing activities 440,634 7,405,780 (3,682,385) 4,164,029 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year (4,976,085) 11,560,559 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $ 6,584,474 Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Operating Income Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation expense Changes in assets and liabilities: Decrease in accounts receivable Decrease in prepaid expenses Decrease in inventories Increase in accounts payable Increase in compensated absences payable $ Net cash provided by operating activities $ 1,509,770 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. -5- 922,992 562,271 1,190 7,823 2,102 4,211 9,181 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents to the Statement of Net Assets: Cash and cash equivalents classified as current assets Cash and cash equivalents classified as current liabilities Total cash and cash equivalents $ 6,655,239 (70,765) $ 6,584,474 Noncash Capital, Financing and Investing Activities: A net unrealized loss of $45,522 resulted from the write off of the net book value of equipment when the capitalization threshold increased from $2,000 to $5,000. $7,380,000 of capital debt was refinanced with the issuance of the $7,465,000 Field House Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2005. The refunding bonds were issued May 1, 2005 and the prior bonds were called July 1, 2005. A net unrealized loss decreased the fair market value of the University's investments $27,225. The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. -6- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Reporting Entity The Field House Revenue Bond Funds were created by resolution of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa which authorized the issuance of revenue bonds to be used for the construction, renovation, and equipping of the UNI-Dome and McLeod Center on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa. The revenue bonds are issued on behalf of the University. The financial statements of the Field House Revenue Bond Funds of the University of Northern Iowa (University) include only the financial position and operating activities of the Field House Revenue Bond Funds. These fund financial statements present only a portion of the funds of the University. Basis of Presentation Basic Financial Statements - The Statement of Net Assets, the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets and the Statement of Cash Flows report information on all of the activities of the Field House Revenue Bond Funds. For the most part, the effect of interfund activity has been removed from these statements. The Statement of Net Assets presents assets and liabilities, with the difference reported as net assets. Net assets are reported in three categories. Invested in capital assets, net of related debt consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation and reduced by outstanding balances for bonds and other debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets. Restricted net assets result when constraints placed on net asset use are either externally imposed or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. Unrestricted net assets consist of net assets not meeting the definition of the two preceding categories. Unrestricted net assets often have constraints on resources imposed by management which can be removed or modified. The Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets demonstrates how net assets changed during the fiscal year. The Statement of Cash Flows presents information related to cash inflows and outflows, summarized by operating, non-capital financing, capital financing and investing activities. Fund Financial Statements - In order to ensure the observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the University, the accounts of the University are maintained in accordance with the principles of "fund accounting" under which resources for various projects are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds according to the activities or objectives specified. -7- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) The University's accounts and transactions include those related to the Field House Revenue Bonds issued by the University. These fund financial statements reflect only those accounts and transactions related to these bonds. These accounts and transactions are included as a portion of the University's Plant Funds. Plant Funds are used to account for the transactions relating to investment in University properties. Plant Funds include the following funds: (1) Retirement of Indebtedness, (2) Unexpended and (3) Investment in Plant. Retirement of Indebtedness represents bond sinking, reserve and arbitrage rebate funds to provide for payment of principal, interest and rebated interest. Unexpended is comprised of a construction fund and the normal operating surplus fund. Investment in Plant represents the total of buildings, improvements and equipment and related liabilities. The Current Fund, including the Operating Fund established by the bond resolution, is classified as a University Auxiliary Enterprise to account for transactions of substantially self-supporting activities that primarily perform a service to students, faculty and staff. Operations Fund (Revenue Fund) The Operations Fund is used to account for all financial activity of the Field House, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. In accordance with the provisions and terms of the bond resolution, the excess of revenues over expenditures in the fund is irrevocably assigned as collateral for the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds. Construction Fund The Construction Fund accounts for the receipts of the bond proceeds, less the initial deposit required in the Reserve Fund. These proceeds are disbursed and used to pay project construction costs as required by the bond resolution. Sinking Fund The bond resolution provides that equal semi-annual installments shall be set aside from the net rents, profits and income derived from the Field House to the Sinking Fund sufficient for the principal and interest payment that will become due and payable on and prior to the next succeeding July 1. The Sinking Fund shall be used solely for and is pledged for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds. Reserve Fund The bond resolution provides that the fund shall be maintained in an amount equal to the Reserve Fund Requirement. All monies credited to the Reserve Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying principal at maturity of or interest on the Bonds and any Parity Bonds for which there are insufficient funds available in the Sinking Fund. All amounts in excess of the Reserve Fund Requirement shall be transferred to the Surplus Fund. Arbitrage Rebate Fund Monies credited to the Arbitrage Rebate Fund shall be used for the payment of arbitrage rebates and related administrative expenses. -8- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Surplus Fund The bond resolution provides that all remaining revenues and income of the System are deposited to the Surplus Fund. Monies deposited to the Surplus Fund are (a) transferred and credited to the Sinking Fund to prevent or remedy a default in the payment of principal and interest on the outstanding bonds; or (b) transferred and credited to the Reserve Fund whenever any deficiency may exist. Until so used, monies credited to the Fund may be used for any lawful purpose, including (1) to pay principal of and interest on any other obligations which by their terms shall be payable from the net revenues and which have been issued for the purposes of extensions and improvements to the System; (2) to retire the bonds in advance of maturity; (3) to pay for extraordinary repairs or replacements to the System; or (4) for any lawful System purpose. In any fiscal year, the monies held in the Surplus Fund may be released and transferred to the University for purposes of intercollegiate athletics upon meeting specified conditions. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenses are recognized in the accounts and are reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in conformity with United States generally accepted accounting principles. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when the liability is incurred. Purchases of facilities and equipment providing future benefits are capitalized and depreciated. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are stated at cost which approximates fair value due to their short-term nature. Cash and cash equivalents represent amounts in cash accounts or the Funds' share of the investment pool of the University entitled "Treasurer's Temporary Investments." Any negative balances are the result of timing differences. The General Fund of the University is responsible for any negative balances until the timing differences are resolved. Investments and Investment Income Investments are stated at fair value. With the exception of funds specifically invested for bond issues and endowment funds, all other monies are pooled in an investment pool entitled "Treasurer's Temporary Investments." Investment income on the investment pool is allocated to the activities that participate in the pool. Capital Assets Property, buildings, and equipment are stated at cost at the date of acquisition or fair market value at date of donation. Depreciation of capital assets is provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the respective assets and recorded in the Plant Accounts. The University also does not capitalize interest costs during the construction period. -9- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) The following useful lives are used: Infrastructure Buildings Improvements other than buildings Equipment The following thresholds are used to define capital assets: Infrastructure Buildings and Improvements Equipment 20-40 years 40-50 years 20-30 years 5-20 years $ $ $ 10,000 25,000 5,000 Inventories Inventories, consisting mainly of supplies and merchandise, are primarily valued at the lower of cost (first in, first out) or market. Debt Issuance Costs Upon the sale of revenue bonds, debt issuance costs are amortized by the straight-line method over the term of the bond issuance. Operating and Nonoperating Activities Operating Activities as reported on the statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net assets are transactions that result from exchange transactions such as payments received for providing services and payments made for services or goods received. Nonoperating Activities include state appropriations, gifts, and investment income. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with United States generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. Note 2: Cash and Cash Equivalents and Investments (1) Cash and Cash Equivalents: The deposits of the University were covered by federal depository insurance or by the State Sinking Fund in accordance with Chapter 12C of the Code of Iowa. In the unlikely event a bank fails, the State Treasurer first determines the amount of the loss and validates the amount of applicable FDIC insurance. He is empowered by this chapter to cover the remaining loss from the state sinking fund for public deposits in banks. If the balance in that sinking fund is inadequate to pay the entire loss, he is empowered to make assessments against other banks to insure that there will be no loss of public funds. The $6,584,474 cash and cash equivalents balance of the Field House Revenue Bond Funds is combined with other University funds and consists of cash of $0 and pooled investments of $6,584,474. - 10 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 2: Cash and Cash Equivalents and Investments (continued) Deposits with bond paying agents consist of carrying values and bank balances of $1,450,000 on deposit with the trust department of the Depository Trust Corporation. The bond paying agent cash at the Depository Trust Corporation is fully insured. The deposits with the Depository Trust Corporation were covered by federal depository insurance. (2) Investments: Statement of Invested Assets Fair Value Investment Type Fixed Income: U.S. Government Agency $ 5,280,915 Total $ 5,280,915 Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or other counterparty to an investment will not fulfill its obligations to the University. As of June 30, 2006, the Field House Revenue Bond Funds fixed income assets that are not government guaranteed represented 100% of the portfolio. The following table summarizes the exposure levels and credit qualities: Credit Risk - Quality Ratings Investment Type Agency Fixed Income: U.S. Government Agency $ 5,280,915 Concentration of credit risk is the risk of loss that may be attributed to the magnitude of a government's investment in a single issue. Credit Risk Concentration Any one issuer that represents 5% or more of the total assets (except for U.S. Government, Pooled and Mutual Funds) Investment Type Fair Value Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Bank $ 2,698,787 1,905,953 676,175 - 11 - % of Assets 51% 36% 13% UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 2: Cash and Cash Equivalents and Investments (continued) Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. This risk is managed within the portfolio using the duration. It is widely used in the management of fixed income portfolios in that it quantifies to a much greater degree the risk of interest rate changes. The methodology takes into account optionality on bonds and scales the risk of price changes on bonds depending upon the degree of change in rates and the slope of the yield curve. Interest Rate Sensitivity - Duration Investment Type Fair Value Fixed Income: U.S. Government Agency Note 3: $ 5,280,915 Duration 0.70 Deposits with Bond Paying Agents As of June 30, 2006, $1,450,000 in cash was on deposit with various bond paying agents for the purpose of paying current obligations of bond principal as follows: Bond principal payable July 1, 2006 Note 4: $ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000 Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable is summarized as follows: University of Northern Iowa Foundation: Discounted receivable Other Other Less allowance for doubtful accounts $ 6,431,188 364 6,431,552 6,483 6,438,035 $ 6,438,035 On February 27, 2004, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa Foundation entered into an agreement to make gifts to the University of Northern Iowa of at least $17,000,000, to be used solely and only to pay costs on constructing and equipping the McLeod Center on the University campus. Those costs could include principal and interest payments on the outstanding bonds. As of June 30, 2006, $12,482,135 of the $17,000,000 had been paid to the University. - 12 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 4: Accounts Receivable (continued) On October 29, 2004, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa Foundation signed an amendment to the original agreement promising additional gifts to the University of Northern Iowa in the amount of $2,660,000, due to increased construction costs for the McLeod Center. As of June 30, 2006, $1,000,000 of the $2,660,000 had been paid to the University. On September 15, 2005, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa Foundation signed a second amendment to the original agreement promising additional gifts to the University of Northern Iowa in the amount of $1,165,000, to fund a Hall of Fame entrance hall between the UNI-Dome and the McLeod Center. As of June 30, 2006, $1,100,000 of the $1,165,000 had been paid to the University. On May 5, 2006, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa Foundation signed a third amendment to the original agreement promising additional gifts to the University of Northern Iowa in the amount of $500,000, due to increased construction costs for the McLeod Center. As of June 30, 2006, $-0- of the $500,000 had been paid to the University. The unconditional promise to pay is included on the financial statements as a receivable and donation revenue. The remaining payments are scheduled as follows: In one year or less Between one year and five years More than five years $ 3,516,949 2,343,835 882,081 6,742,865 (311,677) Less discounts to net present value Total discounted receivable $ 6,431,188 Less current portion (3,516,949) Noncurrent receivable Note 5: $ 2,914,239 Debt Issuance Costs Debt issuance costs at June 30, 2006 are as follows: $ Debt issuance costs Less accumulated amortization Net debt issuance costs 605,331 (128,862) $ 476,469 Amortization expense for fiscal year 2006 was $36,876. - 13 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 6: Capital Assets Capital assets activity for the year ended June 30, 2006 is summarized as follows: Beginning Balance Nondepreciable assets: Construction in progress $ 7,566,787 $ 11,089,966 Depreciable assets: Buildings 20,094,258 Equipment $ Disposals & Transfers Additions $ Ending Balance - $ 18,656,753 - - 2,138,487 33,000 22,232,745 33,000 29,799,532 $ 11,122,966 $ Accumulated Depreciation $ Book Value - $ 18,656,753 20,094,258 7,658,434 12,435,824 (185,669) 1,985,818 1,699,952 285,866 (185,669) 22,080,076 9,358,386 12,721,690 (185,669) $ 40,736,829 9,358,386 $ 31,378,443 $ Depreciation activity for the year ended June 30, 2006 is summarized as follows: Beginning Balance Buildings $ Equipment 7,156,078 $ 1,771,111 $ 8,927,189 Disposals & Transfers Additions 502,356 $ 59,914 $ 562,270 - Ending Balance $ (131,073) $ (131,073) 7,658,434 1,699,952 $ 9,358,386 The cost of land used for the field house is not shown on the balance sheet. This land is included in the general books and records of the University of Northern Iowa. Note 7: Rebate Payable, U.S. Government Interest paid to bondholders is not includable in their gross income for Federal or Iowa income tax purposes. In order to maintain this exemption, the University must comply with certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and the bond resolutions arbitrage certificate. These provisions require that the excess of the actual investment earnings of the bond funds over the allowable earnings be set aside in a rebate fund to provide for a liability to the United States government. As of June 30, 2006, the amount of this liability included in the arbitrage rebate fund was $0. The liability is periodically recalculated to provide the best estimate of its amount. The latest calculation of this liability resulted in no change from the prior amount. Funding of any future liability will be provided by field house operations as the liability becomes payable. - 14 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 7: Rebate Payable, U.S. Government (continued) Another provision in the bond resolution arbitrage certificate requires that the proceeds from the bonds be spent according to a fixed time table in the arbitrage certificate. If these spending requirements are not met, the University would have a liability to the United States government that is based on the actual amount that was underspent. Note 8: Compensated Absences Payable University employees accumulate vacation and sick leave under provisions of Chapter 70A of the Code of Iowa. These accumulated benefits may be liquidated under specific circumstances. Accumulated vacation is paid at the employees' hourly rate upon retirement, death, or termination. With certain exceptions, accumulated sick leave is paid at the employee’s hourly rate to a maximum of $2,000 on retirement. As of June 30, 2006, a liability for accrued vacation and sick leave, including accrued retirement and FICA contributions was recognized at $63,703. Note 9: Retirement Programs Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association - The University of Northern Iowa contributes to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) retirement program, a defined contribution plan administered by TIAA. The plan provides individual annuities for each plan participant. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa establishes and amends the plan's provision and contribution requirements. As required by Board policy, all eligible University employees must participate in a retirement plan from the date they are employed. Contributions made by both employer and employee vest immediately. As specified by the contract with TIAA, each employee contributes 3 1/3% of the first $4,800 of earnings and 5% on the balance of earnings through the fifth year of employment. Likewise, the University is required to contribute 6 2/3% of the first $4,800 of earnings and 10% on earnings above the $4,800 through the fifth year of employment. Upon completion of five years of service, the participant contributes 5% and the University 10% on all earnings. During fiscal year 2006, the University's required and actual contribution amounted to $9,430,737. Employees' required and actual contribution amounted to $4,709,692. Iowa Public Employees Retirement System - The University contributes to the Iowa Public Employees Retirement System (IPERS) which is a cost-sharing multiple-employer defined benefit pension plan administered by the State of Iowa. IPERS provides retirement and death benefits, which are established by State statute to plan members and beneficiaries. IPERS issues a publicly available financial report that may be obtained by writing to IPERS, P.O. Box 9117, Des Moines, Iowa 50306-9117. Plan members are required to contribute 3.7% of their annual covered salary and the University is required to contribute 5.75% of annual covered payroll. Contribution requirements are established by State statute. The University's contribution to IPERS for the year ended June 30, 2006 was $336,224, equal to the annual required contributions. - 15 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 9: Retirement Programs (continued) The detail information of plan contributions allocable to the Field House Revenue Bond Funds is not readily available. No retirement plan provisions changed during the year that affected the University or employee required contributions. Note 10: Revenue Bonds and Notes Payable As provided in the various bond resolutions, the University has the right to redeem certain bonds prior to the maturity dates, under stated conditions. The principal and interest due July 1, 2006, has been recorded as bonds payable and accrued interest in Retirement of Indebtedness Funds. This meets the bond resolution requirement that the funds for the Sinking Fund’s payment of bonds and interest due July 1 be deposited in the Retirement of Indebtedness Funds during the current fiscal year even though actual payment will not occur until July 1 of the subsequent fiscal year. The bonds outstanding bear interest at rates ranging from 2.50% to 5.15% per year. The notes payable are not interest bearing. The bonds and notes mature as follows: For Year Ended June 30, 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 - 2016 2017 - 2021 2022 - 2026 2027 - 2031 2032 - 2036 2037 - 2041 2042 - 2046 2047 - 2048 Total Principal $ 1,450,000 1,560,000 910,000 935,000 970,000 5,370,000 6,525,000 4,190,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 $22,140,000 Interest $ 788,636 746,793 711,161 682,936 653,575 2,749,291 1,607,157 281,795 $ 8,221,344 Total $ 2,238,636 2,306,793 1,621,161 1,617,936 1,623,575 8,119,291 8,132,157 4,471,795 60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 $30,361,344 Long-term debt and note activity for the year ended June 30, 2006 is summarized as follows: Bonds and notes payable, June 30, 2005 Bonds retired on July 1, 2005 Bonds called on July 1, 2005 $30,840,000 (1,320,000) (7,380,000) Bonds and notes payable, June 30, 2006 $22,140,000 - 16 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 10: Revenue Bonds and Notes Payable (continued) Field House Revenue Bonds were issued for the construction, renovation, and equipping of UNI-Dome and McLeod Center. The bond issues included funding for a pre-funded debt service reserve and for issuance costs. Some of the bond issues refinanced previous issues to take advantage of lower interest rates. At its September 15, 2004 meeting, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa approved a 28E Agreement between the University of Northern Iowa and the City of Cedar Falls, Iowa. Under the terms of the Agreement, the City of Cedar Falls transferred $500,000 of City funds received from the Black Hawk County Landfill to the University to assist with construction costs of the McLeod Center. Of the amount transferred, $300,000 is repayable and $200,000 is forgivable if all the conditions in the Agreement are met. The $300,000 portion is repayable in the amount of $15,000 per year for twenty years. The $200,000 portion, if not forgiven, is repayable in the amount of $10,000 per year for twenty years. The note is not interest bearing. The University agreed to transfer to the City $15,000 of its annual rebate from the Black Hawk County Landfill to make the required payments. The City and the University simultaneously executed a Joint Use 28E Agreement permitting City use of University facilities, which may include the Wellness and Recreation Center Complex and outdoor athletic field. Note 11: Debt Service Coverage The debt service coverage for the current and two prior years is as follows: Year Ended Gross Revenues 2006 $ 3,577,185 2005 3,162,473 2004 2,782,274 Less Operating Expenses $ 1,700,875 1,567,311 1,449,077 Net Available Revenues $ 1,876,310 1,595,162 1,333,197 Surplus Fund Balance $ 2,903,214 2,422,701 3,787,541 Annual Debt Service Actual Coverage $ 2,305,108 2,276,552 1,180,000 2.07 1.76 4.34 Required coverage = 1.20 of annual debt service requirements Note 12: Risk Management It is the policy of the University of Northern Iowa not to purchase commercial insurance for the risks of certain losses to which it is exposed. Instead, management believes it is more economical to manage certain risks internally. It is also the policy of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the State of Iowa not to purchase commercial insurance for the risks of certain losses to which they are exposed. As long as any Field House Revenue Bonds are outstanding, the University covenants to keep the Field House, including buildings, equipment, and food and merchandise inventories, insured against loss or damage by fire, lightning, windstorm, and all other risks included in extended coverage insurance. The University covenants to purchase coverage in an amount which would normally be carried by private companies engaged in a similar kind of business. - 17 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 12: Risk Management (continued) Losses are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and the amount of that loss can be reasonably estimated. Liabilities include an amount for claims that have been incurred but not reported. Because actual claim liabilities depend on such complex factors as inflation, changes in legal doctrines, and damage awards, the process used in computing claims liability does not necessarily result in an exact amount. Claims liabilities are reevaluated periodically to take into consideration recently settled claims, the frequency of claims, and other economic and social factors. The University is exposed to various risks of loss related to a number of matters enumerated below. Business Interruption. The University purchased business interruption insurance for the Field House, Residence System and the Performing Arts Center. The University self-funds business interruption insurance for other buildings. Errors and Omissions. The University self-funds errors and omissions insurance. Fidelity Bond. The State purchased an employee fidelity bond whereby the first $100,000 in losses are the responsibility of the University. Losses between $100,000 and $2,000,000 are insured. The University also purchased a $500,000 employee fidelity bond with a $10,000 deductible. General Liability and Property Loss. The State of Iowa self-funds, on behalf of the University, losses related to general liability (tort claims), and property (casualty losses) with the exception of property belonging to auxiliary enterprises. Claims for torts are filed with the State Appeal Board, while casualty losses are filed with the Executive Council. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa entered into an agreement with the Department of Management, the State Appeal Board, and the Attorney General for resolution of tort claims of $5,000 or less. The University is authorized to approve claims of $5,000 or less, paying for the claims from institutional funds up to an annual limit of $50,000. When a tort claim is filed against the State, the State Appeal Board has the authority to approve or reject ordinary claims less than ten years from occurrence and tort claims not over $5,000. Tort claims settled or allowed in excess of $5,000 must have the unanimous approval of all the members of the State Appeal Board, the Attorney General, and the District Court of the State of Iowa for Polk County. Torts may be paid without limit from the State's general fund. A contingent fund exists under Section 29C.20 of the Code of Iowa to provide compensation for loss or damage to state property (casualty losses). By agreement with the State, claims in excess of $5,000 or an annual aggregate of $10,000 may be submitted to the Executive Council for consideration. If a loss exceeds $500,000, it is necessary to seek an appropriation from the General Assembly. The University has purchased commercial property insurance, including earthquake and flood coverage, for its facilities. There is a $2,000,000 deductible on general University buildings. Additional coverage is provided for Auxiliary Enterprises, such as the Residence System, Maucker Union, and the Field House, with deductibles ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 per occurrence. - 18 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 12: Risk Management (continued) Group Life, LTD, and Accidental Death and Disability Insurance. The University purchased commercial insurance for group term life insurance and long-term disability insurance. The University purchased commercial insurance on a pooled basis for accidental death and disability. Medical and Dental-Commercial Insurance. The State of Iowa purchased commercial health and dental insurance for general service staff of the University. The University and employees share the cost of the premium and reimburse the State for the coverage. Medical and Dental-Self Insured. The University self-funds on behalf of its departments for losses related to its professional employees. Employees share the cost of the coverage. The University insures its medical claims with 120% aggregate stop-loss insurance. The following schedule presents the changes in claims liabilities for medical and dental insurance for professional staff and unemployment compensation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006: Amount of claims and contingent liabilities accrued at beginning of year Claims incurred and contingent liabilities accrued for the previous and current year and any changes in amounts estimated for prior years $ 1,754,624 15,302,476 Payments on claims during the fiscal year (15,349,273) Amount of claims liabilities at end of year $ 1,707,827 The above schedule represents data for the entire University. Information for the Field House System alone is not readily available. Motor Vehicle Liability. Institutions governed by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa cooperatively selffund collision, comprehensive, property damage, and liability losses related to motor vehicle liability up to $250,000 per person in an insurance pool. Each Regents' institution is assessed a premium of $28 to $36 per rated vehicle per month. Losses in excess of $250,000 are self-funded by the State, as provided in Chapter 669 of the Code of Iowa. Unemployment Compensation. The University self-funds unemployment compensation claims received from Iowa Workforce Development on a reimbursement basis. Workers' Compensation. The State of Iowa self-funds on behalf of the University losses related to workers' compensation for all University employees. The University pays a quarterly assessment for this coverage. In all the above instances of commercial insurance, claims settled have not exceeded coverage for the last three years. - 19 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements Note 13: Other Commitments, Claims, and Contingencies Commitments: At June 30, 2006, the University had outstanding plant fund contract commitments for construction of $6,322,384 in the Field House Revenue Bond Funds. There were no other material claims or contingencies outstanding as of June 30, 2006. Also, there were no known contingent liabilities of a material nature at the date of this report. Note 14: Subsequent Events On August 9, 2006 an agreement was signed between the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa Foundation. In the agreement, the Foundation agreed to transfer $250,000 of gift income to the University to assist with the construction of the McLeod Center according to the following schedule: $250,000 on October 25, 2006. This agreement is in addition to the four prior gift funding agreements of $17,000,000, $2,660,000, $1,165,000 and $500,000 (see Note 4). On July 31, 2006 the University entered into a capital lease in the amount of $875,849 with Banc of America Leasing and Capital to finance the acquisition of scoreboards and a video board for the McLeod Center. The lease payments are due semi-annually through the fiscal year 2011 and bear an interest rate of 6.6 percent. - 20 - Supplementary Information UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Combining Statement of Net Assets As of June 30, 2006 Current Fund - ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Deposits with bond paying agents Investments Accounts receivable, net Interest receivable Prepaid expenses Inventories Debt issuance costs, net of amortization Total Current Assets Operating Fund $ Noncurrent Assets: Investments Accounts receivable, net Construction in progress Capital assets Accumulated depreciation Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets 6,483 61,424 6,221 3,205 77,333 - $ 77,333 $ 610 13,886 38,005 52,501 - LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities: Overdraft of cash - due to other funds in pooled cash fund Accounts payable Compensated absences payable Accrued interest payable Revenue bonds and notes payable, current portion Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities: Compensated absences payable Revenue bonds and notes payable Total Noncurrent Liabilities 25,698 25,698 Total Liabilities 78,199 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted for capital projects Restricted for debt service Unrestricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets See auditors' report on supplementary information. (866) (866) $ 77,333 Plant Funds Retirement of Indebtedness Sinking Reserve Arbitrage Fund Fund Rebate Fund $ 2,022,928 1,450,000 1,291,949 4,764,877 $ 20,972 676,175 697,147 $ - Investment in Plant Field House Unexpended Surplus Construction Fund Fund $ 2,973,369 2,973,369 $ 4,611,339 2,225,364 30,445 6,867,148 - - - $ 476,469 476,469 Total $ 6,655,239 1,450,000 3,649,544 3,523,796 61,424 36,666 3,205 476,469 15,856,343 2,914,239 2,914,239 1,631,371 1,631,371 $ 7,679,116 $ 2,328,518 $ - $ 2,973,369 $ 6,867,148 $ 31,854,912 $ 51,780,396 $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ 404,378 1,450,000 1,854,378 - 70,155 70,155 22,465 22,465 18,656,753 22,080,076 (9,358,386) 31,378,443 - 1,631,371 2,914,239 18,656,753 22,080,076 (9,358,386) 35,924,053 70,765 36,351 38,005 404,378 1,450,000 1,999,499 - - - - 500,000 500,000 20,190,000 20,190,000 25,698 20,690,000 20,715,698 1,854,378 - - 70,155 522,465 20,190,000 22,715,197 5,824,738 5,824,738 2,328,518 2,328,518 - 6,344,683 6,344,683 10,214,912 1,450,000 11,664,912 10,214,912 6,082,039 9,603,256 3,164,992 29,065,199 $ 7,679,116 $ 2,328,518 $ 6,867,148 $ 31,854,912 $ 51,780,396 $ - (262,644) 3,165,858 2,903,214 $ 2,973,369 - 22 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Current Fund Operating Fund Operating Revenues: Mandatory student fees Sales and services $ Total Operating Revenues 1,971,642 1,971,642 Operating Expenses: Salaries, wages and employee benefits Supplies and services Insurance Utilities Administrative overhead Depreciation expense Repairs and maintenance 672,439 616,070 46,113 273,018 41,425 18,810 Total Operating Expenses 1,667,875 Operating Income (Loss) 303,767 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Gifts Gain (Loss) on disposal of capital assets Interest expense Amortization expense 378,847 3,155 350 - Net Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 382,352 Income (Loss) Before Other Revenues (Expenses) and Transfers 686,119 Other Revenues (Expenses) and Transfers: Additions to capital assets - buildings Additions to capital assets - equipment Capital Gifts Non-mandatory transfers Transfers from other University funds (sale of golf course) Transfer of revenue bonds payable (33,000) (665,881) - Total Other Revenues (Expenses) and Transfers (698,881) Change in Net Assets (12,762) Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year See auditors' report on supplementary information. 11,896 $ (866) Plant Funds Retirement of Indebtedness Sinking Reserve Arbitrage Fund Fund Rebate Fund $ 1,104,220 - $ - $ - Investment in Plant Field House Unexpended Surplus Construction Fund Fund $ 96,936 - $ - $ Total - $ 1,201,156 1,971,642 1,104,220 - - 96,936 - - 3,172,798 - - - 19,660 - 562,271 - 672,439 616,070 46,113 273,018 41,425 562,271 38,470 - - - 19,660 - 562,271 2,249,806 1,104,220 - - 77,276 - (562,271) 922,992 (808,755) - - - - 22,035 - (54,596) (36,876) 400,882 3,155 (54,246) (808,755) (36,876) (808,755) - - - 22,035 (91,472) (495,840) 295,465 - - 77,276 22,035 (653,743) 427,152 131,195 (1,450,000) - - (262,644) 665,881 - (10,827,323) 1,717,513 575,000 - 11,089,967 33,000 1,450,000 1,848,708 575,000 - (1,318,805) - - 403,237 (8,534,810) 12,572,967 2,423,708 (1,023,340) - - 480,513 (8,512,775) 11,919,224 2,850,860 6,848,078 2,328,518 - 2,422,701 14,857,458 $ 5,824,738 $ 2,328,518 - $ 2,903,214 $ 6,344,683 $ - 23 - (254,312) $ 11,664,912 26,214,339 $ 29,065,199 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Current Operating Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 UNI-Dome Operations Revenues: Concession stand operations University support of field house Rental income from public Commissions - merchandise $ UNI-Dome Concessions Total 727,700 194,177 16,210 $ 1,031,780 1,775 - $ 1,031,780 727,700 195,952 16,210 938,087 1,033,555 1,971,642 378,847 3,155 350 - 378,847 3,155 350 $ 1,320,439 $ 1,033,555 $ 2,353,994 $ 573,119 170,867 25,333 273,018 41,425 14,571 33,000 $ 99,320 445,203 20,780 4,239 - $ Total Expenses $ 1,131,333 $ 569,542 $ 1,700,875 Revenues Over Expenses $ $ 464,013 $ Total Revenue From Operations Investment income Gifts Gain on disposal of capital assets Total Revenues Expenses: Salaries, wages and employee benefits Supplies and services Insurance Utilities Administrative overhead Repairs and maintenance Equipment See auditors' report on supplementary information. - 24 - 189,106 672,439 616,070 46,113 273,018 41,425 18,810 33,000 653,119 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Insurance Coverage As of June 30, 2006 (Unaudited) Insurer Policy No. Term of Policy Travelers Insurance CMB-257T486405 9/1/05 to 9/1/06 Transcontinental Insurance Co. LLP223624031 7/1/05 to 7/1/06 The St. Paul Companies #IM06302916 10/29/05 to 10/29/06 See auditors' report on supplementary information. Coverage Amount Real property - Hudson Road & 22nd Street, Cedar Falls, IA (UNI Dome) Fire, Extended Coverage, and Vandalism: Base structure Extra expense and business interruption Deductible UNI-Dome Concessions: Dram Shop Coverage $48,973,622 $1,128,750 $100,000 $1,000,000 each common cause Miscellaneous Property Floater No one item over $30,000 in value $500 deductible $15,180 - 25 - UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA FIELD HOUSE REVENUE BOND FUNDS Student Enrollment (Unaudited) Enrollment at the University of Northern Iowa for the 2005 - 2006 academic year and the 2005 summer session was as follows: Terms Number of Students* Summer, 2005 5,198 First semester, 2005-2006 12,513 Second semester, 2005-2006 11,609 * These are figures at the end of the second week of each academic period, including graduate and undergraduate students. See auditors' report on supplementary information. - 26 -