As Partial Discharge testing has evolved, so have the methods and equipment used to perform the testing. One common challenge many facilities encounter is equipment which is hard to access or deemed unsafe to open while energized. Emerson can address this problem by permanently mounting sensors on the equipment. Low voltage coax cable leads from these permanent sensors (high frequency current transformers, or HFCTs) are brought out to ports at convenient locations where they can be easily accessed. We can then use these ports to periodically monitor your system and gain access to the permanently mounted (PM) sensors without exposing people or equipment. Protecting Critical Assets Online Partial Discharge (OLPD) Testing is one of the best solutions for identifying partial discharge (PD) throughout the Medium Voltage Distribution system. It is performed while the equipment is energized at normal operating voltages, under real operating conditions, typical temperature, voltage stresses, and vibration levels. It is a nondestructive test and does not use over voltages that could adversely affect the equipment. OLPD Testing is relatively inexpensive compared to offline testing that requires interruption of service and production. For critical facilities that operate 24x7, OLPD is one of the best solutions for identifying partial discharge. Benefits •Safer, more efficient periodic testing — saving time and money •Test results can be obtained without exposing workers to potentially dangerous energized equipment •Elimination of test technicians suiting up and opening panels •Once installed, all future testing is done online eliminating the need for costly shutdowns PERMANENTLY MOUNTED SENSORS Permanently Mounted Sensors Collect Data Without Exposing Workers To Potentially Dangerous Energized Equipment Liebert Services PERMANENTLY MOUNTED SENSORS Utilizing the PM sensors increases safety and provides an economic payback as a result of improved efficiencies during testing. Data can be collected from the enclosure during normal operation without exposure to energized conductors or the need for special personal protective equipment (PPE) or a second field engineer required for safety and/or removal of covers. For sites with numerous PM sensors, this can be a significant cost savings compared to the typical cost for cover removal and placement of temporary sensors. Installation The best time for installation is during a plant outage or scheduled plant downtime. For a new facility installation would take place during the construction and installation of the electrical system. Setup is relatively non-destructive and consists of drilling two holes into the switchgear/cable box enclosure for mounting while tie-wraps are used to secure the coax cable. The overall size of the sensor is minimal and once installed, no further outage or disruptions are required for online testing. Benefits The advantages for installing permanently mounted sensors include: • Safer, more efficient periodic testing — saving time and money • Test results can be obtained without exposing workers to potentially dangerous energized equipment • Elimination of test technicians suiting up and opening panels • Once installed, all future testing is done online eliminating the need for costly shutdowns Trust the Experts Partial discharge testing plays a critical role in determining the health of your electrical assets and ensuring maximum uptime. It also provides asset managers with the critical information to target maintenance resources to the areas that require the most attention. Depending on your specific operating requirements and application, Emerson can help you develop and implement the right combination of technologies to meet your maintenance requirements. Improve operational efficiency and worker safety by working with the experts at Emerson. Features Other features of these sensor installations include: • Insulated & waterproof • Wide frequency detection range (100kHz to 25MHz) • Suitable for online PD detection in medium and high voltage cable systems, switchgear and transformers Ordering Information To learn more about this service and other Emerson Network Power solutions, please contact your local Liebert Services sales representative office or visit us on the web at: In the U.S., call 1-800-543-2378 Emerson — Your Partner in Reliability From installation to operation, only Emerson has the knowledge and experience to seamlessly integrate all the essential services to deliver “high nines” reliability required by today’s critical facilities. Look to us as your partner. We’ll be with you every step of the way with the right combination of technology, people, and services. Contact Emerson to realize the true potential of your assets. 800-LIEBERT (543-2378) CS-00168 Emerson Network Power, Liebert Services and the Emerson Network Power logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2011 Emerson Electric Co. Liebert Services THE LIEBERT SERVICES CRITICAL DIFFERENCE FOR PERMANENTLY MOUNTED SENSORS