Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, February 6, 2014, at 1:15pm
Capital Room– Macomb Campus
I. Roll Call – Connie Upton, Karen Trusley, Linda Wade, Stacy Dorethy, Wendi Mattson,
Bill Rupert, Holly Fecht, Kim Sedgwick, Charlene Hammond, Pam Bowman, Alisha
Barnett, Carla Farniok, Tammy Fruetug, Julie DeWees, Alison Shook
Absent – Tammy Klinedist, Peter Skrypkun, Heather McMeekan
II. Minutes (last meeting)
a. Motion to approve: Karen
b. Approved by: Stacy
III. Treasurer’s Report (Stacy Dorethy) –
-Account #900770 started with a balance of $3,358.30. (1/1/2014)
Transactions include• (01/08/2014)Winter Luncheon: DPA- reimburse Wendi Mattson for decorations
• (01/08/2014)Winter Luncheon: pearls for decorations
• (01/08/2014)Winter Luncheon: 4- $25 costume gift cards
• (01/31/2014)Winter Luncheon: Hyatt Regency- big prize
The ending balance was $3,007.48. (1/31/14)
-Account #882046 started with a balance of $7,209.11. (1/1/14)
Transactions include• (1/2/14)Scholarship
• (1/23/14)Endowment Distribution
• (1/31/14)Contributions
• (1/31/14)Non-Endow Investment Revenue
The ending balance was $9,613.20. (1/31/14)
-Account #884046 started with a balance of $106,205.00. (1/1/14)
Transactions include• (1/31/14)Contributions
The ending balance was $106,250.00
Bill asks about the endowment earning. Holly states we get 4.25% of the market value
annually (the percent is board approved based on a policy guided limit). Bill thought
they looked lower than normal, and Holly indicated earnings are actually up across the
board right now, but the amount in the report only reflects half of the amount that will be
received during the year.
Connie indicates she needs stamps to mail donor thank you letters; Holly said she will
send her some.
IV. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) –
a. April 29th is the service recognition ceremony to recognize people with 10 years
of service
b. Pam also shares an announcement that she has just learned that Civil Service (CS)
employees are not subject to a penalty if a CS employee was to become an
affected annuitant. If a CS becomes and affected annuitant and continue to work
as an affected annuitant, this changed means that there will be no penalty to WIU.
c. Pam says a TeleStars was also sent regarding testing changes and says to please
feel free to ask questions about the process. She does ask individual issues to be
brought up privately to HR for confidentiality reasons. HR continues to work
toward moving the CS employment process to the “Interview Exchange” system
currently used for AP and faculty hires.
d. Wendi asks if anyone has questions about the email exchange everyone got
regarding testing (in old business below). Pam shares that WIU is bound by open
and continuous testing and exam notification is unique to WIU. WIU tries to
ensure everyone can test and currently give over 400 tests per year. The process is
designed to be fair to internal and external constituents. Wendi asks if the email
question was answered. Wendi believes so. Alisha states she does feel the present
process makes it harder for people outside Macomb to know what is available for
CS openings. Connie asks if someone calls the University testing area if they can
find out what is open? Pam says it’s not so much whether a position is open but
rather where we are at in the process. Specifically, are we currently testing or has
testing been shut off for a position? In both cases the position is “open” but
people may not be testing for them right now. Julie says she thinks Pam is telling
you to test for what you qualify for so you can get into the top three. Alisha adds
that she found the process for getting into WIU confusing for an external person;
she was testing for all kinds of positions not knowing what was going on or if she
was interested in them. Pam encourages people to go to the CMS Website and
look at Specifications. Connie said she tried to pull up some Specifications the
other day and could not get them up. Pam recommended going to the System
Office for the entire list. Julie said she does see the problem Connie is talking
about; Pam says she will look at the Website. Pam also announces that positions
not frequently hired for have been moved to exam notification so people don’t
waste time testing if a position won’t be filled. In addition, Pam says they are
scheduled for Audit in February by the State Civil Service System.
V. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) –
a. Julie says to please call facilities management if someone comes to us and says a
side walk is not clear.
VI. Group Concerns –
Wendi asks about Physical Plant privatizing services. Julie says they are working with
consultants to get ideas on cost savings and efficiency. The consulting is ongoing and
being done across campus and is not focusing in on a specific area but rather all areas of
possibly improvement.
VII. President’s Report (Wendi Mattson) – The main thing she had was the privatizing of
physical plant; it is just a rumor (they are looking at cost savings)
VIII. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Barnett) – Alisha announces that the new
employee of the month is Amanda Bergeson, WQPT Membership Coordinator
(presentation tomorrow at 60th Street)
IX. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun) – He is absent, but
shares the following information via e-mail:
Employee Advocacy Meeting
January 2012
Due to blizzard conditions all EAC representatives were unable to attend.
Our guest was UIUC President Michael J. Hogan.
President Hogan spoke mainly on the importance of the Universities interaction with State
government, and the impact that Universities have on state legislation. Particularly his role in the:
Testimony before the Personnel and Pensions Committee of the House of Representatives of the
State of Illinois on May 26, 2011 in regards to the proposed pension changes in SB512. In this
testimony he expressed that he is "uncomfortable with the proposed legislation, because it makes
it more difficult to recruit and retain highly professional faculty and staff; it will damage the
University, and in so doing, damage the State, as well."
He spoke highly of the Governmental Relations office and how it serves as the University of
Illinois as a liaison to members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation, the Illinois General
Assembly, the Office of the Governor, agencies of the federal and state governments, key local
officials and major higher education associations.
SURS Update by Susan Courson:
From July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 SURS provided:
65 employer visits, 41 presentations, 2728 counseling appointments, and 452 written estimates.
Susan also pointed out that there are 72000 active members, and 73000 inactive members in the
SURS system.
SURS paid 1.6 billion dollars in benefits in FY 11.
The State funding for 2011 was at 45.3 %, up from 2010 that was at 40.2 %.
The report of the Director, Mr. Tom Morelock, focused on the proposed rule changes. The
changes effect Section 250.30 The Classification Plan.
The changes effect exemptions under the rule:
1) That the Executive Director shall publish guidelines, as approved by the Merit Board, for
exemptions identified in Section 36e of the Statute.
36e . Coverage. All employees of the Illinois Community College Board, State Community College of East St. Louis
(abolished under Section 2-12.1 of the Public Community College Act), Southern Illinois University, Chicago State
University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University,
Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, University of Illinois, State Universities Civil Service System, State
Universities Retirement System, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, and the Board of Higher Education shall be
covered by the University System described in Sections 36b to 36q, inclusive, of this Act, except the following persons:
(1) The members and officers of the Merit Board and the board of trustees, and the commissioners of the institutions
and agencies covered hereunder;
(2) The presidents and vice-presidents of each educational institution;
(3) Other principal administrative employees of each institution and agency as determined by the Merit Board;
(4) The teaching, research and extension faculties of each institution and agency;
(5) Students employed under rules prescribed by the Merit Board, without examination or certification.
2) That each position proposed to be exempt under Section 36e(3) above shall be reviewed and
approved by the Merit Board, or as designated by the Merit Board to The Executive Director.
Mr. Morelock also reviewed the Systems office Current budgetary issues, and announced the new
website: A remodel of,
X. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) – Allison announces that are still
looking at end of July for moving into Phase II
XI. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Holly Fecht) –No report
b. University Diversity Council (Karen Trusley) – Karen announces that she is
working on campus climate survey still and encourages everyone to participate.
c. Website and IT Issues (Jessica Lambert) – absent
d. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – no report
XII. Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Bill Rupert) – there is a job duty grievance appeal right now.
They want some duties removed from one class and added to another. The
committee hopes to have a recommendation next week.
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook) – Alison asks about process changes- will
bring to committee. Bill said they talked about rating points for class years. Holly
asks about opening to all kids, not dependents. (Wendi recalls the conversation
about not asking for tax records regularly to prove dependency anway.) Alison
will talk to group about modifying the criteria to include all children of CS
employees. Wendi and Bill say we just need to define what guidelines. Bill said
we just need to make a decision and put it in writing.
c. Constitution/Election (Linda Wade) – Election will take places in April- Bill,
Carla and Kim will be leaving after two terms. Linda will also be stepping down.
We need to start soliciting people to complete statements of candidacy to tell
Wendi. She will need a volunteer for this committee.
d. Education (Alisha Barnett) – No report
e. Fundraising (Karen Trusley) –
i. Luncheon- A luncheon planning meeting will be February 14th at 1 pm in
the Presidents Conference Room. The luncheon will be April 25th at the
MAC gym with a ‘County Fair’ theme. Karen is trying to work with
Sodexo on pricing as we need to stay with Sodexo if possible
-Alisha said we got a $125 donation for Facilities Management for Rocky
Moves for Scholarships for a 5-week period.
f. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) –
-Sara Nelson- Office Support Associate, Management & Marketing
-Dawn Eibert- Admin Clerk- CAS
-Emily Boyer- Broadcast News Specialist WIUM (Galesburg)
g. Social Events & Development (Wendi Mattson & Stacy Dorethy) –no report
h. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Linda Wade) – Linda said they will need a
new designee, since she is leaving council. We are all in compliance right now.
i. Provost Advisory Council Report (Karen Trusley)- Email report. Karen talked
to Julie about the staff to faculty ratio, which was a concern the group had. The
concern related to having said one person with four faculty vs. four for four
faculty. Karen also met with Pam and they discussed the testing issue.
XIII. Old Business
a. Possibility of Posting Civil Service Jobs – Heather McMeekan sends the
following via e-mail:
i. Heather looked up what other institutions do regarding posting of openings. WIU was the only institution I found which doesn't post them. 1. Eastern:
2. Northern: 3. Southern:­‐new-­‐
employee/job-­‐vacancies/weekly-­‐vacancies.pdf 4. Governor's State: (viewers do have to click on search postings, no CS currently listed but they do have cs extra help listed) 5. U of I:
vilservice.html 6. WIU:­‐service.php
ii. Pam Bowman’s reply
1. Pam indicates that Heather’s message, “… may be a little misleading; some institutions only test when there is a job opening. We test regardless of job opening and we notify applicants/employees when there is an opening for positions that we specify as "exam notification", which is a program unique to Western.”
iii. Heather’s comments:
Heather agrees, “...that the notification that goes out is great for those who have passed the test. I think that's great! My question was whether or not it would be possible to list our actual job postings. “ Heather indicates her following concerns: By not listing them, -­‐ people who work already cannot view the qualifications necessary for that type of job, hindering their ability to take steps necessary so they may qualify for the same classification should the job opening appear sometime in the future. -­‐ the notifications don't go out to people who are in the lower level of that job classification unless they have tested. Why not let all our employees see what's posted? -­‐ people in that classification at other institutions who might be interested in coming to WIU via transfer have a lesser chance of knowing about the job opening. -­‐ people in the community who might qualify for the job in the future but aren't aware of the process so they don't realize they could test. It would increase our applicant pool. -­‐ the "key" words and phrases don't appear on our website, making both our internal and external searches far less likely to return valid, current information for potential job seekers. -­‐ many trailing partners/spouses may get an empty search return while the faculty/administrators we are trying to attract are in the decision phase of their search. There are many stages in the early job search phases which are not accommodated by our current practice of notifying only those who pass the test which could be accommodated by listing the openings. That's why I brought the question up. I understand if the request is turned down. But I did want to be able to bring back an answer to the person who asked this question.
iv. Pam provides the following response: Exam notifications are sent to applicants who have qualified to test for a particular classification; applicants who have not tested are only notified that a position is available to test. Our application is on-­‐line and applicants can apply in HR as well. Once an applicant submits an application, the applicant is scheduled for an evaluation to determine which positions the applicant qualifies to test and testing is scheduled for positions that open frequently and/or the applicant is placed on exam notification for positions that open infrequently. With our enhanced examination program, employees can test within their promotional line, regardless of job opening. Our employment process is open; it’s on our website and anyone can contact us for information regarding it. I hope I answered and provided clarification regarding your questions.
XIV. New Business – Karen asks everyone to take the sexual harassment training. Wendi says
the President’s Open Forum is the 10th at 11 am and 3:30 pm
XV. Announcements – Karen asks to encourage students to take the athletics interest and
ability survey.
XVI. Meeting Adjournment –
a. Motion to adjourn: Carla
b. Seconded by: Alisha
XVII. Next Meeting will be Thursday, March 6, 2014, at 1:15pm in the Capital Room.