Civil Service Employees Council AGENDA Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, June 4th, 2015
President’s Conference Room (Sherman Hall 205)
Present:-Debbie Collins, Stacy Dorethy, Connie Lincoln, Alisha Looney, Wendi Mattson, Robert
O’Bear, Butch Smith, Chris Staley, Karen Trusley
Non-voting members- Pam Bowman, Digger Oster, Sean O’Donnel Brown, Diane Sayers, Peter
Absent- Gail Ault, Tammy Klinedinst, Allison Shook, Neal Thurman, Mitch Carey.
Non-voting members- Julie DeWees
Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman):P am Bowman read the following
information as a correction: Clarifications, Corrections and Comments re: EAC Submission at
the May 21, 2015 CSEC meeting:
With respect to the issue identified as “WIU follow-up: From the EAC agenda for the
meeting held April 16, 2015”:
You may not be aware that since 2008 the audit finding in this area has risen from less than
10% (4 out of 50 positions) to greater than 75% (76 out of 100 positions). During this
timeframe, there have been no notable changes in the statute and rules that would support this
increase. In addition, the increases in audit findings in this area do not include any substantive
explanation or basis for their recommendations. Without explanation or basis for their
recommendations, the audit report appears to lack transparency concerning their findings in
the area of exemption.
According to Thomas Morelock, SUCSS Executive Director, it is my understanding that it is
not up to them to provide documentation to support their findings in this area. It is our belief
that without engagement with SUCSS regarding exemptions the audit does not appear to be
transparent. At Western, we believe in a transparent and collaborative approach.
With respect to the issues concerning the EAC meeting April 16, 2015, “WIU has refused to
give quarterly reports on exempt positions”:
SUCSS recommended that WIU submit a quarterly report listing all new exempt PAA
positions that have been employed within that time frame, along with the position description
utilized in validating each exemption. WIU considers all recommendations made by SUCSS.
However, we did not consider a recommendation to be a requirement and we notified
SUCSS brought this issue to the May 26 Merit Board meeting. The Merit Board decided to
send a letter to WIU regarding this issue. Our office received the letter on June 1. The letter
stated that our declination to provide this information to SUCSS was temporary and not
absolute and that in the interim it may be in the best interest of WIU and SUCSS to defer
further review until the next audit cycle.
Please be aware that WIU abides by the rules and procedures promulgated by SUCSS.
Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) –Digger Oster will be
presenting as Julie DeWees is absent.
a. The 2016 AP budget passed house and senate.-Peter Skrypkun noted that the police body
cameras act passed both houses. Funding may be an issue. Digger noted Scott Harris had
not mentioned this but OPS is aware of the act. Funding is unknown at this time. Also
discussed the 0821 Sexual Violence Act. This is to bring education on preventing sexual
violence on campus and reporting. Concerns over funding and educational funding of
staff, etc.
b. The Healthy Campus Smoke Free Campus was discussed again. Concerns were
expressed over image to new students, parents, community with students and staff
standing on public sidewalks congregating in large groups. Not the image WIU wants.
Admin is to provide feedback by Monday, then the board will discuss. Smoking in
personal vehicles is topic vs the state law.
c. Butch Smith inquired about the blue lights maintenance on campus. Digger stated that
OPS does have scheduled maintenance of the blue light stations but will check and email
group. There is funding for replacements.
d. Digger Oster sent an email in regards to the question asked about the maintenance of the
blue lights. The blue boxes are tested on a monthly basis. I have also provided
information to VP DeWees on the legislation that Pete discussed so that she can provide
an additional update at the next meeting. Please let me know if you have any additional
Copier Program (Sean O’Donnell-Brown)-Sean O’Donnell-Brown was a guest speaker.
DPS does have a new copy machine program/contract underway. Things discussed about
upcoming multitask-copiers were discussed while questions were answered from the
following information:
a. Current contract with Digital Copy System ends June 30-some equipment ten (10) years
WIU put out an RFP and accepted bids, and Ricoh made the winning bid-Ricoh had the
least expensive bid, we estimate about $4000-5000 less than the second place bid. Still
negotiating some of the terms of the contract. The contract is for five (5) years.
b. New, up-to-date equipment-administration decided that all copiers would become part of
the new program and that all new devices (multifunction devices or MFDs) would
connect to the network. All MFDs have copy, PCL print, color scan at no additional
c. All models but the very smallest model have stapling finishers, with staples included at
no additional charge.
d. Other features included user codes, department use tracking, shared MFDs, lock print, job
e. Under the current program, most copiers cost a straight per-copy/per print cost (1-7¢),
equipment and equipment options paid for on flat, monthly rate (starting at $32-285),
service, maintenance, and supplies paid for on a per click basis, all models but the very
smallest model cost ½¢ per copy or print, smallest model costs 1¢.
Overall, the University estimates that it will pay on average about $5 more per device but
there will be brand new equipment with standard copy, print, and scan. Note that print
and scan usually cost extra under the current program. Ricoh true volume, consolidation,
Ricoh’s helpfulness, cost of desktop printers start 5¢ versus ½-1¢.
As departments move more volume from desktop printer to MFDs, they will save more
overall (cost of MFDs plus printers). They look at actual average monthly volume for a
h. Others ways to save-use the scanner and distribute documents electronically (via email,
on the Web, or with Western Online) – scanning costs nothing extra. Reduce add-ons (if
you want to make changes, make them very soon)
Group Concerns - Questions concerning possible layoffs were asked of Pam Bowman and
Diane Sayers. Terminology was discussed and defined as this is important.
a. A transfer is at the request of the employee, asking for a list of available jobs;
procedures are followed as to top 3 candidates, testing, etc. Reassignment is
termed as the department head has operational needs in another area of a “like
position”. Layoffs must follow procedure. Peter did send information, please see
below. Procedure must be followed concerning layoffs. A 30 day notice to the
employee being laid off is mandatory.
b. Bumping was discussed with the issue of layoffs. Bumping must follow Civil
Service procedure. This includes seniority rules. Quad Cities and Macomb cannot
bump each other. They are considered two separate units.
c. There is a bargaining unit but no bargaining contract.
d. Trainings were discussed. Process of developing ASCP-Microsoft product. Pam
Bowman was looking forward to this, feels this will be a great asset.
May minutes (Debbie Collins) Per Pam’s Bowman corrections. Connie Lincoln did the
minutes as this was Debbie’s first set of minutes. Minutes were approved.
a. Motion to approve: Stacey Dorethy
b. Seconded by: Alisha Looney
May Treasurer’s Report (Connie Lincoln)- May report is attached.
a. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Alisha Looney
b. Seconded by: Steve Whan
Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Looney)- Bea Brasel at WQPT as the Civil
Service Employees Council employee of the month for June! Bea's presentation was held on
Wednesday, June 3 at 2 p.m. in the WQPT suite at Riverfront Hall in the WIU-QC campus.
Pam Bowman and Alison Shook were present at the presentation.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun)-layoffs and demotions
have to be given a 30 day written notice. There are statutes and rules. Send to council SUWS.
250.110 SUCS website concerning demotions, etc.
a. Peter sent a report to the group.
b. 850: Senate-democrat-report-on-executive-compensation-at-public-colleges-anduniversities&catid=101:blog-posts&Itemid=450
c. Per the CSEC meeting yesterday, here are the two links mentioned in reference to
layoffs.The procedures manual:
d. Statute and rules, letter D.
Please remember that you can do a search for any terminology, such as reassignment.
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook)- Steve Whan discussed the employee of
the month Bea, restating her position and deserved award.
a. Discussed June 12, 2015 BOT meeting.
b. Mentioned the adding of the Bat House on campus.
Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Butch Smith)-Nothing to report.
b. University Diversity Council (Karen Trusley) ***-They have not met recently. Someone
else will be taking over.
c. Website and IT Issues (Connie Lincoln) ***-Up tp date. Scholarships are posted.
d. Training and Development (Gail Ault)-No report per Karent Trusley.
Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley)-Nothing to report.
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook)-Nothing to report but an email was sent with the
following recipients:
Susanne Campbell
Dixie Canon
Tammy Klinedinst
Constance Lincoln
Neil Wiarda
c. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith)- Need to vote on constitution. Made changes in last
session which were approved.
d. Education (Alisha Looney)-Nothing to report.
e. Fundraising/Social Events (Karen Trusley) ***-“We did it”!
Mentoring (Connie Lincoln)***--Steve Whan had nothing to report.
g. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley)-Nothing to reportProvost Advisory
Council Report (Karen Trusley)***Nothing to report.
Old Business-
a. Payroll deduction option- Payroll deduction is available for scholarship fund. You can do
b. Blood drive with COAP on June 11th (please take some posters to help hang up). Posters
were handed out. CSEC members will help monitor donors and work at registration table.
Sign-up sheets were sent out via email.
c. Luncheon survey
New Business
a. Need to appoint new members for some of the representative reports and the committee
a. Website IT-Stacey Dorethy
b. Diverstity- Wendi Mattson
c. Provost- Alisha Looney
d. Fundraising-Connie Lincoln
Need to form the luncheon committee for this Fall/Winter to start planning
* Co-Chair's will be Alison Shook & Wendi Mattson
* Tammy K. will be securing the location and reserving all of the tables & chairs
* Wendi will be in charge of food (& popcorn machine??)
* Gail will be in charge of the decorations
* Stacy will be in charge of the Photo Booth
* Connie will be in charge of door
* Connie and Stacy will work together on the raffle tickets
* Alison is in charge of save the dates & invitations
* Wendi & Gail will work together on the music and entertainment
* Stacy will be in charge of contacting Westec for sound equip.
* Alisha will continue to be in charge of the Employee of the Year announcement
* Tammy will be contacting Coke about the pop donation
c. Reminder of all upcoming meetings for this semester- The August meeting will be held in
the QC but Codec availability at Sherman for those who cannot attend.
d. Everyone needs to get their photo taken at VPC to use on the website
e. CSEC educational/informational “drive”/”campaign” (need 2 more members—one in
clerical and one in union & prevailing wage)-Alisha Looney and Steve Whan
Meeting Adjournment
Alisha Looney
Motion to adjourn:
a. Alisah Looney
Seconded by: Stacey Dorethy
XVIII. Next Meeting will be: August 6th, location TBD (most likely at the QC Campus)