PSFC/JA-10-8 The Ar17+ Ly2/Ly1 Ratio in Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas Rice, J.E., Reinke, M.L., Ashbourn, J.M.A.1, Ince-Cushman, A.C. 2, Podpaly, Y.A., Gu, M.F.3, Bitter, M.4, Hill, K. 4, Rachlew, E. 5 1 Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 2 current address: McKinsey and Co., New York, NY 3 formerly of LLNL, Livermore, CA 4 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 5 KTH, Stockholm, Sweden May 2010 Plasma Science and Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA 02139 USA This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Grant No. DE-FC0299ER54512. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part, by or for the United States government is permitted. The Ar17+ Lyα2 /Lyα1 Ratio in Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas J.E. Rice† , M.L. Reinke† , J.M.A. Ashbourn‡ , A.C. Ince-Cushman†♭ , Y.A. Podpaly† , M.F. Gu♯ , M. Bitter♮ , K. Hill♮ and E. Rachlew∗ † Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA ‡ Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, England ♭ current address: McKinsey and Co., New York, NY, USA ♯ ♮ formerly of LLNL, Livermore, CA, USA Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, USA ∗ KTH, Stockholm, Sweden Abstract Spectra of hydrogen-like Ar17+ have been obtained from Alcator C-Mod tokamak plasmas using a spatially imaging high resolution x-ray spectrometer system. The ratio of Lyα2 (1S1/2 - 2P1/2 ) to Lyα1 (1S1/2 - 2P3/2 ) was found to be ∼ 0.52 regardless of plasma parameters, which is somewhat greater than the ratio of the statistical weights of the upper levels, 1/2. This difference is partially due to the effects of electron and ion collisional excitation of fine structure sub-levels. For the observations presented here, electron densities were in the range from 3×1019 /m3 to 4×1020 /m3 with electron and ion temperatures between 1 and 4 keV. Experimental results are compared to calculations from COLRAD, a collisional-radiative modeling code, with good agreement shown. 1 ion Al Cl Ar Ti Cr Ni exp. ratio 0.50-0.55 0.53-0.58 0.54(?) 0.50-0.56 0.56 0.57(?) calc. ratio 0.53-0.55 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.56 device COMPASS-D JET Alcator C JT-60U FT JET Ref. [8] [9] [4] [7, 14] [6, 14] [5, 14] Table 1: Measured and calculated Lyα doublet ratios for different elements and tokamak devices. I. Introduction Following the development of high resolution x-ray spectrometers, detailed spectra from hydgrogen-like ions in tokamak plasmas became available [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], and the Lyα doublet components (Lyα1 : 1s 1 S 12 - 2p 2 P 32 and Lyα2 : 1s 1 S 12 - 2p 2 P 12 ) were easily resolved. The earliest investigations [1, 2, 3, 4] were concerned mainly with satellite identifications and modeling, including precise wavelength determinations. Subsequent studies [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] have addressed the ratio of Lyα2 to Lyα1 , which is typically found to be slightly larger than the ratio of the statistical weights of the upper levels (1/2). Table I summarizes observations of different hydrogen-like ions from several tokamaks, including the experimental and calculated Lyα ratios, and spans atomic number from 13 to 28, obtained over a large range of operating conditions. For the Ni point, the experimental ratio was stated to be 0.6, but examination of the published spectrum suggests a ratio of 0.57. In general, the calculated ratios are a little smaller than the observations. There seems to be no systematic dependence on atomic number, electron density or the ratio of the ionization potential to the electron temperature, which ranges from 0.3 to 1.1. The deviation from 1/2 has been attributed partially to electron and ion collisions in fine structure sub-levels [10, 11, 12]. In this paper, details of the observed Ar17+ x-ray spectra from Alcator C-Mod are described in Section III after an outline of the code modeling is given in Section II, and observed parameter scalings of the Ly α doublet ratio, along with calculations, are presented in Section IV. II. Code Description The effects of electron and ion collisions in fine structure sub-levels have been incorporated into the COLRAD code [13, 14, 15]. COLRAD uses a collisional-radiative model which includes the following processes to determine the excited level populations for hydrogen-like ions present as a small admixture in a high-temperature plasma: i) excitation and de-excitation by electron impact, ii) ionization by electron impact, iii) excitation and de-excitation by heavy charged particle impact, iv) spontaneous radiative de-excitation, v) radiative recombination, vi) three-body recombination, vii) magnetic 2 dipole radiative de-excitation of the 2S 12 state, and viii) two-photon decay of the 2S 12 state. The n=2 sublevel diagram for Ar17+ is shown in Fig. 1. The contribution from Ar17+ -8880 -8890 2P3/2 103 cm-1 -8900 -8910 -8920 -8930 2S1/2 -8940 -8950 0 2P1/2 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 1: The n=2 sublevel energy diagram for Ar 17+ . The 1S1/2 ground state energy is -35699.78x103 cm−1 [16]. the magnetic dipole transition, 2S 12 → 1S 12 , is included in the values for the Lymanalpha intensity ratios as this cannot be resolved experimentally from the 2P 12 → 1S 12 transition. The levels with principal quantum number n = 2, 3 and 4 are resolved into their fine-structure (n, l, j) components, whereas the levels with n ≥ 5 are treated as unresolved. COLRAD does not calculate the contribution to the intensity ratio from dielectronic satellite lines originating from doubly excited helium-like ions. COLRAD allows for the input of an ion temperature distinct from the electron temperature into the collisional-radiative model. Other effects such as polarization from non-thermal electrons and optical thickness have been considered and ruled out for JT-60U observations [7]. III. Observed Spectra 3 The observations presented here were from the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [17], a compact (major radius R ∼ 0.67 m, minor radius a ∼ 0.21 m), high magnetic field (B ≤ 8 T) device with molybdenum plasma-facing components. Electron densities have been obtained in the range from 2×1019 /m3 to 1×1021 /m3 with electron temperatures between 1 and 9 keV [18]. Discharges were seeded with argon injected through a piezo-electric valve with non-perturbing concentrations typically 10−4 ne . X-ray spectra of H-like Ar17+ were recorded with a high throughput, high resolution imaging Johann type spectrometer [19]. Time histories of relevant plasma parameters for a typical C-Mod discharge are shown in Fig. 2. 3.5 MW of radio frequency power (80 MHz) 3.0 ne (1020/m3) 2.5 2.0 1.5 Zeff 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (keV) 3 2.0 Te 2 1 0 Ti 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 int (arb) 800 2.0 Ar17+ 600 400 200 Mo32+ 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 t (s) 1.5 2.0 Figure 2: Time histories of the average electron density and Zeff (top frame), central electron and ion temperatures (middle frame), and argon and molybdenum brightnesses (bottom frame) for a 5.4 T deuterium H-mode discharge. Also shown in the bottom frame is the argon gas pulse waveform. were delivered between 0.6 and 1.5 s, which enabled the plasma to enter a high energy confinement operational regime (H-mode [20]), in this case with an electron density of 2.8×1020 /m3 and central electron and ion temperatures of 2.6 keV and 2.5 keV, respectively. For the range of electron temperatures presented here, the Ar17+ emissivity profiles are centrally peaked. Z eff (≡ Σni Zi 2 /Σni Zi ), a global measure of the plasma 4 impurity content (and an indicator of the majority ion density relative to the electron density), was ∼1.8. All spectra have been averaged over sawtooth oscillations, which are apparent in the electron temperature waveform. Spectra are all integrated along a line of sight through the plasma core. The x-ray spectrum in the range from 3725 to 3775 mÅ, for the steady state portion of a discharge with n e = 0.7x1020 /m3 and Te = 2230 eV, is shown in Fig. 3. The spectrum is dominated by the Lyα doublet [16, 3, 4] 1000 800 intensity (arb) LyD1 Ar17+ 600 LyD2 400 200 Mo32+ T J 0 3730 3740 3750 3760 wavelength (mA) 3770 Figure 3: The x-ray spectrum of the Ar 17+ Lyα doublet and associated satellites (dots), and a synthetic spectrum (solid curve). (1s 1 S 12 - 2p 2 P 32 at 3731.10 mÅ and 1s 1 S 12 - 2p 2 P 12 at 3736.52 mÅ). Also apparent are several n=2 dielectronic satellite lines [21, 3, 4], the brightest of which are J (1s2p 1 P1 - 2p2 1 D2 at 3771.79 mÅ) and T (1s2s 1 S0 - 2s2p 1 P1 at 3755.26 mÅ). The solid curve shown is a synthetic spectrum. For the Ly α doublet, a simple population model [22] including only electron impact excitation out of the ground state was considered, so the line intensities are in the ratio of the oscillator strengths, which is exactly 1/2. The synthetic spectrum is normalized to Lyα1 and underestimates the relative intensity of Lyα2 , while there is good agreement for the relative intensity of the satellites. For the satellites, wavelengths and dielectronic recombination rates from the Flexible Atomic Code [23] were used; for the spectator electrons, the levels n=2 to 5 n=7 have been included. Wavelengths and satellite intensity factors have been benchmarked against earlier calculations for n=2 [21] and n=3 [24] satellites, and the results are in good qualitative agreement. An expanded view of the synthetic spectrum in the range from 3725 to 3745 mÅ, highlighting the higher n satellites in the vicinity of the doublet, is shown in Fig. 4. The contribution from these satellites to the Lyα doublet intensities at this electron temperature is minimal, less than 1% for even the brightest individual line. In the bottom frame of Fig. 4 is shown the composite spectrum for inten. (arb) 1000.0 Ar17+ 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.1 3725 3730 3735 3740 3745 satellite composite 25 inten. (arb) 20 15 3 10 4 5 5 0 3725 6 2 7 3730 3735 3740 wavelength (mA) 3745 Figure 4: A synthetic spectrum of the Lyα doublet, with individual n=2 (dotted), n=3 (purple short dash), n=4 (green dash-dot), n=5 (red dash-dot-dot-dot), n=6 (mustard long dash) and n=7 (solid) satellites (top frame). In the bottom frame is shown the satellite composites for each n, including the combined total. each n level and the total composite of all satellites. The total number of individual lines for each n level is: n=2, 15 lines; n=3, 51 lines; n=4, 56 lines; n=5, 42 lines; n=6, 30 lines; n=7, 25 lines. With increasing n, the satellite spectra converge in wavelength and relative intensity to a feature resembling the Ly α doublet since with high enough n the perturbation to the n=2 level becomes minimal. Regardless of electron temperature, the total composite satellite contribution to the Lyα doublet line ratio is roughly in the same ratio as the Lyα doublet itself, so has a negligible effect on the inferred ratio. 6 Another issue for the proper determination of the doublet ratio is the presence of a molybdenum line at 3739.8 mÅ [25], which is evident in Fig. 3. An example of a spectrum dominated by this 2p-4d transition in neon-like Mo32+ (including its satellites) is shown in Fig. 5. Care must be taken when the molybdenum intensity is significant 1•105 2p-4d intensity (arb) 8•104 Mo32+ 6•104 4•104 2•104 Ar17+ 0 3730 3740 3750 3760 wavelength (mA) 3770 Figure 5: The spectrum in the vicinity of the Mo32+ 2p-4d transition. compared to the argon intensity. To be on the safe side, any spectra where the Mo intensity is greater than the Ar intensity have not been included in the following scalings. In all cases this Mo line has been included in the fits. For the spectrum of Fig. 3, the measured Lyα doublet line ratio is 0.524±.006, which is larger than 1/2. The best three line fit to the spectrum of Fig. 3 is shown in Fig. 6. IV. Scalings and Modeling The line ratio Lyα2 /Lyα1 has been determined over a large range of plasma parameters with electron density from 3×1019 /m3 to 4×1020 /m3 , electron temperature between 800 and 4200 eV, ion temperature from 1 to 3 keV, magnetic field between 2.7 and 8.0 T, and with deuterium and helium majority ions. A database of observations 7 1000 800 intensity (arb) LyD1 600 LyD2 400 200 Mo32+ 0 3730 3735 wavelength (mA) 3740 Figure 6: The observed spectrum in Fig. 3 (dots), synthetic spectrum (solid) and the best three line fit (dashed). 8 from the steady state portion of over 200 individual discharges has been assembled. Shown in Fig. 7 is the Lyα doublet ratio as a function of average electron density for three discharge types: deuterium H-mode, and deuterium and helium low confinement mode (L-mode) plasmas (H-mode plasmas have better energy and particle confinement than L-mode discharges and generally have higher density, with the profile shapes different mainly at the plasma periphery.). There is almost no variation in the ratio with electron density and the values fall between 0.515 and 0.535 with an average of 0.524, which is statistically significantly greater than 1/2. There is also no dependence on working gas or confinement mode. 0.55 LyD2/LyD1 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.50 0 1 2 ne (1020/m3) 3 4 Figure 7: The Lyα doublet ratio as a function of average electron density represented as follows: asterisks- deuterium H-mode, dots- deuterium L-mode, squares- helium L-mode, triangles- COLRAD calculations. The Lyα doublet ratio as a function of central electron temperature is shown in Fig. 8. Similar to the scaling with electron density, there is very little variation with temperature. COLRAD calculations have been performed for selected discharge conditions and are also shown in Figs. 7 and 8. These calculated values are all between 0.52 and 0.53, which is in good agreement with the observed values. 9 0.55 LyD2/LyD1 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.50 0 1000 2000 3000 Te (eV) 4000 5000 Figure 8: The Lyα doublet ratio as a function of central electron temperature, with the same symbol representations as in Fig. 7. 10 V. Summary The Ar17+ Lyα doublet ratio has been determined from Alcator C-Mod tokamak plasmas under a wide range of operating conditions. The average value of this ratio is 0.524 with no dependence on electron density (from 0.3 to 4.0 x 1020 /m3 ) or electron temperature (from 1 to 4 keV). Good agreement has been found with collisionalradiative modeling using the COLRAD code. Nearby high n satellite lines have been modeled using the Flexible Atomic Code, and the contribution of high n satellites to the Lyα doublet ratio is minimal. VI. Acknowledgements The authors thank Jerry Hughes for providing electron density and temperature profiles, Jim Irby for electron density measurements, Amanda Hubbard for electron temperatures, Catherine Fiore for ion temperatures, Earl Marmar for Z eff measurements and the Alcator C-Mod operations and ICRF groups for expert running of the tokamak. Work at MIT was supported by by DoE Contract No. DE-FC02-99ER54512. References [1] M. Bitter et al., Phys. Rev. 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