Kindergarten is one of the most important and exciting years of your child’s school career. It is a year full of opportunities for you and your child’s teacher to work together in your child’s growth – socially and academically! SCHOOL DAY – 8:25 a.m.-2:40 p.m. (Children may enter the building at 8:15 am.) **Do not drop children off before 8:15 am. There may not be supervision in the classroom before these times. ABSENCE – If your child is absent for any reason, please be sure to call the office and leave a message with the school secretary or leave a message on the attendance voice mail. Do not leave this information on the teacher’s voice mail. The Highland Elementary office number is (952) 423-7595, the Attendance Voice Mail number is (651) 683-6969 #94677. SUPPLIES – Supply Money ($20.00-checks payable to ISD 196) and Party Money ($5.00-cash only please)-Please give to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. The supply money is used to purchase crayons, markers, glue, pencils, and other miscellaneous school supplies for your child’s use. Supplies to bring: • $20.00 for school supplies (checks payable to ISD 196) • $5.00 for party donation (cash only please) • (1) sturdy folder with two pockets • paint shirt (an adult t-shirt works the best) • one old sock and two black Expo dry erase white board markers in a zip lock bag labeled with your child’s name • one package of stickers (no characters/gender specific) • school bag (big enough for large projects, preferably with no buckles, no wheeled bags) • sandwich or gallon size zip lock bags-optional • Clorax wipes • A thin towel for quiet time (not too fluffy due to storage limitations and no pillows please) SECOND DAY OF CLASS – Have your child come without you on the second day of class as well. There are fewer tears if Mom and Dad stay at home, and it also helps your child with building independence as well as establishing a positive school routine. It is also important for your child to get used to where he meets the bus, his/her route to school, and how he/she gets to his room. Instructional clerks will be available in the bus area to help children find their classrooms during the first few weeks of school. DISMISSAL Children that are picked up or ride the bus will be dismissed with students in grades 1-5 through the main entrance. We attempt to dismiss a few minutes before other grades. (2:38 p.m.) If your child is a walker, they will have patrols to accompany them. They will be taken out the west doors and be crossed at 142nd Street. If you meet your child en route, the best location would be at the crosswalk. Please do not take your child from the walker group until they reach this point. Children that go to SAC after school will be picked up at their classroom and brought down to the cafeteria. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS – If at any time during the year a change in transportation is requested, such as picking up your child instead of your child taking the bus or walking, you must send a note notifying your child’s teacher of this change. If it is not possible to send a note, call the main office with this information. Do not leave this information on a voice mail recording or email message unless it is sent a few days prior to the transportation change. This procedure is school policy. If you wish to pick your child up, you must sign the register at the office, and your child will be called down to the office to meet you there. Please do not come down to your child’s classroom without checking in the office first. We follow these procedures to ensure the safety of your children. If your child is picked up on a regular basis, it is not necessary to come in and sign them out. Please remember to pull up or park in the south parking lot (not the bus pick-up area). Children that go to daycare on an irregular basis will need to bring a schedule for the teacher to follow. Make sure that you list the daycare provider’s address and phone number on the Kindergarten Information Sheet, which you will fill out today. BUS STOPS – We will be stressing safety and courtesy in school, on the bus and on the street. If you live near a bus stop, we would appreciate your stopping and overseeing a bit to help us establish good behavior habits now that will pay off later. FRIDAY FOLDERS – In order to better communicate between home and school, we will be sending a Friday folder each week. This folder will contain community information, school news, and various newsletters. These folders should be emptied over the weekend and sent back to school every Monday. SPECIALISTS – Kindergarten students are scheduled for P.E., ART, LIBRARY AND MUSIC on an irregular basis. Please check your monthly calendar for these days. Your child must have non-marking, rubber-soled shoes to participate in P.E. LIBRARY – All kindergartners will be going to our library for story time and book checkout approximately once every week. Refer to your monthly calendar for these days. Please help your child remember their book on library day. SHOW AND TELL – Your child may share a special item from home with the class during show and tell. We encourage the children to tell things about their item to the rest of the class. Some children may need practice with this skill. At times, we will ask the children to bring things that are related to our curriculum. Refer to your monthly calendar to find these special days. It is important that your child bring only one thing at a time for sharing. Please do not send items of value, pets, mechanical toys, or toy weapons of any kind. **As kindergarten teachers, we would like to stress the importance of checking your child’s calendar every day. We know how busy family life is but would like you, as parents, to realize how disappointed your children are when they’ve forgotten their library book, show and tell time, or don’t have tennis shoes for P.E. Everyone forgets once in awhile, but if things are left behind often, it interferes with your child’s participation. We recommend that you empty your child’s backpack daily. It may help to get your child’s things ready the night before. If your child attends daycare, it might be helpful to have a separate bag to keep school things in. BREAKFAST- Free breakfast will be offered to all Kindergarten students if you choose. Please fill out the form in your child’s folder today indicating your preference. Please note: this form should be completed whether or not you choose to have breakfast. Kindergartners wishing to have breakfast at school, must arrive at school by 8:15 a.m. Visit our Highland website to access breakfast menus. LUNCH MONEY – Your child may bring lunch money any time during the school week. Please make sure it is enclosed in an envelope labeled with his/her name and lunch account number. You may also deposit money into your child’s lunch account via School View/Fee Pay located on our Highland website. Visit our website for information about the cost and to access lunch menus. A handout with lunch information is also enclosed in your child’s folder. Each day, make sure your child knows which type of lunch he/she will be having: 1. 1. 1. 1. home lunch/drink home lunch/school milk school lunch/milk school sandwich/milk DAILY SNACK – Please send a small, healthy snack (FRUIT OR VEGETABLE ONLY) with your child each day. A list of ideas will be provided. BIRTHDAY – If your child’s birthday is on a weekend or during a vacation, we will celebrate it on a day as close as possible. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate their half birthday. Please refer to the monthly calendar for these dates. (Please note that district policy does not allow students to bring birthday treats or prizes.) ALLERGIES – We want to share with you a health concern for kids at Highland. We have several students who have a SEVERE ALLERGY TO PEANUTS. We are working with parents to ensure a positive and safe school environment. Any exposure to peanuts could result in a very serious medical emergency for these students. There is an increasing awareness of allergic reaction to peanuts throughout the country as well as in our schools. Though children will often outgrow other allergies such as milk, eggs or wheat, peanut allergies are considered to be life-long and peanuts can cause allergic reactions that are among the most severe of any food. Among those students who are allergic, the severity of the reaction varies. Several students at Highland are highly allergic, with life-threatening reactions. Because it is extremely important to avoid accidental ingestion or exposure, we are asking that parents carefully read food labels on the package of any food sent to school for snacks or party teats. Peanuts can be concealed in a number of foods including “fake” nuts, baked goods and candy. The term “HYDROLYZED VEGETABLE PROTEIN” or “HYDROLYZED PLANT PROTEIN” on food labels indicates peanuts may be an ingredient. Please DO NOT send snacks or treats that have this on the label. Since many of the areas of the building are shared by all students, we ask that you take an extra minute or two to be sure your child’s hands and face are washed before coming to school, especially if he/she has just eaten peanut butter or a peanut butter product. If your child attends a daycare before school, please advise them of this important concern as well. Thanks for your assistance in this important matter. PARTIES – We will have three parties during the school year: Fall Festival, Winter, and Valentine. Parents will be asked to help prepare and plan these parties. If you are interested in being a contact person or party volunteer, sign up in your child’s classroom today. Please turn in your $5.00 party contribution as soon as possible. Cash only please. BOOK CLUBS – A book club order form will be sent home each month with your monthly newsletters or calendar. Book clubs provide you with an inexpensive way to build a home library for your children. You can order children’s literature and computer software from these companies. The purchase of these items is optional. When placing an order, send the order form, and payment (checks made payable to specific book club) in an envelope. It is important to label the envelope and order form with your child’s name. Please refer to your child’s book order due on your child’s calendar and/or book order form. HEALTH RECORDS – Records must be in the nurse’s office by the first day of school. Please give all information concerning your child’s health problems to the school nurse and your child’s teacher. CLOTHING – Please have your child dressed appropriately for the weather. Your child should be able to dress him/herself and be attempting to tie his/her shoes. Some zippers/closures are very difficult to operate. You might want to keep this in mind when purchasing clothing. Please label all outdoor clothes. VISITATION – Come and visit us during any part of the year – you are welcome! Please schedule a time with your child’s teacher if you’d like to visit. However, visiting is discouraged the first and last week of school. These are very busy times for us. Preschool children are not permitted to visit. *Reminder – you must check in at the office and get a visitor nametag before entering the instructional areas at any time. CONFERENCES - District 196 schedules two parent-teacher conference periods during the school year. These dates are November 4-5 and February 10-11. Keep in mind that evening slots are limited. If it is possible for you, please schedule your conference during the daytime hours. Feel free to contact us at any time, if you have any questions or concerns. Please call anytime before or after school. The phone number is (952) 423-7595. Voice mail can be used for less urgent matters. Voice mail number: (651) 683-6969 Anfinsen Johnson Juricko Lindeman Novak #92127 #94619 #92346 #94643 #94658 You may also contact us via email. cynthia Let’s work together to make this a rewarding, successful year for your child. Sincerely, Highland Elementary Kindergarten Teachers Important Dates September 30 October 9 October 15-16 October 20 October 27 October 30 November 4-5 November 5-6 November 15 November 25 November 26-27 December 4 December 23 Dec. 24 - Jan. 1 January 19 January 22 February 5 February 10-11 February 11-12 February 15 March 11 March 21-25 April 15 April 22 May 11 May 19 May 30 June 8 School Pictures No School-Data Analysis Day No School – Teacher’s Convention Kindergarten Curriculum Night Picture Retake Day Fall Festival Party Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book Fair No School Curriculum Night Special Friend Day Thanksgiving Vacation No School-Data Analysis Day Holiday Party Winter Break No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day No School – Data Analysis Day Valentine Party Parent/Teacher Conferences No School No School – President’s Day No School-Data Analysis Day No School – Spring Break Kindergarten Music Program No School-Data Analysis Day Gale Woods Farm Field Trip Highland Family Picnic/APEX Fun Run Memorial Day – No School Last Day of School/Report Cards Go Home