Institutional Research and Planning Sherman Hall 312 1 University Circle Macomb, Illinois 61455 Tel. 309.298.1185 Fax 309.298.2988 WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY STUDENT CREDIT HOUR PRODUCTION Fall 2005 This report presents comparative student credit hour (SCH) production for Fall Semesters 2004 and 2005. On-campus, extension, and total student credit hour production are shown in Table 1, while lower, upper, and graduate student credit hour production by student level are shown in Table 2. Total credit hour production increased 2.22 percent from Fall 2004 to Fall 2005. Total university enrollment decreased 1.14 percent while FTE enrollment increased 0.70 percent between Fall 2004 and Fall 2005. On-campus credit hour production increased 3.33 percent while Quad Cities credit hours decreased 2.36 percent and Extension decreased by 15.28 percnet between Fall 2004 and Fall 2005. Increases in credit hour production were experienced at the upper division level (5.20 percent), while the and the lower division level decreased (2.20 percent) along with graduate division level (5.10 percent). WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF TOTAL STUDENT CREDIT HOUR PRODUCTION BY CAMPUS, FALL 2004 AND FALL 2005 FALL 2004 COLLEGE AND DEPARTMENT MACOMB QUAD CITIES FALL 2005 EXTENSION TOTAL MACOMB QUAD CITIES EXTENSION TOTAL % CHANGE 2004-2005 ARTS AND SCIENCES 73,270 501 2,393 76,164 72,757 600 1,806 75,163 (1.31) Afri-Am Studies Biological Sci Chemistry Eng & Journalism Foreign Lang & Lit Geography Geology History Mathematics Phil & Rel Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology/Anthropology Women's Studies 1,448 6,259 3,204 11,978 2,156 4,071 1,829 5,297 11,678 2,922 2,162 3,310 7,384 7,889 1,683 72 39 216 60 39 75 - 72 243 358 163 239 213 204 66 79 81 273 330 72 1,520 6,574 3,204 12,375 2,319 4,310 2,042 5,501 11,960 3,061 2,162 3,391 7,696 8,294 1,755 1,387 6,369 3,113 11,549 2,145 3,757 1,535 5,367 11,799 2,945 2,452 3,346 7,243 7,548 2,202 27 136 45 120 51 209 12 96 262 361 233 292 54 86 10 160 153 99 1,510 6,767 3,113 11,955 2,378 4,049 1,589 5,453 11,919 2,996 2,452 3,356 7,403 7,910 2,313 (0.66) 2.94 (2.84) (3.39) 2.54 (6.06) (22.18) (0.87) (0.34) (2.12) 13.41 (1.03) (3.81) (4.63) 31.79 BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY 26,511 2,874 1,455 30,840 27,334 2,919 1,236 31,489 2.10 2,550 2,608 5,207 2,824 2,359 2,241 4,545 4,177 456 102 96 105 372 882 861 3 99 192 84 537 540 3,006 2,611 5,408 3,112 2,548 2,613 5,964 5,578 2,568 2,952 4,760 3,050 2,226 2,067 5,289 4,422 432 66 111 144 417 903 846 78 87 157 125 414 375 3,000 3,030 4,913 3,318 2,495 2,484 6,606 5,643 (0.20) 16.05 (9.15) 6.62 (2.08) (4.94) 10.76 1.17 37,808 5,297 3,425 46,530 40,025 4,948 3,173 48,146 3.47 251 3,350 3,604 3,533 1,503 3,197 1,233 6,736 7,574 614 4,236 1,298 1,293 729 1,422 592 993 83 57 588 336 497 51 761 159 198 475 250 605 18 744 164 - 1,031 5,533 3,763 4,323 2,971 3,530 1,895 6,754 8,906 614 4,736 1,298 1,790 156 3,707 4,448 3,448 1,608 3,569 1,174 6,294 8,316 562 4,405 1,565 1,335 730 1,257 474 1,044 87 90 21 690 244 311 830 63 151 372 216 635 45 765 96 - 886 5,794 4,511 4,073 3,024 3,872 1,899 6,360 9,771 562 4,745 1,565 1,646 (14.06) 4.72 19.88 (5.78) 1.78 9.69 0.21 (5.83) 9.71 (8.47) 0.19 20.57 (8.04) 15,209 - 273 15,482 17,784 - 178 17,962 16.02 2,915 7,364 4,930 2,209 - 12 258 3 - 2,927 7,622 4,933 2,209 2,884 1,747 5,980 4,478 2,695 - 10 84 84 - 2,894 1,831 6,064 4,478 2,695 (1.13) (20.44) (9.22) 22.00 152,798 8,672 7,546 169,016 157,900 8,467 6,393 172,760 2.22 Accountancy Agriculture Computer Science Economics Engineering Technology Info Mgt & Decision Sci Management Marketing & Finance EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education Curriculum & Instruction Dietetics, Fashion Merch. & Hosp. Ed & Interdiscplinary Studies Educational Leadership Health Sciences Instr Tech & Telecommun. Kinesiology Law Enforce & Justice Admin Military Science* Rec, Park & Tour Adm Social Work Special Education FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting** Communication** School of Music Theatre & Dance TOTALS *Student Credit Hour data reported but not included in totals. **Beginning Fall 2005, new department Broadcasting (previously part of Communication NOTE: Percentages may not add to total due to rounding. TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF STUDENT CREDIT HOURS PRODUCED BY STUDENT LEVEL, FALL 2004 AND FALL 2005 COLLEGE AND DEPARTMENT ARTS AND SCIENCES African-American Studies Biological Sciences Chemistry English and Journalism Foreign Language & Literature Geography Geology History Mathematics Philosophy & Religous Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology/Anthropology Women's Studies 2004 LOWER DIVISION 2005 % CHANGE 2004 UPPER DIVISION 2005 % CHANGE 2004 GRAD I 2005 % CHANGE* GRAD II 2005 % CHANGE 2004 GRAND TOTAL 2004 2005 % Change 2004-05 48,258 46,310 (4.0) 24,852 25,819 3.9 3,054 3,034 (0.7) - - - 76,164 75,163 (1.3) 1,023 3,962 1,894 8,931 1,350 3,113 1,090 3,226 8,656 1,950 1,162 1,892 4,349 4,496 1,164 864 3,956 1,508 8,649 1,314 2,719 722 3,249 8,321 1,983 1,301 1,926 3,925 4,523 1,350 (15.5) (0.2) (20.4) (3.2) (2.7) (12.7) (33.8) 0.7 (3.9) 1.7 12.0 1.8 (9.7) 0.6 16.0 485 2,140 1,096 3,093 903 1,067 945 1,983 3,134 1,102 864 1,295 2,728 3,429 588 631 2,282 1,231 3,048 978 1,152 864 1,940 3,462 1,004 1,010 1,235 2,918 3,122 942 30.1 6.6 12.3 (1.5) 8.3 8.0 (8.6) (2.2) 10.5 (8.9) 16.9 (4.6) 7.0 (9.0) 60.2 12 472 214 351 66 130 7 292 170 9 136 204 619 369 3 15 529 374 258 86 178 3 264 136 9 141 195 560 265 21 25.0 12.1 74.8 (26.5) 30.3 36.9 (57.1) (9.6) (20.0) 3.7 (4.4) (9.5) (28.2) 600.0 - - - 1,520 6,574 3,204 12,375 2,319 4,310 2,042 5,501 11,960 3,061 2,162 3,391 7,696 8,294 1,755 1,510 6,767 3,113 11,955 2,378 4,049 1,589 5,453 11,919 2,996 2,452 3,356 7,403 7,910 2,313 (0.7) 2.9 (2.8) (3.4) 2.5 (6.1) (22.2) (0.9) (0.3) (2.1) 13.4 (1.0) (3.8) (4.6) 31.8 8,597 8,444 (1.8) 19,875 20,713 4.2 2,368 2,332 (1.5) - - - 30,840 31,489 2.1 Accountancy Agriculture Computer Science Economics Engineering Technology Information Mgmt & Decision Sci. Management Marketing & Finance 1,305 860 2,751 1,485 804 654 462 276 1,272 1,009 2,273 1,604 621 651 711 303 (2.5) 17.3 (17.4) 8.0 (22.8) (0.5) 53.9 9.8 1,380 1,716 2,231 1,214 1,597 1,842 5,217 4,678 1,506 1,920 2,133 1,283 1,769 1,755 5,538 4,809 9.1 11.9 (4.4) 5.7 10.8 (4.7) 6.2 2.8 321 35 426 413 147 117 285 624 222 101 507 431 105 78 357 531 (30.8) 188.6 19.0 4.4 (28.6) (33.3) 25.3 (14.9) - - - 3,006 2,611 5,408 3,112 2,548 2,613 5,964 5,578 3,000 3,030 4,913 3,318 2,495 2,484 6,606 5,643 (0.2) 16.0 (9.2) 6.6 (2.1) (4.9) 10.8 1.2 EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 13,325 14,342 7.6 25,154 26,518 5.4 8,051 7,163 (9.5) - 123 - 46,530 48,146 212 279 1,901 1,031 1,726 531 2,337 3,116 443 1,635 291 266 129 330 2,452 1,092 1,741 436 2,181 3,415 481 1,864 381 321 (39.2) 18.3 29.0 5.9 0.9 (17.9) (6.7) 9.6 8.6 14.0 30.9 20.7 6 3,945 1,859 1,924 1,795 1,413 757 3,582 5,007 171 2,732 1,004 1,130 24 4,097 2,052 1,826 1,975 1,686 860 3,545 5,693 81 2,514 1,184 1,062 300.0 3.9 10.4 (5.1) 10.0 19.3 13.6 (1.0) 13.7 (52.6) (8.0) 17.9 (6.0) 813 1,309 3 1,368 1,176 391 607 835 783 369 3 394 733 1,367 7 1,155 926 445 603 634 663 367 263 (9.8) 4.4 133.3 (15.6) (10.8) 13.8 (0.7) (24.1) (15.3) (0.5) (100.0) (33.2) - 123 - - 1,031 5,533 3,763 4,323 2,971 3,530 1,895 6,754 8,906 614 4,736 1,298 1,790 886 5,794 4,511 4,073 3,024 3,872 1,899 6,360 9,771 562 4,745 1,565 1,646 8,627 7,957 (7.8) 7,890 8,761 11.0 1,174 1,244 6.0 - - - 17,691 17,962 1,650 2,532 3,128 1,317 1,374 518 1,690 2,654 1,721 (16.7) (33.3) 30.7 1,234 4,463 1,591 602 1,475 1,300 3,665 1,593 728 19.5 (17.9) 0.1 20.9 43 627 214 290 45 13 709 231 246 4.7 13.1 7.9 (15.2) - - - 2,927 7,622 4,933 2,209 2,894 1,831 6,064 4,478 2,695 TOTALS 78,807 77,053 (2.2) 77,771 *Grad II hours reported beginning Fall 2005. Grad I % Change includes Grad II hours. *Student credit hour data reported but not included in totals 81,811 5.2 14,647 13,773 (5.1) - 123 - 171,225 172,760 BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Counselor Education Curriculum & Instruction Dietetics, Fashion Merch. & Hosp. Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Educational Leadership Health Sciences Instruct. Tech & Telecommunications Kinesiology Law Enforcement & Justice Admin. Military Science** Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin. Social Work Special Education FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting Communication*** School of Music Theatre & Dance 3.5 (14.1) 4.7 19.9 (5.8) 1.8 9.7 0.2 (5.8) 9.7 (8.5) 0.2 20.6 (8.0) 1.5 (1.1) (20.4) (9.2) 22.0 0.9