Dear Spring 2016 Student, I want to welcome you to ITS130L758!

Dear Spring 2016 Student,
I want to welcome you to ITS130L758!
I look forward to being your instructor over the next 10 weeks.
Our class will start on March 7th and will end on May 16th. 10
weeks might seem like a long time, but it will be finished before
you know it.
To help you use your time wisely, here are a few of
 Begin reading all materials right away. Read the lecture notes
posted in the “lessons” folder for each topical area. The
discussions will assume that you are prepared. We will be
moving quickly. You will need to ask about concepts you want
clarity on if I don’t cover them.
 Log in on a daily basis and keep up with the discussions. This
is a fast paced course and if you do not stay engaged, you will
not be successful.
 Here is the information for the textbook:
o Rainer, Prince, and Cegielski. Introduction to Information
Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business, Fifth
edition. Wiley, 2014. ISBN 978-1-118-67436-9.
 I highly recommend you start reading the first
chapter as soon as you get the textbook to be
prepared for the first week of class.
I will post daily announcements to remind you of what is due. I
will be checking my email often and respond within 24 hours. I
also include my cell phone, it is to be used to clarify time sensitive
issues and questions, and with extreme discretion.
If this is the first on-line class you have taken, please take the time
now to review the Student FAQ located at
I am looking forward to having you all in class this semester!
Ian Becker
Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science and Mathematics